Patriotic education in the middle group. Project (average group) on the topic: A promising work plan for moral and patriotic education in the middle group

Patriotic education of children is one of the main tasks of a pre-school educational institution. It is during this period that the spiritual and moral basis of the child, emotions, feelings, thinking, social adaptation in society begins, the process of awareness of itself begins in the world. At this age, education images are very bright and strong, so they remain in the memory of the child for a long time, and sometimes for life, which is very important in the upbringing of citizenship and patriotism.



Perspective work plan for moral and patriotic education

in the middle group for 2016 - 2017 academic year



software tasks

Work with children and parents


"My kindergarten"

Call children's desire to attend kindergarten, meet friends; Teach children to memorize the road to kindergarten, call his address. Secure and clarify the knowledge of children about kindergarten, its purpose, people working in kindergarten.

To form the ideas of children about the work of the teacher, expanding the horizons of children.

To bring up in children a sense of attachment, love for kindergarten, friends, interest in joint activities, respect for the work of kindergarten employees.

To acquaint with dangerous situations in kindergarten.

Continue to acquaint children with riddles and verses.

The project "Our Group is a friendly family."Excursions to the kitchen, medical office; didactic game "Who, what is needed for work"; Scene-role games.

Conversations, reading fiction on professions in kindergarten.

The photo is the book "How we live in the kindergarten."

Tour of kindergarten.

Didactic game "Pick up comrades."

Lisons of politeness "How and what to play with friends?", "Do not forget about each other."

Finger game "Friendship".

"My family"

To form the ideas of children about the family, about the friendly relations of native people.

Expand the submission of children about the family, the duties of family members, learn to navigate in their relatives, instill a love for their native people.

Promote the development of goodwill, tolerance, understanding, respect, mutual assistance in family life.

Learn to respond to adult questions, build simple common offers.

Develop attention and memory is to find out on the photos of family members, know and call their role in the family.

The project "Seven I". Exhibition of Photos "My Family", Holidays

Conversations, drawing up stories about their family, drawing on the topic "My family." Reading Hood. Lit. K. Ushinsky "Four Desires", S. Black "Name", L. Tolstoy "The grandmother had a granddaughter."

Didactic games: "Friendly Family", "Names"

Scene-role games: "Birthday", "Meeting Guests".

The lesson is the courtesy "Friendly Family".


"Our town"

Systematize and summarize the knowledge of children about the city: titles, attractions.

Cause a feeling of admiration for the beauty of the hometown.

Rise love to the native city and the feeling of pride for him.

Teach children to meet the teacher's questions to be configured.

In the proposed situation, consolidate the ability of children to apply the knowledge gained in life.

Expand the vocabulary of children.

Journey "My city". Conversation "Small Motherland." Consider illustrations, photos with views of the city, Nod to familiarize themselves with the world's world "Street, on which I live."

Excursion to the river Washna. Target walks in the nearby streets.


port of the native city "

Fasten knowledge of the name of the city, modes of transport, road rules.

Fasten the concept of homeland.

Relieve a sense of love for him.

Give an idea of \u200b\u200btransport; Teach children rules of road traffic, rules of behavior in transport.

Scene-role-playing games, design with cars "Parking", "Build a house",

Reading fiction, viewing photos "Autosteania", "Railway", drawing on the topic "Machines on the streets of the city", conversations

"Houses in our city"

To introduce children with the architecture of the hometown: houses are wooden, bricks; One-storey, multi-storey.

Relieve a sense of love for his home home and the city, the ability to see his beauty in residential buildings. Learning to observe the elementary hygiene rules.

Drawing on the topic: "The house in which you live", the didactic games "District in which we live", "who knows more streets," plot-role-playing games, the "buildings of the native city", "Where is my house?".

Conversation on the topic: "My address", observation and excursions in the territory of D / s: viewing houses, their floors, numbers, from which they are built, drawing a house, fantasy on the topic of a fabulous house. The lesson of courtesy "The house in which you live",

Consider illustrations, photographs, albums depicting different architectural structures.

Registration of the album "Architecture of our city".


"Good, cute mom" for mother's day

Rise love and respect for the mother, the desire to help the mother, take care of her.

Rail love and tender feeling to mother, obedience to her.

Help the children understand how much time and effort takes away from the mother at home: to point out the need to help moms.

Educating the desire to help mom, adults. Brought up good, attentive, respectful attitude towards the elders.

The formation of valuable moral skills (love, sympathy, etc.).

Teach children to support a conversation, express positive emotions (joy, admiration) when reading a poem about mom.

Scene-role game "Family", didactic games, joint holidays with mom.

Conversations, drawing on the topic: "My favorite mother", reading works about the mother (Yu. Yakovlev "Mom").

Conversation "O MAM". The game "Mamina Assistants".

The lessons of politeness "How to please mom?", Babushkin Holiday.

"Nature of the native land"

Learning to see the beauty of nature in the fall.

To summarize the knowledge of children about the vegetation and animal world of the native land.

To form a conscious effective attitude towards the nature of the native land, the desire to take care and guard it.

Develop interest in the study of the native land, the ability to draw conclusions. We instill love for nature, notify the importance of the time of year, harvesting, prepare for winter.

Brief feelings of pride, love, responsibility for native nature, careful attitude towards it.

Walking, excursions, rolling games, quiz, riddling riddles. Didactic games: "What is growing?", "From what tree a sheet", "seasons",

Consider painting "Seasons of the Year", "Autumn in the Forest", "Flowers". Listening to classical music from the "Seasons" cycle, drawing, proverbs and sayings about weather conditions, reading: S. Yesenin "Belaya Bereza", A. Plescheev "Snow Melts", N. Minsk "Listopad"

Autumn holiday.


"Lisons of politeness" Culture of communication.

To draw the attention of children to the fact that many words are magic; To initiate the interest of children to disclose words of words, their use, to offer children to search and find "magic words" in the examples given, to bring up the ability to be attentive.

Reveal to children the meaning of the word "it is impossible"; Teach children to participate in conversation.

Consider the presentation of children about the origin and proper pronunciation of courtesy words: Hello, sorry, thanks, goodbye, etc.; prompted to be interested in the meaning of the word; Continue work on enriching the vocabulary of children.

Develop memory; form moral habits; absorb standards and rules of behavior in life and society; The accumulation of socio-moral experience of children. Educate politeness and respect for others; Educating moral, humane feelings of children.

