Manicure with a sponge or sponge: create a bright and unusual manicure. How to make a gradient manicure with a sponge at home

Undoubtedly, the classic plain manicure will never lose its relevance. However, we should not forget that strict classics may at one point seem too insipid. Why not liven up your style with a spectacular combination of gradient transitions? There is nothing complicated in creating a rainbow manicure. It can be easily done at home with a regular sponge or sponge. To make the nail design look perfect, you should follow some simple requirements.

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Photo gallery: Learning to do a gradient manicure with a sponge

What you need for a gradient manicure

An important advantage of this type of manicure is that there is no need to specially purchase materials for work: every home has everything you need.

  • Sponge, makeup sponge or pieces of foam.
  • Lacquer for the base layer.
  • Intense base coat lacquer.
  • Several jars of multi-colored varnish.
  • A sheet of thick white paper or foil.
  • Cotton pads, sticks, toothpicks. They will be needed to remove the varnish around the nail.
  • Nail polish remover.

When choosing a sponge for manicure, pay attention to the fact that depending on its texture, you will get different effects.

An important point is the choice of a palette of varnishes. So that the manicure does not look ridiculous, you need to choose shades that will be in harmony with each other. To do this, you can use the shade scheme, focusing on contrasting, monochrome, or related colors.

Ways to perform manicure with a sponge

Manicurists offer several techniques for performing rainbow manicure.

  1. The first method involves creating a drawing on a piece of paper, and then transferring it to the nail with a sponge or sponge.
  2. The second option is to apply a pattern with a sponge immediately on the nail.
  3. The third option is "ombre". The nails are painted with all the selected varnishes, and only then, without waiting for drying, they are blotted with a damp sponge so that the boundaries between the colors become fuzzy and blurry.

In the future, you can choose for yourself the method that seems most convenient.

Regardless of how the drawing will be applied, the nails must be prepared in advance: the burrs are removed, the cuticle is pushed back. Apply a protective layer of base polish to the nail.

You should not do baths before applying varnish: the nail plate perfectly absorbs water, which means that the varnish will peel off.

How to apply varnish with a sponge

Before creating a rainbow pattern, cover your nails with thick varnish, which will act as a background. If the varnish is thin enough, two coats should be applied.

Having decided on the shades of varnish, apply several strips of different colors to paper or foil. To make the transitions between colors smooth, you can mix the borders with a toothpick:

The resulting pattern is transferred to the sponge:

Immediately remove the varnish from the skin around the nails and cover the nails with a transparent varnish. By the way, to make it easier to remove the varnish, we advise you to carefully spread the skin around the nail with a fat cream before applying the drawing with a sponge.

Important! Since the surface of the nail becomes slightly rough when performing a manicure with a sponge, it is necessary immediately, before the colored layer dries, to cover the nail with a transparent varnish. It will smooth out the bumps and give accuracy to the nail.

Sponge drawing directly on the nail

  1. Instead of a thick layer of varnish, apply one of the selected colors.
  2. After the varnish dries, use the sponge to paint the free edge of the nail in the second color.
  3. When the second polish is dry, take a clean sponge and apply the third color to the tips of your nails.
  4. Cover the nail with clear varnish.

Experienced manicure masters reduce the process of applying an iridescent coating to one step. Several colors of varnish are applied to the sponge at once, after which the pattern is pressed against the nail:

The video shows step by step how to properly apply varnish with a sponge. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that only two colors were chosen in this plot, but their combination looks impressive.

How to make a perfect manicure with a sponge

The technology for performing a gradient manicure is quite simple, but there are some subtleties on which the final result depends. To achieve the perfect manicure, we advise you to pay attention to the following points:

  • To achieve a brighter effect, the varnish with a sponge should be applied with a few patting light movements.
  • To make the surface of the nails look smooth, do not wait for your manicure to dry - apply a fixing composition immediately.
  • For each new color, you need to take a clean sponge, if you do not intend to apply varnishes simultaneously.
  • If you include glitter varnish in the palette, such a manicure is perfect for a party or a festive event.

A detailed master class on using a sponge to achieve an ombre effect is given below. Please note that the master presses the sponge to the nail until it reaches the required intensity of colors.

