How to remove whitish stains from clothes. How to get stains out of your favorite clothes - everything you need to know about stains

Grease stains are one of the most common stains found on clothing. It can be "earned" during cooking, its careless use, household or repair work. Grease marks cannot be removed with water and ordinary washing powder. More sophisticated cleaning methods must be used. Consider how to remove a greasy stain from clothes using improvised means at home.

In order not to puzzle over how to remove a greasy stain from clothes after washing, it is necessary to take measures to eliminate it in advance. Preparatory stage:

  1. Inspect the product for grease stains. If they are found, do not throw it into the drum with other clothes, but process it separately.
  2. Shake out the thing, clean off the dry dirt with a brush.
  3. Take everything you need to remove pollution - selected components, dishes for mixing them, cotton pads, sticks, brush, clean light cotton cloth.

General rules for removing grease stains:

  1. When choosing cleaning products, take into account the type of fabric, its color and the “age” of contamination.
  2. Increase the concentration and aggressiveness of drugs gradually.
  3. Test the product in an inconspicuous area.
  4. Treat the stain from the wrong side by placing a clean cotton napkin under the fabric.
  5. Clean from the edges of the "blot" to the center.
  6. After using the product, rinse the item.
  7. Wash by hand or machine according to the manufacturer's instructions. If aggressive components were used, it is better to wash the product first by hand, and then in a typewriter.
  8. Hang the garment to dry outside in the shade or in a ventilated room.

Tip: It is better not to postpone the removal of greasy stains. The easiest way to get rid of fresh pollution. Fat that has penetrated deep into the fibers is more difficult to remove.

fresh spots

Faced with the problem of how to remove a greasy stain on clothes at home, if it has been installed recently, lipid-dissolving agents should be used as soon as possible and prevent their penetration into the structure of the threads.

Laundry soap

Laundry soap (72%) for cleaning stains can be used on any fabric. Ways:

  1. Soak the product in warm water. Soap the stain. Leave for 8-10 hours.
  2. Moisten only contamination with water. Soap it up. Place item in plastic. Leave for 12 hours.
  3. Wet the stain. Soap it up. Sprinkle sugar on top. Brush after 10-15 minutes.


If the question arose of how to get rid of greasy stains on clothes made of delicate fabrics, fine table salt will help. Algorithm:

  1. Sprinkle the dirt with salt.
  2. Rub it into the fibers.
  3. When the salt has absorbed the grease, shake it off with your hand or brush.
  4. Repeat steps if necessary.

If grease has got on a product that cannot be washed, then after salt treatment it is necessary to wipe the stain with cotton wool soaked in ethyl alcohol.

Chalk, starch, talc

Crushed chalk, talc (baby powder), and potato or rice starch have absorbent properties. When they are applied to the stain, the oil is absorbed. With the help of chalk, you can clean light fabrics, including very thin ones - silk, chiffon. Stages:

  1. Apply one of the products to the stain.
  2. Soak for some time - chalk and powder - 2 hours, starch - 10-15 minutes.
  3. Remove the powder with a brush or dry cloth. Chalk is easier to remove with a damp cloth.
  4. Repeat steps if contamination persists.

When using starch, it is important to rinse the product intensively, otherwise the fabric may become coarse due to the remaining particles of the substance.

Tooth powder, baking soda, iron

When figuring out how to remove a greasy stain from clothes made of light woolen fabric, you should use tooth powder or soda. Algorithm:

  1. Arrange the item on the ironing board.
  2. Sprinkle the stain with tooth powder (soda).
  3. Put porous paper on top.
  4. Iron with a non-hot iron.
  5. Place a load on top (a stack of books, a plank and a weight).
  6. Remove oppression after 10-12 hours.
  7. Shake out the powder.

Solving the problem of how to remove a greasy stain from delicate clothes at home, you can do without powdered absorbents. You will need an iron and several sheets of absorbent paper. Stages:

  1. Place the item on the board.
  2. Put paper under the stain and on it.
  3. Iron with a warm iron.
  4. As soon as part of the fat passes to the paper, change it and repeat the steps.


Ammonia (ammonia solution) will help to quickly remove a greasy stain put on colored clothes. It is suitable for natural and synthetic fabrics of any shade. Ways:

  1. Combine water and ammonia in a ratio of 2: 1. Apply to stain for 15 minutes.
  2. Mix water (3 large spoons) with ammonia (1 large spoon) and salt (1 small spoon). Soak the stain in the solution. Wait 15 minutes.
  3. Add 1 small spoonful of ammonia to a glass of water. With the help of cotton wool, treat the greasy trace with liquid. Put a light cotton fabric on top. Iron with a warm iron.

Important: Ammonia has a pungent odor. Its vapors can disrupt the respiratory system, and contact with the skin and mucous membranes leads to burns. When using it, wear gloves and open the window.

Dish detergent

Dishwashing detergent has the ability to break down grease. At the same time, it does not damage the fibers of the fabric, therefore it can be used to remove stains from a chiffon blouse, a bologna jacket, and tight trousers. If the thing is light, then it is better to take a white or transparent gel. Stages:

  1. Pour the product on the stain. Rub it into the fibers.
  2. Leave for 15-30 minutes.
  3. Wash item in warm water. If the fabric is dense, you can pour boiling water on the contamination.

Other recipes

Consider how to remove a greasy stain from clothes in other ways at home:

  1. Apply fresh bread crumb to the stain. Wait until the fat is absorbed. The method is suitable for velvet.
  2. Make a mixture of mustard powder and water that resembles sour cream in consistency. Apply to stain for 30 minutes. Brush off dried powder.
  3. Squeeze shaving foam onto the stain. Rub into fibers and wait 5 minutes.
  4. Pour shampoo for oily hair onto the dirt. Leave for 60 minutes. The method is suitable for delicate fabrics.

old stains

When figuring out how to remove a greasy stain on clothes that was received a few days, weeks or months ago, you should know that you will have to use aggressive products.


Purified gasoline perfectly dissolves lipids. With it, you can remove not only traces of vegetable or butter, but also stains from lubricants. It is suitable for processing dense natural fabrics, as well as wool.


  1. Pour gasoline on the flap. Put it under the stain.
  2. Soak cotton wool in the substance and wipe the dirt from above.
  3. Rinse thoroughly and wash item.
  4. Air dry to remove the characteristic aroma.

You can remove a greasy stain from the skin with gasoline and starch. They should be combined to form a slurry and applied to the stain. After drying, the mass must be shaken off the product and wipe the treatment area with a damp sponge.

Another way to use gasoline to remove an old grease stain is to soak sawdust in it and pour it over the stain. It is necessary to wait for the chips to dry, remove them and wash them.


Glycerin belongs to alcohols, therefore it dissolves fats well. It can be applied to "capricious" fabrics - silk, chiffon, fine knitwear.

  1. Put a little on the stain. After 30 minutes, clean the trace with a cotton pad dipped in warm water.
  2. Combine water, ammonia and glycerin in equal proportions. Pour the mixture over the stain. Leave for 30 minutes.

Other means

Other effective methods by which you can remove greasy old pollution:

  1. Wipe the "blot" with cotton wool soaked in turpentine. The method is suitable for plush fabric.
  2. Combine turpentine and ammonia. Soak the disk in liquid and apply to the stain for 3 hours.
  3. Dissolve 150 g of salt in 1 liter of boiling water. When the water cools down a little, lower the product into it for 1-2 hours. The method will help get rid of traces of stubborn grease on kitchen curtains.
  4. Mix dish soap and baking soda to make a paste. Apply it to the stain. Rub with a brush. Leave for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Combine water and vinegar in a 50/50 ratio. Dip the item in the solution for 15 minutes.
  6. Pour Sprite, Schweppes or Coca-Cola (for dark clothes) on the stain. Wash after 2-3 hours.

You can remove greasy traces from clothes with different statutes of limitations without stain removers and dry cleaning. Fresh stains are easily removed with salt, laundry soap and dish detergent. Old stains require the use of turpentine, gasoline, glycerin. After cleaning, it is important to rinse the item thoroughly and wash it in a mode selected for the type of fabric.



