Easter egg made of rubber bands. How to weave an Easter egg out of colored rubber bands

It has long been resolved and refuted the opinion that rainbow elastic bands are a hobby for children and that with their help it is possible to weave only simple jewelry. Modern craftsmen come up with new patterns for weaving accessories, figurines, cartoon characters, symbols for the holidays. On the eve of Bright Resurrection, many are interested in the question of how to weave an Easter egg from rubber bands. Cute little symbols of the holiday will help create the appropriate mood, tell children about traditions.

Step-by-step patterns of weaving "Easter eggs" from rubber bands on the machine

For weaving, you need to prepare the tools and attributes that will be required to create Easter eggs:

  • A set of rubber bands Rainbow Loom. It is recommended to choose bright colors of elements, to combine several harmonious shades.
  • Weaving machine. Various shapes and forms can be used.
  • Hook.
  • In some cases, additional details for decoration (beads, beads, clips) can be used.

There are many patterns for weaving Easter eggs from silicone rubber bands. All of them differ in the tools that are used to create figures (machine tool, forks, slingshot, etc.), the size of the finished product, and the presence of additional accessories. Having minimal experience with irises, weaving cute Easter eggs will not be difficult, and step-by-step instructions and video tutorials will help you in your work.

How to make a volumetric "3D egg" for Easter from small rubber bands

In Western countries, it is customary for Easter to decorate houses with small accessories that symbolize the holiday. It can be eggs, paper, made using the quilling technique, tied with threads. Using modern creativity - weaving with rainbow elastic bands, it is possible to create small voluminous products and decorate the room with them, decorate the table.

To create an Easter egg figurine with a multicolored pattern, you will need:

  • Elastic bands in three colors.
  • Hook.
  • A machine where the middle row is slightly pushed forward.

Step-by-step execution of Easter 3D:

  • We set up the machine, install it so that the holes in the posts are directed to the right.
  • We twist the yellow elastic band with a figure eight, put it on the side posts through the machine.
  • Fold the second elastic band in half, twist it with a figure eight, put it on the middle row, over the first weaving.
  • We connect all the involved columns with four elements in a circle.
  • Using a hook, remove the bottom layer of the product and throw them up.
  • Move all Rainbow Looms from the outermost columns of the middle row, stretching them one more. We separate the elements, throwing 1 layer from each column to the next one. As a result of the manipulations, 8 pins should be involved, each has 1 rubber band. It is important to ensure that parts of the product do not twist together.
  • We connect all the columns in a circle using 8 elements, and discard the bottom layer, shifting the parts of the product to the center.
  • Similarly, we knit 3 rows, changing only the colors in the following sequence: green, orange and green again. And weave 1 more layer without changes with yellow elastic bands.
  • When decreasing the loops from the central columns, remove the loops, throw them over to the side ones, so that the loops of one part are on parallel lines.
  • Place the yellow Rainbow Loom over the 6 remaining posts, then remove the bottom layer.
  • To complete, remove the elastic bands from the posts counterclockwise onto the hook, and then move everything onto the elastic band, form a loop and tighten the knot.

Watch the video to familiarize yourself with another 3D Easter egg weaving technique and learn some secrets of the craft:

Weaving on a mini-machine

For convenience and ease of weaving, a small loom can be used, which is also suitable for making Easter eggs. Required tools, attributes to create a figurine:

  • Silicone Rainbow Loom. If desired, the standard egg color can be used - white or light brown. To create an unusual figure, it is recommended to use bright colors.
  • Mini weaving machine.
  • Hook.

Step-by-step instructions for creating an "Easter egg":

  • In this example, I use golden rainbow looms, and for the pattern I use hot pinks.
  • We twist them in half, put them on the central and first columns of parallel rows, having previously twisted them with an eight. Similarly, we stretch the second element, connecting the central column of the upper row and the first one at the bottom, it should turn out on top of the 1st.
  • In a circle we put 4 rubber bands on the involved columns. Remove the lower layers, shifting them to the center of the work.

