New Year for the little ones. Game: What's in the bag? Musical scenario of the New Year's performance with fairy-tale characters

The kids keep growing. And very fast! Much faster than we'd like. A truly unstoppable process! Every parent tries to impress their little ones before they overtake them, and each does it differently. One of the popular ways is holidays. It is the aforementioned deep motivation that drives many parents who pay special attention to preparing for the celebrations. Of course, New Year's is one of them. In this article, we will discuss the nuances of preparing a holiday for children who have already turned or are about to turn seven years old, and look at the issue through the prism of their development. What new games can a 7-year-old child try? What music to choose? We will consider these questions in the article.

Scenario Options

At six and seven years old, children already differ significantly from their younger comrades. Many of them are experiencing a kind of crisis in connection with a change of scenery after entering school, and many begin to ask completely childish questions about the structure of the world around them. All this must be taken into account when preparing a script and detailing the new year for children aged 6-7. What you should pay attention to:
Complexity. Children of this age can be given more difficult tasks, because their thinking is much more developed compared to children of four or five years old;
Call. When choosing tasks, you can not be afraid to challenge children: even if the holiday is for children, the guys are already able to demonstrate their abilities to solve more difficult problems;
Relevance. In the era of the development of the Internet, many children by this age are already fully “hung” online. You can arouse their interest by using familiar images from children's youtube programs.
Holiday Games
When choosing new games for children of 7 years old, it is important to pay special attention to their relevance and originality. These parameters are always important, but especially for older children. In the digital age, the development of online services has led to the fact that almost every child from a very young age communicates on “you” with information technology. This must be taken into account, because the child can now immediately “google” the proposed rhyme and make sure that it is among the most frequent and boring options offered. The same applies to games. This forces parents to be more creative and, in general, improves the quality of the holiday.

A poem about the new year for a child 6 7 years old

In the case of poems, all the same rules that we outlined above apply: be original. The worst thing that can happen to a child who is preparing to tell Santa Claus his rhyme is if someone else tells the same verse in front of him! Whether it's a girl or a boy, the consequences can be catastrophic. Therefore, do not be too lazy to look for new poems for children 6 7 years old and then they will definitely go with a bang.
If you have been following our series of articles since the very beginning, you may have noticed how progressively the presence of modern technologies is increasing in them. Yes, the notorious online has begun to play a huge role in our lives and in the lives of our children. All we can do is adapt to the new order and try to give the guys as original, fresh and interesting New Year's party as possible, taking into account the changed world around. Fortunately, by the age of six, the preparation becomes more and more interesting, because the children can work with more and more interesting and complex plots and games, which significantly expands the arsenal of a scrupulous parent. However, this also increases the number of difficulties! That is why we recommend entrusting the organization of the holiday to professionals, such as

scenario of the New Year's holiday for children 6-7 years old Roles: Presenter

Snegurochka (girl from the training group)

Snow Baba

Father Frost

To the music, children run into the hall, stand around the Christmas tree.

Vedas: Wider circle, wider circle!

Hello our green friend!

Come on, tree, one, two, three -

Burn with the light of joy!

(The Christmas tree lights up, the children look at it)

Vedas: Come closer to the Christmas tree ...

Look up, up!

How beautiful and slim!

She came to you from the forest!

Come on, children, one by one

Around the Christmas tree bolder

And consider all the toys that flaunt on it!

(children walk around the Christmas tree to the music, look at toys)

1 reb: We have a happy holiday

Winter has brought

Green tree to us

Came to visit.

2 reb: Today on the Christmas tree

shiny outfit,

golden lights,

How the stars burn.

3 reb: We are you, elegant,

Let's take it to our circle

funny about you

Let's sing a song.

Song "Yolochka"

Vedas: Let's play with the Christmas tree.

Our Christmas tree is standing

The lights don't burn.

And the heels will stomp -

And the lights go out.

(stomp, the lights go out on the Christmas tree)

Our Christmas tree is standing

The lights don't burn.

Clap, clap, say:

"Our Christmas tree, burn!"

(clap, tree lights up)

Vedas: Hello, holiday tree!

Hello hello, New Year!

Near the Christmas tree today

Let's lead a round dance!

Round dance "Animals on the tree".

The children sit down, the lights on the Christmas tree go out.

Vedas: What is it? What happened?

Why did the Christmas tree lights go out?

Maybe someone doesn't want us to have fun?

Or maybe someone has prepared a surprise for us?

The Snow Maiden enters.

Snow: I'm walking through the forest,

I'm in a hurry to visit the children.

But why is there silence here

And am I alone at the tree?

I was going to the holiday.

Anyway, where have I been?

Vedas: Guys, who came to us?

(-Snow Maiden!)

Snow: Hello Guys!

You recognized me!

Vedas: The guys had a holiday here,

Someone was not happy about it.

You see, the Christmas tree was extinguished,

So that we don't have fun.

Snow: Grandpa gave me a magic handkerchief

And that's what he told me in secret:

“Snow Maiden, granddaughter, wave your handkerchief

And whatever you want, you revive it!

