Popular nicknames for boys' dogs. What is the name of the dog? Rules for choosing a dog name. Examples of nicknames for dogs

Choosing names for dogs is far from as simple as it seems at first glance.

First of all, faced with such a difficult task, you need to pay attention to the breed and pedigree of the dog. Hardly anyone will agree that the nickname "Baron Manfred von Richthofen" is suitable for an ordinary mongrel, and the nickname "Watchdog" is suitable for a Japanese miniature poodle (especially considering that a puppy of this breed costs more than 5 thousand dollars).

Names of dogs for each breed are different and they must meet certain requirements of their pedigree. Looking through the nicknames of dogs, you can contact the canine organization, where they can tell you what breed your pet belongs to.

The choice can be greatly simplified if the breeder from whom you purchased the dog has already given it a nickname. However, this does not mean that you are obliged to keep this particular nickname, but remember that the nickname must meet certain requirements, which the breeder himself will most likely tell you about.

Are such difficulties even necessary? Undoubtedly! Remembering the well-known aphorism "As you name a ship, so it will float", it becomes clear that the names of dogs affect their behavior and character. And indeed it is. Moreover, as noted by the American astrologer and veterinarian Donald Wolfe, the character of a dog, like that of people, is influenced by the sign of the zodiac under which it was born. And based on this fact, you can predict the future character of the dog. When choosing the names of dogs, do not forget to take this fact into account. This is especially true when choosing a nickname for a dog that they are going to train, or teach any special commands. Thus, choosing the right dog names can greatly facilitate the training process.

A nickname for a dog is like a name for a person.
The nickname is given for life and is the main command, the nickname distinguishes your dog from others.
And that's why it is sometimes so difficult to find the right name for your puppy.

In this section, we'll cover:

  • how easy and simple it is to pick a nickname for your dog
  • how to come up with a nickname for a pedigree
  • what are the features in the nicknames for dogs of different sexes and breeds

If you leave a comment with the initial data about your dog at the bottom of the page, we will definitely help you find an interesting nickname.


The choice of a nickname most often lies with the breeder of the puppies or the future owners. Often a person already has a nickname in his head that he wants to give to the dog. It can be associated with childhood memories, a book you read, or a movie. But if this is not the case, if you have never seen your future friend or saw him for the first time, and a suitable nickname has not appeared in your head, do not worry. You are not alone. Experience shows that a dog's nickname appears suddenly, usually by itself, when a person spends at least some time with an animal and learns its features. But there are still some rules for choosing a nickname for a dog.

The nickname must be:

  • euphonious
  • easy to pronounce
  • appropriate for sex and breed

Bitches nicknames

ADA (from ancient Hebrew "decoration") A beautiful nickname for a purebred dog, Well suited to bitches of the Great Dane or Greyhound breed. Ada is very cute, easy to train, but does not always like to play with children. Sometimes it is capricious.

ADDI The character is complex since childhood: she grabs everyone by the hands, is rancorous, depends on her own mood and the attitude of the owner towards her, whom she can bite. You need to talk to her like a person. Addie's condition is easy to spot by looking at his eyes. Addie is clean, on contact, it lends itself well to training, she makes a good watchman.

ADELA (from Old German "noble") Fully recognizes only its owner. She must be handled strictly. Cannot be trained immediately. It is recommended to give a nickname to collie, mittel schnauzer, pointer, shepherd dogs.

ADELINA (from Old German "noble") Kind, affectionate, trusting dog, allowing children to come to him. Adeline is sociable, cheerful, smart. It's amazing: living with a cat, she is friends with her! It is advisable to give this nickname exclusively to purebred dogs, but not to small ones. It is suitable for St. Bernard, Black Terrier, Kerry Blue Terrier, Irish Terrier, Setter.

AZA (presumably from Old Hebrew "strong, strong") This nickname is taken, apparently, from the play "Aza the Gypsy" by I. Kalman. The temper of a dog with this name is not easy. Winter Azi is restless, nervous. As a rule, these are lap dogs that rarely live in yards. They always joyfully meet their owners, greeting them with loud barks. This fearless dog loves to travel by train and car.

ALAIDA There is no translation of this word, name in the dictionaries. In terms of the fluctuation of sounds, this is a complexity in character. A dog needs severity. Agile, playful, loves to bark at passers-by. Alayda lends itself well to training. Adult winter dogs are restless, they cannot be released without a leash. Alayda is the decoration of any show, these beautiful dogs are always medal winners. The nickname suits the Giant Schnauzer, Doberman, Rottweiler boxer; sometimes bulldogs and mittelschnauzers.

ALBINA (from Lat. "White") The nickname comes from a human name. The temperament of these dogs is complex, but they are well trained. This is a purebred beautiful medal dog. The nickname suits the Irish and English Setter, Afghan Hound. These dogs love to travel, swim, go hunting. Setters never leave their owners, you can walk with them without a leash - they are very calm both on a walk and at home. An atmosphere of calm is created around them, they love to play with children, they cannot respond to evil.

ALVA (Separate Hebrew "dawn", "dawn") This is a dog with a restless disposition, uncompromising, nervous, although at the same time kind and mobile. Well trained. When playing with the owner, it can sometimes bite him slightly (out of harm's nature). The nickname can be given to large and small purebred dogs. This nickname is especially good for poodles, collies, Newfoundlands, German shepherds.

ALEXANDRA (from the Greek "to protect") This is a rare nickname for a dog, beautiful and complex in character. Winter dogs are good watchmen, but they are difficult to train. On the exterior they can take prizes. Dogs are freedom-loving, you cannot walk with them without a leash. To be free, they can run away from the owner. This nickname is suitable only for large pedigree dogs: Giant Schnauzer, Doberman, Boxer, Great Dane, Mastiff. Sometimes this nickname can be called a mittel and miniature schnauzer.

ALICE (A) This is a beautiful female name. A dog with this name can be big or small, it always calms its owners, kind, affectionate, calm disposition, restrained. Alice gives birth to several puppies, loves them dearly, teaches them and it is difficult to part with them. This is a suitable nickname for such small breeds; like Scotch Terrier, Russian Laika, Shih Tzu, Japanese Chin, Pekingese.

ALMA (from Lat. "Nourishing", "blessed") People often give this nickname to both yard and pedigree dogs, not knowing its decoding. The yard dog has a kind, affectionate disposition. They give birth to many puppies, become attached to the children who feed them. Unpretentious in everything. Easy to get used to new owners. Of the purebred dogs, this nickname is called Laikas, German and Central Asian shepherds, Moscow watchdogs, South Russian shepherds, whose disposition differs from that of the Alm outbred.

AL (b) FA (the first letter of the Greek alphabet - "Alpha / Elfa") Pedigree Alphas are strong, self-confident dogs, moderately playful, with a restless disposition. They are not easy to train. Yard Alphas are simpler, they like to wander around until they find a new, more convenient haven.

AMANDA (from Lat. "Worthy of love") Difficult character. Touchy, you need to communicate with her in a calm tone. She has expressive eyes, is very executive, there are almost no problems with her with proper communication. Amanda never runs away serves faithfully. The nickname is best suited for setters.

