Rules of conduct during pregnancy. The third period of psychological changes in the mind of a pregnant woman: big changes again

Pregnancy is a time of great expectation and anxiety. During this period, you need to be prepared for frequent mood swings. Even emotionally stable women under the influence of hormonal changes can be annoyed by small things and fall into sadness and depression for no reason.

The behavior of pregnant women largely depends on the period. As a rule, the first trimester of pregnancy and related changes in the body are characterized by the greatest emotional instability. The restructuring of the body and toxicosis accompanying this period often make a woman irritable and anxious.
And if the second trimester in most cases is the most favorable emotionally, then the behavior of pregnant women in the third trimester, due to the many worries associated with the upcoming birth, can again be extremely unstable.

The most characteristic types of behavior of pregnant women

The importance of the correct behavior of pregnant women is usually noted by all doctors. The first emotional experience of the baby completely depends on the emotional background of the mother, her ability to properly tune in to pregnancy and be able to adjust her mood.
Studying the behavior of pregnant women, psychologists identify 5 most characteristic types that describe the psychological state:
Euphoric type of behavior during pregnancy, characterized by pride and demonstration of one's exceptional condition. A woman is trying to attract maximum attention to herself, both from relatives and strangers, using any means, including manipulation and tantrums. Most often, such behavior is typical for women who could not get pregnant for a long time, and in the future, the most common model for raising a child is hypoprotection, combined with mood swings and insufficient control of their emotions;
The anxious type of behavior of pregnant women is typical for women with a difficult pregnancy. Often this is caused by diagnosed health problems, unfavorable material and living conditions, and disharmonious family relationships. For the same reason, their behavior before childbirth, if support from relatives or a psychotherapist is not provided in time, will also be unstable. In the future, when raising a child, a woman usually shows hyper-responsibility based on lack of confidence in her abilities;
Depressive type of behavior before childbirth and throughout pregnancy is characterized by unreasonable constant fears due to low self-esteem and insecurity in oneself and family relationships. Depressed mood usually scares off relatives who cannot influence the situation. The same behavior during childbirth can lead to various complications and add difficulties for doctors. In most cases, in the future, there is an emotional rejection of the child, which is identified with failures. A woman usually tries to compensate for her guilt with sacrifice and gifts;
The hypogestognosic type of behavior of a pregnant woman is usually observed when the pregnancy was unwanted. At the same time, the woman does not plan to change her usual way of life, treating her condition with negligence. The same careless behavior before childbirth is fraught with various complications, and in some cases ends with the abandonment of the born baby. As a rule, in the future, a woman does little to raise a child and does not pay due attention to him;
The optimal type of behavior of a pregnant woman is characteristic of those for whom pregnancy was conscious and desired. Such women are usually responsible, they prepare for motherhood by reading relevant literature, attending courses for pregnant women and trying to maintain a harmonious state. Realizing that the condition of the child depends on the condition of the mother, their behavior during childbirth is also adequate. In the future, such women raise their child in harmony, trying to cooperate and develop the talents inherent in him.
Of the described types of behavior of pregnant women, doctors refer to the first four as a risk group. In most cases, for an easy pregnancy, the help of a psychotherapist will not be superfluous. Sometimes it is necessary to seek help from a family psychologist who will help correct the situation and explain to relatives the importance of psychological support.

Practical Tips for Maintaining Your Emotional State During Pregnancy

To avoid the occurrence of strong mood swings, psychologists recommend preparing for this period in advance. In order for the behavior of pregnant women not to be too impulsive, it is important not to drastically change your usual lifestyle due to pregnancy. You should not immediately quit your job and completely switch to preparing for future motherhood. Favorite work during this period will help to maintain the usual rhythm of life, harmony and tranquility.
If a woman does not work, she needs to make sure that every day is filled with events. To do this, it is very good to learn how to make short-term plans. It can be housework, long walks or hanging out with friends.
It is necessary to try to explain to relatives and friends that they need guardianship to correct the behavior of pregnant women. Tender care is not just a whim, but a necessity in this period of life. Do not manipulate, demanding increased attention to yourself. It is enough to create an atmosphere of support and mutual understanding in the family, on which the state of the psyche of the unborn child will largely depend. Do not be tormented by the fact that at some point in life it is impossible to maintain balance and the right emotional background. Even with all the efforts to completely avoid stress, grief and mood swings throughout pregnancy, it will not work.
The behavior of pregnant women can be largely corrected by breathing practices. Many hatha yoga exercises are suitable for this.
It is best to start classes under the guidance of an experienced trainer who knows the peculiarities of the course of pregnancy and will be able to advise the most effective and safe exercises.
Also at this time, it is necessary to limit the viewing of films containing scenes of aggression and violence, and various talk shows in which the discussion of the situation is too emotional. Fear and stress are the worst companions of pregnancy as they can easily throw you off balance.
Since the behavior of pregnant women is often difficult to correct by willpower, in case of severe mood swings, it is necessary to consult a doctor. He will be able to suggest sedatives that are safe for this period, which can help maintain the necessary emotional background.
Pregnancy is a wonderful time for every woman. And the ease of its flow largely depends on how you manage to maintain the right emotional mood.

Pregnancy: rules of conduct
Pregnancy is the happiest, but also the most disturbing time in a woman's life. On the one hand, this period is accompanied by the joy of waiting for a miracle, on the other hand, the fear of the unknown. If a pregnant woman is supported by a loving husband, relatives and friends, fear recedes, and if a woman is lonely, he can take over all the thoughts of a future mother, poisoning her every day.

Perhaps our advice will help someone understand that pregnancy is not a disease, that almost any problem can be solved if you treat them calmly. A wise man once said: "The problem is not the problem, but our attitude towards it." Make it your motto.