The project "If you are polite." Conversations: "Let's go and find polite words", "Letters of a polite storyter."

Didactic games: "Grandfather sick ...", "" We have an order ", communicative games:" Draw a portrait "," What I "," Good - bad "," Complete Proposal ". Reading a fairy tale sh. Perso "Cinderella", S. Marshak "Lesson of politeness", « If you are polite, "A. Barto" Bear - Nevezhi ",

Drawing on the topic: What color are the kind words? "

Acquaintance with proverbs and sayings about the culture of communication.

"Lisons of politeness" culture of behavior.

To develop in children the ability to analyze their actions and actions, relate them to generally accepted behaviors, restrain negative motives, avoid conflicts. Learning to apply the knowledge and skills in games, absorb standards and rules of behavior in life and society; the accumulation of socio-moral experience of children, intensify the dictionary on this topic; To seek the assimilation of the abilities to evaluate the feelings and actions of peers of joint games and situations, motivate, explain their judgments.

Didactic games: "Ethiquette Rules" (how to behave in transport, in the theater, visiting the museum, etc.). Reading: G.P.Shalayeva "Big Book of Rules of Conduct for Dozbolov", V.Makovsky "What is good, what is bad?".

Scene-role-playing games: "We are duty", "guests came to us ...".



birds and birds of our region "

Create and expand the presentations of children about the variety of winter birds. To form knowledge of the general signs of birds (beaks, movement organs, feathers).

Learning to see the features of the structure and behavior of birds.

Develop observation, the ability to reflect the dedicated features in a comparative judgment.

Educating the careful attitude towards nature, a feeling of kindness to nature, routine, empathy to everything that surrounds us.

Conversations: "Who is wintering us?", "How are the animals for the winter prepared?",

Riddown animals and birds,

Didactic games: "What are the signs of animals", "Who will we give?", "Guess, whose tail", "Who Who is?", "Guess who speaks about whom", "Who didn't?", "Wild and Home" .

Reading fairy tales and stories, viewing pictures and illustrations of animals and birds. Moving games "Practice and cat", "Fox and hares."

"Miracle Master"

Expand the presentation of children about popular fishers.

Rail interest in folk household and articles of decorative and applied art.

Consignment and summarize the knowledge of children about the objects of antiquity, some of which remain relevant and in our days: Russian matretory, wooden spoons, samovar, boots, lapties, Tula gingerbread.

Rail love to Russian folklore.

Develop patriotic feelings.

Conversation on the theme "People's Applied Art of Russia."

Drawing "Golden Khokhloma"

Applique "Gzhel Rosa"

The modeling of the Dymkov toy "Turkey", "Tula gingerbread".

Drawing "Tver Matryoshka"

Work with parents: Entertainment on Christmas in Russia.





Continue to acquaint children with the holiday "Defender of the Fatherland Day."

Learning to call various types of troops.

Rail in patriotism, respect for the army and people who protect our country.

Relieve pride in your fatherland.

Viewing paintings with the image of pilots, infantry, tankers, sailors.

Exercises "I am preparing to be a soldier."

Didactic game "What is in a military package?".

"Movable games" Wall - target "," snipers "," Who is next? "," Taking the Fortress "," State Border ".

Reading works of fiction (A. Gaidar "Tale of Military Secret", A. Mityaev "Motherland", A. Prokofiev "No in the world of Motherland", S. Marshak "Border Guard"), conversations, talence story, viewing illustrations.

Selection of illustrations and decoration of the Album "Defenders of the Fatherland".


professional professionals

these "

Expand the presentations of children about warriors that guard our homeland. To clarify the concept of "Defenders of the Fatherland" (warriors, soldiers who guard, protect their homeland, their people, every nation, in each country there is an army that protects their people from enemies).

To acquaint children with some military professions.

Relieve pride for our warriors.

The conversation about the professions of the parents, who dad works, what benefit does it bring to others, as cared for children and loved ones. Help dad in labor actions.

Reading works of fiction "February (S. Marshak) , "Army of the World" (V. Davydov), "Star" (A. Zharov) , "About Brother" (I. Kulska), "Dosor" (V. Davydov) , "My brother went on the border" (O. Tsight) , "Victory Day" (T. Bender) , "Forever remember" (M. Isakovsky) , "Airport" (B. All)


"Our kind matryoshka"

To acquaint children with a folk toy - Matriotka.

Educating love for folk art.

To form an emotional responsiveness to the perception of a wooden nesting, as a symbol of Russian folk art.

Develop the interest of children to folk creativity.

Develop the ability to decorate the silhouette of a dirty patterns with a variety of patterns.

Applique "Matryshka as a gift Mom and Grandma." Conversation "O MAM".

The game "Mamina Assistants".

Drawing "Why Matrius is sad?"

"Such different matryoshki":

Viewing matryoshek.

Comparison of matryoshek and the definition of their mood.

Comparison of dolls of the Nizhny Novgorod region (Semenovskaya and Polchha-Maidan). Didactic games "Lunch for Matryoshek", "Merry Matryoshka", "What does the toy talk about yourself?". Reading works of fiction "I have a matryoshka" (Z. Medvedev), "Matreshechka" (V. Berestov), \u200b\u200b"Matrekna Pesheki" (V. Berestov)

"All professions are needed, all

these are important. "

Introduce children with several types of professions.

Show the importance of labor activity in a person's life.

Rail a good and good attitude towards people of different professions.

The project "All works are good - choose to taste!". Didactic games "find out about who I will tell,"

"Professions", "What tool can tell about yourself?", "Who needs to work."

The lessons of politeness "Meetings with good, good people" conversations "On labor of Herborobov", "where the bread came to the table", "City and the village", "Traveling for bread".

"Russia is my homeland"

To form in children an idea of \u200b\u200bthe country in which we live.

Cause interest in this, past and future Russia.

To form an idea of \u200b\u200bRussia as a native country, a sense of love for his homeland, a sense of pride in his country.

To acquaint children with the concepts of "big" and "Malaya Motherland".

Bring up a sense of pride for their homeland.

Cause a sense of involvement in the history of the country.

Reading poems about homeland, proverbs and sayings about the homeland, viewing illustrations with different climatic zones of Russia, the exhibition of the drawings "My Homeland", finding Russia on the globe.

