Oseniny: traditions of a folk holiday. Autumn Holiday: history, meaning, traditions of celebration in Russia

In the agricultural calendar of the Slavs, this day was called "autumn" or "ospozhinki" and was celebrated as a harvest festival. On this day, Thanksgiving was given to Mother Earth. At the beginning of September, the harvest was completed, which was supposed to ensure the well-being of the family for the next year. In addition, the meeting of autumn was marked by the renewal of fire: the old fire was extinguished and a new one was lit, which was mined with blows of flint.

From autumn, the main economic activity was transferred from the field to the garden or to the house: the collection of vegetables began (first of all, onions were harvested). Usually a treat was arranged in the Osenins, for which the whole family gathered. For the holiday, beer was brewed and a sheep (ram) was slaughtered. A pie was baked from the flour of the new harvest. They praised Mother Earth for giving birth to bread and other supplies.

Since the harvest of hops began from that day, the corresponding game songs were sung at the festive festivities:

We weave, hops, weave,
To our side

What poppies are cast!

The second Osenins were celebrated on September 21, they coincided with the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The third Osenins fell on September 27th.

Oseniny is an ancient holiday of farewell to summer and meeting of autumn. What is Osenins - this is a meeting of autumn in Russia.

September 14 is the day of Semyon the pilot. With Seeds, meetings began, i.e. work in huts by fire.

September 21 - celebrated Ospozhinki - harvest festival. It was believed that from that day the summer ended and autumn comes into its own.

September 27 - Exaltation. All signs, characteristics and recommendations of this day were somehow connected among the peasants with the word "move". The exaltation of autumn moves towards winter, “bread moves from the field to the threshing floor”, “the bird has moved away”, and even “the caftan with a fur coat has moved, and the hat has moved”.

In the old days in Russia, our ancestors celebrated Osenins on September 21, on the day of the autumn equinox, when day is equal to night. By this time, the entire crop had already been harvested. The holiday is celebrated by going to visit, wide hospitality. They certainly visit their parents and commemorate their ancestors.

  • Osenins - the second meeting of autumn. Easter day. Bees are harvested, onions are harvested. Onion Tear Day. The earth tends to white matinees. "Amen to every summer (end)." “If the weather is good, autumn will be good.” "Indian summer quiet scared."
  • Autumn meet by the water. On this day, early in the morning, women go to the banks of rivers, lakes and ponds to meet Mother Osenina with oatmeal bread. The older woman stands with bread, and the young people around her sing songs. Then they break the bread into pieces according to the number of people and feed livestock with it.
  • The Aztecs celebrated the day of male fertility on this day. erection holiday. September 21 was considered to be a favorable day for the conception of strong and healthy boys. It is interesting to note that the day of the Aztec mother goddess, Atlatonin, was not this day at all, but 06/18, which is about 9 months after this holiday.
  • In the old days, there was a custom of treating the newlyweds to their relatives, which is why September 8 was also called “Offering Day”. All relatives and friends came to the newlyweds. The caller invited such guests: “To visit the young, look at their life and life and teach them the mind-reason.” After a hearty dinner, the young hostess showed her entire household in the house. Guests, as usual, had to praise and teach the mind. The owner took the guests to the yard, showed them rye in the barns, summer and winter harness in the sheds, and treated them to beer from a cask in the garden.

According to popular belief, on this day, snakes and other reptiles, along with birds, moved to an unknown blissful country called iriy (the Christian word took on the sound of "paradise"). Therefore, they were sent off with requests to convey messages to those who had gone to another world.

“Exaltation is a holiday of snakes. Snakes move to one place. They go into the ground, move there.” On September 27, they try not to go into the forest, which is completely at the disposal of the snakes. Whoever goes into the forest can be dragged underground by snakes. Fleeing from snakes, you can read a poem. Step with your right foot and stop when you go into the forest. Make three bows to the earth and say: "Save me, Lord, from the beast running, from the creeping reptile." And spit three times over the left shoulder.
In the Perm province, it was believed that wearing the Maryin root plant on a pectoral cross protects against a snake.
“If you see a snake, shake it by the tail, then it won’t bite and won’t crawl away anywhere.” (Vlasova M. Russian superstitions. Encyclopedic Dictionary. - St. Petersburg, 2001. - S. 202.)

The snake is depicted on medical emblems: above the bowl, the staff of the god of healing Asclepius (among the Romans - Aesculapius), entwined with snakes. A snake in the hands of the sorceress Medea, who could restore youth.
Every year, thousands of snakes are removed from nature to obtain poison. Gyurza and cobra became rare.


folklore holiday

Scenario for a children's holiday.

LEADING. Hello guys! Today we have a holiday called Autumn. What is Oseniny - this is a meeting of autumn. In the old days in Russia, our ancestors celebrated Osenins on September 21, on the day of the autumn equinox, when day is equal to night. By this time, the entire crop had already been harvested. And what kind of harvest could the peasants collect? Let's remember what grows in the garden?

CHILDREN: Carrots, beets, cabbage, potatoes ...

HOST: Right! And so, having harvested, the peasants arranged a holiday, sometimes for a whole week, they went to visit each other, put all the most delicious on the table, the grandchildren stayed with their grandparents for several days. And we will also invite Autumn to visit today. Only you and I are used to representing Autumn in the form of a beauty in a multi-colored outfit, with a bunch of yellow leaves, but in Russia Autumn was depicted as a little dry peasant. His face is stern, with three eyes and shaggy hair. After harvesting, he walked through the fields - he checked whether everything was harvested properly. And today Autumn will appear in the form of a girl. So, let's say a cry together: Autumn, Autumn, you are welcome!

Includes Autumn and 3 autumn months.

AUTUMN: Good afternoon, my friends!

Waiting for, come on, me?

Summer was red

For a long time, power did not yield.

But everything comes to a time -

I arrived at the threshold.

I came, guys, not alone, but with my brothers. And what are their names, you now guess.

SEPTEMBER: Our school garden is empty,

Spider webs fly into the distance,

And to the south end of the earth

Cranes stretched out.

School doors opened.

What month has come to us?

OCTOBER: All the darker face of nature -

Blackened vegetable gardens, bare forests,

The bear went into hibernation.

What month has come to us?

NOVEMBER: Black field - it became white,

It rains, then it snows.

And it got colder

Ice bound the waters of the rivers.

The winter rye freezes in the field.

What month, please?

AUTUMN: Do you guys know that the people called these months differently?

SEPTEMBER: They called me frowning, howler, zarevnik.

AUTUMN: September - howler, from the roar of autumn winds and animals, especially deer.

OCTOBER: They called me winter, leaf fall, dirt.

AUTUMN: September smells like apples, and October smells like cabbage.

NOVEMBER: They called me half-winter, chest.

AUTUMN: November - September grandson, October son, winter dear father. Do you guys know any folk signs, proverbs, sayings?

And now guess Russian folk riddles:

A girl is sitting in a dungeon, and a scythe is on the street (Carrot)

SEPTEMBER: They threw off Yegorushka's golden feathers, made Yegorushka cry without grief. (onion)

OCTOBER: Alena dressed up in her green sarafan, curled the frills thickly. Do you recognize her? (cabbage)

NOVEMBER: There is a cake on one leg. Whoever passes by, everyone will bow. (mushroom)

SEPTEMBER: Sits - turns green, falls - turns yellow, lies - turns black. (sheet)

OCTOBER: Under the ground, the bird made a nest, laid eggs. (potatoes)

NOVEMBER: Round like a moon, leaves like a spruce, and a tail like a mouse. (turnip)

LEADING: And you know, guys, the turnip was a very important vegetable (remember the tale about the Turnip?). The fact is that our favorite potato appeared in Russia only in the 18th century, and before that, turnips were the main vegetable. Turnips were eaten fresh, steamed, dried. They baked pies with turnips, made turnip kvass, cooked porridge.

AUTUMN: And the last riddle: It is bitter in haymaking, and sweet in frost. What is a berry? (Rowan)

LEADING: Rowan, guys, was very famous in Russia. All the berries have long been harvested, even in the summer, and the mountain ash turns red only by autumn, its berries burn brightly. Rowan kvass was prepared from mountain ash, laxative and refreshing. There was even a special day, September 23, when rowan berries were plucked and hung with tassels under the roof. But some of the berries were always left on the tree - thrushes, fieldfare, bullfinches, red-breasted ..

This is how they met Autumn in Russia.

Well, we meet Autumn with our traditional exhibition of gifts of nature, unusual vegetables grown in your country house, autumn crafts.

Autumn, we invite you to watch the children's exhibitions and help select the best exhibits for the school-wide exhibition.

AUTUMN: With pleasure! Wait for me, guys, by class. I’ll go to everyone, I won’t miss anyone, and I’ll even bring a treat!

When in the classroom Autumn says goodbye

AUTUMN: Well done guys, nice work! And now taste my treat - autumn apples! Autumn distributes apples from a basket. Goodbye!

September 21 - the second Osenins, the day of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Early in the morning, women and girls went out to the banks of rivers, lakes and ponds to meet Mother Osenina with oatmeal and jelly. In the minds of a Russian person, her image merged with the image of the Mother of God, therefore they turned to her: "The Most Pure Mother of God, deliver me from maety, harassment, take away from others, illuminate my life-being!" According to custom, on this day, all relatives and friends went to visit the newlyweds in order to "teach them the mind." The young mistress was preparing a special round cake: "For our bread - salt, you are welcome!" After a hearty dinner, the young hostess shows the house, and the young owner shows the yard, barn, barn, garden. The guests were treated to beer of their own production. All together the cathedral honored the Sun.

From September 21, it was believed that every summer - Amen. Autumn has come into its own. In fact, this is a religious holiday of the astronomical autumn equinox.