Christmas tree beauty,

Light up the fires

colored eyes

Take a look at guys!

(The Snow Maiden waves her handkerchief, the lights on the Christmas tree are lit)

Vedas: And now get up together in a round dance,

May everyone have fun New Year! site

"Round dance"

Vedas: To the clearing, to the meadow

Quietly the snow is falling.

It snowed for a long time, a lot of snow fell. And our guys were delighted: you can make a snowman! And they made a snowman. They invited her to a holiday in kindergarten.

(Snow Woman enters to the music, walks around the hall, shows herself to children)

sn. Baba: You are a snowman

Blinded to fame

For glory, for glory

For your own amusement.

(performs movements in the text):

Sweeping snow with a broom,

Snow woman is coming

Nose - lifts a carrot

And blows snowflakes.

I tried so hard that the snowflakes scattered everywhere. And even here it became cold. Are you afraid of the cold?

Children: No!

sn. Baba: And if the hands freeze?

Children: We clap! (clapping)

sn. Baba: And if the legs freeze?

Children: We'll stomp! (stomp)

sn. Baba: To keep us warm,

Come dance soon!

Dance "Befriended".

sn. Baba: Do you like to play?

Children: Yes!

sn. Baba: I brought snowballs for the holiday. Do you want to play?

Children: Yes!

Snowball game.

sn. Baba: You have fun, but I have to go.

And then I’ll melt, it’s hot here!

Happy New Year, kids!


Snow: And now, my friends,

I'll guess a riddle.

Who, who, who is

With a long white beard

Knows a lot of games and jokes

V New Year playing with children?

Children: Santa Claus!

Vedas: You need to call your grandfather

With us New Year meet.

Let's call "Santa Claus!"

Vedas: Santa Claus is not coming. Maybe he lost track? What to do? How to be? Let's help grandpa.

Let's make a snowstorm, it will sweep the forest paths from snow, and Santa Claus will come to us. Girls will do this: sh-sh-sh, and boys will do this: u-u-u! Well, all together! (do). Oh, how good it is!

(Santa Claus enters the hall)

D.M.: Congratulations to all the guests!

Congratulations to all children!

I was with you a year ago

I am glad to see you again.

They grew up, they became big.

And did you recognize me? (-Yes!)

Stand up guys

Hurry to the round dance.

Song, dance and fun

We will meet with you New Year!

Round dance "Knock-knock-knock".

D.M.: Children, are you afraid of frost? (-Not!)

Now I'll check it out!

Freeze game.

Snow: Santa Claus walked for a long time,

Farther road.

Sit by our Christmas tree

Get some rest!

D.M .: You sang songs, danced,

But they didn't read poetry.

I want to see now

Who is braver here.

Children read poetry.

Snow: Grandpa, listen, the children will sing a song for you.

Song Santa Claus.

D.M.: Well done, guys!

Now listen to my riddle:

Bright red cap

Moved famously on the barrel.

He's a fun toy

And his name is ... (-Petrushka!)

I don't understand where Petrushki is!

Come out to dance

Entertain kids!

Dance of Petrushka.

D.M.: There are many different entertainments in winter. Let's show what you can do in winter (children stand in a circle).

It's winter, it's cold outside.

You can freeze your nose. (rubs nose with hands)

We are not afraid of frost

And we are not angry at the winter

If it's cold to walk

Let's dance merrily. (jumping, clapping)

We will warm the arms, legs,

This is where we get warmer.

On the way there is a high snowdrift, (they walk, lifting high

Raise your legs! legs)

Here the path ends

The snow is deep - beware!

We will put on skis with you, (they are skiing)

Skis are indispensable here!

D.M.: I think I hear -

The bells are ringing!

Ride on sleds

They are called boys!


DM: Wow, I'm tired. I'm hot!

Now I'm growing!

Snow: My snowflakes,

Bring on the cool!

"Dance of the Snowflakes"

Vedas: Children! Did Santa Claus play snowballs?

All: Played!

Vedas: Did you dance near the Christmas tree?

All: Dance!

Vedas: Did he sing songs, did he make children laugh?

All: Laugh!

Vedas: What else did he forget?

All: Gifts!

D.M.: Yes! Now!

I carried them, I remember ...

Where the bag is, I don’t know!

Or put it under the tree? (looks under the tree)

No, I don't remember, I forgot...

Vedas: Grandpa, how is it? Children are waiting for gifts!

D.M .: I have a magic lump,

And he has great power.

Where are the gifts - he will indicate

And show them the way.

(takes out a big lump)

Here it is, my magic ball!

(Santa Claus rolls a lump past the children, around the Christmas tree, rolls up to a snowdrift where gifts are hidden)

D.M.: Found, found, here they are, gifts!

(D.M. distributes gifts to children)

D.M.: That's all! And it's time for us!

Be happy guys!

To you for a holiday in a year

Santa Claus is coming again!

Snow: Bye!

