What does it mean if a girl is silent. Why is she silent? Is it worth continuing

A guy can come up with and write a message for several hours in a row to impress or surprise a girl. Many different thoughts come to his mind: how will she answer, what will she think, will she be happy. He sends his message and eagerly awaits a response. And then an hour, two, a day passes, but for some reason his sympathy does not send anything. Although it is clear that she had already read the message a long time ago. The guy, of course, is confused why the girl does not respond to VKontakte messages. He begins to sort through various options in his head: what is the reason why she ignores him. Maybe he wrote something wrong or offended something. The article discusses the most common reasons why this happens.

Looking forward to real communication

Why is the girl not responding to messages? It should be borne in mind that not all people like to communicate virtually and by sending messages, some like live communication more. Especially when it comes to love relationships. Therefore, it is likely that the girl read the message and is just waiting for the guy to call her to discuss it on the phone.

Other reasons

Perhaps the girl simply does not find what to write in response. That is, the necessary thoughts do not appear in her head, she overcomes embarrassment, or she simply cannot figure out how to fit all her feelings into a short message. Or maybe a beautiful person is not sure whether it is necessary to respond to the message at all. Especially if there was no explicit question in the message.

Women like, as a rule, to think and twist a lot, it is very difficult to understand them. Sometimes they don't even understand themselves. Or maybe the charming person to whom the letter was written simply ran out of money for mobile traffic, and she is physically unable to write at the moment. Why is a girl reading messages but not replying?

No time or interest

It is also possible that the girl has viewed the message, but she does not have time to answer. Because I'm busy, at work, for example. Perhaps there is simply no desire to communicate with this guy, maybe he offended something or is not interested at all.

Leaves the guy's life without saying goodbye

You have to be realistic. All people have different tastes. Maybe he just didn’t like the guy, or he belongs to the category of men who involuntarily somehow repulsively act on women. And the girl simply does not want to answer rudely, thereby making the person unpleasant. Perhaps he just wants to disappear from the guy's life in English. And in the case when this circumstance becomes already obvious, the best thing a guy can do in such a situation is to just leave the beautiful person alone, and not scribble a million SMS messages, one after another.

If it is clearly visible that the message has been read, but for a long time there is no answer to it, then it is clear that it will no longer follow either the second or the third message. But the guy is still looking for reasons why the girl does not respond to messages. Instead, he should put himself in the place of a lady and think about how he would behave if he read something like this from a lady he does not like and would not like to have anything to do with her. This is how she behaves in a similar situation. The most basic thing is that you don’t need to be imposed, if they don’t answer, they just ignore you.

If a girl does not respond to messages, what should I do?

The guy needs to carefully read what he wrote in the messages, how many messages he sent and how many were not answered. It happens that men become too intrusive and stop noticing it themselves. The fact that you want the fastest possible development of relations when you really like a girl is understandable. But first, you can try to gently look after the object of sympathy. Not every girl will be delighted to be bombarded with messages, and she has only seen a guy a couple of times. Many of them, looking at the number of letters from a person, may simply be afraid of such pressure and obsession.

Therefore, you need to start writing a second letter only after you have received an answer to the first. It is recommended to be patient and be able to pause so that the girl has time to get bored. Then, most likely, she herself will write a message.

Peculiar game

Why is the girl not responding to messages in VK? Perhaps she just started such a game. The guy is angry that he does not receive an answer. Perhaps the girl was interested in the sender of the messages, but decided to wait a bit to warm up his interest and pretend that she had more important things to do than answer letters. Thus, she tests the seriousness of the guy's intentions. That's the kind of woman's logic. So in this case, you need to be as patient and restraint as possible. If you start asking questions why he doesn’t answer, the girl will instantly see insecurity in the guy. And everyone knows that the fair sex does not particularly like such men.

Get a phone number!

If a guy and a girl before this incident communicated only with the help of messages, it would be useful for him to ask about the phone number of the object of sympathy. After all, this is how the fair sex will not be lost if there is suddenly no access to social networks or the Internet. But you don't need to ask for a phone number on the first day of online dating. The girl will be wary and, most likely, will not give him to the guy, or maybe she will completely remove the obsessive admirer from her friends. He thinks he might be some kind of maniac. But after a long conversation, after some time, she herself will give a phone number.

