Proper behavior during pregnancy. Rules of conduct for men during pregnancy

A man's attitude to the pregnancy of his beloved woman manifests itself in different ways: when one is shocked by the changes and does not know how to react, the other buys up all thematic literature and simultaneously enrolls his wife in gymnastics for pregnant women. What should be the attitude of a husband towards a pregnant wife?

As with everything, moderation is key. If the husband pays little attention, then the pregnant wife will begin to suffer from his lack. “He doesn’t love me”, “he doesn’t need me and the child” - about such insidious thoughts attack the woman’s brain in such a situation. If a man, on the contrary, tries too hard to create maximum comfort for her, then she feels limited in freedom, deprived of the right to decide anything on her own.

Why does a woman's behavior change so much during pregnancy?

One of the main reasons is hormonal changes. The woman's body is completely rebuilt, it begins to work in an enhanced mode, which means it consumes twice as many resources. A woman gets tired faster, which causes irritability.

Now the expectant mother feels that there is no turning back. She loses her youth and carelessness (especially if the pregnancy is the first) and for many years she assumes the burden of responsibility for the future person.

That is why a husband should treat his pregnant wife with special understanding, share this responsibility with her, give her confidence that support and protection is always there, which will always protect and support her.

How does a man feel during his wife's pregnancy?

In those 9 months that nature has set aside for the formation of the fetus, not only it ripens, but also the parents for fatherhood and motherhood. In the book of E. Burn "Games that people play" an interesting theory is given, according to which many factors influence the personality of a future person.

Factors that influence the personality of the future person:

  • emotional state of parents at conception,
  • desire to have a child
  • the state when both parents found out about the upcoming replenishment,
  • behavior of both parents during pregnancy,
  • expecting a child of a certain gender.

For this reason, it is important to monitor your behavior and attitude to the situation. In terms of psychological comfort, it is easier for a woman to accept and bear the thought of pregnancy (the first trimester is the most difficult), nature for this, and rebuilds the hormonal background. For a man, “perestroika” does not occur, which means that it is worth working on yourself.

It happens that a man begins to be jealous of his wife for the child, or rather, for her tummy. As if she thinks and talks about him more than about her beloved husband.

Another man begins to worry more about the financial support of the family: how stable the current situation is, whether everything will collapse in an instant, whether he will be able to fully satisfy the needs of his child and the whole family.

Another question that worries a man: "Will I be a good father?" A man wants to be an ideal example for a future child, but does not yet know how to behave and what to do for this. We solve this issue with time, nature at the right time will tell you how to behave.

Tips for the husband of a pregnant woman:

  1. Already in the first weeks, feel free to talk to the tummy, even if it is still invisible. Pet him and pay attention.
  2. Read a book or watch a movie about pregnancy. This will help you get closer to understanding your wife's condition.
  3. Try to tell your beloved that pregnancy has made her even more beautiful and feminine.
  4. Give her more positive emotions: surprises, walks, visits to comedy performances in the theater.
  5. Try not to watch tragic films, programs, crime news reports - more positive and joyful.
  6. Even if the pregnant wife has gained excess weight, do not tell her about it. It is better to offer to go to a special store and update your wardrobe a little. Just.
  7. Try not to insist on intimacy: pregnant women are not always happy about this idea. This is individual.
  8. Watch your diet. A pregnant woman needs to eat as many wholesome plant foods as possible. It will be difficult for her to eat celery if her husband eats a smoked leg of lamb in front of her eyes. Therefore, husband and wife should adhere to approximately the same diet.
  9. Help your wife with the housework. Homework is not as easy as it seems at first glance, and in its current state, even more so.
  10. Be patient, because the stereotype that the mood of a pregnant woman resembles a roller coaster is the purest truth. A sense of humor will help you.
  11. Arguing and quarreling is unprofitable for the three of you. Remember that there are no problems that cost your nerves, and in the future - the health of your child.
  12. Do not order the gender of the child. This can become a serious psychological complex for a woman. She will involuntarily think that having given birth “not by order”, you and the child will no longer need you. Forget your "boy I want." On the formation of the personality of the child, by the way, this is also reflected negatively. He feels that he has come to a place where someone else was expected.
  13. Try not to teach your wife "how to do it right." An adult woman usually believes that she herself knows how to do it. It is better to unobtrusively recommend, show a little trick.
  14. Be sure to take part in the discussion and purchases of things and household items for the newborn. Yes, it’s really important for you to discuss what color the bath should be and which sliders are better: with Mickey Mouse or these ones with polka dots.

