Why does a pregnant woman have a sore right side? Painful sensations in a woman. Interesting video: Pain as a symptom. What hurts in the right hypochondrium

Pregnancy is a special period in a woman's life when, sacrificing her health, she gives the opportunity to be born to a new person. From the moment the ovum is attached to the mucous membrane of the uterus, serious changes and restructuring begin to occur in the body, which are not always pleasant to a woman. If the expectant mother had any health problems or chronic diseases before conception, then they will definitely make themselves known. If the right side hurts during pregnancy, you need to immediately tell your doctor about it, since this symptom may indicate an exacerbation of chronic pathologies or indicate the development of an acute clinical picture that requires urgent intervention by a surgeon.

Causes of pain in the right side

The causes of pain in the right side of pregnant women are great, and some of them are physiological and do not require special treatment. To understand what can cause pain, you need to understand a little about the female anatomy. The uterus is located in the middle of the abdominal cavity, in its lower part. As the fetus grows, the uterus grows and rises upward, while the internal organs are shifted to the sides and compressed. To the right of the uterus are the ovaries and fallopian tubes, in front - the bladder. In the upper part of the abdomen on the right is the liver, gallbladder and bile ducts.

Ectopic pregnancy

One of the reasons for the development of pain in the right side in the lower abdomen in pregnant women is improper attachment of the ovum in the tube, or. It is possible to find out that the embryo has attached incorrectly only by ultrasound, however, an experienced gynecologist may suspect an ectopic pregnancy during a routine bimanual examination of a patient in a chair. With the development of a tubal pregnancy, a woman complains of pulling pains in the lower abdomen on the right or left, which intensify with movement, change in body position, or having sex. In addition, there may be minor bleeding from the vagina. An ectopic pregnancy is a condition that requires immediate medical attention. If a fetal egg is detected outside the uterus in the early stages, it can be removed from the body through special medications or during laparoscopy, which will help preserve the tube and successfully conceive another baby in the future. When the tube ruptures, the clinical picture develops rapidly and the patient should be taken to the surgical department as soon as possible, the fallopian tube in this case is removed along with the ovum.

Acute appendicitis

Due to the squeezing and displacement of the internal organs by the growing uterus, they cannot fully perform their usual functions, which can lead to the development of pathological processes. One of these conditions is acute appendicitis - inflammation of the appendix of the cecum. The clinical picture develops gradually: at first, a woman complains of pain in the epigastric zone, which, as the inflammation progresses, descends into the lower abdominal cavity, into the ilio-inguinal zone. The pains can be tolerable, dull, aching, subside after taking a horizontal position and intensifying with movement. Only a doctor can make the correct diagnosis, so you should not hesitate to go to the hospital, and even more so, try to heal yourself. This will only lubricate the clinical picture and waste valuable time.

Diseases of the digestive system

Pain in the right side in pregnant women can signal the development of inflammatory or other pathological processes of the digestive tract - the duodenum, pancreas, gall bladder, liver. It is possible to find out the exact reason for the appearance of uncomfortable sensations only after passing tests and passing a detailed examination. Against the background of the results obtained, the doctor will prescribe adequate treatment for the pregnant woman, if necessary. Sometimes pain in the right side is caused by errors in nutrition, in this case it is enough to review your diet and make adjustments.

Constipation can also be one of the reasons for the appearance of uncomfortable and painful sensations in the right side of expectant mothers. Try drinking more clean water, include foods rich in coarse fiber in your diet, and try to lead an active lifestyle. If, despite this, the stool remains irregular, consult your doctor - he will help you choose a mild laxative based on lactulose (a substance that is safe for women and the fetus).

Pain in the right side of the abdomen, accompanied by diarrhea, an increase in body temperature, nausea and vomiting, indicate the progression of a dangerous pathological process that requires detailed research and treatment in a hospital!

The upcoming motherhood fills a happy woman with some incredible light that warms everyone around. But this feeling is seasoned with a note of uncertainty, because there is a colossal restructuring of the work of the whole organism, and any deviations from the norm seem suspicious and cause concern. Especially when the side hurts during pregnancy.