In this case, the guy will not think why the girl does not respond to messages and what else to write to her, but simply call her and find out what happened. Maybe she was offended or she had some difficulties. Moreover, after live communication, it will be possible to get to know the person better and think about whether it is worth seeing him in real life. If the desire has not diminished, you can offer to meet in some cafe. Similarly, if a young man is interesting for a girl, she will not ignore messages from him.

Relationships at a distance

With girls who live too far from the guy's place of residence, it is better not to make acquaintances. Because it can happen that mutual sympathy arises, constant correspondence, calls, then they can meet several times. But often, unfortunately, such relationships at a distance do not lead to good. Suspicions begin to creep in, distrust appears. Especially if one of the couple is often busy at work or other personal matters and does not have the opportunity to immediately respond to messages or talk on the phone for hours. So it's better to try to find love closer, somewhere in your city or nearby.

We briefly reviewed this topic. Now you can find out in a little more detail what other reasons why the girl does not respond to messages can be.

Men used to write letters on paper, now they write messages on social networks. But it happens that the girl is in no hurry to answer. That's when the guy asks questions and starts to get nervous just like the gentlemen once worried about why the lady of the heart does not send a response letter.

Reason one. The girl didn't like the guy

The guy is simple. All people have very different tastes. And even if a young man considers himself simply irresistible, perhaps this particular girl does not like him. Therefore, she simply does not respond to his letters on social networks, making it clear that nothing will come of either in terms of friendship or in terms of love.

The second reason. Guy can't communicate

Perhaps the guy writes all his messages with the same type of phrases like “Hi, how are you?”, And that’s it. Then it becomes clear why the girl does not respond to messages. She is just bored and not interested in talking to him. The young man does not tell anything, does not interest in any way. At the same time, some funny stories await in response. Such an interlocutor will become uninteresting in any case.

Reason three. Too obsessive guy

There is a type of men whose behavior is very intrusive. They, not having time to write one message and not waiting for a response from the girl, immediately begin to write another with the question of why she is silent. And there are also completely inadequate guys who write with pressure “answer quickly” or “I’m wasting time here, but you don’t answer.” With such boors, the girl is unlikely to communicate and continue any kind of relationship.

Reason four. She doesn't like texting

There may be such an option that the girl likes to communicate more by phone or in person. And he does not know how to conduct a long communication by correspondence. She does not want to somehow answer incorrectly and seem stupid. Especially if she liked the guy. In this case, if the girl does not respond to messages, you just need to wait a bit and give her time until she finds something to write about.

Reason five. The guy is not original

To arrange and interest a beautiful young lady, you must certainly be original. If the girl is clearly not suffering from a lack of attention, the usual tackles like “Hey, pretty girl! Let's talk!" she is unlikely to be interested. Perhaps the content of the message was too banal. Therefore, the girl thinks that the young man wrote the same thing to twenty more attractive persons like her.

Reason six. She is very busy

If the girl read the message and did not answer, but only a few hours have passed, you should not worry.

Most likely, she can be busy with household chores, receiving guests or going out for a walk. You need to wait at least a day before raising a panic and ringing the phone asking why you didn’t answer immediately.

Reason seven. on a guy

The guy needs to think and remember how he could offend the girl so much. Maybe he said something wrong or did it without thinking. And then she either simply does not plan to communicate at all, or, most likely, wants the guy to realize everything and ask for forgiveness.

A small conclusion

Now you know why a girl may not respond to messages. As you can see, there are many reasons, and they are all different. We have given practical advice that will help you get out of an impasse. Good luck!

No matter how wise and self-sufficient a girl is, one day she will have to face her resentment and discontent. This can strike a man: it would seem that she has long grown out of the age when you can pout your lips and ignore.

It's not about age or life experience, just female nature takes its toll.

In this case, the man has to take the initiative into his own hands.

Ignores and is silent, what to do?

The action plan for female resentment depends on many factors:

  • on how serious the relationship is (a two-month romance or long-term love),
  • from the age of partners,
  • from the characters
  • temperament
  • education.

Most likely, a man has more than once encountered a girl’s reaction to a particular act, so he knows exactly how to behave and how not to behave. If the relationship is at the initial stage, this is yet to be found out. What are the options?

Show concern

Most girls love it when a man demonstrates his indifference.

Reference! In truth, some suck resentment out of their fingers so that the chosen one shows all his masculine essence, rushes to the other end of the city in any weather, hugs and asks for forgiveness.

Some argue like this: “he writes to me, I am silent, if he cares, he will move on to action.”

