Helping children learn. Methodical development on the topic: Help with homework

Teachers should teach and students should learn. Who would argue, but in practice, parents today are very often involved in the educational process - some are dissatisfied with the quality of teaching, others cannot bring up independence in a child. What constitutes successful schooling?

Self-reliance or control?

“I was a very responsible child and studied well, - said Anna Minaeva. - My mother never delved into my school affairs. Accordingly, when my daughters went to school, I was convinced that study was a child’s private matter, homework was a zone his responsibility, and parents should not unduly interfere in this process.

Of course, at first, I supervised homework, guided, prompted, and helped to collect a portfolio. But by the third grade, I relaxed my control, being always ready to help in cases when they themselves approached me with a question. It would seem that this approach should foster a sense of responsibility in children.

At parent-teacher meetings, some teachers directly said that they expect parents to actively participate in the educational process. Others complained of inattention, incomplete assignments, notebooks and compasses forgotten at home.

The parents of my classmates poured oil on the fire, puzzling me with the question: "How did you solve yesterday's problem?" I averted my eyes and muttered something, and when I came home, the first thing I did was rush to the children's notebooks. If the problem was solved correctly, I was filled with maternal pride, but if not, I was tormented by doubts about my parental usefulness. "

Unfortunately, Anna's daughters, free from strict control, have learned to skimp. If the task seemed difficult or incomprehensible, the girls left it unfinished. Out of three or four numbers in mathematics, they could do only two, and "forget" about the rest. Once convinced that the imperfections were getting away with, the sisters began to repeat the vicious practice. This continued until, at the next meeting, Anna learned about these outrages.

Anna feels guilty that the girls, who were perfectly prepared for school, did not live up to her hopes for excellent studies - in grades 4-5, three grades dawned among the fourth grades. Next year her youngest son goes to school, and she herself prepares to "work on mistakes."

“I came to the conclusion, - says Anna, - that giving the child responsibility for his studies should be gradual, checking and making sure that he copes with this responsibility. My children, apparently, need a certain amount of control that will not allow them to the end relax and allow myself to be too careless in studies. A simple question: "Have you done your homework?" is not enough, from time to time I have to look through notebooks, ask questions about oral subjects and communicate with teachers. "

Do not teach, but educate

At first it did not occur to Vera Ivanova to sit down with the children to do their homework. “There were moments in elementary school when I tried to get involved in the process of checking homework,” she recalls. “It would be better not to try: tears, screams, a bad mood for everyone. The only thing is that I constantly have preventive conversations about the importance of gaining knowledge, not Although until the 7th grade she was deprived of a computer for the weekend for three grades. Now this rule does not apply, since the computer is often used for study. But recently all social networks, and especially VKontakte, had to be blocked.

In the gymnasium where my children study, all parents were told unequivocally: "They must do the lessons themselves. If they fail, they must answer themselves. The parents' job is to control the learning process and create conditions." Although at parent-teacher meetings it turns out that many mothers literally study with their children, they are aware of everything that children go through in class. In my opinion, this is overkill. "

Vera is not sure that she has taken the correct position regarding school matters. But she does not want to take a secondary school course again. Therefore, when her children are "completely gagged" with which they cannot figure it out on their own, she calls a tutor. “Although, in my opinion, this is just a tribute to fashion,” Vera believes. “Ideally, they should figure it out on their own or ask teachers to explain what they misunderstood. After all, it’s a matter of motivation - how much a person wants to learn and how important it is for him. We are parents, our business is to educate, motivate, guide - that's all. Teaching science is the business of teachers. "

If you lose interest in learning

Any training is based on three pillars: motivation to study, the way of presenting the material, individual ability to assimilate this or that information. That is, the possible reasons for the lack of interest in learning (and there may be a thousand of them) will vary in three aspects:

  • the child has not developed a goal for which he needs to do something;
  • the learning system is broken, i.e. age, psychological and pedagogical norms for a particular child are not observed, therefore the material does not interest or remains incomprehensible;
  • there are features of the development of the child himself that need correction, additional development, which makes it impossible at the moment to complete and successful education. We are talking, for example, about insufficient brain functions responsible for memory, attention, etc.

Obviously, parents can help with each of these three causes of school problems. The main thing is to see in time that the child has lost the desire to study and do homework. The task of the parents is not to let things go by themselves, and if there is a feeling that the child is not doing well with the school, take timely measures, possibly in consultation with specialists and school teachers.

“If at school you are told“ don’t worry, we will do everything ourselves, ”I would not advise parents to believe such promises,” Natalya Ivanovna Novikova, director of First School, is convinced. Marina Nikolaevna Smirnova, director of the Opportunity Center for Individual Learning and Development, fully agrees with her: “When children feel that their parents are interested in their affairs, rejoice at their successes, help, if they suddenly stalled, then they behave differently. And vice versa - everything is very sad if a student comes home only to sleep, wash and play on the computer. No matter how busy you are with your problems, you need to find time for your child. "

Katerina Smirnova


Just a couple of days ago I was indignant in the family circle: somehow it is necessary to change the system. Parents work, they obviously come home in the evening or late at night, they need to cook, wash, tidy up, in theory they should eat and go to bed early. We are still being scolded for the fact that we allegedly do not take care of children, or, in other words, do not teach them. The oldest child has 1st grade only the next year, we go to preparation, the second year to a music school, in which the main subject is once a week and we have to study with the child 6 days a week, does not want to, is capricious, of course, they pass it nerves, if I have already explained something three times, and the child understands, I thought in a year in a music school I would learn to do a home task on my own, but no. I spent 2 years paying for drawing, in addition to the skills acquired according to age, I did not notice any changes. It seems that I tried to study, but now there is panic, a year before school, I still don't read, the second kid, everyday life, work ...

09/18/2015 01:12:52, Ulyasya

My son does it himself, I only check. He does not ask for help, he likes to delve into independently.

Generally cancel homework. My son dreams of being in school until 4 o'clock, "like in France," but they didn’t ask anything home. not to mention the fact that parents cannot always really help, we were taught differently. The other day, my mother was sitting in the clinic with a child of 1st and 2nd grade trying to make sound-letter parsing of words - wrong.

Well, in general, it is obvious - every child needs his own. Don't go to someone, help someone.
It is unpleasant that they are so distorted, opposing "the student comes home only to sleep, wash and play on the computer" and the parents' immersion in the process of making homework. Children are, first of all, children, and not just "schoolchildren".

Yesterday, only at the meeting, the teacher seriously said that we should check all the assignments in children. But at the same time "they were not taught to divide as they taught us, otherwise it is difficult for her to retrain." I wonder how real it is for an ordinary working parent who crawls home at 7 o'clock hungry and tired to study lessons, especially if there is no child? In the best case, ask-did? And you will only help if the child does not understand something

Actually, a huge number of children do their homework, can you imagine? - on the prolongation! Where parents are not present at all. And nothing, they do it normally.
And if for the unfulfilled homework they will give appropriate marks, and not suffer from tolerance, as is usually the case in schools now, then there will be no problems at all ...