If it is difficult or there is no time for this, try to help in any way you can. For example, organize the delivery of a crib.

How should a husband prepare for childbirth?

How should a man treat a woman before childbirth and how to prepare for them? Responsibly approach the choice of a maternity hospital. Choose it together, having traveled several options in advance. Find out what can be transferred to the hospital, and what is strictly prohibited.

It is appropriate for the husband to take a vacation for this period. It is good for the whole family to devote the first time to supporting and caring for each other.

Does a man need to be present at the birth? Only if it is a sincere mutual desire. If one wants, and the second compromises, stepping over himself, then this is not entirely correct. Everyone should be comfortable. A man can simply read a prayer in support of his beloved wife, being outside the office door. It's important that she knows about it.

Try both to believe in the best, to be each other's support and support. That third of your family, with whom you have not yet had a chance to meet personally, will greatly appreciate this behavior and reward you by growing up a happy person, grateful to your parents.

Great article for every man.
Young guys usually joke hilariously that they are supposedly lucky with their sex - they won’t have to give birth. And they think they are happy. It is, of course, if you do not marry - yes, it is easier. But after all, every normal man dreams of heirs, that is, children from his legal wife. And the pregnant wife still needs to be endured ...

Get ready for a bunch of questions

If your wife is trying to get pregnant according to plan, you will have to listen to many questions that make you think about the meaning of life: what if she is terminally ill? Why do other women give birth when they shouldn't? Maybe you need to check? Suddenly she is barren - you will not leave her? Is it true that a normal child cannot be adopted in orphanages?

And now it's done

Woe to you if you don't dance around the room kissing the pregnancy test. And a very difficult fate awaits an unmarried Don Juan who dares to utter the phrase “Is this from me?”, Even if there are grounds for such suspicions. Leave - she will not leave, after all, the instinct of a pregnant female makes you hold on to the breadwinner and support (if you are still not a breadwinner and support according to your passport, you will be forced to become one), but hysteria, breaking dishes and a meticulous enumeration of all your former lovers, including a neighbor in a bed in a kindergarten, you are guaranteed.

There are women who carry a child, almost forgetting about it. But about 50% of expectant mothers diversify the morning of their “halves” with dreary sounds from the toilet. The most competent part of the 50% will find information in the book that in order to overcome nausea, you need to eat without getting out of bed. So it makes sense to learn in advance to crawl into the kitchen and find food without opening sleepy eyes, because your dear spouse will sleep all day and half the night, but at dawn they, along with insomnia, will wash the floor, cook breakfast and write letters .

Bziki or need?

In the first three months, everything is wrong, everything is annoying. Unshaven - shave, otherwise you prick. Shaved - go away, you stink of soap. And to take a deodorant, the same, exciting, personally chosen by her - God forbid! In general, go to the North Pole to smoke and do not return from there without an orange. And right now, because in forty minutes she no longer wants an orange, but she needs a cucumber, and certainly her mother's salting, and at half past three in the night she will die without plum compote. Bziki? Maybe. But most of the savage peoples believe that if the whims of the pregnant woman are not satisfied, the child will be sick or retarded. Modern science partially confirms this: a woman wants exactly what is necessary for a child or her own body. Even the passion for inhaling car exhaust is justified and means anemia, which must be urgently treated. Is it hard? And what does it feel like to scare the toilet in the morning?

A pregnant woman in many nations personifies the Mother of all mankind. You have to hate this humanity, because. it is represented in your house by the Mother, grieving for absolutely everyone, including the grilled chicken that is baked in the oven - after all, she could have chickens. And what kind of jacket the relatives gave for the baby - no words, only tears - how great. And if you don’t have the strength or ingenuity to sympathize with a chicken or a jacket, your wife’s reaction will be even cooler as when watching Titanic.

You will forcibly become an Indian named Big Ear, learn to understand anatomy and pharmacology, and, in the end, be able to convince your wife that the child will not be born a freak if she does not buy imposed local supplements. At the sight of children's things and magazines for young mothers, for the purpose of self-preservation, it is recommended to at least sigh with admiration, if the “honest-pioneer” upbringing does not allow you to blatantly lie that you are also squeaking from this.