Sponge Nail Design Ideas

When the technology of applying manicure with a sponge no longer presents any difficulties for you, you can experiment with nail design.

An interesting “cosmic” effect is achieved if the base is made dark, and various varnishes with sparkles are applied randomly on the sponge.

A popular nail design today is a gradient, easy to do with a sponge. Moreover, a manicure with a sponge (sponge) can be quite different, both in color and depending on the application technique and even the sponge.

By choosing different colors of varnish or gel, a manicure with a sponge can be gentle and light, bright and catchy or complex saturated. The transition varies not only from light to dark tone in one color scheme, but is combined, gently flowing from one shade to a completely different one.

Sponge for manicure and its varieties

Depending on the density or type of sponge, the gradient created on the nails also varies significantly. the large-pore structure of the sponge contributes to a more blurred gradient on the nails and the boundaries between shades, using dense, fine-pored sponge options, you can achieve rich colors, often not requiring a second layer.

Gradient sponge manicure with one shade of varnish

A one-color gradient manicure is very easy to create, but it looks very beautiful, and with light tones of varnishes it is original and gentle, especially if used with a shimmer. Place a few drops of varnish on paper or foil, that is, a material that does not absorb (plastic can be used). Absorb a small amount of varnish with a sponge, you may need to check the color depth first on a piece of paper. Blot your nails, starting at the tips, where the pigment should be a little more intense, gradually decreasing in intensity towards the middle of the nail. Let the varnish dry a little and (if desired), repeat the procedure again. Finally, apply a top coat to your nails.

Sponge manicure using two colors of varnish

A multi-colored gradient can also be created using a sponge. Place two colors of varnish on paper, and, to create a beautiful and smoother gradient, the border between the colors can be mixed a little with a toothpick. Next, a sponge soaked in varnish should be applied to the top of the nail and moved to the tip. The procedure can also be repeated.

Sponge gradient with three or more shades of varnishes

It is convenient to create a multi-color gradient by applying strips of varnish directly to a sponge (although you can also use it on paper). Next, place the sponge just above the nail and move it up and down a bit.

random gradient

Nails look beautiful, where the gradient shimmers with different shades of varnishes. In this case, the same procedure is followed as with the three shades, only stripes can be created by combining different colors and arrangements.

Sponge manicure using gels and gel polishes

The gel gradient with a sponge is performed a little differently than with the use of nail polishes. The creation steps are as follows:

  • Apply the gel to the third part of the nail, starting from the tip.
  • Sponge, with light and gentle movements, blot the gel, slightly blurring up to the cuticle.
  • Then dry it in a UV lamp.
  • Apply the gel again to the third part of the nail and again blot with a sponge, without touching the tip of the nail.

This procedure, depending on the desired saturation of the shade, can be repeated 2-3 times. Coat your nails with a clear gel and cure in a UV lamp.

A two-color gel gradient with a sponge is also performed, only two colors of varnish should be applied to the nail, and then a little tapped with a sponge along the border of the shades.

The creation of a multi-color gradient with the help of a sponge and is no different. The nail is painted in three colors, while the strips can be along and across the nail, and then you should lightly tap the border of the varnishes with a sponge.

The random gradient includes the same steps where multi-colored strokes of gel are applied to the nails and their border is blurred with a sponge.

If you have seen beautiful color transitions on girls' nails, that is, a gradient effect, most likely they used a regular sponge to create it. Manicure technique "ombre" with a soft dish grater - a simple procedure, subject to any lady.

The advantages of such a manicure do not end with the ease of execution and aesthetic properties. It can be created using inexpensive materials that are very affordable.

First you need to prepare all the tools, namely:

  • nail file;
  • two or more colors of varnish with a dense texture;
  • the foundation;
  • coating without color;
  • any sponge (foam rubber grater is great);
  • orange stick;
  • cotton wool;
  • nail polish remover.

The process of creating a gradient manicure consists of several stages:

  1. Preparation of the nail plate. Remember that the ombre effect looks better with square or oval nails with a smooth bottom and top edge. Therefore, remove the cuticle and trim the edge.
  2. Base application. It is important, because the varnish on it practically does not spread.
  3. Foam painting. It is necessary to apply the strips with varnish so that they overlap each other a little. Do not forget that after painting each nail, the varnish should be renewed, that is, it should be applied to the foam again.
  4. Nail coloring. You just need to lean the coated grater against the nail until it has time to dry.
  5. Elimination of errors. Using a stick, a color remover and cotton wool, you need to remove the varnish from the skin near the nail.
  6. Applying a finish coat. This should be done only after the color coating is completely dry.

