Environmental education programs for preschoolers. Domestic programs for ecological education of preschoolers

Municipal Preschool Educational Institution

"Tutal kindergarten" Yashkinsky municipal district

Kemerovo region

652024, Kemerovo region. Yashkinsky district, station Tuttal,

Ul.m.khevichi 9a Tel: 8 (38455-3-63-75)

Adopted: Approved:

on the pedsway the order of the head

protocol number ___ MBDOU "Tutulsky kindergarten"

from "____" ___________ 2015 from "____" ___________ 2015


On the environmental education of older children

Preschool age

Compiled on the basis of the educational program of pre-school education "Educational System School 2100" (Kindergarten 2100)

Compiler - Educator:

Kanina O.B.



On environmental education

Older school children


Preschool age is an impulse stage in the development of the environmental culture of the individual. At this age, the child begins to allocate itself from the environment, the emotional and value attitude towards the surrounding is developing, the foundations of the moral and environmental positions of the individual are formed.

Traditionally, the element of its knowledge, the development of a humane attitude towards it and conscious behavior in the natural environment, is also included in the pre-school education in the overall process of developing nature. The stressful environmental situation, in our opinion, implies several other approaches to environmental education. The position of the doctor of biological sciences T. V. Potapova: "The purpose of preschool environmental education is not so much in the assignment of knowledge of the objects and phenomena, as in the formation of the skills of careful and non-destructive treatment and the active desire to do this: gentle and savingly "

Explanatory note

"The world around the child is, primarily the world of nature,

with the limitless wealth of phenomena, with an inexhaustible beauty.

Here, in nature, the eternal source of children's mind "

V. Sukhomlinsky.

At the end of the twentieth century, the problem of strengthening the environmental literacy of each inhabitant of the planet was put forward to one of the first to significance. Previously, when the number of population was relatively small, and each person was in constant contact with nature, the environmental laws were assimilated by people in their everyday life. In the second half of the twentieth century, the bulk of people focused in cities and lost contact with nature. As a result, behavior has changed: they began to take from nature everything that it seemed necessary to them, not giving anything in return.

The relevance of this program thing isenvironmental education and education of children is an extremely important problem of the present time: only the environmental worldview and environmental culture of now living people can withdraw planet and humanity from the state in which it is now.

Preschool childhood is the initial stage of the formation of a person's personality, its values \u200b\u200bof orientation in the surrounding world. During this period there is a positive attitude towards nature, to the "man-made peace", to himself and to the surrounding people. The main content of environmental education is the formation of a child aware-correct attitude towards natural phenomena and objects that surround it and with whom he meets in preschool childhood.

Nature is an inexhaustible source of spiritual enrichment of children. They constantly in one way or another come into contact with nature. They are attracted by green meadows and forests, bright flowers, butterflies, beetles, birds, falling snow flakes, streams and puddle. The infinitely diverse and colorful world of nature awakens in children natural interest, curiosity, affects their feelings, excites fantasy and affects the formation of their value landmarks. A child who loved nature will not mindlessly tear flowers, rip nests, offend animals.

The impressions received in childhood from their native nature, very bright, memorable for life and often affect the attitude of a person to nature.

The novelty of this program is In the fact that it covers various aspects of environmental education preschoolers. The program provides not only the environmental education of children of preschool age, but also the motivation of the development of skills in children to provide all the assistance to our nature.

For example, for birds wintering in our territories, we are making feeders with children and parents, organize the "bird dining room" to the complete removal of snow cover; Wipe the birdhouses on the territory of the kindergarten.

This program includes the development of the abilities and the simplest experiments in children.. N. for example, growing seedlings for kindergartens of kindergartens. Thanks to the inclusion of children in the development of this educational program, preschoolers receive environmental knowledge, they develop observation, a sense of empathy, the ability to see beautiful in nature, the ability to have the nature of full assistance. Such personal qualities as kindness, responsibility, diligence, independence, the ability to work in the team are brought up. All of the above convinces in the pedagogical feasibility of this program.

Software-methodical support.

  • A comprehensive program for the development and education of preschoolers "Kindergarten 2100".
  • Complex program "Rainbow" T.Noronova
  • Partial program S.N. Nikolaova "Young Ecologist"

Material and technical conditions.