The second Osenins connect, as it were, two holidays: earthly and spiritual. In its earthly essence, it is a harvest festival, accompanied by games and songs, and in its spiritual, heavenly nature, it is the birthday of the Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus Christ.

In the agricultural calendar of the Slavs, this day was called "autumn" or "ospozhinki" and was celebrated as a harvest festival. On this day, Thanksgiving was given to Mother Earth.

At the beginning of September, the harvest was completed, which was supposed to ensure the well-being of the family for the next year. In addition, the meeting of autumn was marked by the renewal of fire: the old fire was extinguished and a new one was lit, which was mined with blows of flint.

From autumn, the main economic activity was transferred from the field to the garden or to the house: the collection of vegetables began (first of all, onions were harvested). Usually in Oseniny (in Orthodoxy - the day of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin) a treat was arranged for which the whole family gathered. For the holiday, beer was brewed and a sheep (ram) was slaughtered. A pie was baked from the flour of the new harvest. They praised Mother Earth for giving birth to bread and other supplies.

Since the harvest of hops began from that day, the corresponding game songs were sung at the festive festivities:

We weave, hops, weave,
To our side
As on our side, there is a lot of freedom!
And the freedom is big, the men are rich!
That the men are rich, stone chambers!
What stone chambers, golden doors,
What poppies are cast!

The third Osenins are timed to coincide with the church holiday of the Exaltation of the Holy Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, this is the third meeting of autumn. "Exaltation - autumn moves towards winter."

According to folk tradition, cabbage parties began, girls' parties, when young people went from house to house to chop cabbage. These parties lasted two weeks. This is a kind of sacred action: cabbage was considered the sacred food of the Gods. On this day, a very ancient rite was carried out - the cross. The sign of the cross has been a symbol of the sun since prehistoric times. It was believed that on the Exaltation, he radiates protective power. The peasants carved crosses from wood, crossed rowan branches, painted crosses in places that they wanted to protect from evil spirits: in bins, barns.

On the third Osenins, according to popular belief, snakes and other reptiles, together with birds, moved to an unknown blissful country called iriy (in Christianity, this word took on the sound of "paradise"). Therefore, they were sent off with a request to convey a message to those who had gone to another world.

In the villages, the peasants brewed beer. They carried out a ritual plowing of the village, driving out of it Kukhoma (fever, shaking), then shared the beer at home and rested after the labors of the righteous. In the evening, baths were heated and steamed, expelling evil spirits from themselves. In the forests, before the long winter, the goblin joked with people for the last time, arranging a review of animals and birds - are they ready for a harsh winter.

According to the old calendar, the beginning of autumn fell on September 14th. The First Ecumenical Council (325) established this day as the beginning of the year. According to Orthodox tradition, the world was created in September.

Osenina the first meeting of autumn. On this day, it was supposed to “wipe out” the “new” fire with the help of two planks, and with this pure fire to start sittings, or gatherings. From that day on, in Russia, they began to celebrate autumn weddings (until November 15), moved to new homes, carried out the rite of “monastic vows” (initiation) of boys who had reached the age of seven, into youth, marking their new role in the community.

On the festive day of the first Osenins, an ancient amusing rite of burial of flies and cockroaches, annoying inhabitants of the Russian summer, was timed. September 14 - the beginning of the Indian summer, which lasts up to three weeks in some areas. They noticed: if Semyon is a clear day, then the whole Indian summer will be warm, and a warm winter must be expected.

September 14 - the day of the Pilot's Seeds. Simeon the Stylite (5th century) became famous as a man of a selfless lifestyle. In the history of mankind, he discovered a new kind of asceticism. Wanting to test his spiritual strength, faith in God, he built a 4-meter-high pillar on the mountain with a platform on top, surrounded it with a wall, and read sermons to numerous pilgrims from this “mountainous” place. Then Simeon settled on a pillar in a small cell, indulging in intense prayer and fasting. Gradually, he increased the height of the pillar on which he stood. His last pillar was 40 cubits (16 meters) high. He spent 80 years in enhanced monastic deeds, of which 47 stood on a pillar. His life was well known in Russia, they learned from him to endure in the name of a holy cause the numerous difficulties of human existence. According to an ancient tradition, it was believed that on this day it is necessary to do charitable deeds, to be merciful. In Muscovite Russia, not a single beggar was left without abundant alms on this day, even prisoners in dungeons were presented with gifts.

Hello guys! Today we have a holiday called Autumn. What is Oseniny - this is a meeting of autumn. In the old days in Russia, our ancestors celebrated Osenins on September 21, on the day of the autumn equinox, when day is equal to night. By this time, the entire crop had already been harvested. And so, having harvested, the peasants arranged a holiday, sometimes for a whole week, they went to visit each other, put all the most delicious on the table, the grandchildren stayed with their grandparents for several days. And we will also invite Autumn to visit today. Only you and I are used to representing Autumn in the form of a beauty in a multi-colored outfit, with a bunch of yellow leaves, but in Russia Autumn was depicted as a little dry peasant. His face is stern, with three eyes and shaggy hair. After harvesting, he walked through the fields - he checked whether everything was harvested properly. And today Autumn will appear in the form of a girl.

Let's meet Autumn with the song "Autumn in Russia". ( Attachment 1)

So, let's say the invocation together: "Autumn, Autumn, you are welcome!"

Includes Autumn and 3 autumn months.


Good afternoon my friends!
Waiting for, come on, me?
Summer was red
For a long time, power did not yield.
But everything comes to a time -
I arrived at the threshold.

I came, guys, not alone, but with my brothers. And what are their names, you now guess.


Empty our school garden
Spider webs fly into the distance,
And to the south end of the earth
Cranes stretched out.
School doors opened.
What month has come to us?


All the darker face of nature -
Blackened vegetable gardens, bare forests,
Silent bird voices
The bear went into hibernation.
What month has come to us?


Black field - it became white,
It rains, then it snows.
And it got colder
Ice bound the waters of the rivers.
The winter rye freezes in the field.
What month, please?

AUTUMN: Do you guys know that the people called these months differently?

SEPTEMBER: They called me frowning, howler, zarevnik.

AUTUMN: September - howler, from the roar of autumn winds and animals, especially deer.

OCTOBER: They called me a winter flyer, a leaf fall, a dirt man.

AUTUMN: September smells like apples, and October smells like cabbage.

NOVEMBER: They called me half-winter, breast.

AUTUMN: November - September grandson, October son, winter dear father. Do you guys know any folk signs, proverbs, sayings?

Host: " I'll start and you continue."

Proverbs about the autumn months.

  • September is cold, but full.
  • In September, even the leaf on the tree does not hold.
  • September will show: if you sow a grain hastily, it will give birth to laugh.
  • October is a skit, smelled of cabbage.
  • October - a spoonful of water, a bucket of dirt.
  • In October, there are seven weathers in the yard: it sows, it blows, it twists, it stirs, it roars, it pours from above and sweeps from below.
  • November is the gate of winter.
  • November - September grandson, October son, winter - dear father.
  • In November, a man with a cart says goodbye, climbs into a sleigh

Proverbs and sayings about autumn.

  • Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with sheaves.
  • In autumn, a sparrow has a feast.
  • Autumn is coming and rain is coming.
  • Autumn rewarded everyone, ruined everything.

Autumn: And now guess Russian folk riddles: [ 2 ]

A girl sits in a dungeon
a braid on the street (Carrot)

SEPTEMBER: They threw off Yegorushka's golden feathers, made Yegorushka cry without grief. (onion)

OCTOBER: Alena dressed up in her green sarafan, curled the frills thickly. Do you recognize her? (cabbage)

NOVEMBER: There is a cake on one leg. Whoever passes by, everyone will bow. (mushroom)

SEPTEMBER: Sits - turns green, falls - turns yellow, lies - turns black. (sheet)

OCTOBER: Under the ground, the bird made a nest, laid eggs. (potatoes)

NOVEMBER: Round like a moon, leaves like a spruce, and a tail like a mouse. (turnip)

LEADING: You know, guys, the turnip was a very important vegetable. The fact is that our favorite potato appeared in Russia only in the 18th century, and before that, turnips were the main vegetable. Turnips were eaten fresh, steamed, dried. They baked pies with turnips, made turnip kvass, cooked porridge.

AUTUMN: And the last riddle: It is bitter in haymaking, and sweet in frost. What is a berry? (Rowan)

LEADING: Rowan, guys, was very famous in Russia. All the berries have long been harvested, even in the summer, and the mountain ash turns red only by autumn, its berries burn brightly. Rowan kvass was prepared from mountain ash, laxative and refreshing. There was even a special day, September 23, when rowan berries were plucked and hung with tassels under the roof. But some of the berries were always left on the tree - thrushes, fieldfare, bullfinches, red-throated. In autumn, nothing is superfluous, even an autumn leaf from our fairy tale. ( Annex 2)

This is how Autumn was celebrated in Russia. Well, we meet Autumn with our traditional exhibition of drawings. Autumn, we invite you to see the exhibition of children's drawings

AUTUMN: With pleasure!

Leading: Well, now Autumn and brothers months look at our entertainment and take part in them.

  1. The game "Plowmen and reapers".
  2. The most dexterous and fastest future hostesses.
  3. In the meantime, these future hostesses are doing their job, we will hold another competition!
  4. Competition for mothers "To carry buckets of water on the yoke."

AUTUMN: Well done guys, nice work! And now taste my treat - autumn apples! Autumn distributes apples from a basket. Goodbye!


