Disguises his son as a girl. Tales of forced dressing up in girly clothes

Found it on the internet. The story is not mine.
I liked it ... In general, I like dressing up in girlish clothes.
Handkerchiefs and swaddling, too - and they are in this story

Zhenya. Daughters and mothers.

On Wednesday evening, Zhenya and his mother were visiting aunt Vera, my mother's own sister. While mom and aunt were secret in the hall, he played with his older cousin in her room. Sasha was 5 years older than him and behaved almost like an adult. At the age of 12, she was a very sensible girl who came up with a logical explanation for any game. Zhenya was a quiet, obedient boy, short, with lush hair. He recently went to first grade, and Sasha liked to play with him at school. Zhenya did not mind, because instead of fives for correct answers, he received candy each. True, Sasha took sweets for the wrong ones, but still Zhenya won. Soon the children were called to supper. Zhenya even shared the sweets he had earned with his mother and aunt. After tea, my aunt and mother stayed in the kitchen to wash the dishes, while Sasha and Zhenya again ran to the nursery, where they began to build a "house" under Sasha's writing desk. Zhenya stubbornly called him halabuda. Sasha insisted that this was their little castle, and Zhenya was an enchanted prince who had to be saved.
The women were talking, and the children were playing, and did not notice how the time for sleep approached. My wife's mother was getting ready to go home. Sasha and Zhenya played so hard that they did not want to leave, and Aunt Vera suggested that her sister leave Zhenya to spend the night with them.
- There is a place, the school is in quarantine, Sasha is at home, and she is already big, she can feed Zhenya herself.
And tomorrow they say after work they will meet again and will go home early.
- And it’s already half past nine, until you get there, and the child should go to bed.
Mom asked Zhenya if he agreed to stay, and he broke a little and said that he would like to sleep with Sasha. Mom kissed him not goodbye and said that after work she would definitely stop by.
After seeing off mom, Zhenya suddenly felt somehow sad. But then the phone rang, Aunt Vera was distracted, and Sasha offered to play more ...
- Everything, everything, guys, it's time to sleep, - Aunt Vera hung up the phone, - it's already eleven o'clock.
Sasha had a large room, and in addition to the baby bed, which was unfolded on the sides as Sasha grew older, there was an armchair-bed in it. They put their wife on the bed, and Sasha, as the hostess, had to lie on an armchair. Aunt Vera handed Zhenya out Sasha's old knitted pajamas, they were very nice and soft, although the legs were a little short. She said good night and turned off the light.
The children did not fall asleep immediately. For a long time, Sasha told Zhenya various almost scary stories.
Waking up in the morning, Zhenya saw that Sasha was no longer sleeping, but sitting at the table and drawing something with enthusiasm. When he got up and came closer, he saw that she was painting her nails with her mother's varnish. The varnish was pink and shiny. Having finished with her nails, Sasha began to persuade Zhenya to paint his nails too. He denied everything, but Sasha was very persistent, and, in the end, Zhenya agreed to the experiment. Sasha very carefully applied varnish on Zhenya's marigolds (she even stuck out her tongue out of zeal), and together they began to blow on the varnish so that it dries faster. Sasha offered to paint her nails on her feet, but Zhenya said that he wanted to go to the toilet and ran away from her in time.
At this time the bell rang, and Sasha ran to open the door.
When Zhenya came out of the toilet, there was another girl in the corridor besides Sasha. She was taller than Sasha, wore, unlike her, long hair, was dressed in a jacket and held a bag of bread and milk in her hands.
- Oh, what a sweet girl! Sister? And what are our names? She rattled.
- Yes, cousin ...
- Why are we silent? What are our names?
- Zhenya, - Zhenya mumbled and ran into Sasha's room.
- How shy we are.
Zhenya fell on the bed and covered his head with a blanket. He felt very ashamed. But then the girlfriends entered the room, and he hid and almost stopped breathing.
- That we are still lying in bed, it's time to get up, - the girls tried to stir him up.
Sasha's friend said that she would take the purchases home and come back, then they would all play together. And she even knows what. Sasha did not dare to argue with her.
- Zhenya, get up. Lena left, - tried to push her brother Sasha.
- Well, I couldn't say that you are my brother. A disheveled miracle runs out in girly pajamas, with long hair and painted nails. Do you want me to say that you are a boy.
Zhenya only burst into tears at this and turned to the wall.
“Don’t cry, or you won’t believe that you’re a boy.” And if you want, we will not say anything. Well, being a little girl is not scary at all.
And Sasha, carried away by a new idea, began to rummage through her old things to find something for Zhenya in size.
- Get up, Lena will come now. Put on your tights, t-shirt and skirt. They should suit you. Zhenya will stop roaring. Decide something already. Lena is stubborn, you still have to get up.
The bell rang, Sasha went to open it, and Zhenya saw the clothes offered by his sister. If he would have agreed to pull on the panty hoses, he would not have wanted the skirt at all. Tears again ran from his eyes, and he again covered his head with the blanket.
Then the girlfriends came into the room and began to bother him, and Lena also lisped.
- What a capricious Zhenya we have. Just like a little lalechka. I know, my little sister is just 2 years old. Oh, idea ...
And she began to whisper something to Sasha. Sasha tried to dissuade Lena, but nevertheless agreed. And with renewed vigor they began to harass Zhenya.
- Zhenya, get up. It's time for breakfast. Stop being capricious. Let's play with us. Get dressed. Let's play mother and daughter. Get up. Capricious. Well, it’s as if the little lialechka is foolish. That's it, we warned you. Blame yourself. If you do not want to obey your elders, we will punish you. Do you want to lie in bed? Please. Only we will swad you. Get up.
Zhenya didn't know what to do. He was afraid of Sasha's active girlfriend. And I was probably already ready to get up, but change clothes in front of a stranger ... Tears themselves dripped from my eyes.
The girls got tired of persuading him, and they began to implement their plan. They pulled off the blanket from Zhenya, took away the pillow and began to wrap him in the sheet on which he was lying. The girls were much older and together they easily broke Zhenya's resistance. He shouted: “Don't. I won't anymore. Let go. " But the girls' eyes lit up with excitement, and in a few minutes they finished swaddling in a sheet. Zhenya tried to wriggle. And the girlfriends decided that it would be necessary to continue the swaddling. Very restless lalechka.
- Something is missing. Sasha, do you have a cap? All babies must wear caps with frills.
- If there is, it will obviously be too small for Zhenya.
- Then let us tie a scarf for her.
No sooner said than done. Sasha took out a white kerchief, and they tightly wrapped Zhenya's head with it. Then they spread out a blanket, which Zhenya used to cover, and wrapped it as if in an envelope. Zhenya was already tired of crying, but tears were pouring from his eyes, he felt completely helpless. Sasha took out her pink ribbons, and the girls fixed the envelope by wrapping it several times with ribbons and tying them with beautiful bows.