Husband is to blame for all troubles

At about thirty weeks of pregnancy (toward the end) you have to make repairs in the apartment. It doesn't matter that you did it six months ago. And let the tiles shine, and the wallpaper is still clean. You can whitewash the ceilings or change the baseboards, buy new curtains and sheathe the balcony with clapboard. It really doesn't matter what you do. At least draw the balls on the wallpaper by hand. If you don't, she will, because she has a terrible instinct - the nesting instinct. To somehow relieve tension, you can slip her a book on the technique of patchwork - let her make a blanket for the child, this will distract her from painting the windows. Do not give her uncontrolled money during this period: everything will be spent on building materials and “such cute little things for children”, which then turn out to be absolutely unnecessary: ​​a baby monitor, for example, or a winter suit of the wrong size.

Almost any woman is trying to find out on an ultrasound scan who to expect - a boy or a girl. You can think anything, but you have to rejoice at everything out loud, and loudly, bouncing so that the chandelier of the neighbors below shakes. As a last resort, you can say the phrase: "It doesn't matter who, as long as it's healthy." (Option: “If only the boy was healthy - oh, don’t hit the head, I was joking!”).

Actually, the man will be to blame for the whole pregnancy: it happened because of him, and all the problems are from genetics, and she is also “not only mine, by the way!”, And “you look at me differently than before, because I'm fat and ugly."

The most difficult

The last two weeks are the hardest to be pregnant. Being the husband of a pregnant woman at this time is even worse. If you cannot escape on a business trip, you yourself will want to give birth, if only she would stop whining “when, well, when!” False contractions will force you to buy a beer and drink it on the sly to relax your nerves after returning from the hospital with the news that you need to wait a little longer. This is where it starts...

In one place I will stop laughing: it is more difficult for a husband to be near a wife in labor than to give birth to her herself. You are a nervous, sensitive people, for which we love. She, of course, feels bad, but at least she can do something: sit down, lie down, yell (including at you). You cannot do anything: kill a doctor, blow up a maternity hospital, order a child to be born faster. Just calm down and bring some water. And it is unlikely that they will tell you later that it was so important, although it was so.

Three days of happiness

The happiest time in the life of any man is three days while his wife is in the hospital with her first child. That is, you are already a father, but you still don’t know what night crying and diaper prices are. You have a reason and an empty apartment, as well as a lot of friends rejoicing for you. Just don’t, returning from fishing, throw a bag of raw crucians into the window of the ward or go to bed on the porch of the hospital with the wording “here is my wife, here I will fall asleep.” When there are older children, you can no longer celebrate so recklessly, especially since everyone will report to mom later: that they ate only dumplings, and that they didn’t wash the floor, and that they didn’t buy romper suits, and that they told dad “Don’t forget mom’s skirt in the maternity hospital take, but he forgot! But with each new child, you will feel more and more like an old Russian father of a family who has the right to hit his forehead with a spoon and dream of a happy old age. Although it still needs to be...

Pregnancy: rules of conduct
Pregnancy is the happiest, but also the most disturbing time in a woman's life. On the one hand, this period is accompanied by the joy of waiting for a miracle, on the other hand, the fear of the unknown. If a pregnant woman is supported by a loving husband, relatives and friends, fear recedes, and if a woman is lonely, he can take over all the thoughts of a future mother, poisoning her every day.

Perhaps our advice will help someone understand that pregnancy is not a disease, that almost any problem can be solved if you treat them calmly. A wise man once said: "The problem is not the problem, but our attitude towards it." Make it your motto.

Let's take a closer look at what you can and cannot do during pregnancy.

During pregnancy it is unacceptable:

1) Smoking, drinking hard liquor, using drugs. These substances adversely affect the development of the nervous system of the child. Women who smoke are much more likely to give birth to premature babies, children with pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. Newborns whose mothers smoke sometimes have an allergy to mother's milk, and alcoholics and drug addicts can have a child with congenital dependence, not to mention malformations.

2) It is senseless, ridiculous and cruel to blame the baby for your own unwanted pregnancy. According to statistics, among unwanted children, whose mothers could not come to terms with the appearance of a child until the very birth (even if they later fell in love with him), various mental and nervous disorders and suicidal tendencies are much more common.

