Pose of breastfeeding pose. Secrets of proper breastfeeding: sitting, lying and other poses

In order for feeding to go smoothly, it is important to choose suitable postures in which it will be convenient to all - then, with long applies to the breast, a woman will not get tired and can support positive contact with the newborn. Of course, most mothers intuitively find comfortable poses for breastfeeding, but the tip will not be superfluous, and the photo will help to visually see the optimal location.

What poses for feeding are considered correct? Which of them are better? In fact, there is no single answer to these questions - each of the positions has its own characteristics. In different cases, different poses for feeding may be suitable. It is possible to consider such in which no one is nervous, and the mother does not get tired.

Classical "cradle"

In the Soviet books about the upbringing of children, this situation was proposed as the only right. Its essence is that the mother sits and presses the kid to himself with his hands. Such a pose is pretty good for short feeding - it is possible to use not only at home, but also at a party or even on the journey. The main thing is to find a place where you can sit down. Sitting, pressing the baby, my mother is comfortable for about 15 minutes, then the back and hands get tired. Step-by-step guide:

  • Mom sits on a chair or in a chair. You can sit on a stool or bench, but then the back will get tired even faster, it is better to have a support.
  • The child's mother takes on his hands: the head lies on the bending of the elbow of one hand, the belt is on the palm of the other. The legs are convenient to support forearm.
  • The baby lies, turning to her mom with the tummy.
  • With the usual "cradle", the baby lies with the head towards the chest, from which it sucks, and the main burden of the mother goes to this hand.

The kid in the "cradle" feels more free

Cross or reverse "cradle"

Such a pose for feeding a newborn can be perfectly approaching, but a older child will be difficult to hold in a similar position due to weight. In such a pose, Mom supports the baby with a hand opposite to the nursing breast. It turns out that it is completely lying on his hand. In this case, you can free the second hand to drink tea or for a short time to read.

"Luxury" with a pad

Modern adaptations make it easier to facilitate life, including nursing mothers. You can purchase a special pad for feeding in the form of a boomeranga with risers, which are fixed under the breast and facilitate the load during feeding, free your arms. Mom just need to fix the pillow and put your child to your tummy. In such a position, the baby is where it is necessary, and a woman can even get up or do something with his hands if necessary. You can, for example, drink a cup of tea or to make an older child.

Poses lying on the side

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It is worth paying attention to the pose for feeding lying. The most calm and least intense way of feeding is lying on the side. In such a relaxed position, you can be long enough.

Feeding lower breasts

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Mom falls on the side, a little fading his legs, her head lies on a high pillow, the shoulder is located below.
  • The head of the child is placed on the bend of the elbow or on the bed, and his legs rest in the mother's her knees.
  • Mom gives the bottom chest.

Such a pose is good for everyone. It can feed a newborn woman who can still be sitting after childbirth. It is convenient for the posture and for moms of kids older, because it is a good reason to stick to rest.

When a joint dream is practiced, the position lying on the side allows you to feed the child without having trouble at any time, but it should be remembered that it should not feed one breasts twice in a row. It is necessary to either turn over to another side, or to master the pose with feeding from the upper breast.

Feeding upper breasts

The difference with the previous feeding position is lying in the fact that the child needs to raise a bit so that he can reach the upper chest. It is easy to do if you put a head and a back to your hand, and legs - on the leg. Mom curses a little shoulder, and the upper chest becomes available.

With such a posture, problems may arise if the dairy glands are small. In this case, mom needs to lie on the stomach (in whole or in part), the hand is comfortable to put under the head. Child is put between the bed and the top of the chest, then the upper chest is right at his lipper.

For convenience, you can also use a small rigid pad or roller.

Hand Pose

This posture for feeding the infants is also called "anti-crisis" or "Capture of the ball" because the head of the crumbs is kept in hand. To support the child, you can use a roller from a blanket or pillow - both ordinary and special. In this position, one hand remains free, but an ordinary chair will not fit for mom, as for the cradle, you will need a chair with wide armrests. You can stay in bed, while it is possible to solve some problems arising during lactation.

The pose from hand is relevant in cases:

  • improper grip of a nipple;
  • cracked nipples;
  • lactostasis (stagnation in lactic glands) (we recommend reading :);
  • "Lazy Sosina".

How does this pose help? It gives the opportunity to more complete control and somewhat greater freedom, because one hand remains free. Mom sees well, as the baby takes the chest and with the wrong grip of the nipple can correct that the child sucks and did not capture the air.

Often, the kid is poorly gaining weight, it can occur due to the fact that it is the so-called "lazy suck." It can quickly get tired of sucking and even fall asleep, not attempting as it should. In this case, the mother can make a free hand to stretch the baby or move the nipple in his mouth. It usually helps, and when the child is strengthened, he will be cheerful and more actively to eat himself.

