Congratulate a woman happy birthday with beautiful words. Warm words greetings happy birthday woman

Happy Birthday. Today it is no wonderful such a bright and bright day. After all, today such a wonderful and kind woman was born. So let the sun shines only for you, and the birds sing in your honor. And most importantly - let the world and peace will always be in your soul. And luck, success, love, respect and joy will definitely come to you yourself. After all, with such a person can not be otherwise.

God awarded Indian to hard work, African - Passion, Frenchwoman - Picanity, German - Economic, American - businesslikeness. And in you all these qualities are already there. Because you are the best!

What you want to wish you do not even know. It would seem that you all have. But the most important thing - I wish you all this could save and carry through all your life. And let in this life will always be faithful friends, loving people and reliable familiar. Let all the cases, for which you will take, get the first time. I wish the mood to be only excellent. And let the whole life be reminding a fairy tale.

We live in a huge charming world. He is so unlimited and bright that for eternity you can find something new in it. I wish you to know yourself, as a whole world, and the world, like myself.

Let this day will be remembered by the most unusually warm and positive emotions! Let others give affection and good, let the most cherished dreams come true in a moment and fill the world around the world. Let the new tops succumb to and easily overcome, and old friends forever remains faithful support and reliable rear!

Happy birthday in prose dear woman! Accept me from me hearty congratulations, a box of candies, a gift and, of course, warm wishes! What do you dream about? Let everything be fulfilled! Let every day begins with a smile, and remember that you are the best and beloved for your relatives, and therefore you will always be better than in an old good fairy tale!

Expensive! Happy Birthday! We wish that your youth does not start, so that you do not be sad for the past years! Let them be joy, fun, happiness and luck always beside you! Happy Birthday! With a bright and happy day!

It is said that once love Orlova said: "I am 39 years old and no one minute!" The same can be said about our expensive conviction of the celebration. Let's wish her warm human relationships, the participation of friends and loved ones, health and happiness in his personal life!

Beautiful, gentle, affectionate, beautiful, just an incredible woman congratulations on your birthday today. I wish to be cheerful, cheerful, glowing from happiness. Let every day give many unforgettable moments, only pleasant people surround, and all the cherished desires come true.

You're in life you go to the queen, you have always been successful and dare! And you will decide any problem and penetrate all things! So always, the same stay and hands to the stars reach it! And always and good luck and happiness fills let your life!

Do not be sad that you have become older for a year. After all, if you look at the other hand, you have become more beautiful, more attractive and smarter. And on this path it is impossible to stop! Happy Birthday to You!

\u003e A woman is wonderful in this raging world I will give confession and tenderness, sincerity and faithful friendship. The most beautiful, I wish you not to depend on men and their whim. I wish the career growth of the rapid, I wish my sincere equilibrium, I wish calm. Let all your sweet dreams turn into reality, and all the desires will come true. I wish you to gain the strongest guardian angel in the world.

Beautiful holiday birthday! Especially when you celebrate him! You have everything in advance, you are wonderful, you are a beautiful mistress, a cheerful girlfriend, master on all hands! From the bottom of my heart I wish mutual and impartial love, understanding, financial stability and strong as a diamond of health! Happy Birthday!

I wish you that in your life there are always four necessary beasts for each real woman: a mink on the shoulders, jaguar in the garage, a lion in bed and a ram that will pay for it. Happy Birthday!

Congratulations to a woman on the phone

Birthday is an annual gift, a person in order to rejoice in love and location that close friends feed on it. And here we strongly declare that this event is valuable and expensive to us. Let the days of your life go for a long time, and let your love and the location of our birthday be your birthday!

On birthdays, it is considered to be desired, about what the old and small in the universe is broken. Everything expects to be healthy - and I am from the whole heart thirst for you good health for any long years. Everyone thinks to be beloved, and I wish you the same from the whole soul. I want to see you forever with carefree, warmed mutual sympathy, with blissful radiance in very eyes. Of course, then the happiness existed indistinctly, it is necessary to take for an adorable thing, feel coming and prosperous. I wish you that your work will always give you not only decent income, but also pleasure. There is nothing more nice than to see the happy lucky people. So forgive me my selfishness, and cook me pleasant - be a fartovo, sweetheart, happy, healthy, joyful, young soul and mill. I want to keep you all the time, and on holidays, and on working days! Happy Birthday!