We are often faced with the fact that we are unable to remove stains from ink, iodine, greenery, grass, wine, and in general all types of pollution that are difficult to wash off. Pollution can easily turn a new piece of clothing into an unpleasant looking piece of fabric. But do not forget that most stains can be easily removed with the help of improvised means or special household chemicals.

Types of spots, their characteristic features

The method of removing a particular stain will depend on its origin. But it should be understood that the division is conditional, since nothing prevents spots from being mixed.

food stains

Food stains are most common on clothing and therefore require special attention. They are usually a mixture of substances, such as fat and protein. Greasy spots usually have blurred contours and a dark color. Over time, the stain brightens and becomes extremely difficult to remove.

The hardest thing is to remove stains from varnish, oil paint and drying oil; a little easier - fresh traces of vegetable oil, lard, etc.

Waxes, styrenes, glycerin, etc. may be present in the composition of greasy stains. Both saturated and unsaturated fatty acids may also predominate in the composition:

  • fats in which saturated fatty acids predominate: pork, beef and mutton fats, as well as oils - butter, castor, olive, palm, etc. As a rule, they do not cause problems during the removal process;
  • fats in which saturated fatty acids predominate: fats of fish and other marine animals, as well as linseed, soybean, cottonseed and some other oils.

To remove such contaminants, it is recommended to use special stain removers and powders, but sometimes you can do at your own risk with folk remedies, such as vinegar, peroxide and ethyl alcohol. Grease stains from pork, beef, butter and olive oils are fairly easy to remove.

Protein stains include traces of blood, milk, and eggs. If less than an hour has passed since the appearance of the stain, then it is easy to wash it off even with ordinary water. But it is worth remembering that when heated, denaturation of the protein occurs, due to which it adheres tightly to the tissue, so the water must be cold.

Fruit and drink stains contain sugar, food coloring, or the coloring matter of the plant from which the juice is squeezed. If contamination is noticed too late, it may be difficult to remove it.

Household stains and traces of cosmetics

Household stains can be rust stains, lime stains, wall and floor paints, paints for drawing and much more. They can have very different complexity of breeding.

Makeup stains are usually easy to wash off, but there is an exception - a stain from permanent or semi-permanent hair dye. But you should not lose vigilance, as an old stain from any paint can oxidize, becoming unremovable and making the fabric stiff.

Makeup stains should be removed as soon as possible.

If a stain appears on the clothes, then the most obvious thing is to try to remove it with a soap solution:

  1. Clean the stain of dust and anything that might have stuck to it.
  2. Wipe the stain with soapy water using a cloth or brush.
  3. Rinse the item.

Alcohol, vinegar, or acetone can be used to remove the stain, but some fabrics do not tolerate these products well. For example, cotton is corroded by bleach.

If the stain did not succumb to either a soap solution or washing powder, do not rush to resort to the use of aggressive products, but test them on a piece of a similar fabric.

Removal of old stains

An old stain can be blotted with glycerin to soften it and make it more vulnerable to removal. To avoid streaks, moisten the stain with gasoline around the outer edges.

Video: how to remove old stains

Features of the fight against pollution on white and colored clothes

White things require special treatment, as any change in tone is noticeable on them. You need to remove each stain to the end, otherwise you will have to start washing from the very beginning.

When removing stains from white clothing, observe the following precautions:

  • do not use chlorine and products containing this chemical element in its composition, as it can give things a yellowish tint;
  • use hydrogen peroxide with caution, as under the influence of sunlight it can turn yellow;
  • do not overdo it with the removal of stains from white silk and wool products. This is the case when it is better to spend several washes.

Multi-colored clothes do not tolerate high temperatures and strong physical impact, which should be taken into account when washing.

Methods for removing various types of stains

If a thing is dirty, this is not a reason not to wear it anymore, because there are many ways to remove a variety of stains.

Dirt: fresh and stubborn

Dirt stains usually do not cause difficulties when washing, as they are easily washed off even with cool water. But this simplicity can play a cruel joke, causing a beautiful piece of clothing to turn into a nondescript rag: dirt can eat into the fabric, which will greatly complicate the removal process.

First, consider the method of removing a fresh stain:

  1. Take a plastic knife and an old toothbrush.
  2. Prepare some dishwashing detergent, bleach (the latter is optional).
  3. Make sure the dirt is dry (it's easier to remove).
  4. Scrape off the top layer of dirt with a knife.
  5. Go over the remaining stain with a brush.
  6. Put a little dishwashing detergent on the stain, add some water.
  7. Go over the stain with a brush, not forgetting the back of the fabric.
  8. Carry out a normal wash.

Please note: if the stain is not completely removed, do not dry things in the dryer, as after that it will be almost impossible to remove the contamination.

Cleaning up fresh dirt is pretty easy.

Methods for removing ingrained dirt:

  • take laundry soap or Antipyatin, make a solution and soak a thing with a stubborn stain in it. Rub with your hands or with a brush, and then wash in the usual way;
  • dilute 1 tablespoon of turpentine in 3 liters of water and soak the item in the solution. Wait a couple of hours and then wash;
  • make a solution in the ratio of 1 tablespoon of salt to 200 ml of water. Soak the item in it, wait 15 minutes and wash with laundry soap.

If the dirt remains even after all this, then there is a possibility that there was, for example, machine oil or another hard-to-remove substance in the soil.

paint stains

If you notice a paint stain (almost any type), don't hesitate. The fact is that it is very easy to remove fresh paint, but it is almost impossible to remove the frozen one.

To remove stains from watercolors, gouache and other water-soluble paints, it is enough to soak the thing in water, adding washing powder, and in some cases it is enough just to rinse it under running water.

To remove acrylic and latex paint, you must:

  1. Turn clothes inside out.
  2. Put in washing machine.
  3. Set the temperature to 30°C and the time to the maximum.

If the stain doesn't come off, try using laundry detergent and an old toothbrush to scrub away any leftover paint.
Stains from watercolors and gouache are usually removed with water and washing powder.

Alkyd enamel is more difficult to remove than previous types of paints. Unfortunately, there is no need for a solvent. The following will fit:

  • acetone;
  • turpentine;
  • kerosene.

But it is also important to understand that the use of these products is not possible on all types of fabric. Do not use solvents on wool, silk or other delicate materials.

If the stain from oil paint appeared less than an hour ago, then you can try to get rid of it with water and liquid soap:

  1. First, try to pry off the surface of the stain with a knife.
  2. Apply a small amount of liquid soap to the stain.
  3. Wait for absorption.
  4. Remove the stain with a cloth or brush.
  5. Wipe off any remaining stains with a sponge.

If everything is done correctly, then most likely the paint will be removed. But there is a problem: there will be a greasy stain.
Before washing, scrape off the stain from the oil paint with a knife

grease stain

When dealing with grease stains, it is very important to properly prepare the fabric for cleaning. It is necessary to remove dust particles adhering to it from the surface of the pollution, as this will greatly simplify the process of its removal.

Some ways to deal with oil stains:

  • laundry soap. Unfortunately, it will only help with the removal of a fresh stain. It is necessary to thoroughly lather the place of contamination and leave for 10-12 hours. After the time has passed, you need to wash the thing;
  • chalk powder. Apply to the stain and leave for 2-4 hours, then wipe off the chalk and wash the item in warm water.

If it does not help, then you should use special tools.
Stain remover Eared Nyan perfectly copes with greasy stains

Tea or coffee stains

Usually teas do not leave stubborn stains, and therefore it is enough to carry out the most ordinary washing. If this does not help or you need a faster way, you can make a solution of vinegar with water in a 1: 1 ratio, and then soak the dirty part of the fabric in it. After removing the stain, you will need to rinse the thing.

To remove a coffee stain, follow the instructions:

  1. Heat water in a kettle without boiling.
  2. Pour water over the stain in such a way that it passes through the fabric.
  3. After 10-20 seconds, stop and pour a little powder on the fabric, rub it until foamy. On the other hand, do the same.
  4. Continue pouring water until the foam is washed away.