Drawing up the albums "My favorite city", "Heat generations".

Board games: "Awesome doll" (national clothes), "Pavlovo-Posadamat".



"Cosmonautics Day"

To acquaint children with the history of the holiday of Cosmonautics Day. To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe holiday "Cosmonautics Day", elementary ideas about space, about planets, sun, moon, about the first flight into space, the first pilots-astronauts who have conquered the expanses of the universe.

Dictionary: Space, planets, spaceship, Yuri Gagarin. Railing patriotic feelings, pride for our country, for the heroes of pilots - astronauts who have conquered space. Relieve curiosity.

Moving games "Airplanes for landing",

Experience with falling items down (study of the Earth's attraction phenomenon).

The warm-up "Waiting for us quick rockets."

Fingering gymnastics "Cosmonaut".

Appliqué - origami "Rocket".

Gaying mysteries on space ships, planets, astronauts. Consider illustration in the album "Starry Sky".

"Flag of Russia"

Education of pride for their homeland and the main city of the country - Moscow, its people and achievements. The development of cognitive processes, memory of attention, desire to multiply the beauty of the native land - Moscow region. To acquaint children with the sights of Moscow.

Acquaintance with the state symbols and symbols of the capital of our Motherland.

W. read to recognize the Russian flag. To summarize the knowledge of children about the flag of Russia. Secure the sequence of the color bands on it.

Reliable respect for the state symbols of Russia. The development of cognitive processes, memory of attention, desire to multiply the beauty of the native land - Moscow region.

Hearing a story about the Russian flag.

Conversations, teacher stories about Moscow, viewing albums with sightseeing illustrations. Reading Hood. Lit.: V. Orlov "Native", F. Glinka "Moscow", I. Tokmarova "Red Square", Z. Alexandrova "Motherland"


"We do not need war-misfortunes"

To create an empathy mood in children by the past events of the Great Patriotic War.

Expand representation, knowledge of children about the Great Patriotic War, Victory Day, Using ICT.

Improve respect to relate to the feat of our compatriots.

Bring up respect for the memory of warriors, love for the Motherland; Traditions of continuity of generations.

Educate a creative approach to performance accuracy

The project "These days is not forgotten forgotten ..." view illustrations on the Second World War, her heroes, medals and orders. Conversations: "Russian traditions: wires in the army", "On the Great Patriotic War", "Monuments of Military Glory in Russia", "Memorial Places of Heroes of the Native City", the stories of the Paw and Grandpars about the service in the army, etc. Listening and Singing songs of the military years and about the modern army, an excursion to the museum, the laying of flowers to the monument to the victims of the warriors. Music - literary entertainment dedicated to the "Victory Day".

"Ponachu Lu in our life was not so ..."

To acquaint children with the lifestyle of the ancient Slavs.

To form an understanding of the words "ancestors".

Specify the types of classes of Slavs in antiquity.

Develop cognitive activity, expand the horizons, a dialogic speech. To consolidate knowledge of Russian folklore, to summarize the knowledge of children about the history of Russia, to acquaint with Russian epic herders.

We instill a sense of pride for your homeland, the Russian people.

Viewing the reproduction of the painting of V. M. Vasnetsov "Bogatyri"; Illustrations with the image of modern types of weapons and weapons of Russian heroes, details of the clothing of Russian warns; View cartoons and reading Russian folk fairy tales, epics ("Ilya Muromets and the nightingale robber"); A. S. Pushkin "Tale of the dead princess and seven heroes", the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila".) Listening to the song Music A. Pakhmutova, the words N. Dobronravova, "Bogatyr our power".

Throughout the year: "On sports, you health, endurance and courage."

Objective: Development of physical and mental qualities of personality (forces, dexterity, speed of reaction, endurance, patience and perseverance in achieving the goal). Education of the sense of mutual assist, feelings of "elbow", help a friend.

Organization and holding of quarterly sports events with parents: "Together with the mother" "I and Pope", "Mom, Dad and I am a sports family." Board game "Types of sports competitions", "Winter or Summer". Registration of albums "Sports with Smeshariki", "Sports Entertainment". Participation in urban competitions; sports holidays. Moving games, Morning gymnastics, physical attacks. Meeting with graduates of kindergarten who have reached high indicators in sports.

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"A promising work plan for morally - patriotic education in the Central Group for 2016 - 2017 academic year"

Perspective work plan for moral and patriotic education

in the middle group for 2016 - 2017 academic year

software tasks

Work with children and parents


"My kindergarten"

Call children's desire to attend kindergarten, meet friends; Teach children to memorize the road to kindergarten, call his address. Secure and clarify the knowledge of children about kindergarten, its purpose, people working in kindergarten.

To form the ideas of children about the work of the teacher, expanding the horizons of children.

To bring up in children a sense of attachment, love for kindergarten, friends, interest in joint activities, respect for the work of kindergarten employees.

To acquaint with dangerous situations in kindergarten.

Continue to acquaint children with riddles and verses.

The project "Our Group is a friendly family." Excursions to the kitchen, medical office; didactic game "Who, what is needed for work"; Scene-role games.

Conversations, reading fiction on professions in kindergarten.

The photo is the book "How we live in the kindergarten."

Tour of kindergarten.

Didactic game "Pick up comrades."

Lisons of politeness "How and what to play with friends?", "Do not forget about each other."

Finger game "Friendship".

"My family"

To form the ideas of children about the family, about the friendly relations of native people.

Expand the submission of children about the family, the duties of family members, learn to navigate in their relatives, instill a love for their native people.

Promote the development of goodwill, tolerance, understanding, respect, mutual assistance in family life.

Learn to respond to adult questions, build simple common offers.

Develop attention and memory is to find out on the photos of family members, know and call their role in the family.

P roct "Seven I".Exhibition of Photos "My Family", Holidays

Conversations, drawing up stories about their family, drawing on the topic "My family." Reading Hood. Lit. K. Ushinsky "Four Desires", S. Black "Name", L. Tolstoy "The grandmother had a granddaughter."

Didactic games: "Friendly Family", "Names"

Scene-role games: "Birthday", "Meeting Guests".

The lesson is the courtesy "Friendly Family".

"Our town"

Systematize and summarize the knowledge of children about the city: titles, attractions.

Cause a feeling of admiration for the beauty of the hometown.

Rise love to the native city and the feeling of pride for him.