Come to her

Girl can break out, say it's over, eh the task of a man is to substitute his shoulder, firmly press him to himself and let his emotions spill out. Eventually, she will give up.

Pick the right words

Another way to melt the heart of an offended girl is to find the right words. Women love with their ears, and no matter how they deny it, gentle and important words always quickly bear fruit.

Usually a girl who ignores a guy is waiting for the very words that will act as a key. Girls even subconsciously know what word or phrase it should be.

By the way, this method also has several individual points:

  • Some are waiting for messages about how she is dear, needed and loved.
  • Others need to be “hooked” so that she finally expresses everything that offended or upset her. With such girls, the phrase “what did I do?” Works well, although it is very dangerous: many ladies are furious with her.
  • For the third, it is enough to know that the beloved has realized his guilt and asks for forgiveness.

Wait a couple of days

“Girls love bad guys”, “the less we love a woman, the more she likes us”, “they kick a wedge with a wedge” and many more set expressions can be applied in relation to this situation.

It is much easier and faster to make up with some girls if you pay back with the same coin.

Surprisingly, sometimes the desired and subconscious of women works wonders: it seems to her that she wants actions, big words, flowers, confessions from a man, but in fact she only reacts to indifference. If your girlfriend is one of those, just wait a couple of days and she will write herself.

Give a gift

Some girls are waiting not so much for deeds and words as for gifts. The phrase “the main thing is not a gift, but attention” is inapplicable to such people.

However, for some, a hand-made postcard will be enough, others rely on a bouquet of flowers or a large teddy bear, and still others on a fur coat or jewelry.

Attention! There is only one advice here - to reconsider your attitude towards this mercantile person.

Finally, the wisest and most mature girls try not to “bear the brain” of their beloved and not make scenes from scratch. They just need time to cool down, after which they continue to build healthy and serious relationships, not remembering what happened.

How to behave to a guy if a girl is offended is described in the video:

If you are very offended

If the girl you feel sympathy for, in love or love, does not contact you in any way, does not answer the phone and does not answer messages, then you need to act decisively.

First you need to understand: is it really so expensive and you need it? If the answer is yes, you will have to step over your pride, ask for forgiveness even if you are not at fault, and perhaps ask friends for help.

Attention! A strong resentment on the part of a girl, as a rule, arises only if the guy is seriously guilty.

Representatives of the weaker sex, although they love to sulk, gradually the emotions subside, and the quarrel ends after a few hours or a couple of days. If a girl flatly refuses to improve relations, then there is a good reason for that.

The algorithm of actions is simple:

  1. give her time to cool down
  2. for a couple of days the abyss from her field of vision (do not write, do not call),
  3. perform a male romantic act.

The main thing is that during these couple of days of calm, you do not aggravate the situation even more, for example, photos on social networks with other girls or friends, going to parties or in a cafe.

A romantic act is limited by male fantasy and budget:

  • you can write a declaration of love under the windows,
  • put her name out of flowers,
  • send a large bouquet by courier and enclose a touching letter in the flowers,
  • to climb the lift to the window of your beloved - to do something that any girl will certainly appreciate.

After she thaws a little, you need to sincerely ask for forgiveness, be sure to clarify why (it is important for the girl that the guy understands where he screwed up), promise not to do this again. Any girl will let go of her resentment after this.

What to do if the girl is offended and does not want to communicate is described in the video:

How to behave if she often sulks over trifles?

Many girls have a tendency to constantly be offended because of trifles - this is a sign of infantilism.

Reference! Girls find pouting cute, so they memorize this behavior and use it regularly. Moreover, they are firmly convinced that men also like such young ladies.

What to do with such a girl? Since your girlfriend behaves like a child, then you need to approach her like a child.

Reasonable long conversations with arguments, arguments and searches for a compromise with her will not work: she will always be not ready for such a dialogue.

If you forcibly force her to sit down and solve the problem, resorting to her infantility, she will only “transfer arrows”, show a defensive reaction and the conflict will become even more difficult and protracted.

With girls prone to infantilism, you need to be a strong and wise man: give a cute toy or a postcard, caress, bestow a kind word.

Even such girls are afraid of loneliness, therefore, if you “get lost” for 1-2 days, she will certainly rush to look for you.

Resentment as a way of manipulation

Resentment is often used by girls in order to manipulate a man. If at the initial stage of a relationship a man allows himself to be treated this way, then this is forever, and it is almost impossible to retrain a person.