The material and technical base of MBDOU "Tutulsky kindergarten" meets sanitary standards, pedagogical requirements, modern level of education. The group created, equipped and replenished with the "Center for Cognitive Development and Labor", in which children get acquainted with the objects of wildlife (plants), organized a mini-laboratory for organizing the experimental activities of children, a library of cognitive and fiction environmental literature. In sufficient quantity there is a variety of equipment, benefits, games, herbaria, etc. Place, organization, equipment and sanitary condition of our center meet the requirements of SanPiN. Consolidation of knowledge is carried out in joint activities.

Creating conditions for the implementation of the program:

Psychological and socio-pedagogical conditions for the organization of work

  • take into account the social experience of the child
  • take into account his capabilities, abilities, interests
  • build a pedagogical process as a dialogue

The developing objective environment is used in cognitive and health purposes, for development in children labor skills and communication with nature.

In cognitive development Preschool children are characterized by high mental activity. The four-year-olds are interested in causal relationships in different areas of life (changes in living and inanimate nature, the origin of a person), the professional activities of adults, etc., that is, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe various parties to the surrounding world begins to form. By 5 years, perception becomes more developed. Increases the amount of memory. Children remember up to 7-8 titles of objects. An arbitrary memorization begins: children are able to accept the task of memorization, remember the instructions of adults, can learn a small poem, etc. Begins to develop figurative thinking. Children are able to use simple schematized images to solve simple tasks. Increases stability of attention. The child turns out to be affordable activities for 15-20 minutes.

Since the formation of children in children is a complex and long-term process, so I think that the purpose of environmental education should be the formation of a new type of man with new environmental thinking, able to realize the consequences of their actions against the environment and can live in relative harmony with nature.

The main goal of the program - To form in children elements of ecological consciousness, the ability to understand and love the world and nature.

The program is designed to solve the following tasks:

  1. Bring to the concept that adults and children are also part of nature;
  2. Education of the desire to take care of their health;
  3. Show the importance of natural resources (water and air) in a person's life;
  4. Educate a careful, economical attitude to natural resources;
  5. Bring children to a conscious understanding of the value of nature;
  6. Education of proper behavior in nature.

For work on the formation of moral and environmental education of preschoolers, a promising plan for working with children was developed

Methods used to implement this program:

  • Visual methods:
  • excursions, Target Walking;
  • observations;
  • showing fairy tales (teacher, children);
  • viewing book illustrations, reproductions;
  • holding didactic games;
  • Value methods:
  • reading literary works;
  • conversations with elements of dialogue, generalizing the stories of the educator.
  • Gaming methods:
  • conducting a variety of games (sedactic, plotting, didactic, games - dramatization, etc.);
  • riddling mysteries;
  • conducting quiz, competitions, thematic evenings.
  • Practical methods
  • organization of the productive activities of children;
  • registration of the herbarium of plants, fruits;
  • setting fairy tales, passages of literary works;
  • manufacturing with children of visual benefits.

When building a system of work of our program, we paid special attention to the following maindirections :

  • Cognitive-entertainingthe direction aims to acquaint children with the components of living and inanimate nature, the impact of human activity on these components in a game entertaining form.
  • Practical direction- The study of the plant and animal world associated with practical affairs (feeding birds, planting flower beds, etc.).
  • Research Direction carried out in the framework of productive activities (excursions, observations, experiments)

Expected result of interaction with children:

  • Must know and comply with the elementary rules of behavior in nature (the method of safe interaction with plants and animals)
  • Manifestation of interest, kindness to natural phenomena and objects;
  • Help each other, careful, friendly attitude towards nature, manifestation of creativity.

As a summary of the results Open classes are held, game contests, quiz, exhibitions, ecological evenings ...

Perspective work plan2015 - 2016 academic year





"Flowers on the plot of autumn"

Secure children's knowledge about autumn garden colors: the difference in appearance. To clarify the presentations of children about garden work in the fall. Intensify the dictionary of children with words meaning the names of garden colors.

Magnifying the riddles, the game "Guess the description", experimentation: "Plants are easier to breathe if the soil is poured and picked up"

"What the autumn gave us"

Secure children's knowledge about vegetables and fruits. Clarify the knowledge of children about the care of vegetables. Eat hard work. Intensify the dictionary of children with words denoting vegetables and labor.