AMOND (from the English "almond") This nickname is only for purebred dogs, large and small. Amond is a hunting dog. Kind, with a good instinct, loves to frolic. She is not always loyal to the owner and therefore sometimes gets into different troubles. Loves children very much. Suitable for Basset Hound, Blood Hound, Drathaar, Shorthaired Pointer, Pointer.

ANGELIKA (from Lat. "Angelic") Lnzhelika's character is complex, the dog is very emotional, affectionate, loves to play with children. It lends itself well to training. The owner must be strict with her. You can walk with her without a leash: she does not run away from the owner. Externally, these are very beautiful dogs. This nickname can be called both large and small purebred dogs. She is suitable for Chow Chow, Shih Tzu, Collie, Great Dane, Newfoundland, Central Asian and Young Russian Shepherd Dogs.

ARIADHA (from the Greek "very" and "like", "very worthy to be honored, respected") At the exhibitions - these are medal dogs. Their character and disposition are calm, kind, they do not bark in vain. They are clean, the owner is not annoyed, amenable to training. They love to travel in cars, but the draft is terrible for them. They are very strong and courageous dogs. The nickname is suitable for large dogs of the breed of setters, greyhounds, shepherds.

ARTEMIS In ancient mythology, Artemis is the goddess of the hunt and the moon. Gentle character, sensitive dogs. They must be constantly protected from colds. Puppies are emotional, playful, good-natured. Winter dogs are restless, difficult to train. The house has good watchmen, brave, biting. They make a grip with their teeth and flap them until they break if the owner does not intervene in time.

BABETA (French affectionate to the name Elizabeth) The nickname is apparently borrowed from the French film "Babette Goes to War" and arose thanks to the talented play of Brigitte Bardot. The dog's disposition is kind, calm, well trained. Vigorously rejoicing, he meets the owner. The favorite of children. The nickname is suitable for scotch terriers, dachshunds, poodles, pugs, miniature spitz.

BAGIRA This nickname came to us from the tale of R. Kipling and the film "Mowgli", many people know that this is a panther, a friend and protector of Mowgli. Dogs with this nickname are calm and kind, do not growl at strangers, children allow themselves to be stroked. Neat. Until the lals are wiped off, they will not enter the house. They give birth to several puppies and do not let anyone near them for a long time. Pleases the owners and neighbors.

BARBARA (from Greek and Lat. "Foreign") The character is simple and responsive. Behaves modestly. Having come home after a walk, he will lie down and lie quietly. It can be trained even at home - it all depends on the owner. Gives birth to two or three puppies, nurses them carefully and carefully. It is advisable to give this nickname only to purebred dogs.

PROTEIN A small, agile, cheerful dog. Good disposition, unassuming character. It can easily do without the owner. Loves freedom and hunting in the forest. Excellent scent, Good nickname for pomeranian and huskies.

BETTY (English abbreviation of the name Elizabeth) A dog of calm and kind disposition. Beautiful and smart, she adores her owners. Brave, strong, loves to scare strangers. Gives birth to two or three puppies. This nickname can be given to all purebred dogs. But only small dogs are kind to people.

BONITA (from the dates "good", "kind") The nickname has been transferred from the female name. Impulsive, difficult to learn. Much depends on the month of birth - it is easiest for summer and autumn Bonits. It is not recommended to walk such a dog without a leash. It is advisable to give this nickname to terriers, setters, Irish wolfhounds, Japanese chins, papillons, miniature spitz.

BULLKA This is the nickname of the yard dog. She is kind and affectionate, is friends with everyone in the yard. If the dog is homeless, children usually make a kennel for it. She gives birth to many puppies and leaves them carelessly. Everyone pities her and feeds her.

BECKI (affectionate contraction of the female name Rebecca - from Old Hebrew "network") Nice nickname, soft sound. You can give it to any purebred dog. Such a nickname does not suit a mongrel. The character is restrained, kind. Becky's owners have no problem.

VLADA (abbreviation of the Slavic name Vladislav) Dogs of a cheerful, affectionate disposition. They quickly get used to the owners, They quickly learn. Thinly feel the timbre of a human voice, easily offended. Neat, brings peace and warmth to the house. This nickname is intended for large pedigree dogs: Doberman, Rottweiler, Collie, as well as for medium-sized: Dachshund, Scotch Terrier. Externally - Vladyka medalist.

BERITA (from the English "truth", "truthfulness") These are dogs of an attentive attitude to people, trusting, allow themselves to be stroked by strangers. Easy to train. They can be walked off-leash: they will never leave the owner. They like to ride a car and look out the window. The nickname is especially suitable for poodles, Pekingese, Spitz. It can also be given to Setters, Great Danes, Shepherd Dogs, Kurzhaars, Boxers.

VESTA (from the Greek "hearth") In Roman mythology, Vesta is the daughter of Saturn, the goddess of the hearth and fire. The name suits the Japanese Chin or Pekingese. But everything, of course, depends on the owner - he can call Vesta a dog of any breed. And no matter what breed she is, she is touchy, does not withstand rough treatment. Beautiful and funny, this dog is easy to train.

GALATEA (from Lat, Greek "milk", literally "milky white") In ancient mythology, Galatea is the daughter of Nereus and Doris, a sea nymph, the personification of a calm sea. Good disposition. Good watchman. This dog can be walked without a leash. Calmness and equanimity personified. But all this for the time being is only necessary for someone to encroach on her little world. This is a nickname for indoor decorative dog breeds.

GLORIA (from Latin "glory") Kind, curious, playful dog. Very homey, slightly moody. A favorite of the whole family, especially children. Small, almost pocketable, Gloria is very graceful and smart.

GRETA (short for Margareta) Teaching Greta must be strict: she is a very spoiled dog. It is better to give this nickname to hunting breeds: Russian canine sighthound, pointer, Irish setter. Good disposition, affectionate. Exterior dogs, medalists of exhibitions.

DAISY (from English "daisy") The temper, especially of winter Daisies, is very difficult. They may suddenly growl, bite, or simply run away. In general, Daisy is a good watchman, a good mother, tenderly caring for her offspring. Never eats from the hands of others, It is not recommended to let go of the leash.

JESSIKA (from Old Hebrew "God is watching", "God is watching") A dog with such a nickname is strong, courageous, with a calm disposition, loves to play with children, easily learns. You need to be strict with her, but in no case shout at her. Can walk off a leash and never run away. Puppies with several puppies (sometimes twice a year). The nickname suits collie, airedale, St. Bernard.

JILDA is the name of the heroine of the opera by G. Verdi. The character of the dog is complex, stubborn. Well trained only at an early age. Spoiled, requires careful care and attention. Growing up, Gilda becomes calmer. This is a beautiful and strong dog. Gives birth to at least 3 - 4 puppies. Quickly gets used to another owner. The nickname is suitable for large pedigree dogs.

DINA Presumably this feminine originated from the name of the Danube River. This is a beautiful and good name. Dean's nickname can often be heard in all courtyards. Yardovaya Dina is an affectionate dog, a mother of many children. She takes great care of the puppies. Sometimes this nickname is given to purebred dogs - mostly decorative.

