Why do I always text a girl I don't know. What to write to a girl to make her happy? Preparing to meet: a few important rules

Chatting with a girl you just met can be a fun way to get to know someone better. To interest a girl, you should treat her with respect and ask questions that will allow you to have long and deep conversations. If everything is done correctly, she will want to meet with you again, and you can arrange new meetings or even a date.


Etiquette for virtual communication

    Take your time. You may want to write as soon as you have her number, but it's best not to rush. If you start texting her while she is still around, she may start to worry that you don't trust her or that you are pushy or intrusive.

    • If you really want to make sure you wrote down the number correctly, you can show it to her so she can check.
    • Text immediately only if she asks you to write to her so she can write down your number, or if she texts you herself to give her number.
    • There are no hard and fast rules about how long it takes before the first message, but it's usually best to wait until the next day or evening if you met in the afternoon or morning. If you do it earlier, you will seem too intrusive, and if later, the girl may decide that you do not attach much importance to this acquaintance.
  1. Text a girl at a time when she is most likely to be free. If you want a girl to happily answer your messages and wait for them, write when she can be free. For example, if you know she works until 5 pm, text her at 7 when she gets home.

    • Remember what the girl said about her schedule. For example, if she mentioned that she gets very tired between rotating shifts, don't call her between 3 p.m. and 11 p.m.
    • If you do not know anything about her schedule, you can assume that she works according to her usual schedule. For the first time, it is best to write in the evening, between 7 and 9 o'clock. Pay attention to when she answers you, and take this into account in further correspondence.
  2. Don't write long messages. Short messages will allow you to interest the girl and keep the conversation going. If the messages are short, the girl will not have to wait long for your answers. Do not send her long and detailed descriptions of life stories - this way the girl may decide that you are in dire need of communication.

    • This is extremely important at the very beginning, however, further correspondence should be guided by this principle. Correspondence is the exchange of short messages. More complex topics that require lengthy statements are better left until the moment when you get to know each other better or when you can talk on the phone.
  3. Watch spelling and grammar. Good messages will make a good impression. The girl will be pleased to receive thoughtful and coherent messages.

    • Don't use too many acronyms and abbreviations. They can cause misunderstandings, and the conversation will end if the girl does not understand what you mean. Write whole words, even if you feel like abbreviating them, and use only a small number of common acronyms.
  4. Don't use too many emoticons. Emoticons may be appropriate at certain times, but when used too often or incorrectly, they become annoying. For example, if a girl told you a story that actually made you laugh, send her a laughing emoji so she can see that you like it.

    • Use emoticons only if you want to emphasize a specific emotion. Many people perceive emoticons as real facial expressions, so emoticons help you understand what you are feeling: happy, sad, or something else.
    • At the same time, a person's face does not reflect a new emotion every second, so if you clog your messages with a large number of different emoticons, the girl may consider you an insincere person who should not be trusted.
  5. Text the girl as often as she texts you. If you text too often, or more often than she texts you, she may think you're desperate for attention, which will turn her off. To maintain interest, text her at about the same frequency as she texts you.

    Flirt, but don't cross the line. If you flirted when you met, don't be afraid to flirt in text. But be polite and watch the reaction.

    How to find topics for conversation

    1. Start by mentioning how you met. This will allow you to connect and remind her who you are. In addition, this will let the girl know that you remember the details of your acquaintance. For example, if you met in class, ask her if she's ready for an upcoming test.

      Use what you know about her. Since you just met, you still don't know much about the girl. On the other hand, if you have her number, you probably already know at least something. Scroll through your conversation in your head and think about how you can start a correspondence. Since most people like to talk about themselves, ask her questions about her. This will be a good conversation starter.

      • For example, if she mentioned that she likes to run in the park, ask how far she can run and how she usually does.
      • If she said that she works with children, ask what exactly she does, if she likes it, and so on.
    2. Choose a neutral theme. If you've been scrolling through your conversation in your head but haven't been able to hook on to anything, you can choose a neutral question that might be of interest to her. Choose an interesting and light theme.