It is important to understand which symptoms indicate a serious problem, and which are fairly safe processes. The expectant mother should understand that she will have to go to the hospital in any case if painful sensitivity arises. The only question is whether it needs to be done urgently, or whether you can wait for a scheduled examination by a gynecologist. To draw a conclusion, it is worth getting a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe predicted sources of pain, its symptoms and how to alleviate the general condition before contacting a specialist.

A visual representation of how the internal organs are located in a normal state and during pregnancy will help us in this:

Why does the side hurt during pregnancy

The pain is unpleasant in any case, but one must distinguish between discomfort associated with normal changes in the female body, from exacerbations of old and new pathologies.

Short-term and unpleasant symptoms that go away on their own within half an hour are most likely not dangerous. They arise for the following reasons:

1. Indigestion. With periodic constipation, a pregnant woman often has a dull, pulling pain on the left in the iliac region. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the eating regimen and solving the problem, while even taking laxatives must be coordinated with the doctor leading the pregnancy.

2. Enlargement of the uterus. A tiny little man grows inside his mother's tummy, and his safe haven grows with him. In this case, there is a displacement of internal organs, pinching of individual nerves and arteries. The mass of the uterus with its size increases, therefore the side hurts during pregnancy due to stretching and rather significant tension of the ligaments with the muscles under its action.

3. Later, in the third trimester, the growing fetus brings enough inconvenience. He is showing more and more activity, his tiny heels with elbows, when moving, deliver tangible discomfort. But the soul of the parent only becomes brighter, because it is incredibly pleasant, albeit sometimes very painful, sensations - to feel the baby's movements.

What to do to alleviate the condition with such indications? Practically nothing, because mommy herself should not treat or anesthetize anything. Professionals can recommend the following:

- competent organization of the daily routine of a pregnant woman: alternation of moderate activity with good rest;

- comfortable, loose clothing that does not interfere with breathing, movements; it is great if she is beautiful, and not just comfortable - this contributes to the lady's awareness of her attractiveness and maintains her self-confidence;

- the use of a special bandage for expectant mothers for certain indications.

Some patients have pain in the side during pregnancy under the arms. This is due to the fact that preparations are underway for the lactation process, because the mammary glands increase in mass and volume. As a result, the load on the muscles supporting them increases. Troubles are removed if a reliable and high-quality bra is selected correctly.

Causes of acute pain in the side during pregnancy

A completely different situation if there is a prolonged, lasting over half an hour, acute pain. Most likely, it is a sign of a serious disorder, pathology. It is better to be prepared and know the main symptoms causing anxiety in order to respond quickly.

1. A sharp onset of severe pain in the hypochondrium on the right, accompanied by nausea, sometimes indicates cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, and problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

2. Difficult to tolerate pain in the hypochondrium on the left, turning into a girdle - a potential symptom of acute pancreatitis, especially if it is accompanied by vomiting, high temperature.

3. Localization of acute painful sensations on the right or on the left in the lower abdomen, together with bloody discharge, are dangerous signs of an ectopic pregnancy (early) or ovarian cysts (late). The process is sometimes accompanied by loss of consciousness.

4. Severe pain over the ilium on the right with nausea - one of the symptoms of acute appendicitis. Along the way, the temperature may rise.

5. A fairly common cause of acute, sometimes intolerable pain is kidney disease (kidney stone disease, pyelonephritis).

From such a condition, when the side hurts during pregnancy, it is difficult to protect a woman, even if a full medical examination was passed before planning a child. The restructuring of the body is so significant that old, chronic ailments can aggravate and new ones appear.

If a sharp complication arises, then you need to help the pregnant woman to lie down comfortably, put cold on her stomach for a short time and immediately call an ambulance. The mom-to-be should remember that she is now responsible not only for herself, but also for the tiny little man who will soon be born into the world. Therefore, even if you really, really don't want to, and it seems that the malaise will soon pass, you should still see a doctor without delay. This is necessary so as not to harm yourself and the child by launching a developing disease.

If the right side hurts during pregnancy

Unpleasant sensations on the right and left can be caused by the same prerequisites or completely different, characteristic of a particular case. Consider situations where the right side hurts during pregnancy.