Let's take a closer look at what you can and cannot do during pregnancy.

During pregnancy it is unacceptable:

1) Smoking, drinking hard liquor, using drugs. These substances adversely affect the development of the nervous system of the child. Women who smoke are much more likely to give birth to premature babies, children with pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. Newborns whose mothers smoke sometimes have an allergy to mother's milk, and alcoholics and drug addicts can have a child with congenital dependence, not to mention malformations.

2) It is senseless, ridiculous and cruel to blame the baby for your own unwanted pregnancy. According to statistics, among unwanted children, whose mothers could not come to terms with the appearance of a child until the very birth (even if they later fell in love with him), various mental and nervous disorders and suicidal tendencies are much more common.

3) You can not do hard physical work, especially related to lifting weights. Even if the pregnancy is going well, in the last trimester the uterus is in an overstretched state, and strong muscle contraction can simply push the baby out, provoking premature birth, or cause placental abruption. For the same reason, it is undesirable to engage in sports that involve the risk of falling (skiing, cycling, speed skating, etc.). At the same time, calm cycling and skiing up to 6-7 months of pregnancy is not only not contraindicated, but also desirable perineal muscles, helps to keep fit, contributes to a better supply of oxygen to the fetus.

4) Do not allow thoughts about the unfavorable outcome of pregnancy, fetal pathology. Increased nervousness and emotionality are common to all pregnant women, but if bad thoughts prevent you from enjoying future motherhood, contact a psychotherapist. You can take herbal sedatives. A decoction of valerian or motherwort is best suited (especially with a tendency to high blood pressure).

5) You can not neglect the advice of doctors, although it is also undesirable to follow them blindly. It is better if you are supervised by a specialist you can trust. When one of my acquaintances was in position for the second time, all the gynecologists insisted on an abortion, since she had a spiral in front of it. What horrors they did not draw for her! But she left the baby, as she was sure of the birth of a wonderful daughter, and she turned out to be right. Another friend was offered swamping for a long time, as tests showed the presence of fetal malformations. Fortunately, the woman also refused such a step and gave birth to a healthy boy. Trust your intuition and never rush. If you doubt the recommendations made, consult another doctor, and then draw conclusions. Doctors are people too, sometimes they can make mistakes.

6) Do not torment yourself with thoughts that you will not be able to cope, that you will have nothing to live on. Even if you are alone, you can always find a way out. There will definitely be an experienced woman friend who will help you at first. In many cities, day care groups have been introduced in the Baby House, where you can take your child, like to a kindergarten, and calmly go to work. Many people will be happy to help and donate the things of their grown children. You can find work at home, including through the Internet. There are no hopeless situations! Instead of wasting your nerve cells in vain (especially since it is not harmless for the baby), make a list of necessary things, find in advance a person who will help you and whom you can trust the child, try to save some money to stay at least a month with the baby and recover after childbirth. Believe me, the birth of a child opens up such reserves of strength and talents in a woman that you don’t even know about now!

I would like to highlight a few controversial issues:

Can you drink beer and wine? Yes, if the beer is non-alcoholic (it contains a lot of B vitamins, it has a mild diuretic effect, favorably affects the functioning of the nervous system), but not more than 0.33 l / day. Natural red wine in small quantities used to be prescribed for the threat of miscarriage, severe neuroses (soothes, contains a large amount of minerals and vitamins). But I emphasize that the wine should be natural and should be used only if necessary and in small quantities (about 100 ml).

If the expectant mother knits, will there be an entanglement of the umbilical cord? No. All their lives, women have been preparing a dowry for the baby on their own, and there is no harm from this.

Can't cross your legs? Yes. The blood circulation of the pelvic organs is disturbed, which can lead to a change in the position of the fetus in the last stages of pregnancy to pathological.

Can't put your hands up? If you just do gymnastics, do the exercises smoothly, without sudden movements, there will be no harm. It is undesirable to do work that requires raising your hands. For example, hang clothes, especially in the last months of pregnancy and in the presence of adverse factors (polyhydramnios, multiple pregnancy, large fetus, late preeclampsia). Strong muscle tension combined with tension can provoke placental abruption or premature birth. In addition, such work that is familiar to us as hanging clothes requires energy costs, as when chopping firewood.

Before that, we only talked about what a pregnant woman should not do, and we got a rather impressive list. Do not be discouraged, dear women. There are many more things you can do!

Walk as much as you like, but get home before you get tired. Walking should be fun and not exhausting.

Rest every time you feel tired, and no one will dare accuse you of being lazy.

Surround yourself with beautiful things, look at flowers more often, listen to beautiful music, classical music, and your child will be born beautiful and calm.

Listen to your eating habits, but don't take things to the extreme. When you eat, you feed not only yourself, but also your baby, and he is unlikely to benefit from cakes and sweets. But you can eat fruits in any quantities.

A pregnant woman needs to sleep well. If you can't sleep at night, go to bed during the day. By the way, a pregnant woman's working day should be reduced by one hour.

Engage in physical education. This will help you keep in shape, improve the baby's blood supply, provide optimal conditions for its development and your well-being. Just remember the sense of proportion! The best sport is swimming. It provides unloading of the spine and joints, improves immunity and mood, allows you to train muscles without risk to the child. But that doesn't mean you have to compete in swimming competitions!

The most important thing that a future mother should do is to love herself and her child. Enjoy every minute of your pregnancy. After giving birth, you will never be so close again. With every centimeter of their growth, children move away from their parents. They have their own character, their own view of the world. This is normal and right, but sometimes you start to miss those times when you went to bed and woke up together, ate together and understood each other without words. Do not rush time! Everything has its turn. And when problems arise, don't get discouraged. Remember that even "if a fish has eaten you, there are always at least two ways out."