      Send her intriguing messages. Come up with something that will make her respond to you instantly. For example, write that she dreamed about you at night. It is possible that she will quickly answer you and ask what exactly you saw.

      • But at the same time, it is important to remember what you talked about at the first meeting. If you didn't meet under romantic circumstances, or if she wasn't sure if she should give you her number, take your time telling her about your dream and wait for a more appropriate context.
    3. Send her messages that will make her laugh. Humor builds rapport, and the girl you like is no exception. If you don't know what to say, send her a harmless joke or a funny picture that will make her laugh.

    Meeting scheduling

      Treat texting as an opportunity to get closer. All the most important communication should take place in person, not virtually. Try to write to the girl not very often - it's better to just make appointments or find common interests.

      • You are probably very glad that she gave you her number, but do not get carried away with texting too much. Correspondence is a way to keep in touch and arrange further meetings.
    1. Strike while the iron is hot. Do not pull - invite her on a date or just meet you. You may not know this girl well yet, but since she gave you her number, she is probably interested in meeting you again.

      • If you talked a lot in your first meeting, she most likely wants to meet you herself. You can start the conversation with a suggestion to see you again: "I had a great time with you. Maybe we can meet again? How about next Saturday?"
      • If you haven't talked much, or if you want to get to know her better before seeing her again, you can chat a little. But you should still offer to meet within a few days, otherwise she may decide that you are not interested in personal communication or still think you want it.
    2. Choose a place and time based on what you know. Place and time rarely play a decisive role, but these factors also need to be taken into account. This is quite difficult since you don't know much about your new acquaintance, but you can use what you already know.

      • For example, if you met at a bar or at some event, it is possible that this time she usually has free time from work and other activities. Try to invite her at the same time next week.
      • If you were talking about sports, ask her if she would like to go to a game with you. If you met at a volunteer event, invite her to attend the next event together. If you met at school, ask if she would like to work in the library with you.
    3. Speak straight. Whenever you ask a girl out on a date, the proposal should be clear, understandable, and polite.

In this article, you will learn what you need to write to girls on the Internet in order to interest them. After reading this article, you can easily use social networks, take a phone number, and in the future date and. I also recommend reading the article. I also advise on the topic of how to surprise a pen girlfriend, which you will receive in your e-mail right now.

But first, I want to reveal to you our pick-up secret of writing text messages to girls, in VK or somewhere else - this is not the best for. There is still a very subtle point here - you can write, but the main thing is not to overdo it with the number of messages. You have to be very careful - if you write too much and often, then the girl can quickly lose interest in you, especially if you write only continuous tenderness.

Our male logic does not understand this, but “The less we love a woman, the more she likes us” - these are not empty words. What to write to a girl who likes this is a completely normal male desire - no one argues with this, but know the measure, as they say. By the way, what exactly to write, several working examples of communication on the Internet, and how literally in 3-4 messages You can already take her phone number from 8 video clips that you can right now absolutely free of charge, And also,. For this !

Now I will tell you what to write, but before that I will tell you - it is better to call once than to write many times. But you don’t have to call a hundred times a day either. You call only to invite her to a meeting, well, or if you have been talking for a while, then you can rarely call and find out how she is doing.

In correspondence, and in any it is desirable to joke as much as possible, to be cheerful. You can read more jokes about this here -, or -. In seduction there is such a principle - before sex - no negativity. You are always great. No there - "My boss is completely fed up" and other things.

By the way, on this topic, I have some great tutorial videos on my site that you can watch right now. In these videos, I cover this topic in more detail. I don’t really like writing on the blog, I’m still a lazy person, it’s easier for me to speak on camera;). So, I'm better off not reading.

Of course, girls love compliments, but you don’t have to invent, don’t understand what’s in style - Your eyes are like two oceans - this is nonsense for henpecked people. The best compliments to write to a girl on the Internet are simple and concise. And even better, if you see some flaw in her photo and gently say about it.

For example - you have a great bright dress here in the photo, only this handbag, in my opinion, is not very suitable here. Or shoes. Of course, a girl can be indignant, of course, but her desire to please and interest in male opinion will be stronger, she will probably ask - what is wrong with her.

