Funny clothing on April 1. Propelle holiday for kindergarten. Preparation

Scenario for leisure for the day of laughter for children of middle preschool age "Laugh is allowed"

Purpose: Creation of a festive atmosphere for children of middle preschool age.
- to prevent the keyforward conditionally and the rest of the implementation of the Emocoinage;
- develop the skills of dance and playing impregnation;
- to find the skills of the combination of intensity in the game situation;
Strengthening the team.
Characters: Scattered, parents and children.
Come here, people
And left and right
We meet a day smile
Joking and fun.
Come in, people, here-
And let's get acquainted.
Let for many years
This day will be remembered.
Not losing a minute
Laugh fun to tears.
In every joke, the share of jokes,
The rest is all seriously
We have a holiday laughter
Jokes and fun are waiting!
Today it is allowed to be curly, joke, play, tumbling.
Holiday of humor with
Krinkle together: ha ha ha!
We will open a holiday today,
We are wind and rain no interference
After all, they waited a long time, not hide,
Our nationwide laughter's day.
For a holiday, for general fun
We invited laughter to visit
Fun, fun and entertainment,
Joke and humor for fun!
After all, a segal on April 1 - no one believes! We will find out
Jump, run and play!

Anchor "Pockey" (Children honored on each way.)
Guys, hurting? (WO!)
Is everything so important? (All without exception!)
Will we sing and dance? (Yes Yes Yes!)
Will we pour and lose the tears? (NickGood!)

And here the "scattered" runs with a suitcase from which things stick out, he runs around the hall alarmed, he runs under merry, perky music.
Scattered: What is that jokes?
Food I am the second day!
And did not get to Leningrad,
And I got into kindergarten! At that moment, the scattered spreads the suitcase and fall things, boots, a hat.
Vedas: What's the truth scattered, why did you take the boots on the road, because in Spring Street! But the hat is interesting. We will play with kids now.
Game "Hat"
But at that moment he remembered that she was in a hurry to Leningrad, waved his hands with his hand and ran away.
But then a scattered with one shoe on my leg scattered back to us, began to look for my shoe, trying to shoot their shoes in children. He took a lot of shoes with children, but then suddenly the middle of the hall saw his and very happy. And the children offered to play the game "Who will quickly find their shoe".

1. Game "grandmother-outer" for adults.
They are divided into 2 teams, in a signal, dress the skirt of grandmother-outer runs to a certain place and returns back, transfers the skirt to the next player. The team wins the team that faster to cope with the task.

Competition "Riddles for adults".
How many years do pigs live?
Answer: Pigs live as long as they do not eat them.
If the tomato is a berry, then can Ketchup be called jam?
Answer: No, jam is added to tea, and ketchup in food.
If the Penguin is a bird, why not flies?
Answer: Because she swims.
If the woodpecker knocks on trees, why not clogs nails?
Answer: Because it mines insects.

And now our children perform comic folklore!

Leaves group kids. They have "musical instruments": sculptures, washing board, spoons, pelvis, bucket, kettle. The guys fulfill the melody "Oh, full, full of boxes."

The joke is valued for no wonder
And good - doubly.
More, more every year
Laughter, jokes in every day.

Two girls sing a chastushka.
1st girl.
Nobody is so insulting
Like Vanya Sydote:
Swallowed live fish -
Move into the stomach.

2nd girl.
Walks vanya in the village,
Going - smiles.
It turned out, the teeth inserted:
The mouth does not close.

1st girl.
All Nikita forgets
Even put on the shoes,
Nikita's mouth opens -
Forgets to close.

Goose pig ...
not sponsor;
not comrade;
Wings will not give up.
After fighting ...
All to moms are running;
fists are not masted;
No longer scary.
Without difficult not to pull out and ...
hair chewing;
fish from the pond;
Candy from pocket.
Free cheese only happens ...
in a mousetrap;
In a dirty puddle.
Seven times fatten ...
If there is nothing to do;
throw out once;
One - a downgrade.
The farther in the forest, the more ...
stuck stronger;
I want to eat more;
More firewood.
Tie a shawl on balloons. Who quickly? (Balls hang on the thread)

Game with children "I am not me."
Which of you do not know boredom?
Who is the master here on all hands?
Who sees clothes?
Under the bed it puts it?
Things Who keeps in order?
River and books and notebooks?
Which of you is an example of others?
Who are we so good?
Sunburst goes in galoshes?
Which of you, tell me, brothers forgets to wash?
Game "Marty".
Each string is performed by gestures, action.
Martie: We are fun monkey.
We laugh in Scycm,
We are in the loudests
And we tall.
Inflation cheeks.
Skump on no.
And each other is even a tongue.
Frontantly jumping to the first.
Finger in the temple.
From the ears, the ears on the painter.
Wider now.
Grimasy are all a conception.
How I say there is a "three" -
Once or twice or three - Zamri! (Children will pay.)