1. Varicose expansion of the uterine vessels in the lateral parts of the female organ. The development of the disease is facilitated by the weakness of the walls of the uterus and the state of pregnancy against the background of increased blood supply. Most often, there is a combination with varicose veins on the legs, but you cannot self-medicate: the appointment, including phlebotonic agents, to bring the walls of the uterus to normal tone, is done exclusively by an angiosurgeon (vascular surgeon) or another specialist.

2. Violation of the normal functioning of the kidneys - one of the most common reasons that the right side hurts during pregnancy. Depending on the indications, diagnosis, treatment should be carried out by a nephrologist, urologist.

3. A cyst of the right ovary can begin to develop even before pregnancy, or be provoked by it. The concentration of unpleasant sensations occurs in the lower abdomen, they are either dull, pulling in nature, or are very strong and sharp. They arise due to stretching of the cyst or when it ruptures, "twist". The doctor is unlikely to make an unambiguous appointment, since with such a delicate position, each method will have its own contraindications. The available range of means and methods - from taking antispasmodics to prompt removal of the cyst, it all depends on the specific symptomatology.

4. It happens that the right side hurts during pregnancy and in connection with a spasm of the circular muscles of the intestine. Inconvenience occurs with prolonged constipation, deficiencies in the daily diet. The gynecologist prescribes antispasmodics if the symptoms do not go away on their own after a bowel movement.

5. The source of problems can be fatty degeneration, other ailments of the liver, problems with the pancreas, gall bladder. All women with similar difficulties are under the scrutiny of therapists, since a threat to both mom and fetus is likely.

If the left side hurts during pregnancy

There are quite a few reasons for the troubles associated with the left side hurting during pregnancy. It is necessary to consult a doctor in any case if discomfort arises, but the patient should be able to describe her feelings in order to facilitate the diagnosis of the disease. To do this, you need at least a little orientation in what is happening.

1. Problems with the spleen. It is located in the upper left quarter of the abdomen near the surface of the body; in a number of diseases, its capsule begins to enlarge, causing pain.

2. Disorders of the stomach. In inflammatory processes, inflammation (gastritis) begins to develop on the mucous membrane of the organ. The pain is usually aching, sometimes with vomiting accompanied by nausea.

3. Trouble is sometimes delivered by the pancreas. Stretching through the upper part of the abdominal cavity, it becomes the reason that it hurts in the left side during pregnancy. The symptoms are a sharp, internal soreness that is shingles. It can be given to the back, accompanying symptoms - fever, urge to vomit or directly vomiting, nausea.

4. The side still hurts during pregnancy due to inflammatory processes in the left (or right) ovary, long-standing or newly formed cysts.

Any of the situations named in the article can provoke such problems. Perhaps the only exception is appendicitis, which causes pain only on the right side.

What not to do if your side hurts during pregnancy

A big mistake of a pregnant woman is the desire to endure a relatively small discomfort, although it can be a harbinger of serious problems. An even more serious situation arises if a woman tries to self-medicate, forgetting that there are no safe medicines:

- pain relievers can cause impaired fetal breathing stability and drug dependence;

- antibiotics can lead to allergic (anaphylactic) shock;

- medications can cause heart failure in a child, deviations in the development of the skeleton, provoke future deafness;

- uncontrolled use of drugs sometimes leads to premature birth or even miscarriage;

- seemingly safe herbal preparations often cause harm to the child in the womb, for example, disorders of the immune system.

Fully aware of her responsibility for the life and health of the helpless, just forming crumbs, a woman should definitely consult a doctor in case of any doubts. And if the side hurts during pregnancy, then this is a reason for a mandatory visit to a gynecologist. All further actions to eliminate trouble should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor.

Pregnancy is a wonderful time, but you know how unsettling it gets when pain or discomfort sets in. As a mom-to-be, you simply cannot ignore some of the feelings, as this can lead to serious consequences. What to do if the right side hurts during pregnancy? First of all, don't panic. And then - to understand the causes of this condition and make a decision on treatment.

The main causes of pain

There may be several reasons why the right side hurts during pregnancy. The most common causes of pain include:

  • Appendicitis;

It is believed that in many women, inflammation of the appendix occurs during pregnancy. If your abdominal pain persists and is accompanied by a fever, call an ambulance immediately. It is categorically impossible to pull with this, and not only during pregnancy.