Many people have heard about mood swings in pregnant women. But sometimes the notorious emotionality goes beyond and turns into real aggression. Absolutely balanced and peace-loving girls in the past sound the alarm and ask for advice on the forums for expectant mothers: what is the reason for this behavior, and how to cope with fits of rage? Step by step, we understand together - how can a woman be helped in such a situation.

Why are women aggressive during pregnancy?

Unfortunately, too violent manifestation of emotions and excessive irritability, bordering on aggression, are often found in pregnant women. Moreover, such a state is considered the “norm”. After all, everything and everything presses on a woman:

  1. The reactions of her own nervous system in response to hormonal surges. Changes in the levels of progesterone and estrogen affect the work of neurotransmitters in the brain. The result is mood swings and anxiety.
  2. Physiological changes in the body and their external symptoms: weight gain, heartburn, nausea, constipation, pain in the legs and lower back.
  3. The need to live as usual, despite the "special" situation. Problems at work, illnesses of loved ones and domestic troubles affect the mental state of a woman, oppress and cause anger.
  4. Stress and fatigue.
  5. Exaggerated demands of others and a pregnant woman to herself.
  6. Taboo on negative emotions. There are guidelines that pregnant women should always smile, not be angry or offended, because this can harm the child. But in reality, all attempts to suppress anger or resentment result only in even greater aggression.
  7. Doubts about the husband's ability to become a good father. Already during pregnancy, a woman subconsciously feels like a mother, while a man realizes his new status only after the baby is born.
  8. Fear of pain during childbirth, death of the woman herself and her child.
  9. Lack of a full sexual life, drop in libido.
  10. Feeling of uncontrollable fear and complete helplessness. Some scientists attribute this to the so-called "genetic memory". In ancient times, women and their babies were threatened by wild animals, the elements, and other dangers. Despite the fact that today this problem is not relevant, the expectant mother intuitively reacts sharply even to the slightest threats.
  11. Feeling of injustice. All the “charms” of pregnancy fall on the woman, and not on her partner. Toxicosis, fatigue, drowsiness and, most importantly, the rejection of the usual active lifestyle do not add joy, resulting in self-pity and an aggressive attitude towards others.

How to deal with aggression during pregnancy?

The peak of aggressive mood falls on the first 12 weeks, as well as the last months of pregnancy, when there is practically no strength left to fight the accumulated fatigue and a storm of feelings. However, it is possible and necessary to work with such a state, because a stable emotional background is one of the most powerful helpers in childbirth. What measures are appropriate?

  1. Rational mode of the day: a sufficient amount of sleep, mandatory daytime rest and walking in the fresh air.
  2. Proper nutrition. The focus should always be on healthy products. It is better to take food in small portions 4-5 times a day. This will help to cope with bouts of nausea and spikes in blood sugar, which serve as an additional source of bad mood. Also, do not forget that for a normal emotional state, the balance of microelements and vitamins is important, in particular, a sufficient amount of B vitamins, as well as Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.
  3. The constant search for vivid impressions and positive emotions: it's time to remember about inspiring hobbies, visit a theater, an exhibition or an interesting master class.
  4. Craving for new knowledge. Courses in preparation for childbirth and baby care are an excellent solution. In the classroom, not only can you distract yourself from negative thoughts, but on the contrary, you can feel much more confident.
  5. Active communication with other expectant mothers. At the same time, avoid talking about labor pains, premature birth, abnormalities in newborns and complications. Do not pay attention to the unverified data of "advisers". Rely only on the recommendations of the specialist who is leading your pregnancy.
  6. Sports: yoga for pregnant women, swimming, water aerobics and even belly dancing.
  7. Soothing music, sounds of nature and good kind films without scenes of violence.
  8. Art therapy or other creative activity that requires concentration: sewing, embroidery or decoupage.

The first piece of advice most likely to be given by a psychologist is acceptance of the problem and its devastating impact on the family and the unborn baby. With this approach, all subsequent steps will certainly give results. Here are some actionable tips:

  1. Explain to your husband and other family members as succinctly as possible how you feel now, and also speak frankly all mutual claims. Tell why you need care especially now, but do not manipulate your family by demanding the impossible.
  2. Do not push away the help of loved ones and do not try to manage everything on your own. An hour of daytime sleep, while the husband goes grocery shopping, and the grandmother walks with the eldest child, is able to restore vitality, which means peace of mind.
  3. Learn to manage anger. Breathing practices help with this task. When emotions are compressed into a tight spring, start breathing: 3 short but powerful breaths and one long relaxed exhalation.
  4. Keep a small ball, pillow, or soft toy with you. In a fit of anger, throw the object to a safe place, releasing all the negative energy.
  5. Hang bright and cute pictures with babies in your apartment and imagine that soon your child will come into this world.
  6. Switch attention from the annoying object or situation to the baby: talk to him, start stroking his stomach. This will automatically awaken tenderness and dull aggression.
  7. Use affirmations - multiple repetitions of phrases that fix a certain setting in the subconscious. For example, “I can manage myself”, “I am confident in myself”, “I don’t want to quarrel with my husband”, “My pregnancy is going well”, “I react normally to comments.” Say these words daily in a calm atmosphere in front of a mirror, concentrate on your feelings and the desired effect.

And the most important thing. Do not self-medicate with sedatives, even if it seems that ordinary valerian or motherwort will not hurt. When overcoming a problem seems impossible, do not hesitate to contact a specialist - a psychotherapist or psychologist. He will definitely help to solve your inner conflict, having worked through all the negative emotions and fears. Also, if necessary, it is he who will refer you to another doctor for complex therapy: a neurologist, a psychiatrist, an endocrinologist.

