Moonstone to whom to wear. "Moonstone" is often referred to as minerals. Moonstone: magical properties and who suits

Moonstone is a type of feldspar. The mineral is very common in the earth's crust. But crystals suitable for the jewelry industry are now quite rare. The main deposits in India and Sri Lanka are practically depleted. Belongs to the class of semi-precious, but due to the small number of quality samples, it is highly valued. It has a wide range of medicinal and magical properties, suitable for the water signs of the zodiac.

Magical properties

The influence of the moonstone is inextricably linked to the phases of the moon. The moon is growing - the impact is increasing. It is believed that on a full moon, crystals have a special glow and properties. On the waning moon, the gem can become an energy vampire. Therefore, it is better not to wear such jewelry at this time, but to put it in a box.

The moonstone occupies a special place in the magic and healing practices of Ancient India. He is a symbol of fertility, love energy. There is a belief: if a tree does not bear fruit, then a moonstone crystal should be hung on it at full moon - it will certainly begin to yield.

Should be worn by unmarried girls, it will help to find a soul mate, to find love. The stone has a good effect on family relationships, if constant quarrels occur in the house, then the moon crystal will bring peace and tranquility.

It is known that the moonstone reacts to a decline in love energy. If the relationship cools down, then it may even fade, lose its bright radiance, shine.

For magicians and sorcerers, the stone helps to penetrate the secrets of nature, to control the behavior of wild animals. With its help, you can look into the past and reveal the deepest secrets hidden in the human heart.

Healing properties

The healing properties of moonstone are based on its effect on the human body.

Helps with problems with reproductive function, infertility. It has a calming effect on the baby in the womb, facilitates childbirth.

It has an excellent effect on the nervous system, helps to restrain emotions, relieve internal tension, and relax.

As the moon affects all liquids, so the moonstone stimulates blood circulation, improves the flow of oxygen to the brain, activating its work. Helps you focus on important tasks. You should wear a beaded bracelet on your right hand.

  • This is useful:

If a person suffers from edema, there is no better way to improve circulation and fluid balance in the body. Stabilizes the kidneys, genitourinary system.

It has a beneficial effect on people with epilepsy and helps to relieve seizures. V in this case, the most important role is played by a person's belief in healing properties.

Suitable for asthma sufferers, it is better to wear jewelry on the chest.

It helps well with insomnia, sleepwalking, a person finds a calm, healthy sleep. If you wear a moonstone, the tendency to depressive states decreases. It makes people more energetic, fills them with vitality. This is especially true for older people, it helps to relieve accumulated fatigue, makes it possible to feel younger.

  • Read:

Who suits

First of all, the moonstone is intended for creative individuals. They can draw inspiration from it, find with its help bold, talented solutions.

Amulet for historians and archaeologists, all who are associated with solving the secrets of the past. Also suitable for those who want to become a speaker, it helps to clearly, clearly express their thoughts.

Suitable for the water signs of the zodiac, they are all very strongly dependent on the influence of the night star.

Cancer- the stone will strengthen the best sides of character: a tendency to romance, good intuition, the ability to clearly express one's thoughts. Stabilizes mood swings, helps to achieve greater sense of purpose, achieve financial and creative success.

Pisces suitable for enhancing their love energy, makes it easier to find a soul mate. Jewelry with such a gem will help you focus on important tasks. This will make it possible to make pink dreams come true, to get the long-awaited result.

Scorpions on the contrary, it will bring peace of mind, peace. It will help to establish relationships with others, fill it with tenderness and love.

Aquarius x the moonstone fits well, envelops them in a haze of mystery and mysticism.

Libra the gem will help to find purposefulness, find balance, harmony, firmly go towards the goal.

Capricorns, Aries, Sagittarius - does not fit. He relaxes them too much, badly affects their ability to work, makes them lazy.

The moonstone has a beneficial effect on people with the following names:

  • Avdotya;
  • Gleb;
  • Igor.

Moonstone in jewelry

The best combination of a gem with lunar metal is silver. The influence increases and reaches its maximum level. To obtain a result, contact with the human body is necessary. Therefore, it is better to choose beads or pendants. When buying, be sure to clarify the origin of the crystals. Due to the depletion of natural deposits, a huge number of synthetic imitations have appeared. They do not have useful properties, they will not bring anything to their owner.

Moonstone has a spiritual nature, enhances feminine energy, feelings, encourages desires and sincere determination. As its name suggests, it is closely related to the Moon. Ancient, like the Moon itself, the stone has the power of mystery. Its secrets are hidden under a pearly veil, and with them our own hidden truths. Only within the limits of our reflected light can we begin to understand what it has to teach us.

The moonstone is the main talisman of the inner path. Only by deeply immersing ourselves in ourselves, we can get what is missing, that part of the soul, forgotten and abandoned.

This is one of the most demanded semi-precious stones. Its brilliance and overflow are mesmerizing. You involuntarily begin to think that there is definitely a hidden deep meaning in it.

It is highly valued by shamans, fortune-tellers, monks. The moonstone is one of the most sought-after semi-precious stones in the world due to its supposed ability to bring good luck to the person who possesses it.

Find out more about this mysterious stone. Perhaps you also want to purchase it or jewelry with it.

What does moonstone look like description

Moonstone (adularia) is an opalescent type of orthoclase, which is a potassium feldspar and a very rare mineral. With a blue or white luster, it is similar to the luster of the moon. This reflection is created by the internal structure of very thin layers of the mineral.

The chemical formula of the stone is KalSi3O8. It is not very durable. On the Mohs scale, its hardness is 6-6.5. Refers to semi-precious stones.