If done correctly, the stain will most likely go away. If that doesn't help, you should do a normal wash.
Soap Antipyatin copes with most types of stains


Chocolate is a mixture of butter and sugar, and therefore it will be doubly difficult to remove a stain from it.

The first thing to do with a fresh chocolate stain is treat it with a solution of ammonia. If it doesn’t help or helps a little, you can try washing the item in a salt solution, and then rinse it in clean water.

Wool and silk require special treatment, and therefore a soap solution with the addition of ammonia should be used for them. Soak a cotton swab in it, and then wipe the stained area.

If the stain is old, use glycerin. Heat it to a temperature of 35–40 degrees and wipe the place of contamination with it. If it does not help, use gasoline, and after it - a solution of the same amount of ammonia and water.

egg spot

Egg stains are classified as protein stains, and therefore items with such stains should not be washed in hot water. In addition, due to the high fat content in the yolk, contamination quickly turns into a combination. This means that traces of eggs should be removed as quickly as possible.

You can remove such pollution with the help of vinegar strongly diluted with water. Take the solution, soak a cotton pad in it and remove the dirt. If the stain remains, then proceed to the next method:

  1. Mix glycerin with ammonia in a ratio of 1:4.
  2. Soak a cotton pad in the solution and wipe the dirt from your clothes.
Vanish stain remover is an oxygen stain remover and easily removes protein stains.

Contamination from dairy products and ice cream

Stains from dairy products are classified as protein-fat. Milk sugar is also present in milk - lactose, but it does not play a serious role in this case.

Don't rush to toss an item with a milk or ice cream stain into the wash, as the stain can become difficult to remove. In addition, washing at high temperatures can lead to the formation of a protein film, which is very difficult to remove.

Fortunately, fresh dairy stains can be removed without problems even with ordinary soapy water. Place the item in a warm solution of soap or laundry detergent and rinse thoroughly. You can also use solvents, but only on fabrics that tolerate their aggressive effects well. Stain remover Dr. Beckmann has a special formula that removes stains from edible vegetable oils, sauces, fat, cream, mustard, margarine, table spices, ketchup

Red wine, berries and juice

A fresh red wine stain can be easily removed in one simple but very tough way:

  1. Stretch the fabric over a regular pan.
  2. Pour boiling water over the stain until it disappears.

You can add a small amount of vinegar to the water.

The stain from berries and juice can be removed both with the help of a special stain remover and with the help of homemade recipes:

  1. Take warm water, laundry soap or regular laundry detergent.
  2. Dissolve a small amount of soap or powder in water.
  3. Leave the item in the solution for 2-3 hours.
  4. Wash the item in the same water.
  5. Rinse in clean water.

And you can also sprinkle a fresh stain with salt.
If there is no way to wash the food stain right away, sprinkle it with salt.

Biological pollution: sweat and urine

Sweat stains are extremely insidious, as they are hardly noticeable when fresh. And old pollution is not so easy to remove.

Methods for removing sweat stains by type of clothing:

  • for woolen and silk fabrics, you can use a solution of salt in water. Soak a sponge in this solution and wipe the stain. But you should be careful with colored fabric;
  • colored clothes can be treated with a mixture of denatured alcohol with egg yolk, and then wait about 2 hours. Remove the resulting crust with a knife. Then carry out a normal wash.

If a urine stain is found, it should be understood that the difference between a fresh and a frozen trace is enormous. Do not hesitate, because in a day such a stain will be extremely difficult to remove.

You can use one of the following:

  • citric acid. Make a solution in the ratio of 1 tablespoon of acid to 200 ml of water, stir, apply to a cloth and leave for an hour. Then you will need to carry out the usual washing;
  • acetic solution. In 200 ml of water, drop a teaspoon of acetic acid. Then proceed similarly to the previous method.

If the stain is old, then hydrogen peroxide can be added to the solution from the second method.
Detergents for washing children's clothes do an excellent job with stains of biological origin.

How to wash shoe cream, floor mastic

Stains from shoe creams and floor mastic are removed in one simple way:

  1. Make a solution of laundry soap (about an eighth of a bar per 0.5 l of water) and add about 50 ml of ammonia to it.
  2. Pour the solution and rub the cloth until the stain disappears. If the contamination is fresh, then there will be no problems with excretion.

If it does not help, you can moisten the cloth with a solution of hyposulfate, made in the ratio of 1 teaspoon per 100 ml of water.

Pollution from ash, soot and coal

It is quite difficult to wash off all combustion products, especially soot.

For example, the following solvents can be used:

  • acetone;
  • White Spirit;
  • kerosene;
  • solvent 646.

Gently, wearing gloves, soak a cotton pad in one of the products and rub the stain until it is barely visible, and then carry out a normal wash. If that doesn't work, use bleach.
Always wear gloves when using harsh chemicals

Stains from engine oil and fuel oil

Engine oil and fuel oil, being products made from oil, are, firstly, very difficult to remove, and secondly, they are removed in similar ways:

  • dishwashing detergent, such as Fairy. Surprisingly, such products do a good job with oil stains;
  • crushed chalk. Apply chalk to a fresh stain, and then soak in warm water. Unfortunately, this method is not suitable if the stain is more than a few hours;
  • solvent. Suitable for old stains. Soak two cotton pads in the solvent and place one on top of the fabric and one underneath to form a makeshift sandwich of two cotton pads and the oil stain.

Dishwashing liquid will help remove the stain from fuel oil or machine oil

scorched spots

The success of removing burnt spots, for example, from an iron, largely depends on the degree of damage to the structure of the product, and therefore in some cases it is still worth reconciling that the look of your favorite thing is lost forever.

First way:

  1. Soak a cotton pad or washcloth in hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Lay the item with the stain on a vertical surface.
  3. Press the peroxide cloth onto the stain.
  4. Put another rag on top, already dry.
  5. Gently run the iron over the top of the fabric several times.
  6. If the bottom fabric dries out, wet again.
  7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 2-3 times.

The second method (not suitable for silk, wool and other delicate fabrics):

  1. Squeeze the juice from the lemon onto the stain.
  2. Put the item in hot water for half an hour.
  3. Do a normal wash or rinse.

Hydrogen peroxide can be used to remove stains from delicate fabrics.

Pollution from iodine, brilliant green and potassium permanganate

Ways to remove stains from funds from a first-aid kit:

  • iodine. To remove iodine, you need to soak the stain in cold water, and then rub it with starch until it disappears;
  • greenery. You can use peroxide or ethyl alcohol. Apply the product to the stain, leave for 15 minutes, and then wash the item;
  • potassium permanganate. Fill the stain with yogurt and leave it for 4-5 hours. Wash or rinse after soaking.

It is extremely undesirable to leave stains from iodine, brilliant green or potassium permanganate for more than a few hours, since it will be almost impossible to remove them.

How to remove rust

Rust stains are a case in which you shouldn't use bleach, as the stain can only become more stubborn. To remove contamination, follow the instructions:

  1. Make a solution of liquid soap and glycerin in a 1:1 ratio.
  2. Ink stains are extremely difficult to remove if more than a day has passed since their appearance, as they are very strongly eaten into the fibers of the fabric.

    Methods for removing ink from silk and wool (only suitable for fresh stains):

    1. Take dry mustard.
    2. Dilute in water so that the output is a thick mixture.
    3. Apply to stain.
    4. Wait for it to dry.
    5. Remove the cured mustard.
    6. Do laundry.

    Removing ink from white clothes:

    1. Mix peroxide and ammonia in a 1:1 ratio.
    2. Soak a cotton swab, cotton pad, or cloth in the solution.
    3. Start rubbing the stain from the borders to the center.
    4. If the cotton pad becomes dirty, replace it.
    5. Rub until the stain becomes pale.
    6. Do laundry.

    Removing ink from colored clothes:

    1. Make a solution of glycerin and denatured alcohol in a ratio of 2:5.
    2. Apply liberally to stain.
    3. After 15-20 minutes, wash the item.

    If everything is done correctly, then a fresh stain will go away immediately.
    Mustard powder is suitable for removing ink stains from delicate fabrics.

