Is hypotension dangerous in adolescence? Low blood pressure in children. Vegetative-vascular dystonia

Under arterial hypotension understand lower blood pressure compared to normal age values. Doctors have accurate data on blood pressure standards. But usually the lower limits of normal for children over 10 years old are considered to be 100 per 60-65 mmHg. Hypotension can be physiological or pathological.

Physiology A condition is considered when low blood pressure is constantly recorded and the baby is generally feeling well, while he can fully maintain his ability to work. This level of pressure in a child does not prevent him from doing physical work, playing sports, running and jumping. It is believed that in such conditions the body is individually configured to work at such pressure, and receives a sufficient amount of oxygen, nutrients, and its metabolism is optimally adjusted. In this case, there is no need to treat the baby - regular observations of him are enough.

All pathological hypotension is divided into primary arterial hypotension (hypotension) and hypotension within the framework of vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD), which will be discussed separately. Let's talk about primary hypotension, which in turn is divided into acute and chronic.

Acute hypotension

Acute decrease in pressure can occur in acute circulatory disorders, severe intoxication during infections or poisoning, in sepsis, dehydration or acute blood loss. In these cases, hypotension is considered a complication of the disease and is eliminated when providing first and emergency care to children.

Secondary acute hypotension is also called a decrease in pressure during shock or collapse, accompanied by acute oxygen starvation of the brain and disruption of the functioning of vital organs - kidneys, liver, heart. The assessment of the severity of such a condition is usually determined not by how much the pressure has decreased, but by how quickly and how expressed this happened, and whether the baby’s body has had time to adapt to the disturbances.

Primary arterial hypotension is a pathological hypotension that occurs as an independent disease. The main reasons for its development are heredity, especially if the baby’s mother has hypotension, an unfavorable course of pregnancy in the mother, lack of movement and physical activity of the baby, the presence of foci of chronic infections in the child - tonsillitis, adenoiditis, emotional stress or psychological characteristics of the baby.

The mechanism of development of hypotension is formed due to hormonal and nervous influences; inhibition processes predominate in the child’s body, and hormones enter the circulatory system, sharply reducing blood pressure. As a result, the nutrition of all organs and tissues, especially brain tissue, is disrupted.

Among the manifestations of hypotension in a child, complaints about headache various localizations - in the forehead, back of the head or around the circumference of the head. There is dizziness, weakness, lethargy, spots or darkening in the eyes when moving from a horizontal to a vertical position, decreased memory and learning ability, abnormal temperature of the extremities - cold hands and feet, a feeling of numbness. Such children do not tolerate travel in transport, stuffy rooms and stress. During crises, with paroxysmal hypotension, a periodic decrease in pressure below 90 by 50 mmHg may be observed, but there may also be a persistent decrease in pressure - permanent hypotension.

The most striking sign of chronic hypotension is orthostatic hypotension or even collapse(impaired consciousness). In these conditions, there is a sharp decrease in systolic blood pressure by 10-20 mmHg or lower, and diastolic pressure decreases by 5-10 mmHg. and below. In case of collapse, the pressure when getting out of bed decreases sharply, and the baby may faint. These pressure disturbances can be observed for up to 1-3 minutes, and then gradually recover. Most often, problems with blood pressure are observed in the morning, all of which is accompanied by cerebrovascular accidents. The child may experience dizziness, tinnitus, and fainting, and most often they occur in school-aged children and adolescents.

How are such children treated?

Usually, a whole range of measures for the treatment and rehabilitation of such children is developed; as a rule, they are observed by a pediatrician and a cardiologist (and sometimes a neurologist) simultaneously.

Therapeutic measures begin with general strengthening measures - the child is recommended to spend more time in the fresh air, engage in more and more active sports and physical education, get enough sleep, follow a daily routine - work and rest should be reasonably alternated. However, the loads for such children must be dosed - participation in strength sports and competitions is not for them; water procedures are indicated. The baby is advised to eat a rational and balanced diet; morning tea (black or green) or coffee is acceptable.

The prescription of vitamins and procedures that have a tonic effect on the nervous system is indicated - caffeine, tincture of Schisandra chinensis, ginseng, glutamivit.

Drug therapy is indicated only in cases of a pronounced decrease in blood pressure or a serious condition of the child, when complaints are made - this is the prerogative of the doctor.

By adulthood, and sometimes even earlier, in 85% of children, hypotension goes away without a trace. This is due to the peculiarities of modern growth and development of children, with acceleration. The child’s blood vessels simply cannot keep up with the active growth of the skeleton, due to which the vascular tone does not make it possible to maintain the pressure at certain normal values. With age, the muscular framework of blood vessels is fully formed and the pressure normalizes.

VSD is a mysterious diagnosis

Now let us dwell in detail on another phenomenon that can lead to pressure fluctuations and is most often diagnosed in children - this is the so-called vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD).