Stones can be colorless, yellow (ivory), white, grayish-bluish, blue. Some samples are layered, others are translucent. But all of them will have a characteristic shine when sanding. Some may even have a rainbow effect.

Moonstone deposits are as wide as their range of colors. It is found in various parts of Asia, Australia, North and South America. But the main producers are India, Sri Lanka and the United States of America. Although you can find stones from Madagascar, Brazil, Myanmar.

Classically, moonstone is always cut with a cabochon. The more transparent the stone, the more valuable it is.

Moonstone in history

Asian legend has it that the best blue stones are washed out by the tides once every 21 years.

From the earliest times, this mineral was associated with the magic of the moon, served as a protective amulet for travelers. It was used in jewelry in Ancient Rome and the East.

The Romans believed that it contained the image of the moon goddess Diana, who could bestow love, wealth, wisdom and bring victory to its owner.

Another legend says that it contains the gift of prophecy and second sight, claims that this crystal can clear the mind and allow the wearer to reach a reasonable decision, maintain a connection between the mind and the heart.

In the ancient world, it was considered the talisman of winter, and in Eastern culture it was known as the "phenomenal stone" that can be worn on Mondays.

The moonstone was given on the day of the celebration of the thirteenth wedding anniversary and in years that are multiples of this number. It was believed to protect and counteract the influence of this not-so-good number.

Always revered as a sacred stone in India, of particular importance to a loving couple, and has been a traditional wedding gift. Allows you to find out the future, good and bad of a young family, what awaits them. True, in order to gain this knowledge, it must be kept in the mouth on a full moon.

This stone was in the forehead of the four-armed moon god. Partly because of his color, and partly because of the influence of the deity he personified. Its brilliance increased and decreased with the growth and decrease of the moon.

The stone was also popular among European jewelers. It was worn for protection in the dark, presented as a sign of reconciliation between loved ones, and insomnia was treated.

Jewelry with it was especially in demand during the Art Nouveau era. Most of them were created by the French jeweler Rene Lalique. Today they are in museums or private collections.

Our connections with the moon are very strong. As the Moon is born and disappears in its cyclical movement, controls the ebb and flow, affects our emotions, so the moonstone calms, guides, teaches us the rhythms of life.

Moonstone is known to lose its shimmery silvery sheen if their wearers carry a lot of anger.

If you are far from home or family, the moonstone will keep you safe and spirit-safe.

Why is moonstone called moonstone

Moonstone is the best-known type of orthoclase potassium feldspar called adularia. The combination of orthoclase and albite layers gives rise to this beautiful shine of the stone.

It got its name in honor of the area in the Adula mountains in Switzerland. The word "Orthoclase" is of Greek origin: "orthos" means "vertical" and "classis" - "fracture". This name fully describes the nature of the stone.

It is called lunar for a shiny, magical shimmering surface that reflects light. This shine is inherent in stones of all colors.

This glow is obtained by cabochon processing. Incoming rays of light are refracted inside the stone and scattered, creating a unique game. This is what makes this stone so special and desirable.

Moonstone varieties

This beautiful stone comes in a variety of colors, from milky white to yellow, green, blue, light blue and others. Available in black.

Blue and blue moonstone

The high-quality blue moonstone exhibits an incredible three-dimensional color depth that is only visible from different angles. Blue Crystals are very rare and expensive.

The blue stone is the perfect gift for your loved one when there is uncertainty in the relationship.

Promotes clarity of mind and inner vision, balances yin and yang energies. It is suitable for those who work in health care. It will show travelers the correct and safe path.

Blue moonstone is useful for problems with the lymphatic system, for those who suffer from sinusitis and associated headaches, for diseases of the stomach, pancreas, pituitary gland, insomnia, snoring, motion sickness. Helps children with enuresis.

Minerals of this color make it easier to communicate with people and animals. It focuses on the ability of clairvoyance, brings emotional healing.

Green moonstone

Green moonstone has similar qualities to other stones.

Although these minerals are not as common as other colors, it can be identified by the characteristic brilliance of the moonstone family.

This color carries the energy of love and balances emotions. Its energy will help you feel more compassion for others, increase your self-esteem, and give you a sense of personal well-being.

Rainbow moonstone

The rainbow stone acts as a prism, dissipating the energy of the entire aura. It provides:

Mental perception:

Clears the mind;

Balance and harmony;

Restful sleep.

It reduces negativity and eases emotional trauma.

For women, a rainbow stone will help:

Normalize hormonal balance;

Increase fertility;

Stabilize the menstrual cycle;

Recover after surgery (especially on greedy and uterus);

Reduces the effect of anaphylactic shock.

It combines all the positive energy of the Moon with the optimism of a rainbow to calm everyone who feels lost, alone and vulnerable.

It helps in clairvoyance, promotes restful sleep when placed under a pillow. Rainbow crystals will protect those who have suicidal thoughts, and will support learning difficulties.

The rainbow moonstone is considered more valuable.

Silver gray moonstone

This stone is clairvoyant and shamans. It is called "new moon" and carries all the secrets of the emerging moon.

Gray moonstone focuses on the abilities of vision and clairvoyance. Creates new realities and understanding of those that are different from the earthly.

It facilitates visualization and meditation, helps to establish contact with your spiritual patrons and angels. It is the stone of perception behind the veil.

Peach moonstone

Hindus consider such minerals sacred. They are often given as a wedding gift because it is believed that he brings harmony and love to a married couple.

It is well suited for emotional and sensitive people, it allows you to see the positive in any situation.

Delicate peach stones relieve stress and anxiety. Suitable for emotional children.

These crystals are believed to help women:

Strengthen reproductive function;

Normalize the menstrual cycle;

Reduce PMS and Menopause Symptoms.