  1. Magazine "Books, notes and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka", 2008.
  2. Collection of riddles. Compiled by M.T. Karpenko. M, "Enlightenment", 1998.
  3. "Festival of Autumn" Kononova M.N., Ivanova M.L. (Internet resources)
  4. Lyrics of the song "Autumn in Russia", karaoke (Internet resources)
  5. "Wonderful box" (Russian folk songs, fairy tales, games, riddles) Moscow. "Children's Literature" 1989.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Secondary school №50 in Novosibirsk

Autumn in Russia


Novosibirsk 2016



Music teacher Gladkikh A.S. - the first qualification category;

Music teacher E. G. Kiseleva - the highest qualification category;

Technology teacher Khasanova O.D. - the first qualification category;

Technology teacher Svistunova N.A. - the first qualification category;

Teacher of fine arts Prizheludskaya E.N. - the highest qualification category;

Technology teacher Selnikhin A.V.

The date of the: 29.11.16

Location: auditorium

Event theme:"Autumn in Russia"

Event type:consolidation of acquired knowledge, integrated lesson.

Purpose of the event: the formation of students' interest in Russian culture in the classroom and in extracurricular activities.

Event objectives

1. To acquaint students with the history, traditions and rituals of the national holiday "Autumn in Russia".

2. To develop the cognitive and creative activity of children, interest in handicrafts.

3. To form an idea of ​​the beauty of labor, the diversity of the manifestation of decorative art.

3. To cultivate a respectful attitude to domestic traditions, the values ​​of one's people through the awareness of one's ethnic and national identity, to promote the rapprochement of generations.

Event Structure

1. Meeting guests;

2. Introductory speech: “Formation of students' interest in Russian culture in the classroom and in extracurricular activities on the example of the Russian folk holiday “Autumn in Russia”;

3.Performance by students of Russian folk songs, round dances, theatrical performance "Autumn in Russia";

4.Presentation of an exhibition of arts and crafts, drawings on the theme "Folk holiday - Osenins in Russia";

5.Tea drinking at the samovar;

Teaching methods:game, the method of conversation and dialogue, the method of modeling the artistic creative process.

Educational technologies- information and communication technology.

Planned results:

Personal Outcomes:

  • the readiness and ability of students to perceive Russian culture, the formation of motivation for its further study, value-semantic attitudes and individual-personal positions;
  • awareness of one's ethnic and national affiliation based on the study of the best examples of folklore;
  • increasing motivation for the educational and creative process.

Subject Results:

To know and understand the role of folk music and art in human life, the forms of construction of Russian folk songs and melodies, the types of decorative and applied art and their practical application in everyday life;

To be able to convey the nature of music in musical and creative activities;

Form aesthetic needs, values ​​and feelings;

Metasubject results:


Mastering the ability to accept and maintain the goals and objectives of the activity, search for means of its implementation;

Mastering ways to solve problems of a creative nature; mastering the methods of practical activity - handiwork.


Formation of knowledge about Russian folk art;

Mastering the initial forms of cognitive and personal reflection;

Formation of the ability to find beauty in folk art.


Development of cooperation skills with adults and peers in the process of musical and creative activity.

Material and technical base:computer, multimedia projector, musical instruments, musical equipment.

Thematic holiday "Autumn in Russia".

Musical repertoire used at the festival:

  1. Russian folk-round dance "Autumn-needlewoman";
  2. Russian folk dance song "We were in the dance";
  3. Russian folk song "Scarlet Flower";
  4. Russian folk song "Viburnum on the mountain";
  5. Russian folk song "Spinner":
  6. Russian folk song "Gilded spinning wheel";
  7. Russian folk song "Saturday";
  8. Song "Autumn in Russia";
  9. Chastushki;
  10. Russian folk dance songs.

Preparation for the holiday:

  1. Decoration of the assembly hall in the style of a Russian hut; exhibition of arts and crafts on the theme "Autumn Fontasia", drawings on the theme "Folk holiday - Autumn in Russia";
  2. Autumn leaves, artificial trees;
  3. A table covered with a tablecloth, with Russian crockery and a samovar.

Scenario of the holiday "Autumn in Russia"

opening speech: The main goal of the work of the methodological association is: "Formation of the spiritual world of schoolchildren, high artistic and aesthetic taste, skills of creative activity, morality, education of diligence and patriotism." Spiritual and moral development and education of the individual is carried out through different types of pedagogical activity. Therefore, every year our methodological association holds various thematic holidays, in which students' interest in Russian culture is formed. Such events are very interesting and bright, in the tradition of Russian folk holidays. Today we bring to your attention the event "Autumn in Russia", prepared by teachers together with students. Our task was to acquaint students with the history, traditions and rituals of the national holiday. To achieve this, not only the holiday itself is important, but also the preparation for it. In the hall there is an exhibition of works that students completed for this event in the classroom and after school hours with technology teachers, as well as an exhibition of drawings made by children with a teacher of fine arts. Besidesa competition was organized in advance for the best works from natural material on the theme "Autumn Fantasy", these works are also on display at the exhibition. Before starting practical activities, each teacher in his lessons introduces students to the history of folk holidays, thereby reviving the culture and ancient customs of the Russian people and introduces students to his folklore creativity.

Scenario of the holiday "Autumn in Russia".

The hostess sweeps the stage, adjusts the decoration of the hut against the backdrop of Russian music.

Mistress: I tidied up in the hut, baked pies, and you can meet dear guests! (moves closer to the edge of the stage).

I am waiting for guests today to celebrate the Osenins. This holiday came to us from distant antiquity. By this time, the entire crop was already harvested and the people arranged a holiday. We went to visit each other, sang songs, danced round dances(knock on door).

Here are my guests! I hear, I hear, come in dear guests!

Under the cheerful r.n. dancing to the melody, the younger girls come in. They go up to the stage and, passing by the hostess, bow at the waist. They sit on benches.

Hostess: (with a bow) - Hello, dear guests! I'm glad to see you in my room. The Russian calendar is not rich in warm days. A hot summer will pass behind work and worries about the harvest. You look - and autumn is on the threshold. At the end of September, when the entire crop is harvested in the bins, you can have fun.

1 girl: And who knows what the harvest festival used to be called?

2nd: Acolytes;

3rd: Osenins;

4th: Name day;

5th: We celebrated this holiday for a whole week. The richer the harvest, the more fun the holiday.

6th: They sang songs, danced round dances, did needlework(begins to embroider).

Round dance "Autumn - a needlewoman"

Mistress: You made me happy! And who knows the proverbs and sayings about autumn, about the autumn months?

7th: September is cold, but full.

8th: October is a skit, smelled of cabbage.

9th: In October, there are seven weathers in the yard: it sows, it blows, it twists, it stirs, it roars, it pours from above and sweeps from below.

10th: November - September grandson, October son, winter - dear father.

11th: In November, the peasant says goodbye to the cart, climbs into the sleigh.

12th: Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with sheaves.

13th: Autumn comes, the harvest brings with it.

14th: Autumn has come to visit

She brought us good.

In boxes - canvas,

On the threshing floor - grain.

15th: Also flax - hemp,

Rye, wheat, barley.

Mistress: Clever minds! In autumn the days get shorter and dusk comes earlier. And in these long autumn evenings, it's time for girls' gatherings: who sews, who knits, who spins yarn, who embroiders.

One of the oldest types of needlework is the art of embroidery, it has a long history. In Russia, the ability to skillfully embroider was passed down from generation to generation, and children began to be taught at the age of 4-5. A peasant girl had to prepare a dowry for herself by the age of fifteen or sixteen. By the time the matchmakers arrived, her chest had accumulated up to 100 embroidered towels, many tablecloths, valances, pillowcases, festive clothes and tens of meters of canvas woven by her hands. Man-made things - their abundance, skillful execution, good quality spoke of the diligence, diligence and patience of the bride, and it was obvious to everyone that a wonderful skilled housewife and caring wife were entering the groom's house.

1st girl: In Russia, this is how it is,

What a talented people

Himself and the Swiss, and the reaper,

And a player on the pipe.

Mistress: And who knows sayings about work?

2nd: To live without work is only to smoke the sky.

3rd: A small deed is better than a big idleness.

4th: Business before pleasure.

5th: Work torments, and feeds, and teaches.

6th: We do the work - we sing a song.

The song "Scarlet Flower"

Mistress: Hello guests invited, welcome! I ask to the hut. Red guest - red place (bows to the guests).

The girls sit down on benches and begin to embroider.

1st girl: Oh well, friends. Finally, it's time to rest. And then in the summer there is not a single day free.

2nd girl: Father mows hay, and you rake! Mother reaps bread with a sickle, and you knit sheaves!

3rd girl : Now all our evenings will be. Let's sing our favorite "Spinner".

Performance of the song "Spinner".

Mistress: What saddened the girls - beauties? Come on, let's have fun and with a dance.

The song "Gilded spinning wheel" (dance - soloist).

Mistress: What proverbs do you know about spinning wheels?

4th girl: The lazy spinner and himself have no shirt

5th girl: What is the spin, such is the shirt on it

6th girl: The spinning wheel is not God, but gives a shirt

7th girl: A spinner is not a wolf - he will not run away into the forest

8th girl: Do not spin in winter, there will be no time to weave in summer

9th girl: Don't be lazy to spin, you'll dress well

10th girl: Seven axes lie together, and two spinning wheels apart.

Mistress: Did you know that the spinning wheel accompanied the girl from birth to marriage. Among the Eastern Slavs, a newborn godmother was passed through a spinning wheel; put the spinning wheel in the girl's cradle. A personal, signed spinning wheel was not loaned, otherwise, as it was believed, there would be a fire or the bees would die. In Russia, a guy who wrote his name on a girl's spinning wheel was obliged to marry her. Usually the groom gave the girl a new spinning wheel, made and decorated with his own hands.

Spinning lasted the entire autumn-winter period, interrupted only byChristmas holidays .