Congratulate you with Holliday! I wish your life to be cloudless, like the sky over the most prestigious resort, long, interesting and rich, as the series "Santa Barbara". Let your eyes always glow from happiness, as if polar radiance over the pole. Happiness to you, longevity and love.

On the birthday, I would like to be involved, so that you remain like a clear man, how and today. And the lives of your life, on the contrary, do not stand at the point, and give up the best side, day of day giving cute surprises and suddenness. Let all the plans and dreams be fulfilled: a career will be formed, they will comfort the success of the kids, they will be touched by the subtlety and care of their relatives, will be done with you everyday life and the celebrations of devotees. Let the stars will meet in heaven in the drawing suitable for your destiny, and give life to live on you as an abundance horns. Like a spring flower, let it bloom in your heart of sympathy to this society and let this love will certainly be mutual! Good luck to you, health, favors Fatum and only amazing days!

On this holiday, we are ready to give you the fragrance of all colors and a blush dawn, the tenderness of the morning roses, sunlight, friendly warmth, human kindness, a lot of gentle words and unearthly love! Let you always accompany your health and happiness. All that is light and holy on earth, let it be in your destiny!

I wish you to live to a hundred years, let the motor in your breast work without interruptions and without repairs, let your life be a wide and smooth highway without ughabs and rods. I also wish, so that I did not enter you on cool turns so that you always tightly kept the steering wheel of your life in hard hands. Successful and happy for you!

I want to wish you on your birthday to be simple as the wind, inexhaustible, like the sea, and as the earth, is saturated with memory. Be easy to rise like a sail of a ship, be cheerful you, like songs of waves, noisy on the square. And let him live in you always all the thrill of life of all time and races!

Happy Birthday to you! I wish you joy, success of well-being in life and in love! So that all familiar who know you respected, appreciated and loved! Let your birthday, everything will be unusual and wonderful! Happy Birthday!

Birthday is a special holiday. It is filled with a mysterious sacred meaning. After all, what can have more magic than the birth of a new life, the appearance of a baby? .. Every year we expect this day with an inner trepid. In childhood, we expect the mountain of a variety of colorful gifts. Time passes, and we begin to appreciate the attention of our relatives and close people who bring the feeling of peace, joy, harmony and love to our life. So let him continue to live in you this bright feeling of the holiday, dear birthday, and we assume it!

We do not expect that in life there will be every day with pleasure and award, unfortunate can turn joy. But as if life for the throat either, you are resistant before the though black and the head do not hang doomlessly, no matter how bidkers are your business. The eagle, soaring in the blue sky, is beautiful, but a hundred times more beautiful, when he meets a storm and, fear of a thunderstorm, defeats the element. We wish you always been an eagle worthy of admiration!

Dear culprit celebration! I am sincerely glad (a) that there is such a person in the world as you. You are collected all the best qualities that are peculiar to people. In your wonderful birthday, I sincerely want to wish you optimism, cheerfulness, patience and good luck. Let all their lives survive you only the most reliable friends, and there are only worthy people on the way. Let the Lord take away from you all the bad and rewards you with all the earthly benefits!

Every year we once again think about what words are found on the birthday of the closest. In this article we will tell you in detail about congratulations to women: wives, mothers, sisters, colleagues. It can be both warm SMS or poems in a postcard and good congratulations, said in their own words.

Happy birthday congratulations to a woman in verse

Be merry and happy you most
Good, and gentle, and the most beautiful.
Be attentive, the most beloved,
Simple, charming, unique,
And kind, and strict, and weak, and strong,
Let the troubles leave the road in the impotence.
Let everything you want to come true.
Love to you, faith, hopes, good!

Let moms all be happy
Delicate words and smiles are full
Emotion life gives beautiful
And captivates the aroma of novelty!
Compliments, colors, admiration,
Dream performance, new meetings,
In every day to find inspiration
And warm in your heart to take care!

Today is your birthday,
And how much I knocked - it doesn't matter.
You are all the time young
After all, life is given to us only once!

We will not truly truly
That years we add years,
After all, the main thing is to be able to live them so
So that there were no non-publications.

We wish life full to the edges,
So that the soul did not frowned bad weather,
In short, no extra words -
Great Human Happiness!