DOLA The name of the dog became a female name. Calm, balanced, but strict with people, she will not allow herself to be stroked by a stranger, but plays only with the owner. Dola never runs away. She is easy to train. The nickname is suitable for large pedigree dogs: Doberman Pinscher, Collie, Pointing Dog, Shorthaired Pointer Scottish Setter, English Setter, Pit Bull.

DONA (Russian abbreviation of the name Domna) The nickname is more suitable for yard dogs. It can also be called large pedigree dogs. They are easily trained dogs, good watchmen. This is a kind dog, however, not everyone admits to him. Subordinates mainly only to the owner. Unpretentious and smart. The nickname is suitable for shepherd dogs, Giant Schnauzer, Rottweiler.

DOMENICA / DOMINICA (from Lat. "Dominant") Beautiful nickname. The dog is restless, fussy; does not allow anyone to come near him, not even children. Only obeys the master. It is not worth driving without a leash. She won't do anything without a command. Proud, neat, excellent watchman. This is a nickname for Setters, Boxers, Rottweilers, Dobermans, Terriers and other large dog breeds.

JULIET (from the Latin generic name Julius, Julia) In honor of the heroine of the immortal work of B. Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet gave such a nickname to the dog. The dog is friendly, playful. Well trained, caring mother for her puppies. This nickname can be called dogs of different breeds: large and small. Sometimes these are dogs with a tragic fate.

EVE (from Old Hebrew "alive") This nickname comes from the female name Eve. Kind, very jealous and suspicious. Dared, without hesitation goes to the rescue Likes to swim, is easy to train, gives birth to 2 - 3 puppies, nurses them for a long time. This nickname can be safely given to a black terrier, basset hound dog, pointer.

CRIMINAL This is a nickname for a simple, yard, stray dog, very hardy, which feeds the whole yard. She has a loud voice and a kind disposition. When he lives with the owner, well fed and protected, he becomes phlegmatic. It is better not to let her out on the street: she chases after cars, barks at passers-by.

ZILLA (from Old Hebrew "shadow") Balanced character, proud. It is better to deal with her strictly. She feels confident in the circus arena, at the exhibition, in front of the camera. Change of owner, suffers painfully, worries. Curious, with a good scent. The nickname is suitable for dachshunds, basset hounds, scotch terriers.

Izolda (presumably from OE "ice" and "domination", from "beautiful, beautiful") Complex, touchy disposition. Submits only to the owner. Isolde's character is that of a capricious woman. Sly. She learns well, loves only herself. The nickname is suitable for guard dogs.

IRMA (dedicated to the ancient German god of war) A dog with such a nickname is difficult to train, restless. You cannot take her out without a leash: she can bite or bully the cat. Good watchman. The hostess is respected more than the owner. The nickname is suitable for Doberman, Mastiff, Bull Terrier.

ISIS (the name of the ancient Egyptian goddess of agriculture) Only from childhood can be trained, having matured, reluctantly fulfills the commands of the owner. You can't let her out on the street without a leash. Except for the owners, nobody can iron themselves. Growling can frighten unfamiliar children. Such a nickname can only be given to large dogs - Great Danes, Dobermans, Boxers.

BLOT This is a non-pedigree dog, yard, with a good disposition, available to everyone. Meeting a man, wagging a bushy tail. Doesn't like to wander like other mongrel dogs. Keeps closer to human habitation.

CHESTNUT Heroine of Chekhov's story. This is a good-natured yard dog, accessible to everyone. Easy to train, clear-voiced, mobile.

BUTTON A small, kind dog, very domestic, gets along with everyone, is a little capricious, is friends with a cat, loves children. The nickname is suitable for both yard and indoor and decorative dogs.

LADA (from Old Russian. "Beloved", "sweet") This is a beautiful and intelligent dog, which in extreme conditions will be able to stand up for itself and for the owner. The disposition is calm, does not cause any particular difficulties to the owner. Learns without problems. It is better to give this nickname to large and strong dogs of the Giant Schnauzer, Rottweiler, Boxer, Bulldog breeds.

LAIMA (from Latvian and lit. "happiness") This is a serious, strict, disciplined dog. She learns well, she is not afraid of anyone. Born in the summer can be walked without a leash Lyme will never run away. He loves the hostess more, he is more willing to walk with her. It is preferable to give this nickname to large and medium-sized dogs: Doberman Pinscher, Collie, Shorthaired Pointer Pointer, English Cocker Mittel Schnauzer.

LIZZY (English abbreviation of the name Elizabeth) Persistent and gentle dog with a complex character, Easy to train, but requires a special approach. Good guards, occasionally works in the circus. This nickname suits the boxer, Great Dane, Mittelschnauzer.

INDA (abbreviation of the names Theodolinda, Velinda, Ermalinda, etc.) Playful, kind, easy-to-handle dog. She learns well, practically does not resist, walks without a leash. She becomes attached to the owner like a child, everyone in the family loves her. Good watchman. This nickname can be given to almost all dogs.

LORNA (presumably from OE "to leave", "to disappear", "to disappear", "abandoned") Emotional, playful, executive, kind dog. He doesn't like to play with children, but he respects the owner. Loves to travel. Very neat, requires careful maintenance. In early childhood, she is prone to lung diseases. The nickname is suitable only for Blood Hounds, Setters, Terriers.

LYUCHIA, LICE (from Lat. "Snow") A dog of calm, balanced disposition. Learns quickly. Can perform in a circus. He often takes prizes at exhibitions. Excellent caretaker in the house. If a stranger enters the house, then Lucia (Lucia) will not let him out. It is good to give this nickname to large pedigree dogs.

MAGDALINA (from the appendix to the name Marin - Marin from Magdala, then became a personal name) A very mobile, restless, kind dog, who loves to play with children and does not bite anyone. This is a strong and courageous dog, very beautiful, very clever, well trained, loves to ride children. The nickname is suitable for strong and thoroughbred dogs of the St. Bernard breed, Irish wolfhound, Rottweiler, Airedale.

HAYDA Nickname of everyone's favorite yard dog. She is trainable, but can bite a stranger. Nayda rarely lives in an apartment, but she gets used to the owners very much. Lives with them until the end of his days. Gives birth often and a lot.

HERA A kind and calm dog, never runs away from the owner. He loves children very much, gambles with them, but does not bite anyone. It is cunning, can be fondled, but he will not take writing from someone else's hands. Feels the owners at a distance, even outside the door of the house, meets them with joyful barking. Likes to travel in a car, watch TV. Predisposed to diseases of colds, lungs.

PALMA Universal nickname for both yard and pedigree dogs. The disposition is simple, livable. Quiet dog, but may bite suddenly. Home Palms are quieter, but you cannot let them out on the street alone.

REGINA (from Latin scratch) The name of the dog is borrowed from the female name Regina. The dog is beautiful and calm, the real pride of the owner, but strict with children. It can be trained without any problems. But you can't walk without a leash: Regin is very annoyed by cats. Such a nickname can be given to large pedigree dogs - setters, Afghan hounds, Giant Schnauzers, medium-sized dogs, for example, the American Cocker Spaniel.

RITA (colloquial on behalf of Margarita lat. "Pearl") Obedient, executive, calm and kind dog. The owners won't get enough of it, the kids just love it. Rita can be called a small dog, such as Poodle, Pekingese, Pug, Toy Terrier.