3) You can not do hard physical work, especially related to lifting weights. Even if the pregnancy is going well, in the last trimester the uterus is in an overstretched state, and strong muscle contraction can simply push the baby out, provoking premature birth, or cause placental abruption. For the same reason, it is undesirable to engage in sports that involve the risk of falling (skiing, cycling, speed skating, etc.). At the same time, calm cycling and skiing up to 6-7 months of pregnancy is not only not contraindicated, but also desirable perineal muscles, helps to keep fit, contributes to a better supply of oxygen to the fetus.

4) Do not allow thoughts about the unfavorable outcome of pregnancy, fetal pathology. Increased nervousness and emotionality are common to all pregnant women, but if bad thoughts prevent you from enjoying future motherhood, contact a psychotherapist. You can take herbal sedatives. A decoction of valerian or motherwort is best suited (especially with a tendency to high blood pressure).

5) You can not neglect the advice of doctors, although it is also undesirable to follow them blindly. It is better if you are supervised by a specialist you can trust. When one of my acquaintances was in position for the second time, all the gynecologists insisted on an abortion, since she had a spiral in front of it. What horrors they did not draw for her! But she left the baby, as she was sure of the birth of a wonderful daughter, and she turned out to be right. Another friend was offered swamping for a long time, as tests showed the presence of fetal malformations. Fortunately, the woman also refused such a step and gave birth to a healthy boy. Trust your intuition and never rush. If you doubt the recommendations made, consult another doctor, and then draw conclusions. Doctors are people too, sometimes they can make mistakes.

6) Do not torment yourself with thoughts that you will not be able to cope, that you will have nothing to live on. Even if you are alone, you can always find a way out. There will definitely be an experienced woman friend who will help you at first. In many cities, day care groups have been introduced in the Baby House, where you can take your child, like to a kindergarten, and calmly go to work. Many people will be happy to help and donate the things of their grown children. You can find work at home, including through the Internet. There are no hopeless situations! Instead of wasting your nerve cells in vain (especially since it is not harmless for the baby), make a list of necessary things, find in advance a person who will help you and whom you can trust the child, try to save some money to stay at least a month with the baby and recover after childbirth. Believe me, the birth of a child opens up such reserves of strength and talents in a woman that you don’t even know about now!

I would like to highlight a few controversial issues:

Can you drink beer and wine? Yes, if the beer is non-alcoholic (it contains a lot of B vitamins, it has a mild diuretic effect, favorably affects the functioning of the nervous system), but not more than 0.33 l / day. Natural red wine in small quantities used to be prescribed for the threat of miscarriage, severe neurosis (calms, contains a large amount of minerals and vitamins). But I emphasize that the wine should be natural and should be used only if necessary and in small quantities (about 100 ml).

If the expectant mother knits, will there be an entanglement of the umbilical cord? No. All their lives, women have been preparing a dowry for the baby on their own, and there is no harm from this.

Can't cross your legs? Yes. The blood circulation of the pelvic organs is disturbed, which can lead to a change in the position of the fetus in the last stages of pregnancy to pathological.

Can't put your hands up? If you just do gymnastics, do the exercises smoothly, without sudden movements, there will be no harm. It is undesirable to do work that requires raising your hands. For example, hang clothes, especially in the last months of pregnancy and in the presence of adverse factors (polyhydramnios, multiple pregnancy, large fetus, late preeclampsia). Strong muscle tension combined with tension can provoke placental abruption or premature birth. In addition, such work that is familiar to us as hanging clothes requires energy costs, as when chopping firewood.

Before that, we only talked about what a pregnant woman should not do, and we got a rather impressive list. Do not be discouraged, dear women. There are many more things you can do!

Walk as much as you like, but get home before you get tired. Walking should be fun and not exhausting.

Rest every time you feel tired, and no one will dare accuse you of being lazy.

Surround yourself with beautiful things, look at flowers more often, listen to beautiful music, classical music, and your child will be born beautiful and calm.

Listen to your eating habits, but don't take things to the extreme. When you eat, you feed not only yourself, but also your baby, and he is unlikely to benefit from cakes and sweets. But you can eat fruits in any quantities.

