The plan-abstract classes on physical education on the topic: "Magic bag". Magic Bags - Game for Sensory Development

This game develops attention and memory, as well as tactile sensations. Forms elementary mathematical representations: an account from 1 to 10 in direct and reverse order, the sequence account. Teaches drawing up a description on the signs of the subject: color, shape, material, texture.

1. The bey of the game with 5 items of different properties, you can later add to 10.

2. Early the teacher pulls out the subject and asks children: "What is it?"

3. Lay out before your children, all the objects are pulled out of the bag and consider them together how many.

4. The educator asks what a particular item.

5. Children cover their eyes, and the tutor hides 1 or 2 subjects and asks what is missing.

6. In a circle, children transmit each other one subject, touch it and determine its properties (warm / cold, soft / solid, smooth / rough, etc.)

7. The teacher removes all items in the bag and pronounces their names.

8. We shake the bag with the words: "I want to confuse, I want to confuse." Children alternate, without looking into the bag, pull out the given objects to the touch out of it. You can make tips (from which it consists).

9. If there is a pair of objects in the bag, then the children pull both objects in a row. If you get a second subject from another pair, both items return to the bag.

On the topic: Methodical development, presentations and abstracts

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Abstract for ecology in the preparatory group. ...

Didactic game "Guess what in the bag"

Formation of grammatically correct speech. Didactic game "Wonderful Pouch"

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Didactic game "Magic Pouch"

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thinking in small motility,


Game option 1:
Carefully consider figures, decompose them in pairs, on the 1st ...

Read completely

The magic bag is a game that is not only useful for development, but also loved by children.
Purpose: The game is designed to develop a child
tactile sensitivity (sensory perception),
thinking in small motility,
dating with the outside world.
Children love a miracle. And with the help of the game "Magic Pouch" made by RNTOYS, adults can create it.
At the stage of dating with the game, the main role is given to an adult. You can beat the first acquaintance with the game in different ways:
1. By offering the child to shove the handle in the bag, take the figure and try to determine what it is?
2. To pull out the figurine itself, surprised and talk with the child, what did you get for the subject, get them in turn, learning, pronouncing and folding items.
3. Decistent on the table all items, swell, say that they are depicting and folded them into the bag.
Game option 1:
Carefully consider figures, decompose them on pairs, on the 1st figure from each pair to fold into the bag, and one will remain on the table. Then, take one of the ones on the table on the table, feel it and try to try, putting his hand in the bag to find the same such, etc. Towards
Game option 2:
Fold all the figures in the bag, it is assumed that all the figures you looked at and know what they are called. One of the players says: get me a snowman, the second performs the task, if I was wrong, the figure goes to the one who asked the task if I got it right - leaves myself.
Completeness: Details of wood - 12 pcs., Pouch from x / b fabrics - 1 pc.
Made in Russia.


The development of small motility in children is a long continuous process, during which the child knows the world, begins to communicate with him, agility is recruited and even starts talking. Small motility is a coordinated work of muscle, bone and nervous systems of the body.

Science has proven the existence of communication between the development of small motility and logical thinking, memory, intelligence and speech in children. Therefore, experts recommend developing a small motorcy from early age.

First method : Bags filled with buckwheat, peas, beans, buttons - in general with any small filler.Pacheswith a cereal - exercises for the development of tactile sensitivity and complex coordinated movements of fingers and hands:

develop a small motorcy;

develop attention;

develop memory (after all, you need to remember whichthe bag is already examined, In order not to touch it twice.)

What can be done with thesebags:

just sort out them in hands

give a childpouch with rice, eg. Say - there is rice. Show rice on a plate, give to touch and also give touch rice inbag. We do this exercise with every cereal.

ask a child to findpouch with rice, beans, etc. The child touches and is looking for. There is not only the development of small motility, but also memory, imagination.

give a baby in hand onepouch and ask to determine

you can include in the game and ... legs. It is necessary to remove the socks and ask the child to touchpouch leg and determineWhat kind of cereals are there.

Second way : Bags filled with geometric shapes.

Third way : Bags filled with large numbers (for children of the preparatory group).

Fourth fashion : Bags filled with small toys.

Fifth way : The game "Hyperships. "

Objective: The development of the intellectual sphere and cognitive interest through the enrichment of the sensual experience of children. involuntary finish massage; Develop fine motility of hands, tactile sensitivity.

Material : Character Kolobok,« Magic bags».

Move: Kolobok offersplay with guys in hide and seek. He hid in a wonderfulbagmany different littlebags. Need to findpouch with beans, pebbles, etc.

/ Children feelingbags tactile method, Fake beans or other specified filler. /

Sixth way : The game"Guess."

purpose : Strengthening and developing shallow fingertips, improving the sensitivity of the fingers; Sensor development, the formation of the main sensorystandards: shape, quantity, material, weight; Education and patient in work; Removing emotional stress.

Material : closed box, and inside it tactilebags.

Play from 2 or more children. The first player must feelbag, call all signs, and the remaining players must guess thatbag. He who correctly guess the subject becomes leading.

Seventh fashion : "What inbag».

The child is offered smallpachesfilled with peas, beans, beans orcrup (semolina, rice, buckwheat, etc.). Rubbingpaches, it defines the filler and lay out thesepachesas the size of the filler increases(for example, a manka, rice, buckwheat, peas, beans, beans).

Eighth way : "Find a couple"

The child is offered with tied eyes to the touch to find a couple of the samebags.