I do not agree with the article! Well, if only very NOT lucky with the child, of course.
And so the main idea - hardworking mothers should sit next to the school desk, at least in part of the DZ? Then the question is - how long to sit like this? Before the institute? And then attach the child to the raot? I can imagine such a flower of life in the end ...

Comment on the article "Homework - with mom, with a tutor, myself. From what class?"

Remote sensing control. Homework. Children education. I ask for help in advice and personal experience on organizing control over the implementation of remote sensing data remotely. Initial data: a student of grade 5 with a complete lack of willpower (well, either it is there, but in an extremely rudimentary version).


I have an identical son. High intelligence with an underdeveloped volitional sphere. Now, and he is 24 years old, I regret that I didn’t do much in my elementary school years. I mean psychological support. There were obvious problems, and we focused on academic performance, discipline, things that are more important in our opinion. And it would be better to correct competently the volitional sphere with a specialist.

When you stop feeling sorry for him, start demanding, then everything will change. Your situation is the same as mine. The same indifference to study. Strict demands from me, deprivation of the same mug a couple of times (I don't believe you anymore) will change the situation.

He does not write down his homework, so I don’t know and cannot control. For triplets. Here's what to do with it? I tried everything: from the conversations of all grandmothers and grandfathers Actually, help in controlling and chewing the school curriculum. How should I be with my son?


The same trouble ??

20.11.2018 14:25:38, Elena "

The son barely scraped the triplets as usual. Control - 4.5. I'm tired of fighting. She said: "Your business, son. If something is not clear, I will help, just ask. You are already an adult. My task is to feed you, drink, wash, iron, dress and put on shoes and, forgive me, make sure that you come home until 22 o'clock. . The rest is all in your hands. " I didn't sit, didn't hammer his brain.
He catches deuces with threes, but much less often. In extreme situations, he gets mobilized, gets "excellent". That's how we live.
But I do not freak out and he with understanding bears the burden of responsibility that I have placed on his shoulders.

03/11/2017 19:42:21, Saoli

For three months I have been trying to establish the process of doing homework assigned since Friday, if weekdays are under control, then it’s strange to start doing homework only on weekends without Why - I don’t understand yet, but in a new place it temporarily works faster than in the usual ...


Firstly - what is the week so packed that "everything is scheduled by the hour"? Maybe this week you can somehow loosen the reins?
Secondly - after such an ore week, you still want to load Saturday morning? I would free Saturday 100% from any tasks. And on Sunday you can already work out.

Actually, at least in the beginning, there shouldn't be any weekend assignments. Ours if asked, then no later than from Thursday to Monday. It is forbidden by all sorts of sanpinas. Therefore, for a start, I would find out at school what the matter is.
Well, and "After a working week, when everything is scheduled according to the clock, my daughter gets blurred and absolutely cannot gather herself together." Your child seems to be very overloaded, in this direction, too, would have conducted an audit. The second grade only, the child is very small, and by the end of the week, consider it, is falling. And of course attention problems. And teachers confirm and pull even more, and even more stress and fatigue in the child. Vicious circle. She needs to rest on the weekend, and you want her to hire a Cerberus to load even more.

Give her a task and leave the room. Will do and bring to you. I personally got tired of joint homework exactly one month later. In principle, she sits down to do lessons! But I start to get nervous when she does them very, well, very slowly, freezes, thinks about something ...


Yelling is NOT NECESSARY !!! You show your weakness, and you need to show wisdom. With every yell, you WILL DESTROY your relationship with your daughter. And over time it WILL BECOME IRREVERSIBLE. All you can do is work ON YOURSELF. Look for information on the Internet, consult, look closely at other mothers ... and work out your own line of behavior with your daughter !! Peaceful and fruitful. The main thing is patience)))) We also had it! I went to the second grade with difficulty. We tried to captivate my daughter! In order not to stand with a stick and not force, I found a super course "Letters from a fairy tale. Learning with passion". There are 11 letters, this is a fairy tale, and the child is the protagonist in it - he writes a lot, riddles, looks for "criminals", opens a cafe))) To write a LOT, but not to drag by the ears)))) She herself began to monitor the cleanliness and accuracy, became attentive !!!

i can explain well, I am very calm in principle. Since school I have borrowed with the laggards and pulled them up, I generally really know how to put knowledge in my head, calmly and judiciously.
but none of this concerns my children. I only freak out with my own.
and I understand why. because I expect a lot from my children, they must be the most intelligent, diligent and obedient. but they are not always like that))) and it infuriates)))
i'm definitely wrong, but in the end, the lessons with the elder passed to the nanny))))

I do not know what to do any more, he says forgets. The teacher says that while the rest of the children why YOU need HIS homework? As long as you need it more, there is no way out. If you check grades, homework assignments, teacher comments in these e-diaries ...


Probably it is necessary to "make friends" with the teacher, as well as with other parents. It will be easier to control the child.

Negotiate with the teacher. Ours left the class only with the teacher's signature in the diary under D / z.

03/27/2014 10:34:13 AM, guard

Not all children need to do homework in order to know the subject being studied, so Yes, she sometimes needs help with assignments, etc., but if she remembers that something was asked, and she is not. Tasks are big, but they are not the main thing. Children are different. It was easier for my son right away ...


@ She has never been an excellent student, even once there was a deuce in a quarter :))) Therefore, I understand how important school is [email protected]
the output is the EXTREME ... a person who was not an excellent student at school, while being quite happy with his own life, concludes that "you need to be an excellent student" ??
Strange, very strange.
More like "I was not, but be for ME!"
No need to fix 4 by 5 ... no need to scold for 4! no need to even demand to correct 3 by 4! Until the desire / meaning of study reaches the MOST - all the mother's seats are completely useless!
So ... first stop monitoring and checking ALL those items that the child likes and which are doing well for him. Himself, ITSELF and only ITSELF,
yes, and limit the amount of time you sit and study. Type "inside and out" and then got up from the table and went to sleep.

Give up control in oral subjects. Agree that you do not interfere with the process completely until the quarter is 2 or 3. Usually children of this age can get out by reading quickly in class. If a child loves literature and history, he can handle it.
At first, written assignments can only be checked for availability, and to delve into the essence only if the child asks a question. Then when you get involved just ask: did you? and take our word for it. Sometimes children do not hand over something on time, and later cover debts. In any case, this is a rewarding experience. Teachers are trying to give good grades even without you, they scold teachers for triples. If you never take part in the lessons for a quarter, the grades will not change significantly.
Now the main thing to teach a child is to plan time, work independently, make decisions and be responsible for their actions. And find something that is really interesting to HIM. And I wish you to recover from the excellent student's syndrome.

Homework. Child from 10 to 13. 6th grade homework. I ask for advice and opinions, I want to have patience, understanding, tricks in order to withstand another year at school. I ask, why don't you write it down, why can't you just sit down and do it?

But we do all the homework, the child goes to school, as we think with the homework done, but it turns out - not completely or not :-( Very disappointing for By the way, from two different people I heard that in their schools it is a full day, everything way - children do not prepare homework.