Here are some tips for those who want to decorate their nails with a sponge and color coating at home:

  1. The foam must be clean. If the sponge has already been used for any purpose, the varnish will not settle well.
  2. When choosing a coating, give preference to the usual glossy. Metallic and matte structures are not suitable.
  3. Don't combine the gradient effect with other tricky nail designs. You should not draw, glue applications and lay out patterns from sparkles if you have already made an ombre.

What effects can be created with a piece of foam rubber and varnishes

There are several well-known and current variations of the ombre manicure:

Manicure optionDescriptionPhoto
VerticalUsually the stripes are drawn on the foam rubber transversely, but you can do the opposite. This technique will be a good solution for short nails.
Stretch colorIt is necessary to choose varnishes that are close in shade in order to create the most smooth color transition. It is better to take three or four varnishes
Stylish contrastWe use two colors of varnish
Bright tricolorIt differs from the stretch effect in the selection of colors. You need to combine three contrasting colors so that the result is attractive.
French or moon manicure with "ombre"This variant of manicure is complicated, but beautiful. The transition of tones in this case is located at the tip of the nail. You need to attach a "smile", and apply the coloring sponge only on the tip of the nail or its base
This variation differs from the first one in that the “ombre” is located on the entire nail, but the color transition is concentrated only on the tip or on the bottom edge.

Video - Water and gradient manicure

How to decorate a manicure with a gradient

It is a bright accent with which various decor is poorly combined. The only exception is voluminous sparkling small details. There are several ways to decorate with ombre design rhinestones:

  1. One element. It is desirable that it be located on all nails in the same way.
  2. Rhinestone strip. It can be placed in the area of ​​connection of shades.
  3. Edge framing. Sparkling details can decorate the top or bottom edge.

The glossy finish looks good too. An important condition is not to overdo it. It should be light, especially if it contains large elements.

How to choose a color scheme

There are many variations of the combination of tones that look extraordinarily beautiful. Pay attention to a number of topical solutions with which your nails will be very stylish:

  1. Delicate pastel. In this case, two or three very delicate coating colors are required. Light mint, muted pink, ivory, delicate heavenly and snow-white varnish are suitable.
  2. Rainbow. It is necessary to make sure that on one hand one color is located on the vertical halves of two adjacent marigolds. For example, paint the right side of the nail on the index finger on the left hand in red, and the left side in orange. Now we paint the right part of the nail on the middle finger with orange, and the left with yellow.
  3. White at the base. In this way, almost any color can be stretched.
  4. Black color at the tip. An option for the brave, which goes well with a variety of tones.

Even though a white base and a black tip work well with the widest range of shades, there are several combinations that are the most beneficial. The table shows the harmonious combinations that you should remember when creating a manicure with a gradient effect.

Color highlight gradient manicure

Is a manicure always able to fully convey your mood? A few years ago, you probably would have confidently answered: “no”. Today, everything is different: every season talented designers offer fresh ideas filled with bright colors. Especially popular now is a manicure with a color transition. Varnishes of various tones are used to create a bright composition. In nail art, such a multi-colored design is referred to as a gradient manicure.

Rainbow style immediately fell in love with millions of women. Despite the imaginary complexity of implementation, you can easily do a manicure yourself at home. We will provide you with detailed video tutorials, colorful photos and detailed instructions on the two main sponge coating technologies to make your design look impeccably beautiful.

What do you need for a gradient manicure?

Gradient nail art involves a minimum set of multi-colored varnishes and some related tools. You will need all the materials that will be involved in the presented video lessons.

Ways to perform a gradient manicure

As you may have guessed, a gradient manicure is performed using a sponge or sponge. Making nails in a rainbow style implies a smooth transition from one color to another. This effect can be achieved in two ways.

First way

In order for the main colors of the gradient in the manicure to be saturated and bright, you need to apply an additional monotone coating. Ideally, it is better to use a white varnish of a thick consistency. If it is a bit watery, paint your nails in 2 or even 3 coats. As an alternative, you can use flesh-colored varnish. But in this case, your manicure with a sponge will turn out to be more faded.