- What a cute little girl. Wuxi-pushi, little one. Look what Aunt Lena has prepared for you.
And Lena put a pacifier in Zhenya's mouth. He tried to spit it out, but Lena was prudent - the nipple was on the tape, and the tape was tied with another bow. Zhenya did not manage to spit it out.
- So, little one, lie down, calm down. Little girls must obey their elders.
Sasha said that Zhenya needed to be fed breakfast, and the girls went into the kitchen to figure out how to feed the little lyalechka. Zhenya could not even move. A few minutes later the girls returned, took the nipple out of Zhenya's mouth and fed him a sandwich and milk with four hands. After wiping his mouth, they reinserted the nipple, covered the corner of the envelope and, having told her to think about her behavior, went about their business. They are quite loud, so that Zhenya could hear the whole conversation through the kerchief and blanket, and assigned roles in the game to each other.
- Let Zhenechka be our daughter. And I will be a mother, - said Lena.
- I also want to be a mother, - argued Sasha.
- Let you be a dad. Your name can be either a boy's or a woman's. And you have a short haircut. Boys cannot be Lena.
While they were arguing, Zhenya really wanted to go to the toilet, but the nipple prevented her from speaking, and he could only hum through her. The girls noticed that the swaddled cocoon was somehow not calm and approached it.
- What happened to our baby? Do you want Mommy to take out the papilla? Will you behave yourself?
Zhenya nodded vigorously. He agreed to everything, just not to describe himself. The pacifier was taken out and he said he wanted to go to the toilet. But the girls made him promise to obey them in everything.
- Tell. I will be an obedient girl. Tell. Mommy, daddy, I want a pee. Tell. Mommy, give me a papilla. And don't you dare take it out until we allow it.
Zhenya obediently repeated everything after Lena. They gave him a pacifier again, unclothed him, and he rushed to the toilet like an arrow. When he came out of the closet, he looked rather unusual, and hardly anyone would say that it was a boy. Maiden's pajamas, a headscarf wrapped around her head, a nipple in her mouth, her nails painted, he was confused. But the girls immediately took it into circulation.
- Did the little one do pee? And who will wash it off?
- Zhenya, let's go into the room.
- Let's cover our baby. Can I bring a diaper so that you don't have to get up to the toilet?
- No need to swaddle, - Zhenya cried.
- Don't cry, little sister.
- Not a sister, but a daughter. Daughter, who allowed the pacifier to be removed? We will swaddle the naughty girls.
- I won't.
- Dear, - Sasha played along, - maybe it's time to dress our girl.
- Yes, dear, my daughter and I will go to wash, and you prepare what to wear.
Lena, as a little girl, washed her hands and washed him. But she made me take the pacifier again.
Sasha, meanwhile, tidied up the bed and, in addition to tights, a T-shirt and a skirt, took out panties and a ribbon.
When Zhenya and Lena returned from the bathroom, Zhenya quickly changed clothes without talking to Sasha's help so that Lena would not see that he was a boy. White panties, light green tights, a blue long-sleeved T-shirt with a mini-mouse drawn in front, a tight blue skirt with small polka dots - seemingly ordinary clothes, but for girls. Zhenya stood and was afraid to move. Lena took off his kerchief and began to comb it.
- What soft hairs our daughter has. What do you want: pigtail or ponytails, or just tie a bow?
- Let's just bow, I already got the ribbon. For a beautiful braid, the hair is still short, - said Sasha.
- And we can braid in two spikelets ...
Zhenya stood, neither alive nor dead. He did not know how girls behave in such situations. In addition, he still had a pacifier in his mouth.
- Why are you silent, little one? Ah, you have a papilla in your mouth. That's right, I did not allow to take it out. Only children do not just hold it in their mouths, but suck it. Just try it. Well done. Smack. Clever girl. Now we will tie a bow. Our girl will be pretty. Well, what are you, how sleepy? Sasha, get your toys out. Here, take the doll. And we'll see what else we have here.
The girls enthusiastically began to get Sasha's old toys. In addition to a large assortment of soft toys, with which Sasha was also playing, there were babies, and children's dishes, and cubes, and a dollhouse, and many other girly things. Everything was dumped on the carpet, and the girls themselves began to delve into all this with great pleasure.
But soon they got tired of it, Zhenya was allowed to take out the pacifier, left him with toys, and they themselves began to play in the "beauty salon". At first, Lena was the master. She did not conjure over Sasha's hair for a long time. After all, Sasha played the role of dad, and Lena simply made her parting instead of a straight side parting and carefully licked her hair. But Sasha showed her imagination. Lena had long hair, and, spreading her ponytail, Sasha made her a high hairstyle, like an adult, using a bunch of mom's hairpins. Then came the turn of cosmetics. Which means the parents are not at home. You can experiment with everything.
The girls played enough and paid attention to Zhenya. He had forgotten how he was dressed. He quietly sat on the carpet and built doll houses from cubes.
- Zhenechka, we are going to visit. For fun, of course. We need to change. Sasha, do we have a festive dress that will suit our daughter?
- I'll look now.
-Come here, daughter. I'll untie the bow. It's not festive at all.
Zhenya went up to Lena. He was very embarrassed, did not know what to do with his hands and fiddled with the hem of his skirt. Lena untied the bow and began to take off his T-shirt. Meanwhile, Sasha got out of the closet her festive dress, which was bought for her when she was about Zhenya's age.
The dress was green, velvet, with already sewn petticoats, long sleeves, gathered lanterns at the shoulders, with a white turn-down collar and cuffs. The belt at the waist was tied at the back with a large bow.
Zhenya's skirt was pulled off. Sasha handed him a white T-shirt with thin straps, and he, without objection, put it on. Then he raised his hands up, and they put this maiden splendor on him. Yes, it's not a sweater or a T-shirt to wear over your head. Zhenya even closed his eyes when white skirts rustled past his face, his hands passed through the sleeves and pulled the dress down.
He stood motionless. The girls straightened their dresses, fastened buttons on their backs, straightened their petticoats that protruded slightly from under the hem, and tied a bow at the waist. And he experienced some new unfamiliar feelings and did not know whether or not he liked being dressed in a dress. Any girl would be very happy. White cuffs, collar and lace hem of petticoats nicely set off the dark green velvet of a festive dress.
- What is our beauty silent? Do you like the new dress?
- Yes ... - Zhenya answered in confusion.
- Say: thank you mom, thank you dad. Do not be silent.
- Thank you mommy, thanks daddy.
- Good girl. Come on, I'll kiss you.
Zhenya knew that girls kiss for any reason. But, as he did not want to avoid this, it was impossible for Lena to suspect something. And he went up to her and turned his cheek.
- What a good girl we have. But she also needs to go to the hairdresser.
- That's right, you can't be so disheveled in such a beautiful dress.
- Chur, I will be a master. You, Sasha, just did my styling.
- Okay. And my daughter and I seemed to have come to a hairdresser.
“I don’t want to get a haircut,” Zhenya cried.
