Pampers for newborn boys: harm and benefits. Pampers and boys are compatible, future mother-in-law and mother-in-law can sleep calmly, future mother-in-law - do not worry

The authors argue that as a result of the greenhouse effect, irreversible changes in the tissue of eggs are coming, resulting in infertility and a reduction in potency.

Recently, there were reports that the use of children's disposable diapers causes education under a diaper microclimate with elevated temperature and humidity, which has a negative impact on the infrastructure of the testicles and suppresses spermatogenesis. The authors argue that as a result of the greenhouse effect, irreversible changes in the tissue of eggs are coming, resulting in infertility and a reduction in potency. However, these statements do not have any scientific evidence and represent only speculation and assumptions.

In the literary sources available to us, we did not find work proving the possibility of adverse effects of children's disposable diapers on a male reproductive function. German endocrinologists in 1997 conducted measurements of the skin temperature of the scrotum in boys to 1 year, which used cotton and disposable diapers. When using cotton diapers, the average skin of the scrotum was 34.9 ° C, and when using a disposable 36 ° C. When using disposable diapers, the skin temperature of the scrotum rose by 1.1 ° C.

Consequently, when using disposable diapers, the skin temperature under them increases only by 0.5 - 1.0 ° C, which does not give grounds and talk about the rack greenhouse effect.

For a better understanding of the processes occurring in the testicular of the boys of younger, it is necessary to touch on some issues of the structure and physiology of eggs. The Egg in the fetus is laid in the abdominal cavity and at the time of birth goes to the scrotum. The newborn seed tubules have a form of solid cell lights without a lumen. Light in the seed canalians appears only by 7 - 8 years of life. At this time, the number of sperm has increased, and one 9 years appear single sperm. And only 10-15 years appear first spermatozoa.

In 1984, prof. V.A. Yerenkov (head. Department of Popidevics of Children's Diseases of Kiev Honey. University). He conducted research of hormone levels in children of different ages. On a large statistical material, the author convincingly proved that boys up to 10 years old with urine stands out the same amount of androgens and estrogen, as in girls, and the testosterone concentration in the blood plasma is low.

Thus, the spermatogenesis of boys begins not earlier than 7 - 8 years of age and, therefore, in children before this age can not have a speech about any process of its suppression. In the first years of life, the hormonal activity of leildig cells (producing testosterone and androgens) is minimal.

The physiological processes of thermoregulation in the body of the child are of great importance. It has been proven that in the peripheral areas of the child's body, heat exchange occurs between the vascular flows of the opposite direction. The position of the testicular artery in the middle of the cloud-shaped venous plexus contributes to the heating of the heat of the Vienna, the inferior artery. The presence of the seven shells and abundant blood supply to level the temperature fluctuations between the scrotum skin and the egg cloth up to 5 - 6 ° C.

There are a number of experimental work devoted to the study of the effects of high temperatures on spermatogenesis in adult men. Back in 1968, Robinson explored spermatogenesis from volunteers by immersing the scrotum in warm water. The oppression of spermatogenesis occurred only when the water temperature increases to 45 ° C with a duration of at least 30 minutes for 14 days.

FONIO in 1961 examined a large group of men working in high temperatures. In people with a normal structure, the grimns of negative effects were not observed: residents of equatorial latitudes, deserts, etc. There are no spermatogenesis disorders that could be addressed dependent on the ambient temperature. These facts illustrate the broad adaptive and compensatory capabilities of the organism with its unique mechanism of the thermoregulation of the egg.

The urologists and endocrinologists often have to face the problem of constant exposure to high temperatures on the testicular fabric in children in the case when for various reasons by the time of birth, the testicle remains in the abdominal cavity. This condition is called cryptorchism. The temperature in the abdominal cavity is stable and exceeds the temperature of the scrotum skin at 5 ° C. In addition, in such cases, the testicular artery and veins are widely melted along the walls of the junk bag, quite far from each other. With this arrangement of the artery and venous plexus, adequate heat transfer is impossible and, as a result, the egg overheating occurs.

The study of the structure of the unintended eggs at the cell level showed that up to 2 years of age, almost all children, the testicular fabric does not differ from those in healthy children. Only after 3 years of age begin to appear signs of the trophic tissue tissue. Thus, even with violation of the thermoregulation of the scrotum and constant influence on the fabric

eggs of the external environment, the temperature of which is 5 ° C above normal, changes in the tissue of the eggs are occurring only after a three-year-old age.

The above facts indicate the infidelity of the opinion that the use of children's disposable diapers in boys leads to the development of infertility by creating a greenhouse effect under the diaper.

It is known that in Western countries, children's disposable diapers are widely used since the early 60s, i.e., a lot of time passed in order to sum up a certain result. The number of fruitless marriages in Western Europe over the past 15-20 years increased by 3% and reaches 15%. Half of such marriages is due to male infertility. Analysis of the causes of male infertility showed that the main cause (36%) is suffering infectious diseases, including in childhood.

The statistics presented also suggest that the widespread use of children's disposable diapers did not cause a significant increase in the percentage of male infertility.

Thus, the analysis of foreign and domestic data indicates that the increase in the temperature of the scrotum leather in the range of 0.5 - 1 ° C does not have a negative impact on the testicular fabric. The adaptation properties of thermoregulation contribute to maintaining a constant temperature inside the scrotum.