(D.M. and the Snow Maiden leave)

New Year's is so funny
Santa Claus is the main one at the Christmas tree,
He amuses the kids
Starts the game again
Builds us all into a round dance,
This is how we welcome the New Year!

We are celebrating the New Year
We decorate the tree.
Dressed up with lights
Every needle!

We wrote a letter
Grandfather Frost.
We celebrate the New Year
Friendly and serious!

Let him bring gifts to us
Sweets, toys.
New Year for all children
The holiday is the best!

In soft boots goes
On the planet New Year,
Scattered snow everywhere
Joy, happiness and success!

May this New Year
Runs into the distance, does not get tired
And gives gifts
For those who are waiting for a miracle!

If you laugh on New Year's Eve,
have fun, smile,
Sing and dance a lot
Congratulations to everyone in the world
Then, then the whole New Year
It will be very happy!

Santa Claus rides on a sled
He brings gifts to everyone.
The holiday is already knocking on the house
The best - New Year!

Around the Christmas tree is elegant
We will spin a round dance.
Beads, balls, garlands...
We are waiting for you, New Year!

I couldn't sleep for two nights -
Waiting for Santa Claus
He taught his rhyme short,
Playing next to the tree...

the holiday broke out overnight,
Fireworks in the sky...
New Year! fun, happiness,
Joy, miracle, songs, laughter!

Round dances, dancing, singing,
Santa Claus is with us
Forgive me for the impatience -
Did you bring me a present?

What a nice holiday
merry dance,
Ah, Santa Claus, a prankster,
Waiting for something again...

That - a song, then - a dance,
About the Christmas tree - a poem
Doesn't open at all
Bigger bag...

I love winter for sleds,
For snowflakes and ice
I also love the holiday
The best - New Year!

In the New Year comes a fairy tale
Santa Claus comes too
All the guys are dancing in masks,
They are not similar to each other.

Near the Christmas tree round dance
They drive together.
If the New Year is coming soon
There is no need to be sad!

Happy New Year,
I wish everyone joy
Believe you all in miracles
I wish you all well!

Hello Dedushka Moroz,
Are you cold by any chance?
Maybe turn on the stove
Pour hot tea?

Or maybe you're tired
While looking for a way here?
Lie down, get some rest
From the hard way!

Snowflakes melt on your hands.
The New Year is knocking on the door.
Everyone congratulates each other
With this good, bright day.

May wishes come true
Dreams will come true!
On this holiday, be sure
You will believe in miracles!

The snow is spinning white-white,
Miracles are coming.
The New Year is knocking on the door.
Waiting for it with eyes closed...

In these good moments
Everyone thinks about
To joy and fun
We looked into every house!

To the fabulous wizard
Brought gifts to everyone
Come soon
Good Santa Claus!

Here comes the New Year
Santa Claus came to visit,
He smiled mischievously
Touched our Christmas tree
Flashed, suddenly, a garland,
The tree has become so elegant!

We are ready to start:
Let's celebrate the New Year
Let's sing and dance
Give gifts to everyone
Let's have fun together
Near the Christmas tree - spin!

What is New Year?
E. Mikhailova

What is New Year?
It's all the other way around:
Trees grow in the room
Squirrels do not gnaw cones,
Hares next to the wolf
On a thorny tree!
The rain is also not easy,
In the New Year it is golden,
Shine that there is urine,
Nobody gets wet
Even Santa Claus
Doesn't pinch anyone's nose.

New Year

Soon, soon the New Year!
He's in a hurry, he's coming!
Knock on our doors:
Children, hello, I'm with you!

We celebrate the holiday
We decorate the Christmas tree
We hang toys
Balls, crackers…

Santa Claus is coming soon!
Will bring us gifts -
Apples, sweets...
Santa Claus, where are you?

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, Happy New Year!
With a Christmas tree, with a song, with a round dance!
With new toys!
With beads, crackers!
We congratulate all the guys
We wish all children
For the crackers to clap
For feet to stomp
To crack nuts
Under dense trees.

New Year's Eve

They say: on New Year's Eve
Whatever you wish -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true.

Maybe even the guys
All wishes come true
All you need, they say
Put in the effort.

Don't be lazy, don't yawn
And have patience
And learning does not count
For your pain.

They say: on New Year's Eve
Whatever you wish -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true.

How can we not guess
humble desire -
Perform "excellent"
School assignments.

So that the students
Began to work
To deuce in diaries
Couldn't get through!

First snow

The first snow fell in the morning
White and cold
So it will come to us soon
New Year's holiday.
lights on our tree
They sparkle brightly!
And cheerful Santa Claus
Bring gifts.

About New Year

I've been waiting for the new year for a long time
On snowflakes blew through the window
Growing tree in the yard
Snow sprinkled needles.

If Santa Claus knocks,
Elkin's nose will not freeze.

When is the New Year?