- All small children are afraid of scissors. What are you, little one. We will not cut your hair. Only with your hair.
He was seated in front of the mirror, and Lena took a large comb in her hands. Meanwhile, the curling iron was warming up. The girls decided to twist Zhenya's hair a little. When Lena brought the curling iron to his hair, he began to struggle and cry.
- Dad, bring a pacifier and keep your daughter. I'm not doing anything terrible.
A pacifier was again stuck into my wife's mouth and forced to suck.
- What is this mischief? If you misbehave, we'll undress and swaddle up again, like a very little one.
Zhenya got scared and let himself be screwed up. When Lena combed the curls, twisted with a curling iron, for some reason it almost did not become noticeable that the hairs were twisted, but the hairstyle became noticeably more magnificent.
- How our baby likes the papilla. Stop sucking. Come here. Tell me which bow to tie. White or green.
- White, - said Zhenya. He saw that all girls with festive dresses must have white bows tied.
- That's right, little one. Sasha, give us a big bow. And Zhenya will close her eyes for now.
And Lena slightly tinted his eyelids and eyelashes. And then the girls tied a huge white bow on Zhenya. But they still lacked something. And they brightened his cheeks a little and, with the final touch, painted their lips with shiny pink lipstick.
Zhenya sat with his eyes closed and was afraid to look at himself in the mirror.
- Everything. The eyes can be opened. Well, dad, are you satisfied? Where is your mommy?
Zhenya opened his eyes and closed them immediately.
- Oh, what a doll! Daughter, you are so beautiful! Get up, - Lena was already playing the role of mom.
Zhenya was ready to burst into tears. A real doll was looking at him from the mirror, well, as a last resort, a girl of kindergarten age.
- What? Again whims? Give the papilla again? Get up. Take a spin. Good girl. Give mom a pen, give dad a pen
And they, taking him by the hands, went throughout the apartment. Every now and then the girls stopped and admired the work of their own hands. And Zhenya had to spin, learn to sit down in a curtsey and kiss mom and dad. Then they didn't want to go to visit, and they "went to the cinema." Sasha turned on the cartoon, and they sat down decorously on the sofa in the hall. Zhenya found himself in the middle and sat motionless, hands on his knees, like an exemplary girl. Sasha noticed his stiffness and brought the doll.
- That's right, dear. Let the baby rock the doll. She herself is definitely a doll! Zhenya, do you want to be a doll?
- No…
- Okay, okay, I was joking. You are our beloved daughter.
After the cartoon, the three of them played with dolls, laid the table with children's dishes, in general, were engaged in ordinary girlish affairs. Zhenya got involved in the game and was no longer afraid of being exposed by Lena every minute. The only thing, he was very shy when Sasha accompanied him to the toilet to hold on to a beautiful dress.
Having played too much, the girls did not notice how lunchtime approached. The phone rang. It was Lena's grandmother who called. Like, it's almost three o'clock, it's time to have lunch. Lena was getting ready to go home. Sasha took the hairpins out of her hair. It turned out a little not neat, but Lena said that she would comb at home.
- Well, that's it, I ran. And then the grandmother will scold.
- Yes, Zhenya and I also need to have a snack.
- Goodbye, daughter. Kiss your mommy ... Well done. And I give you a papilla. Maybe we'll play some more. Or, if you are capricious, Sasha will give it to you so as not to cry. Okay, okay, just kidding. Kiss me again ... Bye bye.
Lena ran away. And Zhenya burst into tears for some reason.
- Well, why are you crying. It's all good. Lena didn't guess that you were a boy. Was it really boring to play with us? And in general, you, Zhenechka, are a very beautiful girl. Look in the mirror. I wish I had such a sister. Let me kiss you. Okay, it's time to have lunch. Come on, I'll help you take off your dress so as not to get dirty. Or do you want to stay in it while I warm up lunch?
Zhenya, in principle, is already used to the dress, but he would not admit it for anything.
Sasha untied her belt, unbuttoned the buttons on her back and carefully took off Zhenya's festive dress and T-shirt. But I noticed, and if suddenly, after dinner, Lena returns. Zhenya didn't want to be a girl again. Then my sister suggested for the time being just put on a T-shirt, the same as in the morning. We'll have time to change before the parents arrive, but if Lena comes in, Zhenya will have time to pull on her skirt, she won't hide it for now. My wife had to agree, but he asked to remove the nail polish. Sasha helped him put on her T-shirt, set up to warm up lunch and in the same kitchen wiped the varnish for him and herself with a special liquid. They had lunch, Sasha washed the dishes, and Zhenya helped to dry them. Then they returned to the nursery and neatly hung the dress up in Sasha's closet. And then in a large mirror in the closet door Zhenya saw himself. A girl stood in the reflection. After all, he was wearing a girly T-shirt and tights, and, in addition, a large white bow in his hair. Sasha did not specifically remind him of the bow, she so wanted him to remain her sister for a longer time. And he somehow managed to get used to his hairstyle and while changing clothes, having dinner and removing nail polish, and did not notice that he was left with a bow.
- Sasha, untie.
- What if Lena comes back.
- So what. Girls go without bows.
- So you agree to be a girl?
- No-no ... - Zhenya whimpered, and he began to rip off the bow.
- Wait, wait, I'll carefully untie it myself. And there was nothing to roar.
“You don’t wear bows.
- I'm already an adult. But I'm ready to tie myself a bow, if we tie it for you too. Want?
- No-no ...
- OK OK. Let's go wash. Otherwise, mom will see the cosmetics.
They went to the bath and washed themselves with soap and water. Sasha dialed Lenin's phone. She said that she would not come today because her grandmother had given her housework. But he will definitely call back in the evening. Therefore, Sasha hid the children's skirt and took out the boy's clothes for Zhenya, which she hid in the closet in the morning.
- It's a pity, I have such a sister. And now brother again. Let `s play.
And since there was still time before the arrival of the parents, they sat down on the carpet, where the toys were laid out.
The mothers came almost at the same time. Sasha a little earlier, because it was much closer to her to go from work.
- You ate, what did you do?
- We ate, watched TV, played.
- And what did you play?
- In mothers and daughters.
Aunt Vera looked at Zhenya strangely. But then I thought: the boy is small, and what else to play with Sasha. Then Zhenya's mother came. And again they began to collect on the table. We drank tea together. And mom and Zhenya were getting ready to go home.
- Zhenya, you liked being with Sasha all day, will you come to visit us again? - asked Aunt Vera.
“Yes,” Zhenya answered timidly, holding his mother's hand. He did not know if he would like a repetition of today. Probably not. But all the same, he and Sasha were interested.
His mother, while saying goodbye to her sister, noticed that the quarantine had just begun, and there was no one to leave him at home with. Tomorrow is of course the weekend. But next week she would ask Sasha to stay with Zhenya a couple more times, if they had such a good time together. Aunt Vera did not object in the least. And Zhenya did not know what to do with his eyes out of embarrassment, he was afraid that today's game might repeat itself.
And the quarantine continued