From the brochure "Pigeon day. To help the district doctor."


I used the Japanese Merries from birth. Everyone is written that they are the best. With the 3rd months, our calas turned red and became pupils. I thought it was a dealer, then I realized that it was allergy. I didn't have anyone. But before the birth of a child, it was not necessary to use one-time diapers. Well, not naturally they, inside this nasty gel ... Brrrrrr! In general, our girl is now 4 months old and I accidentally read about the German dyeing system with reusable diapers. Good! Ka Panties-diapers, liners, wool spurists and other rubbing! The husband became in a pose that all this is expensive. I don't have it to wash it. Just when everything is on the mind, then it's convenient to care for the child. In general, I became a one-time gauze into the diaper to put - at least with the tissue of the ass in contact with the gel. I change every 1-1.5 hours, the diaper is generally dry. I think the panties hb inexpensive and put it there and begin to plant. Everything is dry and a child on a natural fabric. And he has a choking, if every hour changes marla - absolutely dry. One-time wet, but after all, and change it every 3 hours because you save.

02/20/2009 01:39:06, detector

I am for one-time. Do not need to change the diaper every hour, but also 6 hours of bust ... On the recommendation of the same pediatrics, 3-4 hours the interval, and 15 minutes to give the ass "Raise" ... well, and change if Orally pampers are full or baby only went large, even if only changed (it can be heard on characteristic sounds) herself tried to combine and gauze diapers with diapers .. Some screams from the child, because damp and cold .. yes and washing does not end. And the point is not in the manifestation of laziness and dislike. All right. Everything must be in moderation. You can wash the diapers and be irritated and sleepy, and you can spend your free time with love for the same exercises with the guy guy (swimming, gymnastics, etc.)

10/30/2008 03:50:25, Nadine

Friends, the discussion resembles a dispute between pointers and stupid. Moreover, I have a feeling that the louder of all about the dangers of diapers are shouting with those who raised the child without them, and now, in order not to feel like a shock, begins to hysterically, about the dangers of this terrible invention. Everything should be reasonable and moderately. If at home is elementary cold, then more harm will bring wet marl, to change which you will not work instantly. Guests, night, walk, cold at home - these are the cases when a disposable diaper is needed. Here we had strange attacks, on the topic that if you do not erase for the child, and we dress diapers, then you don't like a child enough. Did not write, do not like, isn't it strange? Again, these are those who have not enjoyed pampers. IMHO, of course.

09/23/2008 08:34:01, cat

I think that it is not that diapers are harmful or not. Most likely not harmful, and maybe even very and very helpful. Why? In America, spend a lot of money on health and comfort. And for sure, many studies are conducted and will be held for this. Understand! These studies help you will enter into an American lifestyle! This means, in the case of diapers that you now do not need a lot of time and work to spend on your child. Everyone will do itself - electrician, electro-auto-feed, or the like. And the love will say, it is not in the hard burden of courtship for their small. Choose.

07/30/2008 15:37:12, Kirill

In America, diapers appear for a long time, and therefore the people of our age who are giving birth at all the children, they walked in diapers - specially recognized from familiar. Moreover, diapers were not so good, naturally. So I'm not worried about this. And I remember how my girlfriends from 6 started to plant a pot, try to push, then the carpet was described at home all the time, sometimes even lying on the floor, and finally the skill was fixed somewhere after 2.5 years. I didn't have enough patience, my daughter constantly went in diapers, but at 2 years 4 months a daughter finally realized that they wanted everything from her and left everything in a couple of days. Since then, she never cried and described in just a total of 10 times.

06/03/2008 14:14:50, good dad

Everything should be in moderation :) No need to fall in extremes :)
Consider listening to the child. What he sleeps better: in diapers or gauze diapers. The child is not a leaning creature. He will tell you everything himself.
Afraid of diapers, but tired of washing - combine both. You can stay without diapers in the afternoon, and dress up on the street.
If your child is in diapers, then change them on time as soon as the child starts worries or every 1-2 hours.

06/03/2008 14:14:28, good dad

For information: in the southern provisions of Russia, a non-frequency way to cast the bulls was used. Everything is elementary - in summer, a felt bag dressed a bull on the scrotum. After a very short time, the bull became absolutely "calm" :)

05/31/2008 07:19:49, Semyon Semench

dear Eugene! Who is the child in the diaper for 6 hours holds? I change the son of a diaper after 1-2 hours, and even with 2-hour breaths! With the exception of night sleep.
But at night the child and writes less often and he can sleep quietly !!!

I read and still amazed on the indifference of moms to your children ... Mama was smaller than - mom sleep calmer .... And what will mom say to mom in 30 years? Now they just did not grow up those boys, whom moms hold in diapers day and night ... And I saw a problem with urine, when he stayed in a diaper for 6 hours - shouts by a wild voice, Pisyon Torch - and to pee can not everything. Called the doctor - yes, the problem is due to overheating. Think whether it is worth an extra hour of sleeping the health of your sons?

01/22/2008 14:38:43, Eugene

People! AU! 21 centuries in the yard! What is the dispute, then? About that here our moms did not have diapers and nothing? And 100 Lt back and did not fly into space and what? One of my friend, having listened to songs about the detriment of diapers, decided to keep my son in general without everything to not "overheat." The result is nozzles in small, tears in Momashi.