Cracks may form on the nipples, especially when the mother feeds in the same position. Position change helps to facilitate feeding, make it less painful and accelerate the healing of the wound. Approximately the same mechanism and lactostasis - if a stagnant in some breast shares was formed, then it is often enough to change the location, and the problem will quickly decide.

From pose for feeding, in which the child sucks the chest, largely depends on which shares are devastated. It is usually best to absorb the shares to which the child's chin turn.

Since the most popular poses for feeding, when the chin is directed toward the mother's belly, then the upper stakes of the chest are absorbed worse than everything. To avoid stagnation, it is necessary to feed in different positions - in position from hand, the upper lobes are just well sued.

Option "Lying Valnet"

The relaxation pose can be as relaxed as possible if you lie down. A small disadvantage of feeding pose lying lies in the fact that mom needs to go to bed in the midst of beds to remain a place for a child. You can put your hand under your head, but it quickly regulates, so you should take a high pillow.

Option "Outline"

  • Mom is located above the child, the chest is served by the baby from above.
  • A woman sticks his hand a little on the side and as if hangs over the baby to feed him.

To such an embodiment, the pose for feeding should be adversely pronesed, but it is good because in this case, all the fractions of the breast are easily absorbed and empty. If there are problems and appears stagnation in the mammary gland, then for more complete suction of milk milk can feed, standing on all fours on the bed over the kid.

You can set up your head to your feet or vice versa, get across your chad. Nursing mother will feel exactly what shares need absorption, and will choose a suitable position. All options for such a position are good in that sucking helps the force of gravity, because the nipple is directed down, so the child is much easier.

Pose Australian

The name "Australian" causes associations with something exotic. In fact, this is a position when the mother lies on his back, and the baby is a tummy on her stomach. Another name is "Phone".

- As often as possible be near Mom, feel it warm. The ideal option when a sufficient amount of milk is produced in the chest for a weight gain, the normal development of crumbs. It is important to know how to feed the newborn. The feeding process after childbirth should not be negatively reflected in the state of mom. There are special postures for feeding newborns.

In contact with

Positions lying

Feeding lying

If the child is correctly applied to the chest, it is easy for milk. The saturation process is accelerated. How to keep a child when feeding, is it possible to feed the baby lying? Consider convenient postures for.

Breastfeeding period - happy time for mother and baby. The competent organization will allow all participants in the process to feel comfortable.

Nowadays, doctors are not forced to stick to some particular poses. If there are no contraindications, it is worth experimenting. You can use different poses for feeding newborns. What is the pose of feeding the most comfortable, every woman decides herself.

Important! The correct path is the method of trial and error. After a while, it is worth trying other ways, because the child grows and the behavior changes.

Breastfeeding is most often applied by experienced mothers. In such a posture it is easy to change the chest, while there is no need to disturb sleep. Both participants in the process are in the position lying on the side, turning to each other.

When the crumb eats from the bottom chest, everything is comfortable. If it goes to the top, then it is necessary to raise the body of the crumbs, give the second chest. The hand feels a strong load. In such a posture, it is impossible for a long time. Pillow will help to cope with the situation. Most often, it is used for nightly applying parents who practice joint sleep with a crumb.

The position of feeding from the armpit is great for women, which for various reasons is forbidden to sit. This method implies the position of half a litage, and the piping point is the thigh and forearm.

Krocha can be placed on the pillow perpendicular to the body of the mother. In a similar position, you can apply it to the chest sitting, having posted with pillows from all sides. It is not very convenient, but just necessary when lactostasis occurs. Faster is freed from milk the area where the chin is. If the stagnant process is observed at the top of the chest, put the crumb back in advance.

A woman needs to lie down, and under his head and back to arrange several pillows. Puffy put yourself on the stomach. This is the perfect option for restless children. They feel safe, they become warm and comfortable. Making the movements of the limbs newborn itself does not interfere. It can be used during the period of lactation, when milk simply breaks down under pressure, splashes the fountain. Being over the nipple, it is easier to adjust the flow of milk without choking at the same time. This method is used for colic prevention.

Americans call pose from hand - soccer ball. The name arose because the newborn is clamped under his arm. Similarly, players hold the ball playing American football.

Any poses from the above can be used, lining a pillow. How to feed on a pillow for sleep, which can serve to mitigate the load after cesarean section. It is not necessary to have a special accessory, an ordinary sofa cushion is perfect.

For the organization of feeding from the armpit, you will need several pillows. It is important to adhere to the main rule: the mouth is in the same line with a nipple. Mom sits smoothly, not loading back. It is most often applied while learning applying.

Hand feeding allows you to remove milk reserves from the lower and lateral area of \u200b\u200bthe chest.


Most often, moms practiced feeding sitting, and this is, in their opinion, very comfortable. Consider in more detail posture for feeding newborns. These methods are not suitable for women after cesarean sections, if they have numerous gaps.