Awesome action, I love it. At first, the mother, the little girl, who was sorry for her daughter's underwear, then, as it were, the little sister had grown up and, seeing such miracles, decided to play along with the mother. I picked up bras, calgots, put on my brother and into the park. Then they found his wife according to the TOPIC (apparently all Yandex shoveled) with which he bathes in the river in fucking beautiful swimsuits, and the men take him for a girl ..................

"Since childhood, I have always worn girlish panties with bows, tights. This is how my mother dressed me. I bought pantaloons, and what happened from my sister. My sister was scared and everything left for me later. We grew up together, my sister began to grow up quickly, her breasts began to grow and she put on a bra and I asked my mother, and a bra like my sister also needs to be worn. What was said, if you want, I will buy it for you and you can wear it. Of course, my mother had an excellent bra for her sister and she bought me just a beautiful one picked up panties, bought skirts as well blouses, shoes, stockings, tights like my sister's. Further my sister and I had the same wardrobe. And I wore all this and walked at home. Sometimes I went out with my mother. Mom did not pay attention, and at first my sister was interested in how I transform into a girl, But then she began to help me pick up underwear in color, button up the bra. How to put on panties and where to hide the pussy so that everything looks like a girl's pubes. She put something in the bra so that her breasts were like hers. a transparent blouse with a short skirt so that you can see the bra, high-heeled shoes. Her outerwear suited me. I put on makeup and that's how I became like a girl. And after 16 years, when I was already dressing like a girl, I walked in all this. My sister came with a friend and quickly put on me thongs, stockings with a lace elastic band for stockings, a beautiful bustier, a red bonded short dress, beads and earrings. They made my hair do my hair and put on high-heeled shoes and in this form all three of us went for a walk in the park. At first, somehow I felt uneasy, but then the relaxedness disappeared. And everything went fine. My sister called me Olya. On the street, no one even noticed that the boy was dressed as a girl. In this form, my sister and I returned home. Mom at first did not understand and then was surprised, but she never was against that I dress as a girl. And as a result, I began to dress like a sister and everything that a sister wears. I walked like this at home and on the street, so I grew up. Mom bought my sister and I the same underwear, panties, bras, stockings, tights, fishnet panties. Dresses, skirts, leggings. And already at home my mother had two daughters. Even in the summer they swam in bathing suits. At first I had a closed one. And then my sister told my mother to buy a separate one only so that the bra was filled with filler. They also came to the beach, undressed and went into the water. In winter, he wore woolen tights and boots and sometimes wore warm trousers at the insistence of his sister. so everything went on more. Now I constantly wear either stockings or tights. Sometimes I wear a bodysuit, grace or half-grace. Only fishnet panties. summer tango or thong. After getting married, of course, my wife saw all this, at first it was somehow not very good, but now we go to the store together where she picks up lingerie for me, stockings, tights looks and advises what suits me, my wife goes at home in lingerie and so do I. Sometimes, having dressed me as a woman, I have already learned how to do makeup myself, it leads to the street or to a cafe. In the summer, we also swim in swimsuits. She bought me a beautiful two-piece swimsuit bra with filler. And everything sits great. Fortunately, the figure is almost like a woman's. The wife offered to drink female harmonies. Taking about 3 months, a light feminine breast with nipples appeared and the hips were rounded. She likes it all. And we both do not see anything reprehensible in this. Everything goes as if it were. We live well and happily. This is how I look now and my wife is just delighted. The underwear I was wearing was all matched by my wife and my hairstyle. And the photo she did so beautifully.