To understand where this condition comes from, you need to at least briefly dwell on the structure and functioning of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), which is directly involved in disorders in VSD.

The ANS is conventionally divided into a segmental section - it includes autonomic centers in the brain stem and spinal cord, and a suprasegmental section. The main governing center of the VNS is rightfully considered hypothalamus(special formation of the brain). It is responsible in the body for maintaining a certain level of metabolism - protein, carbohydrates, fats, water and minerals, regulates the production and release of energy and heat, and controls the work of all internal organs, including the heart and blood vessels. In addition, it is involved in the work of the endocrine glands and is responsible for the change in the processes of wakefulness and sleep.

The hypothalamus is directly influenced by the cerebral cortex, and at the same time, the cortex can influence the heart and blood vessels only through the hypothalamus. All disturbances in the regulatory system of both the hypothalamus and its pathways (nerves) to all organs cause health problems with the development of VSD.

VSD is a condition that occurs as a result of a violation of vegetative influences on the heart, blood vessels and internal organs of the child, on his endocrine glands and metabolism. VSD is not a disease, but a complex of symptoms, and it can be different for each individual child. This syndrome usually manifests itself as disturbances in the child’s adaptation to the external environment, emotional and physical changes in personality.

Causes and predisposing factors

Usually, each baby has a combination of several factors that can be causative or predisposing or provoking.

One of the main reasons for the development of VSD is hereditary and constitutional features of the activities of the VNS. The parents' tendency to have disorders in the autonomic nervous system is often inherited by their children.

An important role in the development of SVD plays course of pregnancy and childbirth, and according to statistics, up to 80-90% of children with this diagnosis are born as a result of rapid or protracted labor, with the use of various obstetric aids. Upon detailed questioning - when the child cried, was he restless in the first month of life, was there regurgitation, unmotivated increases in temperature to high numbers or prolonged low-grade fever, hemorrhages in the retina - many note characteristic changes.

Traumatic injuries play an important role damage to the nervous system- traumatic brain injuries, closed and open, tumors and infections of the brain and spinal cord, poisoning with effects on the nervous system.

An important role is played by the mental and emotional state of the child, an unfavorable environment at home, psychological incompatibility of family members, alcohol abuse by parents, improper upbringing - cruelty, hypo- or overprotection, conflicts at school, mental fatigue.

Provoking factors for the development of VSD are infections, chronic diseases of organs and systems, tonsillitis, caries and sinusitis as sources of chronic infection. Important factors are hormonal disruption in the body during puberty and acquired problems with the endocrine system.

Important for development are the influences of physical inactivity, excessive physical exertion, surgical interventions and anesthesia, unfavorable or sharply changing meteorological conditions, allergies, etc.

The basis for the development of the disease is a failure of the system of adaptation to stress; due to excessive mental and emotional stress, an imbalance of metabolism and hormonal balance occurs. The coordinating activity of the hypothalamus and nervous system suffers. As a result, the formation of unpleasant symptoms in the cardiovascular, digestive and other systems.

Manifestations of the disease

They are very diverse and can differ even in the same child at different age periods. About 30 syndromes and about 150 characteristic complaints are described for various forms of VSD.

The main group of complaints will be headache various localizations and intensities. The pain can be localized in the temples or forehead, and can be pressing, bursting, sharp, or pulsating. They can be provoked by driving, changes in weather, physical or psychological stress. They may be accompanied by weakness, increased fatigue, and dizziness when changing body position.

Characteristic cardialgia(pain in the heart area), asthenia, neurotic disorders, sleep disorders, breathing and heartbeat disorders, so-called vegetative-vascular paroxysms(attacks) with hand tremors, internal tremors, myalgia, joint pain, tissue swelling, interruptions in heart function, a feeling of heat in the face, low-grade fever, fainting.

Typically, these complaints increase by 4-8 years of life, obvious shifts in autonomic tone are detected - the doctor may note marbling of the skin, a decrease in body temperature or certain parts of the body (arms, legs), with increased sweating. Such babies usually have increased body weight, are naturally fearful, indecisive, and shy. Gradually, with age, disturbances in the functioning of internal organs and neurotic disorders may increase, reaching their peak at puberty, when the influence of hormones is also added to the clinic. Violations are observed in the heart and blood vessels, breathing, digestion, urination and temperature maintenance. Children complain of dizziness, sleep and appetite disorders, and there may be stuttering and urinary incontinence.

The most stable signs are:

  1. cardialgia;
  2. heartbeat;
  3. vascular dystonia;
  4. autonomic dysfunctions;
  5. respiratory disorders;
  6. systemic neurotic disorders. all of them are present to one degree or another in children.

Various pictures of the disease

Doctors identify leading clinical syndromes in children; let’s look at each of them in a little more detail.