Reading poems "Hello, Autumn!" E. Blaginina, observation, conversation "What is growing on a garden?"

"Autumn in white fogs"

To clarify the knowledge of children about such a natural phenomenon, like fog. Develop cognitive activity. Intensify children's dictionary: fog, damp, wet, thick cover.

Conversation "What is this - fog?", Reading poems, riddling mysteries, observation.

"Good, good sun"

Clarify the knowledge of the children about the sun in the fall. Forming the ability to determine the weather by signs. Intensify Children's Dictionary: Water, Heat, Light, Earth

Reading poems: "Four treasures ..."

M. Mahanyeva; Experimentation: "Ladoshka".


"Tell the hedgehog about indoor plants"

To clarify the presentations of children about plants in the group, about the conditions necessary for them. Introduce new plants. Teach learning and call parts of the plant (root, stem, leaf, flower). Rail interest in research activities. Encourage the desire to care for plants, relate to them with love and tenderness.

The game "Find a plant", Fizkultminutka "Flowers", didactic game "For what plant hid the hedgehog hid?"; Experimentation: "What are the plants for growth".

"Autumn tree"

To form children's ability to observe the phenomena of nature, analyze and draw conclusions about some relationships and patterns.

Non-traditional drawing techniques: Cleaxography- Experimentation


To form in children generalized ideas about pets: as they need to be careful, what benefits bring, what conditions are needed for life.

Conversation, the use of the artistic word, the "clouds" finger game, the game "Remember and name"

"How much I know the rains"

Develop the ability of children to observe seasonal phenomena and their changes. To form skills to allocate characteristic signs of autumn and summer rain. Intensify the children's dictionary: drizzles, small, cold.

Communicative dance game "Waltz Friends»;

Singing "Cloud", "Cap, Cap ...", "Sunny Bunnies and Tuchka", Finger game "Clouds"




To acquaint children with wintering birds: Sparrows. (Clarify with children, as changes in nature influenced the life of Sparrow). Develop interest in bird observations.
Intensify children's children: Winter, migratory.

Movable game "Who lives in the house?"

Fingering gymnastics "Graci";

Speech game "Who is it?"

To form in children a desire to relate to wildlife. Learning to organize independently feeding birds regularly.

The conversation "Guess, what a bird", observation, the use of an artistic word, n. Game "Fox and Birds"

"Wildly animals in winter"

Continue to form knowledge of forest inhabitants. Develop an idea of \u200b\u200bthe sequence of events in the life of forest animals.

Reading poems, creative tasks, n. Game "Hares and Wolf", conversation.


Develop the ability to observe seasonal phenomena and their changes, attention and memory, see the beauty of nature. Intensify children's children: first snow.

Observation, conversation, reading cognitive stories, experimentation: "Acquaintance with the properties of snow"


"Protect fir and pine"

To acquaint children with the concept that seeds of coniferous trees are in cones. To form the ability of children to distinguish a spruce and pine cone. Activate the children's dictionary: spruce, pine.

Observation, conversation, game "Find the description

"Swumbled over the sky.

Expand the presentations of children about the phenomena of inanimate nature: tell children what is the clouds.
Development of observation.
Activate the children's dictionary: Curisa, layered, cumulus.

The conversation "what are the clouds", observation, the use of an artistic word; Experimentation: "The wind blows, the boat sails"

"Snowborne Horovod"

Continue to teach children to observe nature phenomena: snowfall and see the beauty of the surrounding world.
Intensify children's children: cold, white, sparkling, fabulous, etc.

Observation, viewing of the painting "Winter", productive, experienced (snowballs) activities.

"Winter Beauty - Spruce"

To enjoy the smell of coniferous tree to desire. Provide the development of the ability to call the characteristic features of the structure of ate, signs that distinguish it from other trees, the formation of the ability to see the difference between the toy spruce from the present; Brigade careful and caring attitude towards wildlife.

Gaming Surprise Moment, drawing up a description of the description about ate with a support plan, game - Imitation "Collect the cones,conversation "Does a person should preserve the beauty of nature?" Creative work.


"Observation of snow and ice"

Form a realistic understanding of inanimate in childbirth; Consider knowledge that water can be in solid condition (snow, ice).