It is important for pregnant women to take care of their emotional sphere. Aggression does not need to be ignored and suppressed. It is important to learn how to live through strong, complex and unpleasant emotions, while remaining as stable as possible. The best help from loved ones is not to condemn, not to devalue the feelings of a woman and not to be afraid of outbursts of aggression. The task of all family members is to listen and support the expectant mother.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

Great article for every man.
Young guys usually joke hilariously that they are supposedly lucky with their sex - they won’t have to give birth. And they think they are happy. It is, of course, if you do not marry - yes, it is easier. But after all, every normal man dreams of heirs, that is, children from his legal wife. And the pregnant wife still needs to be endured ...

Get ready for a bunch of questions

If your wife is trying to get pregnant according to plan, you will have to listen to many questions that make you think about the meaning of life: what if she is terminally ill? Why do other women give birth when they shouldn't? Maybe you need to check? Suddenly she is barren - you will not leave her? Is it true that a normal child cannot be adopted in orphanages?

And now it's done

Woe to you if you don't dance around the room kissing the pregnancy test. And a very difficult fate awaits an unmarried Don Juan who dares to utter the phrase “Is this from me?”, Even if there are grounds for such suspicions. Leave - she will not leave, after all, the instinct of a pregnant female makes you hold on to the breadwinner and support (if you are still not a breadwinner and support according to your passport, you will be forced to become one), but hysteria, breaking dishes and a meticulous enumeration of all your former lovers, including a neighbor in a bed in a kindergarten, you are guaranteed.

There are women who carry a child, almost forgetting about it. But about 50% of expectant mothers diversify the morning of their “halves” with dreary sounds from the toilet. The most competent part of the 50% will find information in the book that in order to overcome nausea, you need to eat without getting out of bed. So it makes sense to learn in advance to crawl into the kitchen and find food without opening sleepy eyes, because your dear spouse will sleep all day and half the night, but at dawn they, along with insomnia, will wash the floor, cook breakfast and write letters .

Bziki or need?

In the first three months, everything is wrong, everything is annoying. Unshaven - shave, otherwise you prick. Shaved - go away, you stink of soap. And to take a deodorant, the same, exciting, personally chosen by her - God forbid! In general, go to the North Pole to smoke and do not return from there without an orange. And right now, because in forty minutes she no longer wants an orange, but she needs a cucumber, and certainly her mother's salting, and at half past three in the night she will die without plum compote. Bziki? Maybe. But most of the savage peoples believe that if the whims of the pregnant woman are not satisfied, the child will be sick or retarded. Modern science partially confirms this: a woman wants exactly what is necessary for a child or her own body. Even the passion for inhaling car exhaust is justified and means anemia, which must be urgently treated. Is it hard? And what does it feel like to scare the toilet in the morning?

A pregnant woman in many nations personifies the Mother of all mankind. You have to hate this humanity, because. it is represented in your house by the Mother, grieving for absolutely everyone, including the grilled chicken that is baked in the oven - after all, she could have chickens. And what kind of jacket the relatives gave for the baby - no words, only tears - how great. And if you don’t have the strength or ingenuity to sympathize with a chicken or a jacket, your wife’s reaction will be even cooler as when watching Titanic.

You will forcibly become an Indian named Big Ear, learn to understand anatomy and pharmacology, and, in the end, be able to convince your wife that the child will not be born a freak if she does not buy imposed local supplements. At the sight of children's things and magazines for young mothers, for the purpose of self-preservation, it is recommended to at least sigh with admiration, if the “honest-pioneer” upbringing does not allow you to blatantly lie that you are also squeaking from this.

Husband is to blame for all troubles

At about thirty weeks of pregnancy (toward the end) you have to make repairs in the apartment. It doesn't matter that you did it six months ago. And let the tiles shine, and the wallpaper is still clean. You can whitewash the ceilings or change the baseboards, buy new curtains and sheathe the balcony with clapboard. It really doesn't matter what you do. At least draw the balls on the wallpaper by hand. If you don't, she will, because she has a terrible instinct - the nesting instinct. To somehow relieve tension, you can slip her a book on the technique of patchwork - let her make a blanket for the child, this will distract her from painting the windows. Do not give her uncontrollable money during this period: everything will go to building materials and “such cute little things for children”, which then turn out to be absolutely unnecessary: ​​a baby monitor, for example, or a winter suit of the wrong size.

Almost any woman is trying to find out on an ultrasound scan who to expect - a boy or a girl. You can think anything, but you have to rejoice at everything out loud, and loudly, bouncing so that the chandelier of the neighbors below shakes. As a last resort, you can say the phrase: "It doesn't matter who, as long as it's healthy." (Option: “If only the boy was healthy - oh, don’t hit the head, I was joking!”).

Actually, the man will be to blame for the whole pregnancy: it happened because of him, and all the problems are from genetics, and she is also “not only mine, by the way!”, And “you look at me differently than before, because I'm fat and ugly."

The most difficult

The last two weeks are the hardest to be pregnant. Being the husband of a pregnant woman at this time is even worse. If you cannot escape on a business trip, you yourself will want to give birth, if only she would stop whining “when, well, when!” False contractions will force you to buy a beer and drink it on the sly to relax your nerves after returning from the hospital with the news that you need to wait a little longer. This is where it starts...

In one place I will stop laughing: it is more difficult for a husband to be near a wife in labor than to give birth to her herself. You are a nervous, sensitive people, for which we love. She, of course, feels bad, but at least she can do something: sit down, lie down, yell (including at you). You cannot do anything: kill a doctor, blow up a maternity hospital, order a child to be born faster. Just calm down and bring some water. And it is unlikely that they will tell you later that it was so important, although it was so.