It is a calming stone for those who feel helpless due to being overweight. Carry such a stone with you to love and appreciate yourself for who you are.

It helps to bring out the best in a person. It attracts prosperity and success, and inspires enthusiasm among lazy people.

Such stones heal traumas of the heart by bringing love. Teaches you to trust yourself and others.

Peach blossom is a healing energy, especially for women.

Apricot or yellow moonstone

It is a stone of femininity that will benefit all women. Increases creativity in both women and men, inspires and develops intuition.

It is useful for digestive disorders, can solve problems associated with menstruation.

Black moonstone

Black moonstone is mined in India and Madagascar. It shares many similarities with the other colors of this crystal. Although the mineral is black, it looks very different from different angles.

White Moonstone

Carries the energy of the new moon in the midst of its power, stimulating psychic perception, vision and dreams. It can increase emotions, activate kundalini energy in women and emotional balance in men, and can also help children get away from nightmares or insomnia.

Its energy helps people achieve emotional balance.

It regulates menstrual and fertile cycles and reduces menopausal symptoms.

White stones enhance intuition, feminine wisdom, calm emotions, and promote spiritual growth.

White moonstone:

Improves digestion;

Helps reduce epileptic seizures;

Reduces gallstones, kidney stones, bladder stones;

Normalizes hormones, menstrual cycle;

Relieves migraines;

Reduces weight;

Improves hair condition.

The white moonstone controls reactions in fraught situations. Carry it with you when traveling, especially at night or abroad.

Moonstone magical properties

Moonstone is a highly spiritual crystal. It connects both sexes and affects every creature on the planet. Its calming nature helps you figure out how to be happy.

Real moonstone:

Brings love and positive emotions;

Helps to solve business issues;

Improves intuition, perception and judgment;


Gives wealth;

Gives the gift of prophecy;

Attracts attention;

Improves creativity and self-expression;

Helps in new endeavors;

Brings positive changes;

Provides protection against hazards;

Clears negative energy;

Helps to expose hidden and secret enemies.

If you want to understand what you need, keep it under your pillow during a full moon. No wonder this mineral is considered a stone of shamans and fortune-tellers. It opens the gates to the subconscious, but at the same time does not allow those who are not yet ready for this to go there.

It helps you realize that everything is part of cycles.

This is a feminine stone that embodies the energy of divine femininity. The crystal can help to calm down aggressive women, feel confident and serenity.

Moonstone healing properties

By unblocking the lymphatic system, moonstone:

Helps the digestive system by enhancing the absorption of nutrients,

Removes toxins;

Prevents fluid retention and relieves swelling,

Promotes healing;

Normalizes the functioning of the stomach, liver, pancreas and pituitary gland.

It is associated with the energy of the moon and is an excellent stone for women. They say that he is able to solve most of women's problems:

Improve the reproductive system;

Help during childbirth;

Promotes conception;

Normalizes the menstrual cycle;

Relieves PMS symptoms;

Normalizes hormones;

Prevents obesity;

postpones aging.

It contributes to the normal course of pregnancy and helps during breastfeeding. Improves the condition of the skin, hair, nails.

Reduces stress and anxiety in both women and men.

Traditionally, moonstone properties have been used to treat insomnia. A stone located under the pillow will allow you to sleep more calmly and prevent sleepwalking. It is often used in conjunction with amethyst.

Who is the moonstone zodiac signs suitable for?

Moonstone is the stone of travelers. Everyone who went on a journey took amulets from it with them. He protected them at night and when sailing on water.

It is a popular talisman for those working on their personal growth.

This stone is especially suitable for water signs. This is the zodiac stone for those born in July under the sign of Cancer and early summer, starting on the summer solstice from June 21st to July 22nd.

Cancers born under this sign are easily adaptable, loyal, and attached to their family. They are gifted with a strong imagination and make good musicians, painters, writers and composers. Cancer is also known as the "Sign of the Prophet" or "The Sign of the Teacher."

This is one of the alternative stones for those born under the sign of Libra or Scorpio.

How to wear a moonstone

These lovely crystals are very powerful stones that are wonderful to wear. They are fairly easy to find in a variety of beautiful jewelry. They come in a wide variety of styles and types.

Wearing products made from this stone will teach you to perceive life as it is, to be patient, and will bring peace and balance.

It can be worn if you are experiencing any past life failures, experiencing depression. He will help you learn the lessons you need to reach your full potential.

Wearing a necklace or pendant will help improve your emotional protection.

Place it under your pillow to improve sleep and relieve insomnia.

So that he brings good luck, going on the road, put a stone in your pocket.

Charge the stone on a full moon night.

Blue sapphire;


Merlinite is a magical and mystical stone that emphasizes the magical properties of the moonstone, helps to balance male and female energies within oneself.

It goes well with yellow labradorite. It is very good to use them together in meditation to balance your masculine and feminine energies.

An alternative could be a combination of moonstone with sun stones, i.e. yellow stones such as amber, yellow topaz, carnelian, citrine.

To enhance the gift of providence, they can be used in combination with:


Sfenom (titanite);

Gabbro (blizzard-stone or blizzard-stone);






To enhance your energy, a great combination would be with:




Chlorite quartz;


For emotional protection, combine it with:

Black tourmaline;

Black jade;

Moonstone is a stone of intuition, balance, desires, good luck. He helps to maintain the feminine side, to understand and define what is needed in life.

By wearing your moonstone regularly, you will begin to recognize negative energies and learn to heal yourself. Lighter stones have a stronger brilliance and more healing properties.