07/30/2006 10:30:09, Klava

when opponents of disposable diapers scream about the fact that the child gets used to dryness, comfort, and it is impossible to accustom him to the pot, for some reason they forget that the reusable gaunes should be changed very often, and not to leave the child "for the feeling of inconvenience" in this dirt which elementary causes dermatitis.
by the way, - the question is also Sergey, you have a lot of adult people who do not go to the toilet, or are these observations from personal experience?!)))

and in general - in everything good golden mean - that is, to use both

07/16/2006 18:07:51, Anna

Of course, the one who is widely used by diapers, will defend their safety is not worse than the person commercially interested, because it is already unpleasant to doubt. If it turns out that it is really harmful, so harm is already applied, there is no way back (I mean the danger of infertility). And what is worth the work on the washing of the pellery when the health of the child is put on the card ... It is confused by the categoricalness of not ordinary moms and dads, but the authors of "smart articles". The normal position of science, in my opinion, "there are doubts - do not touch", if we are talking about a child. Of course, it is very conservative and closes the passage to many potentially progressive and useful ideas, but the delicacy in this matter is obligatory at least to some extent. Therefore, when you read: "The danger is not proved," and this is concluding that it is possible to use a product with a calm conscience, it is alarming. When "science" begins to get off from attacks, it makes you think. I read a lot of articles, where concerns are called nonsense. As luckless was the charlatan, which was allowed so well-rooted rumor ... Well, I can not believe that it's all from scratch. So asks the idea that something is hidden behind this, and since the danger is denied completely, it means that something is serious, something that it is impossible to mention even in distorted form. Immediately they say: do not use constantly, make breaks, and impertness begins to build a picture of "Little Evil" ... @ [Email Protected] Obviously, the truth is that the strength of the striking factor (if there is) is not very large. And still harm something ...

06/28/2006 14:29:05, Yana

Anya, could you still describe the process of care for the newborn baby? And then no one knows how hard it is! Children, besides you, no one without "wonderful" diapers never grows! My son is 4 years old. Pampers used only for a walk. This is the answer to your question. I clarify: the child should spend daily on the street at 2.5 - 3 hours at least. The maximum allowable time to find a child in a diaper (so that no "pleasant" consequences) is 3-4 hours. Suits this option? Therefore, the street does not need to change gauze diapers, do not worry so. I also note, we live alone, without grandparents, it became. They live in 6 thousand km. This is me to the fact that the help of anyone did not have to wait for us. The husband of the house is extremely rare (such a work). My patience was not enough for 5 days, but until the moment the child grew up. And this is not insanely hard, you do not need to put pressure on pity. Sorry for the frankness. With respect, I wish good luck. Pediatrician.

25.10.2005 19:58:14, Pediatrician

Comment Article "Do one-time diapers affect the reproductive function of boys?"

How to wash boys? Moms of newborn boys tend to arise many questions related to hygiene. How to clean the genitals to not harm? In fact, it is not difficult. We suggest familiarizing yourself with the approximate algorithm of actions: · Before you begin to hygienic procedures, clean your hands thoroughly. Take care that everything is necessary: \u200b\u200bbaby soap, towel or diaper, pure diaper - was at hand. · Then ...


It washed after each fearwork if possible, but only a driver, did not use any means for swimming, so as not to overcover, and I was afraid that somewhere would not be wondering and provoking inflammation.

I washed, after each defecation, and my kuma my son once a day.

Bisphenol A - Person Non Grata in products for feeding children For 50 years, the substance Bisphenol A is used as a hardener in the manufacture of plastics and products based on plastics, including dishes and bottles for feeding babies. But in 2010, the FDA (managing the quality of food quality and drug quality) officially recognized the harmful effects of bisphenol and on human health. Bisphenol-but negatively affects the reproductive system and brain ...


It is very important to pay attention to the marking of packages of bottles, nipples, children's dishes, because the health and development of children depends on it. Some items, such as pacifiers, are in contact with the child constantly, their quality needs to pay special attention. Ideally, the material of children's dishes, nipples and pacifiers should be inert, do not react with the environment and liquids.

Yours faithfully,
Korsakov Elena

Why treat anemia? Iron is an indispensable trace element that participates in the construction of proteins, enzyme systems, cellular metabolism and redox processes, in the transport of oxygen, electrons and some enzymes, in the formation of immunity. With anemia, there is a violation of the nutrition of tissues and organs, which can lead to a slowdown in the growth and development of a number of organs, including the brain, which can manifest itself with a decrease in memory and speech delay, psychomotor and ...

In the family, the birth of a boy is a wonderful event. But together with joys and concerns about a small man, you may encounter with "male problems", which parents need to know. So 96% of newborn boys at birth is impossible at birth. This is explained by the presence of adhesions between the head and the extreme flesh (prepayment), a narrowed by a pre-tunic ring, and a short bridle. This state is called physiological phimosis. In addition, phimosis happens ...

Do you wear a one-time diaper on the kid or straight from the diaper to plant it on a pot? So critical later teaching to the natural recovery? Are diapers? How to teach a child to a pot? All these questions are certainly tormented by you. Let's try to answer at least one of them and see how to teach the child to go to the pot. The child does not go to the pot of a whole science. Indeed, the teaching to the pot is a big deal not only for crumbs, but also for parents. Best patience ...


