The baby wears. Acute surgical pathology. How many times can a chair

Diarrhea that occurs during breastfeeding in infants is an alarming symptom that signals disorders in the body. Before giving the baby medicines, you need to make sure that there is a pathological process, because the signs of diarrhea in children are similar to the usual liquefied stools. Today we will talk about the signs and causes of diarrhea in infants, it will be told how to identify the disease, and what to do to help the baby as soon as possible.

Features of the chair in infants

Folk remedies

If a breastfed baby has diarrhea, you can try folk remedies, but after consulting a doctor. Cowberry berries and leaves occupy a special place in the piggy bank of folk recipes. A handful of leaves is poured with a glass of boiling water, after which the composition must be insisted and, after cooling, give the baby a teaspoon every 60 minutes.

If cowberry berries are used, then they are kneaded to extract juice, then the resulting amount is diluted with water and the baby is also given 5 ml once an hour. A good effect is given by the pomegranate peel from diarrhea - it is dried, crushed in a mortar and poured with 250 ml of boiling water. Then they boil for a quarter of an hour and filter, before each feeding, the crumbs are given a teaspoon of the product to drink.

Mom's diet for diarrhea in a baby

During the treatment of diarrhea in a child, the mother should follow the principles of hypoallergenic nutrition - give up citrus fruits, cow and chicken protein, cereals with a lot of gluten, sweets and soda. You should not refuse breastfeeding, even if the doctor suggests that the baby's diarrhea is provoked by pathogenic flora in breast milk. This problem is easily eliminated by the introduction of bacteriophage preparations and probiotics.

Features of complementary foods for diarrhea

Babies shouldn't fast when they're sick, unlike adults who are advised by doctors not to eat during the first 24 hours of diarrhea onset. It is imperative to restore feeding - breastfeeding should be offered at every opportunity, even if the interval between applications is 20-30 minutes. In the intervals between breastfeeding, the baby is given a rehydration solution.

Artificers need complementary foods already 6 hours after the first dose of rehydrant, during the first day the mixture is diluted with boiled water 1:3 or 1:2, the usual diet is restored only after 48-72 hours. With a mild form of diarrhea in infants older than 6 months, the feeding regimen is not changed, rehydrators are not used - you can solder the baby with water and dried fruit compote.

Signs and treatment of dehydration in an infant during diarrhea

Dehydration with diarrhea in a child is a dangerous condition that requires immediate medical attention, it occurs when the fluid is washed out and its reserves in the body are not replenished enough. Dehydration can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  • darkening of urine and its excretion less than once every 6-8 hours;
  • signs of weight loss;
  • cyanosis of the skin, peeling, the appearance of dark circles around the eyes;
  • drowsiness, lethargy;
  • sinking fontanel.

When the water-salt metabolism is sharply disturbed in the child's body, there is a decrease in protective forces, irreversible changes are noted in the hematopoietic and nervous systems. It is necessary to independently solder the baby with a liquid to replenish water supplies and restore vitality. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • breastfeeding on first demand, if diarrhea is not caused by a food allergy to mother's milk and not by overfeeding;
  • soldering the child with saline solutions (listed above) and boiled water;
  • use granulated baby teas, rice water and clean water after each act of defecation - this will replenish the volume of liquid.

Remember! Signs of dehydration require immediate treatment, as the condition of infants with diarrhea rapidly becomes severe. Sometimes the account goes not for hours, but for minutes.

Diarrhea in a child is not a joke problem that requires timely diagnosis and proper treatment. Parents who know the differences between liquefied and pathological stools will be able to seek help from a doctor in time and provide first aid to the baby on their own. The development of diarrhea in newborns is dangerous - the disease causes dehydration and intoxication of the body, therefore, with symptoms of a violation of the water-electrolyte balance and an infectious intestinal process, hospitalization should not be delayed.

Diarrhea in the baby can be the result of various reasons. It is important to install and eliminate them. This is the "treatment" of diarrhea. It is impossible to leave this symptom without attention, especially in infants. For any complications and doubts, you should immediately consult a doctor.

If the baby has diarrhea, but the baby eats and sleeps well, is not naughty, has no fever and vomiting, you should not worry too much about this. In medicine, there is such a thing as "physiological diarrhea." This may be a reaction to a new product, teething, climate change, etc. Usually, such diarrhea in infants ends quickly, happens once and does not require special treatment, except for dietary restrictions.

How does diarrhea occur?