Mom, is it New Year's Eve?
Autumn is here, son, it will pass,
Snowflakes will fly there
Children will start dressing
In fur coats, hats and then
Coloring book winter
She will come to us, and with her
The cold will come, the blizzard
That's when the New Year.
Santa Claus will come.
We will decorate the Christmas tree
We will invite the children to visit.
How long will it take to wait?
You lie down, son, sleep.
Time will pass quickly
Look, tomorrow is the New Year.


In the New Year under a bright Christmas tree
I found my present.
In an old shoebox
Sleeping golden kitten.

Spout with a button, ponytail with a brush,
Paws in white shoes
And get it, get it!
And side stripes.

I'll take him to bed.
Quietly sing a song.
So that he sleeps sweetly - sweetly
I'll tell you a bedtime story!

New Year

Ice sparkles on the river
The snow swirls softly.
Glorious New Year's holiday,
Because it's snowy!

Santa Claus will wave his hand -
We will drink loudly.
Glorious New Year's holiday,
Because it's loud!

There is a huge cake on the table
Gingerbread, chocolate.
Glorious New Year's holiday,
Because sweet!

Round dance around the Christmas tree,
Lights on branches...
Happy New Year's Eve!
Too bad it rarely happens.

Soon, soon New Year

Soon, soon the New Year!
The holiday awaits the forest people.
Even the gray wolf
He loves this holiday very much.

And Kuma Fox is not averse
Run a round dance all night long.
Dancing at a smart Christmas tree.
Fluffy tail waving.

And squirrels are busy in the hollow.
They carry cups and plates.
The pie is ready. Hooray!!!
The kids are having fun.

Hares decorate mink,
Hang balls on the tree.
Come on, Christmas tree, burn,
And do not go out until dawn!!!


Winter is hurrying, bustling,
wrapped in snow
All bumps and stumps
Benches and stacks.

Gauntlets turn white
On the branches of birches
So that they don't catch a cold
To withstand the cold.

Winter told the oak
Put on fluffy fur
I put on a fur coat on a spruce,
Warmly covered everyone.

Long and reliable
Ice stuck in the river.
You can walk along the river
Come to us, New Year!


Children go to bed early
On the last day of December
And wake up a year older
On the first day of the calendar.

The year begins in silence
Unfamiliar from past winters:
Noise behind the double frame
We can barely catch it.

But the guys are calling out
Winter day through the ice glass -
In a refreshing cold
From cozy warmth.

With a kind word we will remember
Years of old care,
Starting early in the morning
New day and new year!


Spinning lightly and clumsily,
The snowflake sat on the glass.
It was snowing thick and white at night -
The room is light from the snow.
A little powdery fluff flying,
And the winter sun rises.
Like every day - fuller and better,
Fuller and better New Year ...


Everything is new today
garden bench,
new cat,
New janitor at the gate.
White moss on the Christmas tree -
New, brand new!
The bullfinch sat on a knot -
Well, quite a newbie!
Isn't it new
Path through the yard?
I will run along it to the gate,
I will give people the news.
- Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
With new happiness! I say.

New Year's Eve

They say: on New Year's Eve
Whatever you wish -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true.

Maybe even the guys
All wishes come true
All you need, they say
Put in the effort.

Don't be lazy, don't yawn
And have patience
And learning does not count
For your pain.

They say: on New Year's Eve
Whatever you wish -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true.

How can we not guess
humble desire -
On "excellent" to perform
School assignments.

So that the students
Began to work
To deuce in diaries
Couldn't get through!

New Year's

Arrows are ticking softly
Don't rush to move forward
And that's why it's been so long
The New Year is not coming.

I'm in a musketeer costume
Near the Christmas tree, as in a dream ...
I was told - very soon
Santa Claus will come to me.

I ask adults to answer
For one simple question -
Will visit us today
The real Santa Claus?

Real! dad jokes,
Real! - jokes grandfather.
Should I laugh or cry
Ile believe in their answer ...

The bell rang in the hallway -
Here he is - Santa Claus!
Soft, warm hand
Grabbed my nose...

How to trust these adults?
I did not understand at all -
Will Frost have
Warm palms?


In December, in December
All trees are in silver.

Our river, as if in a fairy tale,
Frost paved the night
Updated skates, sleds,
I brought a Christmas tree from the forest.
The tree cried at first
From home warmth.
Stop crying in the morning
She breathed, she came alive.
Her needles tremble a little,
The branches were on fire.
Like a ladder, a Christmas tree
The fires fly up.
Flappers glitter with gold.
I lit a star with silver
Run to the top
The bravest bastard.

A year has passed like yesterday.
Over Moscow at this hour
The clock of the Kremlin tower strikes
Your salute - twelve times.

New Year

Frequent forest,
Blizzard field
The winter holiday is upon us.
So let's say together:
Smells like fresh tar again
We gathered at the tree
Our tree is dressed up
The lights on her lit up.
Games, jokes, songs, dances!
There are masks here and there...
You are a bear and I am a fox.
What miracles!
Let's dance together
Hello, hello New Year!

Where does the New Year come from?

New Year flies from the sky?
Or coming from the forest?
Or from a snowdrift
Is the new year coming to us?

