Home softening foot masks. Healing foot baths. Acetic essence and glycerin to soften the skin of the feet

A real woman is flawless in everything, she carefully monitors the condition of her skin. It's no secret that it is sometimes not easy to achieve a state of perfection, especially when it comes to caring for the skin of the legs.

Causes of hardened skin

Feet needs regular care, otherwise the skin begins to harden and cracks appear. But before you start to act and make sure whether an exfoliating foot mask at home will help get rid of rough skin, you need to find out the reasons for this phenomenon.

Feet needs regular care, otherwise the skin begins to harden and cracks appear.

The most common causes of skin roughness include:

  1. Tight and improperly fitted shoes, as well as high heels, negatively affect the health of the feet. Due to the inconvenience of wearing, the skin on the heels coarsens and becomes rough;
  2. For overweight people, the load on the feet increases, so the skin on them quickly coarsens;
  3. Often the cause of skin coarsening and the appearance of a stratum corneum are fungal skin diseases. Therefore, before starting exfoliating procedures, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist, you may need to prescribe antifungal drugs;
  4. It happens that hardened heels can occur as a result of metabolic problems.

Why feet need care

Love for high heels, excessive physical activity lead to problems.

Love for high heels, excessive physical activity lead to problems.

Dry calluses, "corns" appear, the skin on the heels becomes dry and rough.

Beauty treatments help to relieve the feeling of heaviness in the legs, relax muscles from tension, restore blood circulation. An exfoliating foot mask at home can help women's legs.

The use of such masks allows the skin to renew itself, get rid of dead cells and become more tender.

Before starting the procedure for applying the mask, you must undergo a preparatory procedure in the form of a foot bath.

Before starting the procedure for applying the mask, it is necessary to undergo a preparatory procedure in the form of a foot bath.

Add to the bath water:

The second step is to directly prepare an exfoliating foot mask. It's easy to do it at home, here are some recipes.

Fermented milk products

Reading the composition of store cosmetics, you can find a component such as lactic acid. This ingredient gently exfoliates dead cells, acting on the upper layer of the epidermis.

Thanks to this property, dairy products and their derivatives have found their application in cosmetology.

Dairy products and their derivatives have found their application in cosmetology.

Mask with kefir


  • kefir - 1 tbsp.;
  • table salt 1 tsp;
  • oat flakes - 90 - 100 g.

We mix kefir with ordinary salt, mix in oatmeal and wait for a certain amount of time for the flakes to swell. Then apply the prepared mixture to the sole of the foot(after a heat bath), wrap with cling film and leave for about one hour.

Apply the prepared mixture to the sole of the foot, wrap it with cling film and leave it for about one hour.

Then we wash off the mixture with warm water, treat the skin of the heels with a pumice stone or a cosmetic grater. Apply emollient cream and put on socks.

Sour cream mask

Suitable for dry skin. To increase the gommage effect, add ground coffee or corn grits to sour cream. The composition should be applied to the skin of the legs and kept for 30 minutes, then it is thoroughly washed off.

To make an exfoliating foot mask at home, you can take any fermented milk product (yogurt, curdled milk) that will be in your refrigerator.

Sour cream masks are suitable for dry skin.

Herbal masks

Celandine mask

This herb grows in many gardens, but is considered a weed, but in fact, has medicinal properties. It contains substances that have a wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect.

Fresh celandine herb will be required, grind it in a blender and apply the resulting gruel to the feet and wrap it with cling film.

To prevent more sensitive areas of the skin from getting burned, it is necessary to treat them with a greasy cream. After 30 minutes, wash off the product, apply a nourishing cream.

You will need fresh celandine herb, grind it in a blender and apply the resulting gruel to the feet and wrap it with cling film.

Plantain mask


  • plantain herb - 20 gr;
  • burdock leaves - 10-20 gr;
  • green onions -10 gr.

Grind all the components of the exfoliating foot mask to a homogeneous mixture, put it on a bandage and wrap the feet, wrap it with cling film and put on socks.

Such a mask, prepared at home, promotes healing of cracked heels.

A homemade psyllium-based mask promotes healing of cracked heels.

Masks with cereals

Oat mask


  • oat flour - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • chopped nuts - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • sour cream.

We take flour, mix with chopped nuts (almonds can be used), add sour cream, mix everything to get a homogeneous mixture. Apply to feet, leave for 20 minutes.