We have a baby began to understand what is just 2 years old.

We have a kindergarten in a month, and the pot is still not a friend (nervous (grandmothers itch that diapers are to blame. If he felt that he was wet and cold, he would have experienced faster. And I can't and I don't want to bring it to Die Street without a diaper. It is still quite cold. Maybe it really is in them? We use Helen Harper Baby panties they are so soft and comfortable that he seems to do not feel at all. Maybe take some worse, so that it is not so comfortable ?

05/29/2017 16:50:50, faith postova

Gauze diapers for newborn or diapers - what to choose in the hospital? Often the future mother is thinking about this issue. Read about the very first clothes for newborns, you will be talking about diapers from Marley. Of course, now a large selection of ready diapers or other hygienic products. But some moms more like gauze diapers. Previously, when diapers were not in nature, it was not necessary to choose. Gauze diapers were the subject of essential ...


That would be all the girls, giggle. Well, I used this time (as in the previous two) at first gauze diapers (I bought it, very cheap in the pharmacy) and just bought very thin diapers and folded them. And I still use))). Not so much scared, erases the car. And the second she sewed itself, the cloth bought on a three-chip, beautiful, with bears))), after a son, a few more children have grown. From the old bed linen, because the fabric is softer, that's all.
Well, there are non-tee among us to keep the child in diapers all day (and not at all of the savings). And "fashionable" reusable, about which girls are written here, stand very and very much. I personally had a pity for me, for me (and not only for me, I think) it is expensive.

"By the way, if you want to make such gauze diapers do it yourself - contact your friends with a proposal to get rid of old bed linen"
:))))))))) it fell just

An excellent way to protect the skin of the baby - hypoallergenic diapers Active lifestyle is very important to the kids, at such moments need special protection against moisture. To date, diapers are an indispensable thing for children. With the right choice, they will help protect the skin from thenels, allergies, irritation, while leaving it always dry. Modern diapers are supplied with clasps, have soft gums around the edges, tightly adjacent to the skin around the legs of the baby and protecting from possible flows ...

Among pregnant women who should have a boy, there is an opinion that male children can not wear diapers, because the hygienic material squeezes the testicles. However, the staff of the Pediatric Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences conducted research and argue that disposable diapers: · Do not cause male infertility, because the beginning of the production of spermatozoa in boys begins at the age of 7 - 8 years; · Do not contribute to the creation of kids curves; · Do not contribute to creating cystitis at ...

How to increase potency. The health of the man worries not only the man himself, but also his second half. And here is no hope when the couples face with a decrease in the libido-sexual attraction to each other. Equally, this problem worries more men themselves, because they are accustomed to be in all the first! To begin with, it is not necessary to worry, it happens almost with everyone to one degree or another for a number of a wide variety of reasons. It is somewhat due to psychological stress, others are due to the routine ...


Yes, for potency, it is much easier to use something more landed and simple. I am a detonator cream, I smear it on a member during a caress and wife moans for several hours without a prodig. And I and she are satisfied.

11/29/2018 22:13:32, Arthurka1112


When my friends had the first child, they did the conclusion for themselves that if the child was comfortable in some kind of diaper, then something new in no case should be changed. But an interesting video comparison of this series with intelligent explanations, and visual benefits, how much which diaper absorbs and is well breathing well, maybe it would have to save some money.
It is good that now information is available on the Internet and you can find out the answers to important questions, for example, baby yoga with Anna Sedogova. And how many more interesting rollers can be seen on the official channel Pampers

i think so, or in the picture reusable diapers?

A parcel dated 05/22/12 Good health! This parcel is multi-dimensional) 1. [Reference-1] Poppy - an important part of the omissions of the indigenous people of the Andes, a plant with special nutritional and adaptogenic properties. Thanks to its adaptogenic abilities, it improves overall well-being and eliminates the ailment caused by a long stress. Maca also helps with problems that may occur in the elderly due to hormonal disorders associated with menopause and ...

About 20% of pregnant women think about how to prepare for childbirth, and about how to prepare for conception - approximately 10%. On the site, the most complete materials on pregnancy, childbirth of children are collected. Mostly consciously, those pairs of which it does not occur by itself are preparing, i.e. Probably infertility. But there are questions that are associated with the preparation for conscious conception and are not directly related to treatment and medical diagnoses. There is an opinion that kids themselves ...

The article on how beer and cigarettes affect the reproductive function of men

Very familiar concepts that often use conversations. Sometimes here is a shadow of irony, sometimes light humor and even some coquetry. And what actually happens with an adhent young man and a young girl if they are quite definitely a "father's daughter" and "Mother's Son". And is it really affecting the formation of a man and a woman in the future. The question is not celebrating also because a large number of divorces in the practical sense makes the common ...


Inna, you touched on a very painful topic. Moreover, the children of divorces are now very much. What is the output for mother-single, where to "digest under the influence" of the Son of Esil Father does not want to participate in the child's raising? How can mother alone give a boy worthy upbringing so that he then did not feel the lack of men's influence on himself? Or is it to be tormented in marriage with an unloved husband, if only the son was not deprived of him?