    Wax and paraffin stains

    With the removal of wax and paraffin, you can take your time, as they do not eat into the fabric over time. Moreover, it will be better to wait about half an hour for the material to finally harden and become brittle. Then follow the instructions:

    1. Remove the film from the surface of the stain.
    2. Cover the stain with a cotton cloth.
    3. Place a paper towel on the back of the stain.
    4. Walk the iron a few times.
    5. If the stain is not completely gone, simply change the backing and continue ironing the fabric.

    In some cases, dry wax may fall off without leaving a trace.

    Video: how to clean clothes from wax

    We wash cosmetics

    Lipstick Stain Removal:

    1. Soak a cotton pad in ammonia.
    2. Wipe the stain.
    3. Rinse or wash the item.

    Removing a hair dye stain:

    1. Dampen the stain with hydrogen peroxide.
    2. Leave for half an hour.
    3. Soak and wash the item.

    Removing Perfume Stains:

    1. Take a cotton pad, soak it in ethyl alcohol.
    2. Wipe the stain.
    3. Wash the item.

    If you don’t have the products mentioned above on hand, it’s better not to rub the stain even with a damp cloth, as this can lead to eating into the dirt.

    If there is no ethyl alcohol on hand, it can be replaced with vodka

    Removal of stains from grass and tree resin

    Grass stains have gotten on the nerves of everyone who has ever encountered them. There are several effective ways:

  • make a salt solution in the ratio of 1 tablespoon of salt to 300 ml of water (about one and a half cups). Soak the dirty thing in the solution, then wash;
  • take ammonia, soak a cotton pad in it. Rub the stain until discoloration, then wash the item;
  • soak a cotton pad in wine vinegar and wipe the stain. Wash the item as usual.

If all else fails, you should use bleach.

Resin stains can be removed in the following way:

  1. Take ethyl alcohol.
  2. Moisten a cotton pad.
  3. Wipe the stain thoroughly.
  4. Wash the item.

If that doesn't work, use a stain remover.
If you can’t remove grass stains with folk remedies, use bleach


If a thing has been overgrown with mold for a very long time, then the first time it may not be possible to remove the pollution. If this happened, then after washing, dry the item in the sun and repeat the procedure again. Mold stain removal:

  1. Crumble the chalk onto the stain.
  2. Lay blotting paper on top.
  3. Iron several times.
  4. Wash the item.

Baby Oil/Hair Oil

Rub some liquid detergent into the stain, let it sit for 15 minutes and wash as usual.

How to remove ballpoint pen marks

Apply some denatured alcohol to the stain and rinse thoroughly. You can also try rubbing the stain with a cotton swab dipped in cologne, rub it as usual.

How to remove a beer stain

Wipe the stain with vinegar and rinse immediately, then rub in some liquid detergent and rinse again. Warm water and salt will also work. If the stain persists, use hydrogen peroxide (try it on a small area first) and rinse with water. Wash non-shedding items at high temperature. The sun's rays also have a bleaching effect on the fabric.

How to remove juice stains?

Berry juices behave like dyes, which is why they are so hard to get rid of. Pre-treat non-fading items with a stain remover, then soak in a diluted oxygen bleach mixture (25 ml per 2 liters of water). Machine washable at maximum temperature. You can also apply a cotton swab moistened with a solvent to the stain. Only use solvent on items that can only be dry cleaned.

How to remove blood stains

Pour some hydrogen peroxide onto the fabric and rub the stain out gradually. This method works flawlessly! You can also remove mustard and grass stains. If you don't have peroxide on hand, you can soak the item overnight in a small bucket of water with a cup of salt dissolved in it. After that, wash as usual.

How to remove candle wax from clothes?

Keep the item in the refrigerator for about an hour to make the wax more brittle. Lay a sheet of wrapping paper over the stain and iron it with a warm iron. The dry cleaning solvent will remove the remaining stain. If the wax is colored, blot it with mineral spirits and rinse.

How to remove stains (traces) from chocolate

Scrape off the rest of the chocolate with a dull knife, rinse in cold water, treat with liquid detergent, rinse again. If the stain persists, use a dry cleaning solvent.

How to remove tea and coffee stains

Try washing the stain off with cold water. If it doesn’t work, soak in warm liquid detergent. It is enough to treat the remains with a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water (1: 1)

How to remove a vegetable oil stain

If the garment can only be dry-cleaned, blot the stain with a paper towel dampened with acetone nail polish remover (except for acetate silk, this may dissolve). If the garment is washable, apply a little stain remover and liquid detergent to the stain before washing. After that, immediately wash in hot water, but so that the matter does not sit down, and the color does not shed.

How to clean cream stain?

Rinse the stain with cold water, then treat with liquid detergent and rinse.

How to remove a curry stain

Soak the item in white spirit or ammonia solution. If stain persists, read label directions and bleach if possible.

How to remove deodorant stains?

Stains from antiperspirants and deodorants, sometimes left on clothes, can ruin silk. If you have stained silk clothes, take the item to the dry cleaner or launder it as soon as possible. Dissolve 2 aspirin tablets in 100 ml of warm water and apply to the stain (try on a small inconspicuous area first). Dry for 4 hours, then clean and wash. You can also soak the item in water with a mixture of salt and vinegar.

How to clean marker marks

Rub the stain with laundry soap and wash the item as usual. Treat stubborn stains with denatured alcohol and wash again.

How to remove fruit stains?

If the stain is fresh, sprinkle it with salt and wash it in water without soap (the lye it contains will only set the stain).

How to clean glue stains?

Read the label or package for instructions first. Basically, PVA glue is proposed to be removed with denatured alcohol, while clerical glue is best washed with an oil-free nail polish remover.

How to remove (clean) grass stains from clothes

Gently apply some denatured alcohol to a clean rag and rub. If the item is washable, soak it in cold water, apply some cream of tartar and leave it in the sun.

How to remove stain on satin

Blot the stain on the satin with a clean white cloth, then dust with flour or unscented talc and leave for an hour. The powder will absorb most of the dirt. Gently brush away residue with a soft brush and launder according to label instructions.

How to clean oil stains on suede

You can get rid of grease on a suede surface by dipping a toothbrush in vinegar and gently rubbing the stain with it.

How to remove hair/nail polish stains

Apply amyl acetate (an oil-free nail polish remover) to the stain and launder as usual.

How to remove ice cream stains?

Scoop out the residue with a spoon and soak the item in liquid detergent. If the stain persists, use a dry cleaning solvent.

How to remove ballpoint pen stains?

To remove ink from leather and most fabrics, spray the stain with hairspray and blot with a clean cloth. Then launder according to the instructions on the label.

Stains on shirts can be removed by soaking them overnight in milk and laundering the next day.

How to Remove Jam and Jam Stains

Wash the stain with cold water and liquid detergent, rinse, If the stain persists, apply mineral spirits and rinse again. If necessary, soak in liquid detergent, rinse and launder as usual.

How to remove urine stains

Anything can happen: sometimes children pee on the bed. To get rid of the smell, simply pour a can of cheap cola into your laundry water.

How to remove lipstick stains?

You can get rid of these stains with toothpaste. Before washing, rub it into the stain, then wash as usual. You can also try dry cleaning solvent (on non-shedding items), then wash the stain with liquid detergent and rub in hot water. Wash according to label instructions using oxygen detergent or all purpose bleach.

How to remove makeup stains

Apply dry-cleaning solvent to the stain, then a mixture of cleaning liquid, to which a few drops of ammonia have been added. Wash as usual.

How to clean mold stains

The fabric can be rinsed inside out with dissolved bleach. Rinse and launder as usual. Rinse skin with undiluted antiseptic mouthwash, Rinse with water and dry with a soft cloth, then polish.

street dirt

Let the dirt dry, then simply brush off the residue. If stains remain, use dry cleaning alcohol, mineral spirits, and then liquid detergent. Rinse afterwards.

How to remove nail polish stain

Use amyl acetate, a nail polish remover that does not contain oil or acetone. The main thing - do not apply these products to acetate fabrics.