4th girl: Like a beautiful girl in the tower,

Craftswoman, artisan

She sat in the tower,

She sewed with silk, weaved with gold.

5th girl: Under the raspberry bush

Silk grass grows.

Under the rowan bush

Our Katya sews a dress.

6th girl - the youngest (answers).

needle, needle,

You are thin and prickly.

Don't prick my finger

Shay sarafan.

Sewing session.

Mistress: Well, my craftswomen are masters, show me your skills!

(looks, praises).

Mistress: And where are our zhneyushki, young girls?

4th girl: The reapers are coming, they are coming,

They carry spikelets in their hands.

To the Russian folk song, all the girls start a round dance, spinning like a snail.

5th girl: (at the end of the round dance) says: They squeezed the field to the end, to the crown of victory ( everyone bows).

1st girl: Autumn, you are autumn, guests for eight weeks,

With strong thunders, with rains, with downpours.

2nd: Rain down from the sky

There will be more bread!

(One girl takes out bread on a towel)

Here it is, fragrant bread,

With a crisp twisted crust.

Here it is warm, golden,

Like sun-filled(brings to guests).

We bring you a loaf

Bow down, please taste.

Mistress: Skillful hands do not know boredom.

Who worked from the heart

Have fun now, dance!

Song "Saturday" (older girls).

Under a cheerful tune, good fellows (boys) enter.

Mistress: And here are the good fellows to us! Hello dear guests!(bows).

Boys in chorus: Hello hostess!

Mistress: We have been waiting for you for a long time, the holiday does not start!

1st boy: We drove past, but turned to the smoke.

2nd: Stay at home, do nothing.

3rd: We decided to look at people and show ourselves.

4th : Make way, honest people,

No dust, track!

Good fellows go

Walk a little!

Mistress: Come in, dear guests! I have a place and a word for everyone.

4th: Don’t worry, hostess, we don’t sit at home, and we don’t stand at a party.

Mistress: Well, good fellows, what will please the guests?

Boys perform ditties, playing along with musical instruments.

1st girl:

Autumn in Russia was greeted with songs and games.

In the morning people went to the shores of lakes and ponds.

They took out oatmeal bread, fed livestock with it,

To have a good milk yield.

2nd girl:

And then - the festivities began, have fun, honest people!

In the villages, honey and beer are brewed, they dance together in a round dance.

So let's honor the ancient custom: let's start a wide circle -

And with soul, with inspiration, we will sing a sonorous song.

The song "Autumn in Russia" is performed.

3rd girl: Autumn, Autumn,

Stars in the festive heights

These are Russian pictures.

Our life in Russia.

4th girl: Life is like this,

This is our side.

All that was, remembering

Let the native country live

All in unison: very Russian, earthly, the best country in the world!

Song "Live our Russia and soul"

1 boy: Go around the whole planet

There is no better Russian dance!

Russian dance, including guests.


This is how people used to have fun.

We sat on the autumn houses,

They looked at the cheerful craftswomen,

Where fun is sung

and have fun there!

If it was sweet for you with us,

please visit another time.
And we invite everyone to the table
We serve pies!

Educational and methodical material

To help the leader

folk group

Ostaptsova Tatyana Nikolaevna

teacher of folklore disciplines

MAU DO of the city of Kaliningrad "DMSh im. R.M. Gliere"

The concept of "tradition" comes from the Latin traditio, meaning "to pass on". Initially, traditio was used in its direct meaning, denoting a material action: for example, in the Roman Empire it was used when handing over an item and even when giving a daughter in marriage. In our time, the word "tradition" also has a connection with the past, with what has lost its novelty, but, invariably, despite all historical cataclysms, it symbolizes the stability of their perception and observance. There were a great many holidays in Russia. The holidays that we continue to observe have survived, getting used to them, without even thinking about their origin. But there are holidays that are again applicable in our modern life. Ancient Slavic traditions are being revived with their unique ethnic baggage.

Autumn traditional holidays

With the advent of autumn in Russia, the harvesting season was coming to an end in the village, more free time appeared, more opportunities to relax and have fun. Even the most wedding season falls on autumn - on Intercession (October 14). But not only at the wedding people had fun and celebrated rituals.

The first of September in Russia was called Indian summer . In some places, Indian summer began on the eighth of September. In the Saratov and Penza provinces, this day was called apiary. There at this time the beehives were being removed. In the Yaroslavl and Vologda provinces - onion. In the Ryazan province - Asposovy day.

From that day on, autumn round dances began in the villages. In some places, an interesting ritual was performed with a round dance under the name of brewing beer. Young women went out with a braga to the gate and treated passers-by. After that, the girls became in a round dance - to brew beer. Having made a circle, the girls walked, depicting a drunk:

Ah, we brewed beer on the mountain,
Lado mine, lado, they brewed beer!
We will gather all around from this beer,
My clap, clap, let's all gather around!
We will all disperse from this beer,
All right, all right, let's all disperse!
We will all sit down from this beer,
All right, all right, let's all sit down!
We'll go to sleep with this beer,
My clap, clap, let's go to sleep!
We will get up again from this beer,
My clap, clap, let's get up again!
We will clap our hands from this beer,
My clap, clap, clap your hands!
We'll all get drunk from this beer,
My clap, clap, we'll all get drunk!
Now we'll all fight with this beer,
My clap, clap, we'll all fight!

At the end of the round dance, women brought jugs of mash and treated the girls.
In Tula and Serpukhov there was the following rite - the funeral of flies and cockroaches.

In Russia inSemyonov day (September 1 ) there were tonsures and mounting on a horse. This ancient rite was performed in some families with each son, in others - only the firstborn.

Autumn Rite September 30th.
On the evening of that day, young women in the villages burned their straw beds. This whole rite was performed from the “evil eye”. And the old women burned only bast shoes. Children were bathed on the threshold from a sieve. All this was done in order to avoid future diseases.

The most significant Orthodox folk holidays of the autumn cycle

Nativity of the Virgin (8/21 September)

The popular name of the twelfth feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary in memory of the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In folk tradition, the Mother of God delivered from sorrows and misfortunes, relieved pain, patronized women in childbirth, was the intercessor of children and girls of marriageable age.

The popular name of the day of memory of St. Simeon the Stylite, the founder of asceticism, called pilgrimage (IV-V centuries). In Russia, he was called a "pilot guide" and for 400 years this day was celebrated the beginning of a new summer (year), since in Russia until 1700 the new year began on September 1. The peasants on Semyonov's day performed the rite of autumn - the first meeting of autumn and the onset of Indian summer.

The popular name of the great twelfth feast of the Exaltation of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, established in honor of the acquisition of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Elena of the Precious Cross of Christ. On this day, crosses were raised on churches under construction and roadside crosses were placed.

The popular name of the church holiday of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos in memory of the appearance of the Virgin in the church in Constantinople in the middle of the 10th century. In folk tradition, the holiday is associated with the completion of field work and the beginning of winter, with the first snow cover of the earth. It was considered a girl's holiday and the patron saint of weddings. From that day on, youth festivities were transferred from the street to the hut, cattle were put in the yard, hunters went to winter crafts.

Paraskeva (March 20/April 2 (Roman Great Martyr Paraskeva, who suffered under Neuron), July 26/August 8 (Martyr Paraskeva, born near Rome in 138), October 14/27 (Reverend Paraskeva of Serbia, who became famous in the middle of the 11th century),October 28 / November 10 (Great Martyr Paraskeva Pyatnitsa).

The popular name of the days of memory of Saints Paraskev, of which there are four in the Orthodox tradition. Among the Eastern Slavs, Paraskeva Pyatnitsa, the patroness of the eponymous day of the week, was especially revered. Girls and women considered her their intercessor: she helped with childbirth, patronized marriage, home, women's activities, especially spinning. Paraskeva healed from mental and bodily ailments, patronized land, livestock and water, and was an intercessor of trade.

The Kuzminki holiday according to the folk calendar is the first winter holiday, the meeting of winter. They named it in honor of Saints Cosmas and Damian, especially respected among the people who called them Kuzma and Demyan in their own way. The people accepted them as patrons of crafts, primarily blacksmiths and healers, and were called "unmercenaries", since they did not take money into their hands.

There was also the nickname "kashniki", because only porridge was eaten from food. During their lifetime, the saints were "mercenary" doctors, treating people and cattle "for the glory of God."

On this day, chicken name days were celebrated. This old custom was known in Moscow. There, in Tolmachevsky Lane, across the Moskva River, women gathered around the Church of Kozma and Damian with chickens and after mass prayers were served. In the villages, women came with chickens to the boyar court and, with a petition, brought them to their boyar "for red life."

In response, the noblewoman gave the peasant women ribbons for a brusnik (headdress). Such “petition chickens” were kept especially: they were fed mainly on oats and barley and were never killed. The eggs that these hens laid were considered to be healing.

In Russia, the day of Kuzma and Demyan was considered a girls' holiday and was widely celebrated. A hut was rented for the day, where they were going to celebrate Kuzma's party; the girls went from house to house - they collected food for dinner, and also brewed beer together. If a bride-girl was present, she was considered the mistress of the house.

A brief description of the events of the holidays (pagan and Orthodox meaning of the holidays)

Nativity of the Virgin (Theotokos Day, Second Most Pure, Small Most Pure, Mrs. Second, Lady rich, Spozha, Spozhka, Big Spozhka, Asposov / Aspasov / day, Sposov day, Pasikov day, Autumn, Second Autumn, Lukov day, Present day) - the popular name of the great the twelfth Mother of God feast of the Orthodox Church - the Nativity of Our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, which is celebrated on September 8 (21). Established in memory of the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Lord God Jesus Christ.