Autonomic dysfunction syndrome characterized by red dermographism (when you run your fingernail over the skin, a pronounced red stripe remains on it, slightly raised above the surface of the skin). Characterized by increased local sweating, especially of the hands and feet, discomfort in the heart area, “spotty” redness of the upper half of the chest, excessive sweating of the armpits and cyanosis of the tips of the fingers of the hands, their trembling, non-infectious low-grade fever with temperature fluctuations, temperature asymmetry under the left and right armpits.

Mental disorder syndrome characterized by emotional instability, with tearfulness, sleep disturbances, frequent awakenings, nightmares, a feeling of fear, fear of heart pain. Such children have higher levels of anxiety, they are usually withdrawn, blame themselves for all illnesses and problems, are indecisive, and are unable to make decisions on their own.

Adaptation disorder syndrome or asthenic syndrome. It manifests itself in the form of rapid fatigue, frequent weakness, intolerance to heavy and even moderate physical and psychological stress, and sensitivity to weather changes. It is believed that the basis of this syndrome is a violation of the supply of sufficient oxygen to the tissues.

Hyperventilation syndrome, or respiratory, manifests itself in the child’s subjective feeling of lack of air, especially in stuffy rooms or unfamiliar places, and a feeling of constriction in the chest area. Children note that it is difficult for them to inhale, so they try to change the rhythm and depth of breathing. Some children give symptoms similar to asthma attacks, although there are no anatomical reasons for it. Frequent causes of attacks are physical and mental stress, stuffiness, sudden changes from cold to heat, and travel in public transport.

Cerebrovascular accident syndrome(cerebrovascular) is characterized by headaches, dizziness, noise in the head and ears, children are prone to fainting.

Cardiovascular syndrome- one of the most voluminous in the VSD clinic, and there are several more options in it. The main complaints in it are pain in the heart of varying intensity, fluctuations in blood pressure, increased heart rate, the appearance of functional murmurs in the heart, arrhythmias and changes detected on the ECG.

Special variants of the course of VSD are migraines and fainting attacks. Migraines are hereditarily transmitted disorders in the autonomic nervous system, which are characterized by periods of headaches that are quite severe and painful.

There are uncomplicated forms of migraines and complicated ones, which are accompanied by short-term disturbances in the sensory, motor and speech spheres. Migraine attacks most often occur in girls, usually already at school age, and can stop almost completely after the establishment of the menstrual cycle. In boys, they usually appear during puberty.

VSD, which occurs as fainting attacks, is characterized by short-term loss of consciousness in children and adolescents due to short-term disturbances in vascular tone and cerebral hypoxia. During an attack there are several stages. The first is characterized by a feeling of darkening in the eyes, flashing spots, tinnitus, and dizziness. Then comes the stage of loss of consciousness for one or two minutes with a fall on the floor, and after this comes the stage of recovery from fainting, during which the child is weak and feels overwhelmed. This form of VSD, the most unfavorable in terms of prognosis, usually occurs in children with an unfavorable neurological status.

Paretskaya Alena
pediatrician, member of the Association of Consultants
on breastfeeding, member of the IACMAH association,
early childhood nutrition specialist,
Project Manager "Children's Doctor"

The problem of arterial hypotension among children today is even more common than among adults. The condition is recorded not only in adolescence, but also in newborns. What can cause low blood pressure in a child?

Causes of pathology

It is difficult to single out one reason why hypotension develops in a baby. Usually this is a whole complex of factors:

  1. Heredity. At the moment, scientists have not found the gene that is responsible for low blood pressure. However, it is known that children whose families have already encountered this problem are at risk. If a woman has low blood pressure while pregnant, the likelihood that the newborn will also suffer from hypotension increases significantly.
  2. Age limits. Adolescence is considered the most dangerous period in terms of blood pressure problems. Most often, hypotension occurs in boys and girls with too rapid or, conversely, slow physical development.
  3. Psychology. The risk of developing the disease is high in those children and adolescents who have an increased sense of duty and too high self-esteem. They worry a lot about relationships with others and their opinions of themselves.
  4. Infections. If your child is often sick, the likelihood that he or she will have low blood pressure increases. Infections disrupt the functioning of both the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
  5. Frequent and prolonged stressful situations.
  6. Poor living conditions, a large number of everyday problems.
  7. Incorrect organization of the daily routine.

Among the pathological factors that can cause low blood pressure in children are the following:

  1. Disturbances in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. These are myocarditis, pericarditis, heart defects.
  2. Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.
  3. Respiratory diseases such as pneumonia and tuberculosis.
  4. Problems with the adrenal glands or kidneys.
  5. One of the types of diabetes.
  6. Mental illnesses.
  7. Encephalopathy or hydrocephalus.
  8. The use of drugs that lower blood pressure in the treatment.

There can be many reasons for the development of hypotension in infants. First of all, they are associated with congenital pathologies or disorders of the central nervous system.

Reduced blood pressure in adolescence can be observed while following strict diets or if the child is an athlete.