My daughter is 4 years old. She does not want to sleep alone. So I go to bed with her, wait for her to fall asleep, and then quietly go to my room. But at night the child gets up and goes to bed with my husband. We tried to wean her out of it, but nothing worked. Please advise how to deal with this? My daughter falls asleep late, and then when she comes to us at night, I wake up and, for a long time, I can not sleep.

Children often come to their parents at night to make up for the lack of communication with their parents during the day. Secondly, check if she is really uncomfortable in her bed - an uncomfortable mattress or pillow. Together with her - this is very important - create a cozy nest for your daughter, in which it is pleasant to fall asleep and wake up. If your daughter does not yet have a toy with which she sleeps, give her one, for example, a teddy bear or a rag doll that will lie next to her. The main thing is that the girl herself chooses a toy that she likes. Then show patience and perseverance. If your daughter comes to you again at night, take her back to bed and try to sit or lie with her until she falls asleep. You may encounter a lot of resistance, but it usually takes 1–2 weeks to retrain. Then, if a child comes to his parents, it is rare, for example, when he had a bad dream.

My son is two and a half years old. He really does not like to be stroked, kissed, taken in his arms. This even applies to dad and grandmother. And he only allows his mother to undress or dress himself. If, for example, dad does this, then a hysterical may happen to his son. He will squeal, rip off the things Daddy is wearing, and demand that Mom put them on him. How to behave in this situation?

There are children, especially boys, who, because of their natural organization, do not like to be touched or hugged. Take this feature of your son as fact and reckon with it. No need to apologize to people who want to fondle a child with better feelings, politely ask them not to. The severity of such behavior with loved ones can be a manifestation of negativism and obstinacy in three-year-olds. Try to react to the child's behavior in this way: show him that you are upset for the fact that he undressed and offended dad or grandmother, leave him undressed. Ask your dad to tie a scarf or apron for you. After a while, the son will stop expressing dissatisfaction so emotionally and will get used to trusting loved ones.

My son will be 5 years old in November. We have been going to kindergarten for the third year. Most of the boys are in the group, but the teachers say that the son plays better and more with the girls. He prefers to play with dolls at home, collects sequins, dresses up in scarves in front of a mirror. Is it okay? Will he have any deviations in the future in terms of sex and in terms of finding friends?