Information about the feast of the Nativity of the Virgin goes back to the 4th - 5th centuries. The first indication of this holiday, according to Palestinian tradition, is the fact of the construction of St. Helena of the temple in honor of the Nativity of the Virgin. This feast is mentioned by St. John Chrysostom, St. Curse and blessing. Augustine. In the VI - IX centuries. the event of the Nativity of the Virgin was described by St. Stefan Svyatogradets, in the 7th century. Sts. Andrew of Crete and Sergius, Patriarch of Constantinople, in the 8th century. Sts. John of Damascus and Germanus of Constantinople.

The day of the Nativity of the Virgin is celebrated with a solemn prayer service; singing magnification at Matins: "We magnify Thee, Most Holy Virgin, and honor Your holy parents and all-glorious glorify Your Nativity." Church hymns: stichera, troparia and canons in honor of the Mother of God are called "Theotokos", they are part of all daily services. In liturgical books, the Mother of God feasts in honor of the Mother of God stand out. Each Mother of God holiday has its own Mother of God.

Among the people, the Mother of God was especially revered. The image of the Mother of God was clearer, more accessible and closer to the people's consciousness than the image of Jesus Christ. On the one hand, "ascended to the divine world", on the other hand, she remained connected with ordinary people, motherly worrying and interceding for them.

The Mother of God was considered the patroness of women in childbirth, which follows from the maternal principle in her image, which is confirmed by the iconography of the Mother of God, as well as the etymological proximity of the words "Virgin Mary" and "childbirth". Therefore, requests were sent to the Mother of God for help in difficult childbirth. The Mother of God was seen not only as the Mother of God, but as the Mother in general, the mother of every person. In this sense, the Mother of God is often called Mother, Matushka. Hence the view of the people on swearing: it offends the three mothers of man - the Mother of God, Mother Earth and mother.

In the Russian folk tradition, the image of the Mother of God became close to the image of Mother Earth, which led to the formation of the cult of the Mother of God-earth. The Mother of God was equated, and sometimes identified with the birth and fruit-bearing land-nurse.

In special honor was the Mother of God and the girls of marriageable age. They turned to her with requests for suitors.

In the folklore tradition, the Mother of God is a favorite character in spiritual verses - epic songs on religious subjects, which were performed by wandering singers at fairs, market squares or at the gates of monastery churches.

According to northern Russian legends, the Mother of God "walks the earth" on Easter. Legends about birds and animals are also associated with the Mother of God. The folk legend of the Russian population of the Surgut Territory tells of the Mother of God, who was frightened by a hazel grouse in the forest, angry, she turned him into a “small bird with a big rustle” so that any hunter could find him sooner, and divided the tender white meat (“grouse heritage”) between all birds and animals.

Osenins were timed to the Nativity of the Virgin or to Asposov's day - the second meeting of autumn - Autumn (the first took place on the Transfiguration of the Lord or on Semyonov's day). Women gathered early in the morning and went out to the banks of rivers, lakes and ponds to meet Mother Osenina. For this meeting, oat bread was specially baked, which was held by the eldest of the women, and the young ones sang songs, standing around her. Then the bread was broken into pieces according to the number of those gathered and fed to livestock.

Osenins they coped for a whole week (in the church tradition, 6 days were allotted for the celebration of the Nativity of the Virgin, since this holiday had the day of the forefeast - September 7 (20) and four days of after-feast).

Exaltation (Shift, Move, Move Day, Stavrov Day, Cabbage / Cabbage /) - the popular name of the great twelfth holiday of the Orthodox Church of the Exaltation of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, which is celebrated on September 14/27. Established in the first half of the 4th century. in honor of finding the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Empress Elena of the Holy Cross of Christ.

A feature of the service of this holiday was the transfer of the cross from the altar to the throne during Vespers and then taking it out at Matins, after the great doxology, to the middle of the temple for worship. In the church, the celebration continues for seven days; the celebration of the holiday takes place on September 21 / October 4.

In the folk tale dedicated to the day of the Exaltation, the meaning of the holiday is revealed in its own way. The legend speaks of Constantine's attack on the "Jewish land" and the capture of the "king of the Jews", who refused to say where the "honest crosses" were and was killed. The Jewish queen reported about the discovery of the crosses, unable to bear the torture of her child, placed between two "living fires". She sent Tsar Constantine to Odubar-mountain, where the “honest crosses” that the apostles spoke of were discovered.

Since the cross is a symbol of suffering, the day of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord was considered fast among the people: “Although on a Sunday, come Exaltation, and everything on it is Friday-Wednesday, Lenten food”; “Whoever does not fast with the Exaltation - the Cross of Christ - seven sins will be raised on him”; "Whoever has a slaughter on the table about the Exaltation - he kills all his prayers."

In the annals, this day was called "Stavr's Day" (Greek cross). For a long time, processions around the villages were made on Vozdvizhenye to protect them from troubles for a year. Molebens were served, icons were raised, and the fields went around with a prayer for the future harvest. They also prayed for the sick: “Pray with faith on the Exaltation Day, so the Life-Giving Cross will raise from the deathbed.” It was customary to raise crosses on temples under construction; install roadside crosses; build votive chapels (ordinaries) and small churches - according to the promise, in honor of the holiday.

In folk ideas, the Exaltation is associated with the consonant word “movement”, with the help of which many peasants explained the meaning of the holiday. This is the basis of signs and sayings dedicated to this day. They talked about the end of the harvest: “On Vozdvizhenie, the last shock from the field is moving, the last cart is in a hurry to the threshing floor”; "Movement - the bread has moved from the field."

By the time of the Exaltation, the Indian summer was ending, the third meeting of autumn took place: “The summer closes the Ascension, the gray checkmark carries the keys with it across the sea” (Smolensk). The approach of winter was noted: “The exaltation of autumn moves towards winter”; “On the Vozdvizhenie, winters - it doesn’t matter to a peasant”; “On Vozdvizhenie, winter is white - the nest is removed, I’m going to visit a Russian peasant, - here I (says) I, winter-winter, I’ll stay in Holy Russia, I’ll visit a gray peasant.” They prepared in advance for the onset of winter cold, so they said: “The exaltation of the caftan will move from the reach, the sheepskin coat will move”; "Exaltation will push the zipun, move the fur coat."

Important things were not started on the Exaltation, as there was a belief that everything started on this day would be unsuccessful and useless.

By the Exaltation, the harvesting of vegetables, flax, and hemp was coming to an end; there was a processing of flax (“crumpled tow”). They began to chop cabbage and harvest it for the winter, so the Exaltation was called a cabbage holiday: “On the Exaltation, someone’s holiday, and cabbage has more than everyone!”; “On the Exaltation, the first lady is cabbage”; "Take it out, woman, about cabbage: Exaltation has come!" Cabbage felling was accompanied by songs and treats in the evenings. “A good peasant has a cabbage pie on Exaltation Day”; "On the Exaltation of a good fellow - cabbage at the porch."

With the Exaltation, a series of autumn girls' parties began, called "kapustniks", "cabbages", "kapustenskie", "cabbage evenings". Kapustniki took place not only in the villages, but also in the cities, and lasted for two weeks. The girls, wearing elegant clothes, went from house to house with songs - to chop cabbage. A special table with appetizers was being prepared. Guys-grooms came with gifts and looked out for brides - "kapustnitsy".

Protection of the Virgin (Protection day) - the popular name of the Mother of God holiday of the Orthodox Church - the Intercession of the Most Holy Lady of Our Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary, which is celebrated on October 1 (14). Installed in memory of the appearance of the Virgin in the Blachernae Church in Constantinople. This event took place in the middle of the tenth century. during the reign of the Byzantine Emperor Leo VI the Wise.

In Russia, the holiday was established under Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky around 1164. On this day, the church service was given a special “magnification”: “We magnify Thee, Blessed Virgin, and honor Your honest Protection.” In honor of the Protection of the Mother of God there is an akathist.

In folk comprehension, the church holiday of the Intercession of the Mother of God appears far removed from the Christian legend. The people create their own legend about the wandering Mother of God, who was denied lodging for the night in one of the villages, for which the inhabitants were punished by Ilya, the prophet who sent “thunder and lightning”, “fiery and stone arrows”, “hail the size of a human head”, "shower-rain". Taking pity on the people, the Mother of God saved them by unfolding a veil over the village, after which they became kind and hospitable.

The cover of the Virgin takes on a symbolic meaning and is seen as a fabulous veil of the Virgin - the Sun, which personifies the morning and evening dawn. This veil covers all the destitute and is spun from gold and silver threads descending from the sky.

For a peasant, Pokrov Day is one of the most important autumn holidays, associated in folk tradition with the completion of agricultural work and the beginning of winter.

The boundary position of the feast of the Intercession of the Virgin between autumn and winter marked it as the day by which the weather for the coming winter was determined, since for the peasants it was always important whether the approaching winter would be severe. Accordingly, they noted: “What is the weather on Pokrov - such is the winter”; “Where the wind to Pokrov comes from, the frosts will start accordingly” (Voronezh); “If a leaf from oak and birch falls cleanly on Pokrov - by an easy year, and not cleanly - by a severe winter”; “Cranes fly away to Pokrov - for an early cold winter”; “If the squirrel is clean (faded) before the Pokrov, then autumn (winter) will be good” (Perm.); “If the hare does not run out before the Pokrov, then the autumn will be long”; the dual nature of the weather on that day was characterized: “The cover is the first winter”; “On Pokrov before lunch, autumn, and after lunch, winter-winter”; “From the Pokrov, winter begins, from the winter Matryonas - on November 6 (19) and 9 (22) winter rises to its feet, frosts come”; “The cover is not summer - the Presentation (Annunciation) is not winter”; "The cover covers the earth, now with a leaf, now with snow."