An oat mask is also an effective foot treatment.

We wash it off with running water, process the feet with a foot file. At the end of the procedure, apply cream to the legs, you can put on socks.

Oatmeal mask

Would need:

  • oatmeal - 5 tbsp. l .;
  • oil (preferably olive) –2 tbsp. l.

To create this tool it is necessary to boil flakes or boil in boiling water, add olive oil (it softens and nourishes the skin well, makes it elastic). Apply the mixture to the feet, hold for 1 hour, wash off, process the feet.

To create this product, you need to boil the flakes or brew in boiling water.

Other masks

Aspirin mask

Have to take:

  • aspirin - 1 blister;
  • some water (5ml);
  • lemon juice (10 drops).

Crush the tablets into powder, add water, add lemon juice, mix. Further apply the resulting gruel to the feet and wrap with cling film.

Aspirin tablets need to be crushed into powder, add water, add lemon juice, mix.

We keep the mask for 15-20 minutes, wash off with warm water. The skin of the legs must be treated (remove the softened stratum corneum) with a pumice stone.

Semolina and sea salt mask

Would need:

  • scrupa semolina - half a glass.;
  • salt (preferably sea salt) - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • honey –2 tbsp. l .;
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp.

Pour semolina, salt into a container, add sour cream, mix until smooth. If you are not allergic to honey, then add it to the mixture as well.

First, pour sea salt into the container.

We apply the product, wrap it with polyethylene or cling film, you can put on socks on top. We keep it for about 20 minutes, then wash it off with warm water, treat the feet with pumice stone, then grease it with cream.

Ground coffee mask

Would need:

  • coffee - 5 tbsp. l.
  • salt (sea) - 2 tbsp. l.
  • ground cinnamon - 1 tbsp. l.
  • olive oil)

This at home exfoliating foot mask has a pleasant smell and is a great scrub, but there is a slight drawback - if there are cracks on the heels, they may temporarily become stained.

The homemade coffee exfoliating foot mask has a pleasant smell and is an excellent scrub.

Take ground coffee, mix with salt and cinnamon, pour in oil, mix until smooth. Apply on the skin of the feet with massage movements, hold for 20 minutes.

Wash off, treat feet with pumice stone, apply cream. Such the mask perfectly tones the skin, has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Homemade masks must be used in courses. Only then will the tangible effect of these procedures be seen.

Homemade masks must be used in courses. Only then will the tangible effect of these procedures be seen.

The course is 3-4 months, procedures are carried out 2 times a week.

Instant masks

Nowadays, instant action foot masks have appeared in the cosmetic industry.

They include:

Mask-socks dissolves the stratum corneum on the feet and also helps to remove dry calluses. This effect is obtained as a result of exposure to fruit acids that make up the mask.

This mask also improves metabolic processes in tissues and introduces nutrients that are part of the composition into the skin, and also normalizes the work of sweat glands.

There are several well-known brands on the cosmetic market. Among the well-known are "L'Etoile", "SOSU", "Avon".

Applying an instant exfoliating foot mask at home is easy. Before using the mask, wash your feet thoroughly with soap and dry with a towel.

Applying an instant exfoliating foot mask at home is easy. Wash your feet thoroughly before using the mask feet with soap, wipe with a towel.

After two hours, it is necessary to remove the socks and rinse with warm water. Usually the separation of exfoliated skin begins 3-4 days after applying the mask. At the same time, the appearance of the legs leaves much to be desired, but everything is leveled by the effect of skin renewal (heels are like that of a baby).

Unpack the product, put on socks, you can add cotton socks on top, so the mask will better adhere to the skin.

Important to remember! The exfoliated skin layer comes off naturally; the use of an additional mechanical method (pumice stone treatment) to remove the skin is prohibited.

Women's feet in all ages have been the subject of admiration and admiration for men. And today slender well-groomed legs excite the imagination and cause awe among true connoisseurs of beauty. Since the feet are subjected to serious stress on a daily basis, their skin dries and coarsens over time. To keep your legs smooth and velvety, they need to be looked after regularly. Homemade foot masks are a great way to preserve their youth, health and beauty.