"Koable" Victorina "Yes and No."
Two adults are selected.
In rhyme, let me rank - and tell me "yes" Il "No".
- Is there a city on the moon?
- Does women have a border?
- The teeth in the holes are about konfet?
- With smile to the tooth go and office?
- Is there a blue color in the rainbow?
- throw a stone with a stone?
- Two - this is not trouble?
- Shrinking - peeing food?

Will be evening dawn?
- First, 10 years old?
- Does it live at the bottom of the pond?
- In the moree of iceberg from the ice?
- Say, Spent, friend "Hi"?
- Do you need a light evening?
- Do you sleep on a buffet?
- Are you always fun?

"Wintile Lottery".
1st teacher Takes a hat, a cap or a small pouch in which there are lottery tickets. Children in turn pull them out, and sit on chairs. The 2nd teacher takes each ticket that he got to him and presents gifts with the promotion to children, for example:
It's rather hand - get the head of the bow.
Your prize is quite rare - two paper napkins.
Your winnings are original. Children's nipple got.
It is better not to win than the cellophane package.
Happiness in the hands of you caught - three potatoes got.
Newspapers should be read to find out all the news.
I know you love letters to write,
Then get this notebook.
To keep the beautiful hairstyle, we gave you a calcination.
You will not disappear so anywhere with your companion
From any guests home fed - a spoon.
Kids know everything in the world: the best toy is a rattle.
You will give not a flashlight, but an air white ball.
Here is a present and your own pencil.
We give you not a fantasy, but a beautiful bow.
Both girls, and boys, know, very love the bumps.
So you got a prize - it lies here, boyfriend, rice.
Now I'll get deftly for you carrots.
For you, my friend, I have chalk.
You have a rare gift - three fir branches.
The prize has long been waiting for you - here is a paper plane.
Your most important gift is a paper boat.

Competition "Soap bubbles."
Competition "That got it - that dressed."

Bright, cheerful, naughty holiday - April 1! This day is an extra reason to laugh or just smile around, to arrange an interesting (but not offensive, not angry) draw and "get caught on the fishing rod" to the jokers.

It is not necessary to carefully preparing it, the funny ideas come by themselves to amaze and entertain. In addition, children are a real scoring bag with different ideas and games, it is worth only to want and support, and these entertaining thoughts will pop up from your babies like a drum fraction from under the chopsticks.

Kids can not be particularly not explaining all possible options for the origin of the holiday, by the way, and call it better Happy laughter Or humor than the day of the one, whose name is the country in "Buratino". Just tell me that this is a holiday of smiles and a good mood, because from a smile, as you know ...

Arrange small family celebration Or call the child's friends.

What can I do and what to do?

1. Improved masquerade or day of funny fashion.

Try to build costumes from girlfriends with children. Follow the rolls of color toilet paper, packages of multi-colored bags-cules, garbage packages, tape, scissors. Of all this, you can make very beautiful and original outfits - bracelets, skirts, dresses, raincoats, wigs, etc.

Make costumes not only to children, be sure to decorate and mom, and dad.

And then everything is friendly and in turn, extend, demonstrating the outfit.

2. "Colorful" transformation into someone.

With the help of aquagrim, ordinary fingers or watercolor paints, show off each other, turning them into charming animal fabrics or fairy creatures.

3. Entertain fun games.

"Speaker". Prepare candy-lollipops (no, you will not have them, at least all). Learn a small patter "Tryndyli Tryndychi - Tryn, Bryn, Kryung, Spirit."

The first stage is one candy in the mouth, say typography. With each next stage in the mouth add on candy. We speak and add candy to that time, while you can more or less clearly say typography.