The first snow fell near the Intercession, covering everything around, therefore, in the popular consciousness, the Intercession of the Virgin was associated with the snow cover of the earth during the onset of winter: “On the Intercession, the earth is covered with snow, dressed in frost.” But the snow that fell on Pokrov often melted quickly, and for the peasant a serious problem was the end of the autumn thaw and the establishment of a sledge track, so they followed: “If snow fell on Pokrov, then on Dmitriev Day (November 26/8) it will certainly be the same »; “The cover is naked, then Catherine (November 24 / December 7) is naked”; “From the first snow to the sleigh journey, six weeks” (Pinezhie).

But the day of the Intercession of the Virgin was connected not only with the snow cover in the popular consciousness. The cover (veil) of the Most Holy Theotokos was associated with a veil, veil, head scarf, which covered the bride during the wedding ceremony. The Day of the Intercession of the Virgin was considered the "patron of weddings" and a girl's holiday: "The Intercession will come, the girl will cover her head"; “If it’s windy on Pokrov, there will be a great demand for brides”; “If snow falls on Pokrov, then this portends many weddings”; "If snow falls on Pokrov - happiness to the young"; “The cover will cover the earth and the girl (the earth with snow, and the girl with a scarf)”; "Fly the merchant to Pokrov (they talked about brides)."

The girls especially believed in the power of the Feast of the Intercession, so various actions were timed to coincide with it, helping them find their betrothed and get married. On the eve of this day, the girls used to tell fortunes in a barn: to perform fortune-telling, they baked small rye bread, and also crushed and ruffled a bunch of flax. In the evening, bread and flax were taken to the barn and placed on the grate - horizontally laid poles, on which sheaves of bread were placed to dry, while they said: “My betrothed, my dear, come to Riga today, look at work, show yourself from the window” (Yaroslavsk .). At the same time, the girl had to silently wait for the appearance of her betrothed, standing in the middle of the threshing floor and looking out the window through which sheaves are thrown into the barn. Most often, the girls were afraid to stay alone in the barn at night and, putting bread and flax on the grate, they went to sleep, and in the morning, when the good news for matins was heard, they took bread and flax from the barn, which had the miraculous power to bewitch hearts. If a girl secretly lets you eat a piece of bread and puts a thread of "enchanted" flax in your pocket, then the guy she likes will love her.

After the feast of the Intercession of the Mother of God, youth festivities were transferred from the street to the hut (“Pokrov is the end of round dances, the beginning of gatherings”), while on Sundays festive evenings were held, and on weekdays, after finishing chores around the house, the girls gathered in turn to each other to gatherings, mainly with spinning or sewing: “The winter has come - the sitting has led”; "From the Pokrov, the spinners sit up at night."

Pokrov was the day by which the term of hiring and transactions was calculated - usually workers were hired for a year - from Pokrov to Pokrov; in Pokrov, shepherds and urgent workers were calculated, new ones were hired for the next year. Various terms were established: “From the Intercession to Evdokey”; "From the Intercession to Epiphany"; "From Intercession to Yegorye". After Pokrov, having completed agricultural work, many peasants went to otkhodniks, especially if they owned some kind of craft, and some, on the contrary, returned home.

By Pokrov, the harvesting of bread was over - the last sheaves were taken away and folded in a barn or barn; the harvesting of vegetables from the gardens was completed: “The Blessed Mother (Assumption of the Virgin) sows, and the Veil gathers”; "On Pokrov the last collection of fruits." In many places the Intercession fairs began: “Hurry up, to the Pokrov, I’ll rent it at the Intercession Fair”; "Wait until the Intercession: I'll pay off the entire debt."

Kuzminki (Kuzmodemyanki) - a girl's holiday celebrated throughout Russia by girls on the autumn day of memory of Kuzma and Demyan - November 1/14.

On this day, the bride-maiden became the mistress of the house. She prepared meals for the family and treated everyone; the main dish served at the table was chicken noodles. In the evening (less often - for three days), the girls arranged a "Kuzma party" ("spypchina", brotherhood). Why they rented a hut in advance, collected food from the village - potatoes, butter, eggs, cereals, flour, etc., prepared ritual food, among the obligatory dishes was porridge, brewed Kozmodemyansk beer. Often, girls sold porridge to guys for a few kopecks, putting it in cups, and the money they received was divided among themselves. Teenage girls boiled porridge in several pots; after which they ate in a certain order: first they ate a dish of porridge with vegetable oil, then with short butter, and at the end - a dish of porridge with lard. (Novgorod).

After the treat, youth games began, among the indispensable ones, the so-called "kissing". So, while playing “Spinning Spinner”, the players stood in a circle, and during the performance of the song: “Spinning wheel, my kokoritsa, I’ll throw you out of the mountain into the street ...” - the guy and the girl circled in different directions, kissed and gave way to another couple (Pechorsk .).

Kuzma's party could go on all night. When the treat ended, the guys went "to fish" - they stole neighbor's chickens to make new dishes (such thefts were not condemned by peasants); after which the fun resumed.

The girl's holiday, celebrated on the day of Cosmas and Damian, logically fit into the autumn wedding period, when the bride's bridesmaids take place (they said: "The girl got the guy!"), youth acquaintances (in popular terminology - "groom"), joint games and courtship, creating the prototype of the wedding game (so, among the main treat kuzminok - wedding ritual dishes: chicken noodles and porridge), which fit into the image of saints created by the people as patrons of marriage and "wedding blacksmiths".


    Acquaintance with the traditional autumn holidays of the Russian people, their history, customs and rituals.


    Education respect for Russian culture, spirituality, patriotism, the revival of folk traditions.

Description: The folk calendar is compiled using dates and folk holidays. In Russia, everything that happens in nature has always been treated with reverence - to its phenomena - be it rain or frost, heat or cold.
Purpose: This work will be useful to teachers of additional education, educators in the work on environmental education, to everyone who is interested in folk signs, rituals and holidays.
Target: Acquaintance with the folk calendar (autumn).
- educate interest in folk traditions;
- to instill a love for folklore;
- develop a desire to be interested in what is happening in nature in the fall.

1. Autumn chores: meeting autumn. Osenins
Oseniny is an ancient holiday of farewell to summer and meeting of autumn. What is Osenins - this is a meeting of autumn in Russia.

It was celebrated three times: on September 14, 21 and 27.
September 14 is the day of Semyon the pilot. With Seeds, meetings began, i.e. work in huts by fire.
September 21 - celebrated Ospozhinki - harvest festival. It was believed that from that day the summer ended and autumn comes into its own.

September 27 - Exaltation. All signs, characteristics and recommendations of this day were somehow connected among the peasants with the word "move". The exaltation of autumn moves towards winter, “bread moves from the field to the threshing floor”, “the bird has moved away”, and even “the caftan with a fur coat has moved, and the hat has moved”.

In the old days in Russia, our ancestors celebrated Osenins on September 21, on the day of the autumn equinox, when day is equal to night. By this time, the entire crop had already been harvested. The holiday is celebrated by going to visit, wide hospitality. They certainly visit their parents and commemorate their ancestors.

September 8/21 - Nativity of the Virgin. Among the people - the Lesser Most Pure (Big Most Pure - Assumption, August 15/28).
Osenins - the second meeting of autumn. Easter day. Bees are harvested, onions are harvested. Onion Tear Day. The earth tends to white matinees. "Amen to every summer (end)." "If the weather is good, autumn will be good." "Indian summer quiet scared."

Autumn meet by the water. On this day, early in the morning, women go to the banks of rivers, lakes and ponds to meet Mother Osenina with oatmeal bread. The older woman stands with bread, and the young people around her sing songs. Then they break the bread into pieces according to the number of people and feed livestock with it.

The Aztecs celebrated the day of male fertility on this day. erection holiday. September 21 was considered to be a favorable day for the conception of strong and healthy boys. It is interesting to note that the day of the Aztec mother goddess, Atlatonin, was not this day at all, but 06/18, which is about 9 months after this holiday.

In the old days, there was a custom of treating the newlyweds to their relatives, which is why September 8 was also called “Offering Day”. All relatives and friends came to the newlyweds. The caller invited such guests: “To visit the young, look at their life and life and teach them the mind-reason.” After a hearty dinner, the young hostess showed her entire household in the house. Guests, as usual, had to praise and teach the mind. The owner took the guests to the yard, showed them rye in the barns, summer and winter harness in the sheds, and treated them to beer from a cask in the garden.
September 27 - the third Osenins, "Snake Holiday".

According to popular belief, on this day, snakes and other reptiles, along with birds, moved to an unknown blissful country called iriy (the Christian word took on the sound of "paradise"). Therefore, they were sent off with requests to convey messages to those who had gone to another world.

“Exaltation is a holiday of snakes. Snakes move to one place. They go into the ground, move there.” On September 27, they try not to go into the forest, which is completely at the disposal of the snakes. Whoever goes into the forest can be dragged underground by snakes. Fleeing from snakes, you can read a poem. Step with your right foot and stop when you go into the forest. Make three bows to the earth and say: "Save me, Lord, from the beast running, from the creeping reptile." And spit three times over the left shoulder.

In the Perm province, it was believed that wearing the Maryin root plant on a pectoral cross protects against a snake.
“If you see a snake, shake it by the tail, then it won’t bite and won’t crawl away anywhere.” (Vlasova M. Russian superstitions. Encyclopedic Dictionary. - St. Petersburg, 2001. - S. 202.)

The snake is depicted on medical emblems: above the bowl, the staff of the god of healing Asclepius (among the Romans - Aesculapius), entwined with snakes. A snake in the hands of the sorceress Medea, who could restore youth.
Every year, thousands of snakes are removed from nature to obtain poison. Gyurza and cobra became rare.