Rules for applying a foot mask

When applying foot masks, follow these rules:

  • Any of the masks suggested here are applied only to clean feet. It is advisable to pre-make a warm-hot foot bath to achieve a greater effect.
  • Baths with sea salt, milk, essential oils of mint, lemon balm, lavender are universal. They help to soften the skin, relieve fatigue and swelling and prepare it for mask application.
  • After you apply the mask, put plastic bags over your feet and wrap them in a towel.
  • At the end of the procedure, wash off the mask with warm water, apply oil or cream and have a relaxing massage.

Purifying foot masks

  • Mix 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal, 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and 1 tbsp. l. liquid honey. Apply the mixture to steamed feet. The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes.
  • Dissolve blue clay in water until a mushy consistency is formed. Apply to feet and rinse off after drying.
  • Mix together 2 tbsp. l. ground coffee, 2 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt and 1 tbsp. l. cinnamon. Then add olive oil to make a thick gruel. The mask is applied for 15 minutes. If there are cracks in the heels, they may turn brown.
  • Prepare half a cup of semolina, 2 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt, 1 tbsp. l. honey and sour cream. Combine the ingredients in the order shown until a gruel is formed. Apply it on your feet for 15-20 minutes.

Nourishing foot masks

Foot mask recipes:

  • Peel the apple, boil it in milk and mash until mushy. Apply the mixture to your feet and wait 15-20 minutes.
  • Grind white cabbage leaves into gruel and apply to feet for an hour. If the skin is very dry and cracked, you can leave the mask on overnight.
  • To soften the skin of your feet, apply onions chopped in a meat grinder on them for 3 hours. The mask is suitable if there are no cracks or wounds on the skin.
  • Foot masks made from sour cream and cottage cheese will help to whiten and soften the skin. Foods should be fatty. It is necessary to keep them on the feet for at least an hour.

Moisturizing foot masks

You can choose any option:

  • Grate a small zucchini. Take 3 tbsp. l. product and mix it with 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. Apply to skin for 20 minutes, then rinse off with cool water.
  • Mix 2 tbsp. l. honey with grated apple and 6 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. Keep the mixture on your feet for half an hour, then rinse with warm water.
  • A honey-kefir mask will help whiten and moisturize the skin. Stir 4 tbsp. l. kefir with 1 tbsp. l. honey and 1 tsp. lemon juice - the mask is ready.
  • Heat 3 tbsp in a water bath. l. olive oil. Spread them evenly over the skin of your feet with a cotton swab. Wrap with plastic and towel. After 2 hours, remove excess oil with warm water and soap.

Comprehensive body care is one of the important facets of any woman's life. Incorporate foot masks into your weekly beauty course, give your feet a little time and attention, and you'll be one step closer to perfection.

A layer of dead dry particles of the epidermis constantly forms on the feet, and if there is no proper care for this part of the lower extremities, then a crust forms very quickly. It not only spoils the appearance of the heels and makes it impossible to wear "open" shoes, but in especially advanced cases it causes discomfort and pain while walking.

You can also solve the problem at home with the help of various homemade lower limb care products.

Read in this article

Home Exfoliating Foot Mask

Before studying and choosing a specific recipe, you should familiarize yourself with the rules for the procedure:

  • The composition of a homemade mask should not include ingredients that can cause allergies. If a person has a history of inadequate reactions of the body to food, house dust and any other irritants, then you should pay particular attention to the natural components of the product.
  • Before applying the mask, feet must be thoroughly cleaned and steamed.... This is done using a regular bath: the feet are immersed ankle-deep in moderately hot water and kept there for 10 - 20 minutes (while the temperature is kept). For the bath, you can use decoctions of herbs (chamomile, sage), soda or saline solution.
  • For the full effect of the exfoliating mask, it is recommended to wear cotton socks while applying it. And after the procedure, the treated feet are lubricated with a moisturizing or nourishing cream for the lower extremities.
  • Feet should be treated regularly, so homemade masks can be applied daily for a quick effect. Subsequently, such procedures are carried out 1 - 2 times a week constantly.

There are several recipes for homemade foot masks, each of which has an exfoliating effect, simultaneously softening the skin and showing anti-inflammatory properties.

The duration of the procedure is at least 1 hour, you can leave the product on your feet overnight. If dried plant materials are used to prepare the mask, then it is combined with a small amount of kefir, sour cream or natural yogurt.