Teach children to meet the teacher's questions to be configured.

In the proposed situation, consolidate the ability of children to apply the knowledge gained in life.

Expand the vocabulary of children.

Journey "My city". Conversation " Malaya Motherland. " View illustration, photographs with views of the city, Node to familiarize themselves with the world's "Street, on which I live. "


port of the native city "

Fasten knowledge of the name of the city, modes of transport, road rules.

Fasten the concept of homeland.

Relieve a sense of love for him.

Give an idea of \u200b\u200btransport; Teach children rules of road traffic, rules of behavior in transport.

Scene-role-playing games, design with cars "Parking", "Build a house",

Reading fiction, viewing photos "Autosteania", "Railway", drawing on the topic "Machines on the streets of the city", conversations

"Houses in our city"

To introduce children with the architecture of the hometown: houses are wooden, bricks; One-storey, multi-storey.

Relieve a sense of love for his home home and the city, the ability to see his beauty in residential buildings. Learning to observe the elementary hygiene rules.

Drawing on the topic: "House, in which you live ",Didactic games "District in which we live", "who knows more streets," plot-role-playing games, the "buildings of the native city", "Where is my home?".

Conversation on the topic: "My address", observation and excursions in the territory of D / s: viewing houses, their floors, numbers, from which they are built, drawing a house, fantasy on the topic of a fabulous house. The lesson of courtesy "House in which you live ",

Consider illustrations, photographs, albums depicting different architectural structures.

Registration of the album "Architecture of our city".

"Good, cute mom" for mother's day

Rise love and respect for the mother, the desire to help the mother, take care of her.

Rail love and tender feeling to mother, obedience to her.

Help the children understand how much time and effort takes away from the mother at home: to point out the need to help moms.

Educating the desire to help mom, adults. Brought up good, attentive, respectful attitude towards the elders.

The formation of valuable moral skills (love, sympathy, etc.).

Teach children to support a conversation, express positive emotions (joy, admiration) when reading a poem about mom.

Scene-role game "Family", didactic games.

Conversations, drawing on the topic: "My favorite mother", reading works about the mother (Yu. Yakovlev "Mom").

Conversation "O MAM". The game "Mamina Assistants".

The lessons of politeness "How to please mom?", Babushkin Holiday.

"Nature of the native land"

Learning to see the beauty of nature in the fall.

To summarize the knowledge of children about the vegetation and animal world of the native land.

To form a conscious effective attitude towards the nature of the native land, the desire to take care and guard it.

Develop interest in the study of the native land, the ability to draw conclusions. We instill love for nature, notify the importance of the time of year, harvesting, prepare for winter.

Brief feelings of pride, love, responsibility for native nature, careful attitude towards it.

Walking, excursions, rolling games, quiz, riddling riddles. Didactic games: "What is growing?", "From what tree a sheet", "seasons",

Consider painting "Seasons of the Year", "Autumn in the Forest", "Flowers". Listening to classical music from the "Seasons" cycle, drawing, proverbs and sayings about weather conditions, reading: S. Yesenin "Belaya Bereza", A. Plescheev "Snow Melts", N. Minsk "Listopad"

Autumn holiday.

"Lisons of politeness" Culture of communication.

To draw the attention of children to the fact that many words are magic; To initiate the interest of children to disclose words of words, their use, to offer children to search and find "magic words" in the examples given, to bring up the ability to be attentive.

Reveal to children the meaning of the word "it is impossible"; Teach children to participate in conversation.

Consider the presentation of children about the origin and proper pronunciation of courtesy words: Hello, sorry, thanks, goodbye, etc.; prompted to be interested in the meaning of the word; Continue work on enriching the vocabulary of children.

Develop memory; form moral habits; absorb standards and rules of behavior in life and society; The accumulation of socio-moral experience of children. Educate politeness and respect for others; Educating moral, humane feelings of children.

The project "If you are polite." Conversations:"Let's go and find polite words", "Letters of a polite storyboard."

Didactic games:"The grandfather fell ill ...", "We have an order", communicative games: "I draw a portrait", "What I", "good - bad", "finish the proposal." Reading a fairy tale sh. Perso "Cinderella", S. Marshak "Lesson of politeness", « If you are polite, "A. Barto" Bear - Nevezhi ",

Drawing on the topic: What color are the kind words? "

Acquaintance with proverbs and sayings about the culture of communication.

"Lisons of politeness" culture of behavior.

To develop in children the ability to analyze their actions and actions, relate them to generally accepted behaviors, restrain negative motives, avoid conflicts. Learning to apply the knowledge and skills in games, absorb standards and rules of behavior in life and society; the accumulation of socio-moral experience of children, intensify the dictionary on this topic; To seek the assimilation of the abilities to evaluate the feelings and actions of peers of joint games and situations, motivate, explain their judgments.

Didactic games: "The Rules of etiquette" (how to behave in transport, in the theater, visiting the museum, etc.). Reading: G.P.Shalayeva "Big Book of Rules for Conditions",V.Markovsky "What is good, what is bad?".

Scene-role games: "We are duty", "Guests came to us ...".


birds and birds of our region "

Create and expand the presentations of children about the variety of winter birds. To form knowledge of the general signs of birds (beaks, movement organs, feathers).

Learning to see the features of the structure and behavior of birds.

Develop observation, the ability to reflect the dedicated features in a comparative judgment.

Educating the careful attitude towards nature, a feeling of kindness to nature, routine, empathy to everything that surrounds us.

Conversations: "Who is wintering us?", "How are the animals for the winter prepared?",

Riddown animals and birds,

Didactic games: "What are the signs of animals", "Who will we give?", "Guess, whose tail", "Who Who is?", "Guess who speaks about whom", "Who didn't?", "Wild and Home" .

Reading fairy tales and stories, viewing pictures and illustrations of animals and birds. Moving games "Practice and cat", "Fox and hares."

"Miracle Master"

Expand the presentation of children about popular fishers.

Rail interest in folk household and articles of decorative and applied art.

Consignment and summarize the knowledge of children about the objects of antiquity, some of which remain relevant and in our days: Russian matretory, wooden spoons, samovar, boots, lapties, Tula gingerbread.

Rail love to Russian folklore.

Develop patriotic feelings.

Conversation on the theme "People's Applied Art of Russia."

