How to crochet a washcloth from kapron threads. Crochet washcloth: step by step instructions for beginners, tips

A crochet hook is quite a multifunctional tool: we use it to knit dresses, napkins, blankets, hats… But have you tried using it in combination, for example, with propylene “thread”? This "yarn" is inexpensive, durable, widely available (you can buy it at every hardware store), and works great for lathering. Yes, yes, an experienced needlewoman probably already guessed: crocheting patterns and a description of washcloths for beginners - this is the topic that our entire today's master class is devoted to! Stay with us and you will find out how you can quickly, inexpensively and hassle-free make an original gift or decorate your bathroom!

Hedgehog. Master class for beginners.

This washcloth, thanks to the original design, is ideal for children! Given the simplicity in its execution, the needlewoman will cope with the task without problems.

We will need:

  • "yarn" from polypropylene;
  • hook No. 3 or No. 4;
  • gypsy needle;
  • black yarn for decor.

The finished hedgehog for beginners will measure 14 x 21 cm.

Description and scheme of work

We start crocheting our washcloth with a loop, for which we will later hang the product on the hook. Recruiting the 20th c. p. and knit one row from the second p. from kr. = 19 s. without n .. Next, we should dial n. for the 1st p. thus: 1 p. on kr. already have, 3 c. p., s. without n. with p. opposite. the end of the chain (close the loop), 32 c. p, conn. in a circle. Now we continue to work in a circle without a lifting point: 1 and 2 pp.: 36 s. without n..

Elongated loops for "thorns" can be made both the same and different degrees of "elongation". We will use the second option as this will make our hedgehog look more realistic.

So, we introduce a hook in the paragraph of the previous one. R. (as if you are doing a simple s. without n.), we stretch the p., but do not finish the column. We get 2 sts on cr., we put on a working n. on the thumb of the left hand, from the same p. we knit another 1 p. \u003d 3 p. on the edge .., then we knit them in one step so that they do not bloom ..
3 p.: 24 s. with elongated sts, 12 s. without n..

In the same way, we make another 30 rr.

The hedgehog is almost ready! We change n. on white and now continue with. without n..
31-35 pp.: 36 p. without n..

Let's get to the perks:
36 p.: we knit 2 p. x 4 times every 8 columns = 32 p.
We continue to reduce the item in the same way for another 5 p. and we get 12 p. in the end. And our hedgehog is a muzzle. Belaya n. cut off.
42 p.: 12 p. without n. main color.
43 p.: reductions: p. without n., skip p., p. without n., skip p. and so on until the end of the p., until 6 p.
44 p.: like the previous p. = 3 p., we knit them together ss. without n., then the "yarn" is pulled inward and fixed. Using a gypsy needle, we sew in the eyes and nose.

Everything - our hedgehog is ready! You can safely give such souvenirs to both children and adults.

How to tie a washcloth-universal? Master class and description for beginners.

Simple yet so comfortable, this washcloth will scrub your back like no other. A needlewoman with any skill level can easily cope with knitting this useful little thing.

We will need:

  • "yarn" from polypropylene (you can also make it from twine, dense thread - anything);
  • hook number 2.

We collect a pigtail from 56 in. p., we close it in a circle, without twisting the loops. Then - 4 rows with. without n., and the 5th row - elongated loops, 6 rows - again with. without n. We continue in this way for 14 p ..
We cut the thread, setting its tail to the front side, attach a thread of a different color and alternate 4-5 rr. again. The needlewoman can combine several colors, make the washcloth rainbow or knit in one color "solo" to the end.

When we reach the desired length of the product, we knit 3 more rows with. without n..


With the same thread, the needlewoman picks up a pigtail from the 65th century. p.. Do not be afraid that the handles will be short - the material will stretch a little after several applications, then we fix our pigtail on the other side. Now - 2 p. With. without n .. We do the same on the second side of the shaggy washcloth and the handles are ready.

Video master class

Do-it-yourself washcloth-mitten for beginners. Master Class.

Convenient and practical, it perfectly whips the foam, and thanks to its moderate softness and elasticity. even suitable for children!

We will need:

  • "yarn" from polypropylene;
  • hook number 4.

Step by step instructions and scheme of work

We collect a chain of 56 c. n. (the number of loops can be varied based on the measurements of the hand), we close them in a circle without crossing the loops.
1-2 pp.: p. without n..
3 rows: elongated loops.
We follow this scheme of work to the thumb of the mitten, where it is necessary to make a hole: we skip 12 p., And then we collect the missing 12 loops of the finger. We continue to knit the mitten in a circle until the little finger closes, cut the thread and you can change the color if desired.
We evenly decrease the loops and continue until the closing of all fingers. Now we take the thumb: we knit it in a circle 1 row - p. without n., 2 rows - elongated loops.