To approach the teacher again and strongly advise her not to disfigure children's self-esteem, and ask her to come up with something specifically for this, your child. But only in a gentle way and with a smile. Those. demand from her the notorious individual approach, which is so promoted, and which she refuses to apply))))))

IMHO, with motivation it is necessary to fix it. We have a clear goal - to graduate from primary school with excellent marks in order to get to the lyceum without exams. With the beginning "sloths" I remind, while talking on an equal footing, like two adults. While valid :-)
It is not necessary to make an excellent student out of a child (it's just that my studies are easy), you can come up with something else.

Helping your child with homework

What should be the atmosphere of home lessons, and how should it differ from school? First of all, homework should be free of school tension, the child can get up and move as he wants. The parent does not give grades as the teacher. At home, you may not know, not be able, not understand, not be in time, make mistakes - no one will put a bad mark, will not make an entry in the diary.

Non-judgmentalism creates an environment of freedom, tranquility, creativity, security, in which you can learn new things in a situation of support and belief in success, not stress. It is in this atmosphere that the child develops and intensifies his interest in new knowledge and skills, and not the desire to get a good assessment at any cost.

Another plus: homework can be organized taking into account the individual characteristics of the child's performance. For some children, the so-called episodic performance is characteristic, in which the child can keep his attention on learning tasks for 7-10 minutes, and then he is distracted, giving his nervous system time to recover. A five-minute break for rest - and the student is ready to continue studying. At school, it is not possible to provide such breaks for each student, and at home parents for their own child can organize an individual learning regime that takes into account the peaks and falls of his or her performance. An individual approach is especially useful for those children who find it difficult to get used to school, as well as who are hyperactive or too anxious.

If you decide to help your child with homework, you should be patient and imaginative in order to turn classes not into a painful procedure, but into an exciting way of communication and learning that brings real pleasure and benefit to the child and you. Imagine that you are going on a difficult journey together from the point "I can't, I don't know, I don't know how" to the point "I can, I know, I can!" Moreover, the main role does not belong to you - you only accompany the brave little traveler, however, observing, guiding, helping is much more difficult and responsible than doing it yourself. Therefore, you will need more endurance, strength, confidence in success than a child. To facilitate your mission, below we present the basic rules for organizing individual assistance for a child at home, which can really benefit him, not harm him.

Rules for doing homework together:

1. Do homework with your child, not instead. The responsibility for their implementation in any case remains with the student, and not with the parents. Try to convince your child that conscientious lesson preparation makes it much easier to complete class assignments, that at home you can find out everything that he could not ask at school and practice without hesitation in what is not working. Find other arguments that are important specifically for your child - for example, if it is important for him to be successful with classmates, say that a well-learned lesson will show off his knowledge at school.

2. Do with your child only what is assigned at school. Do not overload the student with additional tasks. Remember, the child is in school for 6-7 hours, and then his "working day" continues when he does his homework. A child's life should not consist of one mental activity! A child is an integral being, and movement, communication, work and creativity are important for his full development.

3. Whatever marks the child receives, yet now he is ready to study - support him in this with your praise and approval. It is important for your child to believe that you continue to love him, regardless of the grades received in school. Rejoice every time you notice an interest in knowledge in his eyes, even when doing simple tasks. Remember, a person likes what he does. Ask your child tasks and questions as you can. Even a small success, increased by parental attention and approval, inspires, kindles interest, gives rise to a desire to solve more complex educational problems.

4. Limit the time for preparing lessons in general and the time you work together. Agree with your child that you will work together for 1-1.5 hours, but with full dedication. Completing lessons for two or more hours drains the child's strength, as a result, he associates mental work only with negative emotions. Limiting the time spent working together teaches your child to value your support and help.

5. Eliminate negative evaluative statements from your speech. Such phrases in no way stimulate the child's mental activity, but significantly worsen his emotional state. As a rule, they are pronounced under the influence of the emotions of irritation, resentment, neglect, fear, anger, and sometimes hatred that have accumulated during the lessons. If you decide to help the child, leave all your affairs and worries for a predetermined time. Otherwise, a situation arises when the prospect of doing a more attractive business leads to the fact that the adult feels sorry for "wasting precious time" on teaching the child ("I would already be in this time"), and as a result, offensive (and by no means promoting mental activity) the words: "Well, really it was impossible to do it right the first time", "This is wrong, think again!"

Sometimes adults use phrases in communication with a child like the following: "You just don't want to think!", "You are very inattentive" or "If you try so hard, you will never get anything more than a two!" These are the so-called formulas of direct suggestion, which can be recognized by the words often used in them: "always", "never", "again", "all the time", "forever". Sometimes they contain negative characteristics of the child: "You are inattentive", "You are lazy", "You are a whiner." Parents can also show their child his unattractive (due to today's failures in school) future. Needless to say, such phrases should, if possible, be excluded from the parent's repertoire of communication with the child.

6. If a child makes a mistake, then an adult must help him find it and correct it. . Your goal is to simplify the task for the child, to build a new mini-task for him that will be within his power and will help him understand the reason for the mistake. For example, if a child adds 32 and adds 32, you ask him: "What will be 17 and 15?" Having received the answer in the new problem - 32, the child stumbles upon a contradiction: 15 is added with different numbers, and the answer is one! So he leads him to find the error.

7. When doing homework with your child, do it at a pace that is comfortable for him. Hurrying and rushing will only create a tense environment that is not conducive to mental work, but is unlikely to increase the speed of execution. Calls: "Carefully", "Do not be distracted!" won't do any good either. The child is distracted because his nervous system takes time to recover. If the child continues to exercise under duress, then he will get tired much faster. Noticing signs of fatigue (the child drops a pencil or pen, not being hungry asks for food or drink, asks abstract questions, picks up foreign objects, etc.), give him the opportunity to be distracted from classes for 5-7 minutes, then re-engage in studying proccess.

8. Do not set several diverse tasks in front of your child at the same time. For example, sit upright, write beautifully, think quickly. Constant torpedoing with commands-orders: "Straighten up", "Don't jerk your foot!", "Don't bite your lip!", "Write exactly" - leads to exactly the opposite result: the child is immediately distracted, and it is difficult for him to concentrate again. Highlight that main task for yourself (read and understand the text, understand the solution to the problem, correctly rewrite the exercise, etc.), and postpone the rest for another time.

Homework assignments for younger students can be divided into the following main types according to their methods of execution: written, textual, mathematical, mnemonic.

TO writing assignments we will include the rewriting of the exercise or solution to the problem in a notebook. Moreover, the letter should be separated from the immediate decision. The writing process itself is quite laborious for a younger student. His sensations can be compared to the sensations of a person who writes with a pen that constantly changes its length. The writing process requires continuous adaptation from the student, and therefore the child cannot be engaged in writing for a long time, which means that the number of exercises performed does not improve the quality of writing. Parents can help improve their child's handwriting by using the following techniques:

1. Looking into the student's notebooks, each time find beautifully written letters, lines, pages and praise them for them.