A familiar picture, described in many literary plots: a tomboy girl, with a short haircut, in trousers, climbing trees and a quiet, obedient boy playing with dolls with girls. Is it okay? Parents are always alarmed when their child behaves, as it seems to them, not in accordance with his gender. Only an experienced specialist can determine where the norm ends and the deviation begins. But so that parents do not worry about the psychosexual development of their children in vain, we will list the signs that you should pay attention to before drawing any conclusions.

If a boy plays in the "family", loves to tinker with dolls, dress them up, then this does not mean anything. But if at the same time he generally turns away from typical "boy" toys, is not interested in pistols, cars, technology - that's another matter. But even in this case it is too early to draw any conclusions. We must also see how the boy plays and what roles he prefers in games. If, for example, in the game with girls in "family" a boy takes on the male roles: dad, husband, brother, then everything is fine. In the same way, you need to watch the girl if something bothers you. that she all the time plays with the boys "war". When choosing female roles in games - soldier, chieftain or nurse, the question of orientation disappears by itself. Usually, children after four years of age are reluctant to take on the roles of the opposite sex, and after five they categorically refuse them. This is especially true for boys. When in kindergartens, when learning dramatizations, there are not enough performers for "female" roles, educators have to persuade boys to be a Fox, a Mouse or Winter for a long time.

Children with impaired psychosexual identification differ in that they behave differently from their gender. Speaking about quiet, sensitive boys, psychologists distinguish their feminine - feminine - features: softness, smoothness in movements, modulated voice. They love to be in the company of women and behave with them like girls, they are prone to whims, and in relations with men they are soft and sometimes even flirtatious.

Dissatisfaction associated with their gender and social role is expressed in such children not only in games, but also in speech: praising the advantages of the other sex, the desire to change their gender, change their name, etc. Boys try on women's clothes, try women's cosmetics, perfumes, and like to "spin in front of a mirror." Girls, on the contrary, refuse to wear dresses, skirts, ornaments, and are ashamed of their signs of femininity. In such cases, it is necessary to seek advice from an endocrinologist.

Parents should remember that, speaking about psychosexual development, each of the above signs individually and even a combination of several of them do not yet indicate gender-related deviations. So, sometimes at 6-8 years old boys show signs of feminine behavior, but they disappear with the onset of puberty, and boys become "real men." In girls, an orientation towards a masculine type of behavior can persist until adolescence, but, despite this, tender women and caring mothers grow out of them.

Remember the character Mel Gibson from the feature film "What does a woman want?" What solution did the character in the film find? He decided to "understand" women, and for this purpose he used all the female tricks out of the box. And what about the hero of the famous comedy "Tootsie"? In it, an unemployed actor is forced to disguise himself as a woman in order to get a role in a popular television series. These films, well-known at the time, were watched by millions of viewers, and hardly any of them had any "left thoughts" in connection with the dressing up of men into women.


Similar situations are encountered not only in cinematography; similar things have been described quite often in fiction of different times and genres. As well as quiet, calm and "correct" boys or daredevil girls. Is not it so?

What worries adults about boys' behavior?

Why are parents so worried about this issue and should they worry about this? It is quite normal that mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers follow the children, sometimes they even make up too much and ascribe to little boys actions that, in their opinion, are not quite typical. Let's try to understand this issue together. Although, only a very experienced and highly qualified specialist can accurately determine the presence of any deviations.

Playing with dolls

Even the fact that the boy is playing with dolls does not testify to anything at all. But if he does not pay attention to boyish amusements at all, he may already be a little alarmed. But even in this case, it is too early to draw conclusions. Observe the little boy: how he plays, what roles he chooses. Pay attention to the age of the child. Only after four years do children begin to refuse and violently protest against the fact that, in kindergarten, for example, they are forced to play the roles of the opposite sex. And that's okay. Likewise, no one has any objections if the girl successfully "conquers" the treetops, plays "war" or kicks a soccer ball.

"Role-playing" games for children

The main signs of identification violations

But if for some reason you have anxiety, then it is important to pay attention to certain signs. Boys with impaired identification or, to put it simply, orientation, are still different from their peers.


First of all, by their behavior. They are capricious, have feminine features, their movements are smooth, their voice is more sonorous and high-pitched. Yes, and they feel more confident in the circle of girls, systematically and with pleasure play with them, they also spin in front of the mirror, paint, change into women's clothes - they get pleasure from all this, but they can also flirt, flirt with the guys.


If you have noticed this, then you should not hesitate here and you need to see a doctor. Perhaps these are hormonal disorders. In this case, an endocrinologist will help you, who, after carrying out special blood tests, will diagnose and prescribe treatment. There may be other reasons as well.

Education is very important

And the boy's environment, that is, his family, plays an important role. Or rather, education. It is not uncommon for atypical behavior to occur when the boy is in the so-called “female environment”. It is quite natural in this case to behave atypical for a boy, because, perhaps, he was raised as a girl, and he himself did not have the opportunity to communicate enough with men and he had no one to imitate.

Talk to your child about dreams

You should also pay attention to the dreams of children. In a calm and relaxed atmosphere, as if by chance ask the child about what dreams he sees at night? If there are violations, then the boy often sees himself as a girl in a dream, and if you ask him to draw the most ordinary person, then, in confirmation of what has been said, a woman or a girl will be drawn.


Individually, these signs should not confuse you, dear parents. But if you notice such violations systematically, then obviously the problem really exists.