We turn to knitting the thumb. We also knit the finger in a circle 1 row with single crochets, 1 row with elongated loops.

We tie the mitten in two rows with. without n. and make a loop.

Videos mk

The washcloth-mitten for beginners is ready!

Washcloth-ball: video master class

Round washcloth for children with their own hands. Master Class.

This compact bag is perfect for travel. Having made it colorful and bright, the needlewoman will not only cheer herself up in the morning for a couple of months in advance, but will also be able to use it for children.

We will need:

  • "yarn" from polypropylene or something from a dense, elastic thread;
  • hook number 5.

Knitting patterns with double crochets:

Master Class

We collect 6 in. p., we close them in a ring. We knit according to scheme 1 12 s. s n .. In the next row between s. from n. perform 1 in. n.. Everything is far from. from n. double and from the 4th to the 12th row we knit with a sirloin net (* s. with n., v. p. *).
13th p. - according to scheme 2. Then we take a thread of a different color and knit it over each air loop for 5 s. from n. to form a beautiful wave.

Our video tutorial for beginners will show the process clearly:

Flat washcloth: video master class

Classic twine washcloth. Master class for beginners.

Only for true connoisseurs of hard washcloths! Even a beginner needlewoman, following our tips, will be able to make such a little thing in just a couple of hours.

We will need:

  • a ball of sisal twine (can be bought at a hardware store);
  • hook number 12.

Master Class

We wind the twine on the index finger, making a loop at its end, through which we stretch the cr. with twine and dial 60 in. p .. Knit with. without n., leaving 1 p. at the end, we stretch it into the last p. of the lower chain = 2 p. per kr., we hook the stretched twine with the tool.

Now we are working from right to left: the “yarn” is pulled through 2 sts on the hook, we make a short column and so on until the end of the row.

We make 6 long rows until a width of 10 cm is reached. For handles, several threads need to be twisted together to get a thick rope, the ends of which are laid on top of each other and tightly wrapped with a thread. We insert the end of the washcloth into the resulting ring, bend it and sew it tightly with twine.

As you have seen today, do-it-yourself knitting of washcloths is quick and easy! Whether it's a hedgehog, shaggy classic or round, made of propylene or twine, it will serve faithfully for more than one month for you and your children!

We collect a pigtail of 56 air loops and close the pigtail into a ring (Attention! Connect the pigtail so that it does not twist with a figure eight)

The next row is knitted with elongated loops.

Knit like this until the end of the row

We knit the next row with single crochets. And so, we knit 14 rows (7 rows with single crochets, 7 rows with elongated loops)

Next, we break the thread, straighten the tail of the thread to the front side ("mohrushki") and attach a thread of a different color.

We knit in a similar way (7 rows with single crochets, 7 rows with elongated loops)

So we continue to knit until the end of the washcloth

Here we knitted the last row of elongated loops and then we complete the washcloth 3 rows with single crochets

Now let's start knitting pens. Without breaking the thread, we collect a pigtail of 65 air loops (the length of the handles is optimal, after several uses the washcloth will stretch a little) and attach the pigtail on the opposite side, and knit 2 rows with single crochets (back and forth). Many knit handles with double crochets, but such handles quickly stretch and tear.

The handle is ready.
We knit the second handle in the same way.

That's all, the washcloth is ready. The length of the washcloth without handles is 37 cm.

Saturday, April 22, 2017 08:34 am + to quote pad

Many needlewomen knit products on their own. Things and household items made by hand look stylish and original.

  • Everyone knows that a washcloth should be changed once every three months, like a toothbrush and other personal hygiene items.
  • After all, bacteria and dirt accumulate on these products.
  • Washcloths can be made from different materials and yarns. The main thing is that the threads are of high quality, otherwise the product will quickly become unusable from exposure to hot water and soap.

Yarn for washcloths

Yarn for washcloths

Yarn for polypropylene washcloths can be of different colors. If you want, you can make such products from natural materials in the form of birch bark, rubber and others.

Remember: Washcloths made from natural materials should be changed every month. Otherwise, this personal hygiene item will turn into a real breeding ground for bacteria.

Crocheted washcloth mitten

Crocheted washcloth mitten

This washcloth is comfortable for the shower. You can easily lather yourself with it, and it is also convenient to wash children with such a washcloth.