Norm and age characteristics

Blood pressure rarely remains unchanged throughout the day. Its indicators are determined by various factors:

  • elasticity of blood vessels;
  • heart rate;
  • viscosity and amount of blood;
  • age.

The tonometer shows two numbers - systolic and diastolic pressure. What do they mean?

  1. Systolic - this indicator is taken at the moment when the myocardium contracts. A large amount of blood is released into the aorta. Its walls resist such pressure. The pressure is rising.
  2. Diastolic is an indicator at the moment when the aortic valve has already closed and the blood has dispersed to other blood vessels. At the end of the process, the pressure reaches its minimum value.

Sometimes doctors mention the difference between these two indicators. This is the so-called pulse pressure.

Up to 12 months

During the first days of life, a child’s blood pressure fluctuates between 60–96/40–50 mm Hg. Art. After a month, the numbers change, especially the upper systolic pressure - 80–112/40–74 mm Hg. Art. During the first year, children, whether a girl or a boy, develop intensively, and the same applies to blood vessels. Because of this, there is a change in indicators - from 80/40 to 112/74.

The figures given are approximate. The accuracy of the measurement depends on various factors. If the baby does not have pronounced disturbances in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, pressure monitoring is limited to pulse control.

Early age (1–3 years)

During this period, the child does not develop as quickly as in the first year of life. The average upper pressure readings are 110–112, and the lower ones range from 60–74 mmHg. Art. Hypertension, or high blood pressure, as well as hypotension can only be suspected if high or low numbers are recorded repeatedly.

Children 3–5 and 6–9 years old

The dynamics of increase in blood pressure indicators decreases. Normal systolic pressure is 110–116, and diastolic pressure is 60–70 mmHg. Art. In children who have entered school, increased emotional and mental stress can increase blood pressure numbers. Parents often hear complaints that their child has a headache and feels exhausted. All this is a serious reason to start monitoring your blood pressure and, if necessary, consult a doctor.


At about the age of ten, hormonal changes begin in the child’s body. This is especially noticeable in girls, since boys develop a little slower. Stressful situations, increased workload at school, and hormonal changes lead to hypotension in adolescents, although high blood pressure is not uncommon. Normal values ​​are 110–70/136–86 mmHg.


Knowledge of the clinical picture will help to better understand the pathogenesis of hypotension. A similar sign in newborns is often accompanied by:

  • severe muscle weakness;
  • lethargy;
  • pale skin;
  • coldness of the extremities.

Such children lack natural activity. Unnatural calm should alert parents.

In cases where low blood pressure is detected in a teenager or a child of primary school age, the following symptoms may be observed:

  1. Headache. They usually appear in the morning immediately after the child wakes up. They have a pulsating and pressing character. They become stronger during school classes, when the weather changes, or when there is an excess of emotions. In particularly difficult situations, headache does not allow the child to lead a normal lifestyle, play and have fun. He becomes lethargic and tends to rest more.
  2. Low performance. With hypotension, the child quickly gets tired of physical or mental activity, and the desire to do anything disappears. No matter how much he sleeps, the feeling of weakness and fatigue does not go away.
  3. Another sign of hypotension is problems with memory and concentration.
  4. Frequent mood swings, irritability and tearfulness. Hypotonic children are too cautious and touchy. They are less active and mobile than their peers. Sometimes there are difficulties with communication.
  5. Dizziness. Most often it appears at the moment when the child changes body position, for example, gets out of bed. Also, your head may feel dizzy in a too stuffy room.
  6. Fainting. This is a characteristic sign of chronic hypotension or a disease in the acute stage.
  7. Crisis. The child suddenly becomes ill. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, lethargy, increased salivation, abdominal discomfort and rapid heartbeat. The skin is usually covered in cold sweat.
  8. Heartache.
  9. Lack of appetite.
  10. Bloating and bowel problems.
  11. Bleeding from the nose.

If one or more of these symptoms appear, you should contact your doctor immediately. Knowing the signs and etiology of the disease will help you notice a worsening condition in time.

How is pathology diagnosed?

To begin treatment, it is important to conduct a detailed diagnosis. First of all, the doctor measures your blood pressure. This is done in a sitting position (with the exception of infancy) and in the morning. There should be at least 3 measurements with a three-minute break. If a low result is recorded each time, further examination will be required.

Additional diagnostic measures include the following:

  1. Electrocardiogram (ECG).
  2. Ultrasound examination (ultrasound).
  3. Clinoorthostatic test. The doctor assesses the condition of the heart at the moment when the child changes position from horizontal to vertical.
  4. Bicycle ergometry. Shows how the heart and the body as a whole can adapt to physical stress.
  5. Rheoencephalography.
  6. Ultrasound of the brain.
  7. Electroencephalography.
  8. Assessment of the condition of the fundus. Performed by an ophthalmologist.
  9. Study of the activity of the nervous system.
  10. Consultation with a psychologist.