Drawing "Golden Khokhloma"

The modeling of the Dymkov toy "Turkey", "Tula gingerbread".

Drawing "Tver Matryoshka"

Entertainment on the theme "Christmas in Russia".



Continue to acquaint children with the holiday "Defender of the Fatherland Day."

Learning to call various types of troops.

Rail in patriotism, respect for the army and people who protect our country.

Relieve pride in your fatherland.

Viewing paintings with the image of pilots, infantry, tankers, sailors.

Exercises "I am preparing to be a soldier."

Didactic game "What is in a military package?".

"Movable games" Wall - target "," snipers "," Who is next? "," Taking the Fortress "," State Border ".

Reading works of fiction (A. Gaidar "Tale of Military Secret", A. Mityaev "Motherland", A. Prokofiev "No in the world of Motherland", S. Marshak "Border Guard"), conversations, talence story, viewing illustrations.

Selection of illustrations and decoration of the Album "Defenders of the Fatherland".


professional professionals

these "

Expand the presentations of children about warriors that guard our homeland. To clarify the concept of "Defenders of the Fatherland" (warriors, soldiers who guard, protect their homeland, their people, every nation, in each country there is an army that protects their people from enemies).

To acquaint children with some military professions.

Relieve pride for our warriors.

The conversation about the professions of the parents, who dad works, what benefit does it bring to others, as cared for children and loved ones. Help dad in labor actions.

Reading works of fiction "February (S. Marshak ) , "Army of the World" (V. Davydov), "Star" (A. Zharov ) , "About Brother" (I. Kulska), "Dosor" (V. Davydov ) , "My brother went on the border" (O. Tsight ) , "Victory Day" (T. Bender ) , "Forever remember" (M. Isakovsky ) , "Airport" (B. All )

"Our kind matryoshka"

To acquaint children with a folk toy - Matriotka.

Educating love for folk art.

To form an emotional responsiveness to the perception of a wooden nesting, as a symbol of Russian folk art.

Develop the interest of children to folk creativity.

Develop the ability to decorate the silhouette of a dirty patterns with a variety of patterns.

Applique "Matryshka as a gift Mom and Grandma." Conversation "O MAM".

The game "Mamina Assistants".

Drawing "Why Matrius is sad?"

"Such different matryoshki":

Viewing matryoshek.

Comparison of matryoshek and the definition of their mood.

Comparison of dolls of the Nizhny Novgorod region (Semenovskaya and Polchha-Maidan). Didactic games "Lunch for Matryoshek", "Merry Matryoshka", "What does the toy talk about yourself?". Reading works of fiction "I have a matryoshka" (Z. Medvedev), "Matreshechka" (V. Berestov), \u200b\u200b"Matrekna Pesheki" (V. Berestov )

"All professions are needed, all

these are important. "

Introduce children with several types of professions.

Show the importance of labor activity in a person's life.

Rail a good and good attitude towards people of different professions.

The project "All works are good - choose to taste!". Didactic games "find out about who I will tell,"

"Professions", "What tool can tell about yourself?", "Who needs to work."

Lessons of politeness "Meetings with good, good people" Conversations "About labor Herborobov", "where the bread came to the table", "City and the village", "Traveling for bread."

"Russia is my homeland"

To form in children an idea of \u200b\u200bthe country in which we live.

Cause interest in this, past and future Russia.

To form an idea of \u200b\u200bRussia as a native country, a sense of love for his homeland, a sense of pride in his country.

To acquaint children with the concepts of "big" and "Malaya Motherland".

Bring up a sense of pride for their homeland.

Cause a sense of involvement in the history of the country.

Reading poems about homeland, proverbs and sayings about the homeland, viewing illustrations with different climatic zones of Russia, the exhibition of the drawings "My Homeland", finding Russia on the globe.

Drawing up the albums "My favorite city", "Heat generations".

Board games: "Dressup Doll" (National Clothing)

"Cosmonautics Day"

To acquaint children with the history of the holiday of Cosmonautics Day. To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe holiday "Cosmonautics Day", elementary ideas about space, about planets, sun, moon, about the first flight into space, the first pilots-astronauts who have conquered the expanses of the universe.

Dictionary: Space, planets, spaceship, Yuri Gagarin. Railing patriotic feelings, pride for our country, for the heroes of pilots - astronauts who have conquered space. Relieve curiosity.

Moving games "Airplanes for landing",

Experience with falling items down (study of the Earth's attraction phenomenon).

The warm-up "Waiting for us quick rockets."

Fingering gymnastics "Cosmonaut".

Appliqué - origami "Rocket".

Gaying mysteries on space ships, planets, astronauts. Consider illustration in the album "Starry Sky".

"Flag of Russia"

Education of pride for their homeland and the main city of the country - Moscow, its people and achievements. The development of cognitive processes, memory of attention, desire to multiply the beauty of the native land - Moscow region. To acquaint children with the sights of Moscow.

Acquaintance with the state symbols and symbols of the capital of our Motherland. to recognize the Russian flag. To summarize the knowledge of children about the flag of Russia. Secure the sequence of the color bands on it.

Reliable respect for the state symbols of Russia. Development of cognitive processes, attention memory, desire to increase the beauty of the native land

Hearing a story about the Russian flag.

Conversations, teacher stories about Moscow, viewing albums with sightseeing illustrations. Reading Hood. Lit.: V. Orlov "Native", F. Glinka "Moscow", I. Tokmarova "Red Square", Z. Alexandrova "Motherland"

"We do not need war-misfortunes"

To create an empathy mood in children by the past events of the Great Patriotic War.

Expand representation, knowledge of children about the Great Patriotic War, Victory Day, Using ICT.

Improve respect to relate to the feat of our compatriots.

Bring up respect for the memory of warriors, love for the Motherland; Traditions of continuity of generations.

Educate a creative approach to performance accuracy

The project "These days is not forgotten forgotten ..." view illustrations on the Second World War, her heroes, medals and orders. Conversations: "Russian traditions: wires in the army", "On the Great Patriotic War", "Monuments of Military Glory in Russia", "Memorial Places of Heroes of the Native City", the stories of the Paw and Grandpars about the service in the army, etc. Listening and Singing of songs of the war years and about the modern army. Music - literary entertainment dedicated to the "Victory Day".

"Ponachu Lu in our life was not so ..."

To acquaint children with the lifestyle of the ancient Slavs.