Experimentation "Water can pour and splash", the use of an artistic word.

"The life of birds in winter"

Teach children to consider birds, distinguish them in size, painting of plumage, published sounds. To acquaint with their names.

Conversation, game "Feed Bird", Did. The game "Fly - do not fly away."

"Frost - an amazing artist"

Call in children interest in nature in nature. Develop visual observation, the ability to notice unusual in the surrounding world and the desire to reflect what he saw in his work. Develop imagination and creativity.

Riddling mysteries, watching for a walk, using the artistic word,

practical work


"Grow onions on the window"

Call interest in the cultivation of the garden on the window, the desire to observe changes in the bulbs. Learn to create a situation of experience

Conversation with elements of labor, experimentation: "How water enters the plant on the example of onions", sketching.

"Wild animals in the forest in winter"

Promote: enrichment and deepening children's knowledge about wild beasts in the winter, the development of the ability to establish links between the winter conditions and features of the behavior of animals.

Conversation about protein, hedgehog, hare, fox, bear.Performing a creative task; The game "We are small bunnies", game "Completion of the Proposal".

"Laboratory of Good Deeds"

To form the concept of kindness, the habit of performing good actions; educate interest in experimental activities; analyze phenomena, draw conclusions; develop cognitive interest, logical thinking, speech of children; cause a sense of joy in children

Conversations about natural phenomena, cataclysms (earthquakes, volcanoes, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods); experiments with water, air; reading cognitive literature; Conversations about good and evil.

"Observation of seasonal changes"

form ideas about changes in nature;

Learning to distinguish the characteristic challenges of the end of winter (first drops);

fasten the ability to perceive the poetic description of the winter.

Using an artistic word; Moving games: "Sunshine Lisa", "Who will make less jumps?".


"Spring steps to us quick steps"

Continue to learn to memorize the names of spring months; Give ideas about changes that occur early spring in nature. Develop the skills of elementary research, logical thinking.

Reading poem "March",« Spring goes ", d / and" Find mood, show the mood ", Experimentation:" Interaction of water and snow "

"Our four-legged friends are a dog"

To form in children the idea that the dog is a smart pet, is predicted to a person, it can be trained and used on different useful services.

Observation, moving games

"Friendly couples", "disappear - do not fall."

"Caring for health"

Promote education in children of careful attitude towards their health; To form ideas that in spring time, vitamin food (green onions and others) and the sun are especially useful; develop in children the ability to take care of their health; Rail a sense of care for a sick comrade.

The game "Reprove the Sun", "What is useful for health, which is harmful," talking about vitamin food.


Encourage children to rejoice in the first spring colors, continue to acquaint them with names, with the features of the structure.

A comparative story about a mother and stepmother and dandelion, riddles, reading verses, experimentation: "Following the sun."



Teach children carefully treat the world around. Educate interest in natural phenomena, clarify the ideas about the external features of the bug.

Observation of God's cow. Leakage of fun, productive activity,finger gymnastics "Ladybugs".

"Russian Birch"

To form ideas in children about Russian birch. Expand knowledge about the protection of nature. Rail in children interest and careful attitude towards nature.

Riddling riddles, round, productive activity

"Pernaya guests"

Promote a generalization of ideas about the birds in the spring: a change in their behavior - heales in the sun, on trees, tweet, nests, remove chicks and others; Empty curiosity, desire to take care of birds.

Conversation, the production of birdhouses, observation of birds on the site of kindergarten, viewing illustrations (different types of nests, the appearance of chicks, etc.).

"Spring Landscape"

Secure the presentation of children about the spring, about the characteristic features of this time of the year. To draw the attention of children to the first signs of spring. Rail in children love for the native edge. Develop children's interest in wildlife, emotional responsiveness.

Conversation, artistic word, viewing and comparing paintings on the topic "Spring", a mystery, transformation of children in artists, listening to the "Seasons" melodies.


"Sunshine on the grass"

To clarify the knowledge of the children of the flower, the ability to find it in the leaves, the form of inflorescence, to form in children interest in working with paint. Continue to cause children interest in live colors.

Reading poems, finger gymnastics, productive activities, experimentation "Heat - cold".

"What is clouds, rain, thunderstorm?"