The position "Cradle" is classic. Many celebrate it as the most convenient posture for Mom sits in a chair or in Turkish. Head is on top of her mother's hand. Remove the voltage from my mother's hands by placing the pillow. Legs to arrange a little higher, in order to raise the body of the baby.

Cross cradle - an option similar to the previous one. Mom directs Croha D

to larger, deep seizure of the chest. The baby is located on his right hand. Leva is the opportunity to prevent breasts to her mouth. If everything is comfortable, hands can be placed more conveniently.

Important!Mostly proper seizure require premature, weak kids.

The position "Ovsania" allows milk to go down the milk. Choo lies on the side, mother hangs on top. It is used for children who are moving from bottle feeding to the thoracic. In such a position, the woman feels not very convenient, so this way is not to be carried away.

When the baby needs to be laid in bed, but at the same time they played out, you can use the "Molding" method. At the same time, the mother stands, and the infants lies on the handles. In this position, you can offer a child to eat. Together with smooth shaking, the baby will certainly want to sleep. This position is suitable for the newborn, as well as the baby older. It is important to take into account the fact that the hands feel a greater load, especially when the baby has a lot of weight.

Other positions

Having mastered the previous positions can be considered a superman. If you try new postures with baby - it's great. For a variety, you can apply a position on the thigh. Here the crumb is sitting, and at the same time supports the head allowing you to make the right grip.

The meal standing is very common in children who are already well holding or do the first steps. If the baby upset something, it can calm down perfectly in a great way.

Babies older than 6 months, which are already able to sit, eat sitting opposite mom and look at her, while not holidaying breasts from mouth.

Various posture for feeding newborns

If two kids were born, it is necessary to prepare for the fact that the positions will differ somewhat from the above.

There are two options:

  • applying children in order of queue. With this situation, spend twice as much time. And one of the kids will be capricious, cry, not giving mom to focus on the second;
  • specialists suggest that it is necessary to apply both children at the same time.

You can choose the above-described position "Cradle". At the same time, two pillows should be located on both sides. One crumb must be laid as usual. And the second tightly pressed the tummy to the back of a brother or sister. It is important to observe the capture, it must be correct.

Convenient position - from under the mouse. Initially, the woman will be in order to convenient place children on the pillows.

During feeding, it is not necessary to fix every breast over one kid.Due to different needs in the amount of milk, as well as the different intensity of sucking. At the same time, the chest can be deformed, to become a different size.

If the baby is all the time on one side, then the upper eye is trained, and the lower in the absence of the load is atrophy. This is fraught with squint.

Change not only the chest, as well as the position of the baby. First lying on the side, then change the body position. Baby, which is less actively sucking, it is necessary to register from the bottle with a reclining milk. For convenience

Feeding 2 infants at the same time

Rules applying

To properly feed the newborn, first of all, it is necessary to adhere to special rules:

  1. Body baby on one line, head raised up. This will avoid tightening.
  2. Mom must close his son or daughter to himself, then the baby will feel safe.
  3. Head baby maintain hand.
  4. The baby needs to be brought to the nipple, and not vice versa.
  5. Monitor the position of the head, prevent its lowering, backwards. The spine of the cervical department is located on one line.
  6. Contact skin cover. You should not wear a large number of clothes.
  7. During sucking, clicking, climbing sounds should not occur.
  8. It is impossible to hold on the back of the baby.
  9. With the difficulty of breathing, change the angle of inclination.
  10. In cases where the chest is large, it is possible to put a rolled diaper under it.
  11. Surrounded by mom, there should be a variety of pillows in order to correct the position for the convenience of feeding.
  12. Since there is a lot of fluid in the process, it is necessary to have drinking water at hand to replenish the water balance.

Useful video: The most convenient pose for breastfeeding

Each mommy chooses for itself the most convenient posture. For example, after the cesarean section it is not recommended to sit, therefore it is worth using positions lying. A special feeding cushion is often used.It has a special form that allows you to properly accommodate the newborn.

Discomfort, fatigue, painful sensations in the chest or back area are signs of breastfeeding techniques in general and improper selection of poses for feeding - in particular. Young mothers for ignorance do not give the last of great importance, and in vain. In the conditions of modern medicine, when doctors discard the "regime" method and insist on feeding on demand, the correct organization of the process is extremely important.

Pies for feeding: why it is important to know about them

Several tens of years ago, when young mothers practiced feeding "by the clock", they were offered the only true posture: the woman was sitting on the bed, substituting his chair under his leg. Doctors assured that in this position, the milk outflow was carried out better, which reduced the risk of developing stagnant processes in the chest.

Despite the fact that such a position is not as convenient for the exhausted pregnancy and childbirth of the female organism, it enjoyed great popularity. After all, feeding time was also regulated and did not exceed 15 - 20 minutes, thanks to which Mom practically did not tire.