Depending on the results of the examination, treatment is prescribed.

Treatment tactics

Therapy for hypotension is prescribed taking into account the age of the child.

Folk remedies

If there are no contraindications, you can try alternative medicine recipes. They have no side effects and are safe. But despite this, their use requires consultation with a doctor.

Among the folk remedies, herbal infusions and decoctions can increase blood pressure. According to the recommendations of experts, they can be drunk instead of tea and other drinks. These include:

  • Eleutherococcus;
  • ginseng;
  • currant;
  • celery;
  • lemongrass;
  • lure;
  • raspberry and parsley leaves.

Separately, it is worth mentioning about eleutherococcus and ginseng. Most often they are used in the form of ready-made tinctures, which have a large number of useful properties:

  • tone the body;
  • strengthen blood vessels;
  • increase immunity;
  • normalizes blood pressure.

Another remedy that helps cope with hypotension and reduce its severity is crushed radish with honey. The ingredients should be mixed in equal proportions and given to the child as a separate dish or with other foods.

Correct mode

Equally important for low blood pressure is your daily routine. Experts give some advice regarding this:

  1. The child's rest should take at least 9 hours a day.
  2. The baby should spend at least 2 hours outside. At the same time, he should not be under the sun.
  3. It is important to properly distribute mental loads, alternating them with entertainment and games.

Balanced diet

You can normalize your child’s blood pressure with proper nutrition. The menu should include the following products:

  1. Spices and herbs, such as bay leaves, pepper or cinnamon.
  2. Fatty fish and meat.
  3. Fermented milk products with high fat content.
  4. Bakery.
  5. Green and black tea.
  6. Potatoes, semolina, buckwheat and other products that contain starch.
  7. Fresh vegetables and fruits that will help replenish vitamin deficiencies. Particular attention should be paid to cabbage, carrots, pomegranates, etc.
  8. Any types of nuts.

Also, the diet of a child with low blood pressure should include foods that will help compensate for the lack of protein in the body:

  • hard cheese;
  • eggs;
  • soy milk;
  • legumes (fresh and canned);
  • smoothie made from fruits and berries.

Children suffering from hypotension should eat more often than healthy children. Food should be varied. You need to add snacks to your main meals.

Walking in the fresh air and therapeutic exercises

First of all, regularity is important. It is advisable to allocate at least 2 hours a day for this. The child must be dressed according to the weather and not spend a lot of time in the open sun.

Physical exercise requires no less regularity. They should be selected by the attending physician.

Gymnastics for hypotension has several goals:

  • general improvement of the body;
  • mood lifting;
  • improving blood circulation;
  • training of organs and organ systems;
  • increased muscle tone.

There are several useful exercises for low blood pressure:

  1. Walking comes first. There are no special instructions regarding breathing. Each part takes half a minute to complete. First you walk normally, and after that you need to swing your arms, raising your knees. Next, you should put your hands on your belt and walk on your toes. At the end - again half a minute of normal walking.
  2. To perform the next exercise you will need a gymnastic stick. Stand straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart. The stick should be located behind the body near the shoulder blades. It is necessary to perform four turns alternately in each direction. At the same time, you need to turn both your head and body.
  3. Standing straight, raise your arms up. As you inhale, stretch, and as you exhale, lower your arms down and relax your body. The exercise should be performed slowly. Repeat 3-5 times.


Of all the hardening procedures when treating hypotension in a child, special attention should be paid to the contrast shower. It has an extremely beneficial effect on the body:

  • gives vigor;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • tones blood vessels;
  • improves blood circulation.

In order for a contrast shower to benefit a child’s body, it is necessary to adhere to several rules:

  1. At the very beginning (first 15 seconds) the water should be warm or hot.
  2. Next for 15 sec. change the water to cold.
  3. Then it's hot again. Repeat this three times.
  4. At the end of the procedure, rub the child’s body with a towel.
  5. Every 2-3 days you should lower the water temperature.
  6. It is recommended to start training in the summer.

You should not take a contrast shower if there are problems with the heart, problems with blood vessels, or if the disease has worsened.


Massage is an effective treatment for hypotension. It has the following effects on the body:

  1. Normalizes the functioning of the nervous system.
  2. Improves resistance to negative external influences.
  3. Accelerates the recovery process and recovery from diseases that cause blood pressure to decrease.
  4. Helps cope with unpleasant symptoms.

In some cases, massage is strictly prohibited. This includes the child’s poor health, too low blood pressure, and a period of exacerbation of hypotension.

During the procedure, special attention is paid to the collar area, spine, abdomen and legs.

Important! Only a specialist can perform massage of the spinal column in children!


To increase blood pressure, you can give your baby one of the herbal teas. They have a complex effect on the body:

  • normalize sleep;
  • help cope with neuroses;
  • relieve pain in the heart and tachycardia;
  • return to functionality;
  • give vigor;
  • relieve fatigue.