2. You can work on the beauty of handwriting by putting tracing paper on the pages of the cursive and tracing the letters.

3. Do not force the child to write in continuous writing if you see that it is difficult for him. Let him, after writing each letter, tear off the pen from the sheet, this method will greatly facilitate the child's writing process.

4. During assignments where writing plays a secondary role, never criticize the quality of the child's handwriting.

TO text assignments you can assign the task to read and retell the text. It happens that younger schoolchildren, when they see a large, in their opinion, text generally refuse to read it. This happens especially often with children who have insufficient reading technique and, as a result, dislike the subject. Reasons for negative attitudes towards reading may be difficulties in mastering reading skills, low reading grades, lack of family tradition of interest in books, etc. Younger school age provides parents with another chance to instill a love of reading. Those children who read a lot tend to have fewer problems at school. What can parents do to get a younger student interested in a book? First of all, one should remember the significant influence of the family atmosphere on the formation of a person's aspirations. If there are a lot of books in the house, if it is customary in the family to read and discuss what they have read, most likely, the child will not be indifferent to books. You can introduce reading aloud into the family life.

Sometimes parents, realizing that the child has learned to read, say. "Now read it yourself." At the same time, adults lose sight of the fact that even for children who read quickly, the reading process is quite difficult. When a child reads aloud, he tries to read loudly, clearly, expressively, quickly. There is not much strength left to understand the whole meaning of what you have read. And there is no way left to enjoy it. Therefore, the reading process is closely associated in the student's view with unpleasant emotions, and the love of books disappears without a trace.

To keep the smoldering light of interest in reading, the child needs to continue reading aloud those books that attract him with their plot, colorful design, modern or heroic characters. At the same time, parents should not forget about the most important task of primary school age - improving reading technique. The school does not pay due attention to this problem, although good school performance is impossible without high reading technique. Parents can use the following techniques to teach their child to read quickly and easily.

1. Make reading a vital skill for your child. Leave him short notes, write letters, make various lists: products to buy, things to take on a hike, books to read.

2. Organize filmstrip viewing at home. An old slide projector is a good helper in this matter. Slow frame rates, short captions that are easy to read are all you need to support your reading technique.

3. Offer your child the text to read only when you have already read it to him. It is much easier and more interesting for a student to read a familiar text (!) Than a completely unfamiliar one. The joy of knowing what you are reading is a great help in improving your reading technique.

4. Use the technique of parallel reading: an adult reads the text aloud, and the child follows him - silently, running his finger along the lines. This eliminates the situation of checking and assessing the quality of children's reading with the accompanying anxiety, stiffness, and tension.

5. An interesting technique for training the reading skill "Secret writing". Even those children who are disgusted with reading are happy to do it. On a large sheet of paper, an adult writes a word in large letters using a white candle. It is clear that what you have written will not be visible on the white sheet. Now the child is invited to paint over with different colors using paints and a brush the entire sheet so that there is no unpainted space. The moment when suddenly white letters appear on a colored background is invariably illuminated by the child's feeling of joyful surprise. So the reading process and pleasant emotions are tightly connected in the student's presentation, and the words read in such an unusual way are well remembered.

6. Arrange various word and letter games for your family. Such an exciting training will help the child easily navigate the space of letters and words, quickly read familiar words, replenish the baggage of words, and ultimately improve the reading technique.

It is much easier to prepare text homework not only for those students who have a high reading technique, but also for those who know certain techniques for working with texts. Below are some of these techniques to help your child master them. Your help may last until he feels the benefits of using them and gets used to them.

1. To assimilate the text of any content, use the technique of dividing into parts, the number of which should not exceed 6-7. Highlight the main idea in each of them, come up with a name. You can draw a small schematic icon for each part - a pictogram with the help of which the main idea of \u200b\u200bthis part is easily remembered.

2. The pictogram method is also well suited for memorizing poetry. Read one quatrain, memorize it, come up with and draw a pictogram suitable for each line. Check how you memorized the quatrain and move on to the next. Each time, working with the next quatrain, remember all the previous ones. Of course, if you forgot something, you can always use the text and spy on it.

3. When preparing the text for retelling, clearly state the first phrase. Repeat it several times in order to remember well. Now you don't have to think long before you start retelling. You know well the beginning of the retelling. This simple technique can give the student confidence, set the right pace of speech and make a good impression, which is also important.

4. When working with texts of humanitarian content (literature, history), use the method of highlighting important information. Draw a table with the following columns: People, Events, Dates, Difficult Words. As you read the text, gradually fill in the table. Then repeat what you read using the information in the table. This technique helps the student to highlight and better remember the difficult part of the text.

5. When working with text of any content, use the test questions method. Let both the child and the adult, after reading the text, come up with several questions about it and prepare answers to them. Then they exchange questions and control the answers to them. If necessary, the questioner can supplement the respondent or help him.

By doing math assignments children may have difficulty understanding the meaning of a task. In this case, parents can invite the student to draw pictures and diagrams for tasks (especially since some programs provide for drawing up a diagram), play out their content with the help of various objects and toys. Solving problems, explaining them to the child, you can use the method of reducing to a contradiction. If the child makes a mistake, then, as we noted above, the adult should simplify the task so that its solution does not cause difficulties.

Sometimes parents believe that a child needs to solve a huge number of problems in order to learn how to solve problems. But today a child can cut through a dozen of them with grief in half, and tomorrow he will stumble on the very first one. This means that he does not know the algorithm for solving, does not understand how the values \u200b\u200bof the problem are related to each other. In this case, it is important to teach the child to recognize the known and what needs to be learned in the task, as well as to teach how to determine whether there is enough data to solve the task - far from always the child understands that the task may be "missing something" ... If your little student has difficulties with mathematics, be patient: it is quite possible that he will not be able to understand what specific calculations (addition or subtraction, multiplication or division) have to be done. For a child, the very word "task" can inspire fear, because of which he no longer sees either a condition, or a question, or even less a solution.

So that the child is not afraid of problems, ask him to solve them in everyday situations ("How many pairs of shoes will there be in the hallway when dad returns from work? And when will you go for a walk?" Or "How many apples do you need to buy for three days if each of us will eat one apple a day? "). Be sure to encourage your child, if you cannot immediately decide correctly, do not be upset (and even more so do not show upset to the child) - it means that your task is still difficult. Situations in which the child finds himself in the position of a buyer often help to master the practical skills of solving problems ("How much money do you need to take to buy bread and milk? I will give you 50 rubles. How much change do you have to hand over?"). And do not hesitate: sooner or later all your efforts will bear fruit.

In primary school, most of the home lessons are mnemonic tasks aimed at memorizing information. Students need to memorize letters and numbers, laws and rules, poems and prose, words with difficult spelling and foreign words. If a child uses only one, the most common technique for memorizing - repetition, then this will inevitably introduce boredom into learning. Parents can help the student master interesting memorization game techniques.