  • We separate the elements so that on each of the eight columns we get 1 piece. During the process, it is important to ensure that the Rainbow Loom does not twist or intersect with each other.
  • We throw loops in a circle, connecting the columns in pairs. Remove the lower elastic bands, shift them up.

  • By analogy, we make the next row using other colors.
  • Then we weave in sequence: a row of the main color, pink and again golden.
  • To shorten - we throw the Rainbow Loom from the side lines onto the posts parallel to where the second loop is. We put elastic bands on the remaining teeth and weave, like the previous rows.
  • We fill the egg to keep its shape. For this, scraps of fabric, cotton wool, elastic bands and other little things can be used.
  • We remove the loops from all the columns on the hook and fasten them with an elastic band. Making a loop and a knot.

Watch the video from YouTube to understand the intricacies of weaving a figure on a mini-loom:

How to weave an Easter egg figurine in the form of a keychain

An interesting craft - a mini egg in the form of a keychain can decorate any decoration, for example, a bracelet or an accessory - a mobile phone, a bunch of keys, etc. Making a product does not require special skills and is created in a matter of minutes. To work, you need a machine (the middle row is pushed forward), multi-colored Rainbow Loom (preferably bright colors) - 28 pieces, a hook.

How to weave a keychain step by step:

  • We put elastic bands on the machine in pairs, connecting 1 column of the middle row and the second side. We do the same on the other side with connecting with 2 central.
  • We put on the elements, alternating colors, as shown in the photo:
  • We fasten several elastic bands with triangles to maintain the shape of the finished product, and we wind one element on the last column in three turns.
  • We start weaving from the end of the work: remove the bottom layer from the last clove and transfer it to the one where the second loop of the same rubber band is located. By analogy, we throw over all the elements.

  • Next, you need to string the elastic bands from the first column onto the elastic and twist the loop. We remove the loops from the posts, using a crochet hook or hands.
  • We straighten the structure and the product is ready.

To see firsthand an example of creating such a figure - watch the video tutorial on weaving an "Easter egg":

Video tutorials for beginners on weaving "Easter egg" without a machine

There is not always a machine at hand, but I really want to try out a new weaving pattern. In this case, it is possible to use the means at hand, for example, to make an impromptu machine out of pencils or forks. Often, in master classes, only a hook and fingers are used to create figures, for example, it is possible to create a basket or a stand for Easter eggs. The presented video tutorials with a detailed description of the actions will help you to understand the intricacies of weaving egg figures for Easter, so that after the first try you will get an ideal option.

The tradition of painting hard-boiled chicken eggs for Easter goes back centuries. Celebrating the day when Jesus Christ was resurrected, Christians decorate the festive table and give each other decorated eggs, perceiving them as a symbol of new life, goodness, grace, prosperity, prosperity. DIY beaded Easter eggs can be a wonderful gift for the main Orthodox holiday.

Pasting eggs with beads

Those who have never done beadwork will have to be patient and learn the skill from scratch. Or choose a simpler option for decorating Easter eggs with beads - the pasting method.

  • The second option for decorating Easter eggs with your own hands is gluing ready-made bead baubles. Baubles can consist of a single strand or complex beaded chains.

A beaded thread in one row is simply wrapped around an egg, pre-greased with glue. You can start pasting both from the end and from the middle of the egg. The main thing is to fix and glue the end of the thread well.

If the bauble is wide, when closed, its diameter should exactly match the diameter of the egg at its widest part. A strip with a ready-made pattern is put on and glued firmly to the shell in the middle of the egg. Further, from the "belt" to the tapering ends, the egg is pasted over with single beads or long single-row beaded threads are glued.

  • A more difficult way to decorate Easter eggs is by braiding with beads.