But the most magical in him - he is from the moon magic and is as mysterious as the moon. It is said to brighten as the moon rises and darkens during the waning and new moon.

If you are a particularly sensitive person to the phases of the moon, do not wear a stone during the full moon.

Moonstone is a blue crystal that gives an extraordinary silvery sheen comparable to moonlight. The translucent mineral gives the glow of the moon, the silver of the starry sky, the shimmer of mysterious celestials.

Moonstone history and origins

The beautiful appearance of the lunar mineral has become the reason for its use by humans. They admired the stones, admired and studied its properties.

Other names used for crystals:

  • adularia;
  • aglaurite;
  • pearl spar;
  • jandarakand.

Translated, the stone means "the shining of the moon." In the photo of the stone, you can see all its features and amazing beauty. Adularia gets its name from the place of its discovery. This is the mountain of Switzerland - Adul. Admirers of the Moon, the magic of the planet and the mysteries of the night recognized the mineral and became its admirers. There is also an unusual name for the stone - fisheye. This is a very rare find, it has the light color of the lunar surface, perceived from the Earth as a yellow tone.

The stone is an amazing phenomenal discovery of scientists. The light flickering of the surfaces of the mineral is explained by the internal structure. The light hits the lamellas, passes through refraction and is scattered in the gaze. This property of the stone made it desirable and unique in jewelry, adornments and design items.

The history of the stone is described by chroniclers of different countries and peoples.

  1. Ancient mythology recognized petrified moonbeams in crystals. They believed that minerals are particles of the lunar surface, messengers of the sky.
  2. In India, the mineral was prized as a symbol of passion, luck and love. He gave mystical powers to penetrate into the unknown future, to control his own destiny.
  3. In Greece, the gem was considered a gift from the Hyperboreans. He called for revelations, gave the ability to see the hidden from the ordinary sight.
  4. In southern Mesopotamia, among the peoples - the Chaldeans, the priests used moon crystals. They chanted spells and prayers while holding a stone under their tongue. All their thoughts and requests became prophetic.

Many legends and beliefs are dedicated to gems. The stones absorb the energy of the moon, acquiring magical powers. In 1868, W. Collins's book "The Moonstone" was published. Not many minerals can boast of such an event, we listen to the masters of the word. The image of the mineral became the protagonist of mystical events that actively change human destinies. There are other interesting stories about the impact of the stone on humans.

Physical properties

The appearance of the mineral is similar to that of synthetic spinel. Adularia is fragile, easily destroyed by mechanical pressure or pressure, does not withstand impacts. Moonstones have an interesting structure, they consist of thin plates and transparent prismatic crystals.

The structure has different forms of internal structure:

  • prism;
  • pillar;
  • table.

The mineral has no direct connection with the Moon. It is formed by the Earth. In terms of chemical composition, it belongs to the group of potassium alumotisilicates. The properties of the stone are very heterogeneous:

  • syngony - monoclinic;
  • translucent structures;
  • Mohs hardness is on line 6;
  • density - 2.6 g / cc.

Despite the internal glow, the refraction is low. Indicators are located on a scale of 1.5. Surface and internal luster - silk and glass. The mineral has properties that are unique to it. This is a specific iridescence effect. In physics, optical capabilities are called schillerization. Translation of the term - overflows of paints. The description of the crystal can be found in textbooks that study this process. Under X-rays, the lunar gem begins to luminesce.

Place of Birth

High quality crystal formations come to other countries from the island of Sri Lanka. The main mining site known to the whole world is in India.

Adularia is mined only in a few countries - India and Burma. Sanidin was discovered already in our century in Mongolia. Adularia is located in ore and quartz veins, in pegmatites. The island of Labrador pleases with the finds of unique specimens. In Russia, production takes place in deposits discovered near the cultural capital - St. Petersburg.

Moonstone healing properties

The moonstone protects against all negative manifestations that are associated with the night companion of the Earth.

Healing properties of the stone:

  1. Ease epileptic seizures;
  2. Reduces irritability;
  3. Normalizes night sleep.

Sorcerers advise wearing a piece of raw crystal or adularia jewelry. The mineral has a beneficial effect on brain activity, pituitary gland. Works as a sedative, reducing the causes of psychosis and fears. A stone under your pillow or at your head will help you sleep. Some healers refer to the healing possibilities as helping with diseases:

  • genitourinary system;
  • gastrointestinal systems;
  • cardiovascular organs;
  • improves blood circulation.

Lithotherapists advise the stone for women who are afraid of the upcoming childbirth. The crystal will help if the pregnancy is complicated. The heart chakra is influenced by the moonstone.

The stone gives off tears, “cries”, on bright moonlit nights. At this time, he acquires special healing powers, replaces the help of psychotherapists. All emotional outbursts and experiences, problems and difficulties are easier and calmer. Men give moonstone rings to women prone to hysteria.

The magical capabilities of the moonstone

The moonstone is endowed with special power. The value of the mineral is in attracting love to a person. Moreover, magicians say that a gem can help a person find love, get away from loneliness. For this, a brooch or other adularia product, ornaments made of natural stone are worn on the left side. The stone helps a person learn to love. If the owner is selfish, closed or closed on his feelings, callous towards partners, the gem will reveal true love in him. To do this, it is advised to wear products on the left hand.

  1. Relieves stress;
  2. Leads away from conflicts;
  3. Adds patience;
  4. Makes you more merciful and more tender;
  5. Corrects sensuality.

The gem adorning the right hand has a relaxing effect. It will become an impetus for the disclosure of fantasy, talents and abilities that are not realized by a person on his own.

Useful video: Moonstone and its magical properties

Talismans and amulets

The stone has symbolized harmony with nature since ancient times. He was valued more than gold and was revered as a sacred mineral. The moon gem is used as a talisman.