How to remove oil based paint

Use turpentine or amyl acetate, then launder as usual.

How to remove water based paint

When painting, pay attention to flying splashes and try to immediately wash them with cold water. If the paint dries, it can no longer be cleaned.

How to remove a stain from perfume?

Pour a little ammonia on the stain, rinse, soak in liquid detergent, and then launder as usual. Remaining stains can be removed with hydrogen peroxide applied to a damp cloth and then rinsed with water.

How to remove sweat stains

Fresh sweat can be moistened with water and held over a bottle of ammonia. Blot old stains with a sponge soaked in vinegar, then rinse thoroughly. Spots on wool should be blotted with a sponge dipped in a mixture of water and lemon juice (1:1). Dry outdoors.


Use tape to remove pollen and launder as usual. Some types of pollen, such as lilies, will need to be removed using a stain remover (be sure to test it in an inconspicuous place first).

How to remove a red wine stain?

Soak the stain in water or white wine as soon as possible. Sprinkle with salt, then rinse with cold water or soda. Wash as usual. If you often spill red wine, buy a special cleaner.

Rust on clothes

Try to notice the spots that appear in time. Soak the item for 20-30 minutes in a solution of the juice of one lemon and one tablespoon of salt, rub, wash and dry. Repeat until the stain is gone.

How to remove burn marks

The stain can be removed with the edge of a coin. You can also moisten the affected area with glycerin diluted in water (1:2), rubbing the mixture with your fingers. Soak in a mixture of 50 g of borax and 600 ml of warm water, leave for 15 minutes, then rinse.

How to remove glossy areas

Boil a few ivy leaves until completely softened. Blot the shiny areas with the resulting liquid. Clean black clothing with distilled water and a small amount of ammonia.

How to clean shoe polish from clothes

Apply dry cleaner, then diluted detergent with a few drops of ammonia. Rinse properly. Remove remaining stains with white spirit.

How to remove sunscreen stains

Use a grease remover and then launder as usual.

How to remove tobacco stains?

First, rinse the stain under cold water, then apply vinegar and rub well. If the stain persists, apply detergent with a small amount of denatured alcohol and rinse again.

How to Remove Ketchup/Sauce Stains

Scoop off the residue with a spoon and rinse with cold water. Soak in detergent and then launder as usual.

How to Remove Vegetable Oil / Castor Oil / Ghee / Linseed Oil Stains

Apply dry cleaning solvent, several times if necessary. Soak with water using a spray bottle and wipe with white spirit, adding a little vinegar to it, then rinse.

How to remove water stains

They most often appear on silk, viscose and wool. Spray with water from a spray bottle and iron, rubbing the stain with your fingernail.

At the bottom of the text is an explanation of the substances and materials used.

Conditionally spots can be divided into the following groups:

soluble in water . From food products containing sugar, from wood glue, from water-soluble salts, from some water-soluble dyes, etc.
soluble in organic solvents (Alcohol, gasoline, etc.). From fat, machine oil, oil paints, varnish, resin, cream, shoe polish, wax, parquet mastic, etc.
insoluble in water and organic solvents . From liquid paints, oxides of salts and metals, tannins, natural and artificial paints insoluble in water, protein substances, from blood, pus, urine, mold, etc.

To remove each type of stain, special treatment is needed. Some types of spots (from coffee, cocoa, oil paints, fruit juice, wine, dust, etc.) should be removed not only with products for water-soluble stains, but also with products for removing grease stains and insoluble stains .

It is better to test the effect of chemicals on a spare piece of fabric, on stocks at the seams or on the hem. It is not recommended to use too concentrated solutions. It is better to repeat the treatment with a weak solution several times, alternating it with washing.

It must be remembered that it dissolves acetate, triacetate, chlorine, polyvinyl chloride fibers. Acetic acid destroys acetate and triacetate fibers. Nylon also cannot be stained with vinegar.

Before breeding spots need to well clean the dust first dry, then wet brush. output spot recommended from the inside , placing a sheet of blotting paper under the fabric (you can replace the blotting paper with paper napkins) or a small board covered with a white cloth in several layers. Clean the stain with a cotton swab or a soft white cloth, or with a soft brush. swab moisten first place near the spot, then gradually go from edge to middle . With this method, the stain will not blur. Start cleaning with a weak solution , if necessary, gradually increasing its concentration. Ammonia and salt diluted in water are the best way to remove various stains of unknown origin.

Most fresh stains can be removed by washing them water - first cold, then hot. In this treatment, it is usually necessary to bear in mind that water stains also form on some materials. So the first thing to do is to test.

One of the best ways to remove stains is to treat them with bleach. This method, however, is not applicable to colored fabrics, since bleaches can destroy their color.

Recognition of types of spots.

An important condition for the successful removal of stains is to determine their origin. It is also necessary to know the material on which the stain has formed. If the type of material is unknown, cut off a small piece from a hidden place in the garment (hem or seam) and examine it. It makes sense to make the same stain on this piece of material and check the effect of the stain remover. This test is especially important when finished or colored materials are processed. If the sizing or dye is not resistant to the reagents used, after treatment, traces will remain, which are often worse than the stains themselves.

Fat spots do not have pronounced boundaries on the material. Their contours are blurred or appear in the form of rays spread in all directions. Fresh fat spots are always darker than the tissue on which they are formed. The older the fat stain, the more it brightens and becomes matte. In addition, old grease stains penetrate deep into the material and appear even on its reverse side. Easily soluble grease stains are obtained from vegetable oils (olive, sunflower), butter, lard, wax, etc. Hardly soluble grease stains include stains from resin, varnish, oil paint, etc.

Grease free stains (from beer, fruit juice, fresh fruits, tea, wine, etc.), have a sharp outline of the boundaries. Their color is yellowish to brown. The contours are darker than the spots themselves.

Stains containing fatty and non-greasy substances, one of the most common. Their edges, depending on the fat content, are more or less outlined. Such stains usually linger on the surface of the fabric and only the fats included in them penetrate deeper. This group includes stains from milk, blood, soup, coffee with milk, sauce, street dust, etc.

So called oxidized spots have different edges and, depending on their age, turn yellow or redden, and some turn brown. They appear on old spots as a result of the formation of new substances under the action of light, oxygen and other factors. These stains are among the most difficult to remove. Stains from berries, fruits, cosmetics, tea, coffee, wine, mold, etc. usually oxidize over time.

Dirt spots.

The contaminated area should be cleaned with a wet brush. When the fabric dries, moisten it with warm soapy water. If the stain persists, dip the fabric into a strong vinegar solution. If the contaminated thing cannot be washed, it is necessary to remove the stain (10-12%), having previously checked its effect on a piece of cloth. Dirt stains on raincoats are removed with a swab moistened with a solution with the addition of vinegar (3 tablespoons of vinegar per 0.5 l of water).

Fat spots.

Old stains from oil paint and tar are easier to remove if the contaminated area is soaked in and then treated with an appropriate preparation. Fresh greasy and oily stains from light fabrics can be removed by immediately sprinkling the contaminated area with chalk powder: the chalk is left for 2-4 hours, then shaken off. If necessary, the operation is repeated.

If greasy spots appear on the collar of outerwear, wipe them with a cotton swab moistened with a solution of table salt in 10% ammonia (5 g of salt per 25 g of ammonia).

Sprinkle with salt and rub gently with bread or blotting paper. Salt should be changed several times until the stain disappears.

Grease stains can be removed by rubbing gruel from potato flour, previously dried over a fire, cooled down and mixed with gasoline. Plywood should be placed under the fabric. If the stain is large, you can sprinkle potato flour on the plywood, which will absorb excess gasoline.

You can sprinkle the stain with talcum powder, cover with blotting paper and iron it with a not very hot iron. Talc can be left until the next day.

Fresh grease and oil-tar stains are easily removed with solvents such as . However, with this method of cleaning, a “halo” is often formed around the stain, which disappears only after dry cleaning. Old grease stains are wiped with white soap diluted in gasoline (1:10), and washed off with gasoline after an hour. Fresh grease stains on woolen fabrics can be removed with gasoline or ammonia in half with hot water.