"On the track". Distil the toilet paper on the floor, forming a path. Turn around your axis 4-5 times, and then go along the track (when children are spinning, parents carefully observe that they do not come across something hard / angular).

"Guess who!". Competition for a mixture. Prepare white paper sheets, A3. By reading, select the master. Each of the players applies a sheet of paper to the wall, pressed the cheek to it and drive their profile with a handle / pencil (kids can help). Figure on the reverse side sign. With the help of the lead, which shows all the drawings, should be guess who belongs to some profile.

(Number of games for your taste, as well as their content. Main, together.)

4. Perform comic tasks.

"On 3 pieces!"

Distribute to all those present strips of paper, closed in 2 places. Promise the golden mountains to those who, holding the opposite ends of the strip, tear it on 3 pieces (answer - and the mission is impossible!)

"Lopni Ball".

Inflate balloons by the number of playing. Put the balls on the floor at a distance of 2-3 steps from playing. Tie your eyes and tell me that their task is to burst the ball, coming on it with the foot. Once or two, proceed! (Secret - and the balls are secretly cleaned).

5. Prepare each other gift.

For example, flowers. Yes not ordinary, and flowers out... ("Wait for a response in the next series ..." (c))

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Number of participants
up to 20 people
from 3 to 6 years
Duration of the holiday
2 hours
Assembly Hall (Game) Children's Garden
Colors of the holiday
All colors of Rainbow
Foam Flowers, Paper Roils, Balloons, Plush Mouse, Live Flowers, Glasses, Fake Cake
The specifics of the holiday in kindergarten is that the entertainment program will have to limit. Space (assembly hall or game room group, unfortunately, are not designed for very energetic games and fun), time (no one has canceled for kids for kids), ethic behavior in a preschool institution (no one will not allow the cozy to noise). Yes, and the name of the alleged treats will necessarily need to be discussed with the garden of the garden. Well, in the rest - the kindergarten of April is an absolutely unique reason to show flight of fantasy!

How to prepare for the day of laughter in kindergarten?

Decor and decorations for the game room

What do the most kids love? Of course, that everything around looks bright and joyful! Yes, and generally accepted is the fact that the abundance of bright colors greatly increases the mood!

Establish on all free surfaces here are the original soft bouquets in the toy buckets. The rate will be delighted with such mischievous toy flowers! Make them very simple! Buy a couple of packages of multi-colored kitchen sponges, cut them on sticks - petals, bind the petals between themselves aluminum wire (or - strong thread) and attach to the cocktail tubes! Flowers are ready!

If we have a day of laughter, then everything around must smile! Sun on the wall, Masha's doll in a play corner, even a cup for juice! How to do it? Cut your eyes and a large round nose from black cardboard and stick to a half-liter plastic cup. Put the crumpled large white napkin inside the glass (to strain the face). But a smile, with the help of gouache and tassels, let the children draw themselves!


You can decorate the room as simple bunches of balloons with painted smiling men, and here are such, spring compositions from balloons.

Cute mice

Whatever it was, but to shake the first of April, children are simply obliged (even despite all the prohibitions of the administration). Hide across the game (under chairs, in the toy dishes and boxes) of small cute mice! Babys will be waiting for unexpected surprises and many amazing emotions during the day!

Among other things, your premises for the firstaaprel holiday should carry and some logical burden. For example, you can turn up all objects and toys upside down. The kids will seem strange, and they will begin to ask: "Why?".

And yet, you can toys from different game zones (as a rule, in kindergarten there are several - a store, a kitchen, a bedroom, a garage, etc.) to change places. For example, wrench and machines fold into a washing machine or washing, and putting a saucepan to sleep in a cot for a doll. Usually such a "alignment" of the kids is very fun!

Decor of the festive table

The place where the children are going to treat all sorts of primary delicious delicacies, must also correspond to the holiday theme. Decorate the table with bright yellow and red paper balls, bed. Pestry tablecloth. Over the table you can hang a banner "From the first of April", while playing it according to the letters, for example, on asterisks.

Features of the festive table will give unusual cups for juice, decorated with cute paper mustaches and extravagant primary cocktail straws.

In the center of the table, you can put several flower arrangements. Only instead of Vaz take big tea cups, and add old grandma glasses with huge lenses to chrysanthemums and daisies! One hundred percent positive from contemplating such beauty, both small participants in the holiday, and your adult guests will be guaranteed!