A pregnant woman needs to sleep well. If you can't sleep at night, go to bed during the day. By the way, a pregnant woman's working day should be reduced by one hour.

Engage in physical education. This will help you keep in shape, improve the baby's blood supply, provide optimal conditions for its development and your well-being. Just remember the sense of proportion! The best sport is swimming. It provides unloading of the spine and joints, improves immunity and mood, allows you to train muscles without risk to the child. But that doesn't mean you have to compete in swimming competitions!

The most important thing that a future mother should do is to love herself and her child. Enjoy every minute of your pregnancy. After giving birth, you will never be so close again. With every centimeter of their growth, children move away from their parents. They have their own character, their own view of the world. This is normal and right, but sometimes you start to miss those times when you went to bed and woke up together, ate together and understood each other without words. Do not rush time! Everything has its turn. And when problems arise, don't get discouraged. Remember that even "if a fish has eaten you, there are always at least two ways out."

Even a calm pregnancy proceeds with significant changes in the psyche of a woman who is trying to maintain the previous state of affairs, get used to the new, keep it, and change it again as soon as possible. What stages and states turn out to be quite typical, what do they talk about, and is it worth worrying about changes in our perception and our behavior.

The beginning of pregnancy: a new life of 9 months

Pregnancy for almost every woman begins a little strange. New sensations, expectations based on books, films and stories from life do not quite coincide with real changes in the female body and, accordingly, thoughts. A certain amount of fear, like the fear of a new one, is quite typical, subconsciously we still cling to our old habits, our former way of life, our former body. It is sometimes difficult to realize the naturalness of what is happening, we would definitely resist internal changes, which is why the first significant mood swings occur.

A rounded chest usually becomes a joyful event, but the first toxicosis is frightening. It is easier to get used to the new state for those who have discovered pregnancy at the earliest possible date. The hardest thing is for those who have it happened at a later date - the sixteenth week of pregnancy and beyond. Then it is not easy to get used to the changes in the body and the growing tummy, it involuntarily upsets, the woman feels not pregnant, but fat. At this stage, the support and patience of a loved one is very important. If prejudice is alien to you, then working with a photographer will be beneficial, creating an image, you will let the state of expectation of a miracle inside yourself and feel that your changes are beautiful and even magical.

Listen to yourself more. Many pregnant women at the first stage are characterized by the fusion of their personality with the unborn baby: “we want to eat”, “this baby is not in the mood today”, “we will sleep”, this is how an emotional merger with the fetus occurs, which helps to perceive all changes better and easier, rejoice in them, however, this may be accompanied by the first manifestations of over-anxiety, a tendency to follow impulses. Psychologists note more animal moods of women, submission to basic instincts.

Second trimester of pregnancy: becoming a mother

The depth of feelings of the first stage with the desire to endow everything that happens with a higher meaning recede a little with the beginning of the second stage. Most often, these are the first movements of the child or a strong pulsation, which inexperienced young mothers take for the fetal heartbeat or a purely factual new event - the determination of the sex of the child. A division into one's desires begins to take place, and the desires of a child, a son or a daughter become very concrete images in the mind of a woman who calms down a little and becomes a little less impulsive than before and at the next stage. The character of the fair sex, just like a mother, begins to manifest itself precisely at this stage of pregnancy and changes in the psyche. The former emotional experiences associated with their own childhood and their parents are intensifying, the support of which will now be very helpful.

The third period of psychological changes in the mind of a pregnant woman: big changes again

The last third period of the nine-month wait is often psychologically the most difficult for a woman. Irritability and internal tension begin to experience even the most calm of the fair sex. The approach of the birth of a baby, as his separation from his mother, affects the subconscious as a frequent rejection of the fetus to one degree or another. Strong fatigue, the desire to give birth as soon as possible are quite natural and, moreover, “natural” - the subconscious mind sets the woman up for the inevitability of new significant changes in her body. The desire to give birth as soon as possible should not be taken as an alarming negative bell, when some young mothers begin to doubt the correctness of their own feelings and worry if their love for the unborn baby has decreased. Everything is in order, you tune in to the state that internally reduces the fear of pain or contractions in general. The risk of depression in the last weeks is reduced when pregnancy is managed by specialists, which included psychological preparation for pregnancy.