With cereals

Rice, buckwheat, corn grits and oatmeal can be successfully used to prepare exfoliating masks for the feet, but they must first be ground in a blender or coffee grinder. The effect of the procedure will be similar to the result of deep cleansing of the skin - peeling, there will be no trace of dried epidermis particles. The most popular formulations of such funds include:

  • Rice + calendula decoction... The components are taken in such quantities that a mushy mass is obtained "at the exit". A decoction of calendula flowers is prepared according to the classic recipe: 1 tablespoon of raw materials per 250 ml of water, boil in a water bath for 10 minutes. If the skin of the feet is excessively dry, then boiled calendula flowers can also be used when preparing the mask.

Calendula decoction

The mask is applied to the feet with a thick layer, you can lightly massage the skin. From above everything is wrapped in cellophane, socks are put on. It is advisable to carry out the procedure at night, and in the morning wash everything off with warm water, but the minimum time is 3 hours.

  • Rice + kefir + vegetable oil... The last ingredient is heated in a water bath to a warm state, kefir and rice crumbs are added to it in proportions of 2: 1: 1.5. The mass is thoroughly mixed, ground into a homogeneous gruel with the smallest abrasive grains.

The mask is applied to the feet for only 30 minutes, for the first 5 minutes you need to actively massage the skin with circular, rubbing movements, focusing on the heel area.

  • Oatmeal + nuts + kefir... The flakes are crushed into flour, any nuts crushed into fine grains are added to them (you should give preference to almonds) and kefir (can be replaced with sour cream) in a ratio of 3: 1: 2, respectively.

The composition is applied to the feet for only 20 minutes, it is not necessary to organize "greenhouse" conditions for him. After rinsing off the mask with warm water, you need to treat the skin surface with a pumice stone and lubricate with a moisturizer.

With Aspirin

The recipe for such a drug with a drug exists only in one version. It is highly effective, therefore it is applied only once a week, but constantly. A mask is being prepared from:

  • 10 Aspirin tablets;
  • 10 ml of pure water;
  • 10 drops of lemon juice.

The tablets are crushed into powder, to which liquid components are added. You will get a mushy, rather coarse abrasive mixture. The mask is applied to the feet with an even layer, everything is covered with cling film on top and cotton socks are put on. The procedure takes at least 3 hours, but it is better to leave the product on your feet overnight.

With salt

Such funds cannot be used in case of existing injuries on the feet, but if shallow cracks are present, they will heal very quickly, and inflammatory processes have no chance of development. The simplest, but very effective options include:

The resulting mass is applied to problem areas of the foot and kept for 15 - 20 minutes. Then everything is washed off with warm water, and the skin must be lubricated with a moisturizer.

  • Tomatoes + salt... First, the tomato puree is prepared by chopping fresh peeled tomatoes. To 100 g of the main component, add 50 g of table salt (ordinary kitchen salt), mix everything. The mask is applied to the feet and cured for as long as possible.

If there are small wounds on the skin surface, then salt products can corrode them, in which case a burning sensation and discomfort will appear. No need to be a hero - the mask should be quickly washed off with warm water. Saline products with an exfoliating effect are used for foot care no more than 1 time per week.

With coffee

A mask with this product can be used for any damage to the skin of the feet, but if there are cracks on it, they will turn dark. Experts recommend using this remedy in the cold season, when the legs are covered with socks and stockings.

An exfoliating mask is being prepared from ground natural coffee and sea salt (2 tablespoons each), cinnamon powder (1 tablespoon) and vegetable oil (you should give preference to olive oil). The last ingredient is added to the dry mixture in such an amount that the result is a homogeneous pasty mass.

A mask with coffee is applied for only 15 minutes, then the skin is cleaned with a pumice stone and washed with warm water. At the end of the procedure, you should lubricate the feet with a moisturizer.

Exfoliating foot mask

Positive results when used to solve the problem of home remedies will appear only after 2 to 3 weeks of use. If you need to get the fastest possible effect, then you should use a sock mask. The composition includes:

  • salicylic acid;
  • organic acids;
  • fruit extracts;
  • herbal extracts.

It is very easy to apply the mask-socks: first, the feet are washed in warm water, then wiped dry - and you can put on the mask. The top of the legs is covered with regular cotton socks, which will ensure the most snug fit of the complex exfoliator.

The time of the procedure is 2 hours, but a particularly intense effect of the separation of exfoliated areas of the epidermis will be observed only after 3 - 4 days. In this case, the legs are simply washed with warm water, lubricated with a moisturizer. It is strictly forbidden to use pumice stone!