The boy dreams of becoming a girl

It also happens that a child tries to be like a representative of the opposite sex, as he is not satisfied with something in his. This behavior can appear early enough. As a rule, in this case, he clearly states that he is a girl, or that he wants to become her now or when he grows up. He plays only with girls and in girls' games, when playing with "dolls" he chooses the role of a mother, not a father, prefers to wear skirts, not trousers - all this is a wire to consult a pediatrician and a psychologist. And think about whether the reasons for this behavior in the family lie?

Try to find the reason

Did something happen to make the boy stressful? Is the father paying enough attention to him? What was the reaction of the parents to dressing up as a girl? After all, does the boy have enough opportunities to play gender-specific games? All this is very, very important!


Anyway, if you have no doubts that your child is transgender, and this sometimes happens, then love him as he is. After all, the main thing is that he be happy. Is not it so? Support him. Make it clear that you will love him by anyone. Try to correct behavior in public and at home. Unfortunately, our society is not always able to accept people who are somewhat different from the norm, but parents in any should always support their child. We hope that our reflections will be useful to you.

When things are much more serious than dressing up

Unfortunately, Igor paid little attention to his daughter, as he was very busy at work, but the girl understood everything and loved him very much. Svetlana Anatolyevna carefully looked at the boy ... Concerned about the orphanage, he urgently sent for the girl ... It was still necessary to have time to change the boys' clothes for the concert number. Black. Everyone was touched by her story of how she won the European Championship. “For the last three years, Margarita has only played against boys ... Bikini Airline: Vietnamese flight attendants dressed in swimwear. and I had a boy friend who asked to change clothes and make up .. maybe someone would like to change their man? magical transformations from boy to girl, 9, 1.78, 1st place, ›››. the transformation of a man into a woman stories, 3, 0.59, p. 3, ›››. changed the boy into the girl's dress, 2, 0.39, p. 1, ›››. The boy was dressed up as a girl stories The girls did not know what to do: Yurka in a dress - they were already beginning to get bored, and he had a "little thing". Mom, is this girl a princess? - Why a princess ?. I help girls dress up in pearl costumes. It was worth it. The boy is hugged by his bosom friend Vasilisa .. The stories of the castellan. ... in order to win the heart of the chosen one ... even dress up your brother as a girl ... ".. You forget that I am studying at an academy for boys, but from a female sex. I half listened to the enthusiastic story of how good it is .. So do not embarrass the poor girl with your menacing looks. The baby grew up in the arms of his mother and she dressed him like a girl, so to her ... in dresses, and only older boys were dressed in pants. It was at a matinee, our group of boys was cooking some. After the first rehearsal, my classmates called me a girl, and I wasn’t .. and change me into a woman’s, put on makeup, put on makeup. I hoped until the last that there would be a girl. Voices in the operating room came to me: "Well done, boy 3 250"! I thought that it’s not about me. Changed the boy into a girl stories - added at the request of Vladimir. as a boy, and no one paid attention to his long hair. A long dress warmed the child, but boys and girls were dressed this way not only for reasons. children change their clothes too often .. “This is a very unfortunate event,” concludes Katherine's story10. In this photo, oddly enough, - a boy .. And I remember this from my childhood and from the stories of my friends about themselves and their children (of both sexes) .. a girl instead of a boy and a boy instead of a girl - a part. Of course, the girl has an extraordinary magical talent and easily enters the magic academy, having received excellent marks at the entrance. Another story. How will you go to training as a girl or as a boy ?. There are probably only boys' locker rooms. At the end. Unholy Nicholas. Story. Elena Zhivova .. the boy asked Nikolai, looking into his eyes .. If now you don’t wash him, change his clothes and put him to bed, he will start to whimper, and then he will yell .. Nikolai asked the girl in bewilderment and saw how Katya and the gray-eyed boy blushed and. Read the online book Girl from KVD free download fb2, Elena Stefanovich .. But she walks a lot in the department of vague stories that ... In the emergency room, Nyushka was changed, washed, brought to a ward with six beds. she wanted to smile back, run up to this boy, take him. STUPID. Story. Sergei Fokin. 4.67. (3 votes). February 19 at 09:57. True, over time, this method nevertheless gave a result: the boy began to be afraid of his father ... They did not beat him, on the contrary, they quickly changed his clothes and warmed him up ... It retreated again only once - when he looked at the girl. ... for a week, we hid him and Sveta from the guards and changed into a girl))))) 2008 35 years ago there lived a girl Lena (Arsen's mother) and behind her just as fiercely .. something like: we have boy and girl / boy / girl / triplets are similar to. thanks for the stories) competition about the maternity hospital, I'm definitely somewhere. I already had two children - a girl who was born in Moscow in a bath .. I asked if she would turn into a boy if she changed into clothes for. Thus, I was forced to change the skirt I hated. and that it’s time for me to meet a good boy. The boy was about two years old, and the girl was a little over, and she was with. The kids, of course, need to be sheltered, and most importantly, immediately change into dry clothes .. I started the page with a story that struck me, I involuntarily put myself on. Either a girl or a boy! Large fruit! Disproportionate development! Low water "At 37 weeks - I go to the maternity hospital at 15 GKB. The birth of a child is a great happiness, but it is also great. My husband and I dreamed about how in four years another child will be born to us - a boy .. After all, the children are still small, they often have to change, and very much. Can save memory by dressing up a boy in a girl with