Let this festive day
It will be filled with light,
Flowers are woven in a wreath
And in the house smells like in the summer!
Let the holiday decorate the sun
And the warm breeze is sports,
Bouquet of flowers fragrant,
Melodies dance spin!
Let happiness in the air hovers
And gives beauty and tenderness!
Let never leave
Health, strength, charm and freshness!

Congratulations to the birthday girl!
Where is the most beautiful?
Who is cheerful and cute?
Who is the beautiful all and all?
It's all about you!
Happy birsday, my dear!
I really know it,
That the second is like you
There is no beauty!
I wish to live happily
And always remain -
Original, pretty,
Mental, kind and simple!

You have an open soul
And the character is better not to find!
You are wonderful, good -
Thoughtful daughter, loving mother.
We wish you clear days,
Light joy, brilliant luck
And excellent health, and of course
Successful solve all tasks!

Be healthy, be beautiful
Be rich, be happy.
Chulyka be both adamant.
Gentle, affectionate, in love.

Strict be, funny, funny.
Subordinate or main.
Guide Be Star -
Bright, kind, gold.

Light be at the end of the tunnel.
The first greens of April.
Family Family, Fairy Tale -
Unforgettable and beautiful.

Sleep magic, terrible cloud.
The ocean be mighty.
Be an arrow in the heart.
Sweet honey, sharp pepper.

Petal in the garden is blooming.
Circle, on the water running.
Be luxurious and innocent.
Rose trembling, avalanche.

What is women happiness? In bouquets of flowers?
In hot spirits kisses?
In the trembling of the lips or in the magic of words?
In dreams consisting of several dreams?
In the rays of the rising sun?
What is happiness for women called?

What to wish? This time the question
Smiles Happiness - this is not new.
All congratulate so now
And we want not so, but in a different way.

Let life be full of miracles
And all in colors road,
Let the stars fall from heaven
Only to your threshold.

And on this day we wish from the heart
All the goods are in the world and good.
Happy Birthday Congratulations Congratulations.
We wish you happiness, joy, health and warmth!

Happy Birthday Congratulations!
Happiness, joy we wish
So that luck smiled
And the currency came out,
Do not lose weight and not fully
Shapes are slender.

So that friends are idle
And the relatives did not bore
On the Canaries to relax,
Pineapples eat.
You can taste the ripper
And I can drink it ...

To house, car, cottage
There were a lung task,
And solved without work
For the power of magic words.

To work, as for the holiday, together come together,
Today's day with a smile will definitely begin
We will go to the boss to our team to the boss,
To celebrate the birth to congratulate this day!

We wish the lungs of everyday life and fun weekends,
The best subordinates, most affectionate relatives,
So that the plans are performed to strengthen the premiums
So that these wishes be sure to come true!

Happy Birthday, our director, with a capital letter,
Woman is a leader, inspires you forever!

Happy birthday congratulations
And I wish to live without trouble,
Let fate give you
All Bliss of Earth Bouquet!

"Whose roses" in the garden of Allah,
Precious diamond
Let it burn, not fading,
Glitter your beautiful eyes.

And today, on your birthday,
Everyone carry flowers to you,
You yourself - spring flower,
Queen of beauty.

Happy Birthday, Queen!
Kingdom long, at least 100 years old.
And, as a wonderful firebird,
We carry the beauty and light!

No woman more beautiful on earth,
You decorate this world by Sobody.
And all the colors today - only you,
And I will not hide the words beautiful now.
You appeared on this day
And the sun is illuminated around everything.
I wish you long bright years,
So that joy and smile give everyone!

Happy birthday congratulations in your own words

I sincerely congratulate you with this significant day! I really want your home to always be filled with peace, harmony and comfort. Let you never leave happiness, joy, surprise, enjoying all life minutes. Do not cease to warm your cherished dream, do not forget about devotional friends and always remember that love is a guide star. And, of course, let your kind soul be the same young as a face and body. Happy Birthday!

Every year on this day we tell you to pain Banal words. But so I want to repeat them again! After all, it is these "banalities" and are called life happiness. Let any of your dream be sure to come true. It is possible for this to do a long and difficult path, but at its end will definitely be the same, cherished. Let your path, tight holding a hand, will fight inspiration, success and joy. Let their relatives and friends delight you with sincere smiles, and you remained the same charming and unique. Congratulations!