The girl instantly builds the simplest logical chain:

  • I wanted something and they refuse me;
  • I'm offended;
  • I get what I want.

Therefore, it is much easier for women to pout their lips and be silent for a while than to intelligibly explain to a man why she needs this or that thing.

In order to prevent such behavior throughout the relationship, a man must remember that with such behavior you should not react to female insults.

Do not fall for female manipulation!

Reference! Some men are unable to look at the upset face of their beloved, so they quickly “give up”. In this case, the man must really be a man, calmly and clearly explain why the girl does not get what she wants, and then stop doing anything.

In a few minutes or hours, the girl herself will understand that you are determined and her manipulations do not work for you. If the conversation begins with mutual insults and accusations, it is better to wait for some more time when the emotions subside.

A conversation for reconciliation should be based on argumentation and a kind of “bargaining”, when partners find out the conditions under which both will feel good and comfortable. For example, a woman will go to visit her friend, but will return no later than 23:00. In this way, girls learn to compromise, and soon there will be no trace of manipulation.

How women try to manipulate men using resentment is described in the video:

Some men do not understand the behavior of women: their whims and bitchiness seem stupid.

In order for a girl to accept and learn other ways to resolve disputes, to abandon infantilism and manipulation, a man must show his stamina and inflexibility, after which any lady will want to follow her man.

It is worth taking any action only if the man really has a fault.

Offended, hiding something, thinking about the other, plotting something, or ... OUT OF LOVE?

Of course, theoretically everything is possible, but the main reason for his silence is completely different: in the peculiarities of the male worldview and his psychology.

After all, how is a woman arranged? She needs to say everything, discuss everything, “live” all the emotions in the conversation. If she is silent, it means that something is definitely wrong. As in a joke: “Honey, are you offended? - No! - strongly? - Yes". Men are different.

As a rule, men are generally laconic. Business and purposeful - especially. They prefer to act rather than philosophize, and speak only on business.

That is why they are chosen and respected. If you really want to talk about the weather, tell in detail how your day went and discuss Britney Spears' new haircut - go to a friend, not a man.

Speak out to mom, cat, but not to a man.

With a man, conversations need to be filtered and dosed. Otherwise, from overload of information, he will simply cease to perceive everything that you say.

Not because he's bad and doesn't love you. The male brain is wired that way.

I already once talked about the "secret" technique "one mouth - two ears": the best strategy in a conversation with a man is to listen more, talk less and ask

Then you will be the best companion for him. Especially if it's your first date.

You have nothing to talk about

Very often, silence comes in a relationship where a man and a woman have nothing to say.

If, at the same time, sex began to happen much less frequently, and communication is reduced to “hi-bye” and “buy tomatoes, pasta, toilet paper” - you have problems.

A man uses the tactics of silence when they saw him at home, find fault.

He does not want to receive a negative reaction - therefore he is simply silent (by the way, men lie for the same reason). Then this is an occasion to sit down and finally talk about what is happening and how you feel in your relationship.

This silence can become a point of no return, when there will be nothing to fix.

The basis of strong long-term relationships is emotional closeness and. And in order to support them, you need to work on yourself and on relationships. No options.

I believe in you,
Yaroslav Samoilov.

I am a man [For men, and a little about women] Sheremeteva Galina Borisovna

The silence of a woman

The silence of a woman

If a woman is silent for a long time and is forced to think silently, her brain turns on the negative cultivation of problems. In this state, she may well grow an elephant out of a fly.

Woman gets pregnant everything that comes from a man - a rudely spoken word, a misinterpreted gesture, the wrong tone, look. And work begins in the woman's brain.

If a woman is silent, she is preparing an atomic bomb!

In fact, when a woman stops talking, her brain continues the conversation. Unfortunately, in such a state, she cannot come up with anything positive. Women are collective beings who need joint verbal reflection. They need to know the opinions and desires of their entire family in order not to offend anyone and keep the peace.

So the woman was silent. Like soil, your rude phrase, look, tone of speech got into her brain. Now she will look for flaws in herself, on the basis of which what she perceives from you will begin to develop and germinate. The more a woman is silent, the more seriously she exposes herself to criticism and self-flagellation.

Often, falling silent, a woman begins to think like this: “Oh, since you treat me so badly, what are you saying, I won’t talk to you anymore ...”

But this is only the beginning.

Then she will evaluate your phrase, without criticism, but simply perceiving it as a "pregnancy" that has already happened, which has begun to develop: "If you said so, then everything is bad with me."