Herbal mixtures for low blood pressure include herbs such as chamomile, nettle, motherwort, sage, St. John's wort, heather, sweet clover, and lemon balm. Baths with herbal decoctions, such as valerian, help.

Separately, it is worth mentioning hypotension in infants. Often, pressure can drop during an anhydrous period, that is, when the ambient temperature becomes higher and the amount of moisture in the body is reduced. Therefore, you should monitor your child’s drinking regime.

Preventive actions

Timely prevention allows you to prevent hypotension and improve the general condition of the child’s body. It includes:

  1. Correct daily routine. Eating, waking up and resting during the day should be at the same time.
  2. Balanced diet.
  3. A sufficient amount of physical activity, its correct relationship with mental activity.
  4. It is necessary to do hardening, for example, take alternately cool and warm showers.

Hypotension, like high blood pressure, is a serious pathology. It develops in children for various reasons. A proper diet, a balanced diet, walks in the fresh air and other preventive measures will help reduce the risk of disease and improve your well-being.

Knowledge about the physiological features of the child’s body is very important for parents and for those who plan to become parents. Children have lower blood pressure numbers than adults. Why? The thing is that in a child’s body the network of capillaries is more developed, the walls of blood vessels have increased elasticity and extensibility than in adults. In addition, newborns and young children have an imperfect system for regulating vascular tone and blood pressure. There are conditional blood pressure standards that can be calculated using formulas.

Let us remind you that the first digit before the fraction is the systolic blood pressure (SBP), and the second digit is the diastolic blood pressure (DBP).

For a newborn, blood pressure is 76/0.5 of SBP (systolic blood pressure).

In children under 1 year of age, the formula for calculating blood pressure is as follows: 76+2M/0.5 from SBP. SBP=76+2M, where M is the number of months, DBP=0.5 from SBP.

In adolescents 12-14 years old, the average blood pressure is 110-120/60-70 mmHg.

Of course, the above figures and formulas are relative norms, since the amount of pressure also depends on height, weight, and heredity. In large children, the numbers may be slightly higher than normal; in asthenic, thin children, on the contrary, they may decrease. All these factors must be taken into account and your child’s blood pressure must be monitored.

1 Causes of low blood pressure in a child

If, after measuring your child’s blood pressure, you find that his readings are below age norms, do not panic. Perhaps the decrease in blood pressure is caused by physiological reasons. Blood pressure in children can decrease during physical and mental stress, after eating, or in a stuffy room. After a short rest, blood pressure numbers return to normal levels. In addition, with parents prone to hypotension, children are predisposed to low blood pressure.

Blood pressure is observed below age norms in children actively involved in sports and permanently living in high altitudes and tropics. Such low blood pressure numbers, if the child is in good health, are considered normal and are not a disease. Physiological hypotension does not require any treatment. But low blood pressure in children can be a manifestation of various diseases or a separate independent disease. In this case, there is a pathological decrease in blood pressure or hypotension.

The following forms are distinguished:

2 Symptoms of low blood pressure in children

Low blood pressure can be suspected based on the following symptoms: the child may complain of headache, chest pain, dizziness, and weakness. A previously active child may become lethargic, irritable, capricious, and night sleep may be disturbed. With a pronounced decrease in pressure, attacks of dizziness can result in loss of consciousness.

Children suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia of the hypotonic type are most often thin, underweight, pale skin, and limbs that are cold to the touch. They are characterized by increased sweating, increased intestinal motility - stool disorders, nausea. The symptoms of low blood pressure are quite varied, so you need to carefully monitor your child’s health and pay attention to its changes, so as not to miss the onset of the development of the disease.

3 Diagnosis and treatment

The following research methods are used in diagnosis:

  1. Blood pressure measurement,
  2. Fundus examination,
  3. EchoCG,
  4. Ultrasound of the kidneys,
  5. General clinical blood and urine tests,
  6. Blood chemistry,
  7. Consultation with a pediatric neurologist, cardiologist, endocrinologist as necessary.

It is important in making a diagnosis to carefully interview parents, collect anamnesis, and find out whether the decrease in blood pressure has a hereditary basis. After the cause of hypotension is determined, if necessary, the doctor prescribes treatment. It can be either non-medicinal or medicinal.

The main methods of treatment without medications are:

  • compliance with the work and rest schedule, daytime sleep, full sleep at night;
  • regular exercise therapy, swimming, walking, gymnastics, spending 2 hours or more in the fresh air daily;
  • complete rational, balanced diet, mandatory consumption of fruits in the diet daily. It is recommended to consume pomegranate juice, tea, nuts, cheese, carrots, sorrel, beets, and cabbage. These products contribute to some increase in blood pressure. Chocolate is also one of the products that has a positive effect on vascular tone. But you can’t use it in large quantities;
  • contrast shower, rubdown;
  • massage, electrophoresis with calcium preparations, DDT, rain shower or circular, Charcot jet shower.