Prepare everything in advance first, finally decide, in which maternity hospital you will give birth. Notify your female consultation doctor's decision, get the necessary documents, a pregnant exchange card (if for some reason it is still not in your hands), direction in the maternity hospital. If necessary, pass the tests again. Secondly, check if you have a newborn care literature. Thirdly, keep in mind that in the last month of pregnancy at any time ...

There are no fundamental differences between the process of dressing girls and boys. However, disguised a little man, it is worth considering the location of the genitals. Parents should try not to transmit toddler testicles, as it will cause him discomfort. Tighten the diaper a little down when you correct it, and do not forget to check the side gum so that they do not twist inward. Then the boy will be comfortable in the diaper. However, many moms and pops are worried about the question: can I wear diapers boys? Consider the most common myths about the harmful influence of diapers.

Pampers for boys - you can or can not?

There is no unambiguous answer to this question. Leading pediatricians assure that high-quality disposable products do not cause harm to the child, but this concerns only those cases when they enjoy correctly. If the diaper is not removed for a long time, the body temperature of the boy under the product rises for a couple of degrees, and this is a danger to the urogenital kid system.

Modern high-quality diapers have excellent breathability, which creates the optimal climate for the boy and protects against the accumulation of excessive moisture. Therefore, the answer to the question is whether the boys can wear diapers, becomes obvious. There are no good reasons to argue that diapers are harmful to the health of the boy. Moreover, one-time panties have many advantages: they are practical, comfortable, prevent the development of diaper dermatitis, save time and strength of parents.

Myths about the dangers of diapers for boys

Modern mothers no longer represent the care of the baby without disposable diapers. This is despite the fact that only twenty years ago, most women did not even know about the existence of such products. Apparently, therefore, some parents of the older generation believe that disposable panties are harmful to children's health. Consider some of the most common myths.

  • Pampers spoil the skin. Merbal products are definitely harmful to the skin of the baby, since it is wet, they provoke the appearance of irritation and diaper areas. Unlike them, disposable diapers in the front have a reinforced layer of the absorbent, which absorbs the maximum amount of moisture. The usual gauze is not capable of this and cannot guarantee the skin of the kid sufficient moisture security.

    "The harm of diapers for the boy is in frequent manifestations of allergies" - this is convinced of some parents, but when changing the brand of diapers or cream, as a problem is solved by itself. Modern mothers and dads are truly often faced with the allergic reaction of boys to certain components, but in most cases the cause of irritation is not the diapers itself, and the skin care products used with it.

  • Permanent Intrusion of diapers sparkles legs. Driving doctors assure that boys should not wear diapers due to the risk of curvature of the legs. This application has no medical justification, since modern products are distinguished by an anatomical form and minimal thickness. They can not affect the development of the musculoskeletal system and the shape of the limbs of the baby.
  • Disposable diaper worse diaper. Mnogy speak about the harmful effects of disposable panties on boys, because when they wear, testicles and scrotum are heated, which does not happen in diapers. However, this statement is false, because no greenhouse effect and overheating can be in case of increasing the temperature of the child's skin just one degree. It is very difficult to raise the temperature in the testicles, because they are protected by seven shells and the climate inside reliably regulates the testicular artery.
  • Pampers affects a childbody functionThere is a terrible myth associated with damage to diapers, it is believed that they can lead to impotence or infertility. This statement is easily refuted if you recall the lessons anatomy. Boys have special leilding cells responsible for the production of men's hormones. In the first 7 years of the boy's life, they do not produce anything at all. Only with the onset of 10 years of age in the male half develop full-fledged spermatozoa. So, in the first years of life, diapers cannot be harmful to boys sperm, because it appears much later.

How to choose the right diapers for boys

Parents should carefully approach the choice of personal care of kids, they must be safe and environmentally friendly. This also applies to diapers, so when choosing, adhere to the basic rules:

  1. View of the fasteners. For kids, special models with reusable velcro are created - it is convenient to keep track of the condition of the boy's skin under one-time panties or corrected diapers. Older children may be dressed in conventional diapers with side velcro or choose products in the form of panties, made without seams.
  2. Variety of material. So that the skin of the baby was protected, diapers should be created from high-quality raw materials. It is better to pay for proven companies that systematically tested for compliance with world standards. The leading brands offer different lines of disposable panties for any budget, so parents can purchase high-quality products inexpensively.
  3. Sensor filler. Modern disposable boys panties are equipped with an indicator - special strips that change the color with sufficient content of diapers. It's easier to track the moments when the baby is time to delay. This prevents the formation of excessive moisture on the skin of the child.
  4. Convenience of rubberry. This parameter is one of the most important when choosing disposable panties for boys. Soft and elastic rubber bands do not rub the skin, which means the baby in diapers will feel comfortable. Mama should follow the strength of the rubber, because in the too, stretched models can not delay the liquid inside, and solid are uncomfortable and harmful to the skin of kids.

Video: Komarovsky about pampers for boys

Are diapers for boys harmful? The negative impact of diapers on the skin or genital organs of boys is a false stereotype. However, it is also impossible to abuse them, to avoid further problems with teaching a baby from disposable panties. Not all parents understand why you should not wear a new diaper immediately after removing the old one. It is important to give the skin of the kid rest, air baths are saturated with oxygen and give faster to dry the cream. Caring for the skin of the baby, observe the main rules of hygiene, then the use of diapers will become absolutely safe.