The intestines contain cells that produce mucus, which protects the intestinal wall from pathogens. When viruses and bacteria enter the body, they begin to destroy “defender” cells. Mucus is produced less and less, some parts of the intestine remain uncovered with a protective shell. Viruses release toxins, which in turn attack the intestinal wall. What does the body do in response to the “attack” of toxins? It begins to release a lot of fluid, as a result of which toxins are washed out. This is the defense mechanism of diarrhea.

Loose stools or diarrhea: how to distinguish

Loose stools in infants up to a year old are a variant of the norm, because the child receives predominantly liquid, milky food. What is called diarrhea in older children and adults is often characterized in infants as loose stools that do not require any intervention. What does breast diarrhea look like? It can be identified by a number of characteristic features:

  • the frequency of bowel movements increases significantly;
  • the stool becomes even more liquid, watery;
  • sudden release of bowel movements;
  • the smell is more pronounced, sour, sharp;
  • the color may be pronounced green or yellow;
  • streaks of blood, mucus, foam are found;
  • additional symptoms may appear: fever, vomiting, lethargy.

It is necessary to monitor the general condition of the baby. If he has poor sleep and appetite, colic, gaziki, capriciousness, fever, you should definitely consult a doctor.

The reasons

Some causes of diarrhea in an infant can be treated quickly at home with dietary modifications. Others, on the contrary, require a medical examination.

In rare cases, congenital bowel pathologies can be the cause of diarrhea. Acute surgical pathology includes such diseases: appendicitis, peritonitis (inflammation in the abdominal cavity), intussusception (intestinal obstruction). They are accompanied by acute pain in the abdomen, bloating, high fever, vomiting. The condition of the baby can be critical. It is imperative that you seek emergency medical attention.

How to treat diarrhea

What to do with diarrhea in the baby? There are several important principles in the treatment of diarrhea.

The smaller the child, the more closely monitoring of his condition should be. Acute and prolonged diarrhea in a child at 3 months and, say, at 3 years old can have different consequences. In infants, the process of dehydration and weight loss is much faster.

One way to judge whether a child is healthy in the first year of life is to evaluate his stool. Therefore, the mother of a nursing baby should know what a normal stool should look like in order to distinguish it from diarrhea in time and call a doctor for the crumbs.

What does it look like

The stool of a baby who is fed only breast milk can be very diverse in appearance. The reason for this is the immaturity of the baby's digestive tract, and the food consumed by the mother. In the first week of life, the baby's feces have a dark green color and a viscous consistency. This feces is called meconium and you should not worry when you see such bowel movements in a newborn.

The normal consistency of a baby's stool older than a week is mushy or creamy. The color of the feces can be either light yellow or with a hint of green. There may be lumps in the stool. All this is normal for a newborn. Since lactation has not yet been established, the baby may receive more foremilk liquid milk, which will make his stool greenish.

Normally, a breastfed baby can poop up to 10 times a day. And therefore, it can be difficult to distinguish diarrhea from the normal frequency of bowel movements. Parents may suspect diarrhea if the consistency of the baby's stool is watery, mucus or blood is present in the feces.

Blood in the stool - an immediate reason to see a doctor

Loose stools with blood occur with injuries to the wall of the intestinal mucosa

Diarrhea at the onset of intestinal disease in infants

Possible reasons

Liquefaction and an increase in the frequency of bowel movements of a breastfed baby occurs when:

  1. Mom's dietary disorders.
  2. Allergic reactions.
  3. Intestinal infections.
  4. Dysbacteriosis.

Intestinal infection is not uncommon for infants, since in young infants the protective function of the digestive system has not fully formed. Even those pathogens that will not cause illness in adults can cause a serious infection in the infant.

Loose stools that have a sour smell may indicate that the baby does not digest lactose well. Inflammation of the intestines, including allergic nature, can also lead to a lack of lactase production.

E. Komarovsky's opinion - what should mom eat?

A well-known doctor recalls that often the cause of diarrhea in infants fed with women's milk is the mother's malnutrition. This applies not only to products that have a laxative effect, but also to possible allergens. Komarovsky urges nursing mothers to experiment less with nutrition and limit as much as possible cocoa, citrus fruits, strawberries, coffee and other foods that can act as allergens.

According to the doctor, everything that a mother eats will certainly end up in her milk. That is why you should not eat foods that can worsen the smell or taste of milk.