SILVA (from Latin "forest") The heroine of the famous operetta by I. Kalman "Silva". Playful and kind, Silva is well trained, excellent guard and guarding children. She is attentive, she never runs away from the owners. You can walk with her without a leash. This nickname can be given to small and large purebred dogs.

TINA (Russian abbreviation of the names Alevtina, Valentina) Suku can be described in one word - quiet. A very sensitive domestic dog. Gives himself to be caressed by strangers, cries with the owner, if there is grief in the family. Kind and affectionate with all family members, understands everything. It seems that she is about to speak. The nickname is suitable for indoor decorative breeds.

FELISSA, FELISIA (from Lat. "Happy") The dog's temper is calm, she is very sensitive, willingly works with the trainer. Glutton, Strong, can run a lot. The owner has no trouble with her. It needs to be protected only from colds. She gives birth to several puppies once a year. This nickname is intended for purebred dogs.

FLORA In ancient mythology - the goddess of flowers and spring. The nickname of small (not necessarily purebred) dogs. Dogs are kind, affectionate, give people joy and peace. But the sonorous barking can scare children.

FLORENCE (from Latin "bloom") The dog is emotional, playful, but avoids children and recognizes only its owner. An intelligent, beautiful and courageous dog, the envy of others. She is very freedom-loving, behaves calmly at home, does not react to unfamiliar sounds. But on the street she needs control.

HILDA (from Old German "war") A dog is good only to its owners. He doesn't like children very much. Afraid of drafts. Disposed to colds, sick for a long time and hard. She needs special care. Winter dogs are more hardy and strong. This nickname is for purebred dogs only.

ELBA The name of the dog comes from the name of the river in Poland. The dog is smart, not irritable, in games it can accidentally bite its hand. Strongly attached to the owners, hard, even painfully endures separation This nickname does not suit small dogs at all.

ELSA (English, German abbreviation of the name Elizabeth) This nickname is often called in the tigress circus. They also give it to dogs. A dog with a calm, balanced disposition, executive, intelligent, with a good memory. Excellent caretaker and nanny for young children. Such a nickname can be called collie, mastiff, Newfoundland, English setter.

UNITA (from the English "unity", "consent") Unit's nickname is beautiful and kind. A dog with an unrepentant character, kind, beautiful. Likes to play with the owner and his children. Willingly walks in the park, in the forest. The dog is strong. Such a nickname is suitable only for thoroughbred and beautiful specimens of the collie breed, Great Dane, St. Bernard Airedale Terrier, as well as poodles and setters.

Names of males

AGGEY (from Old Hebrew "festive", "having fun) By nature, the dog should be kind, fast, personable. The nickname is suitable for dogs of the Japanese Chin, Pekingese, Papillon, Toy Terrier, Miniature Spitz, Small Poodle breed.

HIK These can be mestizo dogs - brave, strong, big. Yard dogs lend themselves well to training, not always angry, but always hardy, courageous, strong. Some of them live in the owner's yard and are quite reliable watchmen. Winter dogs have a more complex disposition.

AMETHYST The nickname is given in honor of a beautiful gem. The character of the dog is proud. very attached to the owner. It is hard to bear the change of owner.

AMUR (in ancient mythology, the god of love) These are large, kind dogs, loyal to their owners, mobile, good watchmen. Any dog ​​can be called this name, but it works best for large dogs.

BARS The name is borrowed from the name of the cat leopard predator. This is a large, strong, proud dog, well trained, an excellent watchman, devoted to its owner. Nickname for large and beautiful dogs of service breeds: South Russian Shepherd Dog, German / East European Shepherd Dog, Podgolyansk Shepherd Dog.

BARSIK A diminutive nickname from the previous one. This is a small domestic dog. Maybe a yard dog. For her, no climate is terrible. Good temper, calm, very fond of children.

BIM The nickname is borrowed from the film by G. Troepolsky "White Bim Black Ear". The very name of the dog is kind. Dogs respond well to training; they love children, they are not spiteful, they love their owners very much, they are devoted to them. Very smart. They don't leave their home. Suitable for Setter dogs as well as small yard dogs.

BARON (in Western Europe - title of nobility) This nickname is given to large, strong, proud dogs of service breeds.

BARKHAN (accumulation, mound of loose sand) The character of dogs is complex: they are stubborn, angry, they love only their owners. These strong dogs (especially winter ones) walk only on a leash and in a muzzle, because they can gnaw any dog. Amenable to training. They win prizes at exhibitions, as well as at championships. In battles, their reaction is lightning fast. They are good dogs for work on the border, good watchmen. They have a great sense of smell. The nickname is suitable for all shepherd dogs, Great Dane.

BURAN The character is calm, balanced, the dog is executive, well amenable to training. Likes to play with children. This is a strong and courageous dog, can easily take a 2-meter barrier. They are not picky about food, they can be taken out without a leash. Meeting the owner, joyfully greets him with joyful barking. Dogs are hardened, they are a little sick, they can carry out guard duty. It is good to give this nickname to large dogs: huskies, shepherd dogs, mastiffs.

THE WOLF The dog is black or looks like a wolf, Her temper is calm, kind.

HAROLD (from Old German. "Army" and "command") The character of the dog is complex. She is stubborn, proud, courageous, confident, executive. This is a nickname for the Giant Schnauzer, Mittel Schnauzer, Great Dane, Rottweiler. This nickname can also be called a miniature schnauzer.

Gaston (from Old German. "Guest", "foreigner") The name of a person has become the nickname of a dog. This nickname is given to large and small purebred dogs of noble origin.

GIDEON (from Old Hebrew "grunt", "cut") This nickname is given to a brave, strong dog. She is a good watchman, a glorious protector of the owner and his family. This nickname is for large shepherd dogs, Giant Schnauzer, Rottweiler.

GILMOR (servant of the Virgin Mary) This is a calm, confident dog of large stature; good security guard. It is advisable to drive on a leash, as it is capable of picking up another small creature. The nickname is intended for Great Dane, Rottweiler, Shepherd Dogs.

GORDON (from the Scottish surname) The nickname is not new, but it is rare. They are strong dogs with an excellent sense of smell, well amenable to training. Such a nickname can only be given to purebred dogs, mainly of service breeds.

GRIF (from Old Hebrew "judge") The nickname comes from the name of the bird. They are large, strong and courageous dogs that are not afraid of anything. The nickname is intended for large purebred service dogs. Dogs are docile, strong, persistent, like a mother. Winter dogs have a more complex character. Nickname for dogs of large breeds.

JARED, JAYRED (from Latin, Greek, Old Hebrew "descended") This is a large, calm dog. This nickname can be called hunting dogs.

JASON (from ancient Greek. "Healer") Dogs with such a nickname are completely gentle, kind-hearted domestic creatures. This nickname can be given to dogs of medium-sized breeds - pugs, dachshunds, miniature poodles, basset hounds.

JACK (short for John) This nickname can be given to a purebred and yard dog, since this kind and strong dog is a good watchdog, but without a leash it can pick up a cat. Training skills are developed slowly.