Homework for adults. To teach your child letters (Russian or English), numbers, addition or multiplication tables, foreign words or words of the Russian language with difficult spelling, introduce him to the game "Clever couples". This game - a modification of the famous educational game "Pair Pictures" - develops the visual memory and attention of children, captivating even the most restless. Its undoubted advantage is that it represents the same difficulty for adults and children, that is, parents will have to work hard to put up worthy resistance to children.

Prepare 4x4 cm cards in advance. Do not forget that there must be two cards of the same type. The cards are shuffled and laid out on the table in several rows with the same side up. Players make a move in turn, revealing two cards. If two cards with the same inscription come across, then the player takes them to himself and makes a move again. If the cards appear with different inscriptions, the player shows them to all the players and returns them to their place. The winner is the one with the most pictures.

A technique known from ancient times is the placement of information that needs to be remembered throughout your home. For example, your child needs to learn the multiplication table. Together with him, you write the corresponding examples on separate cards and paste them throughout your apartment in the most unexpected places: on the closet in the bedroom, on the refrigerator, in the bathroom on the mirror, in the toilet, in the hallway. Make 7-9 cards first and leave them hanging for a week - 10 days. Then you can play a fun and rewarding game with your child. You ask him the question: "How much is 3 x 4?", And he not only gives the answer, but also remembers where the corresponding card hangs, and then removes it. This will collect all the examples scattered around your apartment and put up new multiplication cards.

For memorizing rules, laws, formulas in the school environment, there have been various funny ways for a long time. Surely you know a funny nursery rhyme that helps to remember the sequence of case names: "Ivan gave birth to a girl, told to drag the diaper", in which the first letters denote the nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental and prepositional cases. Such funny ways help to keep information in our memory for a very long time. Collect them, look for new ones, invent them yourself, tell the children about them.

Children learn not only at school, but also at home. Doing homework, they consolidate the knowledge learned in the classroom, expand and deepen it. Therefore, the performance of schoolchildren depends not only on teachers, but also on parents. How can you help children study well?

Fig. 5. This is how you need to sit while working at the table

Creating a normal environment for homework

First of all, it is necessary to provide children with textbooks and school supplies (notebooks, pencils, pens and pens, ink, etc.).

The student should also be given a permanent "workplace" where he could prepare lessons. If conditions permit, it is necessary to equip a separate “student's corner”. A table, chair, bookcase or shelf for books - these are the most necessary equipment for such a corner.

Parents should be especially careful about equipping a workplace for a child who has just started learning. When doing homework at a table that is too high, the child is forced to bend to the side to make it easier to write. This leads to lateral curvature of the spine (Fig. 3).

Working at a table that is too low creates a slouch (fig. 4).

How to sit correctly is shown in Figure 5.

To train students to focus, hard work, keep the room quiet while preparing lessons. The radio or loudspeaker must be turned off.

Children should also be taught to practice mental hygiene while doing homework. It is necessary to ensure that after 40-50 minutes, students take breaks for 10-15 minutes.

Schoolchildren should be taught to often ventilate the room where they study, since clean air is the main condition for increasing efficiency.

It is necessary to demand from children that their textbooks, notebooks and other educational supplies were prepared for school in the evening. Fulfillment of this requirement will help to develop neatness and clarity in children (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6. School supplies
need to prepare in the evening

Helping children with homework

In some cases, parents can help with the preparation of lessons.

In the family, two extremes can sometimes be observed: some parents show complete non-interference in the educational activities of their children. “This is the business of the school, the teachers,” they argue and do not provide help even if the children need it and the parents are able to provide it.

Other parents, on the contrary, are overprotective and sometimes do homework for their children. In both the first and second cases, the parents are doing the wrong thing.

Homework assignments are designed for independent work of schoolchildren. In one of the paragraphs of the "Rules for Students" it is written: "Do all homework yourself." But parents cannot be indifferent to how their children do their homework.

Sometimes schoolchildren, especially those of elementary grades, forget or, having taken up the game, do not have time to complete the tasks. Parents should remind them of this.

It is important to monitor homework on a daily basis. It is necessary to gradually accustom children to independent assiduous work.

If the student learns to work in an orderly and good manner, the need for daily monitoring of the quality of homework will disappear.

There are times when a student encounters difficulties when doing homework and turns to parents for help:

Dad, the task is not working. So difficult ...

The father takes the book and quickly jotted down the solution:


Such "help" only harms the student. Parents or older family members can and should help the child. But you need to invite the student to think and try to solve the difficult problem himself again and again, and only after that help him.

For elementary school students, it is useful to check the results of the lessons: listen to a poem or retelling of the material learned, look at the written work, etc.

It should be borne in mind that it is the teacher's job to check the results of schoolchildren's homework. But parents cannot be indifferent to the fact that their son or daughter is careless, hastily completing homework and rushing to the street.

It is necessary to check the quality of the student's homework and thereby teach him to work accurately and conscientiously.

Joint activities of children should be encouraged: they contribute to the acquisition of collective work skills by children, instilling in them a sense of comradely mutual assistance.

Joint classes are especially useful for lagging students, as well as students who are not used to assiduous independent work. However, you need to make sure that they work independently and do not copy solved problems or performed exercises from each other.

It is especially important that the parents are in close contact with the teacher, the class teacher, consult with them and act as one.

"I made one mistake in the dictation, and they gave me a three - the teacher nags," Kolya complained. Having looked through his son's notebook, the father strictly said: "You can't put more than a three for such dirty work."

Kolya's father did the right thing. He supported the authority of the teacher. We must instill in children respect for the school, for the selfless and noble work of teachers.

Sometimes parents try to explain the poor performance of their children by their allegedly weak abilities. In reality, low academic performance is usually explained by the schoolchildren's lack of working capacity and inability to work.

And the inability to work, in turn, gives rise to an unwillingness to work, leads to a loss of interest, a frivolous attitude towards learning.

Parents, together with teachers, should identify the reasons that prevent children from doing well and well, and eliminate these reasons.

Many parents assign older children to supervise younger children’s homework. Completing these assignments brings children closer together. Older children not only check their younger siblings, but also help them.

A common mistake parents make is not to interfere with the school affairs of their older children. And in the absence of control on their part, even older students begin to study worse.

Some parents, without proper education, cannot substantively check how their high school children study various subjects. Nevertheless, the very daily attention of parents to the activities of their son or daughter, their interest in school life give very positive results.

Help for 7th and 10th grade schoolchildren should be strengthened in preparation for the exams. At this time, it is especially important to properly organize the home schooling of children.

In the period of preparation for exams, it is necessary to minimize the various assignments for children. Of course, one should not completely exclude them from self-service work, from participation in everyday work.

But this work should not distract from exam preparation. During the preparation for exams, the entertainment of schoolchildren should also be reduced (going to the cinema, football competitions, etc.).

The task of parents is to develop in adolescents the habit of sharing at home their thoughts, moods, and various events from their lives. At the same time, the frankness of children must be responded to thoughtfully and tactfully.

