Approximate table of height and weight of children. Birth weight: norms and deviations. Children's height and weight standards

The child height and weight calculator from birth to 12 years of age will help determine the height and weight range of the child according to his age.

The calculator has an additional function - a forecast of the height and weight of the child. Based on the parameters entered, you can assume height and weight for future years, but for this you need to fill in the appropriate fields with the child's data for today.

Please note that the result of the answer is given in two versions:

  1. according to centile tables;
  2. according to the weight of the child to his height.

Example: boy 8 years old - height 141 cm and weight 30 kg.

According to centile tables, the ratio of weight and height to age:

  • Child height: high (normal - 122-131 cm)
  • Child weight: overweight (normal 23-28 kg)

Child's weight according to his height:

  • low (normal weight for this height - 33-35 kg)

The child weighs above average, and his height is even higher (tall child), i.e. weight does not catch up with height parameters. Therefore, according to the centile tables, the weight will be excessive for the norm, but insufficient for growth.

Calculate the weight and height of the child

You can also calculate the weight and height of a child according to his age by comparing the indicators according to the centile tables (tables 1 and 2), as well as comparing the ratio of the height and weight of the child (table 3). Keep in mind that all children are different, so your child's growth and weight gain may differ from those shown in the chart.

Table of the ratio of the height and weight of the child

Height and weight of a child up to a year

To calculate the height and weight of a baby up to a year old, there is a table that will show how much a newborn should gain in weight.

For a quick calculation of the ratio of height and weight, as well as a forecast of indicators, use our calculator for the height and weight of a child from birth to 12 years.

It is very important for parents to keep under control the growth of the child at 1 year old, as well as the weight indicator. This will allow you to timely detect the deviation, identify its cause and take measures that will help the baby. Note that physical and mental development are closely related and there is no guarantee that a violation of the first will not cause deviations in the second. That is why measurements should be carried out on a regular basis per year, and the results obtained should be compared with the norm.

Weight and height - standard values

In the following table, we present the average values ​​\u200b\u200bof the growth and weight of babies of both sexes per year.

These data are averaged and were obtained by the World Health Organization as a result of studying a large number of children aged 1 year. However, it is important to understand that all children are different, so this table should be used for informational purposes only. A clear answer to the question of whether there are any deviations in the physical development of the baby can only be given by a pediatrician.

Parents need to take measurements regularly. Every month the child adds:

  • 1-3 cm in height;
  • 300-600 g in weight.

These data indicate normal development.

Growth Features

The growth rate in babies is formed unevenly: in the first 6 months of his life, the baby grows by 15 cm, then the rate gradually decreases. If a child stretches up to 71 cm per year, then it is customary to call him undersized, but if it reaches 81 cm, then it will be considered high. All values ​​​​of the indicator from 71 to 81 cm are considered normal and should not cause concern.

At the same time, it is important to take into account that tall parents and babies most often quickly stretch out, and if dad and mom are short, then the baby will also be quite small. The hereditary factor largely determines the rate of development.

How is the child growing?

Increase in height in the first year of life occurs gradually:

  • from 1 to 3 months - by 3 cm monthly;
  • from 4 to 6 months - by 2.5 cm;
  • from 7 to 9 months - by 1.5 cm;
  • from 10 to 12 months - by 1 cm.

Starting from the second year, the growth rates noticeably decrease:

  • in the second year, the child is stretched by 10-13 cm;
  • for the third - by 6-7 cm;
  • for the fourth, fifth - by 5-6 cm.

By the age of five, the child reaches height, the value of which can be calculated by the formula: height at birth multiplied by 2. As a rule, it is close to the mark of 1 meter.

Measurement using a special device - a stadiometer - should be carried out regularly, and parents also need to keep a special diary in which the data will be entered. This will help to track the dynamics of development of each indicator and take timely action in case of deviations.

Causes of dysplasia

Sometimes the behavior of the mother during gestation causes the baby to lag behind in development. So, if during pregnancy a woman allowed herself to drink alcohol, then this can cause a significant lag not only in growth, but also in development. On the contrary, vitamin intake, agreed with a medical specialist, can stimulate a normal growth rate.

A one-year-old baby who is stunted should be given the following products:

  • fish, meat;
  • milk products;
  • cereal cereals;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • eggs;
  • greenery.