He probably lived as a snowflake
On some star
Or hiding behind a feather
Frost has a beard?

He went to sleep in the fridge
Or to a squirrel in the hollow ...
Or an old alarm clock
Did he get under the glass?

But there is always a miracle
The clock strikes twelve...
And no one knows where
The New Year is coming to us!

What is New Year?
This is a friendly dance
This is the laughter of funny guys
Near all the elegant Christmas trees.

What is New Year?
Everyone knows in advance;
These are pipes and violins,
Jokes, songs and smiles.

The one who wants to be cheerful
Would this New Year
Let today be with us
Singing a loud song!

Christmas ball

Lily of the valley blooms in May
Astra blooms in autumn.
And in winter I bloom
I am at the tree every year.
Been on the shelf for a whole year.
Everyone forgot about me.
Now I'm hanging on the tree
Slowly calling.
The whole tree to the top
Decorate toys!
Get up in the dance!
Meet the New Year!

Christmas tree

Would be at the Christmas tree
She would run
Along the track.

She would dance
Together with us,
She would knock

Would spin on the Christmas tree
Toys -
colorful lanterns,

Would spin on the Christmas tree
From crimson, from silver

Would laugh at the Christmas tree
And they would clap for joy
In the palms

At the gate
New Year!
new, new,
With a golden beard!

The girls stood in a circle
They got up and shut up.
Santa Claus lit the fires
On a tall tree.
Above the star
Beads in two rows.
Let the tree not go out.
May it always burn.

Christmas tree

Well, the tree, just a miracle,
How elegant, how beautiful.
The branches gently rustle
Beads shine bright
And the toys swing
Flags, stars, crackers.
Here the fires were lit on her,
How many tiny lights!
And, decorating the top,
There it shines, as always,
Very bright, big
Five-winged star.


Falling snowflakes
On New Year's holiday.
Full basket
I'll pick it up today.

I will cover the Christmas tree
Soft snow blanket
Will sleep in winter
Wait for summer.

Santa Claus is tired
Apparently he didn't notice.
Lots of things to do in winter
He is in the light.

The girls stood in a circle
They got up and shut up.
Santa Claus lit the fires
On a tall tree.
Above the star
Beads in two rows.
Let the tree not go out.
May it always burn.

new year incident

Simple toys through the crack
Once we saw a tree
"Let's decorate the tree!
Let's climb the branches and sit down!"
Toys climbed onto the Christmas tree.
The monkey is already at the top.
Under Mishka, a branch bent.
Under the Bunny swayed a little.
Chickens hang like lanterns
Matryoshka dolls are like colorful balls...
"Hey, Christmas decorations,
Snow Maiden, stars, firecrackers,
Glasses twisted, cast,
Silver, gold!
While you were gathering dust on the shelf
We all found ourselves on the tree!
Now let's make the kids happy!
Oh, fathers! We're falling! We're falling!"

New Year's lullaby

Sleep, baby, you're tired
Helped us all day
Decorate the entire apartment
Decorate our tree.

You forgot about toys
Served balls, crackers,
Even dad standing on his shoulders,
Lit candles on the tree
And sparklers
(How funny they burn).

Tinsel decorated the branches,
He put two candies down.
Santa Claus will come with his granddaughter
And bring gifts.
We don't see him though.
Treating, we will not offend.

Putting cotton wool under the Christmas tree,
Helped to cut salads,
It seemed to succeed everywhere:
He carried both forks and utensils.

Helped as much as he could
Glorious you grow, son!
He put his chair to the table,
Sat down and immediately fell asleep.

Sleep, son, in your bed,
The blizzards sing along to me.
New Year comes to the house
And the baby is sleeping sweetly.

The animals met the New Year
Zakhoder Boris

The animals celebrated the New Year.
The animals led a round dance.
Around the green Christmas tree.
Danced and Mole, and Hippo,
And even - evil Wolves!

Started dancing and Porcupine -
prickly needles,
And all - tremble,
And all - squeal
And that's it - run away from the Christmas tree!
Look: Oh - at least he's good! -
And he trembles with fear!
- But you won't get me! -
She said Che-re-pa-ha!
- We will dance with a gray step,
But we'll probably beat everyone!

December 31st
We are waiting for one all evening:
When will the tree come to our house?
Opposite the window flashed -
The tree has been taken down!
A light came on in another window -
There grandfather climbed on a stool
And attached a star to the crown,
And he distributed crackers to his grandchildren!
It's already New Year's Eve!
What if the tree doesn't come to us?
Hooray! Call!
Together with my sister, we jump at the door.
First, the tree enters the house,
And dad - after her!

New Year's round dance
If the piano tries
If we like the motive,
If we are dancing,
So we will all be friends.
Hares dance with bears.
Tigers and lions - with monkeys,
Dancing rams with a scarecrow,
A cat under the arm with a poodle.
Elephant in a striped scarf
Dancing as if in Africa.
Spinning with the robot
Cheerfully waving his trunk.
Here comes the chicken.
Chicken is just smart
Treats everyone with gingerbread
And congratulations on the holiday.
In December
White, white in December, in December
Christmas trees, Christmas trees in the yard, in the yard.