To form an understanding of the words "ancestors".

Specify the types of classes of Slavs in antiquity.

Develop cognitive activity, expand the horizons, a dialogic speech. To consolidate knowledge of Russian folklore, to summarize the knowledge of children about the history of Russia, to acquaint with Russian epic herders.

We instill a sense of pride for your homeland, the Russian people.

Viewing the reproduction of the painting of V. M. Vasnetsov "Bogatyri"; Illustrations with the image of modern types of weapons and weapons of Russian heroes, details of the clothing of Russian warns; View cartoons and reading Russian folk fairy tales, epics ("Ilya Muromets and the nightingale robber"); A. S. Pushkin "Tale of the dead princess and seven heroes", the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila".) Listening to the song Music A. Pakhmutova, the words N. Dobronravova, "Bogatyr our power".

Throughout the year: "On sports, you health, endurance and courage."

Objective: Development of physical and mental qualities of personality (forces, dexterity, speed of reaction, endurance, patience and perseverance in achieving the goal). Education of the sense of mutual assist, feelings of "elbow", help a friend.

Organizing and conducting sports events with the participation of parents: "Together with the mother" "I and Pope", "Mom, Dad and I am a sports family." Board game "Types of sports competitions", "Winter or Summer". Registration of albums "Sports with Smeshariki", "Sports Entertainment". Participation in urban competitions; sports holidays. Moving games, Morning gymnastics, physical attacks.

Thematic work plan
By morally patriotic
Raising children of the middle group

Ladies for classes
Content Speech Development
Connection with other activities

"My family".
1. Work on the concept of "relatives": reading by Domo-Kuzya poem Yaakima "My relatives".
2. Reading pre-prepared children of poems about sister, brother, etc.
3. Stories of children about members of their family.
4. Discussion of passing from the story of V. Kondogunsky "Sister My Ksenia".
1. Drawing on the topic "My family."
2. Conversation on the topic "Where we rested in the summer" (viewing photos).
3. Discussion of situations from the family life.
4. Scene-role game "Family".

"My favorite
1. Conversation about the importance of labor of all people working in kindergarten.
2. Production of crafts from natural and utilized material as a gift to children of the younger group.
3. Singing songs and reading poems about kindergarten.
1. Excursion to Medical Cabinet. Acquaintance with difficulty honey. sisters.
2. Cleaning leaves on the site of kindergarten.
3. Exhibition of children's drawings on the topic "My favorite kindergarten".

"My district and the city in which I live."
1. Excursion to Olgin Pond: past the hospital, clinic, cathedral of Peter and Paul.
2. Game "Toy store".
3. Reading poems about fountains.
1. City excursion (by photographs). Consider photographs of famous fountains.
2. Registration of the album "And I was there."
3. Plot-role-playing game "Mail" (on knowing the address of the house and kindergarten).

1-2 weeks
"I and my name"
1. "Why is a person name?" - Conversation.
2. Full and incomplete name (game).
3. Etude "Nazis Laskovo".
1. Production of nominal cards.
2. Drawing "My best friend".
3. Entertainment "Friend in trouble will not quit."

3-4 weeks
"New Year at the gate."
1. Wine riddles.
2. Conversation about the meeting of the New Year.
3. Registration of postcards with New Year's wishes in drawings.
4. Drawing up a letter to Santa Claus.
1. Drawing "New Year's view".
2. Applique "Tree".
3. Conduct competition "The Best New Year Toy" (together with the parents).
4. Promotion
· "Bird feeding."

"Our Motherland -rossy".

1. Consider the reproductions of paintings about the native nature.
2. Reading the poem M. Matusovsky "Where does the homeland begins?".
4. Story about the Russian flag; Coloring the drawn flag silhouette.
1. Consider illustrations with the image of nature of various corners of our Motherland.
2. Drawing on the topic "My Homeland".
3. Christmas entertainment, folk games.

"Our Defenders of the Fatherland (by the Day of Defender of the Fatherland).
1. Story about the defenders of the Fatherland.
2. Viewing illustration of a military character.
3. Competitive Games.
1. Production of gifts for dads and grandparents.
3. The stories of the Dads about the service in the army.

"I really love my mother's lovely Moy."
1. Conversation about Mama.
2. Drawing up the stories "For what I love my mother. As I help her. "
3. Singing songs about Mom, reading poems.
1. Drawing a portrait "My Mom".
2. Making a gift mom.
3. Family gatherings "Together with Mom".

"Our cosmonauts."
1. The story of the teacher about cosmonauts.
2. The game "Cosmonauts".
1. Production of attributes for the plot-role-playing game "Cosmonauts".
2. Drawing on this topic.
3. Designing: "Spaceship".

"This day of victory."
Conversation with children on this topic.

1. Excursion to the eternal fire.
2. Registration of festive cards.
3. Locking flowers on a kindergarten alley.
4. Registration of the stand.

June August
Peterhof is the city of Fontanov.
City excursions: Olgin Pond,
Proletarsky Park, Alexandria Park, Nizhny Park (Fountains, Alleys, Flowers).
Watering colors on the plot.
Family excursions. Museums of the city.

Popova love Egorovna

GBOU School No. 1400 3Do, Moscow


NOD for moral and patriotic education in the middle group

"Travel in Motherland"

NOD on moral and patriotic education "Travel in Motherland".

Objective: to develop in children a sense of patriotism and love for their homeland.

- continue to form in children the idea of \u200b\u200bRussia as a native country;

- to form a respectful attitude to state symbols;

- To acquaint children with the concept of Motherland, small and big;

- to learn to answer the questions of an adult, to build ordinary common offers; Use a scheme for a story.

- Expand words knowledge.

- Develop attention and memory is to recognize the flag and coat of arms in the pictures.

- develop excerpt, the ability to follow the rules of the game;

Integration of educational areas:

"Cognition," Communication "," Socialization ".


- Globus, map.

- images of the President of the Russian Federation, coat of arms and flag;

Scheme for negative, model of patriotic education,

Toy - Solny, rain, heart

- photos with views of Moscow,

Preliminary work:

- conversations about Russian symbolism;

- Reading poems, proverbs and sayings about the Motherland;

- viewing of photographs of the city of Moscow

Travel course.

Pupils are a semicircle.

Children, today we will go on a journey through our homeland.