Drug treatment is indicated when the methods described above are ineffective and when the cause of low blood pressure as a symptom of the underlying disease is established. If low blood pressure is caused by iron deficiency anemia, medications containing iron are prescribed. If the cause is endocrine disorders, then the necessary medications, taking into account age and body weight, will be selected by a pediatric endocrinologist.

It becomes clear that medications are prescribed depending on the cause of the decrease in blood pressure. And prescribing treatment is the prerogative of doctors; you cannot self-medicate, this can only harm the child.

Herbal preparations help increase blood pressure. These include ginseng, lemongrass, and eleutherococcus. If there are indications, the doctor may prescribe medications containing caffeine and fethanol. Treatment is prescribed taking into account the cause of low blood pressure, the age of the child, concomitant diseases and individual tolerance.


With pressure levels such as in the case of your children, the doctor can most likely diagnose “ arterial hypotension" There is no need to worry too much about this, because... The main reason for low blood pressure in teenage children (and you place yours in this category) is hormonal changes in the body during puberty. If there are girls among your children, then you may notice that they are more susceptible to sudden changes in blood pressure levels. Girls during puberty are often very unhappy with their appearance, so they begin to resort to all sorts of experiments with diets and various methods of losing weight. Sometimes this is done in secret from the parents, so adults try in vain to figure out what is happening to their precious child, who almost faints. But this is just an assumption that may have nothing to do with your situation.

All children must be examined according to a special plan:

  • Screening for concomitant diseases. Ailments such as ulcers, bronchial asthma, neurodermatitis, and allergies are quite often associated with arterial hypotension in adolescents. The cause may also be enlarged lymph nodes, tonsils and adenoids.
  • Remember if there were any pathologies during childbearing or birth injuries. Most often, chronic low blood pressure in adolescence is caused by all kinds of dislocations and hypertension received during childbirth.
  • Regularly measure blood pressure in children at home (at least 3 times a day). This will make it possible to find out at what time the pressure decreases and what factors could influence the sharp drop in blood pressure.
  • Be sure to consult a cardiologist and neurologist, and have all children examined for fundus diseases by an ophthalmologist. If signs of other pathologies are detected, the child may subsequently be observed by an endocrinologist, otolaryngologist or gynecologist.

How can you help teenage children normalize their blood pressure?

  • If your children do not like to eat breakfast, then explain to them that refusing to eat in the morning helps lower blood pressure, which causes unpleasant symptoms such as weakness, nausea, and dizziness during the day.
  • Teach children to train the body's blood vessels. This simple technique consists of 3 stages: a contrast shower, intensive rubbing with a towel and a set of morning exercises.
  • Stop giving children citramon. It is better to consult your doctor about taking ginseng tincture. A specialist will also tell you in detail about the course of treatment and doses.

How to combat low blood pressure in children with a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition?

First of all, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that in the diet of teenage children the amount of foods such as chocolate, tomatoes, sugar, honey, sour cream, potatoes, and butter should be reduced to a minimum. But you can normalize low blood pressure by introducing a large amount of fresh vegetables, fruits and berries into your diet. Blackcurrant, rowan, sea buckthorn, lemon, carrot and rose hip are especially effective in fighting arterial hypotension. Try to feed as much beef liver, caviar and eggs as possible.

Sincerely, Natalia

Low blood pressure in a teenager is a rather abstract concept. Because the child’s body is designed in a special way. A decrease in indicators is perceived as an acceptable norm if the fluctuations are within certain limits. Simply put, low blood pressure is common in adolescents and is not considered a pathology.

Because children naturally have lower blood pressure than adults. But this phenomenon should not be ignored, because a decrease in blood pressure may indicate that the child has a serious illness.

There are several factors that can affect blood pressure levels:

  • Incorrect, unbalanced nutrition (when the child lacks vitamins and nutrients).
  • Emotional or physical fatigue (exhaustion).
  • Passive lifestyle (lack of physical activity).
  • Lack of sleep and rest.

Another decrease in indicators occurs:

  1. with hormonal imbalances in the body (which often worries both girls and boys during puberty)
  2. for problems with blood flow (this may be vegetative-vascular disorders)
  3. with high intracranial pressure

So, let's start with the fact that a decrease in blood pressure is not always considered a pathology. Since the level of pressure depends on many factors, the indicator is affected by:

  • Child's age.
  • His gender.
  • Lifestyle and nutrition.
  • Intensity of physical and emotional stress.

Attention! If a teenager’s nutrition is fine, he leads an active lifestyle and does not experience serious overload at school, then hormonal changes may be the cause.

During puberty, adolescents are subject to frequent changes in blood pressure.