You can do this: take half a glass of pure alcohol, add a teaspoon of ammonia and half a teaspoon of gasoline to it. Then saturate the spots with this mixture and allow the fabric to dry.

Grease stains on cotton fabric are moistened with turpentine and ironed through blotting paper with a warm iron. The composition with an admixture of gasoline cannot be used to clean jersey items on foam rubber.

Stains from vegetable oil, sprats and other canned food in oil are easily removed with kerosene. The stain is wiped with a swab, then the thing is washed in warm water with soap.

This method is also widespread. The stain is sprinkled with crushed chalk, pressed more tightly against the fabric and left overnight. Then gently shake off the chalk and finally clean it off, lightly touch it with a brush - the stain disappears.

Fish oil stains can be removed with water mixed with vinegar.

Egg stains must be removed in a timely manner, since the proteins that make up the egg eventually turn into insoluble compounds and cannot be removed. Fresh egg stains can be removed with water and ammonia, old ones - or a mixture of glycerin and ammonia. Glycerin is heated to 35-40 degrees, the stain is rubbed with a brush, left for 15-20 minutes, then the fabric is washed.

Sprinkle grease stains on clothes made of dense synthetic materials with potato starch and rub with a damp towel. After drying, brush off the starch. If the stain has not completely disappeared, repeat the operation.

Remove grease stains on velvet like this. Fill a linen bag with clean, dry fine warm sand. Use the bag to tap the stain until it disappears. If this is not enough, moisten the stain with gasoline and treat with a bag of sand.

Stains from milk, ice cream.

Stains from milk and other products containing proteins should be washed off immediately with warm, but not hot water. Otherwise, the protein will boil, and it is more difficult to deal with the stain.

If the stain on a light-colored fabric is quite large, the item is immersed in warm water and soap, then rinsed.

If the fabric is colored, it is better to use a mixture of 2 tablespoons 2 tablespoons of water and a few drops of ammonia. The stain is moistened with the mixture, placed between two layers of white cotton fabric and ironed.

Colored woolen fabrics are impregnated with glycerin heated to 35 degrees for 10 minutes, after which they are washed off with soap and water, rinsed in warm and cold water.

Stains from ice cream and milk can also be removed in this way: they rub it into the stain, moisten it with water, let it foam and rub it. Then rinse with warm water from the middle to the edges.

Stains from chocolate, coffee, tea.

It is enough to wipe chocolate stains with a solution of ammonia or rinse with heavily salted water. Old stains on white things can be removed by soaking the fabric with it and holding it for 10-15 minutes. After that, the thing is rinsed in cold water.

Stains from coffee or strong tea are removed with a brush dipped in warm water. Then the whole thing is thoroughly washed in a warm soapy solution (half a teaspoon of soda ash or 1 teaspoon of ammonia per 1 liter of water). After that, rinse twice in warm and once in cold, slightly acidified with vinegar water.

A stain from coffee or tea on a suit is wiped with a wet brush and squeezed out in a towel.

On light fabrics, such stains are removed with a warm one. They lubricate the stained area, and after 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water and dry with a towel. Fresh stains can also be removed with a mixture of ammonia and glycerin (1:4). Old ones on light fabrics can be removed with a solution of oxalic acid (half a teaspoon per glass of water) or a hyposulfite solution (1 teaspoon per half a glass of water). After the thing has been cleaned with one of these products, it should be washed in soapy water, adding two teaspoons of ammonia to 1 liter of water, and rinsed well in warm water.

Oil paint stains.

Wipe with a cotton swab moistened with turpentine or kerosene, then, if the color of the fabric does not change from this, with ammonia until the stain disappears. An oil paint stain can also be removed with gasoline soap, mixed with turpentine in a ratio of 1: 1. The mixture is rubbed into the stain. After dissolving the stain, the paint is carefully cleaned off, then wiped with a damp cotton swab.

It is better to moisten the old stain with turpentine, and when the paint softens, clean it off with a strong solution of baking soda and rinse thoroughly with warm water.

Oil paint stains can also be removed in this way: smear a little with margarine or butter, and after a while wipe with kerosene, turpentine or gasoline, having previously tried it on a piece of cloth. Then the product must be washed.

Lacquer stains.

Remove with a mixture of and taken in a ratio of 1: 1, or with wine alcohol. Oil varnish stains are removed in the same way as oil paint stains.

Stains from red wine and berries.

On colored products, they are removed with a mixture of raw egg yolk (in equal parts), which is smeared on dirty places. After a few hours, they are washed with warm water. Fresh stains are removed with a gruel of table salt and water, washed with soapy water after half an hour, and then the product is rinsed in warm water.

In addition, stains from red wine can be removed with a solution of potassium permanganate, wetting the stained area with it, and after a few minutes wipe it with a solution (1 teaspoon per glass of warm water).

Stains from white wine, beer, champagne, liqueurs.

Remove from white and strongly colored fabrics with a solution of high-quality soap, baking soda and water (5 g of soap, half a teaspoon of soda in a glass of water). Moisten the stain with this solution, and after a day, wash it off with warm water and rinse thoroughly.

You can wipe off such a stain with a piece of ice. If there is no ice, take very cold water.

Old white wine stains are recommended to be removed with a mixture of white soap (10 parts by weight), turpentine (2 parts by weight) and 10% ammonia (1 part by weight). Rub the mixture on the stain, wash it first in warm soapy water, then rinse in cold water.

Beer stains on any fabric can usually be removed with soap and water. Old stains should be cleaned with a mixture of ammonia and ammonia in equal parts. Three parts of this mixture is added to eight parts of water and rubbed on the stain.

Fruit and fruit juice stains.

Remove with a mixture of glycerin and vodka in equal parts. Old stains will come off faster if you hold the cloth over a vessel of boiling water and rub it with vinegar or lemon juice, diluting it in half with vodka or. Then wipe the fabric with a swab moistened with a solution of water and ammonia.

Stains from fruits and vegetables on jersey are cleaned with a gruel of detergent powder or a mixture of equal parts and (without perfume additives). Warm alcohol or vodka is also used.

Blood stains.

Blood, in addition to protein, contains non-protein nitrogenous substances (for example, amino acids, etc.), carbohydrates, fats, and dyes.

Wash first with cold water and then with warm soapy water. Soak stained laundry for several hours before washing.

Old stains are first wiped with a solution of ammonia (1 teaspoon per glass of water), and then with a solution (1 teaspoon per glass of water), after which the linen is washed in warm water. Spots are removed from thin silk products with potato starch mixed into dough in cold water. The resulting composition cover the surface of the stain and allow it to dry. Then the starch is shaken off, and the thing is washed.

Sweat spots.

Remove with a solution of hyposulfite (an incomplete teaspoon per glass of water). The cleaned place is washed with warm boiled water.

Such stains are removed from a silk lining with a mixture of ammonia and denatured alcohol in equal parts.

Sweat stains on woolen products are removed with a cloth dipped in a strong salt solution. If the stains are still noticeable, you need to wipe them with alcohol.

Collars and cuffs are cleaned with gasoline soap mixed with an equal amount of ammonia. The composition is rubbed into places heavily contaminated with sweat, washed with warm water and rinsed in warm water with vinegar.

Sweat stains go away if you add a little ammonia to the water during washing (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water).

Ink stains.

To do this, the stained fabric is kept in glycerin for at least an hour, then the thing is rinsed in warm, slightly salted water. If traces remain, they are washed in warm soapy water.

Fresh ink stains can be removed with sour milk. It is necessary to put the fabric for several hours in warm milk. If the stain is large, the milk should be changed several times. Then wash in warm soapy water, to which add a little borax or ammonia.

You can use a solution of ammonia and baking soda (1 teaspoon of alcohol, 1-2 teaspoons of soda per glass of water).

To remove stains from white fabrics, use a mixture of ammonia (1 teaspoon per glass of warm water). A cotton swab dipped in the solution is applied to the stain, after which the fabric is washed with warm water.