As for diarrhea in babies, eating cabbage or legumes by the mother can make the crumbs' stools more liquid and frequent. When trying any product, the mother should monitor the baby, and if the baby does not have a rash and the stool has not changed, then you can increase the amount of the product in the diet.

When breastfeeding, the mother must follow a certain diet

What to do?

Parents who suspect a baby has diarrhea should immediately call a doctor or an ambulance to the child. The specialist will determine the causes of this condition and help to cope with it faster. Until the doctor arrives, parents must resist dehydration of the crumbs. Never stop breastfeeding your baby.

When is it necessary to call a doctor?

It is important to immediately call a doctor to the baby if:

  • The child poops too often.
  • There was blood in his watery stool. The presence of blood in the stool indicates an injury to the wall of the intestinal mucosa.
  • When defecating, the baby cries in pain and arches.
  • The baby's body temperature rose.
  • In addition to liquid stools, there was vomiting in the baby.

How to treat?

The baby should continue to be breastfed. It is important that the baby gets enough fluid, so you need to put the crumbs to the chest as often as possible. At the same time, a nursing mother should review her diet and exclude foods that have laxative properties from the diet.

Sometimes it makes sense to supplement the baby with special electrolyte solutions. Such solutions must be in the first-aid kit. If the baby refuses to drink these solutions from a bottle, give liquid from a spoon, pipette or syringe without a needle. It is necessary to give solutions in a small amount so as not to provoke vomiting. You should not give a baby with diarrhea only boiled water, as the baby loses not only liquid, but also salts. Add to 1 liter. boiled water 1 tsp. without a slide of salt and 5 tsp. sugar, because replenishing only the lost water can aggravate the salt deficiency.

You can give your baby liquid through a syringe without a needle if he refuses to drink from a bottle.

The baby can also be given absorbent agents (smecta, enterosgel and others) that will absorb toxins from the intestines. Antibiotics should not be given to the baby on their own - only a doctor should prescribe these drugs.

A normal stool in a baby changes depending on its age and nature of nutrition. So, the baby of the first 2-3 days of life leaves meconium - the original feces. This is a dense mass, similar to plasticine and having a characteristic dark green color. For a couple more days, the stool of a breastfed newborn normally turns yellow and becomes a liquid or mushy consistency, has a slightly sour smell. Also, an observant mother may notice white lumps in the child's feces - this is a variant of the norm, undigested milk. If the baby feels well, and there are not too many of these lumps, you should not worry.

Loose stools in newborns while breastfeeding are absolutely normal. What else can there be a chair if the baby receives exclusively liquid nutrition? The nature of the bowel movements will change only after the introduction of solid food, especially cereals.
Often, loose stools cause irritation in the anus of a child. If mom carefully monitors the baby’s hygiene and immediately changes a dirty diaper, then the allergen that got into the baby’s intestines along with mom’s milk is most likely to blame. You need to reconsider your diet and exclude from it foods that cause such a reaction in a child.

Diarrhea in infants and newborns caused by a lack of enzymes

It is usually expressed by frequent stools - up to 8-10 times a day. It becomes slimy, green, with an unpleasant odor. Blood streaks may also appear. This situation may be a symptom of the following pathologies:

  • lactase deficiency;
  • allergic reaction;
  • overeating.

The stool of a newborn depends on the nutrition of a nursing mother in the first month. If mommy eats a lot of fresh vegetables, especially cucumbers, the baby is more likely to have frequent stools. If a woman eats rice, then constipation can occur in newborns while breastfeeding. Of course, such reactions cannot be expected if a woman ate a very little product or dish, 100 grams. But if it was a kilogram of cucumbers per day, then this will definitely affect the baby's stool.

An allergic reaction in babies is most often observed in cow's milk protein. Thus, the child suffers, and if his mother consumes a lot of whole milk (more than 500 grams per day), and if he is supplemented with formula milk, or, worst of all, cow or goat milk. Animal milk is not good for human babies!

Lactase deficiency, a lack of the enzyme lactase in the intestines, is another reason why diarrhea (diarrhea) occurs in newborns while breastfeeding. It may be primary, but then the baby initially gains weight poorly and looks painful or secondary, for example, a consequence of an infectious disease. Often the child does not have lactase deficiency, but overfeeding, when the digestive system is simply unable to cope with the incoming amount of nutrition (breast milk). Usually these babies gain a lot of weight, but at the same time they often cry during feedings (the stomach hurts) and vilify. The treatment for this is very simple - feed less often. Perhaps - switch to a feeding schedule (one feeding every three hours).
If the problem is precisely in the lack of lactase, this can be confirmed by analyzing feces for carbohydrates (they will be above the norm), then the enzyme that needs to be given to the baby at the beginning of feeding, before the breast, will help.