Tactlessness, arrogance, excessive severity, indifference to the interests of adolescents inevitably leads to a breakdown in contact, and, consequently, to the loss of parental influence on children.

During adolescence, sexual development occurs most intensively. With simple friendships, parents always have the opportunity to talk with teenagers about the most difficult and exciting issues, prevent healthy relationships between boys and girls, promote their good friendship, direct the teenagers' attention to exciting, creative activities, healthy entertainment.

Parents do the wrong thing when they forbid, condemn the friendship of boys and girls. It happens, for example, like this. Returning home, the mother saw with horror that her daughter, a ninth-grader Luda, was sitting on the couch with a boy.

When the boy left, the mother attacked her daughter:

Shameless woman! I spread the fans! she shouted.

The next day she came to school. The class teacher listened to her very attentively.

I don’t understand why you are worried, ”he said. - I myself asked Misha to help your Luda in physics ...

You?! But you have to understand what all this leads to!

You yourself are pushing your daughter to the idea that friendship with a boy is some kind of forbidden business, - objected the teacher. The boy would go to your house, and you would make sure that their relationship is the purest ...

The school and parents jointly promote the development of friendship and camaraderie, mutual respect between boys and girls, encourage mutual assistance in educational affairs, work, as well as joint games.

To foster companionship between boys and girls, a good example of how the children in their family see it as a mother and father is essential.

Raising a sense of responsibility for learning in children

Academic success largely depends on the upbringing and reinforcement in children of a sense of responsibility for their academic work.

Children not only study, but also carry out various assignments of pioneer and Komsomol organizations, go in for sports, extracurricular reading, help their parents with housework, attend movies, theaters, etc.

However, among all these activities, the most important is educational work. Usually, after leaving school, children dream of such professions that would allow them to bring more benefits to their homeland. It should be explained to them that this requires good and excellent study, mastering knowledge, science.

To study means to work, to strain your strength, to overcome difficulties and obstacles. Unfortunately, some parents do not take their children's teaching seriously.

Instead of giving the child a rest after returning from school, they give him various assignments that require a lot of mental and physical strength. As a result, children are overworked and sometimes do not have time to complete the tasks of the teachers.

Parents need to regularly review and sign diaries, take an interest in the marks and behavior of children at school. Correct journaling teaches children to be neat, organized and tidy.

If parents stop regularly looking at the diary, children do not write homework in it, they hide bad marks from parents.

Care should be taken to ensure that children do not miss classes without good reason and are not late for school. Teaching children at school is carried out according to a specific system and in a well-ordered sequence.

Therefore, every lesson a student misses disrupts the normal course of learning and negatively affects academic performance. To catch up, the student then has to work with great stress for several days.

The student must start work at the same time, set in the daily routine. The child should not be allowed to prepare lessons immediately after returning from school. He should rest, dine.

It is necessary to ensure that textbooks, notebooks and school supplies are in their places so that the student does not waste time looking for them.

The mother of one of the students said at a parent meeting: “First of all, I instill in my daughter a serious attitude towards learning. Even before school, I taught her (and I still do) that in order to be a real Soviet person, you need to study the way Lenin studied - with excellent marks.

I follow my daughter's progress very strictly, remembering that if from the very beginning, letting the child's teaching take its course, it can have bad consequences, which will be difficult to correct later.

Despite being busy at work outside the home, every day I check how she does her homework and give her my comments on how they are done and how best to do them.

In addition to supervising my daughter's homework, I am also interested in her answers in class: I often ask how she answered in class.

I openly rejoice at her excellent grades and praise her, and this, in turn, makes her even more joyful and strives to study even better in all subjects. "

It really is. Daily control over the educational work of children, accustoming them to organized work is a necessary condition for increasing their academic performance.

Middle-aged and especially older children should be taught to combine their academic work with active participation in productive work.

We must put an end to the lordly disdain for physical labor. After all, communism and labor are inseparable. Communism brings us not a lordly life, where laziness and idleness will reign, but a working, working life. It is for this life that we need to prepare our children, adolescents and youth.

Homework is a problem for many families. Often, children do not cope with preparing lessons on their own (they are distracted, do their homework not at the proper level, or in one way or another avoid it), need help and control from their parents.
When faced with such problems, parents usually ask the following questions:
1. How to properly help your child with homework?
2. What forms of control should you choose to be beneficial?
3. What could be the reasons for the child's difficulties?
Below are standard guidelines and the most common causes of homework difficulties. Perhaps they will help you in understanding and correcting the current situation.


There are two common mistakes parents make when helping or controlling their child's actions.
1 ... They try to help the child when he has not asked for it. They are guided by the best motives: so that the child achieves a better result, learns faster, feels support, etc.
2. They do not help when, on the contrary, the child asks for something to help. This usually happens either due to the fact that the parent does not notice the child's indirect signals that help is needed (such as whimpering, a sharp slamming of a book or notebook, complaints “It’s not working!”, Etc.) or because of excessive aspirations of parents to teach the child independence, resilience, strong-willed qualities.

1. The less help and control the better. With what the child can cope on his own, let him cope on his own.
2. There are many ways to help and control. Sometimes it is enough just to draw the child's attention to something ("See if everything is right with you", "What else do you need to do?" you actually have to do homework with your child. It is important that help and control are dosed and provided to a minimum. More "massive" help should be resorted to only after less help has not helped.
3. It is important who the initiative comes from. The help that a person (of any age, not just a child) asked for is better accepted. The help we get without our request is perceived as pressure. The situation is similar with control: it is beneficial if the child is faced with the fact that it is difficult for him to control himself, that he cannot cope with this task on his own and asks for help (for example, "Mom, check this example!"). In this case, external control will be perceived as help, and not as intrusion and pressure. Therefore, it is necessary to create such a situation that the child himself asks for help in something and to check, remind, etc. If a child does not ask for help, but, on the contrary, enthusiastically performs some task on his own, then one should not interfere, even if he is not very good and fast, "the handwriting is clumsy", "an obvious stupid mistake", etc. Remember yourself: you, too, did not immediately learn everything that you can now, you did not immediately do everything without mistakes.
4. If a child asks to help him, then it is necessary to help (guided by the rules described above). There is such a psychological term "zone of proximal development" - these are actions that today the child is not able to perform independently, but is able to perform with the help of an adult. What is now included in the "zone of proximal development" will soon become an area of \u200b\u200bindependence for the child (provided that the adult can gently and timely weaken and nullify his control). And the "zone of proximal development" will include other actions, tasks, skills. In fact, this is exactly how the child's sphere of independence and competence expands.
5. Joint activities should be carried out in a calm atmosphere, the tone of the parent should be friendly. If a child's request for help turns into a hassle, a scandal, then next time he will make every effort to do without you, even if he understands that he cannot cope himself. It is also best to avoid irony, which many children perceive as a mockery or ridicule, and to avoid unnecessarily prolonging joint activities. If a child is forced to “finish what needs to be done” when he is obviously tired, then such a task is accompanied by strong emotional discomfort, a kind of “avoidance reflex” is developed.
6. The attitude towards mistakes is essential. Often the child's mistakes cause irritation and quarrels among the parent. In this case, the child develops a fear of mistakes, which does not help, but, on the contrary, prevents them from correcting or not admitting. It is better to take a mistake as your assistant, signaling that this and this still needs to be worked on.