The technique of braiding eggs with a beaded mesh or canvas can be different. The choice of a pattern and theme of needlework is limited only by the imagination and skill of the craftswoman. But in any case, such symbolic souvenirs look great, festive and very elegant.

A simple pattern of braiding eggs for beginner craftswomen - video tutorial

Material and accessories

Before starting needlework, you need to purchase materials for making beaded Easter eggs. They are the same regardless of the chosen beading technique. In work on the craft you will need:

  • Egg-shaped blanks.
  • Beads and beads of different colors and sizes.
  • Glue.
  • Needles for setting and collecting beads into a pattern.
  • Thin nylon threads or fishing line.

As a blank, plastic or wooden blanks are usually used, which are sold in stores of accessories for needlework, embroidery, and beading.

To make a beaded Easter egg, you can use a whole shell from a real egg:

  1. To do this, the contents of a raw egg are blown out through tiny holes made in the ends.
  2. The shell is "strengthened" by pasting it with pieces of soft paper (newspapers, napkins) using the papier-mâché technique.

The blank can be completely made from papier-mâché, giving it the shape of an egg. For convenience, its base is made flat so that the "egg" is stable. For beauty and aesthetics, the layers of dried paper are smoothed with fine-grained sandpaper and covered with acrylic paint.

Technique of weaving a diamond-shaped mesh from beads

A fairly simple way of weaving, which can be mastered in a short time. Even a novice needlewoman is capable of braiding an Easter egg with a “diamond” mesh.

Step-by-step instruction:

There is another way to weave a tapered mesh. A set of beads continues to be made in 3 pieces, but the needle is threaded through the rhombus, passing the adjacent one. Braiding the butt of the egg, you can not adhere to the scheme, but connect the beads in any order.

By the same principle, the second part of the egg is braided with a diamond mesh. Weaving the last bead into the pattern, make a fixing knot, cut the thread and hide it.

Double-sided weaving technique

A method ideal for those who are just mastering beading. This technique - double-sided weaving or hand weaving - is often chosen even by experienced craftswomen to decorate an Easter egg with beads.

Step-by-step instruction:

The easiest way to study with beads in two contrasting colors. Some weave even rows, others - odd ones. The first 2 rows are woven like this:

The described technology is used to weave a belt that wraps around the widest part of the egg. The size of the strip is determined depending on the height and width of the workpiece. On average, the height of the girdle is 10 rows. The length is equal to the circumference of the workpiece along the widest central part.

The hand-weaving technique is not only suitable for decorating Easter eggs. Using a similar scheme, you can create beautiful decor for any other crafts and souvenirs. For example, make a decorative Easter from beads, which can be used for interior decoration or presented as a gift to friends, relatives, colleagues.

Mosaic beading

A completely uncomplicated mosaic weaving method is perfect for beginners. The fabric is woven without a pattern; you do not need to calculate how many beads will be spent on the entire egg braid. It is enough to prepare beads of the selected shades, thin fishing line and a needle.

If this is the first experience in making beaded crafts, you should not stop choosing complex multicolored patterns. It is enough to limit yourself to a few pastel shades.

Mosaic beading for decorating an Easter egg is performed in the following sequence:

The beaded Easter egg can be considered complete. But you can additionally make a stand for a souvenir. This piece can be made from the same beads or other decorative materials - beads, colored satin ribbons, foil, multi-colored corrugated paper, etc.

The easiest way to make a stand for an Easter egg braided with beads can be made from a strip of cardboard and lace. To do this, a strip of cardboard of the required width is glued into a cylinder and a lace "skirt" is glued on top. Additionally, the edge of the lace can be decorated with bugles, beads, rhinestones, satin flowers, down feathers.

Before Easter, the home workshop is working with might and main: eggs are knitted, Easter compositions are created, coasters are made for krashanki. Due to the enormous popularity of Rainbow Loom gum crafts in the last year, a gum egg will be an excellent souvenir for Easter. It will not be difficult to complete, and our detailed master class with step by step photos will help you with this.