There is a common belief that diarrhea in children happens “on the teeth”, since at the time of their cutting, immunity decreases. This opinion has no scientific justification. The only thing is that diarrhea can be due to the fact that children put their hands and various objects into their mouths, “scratch their gums”, and they can pick up some kind of microbe, which will cause them an intestinal upset.

What does diarrhea look like in a newborn and how does it differ from normal stool. Ordinary stools in babies often have a mushy texture and remain on the surface of the diaper for the most part. With diarrhea, it is completely absorbed in a disposable diaper. How to understand that a child has diarrhea while breastfeeding? The chair becomes frequent. More than 10-12 times a day. It can be seen that the child is suffering, his stomach hurts, and in case of infection, the temperature is also high, and there may be vomiting.

What to do if a newborn baby has diarrhea while breastfeeding, how to help him? If an intestinal infection is excluded, the child feels well and there is no risk of dehydration (the frequency of stools is no more than 7-8 times a day), it will be enough just to remove the cause of the disorder. Make meals less frequent, give lactase, remove the allergen from your diet, etc.
You can give "Linex" for children or a similar drug for prevention. It will not be worse.
Stay away from medications as much as possible.

What to give a newborn with diarrhea due to an intestinal infection

Intestinal infections are very dangerous in the first year of a child's life. They are more common in artificial children. That is why, including doctors, recommend breastfeeding children, especially in summer, when it is very easy for a child to catch an infection, who all the time pulls various objects and hands into his mouth.

In winter, intestinal disorders also occur. But more often not bacterial in nature, but viral. We are talking about the so-called rotavirus infection - a type of influenza that affects the intestines.

Treatment of bacterial and viral infections is different. With a virus, it is usually enough to water the child more often, in order to avoid dehydration, to give medicine for fever if necessary. With a bacterial infection, antibiotics are often indispensable.

How to correctly diagnose? Of course, see a doctor. Just to the pediatrician, it is not necessary to visit an infectious disease specialist. If there are no other symptoms of a viral infection, such as a runny nose or sore throat, the doctor will give a referral for a fecal analysis for a disgroup. Thus, dysentery, salmonellosis and other intestinal infections can be detected. If the baby's diarrhea is too frequent, he is weak, there are signs of dehydration, hospitalization in the infectious diseases department is mandatory.

If the doctor thinks that you can stay at home, or you have not yet visited a doctor, give your child rehydration solutions - replenish fluids in the body. You can purchase commercially produced powder that needs to be dissolved in water. There are special products for children, for example, Hydrovit. If it was not in pharmacies, make a similar solution yourself. To do this, take three teaspoons of sugar without a slide and half a teaspoon of salt. Dissolve them well in a liter of boiled water. The concentration is especially for young children, do not change it. You need to drink the child in very small portions. 1 tablespoon every 3-5-10 minutes. If you try to give more, you may vomit or have diarrhea again.
By the way, in his recommendations on how to treat diarrhea in newborns with hepatitis B, Dr. Komarovsky offers solutions for soldering.

Also, against diarrhea, it is usually advised to take Smecta. The recommended dosage for children of the first year of life is 1 sachet per day. It must be dissolved in a small amount of water and given to the baby to drink little by little throughout the day. This is in addition to solutions for rehydration.

Reasons why newborns have diarrhea during breastfeeding and preventive measures

To prevent the baby from catching an intestinal infection, you need to keep the house clean and monitor the child on the street if he is already walking on his own. At home, often carry out wet cleaning, wash children's toys, pacifiers. If the pacifier falls on the floor, do not lick it. This will not make it less dirty, because a person’s mouth also has a lot of microorganisms, including harmful ones.

Mom should remember that the source of salmonella (causative agents of salmonellosis) is most often meat and eggs, so they not only need to be carefully thermally processed before giving the child (meaning complementary foods), but also limited before that in contact with other products. If the infected egg comes into contact with the bread that the child will then receive for lunch, he too will probably become infected. If mommy touches raw chicken eggs, she should wash her hands thoroughly before touching dishes, a child, etc.
Often an intestinal infection lives in stagnant water (ponds, lakes), and therefore you should not bathe a small child in it, allow him to wet his hands (because then he will take them in his mouth).