Consumption is best served on paper, disposable plates in bright blue and white peas. And also, as a gratitude for good behavior and activity during the holiday, and just in memory of the wonderful day of laughter, put every little joker on a plate of funny plastic round glasses with a huge nose and a cute bright cap.

And, of course, what primary feast will cost no joke? Give small mischievous, a very "delicious" chocolate cardboard cake! Let him stand in sight from the very beginning of the holiday, awakens appetite and curiosity. And when you finally, allow you to cut off a piece from it at the end of the holiday - it turns out another, the final draw!

How to make a fake cake

You will need:

Round box (from under hats is best)

Confectionery glaze of different colors

Cream or aerosol cream

Wax paper

Install the box with a lid on the wax paper so that the glaze and cream are not sprinkled throughout the room. Draw the whole cardboard with icing, so that there is no single "paper" place. Pay special attention to the edges. Decorate the top of the lid of the box with plastic fruit.

The last barcode to the picture of the firstaaprelsky kindergarten Nausea is made! Now - it remains to wait for the arrival of loved leisurers! They are now, together with their parents, probably break their heads over what kind of outfit is best for the day of laughter!

Day of laughter or Fool's Day is a celebration of the whole world holiday. On April 1, it is customary to joke and play the surrounding. At this fun day, mass draws, street performances and flash changes are often organized. If you are planning to visit a costume corporate or themed party, then be prepared to appear in a positive and extraordinary image. Your outfit for the first of April can cause different emotions: from a good smile to hysterical laughter. In the online store "My Carnival" you can buy clown suits, unusual humorous kits and suitable accessories. There are current offers for children of different ages that will be useful for festive events and speeches in kindergartens and schools. Many options for adults are universal, you will also find separate models for men and for women.

Costumes clowns

The first who comes to mind when mentioning laughter and fun is, of course, clown. A real clown should be brightly dressed, having a magnificent colored hair and round red nose. Clown robe is usually a jumpsuit or jacket with vest and trousers. Some options include a summary and traditional curly wig. The style and design of adult and children's costumes is about the same. For girls and women there are separate offers with dresses and skirts. Prints are peas, strip and cage, pumps, large buttons and bows are used as decor.

Funny costumes

Do you want something really non-standard? Then you need our grotesque humorous images. For example, on the day of laughter, you can appear in the image of the table for billiards. Or maybe you always wanted to play the role of a baby or a bottle with Ketchup? These and many other incredible costumes will make your appearance for a holiday truly memorable. For children, you will also find original funny options. Especially popular "edible" topic - costumes of hot dogs, donut and pear.

Funny accessories

The most common funny accessories are all sorts of hats. Hats in the form of food and household items, rims-bellows with an arrow or a syringe in the head, multicolored caps. Classic - to absurdity big glasses with nose and mustache. In stock Also a wide selection of accessories for clowns - wigs, boots and boots, makeup and red noses.

A man's life at all times was full of stress, so people came up with holidays for themselves to think about and have fun, and thus remove the nervous tension and avoid depression. First of all, the day of the fool can be attributed to them or, as it is customary to be called in our country, April 1st. This holiday is accompanied by drawing and parties. So that he succeeds in glory, you will need a suit on April 1, which can be made with your own hands.

A little about the history of the holiday

How and where the day of the fool appeared, it is unknown. According to the most common version, he arose in ancient Rome, where he was called the feast of fools. In Russia, the fool's day became known for through ingenic ambassadors, which are courtesy. As you know, the Russian tsar reformer loved the jokes very much, so every year he himself thought up something unusual than surprised his approximate and foreigners.

Before the appearance of the printed press, the draws did not wear a mass character. Everything has changed when journalists began to specifically let the primary newspaper ducks, which caused a real perobal. Later, television joined the draws. For example, in 1957, the British reported on the unprecedented crown yield in Switzerland, and even showed a video record from the fields, where the pasta bind into shens. Oddly enough, there was a lot of those who believed this information and even ran to look for the seedlings of this "plants". Another famous was born in Paris, when in the late 1980s one of the French editions published an article about the plan for dismantling the Eiffel Tower and its transfer to the territory of Disneyland. This information caused a protest in the inhabitants of the French capital, which did not even suspect that they were played.