Tools and materials

To make an Easter egg from rubber bands, we will prepare the materials:

  • Rainbow Loom machine.
  • Hook.
  • Red elastic bands in the amount of 31 pcs.
  • Neon rubber bands in the amount of 8 pcs.
  • White elastic bands in the amount of 16 pcs.
  • Cotton wool.

Gum egg making workshop

Fold the red elastic in half. Put on the second pair of columns, while crossing them together.

We repeat the actions with the elastic band on the second and third columns of the central row.

We make a triangle out of rubber bands. To do this, we put on the elastic bands one by one, starting with 2 columns.

We get a triangle from red rubber bands.

Hook the bottom cross elastic with a hook.

We throw off the rubber band from the post and discard it.

We do this with all the elastic bands on each of the columns.

Remove the rubber bands from the 3rd column in the center and transfer them to the next column.

A knot of elastic bands that has formed on the column must be thrown over a free column.

We carry out similar actions with rubber bands on the second column. We transfer the rubber bands to the first column.

Grab the first rubber band on the second top column.

Throw the elastic over the adjacent 3rd column.

We repeat the work with elastic bands on the bottom row of the machine.

Remove the top elastic from the central column. Slip the bottom elastic onto the first column from the top. Return the top elastic to the first column in the center.

Place 8 red elastic bands on the columns at the edge.

Hook the elastic at the bottom.

We circle the elastic band around the column. We throw off the rubber band.

We do this with all the columns.

We will put white elastic bands in a circle.

Grab the bottom paired rubber bands.

Remove the elastic bands from the post.

Repeat the work in a circle.

Throw neon rubber bands in a circle.

Remove the white rubber bands from the columns.

We make another white stripe. To do this, put 8 white rubber bands in a circle.

We remove the neon rubber bands from the posts.

We continue to weave the main part of the egg using the red rubber bands.

Fold the white elastic bands to the center.

Pick up the elastic at the top of the 4th column.

Throw off the elastic band from the column and throw it onto the 3rd upper column.

We throw the central elastic band (bottom) onto the 3rd column of the row, which is located at the bottom.

Remove the rubber bands from the upper center column in a similar way.

We make a square of 6 red rubber bands.

We remove the lower elastic bands from the posts.

To shape the egg, put cotton wool in the center.

We begin to remove the elastic bands from the columns on the hook. We carry out the work counterclockwise.

The elastic bands are all gathered on a hook.

Remove the bottom rubber bands from the posts.

We make a loop of 2 elastic bands.

We put the edge of the gum inside the egg, leave the tail outside. A hanging loop is formed.

Remove the egg from the hook. During work, we stretch the red elastic through the loops located on the hook.

We tighten one loop into another.

We hide the connecting loop inside the egg.

The rubber band Easter egg is ready and can be used as a decoration or keyring.

    Rainbow Looms can be woven into almost anything, so they are widely used.

    Very beautiful and cute products made of rainbow rubber bands are obtained for Easter. For example, you can weave Easter eggs using this technique.

    To learn how to weave from rubber bands, you need a set of rubber bands, which often also includes a loom and sticks. If there is no machine, then only the simplest crafts can be done.

    This is how you can make Easter eggs. This egg is made using the machine Monster Teil (Monster Tail):

    You can also weave a mini egg for Easter:

    If there is no machine, we use the tools at hand. For example, a fork is suitable for creating an egg for Easter, so colorful and original:

    In addition, you can make an Easter egg bracelet:

    Another of the Easter eggs is also made using the 3d technique and its weaving can be seen in the video at this link.

    Also for Easter, you can make a basket and other crafts out of rubber bands.