The mask-socks are aggressive, so such a deep exfoliation of the epidermis particles can be carried out 1 time in 3 months. And as a supportive "therapy" you can use homemade products.

Problem prevention

To minimize the risk of rough skin on the legs that requires frequent grooming procedures, it is worth following the recommendations of a preventive nature:

  • wear only shoes that are suitable in size and volume;
  • get rid of excess weight;
  • periodically undergo an examination by a dermatologist for the timely detection of a fungal infection;
  • regularly carry out hygiene procedures - washing feet, steaming baths;
  • use specific nourishing and moisturizing foot creams on a daily basis.

Homemade exfoliating masks and socks are great alternatives to expensive salon treatments. With regular use of the products, you can safely count on healthy, delicate and cleansed skin of the feet without cracks.

Useful video

Watch the video about the exfoliating Japanese pedicure:

We will not write a long preface about how important it is to maintain their beauty, and most importantly, health. Foot care includes the following procedures:

daily foot baths... For this procedure, you can use products designed specifically for foot baths, salt (sea), shower gel or bath foam. The benefits of such baths are enormous, because blood circulation increases, fatigue in the legs decreases, the skin becomes softer, and sleep and nerves become stronger.

- application of pumice stone (fine-grained) and foot scrub... Pumice stone helps to put in order the rough skin of the foot, removes dead skin cells. , which includes various components that fight edema, sweating and fungi, is also used no more than once a week. This is enough for that so that the skin of the legs is renewed and the cream was better absorbed. Method of using the foot scrub: for two to three minutes the scrub is rubbed in with gentle massaging movements, washed off with warm water, and then a second layer of the scrub is applied and washed off.

- application of foot cream (preferably oily). After a foot bath, using a pumice stone and a scrub, you need to wipe it off thoroughly with a towel and apply the cream - gradually moving up from the fingertips. You can put on socks - this way you will not stain the bed, and the cream will continue to be absorbed into your feet. It is advisable to leave the socks until the morning, or at least stay in them for two hours.

Warm foot bath with herbal decoction

Heat the water to 30-40 degrees. Prepare a decoction of calendula, St. John's wort, wormwood, oak or coltsfoot. Add to the bath. After the procedure, wipe your feet thoroughly and rub in warm olive oil into the skin. Wear warm socks or knee-highs. The procedure helps to soften the skin of the legs, relieves inflammation, heals cracks.

Soap and soda baths

Help when the skin is too rough. They loosen the skin, after which dead cells are more easily removed. Also after them you can apply: 1 tbsp. lemon juice, 1 tbsp. starch, whipped with egg white. After 30 minutes, the mask dries up, forming a "crust", which must be thoroughly washed off and applied with cream. By the way, nutritious cream it is advisable to apply it as often as possible, even in spring, to prevent the appearance of cracks and peeling. When applying the cream as a mask, in a thick layer at night, wear light socks to make the effect of the cream more effective.

Homemade curd foot mask

Steam your feet in a bath or. Treat the heels with a pumice stone or scrub and apply the mask to all feet for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Mask composition: 2 tbsp. spoons of cottage cheese, 2 tbsp. sour cream, 2 tbsp. honey.

Homemade foot mask made from fresh celandine

Take fresh celandine, mince or grind in a blender and put the resulting gruel with a compress on the feet, on top - a film, and put on socks on the film. Keep it overnight, in the morning the hardened skin is washed off not even with a pumice stone, but simply with a hard washcloth.

Apple cider vinegar for stars and cellulite on the legs

Rub your legs from the knee up to the thigh in the evening after showering every day. For 2 weeks, the "stars" should lighten significantly, no irritation is observed, only the smell.

Natural remedy for cracked feet

Take 1 tbsp. l alcohol, 1 tbsp. l castor oil, 4 tsp talc, 1 tsp. chamomile flowers, crushed into powder. Wash your feet in warm water and soap, rub your feet with a pumice stone with light rotational movements. Dry your feet thoroughly. Lubricate the cracks first with alcohol, then with castor oil. Mix talcum powder with chamomile, dust the feet with this mixture.

Natural castor oil mask to soften heels

Lubricate the heels with castor oil at night, tie it with plastic and put on socks on top.