Step one

First of all, apply a base coat. Once dry, paint your nails white. Do not rush, the varnish should lie flat and without streaks. It is more convenient to perform a manicure with a sponge when the nail plate has a smooth sliding surface.

step two

Have you already decided what gradient colors will be on your nails? If the answer is yes, proceed to the most interesting and creative part of your experiment. On foil or cardboard, apply 2-3 strips of varnish of different colors. You can smear the borders with a toothpick, as is done in the photo.

If it's more convenient for you, use, for example, an old scratched CD for the palette. Dip a sponge into the “rainbow”, which then press it against the nail several times. The more overlaps, the brighter your gradient design will be. Do not press the sponge hard, otherwise all the varnish will be absorbed. Over time, getting used to it, you will be able to do without foil or cardboard, applying multi-colored strips immediately to a wet sponge.

Step Three

Once you've applied the gradient, cover your nails with clear polish. It is important that the color layer does not have time to dry by this time.. When a manicure is performed with a sponge, the surface of the nail plate becomes rough, and the transparent varnish smooths out all the bumps and makes the color transition more accurate.

Step Four

Time to clean up the skin around the nails. If you followed the instructions in the process of creating a gradient manicure, then most likely your fingers are decorated with colored fireworks, as in the photo.

Use a cotton swab and nail polish remover. Erase the excess gradient in your manicure from the skin around the nails.

Let's share some tricks with you. The varnish is easier to remove from the skin if it is pre-lubricated with a fat cream.. Or it may not get dirty at all if you protect the side rollers with tape. This is a very effective way to simplify gradient manicure at home.

Second way

In the second method, the gradient is transferred to the nails also with the help of a sponge. However, the technology for applying the color layer is somewhat different.

  1. Cover your nails with clear polish.
  2. Instead of white varnish, apply one of the selected gradient colors in a dense layer. Take, for example, pink pastel.
  3. When the varnish dries, use a sponge to paint the middle and free edge of the nail in the next color, without affecting the base. Let's say it will be a yellow pastel.
  4. After the second coat has dried, with a clean sponge, apply the third color to the tips of your nails. Let's assume that it will be a turquoise pastel.
  5. Finally, fix the result with a transparent varnish. As a result, you will receive a design, as in the photo.

The rainbow gradient is the perfect manicure for beginners. You can easily master this technology of applying a color layer with a sponge at home. Once you get used to it, you can combine steps 3 and 4 of the instructions by applying two colors to the sponge at once.

The difference between the second method and the first lies not only in the different technique of working with a sponge, but also in the final result. In the first case, the boundaries between the colors are erased, and in the second, the gradient transition is clearer and more contrasting. For comparison, we suggest you look at the photo.

Gradient manicure design options

We told you how to make a gradient manicure step by step. As you can see, everything is elementary simple. And most importantly, you are not limited by any framework. We invite you to watch an interesting video tutorial that will clearly explain to you how the gradient is made on the nails. Turn on your imagination and transfer your mood to the palette of your nails.

In the process of creating a gradient manicure, you can place colored stripes in different directions with a sponge. Add "highlights" - sparkles, rhinestones, patterns. In the photo you see how dramatically the design of your nails can change.

Experiment with a matte clear coat as a top coat. You will be surprised what a fantastic manicure you can do at home. By tradition, to consolidate the knowledge gained, we bring to your attention an informative video lesson. The author of the video will tell you in detail how a manicure is performed with a sponge. Enjoy watching the video and get creative inspiration!

And finally, a little advice. Apply a gradient from a light tone at the base of the nail to a dark one at the tip.. A design made in this way will look more harmonious. And your nails will visually lengthen. Immerse yourself in the world of your dreams. Treat yourself to an easy and amazingly beautiful manicure!

A manicure with a gradient effect on nails is a novelty that arose on the basis of the ombre technique popular in 2016-2017. This design looks very stylish and beautiful. The gradient allows you to combine many shades, creating complex combinations and color transitions. To perform such a manicure yourself at home is not so difficult. It is enough to watch video tutorials for beginners and learn the basics of technology.