Academy of educational games. For children from year to 7 years Novikovskaya Olga Andreevna

Magic bag

Magic bag

For the game, make a ball, a cube, brick, a prism, a bar and a bag of bright fabric. Hold the gum into the bag so that the child could not look into it at the moment when the subject grophes there. Put all items in the bag. Show his child and ask insert the right hand inward. Let the baby spare in the bag one of the figures, calls her and only after that it will get.

When repeating the game, charge the child to search for a specific item, such as a ball or brick.

The next time, together with the child, fold into the magic bag toys, fruits or any other excellent objects. Ask the kid to determine each of them to the touch.

The game will help teach the child to determine the items to the touch, look for the specified objects.

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Magic bag Put in an opaque bag of 8-10 items, familiar to the child (whistle, doll, rubber toy, keys, chess piece, comb, etc.). Tie his eyes, ask to pull one thing and determine what it is. When the baby will win it

Types of childhood activities: Game, communicative, educational, research, motor, perception of fiction and folklore.

Objectives: Learning to listen carefully and observe, form the ability of children to dialogical speech; learn to answer questions to the words and suggestions consisting of 3-4 words; enrich and intensify the dictionary on the topic; Rail a caring attitude towards animals.

With interest he listens to the story of the teacher about hedgehog, responds to simple questions, may at the request of an adult to tell about the pictures shown in the picture, owns the main movements when performing the motor exercise "Hedgehog Stall on the track ...", takes part in the game "Magic Pouch".

Materials and equipment: flanneluga, picture with a hedgehog, toy hedgehog, bowl with milk.

Organizing time.

Educator . Guys, do you want to visit the hedgehog? We will find out how the hedgehog lives.

Main part. Reading poem.

Reading a poem, showing action on flannelhemph.

The teacher exhibits a picture on the flannelhephoge, on which hedgehog is depicted, and sits:

Little hedgehog,

Four legs.

On the back leaf carries

(Attaching a sheet to his head),

Singo sings:

"Tufts, tufts, tufts, tuff -

On the back, the sheet is not

The strongest I am in the forest,

I'm not afraid of the Lesu itself. "

Little hedgehog,

Four legs.

On the back the fungus carries

(Attaches to the Mushroom Hedgehog),

Singo sings:

"Tufts, tufts, tufts, tuff -

On the back of the fungus carry

The strongest I am in the forest,

I'm not afraid of the Lesu itself. "

Little hedgehog,

Four legs.

On the back of the fox carries

Singo sings:

"Tufts, tufts, tufts, tuff -

On the back of the foxa

The strongest I am in the forest,

Win the Lisis itself. "

Story about hedgehog.

Children listen to the story of the teacher. (Accompanied by a display of pictures.)

- Hedgehog lives in the forest under the tree. Hedgehog prickly. He has a lot of needles. It turns into a glomerulus and sleeps. There is no head nor legs. When there is no one to be afraid around quietly and the hedgehog, he unfolds, the head, legs appear, and the hedgehog goes to look for food. He eats grass, berries, mice. Somehow hedgehog went to the garden, where children played. He was frightened by the guys, curled the glomerulum. The children saw hedgehog and shouted: "Mom, the hedgehog came to us!" Mom made milk in a bowl, put in front of the hedgehog, the hedgehog cautiously pulled out the head and began to drink milk from the bowl. That's what an interesting hedgehog!

- Guys, who is depicted in the picture? (Hedgehog.) What is the hedgehog? (Prickly. Small.) What carries his hedgehog? (Leaf, fungus.) What does heder eats? (Grass, berries, mice, milk.) And who is afraid of the hedgehog? (Fox.) And what does hedgehog do when it is scary? (It turns into the ball.)

The educator reads the poetic lines to children, and children imitate movements.

The game "Magic Pouch".

Purpose: Exercise children in the ability to touch to determine the toy, develop tactile sensations; Promoting to memorize the names of toys, learn to tell about the toy, building an offer from 3-4 words.

The educator shows the children a small toy (hedgehog, fox, mouse, mushroom, leaf) and invites children to touch each toy, spend her palm on it. Then the teacher puts the toy into the bag and offers children to take any toy from him and, without getting, call it, and then show everyone.


Children can take toys (dolls, hedgehog, bowl, leaf, fungus) and feed hedgehog.

Lesson 4.

Poem A. Barto "Elephant".
Multicolored gate

Types of childhood activities: Game, communicative, educational, research, visual, perception of fiction and folklore.

Objectives: become acquainted with this artwork; Improve the ability to listen to poetic works, provide children with the opportunity to catch up with the words, phrases when reading the educator of the poem; Learn to play with toys; Fasten the ability to draw a pencil, learn to spend arcuate lines, learn their outlines, consider their work; Attend to the perception of classical music.

Targeted orientation of pre-school education:it shows emotional responsiveness at the age-affordable literary and artistic work (poem A. Barto "Elephant"), considers the illustration with interest, may at the request of an adult to tell about the depicted; takes an active part in productive activities (drawing a gate), owns the main movements when performing the exercise "Frost".

Musical accompaniment: Music play "Elephant" (from the "Animal Carnival" K. Saint-Sansa).

Materials and equipment: illustrations to poem A. Barto, Toy elephant; Flangegraph, figurines for flannelhemph (house, gate), sheets of paper, pencils for each child, easel.

Organizing time.

The musical play "Elephant" K. Saint-Sansa sounds.

Educator. You hear? Guest is coming to us. Listen to music and guess who it can be. Yes, it is an elephant to visit us from the zoo! So he waves to you with his trunk. It is so elephant telling you: "Hello!"