With the advent of disposable diapers, the life of young parents has simplified significantly. Indeed, the number of diapers and sliders, which need to be washed, and what to talk about the benefits of their use during walks, public transport trips? Of course, the practical side of diapers is difficult to overestimate, but it often sounds the opinions of both ordinary mothers and grandmothers and doctors that there is very serious harm of diapers. Is it really, and what do specialists think about this? Let's try to consider what is diapers: harm or favor?

Pampers: harm and benefit

You can talk about the benefits of disposable diapers, however, it is possible to limit them the main advantage: it is convenient. Today, the choice of disposable diapers on store shelves and pharmacies is very large: Pampers, Huggies, Libero and many-many other companies produce waterproof decoration for children of all ages: from birth and older. But what could hide the diapers?

The skin does not breathe

Many claim that the dressing diaper on the kid, we deprive him of the skin of air inflows, in other words, his skin does not "breathe." Manufacturers of the most modern diapers, on the contrary, make the emphasis on the fact that their products are created in a special way so that, not passing the liquid, at the same time allow the air to penetrate the child.

The secret lies in the structure of a disposable diaper: its shell is permeated with millions of microscopic pores, which easily paste air, and can also withdraw the pairs from the baby's defective, making the inner surface in contact with the skin, more dry. In any case, the diaper is not intended for eternal wearing - depending on the type, they can be worn by a certain amount of time, after which it is necessary to replace. Also, after each trip to the toilet "in large", the diaper must be changed, pre-removed and dried the skin of the baby. Failure to comply with the rules of hygiene and the replacement of diapers can lead to the emergence.

Diaper is more useful for pampers

Many moms are manifesically declare that staying in diapers, which are natural material, much more useful than finding the baby in the diaper. In fact, the situation is not quite so or, not at all. The main task of the diaper is to eliminate or minimize the contact of the skin with a wet surface that can irritate the skin of the child. At the same time, modern diapers perfectly absorb a large amount of liquid, while the diaper immediately wet and contacts the child before it is replaced, and after all, not always mommy can quickly notice the "accident".

Myths about the dangers of diapers

There are some more serious myths about the dangers of diapers who, fortunately, have nothing to do with the real state of affairs. Often, "carriers" of such myths become grandmothers, which, at one time, were deprived of such a useful accessory.

Floors are twisted in diapers

There is an opinion that when wearing disposable diapers from the very birth, the legs of the baby can be curved. In fact, the harm of diapers in the curvature of the legs is an ordinary fiction, often distributed by adherents of the peeling of newborns.

The curvature of the legs in the kids, on the contrary, can be caused by some diseases (Rahit) who do not have anything in common with the wearing diaper.

Accustomed difficulties

Another "Babushkino" error - the diaper will complicate the process of teaching the baby to the pot. In fact, the diaper does not affect the difficulty of mastering the pot of the child - this process always causes a number of difficulties from the parents and, which consciously, the child will take care of the pot of the pot, the better. Many pediatricians, on the contrary, believe that the teaching of children to the pot in a very early unconscious age can, subsequently, to pour out in much more problems: night incontinence.

Serious harm of diapers - myth or reality?

There are several major myths about the dangers of diapers who are even more frightening. They are connected with the health of men's and women's childbearing bodies, while, in the press and media, we often can hear about any studies of scientists proving the truthfulness of myths. In fact, the situation is a bit wrong. Let's figure it out.

Harm diapers for boys

According to this myth - a permanent stay in diapers for boys affects the subsequent impotence and infertility. In fact, the data of all sorts of research do not give any reason to assert it.

First, during experiments, the temperature of the scrotum really increased much more than this happens when wearing a diaper in which it increases only by 0.5-1 degrees. Secondly, the experiments were put over adult men, and after all, the seed tubes open in boys only at 7 years old, until this age, special cells - leydega cells, are in the period of waiting and do not fulfill their direct task - the products of men's sex hormones, to which Applies androgen and testosterone.

Thus, harm from diapers in terms of violation of the reproductive function of boys is not only not proven, but also is very dubious from a medical point of view.

Harm diapers for girls

Harm diapers for girls is more logical, in particular, when it comes to the development of cystitis - inflammatory urinary bubble disease. Doctors really believe that improper care for kids, including the late replacement of disposable diapers, leads to cystitis. In addition, during the treatment of this disease, it is extremely undesirable to use diapers at all. However, diapers themselves cannot cause cystitis in girls, but their incorrect operation is quite. Be sure to follow and do not forget to change diapers!

Today, by Dr. Evgenia Komarovsky - Ukrainian pediatrician and doctors of medical sciences, a huge number of modern parents listens. His thoughts regarding the care and education of kids often go against many myths of modernity, including the myths about the dangers of diapers.

In particular, Dr. Komarovsky is an opponent of the theory that diapers are able to lead to infertility and impotence. His arguments sound very convincing.

Komarovsky on diapers and their harm for boys

According to the doctor, diapers in no way can give kids to infertility due to the increase in the temperature of the scrotum. The point is how we have already written earlier, the temperature of the scrotum rises only by 0.5-1 degrees, which is noncritical. For example, when cryptorchism (incapquality of the baby's eggs in the scrotum), the temperature of the Egg itself rises by 4-5 degrees, while, after medical intervention and return it to the scrotum, the reproductive function of the baby is maintained in the overwhelming majority of cases.