Mayonnaise for foot skin care

It is necessary for a week, at night, to lubricate your feet with olive mayonnaise, you can wrap it in foil and put on socks, so sleep all night. Rinse off in the morning. Feet are made as in babies.

Laundry soap for cracked heels

If someone's heels are cracking (especially at an age), then you need to rub them overnight with domestic soap, 72%. Wash under running water in the morning.

Homemade cabbage compress for cracked heels

Take a leaf of white cabbage, hammer it lightly with a meat hammer or a regular one, so that the leaf becomes softer and more juicy. Put a sheet on the foot, on top of a sachet or food film and in a sock - preferably woolen. Keep the night.

Acetic essence and glycerin to soften the skin of the feet

Mix glycerin and vinegar essence (namely essence, not vinegar!) In a 1: 1 ratio, even better if there is a little more glycerin. Lubricate your heels, put on cotton socks and walk like that all evening.

Tincture of celandine in olive oil (universal)

During the flowering period of celandine, collect the grass and prepare it as follows: first put on rubber gloves, then cotton and tear the celandine as small as possible (you cannot cut it with a knife!). Then pour the chopped celandine with olive oil. 1 part celandine to 1 part olive oil. Insist in the dark for 1 month. Rub all problem areas with this oil. For all skin diseases: warts, eczema, acne, cracks, papillomas, etc.

Toning mint foot mask for fatigue

To prepare this mask, you will need 2 tbsp. spoons of mint and half a glass of milk. Pour hot milk over the mint leaves and let it brew for half an hour. Cool the mixture and apply on your feet for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water. If you walk a lot, then this mask is just made for you. It perfectly relieves fatigue and makes the skin of the legs tender and soft.

Oatmeal nourishing foot mask

To make this healthy, nourishing mask, take 100g. oatmeal and top with plain yogurt. When the flakes are swollen, apply the mixture to your feet and let sit for 20 minutes. After the time has passed, wash off the mask and apply a moisturizer to your feet. After such a mask, the skin of the legs will be smooth and soft.

Refreshing cucumber foot mask

This refreshing summer mask will leave your feet feeling light and fresh! Take 1 fresh cucumber and grate it. Add 3 tablespoons of sour cream and 2 tbsp to the resulting mass. tablespoons of lemon, mix thoroughly. Apply the mask to the skin of the feet, and after 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Moisturizing curd foot mask

Moisturizing is an essential part of foot care, especially in summer. To prepare a moisturizing curd mask you will need: 100 grams of curd, 4 tbsp. spoons of kefir and 2 teaspoons of lemon juice. Stir all ingredients until smooth and apply to feet. After 20 minutes, rinse off the mask with warm water, pat your feet dry with a towel and additionally moisturize your skin with a cream.

Softening oil mask for feet

Oil masks perfectly soften the skin and make it soft and tender. You will need 2 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil, 2 yolks and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sour cream. Mix all the products and apply the resulting mixture to the skin of the feet, wrap with cling film and leave for half an hour, wearing warm socks over it. Rinse off the mask with warm water and pat dry your feet with a towel.

Lemon for elbows and knees

It is useful to rub elbows and knees with leftover lemon. Do not rinse.

Bath for loosening rough skin of the legs

Dilute 1 tsp. soda, 1 tbsp. l. laundry soap, 1 tbsp. l. ammonia in 2 liters of water. Dip your feet in this soap and soda solution for 20 minutes. Clean the corns (corns) with a pumice stone. After that, lubricate your feet with cream.

Contrast foot baths

Lower your legs alternately in hot or cold water 8-10 times. The temperature of the foot bath with hot water should be about 50 degrees C, with cold 20 degrees. Keep your feet in hot water longer than in cold water. Finish off cold. Relieves fatigue, promotes hardening.

Healing foot baths

For scuffs, inflammations, scratches - 1 tbsp. l. brew calendula flowers with 1 liter of boiling water.
To improve blood circulation - 2 tbsp. l. ate salt and needles.
For inflammatory processes, a foot bath made of chamomile, pine needles, flaxseeds, nettles.

Foot scrubs

They will also solve the problem of hardened skin. At home, you can use simple recipes.