For a woman, birthday does not always bring joy. As the ladies like to say: "We are becoming old for a year. Is this joy? " And I really want your years to be so filled with happiness, so that you look forward to the next, even more fascinating and filled with important events. Be dizzy and infinitely beautiful. Be healthy, successful provided. Let women joy be daily, and wonderful moments are repeated again and again .... Happy Birthday, dear!

I am insanely happy (a) that this day I am next to you. It is very important that bright emotions and unforgettable impressions do not disappear from your life. Lear every moment as if he never happens. As if it is the only opportunity to become happy. We are every day, and good luck will surely answer you reciprocity. Let the head spinning from love adventures, and the Earth literally leaves from under his feet from the amount of happiness, which surrounds you at home and at work. Let the close as much as possible warm you up with their warm, sincere words. And most importantly, let your heart do not know what pain and disappointment. Just enjoy life, just keep your dream, just be always a little surprised and happy. Happy holiday!

So this long-awaited day has come for many, when you can literally fill you with flowers and fall asleep with warm words. First of all, I want to wish you all the best to surround the real woman. It is beauty and health, this is the joy of motherhood and love happiness, this is a devoted friendship and a successful career. Let only sincere people who do not know the malice, envy are found in your life. You just have to live in inner harmony with yourself! And do not forget about the inexhaustible patience and the notorious female wisdom. Let your soul constantly be in inspirational flight, because it is so important - every day you have fun simply from what you live. And know: Your most intimate dream will definitely come true. Congratulations!

The most beautiful woman in the world today marks his birthday. Of course, she can wish more joy, health, love, loyal friends ... But it all has it all! And there is not enough of it just a few important little things. This is a priceless ability to experience vivid emotions every day and rejoice in trifles. This is an endless opportunity to bring even more joy and good. And this unique ability to look even better every year than in the previous one. Happy birthday, darling!

Positive emotions on your birthday simply shook. Every year I tell you a million warm words, and every time I sincerely want it to be not just words. You know, probably, one of the most important wishes is that all the planned come true, because there is nothing more unpleasant than disappointment. Let your maternal and female happiness be infinite, and love is as flaming and sincere. Enjoy your life and today!

Short greetings happy birthday to a woman for SMS

The most charming woman should go through the life of the tsaritsa and swim in the attention of the most worthy men. Happy Birthday Beauty!

Flower, like a rose. Relieve your petals, fragrances, please others with your beautiful and fresh look. Stay as harmonious and desirable!

Let a man in your life look like a prince from a fairy tale. Let the car be the same as in your favorite film. Let the sea be as in the best advertisements. And let love be the same as in the most beautiful novel. Happy Birthday!

The most charming lady, happy birthday! Do not lose your charm and elegance. And do not cease to swim in compliments and colors - let your gentleman always remember this.

Happy birthday to a woman in prose

The most attractive woman in the world celebrates his birthday today. Let this babe never bent, never needs money, never knows melancholy and soulful pain. Let every vacation she spends on the ocean, and every weekend in a good restaurant with a loved one. The house may be a complete bowl, and harmony reigns in the heart. Happy birsday, my dear!

My dear, do not know the trouble, do not know grief. Swim in the ocean of smiles, Tony in human kindness, dissolve in love. I know that your cherished dream will surely come true. Stay as spectacular: Your appearance not only attracts men, but is the subject of the envy of women. Let it be so then! Glow from happiness and always smile. With your day!

You are beautiful and pretty, successful and lucky. Let your eyes shine, and happy moments will be frequent. Tell me, surprise, rejoice, inspire. Live with bright and rich life so that in old age all their lived days you remembered with tears of happiness in your eyes. And stay welcome - for a woman it is important. Let everything be as you want!

Today you have to smile at least a million times! And in the shower there should be only delight and unrestrained joy. Let the creative lifts be creative in your life, and the concerns and problems will remain far behind and never bother you again. You just should remember every second that Mila is gorgeous, feminine. In your heart, you are in the life of good, and this is very important. Happy Birthday!