Slippery, slippery in December, in December
Hills, hills in the yard, in the yard
Spinning and spinning and singing and singing
Festive, festive round dance, round dance!
Voiced, voiced in December, in December,
Songs, songs in the yard, in the yard.
Spinning and spinning and singing and singing
Festive, festive round dance, round dance!

Christmas ball
Valentin Berestov

Lily of the valley blooms in May
Astra blooms in autumn
And in winter I bloom
I am at the tree every year.
It lay on the shelf all day.
Everyone forgot about me.
Now I'm hanging on the tree
Slowly calling.
The whole tree to the top
Decorate toys!
Get up in the dance!
Meet the New Year!

Where does the new year come from?
Usachev Andrey

New Year flies from the sky?
Or coming from the forest?
Or from a snowdrift
Is the new year coming to us?

He probably lived as a snowflake
On some star
Or hiding behind a feather
Frost has a beard?

He went to sleep in the fridge
Or to a squirrel in the hollow ...
Or an old alarm clock
Did he get under the glass?

But there is always a miracle
The clock strikes twelve...
And no one knows where
The New Year is coming to us!

New Year

What is New Year?
This is a friendly round dance,
These are pipes and violins,
Jokes, songs and smiles -
That's what it means
That's what New Year means!

What is New Year?
New Year - frost and ice!
And in the dancing snowflakes
Invisible springs -
That's what it means
That's what New Year means!

fifteen minutes to twelve

Fifteen minutes to twelve
But I won't go to sleep now.
After all, today is a bright holiday
We will meet with the whole family.

From distant Lapland
Santa Claus came to us.
Today he is carrying gifts
He brought it to us with the guys.

Here crackers are naughty
And sparklers.
Fancy dresses,
Multicolored balls.

Around the Christmas tree is elegant
Let's have fun playing
And at the table at twelve exactly
Let's sit down to celebrate the New Year.

New Years is soon

Soon, soon the New Year!
He's in a hurry, he's coming!
Knock on our doors:
Children, hello, I'm with you!
We celebrate the holiday
We decorate the Christmas tree
We hang toys
Balls, crackers...
Santa Claus is coming soon
Will bring us gifts -
Apples, candy...
Santa Claus, where are you?!

bear dream

Sympathizes with the bear
Forest people in winter.
Never clubfoot
Didn't celebrate New Years.
Him a barrel of honey
Left Santa Claus
And he snores in a den,
Covering your nose with your hand.
But who will congratulate him?
You won't meet a daredevil.
Wake up the couch potato
What if the sides will wrinkle?

"It happens in the world..."
Tokmakova Irina

It happens in the world
That only once a year
They light up the tree
A wonderful star.
The star burns, does not melt,
Shines beautiful ice.
And immediately comes
Happy New Year!

Old year

Everyone is waiting, of course, for the New Year,
And I - sorry Old.
After all, he will completely leave us!
I even felt sad.
And I'm already used to it
I became friends with him for a year.
I became friends with him because
That learned to swim
What the sea saw for the first time
And that a little sister was born.
I really felt sad
That the year is leaving Old.

On shaggy prickly paws...
Y. Shcherbakov

On furry prickly paws
The Christmas tree brings the smell to the house:
The smell of warm pine needles
The smell of freshness and wind
And the snowy forest
And a slight smell of summer.

What a holiday - New Year!

What a wonderful New Year's Eve!
He brings us joy, and songs!
And children lead a cheerful round dance on New Year's Eve,
New Year, New Year, New Year.

Distributes New Year's gifts to everyone,
He will light our Christmas tree brightly.
A clean, peaceful sky will give us the New Year,

Sorrow and sadness will fly away somewhere ...
And let the guys always laugh
Let the New Year quietly sing this song,
New year, new year, new year.

New Year walks around the planet
Adults and children love it.
Will come back in a year
Happy New Year to us
New year, new year, new year.

New Year's Eve
V. Shumilin

On New Year's Eve, like in a fairy tale,
Full of wonders.
The tree hurries to the train,
Leaving the winter forest.
And the stars shine bright
And they dance.
Under New, New Year!

Laughs like snowflakes
They fly all night, they fly.
And songs everywhere
They sound funny.
The wind whistles
Snowstorm sings
New Year's Eve New Year's Eve
Under New, New Year!