The intellectual functions involved in educational activities are closely related to the peculiarities of the nervous system. Often what seems to parents to be "laziness", "indiscipline" or "stupidity" of the child turns out to be problems of the nervous system. For example, it is difficult for a child to concentrate, to keep attention. He is overly impulsive, excitable, or, on the contrary, inhibited. Such behavioral reactions can speak of neurological features - insufficient tone, excessive excitation of the nervous system, etc. There are even more reasons to assume the specificity of the nervous system if such traits are characteristic of a child "in life", and not just at the desk ... Before you "educate", "accustom", etc., you need to exclude (or correct) problems with the work of the nervous system.
Examination by a neuropathologist (neurologist, neuropsychiatrist), neuropsychologist, speech therapist is required.
Particular attention should be paid to left-handers (including retrained left-handers). Usually their "profile" specialist is a neuropsychologist.
Lessons should be done in a ventilated room, with good physical well-being, after rest. The child should not be tired, hungry, etc. Choosing the mode of changing work and rest should be individual (often by repeated trial and error).

Lack of education motive / predominance of the game motive over the educational one. The leading role of the play motive is the psychological norm for a preschooler. The educational motive (the desire to learn) should be formed before entering school, combined with the game during the first months of training, but gradually become predominant. Due to a number of factors (among which, on the one hand, an excessively early start of education for preschoolers, and on the other hand, the educational strategy of parents, aimed at protecting children from relevant social experience and involvement in doing feasible housework, etc.) many of today's junior high school students are very weak. Simply put, the child feels good when he plays, strives to play, but does not feel interest in mastering knowledge, completing the teacher's tasks, learning does not fascinate him, due to which the child is practically unable to make independent efforts in learning activities. This is a very common problem.
The general recommendation in such cases is to deal with the child mainly in a playful way and gradually, as he becomes interested in the learning process itself, to reduce the play component. It is absolutely contraindicated to establish strict control over the child's school life and thus achieve homework. The grades under the vigilant parental control will undoubtedly be better. However, an independent educational motive will not be formed. Thus, the family is likely to be trapped: either try to control the child until the end of education, incl. higher (which is relatively easy in the lower grades of school, but becomes much more difficult starting from early adolescence, is accompanied by scandals, a sharp deterioration in relations, and it simply becomes unbearable), or at some point stop controlling a teenager with a still unformed educational motive (which turns into very unpleasant social consequences). No matter how difficult it may seem, it is best to direct efforts to the formation of an educational motive in elementary school.
Experience of failure and development of negativism towards school / lessons. If a child, especially an ambitious one, had a period when he constantly did not succeed in something, he experienced a number of very unpleasant feelings about this (even if it was not visible from the outside). In this case, it is common for the child to begin to avoid activities that bring negative experiences to him. It is a common reaction to failures and related experiences - to give up activities in which the person is not successful.
Situations are especially difficult when a child not only did not cope with his studies, but was also criticized, insulted, humiliated for failure by adults. You have to understand that criticism and insults are not always something blatant. In the hearts of the dropped phrase "Well, what kind of stupid you are!" or "How can you not understand such a simple thing?" can cut deeply into the child's memory and severely injure him. The irony over the awkwardness or slow pace of the child's activity is also very unfavorable, offending children.
Correcting negativism requires patience and tact from parents. You need to praise the child for success, even minimal ones. You should react to failure calmly, with restraint, and benevolently. It is necessary to encourage the child: “Now it turned out really not very well, but you will still try, I will help you. And gradually everything will work out. "
There must be a sphere of life of a parent and a child that is not related to lessons - games, walks, reading, joint pleasant activities. Do not be afraid to exert an "anti-pedagogical effect" in this way and, as it were, to confirm to the child that it is possible to study badly and to have pleasant leisure. The child needs support and understanding that the parents love him in any way. This will give him the strength to cope with learning difficulties.
There is a situation specific for adolescents that complicates learning activities - a special group dynamics (a system of relationships in a classroom or a significant peer group), in which well-performing children become unpopular. Consequently, either they are subjected to pressure - ridicule, minor attacks, boycotts, or they begin to study worse in order to increase their status.
If such a situation is found, it is imperative to draw the attention of the class teacher. In emergency cases, when it is not possible to establish relationships and organize a normal learning environment (and often it is not about psychological comfort, but about the physical safety of a teenager), it is recommended to transfer the student to another school. In addition, a teenager in such a situation needs psychological support.
The discrepancy between knowledge (what the teacher teaches) and the way this knowledge is applied. The point is that the school often explains the rules, but does not teach how to apply them. Some children spontaneously develop the right way, and some do not. For example, a child may know and be able to answer that "it is not written separately with a verb," \u200b\u200bbut not understand what needs to be done - step by step - in order to apply this rule. Many children have this problem and, with a certain amount of patience, can be dealt with at home. It is necessary to find out what exactly the child does not succeed in, what exactly the failure occurs, what is wrong in the way of applying this or that rule.
If the child makes similar mistakes over and over again, and the explanations do not help him, it is recommended to act according to the following algorithm:
1. Ask the question “How do you do this? What are you doing to ...? ".
2. Write down verbatim what the child answers. Do not interrupt, do not correct ahead of time.
3. Find a mistake in the method (together with the child, as far as possible).
4. Correct the error in the method.
5. A new correct way to arrange it in the form of visual material (it is better for the child to do this to the maximum himself; if it does not work out, then it is necessary that he at least participate) and place it in the workplace (so that you can watch).
5. Include the first or last paragraph in the new way of referring to this visual.
If you find out your situation in one of the described ones, you can try to solve the problem yourself using our recommendations. However, this is not always possible. If you feel that you cannot cope (there are no noticeable changes in a few weeks), it is advisable to seek the help of a specialist psychologist.