That day and came! Day when you hear hundreds of words with wishes of health, love, happiness and success. Day when on the passport you will be older for a year, but in the soul for five years younger. Day when you look like, as always, dazzling! I want to wish you well-being: And let the money in life, it is not important, but their significance cannot be overestimated. I also want your personal life to be hidden from strangers and was filled with mutual understanding and endless love. In general, blooming, rejoice and glad. Happy Birthday!

Do you know beautiful greetings happy birthday to a woman? Share in the comments under the article!

Photo: At the request of Yandex and Google

Birthday is always the most long-awaited and most pleasant holiday, especially for girls. I want to congratulate you with this amazing holiday of your day and wish you to stay as beautiful and irresistible. Let your favorite man shook you in the mornings in the morning, let every day, the desired views of passersby are accustomed to you and let everything admire your beauty in this world. You are worth it!

On this wonderful day, on your birthday, allow you to congratulate you from all my heart and from the bottom of my heart. People around you probably managed to wish everything that you can wish, so I can only join everything already said. And from myself only one thing: I wish you all to be healthy, and the rest is attached.

I wish to stay always an excellent girl, a great friend who loving his wife, a caring mother and just a happy man! Let every new day become a reason for smiles and good mood. Love and be loved!

I wish the fulfillment of all cherished dreams! Let each, even the most inaccessible goal, will be achieved! Let each obstacle fall in front of your pressure and the desire for independence! You are the most beautiful, smart and purposeful woman in the world, I always wish it to stay.

When I ask me: "Who is the most beautiful girl in the world?" - Your image first pops up in my memory. This will seem unfinished flattery, but you really are the most amazing girl that I've ever wondered to meet. On your birthday, I want to sincerely wish you: Just be happy and do not deprive others to enjoy your smile!

At this superb day, I wish you to feel the goddess. Let your beauty never be fading. I wish you to avoid disease, never upset, especially because of men. Let you manage to always be cherries on a cake in any company.

Let that day there will be so many bouquets of flowers as you today. I also wish to earn as much as your age will be multiplied by a million, and I also wish you to meet a bold man. With the birth of you, all the best to you and bliss!

My dear, I wish you to be slim, like a thumb, beautiful, like a rose and mild, like a cloud. Let friends always be next to you, and their relatives will be healthy and happy. With the birth of you, smiles to you and beauty, as well as pleasant gifts and gentle words.

On this day, everyone is in a hurry to you with congratulations. I'm not an exception. I want to congratulate you from all my heart and wish you to rejoice at every long day, charge positive and be joyful and cheerful. Let you manage to replace the sun on cloudy days, and the surrounding will always be happy to communicate with you.

For you today, the words congratulations sound. I wish every kind word that is said in your address made you confident in yourself and cheerful. Let your self-esteem be at the height, and will also be a desire to develop and achieve success perfectly. Female happiness to you and the sea of \u200b\u200bjoy.

You are a wonderful mother and best wife, you are the best employee and caring daughter. I wish you a good and flourish, let their relatives will always be with you, and friends will be ready to help. Stay always excellent and the most beautiful, as well as stylish and very fashionable.

Happy birth. Let you manage to attract men as a flower attracts bees. Let you manage to be sweet, like chocolate, beloved, like a dollar and beautiful, like Maldives. Be a bird that can sing gentle trills to your beloved man. Happiness to you!

I look at you and understand that it is more beautiful to be and cannot. You know how to change the lives of people, and I am proof of that. You can delight and inspire. Not every woman is capable of it. Take my congratulations, and become even more beautiful and male. Happy on the appearance of you on the light!

In your eyes you can drown, your sponges are tender and sweet. Your figure is stunning. I wish you so that there was only a decent man who knows how to keep his word. Let all adversity and sorrow bypass you by the side. Love to you. Congratulations!

Men look at you with admiration. Many women envy your charm and elegance. I wish you to stay always on top. Let it be possible to look excellently in any weather and in any mood. Let bad thoughts do not attend you, and faith in the best will allow to become the happiest. With the birth of you!

Every woman, no exception, is the most real earthly angel. Thanks to the loving hands and affectionately, the birthday girl can forget about all the tests and adversity, which fall on the men's share. The fiery heart can find the necessary words that are always able to give strength and hardness. Let another birthday be filled with pleasant moments that will give vigor and health for many years.