The incubation period before the onset of symptoms of infection and the severity of the course of the disease depend on how many microorganisms have entered the child's body. From several hours to several days may pass before the onset of the disease.

All parents are very attentive to the health of their crumbs. Therefore, the occurrence of diarrhea in an infant can cause them to feel anxious. If there is nothing else besides this symptom, then you should not worry. But if there are other signs, such as, for example, an admixture of blood, a pungent odor in the stool, you should contact your pediatrician. This indicates the pathological processes occurring in the body of the baby. So, what does diarrhea look like in a baby? And how to understand that a newborn has diarrhea?

Diarrhea in infants during breastfeeding occurs as a result of imperfect work of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it can be provoked by any disease, whether it is a simple cold, bronchitis or flu. The main reasons may be:

  • diarrhea in a newborn during breastfeeding may occur due to lactose deficiency, when the child's body is not able to digest lactose, which is part of milk;
  • non-compliance with the rules for the introduction of complementary foods can provoke diarrhea;
  • may occur at elevated body temperature;
  • diarrhea in infants may be due to impaired metabolism with improper or incomplete absorption in the intestine;
  • with mixed feeding;
  • when teething;
  • when low-quality products enter the diet of the mother or crumbs;
  • diarrhea in infants can be triggered by E. coli;
  • lamblia can cause diarrhea in infants;
  • provocateurs of pathology can be side effects when taking antibiotics (dysbacteriosis) by mother or baby.

This is only a small part of the reasons why there may be a disorder in the gastrointestinal tract in infants.

Clinical signs

The clinical manifestation of this pathology depends on etiological factors. Most of the symptoms of diarrhea are an increase in the frequency of bowel movements in newborns.

How to distinguish diarrhea from normal stool? The liquid stool of a newborn is more of a norm than a pathology, and this is due to the fact that the baby receives only liquid food. This type of stool does not require medical treatment. With artificial feeding, the baby's stool has a denser consistency. Color and smell depend on the mixture used.

Often parents do not know how to identify diarrhea, because loose stools for babies are considered the norm. Before you can distinguish the norm from the pathology, it is necessary to accurately recognize deviations from the norm in the child. In a child with diarrhea, the following clinical picture is observed:

  • increased frequency of bowel movements;
  • to determine that diarrhea in a baby is helped by its consistency - it becomes watery, sometimes with inclusions;
  • the child will be disturbed by the tummy. This will be expressed in rumbling, pain, tension on palpation of the abdominal muscles;
  • change in color and smell of feces;
  • manifestation of a variety of symptoms characteristic of infectious and inflammatory processes.

In newborns with this pathology, there is nervousness, poor appetite, and sometimes the baby refuses to eat at all. The baby becomes more capricious. With diarrhea, the baby may show signs of dehydration. Such symptoms are characteristic of the advanced variant of the course of the disease. Or with a large loss of water, such as with rotavirus infection

Change in stool color

Green diarrhea in infants may appear as a result of several factors that are divided into normal and pathological. The first type includes:

  • If during feeding the newborn eats only foremilk. This is because foremilk is thinner and leaner. So, it will be absorbed faster, and the baby remains hungry. This type of diarrhea is called "hungry diarrhea".
  • Diarrhea of ​​dark green color will indicate a large amount of bilirubin. The green color of the stool can be the result of an improper diet in the mother, when the nursing mother includes a large amount of plant foods in her diet.
  • On artificial feeding, a change from yellow to green feces indicates an excess of iron in the milk mixture. Or such changes are the result of a sharp change in the mixture.

An artificial child should be fed with a mixture of one company. Uncontrolled change of finished products will lead to a disorder in the digestive tract.

  • Green tint to feces gives complementary foods. The baby begins to try all possible new dishes and foods that cause a change in the color of the feces. Normally, the baby has yellow feces. Only a pediatrician will tell you in more detail how to feed a child during this period.

What pathologies can cause diarrhea with a greenish color? The cause of diarrhea in an infant can be. In this case, the crumbs' stool will become liquid and acquire a greenish color. This is due to insufficient production of enzymes in the body of the baby, in this case, lactase. This enzyme helps break down the carbohydrates found in breast milk.

Pathologies causing diarrhea:

  • rotavirus infection;
  • accompanied by: diarrhea, colic, bloating, pain, skin rashes, irritation on the pope;
  • viruses;
  • allergy;
  • yellow stools.