Crocheted washcloth:

  1. Cast on 30 stitches
  2. Knit in circular rows with a single crochet. In each new row, knit 1 air loop
  3. Determine the length of the product by the length of your palm. Now you need to connect the upper parts of the mittens - knit the upper and lower column together and fasten
  4. Sew all the parts, and secure the thread with a knot

Do-it-yourself polypropylene washcloths

Polypropylene is a durable synthetic material, so it is used to create household items and personal care products. Do-it-yourself polypropylene washcloths will appeal to all households. They lather well and do an excellent job with keratinized skin, sweat and fat in the upper layer of the epidermis.

If you know how to crochet a little, then creating a beautiful washcloth will not be difficult for you. Schemes will help to make an attribute for a shower and a bath easily and quickly.

Beautiful do-it-yourself crochet washcloths for beginners step by step:

Bath washcloth

Beautiful do-it-yourself crochet washcloths for beginners

Beautiful do-it-yourself crochet washcloths for beginners step by step: diagrams

  1. Knit 7 loops and close in a circle
  2. Knit in a circle with a single crochet
  3. The diameter of the washcloth will gradually increase towards the middle. When knit 15 cm, start making a reduction in every second row
  4. Knit 5 rows in this way. Get a "cylinder" with a closed bottom
  5. Insert foam rubber inside the cylinder and attach the handles

Washcloth for children

Beautiful do-it-yourself crochet baby washcloths: patterns

Beautiful crochet washcloths: diagram

This washcloth is knitted like a mitten, the steps for creating which are described above. The difference between a children's product is that it will be smaller and can be decorated.

Beautiful do-it-yourself crochet washcloths for beginners - animals

Caring parents know that children develop through play. Therefore, even while bathing, the baby should frolic and play. How to crochet a funny washcloth toy?

A knitting pattern for a washcloth-mittens will help you create interesting toys for bathing. The child will enjoy swimming with them. Older children will even want to rub such a washcloth with soap on their own.

Washcloth "Kitty"

How to crochet a washcloth toy?

Frog washcloths

You need to knit such products according to the type of mittens. Knit muzzles in a circle with a crochet of threads of a different color.

How to crochet a washcloth toy - frog

Hedgehog crochet washcloth

Hedgehog crochet washcloth

The hedgehog is one of the favorite characters of every child. If your little one doesn't like to bathe, then crochet a Hedgehog washcloth for him and he will look forward to the evening to take a dip in the tub with his new friend.

  1. Cast on 32 stitches and knit 2 rows in a circle with a single crochet
  2. Then knit with elongated loops. Knit 30 rows in a column
  3. After that, change the thread of the main color to the thread from which the muzzle will be made
  4. Continue in single crochet from rows 31 to 35 in single crochet.
  5. Decrease 4 sts in each row - the muzzle is ready. Fasten the thread, make a nose and eyes for the hedgehog with a needle and thread

It is better to knit any washcloths of a toy with elongated loops. This technology helps to create a beautiful and soft personal hygiene item for the baby.

Make these baby washcloths toys with elongated crochet loops:

Baby washcloths toys with elongated crochet loops

Baby washcloths with elongated crochet loops

Baby washcloth toys with elongated loops

Knitting with elongated loops is also called "fur". Using this technique, you can knit not only washcloths, but also hats, scarves or sweaters.

Children's washcloths toys with elongated loops pattern "fur"

Baby washcloths toys with elongated crochet loops - the technique of making the fur pattern

Important: If it is inconvenient to hold the loop with your finger, you can put it on a strip of thick cardboard.

Round and oval crochet washcloth

A washcloth for peeling is a little different from a washcloth for a bath or shower. It should be made of stiff threads in the form of a circle or oval with a loop for the hand.

A round and oval crochet washcloth is the easiest product that every woman can make.

Oval knitting pattern:

Oval crochet washcloth - diagram

Circle knitting pattern:

Crochet round washcloth - diagram

  1. Fold the thread in two layers and knit in a circle with long loops
  2. Now make a slip stitch, 3 single crochets in this stitch
  3. On the next row, double the number of stitches.
  4. Then in a circle evenly add 6 loops
  5. Knit a washcloth of the desired size and fasten the thread
  6. From the inside, sew a knitted strip or elastic band for convenience.

Important: This washcloth is also perfect for washing dishes.

Washcloth flat crochet

Washcloth flat crochet

A flat washcloth quickly knits, does not stretch and lasts a long time. This flat crochet washcloth is suitable for washing in the bath and in the shower. It is convenient to wash your back.

The knitting pattern for a flat washcloth is simple. Even a novice craftswoman will figure it out.

Flat crochet washcloth - diagram

Tip: Knit such a washcloth with a fur or fringe pattern with long loops, which was described above.

Tie the edges with a contrasting thread with two single crochets. On the sides, tie chains of 40 loops - these will be the handles.