Three days of happiness

The happiest time in the life of any man is three days while his wife is in the hospital with her first child. That is, you are already a father, but you still don’t know what night crying and diaper prices are. You have a reason and an empty apartment, as well as a lot of friends rejoicing for you. Just do not, returning from fishing, throw a bag of raw crucian carp into the window of the ward or go to bed on the porch of the hospital with the wording "here is my wife, here I will fall asleep." When you have older children, you can no longer celebrate so recklessly, especially since everyone will report to mom later: that they ate only dumplings, and that they didn’t wash the floor, and that they didn’t buy romper suits, and that they said to dad “Don’t forget your mom’s skirt in the maternity hospital take, but he forgot! But with each new child, you will feel more and more like an old Russian father of a family who has the right to hit his forehead with a spoon and dream of a happy old age. Although it still needs to be...

Lifestyle and daily routine
Pregnancy is not a disease, but the body of the future mother works in a double mode, which inevitably makes its own adjustments to the usual way of life and requires some change in behavior, taking into account the priority of reasonable caution.

In the early stages, against the background of adaptation to pregnancy, even a healthy woman may experience vegetative-neurotic disorders (weakness, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, salivation, heightened sense of smell, a sharp change in mood, tearfulness). As pregnancy progresses, symptoms associated with an increase in the size of the uterus and the influence of placental hormones on all systems of the woman's body (heartburn, constipation, frequent urination, palpitations, muscle pain in the legs) join. On the eve of childbirth, shortness of breath, swelling, pain in the lower back and in the area of ​​the pubic joint, and frequent mood swings may disturb.

The main rule motivating the behavior of a pregnant woman should be the prevention of the influence of controlled environmental factors that have a proven or potentially negative effect on the fetus.

It is especially important to ensure the safety of the fetus in the first 8 weeks of pregnancy - the period of active organogenesis. It has been proven that the 15-20th week of pregnancy (increased growth of the brain) and the 20-24th week (the formation of the main functional systems of the fetal body) also belong to the critical periods of development.

Not only the gynecologist, but also medical workers of all specialties who provide therapeutic and preventive care to the pregnant woman, and pharmacy pharmacists should be informed about the presence of pregnancy / suspicion of it in a timely manner. It is advisable to notify the cosmetologist, manicure and pedicure masters, fitness instructor, massage therapist and hairdresser about the change in your condition, which will help to avoid a number of problems.

Physiopsychoprophylactic preparation for childbirth. All changes that occur in a woman's body during pregnancy have the ultimate goal of preparing for birth stress and blood loss, as well as lactation.

Therefore, it is essential to allocate time to attend appropriate classes, which are held in the conditions of the antenatal clinic, starting from the first weeks of pregnancy.

Physiopsychoprophylactic preparation includes:
- individual conversations and lectures;
- group classes in special gymnastics;
- use of natural factors (light, air, water) to improve health
- the use of physical therapy.

The goals of physiopsychoprophylaxis during pregnancy:
- increasing the body's resistance;
- adaptation to increased requirements in the new conditions of the body's activity;
- antenatal protection of the fetus;
- development in a woman of a conscious attitude towards pregnancy, the perception of childbirth as a physiological process;
- teaching childbirth skills.

Wellness vacation
A pregnant woman should change her daily routine so that she feels as comfortable as possible.

First of all, this means having enough time for rest. Starting in the second trimester, you should aim for at least 9 hours of sleep a day, including an episode of daytime sleep. In the event of emotional tension and sleep disturbances, auto-training, herbal and aromatherapy, drawing, singing, classes on the biofeedback system, and, if necessary, consultation of a psychotherapist can be recommended for pregnant women.

Given the increased need for oxygen, the expectant mother, especially living in an urban area, should use every opportunity to stay in nature. At all times of the year, regular non-fatiguing walks are recommended for 1-1.5 hours daily and, if possible, before going to bed. At the same time, choose a place for daily walks away from noisy streets and intersections, giving preference to parks and squares. When planning a vacation and organizing a recreational holiday, you should prefer countries with familiar climatic conditions in the autumn-spring period. An ideal option is a sanatorium for pregnant women. On vacation, lifting and carrying heavy loads should be avoided and exposure to the active sun should be limited.

Pregnant women are shown warm air baths (temperature 22 ° C) lasting 5 minutes in the first days with a gradual daily increase by 5-6 minutes to 25 minutes. You can perform the procedure outdoors, in the solarium, on the veranda. General sunbathing is recommended, starting from 3 minutes, followed by an increase of 2-3 minutes per day up to 20 minutes. In view of the risk of impaired phosphorus-calcium metabolism in pregnant women in the autumn-winter season and in the spring with natural relative hypovitaminosis, especially in the northern regions of the country, ultraviolet irradiation of the body during pregnancy 18-20 and 35-37 weeks is useful.

If the pregnancy proceeds normally, bathing in the sea and the river is allowed. In this case, it is better to use a special swimsuit for pregnant women, the cut of which takes into account the features of the figure, and the fabric protects from ultraviolet radiation.

Driving and driving
During pregnancy, you should refrain from air travel if possible, preferably by train or car. Any long journeys should be as comfortable as possible, since their indispensable companions are noise and shaking. For travel in trains, compartment or sleeping cars are preferable. When traveling in a car, it is reasonable to make stops every hour and a half to rest. After 28 weeks of pregnancy, long trips by any form of transport should be avoided, and in the last 2 weeks before delivery, you should stay at home. When using public transport, you should strive to avoid rush hour and minimize movement during epidemics of viral diseases. Upon entering the cabin, do not hesitate to ask passengers to give up their seats. It is contraindicated to run after a departing train, bus or tram.