To familiarize yourself with the detailed opinion of Komarovsky on diapers and their dangers for boys can be at the doctor.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky on diapers and other myths is also mercilessly - none of the "dangers" of one-time diapers listed by us is not dangerous.

With the advent of disposable diapers, the life of young parents has simplified significantly. Indeed, the number of diapers and sliders, which need to be washed, and what to talk about the benefits of their use during walks, public transport trips? Of course, the practical side of diapers is difficult to overestimate, but it often sounds the opinions of both ordinary mothers and grandmothers and doctors that there is very serious harm of diapers. Is it really, and what do specialists think about this? Let's try to consider what is diapers: harm or favor?

Pampers: harm and benefit

You can talk about the benefits of disposable diapers, however, it is possible to limit them the main advantage: it is convenient. Today, the choice of disposable diapers on store shelves and pharmacies is very large: Pampers, Huggies, Libero and many-many other companies produce waterproof decoration for children of all ages: from birth and older. But what could hide the diapers?

The skin does not breathe

Many claim that the dressing diaper on the kid, we deprive him of the skin of air inflows, in other words, his skin does not "breathe." Manufacturers of the most modern diapers, on the contrary, make the emphasis on the fact that their products are created in a special way so that, not passing the liquid, at the same time allow the air to penetrate the child.

The secret lies in the structure of a disposable diaper: its shell is permeated with millions of microscopic pores, which easily paste air, and can also withdraw the pairs from the baby's defective, making the inner surface in contact with the skin, more dry. In any case, the diaper is not intended for eternal wearing - depending on the type, they can be worn by a certain amount of time, after which it is necessary to replace. Also, after each trip to the toilet "in large", the diaper must be changed, pre-removed and dried the skin of the baby. Failure to comply with the rules of hygiene and the replacement of diapers can lead to the emergence.

Diaper is more useful for pampers

Many moms are manifesically declare that staying in diapers, which are natural material, much more useful than finding the baby in the diaper. In fact, the situation is not quite so or, not at all. The main task of the diaper is to eliminate or minimize the contact of the skin with a wet surface that can irritate the skin of the child. At the same time, modern diapers perfectly absorb a large amount of liquid, while the diaper immediately wet and contacts the child before it is replaced, and after all, not always mommy can quickly notice the "accident".

Myths about the dangers of diapers

There are some more serious myths about the dangers of diapers who, fortunately, have nothing to do with the real state of affairs. Often, "carriers" of such myths become grandmothers, which, at one time, were deprived of such a useful accessory.

Floors are twisted in diapers

There is an opinion that when wearing disposable diapers from the very birth, the legs of the baby can be curved. In fact, the harm of diapers in the curvature of the legs is an ordinary fiction, often distributed by adherents of the peeling of newborns.

The curvature of the legs in the kids, on the contrary, can be caused by some diseases (Rahit) who do not have anything in common with the wearing diaper.

Accustomed difficulties

Another "Babushkino" error - the diaper will complicate the process of teaching the baby to the pot. In fact, the diaper does not affect the difficulty of mastering the pot of the child - this process always causes a number of difficulties from the parents and, which consciously, the child will take care of the pot of the pot, the better. Many pediatricians, on the contrary, believe that the teaching of children to the pot in a very early unconscious age can, subsequently, to pour out in much more problems: night incontinence.

Serious harm of diapers - myth or reality?

There are several major myths about the dangers of diapers who are even more frightening. They are connected with the health of men's and women's childbearing bodies, while, in the press and media, we often can hear about any studies of scientists proving the truthfulness of myths. In fact, the situation is a bit wrong. Let's figure it out.

According to this myth - a permanent stay in diapers for boys affects the subsequent impotence and infertility. In fact, the data of all sorts of research do not give any reason to assert it.

The main argument on the dangers of diapers for boys is to increase the temperature of the scrotum. Some studies conducted over adult men indicate a decrease in sperm activity with a substantial increase in the temperature of the scrotum, but there are several nuances that do not argued that disposable diapers are really dangerous.

First, during experiments, the temperature of the scrotum really increased much more than this happens when wearing a diaper in which it increases only by 0.5-1 degrees. Secondly, the experiments were put over adult men, and after all, the seed tubes open in boys only at 7 years old, until this age, special cells - leydega cells, are in the period of waiting and do not fulfill their direct task - the products of men's sex hormones, to which Applies androgen and testosterone.

Thus, harm from diapers in terms of violation of the reproductive function of boys is not only not proven, but also is very dubious from a medical point of view.

Harm diapers for girls

Harm diapers for girls is more logical, in particular, when it comes to the development of cystitis - inflammatory urinary bubble disease. Doctors really believe that improper care for kids, including the late replacement of disposable diapers, leads to cystitis. In addition, during the treatment of this disease, it is extremely undesirable to use diapers at all. However, diapers themselves cannot cause cystitis in girls, but their incorrect operation is quite. Be sure to follow and do not forget to change diapers!

Today, by Dr. Evgenia Komarovsky - Ukrainian pediatrician and doctors of medical sciences, a huge number of modern parents listens. His thoughts regarding the care and education of kids often go against many myths of modernity, including the myths about the dangers of diapers.