Old ink stains on colored fabrics should be filled with a mixture of ammonia and ammonia (1: 1), and after the stains disappear, wash and rinse the entire product.

Silk fabrics stained with ink (black or red) are cleaned as follows: mustard gruel is applied to the stains and left for a day, then the gruel is scraped off and the clothes are rinsed in cold water. Fresh stains of red ink can be cleaned with a solution of ammonia, then rinsed in clean cold water.

It is best to remove an ink stain from the skin with warm glycerin or a mixture that is rubbed into the stain. The discolored place is tinted.

Ink stains on leather items can be cleaned with salt. To do this, cover the stain with a thick layer of wet salt and leave it for two days. Then shake off the salt, wipe it with a sponge or cloth moistened with turpentine, and polish to a shine.

When removing ink stains, it is recommended to use a protective paraffin circle so that the stain does not spread. They do it this way: paraffin and petroleum jelly are melted in equal parts, then a cotton wool is wound around a match and, having dipped it in a hot alloy, a protective paraffin circle is circled so that the alloy soaks the fabric through and through. When the alloy has cooled, they begin to remove the stain, after which the matter is sprinkled with baking soda and rinsed in water. Then the protective paraffin circle is ironed with a hot iron through blotting paper or paper napkins, which are changed several times until the paraffin is completely removed.

When removing an ink stain, potato flour is poured under it, which absorbs excess liquid and prevents the stain from spreading.

An ink stain can be removed from velvet by immersing the stained area in warm milk for half an hour. The milk should be changed until the stain is gone, then washed in warm soapy water and rinsed.

If the ink stain on the woolen fabric has already dried up, it must be moistened with kerosene, after a while rinsed in pure kerosene and washed in clean water, then hang the item in the wind so that the smell of kerosene disappears.

Ink stains on silk and woolen fabrics can be wiped with a cotton swab moistened with purified turpentine, changing it several times as it gets dirty, then rinse with warm water.

For colored products, a mixture of glycerin and methylated spirits (2 parts glycerin to 5 parts alcohol) is suitable.

You can remove an ink stain from any fabric immediately if you pour salt on it and pour lemon juice on it, wait until the stain disappears, and rinse the fabric several times.

Stains from soot, soot, coal.

Wipe with a cotton swab moistened with soapy water and rinse thoroughly.

Turpentine mixed with egg yolk to the density of sour cream works well on old spots. The mixture is gently heated by placing the jar with it in a pot of hot water. The stain is wiped with a mixture, then the thing is washed with soap and rinsed several times in clean water.

A fresh small soot stain can be cleaned with a crumb of bread or washed in warm soapy water.

Hot iron stains.

Moisten with onion juice and leave for several hours, after which the thing is washed, and the stain disappears.

If the stain is large, put a gruel of grated onion on it and leave it for a while, then rinse well in cold water. You can also moisten the stain with boric acid, and then wash the fabric in water at room temperature.

It is good to remove tan marks from white fabrics with a mixture of half a glass of water, 1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide and a few drops of ammonia.

In addition, burn marks from the iron can be moistened with water and sprinkled with borax. Shake dry clothes. If the spots persist, soak them in hydrogen peroxide and iron them out.

Stains from potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate).

Such spots disappear without a trace if the contaminated area is soaked in whey or yogurt. From a white cloth, such a stain can be removed with a solution of oxalic acid (1 teaspoon per half a glass of water) or a 10% solution of hyposulfite. The thing is washed first in hot, then in warm water.

Resin stains.

From dark woolen materials, they can be easily removed with a thick cloth dipped in cleansed, and from white ones with soapy alcohol.

It is good to remove resin stains from cotton fabrics with turpentine or gasoline, and then wash them with soapy water. If the stain is large and old, you should first moisten it several times with turpentine, and when the resin dissolves, wipe it with alcohol and then rinse with water.

And one more way. Resin stains are scraped off and poured with a mixture of alcohol and turpentine (1: 1). The fabric is ironed through blotting paper and wiped dry.

Stains from floor mastic and shoe creams.

Wash in a soapy solution with ammonia. If after that they do not disappear, you can apply a hyposulfite solution (1 teaspoon to half a glass of water). Then wash the item in warm soapy water.

Henna stains.

Moisten with a solution of ammonia and water in a ratio of 1:5:5 and rinse with warm water after 15-20 minutes.

Stains from iodine.

They fall asleep with baking soda, pour vinegar on top and leave it overnight, and in the morning they rinse the thing in water. An iodine stain can also be moistened with water and rubbed with ordinary starch until it disappears, then washed in soapy water.

Old stains from iodine on light-colored fabrics can be removed by putting the fabric in a liquid slurry of starch for 10-12 hours, and then rinsing in warm water with soap.

Stains from iodine.

Rinse with a solution of water (1:10) and rinse the fabric several times in clean water.

Rust spots.

These stains consist of iron oxides, on light fabrics they are orange in color and penetrate deeply into the fabric. With a long stay on the fabric, rust destroys the fibers.

Removed with freshly squeezed lemon juice. The place wetted with juice is ironed with a hot iron through a cloth, then wiped again with a cotton swab moistened with lemon juice, and washed with warm water.

You can use acetic or oxalic acid (1 teaspoon per glass of water). Heat the solution almost to a boil, dip the stained cloth into it for a short time and rinse thoroughly by adding a pinch of baking soda or ammonia to the water. If the rust does not disappear at once, dip the stained cloth into the solution several times.

Rust stains from white fabrics can also be removed in this way. The fabric with the stain is dipped in a 2% hydrochloric acid solution and held until the stains come off, then the fabric is rinsed well, adding three tablespoons of ammonia to each liter of water.

They are removed from colored fabrics with a mixture of glycerin, soap and water (1: 1: 1). She needs to rub the stain. And after a day, the thing must be washed and rinsed.

Stains from wax and stearin.

You need to scrape off, then put a wet cloth on the stain, cover with several layers of blotting paper (or paper napkins) and iron it with a hot iron. The paper should be changed until the stain disappears. Stains on plush and velvet can be removed or. You cannot use an iron.

Cosmetic stains.

Lipstick stains are removed, with which the stain is covered. Then the fabric is rinsed first in soapy, then in clean water. Stains on dyeing fabrics are removed with a mixture of ether and (1: 1). On jersey products, the stain is first treated with a thick slurry of gasoline and talc, then rubbed hot. Chemical lipstick is removed in the same way as ink stains.

Spots from cosmetic creams are removed with alcohol or gasoline. Remove hair dye stains mixed with an equal amount of ammonia.

Stains from cologne and perfume will disappear if they are immediately wiped with alcohol. Old stains from white fabrics can be removed with a mixture of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide (1:1).

The stain from the perfume on the wool is first moistened with pure or, and then wiped with or with sulfuric ether. A stain on light fabrics can be removed in this way: first moisten with ammonia, then with a solution of hydrosulfite (4 g per glass of water), and after 2-3 minutes with a solution of oxalic acid (5 g per glass of water).

To remove nail polish stains, apply blotting paper to the stain. Then dampen the back of the fabric. Continue, changing the paper frequently, until the stain is removed.

Kerosene stains.

From a light fabric, you can remove it with a solution of ammonia and water (1: 8). Kerosene stains are removed from woolen fabrics with gasoline, from cotton fabrics they are washed off with warm water and soap, rinsed, and then ironed with a warm iron.

Green spots.

You can remove it with vodka, and even better -. In addition, grass stains are removed with a solution of table salt (1 teaspoon in half a glass of warm water). After removing the stain, the fabric must be rinsed in warm water. Grass stains are removed from white fabrics with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, to which a few drops of ammonia are added.

A fresh herbal stain on clothes can be washed with warm soapy water, to which ammonia is added (1 teaspoon per glass of soapy solution).

Fly spots.

Remove with ammonia diluted in water (1:10). Old stains are kept for 3-5 hours in a soapy solution with a small amount of gasoline (the mixture must be shaken before use). Then the stains are cleaned with a brush dipped in soapy water.

Tobacco stains.