Costumes on April 1

Carnival costumes for a fool's day must be original or, as today it is customary to speak cool. It is not necessary that they are too complicated, since when they are created, the main thing is an interesting idea, and the methods of its implementation are important much less. Everything can go to the move - from balloons, to old CDs and wrappers from candy. For example, the original can be done by using a conventional swimmer cap of green, sunglasses and rubber pipes, which should be cut into thin strips and fasten with a tape from the ear so that they fall to the belt.

The usual foil can go to the move. Together with CDs, it will help when creating from a cardboard box.

"Soap and Urban"

If you are going to go to a party together with your boyfriend or a girl, then it is best to make a paired suit on April 1st. For example, it may be the option "soap and urine". For the manufacture you need to glue a box of white cardboard with a hole for hands and heads. It will be the basis for a suit designed for a guy. For greater persuasiveness, it needs to decorate, writing on the chest and back with large letters of "soap" and placing the corners of a bubble packaging material for imitation of foam. When a young man is equipped accordingly, you can go to the manufacture of a female costume. This will require an organza that needs to be draped into small folds to make a dress resembling a washcloth. On the side of it you need to sew the thread of plastic circular beads, which will portray the braid for hanging.


Another paired costume on April 1 will turn out if you take two identical black T-shirts and, laying nearby, put the image of a solved crossword with a white paint. Every time you become nearby, the picture will be folded, and you can read the words written horizontally.


If you have very little time to prepare for a festive party, you can offer a suit on April 1 in the form of frightened. You will need a flannel and pretty a rummy hat that will help create the image of the defender of fields and vegetable gardens. On this costume, if you can call it, can be considered completed. It will only be left to make the appropriate makeup. To do this, it is necessary to brightly make lips, draw a clown blush on the cheeks and portray the seams and patch on the nose and near the mouth with the help of a black pencil.


A simple and funny costume on April 1 will be able to wrap the bandages so as to become like a mummy. For the flooring naturalness, you can not shine the chin and draw a teeth with a black pencil on it. Since you are going for a fool's day, then your "inhabitant of the afterlime world" can be anyone. For example, a mummy-football player or a policeman will look ridiculous.

"Toilet paper"

Do you need funny clothes on April 1? Then make yourself a suit in the form of toilet paper. It is quite easy to make, and the effect will be simply incredible. At the very least, you will definitely find yourself in the center of universal attention. To create such a suit, need to glue from thick cardboard a pipe with a diameter of 30 cm, in which one large hole should be made for the body and one more - for the head. And they must be done with such a displacement from the center so that the left end of the cylinder is on the shoulder, and the right - ended without reaching the elbow 2-3 cm. Then you should cut from the cardboard two discs with a hole in the center in which the hand can freely , and close them like covers, the ends of the pipe. In complete, you need to take a piece of white fabric, better flannel, width equal to the width of the "roll", and a length that will correspond to the double-length length of any of your T-shirt plus 15-20 cm. It must be folded twice and cut the neck opening, retreating from the left edge On the width of your shoulder. Then you should sew a suit on the sides so that 50 cm remains from the top fold before the seam. In the end, you need to wear an improvised shirt over the roll and get used to the thought that you have to take some time with an elongated hand.


If you are going for a fool's day with children, then costumes by April 1 can be the most different. For example, make your baby funny outfit with pasta. To do this, you will need a big motility of the white rope or which you need to cut into the segments of equal length. Then you should take some old jumpsuit, better than bright color, and put "macarialins" on it, folding them in half. Next you need a baseball cap and colander. Ropes should be sewed to the cap so as to hide her visor and get the effect of cutting macaronin. A colander should be consolidated on the baseball cap.

"Colored beans"

Funny suit on food theme will be able to use a large polyethylene package and many multicolored small balls. In the package, cut off the bottom corners so that the holes are obtained. Then cut circles for hands, retreating 50 cm from the top edge of the package, which must have a length of at least 140 cm if the suit is intended for a person of medium height. The name of the product is called "packaging", for example, "color beans", and information about its weight, the number of calories, protein, fats, carbon, and so on. Then 30-40 air balloons of different colors with a diameter of 15-20 cm. Bold In the holes of the arms and legs, put the balls into this "packaging" and fix the package at the neck with the help of tape and braid.

Now you know what suit you can come up with April 1 to surprise other parties on the occasion of the day of the fool.