How to knit a washcloth with knitting needles for beginners?

If you don’t like to crochet, or you don’t succeed in such a technique for creating products, then try knitting a washcloth with knitting needles. Prepare ordinary long knitting needles No. 3 or No. 4 and synthetic threads "polypropylene".

How to knit a washcloth with knitting needles for beginners? Follow these steps:

  1. Cast on 30 stitches and work 5 rows in stockinette stitch.
  2. In the 6th row, remove the first loop, and knit the second in this way: pry the loop with a knitting needle, as when knitting with front stitch, and place the thread over the knitting needle that lies on the finger. Wrap the knitting needle together with the finger twice with a thread and knit with the front loop. The third loop is front, and the fourth, like the second, and so on until the end of the row
  3. 7th row - remove the first loop, and knit the rest with front stitch
  4. Knit the 8th row as the 6th and so on.
  5. When the required length of the washcloth is knitted, work 5 rows with the front surface
  6. Knit two strips, picking up 40 loops and knitting 3 rows with the front surface. Close the loops and sew the strips around the edges of the washcloth for ease of use.

Washcloth with knitting needles with elongated loops - diagram

The elongated loops are the same size, so this knitting looks beautiful. Try to knit a washcloth in this way, and then use this technique to create a hat, sweater or cardigan for the baby.

Washcloth with knitting needles with elongated loops - diagram:

Knitted washcloth - diagram

Do-it-yourself jute washcloth

Jute is a natural fibre. Do-it-yourself jute washcloth is an environmentally friendly product that will perfectly exfoliate dead epidermal cells and fight skin pollution. Such a personal hygiene item perfectly performs the peeling effect.

Important: Flat washcloths are knitted from jute, both with knitting needles and crochet. The pattern can be whatever you like.

Do-it-yourself birch bark washcloth

A birch bark washcloth or "birch bark" is a personal hygiene item made from natural material.

To make such a washcloth, take birch bark, cut it into strips and tie at one end. You will get a round ball that can be used to go to the bath.

A do-it-yourself birch bark washcloth can be made in another way:

  1. Take a piece of birch bark 20cm x 20cm
  2. In the middle of this square, mark a strip 3 cm wide
  3. Cut the birch bark on both sides of the mark into narrow strips
  4. Roll the workpiece into a tube and tie in the middle. It turned out a great washcloth for the bath

Important: Before use, the birch bark product must be steamed out by holding it in boiling water for several minutes.

How to make a bast washcloth with handles?

Bast is the inner part of the linden bark. How to make a bast washcloth with handles?

Such a product can be made simply and quickly.

First method: Fold the bast threads in half and tie lightly with a loose knot.

How to make a bast washcloth with handles? First way

The second way: Fold the bast threads in half, and tie, retreating from the place of inflection 5-7 cm.

How to make a bast washcloth with handles? Second way

Important: In order for the bast washcloth to turn out soft, it needs to be steamed in boiling water, like the “birch bark”.

You can sew a bast washcloth in this way:

  1. Take bast threads
  2. Lay them on a flat surface and flatten
  3. Sew the workpiece in a chaotic manner on a sewing machine or make several even lines
  4. Sew trim and handles around the edges

How to sew a bast washcloth with handles?

Do-it-yourself mesh washcloth

Vegetable mesh is soft and therefore suitable for making washcloths. You can take a new mesh in a roll, but a used one will also work. Do-it-yourself mesh washcloth:

  1. Wash the mesh after use (if you have a used mesh), and dry
  2. Cast on 10 stitches from the mesh on the knitting needles and knit according to the “ribbon scarf” principle. Loops should be loose and tight
  3. Get several rows of purl stitch
  4. Then roll the product into a ring and fasten the knitting with a hook or a needle and thread.

Do-it-yourself washcloth from a new mesh

Washcloth kese

Washcloth kese

In Turkish baths - hammam, they use soft washcloths in the form of a mitten, made of sheep's wool. You can sew a kese washcloth yourself:

  1. Take a piece of sheep's wool. If there is no such material, you can use any other, but soft and delicate texture.
  2. Cut out two parts so that when finished, the washcloth can be easily put on your hand
  3. Sew these details and trim with inlay
  4. Make a pen - the washcloth is ready

Do-it-yourself twine bath washcloths

Twine is polypropylene and natural. Most often, synthetic threads are used for weaving washcloths, as they are stronger and made in various colors.

Do-it-yourself bath washcloths made of synthetic or natural twine are knitted according to the patterns described above.

Tip: You can make a flat washcloth or an item with elongated loops, whichever you like.