Yellow diarrhea does not pose a great danger to the health of the child. In artificial children, such a chair is considered the norm and depends on the type of mixture. This color of diarrhea indicates the absence of infectious and pathological processes.

Mucus in stool

Diarrhea with mucus occurs as a result of:

  • enterocolitis;
  • gastroenteritis;
  • teething;
  • lactase deficiency;
  • allergies to cow's milk;
  • improper or early introduction of complementary foods to the child.

Blood in feces

Diarrhea with blood in the baby is a dangerous symptom. This indicates the presence of a serious infection and disease in the newborn. Such ailments include salmonellosis or dysentery. Harmful microflora affects the mucous walls of the intestines, thereby disrupting the normal activity of the intestines. In this case, the feces can be not only streaked with blood, but also interspersed with white mucus, green streaks, orange flakes. In this case, the temperature rises. This type of disease can cause dehydration in the baby.

Temperature with diarrhea

Diarrhea and fever in infants are caused by inflammatory and infectious processes. This condition occurs as a result of non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene by parents. Often, fever and diarrhea occur with rotavirus infection. In this case, you should not stop diarrhea in a baby on your own. Rotavirus infection is a rather insidious and sticky disease. It cannot be cured on its own.


What to do with diarrhea in the baby? Before starting therapy, it is necessary to determine the causes of loose stools. Treatment should be not only complex, but also aimed at eliminating the etiological factor. Only a specialist will tell you how to treat diarrhea. Dr. Komarovsky is sure that physiological liquid stool is not a pathology, and therefore does not require therapy. Treatment of diarrhea should begin with plenty of fluids, Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky is sure.

It is necessary to treat diarrhea in a newborn only under the supervision of specialists. A child under one year old is assigned:

  • Regulators. These include the following solutions: Oralit, Pedilight, Hydrovit and others. These drugs are suitable for combating diarrhea and dehydration. They give medicine not less than 100 ml of the drug per kilogram of crumbs weight. It is necessary to give the remedy after each bowel movement. You can prepare at home analogues of rehydrants. Three teaspoons of sugar and half a teaspoon of salt are added to one liter of water, mixed. The solution can also be given with vomiting.

For children, Regidron is not used. This is due to the fact that it contains a lot of sodium salts. They are considered dangerous for babies. If this solution is prescribed by a pediatrician, then it is diluted with water twice as much.

  • Sorbents. Most often, doctors prescribe Smecta, Polysorb.

Smecta for rotavirus infection is not used

  • Diet. With HS, the diet should be followed by a nursing mother. If the baby has already tried "food from a common boiler", then it is necessary to exclude all fruits, juices, raw vegetables, sour-milk products. Instead of a cookie, give a cracker, replace the fried meat with boiled meat or fish.

In no case should you stop therapy on your own. It is not enough just to stop diarrhea, you need to identify and treat the cause.

Folk remedies

Is it possible to treat a child with folk remedies? Such treatment is carried out only with the consent of a specialist. There are many tools that help in solving this problem. But, one must understand that traditional medicine should in no case replace medication. What remedies will help relieve diarrhea and irritation caused by it, diaper rash.

  • Lime decoction. Dry flowers are brewed in boiling water, insist. Then they give the baby. Diarrhea may pass in a day.
  • Aspen buds. 1 tablespoon of green aspen buds is brewed over low heat for half an hour. Then the broth is filtered and fed to the children three times a day for a teaspoon.
  • Mint decoction. Brewed in the same way. Give before feeding in the morning and in the evening.
  • Rice water. A decoction of round rice is boiled, drained and watered. Before that, it is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 3.
  • Rosehip decoction.

Can small children take potassium permanganate? There is no specific data that would prohibit this tool. The agent is dissolved in one liter of water no more than two crystals. Take before bed.

Tablets are not prescribed for small children under one year old.


Preventive methods are:

  • observance of hygiene not only for the baby, but also for both parents;
  • rational and balanced nutrition of the mother;
  • quality food;
  • timely detection and treatment of diseases;
  • strengthening immunity.

All this will make it possible to minimize the risk of diarrhea in infants.

Diarrhea is a rather unpleasant disease, especially if it occurs in babies. Do not self-medicate and try to stop it with the help of various drugs. Each of them has its own indications and contraindications that must be taken into account. Since the health of a small person is more important than the rapid effect of therapy.