  • Ovarian cyst;

If even before pregnancy you had such a disease, then during pregnancy you will have to closely monitor your condition. Usually, the cyst reacts sharply to bearing a baby. In this case, there is a false desire to go to the toilet. This is due to the fact that pain can be given to the anus. The stomach itself hurts, and it is the right side, during the onset of unpleasant sensations, it is tense.

  • Pancreatitis During pregnancy, the right side in the lower abdomen can hurt even with an exacerbation of this disease. If you are faced with vomiting and loose stools, then most likely you have this problem. Vomiting can also be a companion of toxicosis. Read more about this in the article Vomiting during pregnancy \u003e\u003e\u003e;
  • In the abdomen, there are still some organs, during problems with which the side hurts, these include the liver, kidneys, part of the intestine. All this can react sharply to bearing a child, especially if you have noticed any problems with them before. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify what symptoms still arise when the side hurts.

Symptoms you are experiencing

The first thing you should do if you feel that your side hurts is to determine the nature of the sensations.

  1. Pain can be classified, so imagine what unpleasant sensations are associated with;
  2. Also try to pinpoint where the source of the pain is. This is due to the fact that each organ transmits signals to its own area. If you understand your body correctly, then the diagnosis can be made quickly and correctly. Therefore, conditionally divide the side into two parts: upper and lower. This will help you identify what exactly hurts.

What to do if your upper abdomen hurts

The following bodies are located in this area:

  • liver;
  • gallbladder;
  • the upper part of the diaphragm;
  • part of the intestine.

Abdominal pain in the right side during pregnancy, localized in the upper part, may indicate problems with these organs.

If your pain is aching and persistent, then this may be due to liver or intestinal diseases. In doing so, you need to pay attention to the color of urine. If it is brownish, chances are that you have hepatitis. This is also indicated by a change in skin color. It will acquire a reddish or yellowish tint.

In this case, pregnancy can proceed as usual, the signal is precisely the pain that has occupied the side.

With a sharp pain that grasps and does not let go, you need to pay attention to the pancreas. It is the inflammation of this organ that manifests itself in this way. If you have vomiting, you sweat profusely, then it is necessary to pay attention to the removal of inflammation from the pancreas.

Pain in the lower abdomen. What are they talking about?

  1. In this area we have the bladder, kidneys, appendix. You have already read about the latter and you understand that you need to consult a doctor immediately;
  2. For pain that you can classify as pulling, you need to pay attention to the genitourinary system. If at the same time you began to go to the toilet more often, experiencing discomfort, then most likely you have cystitis;
  3. If the stomach hurts for a long time, while the sensations are sharp and difficult to tolerate, then two options are possible:
  • You have an inflammation of your appendix. Urgent removal required;
  • You are experiencing a ruptured cyst. This is accompanied by severe bleeding, fever. Probably, one cannot do without surgical intervention here either. It's good that now even pregnancy is not a hindrance to operations.

Because of what the side hurts during the 1st trimester

Unpleasant sensations can accompany you throughout your pregnancy. However, what is the reason for pain in the right side in the early stages?

  1. Ectopic pregnancy. It can be recognized early on using ultrasound. Often it is this phenomenon that is to blame for the pain in your side. Read the current article: How to identify an ectopic pregnancy?
  2. Digestive system. And in order for you to be sure that you are eating right, study our course Nutrition during pregnancy \u003e\u003e\u003e;
  3. At the beginning of pregnancy, there is a huge hormonal change in the body. We can say that all organs are slightly shocked by the upcoming changes (It is during this period that the greatest changes in the body occur. What, read in the article 1 trimester of pregnancy \u003e\u003e\u003e). Past, chronic diseases can make themselves felt. Often the pain is caused by pancreatitis or gastritis, which decide to remind of their existence;
  4. Toxicosis. If you are forced to often experience nausea, get rid of what you have eaten, then you may experience discomfort in the costal region. In simple terms, you may feel that your right side hurts. This shouldn't scare you. Read more about toxicosis in the article Nausea during pregnancy \u003e\u003e\u003e