Nutrition should be balanced and healthy - it is important to offer the crumbs a variety of dishes, introducing each new product with the utmost care.

In addition, if a child is significantly stunted or, on the contrary, much taller than their peers, this can be caused by serious diseases of the thyroid or pancreas, adrenal glands. Therefore, the problem should not be ignored. One of the reasons for slow growth may also be a lack of somatotropin (growth hormone) in the baby's body.

Weight disorders

The weight of a child at 1 year old should not significantly exceed the value presented in the table or lag behind it. However, the lag in weight is most often observed in the following categories of children:

  • premature;
  • who have had SARS, dehydration or intestinal infection for a year.

Artificial children, on the contrary, gain weight much faster than infants. Of course, if the deviation is insignificant in any direction, then there is no cause for concern. But if the indicator differs significantly from the norm, then you should not hesitate to visit the pediatrician. The reasons are very diverse, most often they are associated with an improper diet, which causes obesity or anorexia. But the deviation can also indicate serious diseases of the digestive system.

That is why, if the baby weighs less than 5 kg or more than 18-20 kg, you need to contact a professional. Such figures may indicate very serious deviations. Even a weight of more than 15 kg in children of both sexes is considered too high.

Features of weight gain

In a year, a child should weigh from 7 to 12 kg. The weight gain is distributed as follows:

  • from 1 to 3 months - 750 g per month;
  • from 4 to 6 months - by 700 g;
  • from 7 to 9 months - by 550 g;
  • from 10 to 12 months - for 350 g.

A low increase can indicate digestive problems, rickets, anemia, as well as disorders in the central nervous system. If the baby is breastfed, the mother should make sure that he is full of milk, otherwise it is recommended to add formula to the diet.

When a child is significantly behind in weight with a normal balanced diet, it is necessary to visit a doctor, since such a deviation can cause a lag in mental and mental development.

Chest and head circumference

Despite the fact that the height and weight of a one-year-old child are the main indicators indicating the absence or presence of deviations in his development, head and chest circumference should also be taken into account. Average data are presented in the table:

Measurements of these indicators are carried out regularly when visiting a pediatrician, as they also help to assess the development of the baby and take timely action.

Normal performance

At birth, the head circumference of an infant, as a rule, is from 34 to 36 cm, the chest circumference is about 32 cm. In the first 30 days of life, the growth rate of the head significantly exceeds the rate of expansion of the chest. By 4 months of age, the pace levels off. And in children at 12 months, the volume of the head is about 2 cm less than the girth of the chest.

In a healthy baby, which develops without any problems, the head is always smaller than the chest, which can be observed visually. For the year, the following increase can be noted (compared to the indicators measured at the birth of the crumbs):

  • head circumference - an increase of 11-12 cm;
  • chest circumference - an increase of 15-16 cm.

A slight deviation should not be cause for concern, as it may be due to a genetic predisposition. So, some children are born with a large head, which is a physiological norm for them. And those whose circumference, on the contrary, is very small, are most often premature.

head examination

In addition to the digital indicator, the result of an external examination of the child's skull is also important, namely, its following features:

  • Form. The norm is considered rounded, an increase in the parietal or frontal lobe is alarming signs, they may indicate hydrocephalus or rickets.
  • Symmetry. The presence of dense asymmetrical areas on the head often indicates a cephalohematoma.
  • The size. In the table above, you can see the "standard" size, indicating that there are no problems. A very large head can be a sign of macrocephaly, and a small one can be a sign of microcephaly or craniostenosis.

However, we repeat once again - only an impressive difference between the real and normal indicator should alert.

Chest examination

Not only numerical data are important, but also the following characteristics:

  • symmetry;
  • shape (flat, cylindrical, conical);
  • proportionality.

As the baby develops, the shape of the sternum changes, and this is normal. However, deviations from standard indicators may be associated with rickets, scoliosis, or bone tuberculosis. That is why too narrow or, conversely, a wide chest volume is a sign that you need to visit a pediatrician.

Of course, all children are different, some are genetically predisposed to short stature and low weight, others were born in a family where mom and dad are very tall. Therefore, they are growing at a very fast pace. However, the average value of the indicators is still important, because it allows you to draw a parallel, compare the parameters of your baby with the general value of the indicator used in pediatrics. And this helps to understand whether the baby is developing normally, whether there are any problems with his health, whether the diet is disturbed.