Do-it-yourself washcloths from nylon tights

Do-it-yourself threads for washcloths from nylon tights

After the cold season, every woman has many pairs of worn and already torn nylon tights. Most often, ladies throw them away, but real needlewomen find use for such things.

Do-it-yourself washcloths from nylon tights are easy to make:

  1. Cut off the top of the tights. You only need the lower part - stockings
  2. Cut the workpiece into strips 3-3.5 cm wide. These strips will be the threads for knitting.
  3. Now knit as you like - crochet or knitting

Important: Products from tights do not fit with elongated loops. Make a flat washcloth according to the schemes that were described above for creating polypropylene products.

Sisal washcloth

Sisal washcloth

Sisal is a natural fiber that is obtained from the leaves of Agava sisolana. Needlewomen willingly make washcloths from it - for massage and for washing.

How to do - steps:

  1. Sisal washcloth should be flat
  2. To create it, cast on 30 stitches and knit or crochet with any pattern. You can even front stitch, if knitting, or a single crochet - if crocheted
  3. Fold the edges, inserting the handles from the old washcloth, and sew. You can simply sew on pens connected from the same threads

How to knit a single-sided washcloth?

A single-sided washcloth is the simplest model that is suitable for beginner craftswomen, despite the fact that elongated loops are used to create it. How to knit a single-sided washcloth?

Depending on the material used, a single-sided washcloth should be knitted in one or two threads. If in one thread, then crochet the product, and in two - with knitting needles. Choose any knitting technique of your choice, for example, as in the video below.

Photo of beautiful do-it-yourself washcloths for shower and bath

It seems that the washcloths are all the same, differing only in color. But real needlewomen create interesting products for their relatives and friends.

Not all hand-knitted items are garments. You can also knit a washcloth for bathing. After all, yarn can be not only woolen or cotton, but also polypropylene, products from which are easily lathered and wipe off the keratinized layers of the skin well, and then washed and dried quickly. It is pleasant to wash with such a washcloth.

We will tell you how to crochet a washcloth in a variety of shapes - a classic rectangular one, in the form of a mitten or in the form of various toys filled with foam rubber. Such bathing will bring special pleasure to children, and adults will be pleased to use their own works, which are much better than store-bought washcloths.

No holes are formed in the proposed washcloth, its loops are held firmly without moving apart. The washcloth is crocheted from special threads for washcloths No. 2 in one thread. The washcloth is knitted double-sided, in a circle, for which 30-40 air loops are typed. The width of the washcloth depends on their number. Synthetic thread resembles polypropylene ribbon, but this does not interfere with crocheting at all.

Having typed a given number of loops, we connect them into a ring with a connecting column. The next 4-5 rows are knitted with single crochet or with one crochet, no pull-out loops are formed on these rows. Then comes the turn of rows with these loops, knitted so that they cannot stretch and break the configuration of the product.

Video lesson:

The thread that was used to create the washcloth is purposefully designed to create washcloths and rugs, it is made of polypropylene. You can choose a thread of different colors - the color range is quite wide. A neatly knitted washcloth is much more durable than a store-bought one. First of all, a chain of air loops is dialed, twice as long as the width of the future washcloth. It is necessary to knit carefully, avoiding delamination of the thread.

The edges of the chain are connected to each other, and a handle is immediately knitted, by which it will be possible to hold a washcloth, from 3-4 columns. Everything is told for beginners step by step, all actions are described in detail. After several ordinary rows, rows are knitted with elongated loops that are tied around the thumb.

Video lesson:

When knitting this washcloth, elongated loops are knitted on both sides. To obtain a more magnificent washcloth, knitting was carried out in two threads. That is, two skeins are used or one, then the second end is additionally pulled from the inside. After a set of air rows of loops, a row of columns with one crochet is knitted.

The next row is knitted without a crochet. After the third row, we start knitting with elongated loops, forming them with the thumb. In the last loop of the row, a single crochet is knitted. After turning the work over, another row is knitted with similar elongated loops, and they end up on the opposite side of the product.

Video lesson:

The product is knitted in a circular way and is obtained in two layers. The use of double crochets allows you to knit a washcloth twice as fast and at the same time reduce the consumption of threads. The washcloth is soft, gentle, it is quite convenient to wash it. The threads for creating the product were used in two colors, since the product is made with a gradient.

We knit with two threads crochet No. 5. 35 air loops are recruited, closed with a ring. The next row is knitted with columns that do not have a crochet. Then elongated loops are knitted with a double crochet. To make the loops elongated, they are formed using the thumb. The stitches knit very quickly. Subsequent rows are knitted in the same way.