If your side hurts during the 2nd trimester

  • What happens to your body in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy? Your baby grows by stretching the walls of the uterus. Organs nearby feel discomfort from the fact that something presses on them. Therefore, problems arise, which flow into the feeling that your side hurts;
  • One of the most common problems during this time is constipation. The uterus presses on the intestines, preventing the body from getting rid of feces. This, of course, is accompanied by unpleasant sensations. But you should not be afraid of this, this is absolutely normal. Pregnancy is often accompanied by constipation, this is a natural process, \u003e\u003e\u003e;
  • A similar problem can arise with the genitourinary system. You run to the toilet more often, it always seems to you that it is high time to visit the toilet again. All of this can be accompanied by the feeling that your right side is hurting, especially if your bladder is full. This is also a standard situation, familiar to everyone who has had a pregnancy, you should not worry about it.

If your side hurts during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy

  1. During this period, your baby is already big. He can make some movements. The child then shoves you in the side with his elbow, then begins to kick. However, you may feel that your stomach hurts. Is this normal? Absolutely! This is a natural process that accompanies pregnancy. Very soon you will already meet your little miracle, bear with it;
  2. Also at this time, problems with the digestive system or pancreas may occur. From pressure, they feel discomfort, which is reflected in pain. The uterus, which has grown, can disrupt blood circulation in a number of organs, which entails your discomfort, you understand that your side periodically stretches.

What to do?

Surely, you are now concerned about how to determine if the pain you feel is natural. You will have to listen to yourself, your feelings.

  • If the pains that you feel rarely come, are short-lived, then most likely nothing terrible has happened, the pregnancy is proceeding calmly, your body is simply being rebuilt. He has to change a lot, and then situations arise when the side hurts, unpleasant sensations appear. This is all normal;
  • You should be wary if the pain does not stop. If, moreover, they are accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, high fever or fever, this is an alarming signal. See your doctor.

Important! Do not warm up, do not apply a heating pad to the source of pain!

It won't help if you don't know what exactly hurts you. And in some cases, this action will be harmful. Therefore, do not take hot baths if your side hurts. Anyway, warming up and pregnancy don't go well together.

Prevention of side pain

  1. Set up food. With irregular or improper food intake, your stomach and entire digestive system are affected. If earlier you could easily get by with fast food, now the body will react especially sharply to such an outrage. How to eat correctly is described in detail in the article Nutrition during pregnancy \u003e\u003e\u003e;
  2. Get some rest. You must give yourself the opportunity to relax;
  3. Get enough sleep. Don't forget about quality sleep. You will feel better afterwards;
  4. Be less nervous.

Seek medical attention for alarming symptoms and pain that persists for a long time. Be healthy!

While waiting for the baby, a woman is worried about many not always pleasant symptoms, including pain in the right side. In some cases it is completely natural and should not cause concern, but not always. How to distinguish pathological pain in the right side from normal changes in a woman's body.

When there is no reason to worry?

First of all, the expectant mother needs to remember that any painful sensations should not be ignored. In any case, you must inform your doctor about them.

The most common causes of flank pain in a pregnant woman are:

  1. Disorders in the digestive system ... In expectant mothers, the process of digesting food slows down, and therefore they often have to deal with constipation, bloating, and increased gas production. As the uterus grows, this problem gets worse, so the woman needs to avoid overloading the stomach and intestines.
  2. Growing uterus can cause constant pain in the right and left sides. Muscle ligaments and tendons are stretched daily to provide the baby with more space, but at the same time, this process gives the mother a lot of discomfort. Normally, such pains last no more than 15 minutes and, in the absence of other symptoms, do not require medical attention.
  3. Baby's motor activity ... After the children grow up and get stronger, their movements become strong and rather painful for women. Even when there is less space in the uterus, they push with their elbows and push against the walls of the uterus with their heels. Such blows are felt as a dull short pain in the side, in order to reduce it, a woman just needs to sit down or lie down more comfortably.
  4. Incorrect position of the baby in the stomach ... When the baby is in transverse presentation, his head constantly presses on adjacent organs, causing pain.