Then she will criticize and destroy herself in a way that no one else will ever be able to do. Only she can trample on everything valuable in herself with such passion. If she is not stopped, then she will lower her self-esteem below the floor.

This doesn't happen with men. First, because he only thinks silently.

Secondly, since a man would rather blame others for his mistakes than admit his guilt. What is there to say about self-criticism. The more a man is silent, the more he is sure of his uniqueness, correctness and even genius. So nature arranged it, because he has to silently make important decisions on hunting or war.

When a woman is told: “You are beautiful,” she thinks: “Probably they are laughing at me and something is wrong with me.”

If there is silence after that, she will find a moment to run to the ladies' room and look at herself from all angles in search of a problem.

Many men were surprised. They thought that women so often want to admire themselves.

In fact, if a woman looks at herself in the mirror, she is looking for her problems.

When a man is told: “Good”, he will take it as a confirmation of his value and significance: “Yes, I am like that.”

It would never occur to any of the men to take this as an insult or criticism.

It is too hard for a woman to remain silent for a while. That only they do not think of themselves when they are silent. Therefore, wanting to punish a man, some women use silence. They think it will hurt the man just as much as it hurts them.

In fact, in silence, the man rests and relaxes, and the woman continues her destructive process.

Often in silent women, the hormonal background is disturbed, resulting in a weakened nervous system, tears, tantrums, weight and sleep disturbances, headaches, and malfunctions in the normal functioning of female organs.

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She is silent ... And if a woman is silent, then this can mean either a lot or nothing.
Most men are sure that female cold silence is one of the ways to manipulate them. She is silent, and you are already scrolling through your head one thought after another, trying to understand what happened or what YOU did WRONG? You are already busy with her. Often the questions are “What happened? What's the matter?" remain unanswered. Although sometimes you can hear “nothing” or “leave me alone”, and worst of all, “just tired” (???). As a rule, these lengthy statements do not explain anything, and make you tormented further and lead to an even more bewildered state.

What happens next? There are two options for the development of events. Option one. You are already turned on, you can no longer calm down, you are persevering in search of the cause of her dumbness. And, as a rule, you seek to voice the reason for the silence. The fact is obvious - the goal is achieved. However, you were manipulated, because your mind, and most importantly your poor nervous system, were busy with her - a woman, her feelings, her silence. You already feel guilty. I haven’t figured out why yet, but judging by her silence, there is a reason. She received attention to her person and, it seems, just the deepest moral satisfaction. Isn't this the main, insidious purpose of a woman's silence?

Case scenario number two. If you are one of those men who believe that women think incomprehensibly how, but most importantly, not like you, then just let her be silent. You think like this: when she needs it, she herself will tell you what the reason is. However, it should be noted that this rarely happens. And the result is not at all the same ... Now, in her head, in addition to silence, the question is itching: what's the matter ?, where is his participation and concern ?, where the hell ??? The consequences are just terrible. And for some reason, it's your fault again.

There is only one conclusion, it is better to show participation and concern. Yourself cheaper.

We really want to believe that women's silence does not always carry a hidden form of manipulation with us. Maybe, really, sad, tired, and do not want to talk. I just want to be quiet.

In many cases, the reason for the silence voiced by the woman is so banal that it makes her hair stand on end. “Exhausted” by the search for the reason for silence and, having received an answer about the reasons for such strange behavior, you cannot understand why it was impossible to JUST say, ask, discuss. Well, write, after all!

Do you know, dear Women, why a man is so seriously concerned about your silence, even if it is unreasonable, in his opinion? What's the matter? Why do the thoughts haunt him, “What happened? What happened?" Well, it would seem that you are silent - well, be silent for health. The reason may be concern for you, loved ones. Just not always. The fact is that we, men, need to get to the bottom of the reason for silence, because in this shaky situation of silence, we are deprived of certainty, awareness. Something was out of our control. And this is a threat. A man must, well, simply must know everything, and control everything. They are silent, which means they are hiding something from him, hiding. And we just don't like being blamed for anything. And your silence is a reproach. A dumb reproach, to which you can’t say anything in response. Agree, the situation is not pleasant?

Why all this? It would seem that if a woman is silent, it is more pleasant than listening to her discontent and other claims. Is the woman silent? Beauty! You can quietly, calmly admire it ... But still, dear, beloved - take care of our and your nerves - SPEAK if you have something to say.