Give the concept of evaporation of water, the formation of clouds, electrical discharges in an affordable form. To acquaint children with the rules of behavior during a thunderstorm.


view illustration


"Sand Fantasy"

Expand the horizons of children: to acquaint with the modern direction in Isoic. Secure knowledge about sand properties. Develop a figurative and logical thinking. Develop tactile sensitivity and fine motility hands. Enrich the emotional scope of children

Reading mysteries, finger gymnastics "on the sea sand I sit", experimentation: "Why the sand rolls."

Requirements for the level of children's training

The pupil must


Rules of behavior in nature.

Plants and their characteristic features.

The main signs of wild and domestic animals.

Types of birds of their terrain.

Have an idea.

About fleshy birds.

On the dependence of changes in wildlife from changes in inanimate nature.

On the protection of nature.

On the most characteristic signs of different times of the year and phenomena of nature.

On the importance of nature in a person's life, careful attitude towards the environment and the consequences of environmentally illiterate behavior in nature.

Be able to

Perform the rules of behavior in nature.

Ensure the corner of the corner of nature. Replant the houseplants.

Provide flow of flower beds

To assist the surrounding nature (feeding birds in winter in the plot, garbage cleaning, making natural signs).

Production of crafts and panels from the collected natural material.


The work done should affect the success of children. They should have positive changes in the formation of the moral qualities of the identity of preschoolers. Children should be attentively treating the surrounding and inanimate nature, to their comrades. They develop cognitive interest in nature objects, the desire to take care of them. Children should try to help each other, sorry their friends, love to do pleasant, comrades.


  1. Nikolaev S.N. Young ecologist: Environmental education program of preschoolers / S.N. Nikolaev - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2002.
  2. Environmental education of preschoolers: manual for pre-school education experts / The author is the Compiled by Nikolaev S.N. - M.: LLC "Firm" Publisher AST "- 1998.
  3. Nikolaev S.N. Methods of environmental education in kindergarten: work with children of medium and senior groups of kindergarten: a book for kindergarten educators / S.N. Nikolaev. - M.: Education - 1999
  4. Zubkov N.M. WHO and Little Miracles Trolley ": - M; Mosaic synthesis, 2009
  5. Organization of children's activities on a walk, secondary group / auto-comp. T. G. Kobzeva, I. A. Kholodova, G. S. Alexandrov. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2011 "Encyclopedia of the Training and Development of a Preschooler", SPb: Publishing House "Neva"; M.: Olma-Press, 2000.
  6. "The world around the world in Didactic Games of Doszocoleklikov", Moscow 1992 Artemova L. N.
  7. "Education of Environmental Culture in Preschool Childhood", Moscow 1995 Nikolaev S. N.
  8. "Educational games for children of primary preschool age", Moscow 1991 Boguslovskaya Z. M., Smirnova E. O.
  9. Grisik T. Skomoon World. - M.: Publishing House "Education of the Preschooler." -


10. Comprehensive program "Rainbow" T.Noronova

11 . Integrated program for the development and education of preschoolers "Kindergarten

2100 "in the educational system" School 2100 ", under the scientific editors A, and,

Leontiev-M.: Balam, ed. House RAO 2100.

The identity of each person is developing not only from the genetically determined set of individual traits, but also from the relationship of an individual to the world around the world, other people and, of course, to nature. Modern children have very specific ideas about the live, most often limited by the Internet and relating to the specific manifestations of the world of flora and fauna. But such a fragmentary study of the issue, disinterest in the preservation of living conditions, leads to consumer attitude towards nature as a whole and deprivation of an important moral and aesthetic component of life in particular. It is necessary to solve this problem as early as possible, for which the concept of education of children, including preschool age, is directed.

Relevance of the issue

Environmental education of children is the concern for the future of the planet

The modern educational system recognizes the environmental education of the right of one of the priorities of the psychological and pedagogical activity of the teacher and the educator, if we are talking about preschool children's development. So early formation of an environmental orientation in the growth of personality is explained by the fact that up to 7 years old

  • created a foundation for laying a conscious attitude to the environment;
  • there is a accumulation of bright emotions;
  • direct perception of information allows you to remember it firmly and easily.