Semolina scrub: add 1 tsp to the portion of cream you usually use for your feet. semolina and massage the heels for 5-7 minutes. Another version of the recipe: mix 1 tbsp of oatmeal with honey and sour cream, then massage the heels for about 10 minutes. The skin of the feet becomes smooth, the cracks are healed. For lovers of citrus fruits - scrub from orange, tangerine, lime or lemon peel. Grind the dried crusts of these fruits, add olive oil and massage the skin of the heels for 15 minutes.

These are the procedures with which you will restore the skin on your feet in a very short time and prepare your legs for spring. However, it is advisable to consolidate the achieved result by adding more fruits and vegetables containing vitamins A and E to the diet, because in spring and summer this is so easy to do.

Salt foot scrub

3 tbsp. tablespoons of salt (fine)
3 tbsp. tablespoons of salt (large)
three-quarters cup of shower gel or liquid soap
5 drops of rosemary oil
Before scrubbing, steam your feet in a warm bath. Then mix salt of varying degrees of grinding with liquid soap, add essential oil and immediately rub while still warm with this product. Work well on the heels and the area at the base of the toes. Leftover scrub can be saved for the next day by covering the salt and soap with a tight lid.

In the evening, be sure to wash your feet with warm water and soap. After the legs are slightly steamed, you should treat them with a pumice stone or a hard washcloth. This will help remove dirt and dead cells. Then rinse your feet with cool water, pat dry with a towel and brush with a greasy, nourishing foot cream. The cream should be applied from the toes to the heel. Massage on the cream. This will help relieve fatigue and stress and leave your skin soft.

If your feet are buzzing after a busy day, then do contrasting foot baths... They will improve blood circulation and improve overall tone. Alternate the water several times. At the same time, keep your feet in hot water for 2 minutes, and in cold water - no more than 10 seconds. Finish with cold water. Then dry your feet thoroughly with a towel, not forgetting the areas between your toes. Lubricate with cream and put on cotton socks.

If you have cracked feet, in this case will help foot baths with starch or potato peels... In this case, the potato peelings should be well rinsed, add a handful of flaxseed to them and boil until the consistency of a thick gruel. Then cool slightly and place your feet in it for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water and brush with a greasy cream, rubbing in until it is completely absorbed. Since greasy creams may not be absorbed for a very long time, you can sit in the process or at a fashion show, it doesn't matter. The main thing is not to rush and wait until the cream is really absorbed. And only then put on cotton socks.

If you get calluses, then hot soap and soda foot baths will help. Take 2 teaspoons of baking soda per liter of water and soak in this solution for 30 minutes. Then, gently scrape off the corn with a pumice stone without touching it. After the bath, lubricate the corn with a special anti-corn liquid or apply a corn plaster.

Some women face a problem such as sweating feet... The activity of the sweat glands becomes excessive, and excessive sweating can lead to abrasions, making the skin an easy target for fungi and pathogens. Therefore, if you are faced with a similar problem, use special lotions or make hot baths with an infusion of oak bark, a decoction of chamomile or strong tea (duration 10-15) minutes.

An exfoliating foot mask is a cosmetic product designed to get rid of dry, chapped skin. Contains substances that take care of the feet, do not injure the dermis. Regular use will eliminate the risk of dry calluses and corns, cracked heels.

For the first time, the idea of ​​developing a product capable of exfoliating dead, rough skin from the feet came to Korean cosmetics manufacturers. Thanks to them, masks in the form of socks were born. This is an innovation with a double effect. To use it, you do not need to pre-steam or do a pedicure.

The heel mask has the following effects:

  • softening from the effects of active ingredients, the foot becomes smooth, tender;
  • treatment;
  • moisturizing;
  • removal of complex roughening;
  • acceleration of regenerative processes;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels, capillaries;
  • elimination of unpleasant smell of sweat.

The composition of the exfoliating foot mask:

  • fruit acid helps dead cells exfoliate without damaging healthy tissue;
  • plant extracts have emollient, nourishing, moisturizing effects, remove dryness.

There are varieties that contain cooling components that have a beneficial effect on varicose veins.

The mask looks like an ankle-length plastic sock. Inside there is a care composition in the form of a liquid.

Review of effective shop masks

Among the wide range of exfoliating foot masks, the most trusted by consumers are products of Asian origin: Chinese, Korean. European counterparts do not provide such a fast and powerful peeling.