JOHN (from ancient Hebrew "John" - "God bestowed", "given by God") In the Bible - the name of the baptist and the apostle. This nickname can only be given to pedigree medium-sized dogs. They have a good disposition. Winter is stronger than summer. Dogs are touchy, it is better not to let them off the leash. These dogs love the owner more than the owner. The nickname is suitable for hunting dogs.

JUL (from the English "precious stone", "treasure") This nickname is called large purebred dogs - shepherds, great danes. The character of these dogs is not very calm, they are all very worried. They only endure a calm tone of communication, they are touchy.

DZHULBARS This is a strong, brave, angry dog, obeying only the owner. Patient for pain. Kind to those who serve it. Winter-born dogs with this name are more vicious and less controllable. It is not recommended to let such a dog off the leash.

DICK Yard common dog. Kind to children; If the dog is a Laika, then this is the leader. Strong, smart, devoted to his owners, he goes hunting with them in the taiga.

DOMINIK, DOMENIK (from Lat. "Dominant") This beautiful nickname for medium-sized dogs, exclusively purebred.

BUG A small fluffy capable dog. Strong and brave. It lends itself well to training, can work as an artist in a circus. These are mongrel dogs, often living in the owner's yard, where they are good watchmen.

IKAR (from Lat., Greek, "dedicated to the Moon") In Greek mythology, Icarus, the son of Daedalus, escaped from captivity from the island of Kfit, flying away on wings made of feathers and wax made by his father. This is a beautiful nickname for a dog. It should be given to big strong dogs. This dog is kind, well trained, recognizes only its owner, very executive, a good watchman.

CALVIN Puppies are often given this nickname for their beauty. Nickname for pedigree medium-sized dogs.

KVINT (from Lat. "Fifth") This nickname is given to pedigree large dogs with a calm disposition. In dealing with them, strictness is needed. They are kind, diligent dogs that can be trained well, but do not like to be abused.

KARL (from Old German "courageous", "man" and "man") These are usually small dogs that can be trained. The winter ones are much more talented than the summer ones. This nickname is usually given to medium-sized, often yard dogs.

CLARK The nickname comes from the surname. This is a small domestic dog, strict, when meeting loved ones, it necessarily barks - it greets the owner, as if saying hello!

KLOD (French version of the name Claudius - from Latin "lame") This is a nickname for dogs of small size, kind, loving children, well trained, often working in the circus as performers.

CARIDON (from the Greek "funnels") This nickname is given to large, tall, thoroughbred dogs with a good psyche.

KIN Translated from the language of the inhabitants of the Isle of Man (in the Irish Sea) literally "warrior". This nickname is given to large, brave, fast dogs. The dog is kind and affectionate to his liking; good athlete.

MILAN (city in Italy) These are big, kind domestic dogs, loving children, warm-hearted, calm. Nickname for hunting dogs.

MICHEI (abbreviation of the Hebrew name "like the god Yahweh") The nickname is given to a gentle, affectionate creature, devoted to its owner.

MORGAN ("great", "light", "bright") This nickname should be given to a large calm dog that loves people. For the house, this is a good watchman. In winter, he can ride his children.

MEI, MEI (eng. "May" or "hawthorn flower") Nickname for service, hunting dogs. They are large, strong, well trained dogs, devoted to their owner.

NOUA ("rest", "tranquility") This nickname should be given to phlegmatic dogs, small and only domestic. These dogs have a calming effect on humans.

OREST (from the Greek, "mountain") This is a large calm dog, very attached to the owner, although it does not suffer a change of owner too painfully. Good watchman.

OSCAR (from Old German, "god" and "spear") The nature of such dogs is complex. They are smart, proud dogs, loving children, not offending anyone. They are large to medium sized dogs.

SHELF This is the nickname of the yard dog, angry, restless, complex. Such a dog travels most of its life.

PUSHOK Small fluffy dog, very trainable. These kind dogs warmly welcome members of the owner's family. They love to play with children.

RAD The nickname comes from the word "rejoice". It can be given to any dog. These strong, hardy dogs are kind, but they love to scare people with their roar. Nickname for purebred dogs.

REX (from the Latin "king") These are mainly yard dogs, but sometimes people give this nickname to purebred dogs. According to the author's observations, these are mostly mestizo dogs. The winter has a complex disposition; they are good guards in the yard.

RENOLD, formerly REYNOLD (from Old German "reason", "decision" and "rule") This nickname should be given to strong pedigree dogs, for example, Great Dane, Rottweiler.

RICHARD (from other German "rich" and Latin "strong", "firm") It is desirable to give this nickname to large purebred dogs, strong and courageous: shepherd dogs, great dane dogs, but not hunting dogs.

RYZHIK This nickname is based on the color of the dog. They are calm, good-natured dogs, well amenable to training, loving children and playing well with them. Most often it is a yard dog or a Karelian-Finnish Laika.

SIMON (from Old Hebrew "to listen", "to hear") The nickname of a kind pet dog that sleds children in winter. These are large dogs such as Newfoundland, St. Bernard.

TARZAN This is the nickname of a yard dog, brave and courageous.

THEMOTI, TIMOTHI (from the Greek. "Honoring") These are dogs with an impulsive temperament, hardy, hardworking, but not leaders.

TIFFANI (derivative of ancient Greek "God shows", Russian - Theophanes) A ​​dog with a calm, kind disposition. Somewhat phlegmatic. Loves children. So called dogs of large service breeds.

TUZIK This nickname is intended for yard dogs. In the morning they greet people with kind barking and wagging their tails, they love children who do not offend them, but feed them.

CORNER The fictitious nickname of a yard dog, black as coal, kind, loving children, adapting to any conditions.

WILBUR This is a name for large hunting dogs that are not afraid of water.

WILFRED (from Old German "will", "desire" + "peace") This nickname is intended for purebred dogs such as the Rottweiler, boxer, mittel schnauzer, giant schnauzer.

HART (from German for "hard") This nickname is suitable for large hunting dogs. The dog is calm, strong, courageous, not afraid of water, well trained.

CHARLIK This is a small, like a toy, pocket, kind dog. Always greets the owner with joy. Beautiful, defenseless, often sleeps in the bed of its owner.

SHARIK This is the name of a medium-sized yard dog, very trainable, often working in a circus. Good watchman. Barks so loud that it can scare you.

SHERIFF This is a judge and a policeman rolled into one. A serious, strong, formidable dog with excellent working qualities, very loyal to its owner. Such a nickname can be called service breeds: German (Eastern European), Shepherd, Giant Schnauzer, Rottweiler, Doberman.

How to give nicknames to dogs with a pedigree

In one litter, all puppies are given nicknames starting with one letter. Moreover, if a puppy is bought in a kennel or a factory prefix is ​​registered from the breeder, then each puppy will have the name of the kennel in the nickname. For private breeders, the first letter for the names of puppies is given by the kennel club, which carries out the registration of the litter, the owners of the kennels keep their own studbook. The nursery prefix can appear both before the main name, and after (if it is with the prepositions "from", "from", etc., for example, "from the Barsky estate"). Thus, nicknames are obtained from three, four, sometimes five words. Sometimes you can find amusing options.

The fact that your puppy has already been given a nickname in the kennel does not mean that it also needs to be called at home. You are free to come up with any home name. Often breeders give the future owner the right to help in choosing a nickname for a pedigree, remember that a purebred dog's nickname is a brand that may be remembered for many years, so take the choice of a nickname for a dog responsibly.