Rub with egg yolk mixed with sour cream until thick, then wash the fabric in warm, then in hot water. If the thing cannot be washed, then the stains are removed with warm glycerin or denatured alcohol.

Mold and damp spots.

On cotton fabrics, they are removed as follows: the stain is covered with a layer of finely crushed dry chalk. Blotting paper (or a napkin) is placed on top and run over it several times with a hot iron.

On a silk or woolen fabric, such spots are first cleaned with turpentine, then covered with a thin layer of dry white

From time to time things get dirty that cannot be washed. For example, things made of leather or fabric, for which only dry cleaning is suitable. Maybe you got your shirt dirty at a party, but you don't have the option to wash it right away. This article provides several ways to remove common stains from various types of fabrics and materials that are or are not meant to be washed.


How to remove stains from fabric that cannot be washed

    How to know that the fabric can not be washed. As a rule, garments are equipped with tags that indicate general washing recommendations. If the tag says "dry clean", then the item cannot be washed. Alas, not all products have tags, especially for vintage or used items. The following types of fabric should not normally be washed:

    • acetate fabric;
    • modacrylic fabric;
    • viscose fabric (artificial silk);
    • silk;
    • wool.
  1. Use corn starch or talcum powder to remove oil stains. Dust the stain with powder, leave for 30 minutes, and then shake off the powder. Saturate a cloth with a chemical cleaner and work on the stain. Particularly stubborn stains can be additionally treated with vinegar. When processing, you will notice that the stain transfers from clothes to a napkin. Use a clean part of a damp cloth to prevent the stain from transferring to the garment again. When the stain is gone, dampen a clean cloth with water and wipe the fabric clean. Leave the item to air dry.

    • Oil stains include lipstick, mascara, sauces, and salad dressing stains.
    • If the stain is very tough, try first scraping off the stain with your fingernail or the edge of a spoon.
  2. Know how to remove liquid stains. Buff the stain with a clean tissue to absorb any excess liquid. Next, soak a clean cloth in one of the following cleaner options and work onto the stain. In the process of processing the stain will go to the napkin. Use a clean part of the tissue to prevent the stain from transferring to the garment again. When all the stain is gone, blot the area with a clean cloth dampened with water and leave to air dry.

    • coffee and juice: white vinegar;
    • ink: medical alcohol;
    • milk or cream: chemical cleaner;
    • red wine: rubbing alcohol and white vinegar or white wine;
    • tea: lemon juice;
    • dirt: dishwashing liquid and white vinegar.
  3. Pre-scrape viscous and dense stains. If a drop of thick sauce or salad dressing gets on your clothes, you must first collect the mass with a fingernail or spoon. Scrape from the edge of the stain towards the center. Then soak a clean cloth in one of the following cleaner options and work on the stain. Work until the stain is gone, then leave to dry.

    • oil: means for chemical cleaning;
    • protein: dishwashing liquid;
    • mustard: white vinegar.
  4. Remove stains with homemade dry stain solution. Scrape the stain as much as possible with your fingernail. Prepare a solution of 1 part coconut or mineral oil and 8 parts chemical cleaning solvent. Apply the solution to the stain, let it sit for a few minutes, and then blot with a clean cloth. Work until the stain is gone. Leave the product to dry.

    Use scotch tape to remove dried stains from non-washable fabrics. Press a piece of tape against the stain, and then peel it off. In the case of oil contamination, such as a lipstick stain, a small trace may remain. Dust the stain with talcum powder, gently press the powder with your fingers and shake off. Repeat this step if necessary.

    • This method is great for silk.
  5. Use a dry cleaning kit. Typically, the kit includes a stain remover stick, a resealable plastic bag, and cleaning wipes. First, treat the stain with a complete pencil. Place the product in the bag, and place a cleaning cloth nearby. Place the bag in the dryer and dry according to the instructions on the tag (usually about 30 minutes). When the time is up, take the item out of the bag and hang it on a clothesline to dry. There may be a lot of steam inside the package.

    • It should be remembered that in heat the stain seizes even more strongly. Pretreat the stain with a stain remover pencil.
    • You can also take the product to a professional dry cleaner. Sometimes a stain remover can be ineffective.

    How to remove stains from fur, leather and suede

    Remove small stains from the fur with a damp cloth. Dampen a cloth and gently work the stain. No need to rub or scrape. When the stain is gone, dry the material with a clean, dry cloth and leave to dry.

    • Do not use soap or dishwashing liquid to clean the fur.
  6. Remove large stains from fur with sawdust. Lay the fur product on a flat surface. Sprinkle the stain with sawdust and leave overnight to absorb the stain. In the morning, vacuum up the sawdust with a cloth attachment (or on low power). At high power, it is easy to damage the fur.

    Remove stains from leather with a soap and water solution. Pour 1 part liquid soap and 8 parts filtered water into a spray bottle. Shake the container and spray the solution onto a tissue. Treat the stain with a damp cloth. It is desirable to move along the skin fibers. When the stain is gone, leave the leather product to dry out of the sun. After drying, the leather can be treated with a special conditioner to keep it soft.

    • Use a mild soap like facial soap or dish soap.
    • If you don't have a filter, use distilled or bottled water.
    • Never spray the solution directly onto the skin. The product may be damaged if the skin becomes too wet.
  7. Use tape to remove dirt stains from patent leather. Press a piece of tape against the stain, and then peel it off. The dirt will remain on the tape. This method also allows you to remove lipstick stains from leather products.

    Use hairspray to remove any traces of marker from your skin. Apply a small amount of hairspray to the stain and blot with a clean cloth or towel. Gather all polish carefully and then apply leather conditioner to keep the material soft and pleasant to the touch.

    Use a suede brush to remove stains from suede. The bristles loosen the fibers and make the task easier. Sometimes it is enough to brush the product to get rid of the stain.

    Remove stains from suede with corn starch. Dust the stain generously with starch. Leave on for a few hours or overnight and then use a suede brush to remove the stain. The starch will soak up the stain, and the brush will pick up the powder.

    • This method allows you to effectively remove stains of oil and sweat.
    • You can use cornmeal instead of starch.
  8. Use steam cleaning for suede items. Hang the product in the bathroom immediately after taking a hot shower. The steam helps loosen some stains. If necessary, remove the stain with a suede brush.

    Remove stubborn stains with a suede or leather cleaner following label directions. First of all, you need to make sure that the cleanser is designed for a specific skin type. An unsuitable agent may damage the product. Most leather cleaning products indicate the appropriate leather type and the leather product with the type of material. The same applies to suede.

    How to remove stains from washable fabrics

    Remove dry spots with tape. If a stain of dirt, chalk or tonal powder appears on a thing, then press a piece of adhesive tape to it and immediately peel it off. Repeat until the stain is gone. If necessary, wash away the remaining contamination with water.

    Try treating the stain with water first (except for oil stains). Sometimes this is enough to get rid of pollution. In extreme cases, carbonated water will do. If possible, wash the stain from the back of the fabric. At work or at a party, you can treat the stain with a damp cloth or handkerchief.

    • Most sauces, mascara, or lipstick leave oil stains. In this case, do not use water, especially carbonated water.
    • Sprinkle the coffee stain with salt and then rinse with sparkling water.
  9. Remove oil stains with baking powder, cornstarch and baby powder. Place a piece of cardboard under the stain to protect the rest of the fabric. First collect the liquid part of the stain. Choose a powder and sprinkle generously on the stain. Leave for the indicated amount of time, then remove the powder. The powder will absorb the oil. This method is great for a variety of oil stains, including sauces.

  10. Remove blood stains with water or hairspray. First, rinse the stain under cold water. Try to wash from the reverse side of the fabric. If the stain remains, apply a small amount of hairspray and leave for a few minutes, then blot the hairspray with a clean, damp cloth or tissue.

    • In field conditions, you can use sparkling water.
    • Old and dried blood stains should be treated with hydrogen peroxide.
    • Also, the varnish allows you to remove lipstick, mascara and other oil stains. Simply apply hairspray to the stain and leave on for 10 minutes, then wipe off with a damp cloth.