We will go on a car, take in the hands of "Rules" (imaginary). Go! We are going one circle.

First stop. My house. My family. (Children sit in a semicircle in front of a stand on chairs)

On the stand of photos: houses, family, tree.

Guys, the word of the motherland is a house, family, friends, kindergarten. This is the place where we live. This is a small homeland. Viewing pictures on the bench.

Reading poems about a small homeland:

"What are we called our birthplace?
House where we live with you
And birchings along which
Next to my mother we go.

What do we call the birthplace?
Field with a thin spike
Our holidays and songs,
Warm evening outside the window! "

In the morning the sun gets up

We call us outside

I go out of the house I

Hello my street!

The game "What is my home?" Children stand in a circle and transmit a heart-toy toy with each other calling words. (Big, beautiful, cozy, clean, beloved, good, etc.)

Next stop - our town. (Children sit in a semicircle in front of a stand on chairs)

Children, tell me how is the city in which you live?

Right. Look at the pictures. What is depicted on them. Answers children by pictures.

Guys, Moscow is a big and beautiful city, there are many beautiful places, houses, landmarks in it. These are museums and parks, zoos, circus, the Kremlin, the subway, large and beautiful at home. Moscow is your small homeland where you live. The story of the teacher about Moscow.

And now you tell us about Moscow, using a prompting scheme.

1. I live in Moscow.

2. Moscow is a big city.

3. My city is beautiful. It has a circus, zoo and t .. (at the discretion of children who call)

4. I love my city. I love to play, walk and live in my city.

Wonderfully you told about your city, and now we go on, now on the plane.

Flew. Hands to the side. U-U-y.

Next stop - our country (Children sit in a semicircle in front of the stands on the chairs).

Children, as our country is called.

Russia is a big homeland.

Right. We have very big. Country viewing on the map, on the globe.

Russia is a big country. There are many cities, rivers, forests. And the main city of our country? (Moscow)

What is the name of the President of Russia?

Look, these are symbols of Russia - coat of arms, flag.

Russia has magnifier
On the coat of arms the eagle is double-headed
To west, east
He would see immediately
Strong, wise he and proud.
He is a free spirit free.

What color flag?

Correctly (white, blue, red)

Put the flag of Russia on the table from the stripes.

That came to the end our journey through our homeland. Today you learned a lot about the Motherland.

What we were talking about?

Guys, look, we can make the model of our Motherland.

Big, blue circle is our big country.

Red Circle is our city

White circle is our home, our family. (Circles are superimposed one on one).

All together: we love our family, your city, our country! Our homeland!

Promising work plan for moral and patriotic education in the middle group, taking into account GEF to


"My favorite kindergarten"

1. Excursion to kindergarten and familiarity with the difficulty of employees.

Objective: to introduce children with premises and kindergarten staff.

2. Conversation about the importance of labor of all people working in kindergarten.

Purpose: deepen the knowledge of children that many people who care about them are working in kindergarten.

3. Singing songs and reading poems about kindergarten.

Purpose: develop the speech of children, creative activity, the desire to delight other people.

4. OOD."Our kindergarten"

Purpose: Fasten, deepen, expand knowledge about the work of the teacher, assistant teacher, cook, doctor.

5. Conversation:"Where is accuracy, there and tidy"

Purpose: consolidate the knowledge and skills of children about etiquette.

Let's help Grandma Fedor

educateaccuracy in doing business.

6. OOD."We will play together"

Purpose: to clarify the knowledge of children about friendly attitude to peers, about what you need to play together.

7. Exhibition of children's drawings on the topic"My favorite kindergarten" .

Purpose: Call your impressions and ideas in the drawing in the figure, to educate love for your kindergarten; Friendly attitude to peers; Reliable respect for the Kindergarten employees, the desire to help them, deliver joy.


"Our Motherland-Russia" .

1. Conversation"Our Motherland-Russia" .

Purpose: clarify, deepen the knowledge and ideas about Russia(Territory, President, Capital, Language) .

2. Entertainment"You're Selianovo, you are the edge of my beloved ..."

Purpose: to expand the knowledge of children about his native land, instilling the love of our small homeland, pride for it.

3. Excursion to Seliyarovo "Our Attractions"

Purpose: To acquaint children with the sights of the village, to educate love for the native land.

3. Conversation Symbols of Russia:

"State Flag of the Russian Federation" .

Objective: to acquaint with the state flag of the Russian Federation, the appointment, symbolism of colors and their interpretation.

"State coat of arms of Russia" .

Objective: To introduce the image of the state coat of arms of the Russian Federation, to form elementary ideas about the origin and function of the coat of arms of Russia, the symbolic value of the color combination and images in it.

"State Anthem of Russia"

Objective: to acquaint with the state anthem of Russia and the rules of its use, tell about its origin, appointment, maintenance; Determine its signs similar to the signs of other musical works and other than them.

4. Conversation"Whoever wishes to people, he Himself mines"

Purpose: learning to understand yourself through the knowledge of your senses, to promote the development of the ability to guess the feelings and the mood of another person, to bring up a feeling of compassion, mercy.

5. Competition of the CHTERS"Poems about the Motherland" .

Purpose: to bring up feelings of love, respect and care for homeland.

6. Conversation"House, Street, address" .

Purpose: Continue to acquaint children with your native village, develop communicative skills.

7. Production of album"Nature of the native land" .

Objective: To form a presentation of children about the beauty of the nature of the Earth Ugra, to bring up a sense of pride for living in such a beautiful country.

8. Drawing on the topic"My motherland" .

Objective: Call your impressions in the picture in the figure and ideas. Educating love and respect for homeland.


"My family"

1. Orification and viewing of albums"My family" .

Objective: To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe family composition, to educate love and respect for close native people.

2. Stories of children about family members based on personal experience.

Purpose: instilling love and respect for close relatives, respect for their work.

3. Conversation"Respect Father and Mother - will be grace in life" .

Purpose: to educate love and respect for parents.

4. Photocollage "My House"

Purpose: learn and tell about the history of the origin of your house.

5. Drawing on the topic"My family"

Objective: Call your impressions in the picture in the figure and ideas. Rail love and respect for members of your family.

6. Entertainment dedicated to the Day of Mother"Moms are needed, Moms are important."

Purpose: to educate in children respect for the mother, the desire to help her, delight, take care. Give children to understand that mom is the closest person for a child.