But if you already communicate very well, for example, you had a third date, or a second one, but you haven’t had sex yet, but everything is going to this, then you can fool around a little. Write to her:

“You know what I would like now…” “Put you on your tummy and give you a massage. Bite you every bone on the spine from the coccyx to the back of the head. Then run your hand through your hair and massage the back of your head.”

Here you can write a lot of things. It's like a hint of sex, but officially - only sms about massage and all sorts of amenities.

And also, if there hasn’t been sex yet, but already everything on the ointment can be written:

“I really want to know what - to pick up all sorts of goodies, crawl under the covers with you, undress and lie naked watching a movie and hugging.”

It works very cool, and excites and causes a surge of romance.

Girls are very turned on by such text messages, just be careful, do not overdo it.

What to write to a girl in contact examples? Consider a situation where you saw a beautiful girl in your friends and decided to write to her. In general, on the Internet, if these are not special sites such as dating sites, it is not very easy to get acquainted. In any case, it is difficult to interest a girl with the help of only messages, where is the voice? Where is the non-verbal? Where is the look? (Read more about this in other articles)

The purpose of dating on the Internet is the same as for you - you need to pull the girl out to a live meeting, on a date as soon as possible.

What can you write to immediately hook it:
"Hello…." “You are a very unusual girl,” then you wait for her answer. For example, she answers - "What"?

You are not in a hurry to write further, wait a bit.

In fact, correspondence is a banal handjob (sorry for the expression), so you need to call it. To call her, you need to have someone to call. As I always did - after literally the third message addressed to her, I always wrote - “Write your phone number, we’ll chat for a couple of minutes. I won't call all day long."

I know that you now want from me to get a huge number of examples for correspondence, but understand that correspondence does not lead to anything. Although, of course, you like to correspond, it’s easier like that, because it’s scary to call, right?

When you ask for a number, and quickly, you also interest her in addition, that you are so arrogant and fast. Rude in a good way. This method works well on dating sites. Actually, here is the little that I wanted to tell you on the topic of what to write to a girl in VK. Let's go further.

Watch the video - 5 reasons why you will not have sex with the girl you like

Learn ALL the secrets of communicating with girls-Watch our videos

What write to a girl in SMS before calling and asking for a date. You are writing -

"Hello." “By the way, you have one very unusual trait that guys (men) don’t really like (dislike), but I really like it ...”.

Thus, you seem to sow intrigue, and the girl will receive an additional incentive to come on a date. Of course, she will write - “What the hell”, but you will be adamant and say that you will tell her everything when you meet. You can also write to her:

“Which guys do you like the most? Well, there are character traits, qualities, appearance.

You can write to her:

“Listen, I have one for you - What would you do if you became a guy for one day”?

The most ideal answer would be - "I would have sex with a girl."

What to write to a girl to interest yourself. Interest in it at all, you can say your goal. But, here you need to act carefully - try to arouse her interest in yourself, but at the same time not show that you yourself are very interested in her and sometimes “disappear” so to speak, that is, do not respond to her messages immediately, pause.

I have already given you several examples of what you can write to girls (I reveal all the other numerous chips that you can receive by e-mail.), Let's generalize. Interest in you appears because you - communicate (in our case, write) from the position "From Above" - ​​you can’t do anything, I’m sorry, you don’t mind any. Only - I want, I offer, I insist. That is, all this should be broadcast in your messages. For example, not- "You do not want with me ?" or - "May we have a chat?", A - "I want to chat with you".

“You have very unusual eyes…. Especially the right one”, “You have very cool legs in the photo, the left one is generally class)))”.

You sow intrigue about an unusual trait .... You alternate - you ask something about her, then you talk about her - the girls are very curious and they like to listen to something like - “You have very unusual ears, there are several types of ears: Aristocratic, Peasant ....”

Here are the principles of engagement:

  • Doing something that others don't (in this case, writing);
  • Non-verbalism - pick a photo where you look and courageous;
  • Speech - write confidently.

In general, these principles work with a live acquaintance, but here you can apply some.