When driving a car, the back of the driver's seat should have the most comfortable position. It is mandatory to use seat belts that are put on as usual: the lower part is thrown over the hips, the upper part is passed over one shoulder and under the opposite arm so that a fist can be inserted between the front chest and the belt.

Pregnant women are contraindicated in cycling and other modes of transport, associated with vibration and shaking of the body, creating a risk of placental abruption, and also contributing to injuries and inflammatory changes in joints softened by relaxin. Driving a car potentially limits not the fact of driving a vehicle, but its quality, traffic intensity and noise level, driving experience, duration of trips and the risk of emotional overload of the driver. A pregnant woman driving should strive to avoid participating in traffic during traffic jams, strictly follow the rules of the road and the speed limit. It is advisable to drive no more than an hour in a row and no more than 2.5 hours a day.

In addition, it is necessary to refuse to listen to music on headphones when traveling on the subway, and also not to use the loudspeakers in the car at full capacity. The powerful vibrations that arise in these situations have an extremely negative effect on the brain.

Physical exercise
The fact of the positive effect of dosed physical activity on the state of the body of a pregnant woman is beyond doubt. However, their intensity depends on the physique and habitual lifestyle of a woman. The recommended frequency of classes is 2-3 times a week. At the same time, it is very important that the loads are systematic. The body perceives irregular loads as a stressful situation, which is unsafe during pregnancy. The total duration of classes usually does not exceed 40-50 minutes. Before starting exercise, it is advisable to eat yogurt, a medium-sized fruit, or drink a glass of low-fat milk (kefir). For most pregnant women, walking, swimming, and a special course of physical therapy (aerobics) that can be performed in a gym or at home are most suitable. Very useful are cardio classes on a gentle exercise bike (recumbent exercise bike with a back), yoga and Pilates, adapted for expectant mothers.

The complex for pregnant women excludes exercises associated with running, jumping, sudden movements and emotional stress. In the third trimester of pregnancy, the load on the knee and ankle joints should be sharply limited. At the same time, athletes can continue to train, avoiding overheating and dehydration.

Goals of exercise during pregnancy:
- strengthening the back muscles
- increased mobility of the spine and hip joints
- elimination and prevention of congestion in the pelvis and lower extremities
- strengthening and increasing the elasticity of the muscles of the perineum
- training in breathing exercises and relaxation skills
- reduced risk of excessive weight gain
- normalization of tone and function of internal organs.

When exercising in the gym, an individual training program should be developed. During classes, you need to monitor the pulse and well-being. Modern cardio machines calculate the pulse automatically, and its indicators are displayed on the screen. The pulse during the lesson can be considered independently. This can be done by counting it on the wrist or on the neck for 10 seconds and multiplying the result by 6. During the first trimester of pregnancy, the pulse against the background of physical activity should not exceed 60% of the pulse at maximum oxygen consumption, in the second and III trimester - 65- 70% of the heart rate at maximum oxygen consumption, which is calculated using the formula "220 - age." If during exercise shortness of breath, weakness, dizziness, pulling pains in the lower abdomen, spotting or other unusual symptoms appear, you should immediately stop exercising and consult a doctor.

Pregnant women are contraindicated in sports and physical activity in the presence of:
- acute diseases;
- exacerbation of chronic diseases;
- symptoms of threatened miscarriage;
- isthmic-cervical insufficiency;

- severe toxicosis;
- symptoms of preeclampsia, especially hypertension due to pregnancy;
- premature birth, spontaneous abortions and non-developing pregnancy in history;
- polyhydramnios;
- pregnancy that occurred in the IVF program;
- systematic cramping pains that appear after classes.

Climbing stairs. It is advisable for the expectant mother to climb the stairs on foot no more than two flights of stairs and no more than twice a day. In cases where a pregnant woman lives above the 2nd floor in a house that does not have an elevator, climbing the stairs, she should take breaks in movement more often and limit other physical activities.

Work and employment
During the working day, it is necessary to change the posture, avoiding prolonged static standing and sitting. Every hour and a half, you should take small breaks for yourself, during which you can perform several light physical exercises to stretch the muscles of the back and chest, alternately tensing and relaxing them against the background of calm deep breathing through the nose. During the lunch break, it is advisable to spend a few minutes in the fresh air.

Not recommended for pregnant women:
- having a history of two or more premature births;
- with isthmic-cervical insufficiency;
- having a history of spontaneous abortions due to anomalies in the development of the uterus;
- with heart failure;
- with Marfan's syndrome;
- with hemoglobinopathies;
- with diabetes mellitus complicated by retinoor nephropathy;
- with bleeding from the genital tract in the 3rd trimester;
- after 28 weeks with multiple pregnancies.

Household and renovation
It is possible and necessary to do the homework of the expectant mother, observing the condition - not to overdo it. Once at home after a hard day's work, it is necessary to lie down and rest for an hour before embarking on the duties of a housewife. In addition, every hour and a half it is advisable to arrange small breaks in your classes. You should never refuse the help of household members.

A long stay in the kitchen, especially a small one, at high temperature and humidity can contribute to the expansion of blood vessels, which is unsafe for a pregnant woman, since blood flow to the uterus increases her excitability. The most optimal is to stay in the kitchen for no more than two hours, evenly distributed throughout the day.

When choosing household appliances, it is necessary to check whether they have a hygiene certificate. Kitchen household appliances, the duration of which does not exceed an hour, should not make noise more than 85 dB, household office equipment - no more than 75 dB. It is preferable to sew in all respects on an electric rather than a mechanical machine.