In late pregnancy, the uterus compresses and displaces all internal organs: stomach, liver, kidneys. Therefore, almost all women after the fifth month from time to time feel a dull pain in the right side.

By and large, such pains cannot be avoided. But following the recommendations, you can try to reduce their frequency and intensity. If the pain is caused by a muscle strain or pushing by a child, mom needs to try to lie down or just change body position or take a warm bath ... In most cases, it is allowed to take an anesthetic drug, for example, no-shpu, to relieve pain.

Despite the fact that these reasons do not pose a threat to the unborn child, the woman needs to inform the doctor about her condition. If the pain does not stop within half an hour, and the condition of the pregnant woman worsens, you need to seek help on the same day.

Causes of pain in the right abdomen in a pregnant woman, requiring medical attention

At the very beginning of the term, pain in the right side can signal about. Its symptoms are quite acute. The woman feels a sharp, undulating pain that does not stop even after taking painkillers. Also, against the background of an ectopic pregnancy, nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness, bleeding from the vagina appear. This is due to the fact that the embryo is attached in the wrong place, namely in one of the fallopian tubes.

One of the reasons may be a sexually transmitted disease - gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia.

In other cases, pain in the right side can mean serious problems from such organs:

  • Kidney ... During pregnancy, they experience a lot of stress, and often cannot cope with it. In this case, the pain always radiates to the side and back. If the pain radiates to the groin and increases with urination, this may indicate the presence of stones in the ureter.
  • Pancreas ... In this case, nausea, vomiting, profuse sweating appears. The pain is sharp and radiates to the back. In the supine position, the discomfort increases.
  • Stomach - gastritis, pancreatitis, ulcer. These diseases often cause additional symptoms in the form of nausea in the morning, bitterness in the mouth.
  • Aching persistent pain in the liver may occur due to infection with hepatitis A, B, C. There is also "toxic hepatitis" that occurs after consuming a lot of drugs or chemicals. A large load on the liver is caused by spicy, fatty, fried foods.
  • Appendicitis ... In this case, the cutting pain is felt in the navel area, and a little later it radiates to the lower right side. After some time, the body temperature rises, nausea and vomiting appear.
  • A cyst or tumor of the right ovary ... As a rule, this condition develops long before the onset of pregnancy, but begins to progress at the time of bearing a child. A ruptured cyst is a very dangerous condition, characterized by pain radiating into the anus, bleeding, loss of consciousness.
  • Stagnation of bile ... This phenomenon is characteristic of later pregnancies, when the level of progesterone rises significantly. This hormone has the ability to relax all smooth muscle organs. Therefore, most likely, after childbirth, this problem will disappear by itself.
  • Genitourinary system ... When an infectious inflammation occurs, a woman may feel pain in her side, radiating to the lower abdomen and discomfort during urination.

In what cases do you need to urgently seek help if your right side hurts?

Without a medical education, it will be difficult for the expectant mother to understand the causes of pain.

In order to prevent the development of complications, you should immediately consult a doctor in such cases:

  • Sudden sharp pain regardless of position.
  • The pain does not subside within 30 minutes.
  • The pain is not severe, aching, but lasts more than two days.
  • Appearance.
  • Increased body temperature.

Timely treatment in most cases does not pose a serious danger to the baby, so the mother does not need to try to wait out this period. Such actions can only harm yourself and the child.


To avoid such pathological pains, a woman first of all needs to undergo a full examination at the stage of pregnancy planning. Since all untreated chronic diseases tend to worsen during pregnancy.

Keep in mind that overeating can cause problems. For a woman, it is now better to stick to a fractional diet. And to strengthen the ligaments, daily physical activity will be useful - swimming, yoga, fitness for pregnant women .

During pregnancy, the female body is in a special condition associated with changes in physical and hormonal levels. This is often accompanied by discomfort, discomfort in the abdomen (tingling, pulling pains, etc.).

The reasons for this can be both the growth of the fetus, which squeezes and displaces the nearby internal organs, and the symptoms of various pathologies, in which you need to immediately seek medical help.

These include severe or persistent pain in the side during pregnancy. due to the location in the abdomen of many internal organs, the causes of the pain that have arisen can be very diverse.