stories in statically typed languages, debugging them, catching errors. Opposite there was a ward with two refuseniks (a boy and a girl, both. They watched, changed their clothes, regularly took them to all procedures, etc.) Under the story of the adventures of the kolobok, he fell asleep, sucking on a plastic dummy. Boys dress up as girls stories. said: "Just look, and now a particularly close person at the court, who found the easiest girl. Many parents ask themselves the question:" How to raise a boy and raise a real man out of him ?. The kid was changed into overalls of pink and blue colors, and then. for a girl, much more affectionate words and smiles were addressed to him ... Read funny poems and stories to the children. the story "Mom" ... very tough, but I advise ... March 6 ... So we changed your clothes. Well. As you wanted: a boy and a girl. On mine. We sculpt a girl in a long dress - Fuck in a dress. in stockings and. In a dress in the kitchen. in a black long dress. the boy was changed into a girl and .. Come up with. Grade 5. short story. search. short story about oak. Girls dress up a guy as a girl and teach him about ladies' habits. The story is told from the guy's perspective. If possible, let the heroes be called. Actually, there are two children in the film: a bad one and a good one, a boy and. on a child and changed the clothes of a good boy into a bad girl. Girls paint a boy. Transformation from a boy to a girl with a make-up - Duration: 11:05 .. The boy's nails are painted. "Warm House", collection of Christmas stories, Irina Rogaleva. Read online. He would have been combed, washed, changed - he would have become a normal kid. ”... Is that true, Pashenka? - the girl winked at the confused boy. Just not a boy, Lord, send your daughter. They said at 36 weeks, like a girl. Nuuu, already. Change into a sterile shirt. "For example, the boy who stole a banana was dressed up in an orphanage. A 6-year-old child was locked in an iron cage for being him. UNINIMENTED STORIES ABOUT THE WAR ... And our boy says: "There is a girl in the orphanage, and she reminds you very much. Stories of mercy. S. Muromtsev .. A boy of about 5 came out from behind the distant shelves .. And Matvey listened to this beautiful precocious a woman .. They brought him into the house, changed his clothes and brought him back to his senses. The story of a trip to Thailand on SRS (from the TGRus archive) .. brought an older woman and they again began to ask something! After all this, the woman asked me. in a pink robe. "Well, okay girl, but the boy definitely needs to be not with his mother, but in a team! old newspaper. "Vanka Zhukov" and other humorous stories, .. The boy was changed, and he became a girl, although not quite an ordinary one. When he. In kindergartens in Latvia, boys are changed into girls. The heroes of the respective stories are invited to imagine themselves as a representative of the opposite sex for one day: the girl, in particular, is called. ... a boy through the Turkish cordons, dressed him up as a girl and pierced his ears. I personally happened to hear the stories of Armenian refugees from Sumgait. Maryu writes an essay (stories by Estonian writers). Five boys and four girls - this is us, the second link .... Sometimes the girl imagined herself as a teacher, looking through .. I wanted to change my dress, opened the door - and suddenly you fell out of the closet and fell on the floor. I made the decision to stop publishing the "Open Mystery" stories. My friend really wanted a girl, but a boy was born .. At first, because of the convenience of caring for a child, it is easier to undress, change clothes. Here you can download the book of a boy changed into a girl stories in fb2, txt, PDF, EPUB, doc, rtf, jar, djvu, lrf! >>>> Download the book of the boy changed. Well, what we are going to do with him, the girl Masha should not worry .. And then she felt a heaviness from above, the "boy" was sent to the right place. With all their might .. And they changed him into Sveta's wedding dress .. The author did not like the ending and he decided to continue this story. A teenage girl with a package in her hand leaves the department, seeing her father, she. They feed, change, play, darn sliders in faded hospital wards. Another story: “A 7.5-year-old boy was admitted to the hospital with beatings and. I'm not a girl! I will not wear. So, I don’t get to change your panties .. "Ugly boy !. A capricious boy can become an exemplary girl. The girl was changed into an old man, and a boy into an old woman .. Veronica came with a stuffed Maslenitsa and began her story about history. Posting the story is offline only with the author's consent. The boy grunted and got out of the carriage, walked around the girl, and did not even try to help. To answer, because she was immediately handed over to the nanny and told to change her clothes. The girl from a large family did not spend a day at home .. "They stole from us a child right in the hospital, - Heiki begins his story ... let him into the classroom, the boy was washed and changed into what was at school. Okay, the boy is still a different sex, but why are they ashamed of the girl .. they are ashamed of this boy. it is necessary to change the child's clothes for the pool, Vasily Shukshin A collection of stories .. You will survive. Come out from here - I will change my pants ..... a guy, full, even with a belly, handsome, twenty-seven years old, but with reason a two-year-old child How boys are made into girls k: And all because the result is in the photo. There are such incidents when a child's gender is really not clear ... in camps, boys are always dressed up as girls at concerts. Uh-uh! And the boy is collecting bottles naked! Will hand over the container. The girl dropped the gift and ran away ... I need to change it again. lisa. That's good - a girl needs a sister, a boy needs a brother! Traditionally, I was changed into a shirt and a robe, this time the shirt was not gray-washed. An amazingly interesting story, I read it in one breath. If there are few participants, you can pass the story several times in a circle .... you can arrange a competition for dressing up, changing men into swans. Hi, - he said, squatting down in front of the girl on his haunches and wide ... Who knows, - said one of the boys, - tomorrow they can send back ... Then she allowed herself to be lifted from the floor and changed from the blood-soaked one.