For daily routine cleaning, it is better to use lightweight portable mini-vacuum cleaners for horizontal surfaces, office equipment and upholstered furniture. Wet cleaning should be carried out without chemical detergents - due to their toxicity, they can affect the development of the fetus. It is advisable to use a mop or special devices to avoid bending below the level of the knees, which is fraught with premature onset of labor. To polish hard-to-reach places, it is better to involve family members.

A pregnant woman is characterized by increased attention to the arrangement of life, which psychologists define as "nesting syndrome", which is often accompanied by a change in the design of the home, its redevelopment and repair work. At the same time, trips to construction markets, rearranging furniture and lifting heavy objects should be left to other family members or professionals. Neither varnish, nor paints, nor acetone should smell during the period of residence in the house of the expectant mother. A pregnant woman should not come into contact with organic solvents from the moment of diagnosis, and if necessary, use protective equipment and work in well-ventilated areas. It’s good if the house located next to a noisy street has glazed balconies and modern double-glazed windows that increase noise protection. presence of wires and sockets. It is better to refuse carpeting for a while - this is the strongest dust collector, and the rooms will need regular wet cleaning.

Visiting shops, leisure facilities and crowded places
It is advisable to be in the store no more than an hour a day. It is wiser to avoid shopping during the influx of buyers (holidays and weekends, at the end of the working day) and during the flu and SARS epidemic, when the stay of a pregnant woman in any crowded places should be as limited as possible due to reduced resistance to infectious diseases. In large department stores and supermarkets, special cash desks for pregnant women are allocated, in any case, you should not be shy about skipping the line. The maximum weight load for the entire period of pregnancy is 3 kg. Therefore, a pregnant woman at any time must use carts on wheels and carry purchased products and purchases in small portions.

From the long list of leisure facilities during pregnancy, nightclubs and any establishments that allow smoking directly in the hall and increase the noise level should be deleted. Psychologists recommend that a pregnant woman attend exhibitions, theaters, classical music concerts. It is advisable not to visit and receive guests too often and not until late - the party for the expectant mother should end no later than 22 hours.

Clothing and footwear
Starting from early pregnancy, you should be careful about the choice of clothes, shoes and underwear. Clothing should be loose, comfortable and ergonomic - preference should be given to natural "breathable" fabrics. It is necessary to avoid tightness of the chest and abdomen, pressing elastic bands, especially on underwear. Due to the need to relieve tension from the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, as well as the shift in the second half of pregnancy and before childbirth, the center of gravity, shoes should be comfortable, with wide, low heels. Dresses with a loose cut or high waist are suitable for pregnant women, in hot weather this maybe a sundress with straps. Blouses can also be high-waisted or have a wraparound design that allows you to adjust the width. Long loose blouses are relevant. In skirts, an elastic band or drawstring is used instead of a belt. Pants for pregnant women are sewn from elastic fabric, or have elastic inserts in the abdomen, or an adjustable fastener, allowing you to increase the waist as needed. It is better to buy clothes for pregnant women not in the first months, but as needed (not earlier than 4-5 months), because its size may change.

You should also take care of clothing for the lactation period. Bathrobe, pajamas, nightgown should be comfortable for feeding, panties - cotton. At least two nursing bras are required, their cups should be easily detachable with one hand. Inserts (pads) in a bra can be used disposable and reusable, which can be washed. They should be made of non-fluffy material (preferably fleece) and cup-shaped with a recess for the nipple, it is also desirable that they are fastened to the bra with Velcro.

Hygiene and care
Oral and dental care. During pregnancy, it is advisable to use a toothbrush with soft bristles and toothpaste that promotes tooth mineralization, or for children. Even if the condition of the teeth and gums does not require it, a visit to the dentist is desirable at the beginning of each trimester.

Skin care and beauty treatments. Due to the increase in intracutaneous blood flow and increased skin respiration during pregnancy, the load on the skin and the degree of percutaneous excretion of harmful metabolic products increase. Therefore, caring for the body and keeping the skin of the face and body clean during pregnancy play an important role in facilitating the work of the kidneys and contributing to the prevention of diseases. Baths are not recommended for pregnant women, especially in the second half of pregnancy. The most optimal hygienic water procedure is a warm shower, which can be combined with washing and rubbing with water at room temperature. Expectant mothers can use special cosmetics for pregnant women or any cosmetics for face and body care that do not indicate that they are contraindicated during pregnancy . At the same time, you need to be prepared for a possible change in the type and condition of the skin. Pregnant women are absolutely contraindicated in all hardware techniques used in cosmetology, mesotherapy, photoepilation, solarium, tonic and lymphatic drainage massages.

To prevent the appearance of stretch marks, especially during intensive growth of the abdomen in the third trimester, you can use skin-improving products from among cosmetics for pregnant women containing vitamins A and E, as well as substances that improve blood circulation. Moisturizing creams for pregnant women, designed to eliminate dry skin, help to partially prevent the appearance of stretch marks.

Nail care. Manicures and pedicures should be done regularly during pregnancy, sometimes even more often than usual, due to the possible increase in cuticle roughness and a tendency to form burrs. During the first 14 weeks (the period of organogenesis), it is desirable to give preference to hygienic manicure, without the use of nail polish, at best - using a medical base. During the entire period of pregnancy, contact of the expectant mother with formaldehyde, toluene and camphor oil, which may be contained in nail polishes, should be excluded, and a liquid that does not contain acetone should be used to remove varnish.