He helps people of creative professions:

  • writers and poets;
  • literary observers;
  • musicians;
  • actors;
  • artists;
  • journalists;
  • art critics.

The crystal will help you find inspiration, see everything from the original side. The talisman will create an atmosphere of creativity and imagination. The stone helps lovers. It is presented to the second half to strengthen and consolidate the acquired feeling. The gem will become the protection of tender feelings. Mages and shamans wear a moonstone amulet. They believe that it protects their ability to look into the future, enhances them.

Moon crystals have special power during the full moon. Glow and shimmering shine saturate the owners with dreaminess and tenderness. The amulet will help get rid of excessive self-confidence, constant feelings of fear and tension, create conditions for an upcoming meeting with a loved one.

Moon crystal colors

The colors of the moon gem are set off by the outer sheen and the inner shimmering glow. The golden shine is reminiscent of moon flares. The stones have a wide range of shades:

  • dairy;
  • white;
  • colorless;
  • purple.

There are samples of light gray color. The ebb of such stones is gentle and blue. Of particular value in specimens with a pattern of the starry sky. Rare shades of stones with a reflection effect - "cat's eye".

The varieties of lunar crystals are described in mineralogy textbooks. dense opaque structure has several independent types of minerals.

  1. Labrador. Discovered during excavations in Canada. Later it was discovered in other lands and in Russia. Boulders are widely used in various industries. It takes a special place in construction. Facing stone can be found at metro stations, in the exterior decoration of buildings.
  2. Aventurine solar mineral. It stands out with sparks of golden luster coming from the depths of the gem. It was found in Norway, Russia and the United States.
  3. Belomorite. This mineral species is snow-white. The stone is transparent in structure. The gloss has a blue tint.

Real stones, types of lunar mineral, are a welcome find of a geologist and jeweler - adularia and sanidin. They are found extremely rarely, so their cost is very high. The price of jewelry depends on the color saturation.

Interesting video: Moon stones - Adularia, Belomorite, Selenite and Labrador

Blue gems are distinguished by three dimensional color play. Rotating the mineral changes its luster and color. Such items are highly appreciated by collectors and jewelers. They have a high price for the rarity of detection. Multi-color samples are cheaper. They are found in India. Due to the affordable price, almost everyone can buy such stones.

How to distinguish a fake

Other natural formations also have a glow effect like a lunar mineral:

  • plagioclase;
  • oligoclases;

After processing, they give the same shimmering reflections reminiscent of moonlight.

Moonstone Care

A beautiful natural (real) stone has weak points. He has relative hardness indicators. When processing, craftsmen approach the material with extreme caution. Over time, products lose their glossy appeal. The appearance can be returned to the original. To do this, moonstone jewelry is given to a jeweler's workshop. There, with the help of repeated grinding and polishing, the stone will shine again.

Moonstone and zodiac signs

Astrology distinguishes one among the signs, with which the gem has close compatibility. These are Cancers. For them, he will become a talisman of good luck and success. All latent abilities will gradually appear in a person, life will acquire harmony and correct meaning. There are signs for which the mineral is dangerous. The power of the moonstone will prevent them from developing, attract misfortunes and problems.

These are fire signs:

  • Aries;
  • Lions;
  • Sagittarius.

Leos gain confidence in their actions, gain inner peace. The stone balances negative and positive character traits.

Virgos become wise, judicious, practical. Jewelry protects family relationships and love. Virgo - women gain decisiveness, success in business and career. Sagittarius easily find a way out of difficult situations, solve problems of any kind. The stone will not damage the rest of the zodiac constellations. He fits the horoscope and is able to improve a lot in their life.

Moonstone - magical properties and who suits the zodiac

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The mineral, similar in color to the Earth's satellite shining in the night sky, was named "moonstone". This is a special kind of feldspar. The characteristic color overflows appear due to the special internal structure of the mineral: a multitude of compressed thinnest plates.

Characteristic differences

The moonstone mineral has absolutely nothing to do with rigolite - samples of lunar soil delivered to Earth. He, like other feldspars, is of terrestrial origin.

Sometimes lunar stones are called various other stones that have a similar luster and characteristic overflows of color. In the famous work of the writer Wilkie Collins, the stone was called lunar because it resembled the glow of a night luminary. But the mineral described in the novel was in fact a rare precious diamond with a peculiar yellowish tint.

Moonstone is potassium aluminum silicate, a type of orthoclase. Differs in a variety of shades: there is milky white, bluish, gray, sometimes lilac with a shimmering inner golden overflow.

Very rare are amazingly beautiful specimens with an internal pattern of small stars or having.

Sometimes the mineral is called adularia, but adularia is a colorless orthoclase, and moonstone is a composition of orthoclase and inclusions of another crystal - albite. It is albite that provides the moonstone with its characteristic flickering - iridescence. The thinner the albite layers embedded in the orthoclase mass, the brighter the irisation effect. But according to the well-established tradition, these color overflows under the rays of light are called adularization.

Moonstone is credited with magical properties

The name "adularia" came to the mineral due to its geographical origin: for the first time its crystals were found in the mountains of Adula (Switzerland). Another version associates the name with the Mons Adularia mountains - that is how Saint Gotthard was called earlier. The local deposit is considered classic.

The color shimmer is revealed when the processed mineral takes the form of a cabochon.

This shape is characterized by the absence of faceting: a spherical or oval polished adularia has a flat mirror base. The crystal itself is translucent and has a characteristic glassy luster. Fragile and sensitive to changes in temperature and weather.