OSENINS. folklore holiday

LEADING. Hello guys! Today we have a holiday called Autumn. What is Oseniny - this is a meeting of autumn. In the old days in Russia, our ancestors celebrated Osenins on September 21, on the day of the autumn equinox, when day is equal to night. By this time, the entire crop had already been harvested. And what kind of harvest could the peasants collect? Let's remember what grows in the garden?
CHILDREN: Carrots, beets, cabbage, potatoes ...

HOST: Right! And so, having harvested, the peasants arranged a holiday, sometimes for a whole week, they went to visit each other, put all the most delicious on the table, the grandchildren stayed with their grandparents for several days. And we will also invite Autumn to visit today. Only you and I are used to representing Autumn in the form of a beauty in a multi-colored outfit, with a bunch of yellow leaves, but in Russia Autumn was depicted as a little dry peasant. His face is stern, with three eyes and shaggy hair. After harvesting, he walked through the fields - he checked whether everything was harvested properly. And today Autumn will appear in the form of a girl. So, let's say a cry together: Autumn, Autumn, you are welcome!

Includes Autumn and 3 autumn months.
AUTUMN: Good afternoon, my friends!
Waiting for, come on, me?
Summer was red
For a long time, power did not yield.
But everything comes to a time -
I arrived at the threshold.
I came, guys, not alone, but with my brothers. And what are their names, you now guess.

SEPTEMBER: Our school garden is empty,
Spider webs fly into the distance,
And to the south end of the earth
Cranes stretched out.
School doors opened.
What month has come to us?

OCTOBER: All the darker face of nature -
Blackened vegetable gardens, bare forests,
Silent bird voices
The bear went into hibernation.
What month has come to us?

NOVEMBER: Black field - it became white,
It rains, then it snows.
And it got colder
Ice bound the waters of the rivers.
The winter rye freezes in the field.
What month, please?

AUTUMN: Do you guys know that the people called these months differently?
SEPTEMBER: They called me frowning, howler, zarevnik.
AUTUMN: September - howler, from the roar of autumn winds and animals, especially deer.
OCTOBER: They called me winter, leaf fall, dirt.
AUTUMN: September smells like apples, and October smells like cabbage.
NOVEMBER: They called me half-winter, chest.
AUTUMN: November - September grandson, October son, winter dear father. Do you guys know any folk signs, proverbs, sayings?

And now guess Russian folk riddles:
A girl is sitting in a dungeon, and a scythe is on the street (Carrot)

SEPTEMBER: They threw off Yegorushka's golden feathers, made Yegorushka cry without grief. (onion)

OCTOBER: Alena dressed up in her green sarafan, curled the frills thickly. Do you recognize her? (cabbage)

NOVEMBER: There is a cake on one leg. Whoever passes by, everyone will bow. (mushroom)

SEPTEMBER: Sits - turns green, falls - turns yellow, lies - turns black. (sheet)

OCTOBER: Under the ground, the bird made a nest, laid eggs. (potatoes)

NOVEMBER: Round like a moon, leaves like a spruce, and a tail like a mouse. (turnip)

LEADING: And you know, guys, the turnip was a very important vegetable (remember the tale about the Turnip?).

The fact is that our favorite potato appeared in Russia only in the 18th century, and before that, turnips were the main vegetable. Turnips were eaten fresh, steamed, dried. They baked pies with turnips, made turnip kvass, cooked porridge.

AUTUMN: And the last riddle: It is bitter in haymaking, and sweet in frost. What is a berry? (Rowan)

LEADING: Rowan, guys, was very famous in Russia. All the berries have long been harvested, even in the summer, and the mountain ash turns red only by autumn, its berries burn brightly. Rowan kvass was prepared from mountain ash, laxative and refreshing. There was even a special day, September 23, when rowan berries were plucked and hung with tassels under the roof. But some of the berries were always left on the tree - thrushes, fieldfare, bullfinches, red-throated.

This is how they met Autumn in Russia.
Well, we meet Autumn with our traditional exhibition of gifts of nature, unusual vegetables grown in your country house, autumn crafts.

Autumn, we invite you to watch the children's exhibitions and help select the best exhibits for the school-wide exhibition.

AUTUMN: With pleasure! Wait for me, guys, by class. I’ll go to everyone, I won’t miss anyone, and I’ll even bring a treat!

When in the classroom Autumn says goodbye
AUTUMN: Well done guys, nice work! And now taste my treat - autumn apples! Autumn distributes apples from a basket. Goodbye!

September 21 - the second Osenins, the day of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Early in the morning, women and girls went out to the banks of rivers, lakes and ponds to meet Mother Osenina with oatmeal and jelly. In the minds of a Russian person, her image merged with the image of the Mother of God, therefore they turned to her: "The Most Pure Mother of God, deliver me from maety, harassment, take away from others, illuminate my life-being!" According to custom, on this day, all relatives and friends went to visit the newlyweds in order to "teach them the mind." The young mistress was preparing a special round cake: "For our bread - salt, you are welcome!" After a hearty dinner, the young hostess shows the house, and the young owner shows the yard, barn, barn, garden. The guests were treated to beer of their own production. All together the cathedral honored the Sun.

From September 21, it was believed that every summer - Amen. Autumn has come into its own. In fact, this is a religious holiday of the astronomical autumn equinox.

The second Osenins connect, as it were, two holidays: earthly and spiritual. In its earthly essence, it is a harvest festival, accompanied by games and songs, and in its spiritual, heavenly nature, it is the birthday of the Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus Christ.

9th of September
In the agricultural calendar of the Slavs, this day was called "autumn" or "ospozhinki" and was celebrated as a harvest festival. On this day, Thanksgiving was given to Mother Earth.

At the beginning of September, the harvest was completed, which was supposed to ensure the well-being of the family for the next year. In addition, the meeting of autumn was marked by the renewal of fire: the old fire was extinguished and a new one was lit, which was mined with blows of flint.

From autumn, the main economic activity was transferred from the field to the garden or to the house: the collection of vegetables began (first of all, onions were harvested). Usually in Oseniny (in Orthodoxy - the day of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin) a treat was arranged for which the whole family gathered. For the holiday, beer was brewed and a sheep (ram) was slaughtered. A pie was baked from the flour of the new harvest. They praised Mother Earth for giving birth to bread and other supplies.

Since the harvest of hops began from that day, the corresponding game songs were sung at the festive festivities:

We weave, hops, weave,
To our side
As on our side, there is a lot of freedom!
And the freedom is big, the men are rich!
That the men are rich, stone chambers!
What stone chambers, golden doors,
What poppies are cast!

September 27 - Third Osenins
The third Osenins are timed to coincide with the church holiday of the Exaltation of the Holy Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, this is the third meeting of autumn. "Exaltation - autumn moves towards winter."

According to folk tradition, cabbage parties began, girls' parties, when young people went from house to house to chop cabbage. These parties lasted two weeks. This is a kind of sacred action: cabbage was considered the sacred food of the Gods. On this day, a very ancient rite was carried out - the cross. The sign of the cross has been a symbol of the sun since prehistoric times. It was believed that on the Exaltation, he radiates protective power. The peasants carved crosses from wood, crossed rowan branches, painted crosses in places that they wanted to protect from evil spirits: in bins, barns.

On the third Osenins, according to popular belief, snakes and other reptiles, together with birds, moved to an unknown blissful country called iriy (in Christianity, this word took on the sound of "paradise"). Therefore, they were sent off with a request to convey a message to those who had gone to another world.

In the villages, the peasants brewed beer. They carried out a ritual plowing of the village, driving out of it Kukhoma (fever, shaking), then shared the beer at home and rested after the labors of the righteous. In the evening, baths were heated and steamed, expelling evil spirits from themselves. In the forests, before the long winter, the goblin joked with people for the last time, arranging a review of animals and birds - are they ready for a harsh winter.

According to the old calendar, the beginning of autumn fell on September 14th. The First Ecumenical Council (325) established this day as the beginning of the year. According to Orthodox tradition, the world was created in September.
Osenina the first meeting of autumn. On this day, it was supposed to “wipe out” the “new” fire with the help of two planks, and with this pure fire to start sittings, or gatherings. From that day on, in Russia, they began to celebrate autumn weddings (until November 15), moved to new homes, carried out the rite of “monastic vows” (initiation) of boys who had reached the age of seven, into youth, marking their new role in the community.

On the festive day of the first Osenins, an ancient amusing rite of burial of flies and cockroaches, annoying inhabitants of the Russian summer, was timed. September 14 - the beginning of the Indian summer, which lasts up to three weeks in some areas. They noticed: if Semyon is a clear day, then the whole Indian summer will be warm, and a warm winter must be expected.

September 14- the day of Seeds of the Pilot. Simeon the Stylite (5th century) became famous as a man of a selfless lifestyle. In the history of mankind, he discovered a new kind of asceticism. Wanting to test his spiritual strength, faith in God, he built a 4-meter-high pillar on the mountain with a platform on top, surrounded it with a wall, and read sermons to numerous pilgrims from this “mountainous” place. Then Simeon settled on a pillar in a small cell, indulging in intense prayer and fasting. Gradually, he increased the height of the pillar on which he stood. His last pillar was 40 cubits (16 meters) high. He spent 80 years in enhanced monastic deeds, of which 47 stood on a pillar.

His life was well known in Russia, they learned from him to endure in the name of a holy cause the numerous difficulties of human existence. According to an ancient tradition, it was believed that on this day it is necessary to do charitable deeds, to be merciful. In Muscovite Russia, not a single beggar was left without abundant alms on this day, even prisoners in dungeons were presented with gifts.

2. Equinox
Autumn Equinox

The day becomes shorter than the night, the "dark", winter part of the year begins, the real autumn. Harvesting ends and active autumn harvesting begins. From here begins a series of autumn holidays and related fairs and weddings. There is an active decrease in energy, which predetermines the rhythm of household work, personal life and ritual practice...