"Give a great puppy a bad name and you can safely drown him!" - so say the British, and many breeders agree with the saying. "As you name the ship, so it will float!" - this is already Captain Vrungel. It is believed that a nickname for a dog, like a name for a person, is encoded information. The character of the animal is formed by the nickname, its fate depends on the nickname of the dog. Therefore, try with soul and love to give your pet a nickname that will determine his happy life next to you.

Have you got a puppy? Congratulations!

A dog is not just a man's friend, but the smartest disinterested animal that, with proper care, will serve its owners with faith and truth.

Choosing a name for your pet is a responsible business, it requires a serious approach. Tips from dog handlers and zoologists will come to the rescue.

The name must match the dog: features of appearance, disposition, breed. Agree, a shepherd named Tuzik is similar to the nickname Polkan. You may argue that this comparison is inappropriate, no one will call the shepherd Tuzik. They call it. And Tuzik, and Sharik, and Shalun.

You should not call the dog a nickname that is consonant with the command signals - fu (Funtik), sit (Sid).

Animals are susceptible to sound vibrations. A name is not just a set of sounds, it should be euphonic and pleasing to the ear.

Hunting dogs respond better to short nicknames with voiced consonants: Rex, Zur, Wind. Dog for service- serious name: Polkan, Ralph, Mukhtar.

Diminutive Misdirection of a nickname can confuse the puppy. Therefore, Dick is Dik, not Dikusha, Lada is Lada, not Ladushka.

Animal psychologists say the dog lives up to its name. It seems that this is nonsense, but experience suggests otherwise.

For example, a proud and imposing mongrel named Count is confirmation. If you want a kind, obedient dog, or vice versa - strict, think about a suitable name.

A dog named Kolya (Sasha, Zina, Luda) can lead the owner to embarrassment when one of the two-legged passers-by turns around at the pet's call. Conclusion: human names don't fit for dogs.

In kennel clubs and kennels, nicknames for puppies from the same litter start with the same letter (Aport, Astra, Archie). In addition, a registered factory prefix is ​​attached to the name.

Nurseries keep a register pedigree book, where all litters and matings are recorded.

The documents indicate the nickname assigned in the nursery. Many buyers give a new name to their pet after consulting with household members.

In the 90s of the XX century, nicknames became widespread, borrowed from foreign words: Redi (red), Smoli (small), Gray (gray), Dolly (doll), Angel (Angel), Lucky (happy), Best (best).

How to name a dog "boy"

Every year, the list of nicknames is expanding. Tribute to fashion is characteristic not only of human names. Animal nicknames are also influenced by fashion. For example, nicknames in honor of famous movie characters are popular: Beethoven, Hachiko, Jack, Rex, etc.

People with a pronounced personality, an extraordinary sense of humor give pets unusual nicknames.

  • Unusual nicknames for males: Abder, Augur, Aquilon, Ajax, Dionysus, Dardan, Latin, iPhone, Terabyte, Google, Bucks, Dollar, Hercules, Pretzel, Snickers, Petty, Balthazar, Affect, Astral, Basilio, Dandy, Gordon, Huntsman, Julien, Fidel ...
  • Fighting dog names: Antey, Ataman Atlant, Volot, Vityaz, Grand, Sultan, Titan, Schwartz, Wolf, Tyson.

Names for hunting dogs

  • Laika: Dick, North, Zyr, Katym, Friend, Excitement, Thunder, Buran, Arktos, Bars, Gray, Snowball, Kid, Fog.
  • Greyhound: Excitement, Diamond, Thunder, Brawler, Ataman, Shine, Valdai, Wind, Fast, Winged, Flyer, Eagle, Flight, Glorious, Bullet.

How to name a boy's shepherd dog

Archie, Chuck, Rex, Harry, Ralph, Jack, Baikal, Baron, Grand, Zord, Ermak, Dino, Alf, Rocky, Nick, Raf.

Small dogs

The following nicknames are suitable for a small breed and male dog: Grosh, Tin, Tommy, Kuzya, Small, Little, Pirate, Shalun, Tofik, Bob, Whist, Jerzy, Jacques, Bobblehead, Shnyr, Pushhok, Manug, Dundik, Chip.

Metis and mongrels

For a dog that is not a representative of noble breeds and the owner of impressive pedigrees, simpler names are suitable: Bim, Rex, Gray, Jack, Polkan, Charlie, Bobik, Bars, Dick, Burmese, Baikal, Druzhok, Pirate, Count, Charlie, Boy, Aramis , Athos.

Russian nicknames for dogs are not just a set of sounds, they have a deep meaning displayed by our ancestors. We have all heard the proverb - "as you name a ship, so it will float" - exactly the same approach can be applied to the choice of a nickname for a dog, which plays no less important role than the name and surname for its owner. That is why it is highly desirable to approach the issue of choice very responsibly, and even better, to think about it before purchasing a dog.

In order to choose a good nickname that would really suit your pet, you need to know some rules:

Remember, a dog's name should be easy to pronounce.

  • When choosing a name for a dog, pay attention to its breed. For example, the name Bagel or Tuzik is completely unsuitable for or a shepherd dog.
  • Always remember the meaning of the nickname. Our ancestors called dogs names that reflected their character and carried a certain meaning. That is why nicknames suitable for some breeds are completely inappropriate for others.
  • No need to chase originality. When choosing a special nickname that would make your pet stand out from others, remember that the dog's name should be easy to pronounce.
  • The dog's name should not overlap with the team, for example, Funtik and the team "Fu", as sometimes this causes great confusion in the animal.
  • Pay attention to your puppy's characteristics. These can be funny spots on the face or back, or big ears. Such qualities can be reflected in the nickname by choosing the most suitable one, for example, Spot, for the owner of many spots.

Remember! There are a huge number of dog names for every taste. That is why you should not call your pet by the name of a close relative, neighbor, or just a passer-by. Names like Victor or Angela are simply not appropriate for a dog.

So, if you're still wondering what to name your dog, Russian nicknames might be perfect. Unlike many other peoples, our ancestors tried to give dogs nicknames that would emphasize their appearance, breed or qualities that the owner wanted to see in his friend in the future. Below is a list of popular nicknames for dogs of different genders.

Nicknames for girls dogs:

A dog-girl can be called Rada, Iskra or Kras, and for a boy the names Grad, Svyat or Cupid are suitable.
  • Lelya;
  • Mlada;
  • Haze;
  • Pleased;
  • Taiga;
  • Spark;
  • Fly;
  • Bug;
  • Button;
  • Naida;
  • Beauty.

Popular Russian nicknames for boys dogs:

  • Fog;
  • Amur;
  • Grad;
  • Ball;
  • Valdai;
  • Thunder;
  • Irbis;
  • Trezor;
  • Holy;
  • Agate;
  • Chapa.

When choosing a nickname for a dog, in addition to common sense, a creative approach will not be superfluous. If you want your pet's name to really blend in with his appearance, first observe the puppy. It is not necessary to call him in the first hours of his life in a new place. The choice of a nickname can take a couple of days.