The gradient on the nails is a special decorative technique, while you can use both regular and gel polish. This design involves creating a smooth transition between several shades of the same color. Just look at the photo to understand that the gradient goes well with painting, stamping, and screen manicure.

Recently, darker and more saturated shades have gained popularity. An interesting color scheme will visually lengthen the nails and make the hands graceful.

There are several types of gradient design:

  • The horizontal gradient is a very popular design that stretches the color from the base of the nail to the edge. It is considered a classic.
  • A vertical gradient involves a gradual transition of colors from left to right.
  • Gradient separately on each finger. Nails are covered with different shades of the same color. An overall picture of a smooth transition from a darker tone to a light one is created. This kind of design looks great on short nails.
  • French manicure involves stretching the color from light pink to white. It looks best on nails of medium length and will be appropriate in a formal setting.

What technique of applying a gradient to the nails to choose is up to the girl herself. Almost all of them are easily reproduced at home.

Step by step instructions on how to make your own gradient

Many are interested in how to make a gradient on the nails. It can be done in several ways:

  • with the help of a sponge;
  • vertical and horizontal gradient brush;
  • gradient on nails with gel polish.

When choosing the third method, you need to count on additional costs for the purchase of the necessary materials and equipment. The first two methods using conventional varnishes are easily performed at home using improvised means.

The number of shades for the gradient is selected at your discretion. They should be from 2 to 4. A larger number of shades is not recommended. Firstly, because there is not enough space on the nail plate for such a wide palette, and secondly, because of excessive variegation.

Sponge manicure

To independently create a manicure using the gradient technique, you will need:

  • Sponge with a pointed edge made of fine-grained foam rubber, which will be convenient to create a gradient. The varnish is distributed evenly, and the coating is smooth and beautiful. Foam sponges are also suitable for this purpose.
  • Varnishes in two adjacent or contrasting shades.
  • Base and fixer.
  • Glass of water.
  • Foil.
  • Cotton swabs.
  • Toothpicks.
  • Soft brush.
  • Nail polish remover.

According to the step-by-step instructions, the procedure for applying varnish with a sponge at home looks like this:

  • Nails are cleaned and degreased with nail polish remover.
  • Apply the base and let it dry.
  • Droplets of varnishes of selected shades are placed on a piece of foil so that they partially overlap each other.
  • Mix varnishes in the overlapping area, creating a smooth transition from one shade to another.
  • Prepared varnish is collected on the sponge. It turns out a sponge-stencil. In order to understand what effect you can achieve, make an imprint on the foil.
  • Press the sponge against the nail, slightly moving it along the plate.
  • After the color layer has dried, a fixative is applied. It will allow not only to extend the life of the coating, but also to level it.
  • Using a brush dipped in nail polish remover, remove excess that has fallen on the skin.

Before you start doing household chores, make sure that the varnish is cured so that it does not deteriorate.

Gradient pattern with a brush

For a gradient manicure with a brush, you need the same materials as for the sponge method. A feature of this technique is that it can be performed by applying varnish vertically or horizontally.

A step-by-step guide will help you make a vertical gradient at home:

  • First, suitable shades of varnishes are selected in order to get a smooth transition from light to dark or from bright to muted.
  • The gradient on prepared nails holds much better, so it’s worth doing a minimal manicure by carefully polishing the plate.
  • After the nail plate is prepared, a base is applied to it and allowed to dry.
  • It is useful to lubricate the area around the nail with a cream that will facilitate the removal of excess varnish after a manicure.
  • Gently paint the nail with the selected colored varnish, without stepping over the edges.
  • Then the varnish of a different color is distributed so that it covers only half of the nail plate from the cuticle to the tip.
  • Create a gradient while both layers are still wet. To do this, dab the varnish on the border of the merging of two shades with a sponge. Movements should be fast and sharp.
  • Let the nails dry.
  • And at the very end, a fixer.

A similar manicure can be created using 3 or more shades of varnish, but this will be more difficult. You need to try to follow the instructions step by step, carefully applying the varnish in a thin layer. Instead of a cream to protect the skin around the plate, you can use adhesive tape.

The horizontal gradient is done in a similar way. The only difference is in the direction of stretching the color. Varnishes of selected shades are applied horizontally. The border between them is also blotted with a sponge. It is best to moisten it slightly so that the varnish does not get in so quickly.