New Year's rhyme
M. Galtsova

Summer is over, flowers are blooming.
Autumn has passed, the leaves have fallen.
The time for snow and ice is coming.
It will be cold - in short - winter.
Soon everything will be covered with snow.
It will be beautiful, and it will beckon everyone into the forest.
Snowflakes will shine in the sun
And big snowdrifts lie under the tree.
Everyone will play snowballs, have fun,
Sing songs and play with friends.
And then the magic time will come
Wonderful fairy tales, gifts and warmth.
All the Christmas trees in the houses will be decorated,
Hang toys, light candles.
There will be many flags on the street,
Bright garlands and colored lights.
People flock to the shops
And bags with gifts will bring home.
Everyone is fussing, worrying, waiting,
When will the chimes strike twelve.
When the long-awaited moment comes,
To forget all together could
Problems, worries, misfortunes.
To forget a bunch of adversities,
Became happy
After all, the New Year is coming.
With big steps your house will come
And bring great happiness to everyone.
Everyone should congratulate each other,
Wish each other happiness and love.
Well, I wish you that Santa Claus
I brought you a huge bag as a gift,
Joy and laughter, fun, success,
Health and a lot of what you dreamed of
Wishing and waiting.
Your sadness, your longing
Put it in a bag for him.
Let him take it all
And take it with you to the forest.

New Year
I. Usovich

Here comes the New Year
It's a hassle-free holiday.
The year that comes to us
It will give us only happiness.
Away with nightmares and bad weather!
Have fun, people!
What a holiday in the yard
Coming in December?
At this time, we are all happy
Babies are waiting for gifts.
For the sake of a few minutes, the family gathers:
Mothers, grandmothers, relatives
And escorted with a smile
All things of the past.
From Christmas lights
Everything appeared in the best light,
Because it's New Year's on the planet!
And holding glasses in hand
With counting the hours of blows,
Everyone screams with joy
Except for small preschoolers.
Those have long been in bed
Because next week
They will be sent back to the garden,
For now, grapes
Cake, lemons, oranges,
Plums, pears, tangerines.
And ate secretly
The child sleeps sweetly.

New Year's carnival
Yuri Kushak

Put on your mask soon!
Run into a fairy tale!
In our fairy tale, in our fairy tale
In the middle of a merry dance
Painted, magical snow
Falls on everyone!
Dancing hedgehog near the Christmas tree
In the serpentine all the needles.
- Ay yes hedgehog, ah yes hedgehog:
Who do you look like?
"To whom" yes "to whom" -
On yourself on yourself!
- What is there to ask
To no avail: I am a dancing Christmas tree!
Dancing in a fairy tale Santa Claus,
Like a sailor on deck.
Maybe he was a captain?
And walked the oceans?
And fourteen guys
Took on board his frigate?
... The waves howl like wolves,
Black eyes are not taken from the tree.
The bell rang in the darkness
On a pirate ship.
But crackers hit
Like little guns
And pirates are like frogs
Dumped into the ocean!
The hedgehog got out of the tub,
Rub the needles on the crown,
And laughs at the hedgehog
New Year's Captain!
Put on your mask soon!
Run into a fairy tale!
In our fairy tale In our fairy tale
In the middle of a merry dance
Painted, magical snow
Falls on everyone!

New Year
N. Naydenova

Smells like fresh tar again
We gathered at the tree
Our tree is dressed up
The lights on her lit up.
Games, jokes, songs, dances!
There are masks here and there...
You are a bear. And I am a fox.
What miracles!
Let's dance together
Hello, hello New Year!

Winter before the holidays...
T. Volgina

Winter before the holiday
For the green tree
Dress white herself
Sewn without a needle.
Shake off the white snow
Christmas tree with a bow
And is the most beautiful of all
In a green dress.
Green color suits her
Elka knows this.
How well she is dressed for the New Year!

New Year's Eve
Sergei Mikhalkov

They say: on New Year's Eve
Whatever you wish -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true.

Maybe even the guys
All wishes come true
All you need, they say
Put in the effort.

Don't be lazy, don't yawn
And have patience
And learning does not count
For your pain.

They say: on New Year's Eve
Whatever you wish -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true.

How can we not guess
humble desire -
Perform "excellent"
School assignments.

So that the students
Began to work
To deuce in diaries
Couldn't get through!

I celebrate the New Year
Tatyana Bokova

Dad is decorating the tree.
He said that all children
This night allows
Don't go to bed at all.
Once a year this is possible
Only once, on New Year's Eve.
But imagine, as if on purpose,
As luck would have it, the mouth yawns.
I take care of my apartment.
I'm waiting for an answer to the question:
"Like gifts in this world
Does Santa Claus bring us?
How will he get to the Yolka?
Where is his magical way?"
I will fight with myself
To wait, do not fall asleep!

L. Zelenevskaya

Christmas tree toys
We did it ourselves:
And Santa Claus
Big mustache
And little Snow Maiden
In a rich coat ...
And it's all in secret
From younger brother.
He is in the next room.
On a soft bed
lay down comfortably
And sleep sweetly.
And we are slowly
gathered today
Him to cook
New Year's Surprise!
What is not there
On our Christmas tree!
Here is a funny clown
Dancing with pigs.
Here comes the golden rain
Flowing through the branches.
Here is a fluffy bunny,
And next to it is the firebird...
It remains to hang
On a twig
Just a little red ball
And the tree has been removed.
Suddenly the voice of a brother
From the room we hear:
- A little red ball
Hang it up!