  • full-term or premature was originally a baby;
  • constitutional, hereditary features of parents;
  • gender of the child;
  • type of feeding (breastfeeding, artificial);
  • the presence of comorbidities.

There are tables of weight and height (centile tables), which show the average rates of weight and height. You can find them on the Internet. But, as a rule, they are intended more for doctors in order to objectively assess the development of the child. It will be quite difficult to figure them out on your own, and it is inexpedient.

The weight with which the baby was born does not always affect its development during the year, if we are talking about a healthy baby born between 38 and 40 weeks of pregnancy. Birth weight depends on how the expectant mother ate during pregnancy, what lifestyle she led (active or sedentary).

Not always the weight of a child of 4,000 grams, for example, at birth, indicates that he will add more than a baby with a weight of 2,700-2,900 grams. It all depends on the factors below.

On average, the weight of a full-term baby is within the following limits: for boys at birth, 3,500 grams, for girls, 3,350 grams. Deviations from the norm from 2,700 grams to 4,000 grams are allowed. The length of the body varies between 46 - 56 cm, on average - 50 cm.

Let's analyze the norms of weight gain by months in newborns.

The rate of weight gain in newborns by months

In the first 6 months of a newborn's life, the rate of weight gain per month averages 800 grams. In the second half of the year, the norm of weight gain in infants is 400 grams.

In total, the weight of the child increases by weeks, respectively, by 200 grams up to six months and by 100 grams per week after 6 months.

Baby growth by months

The growth of a healthy child during the first 12 months of life increases by a total of 25 cm. More accurate figures are given in the tables of height and weight.

Norms of monthly increase in body length:

  • 1 quarter - 3 cm monthly;
  • 2 quarter - 2.5 cm monthly;
  • 3rd quarter - 2 cm per month;
  • 4th quarter - 1-1.5 cm per month.

More accurate indicators of the rate of growth and weight of children up to a year are given in the centile tables of height and weight.

Features of growth and weight gain in premature babies

If the baby is premature, then the weight gain and body length depends on the gestational age (meaning the week in which the baby was born). As a rule, the schedule for gaining weight and body length in such children is individual for each specific case. And indicators of weight and height vary in relation to full-term children.

Let's analyze the weight of the child by months in case of prematurity:

  • during the first 6 months, the average monthly weight gain for children born with a body weight of up to 1,000 grams is about 600 g, with a weight of 1,000 - 1,500 - about 740 g, and with a weight of 1,500-2,500 grams - about 870 g ;
  • in the second half of the year, children born with a body weight of up to 1000 g monthly gain about 800 grams in weight, and for larger babies, the increase per month is 600 g.

The growth of premature babies in the first year of life increases by 26.6 - 36 cm. Usually, by the age of 2 - 3, they catch up with their peers.

How do the constitutional features of the body and the hereditary factor affect the height and weight of a child under one year old?

Most parents like to compare their child to others. For example: “Here, a girlfriend (neighbor, relative) has a child of the same age as mine and weighs much more than mine. Why do we add badly? So something is wrong."

And it seems that there is something to think about, but do not panic. We are all different in genetic structure, someone is thin and tall, someone is stocky and short. So, these are the types of constitutions:

  • normosthenic;
  • asthenic;
  • hypersthenic.

From such a factor as heredity, the development of the child also depends. If mom and dad are short, and there is no one tall in the nearest pedigree, then you should not expect your child to add 5 cm every month. This principle partly applies to the weight of the child. What is laid down by nature, we cannot change.

Gender of the child and the rate of weight gain in infants by months

Boys in most cases initially at birth have more weight than girls. Accordingly, the increase in both weight and height will differ. These differences are also included in special centile tables.

Influence of the type of feeding on the weight gain of the newborn

At this point, I would like to note such a nuance as overfeeding the child. Previously, it was believed that overfeeding was possible only on artificial nutrition. However, there are cases and quite frequent when the mother overfeeds the child.

In both cases, there is an intensive increase not so much in body length as in body weight. That is, if a child in terms of growth adds monthly in the region of averages and 1,500 - 2,000 grams in weight, then it is worth considering whether we feed the baby too much and often.