Now you have learned a little more about what to write to a girl on the Internet. But dating on the Internet, in my opinion, is only for weak and insecure men. Don't be offended, but if you're not like that, then run outside and meet girls live. Because no emoticons and faces can replace live emotions, live communication - this is the real purest adrenaline, this is a drive. Get out of your networks and pages. And last but not least, you've been looking for this.

What to text a girl for the first time? In general, you can learn more about this from which you can. Write to her frankly that you like her and that you want to talk to her. Girls love straight guys. Just do not immediately praise her and fill up with compliments. That's what everyone does. Look what is there on the walls of beautiful girls in contact or on dating sites. What is not a comment or a message, then the same type of garbage about the fact that she is just a beauty.

You know why it does not work - because the girl perceives this gray mass of the same type of compliments as a banal confirmation of her beauty, but nothing more. If you hope that you will be noticed from this mass, you are very mistaken. Here she wakes up in the morning in a bad mood, opens her page and sees a bunch of compliments, and her mood immediately rises! And no more.

And if you now mean what to write to the girl in the first message immediately after you met, after you took her phone number, then you don’t need to write anything to her, just call her and invite her to a meeting. Well, the maximum that I would write is 1 SMS - “Hello! I'll call you now" and 2 sms - in a couple of minutes - "I'm calling" and immediately after that dial it.

Guys, I urge you again - Stop sitting at computers, in ICQ and in social networks. Stop WRITING! Start chatting LIVE! Go outside and meet girls there. And I am ready to help you with this in my trainings. Don't waste your life online. She's a lot more interesting than she looks.

Any communication with a girl (not only live) should take place in such a way that interest in you is not lost, but, on the contrary, amplified many times over. For this, it’s not enough just to write something to a girl (I’ll even say more: it’s better not to write anything if your message is banal).

Your messages should be really unusual and interesting, so that the girl runs to the phone with pleasure in order to quickly read what you wrote.

Yes, my friend, it's real! You can write her messages that will cause her a whole storm of emotions.

Moreover, the messages themselves can be written not only in SMS, but also on VKontakte, classmates and any other networks.

What to write to a girl to shock her?

Write what she doesn't expect

Ask her a dumbfounded question. For example: "Have you ever eaten jerboas?" or "It turns out that Chinese beetles should be cooked with sweet and sour sauce."


After such a message (which, mind you, is very different from “How are you? How are you?”), She will definitely have a whole mixture of emotions. And emotions are the engine of seduction.

Do not be afraid to write something unusual to a girl. You can always justify your post. For example, to the examples above, you could say, “I found out that the Chinese eat even the nastiest bugs. How can you eat this crap? :)".

Write about unusual situations!

One day while walking in the street, I saw a big woman walking by with a big dog. Behind her was a medium-sized girl with a slightly smaller dog. And after a couple of minutes, a little girl with a very small dog was walking towards me.

Do you think it's a good idea for a fun message? ;)

Of course, such unusual situations rarely happen. But you can notice interesting and unusual even in banal everyday situations.

What do you think will happen if you write to a girl: “I saw a girl very similar to you. She looked at me as if I had a date yesterday with her, and not with you. Do you have a doppelgänger? ;)".

That's right: she will have a mixed feeling, where there will be jealousy, fun and intrigue.

Moreover, SMS of this “type” may concern not only what you actually saw. You can even write your thoughts. If an unusual thought comes to your mind, then be sure to write about it to the girl.

“I just thought, why…” and write whatever your heart desires. The main thing is that it should be something interesting and unusual. Eliminate negativity and complaints from your speech forever.

Challenge her!

You can ask some provocative question. For example: “You say strong ... but can you do push-ups from the floor 15 times? :)".

Or: “What would you say to me if I came home drunk and covered in lipstick?”.

“Would you forgive me if I slept with all your girlfriends? :)".

"If I fall and stop breathing, will you give me artificial respiration?"

“Would you be jealous of me if I was your boyfriend and someone constantly called or wrote to me?”

By the way, all these questions do not just challenge her.

If you managed to notice - they form the right image of you in her head. She involuntarily begins to perceive you as a sought-after man, who is hunted by all the girls.