Video lesson:

The washcloth-mitten, made of threads of various colors, resembles a fancy flower. To make it neat and fluffy, we work in one thread. We start with five air loops, which are looped and after one lifting loop they are knitted in a circle from single crochets. In the next row, already elongated loops are knitted between the columns of the previous row, securing them with single crochets.

After the air lifting loop, a row is formed with single crochets, increasing their number: one and two columns are knitted into the cells in turn. Then a whole row of elongated loops is knitted again. Gradually, other colors turn on, and in the photo the washcloth resembles a flower.

Video lesson:

To make the washcloth look lush, you need to use a polypropylene thread folded in half. We start work with a set of thirty air loops, and connect them with a ring. In each of the air loops we knit a single crochet. In the next row, single crochets alternate with single crochets. The same pattern is then repeated.

In the next row, we knit elongated loops in each of the columns of the previous row. These loops are fixed side by side, consisting of columns with one crochet. The front side with elongated eyelets remains from the inside. The alternation of loops is repeated to the required length. Next, the washcloth turns out.

Video lesson:

This master class is designed for those who do not know how to knit at all. Training begins with a story about how to hold the hook correctly, ensuring its movement. The initial loops are also described in detail. It turns out a chain of air loops, connected by a ring that serves as a cuff of the product. A row of single crochets is formed, five rows will be enough.

In the next rows, elongated loops begin to form, which are thrown over the thumb. The technique for creating these loops is detailed on the screen. Further rows are knitted exactly the same until the washcloth takes the specified length. You can change the thread color.

Video lesson:

The yarn used is double, hook number 5. First of all, 36 air loops are collected, they are connected by a ring, and a row is knitted with columns that do not have a crochet. In the next row, only columns with a single crochet are used, then two more similar rows are knitted. We begin to create the main pattern.

Of the three crochets knitted together, a bump is formed. Two columns are skipped, and another cone of four crochets is knitted. The whole row is formed from such cones. From row to row, this pattern with bumps is repeated. A washcloth made of staggered knobs ends with a cuff made of rows of single crochets.

Video lesson:

The washcloth, dyed in the colors of the Russian flag, is knitted from a special yarn for washcloths. We collect 35 loops, this number will determine the width of the washcloth. The chain of loops closes, and you can start knitting in a circle. The first rows are simple, they form the cuff of the washcloth.

Further, elongated loops of the same size begin to form in the rows, which is ensured by throwing each loop over the thumb. After knitting a third of the length of the washcloth, the color changes, another change of yarn is made for 2/3 of the full length of the washcloth. Before completing the knitting, two circles of simple loops are knitted to form the cuffs. Next, the handle is knitted.

Video lesson:

Work begins with a set of 30 air loops. The resulting chain is looped, and two rows are knitted with columns that do not have a crochet. The next row is knitted with columns with a single crochet. Next, the main pattern is knitted, consisting of three columns with one crochet, and with an interval in the form of two columns between them.

It turns out a beautiful pattern, which also closes in a ring. This pattern of three columns is repeated on all subsequent rows until the washcloth is knitted for the rest of the length. The washcloth ends, as it began, with two single crochets. The washcloth is almost complete, it remains only to tie the handles.

Video lesson:

Good afternoon dear friends!

I will tell you about my story of crocheting a washcloth with elongated loops, or rather two washcloths - a double rectangular and a round one. And I will describe step by step the process of knitting them, perhaps it will be interesting and useful to someone.

Once upon a time, in search of a new washcloth in the store, I came across knitted polypropylene options, I did not dare to buy such ones, because you can also tie a similar one yourself. Although they did not inspire me very much, such ordinary, unattractive and, moreover, some kind of sloppy washcloths. At that time, I bought a washcloth made of natural material.

Later, on my favorite site Pinterest, I saw a photo of interesting knitted soap cases. Well, what our needlewomen will not come up with!

These photos gave me the idea to crochet a small summer shower washcloth with soap inside. Soap tends to slip out of hands and fall through the grate on the floor, and then it is problematic to get it out. A new washcloth should solve this problem.

It seemed to me boring to knit a washcloth with ordinary columns, the option with elongated loops is much more interesting.

Knitting a rectangular washcloth with elongated loops

Before crocheting a washcloth with elongated loops, we need to purchase threads for knitting. From the recommendations on the Internet, I realized that washcloths can be knitted from cotton, linen, sisal, and most often washcloths are knitted from polypropylene twine, which is sold in hardware stores.

There are many such threads of different colors on sale, I chose a bright pink skein of thick threads, the seller confirmed that they were bought for washcloths.

But, after knitting a few rows, I realized that such threads are not suitable. The washcloth from them turns out to be too hard, it is rather better to clean the pans with it. I don’t know why people knit washcloths for a bath from such people.