After all, uncontrolled feeding leads to such consequences as a delay in motor development and skills. The child later rolls over, sits down, gets up, it’s hard for him, excess weight interferes. The development of the musculoskeletal system is disturbed, obesity and many unpleasant consequences are possible.

Associated diseases and physical development

Toddlers with certain diseases add less both in height and weight. Or, on the contrary, a situation arises when the presence of a certain disease causes a large increase in comparison with healthy children. There are many diseases, let's try to figure it out by highlighting the most common groups of diseases:

  1. Diseases of the cardiovascular system. Congenital heart defects, especially complex ones, with circulatory disorders, heart failure. The reason for the weight deficit in this case is the following point. Due to the presence of a defect, the heart does not fully function, blood circulation is insufficient, the exchange of oxygen and nutrients between the tissue of the organ is reduced, muscles and blood vessels also suffer. This is expressed in a delay in the development of the child's body.
  2. Diseases of the broncho-pulmonary system. BPD (bronchopulmonary dysplasia), malformations of the trachea, bronchi, lungs, severe intrauterine pneumonia. All these diseases affect the circulatory disorders. There is a decrease in the supply of oxygen to tissues and organs, which leads to a poor increase in the weight and height of the child.
  3. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Malformations of the intestine, esophagus, liver, bile ducts (, intestinal atresia). Such problems are solved by surgery in the early stages after birth. Gastro-esophageal reflux (pathological reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus), viral hepatitis, inflammatory bowel disease, in which the absorption of nutrients through the intestinal wall is impaired; transferred acute intestinal infections.
  4. Diseases of the endocrine system. causes an excessive increase in body weight due to the accumulation of excess fluid in the body of the newborn and the formation of edema of the subcutaneous fat. To exclude such a disease allows neonatal screening, which is carried out for all newborns up to 1 month.

Usually blood is taken from a newborn in the hospital from the heel. Such genetic syndromes as Praderra-Willi, Shereshevsky-Turner, Itsenko-Cushing can influence a large weight gain. These diagnoses can only be made by your attending physician or a narrow specialist (geneticist, endocrinologist).

And in conclusion, I want to give advice to parents. In order not to wonder if my child is developing normally, I just need to visit my pediatrician every month, who will examine the child and control the increase in weight and height. Then he will tell you how the baby develops. If necessary, he will prescribe a timely examination and treatment, if necessary.

Adolescence is a time of rapid psychological and physical development of the child. During this period, there is a rapid increase in height and significant changes in body weight of boys and girls. Their ratio has a strong influence on both the physical and psychological development of children.

Periods of active body growth during adolescence

For any age, there are approximate average indicators of height, as well as weight. To date, the average the height of the man is 175 centimeters, and the women - 165 centimeters. Boys reach these indicators by the age of 18-20, and girls stop growing at about 16-18 years.

The period of active physical development in girls and boys does not begin at the same time. In girls, active growth begins a year or two earlier than in boys. Already at 9–10 years old, they significantly exceed the growth and development of most of their classmates. The active growth of boys begins at about 12-14 years. This period in adolescents of both sexes coincides with the onset of puberty.

It should be noted that these figures are indicative. Some children begin to physically change earlier than their peers. Other adolescents catch up with their peers in physical development much later. Therefore, minor deviations at the beginning of a period of active growth during adolescence are the norm and do not require any measures.

Weight and height standards for adolescents

On what circumstances do the growth parameters of adolescents, as well as their weight, depend?

All children develop individually. Both the height and weight of each child depend on many factors:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • individual characteristics of puberty;
  • hormonal background;
  • the presence of chronic diseases;
  • features of the course of pregnancy and childbirth;
  • living conditions: nutrition, lifestyle, psychological climate in the family;
  • genetic diseases.

Monitoring the development of the child, and its correlation with the average indicators should be carried out regularly. Any significant deviation from the norm is a reason for contacting specialists. The sooner the problem is identified and its cause found, the sooner the child can be helped and correct the situation.

​Height to weight charts for teens

Any average obtained from statistics. This means that average height and weight data are relevant only for representatives of a certain genotype. The statute of limitations for such testimony is no more than 10 years. For ease of reference, all the data obtained as a result of the research are summarized in tables.

Table of height and weight of male teenagers. Height and weight in the table are expressed in centimeters and kilograms.