Today, such an approach to feeding is considered ineffective. Pediatricians replaced it with feeding on demand, mentioning that the development of lactation in this case, mom does not threaten if it is:

  • practicing frequent applying;
  • regularly changes the chest and pose for feeding;
  • provides free breast location, without supporting it at the time of saturation of the crumbs.

Important! In the choice of poses for feeding, you only need to focus on your feelings. A woman, like a child, should be comfortable and comfortable, then the process will bring a lot of pleasure to both.

The abundance of poses also allows you to prevent several postpartum problems at once, namely:

Note! In the event of a lactostasis, which is manifested by the presence of seals in the chest, feeding must be organized in such a way that the chin of the baby in the process is directed towards the seal. Thus, the latter will last quickly.


The key to the success of the process is in the right organization. In order to avoid the appearance of the feeling of discomfort, it is necessary to prepare in advance that were used during pregnancy. They should be laid in order to feel as relaxed at the moments of privacy.

It is also important to exclude annoying or distracting factors, for example, by closing in a separate room with a baby. Sudden attacks of thirst or hunger can not be ignored if you put a plate with a light snack or a glass of water in the area of \u200b\u200breach.

Pose for feeding: basic views

There is a lot of poses for feeding, meanwhile all of them are divided into three types by the method of organization:

  • lying;
  • sitting;
  • standing.

Positions lying

These are the most convenient ways of feeding, in which the mother can relax fully. Most often they are used in the first weeks of the child's life, when that sucks the chest for a long time and a lot. You can lie on both the bed and on the sofa. Meanwhile, the first option is preferable, since it eliminates the risk of falls and bruises.

Feeding on the side

Perfect position for women after. Its advantage - to exclude any pressure on the healing belly and, as a result, the pledge of speedy recovery. You can use such a pose not only during the day, but also at night, without interrupting a full-fledged rest.

It is enough for this:

  • lie on the side, without resting on the elbows (for convenience it is better to put a low pillow under the head);
  • put the child nearly below the nipple, taking care that his head becomes a little crowned;
  • attach the nipples in the child's mouth, holding the latter under the blade.

Important!By organizing night feedings in this way, it is worth taking care of the roller in advance, which will hold the back of the baby when mom falls.

On the hand

Such a position is a way out for a woman who has too little child, and it will simply be able to reach the nipple when feeding on his side. To help him, the mother can rely on the elbow or feed, meanwhile, the long feeding in such a position ends with a flipping of the limbs and pain in the back.

To avoid them, enough:

  • lie on the side, putting forward a hand;
  • put the crumb to yourself at the forearm, holding it under the ass;
  • with the other hand to file the chest.

Note!In such a position, you can put a low pillow under your head in such a way that the shoulders remain on the bed. Then there will be no pain in the neck. In addition, it is ideal for women who in the lateral fraction of the breast are often formated.

Another option is such a posture - the use of the pillow instead of its own hand. The main thing is to put it as close as possible to my body, then the process will bring pleasure and mom, and the baby.

Pose for feeding "Valts"

This method is intended for mothers who have seals in the upper part of the chest, although it is also possible to resort to its use in order to prevent lactostasis.

This follows:


Such a position contributes to the improvement of milk outflow, as it implies the obesity of the breast over the mouth of the child. It is often resorted to it when gaining milk generation. In addition, it is ideal for "lazy" kids who are accustomed to eating from the bottle, where food does not need to suck.

In order to organize feeding, it is necessary:

  • lie on the side, lifting on the elbow;
  • next to put a sideways of a child, belly to the stomach;
  • help him grab your chest with a free hand.

With all its advantages, such a position has a significant disadvantage: the elbow, which the woman relies, quickly checks, resulting in resorting to its use is recommended in extreme cases.

Feeding sitting

Such poses for feeding are most practical. With their help, you can organize feeding in the clinic, visiting or at home, for example, if after saturation a child needs to be shifted in the crib.

Note! Many women argue that it is best to feed the kid sitting in a rocking chair. Thus, you can not only relax, but also take a nap.


Traditional posture, involving the holding of crumbs in mom in his arms. It is considered as comfortable as possible for him, as it allows him to take the position in which he was in the womb.

For its organization enough:

  • convenient to sit on the sofa;
  • take a child in hand so that his head lay down on the elbow fold;
  • press him with the tummy, holding a free hand for the ass;
  • invest in his mouthing breasts.

Important! For the convenience of both you can hold the crumb to the head. It is also important to ensure that she herself was a little tracked back, and his mouth was just below the nipple. This will allow him to fully utter, without compromising breathing at the same time.

In the event of the appearance of back pain, a woman is to learn on the back of the sofa or change the position.

Reverse cradle

This is the perfect option for babies that do not know how to tone the nipple well.. In such a position, the head fixation is ensured, due to which the mouth is in close proximity to the breast.

Mom need:

  • sit on the sofa, putting a pillow on his knees;
  • take the child with their right hand, supporting palm under the head;
  • feed her left breast, putting it into her mouth.