This did not suit me, and I took thinner threads.

Here is such a skein

I usually use them for tying tomatoes and flowers.

It is advisable to take a thicker hook, although the knitting will be more loose, but the washcloth will turn out not too hard and pleasant to the touch. I have hook number 3.7.

How to knit a washcloth: a step by step description

We collect a chain of air loops with a length twice the width of the future washcloth, and close it into a ring.

We knit one - two rows with single crochets in a circle.

I must say that knitting from polypropylene threads is not very convenient, since the thread is coarse, and even delaminates. But what to do, it is necessary!

We knit the next row with elongated loops.

I took only a photo of the beginning of knitting and a photo of the finished washcloth. How to knit elongated loops, it was very inconvenient to photograph while holding the loop on the hand.

Details can be seen in this video from Natali Korneeva

My old regular readers probably remember the chic coverlet of elongated loops, which was at our competition. I am amazed at how much patience and how much work was invested by the author of the work Natalia!

For the first time I knitted with such a pattern, out of habit it was not very convenient to press the elongated loops, at first they turned out to be of unequal length. But then I got the hang of it and, in principle, already easily and quickly knitted a washcloth.

We knit the next row after the elongated loops with single crochets, the next row again with elongated loops. So we alternate rows. We finish knitting with one or two rows of single crochets.

I crocheted the open edge of the washcloth with half-columns, leaving a hole the size of a bar of soap. Soap through it is easy to place inside the washcloth. It won’t go anywhere, it won’t fall out, and you don’t need to lather the washcloth, just wet it with water.

In the corner, I also knitted a small loop of air loops.

In practice, the washcloth turned out to be quite comfortable and moderately hard.

Such a nice little hedgehog. The view from both sides is exactly the same.

Since my washcloth is unusual and used with soap, it is small in size.

But in principle, of course, you can also knit a long washcloth, make beautiful inserts from colored stripes, tie handles (from the same air loops tied with single crochets).

If you don't want a double washcloth, crochet a single washcloth with the loops drawn out. The principle of knitting is the same, only not in a circle, but in reverse rows. Front row - elongated loops, purl - single crochet.

You can also crochet a washcloth without elongated loops with single crochets. For this option, probably, more and thicker yarn is suitable.

But that's not all!

Round washcloth with elongated crochet loops

In addition to rectangular ones, there are also round washcloths, and I decided to knit this one as well.

The principle of knitting a circle is probably already known to everyone. I can provide a diagram. Here is a good knitting pattern for a circle.

When knitting a round washcloth with elongated loops, you need to follow the rule: when knitting each column above the column of the previous row, we make elongated loops, and we knit an additional column to increase the number of loops in a row without an elongated loop.

In more detail, it will look like this:

  • We collect 6 VP, close in a ring
  • 1st row: 12 single crochet
  • Row 2: Ch 2, *1 st st extended, 1 single crochet to extend row into same st*, total 24 sts
  • 3rd row: 2 VP, * 1 column with an extended loop, 1 column without a crochet in the same loop, 1 column with an extended loop *, you get 36 columns in total
  • Row 4: Ch 2, *1 st inc, 1 st in same st, 2 sts inst* (48 sts)
  • Row 5: Ch 2, *1 st inc, 1 single crochet in same st, 3 sts inst* (60 sts)
  • Row 6: Ch 2, *1 st inc, 1 st in same st, 4 sts inst* (72 sts)

I knitted 6 rows of a circle, you can make a smaller circle, and a larger one.

I knitted the last row (7th) with single crochets without increasing loops.

Then I knitted the handle on three loops with single crochets and attached it to the opposite edge of the washcloth. So it is very convenient to put on a washcloth on your hand.

I also had the idea to crochet several multi-colored round washcloths with elongated loops or even without them for each family member and decorate the bathroom with them.

You may be interested in:

  • Knitted rugs in the bathroom crochet from hexagonal motifs
  • Knitted organizer for needlework
  • Towels with a knitted border "Seasons"
  • Knitted three-dimensional letters with diagrams and descriptions
  • Crocheted jute twine basket

Knitting is an occupation of grandmothers who do not fall asleep in front of the TV. This is a stylish and versatile type of needlework. Clothes, decor elements, accessories for men and women - this is not a complete list of things that can be decorated with knitted elements. Often, people who see not too worthy products in stores become interested in how to crochet a washcloth for beginners.