The bottomless eyes of the birthday man makes even people with a very severe character and a romantic look at life. Her good hands and a gentle voice are always able to transfer others to the magic world, where harmony reigns and carelessness. Let every new day bring only joy!

Women's birthday is always a grand event. After all, inspiration, humor, tenderness and love appeared. Let the new year of life bring only bright moments that will decorate a happy destiny, and close people will be near, capable of bringing the carefree mines of complete happiness.

Each holiday is a unique event, but the birthday of an attractive lady is a special case. On this day, sweet-haired birds should sing, and enthusiastic fans to cover sparkling rhymes. Let the tables break from gifts, and all the vases available in the house will not be able to accommodate all the wonderful bouquets that are presented by the birthday!

Each lady has many fans. They do not always advertise their emotions, but for today's holiday will be an excellent occasion. Let the birthday of the most charming and attractive lady of modernity become a real ball of her beauty and uniqueness.

Beautiful greetings in your own words Woman for a birthday

How little words invented in order to express their admiration for today's birthday. Flowers fade next to her, and the heavenly luminaries look more dull. Let only positive emotions fill the heart of an excellent lady that can be crazy any cavalier!

The most exquisite bouquets of wildflowers will not compare with the freshness of the hostess of today's celebration. The birthday girl is beautiful as the goddess of the morning dew, which inspects its possessions after the cold winter. Let her heat transfer to all those present at the holiday today, and always.

Fate generously awarded the birthday girl, attractiveness, immediacy, kindness and other important qualities for ladies. Next to her cannot be idle and indifferent. Let the inexhaustible energy always inspires the culprit of the celebration for new accomplishments.

When our train says, the birds squeeze on the branches, and even the wind begins to blow the weaker. Her lobby mind, tirelessness, constant thirst for new discoveries, the desire to be useful surrounding, paint those who are near. Let the next year bring only pleasant surprises and exciting things!

On the birthday, a woman does not need to desire anything superfluous. Let all the wonderful that makes up the life of the conviction of the celebration, will remain near, bringing every day. Love, warmth, health, joy, prosperity and ordinary female happiness!

In this clear, wonderful day I want to hug and congratulate such wonderful as you are a woman. I want to do the following sincere wishes. Let every day be filled with love and real female happiness. Let all others be crazy about your radiant smile and shining eyes. I also hope that your soul will be easily all my life. May your mood is raised.

Today is especially beautiful, since now we celebrate the day when such a wonderful person appeared as you! I hope that throughout your life every day success awaits you, and happiness will become an eternal companion.

Over the years of our communication, you have become a very important and loved one for me, so today I want to celebrate an important holiday. I want the comfort to do not leave your accommodation, and let the heart always be filled with warmth, good and happiness. I hope you will be a pleasant surprise every day. Let your husband makes for you every weekend delicious breakfast.

Today is very important, long-awaited day. Let the complements warm your ears daily. I want you to never have a lack of energy. Always be the same good, hardworking and charming as now.

One of the most important and momentar days a year for me is your birthday. Be always young with a soul. Let native value appreciate you and help, and every day will be full of bright, sincere emotions.

Today we gathered in a circle of friends to celebrate a wonderful holiday. Let disappointment and sadness do not come to your house, cleaning home is made easy. Let the closet always be suitable for each day and events clothes and shoes. And you will be the most stylish and fashionable.

It is so important to have such a responsive girlfriend as you. Thank you for many great moments. On this day I want to wish you forever forget about despondency, sadness and longing, think only about good. I wish today to enjoy every day, glow from happiness, believe in yourself and your strength.

Let today be full of joy and will be remembered for many years. After all, a significant day came. Let work not tires, and the vacation seems endless. Yes, there will be a dinner for the family to prepare easily and quickly, and let the husband will always be from him in a huge delight.

I want with all my heart so that today has passed wonderful. You are my good girlfriend, let you have many unforgettable adventures, fun walks, good dating. Dream, and your dreams, hopes and desires will definitely become embodied in real life.

I want your health to be excellent, let cash always grab. I also want you to have a big, immense female happiness.

You are a woman who admires her gorgeous view. You know how to conquer in one glance. In addition, you combine the mind, restraint and ability to think. I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday and I wish to stay the most friendly, cheerful and excellent!