The reason for this is hormonal instability. In a child’s blood, the concentration of sex hormones and growth hormone is simply off the charts. Against the background of hormonal instability, blood pressure levels can either decrease or increase.If we talk about vegetative-vascular disorders in the body, they lead to problems with blood flow. As a result of circulatory disorders, intracranial pressure increases. Against this background, the teenager has a whole list of complaints.

Impaired blood flow to organs, including the brain, occurs against the background of a passive lifestyle. Lack of physical activity leads to stagnation in the body, as a result of which the child’s blood pressure decreases.Improper or poor nutrition is another cause of problems with blood pressure. If a growing body does not have enough nutrition, vitamins and microelements, then certain problems arise with blood pressure levels.

First signs and symptoms

A drop in level is not asymptomatic. With a sharp decrease in indicators, a teenager may complain of:

  • weakness
  • decreased performance
  • the appearance of headaches
  • dizziness
  • problems with information perception

If the cause of arterial hypotension is a pathological process, then the child experiences:

  1. Constant weakness, increased fatigue.
  2. Sensitivity to weather conditions and temperature changes.
  3. Lagging behind peers in development and learning.

First of all, the child becomes lethargic, nervousness, tearfulness, and frequent mood swings appear. Against the backdrop of problems with learning, the teenager has problems adapting to school.

Important: If the pressure is low, then it is difficult for the child to get out of bed, severe dizziness, pain in the head occurs, and “spots” appear before the eyes when changing position.

These symptoms should not be ignored, since they indicate not only a decrease in blood pressure, but also a disruption of blood flow to the brain. If such signs appear, you should consult a doctor.

What to do, how to normalize blood pressure?

There are several ways to stabilize the indicator, first you need to:

  • consult a pediatrician
  • do
  • if necessary, ECHO or
  • visit a neurologist
  • consult a cardiologist

If the doctor determines that the blood pressure has dropped due to the child having a particular disease, he will prescribe the necessary medicine.

But if no diseases or pathologies are found in the teenager, then you will have to stabilize the indicator yourself.

Proper nutrition and daily routine will help normalize blood pressure

To do this you will need:

  1. Organize your daily routine.
  2. Give the child's body the necessary physical activity.
  3. Provide him with adequate nutrition.

It's worth starting with your daily routine. A teenager should get up and go to bed at the same time, spending at least 8 hours in bed. Sleep will help the body recover and increase its resistance to stress.

Physical activity is necessary in order to avoid stagnation in the body. The child can:

  • visit the pool 2-3 times a week
  • walk before bed
  • go for a morning jog
  • do gymnastics daily

Help: Optimal physical activity on the body will help not only improve heart function, but also increase the elasticity of blood vessels. This will help avoid various diseases in the future.

More information about hypotension can be found in the video:

Since the body is actively growing in adolescents, it often lacks vitamins and beneficial microelements. A balanced diet will help compensate for the lack of nutrients. If you have low blood pressure, your diet should include the following foods:

  • Meat of all varieties and types (except salted and smoked).
  • Fermented milk products (yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, etc.).
  • Vegetables and fruits, freshly squeezed juices.
  • Honey and nuts.
  • Tea with rosehip.

Taking vitamins every year will also strengthen your body. It will have a positive effect on the condition of the body as a whole and will help improve the functioning of the immune system.

If a teenager is stressed and emotionally unstable, then a combination of 2 drugs will help “strengthen” the nerves and improve blood flow to the tissues: Glycine and Cinnarizine. If there are heart problems, the cardiologist may prescribe Mildronate.

Treating a child with pills during adolescence and various medications is extremely undesirable, since the body can cope with problems on its own, but only if it can be optimized.

Prognosis and possible complications

The prognosis for arterial hypotension is favorable, but only if the condition is compensated, that is, the unpleasant signs of the phenomenon are eliminated.

But if you don’t monitor the indicators, the following problems may arise:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • brain hypoxia (lack of oxygen and nutrients)
  • chronic fatigue syndrome

Important: When low blood levels are systematically diagnosed in a girl, this can lead to serious heart problems during pregnancy.

We should not forget that a sharp decrease in blood pressure is considered a sign of general intoxication of the body. The phenomenon occurs against the background of addiction to drugs, alcohol or tobacco.It is important to monitor not only what the child eats, but also how he spends his leisure time. If a teenager finds himself in “bad company,” this will negatively affect not only his studies, but also the state of the body as a whole.

Normal blood pressure in adolescents

In adolescents aged 13 to 17 years, a reading of 110 per 70 mm Hg is considered normal. If the pressure is slightly reduced, then there is nothing strange about it; in girls the indicator may be 5 units lower.

Attention! If the reading is lower than 100 by 60 mm Hg. – then it’s worth showing the teenager to a doctor.

You shouldn't ignore low blood pressure, but you shouldn't panic about it either. It is better to see a doctor and undergo a series of necessary examinations, pay attention to the child’s nutrition and his leisure time, than to try to get rid of the problem by independently selecting newfangled medications for the teenager.