And if in a normal situation she thinks that the guy will start to run after her, then here everything happens the other way around: she is already starting to think that her friends will be able to beat you off from her, and that she will have to fight for you.

You can also challenge with the help of the test. A simple one will be enough: “A little test: strawberries or raspberries?” or "The glass is half empty or half full?" In the case of the second message, you yourself know perfectly well what she will answer. But the main thing is to get this answer in order to make you like her and start playing by your rules.

By the way, when you ask her questions of a provocative type or arrange mini-tests, sometimes it's good to be silent after her answer. Thus, you will warm up the situation, and make her think about whether she answered you correctly (which is good for us).

100 character rule

I do not advise you to write something very long to a girl. The fact is that large text messages are an indicator of your excessive efforts to prove something, to say, to please. She begins to understand that if you wrote a lot of letters, then you are trying very hard. So your value is too low.

It has long been noticed: the less you try to conquer a girl, the easier it is to seduce her. And the sooner it becomes yours.

On the other hand, when you write very briefly, she understands that you have a high value, and that you you are not going to spend more than 2 minutes writing a message.

So we introduced the 100 character rule. If your SMS exceeds this volume, then think about how exactly you can do it. shorten it so that it remains the same emotional and does not lose its meaning.

And if you also answer a little longer than she does, the effect will be more interesting.

She will have a whole bunch of thoughts from “he’s probably having fun now and that’s why he writes to me so little” to “did I say something wrong?”. Both thoughts make her think of you. And, as you know, the more she thinks about you, the more likely it is to seduce her.

By the way, keep in mind: in correspondence with a girl, you cannot respond to her messages faster than she responds to yours. If this happens, consider that you have moved back a lot and you will have to start all over again. Well, girls don't appreciate it when you answer them faster than they do! They don't appreciate it.

Use all these examples, and then the process of communicating with you will turn into something unusual for her. She will always wait for the next message from you, because she will know that now you will write something fun, emotional and unusual.

Agree, there is nothing more pleasant than when a girl is waiting for a message from you and is happy to support communication. Often even forgetting about household chores. ;)

What to write to a girl so that she would be pleased is a question, the answer to which will make you turn on a violent fantasy, connect wit, fiction, humor, romance and all the best male virtues to it. In order to answer these questions, you need to understand at what stage your relationship is and what was the reason or reason for writing to her (a sudden surge of passion and tenderness or a fault in front of her).

And so, if you are at the stage of a pleasant acquaintance, there is no need to write poems. A small postcard with a handwritten message will improve her mood and increase your rating. For example, phrases such as:

  • “Kitten - you are a miracle! I look forward to the evening, for new charms ... "
  • "With your appearance - my life has become brighter"
  • “It turns out that even in cloudy November there are sunny days! These are days spent with you.

And if you are closer - a little intimacy, but not vulgarity in the message will be quite appropriate. What to write to a girl to make her feel good and look forward to the next meeting? In this sense:

  • “I’m sitting at work, all so businesslike and important, and before my eyes is your smile, a sly look and an appetizing ass ... Until the evening”
  • “Darling, an unforgettable weekend awaits you, the sea, white sand, champagne .... And I'm your humble macho."

How to write a nice message to a girl

Let's try to understand how you can write a nice message to a girl. A small concise message, rather than a long tirade, will definitely make her smile, for example:

  • “Honey, let the sunny bunny wake you up with a gentle kiss. Have a nice day dear"
  • “Let’s fly out of town this weekend. Just you, me and the balloon
  • “Beloved, in your turquoise dress - you are irresistible, you have great taste!”
  • “I got the tickets. Where is my card - you know. Buy yourself whatever you want. Let's fly to the sea"

This will bring her many pleasant and unexpected emotions. And with romance and with a share of materialism, but the girl will definitely be pleased to read such an SMS message.

How best to write a pleasant SMS to your soul mate

How to write a pleasant SMS message to a girl, for sure, every guy knows. But let's stop there. SMS is fast, concise, interesting, creative, funny - in short, just a little bit. If you just want to make it nice, you can write:

  • “You are my most delicious candy - the most-mine-mine-mine!!!”,
  • “I absolutely do not care what to do, just to be with you”,
  • “I noticed that after meeting you, there were more colors in the world! Hooray, you cured me of color blindness!
  • “I have a surprise for you! As incredible, beautiful and sweet as you. Wait and suffer in conjectures!
  • “My sweet tooth, do you want a pie? The courier is on the way!