Let every day of your life filled with meaning. Let the smile be your best decoration. I wish your family to please you. Let the meaning of your life be lost, and there will be only devotee and faithful friends who can help not only in a difficult moment, and they will be there when you are happy!

I wish you a sea of \u200b\u200bpositive emotions, I wish the lungs of awakening and delightful sunsets. Let them have to go with joy and will be a desire to come back home in the evening. I wish you to enjoy life and stay the very breathtaking woman!

Happy Birthday, I want to express your gratitude for your work, for your attention, for your beauty that you not only keep, but also multiply. Light you the future, bright you hope. Attention from family, relatives and colleagues. Good weather outside the window and in the shower! With birth!

Let the family be your support. Let the children be proud. I wish you a bright future to you and your whole family. I wish your health to strengthen, the money was added, and there were less bad events. Merry to you, stability, with birth!

You look like the sun. You are glow from the inside, and it means that you can enjoy life. I wish you nothing to change and you managed to stay so cute, wonderful and gorgeous. Happy birth, with a wonderful holiday to celebrate with joy!

Please accept the most sincere wishes. Let life be exciting as the sea and warm, like the sun. Be blooming and omnipresent. Be pretty and excellent. Forgive the resentment, but at the same time draw conclusions. Watch your health and take the most spiritual congratulations!

I wish more joyful moments and pleasant surprises. Let him be happy to rejoice in every day, every smile and a pleasant word. Let your life path be delivered by flowers, not spiny. Take these congratulations, and let this day remain in memory for a long time!

I wish female happiness. I wish you rest not only physical, but also moral. Let life be similar to a cake with cream, that is, it will be sweet and desirable. Be your beloved and love all the soul and remember, there is no woman more chic than you!

I wish to start a day with a smile. I wish to celebrate a birthday with positive emotions. Drink sad thoughts and remember that life is incredibly good, if noticing in it only good. Congratulations on your birth!

Happy birthday congratulations in your own words

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  • Happy birthday greetings former guy poems

    Sweet meetings to you and warm hugs. Let the fate be happy. Let you have more pleasant sympathies. Let me remain in memory.

  • Happy Birthday! Bright positive mood, high achievements, mental harmony, prosperity, good health, success in everything! I wish never to stop there. Good luck in the knowledge of new ideas, self-development and aspiration only to the best!

    Happy Birthday! Let life be a continuous flow of happy days and beautiful moments. I wish you back to look around only with good memories, look forward with confidence in your own strength and good hope, and in the present always to remain a wonderful person with a loving heart and an open soul.

    Congratulations on you with this wonderful holiday - happy birthday! I wish you smile every day, waking up with a good mood, enjoy life and with full confidence in myself to meet the cherished dreams.

    I congratulate you on your birthday! I wish not to hurt, not to be sad, smile to smile a lot, shine from happiness, over the years only good, believing in the best and in a dream, which will undoubtedly come true. Let the luck be your guide, the golden mountains of well-being and sweet dreams open to you. Magic moments let your look be ill, love will always be there and delivers you only pleasure.

    Happy Birthday! I wish good, light, peace, smiles, excellent mood. Let everything bad bypass by side, the vital loves are overcome with ease, and every day will be filled with joy and happiness. And of course, bright faith, huge hopes, endless love.

    Happy Birthday! In addition to standard wishes - happiness, health and all the best - I wish all the dreams to come true, so that every day brought many pleasant surprises to surround you only the good and necessary people. And even luck. Luck in everything and always. And that each work started has ended successfully!

    Happy Birthday! I wish immense happiness, good health, real love, good luck, wealth, fulfillment of desires! Let life be filled with positive emotions, faithful friends, joyful days. Bright, bright, happy events!

    Happy Birthday! Good luck in all endeavors, the fulfillment of desires, always light and good mood, faith in yourself and advance towards your goals. And more beautiful health, more smiles and holidays, and on weekdays, and let every day will be filled with happiness and warmth.

    Happy Birthday! I wish your life to be bright and delightful, your loved ones have given attention, joy, warmth and affection, friends surrounded sincere understanding and support, colleagues respected and treated. Let everything seemed to be unreserved, and the most desirable let it happen!

    Wonderful, sunny man, I congratulate you happy birthday! Let any day and in any weather you will have everything will be wonderful, let them always be those who can give their strong arms, let them always be those who will fill your life with the light of happiness.