In such a position, the hand can lie on the pillow, feeding is comfortable. If the limb is pushing, hand is changed.

Pose for feeding a child "from hand"

There are few people who use such a position, although by convenience it is not inferior to the cradle, but can be applied even after the cesarean section.

To organize it, you need:

  • it is convenient to sit down, laying the roller under the back and the pillow next to the breast, which is planned for feeding;
  • top to the pillow to lay a child with a tummy to her side, starting his legs for his back and holding the head with his palm, and the elbow - the ass;
  • when the head is at the nipple level, it is time to invest the last in his mouth.

Note!This posture is worth choosing mothers, which are twisted, thereby complicating feeding process.

On the knees

Position for toddlers older, which they are mastered even on their own when mom is sitting on the sofa. After a half year of the child, you can sit face to yourself, starting his legs for your back. Breasts love her not only for simplicity, but also for the ability to build visual contact with mom at such moments.

Pose for feeding standing

They cut out a woman who needs to put the baby or do homemade.


The pose is similar to the cradle, but at the same time:

  • mom stands with a baby in his arms, putting his head on his own fill;
  • it is necessary to trace his tummy in contact with her belly;
  • free hand to file the chest.

Important! Little kids can be held with one hand, and those who are older - necessarily two.

On the hip.

It is designed for children suffering from constant. Its advantage - in the vertical arrangement of the crumbs, thanks to which he eats, not swallowing the air.

To implement it, you need:

  • put the leg bent in the knee, on the support;
  • take a child in hand;
  • squeeze his booty to her thigh, holds the hand at the level of a little below the nipple;
  • help him capture him.

Such a position is also salvation when hyperlactation, when milk is poured, and the baby literally chips them.

In Sling

This posture allows you to realize feeding on a walk or in the clinic, especially since the child's proximity to the pacifier does not remain unnoticed. The main thing is to ensure that it captures it correctly.

Some young mothers experience pain when feeding. Most often it is caused by the wrong position during feeding or disruption of toddler applying equipment to the chest.

In general, breastfeeding technique is very important, as it makes breastfeeding with a pleasant process for mommy and her baby. The task of a woman is to help him immediately take the chest so that he get enough milk.

But before considering the main poses for feeding, let's figure it out how to properly apply and take a baby from the chest.

Appliances applying to the chest: Basic Rules

An important nuance: wash your breasts in front of each feeding is optional, otherwise there will be cracks on the nipples. Then feed the baby will be very painful.

  • The first rule of technology applying to the chest ─ Kid should widely open the mouth and capture not only the nipple itself, but also the brown area around it is a halo. For this, the nipple should be strictly before the nose of the crumbs, and it must deflect the head back.
  • Mommy's thumb is on top of the chest at the top of the baby's lips. The remaining fingers should be near the bottom lip, as a rule, in parallel to it. Watch that your fingers do not cover the halis.
  • Now you need to squeeze a little milk from the nipple and lead to them at the bottom lip of the child, which, in turn, should open the mouth wide. Invest your nipple in the mouth so that the lower lip is under the nipple. In order for the milk to flow slightly faster, the halo can be slightly handted with fingers.
  • If you do everything right, then the baby sponges will be well twisted and at the same time capture part of the halo.
  • Listen, whether the baby swallows. With proper feeding technique, you will hear swallowing sounds and combosions.
  • If the child has greatly sued your chest, you should not get into panic and "tear off" it. You can make it hurt. There is a very simple technique: insert the little finger in the corner of the baby's mouth, the inlet air and "depressing" thereby the vacuum that is formed during the suction.
  • It is very important in which posture you are sitting. If during feeding you will bend to the child, then your back will get tired very quickly, and you can hardly get any pleasure from this process. Better to tilt it to yourself. It is also wrong if it stretches to the chest or hanging on it.

Pies for feeding


This is the most convenient and natural pose for a newborn. It is she who is shown in the maternity hospital. You take a crumb into your hands and have it as if he is in the cradle. The baby's head is on your elbow one hand, and you keep it under the back. At the same time, the baby can be pressed to your tummy, and its lips are immediately in front of the nipple. In this posture, it is convenient to feed from any breast, just shifting the baby head from one hand to another. You can how to sit and stand, and even walk, at the same time feed and telling the crumb.

Pose for feeding "Cradle": The baby lies on the handles of mom as in the cradle

"Cross Luxury"

Looks like a "cradle" pose, but with some difference. If in the cradle, the crumbs head simply lay on the collapse of your hand, then in this posture you support it with a palm. Kid
It still lies on the bend of that hand, which is located on the side of the "nursing" breast, and the other hand you create additional support for the baby's head.

Cross "cradle" is convenient when you still work out the correct seizure of the chest. Thus, with palms you can adjust the position and tilt the head of the baby so that it is correct and, most importantly, it could deeply capture the nipple and the areal gland. This is especially important in relation to premature and weak babies.