As for the design, which involves a separate coloring of the nails, it is also created with a brush. Lacquers of similar shades are simply applied to the nails so as to make a smooth transition from light to dark. Then, for example, the little finger will be painted in the darkest color, and the thumb, respectively, in the lightest.

French gradient technique

One of the fashion trends is a gradient version of the classic French manicure. The design is covered with white varnish at the ends of the nails, closer to the cuticle, smoothly turning into transparent shades.

It is quite difficult to carefully carry out such a manicure at home. You have to practice and do it exactly according to the instructions. The design is done as follows:

1. Apply a base coat of a pink or beige shade to the entire nail plate, dry it.

2. The middle part of the nail is painted with a lighter shade, gently blending it with a sponge. This will allow you to achieve a smooth and imperceptible transition between shades.

3. Using fine-grained foam or sponge, white varnish is applied to the edge of the nail.

4. After drying the layer, the varnish is fixed with a top.

This design will look perfect if the plate has an almond shape. French is a great option for extended nails. It is suitable not only for the office formal style, but also suitable for everyday life.

geometric gradient

This year, the geometric gradient coating is especially fashionable. There are many ideas for its implementation. You can easily find them online and watch tutorial videos. This manicure is decorated with various shapes and lines. They divide the nail into identical or asymmetric segments and zigzags. The color scheme can be both classic and avant-garde, bright and catchy. Stencils and ribbons are actively used. Complement fashionable nail art with velvet sand or acrylic powder. The effect depends on the skill of the performer.

The walkthrough says that to reproduce a geometric gradient in the form of diamonds, you need:

  • Prepare your nails so they are all the same length. They are given a beautiful shape.
  • Make a sketch on paper of the future drawing.
  • The base is applied to the nails and dried.
  • Nails are covered with white varnish.
  • Lacquers of two colors are laid out on the palette, one of which is necessarily white, and the other, for example, blue. This will need to be done every time before application. But at the same time, the proportion of blue should be gradually increased.
  • The shades are mixed and varnish is applied to the plate with a thin brush, drawing the outlines of rhombuses. They are painted over with the same color.
  • In a checkerboard pattern, rhombuses are drawn on the nails with a darker shade, which was obtained by mixing white varnish and blue. Again paint over all the figures.
  • Diamonds at the very end of the nail plate should turn out to be a rich blue color with almost no admixture of white.
  • At the end, the nails are covered with a matte top.

This technique is best mastered with step-by-step photos.

gel polish gradient

Gradient manicure with gel polish is no less relevant novelty in 2017 than the geometric technique. To recreate it, you need to prepare materials:

  • dehydrator;
  • acid free primer;
  • color gel polish 2 shades;
  • top coat;
  • Ultraviolet lamp;
  • Thin brush from a set for painting on nails.

You can perform a step-by-step gradient with gel polish as follows:

  • Nails are prepared by degreasing with a dehydrator.
  • Primer.
  • Then the base, which is baked in a UV lamp for a minute.
  • Apply a light gel polish, stretching with a brush from the base of the nail and up to half of the total length. It is necessary that in the middle of the plate this layer of varnish ends with a straight line. The length of the coating on all nails should be approximately the same.
  • A darker color varnish is applied to the rest of the nail. The movement of the brush is performed from the edge of the plate to the middle to the border of shades. There should not be a gap between two shades.
  • Using a thin paint brush, blend the borders of the two colors in short strokes. Then the transition of shades will turn out to be more imperceptible and smooth.
  • After painting each nail, the brush must be thoroughly wiped. This will allow you not to disturb the shades on the next finger.
  • After mixing the shades on all nails, each hand is kept under the lamp for 2 minutes.
  • The finish is applied and baked in a lamp.
  • Remove the sticky layer with a special tool.

A gradient with gel polish requires more time and skill, but it also looks much more advantageous. Such a manicure will please the eye for 2 weeks.

The gradient on your nails will look original even in the classic design technique. French manicure will allow you to acquire charm. Contrasting colors of varnish will look interesting and fashionable in 2017. They are relevant for summer manicure. The design option for autumn can be made in rich and juicy shades of warm colors, and cold tones are suitable for winter.