Why does the right side hurt during pregnancy?

The abdomen is conventionally divided into four sectors:

  • Top right
  • Lower right
  • Top left
  • Bottom left

To determine the cause that provoked the pain in the side, it is necessary to establish its localization, how often and the nature appears (spasm, sharp or pulling).

Pain on the right under the ribs in front

The following organs are located here:

  • Right kidney
  • Gall bladder
  • Intestine (partially)
  • Liver
  • Right side of the diaphragm

Therefore, the following diseases can be the cause of pain:

  1. Cholecystitis. It is often accompanied by burning, severe or pulling pain. At the onset of the disease, relief comes with a change in body position. To do this, it is enough to lie on your left side or take a knee-elbow position.
  2. Similar symptoms can occur without liver pathology, but become the result of pressure on the organs located in the upper right of the abdominal cavity, the enlarging uterus.

  3. Gallstone disease.With this disease, the inner lining of the biliary tract is damaged, an inflammatory process develops, sometimes a blockage of the duct, stagnation of bile. In this case, the pain in the right hypochondrium begins to spread to the stomach.
  4. Pleurisy and right-sided pneumonia. With these diseases, the source of pain is located in, radiating pain to the right side. Additional symptoms are:
    • Fatigue
    • Cough
    • Temperature increase

Pain in the side under the ribs in the back

If the sides hurt during pregnancy from behind, in overwhelming cases this is due to kidney problems:

  • The presence of large stones and their movement
  • Pyelonephritis
  • Impaired outflow of fluid

The nature of the pain:

  • Cramping
  • Slightly pulling
  • Stabbing
  • Cutting
  • Sharp
  • Unbearable

Regardless of the nature of the pain and its intensity, if such symptoms are found, you should immediately consult a doctor, because very often the situation aggravates and the condition of the pregnant woman worsens.

Pain in the right side

This pain can be caused by digestive problems, pancreatitis, or intestinal inflammation.

Digestive disorders occur in almost all pregnant women and continue throughout the entire period of gestation. To eliminate it, it is recommended to eat fractionally and in moderation, the menu should contain easily digestible foods, and maintain an active lifestyle.

If the right side hurts during pregnancy due to pancreatitis, constant painful sensations of a aching, pulling character also occur in and under the ribs. An aggravation occurs after eating salty, sour, fatty, fried foods or foods.

Inflammation of the intestines is associated with its defeat by fungi or bacteria. There is loose stools, vomiting, nausea, body temperature rises. This condition requires seeking medical attention.

Pain in the lower right side

On the right are a part of the intestine, appendix, uterine appendages, fallopian tubes, ureter. If during pregnancy the right side hurts below (or in the groin), the reasons may be:

  • Indigestion
  • Bladder disease
  • Intestinal inflammation
  • Volvulus
  • Inguinal hernia
  • Constipation
  • Peritonitis
  • Appendicitis
  • Inflammation of the ovary and fallopian tube
  • Ovarian cyst and cystomas, rupture
  • Viral or bacterial infections (chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, etc.)

In addition to the above, at the beginning of pregnancy (at 3-8 weeks), an ectopic pregnancy may be the cause of aching, sudden, unbearable acute pain in the side.

Painful sensations arise due to the stretching of the fallopian tube at the site of attachment of the fertilized egg, blood is released into the abdominal cavity, and against the background of a drop in the level of the hormone progesterone, a meager but prolonged uterine bleeding occurs.

In the early stages, such a pregnancy is no different from a normal uterine pregnancy: an increase occurs and soreness of the mammary glands occurs, nausea, drowsiness, etc. appear.

Pain in the side by trimesters

During childbearing, natural factors, such as rapid growth of the uterus, changes in hormonal levels, and fetal movement, can also cause discomfort in the sides or lower abdomen.

What to do if you have pain in the right side during pregnancy?

During this period, any pain may indicate the existence of various pathologies, sometimes very dangerous not only for the fetus, but also for the woman herself.

Therefore, if pain occurs in the abdomen, right or left side, it is better to insure yourself and visit a doctor so that he carries out the necessary diagnostics, identifies the pathology and, if necessary, prescribes treatment.