Determination of human energy by date of birth calculation. Your bioenergetic potential

We are all different. We have a different worldview, personal qualities and way of life. In addition, we have different energy. The nature of human connections and contacts depends on it. Have you thought about why you are friends with this particular person, and the other is completely unpleasant for you, although he is not bad in character and very attractive in appearance ... The thing is that people communicate with each other thanks to a compatible energy background.

All people can be divided into five energy types: vampires, donors, neutrals, white magicians and black magicians. You can determine your type using numerology. To do this, add up all the numbers of your date of birth. Let's say your date of birth: 02/17/1990 = 1+7+0+2+1+9+9+0 = 29; 2+9 = 11; 1+1 = 2. The number 2 is an energy type number. Now you need to find its decoding and find out your energy type.

Energy vampires. Numbers: 1 and 2. Vampires can take the energy of the people around them. They need a constant supply of other people's vitality. Energy vampires can take energy both consciously and unconsciously. The process of absorption of energy, as a rule, occurs as a result of quarrels, conflicts, intimate conversations and in the case of other emotional contacts.

Donors. Numbers: 5 and 7. Human donors are those who give energy to vampires. They themselves are not able to absorb it, so if they often come into contact with energy vampires, then their life forces leave each time.

Neutrals. Numbers: 3, 6 and 8. People of this type do not take, but do not give energy. Their energy field is quite protected and strong, which allows them to always be in good shape.

white magicians. Number: 9. White magicians have an amazing ability to control their energy. They can give it away when necessary, but they themselves never seek to take energy.

black magicians. Number: 4. Representatives of this type can be neutral, and can turn into energy vampires. They, like white magicians, can control their energy charge.

Relationships between people are built on the basis of these types. Oddly enough, but the union of the donor and the vampire can be very successful for both, unless, of course, the energy of the donor is enough for two. And if the donor himself suffers from energy devastation and lack of emotions, then any contact with the vampire will only bring him negative. Neutrals and white magicians are a very successful alliance. There will always be a calm and stable relationship between them. Black and white magicians are a balance. These types of people tend to be very friendly. It is easy for them to establish contact with each other and find common ground.

Vampires and black magicians are an unsuccessful union. Each of them will try to draw energy from each other, which will lead to the devastation of both. Neutrals will not get along with black magicians, who will not be able to charge the magician with energy at the right time. The remaining combinations of energy types of people are neutral.

We are interested to know if you managed to calculate your energy number, tell us in the comments who you are, a vampire or a donor? If this information was useful to you, click on and

Madi 19.04.2017 21:31

The results of the self-diagnosis show that your energy state is below average. As a consequence, there are almost certainly moderate to significant health, relationship, or financial problems. The level of energy is insufficient to successfully start and succeed in new businesses. The people around you often don't take you seriously. Any, the worst situation can be changed. If you have such a desire, start to act gradually, in small steps. Pay attention to your body and physical form, breathing and energy practices. Assess your lifestyle, the people around you. Do not rush to change everything at once, start with one, small change.

Natalia 01/08/2017 23:24

Good result. Fairly stable energy state. The image and lifestyle quite successfully support your good shape. The situation in the areas of health, relationships, finances is stable. Not as grandiose as it could be, but not as deplorable as many. Average, stable, steady level. Want more? Start with your own energy. Enter into your life practices and techniques that develop your energy potential. If you are already doing energy practices, then change them: quality practices should lead to sustainable progress in all areas of life.

Arthur 12/27/2016 19:30

Judging by your results, you are in excellent energy shape. Your environment, your lifestyle helps you always stay on top. Even if from time to time you fall into energy "pits", you easily and quickly overcome them. Your energy directly affects your success in life. Even if you are still unlucky in some areas of your life, you have enough strength to qualitatively change the situation. Use your energy potential. Clearly state the goal, and start taking small steps towards it every day. You have enough strength and perseverance to quickly come to success. We invite you to take part in the remote course "Switch. Optimism Matrix"

Bexulu 25.12.2016 19:15

Good result. Fairly stable energy state. The image and lifestyle quite successfully support your good shape. The situation in the areas of health, relationships, finances is stable. Not as grandiose as it could be, but not as deplorable as many. Average, stable, steady level. Want more? Start with your own energy. Enter into your life practices and techniques that develop your energy potential. If you are already doing energy practices, then change them: quality practices should lead to sustainable progress in all areas of life. Just klaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas advice :) :))))))) 8)

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Each person has their own energy field. The success of his life and relationships with other people depend on him. Someone's energy is weak, someone, on the contrary, is so strong that it can influence the fate of other people. In this article we will tell you in detail how energy affects a person, his life and his environment. We will share with you a way to determine your energy field, and how to restore it if it has begun to collapse.

We are all born into the world with our own individual energy field. It is an invisible cocoon that envelops the human body from all sides.

Human energy consists of several bodies through which energy must constantly pass. If this does not happen, then the person feels weak, unhappy and sick.