Child's age Flaw Norm Excess
cm kg cm kg cm kg
10 129,7 26 137,5 31,7 145,6 40
11 134,9 28,5 152,3 33 152,2 45,7
12 139,9 31,3 159 35,2 159 51,9
13 145,8 34,5 165,6 44,3 165,6 58,3
14 152,3 38,6 168 49,7 172,2 64,9
15 158,6 43,5 172,2 55,6 177,6 71,5
16 162,8 49 172,3 61,8 182,1 77,2
17 167,2 55 176,6 66,9 184,8 80,9

Table of height and weight of female adolescents.

Child's age Drawback (cm) Norm (cm) Excess (kg)
cm kg cm kg cm kg
10 130,7 25,2 138,6 31,3 147 41,2
11 136 27,8 144,5 34,8 153,3 47,1
12 141,8 31,9 150,1 40,7 158,7 54,4
13 147,4 37,4 155,8 47,8 163,9 60,8
14 151,6 42,9 159,5 53,1 167,4 65,1
15 154 46,3 161,6 55,5 169,7 67,7
16 154,8 48,5 162,4 56,6 170,3 68,5
17 155,4 50 163,9 57,4 171,7 69

The figures given in the tables correspond to the average anthropometric data at a certain age. The height and weight of the child may not correspond to one cell of the table. For most adolescents, the set of centimeters and the number of kilograms occurs unevenly. for instance , growth at 12 years old may be normal, and the weight be more or less than it. When analyzing the data obtained, it is also necessary to take into account the factors influencing the physical development of adolescents.

The ratio of height, weight and volume in adolescence

An important role for normal well-being is the ratio of body weight and its volume. It must be remembered that body mass and volume are not interchangeable concepts. We are talking about real violations of these indicators. The far-fetched problems of adolescence, caused by subjective self-esteem, need the help of a psychologist, and not weight adjustment.

If the body weight of the child is within the normal range, but at the same time his body looks obese, then there is obesity. This problem is quite easily solved by changing the nutrition system and replacing the lifestyle with a more active one.

Quite often there are adolescents with a lag in the rate of development of muscle mass from a set of centimeters. v. This explains the characteristic for adolescence, lankyness and impaired coordination. In most cases, these indicators return to normal over time. If the lack of muscles and body weight do not increase, parents should consult a specialist for advice and search for the cause of this problem.

Separately, it is necessary to mention the increase in body volume in the abdomen with normal body weight. This phenomenon is associated with insufficient development of the abdominal muscles and a passion for malnutrition. Components of the solution to this problem:

  • adjusting the system and power mode;
  • rejection of harmful products;
  • doing sports.

Recommendations of specialists for the correct physical development of boys and girls

The influence of lifestyle and nutrition on height and weight

As already mentioned, for active growth in adolescence, you need to eat right and exercise regularly.


Proper nutrition is the key to increased growth. To grow faster you need to eat certain foods and reduce or completely eliminate unhealthy foods from your diet.

Nutritionists recommend starting the day with a hearty and hearty breakfast. It should contain the maximum amount of nutrients. The first meal of the day may consist of cereals, dairy products, eggs, whole grain bread, tea or cocoa. Various dry breakfasts will not harm the body, but they will not help grow up either. The daily diet should also include foods rich in fiber (vegetables, herbs, cereals, fruits) and protein (meat, fish, poultry). The use of soups on natural broths stimulates the metabolism in the body. The same function is performed by water, which must be consumed up to 2 liters per day. The main thing, to have a varied and regular diet.

For most modern teenagers, their favorite food is fast food, sweet sodas and various chips and crackers. These products will not only not help boys and girls grow up, but they can also cause irreparable harm to their health. The same statement is true for alcoholic and energy drinks.

Proper nutrition will a positive effect and will help grow only in combination with the correct daily routine and regular exercise.


Lifestyle is of great importance for activating the growth of adolescents. The right combination of activity and rest will help to quickly increase this physical indicator.

It is in a dream that a person grows. Therefore, during adolescence, the child should sleep at least 8-10 hours at night. Good sleep conditions are: well-ventilated, dark room, hard bedding, no or small amount of pillows, clean bed and night linen, relaxed body position, clear bedtime (approximately 21 hours).