It is interesting. Modern studies have shown that at the psychological level, the perception of the world around the child under 7 years old is formed by 70%. But after reaching this feature, the remaining 30% will accumulate by the end of days.

Working with kids from 2.5 to 6 years is important for the formation of an environmental culture of the individual. This concept implies understanding and adopting general global problems, as well as awareness of personal responsibility for the state of the planet.

Principles, goals and objectives of environmental education

The best way to tell the child about nature is to teach her to help

The study of nature at the preschool stage, as follows, affects all areas of intellectual, spiritual and moral development of the kid, namely

  • forms a sympathetic attitude towards the world around the world, that is, it is engaged in the formation of moral values;
  • fills the system of evidence and representations, that is, develops intelligence;
  • he teaches to see the beauty of the world through an activity approach (for example, care of plants, pets, etc.).

For this, at each lesson on the study of the surrounding world, you need

  • to form the simplest ideas about nature, the relationships of all living things;
  • purchase to work, as it is an indicator of concern about the world;
  • educating respect and love for nature, as well as instill an understanding of the importance of care for her.

The tasks of education of environmental self-consciousness should work on the implementation of the goals set, that is

  • form and develop curiosity kids;
  • develop creativity;
  • give elementary ideas about themselves, other people, individual components of nature (color, size, material, shape, sound, pace, causes and consequences of one or another phenomenon), as well as the relationship between them;
  • reliable respect for the shared house - planet Earth - and with a diet treats the peoples of it in the population.


GEF regulates the directions of the ecopringe of children at different stages of the educational stairs

Working with children is known, regulated by the legal field. As for environmental education, the aspects of working with this component are regulated

  • The law of the Russian Federation "On Education";
  • Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Environmental Protection";
  • GEF to.

Federal State Educational Standard, starting from January 1, 2014, the component of environmental education has been subjected to some processing, in particular, instead of 10 education strategies 5:

  • socio-communicative development
  • cognitive development
  • speech development;
  • artistic and aesthetic development;
  • physical development.

Acquaintance with the surrounding world in a preschool institution is now regulated by the "Cognitive Development" strategy (it used to be called "knowledge"). And all the work has acquired an intellectual and cognitive-creative character instead of research and productive, which was leading until 2014. Meanwhile, the principle of individualization of education as a whole, including the environmental component, has been preserved. It lies in the fact that the trajectory of training is maintained on the basis of the interests of each particular baby. So, if a child likes to watch birds, feed them and build birdhouses, then it is better for the types of atmospheric precipitation on the signs associated with Pernata. For example, if swallows fly low, it will rain, and if the chickens walk in bad weather, then the bad weather will soon be replaced solar. Thus, the assimilation of the material is easier and faster.

Program of the FGOS for Ecoviculture Preschoolers

Much attention to the GEF program is given practical activities

The program of the Federal State Educational Standard provides for a systematic approach to the education of the ecological culture of preschoolers. This means that annually the subject of classes are repeated, but at the same time some types of work are added.. For example, the appliques for a given topic in the younger group adds the competition of readers in the middle, and in the elders - illustrating a book about nature. In general, it is planned to study those related to

  • seasonal changes in alive and inanimate nature:
  • variation of the lifestyle of plants and animals in connection with the change of seasons;
  • the impact of a person on the world around the world in winter, summer, autumn and spring.

The program includes the theoretical and practical understanding of the topic, so work on each block is carried out in 6 directions:

  • software component (otherwise, actually the topic);
  • regional component (aspect of the topic having territorial importance, for example, the protection of the local forest or river);
  • the variable component of the preschool institution (the implementation of the general concept of kindergarten through a specific topic, which is especially important for specialized institutions, for the others this component coincides with the software component);
  • preliminary work (didactic games, reading on the topic, monitoring of the phenomena of nature, modeling the change of seasons by lotto, pictures or appliques);
  • practical activities (experiences, for example, how quickly freezes water at minus temperature);
  • related forms of work (collection of garbage, creative tasks in the form of drawings, drawing up rebus, etc.).