In terms of astronomy and astrology, the Autumnal Equinox is the moment when the Sun crosses the Celestial Equator and enters the sign of Libra. Accordingly, the day when this happens (and the day, day, in the Indo-European tradition is considered from sunrise to sunrise) and is considered the Day of the Autumnal Equinox. The night is now longer than the daylight hours, the dark, winter half of the year is coming. The weather can still please people with the warmth of the "Indian summer", but the trees have almost all turned into autumn colors, the flowers have almost all faded, only those few remain that bloom until the very first snow, like alpine asters, for example. And although it is still warm on sunny days, the nights are already cold, the first frosts will soon begin (if not already).

The Autumnal Equinox is the busiest part of the year. By this time, most of the harvest has already been harvested, the housewives are actively making preparations for the winter. Fresh vegetables and fruits will not be available until next summer, only a few autumn berries and mushrooms are still available fresh. The resulting harvest must be calculated and distributed over the entire next year, until the next harvest. That is why the sign of Libra is associated with the Autumn Equinox.

Harvest is not enough to harvest (harvesting is mostly the concern of the previous period of the annual cycle), the harvest must also be preserved. It is precisely this - calculation, preservation and distribution - that the period between the Equinox and Samhain is dedicated to. At this time, the housewives are actively fermenting cabbage, preparing pickles, at the same time they begin to serve pickles and jams to the table. From that day on, they started brewing beer. The peasants finished working in the field, all activity moved to the house and to the household yard, the preparation of the economy for winter began. And, of course, autumn fairs. Sell ​​crops, buy something that they themselves could not grow. Accordingly, artisans by this time were preparing more of their own goods for sale. Where there are fairs, there are always festivities; where there are festivities, there are matchmaking and weddings.

The very day of the Autumnal Equinox - the day when the transition from Light to Darkness takes place, like other critical days, was considered non-working, idle, festive, like all holidays it had its own name. The Celts called it Mabon, Alban-Elved, among the Slavs this day was called Oseniny. The day of the Autumnal Equinox is dedicated to the mother goddess (who concurrently bestows material wealth), the astrological sign of Libra is ruled by Venus.

Christians adopted this ritual: on September 21, Christian churches celebrate the Nativity of the Virgin. Interestingly, in the distorted Julian calendar, the holiday is closer to the original, correct date than in the Gregorian one (Catholics celebrate the Nativity of the Virgin on September 8, all dates are given in the Gregorian, new, style), which indicates that Christians adopted this holiday quite late.

The holiday was traditionally for women. On this day they baked ritual bread (however, the agricultural peoples baked ritual bread for any holiday), women went to the river with this bread, to meet them very much. Also, women plowed the salting around the yard with a plow, protecting the house and household from the dark forces gaining strength.

One of the most important rituals was the kindling of fire. All fires were extinguished in the houses, and then rekindled. It was supposed to kindle a fire in a ritually pure way - by hitting a stone against a stone or rubbing a piece of wood against a piece of wood. By the way, an interesting incident - the fire produced by a piezoelectric lighter turns out to be the cleanest. Zoroastrians - the main fire-worshippers of our day - believe that the purest fire is when natural gas coming out of the earth ignites from a lightning strike. In a piezoelectric lighter, an electric spark - a small lightning - generated by hitting a stone - a piezoelectric crystal - ignites a gas extracted from the bowels of the Earth.

There were also feasts and festivities, especially for youth. Young people made themselves crowns from fallen leaves, girls made beads, stringing red rowan berries on a thread. These beads symbolized Brinsingamen - Freya's necklace. During the festivities, the girl threw this necklace around the neck of the guy she liked and he had to spend the whole day with her.

This is the historical and cultural background of the holiday, predetermined by the energy of the annual cycle. How and what should we, city dwellers, do today?
How to celebrate the Autumn Equinox for a modern city dweller?

Actually, exactly the same. Bake a cake to treat your friends to. Women can and should go to the river with this pie, greet autumn, leave part of the pie on the shore (eat the rest, so take it with you in moderation so as not to take the demand back home).

What to do and what not to do around the Autumnal Equinox?

It must be remembered that near the Autumn Equinox, the decrease in solar and vital energy goes very quickly, so you should minimize the load on your body, pay more attention to health, and avoid overload. The period near and after the Autumn Equinox is extremely unfavorable for new beginnings, new projects and deeds, on the contrary, it is very good for summing up, completing, getting results and renewing old contacts and connections. In a sense, this time is similar to the period of the waning of the moon, but it mostly affects long-term affairs, with a development cycle of a year or longer.

Immediately after the Equinox, it is very good to engage in trade. During this period, it is good to both sell and buy. Right now it makes sense to bring your projects to the phase of obtaining results and sell them. In the period immediately after the Equinox, this can be done with maximum benefit. And, by the way, this is a good time to audit stocks and reserves, decide what should be kept and what should be discarded. The period is most favorable to sell the supplies you no longer need with maximum benefit for yourself. If you do not do this on time, these reserves will lie dead weight with you, hindering development, it will be much more difficult to sell them later, they can generally "rotten", become useless to anyone. And they can interfere with further development, like excess fat in an obese person. At the same time, right now it is necessary to stock up what is needed and necessary, creating a material base for further growth.

Since it is in the period immediately after the Equinox that the vital force decreases most rapidly, you should allocate time for rest and generally limit the load. It is very good and useful to combine leisure and business communication, as was usually done at fairs. The time while the Sun is in Libra is very favorable for the conclusion of any alliances, from marriage to business and political. Be sure to take advantage of this opportunity! Also, this time is extremely favorable in order to renew old connections, find old friends, and renew lost acquaintances.

The dark season is suitable for dark witchcraft. This is not only inducing damage, love spells and curses. This is also any magic aimed at communicating with the world of the dead, with ancestors, guardians of the family, with "dark" gods, personifying the elemental forces of nature. This includes all fortune-telling. It is not for nothing that they almost do not guess in the summer, and the peak of fortune-telling falls on the night before Christmas (Winter Solstice), the longest night of the year, the moment of triumph and the greatest power of Darkness.

In the period between Mabon and Samhain, the last services are performed for the goblin and the water, which, according to popular belief, then go into hibernation.

The dark side of magic also includes a modern hobby - spiritualism. On long winter nights, it is much easier to communicate with the world of the dead. But even more dangerous!

3. Kindling a new fire
At home, you can and should light at least a few candles. Ideally, five: four on the cardinal points and one in the center of the room. You can symbolically kindle a new fire - turn off for a minute all the electrical equipment in the house, which will symbolize the extinguished old fire, and after the candles are lit, turn it on again.

And, what is very important, try to free this day as much as possible from all affairs. The energy on the days of the turning point is actually very unstable, any business that you do on this day will be especially difficult and can lead to completely unpredictable consequences. No wonder our ancestors declared these days idle.

4. Fieldfare
September 23 - Peter and Pavel Ryabinniki. Mass collection of mountain ash. On this day, mountain ash was harvested for the future, for compotes and making kvass. Rowan infusion was considered a good anti-inflammatory remedy for winter colds. They decorate windows for the winter with rowan clusters from all wickedness.

Rowan is a faithful assistant against twigs and evil spirits. Rowan infusion was considered a good anti-inflammatory remedy for winter colds. The people believed that if a malicious spirit torments you, it doesn’t give you sleep, it comes to your chest and chokes you, you need to take a rowan branch, outline the space around you - and evil spirits will perish, as it never was. And therefore, windows for the winter were decorated with rowan clusters from all wickedness.

In Russia, there are two Peter - Paul - big and small, summer and autumn. Autumn Peter - Pavel - fieldfare. At this time, after the first frosts, the mountain ash becomes sweeter and they begin to collect it for food. Gathering mountain ash, leave on each tree part of the berries for birds. Few mountain ash - dry autumn, and a lot - harsh winter.

Fieldfare OR SORBARIA is a flowering ornamental shrub with leaves very similar to Rowan. The height of the bush reaches 2 m. Numerous white or cream small flowers are collected in large fluffy paniculate inflorescences that adorn the plant for quite a long time in the middle of summer. The plant is very stable, unpretentious and even quite aggressive - it reproduces by root shoots with good care in large numbers and can oppress other plants.

Root offspring of most species form dense thickets. They can grow both in the sun, but there they are shorter and fade faster, and in partial shade - the plants are taller and bloom longer.

Fieldfare (lat. Turdus pilaris) is a common species of European thrushes.
It breeds everywhere in Europe, from the northern border of forest vegetation to the northern border of the steppe zone, and also in Siberia - to the watershed between the Yenisei and the Lena. In Southern Europe, North Africa, the Caucasus, Central Asia and Kashmir it is found as a vagrant, wintering bird, although with a significant harvest of wild berries it also winters in Central Europe.

Fieldfare differs from other thrushes primarily in its way of life. Although some pairs breed in isolation, most of them gather in medium-sized colonies of 30-40 pairs. They like to settle in park plantings and in copses, along the edges of forests, closer to wet meadows. Fieldfare is not found in dense forests. Its main habitats are in the north and in the middle part of Europe and Asia. Some birds are sedentary, some are nomadic. Scandinavian fieldfare, like a certain number of Central European ones, fly south for the winter, primarily to the south and west of Europe. The nesting season lasts from April to July. Fieldfare eats both animal and plant foods. In winter, flocks of fieldfare flock to feast on mature mountain ash and other berries (eg sea buckthorn). The fieldfare thrush is not a particularly valuable commercial species, its shooting is allowed all year round without a license. The main purpose of shooting is to protect orchards, and the meat of thrushes is also eaten.