Nail extension using an acid primer is contraindicated. The safety of using shellac and gel nail extensions in pregnant women has not been studied. Breast care. Daily washing with room temperature water with baby soap and rubbing with a hard towel is recommended. Wearing linen or cotton bras is shown. On the eve of childbirth, starched fabric can be put into the bra, which will contribute to irritation and the formation of nipples. With dry skin, 2-3 weeks before childbirth, the skin of the mammary glands, including the areola, should be lubricated daily with a neutral or baby cream. There is an opinion about the usefulness of air baths in the chest area, which are carried out for 10-15 minutes several times a day. Haircut and hair coloring. The issue of hair care during pregnancy, in terms of safety for the fetus, has not been studied enough. The simplest recommendation is to trim the ends of your hair regularly to promote hair growth. The use of hair cosmetics and coloring agents during the period of organogenesis should be excluded, and subsequently minimized. It is possible to use natural dyes for pregnant women - henna and basma. One should not ignore the negative impact on the body, especially in the early stages, the need for a sufficiently long (from one to three hours) stay in a static position in a hairdressing salon with a high concentration of toxic substances in the air and an increased noise level.

Intimate hygiene and physical intimacy. During pregnancy, it is necessary to make a genital toilet with baby soap or intimate hygiene products approved for use in pregnant women, 2 times a day, and also after each episode of urination and defecation. The genital area should be dry and clean. Pregnant women are characterized by increased urination, especially at the beginning of pregnancy and before childbirth. Vaginal douching for hygienic purposes is contraindicated, as their negative impact on the state of the vaginal biocenosis has been proven. Underwear should be made only from natural fabric, preferably cotton.

Recommendations regarding physical intimacy during pregnancy require taking into account the presence of medical contraindications for vaginal sex in the expectant mother, anatomical and physiological changes in her body and the risk of sexually transmitted infections. According to international experts, sexual abstinence is indicated if a pregnant woman has:
- repeated miscarriages in history;
- threats of termination of this pregnancy;
- bleeding from the genital tract;
- low location or placenta previa;
- a history of premature rupture of membranes;
- history of premature birth;
- multiple pregnancy (after 20 weeks).

In the absence of contraindications and the normal course of pregnancy, sexual activity is quite acceptable, but is limited by the need to avoid excessive pressure on the abdomen (after 12 weeks of pregnancy), and also to limit the depth of penetration of the penis into the vagina. In this regard, as the gestational age increases, an appropriate change in the position of the partners should be recommended. Women who have oral sex during pregnancy should avoid entering a large amount of air into the vagina due to the high risk of developing pulmonary embolism. If there is an individual risk of sexually transmitted infection during any sexual contact, the use of a condom is recommended.

Tobacco smoking is absolutely contraindicated. The more cigarettes a pregnant woman smokes per day, the higher the risk to the fetus and newborn. It has been proven that smoking mothers increase the risk of spontaneous abortion, placenta previa and premature abruption, prenatal rupture of water, fetal growth retardation and sudden infant death syndrome, as well as an increase in perinatal mortality by an average of 27%, with consumption of more than 20 cigarettes per day - by 35 %.

Since most smokers do not realize the severity of the consequences, it is important to inform the expectant mother as soon as possible about the need to quit smoking or reduce the number of cigarettes smoked to 2-3 per day. The ideal is to stop smoking at the preconception stage (the stage of preconception preparation) 4-6 cycles before conception. Narcotic substances are strictly unacceptable during pregnancy. Their consumption is highly correlated with the development of pathology of the placenta and the placental complex, which increases the risk of spontaneous abortion, prenatal outflow of water, premature birth, intrauterine hypoxia and malnutrition of the fetus, up to its antenatal death, and is also accompanied by the development of drug intoxication and withdrawal syndrome in the newborn, syndrome of sudden infant death, disorders of the physical and mental development of the child.

Medicines. In the phase of organogenesis (up to 14 weeks), it is necessary to strive to abstain from the use of any drugs, with the exception of folic acid at a dose of 400 mcg per day, the intake of which during physiological pregnancy is regulated to prevent congenital malformations and diseases associated with folate deficiency. Folic acid should be started no later than three months before conception, ideally from the moment the decision to plan childbearing is made. Priority should be given to preparations containing metafolin, a biologically active form of folic acid that can guarantee full inclusion in the folate cycle. You can continue taking folic acid throughout pregnancy and lactation, but during the first trimester it is mandatory.

The question of the advisability of additional oral intake of potassium iodide by healthy pregnant women to prevent congenital cretinism has not yet been finally resolved. At the same time, according to WHO recommendations, pregnant women and nursing mothers form a risk group for iodine deficiency, therefore, when living in an iodine deficiency zone, which is determined by the hygienic and epidemiological surveillance authorities, it is advisable to recommend taking potassium iodide at a dose of 200-250 mcg / day. Healthy women during the entire period should avoid any drugs, except for the simplest over-the-counter drugs. At the same time, when a woman herself seeks medical help and needs to take medications, she should notify a medical worker or a doctor of any specialty about the likelihood or presence of pregnancy, especially in the early stages. Pregnant women suffering from chronic diseases should, together with their doctor, prepare for pregnancy in such a way as to be able to reduce the intake of drugs in the early stages to a minimum or temporarily refuse them. The need for medication during pregnancy is controlled by the attending physician.

The question of taking vitamins specially designed for pregnant women is currently open. There are only a few studies with level A evidence, the results of which testify in favor of the appropriateness of their use, therefore, the use of multivitamin and mineral complexes designed specifically for pregnant women remains relevant in women who are not able to adequately eat or with a verified deficiency of specific nutrients. Reimbursement of the latter is preferable to carry out monopreparations. Multivitamin complexes that are not intended for pregnant women are contraindicated in any case.