The content of the article:

Pampers - a comfortable thing in the care of the baby. But the dispute about the benefits and dangers of diapers continues until now. According to the results of a survey among young mothers, it is revealed that the harmful wearing of disposable diapers consider mainly those moms that are incorrectly suitable for the choice and wearing diapers.

How to choose the right diapers for newborns

In order to make the right choice you need to know that:

1. It is better to purchase products whose mark has positively proven itself in the market of children's goods. Comfort to a child when wearing diapers provides not only the correct size, but also the quality of the source material. Unfortunately, some manufacturers do not comply with sanitary standards.

2. The size of diapers is chosen by weight of the baby, information about it is placed on the package with the goods: 2-5 kg; 3-6 kg; 4-9 kg, etc. As you can see, the specified dimensions "overlap" each other. Therefore, if the mass of the body corresponds to 5 kg, it is better to choose a pack of larger size 4-9 kg.

3. The price of goods corresponds to its quality. Cheap products, in most cases, made of base materials. Its wearing can cause the occurrence of inflammatory processes on the skin of the kid. Do not save on the health of the child.

4. Undead packaging and manufacturing date also matter. You need to carefully inspect the product, making it a purchase.

5. If you use some brand of disposable diapers, and you do not have any complaints about it to hurry to another for another for the sake of interest, as the skin of the baby has already become accustomed to them. If something does not suit you in diapers, try others.

Diapers - benefits and harm

It is believed that the permanent stay in diapers is harmful to health, causes diaperity, redness and itching of the skin. In fact, it is not. With systematic hygienic skin care, such problems should not occur.

Tallery and skin irritation may appear in the case when:

- incorrectly selected size. If the diaper is small to a child, then the speed of its filling is increasing. With more larger size - it is not held on his body and flows. These factors lead to negative consequences;

- untimely replacement. Change the diaper is required every 3-4 hours, and if the baby went down the big one at once;

- Allergic reaction to components. Some manufacturers produce products containing cream or lotion. Components included in them can cause allergies manifest. In such cases, it is better to change the manufacturer's company.

Recommendation! A good prevention of the occurrence of the childhood of the child is the regular "air bath" procedure. When changing the diaper, after the toilet of the newborn, leave the child in the naked day of minutes by 10-15 to give the skin to "Raise."

In addition, the benefits in carrying diapers lies in the fact that during displays of the hip joints (fairly frequent pathology) it is necessary that the legs of the baby be as planned from each other. And of course, diapers facilitate the life of the mother, no need to wash diapers.

But, despite all the advantages, the diapers need to be abandoned as early as possible, since they do not teach the child to endure, and this is fraught with a long and painful teaching to the pot and night incontinence of urine.

Are the diapers for boys and girls harmful

Another myth that diapers lead to infertility, which is transmitted from mouth to mouth. His supporters appeal by the fact that the body temperature when wearing a diaper, namely inside it, significantly exceeds the ambient temperature. Consequently, constant overheating causes a violation in the formation of a reproductive function. Especially, this question is worried about parents having boys. Information that is argued by refutes this statement is taken from the observations of medical practice. In some cases, the boys diagnose cryptorchism - a physiological deviation at which the ovaries are delayed in the scrotum. That is, the baby appears on the light with the testicles located in the abdominal cavity. This fact has an impact on the fact that their temperature exceeds the temperature of normally spaced testicles by an average of 5 ° C.

During the first two years of the child's life, doctors are limited to observation measures, as the testicles can fall into the scrotum without surgery. At the age of two, if pathology persists, resort to the help of surgeons.

Important! The elevated tech of the boy's testicles over the biennium does not harm the formation of its reproductive function. The inner temperature of diapers, with their constant wearing, increases by no more than 0.5 - 1 ° C. It follows from this that causing the harm of the reproductive function of the baby, be it a boy or a girl, completely excluded.

The rules wearing diapers

Compliance with a number of rules for the use of disposable diapers in a child will help parents in organizing hygienic care and will not lead to an erroneous opinion that diapers are harmful:

1. Newborn, in the period before the healing of the umbilical wound, the diaper is fixed in two ways:

1.1. Bend the top to leave the navel area open.

1.2. Make a circle on the front of the diaper in the area of \u200b\u200bthe umbilical wound.

Important! The navel wound should remain open. Air access helps to maintain it in a case of dryness.

2. Avoid finding a baby in the diaper within 24 hours (necessarily need air baths).

3. To regularly change them every 3-4 hours and after the stool.

4. Try to use the diaper only in the clock of sleep and walks.

5. During the period of teaching the pot, changing the diaper on the diapers in the form of panties, which are most convenient to use.

6. In hot weather, try to do without them.

Important! To teach the baby to use the pot it follows, as much as possible, to wear diapers on it. Approval: "Pampers interfere with the teach of the child to the pot" not so really safely. So that it does not faithful, it is necessary to plant a child more often on a pot (after sleeping, feeding, before walking), praise him if he made things there.

Attentive attitude towards a child, the right choice of diapers, compliance with the rules of hygiene make it possible, without harming the child's health, use one-time diapers. Pampers save a woman from excess wash, free her time that she can devote to her baby.

Read on What diapers are better for newborns