If he was guilty before a girl

What is the best way to write a pleasant SMS to a girl if you have been guilty before her - turn on your fantasy at 100%. Here is the text itself, and emoticons, and pictures - everything will be used. Here are several options for SMS apologies, based on them, everyone will come up with their own, depending on the situation:

  • "Darling, it's so cloudy outside... Let's fix the weather, and start with your smile, you're my sunshine!"
  • “I’m not a magician, I’m just learning… My fairy, forgive the scoundrel?!”
  • “I’ll kiss the sweetheart, give you rings, if you agree to an evening with candles! Darling, I was wrong. I confess ... ", etc.

What else can you write a nice girl

You can write a nice letter to the girl, as once, by hand, and send it by mail in an envelope. Now, probably, few people think about this method. But this is one of the best options to talk about your feelings, thoughts. It is also very nice and will speak about you as a person who is not ordinary, who knows what exactly you can write to a pleasant girl: about the time spent together, about dreams and plans that will certainly come true, about the impressions experienced together, the delight from which will last a lifetime . About the purity of relationships, without lies and deceit, about hope and support, on which the world rests, about your love, finally.

How to surprise your chosen one with a pleasant message in order to conquer her even more? Girls, by their very nature, are sensual and romantic beings, flowers, sweets, serenades, stars - all this makes them shiver and melt. And such a simple way as the inscription on the pavement "Daisies for my cutie" (drawn daisies nearby, of course) will definitely not leave her indifferent. Use crayons, paints, even with a brush, even from a spray can; color and black and white, and if you have talent, you can draw a 3D drawing. Topics, as well as materials, can be varied:

Confessions, congratulations, compliments, apologies, suggestions, your associations;
- flowers, butterflies, balloons, ladybugs, kittens, puppies, emoticons, hearts, suns, kisses - this goes on forever

We think you figured out for yourself how you can surprise your girlfriend with a pleasant message, what to write to her so that your soulmate melts in a smile and tenderness for your beloved boyfriend. The main thing is not to write banal phrases to her, like "Hi!"

How can you please a girl with a surprise

How to please a girl with a surprise without letters and SMS, we will tell you another simple but sure way. Approach the issue with ingenuity and creativity. A sea of ​​delight, pleasant surprise and joy will cause the girl to have a banner with her photo, which stands on her usual route. Add flowers, words of love and admiration, holiday greetings, a marriage proposal to the photo, if appropriate. The girl will definitely like it, and you, for sure, will become even more desirable and significant in her eyes.

Order an inscription in prose or poetry, with an image of nature or a photo of your common favorite place, with characters from good cartoons or with her pet. The main thing is that your message is sincere.

Summing up our article, we can conclude that it is very easy to write a girl a pleasant message, SMS, a paper letter, a smiley face on the pavement or a banner on the side of the road, and pleasant, positive emotions, joy and good mood are more than enough for two!

If the girl does not yet know that you like her, then you can use it to confess to her.

Or you can just send her this video or do the same:

So, you went to your profile, she is there too, maybe even the icon with her photo is on your friends list. Need to write to a girl in VK something, but you are constantly procrastinating, thinking, shy, shy and don’t even know where to start a conversation with her.

There are also directly opposite cases when you actively annoy a lady with stupid and banal questions that she has heard hundreds of times already. They provoke her to ignore you more. In general, the situation is far from rosy: either you do too much and not what you need, or you do nothing at all.

Main Rule- understand that actions must come from you and not from her. You should not even wait for the girl herself to suddenly remember your existence and suddenly ask how your affairs are going. Even if she has already taken the action - she herself added to you as a friend, you should still start a conversation yourself.

Second step requires the tension of the brain convolutions in the direction of coming up with an interesting and "catchy" message for acquaintance. This is where most people ask: "What should I write to get interested in me?".