Choosing a nickname for a small dog is a real science. Many owners, in an attempt for originality, completely neglect the breed characteristics of the pet, as a result of which one can often come across the nickname Behemoth or with an even more ridiculous name.

The name of a small dog should be suitable for the pet, the names will be a good choice: Fly, Spot, Sonya.

Below is a list of nicknames for small dogs that will not only highlight your friend's personality, but also perfectly match his appearance:

  • Chapa - suitable for a small fluffy dog;
  • Fly - so you can call a black crumb;
  • Mink is the perfect nickname for a dachshund (look and);
  • Note - suitable for any miniature breed;
  • Lada is a good option for a small affectionate dog;
  • Fox is a good option for a fluffy Pomeranian;
  • Branch is a name for a small brisk dog;
  • Funtik - such a nickname is associated with a small, plump dog;
  • Baron - suitable for leisurely and important kids, or bulldogs;
  • Spot - for a toddler with a lot of spots;
  • Belek - this nickname speaks for itself;
  • Istok is a nickname for a moving dog;
  • Sonya - this nickname also speaks for itself;
  • Leopard is a universal option, suitable for both large breeds and for babies;
  • Artaud - this nickname became popular after the publication of Kuprin's story "White Poodle".

A nickname for a large dog should first of all be solid and, moreover, emphasize the individual characteristics of the breed. So how do you choose a good nickname for a giant?

The name of a large dog should reflect its character and temperament.

Names for hunting dogs:

  • Taiga;
  • Fog;
  • Willow;
  • Branch;
  • Altai;
  • Buran;
  • Haze;
  • Thicket;
  • Naida;
  • Vesta;

Nicknames for large decorative dogs such as Great Danes or Bulldogs:

  • Buran;
  • Giant;
  • Amethyst;
  • Lada;
  • Dora;
  • Dara;
  • Nars;
  • Atol;
  • Stavr;
  • Mlad;
  • Lelya;
  • Beauty.

Nicknames for guard dogs:

A guard dog can be called Thunder, Pirate, or Khan.
  • Covenant;
  • Lord;
  • Thunder;
  • Amur;
  • Pirate;
  • Gosh;
  • Leila;
  • Busya;
  • Aurora.

First of all, it is worth remembering that the nickname must be in harmony with the appearance of the dog. In addition, it is important to remember that it should be sonorous and simple just enough so that the dog can perceive it without any problems.

The most popular dog names

Just like human names, some dog names are more popular than others.

Among the popular nicknames for males are:

  • Buran - active, fast;
  • Dick is the leader;
  • Bim - cheerful, good-natured;
  • Fight - cocky, leader;
  • A friend is reliable;
  • Glad - benevolent;
  • Lel - spring;
  • The count is majestic;
  • Danube is a reliable protector.

Below are the Russian nicknames for girls dogs:

  • Rada - cheerful, kind;
  • Aza - active;
  • Naida is faithful, reliable;
  • Sonya is lazy;
  • Vesta is obedient;
  • Aurora - affectionate, loving owners;
  • Inga is a reliable, intercessor;
  • Lola is funny.

Representatives of domestic breeds (Russian black terrier, Russian toy, etc.) are usually called Russian nicknames.

In general, Russian nicknames are distinguished by their special sound. They are easy to pronounce and remember, and most importantly, they carry a secret meaning. Especially domestic nicknames are suitable for hunting dogs.

For example, in the days of tsarist Russia, small dogs were most often called in the French manner, but larger ones, exclusively by Russian nicknames, since not a single word from abroad could distinguish the character of the dog with the same accuracy as the Russian nickname did.

Beautiful Russian dog names with a description of the character

It is believed that the name of a dog can affect not only its fate, but also its character. If you want your pet to have a peaceful disposition and at the same time a sonorous nickname, it is worth taking a closer look at some of the canine "names".

The most sonorous nicknames for bitches:

Beautiful nicknames for males:

  • Amethyst is proud, attached to one owner.
  • Cupid is an excellent watchman and a very smart dog.
  • The Baron is moderately lazy, but if necessary, he will always protect the owner and his property;
  • Dzhulbars is an angry and aggressive dog. Such dogs are very vindictive, have an excellent sense of smell and a sharp mind. Ideal nickname for or any other watch breed.
  • Glad - an intelligent and kind dog who loves children.
  • Ace is kind and harmless, he can bark at a stranger, but usually his "threats" never go further than this.
  • Gosha is stubborn, difficult to train, but will never offend a child.
  • The ball is very trainable and an excellent watchdog.
  • Umka is a kind and affectionate dog, loving to play, and completely devoid of the instinct of a guard.

For a dog, such beautiful Russian nicknames are suitable: Amur, Dzhulbars, Amethyst.

The choice of Russian nicknames for dogs is almost limitless. If you wish, you can choose the right option for a pet of any size and breed. It is important to remember that a name given to a dog cannot make its life easy and happy if you do not put in any effort yourself.

Every dog, regardless of its breed, needs a nickname. Nevertheless, the owners often face a problem and do not know what to call a girl-dog. It's really hard to come up with a good nickname for a dog. It should be easy to pronounce and sound good. And when it comes to a bitch, then everything is even more complicated. A nickname should not only possess the qualities described above, but also be beautiful, feminine. How do you find such a nickname? You will get the answer to this question by reading this article.

What is the name of a girl dog? This question worries many. After all, choosing a name for a dog is not an easy task. To come up with a good nickname for a girl dog, fantasy is not enough. It is necessary to be guided by certain rules.

  • Consider character. They say for a reason: you choose a name - you choose your destiny. The nickname really affects the character of the pet. This is confirmed not only by experienced dog owners, but also by expert animal psychologists. It is for this reason that the power of verbal programming should not be underestimated. Do you want your pet to be playful, cute? In this case, do not call the dog Shapoklyak.
  • Don't forget about phonetics. The name should be easy to pronounce and sound good. In order to achieve this effect, a nickname must contain no more than 3 syllables. If the dog succumbs to training, then it should be borne in mind that the shorter the name, the faster the animal responds to commands.
  • Don't use a human name for your dog. First, there are a huge number of alternatives around. Why call a dog Dasha if you can choose some exotic nickname like Amanda, Fita, etc. Secondly, with a dog bearing a human name, various awkward situations can arise. For example, it will be rather inconvenient to shout “Dasha, come to me!” At the whole park.
  • Consider the dog's wishes. Sometimes it happens that the dog simply does not respond to its name. If for a long time the bitch refuses to respond to the nickname, then it makes sense to come up with a new nickname for the dog.

By following the rules described above, you can choose a good nickname for your dog.

How to come up with an affectionate nickname?

A girl dog should have a cute, pleasant and affectionate nickname. To come up with such a nickname, you must adhere to certain phonetic rules. For example:

  • Use soft sounds. Names like Adele, Alpha, Chanel do not hurt the ear, but on the contrary, they sound extremely soft and pleasant.
  • Avoid repetition of consonants. Combinations of two or more vowels tend to sound extremely tuneless. Names like Stella, Jess, Gretta certainly cannot be called affectionate.
  • Use the letters "i", "u", etc. They make the consonants in front softer, thanks to which the nickname sounds gentle and beautiful. In this case, the click itself should be as short as possible. For example, Sonya, Nyusha, Bonya, Busya, Asya, Pusya, etc.