In order for pregnancy to be a joy for you and proceed without problems, only a few conditions must be met:

1.regular visits to an obstetrician-gynecologist, the implementation of all his recommendations and appointments;

2. the correct mode of work and rest;

3. observance of personal hygiene;

4. rational nutrition;

5. performing gymnastic exercises;

6. good psychological climate in the family, help from your family members;

7. a positive attitude towards a favorable outcome of the upcoming birth.


A healthy pregnant woman can perform normal work. Moderate physical activity trains your muscles, activates the activity of internal organs and increases the overall tone of the body. But from work associated with prolonged standing on your feet, with weight lifting, as well as exposure to chemicals, dust, radiation and other factors that can harm the baby, you need to refuse. There is a list of jobs from which a woman is legally exempt during pregnancy with a transfer to an easier job and pay. Business trips, overtime work, night work, weekends and holidays are prohibited.

It is undesirable to do homework that requires frequent bending. When "sedentary" work is useful to put your feet on a bench or put on a chair, which will protect them from venous stagnation of blood and the development of varicose veins.

During pregnancy, you may notice that you get tired quickly,

feel sleepy. Good sleep is very beneficial for both you and your baby. The optimal duration of a night's sleep is not

less than 8-9 hours, even better if you find the opportunity for an additional afternoon nap.

During this period, the need for oxygen greatly increases - now it is needed not only by you, but also by the unborn baby, so ventilate the rooms, walk more in the fresh air. It is best if the walks are short, but frequent.

A favorable atmosphere in your home is very important, without family conflicts and stress. With the onset of pregnancy, the psychological perception of some situations that previously left you indifferent is exacerbated. Your relatives, and especially your husband, should understand this very well and surround you with attention, care, and tenderness.

Do not worry if you notice a decrease in interest in sexual contact: during pregnancy, this is completely natural. The rhythm of sexual intercourse will depend on the state of health of the woman. Sexual life is not recommended in the first 2-3 months of pregnancy in order to avoid spontaneous abortion and in the last 2 months because of the risk of premature termination and infection of the woman's genital tract.

You should beware of influenza and other infectious diseases.

Smoking and consumption of alcoholic beverages is not allowed.

No medicines should be taken without a doctor's prescription. But there is no need to think that any medicines are prohibited during pregnancy - there are simply medicines that can have a harmful effect on the unborn child and cause developmental defects in his body. What medicines and in what doses to take, only the doctor decides.


Clothing should not constrain the chest and abdomen. The size of the bra should be changed as the volume of the mammary glands increases. In the second half of pregnancy, it is recommended to wear a special bandage. Shoes should be comfortable, with wide, low heels.

Frequent change of underwear and bed linen is required.

Body care. A high level of the hormone progesterone causes an increase in the secretion of the sebaceous glands of the skin. Take a warm shower 2 times a day, it is advisable to shave the hair under the arms. If you have dry skin, you can use a moisturizing lotion. You will have to give up hot baths and sauna visits - these pleasures are dangerous, they can lead to premature termination of pregnancy. The external genitalia require special care - they need to be washed several times a day. At the same time, try not to use a strong ascending shower jet.

Oral and dental care. It is recommended to brush your teeth in the morning and in the evening, and rinse your mouth after every meal. Obligatory examination by a dentist and sanitation of the oral cavity.

Preparation of the mammary glands and nipples for feeding the child consists in daily washing them with water at room temperature, rubbing them with a terry towel and taking air baths before going to bed (leave the mammary glands open for 10-15 minutes).

Pull out flat or inverted nipples with clean fingers 2-3 times a day for 3-4 minutes, after lubricating them with a cosmetic cream.

The nutrition of a pregnant woman is of great importance for the normal development of the fetus and maintaining the health of the mother. Malnutrition leads to miscarriages, a decrease in fetal weight, and increases the frequency of loss of children after childbirth.

Excessive food intake causes an increase in the body weight of the newborn, which in turn complicates childbirth: the birth canal and the child are injured.

In the first half of pregnancy, a woman's diet should not differ significantly from that before pregnancy. You can allow spicy and salty dishes, with nausea in the morning it is better to take food lying down. Strong tea, coffee, alcohol should be excluded. Limit foods that cause allergies: citrus fruits, chocolate, etc.