The hardness of the mineral is 6.0 - 6.6 on the Mohs scale. It is softer than quartz and topaz, various mechanical influences are dangerous to it - impacts and squeezing. For detailed properties of the mineral, see this informative video:

Natural moonstone is easy to distinguish from synthetic: due to its internal layered structure, when a beam of light falls on it at an angle of 15 °, it gives a blue flare.

Synthetic, no matter how angle it is turned, gives the same shine with a complete absence of the characteristic blue flare.

Over time, the natural mineral loses its luster, which cannot be restored in any other way, except by re-grinding and polishing.

Mineral varieties

The Finnish Labrador and Madagascar moonstone varieties are famous for their particular beauty.

Moonstones include opaque feldspars. This is the black moonstone. Despite its opacity, it is very beautiful with its characteristic tints of blue.

This type of mineral has got its own name - labrador.

The stone labrador was discovered by German missionaries of the Canadian island of the same name. This happened presumably in 1776.

The popularity of labradorite is due to its original coloration.

The mineral quickly gained widespread popularity, first as a gem, which was used by jewelers in jewelry for the high nobility. Later, such a mineral was found in Russia, where it was called tausin - from the Persian name for a peacock. The description of the find found compared the mineral's radiance to an iridescent peacock's tail.

When rich Ukrainian deposits were discovered, black labrador devalued until it became a facing material - it was used to trim the walls of the subway.

Green moonstone is the amazonite mineral, which is a type of microcline.

Feldspar, called the sun stone, has a sparkling golden tint. It was found in different places of the planet: in America, on the Scandinavian Peninsula, in the east of Russia.

A specifically Russian variety - belomorite - is a white translucent mineral with a bluish tint. However, experts on Belomorite disagree: some unconditionally rank it among moon stones, others categorically object to this.

Russian gem Belomorite named after the White Sea

Real moonstones - adularia and sanidin - are very rare, their main abundant deposits are found in India and Sri Lanka.

Mineral cost

The moonstone is popular with jewelers. The price for it can be different. This, of course, is not about speculative scams or forgeries. The cost depends on the color intensity, size and transparency of the mineral.

The highest price is for blue stones, which have a three-dimensional color depth visible when rotated.

The high cost is explained not only by the special beauty, but also by the extreme rarity of such specimens. The lowest price for multicolor specimens from Indian deposits. For the popularity of adularia as a stone for jewelry, see this video:

The internal structure and color play are the determining factors of how much a moonstone costs.

There are jewelry in which small pieces are inserted that are not of high quality.

The price of a stone in such products starts at $ 1 per 1 carat. Larger ones (3 - 5 carats) with high purity and ideal color are much more expensive. Their average price is about $ 70 per carat.

Moonstone properties

Ancient healers knew about the healing effects of natural and whole stones on the human body. They considered the strength of the impact proportional to the age of the mineral: the older it is, the more powerful it is.

The artificially created mineral, even ideally similar to the real one, does not have the properties characteristic of the natural original.

The Hindus revered the moonstone as a symbol of family well-being and love. It was believed that products made from it should be suitable for single girls who had not yet met their love and for those who were already lucky enough to find their beloved, who seeks to preserve the depth of feelings in a happy marriage.

Moonstone helps lonely find love

Chaldeans who lived in southern Mesopotamia in the 1st millennium BC. e., it was believed that the mineral discloses the unused reserves of the body. They used it in magical rites performed at the time of the onset of the full moon.

Medicinal use

According to lithotherapists, people whose nervous system is weakened will certainly benefit from the help of the mineral. Amulet made of it:

  • fights violent expressions of anger;
  • expels hidden fears;
  • neutralizes various negative emotions;
  • reduces the frequency and intensity of epileptic seizures;
  • helps to normalize sleep, effectively combats insomnia;
  • helps to fight stress and depression.

Traditional healers often use a moonstone in their practice, the properties of which make it possible to normalize the work of the cardiovascular, genitourinary systems and the gastrointestinal tract.

The mineral helps against heat, resists inflammation and various kinds of infections.

For women in labor, an amulet can bring relief in childbirth. It also has the ability to calm hyperactive children.

Moonstone helps restore calmness to hyperactive kids

Lithotherapists see the main advantage of the mineral in the fact that it can reduce the negative influence of the moon on a person.

The mineral is energetically connected by sign with the water element, has a unique property to rid the human body of stones, tumors, and promotes the elimination of toxins.

Magical properties

The name itself speaks of a close connection with the moon. On adularia, you can periodically find a small white spot that increases in size as the moon grows and decreases after the full moon. At the moment of the onset of the full moon, when touching the mineral, it seems very cold. This state is most suitable for magical actions.

Adularia is sensitive to lunar cycles

The magical properties of the moonstone were used primarily to attract love. To get rid of loneliness, the amulet was recommended to be worn on the left side of the chest - closer to the heart.

Moreover, the mineral is not only able to attract love, but also to engender this feeling in the soul of its owner.

It matters how the amulet is worn:

  • wearing a ring with a moonstone on the left hand helps to avoid conflicts, relieves stress, makes a person more tolerant and cordial;
  • on the right hand, the ring ensures the achievement of complete relaxation, provokes a person to creative impulses;
  • the mineral corrects and corrects feelings and emotions, is able to reduce the general level of the owner's aggression;
  • adularia can suggest the right way out in solving the problem, if you hold the amulet in your hands and concentrate on the essence of the situation;
  • when a person takes a moonstone for meditation, his magical abilities open the way for the work of the subconscious, help to find and manifest hidden abilities. For more information on the properties of adularia, see this video:

It is believed that the mineral has a unique ability to fulfill desires, and wearing it at the time of any new beginnings promises them successful development and success.