As practice shows, dogs with affectionate names are softer and kinder.

Choosing a name depending on the breed

For example, consider the nicknames for girls of small breeds. The names below sound pretty sweet. This makes them ideal for decorative dogs.

Chihuahua- one of the most popular decorative breeds. These dogs are famous for their miniature size and are real champions in this regard. At the same time, representatives of the Chihuahua family are patient, smart and, most importantly, loyal to their master. For bitches of this breed, the following names are perfect:

  • Mimosa (abbreviated as Mi-mi);
  • Linda;
  • Silvia;
  • Gloria;
  • Lime;
  • Elsa.

Yorkshire terriers although they belong to decorative dogs, however, by their nature they are more like large dogs. Representatives of this breed are quite grumpy, but at the same time, gentle and hardworking.

If you are looking for a good name for a York girl, then you should pay attention to one of these nicknames:

  • Daisy;
  • Tina;
  • Amanda;
  • Elbe.

For other small decorative dogs the following names will work:

  • Pixie;
  • Crook;
  • Vesta;
  • Squirrel;
  • Adelaide (abbreviated Adela or Adele);
  • Unit;
  • Lada.

Beautiful nicknames

In this part of the article, we will give beautiful nicknames for girls' dogs. They can be used if some kind of majesty emanates from your pet. In addition, such nicknames are perfect for thoroughbred bitches that have a good pedigree. Among the beautiful names for a girl's dog, the following options can be noted:

  • Laura;
  • Ruby;
  • Frida;
  • Arlet;
  • Anga;
  • Anabella;
  • Becky;
  • Milisa;
  • Maggie;
  • Ursula;
  • Gerda;
  • Mabel;
  • Cola;
  • Marietta;
  • Tera;
  • Yalta.

Based on the color of the coat, you can come up with a couple of beautiful names. For example, a black bitch can be called Blackie (from English black - black).

A dog that has a beautiful light coat can be named Goldie (from the English gold - gold), Shiney (from the English shine - to shine) or Blondie. A lapdog with brown hair can be called Chocolate, Toffee. Well, of course, one cannot fail to mention the ageless classics - Kashtanka. A red-haired bitch will feel comfortable with a nickname like Foxy, Vixen (from the English fox and vixen - fox).

Ancient gods

If you want to give a dog a girl a beautiful and rare name with a meaning, then in this case you can turn to the mythology of Ancient Egypt, Rome, Babylon, China and other peoples.

The names of ancient goddesses are perfect for a dog girl. For example:

  • Aphrodite (goddess of love);
  • Artemis (patroness of hunting);
  • Bellona (goddess of war);
  • Lelya (goddess of spring);
  • Gaia (goddess of the earth);
  • Hera (keeper of family ties);
  • Nut (mistress of the sky);
  • Flora (goddess of nature);
  • Fortune (patroness of luck);
  • Selena (goddess of the moon);
  • Juno (protector of women);
  • Clotho (patroness of destinies);
  • Theia (titan goddess);
  • Amaterasu (Japanese sun goddess);
  • Demeter (patroness of agriculture, fertility);
  • Ata (goddess of deception, lies);
  • Aura (lady of the wind);
  • Moira (known in ancient Greek mythology as the goddess of fate);
  • Muse (patroness of arts and sciences).

Having understood the culture of ancient peoples, you can find a lot of beautiful, majestic and, most importantly, original nicknames for your dog. Such nicknames are not only nicely sonorous, aesthetic, but also have a historical origin.

Modern Art

Literature, cinema, the music scene are all great sources of inspiration. Most of the characters in the art world boast beautiful, original and memorable names. And the number of cultural figures is so great that you can find a unique name without any problems. For example, if you are a fan of an actress, then you can name your favorite dog in it. This theme was played on in the popular TV series Sex and the City. The King Charles spaniel that belonged to Charlotte (one of the heroines) was named Elizabeth Taylor.

The art world is not limited to actresses. You can name your dog after a designer, critic, literary or cartoon character. The following nicknames are perfect for a girl's dog:

  • Coco;
  • Shakira;
  • Stone;
  • Tutsi;
  • Mata;
  • Grace;
  • Yoko;
  • Mata;
  • Cherutti;
  • Vivien;
  • Agatha;
  • Anouk;
  • Oprah;
  • Monica;
  • Clara;
  • Trinity;
  • Whitney;
  • Rachel;
  • Chanel;
  • Sakura;
  • Sharon;
  • Chloe.


Choosing a nickname for a girl's dog is a rather difficult task, but quite doable. Coming up with a nickname for your lapdog, you can and even need to use your imagination to the maximum. Nevertheless, do not forget about the standard rules that must be followed when choosing a nickname. The nickname should be short, easy to pronounce, you should not use human names, take into account the character of the dog - when coming up with a nickname for a bitch, you need to keep all this in your head.

No matter how you name your pet, the most important thing is to show love and care to him. Only in this case the dog will reciprocate and will be faithful to you for many years.

If fantasy fails and nothing sensible comes to mind, then in this case it is worth turning to culture. You can name your dog after ancient gods, a fictional character, or a real artist.

Here he is, finally, and at home! Such a small and warm lump that looks at you with trusting eyes. Still without a name, but already so close and dear. Or maybe it’s not him at all, but she? Charming and sweet, but at the same time such a minx! On the very first day, I managed to steal a piece of meat and devour it with appetite in the corner. Well, what should you call it after that?

And you will have to name it somehow. And it’s better not “somehow”, but in a special way, so that the nickname itself is pleasant, and the dog fits. How do you make the right choice? To begin with, take a closer look at the doggie, maybe its appearance will tell you who is in front of you: Blackie, Ryzhik or Fluff? Or maybe he managed to show his unique character and earned the "title" of Shustrik or Pirate?

It is better for hunting dogs to choose short nicknames with voiced consonants, which are convenient to pronounce loudly. For example, Excitement, Wind, Pulka. It is advisable that the name of the dog does not contain the sound "and", as it is very difficult to shout it out.

Service dogs, who will actually serve, are better off choosing serious names. Such as Mukhtar, Palkan or Reks. Likes are more suitable for "northern" nicknames, for example, Buran or Blizzard. Companion dogs are most often given the names of people: Styopa, Jackie, Dasha, Max. The main thing is that the name of the dog should not be too long or difficult to pronounce, otherwise you yourself will regret it when in a moment of danger you cannot pronounce it. It is best if it consists of one or two syllables, as dogs perceive precisely such words well.

As for the sound "r", then the opinions of experts differ. Some consider it to be native to dogs, others insist that this sound is associated with growling in dogs, therefore it sets them up hostile. In any case, it's up to you to decide. Keep in mind that dogs are good at distinguishing both vowels and consonants. Therefore, even if Mulya and Bulya live under the same roof, both of them will perfectly know their nicknames and react only to them.

And the last thing. Remember that the name of a dog, like the name of a person, can influence not only the character, but also the fate of the pet. Therefore, think three times before calling a good-natured doggie or scoundrel. Better to be Faithful or Friend. However, do not think too long about the name for the pet - after all, he will love you under any name.