The family is at the "preschool stage". Family life is, from the point of view of the psychology of family relationships, a sequence of certain phases, stages. For example, a couple of newlyweds have their own system of relations and some problems are relevant, with the birth of a child, the relationship between husband and wife is rebuilt, other problems become relevant and require solution. Etc. Preschool childhood is a much calmer time for the family than infancy and early age. The preschool child is already somewhat distant from his parents, acquires the skills of independence, does not require so much care for himself and the every minute presence of the mother, but society has not yet made practically any demands on him.
The beginning of schooling is a test of the whole family for "social adequacy", for how much the family managed to adapt itself and teach the child to act in accordance with the requirements of the social environment. A school-age child must observe the daily routine, be disciplined in the classroom (moreover, pull himself together on his own, because his mother is not next to him at the desk), write down homework, etc. Sometimes it turns out that, in fact, the family entered the “school” phase (the child went to the first grade), and psychologically, the whole way of life of the family remained at the “preschool stage”. In this situation, problems with discipline naturally arise: the requirements of the social environment for the preschooler and the younger student, as we have already said, differ greatly, and the child is not ready for these requirements.
Attracting attention to yourself. There are families in which the child's communication with the parents is limited to “problem areas”. As long as the child is fine - the parents go about their business. This situation is far from necessarily associated with neglect of the child: parents can be very busy at work, need earnings and not be able to devote more time to the child, take care of a sick family member, etc. However, the child most often unconsciously perceives this state of affairs as neglect and begin to create (unintentionally) problems. Then the adults turn their attention to the child to help him. The child's goal is thus achieved.
A child is a "buffer" in conflict relations between other family members. A child's problems with homework can be a symptom of conflicting relationships between adults. For example, mom and grandmother argue about who is the best to look after the child and help him more correctly. A child who loves both of them becomes unsuccessful so that the grandmother does not “defeat” the mother or vice versa. This behavior of the child, of course, is not deliberate and deliberate. Also, the child's problems can distract adults from quarrels with each other - if the child is completely unable to study independently and the homework is done very slowly, then there is simply no time and energy left for quarrels.
If, when identifying psychological causes, many families can cope on their own using standard recommendations, then the suspicion that the child's difficulties are associated with broader family problems is a serious reason for psychological counseling. This kind of problem is very difficult not only to solve, but also to accurately diagnose yourself. For adequate diagnostics and correction, both an outside view and a number of special knowledge are needed. Harmonization of family relations always has a beneficial effect on the condition of the child. With a favorable psychological climate in the family, children feel better and achieve great success.
Instead of a conclusion, we want to say again that the difficulties of a child in school life cannot be ignored. Much of his adult life depends on how successful he is in school. However, the “control and coerce” tactics are extremely ineffective in practice. General guidelines help many families to identify and correct some problems. But each particular family is unique, general recommendations do not always work.

Psychologist Smirnova Elena Anatolyevna.

Every day, many parents of elementary school students try to help their child with homework.

Assistance ranges from individual brief explanations to the parent completing the task completely instead of the child. Parents use trial and error, bribery, gifts, reasoning, and whatever they think they can to accomplish the task (and often the child). work in this case.

Unfortunately, for some children, school is a constant source of stress. When you take into account the school's requirements for completing assignments, anxiety about whether your parents will approve of you, fear of failure, and so on, it becomes clear that children can see the house as something like a paradise where they can relax in peace.

If they also experience stress at home, when their parents are “over their heads” while doing homework, then where is the place to relax? For working parents, this can be compared to a situation where you work all day and get your share of the stress, and return home in the same stressful environment. How long will you be able to handle this situation?

Tricks to help you do your homework while minimizing negative emotions.

Schedule for homework.

It helps many children if they have a clear timetable for when to do your homework.For some of them, the burden of responsibility is too great if they have to decide for themselves when to start their homework. These children should be helped to decide whether to do their homework right after school or after dinner. after the time is determined, it is necessary to stick to the schedule as closely as possible... This will help, in particular, to cope with such a problem as "catching" children and "putting" them to work. After a while, homework will just become a natural part of their daily schedule. Time allotted for homework should not be interrupted by anything.Phone calls, TV shows, and everything else can wait until the job is complete.
ABOUT be sure to check homework done. Many children are very worried that work with errors could be brought to school, and therefore it is very important that parents check the work regularly. This parenting action gives the child a sense of completeness, a sign of the parent's benevolent attention, and a sense of security and confidence that the work has been done without error. The child will bring this confidence with him to the class, and, accordingly, will be more confident when he does the class work. If you understand that the child did not understand any specific material, you need to let the teacher know about it.

Distribute tasks by importance.

For some children, the problem of which assignment to start with their homework becomes a difficult choice.

There are children who enjoy horizontal perspective... This happens when they consider all tasks to be equally important and do not set any priorities. If you prefer to prioritize assignments, ask your child which assignment to do first, which second, and so on.
Many children tend to use quantitative approach(how many tasks remain to be done) instead of quality (taking into account the relative complexity of tasks). This means that if they are given five different tasks, then they will do the four easiest ones first. From their point of view, this leaves them with only one task to complete, even if it is actually the most difficult one.

Do not sit over your child's soul while he does homework.

For many parents, this is a big and ongoing problem. The only thing that can be said about this is that parents who use this method of control not only expose themselves to tremendous frustration and anger, but also create a "learned helplessness."
Many parents will tell you that their children simply do not know how to work if the parents are not sitting next to them. In fact, it is not true that children cannot work, they deliberately decide not to work... Some children stop working when the parent decides to move away from the child, and do not fully devote all their attention to him.
This is an unhealthy "addiction" because a child cannot reproduce anything like this in class. As a consequence, the child may decide not to do any work in the classroom at all, and bring unfinished assignments home, etc. it can completely grab the attention of mom or dad. After spending all day at work, parents are very tired, and the mere thought of spending three hours in a row sitting next to the child can lead to problems.
If you are already in such a situation, you should not immediately destroy the established order of things. Change your child's habit gradually. Sit at the far end of the table for several days in a row. Then gradually increase the distance between yourself and your homework as you leave the room, until finally your child is fully independent.

First check what was done correctly.

Parents often have a habit of paying attention to mistakes first. The next time the child brings you his work for review, first of all, note how well he performed those tasks that were done without mistakes, correctly spelled words, etc.
For questions where a mistake was made, say, "I think if you check this example again, you might get a slightly different answer."
The child can now return to these examples without disgust and without feeling "inappropriate." If you start by sorting out the erroneous tasks, and even get angry, then the child, instead of correcting the task, will worry that he caused your displeasure.
It may be convenient to check small portions of tasks... For many children, it is best if they can immediately receive confirmation that everything was done correctly. Ask your child to do only five examples at first and give them to you to check. Mark the ones that are correct and have the child move on to the next group of examples.
So the child gets immediate feedback and approval, and he has a positive motivation to complete the next task.
In addition, if the child begins to do something wrong, it is possible to immediately detect and explain the mistake, so that the child does not have to redo the entire task later.

Don't let me sit for lessons all evening long.

Sometimes the child sits on homework for several hours at a time until he is finished. It's okay if the child really works all this time, and if the task really takes so long to complete.
However, if you see that an hour or two after starting work the child is in the same position as 10 minutes after starting work, you must stop this activity.
The only thing that you will achieve otherwise, it will achieve an increased feeling "Inconsistencies" It is better to take a short break, change activities, find out what is the reason.

Reasons for the child's delay in the time allotted for homework.

Firstly, he may simply not understand the new material in class, and therefore not be able to complete his homework.

Secondlythe child may have already developed a sense of helplessness. In this case, if he sits on the task for a long time, then there is a high probability that the task will be completed by the parents.

Thirdly, the child may have serious learning difficulties in general, especially if such situations are repeated often, and he may not be able to cope with such a volume of tasks.

material prepared - O.V. Anisimovich 1.10.09

2015-01-09 14:27:59
2012-04-20 20:05:20