Moonstone and zodiac signs

When choosing a piece of jewelry as a gift to a specific person, it is important to know who the moonstone is suitable for, and to whom it is contraindicated. What does the horoscope say about this?

The mineral will be an effective assistant to everyone who was born on the full moon and on the day of the moon - Monday.

Astrologers, answering the question of what signs of the zodiac the moonstone is suitable for, do not recommend it to the fire signs.

The mineral can and should be worn by people whose character is characterized by hardness and even rigidity. The amulet for them will attract good luck in the business field and make them a little softer.

If the mineral begins to be worn by a person susceptible to suspiciousness and prone to whims, the amulet, instead of benefit, can aggravate the situation, bringing these character traits of the owner to the extreme.

Moonstone, the sign of the zodiac under which a person was born - how do they combine? Here are a summary of the potential impact:

  1. He gives Taurus a feeling of self-confidence, heals heart wounds, gives strength and creates a suitable mood for further successful movement.
  2. is a magical amulet. Helps to cope with mood swings, choose the right life orientation and focus on the main goal.
  3. The mineral is especially suitable for Cancer, for this sign it should come first as an amulet. Helps to quickly restore vitality, serves as a kind of "magnet" that attracts success in financial affairs.
  4. The stone for Leo assists in self-realization, sharpens the mind and gives the ability to recognize if a familiar person has a hidden intent.
  5. Virgo helps in finding true love and finding family happiness.
  6. The stone contributes to the Libra in achieving inner harmony and self-knowledge.
  7. Scorpio from the mineral can get help in growing creativity and making dreams come true.
  8. He promotes Sagittarius in the search for life goals, the development of creative potential.
  9. The stone brings success to Pisces in love and business, helps to overcome negative emotions.
  10. Aries and Capricorn from the influence of the moonstone become lazy, lose the ability to concentrate. But for Capricorn, born from December 22 to January 2, the mineral can help to achieve success in business, relieve melancholy and melancholy, and give an impetus to the development of intuition and the gift of foresight. Interesting facts about the moonstone, see this video:

Astrologers advise not to forget that you need to wear a real moonstone when the moon is growing, at this time the magic of the stone is gaining strength and reaches its peak at the full moon. When the moon is waning, the mineral must be removed and set aside so as not to have contact with it, since at this time it feeds on the energy of the owner.

Already at the time of the first people, Adam and Eve, man's craving for beauty awakened. They admired the full moon and flowers in the gardens of Eden. Satan noticed this and decided to awaken greed in the souls of people, seducing with a crystal that will surpass the moon in beauty. He scattered gems on the ground and people looked at and sorted them with pleasure. But they liked the crescent moon better and soon the interest cooled down. Satan got angry and cursed his creation. Since then, it is believed that the moonstone is cursed and brings only misfortunes, tears and disappointments to its owner.

The legend was found in ancient Persian treatises. Since then, ideas about the stone and the attitude towards it have changed. He is no longer considered damned, although they are treated with a mixture of admiration and distrust.

  1. The moonstone became the subject of study by medieval alchemists. It was believed that any mineral could begin to shine if kept under moonlight for a long time. In addition to luminescence, it acquires other properties: it becomes smooth without polishing, absorbs the night moon cold. The extreme degree of exposure is the ability of the crystal to instantly cool boiling water.
  2. The Chaldean magicians argued that the power of the moonstone depends on the phases of the crescent. On the full moon, he has the greatest strength. By this time, clairvoyance sessions were timed. On a full moon, the magician put this stone under his tongue. This opened the door for him to parallel worlds and he began to predict the future.
  3. The yellow moonstone is called witch. It is believed that a dying witch must pass on her witchcraft knowledge. When there were no willing to adopt the skills, the witches sealed the power in stone.
  4. The Hindus saw in the moonstone the frozen and split light of the moon. Such a mineral gives the gift of divination. In India, there are still worshipers of the moon who worship adularia.
  5. The Arabs considered the moonstone a symbol of abundance, so they sewed it on their clothes.
  6. For the Romans, he became a symbol of femininity and romance.

Modern science has studied the origin of the moonstone and the nature of its glow. It is not related to the moon or extraterrestrial occurrence. But the impact of the stone on people remains a mystery.

Physicochemical properties

The moonstone has a second name - adularia. This is feldspar, which has an internal glow - iridescence. The stones are transparent and milky white with white or blue tints. Flickering occurs due to albite plates that have grown in the thickness of the spar. Light is reflected from them, interference is created, which causes the appearance of blue and golden reflections. Sometimes there are stones with the effect of a cat's eye. The reason is the plates, but of an even smaller size.

Adularia is not the only stone with iridescence. The following minerals are often confused with it:

  • Belomorite is also feldspar, but plagioclase. It has a more intense color with blue and green reflections, which is not typical for adularia;
  • labradorite also belongs to plagioclases, but contains impurities that color the stone in different colors;
  • some types of chalcedony resemble moonstone in color and transparency, but do not have a glow.

Natural adularia is rarely found in nature, therefore it is highly valued. The best stones are mined in Sri Lanka, but the reserves are running out, so the value will rise. A flawless gem-quality moonstone can cost anywhere from $ 100 to $ 500

Magical properties

Beautiful, rare, luminous, personifies the moon - this stone originally had all the makings to become a magical talisman. Opinion. That the moonstone brings misfortune is already out of date. He can harm only people who are overly dreamy and capricious, enhancing these features. He will have a beneficial effect on the rest. The moonstone must be worn with caution, first carefully listen to your feelings and relationships with people around you. In case of any changes for the worse, it is better to refuse to wear a stone.