Crochet a washcloth with elongated loops

How to crochet a washcloth, a pattern with elongated loops:

  1. A series of air loops is knitted, closed in a ring. The size of the ring determines the size of the washcloth in the future. The average number of loops is 40.
  2. It is knitted without a crochet for 7 rows with columns.
  3. On the eighth row, elongated loops are knitted. Watch the knitting carefully so that the elongated loops remain behind the working canvas.
  4. You determine the height of the weaving of the washcloth yourself.
  5. Completion: a pair of chains of air loops, then connect them into a ring. Knit the edge of the fabric. The created chains are the handles of the product. Make the length as you see fit.
  6. The finished product is turned inside out.
  7. Your washcloth is ready, but be sure to wash it before use. If you want the washcloth to become softer, pour boiling water over it.

Threads for knitting washcloths

The best option in the selection of threads would be a polypropylene thread - twine, but not too thick. A polypropylene washcloth is best obtained thanks to a twine that looks like a thin ribbon. Knitting in a single thread is easier. Such a washcloth will turn out to be not voluminous enough. One washcloth takes an average of 300 meters of thread. When buying material, purchase skeins of thread with a margin to avoid wasting time looking for suitable colors and density. You can buy polypropylene twine in needlework or household stores.

How to crochet

Convenient knitting of washcloths depends on the convenience of controlling the main tool - a crochet hook. For decorative openwork knitting, a thin “base” is required. Weaving is somewhat harsh, so it is worth remembering that you need to knit two threads for a bulky household item. It will be best if you pick up a hook of medium thickness (No. 4) and with a smooth head, otherwise the fibrous thread will break during weaving.

How to knit elongated loops

The first step on the way to how to crochet washcloths for beginners should be pre-learning. A little training will help you master the knitting method for its further application. Instructions on how to crochet elongated loops:

  1. We collect a chain of air loops.
  2. We knit 3 rows of a single crochet.
  3. We create an air lifting loop with a crochet, then a single crochet.
  4. We introduce the tool into the previous row, make a loop.
  5. We pick up the working twine from below with our thumb, make a large ring.
  6. We introduce the tool into the very loop of the base.
  7. We grab the twine, stretch it, grab it again and stretch it through three loops.
  8. Repeat until the entire knitting fabric is covered in shaggy patches.

How to crochet a washcloth

A beautiful accessory for the bathroom can be created not only with the help of twine threads. A colorful and bright washcloth is also knitted with thick nylon, sisal, linen threads. For professional craftswomen, this is a simple task. It will be more difficult for beginners, but step-by-step crochet for beginners will reveal all the wisdom of this delicate matter.


For knitting such a product, sisal or linen threads are used. Nylon will create excessive rigidity for this type of product. Crocheting a mitten is easier than knitting. There is no painstaking work in the form of knitting the thumb. The mitten is knitted like this:

  1. Set of 30 air loops. If the mitten is for a small hand - 25.
  2. We knit the fabric in circular rows with a single crochet. Going to the next row, we knit 1 air. The length of the canvas is determined independently.
  3. When the desired length of knitting is reached, we begin the connection of the upper parts of the mittens. To do this, the upper and lower columns are knitted together and fixed.
  4. After sewing all the parts, cut the thread. Your cleanliness assistant is ready.

For a bath

Do you like visiting Turkish, Russian baths? Prepare a practical accessory! Materials suitable for knitting bath accessories: linen, sisal, ramie, loofah, bast. The design is chosen differently: a round shape, very furry, in the form of a mitten - everything to your taste. To make a simple round bath accessory, you will need:

  1. Crochet 7 loops, close in a ring.
  2. In a circle, knit with columns without a crochet.
  3. The diameter of the product will increase. When it reaches 17-20 cm - start cutting through each row.
  4. Knit 5 rows in this way. You should get a knitted "cup".
  5. Place a piece of round foam rubber inside, attach the handle. Decorate if you wish.


A very easy option that even a beginner can master. Use multi-colored soft linen threads so as not to damage the baby's skin. Cast on 50 air loops, knit without a crochet, do not break the thread. The ribbon is rolled up in the form of a ball: the short edge of the ribbon is placed on top of the long one. The long end of the ribbon is inserted into the resulting ring, after which both ends of the ribbon are sewn together.

If you have a clear scheme, the task of how to crochet a washcloth for beginners yourself is solved quickly. Single, flat, for a bath, for children - the choice is great. A creative craftswoman will unfold her imagination and create a magnificent thing for taking a bath, shower, visiting the sauna. The scheme for knitting a product will help explain the whole theory of creating a washcloth.

Video master classes: do-it-yourself washcloth

Will it be possible to create an unusual washcloth using a crochet hook for a person who has never encountered such an activity? Definitely, because the task is simple even for beginners. You will be sure of the quality of the materials, the design and colors are selected to your taste, and the washcloth will be original and unique. Videos will give detailed advice on creating practical accessories.

With extended loops