Pose for feeding "Cross Luxury": a free hand Mom supports a newborn head

"From hand"

Sit more comfortable, put the crumb on the pillow and, supporting his head with a hand, accurately post the baby to the armpit. As a result, the child lies on the bent elbow of your hand, his head ─ in your palm, and the legs are located behind. It looks as if the baby is at your hand. The head of the baby should be a little higher than his legs - it will be more convenient to suck the chest.

This position is especially convenient for MAM twins. They can keep kids at the same time: one sucks one breast, and the other is another.

Pose for feeding "From hand": the child is an armpit, his head at mom's palm, and legs - rear

If you had a caesarean section or heavy childbirth, and the doctor forbade you to sit, then the baby can be fed in the same posture, but only lying. You are lying on the forearm, and the baby is perpendicular to your body, along the supporting hand. You support the baby with the palm, and it is located as if "upside down" in relation to the chest.

This posture is ideal when seals in the chest, when the child does not fully sucks milk, it is prevention of the beasts, so it is desirable to feed the baby at least once a day.

"Lying on the side"

Put the baby on the bed, lie next to the baby face. The shoulder rests on the bed. Press the baby to yourself, the stomach to the stomach, and the nose - to the nipple.

Important: Make sure not to fall asleep in such a posture!

Pose for feeding "lying on my side" ─ one of the most convenient for mom and child

"Lying on your hand"

This posture is similar to the previous one, but there are differences. You are lying with a baby face to each other, both on the side. Under the head of a newborn, it is better to put a pillow to make it easier for him to reach the nipple. She will not need an older child. Hug your baby with the bottom hand so that his head was on top of his hand. In the same way, he lies on his hand when you kicker it. Baby You give the "bottom" chest, which is closer to that hand that hugs it.

The posture is good because your spin can relax, and you relax.

Pose for feeding "lying on the hand": the baby is conveniently located on his hand, and Mommy itself can relax back

"Child on mom"

This posture will suit those moms, who has a lot of breast milk, which literally hits a jet, and the baby in a lying position is simply choking. Such feeding will be painful for him. Therefore, take a departure position, put the crumb of belly yourself on the stomach. His head is turned a little side.

Such a position is also good and in that it prevents the occurrence of gazikov and colic.

This posture can be combined with light gymnastics to allow newborn (especially 1─1.5 months) a little move. Put the kid for yourself on the stomach. First low. After a while, he will begin to repel, try to crawl. At this point, substitute your hands under his heel, giving him a support. It will make a few jolts and turns out to be at the chest level. Support it with armpits. So the child is actively looking for the chest. Then he takes her and starts to suck.

Pose for feeding "lying on mom": if the milk hits a jet, and the child is choking, this posture is for you


The name of this posture speaks for itself: Mom hangs over the child, giving him a chest. She can stand on fours on the bed and feed the baby, or hang over the changing table. The head of the baby must be rotated.

This provision makes it possible to free the lower and central chest glands from milk, thus preventing the stools. Also, this posture is recommended for the moms of those children who were born prematurely, weak and cannot independently take the chest.

Pose for feeding "Outside": Mom gives the chest to the child, hanging over it

Choose what is convenient!

Equally important in feeding is also a convenient position of the mother. This process passes in all differently, there are such happy moms, whose kids suck for half an hour and even longer. If the posture is not comfortable for a woman, then it will soon feel pain in his back, her legs will begin to fall, hands, etc. It will not receive any pleasure from such a procedure, moreover, it will constantly interrupt feeding to change the pose. And this will already adversely affect the child, which every time you have to capture the breast, the swallow air, which, as you know, leads to coliks.

Important: Your shoulders should be omitted, the back is relaxed, then, first of all, the influx of milk will be better, and secondly, the baby will feel your relaxed state and better suck.

Therefore, immediately explore and try different poses, find the one that you are comfortable. You may need some attributes ─ pillows or a special cushion for pregnant women (in the form of horseshoes), which will now serve you to support the child while he sucks the chest.

It will not be superfluous to master several different poses and breastfeeding techniques - because life circumstances often require flexibility from us, especially when your baby becomes older and you begin to get out of the house.

Whatever the pose for breastfeeding you have chosen, remember a few simple rules.

  • Before feeding in advance, prepare everything you need, including drinking, food, mobile phone, remote control, book, or magazine. And do not forget to go to the toilet - the feeding process can delay for a long time!
  • Take care that the baby is comfortable. Whatever position you choose, it is important to keep the child firmly, evenly and provide good support for his head, neck and spine.
  • You should also be convenient. Do not allow voltages. If necessary, use pillows of different sizes or rollers from towels as a support for your back or hands.
  • Make sure that the baby correctly captured the chest. Proper seizure is a pledge of comfort when breastfeeding.
  • If the kid is badly capturing the breast or you experience pain during feeding, contact your breastfeeding consultant. The specialist can also show you how it is more convenient to keep the child.