During pregnancy, it is advisable to increase fluid intake to 2 liters per day to prevent urinary tract infections. Acidified drinks are useful: cranberry or lingonberry juice, lemon tea, kidney tea. In late pregnancy, the amount of drinking should be reduced to 1200-1500 ml, limit the intake of table salt to 5-8 g per day. It is desirable that boiled or stewed foods predominate in your diet.

With an increase in the mass of the fetus, the uterus increases the need for proteins up to 120 g per day. Proteins are rich in meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, milk, from plant products - legumes, cabbage, buckwheat, oatmeal. At the end of pregnancy, you should limit the consumption of meat, especially fried, mushroom dishes. The amount of carbohydrates should not exceed 500g per day, and if the pregnant woman is overweight, 300g. It is advisable to get carbohydrates in foods rich in fiber (wholemeal bread, vegetables, fruits, cereals). From 14 weeks of pregnancy, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of confectionery, sweets; the amount of sugar should not exceed 40-50g. Compensation for energy costs is provided by fats, their consumption increases, but should not exceed 85 g per day. From vegetable fats, sunflower and olive oils are recommended, from animals - butter and ghee. Lamb, beef lard, margarine should not be included in the diet.

Particular attention should be paid to the sufficient content of vitamins in food. It is good for you to eat at least five servings of fresh fruits and vegetables throughout the day. Portions can be quite small, such as an apple, or a small cup of grapes, or two large spoons of fruit salad, or one glass (150 ml) of fresh juice, or some greens of any kind, or a cup of vegetable salad. Fiber, which is rich in plant foods, will help your intestines work.

The body of a pregnant woman needs a large amount of calcium, phosphorus, iron, therefore, dairy products and iron-rich foods should be included in the daily diet.

Even the most ideal diet will not be able to give your body all the vitamins and minerals it needs. In consultation with the doctor, it is necessary to take vitamin and mineral complexes.


Hygienic gymnastics is indicated in the normal course of pregnancy. It strengthens the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall and pelvic floor, which facilitates the process of childbirth. It is important that the exercises do not make you overtired or short of breath. Avoid sports that could cause falls or bruises, such as cross-country skiing or horseback riding. At the same time, calm cycling will not harm you, and you can swim without any harm to health even up to the 9th month of pregnancy. Before choosing gymnastic exercises, consult your doctor. Complexes of exercises vary depending on the duration of pregnancy.


In the first 16 weeks of pregnancy, the main goal of gymnastics is to teach you proper breathing and the ability to strain and relax your muscles; these skills will be useful to you during childbirth.

The first type of breathing is slow and deep. Place your hands with spread fingers on the sides of your chest and inhale

so deep that the hands feel how the entire chest is filled with air. Then exhale slowly.

The second type of breathing is shallow. It mainly involves the upper part of the chest. Place your palms on your shoulders and try to take a few quick breaths in and out so that your hands feel the movement of your shoulders up and down. You will need the ability to control breathing during childbirth.

Another technique that is useful for you to master is relaxation. If you learn to control your muscles in advance, then you will have a good rest between contractions during childbirth, and you will protect yourself from breaks. To fully relax, imagine a situation that makes you feel completely comfortable, such as relaxing on the beach under the warm sun, swimming in warm water. Sit comfortably in a chair with a headrest, place your relaxed hands on the armrests, and slightly spread your feet.

First you need to relax the muscles of the face - perform the so-called "relaxation mask". Keep your forehead relaxed, lower your eyelids, stop looking inward and downward, gently place your tongue over your upper teeth, and let your lower jaw drop slightly. After several attempts, this technique will easily succeed. After creating a "mask of relaxation", relax the muscles of the back of the head and neck, imagine that your arms and legs hang freely, and relax them too.

Mini-training for tension and relaxation according to the Nikolaev-Lamaz method is carried out lying or sitting:

1. Consistently tighten the feet, calves, thighs, buttocks, perineum, hands, forearms, shoulders, face. At the same time, focus on the part of the body that you are straining. Then, in the same sequence, relax the muscles, concentrating on them.

4. Tighten your right leg and left arm and relax your left leg and right arm, then do the opposite. Relax on an internal command.


In the second half of pregnancy, do exercises that will increase the flexibility of the spine and pelvic joints.