    You can weave an Easter egg from colored rubber bands either with the help of a machine or without it. For example, here is a variant of weaving a 3d egg on forks:

    Here's another egg that makes a great decoration or gift:

    Here's another option:

    There are many options, by the way, a very useful activity for girls, I am all hands for needlework in any form. And if you still get useful things, then it's just super. Here is a video

    here's another video

    True lovely crafts.

    An Easter egg can be woven on various devices: on a loom, on a monster, on forks, or simply crocheted. And the color range of rubber bands is very diverse. I found some options for weaving an Easter egg in addition to the videos already presented.

    Easter egg on a machine made of rubber bands. This will be a small Easter egg, which will require very few rubber bands to weave. The video lasts 6 minutes, so very little time will be spent to weave this craft.

    Easter egg from rubber bands on a monster. Good quality video with detailed explanation. The video is about 16 minutes long.

    You can also see:

    Easter basket made of rubber bands.

    How to weave a chicken from rainbow rubber bands.

    A bracelet made of elastic bands on a slingshot and forks.

    Easter is truly a sincere, deep holiday, for which we are preparing and waiting no less than, for example, the New Year.

    Despite the fact that a lot of Easter decorations have appeared recently, nothing can replace hand-made crafts, with which you can not only decorate an apartment / house, but also give it as a gift.

    To create an Easter egg, you will need a machine, a hook and about fifty-five multi-colored rubber bands.


    The result of your work is something, it will be a very beautiful gift, for example, or just an addition to the interior for Easter.

    You can see a lesson on how to weave an egg from rubber bands here

    I hope I can help you, and good luck.

    It is very easy to weave an Easter egg with a basket out of rubber bands. If you are a beginner rubber band, then even you can cope with this task. Even my oldest daughter, an elementary school student, is also fond of rubber bands and even weaving an Easter egg is within her power. For weaving, we need an elastic band of the color you need, a hook and a weaving machine (usually they are sold along with ready-made sets)

    There are a great many videos of Master classes on the Internet, here are a few of them:

    And even a stand made of rubber bands for an egg

Today, you can weave absolutely anything from Rainbow Loom rubber bands. For this, it is not necessary to buy or special books with weaving patterns. Watch the video and description of the master classes, and you can weave an Easter egg from rubber bands without a machine... Weaving 3D figures from rubber bands can be called a real art. Now you can weave with your own hands any objects and even toys that will decorate the interior and bring a lot of joy to children.

Weaving an Easter egg from rubber bands

Take a crochet hook and discard all the elastic bands of the bottom layer. Again, take eight rubber bands and throw them as last time - first on the opposite extreme teeth, and then on two teeth of one fork. It turns out that the elastic bands are thrown in a circle and thrown off to the center. Thus, an egg is woven from rubber bands. The number of rubber bands depends on how large you want the egg to be.

Let's move on to the next step. You have two rubber bands on each tooth. Now you need to remove them and throw them over to other teeth in such a way that they intersect. To do this, remove the rubber band, slightly pull it back and see which tooth it comes from at all. Put it on the opposite or next one.

Turn your homemade machine over and release the first right tooth of another fork. We put one rubber band on the opposite clove, and the second on the adjacent one.

It turns out that on each fork there is a tooth, on which there are three rubber bands.

It is on them that you need to put on one rubber band. Put the other elastic on the two central teeth of one fork. The third - on two extreme teeth. Put the fourth rubber band on the outer tooth of this fork and the tooth of the other fork, where there are elastic bands. Then, on this fork, also put an elastic band on the central teeth and on the extreme ones. We have a different number of rubber bands on the teeth, so throw off enough at a time so that in the end there are two rubber bands left on each tooth.

Gum egg ready, it remains to fill it with padding polyester, wool or torn rubber bands. Now the craft can be removed from the cloves. Remove the rubber bands from one fork to the hook and then from the other fork. Take one elastic and pass it through all the loops on the hook and tighten it. You have made a rainbow egg with your own hands using Rainbow Loom rubber bands.

Original can be used as a souvenir or keychain.