1. Relaxed feeding or half

The situation for relaxed feeding, also known as biological feeding, often becomes the first pion for most moms. If immediately after birth, put the baby mother on the chest or on the stomach, normally he instinctively stretches to his chest and tries to capture the nipple. This phenomenon is known as the reflex search of the parent breast. Contact The skin to the skin stimulates the food instinct of the baby, and the power of gravity helps him grab the chest and keep balance.

But in the middleside position you can feed not only newborns - this posture is perfect for kids of any age. It may be especially by the way, if the child does not capture the chest in other poses or does not like touching the head during feeding, and also - if you have too strong milk tide or too big breasts. My experience is divided by Isabelle, Mom from the UK: "I had a big breast, and the baby was born a small - 2.7 kg, so it was not easy to find a comfortable posture. A few weeks later it became clear that the "correct" posture for me does not exist. As a result, I most often fed lying, putting my child to my chest. "

It is more convenient to feed without lying exactly on the back, but half-sidew, leaning on the pillows. So you will have a back for your back and you can watch the baby during feeding.

2. Pose "Cradle"

This is a classic posture that first comes to mind when it comes
It comes to breastfeeding. Mom sits
straight, and the baby lies on the side of her on her hand, pressing his belly to her belly. But although this is a very popular pose, it is not always easy to master it with newborn, because it gives the baby less support. Try to put the pillow under the back, and put a special pillow for breastfeeding on your knees and rely on her with your hands. So you will be able to maintain a child, not overwhelming your back and shoulders. Just try to feed the baby on the pillow for feeding too high. The chest should remain at the natural level so that the baby can grab it without effort, otherwise not to avoid inflamed nipples.

"I fed in the pose" Cradle ", because she came to me perfectly! It was convenient, and I liked just to sit and look at my baby, "recalls Rachel, mom two children from Italy.

3. Pose "Cross Luxury"

This pose for breastfeeding looks almost the same as the "cradle", but the baby lies on the other hand. It provides a child support in the neck and shoulders, so that he can tilt his head to capture his chest. Such a pose is great for feeding newborns and just small babies, as well as for children who are poorly capturing the chest. Since the child is completely lying on the other hand, it becomes easier to control his position and you can correct the chest with a free hand.

Julie, the mother of two children from the UK, considers this pose very practical: "Usually I feed my younger child in the" Cross Luxury "pose. So I have a free second hand, and I can look at the older baby at the same time. "

At first, do not hold the child for the head, otherwise you can inadvertently press him the chin to his chest. Because of this, the child will not be able to capture his chest deep, because the nipple will rest on him in the base of the language, and not into the sky, which will lead to the inflammation of the nipples. As the child grows, this posture becomes more and more convenient, and he can relieve his head to you on the palm (as shown in the photo above).

4. breastfeeding from hand

In this position, known as "Capture the ball", Mom sits, and the child lies along her hands on the side, with legs to the back of the chair (or any other seat). This is another convenient pose for breastfeeding newborns - in it you can provide a child with good support, fully control its position and see his face well. And the baby feels safe with a close contact with her mother's body. This posture is especially good for those who had a cesarean cross-section or premature birth, as well as the moms of twins and women with great breasts.

"When I fed the first daughter, I had a very big breast of size k - twice as many of her head," recalls Amy, the mother of two children from Australia. - I put a roller rollers from towels under each chest, because they were very heavy, and fed a daughter in a pose from hand, but only sitting straight to not crush it. This posture was comfortable also because I had a seam from Cesarean sections, and I could not put a child on my stomach. "

5. Pose "Lying on the side"

Pose "Lying on Side" is ideal for relaxed
Feeding at night in bed or on the sofa. If you had Cesarean
Section or gaps during childbirth, such a pose may be more convenient than feeding sitting. In this pose, mom and baby lie next to the side, belly to the stomach.

"It was hard for me to sit during endless night feedings - first, because of the cesarean section, secondly, because of the lack of sleep," Francesca recalls, Mom from the UK. "And then I found that you can feed the baby lying on my side and at the same time relax."

"Because of the shortened bridle of the Macy language could correctly seize the breast only lying on his side. Consultant on breastfeeding showed me how it is done. In this pose, the milk tide turned out to be optimal for her daughter, and it was easier for her to hold the nipple in his mouth. When she grew up, she began to grow much better to grab the breasts in ordinary poses, "Sarah tells, mom two children from Australia.

6. Relaxed breastfeeding after cesarean sections

If you fail to find a comfortable breastfeeding position after cesarean sections, try to keep your child on the floor of the session - it does not create a load on postoperative seam and allows you to comfortably feed the baby with breasts. You can still try feeding lying on my side.