1. Get on your knees and lean on your hands. Exhaling and arching your back, move your pelvis forward. After a few seconds, return to the starting position, inhale. This exercise not only develops the mobility of the pelvis, but also helps to relieve back pain.

2. Squatting, spread your feet apart. The back should be straight, hands clasped in front at knee level. Without lifting your heels from the floor, push your hips apart with your elbows. This exercise will improve the mobility of the hip joints, strengthen the muscles of the back and hips.

3. Sitting on a chair, tense and then relax the muscles of the perineum,

repeat the exercise 10-15 times. You can do it standing, lying or sitting. This exercise strengthens the muscles of the pelvic floor, which is very useful for you during childbirth.

More details about the exercises that are useful to you are described on the website of the “Code of Health and Longevity” -


Childbirth is physical labor, so you need to learn how to save energy. There is no need to be afraid of labor pain: fear interferes with the proper course of childbirth, and you can learn how to manage painful contractions in advance. You will be helped by the implementation of some rules of conduct during childbirth.


At the beginning of labor, while the contractions are still short and infrequent, you can choose the position of the body that is most comfortable for you. You should not lie on your back for a long time, since in this position the fetus squeezes the mother's large blood vessels, reducing blood flow to the placenta. In the active stage of labor, when contractions are frequent, try to change the position of the body and lie more on your side. If the doctor allows, walk around, stand, leaning on a chair, kneel, leaning on your hands. When a woman in labor alternates between walking and lying down (alternates between an active body position and a resting position), childbirth is less painful.

During childbirth, the baby's head presses down on the bladder, and urine quickly accumulates in it. A full bubble, in turn, prevents the baby's head from descending into the pelvic cavity. So try to urinate every 2-3 hours.


Your ability to breathe properly is of great importance for the well-being of the child during childbirth. During a contraction, when the uterus contracts, he receives less oxygen and suffers from this. While the contractions are long and not very frequent, you need to breathe deeply so that the blood is well oxygenated. When the contractions become more intense, take a few deep breaths at the beginning of the contraction, and as it increases, switch to shallow breathing. Between

Strive to relax as much as possible.


During childbirth, relaxation techniques that you already know will come in handy. Use self-hypnosis formulas. Tell yourself: “I am calm. Contractions are a sign of normal labor activity. Gradually they will intensify. My breathing is even and deep. The muscles are relaxed. The fight is over now and I'll rest." Contrary to common misconception, childbirth is not necessarily accompanied by pain; in about 20% of women, they are painless. There are several tricks that will allow you to significantly reduce the feeling of contraction.


1. Deep and rhythmic breathing. Inhale through the nose for a long time, exhale through the mouth briefly, 16-18 times per minute.

2. Stroking the lower half of the abdomen in the form of light tangential movements with the fingertips. Hand movements are made from the midline of the abdomen above the bosom outwards and upwards, combining with correct breathing. When moving along the abdominal wall outward - inhale, at the moment the hands return to their original position (through the air) - exhale. As the strength of contractions increases, the gesture is wider, the breath is deeper.

3. Pressing the "anesthetic points" while lying on your back:

a) protrusions of the comb bone of the pelvis (anterosuperior iliac spines) on the inner surface with the thumbs of both hands, with the palm and the remaining four fingers located along the thigh.

Pressure and vibrating movements are carried out during the contraction simultaneously with deep breathing.

b) on the outer corners of the lumbar rhombus, for which the woman in labor should put her hands clenched into fists under the lower back, facing the back surfaces up.

4. Lumbar massage is performed in the form of rubbing or stroking it in the position of the woman in labor on her side or in the form of jerky movements from top to bottom in a sitting position.


In the second stage of labor, with the onset of attempts, you need to take a deep breath, hold your breath and push until there is enough air in the lungs. To strengthen the attempts, you should press your chin to your chest, rest your feet against the supports, pull the handles (edges) of the bed towards you with your hands. Repeat this technique as long as the push continues. If during the push you manage to push 3 times, the push will be the most effective. But when the baby's head begins to appear, attempts at the command of the midwife must be stopped. Now efforts are superfluous - they will lead to too rapid exit of the head from the vagina, which threatens with tissue ruptures. To ease the strain, breathe quickly and shallowly through your mouth, just like a dog breathes on a hot day.