The moonstone will show great power in the hands of lunar people - born on Monday or full moon. He will become an assistant for them on the path to happiness. It will help to overcome obstacles and quickly achieve the goal, with the slightest doubt, you need to turn to him for help in order to choose the right direction.

An amazing magical property of the moonstone is to help in gambling and any other business where luck is required. For example, business. But at the same time, it attracts good luck in love, providing the attention of the opposite sex, although usually love and good luck do not coexist. This made the moonstone an object of desire among sharpshooters and avid gamblers. They were ready to kill for him.

Magical properties:

  1. Enhances the gift of eloquence and persuasion.
  2. Treats melancholy and depression.
  3. Keeps you from committing suicide.
  4. It generates in the soul an attraction to the great, therefore, it will lead a noble and strong person to victories.
  5. Warns of danger by discoloration.
  6. Dims if love has passed.
  7. Protects from witchcraft.
  8. Protects from quarrels. Empowers people with prudence and wisdom to help resolve disputes and disagreements peacefully.
  9. Does not allow passion to flare up in a young girl's soul, contributes to the preservation of honor.
  10. Keeps marriage from betrayal. The husband is not allowed to look at others, and the woman is kept from the encroachments of other men.
  11. Helps to see the future, enhances psychic abilities.
  12. It evokes tenderness and passion between spouses.
  13. Singles will find a mate.
  14. Amulet for travelers.
  15. Calms, relieves anger.
  16. Helps find inspiration and uncover hidden talents.

The energy of the moonstone depends on the moon. The closer to the full moon, the stronger the influence of the stone. On the new moon, it is not recommended to wear a moonstone. He has nowhere to draw energy, except from the owner, so he will drain the strength of the owner.

When choosing a talisman, it is better to choose a silver frame.

The decision to buy a charm with a moonstone is worth looking at the horoscope. The moonstone affects each zodiac sign in its own way.

  • brings peace to calves, relieves stress and nervous tension;
  • relieves of sudden mood swings;
  • softens character, relieves anxiety;
  • helps virgins to sort out feelings and improve family relationships;
  • in scorpions will reveal creative talent;
  • Aquarius will relieve stubbornness and protect from envious people;
  • with its help they will develop intuition

The moonstone does not affect the signs of a lion and a Sagittarius, therefore it will only serve as an ornament. It is better for the zodiac sign to beware of it.

Moonstone healing properties

Moonstone amulets are used as a remedy. To enhance the effect, it is better to wear the moonstone with you at all times, close to your skin. If it is not possible to wear it under clothes, then you will often need to touch and iron the surface of the mineral.

  1. May help the nervous system.
  2. Contemplation of the mineral relaxes and soothes, heals anxiety and depression.
  3. Eliminates nightmares, normalizes sleep, relieves stress.
  4. Helps with diets. Adularia improves metabolism, helps to absorb nutrients, removes toxins and excess water.
  5. The mineral normalizes the liver and pancreas.
  6. Promotes rapid recovery from inflammation of the genitourinary system.
  7. Dulls pain, therefore, in ancient times, this mineral was used during childbirth.
  8. Affects the emotional sphere, exciting, but without irritability.
  9. Helps focus attention.
  10. Eliminates salt deposits.

The main property of the adularia stone is to soothe all types of nervous disorders, regardless of the nature of their occurrence. Also moonstone is a mineral that can restore hormones. Thanks to this, it rejuvenates the body.

How to distinguish a fake

Most of the moonstones commercially available are fake. This is a low-quality pressed adularia chips or glass. At first glance, they are identical. If you use it only as an everyday decoration, then you can buy imitation. But such a stone does not have the magical properties of a natural mineral and can even harm. Esotericists claim that long-term wearing of a fake changes the biofield and aura of a person.

It is better to buy jewelry in stores that value their reputation and sell only certified products. In this case, the origin of the mineral will be indicated on the tag. If in doubt, you can ask for certification documents.

Pay attention to the price. Natural stones are expensive. If a large moonstone is offered at a price of $ 10, then most often it is a fake.

Ways to calculate a fake:

  1. Natural moonstone casts blue reflections when the stone is turned.
  2. Synthetic material has the same shimmer no matter what angle you look at it. In naturals, the intensity of the glare changes with a change in the angle of inclination.
  3. The stone does not conduct heat well, therefore, when touched, it remains cold for some time.
  4. Natural minerals are not perfect, there may be defects inside.
  5. Natural crystal in water becomes brighter. Artificial does not react to water in any way.

Buying good quality natural moonstone is a great fortune. The market is filled with synthetics or low-grade small stones of Asian origin.

Moonstone care

Moonstone is susceptible to the formation of scratches and dents, from bright sunlight, high temperatures and chemicals, it can fade and lose its shine.

Storage and use rules:

  • it must be stored separately from other jewelry in a box with soft walls or a bag;
  • avoid falls and bumps;
  • do not expose to chemical cleaning agents;
  • do not keep in the sun;
  • avoid sudden temperature changes;
  • clean with special products.

Jewelers advise against wearing moonstone jewelry all the time, so as not to expose it to aggressive environmental influences, not to create scratches on the surface of the stone. This is contrary to the opinion of the magicians. In this case, it is necessary to decide what is more important: the appearance of the stone or its magical influence. In any case, even if the moonstone is stored in a box and is waiting to be released, it is worth taking it out more often, peering into the play of light, admiring and trying on.

Mystical, unhappy, or revealing the secrets of the universe and soothing? Everyone will decide for himself what a moonstone is for him. Only there is no doubt about one thing - he is handsome and involuntarily attracts glances to himself. It is impossible to stay in the shade with such a decoration.