Review of the best tools:

  • Skinlite. This product was one of the first on the market and is the undisputed leader. It removes roughness, nourishes the skin of the feet. The product is sold in one stretch size.
  • SoSu. This peeling mask is the development of Japanese cosmetologists. It causes exfoliation of the hardened layer. To achieve the effect, a course is required, after which the sole will begin to renew itself. The process will take up to 5 days.
  • Feet Mask 7 in The tool helps to get rid of, prevent fungal diseases. The coarse epidermis begins to recede the next day. An excellent way to perform an emergency exfoliation.
  • Bon Voyage by L'Etoile. One of the best analogues of European origin. The sock has a neutral odor. The product is designed to moisturize, nourish rough skin, exfoliate dead cells.

The choice of product depends on personal preference and financial capabilities.

According to consumers, an inexpensive cream from Avon called Foot Works with a lavender scent has a good regenerating effect. It can be used to reinforce, speed up the toes, leaving it on overnight.

Homemade Peeling Mask Recipes

If your foot is getting rough, you can use a homemade foot mask.

  1. Pour oatmeal into a bowl, add honey, vegetable oil. The ratio of ingredients is 2: 1: 1. Stir well to soften the oatmeal. Apply the mixture in quick strokes, patting lightly. Massage the hardened area thoroughly. Wrap your feet in plastic wrap and put on warm socks on top. The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes. When finished, apply the cream to the skin.
  2. Mix Hercules 100 g with table salt 1 tsp, kefir 1 tbsp. l. Leave the oat composition to swell. Apply the prepared mass to the sole under the film and leave for an hour. Removal should take place in warm water. The softened foot is treated with pumice stone, then with softening cream. Regular use prevents the skin from hardening and cracking.
  3. Warm water 5 ml, lemon in the form of juice 10 drops and aspirin in the amount of 10 tablets are mixed in a container to a state of gruel. Apply under cling film. Wash off after 15-20 minutes, moisturize with cream.
  4. If a crack appeared on the heel, the nail began to hurt, exfoliate and yellowness appeared, it is necessary to use a remedy for the fungus. This will require the following components: egg 2 pcs., Vinegar 1 tbsp. l., 2 tablespoons of vodka, vegetable oil 5 ml. Combine the ingredients to make a mushy paste. Place the mixture in a closed container, store in the refrigerator. Apply to a sore spot for 10-20 minutes.

A foot mask at home will give the desired effect with regular use, proper skin preparation. Before applying, it is necessary to do steaming with active ingredients: sea salt, hydrogen peroxide, starch, soda. They will help soften even old calcaneal corns.

If there are problems with the arteries and blood vessels of the legs, in order to strengthen them, relieve pain, swelling, tonic substances can be added to the water: pepper, garlic, mint, chamomile.

Components such as glycerin, lemon juice, mayonnaise, aloe, vitamin E have a moisturizing effect. Cosmetic paraffin can be used to speed up the process. A dense paraffin layer will create a greenhouse effect and will facilitate better penetration of nutrients deep into the skin.

Rules for the use of exfoliating masks

To restore smoothness to your legs, it is necessary to correctly apply exfoliating masks, following the recommendations of the manufacturers.

The instruction indicates that procedures should not be carried out if the heel has injuries, cuts, cracks. The main contraindication is a deep, bleeding fissure.

  1. Before starting the session, wash your feet with warm water to remove sweat and dirt.
  2. Open the package and lower the limb into it. Discomfort is possible, the gel inside is cold.
  3. Leave to act for 1-2 hours.
  4. After removing the skin, wash and dry.

If you feel cold during application, wear socks. From about 20 minutes, a burning sensation can be felt, which indicates the work of the composition.

The effect of the mask will come in a few days. At first, the skin may become harder, but after 4-5 days it will begin to flake off, dry growths will slowly go away and heal. To speed up the process, it is recommended to make daily baths, adding 3% hydrogen.

If you forget about pedicure and do not take care of your skin using a purchased or traditional peeling, soon the heel will become so coarse that no method will have a quick result. A peeling mask in the form of socks is one of the best, effective means for removing corns, calluses and other cosmetic defects. They are convenient and easy to use, and have an effect comparable to a professional pedicure. In addition to visible exfoliation, many varieties have a healing effect: they strengthen blood vessels, kill pathogenic microbes, prevent the development of fungal diseases, relieve swelling, fatigue and discomfort in the legs. Choose a remedy according to the problem and enjoy the beauty of the legs.