Performing physical exercises gives a significant increase in centimeters. The most effective are exercises on the horizontal bar and stretching. They must be performed in the morning, in a good mood and having a good night's sleep.

An indispensable exercise to stimulate growth is swimming. This sport helps to stretch the muscles and spine without undue stress on them.

However, there are a number of exercises that are contraindicated during the period of active growth. These are weightlifting, gymnastics, martial arts, long-distance running. These types of activities are associated with excessive stress on the muscles, joints and spine.


The adoption of multivitamin complexes is a prerequisite for the normal development of the body. Before starting their use it is necessary to consult with a specialist and choose the drug that suits the child individually. It should include vitamins A, B, C, and D. It is these substances that have a beneficial effect on increasing growth.

Rapid changes in the teenage body, including an increase in height and body weight, are a difficult test for boys and girls. Successfully overcoming this period will make their adult life healthier and more successful.

Height and weight of the child are the main indicators of its physical development. That is why immediately after the birth of the baby, it is imperative to measure the weight of his body and the length of the body and continue to weigh himself daily at the same time until discharge from the hospital.

There are many factors that affect the physical development of a child, for example:

  • heredity (do not expect a son-basketball player from short parents)
  • nutrition (it's no secret that with a deficiency of nutrients, vitamins and minerals, the growth and development of the child slows down)
  • physical activity (for example, playing tennis, volleyball, basketball contribute to an increase in height)
  • child health (children with chronic diseases often lag behind their peers in physical development)
  • psychological situation in the family, at school, lack of sleep, etc.

How to understand what is the norm?

All-Russian Health Organization recommended special tables for matching the height and weight of children, or as they are called, centile tables. At each examination, the pediatrician measures the height and weight of the child, compares the obtained values ​​\u200b\u200bwith the standard indicators. Such tables allow you to identify obvious pathologies, for a more accurate analysis, the doctor calculates additional indicators using special formulas.

Table of weight and height of an infant by months (up to 1 year)

The table shows the average height and weight of infants (under the age of 1 year) by month for boys and girls.

Age Girls boys
Weight, kg Height, cm Weight, kg Height, kg
newborns 3.33±0.4449.50±1.633.53±0.4550.43 ± 1.89
1 month 4.15±0.5453.51 ± 2.134.32±0.6454.53 ± 2.32
2 months 5.01±0.5656.95 ± 2.185.29±0.7657.71 ± 2.48
3 months 6.07 ± 0.5860.25 ± 2.096.26±0.7261.30±2.41
4 months 6.55±0.7962.15 ± 2.496.87 ± 0.7463.79 ± 2.68
5 months 7.38 ± 0.9663.98 ± 2.497.82±0.8066.92 ± 1.99
6 months 7.97±0.9266.60±2.448.77 ± 0.7867.95 ± 2.21
7 months 8.25±0.9567.44 ± 2.648.92 ± 1.1169.56 ± 2.61
8 months 8.35 ± 1.1069.84 ± 2.079.46±0.9871.17 ± 2.24
9 months 9.28 ± 1.0170.69±2.219.89 ± 1.1872.84 ± 2.71
10 months 9.52 ± 1.3572.11 ± 2.8610.35±1.1273.91 ± 2.65
11 months 9.80±0.8073.60 ± 2.7310.47±0.9874.90±2.55
12 months 10.04 ± 1.1674.78 ± 2.5410.66 ± 1.2175.78 ± 2.79

Table of weight and height of the child by years (from 1 to 18 years)

The table shows the average height and weight of a child by year aged 1 to 18 for boys and girls.