7. Breastfeeding Sitting Vertically, or "Koala Pose"

When feeding in a vertical posture or in the "Koala Pose", the child sits with a straight back and his head raised by his mother on the hip. Such a posture can be tried even with a newborn, if it is well supported, but it is especially convenient for feeding a grudge child who can already sit himself. The vertical posture of sitting or the "coagulation posture" is perfect for kids who suffer from reflux or ear infection and better feel sitting. In addition, this posture may be suitable for children with a shortened bridle of the tongue or reduced muscle tone.

"When my daughter grew a bit, I often fed her in a vertical pose - so it was more convenient for us, and at the same time I could still close it to myself," Peggy recalls, Mom from Switzerland. - In addition, it was so possible to be imperceptibly feeding her breasts in public places. "

8. Pose "With Owning"

In this pose, the baby lies on his back, and mom leans over him
on all fours so that the nipple hit him right in the mouth. According to some moms, this pose for breastfeeding is good from time to time to use when mastitis when touching the chest is especially unpleasant. Some noted that such a pose for breastfeeding helps with the blockage of dairy ducts, although there is no scientific evidence. You can also feed in the pose "With Out" you can also sitting, standing on your knees over the baby on the bed or sofa, as well as half a litage on the stomach with a support on the elbow. Pillows of various sizes, which can be relying, will help you avoid tension in the back and shoulders.

"I have fed several times in a pose" With the authority "when the mammary ducts are blocking, when no other methods of resorption of traffic jams helped. And this pose seems to help. I think it's a matter of gravity, and also the fact that the breast was at a completely different angle than with the usual feeding, and her daughter sucked her other, "says Ellie, mother of two children from the UK.

Feeding in the pose "With the outer" is hardly worth practicing regularly, but in some cases this posture can be useful.

"I fed in a pose" With Owning ", when the child had problems with the seizure of the chest," Lorna says, the mother of two children from the UK. "This is, of course, not the most convenient way, but then I was ready for everything, if only he could capture the chest. We did, and we continue to breastfeeding for eight months! "

9. Feeding a child in a sling or "on weight"

Breastfeeding in the sling requires some practice, but it is possible to leave the house, look after older children or even gradually do homemade deals.

The sling is also useful in the event that the baby does not like to lie or often applied to the chest. Lindsay, mother of two children from the United States, notes: "I often used a handbook-carrying for both of my children. When we were out of the house, I told the sarong around the neck and covered it to carry. Under such a cape, the baby can eat as much as it will not fall asleep. "

This pose for breastfeeding is more convenient when the child knows how well sucking the chest and can independently hold his head. For breastfeeding, any slings are suitable, including elastic and rings, as well as backpacks-carrying. Whatever the option you choose, the main thing is that you always see the face of the child, and his chin did not rest in his chest.

10. Double breastfeeding from hand

Double breastfeeding from hand (or "seizure of two goals") is great for twins - you can feed both at the same time, and your hands remain relatively free. When feeding in this posture, it is desirable to use a special pillow for breastfeeding twins, especially at the first time. It will provide additional support and help keep both kids in the right position, as well as reduce the load on the stomach, if you had a cesarean section. In addition, hands are freer, and if necessary, you can deal with one child, without interfering with the second.

"My twins were born quite tiny, and they needed to feed every two hours at any time of the day and night. It very soon became clear: if I want to manage to do anything besides feeding, you need to feed them both at the same time, "says Emma, \u200b\u200bthe mother of two children from the UK. "I fed them together in a pose of hand using a pillow for breastfeeding."

Other comfortable poses for breastfeeding twins - two "cradles" Cross-crosswise, one child in the "cradle", and the other at hand, feeding in a half-time position or vertical feeding sitting (one child on one side, second on the other).

11. Feeding in the pose "With the support of the chest hand" or "Dancer's hand"

If the kid does not yet hold the nipple in the mouth or has a low muscle tone (which is characteristic of premature children, children suffering from various diseases or Down syndrome), try to maintain his head and your chest at the same time. Clamp your chest with palm from below so that the thumb is on the one hand, and everyone else is on the other. Slide your hand a bit forward so that the large and index fingers formed the letter U right in front of the breast. Three other fingers continue to support the chest. Large and index finger, hold the head of the child when feeding in such a way that his chin rests on a part of the palm between them, your thumb gently kept the baby for one cheek, and index - for another. So the baby gets excellent support, and you can control his position and see well, whether it keeps the breast.

ON AND SUCKLING OF THE HEALTHY TERM NEONATE: BREASTFEEDING ASSESSMENT. J MIDWIFERY & WOMEN'S HEALTH. 2007; 52 (6): 638-642. - Kadwell K., "Capture and sucking in healthy newborns: an assessment of breastfeeding."Well Midweiferi Vumens Helsh. 2007; 52 (6): 638-642.

4 Wambach K, Riordan J, Editors. Breastfeeding and Human Lactation. Jones & Bartlett. Learning; 2014. 966 p.. - Vamba K., Riordan J., "Breastfeeding and women's lactation." Berlington, Massachusetts: PublisherJones & Bartlett. Learning; 2014. Page. 966.