I am convinced that even the most beautiful girl you can write to Vkontakte, and this is the easiest task. If it is difficult to come up with topics that can be discussed - practice. Below I will give a few working and ready-made examples that at first will help you navigate.

It is very easy to communicate with girls and you should not be afraid of this at all. If you really don’t have a single sensible option for starting a conversation with a Vkontakte girl, then you:

  • you do nothing in life;
  • with the imagination, friend, you clearly have problems.

What to write to a girl in VK to like it

At the same time, it should be noted that you don't ask right away about personal and start conversations on these topics. You can talk about her dog, your dog, joke about it. Try to find common ground which will be topics for further discussion.

Important! Avoid topics such as politics, religion, philosophy, and other complex issues that you may have irreconcilable differences. Do not set the initial communication in a serious tone or impose your point of view. The main thing that is required of you is to create an atmosphere for easy and relaxed communication with a girl in a positive way.

Try to stand out among other guys who want to date her, with their positive. If communicating with you makes her smile, then this is a good sign that suggests that she will continue to communicate with you, and not with someone else.

Try to avoid moments manifestations of interest in her. Don’t let her think that you are an evil cupcake aggressor, at your leisure looking at photos from her Vkontakte profile (but we both know the truth). Seriously, do it yourself so that the girl interested in you first. And as soon as there was a response - a smile or other manifestations of interest - run(so get out of VK)!

Yes, my friend, that's the way it works - just go out of the profile and leave her alone in limbo to realize what just happened. If you use this technique correctly, you can count on great attention by the girls. They will only fight for you, and this has been tested by many guys.

At their core, men are stupid creatures. As soon as they realize that the girl has opened up to them a little, they immediately begin to brazenly and "on the forehead" roll up, hoping that now there will be a cupcake. Control yourself! Most of the guys “until victorious” correspond with the girl on Vkontakte: until she leaves the network or says goodbye to them.

This is completely wrong, because in order to please a girl, it is simply necessary behave sensibly, which means differently. Instead of the standard "finishing off" the lady with conversations, you just need to leave the chat at the most interesting moment of the discussion and already leave the girl in confusion. For this, phrases like: "It's nice to talk with you, but I'm a little distracted here, so it's better to write later."

And that's it, you took the first step, caught her attention. Now sit back in your chair and wait for the result. The highest probability is that she herself will look at your page with interest until the first one writes, and this will happen pretty quickly. This works especially well if you have already gained a certain popularity on Vkontakte.

Remember that when communicating with girls, it is best to avoid topics that can cause her negativity. These topics include your own complaints, saying that you are sick, you are bored, your friends or your boss are nervous (do not forget to read:).

What to write to a girl in VK to get acquainted

Here a selection of good topics, which are suitable for starting an interesting conversation. Their beauty lies in the fact that they are superficial, but they help to move to a more personal level of communication. Here's what you can write to a girl in VK (you can practice in the application -).

  1. Music . Here it is worth checking out her profile and find out what kind of music she is interested in. If there are a lot of photos from clubs, then you can discuss popular trends in it.
  2. Internet . The best place for discussion is the place where the acquaintance took place (in our case, Vkontakte).
  3. Sports. This topic will be relevant if you notice that the girl is doing it. If so, then it must be important to her.
  4. Animals . This topic is very easy to navigate. I usually show my photo with a cat. This is one of the best topics for conversation, which you can then cling to.
  5. Current events. Among them may be concerts in your city, holidays or competitions that you or she witnessed.

As a bonus, I bring 5 deep questions that fit into the social framework of the first stages of communication with a girl:

  • How do you feel when you dance with a new partner? This question is meant to arouse attraction.
  • What do you enjoy in your life? This question helps to relax the girl during your communication.
  • What does your dream job look like and where would you like to live? It is better to ask it in order to awaken the imagination and learn about her priorities and goals.
  • What will you do if you win a million dollars in the lottery? It assesses the attitude to finance and priorities in this regard.
  • How do you see your life in 5 years? This question is aimed at ensuring that you demonstrate your plans, because the girls themselves in 90% of cases find it difficult to answer it, and for you this is a great opportunity to show up.