Age Girls boys
Weight, kg Height, cm Weight, kg Height, kg
1 year 3 months 10.52 ± 1.2776.97 ± 3.0011.40±1.3079.45 ± 3.56
1 year 6 months 11.40±1.1280.80±2.9811.80±1.1881.73 ± 3.34
1 year 9 months 12.27 ± 1.3783.75 ± 3.5712.67 ± 1.4184.51 ± 2.85
2 years 12.63 ± 1.7686.13 ± 3.8713.04 ± 1.2388.27 ± 3.70
2 years 6 months 13.93 ± 1.6091.20 ± 4.2813.96 ± 1.2781.85 ± 3.78
3 years 14.85 ± 1.5397.27 ± 3.7814.95±1.6895.72 ± 3.68
4 years 16.02 ± 2.30100.56 ± 5.7617.14 ± 2.18102.44 ± 4.74
5 years 18.48 ± 2.44109.00±4.7219.70 ± 3.02110.40±5.14
6 years 21.34 ± 3.14115.70±4.3221.9 ± 3.20115.98±5.51
7 years 24.66 ± 4.08123.60±5.5024.92 ± 4.44123.88 ± 5.40
8 years 27.48 ± 4.92129.00±5.4827.86 ± 4.72129.74±5.70
9 years 31.02 ± 5.92136.96 ± 6.1030.60±5.86134.64 ± 6.12
10 years 34.32 ± 6.40140.30±6.3033.76±5.26140.33±5.60
11 years 37.40 ± 7.06144.58 ± 7.0835.44 ± 6.64143.38 ± 5.72
12 years old 44.05 ± 7.48152.81 ± 7.0141.25 ± 7.40150.05 ± 6.40
13 years old 48.70 ± 9.16156.85 ± 6.2045.85 ± 8.26156.65 ± 8.00
14 years 51.32 ± 7.30160.86 ± 6.3651.18 ± 7.34162.62 ± 7.34
15 years 56.65 ± 9.85161.80 ± 7.4056.50 ± 13.50168.10 ± 9.50
16 years 58.00 ± 9.60162.70 ± 7.5062.40 ± 14.10172.60 ± 9.40
17 years 58.60 ± 9.40163.10 ± 7.3067.35 ± 12.75176.30 ± 9.70

Deviations of weight or height from tabular values

There is no need to panic at the minimum discrepancy with the indicated values ​​in the table, and here's why:

  1. First of all, tables of height and weight of the child contain benchmarks, then what should ideally be the weight and height of the child, without taking into account many other factors. Sometimes parents of premature babies mistakenly use a standard table for comparison, while there are special tables for assessing the development of children born prematurely.
  2. The rate of growth and weight gain is unique for each child.. In the first year of life, babies develop in leaps and bounds. For example, during the period of introducing complementary foods, the weight of the baby may not reach the “norm” due to adaptation to a new type of food, and not because of pathology.

This does not mean that deviations from the norm should be ignored., but it is better to regard them as an occasion to pay attention and consult with a specialist in order to identify possible health problems, or make sure that they are not.

What can be associated with obvious deviations from the norm?

Earlier we talked about minor deviations from the norm and that there is no need to be scared if your child grows and gains weight not strictly according to the table. But what to do if the values ​​of the essential are out of range of acceptable parameters or are they at the intersection of norm and pathology?

The reasons for possible deviations can be divided into two groups:

1. Non-endocrine:

  • Constitutional stunting. Or in another way, the syndrome of late puberty. One of the variants of the norm, when the puberty jump occurs later than in other children.
  • family short stature. It has a hereditary predisposition, in the family of such children there are relatives with short stature. Growth retardation manifests itself from early childhood.
  • Prematurity, intrauterine and postpartum trauma.
  • Genetic Syndromes. As a rule, they have many clinical manifestations, one of which is growth retardation.
  • chronic diseases cardiovascular, bronchopulmonary systems, gastrointestinal tract, as well as anemia.
  • Starvation.
  • Taking certain medications.

2. Endocrine:

  • Growth hormone deficiency. Biologically active substance, which is the main regulator of the growth process after 2 years.
  • Lack of thyroid hormones. More often of a congenital nature, it is clinically characterized by a delay in physical and intellectual development from birth.
  • Type 1 diabetes. A disease in which, due to insulin deficiency, the flow of glucose into the cells of the body is impaired, the so-called. "starvation" of cells, as a result, growth rates slow down.
  • Cushing's disease (or syndrome). At the same time, the production of hormones of the adrenal cortex - glucocorticoids, which, in large doses, lead to a violation of the secretion of growth hormone, is increased.
  • Rickets. A lack of vitamin D leads to bone destruction and skeletal deformities, which in turn is manifested, among other things, by a decrease in growth.
  • Other rare disorders of the endocrine system.

As you can see, there are many reasons.

If the growth of the child is stunted, parents should consult a doctor to identify the causes of short stature and its timely correction.

Remember that for the normal growth of the child, you need a complete, balanced diet with enough vitamins and minerals, as well as dosed physical activity.