Alla Stroylo

Santa Claus is a cheerful grandfather,
He is dressed to the brim.
He is a very brave artist
He paints with white paint
White, white, white light:
Blue ski trail
Ice turns black on the river
The blue evening is coming.
In our windows - yellow light,
Coniferous forest sends us greetings.
Spruce green slender,
She came to the school hall
And with her it's so long
Candy mandarin,
Such an unusual
strawberry ice cream,
liver pie,
Skating, snow,
The most excellent word
KA! - NO! - KU! - LY!

Tatyana Shatskikh

Christmas tree, Christmas tree dressed up!
Stars, stars attached!
Flashlights - flashlights,
Beads and balloons!
And under the tree - Santa Claus!
I have a question for him:

I was good
I ate porridge, slept during the day.
I for terrible torment
Will he give cookies
Chupa Chups, Rastishka,
Teddy bear?
And I also need
With bright embroidery pants,
Like Mashka Antonyuk,
And a real iron
To iron dresses for dolls,
And lipstick - lipstick mouth,
Own room in the apartment
Peace and friendship throughout the world...

But the glass grandfather is silent,
So no...

Masha, that one, in a crispy veil
Says you're real
Gave her brushes, paints ...
So, children, believe in fairy tales.

Flashlights - flashlights,
Beads and balls...

And the toys are frolicking on the Christmas tree ...
Irina Aseeva

And toys frolic on the Christmas tree:
Horses, gnomes, cones, balls,
Somewhere crackers hid in the branches,
And the rains of tinsel sparkle.

Winter wind, cold prankster,
Snowflakes cling to our windows -
He also wants, probably, for the holiday -
But no one calls him to the house.

... Weeks will rush like a bright fairy tale
Under the rays of Christmas stars
And he will leave, dissolving in a blizzard,
Kind grandfather - old Frost.

New Year is coming
And that's great.
Santa Claus will bring me
A gift is a must!

Because on New Year's
Miracles happen -
For obedient children
Wishes come true!

Christmas tree is beautiful
Balls on it...
We will become happier
Better and kinder.

Because joyful
The holiday is coming.
There will be many sweets
This New Year!

A white snowflake sat on her palm,
I wanted to look at her a little,
And then the desire to immediately make a wish.
I know that everything will come true if you wait.

But at the same time, you must not forget
Santa Claus quickly inform:
Take a piece of paper, write everything there
And to my beloved mother, where she lies, to say.

We are home today dad
He brought a Christmas tree from the forest,
We hung out the toys
New Year is about to come
We'll be waiting a long time today
And let no one fall asleep
We want to know who is under the tree
He will bring us gifts.

The clock goes: tick-tock,
This is a very important sign:
So it's New Year's Eve
Don't slow down the shooter.

We celebrate the main holiday,
Fireworks let glorious,
We lead a glorious round dance,
Hello glorious New Year!

Cut out snowflakes
And decorate the Christmas tree
Let's get all the toys
Garlands and crackers.

The clock strikes 12
And a miracle will happen.
Dreams will come true
The New Year is upon us!

Santa Claus is not afraid
Blizzard and snow,
He is on the trees of the whole country
I lit the fires.

Lots of sweets and candy
He has with him.
New Year is coming
Big across the country!

Caps of snow on needles
The lights are already on.
Here we put on our Christmas tree
Your very best outfit.

We will meet the New Year soon,
The most fabulous day ever!
We'll check it's ready
Everything was here for the guests:

treats, decorations,
Let everything be in place.
Let today in admiration
Everyone will exclaim loudly: "Ah!"

Who is knocking at our door?
Well, check it out soon!
It's New Year's Eve!
We look with open mouth:

He's big, he's so happy
Both funny and beautiful!
Will celebrate with us
And welcome all guests.

And then he will give gifts:
Books, ships and stamps,
Ball and bike.
There is no better day in the world!

Happy New Year,
I wish you gifts.
To Santa Claus,
He brought a lot of sweets.

To a little bunny
I brought you big books.
For the lanterns to shine
The kids had fun!

Today Grandfather came to visit us for a school holiday.
He was so funny dressed and joked, a prankster.
He does not have an iPhone, the Internet does not know,
But in fun, Grandfather understands a lot.
It was interesting with him and you need likes.
Santa Claus still come, bring gifts.

Santa Claus ironed a fur coat,
He cleaned the sleigh
And already collected gifts,
And left the house.

He will walk for a long time
The path, alas, is not close,
And distribute gifts
Dear kids!

Soon it will come to me
knock on the door,
Will bring me a gift
I'm waiting for him at the spruce!

Everyone congratulates each other
Wish you happiness and warmth.
New Year comes into play
He gives us gifts.

Santa Claus rides on a sleigh
The magic will happen in an instant.
Let's have fun playing
Nobody can be bored!

Here Santa Claus is coming -
I will say, let him perform:
Let my mother to me for the New Year
Brother will give!
And I'm bored of being alone
And no one to play.
I really need my brother
To sing and dance
To eat a bag of sweets together,
Laugh to tears...
Say it can or not
Help me Santa Claus?