To begin with, we propose to figure out what kind of bodies the human energy consists of:

  1. Atmanic - this body is responsible for ensuring that a person in life has some kind of goal that he aspires to. In fact, this goal is the meaning of life for him, so he constantly feels the strength to rise and achieve new results every day.
  2. Buddhic - the body responsible for the values ​​in human life. It works and fully functions only if a person is busy in life with his favorite thing, from which he receives frantic pleasure.
  3. Causal is a body, the normal functioning of which depends on how harmoniously a person feels, whether he listens to his inner voice, whether his behavior corresponds to what he aspires to in life.
  4. Astral - the body responsible for how a person perceives the events that occur in his life, what emotions he experiences at the same time.
  5. The mental is the body that is responsible for the development of intuition in a person. It depends on the development of this body whether a person can predict some events from his life.
  6. Etheric - the body responsible for the physical condition of a person, his health, tone. From the usefulness of the functioning of this body depends on how you will be perceived in society by other people.

Human energy tends to accumulate, so it is very important to be able to spend it so that there is no stagnation and, conversely, so that it is not wasted. First of all, you must spend your energy on family, work, sports, self-development and hobbies.

Psychologists distinguish 3 main levels of human energy:

  1. Insufficient - when a person has so little of his own energy that he begins to look for its sources from another person. Such people are called energy vampires. After talking with them, you feel weak, exhausted. Although it should be noted that many energy vampires do not even realize that they are.
  2. Average - when a person has found his golden mean. They replenish their energy reserves from communicating with pleasant people, from hobbies, work and being alone.
  3. High - when there is so much energy that there is nowhere to put it. These people include people who have very well developed psychic abilities.

How to identify a person with strong energy?

A person with increased energy is easy to recognize:

  • First of all, according to external signs. Such a person has dark eyes and hair, thin lips, but at the same time a wide jaw and a massive forehead.
  • A person with strong energy almost never gets sick. He is strong and strong, not only physically, but also in spirit.
  • People with strong energy do not give up when faced with life's difficulties, but quickly find a way out of the current situation. No one can unsettle a strong person in terms of energy.
  • Of such people, creativity and creativity is in full swing. They can come up with interesting things literally on the go, and all this is given to them very easily and simply.
  • People with a high level of energy are unusually charismatic. They influence others and attract them to them like a magnet.

What destroys human energy?

Even if a person has a very strong energy, this does not mean that this will continue forever. Under the influence of certain factors, the bioenergetic field of a person can be destroyed. We have compiled a list of what has a negative impact on human energy:

  1. If a person constantly worries about something, feels guilty, his conscience gnaws at him, in this case the person’s energy becomes bad, vulnerable.
  2. Resentment can have a detrimental effect not only on the bioenergetic field, but also on human health as a whole. Because of this, he ceases to achieve his goals and loses the desire to live actively and interestingly.
  3. Psychological disorders associated with the loss of a loved one, disappointment in love and other things that can negatively affect spiritual harmony.
  4. The feeling of envy has a very bad effect on the energy of a person. Everything that he does not undertake, in the end does not give any result.
  5. A very large amount of work, because of which a person is nervous all the time, also has a destructive effect on the energy field, because it draws life forces out of us.

Human energy by date of birth: how to determine?

To find out your own energy potential, it is enough to make one simple calculation based on the date of your birth:

  1. Write down your date of birth on a piece of paper in this order - year (consisting of 4 digits), month (2 digits) and day (2 digits). For example, you were born in 1968, in September, which we will write as "09", on the 15th.
  2. Next, you will need to multiply the year of your birth by 0915 (these numbers form the month and day of birth). The result is the number 1800720.
  3. All the digits of the resulting number must be added together to end up with a two-digit number: 1+8+0+0+7+2+0=18.

Based on the result, you can determine your energy level.

  • If your result is less than 21 (what happened in our case), then you have a low energy level and you urgently need to do something to increase it.
  • If your result ranges from 21 to 30, then you have a normal average energy level. You just have to try to keep it all the time.
  • If the indicator is more than 30, it means that you can be an energy donor for someone, because you have a very high level of energy.

How to increase the energy of a person?

If it so happened that you have a very weak energy potential, then you don’t need to put an end to your future, you can restore your energy if you follow the recommendations below:

  1. Give up all bad habits that you have. Lead a completely healthy lifestyle. You need to eat right, sleep well and exercise.
  2. Be outdoors more often, because nature for a person is a source of vital energy. It is desirable at the time of walking in clean air for at least 30 minutes. to be completely alone.
  3. Engage in the study of philosophy and pay attention to religion. Go to church, pray, light candles and just wish the people around you peace and kindness.
  4. Find a hobby and change jobs if it depresses you. As soon as you do the most for yourself, you will immediately feel a surge of vitality.
  5. Go to social events, visit cultural institutions, relax with friends and family members. All this will greatly inspire you and help you gain vitality in order to achieve positive results in your life.