7. Scene - role-playing game"All professions are important, all professions are needed."

Purpose: consolidate knowledge about the work of parents at home and at work, to bring up feelings of love, respect and care; expand the ideas about professions


"New Year at the gate"

1. Conversation"What for the holiday of the new year?"

Purpose: expand and deepen the knowledge of children about the New Year's holiday, family, good, having fun.

2. Reading fiction"What is good and what is bad?"

Purpose: to reveal to children the meaning of words"It is impossible" , "can" , "I need" ; Learning to evaluate actions and relate them to words well and bad.

3. game - conversation"I and my rights" .

Objective: to acquaint with the Convention on the Rights of the Child in the form available to preschoolers.

4. Conversation"Animal World of Our Territory" .

Purpose: to form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe environment where animals and plants adapted in our region; develop in children cognitive interest in life of animals of our region; Brigade careful attitude towards animals.

7. Holiday"New Year's Carnival" .

Purpose: create a joyful mood in children.

8. Conduct competition"Best New Year's toy" (together with parents) .

Purpose: to educate in children and parents a desire to invent something and create together.


"Folk holidays"

1. Conversation"Folk holidays in Russia. Christmas"

Purpose: To acquaint children with the tradition of celebrating the Orthodox holiday Christmas; Rail interest in national traditions. Expand the knowledge of children about folk holidays in Russia.

2. Entertainment"The trick has come to visit" .

Purpose: to educate interest in popular Russian holidays.


Objective: Teach children to bring the work started to the end, do not throw their work halfway, to learn to foresee the result.

4. Exhibition of children's drawings"Miracle, Miracle Christmas" .

Objective: Call your impressions in the picture in the figure and ideas.

5. Acquaintance with Russian folk games .

Purpose: instilling love for native culture.


"Strong and powerful warriors of glorious Russia"

(to the Day of Defender of the Fatherland) .

1. Consider painting Vasnetsov"Three heroes" . Hearing in the writing of the epic about Ilya Muromets, Mikita Selininovich, Nikita Kozhemyak.

Objective: to acquaint with the feats of warriors. Expansion of the horizon.

2. "My family pride." A story about relatives who served in the army or visited the war.

Objective: to educate in children the desire to talk about relatives - warriors, bring up pride for them.

3. Excursion to the winter park.

Objective: to develop a sense of empathy and involvement in the fate of birds in winter, love and interest in the native nature, to the symbol of Russia - birch.

4. Conversation"My friends" .

Objective: To form in children the concept that people are not like each other, but they are all equal; Relief and tolerance for people in children, regardless of their social origin, racial and national affiliation, external appearance, physical disadvantages.

5. Holiday"Maslenitsa" .

Purpose: to educate interest in national Russian holidays, interest in the history of Russia, national pride.

6. Production of gifts for dads and grandparents.

Purpose: instilling the desire to take care of your loved ones.

7. Viewing a presentation"Who will keep silence?" .

Objective: to expand the representation of children about the Russian army, consolidate knowledge of various military professions and childbirth; Tell me about people who glorified our country during the war years, about how, people honor their memory.

8. Sports entertainment"I want to serve boys in the army" .

Objective: to develop speed, endurance, strength, attention.


"My mum"

1. Round table"About moms of relatives and very important" .

Purpose: to bring up good, attentive, respectful attitude towards my mother, the desire to take care and help her.

2. Making a gift for moms, grandmothers.

Purpose: to raise a desire to please moms, grandmothers.

3. Holiday"We congratulate the moms from March 8" .

Purpose: to bring up a desire to congratulate mothers, grandmothers, take care of them.

4. Plot - role-playing game"Daughters - Mother" .

Purpose: contribute to the emergence of games on topics from the surrounding life, develop the ability to get along with each other in a joint game.

5. Game - Sowing"Ladushki visiting grandmother" .

Purpose: To form in children the concept of Russian folklore: songs, games, sweatshops, to educate the love of oral folk creativity.


"Our cosmonauts"

1. OOD."Conquest of Cosmos" .

Purpose: give an idea of \u200b\u200bspace of outer space; about the nearest star - the sun, about the satellite of the earth - the moon; Reliable respect for a difficult and dangerous profession of astronaut. Learn to fantasize and dream

2. Sports entertainment"We are cosmonauts."

Purpose. Develop dexterity, speed, strength, endurance.

3. Holiday"Russia is famous for the miracle - masters" .

Objective: to acquaint with folk crafts, to instill love and interest in Russian antiquity, folklore traditions.

4. Round table"I and my name" .

Objective: to acquaint with the meaning of the names of children, parents; explain the concept name, patronymic, surname; Secure the ability to understand and explain the meaning of Russian proverbs about the family.

5. Presentation"Easter holiday" .

Purpose: to form interest in the culture of their people; Develop the ability to apply knowledge about national culture in different activities.


"Spring Festival"

1. Entertainment"Western" .

Purpose: clarify and systematize the presentation of children about the spring; To form interest in the culture of their people.

2. Conversation"Victory Banner" .

Purpose: To form an elementary idea of \u200b\u200bthe history of the Fatherland, consolidate and summarize knowledge of the types of flags, their appointment; Give a brief information from the history of the banners.

3. OOD."This day of victory" .

Purpose: to acquaint with the life of children during the Great Patriotic War; To form patriotic feelings, interest in Russia's past.

4. Excursion to eternal fire With the laying of colors to the obelisk of fallen soldiers.

Purpose: to convey to children the idea that many years later people remember the events of the Terrible War, honor the memory of the dead.

5. Designing Standa"My dad and grandfather - Defenders of the Fatherland" .

Purpose: to educate love and respect for close native people, as the defenders of the Motherland.

6. Stock "Garland of Friendship" .

Purpose: to expand the idea of \u200b\u200bfriendship, to educate in children good, attentive, respectful attitude to each other, the desire to help,participate in collective affairs.


"Summer vacation"

1. Entertainment"Children Protection Day"

Purpose: Continue to acquaint with the Convention on the Rights of the Child in the form available to preschoolers.

2. Contest drawings"My favourite toy" . (Together with parents) .

3. Conversation "The long-awaited summer"

Objective: to introduce children with summer games, promote speech development.

4. Situation of communication"The grandmother in the village"

Purpose: Exchange Impressions about life in rural areas.

5. Favorite photos"Relaxation"