By following all of the above recommendations, you can quickly not only restore, but also cleanse your energy. You will immediately feel how your life will begin to change for the better. Try to adhere to these rules throughout life so that the energy does not deteriorate or collapse at all, although it should be noted that in the circumstances in which we are forced to live, this is quite difficult. But still, we wish all our readers harmony, well-being, banal human happiness and goodness! Live life to the fullest, love and be loved!

Video: "Human energy: numerology by date of birth"

The number of the day you were born (birthday) can give a lot of additional information about who you are and what area your talents lie in. Your birthday indicates some special abilities that you have. This information, in fact, is a gift that is very useful in different life situations.

The Power of Birth is the number-indicator of your calling. It talks about who you really are and what you are naturally capable of doing even without training. It serves as a source of strength and energy that can be drawn from it in the course of fulfilling the dictates of Fate. It is who you are or what you have. This number is interpreted as "you are" as opposed to "you should be" the Destiny number.

The square of Pythagoras is a universal numerological matrix of a person, which describes the potential inherent in a person. It is believed that this unique system originates from the Egyptian priests. Pythagoras took the ancient knowledge of numbers as a basis and applied to them an aspect of sacred geometry based on the harmony of the square. Thus, we have with you the opportunity to touch the most ancient knowledge and to know ourselves.

The name is the main word in our life - the password to which we respond. But in our name there are also special resonances that tune the owners of each name to special character traits, actions, their vision of the world. The name becomes a secret program, to which not only we, the owners of the names, respond, but also our destiny is tuned.

Your expression number is you. The full name at birth contains all aspects of your personality, including your deepest desires and deepest fears. The full name reflects your true potential, including those talents and opportunities that you still have not realized and in which you are not entirely sure. It can be said that the number of the life path and all other numbers based on the date of your birth show the path that you follow throughout your life ...

The minor number of the expression, like other numbers calculated on the basis of the name that you use in everyday life, reflects your outer self.

The influence of the short name is weaker than that of the full name. However, it can bring in or exclude some qualities, it can concentrate the qualities you already have or awaken talents that were previously dormant in you.

Each of us has four components: body, mind, soul and spirit. Their combination makes us who we are. They act as points of our contact with reality and allow us to think, work, love, plan, dream, build our own life and express our feelings. Our temperament, disposition, reaction to circumstances, other people and ourselves are determined by the degree of balance and intensity of manifestation of the four Plans of Expression under consideration.

The Heart's Desire Number (sometimes called the Soul's Desire Number) is what your name implies, your inner being, the desires closest to your heart. It reflects the intrinsic motivation or overall purpose behind your actions. It determines the choice of life path. Its influence extends to all areas of your life: career, environment, friends, and lifestyle.

The minor number of the desire of the heart depends on the vowels that make up your short name. The short name is a reflection of more complex qualities that depend on the full name. It sharpens and amplifies the energy contained in your full name, enhances some aspects of your being, and muffles others. That is why a short name often allows you to see what you really want in life. It reflects how your strong desires...

The personality number comes from the consonants that make up your full name. Your individuality is a narrow hallway leading to a large room that is your essence. This narrow corridor is the first impression people get of you. It either attracts and intrigues, or makes you lose all interest.

Everyone has a bioenergetic potential, which is intended for him by date of birth. This aura is responsible for how the individual will live. The energy of a person by date of birth affects how active he is, as well as the relationship of the individual with those who are nearby. You can determine the potential of each, if you have accurate information about his birth.

Definition of energy potential

Bioenergetics incorporates several bodies in which energy exchange takes place. With its insufficiency, the subject becomes very vulnerable, he feels tired and exhausted. Due to the lack of strength, various diseases can occur.

Determining your energy reserve is not difficult, you just need to make some calculations.

  1. Write down the date of birth and multiply a couple of four-digit numbers, one of which will be the number with the month, and the second - the year.
  2. Add up the final numbers.

For example, the birth fell on September 16, 1997. To calculate, you first need to multiply 1609 by 1997. Now add all the digits of the resulting number 3213173: the total will be 20.

The result will be a certain number that can be used to draw conclusions about what kind of energy potential a person has.

The relationship of a person to a particular group

After calculating the energy potential, it is necessary to evaluate it and assign a person to one or another group. There are only three of them:

How to recognize donors and vampires

There is nothing difficult in diagnosing different types of people.

Many individuals have certain traits that characterize the attitude of the individual to a particular species.

If you are attentive to others, you can easily recognize those who steal energy., according to the following features:

It is worth considering the qualities inherent in those whose energy potential is high.

Main their difference lies in good health, so they practically do not need treatment. There are also signs like this:

Who is the white mage

There are people who have many unique opportunities in store. These are white magicians who donate their own energy and always help those who need it.

If such individuals pronounce the sacred text, then it will have special power.

To know, who is considered a white magician by date of birth, it’s easy. It is enough to add up all the numbers of your birth. The result should be a number from one to nine. If the result is 9, then the person has the ability to get in touch with other dimensions. He is able to unravel many of the mysteries of the universe.