Approximate program of environmental education preschool children in the middle group

Variable component
preschool institution
Observations, experiments Related forms
Topic 1. "Non-fat nature in autumn"
"I and Nature" Bring up in children love for nature, the desire to take care of plants and animals; Install intolerance to meaningless damaging of plants and the destruction of animals Show the uniqueness of the nature of Siberia, her fragility and, at the same time,
To form ideas about the inseparable communication of a person with nature (person - part of nature) The didactic game "Nature is not nature",
"Guess what's in the bag"
Observations on the environmental trail "What is nature" Collection of garbage on the ecological trail
"Our House Nature" Educate careful attitude to the surrounding nature Demonstrate the joy of communicating with nature of its locality Form the concepts of inanimate nature as the factor of the life of the whole living Reading fiction: E. Moshkovskaya "lived in the world", V. Zerlov "House under the roof of blue" Compare: "House - Human Residence" and "House - Nature" Applique "I and Nature"
Excursion to the forest in the period of golden autumn Seasonal changes in the forest Beauty of the surrounding nature. Rules of behavior in the forest Forest is a community of plants and animals. The relationship of living and inanimate nature Hike with parents in the forest. Drawing "We are in the autumn forest" Consider "Forest Finds" Collection and drying of autumn leaves "Autumn palette"
Autumn phenomena in inanimate nature Seasonal changes: the day is shortened, it becomes colder, often come rain, cold winds blow. The dependence of changes in wildlife from changes in inanimate nature Features of nature phenomena Siberia. Nature calendar Introduce a complex of characteristic phenomena of inanimate nature and their seasonal changes Reading fiction, memorizing poems. Didactic game "When it happens" Watching the weather and seasonal changes in the life of plants and animals "Farmers of Autumn" "Poetic pages", "Autumn" - the competition of readers.
"Sun is a big star" Give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe sun as a star. Clarify the knowledge of the structure of the solar system Drawing up a layout "Solar System"
"Why are there different times of the year" The sun is like a source of light and heat. Change of seasons. Seasonal changes in nature. Sun role in human life Game "Day and Night" Modeling "Change of Seasons"
"I know children with soil" Soil as the top layer of the Earth: "Living Earth". Soil pollution, possible consequences. The need for soil protection Experience: the properties of the soil, how soil contamination occurs Seasonal observations of fallen leaves Promotion "Let's help to get ready for winter"
Topic 2. "Vegetable world in autumn"
Excursion to the meadow. "Luga Ecosystem" Recognize six plants meadows. Consolidate the rules of behavior in nature Show beauty meadows. Rare, Medicinal, Poisonous Plants Meadow as an ecosystem. Communication of plants with insects. The effect of light, heat, water on the life of plants Reading "The Adventures of the Kuzu grasshopper". Didactic game "Guess the Plant" Observation "Live barometers" (weather prediction) Drawing "Meadow in the fall"
"How plants are preparing for winter" (Target) Recognize and call the leaves and fruits 5-6 trees, 3-4 shrubs, 4-5 garden flowering plants: coloring foliage, fruits, leaf fall, fading life Acquaintance with local plants of the nearest environment. Nature calendar The perception of plants as living beings, sympathy for them, careful attitude. The appointment of all organs. The effect of light, water, heat on the life of plants. Trees, shrubs, herbs, their characteristic signs Production of "flower" models, "living conditions" Observation of flowering flower beds brought to the group Applique "Autumn Landscape" (from dried leaves)
Flowering plants Secure the names of 4-5 flowering plants A variety of plant species in nature. Parts of plants and their functions. Plant development. Aesthetic attitude to plants Sowing seeds, plant care Observation of the growth and development of flowering plants Collection of seeds
Topic 3. "Animal World in the fall"
"Let's help the rainworm to find his home" Soil as the top layer of the Earth. Inhabitants of the soil (on the example of rainwrites), their role in soil formation Homework: learn about the benefits of rainworms Observation of rainworms after the rain
"Conversation about Mole" To give children an idea about the peculiarities of the appearance and behavior of the CROT, about his adaptability to the underground lifestyle Reading books "Blind Excavs", V. Tanasychuk, "Ecology in pictures" Search Krotovin Drawing illustrations for the book "Blind Excavands"
Wild and Pet Comparison Expand and deepen the presentation of children about wild and domestic animals Expand the ideas about the peculiarities of the appearance of animals, life manifestations, habits, features of the device (molting, hibernation), the conditions necessary for their lives. Living conditions for pets creates a person (benefit, care). Wild animals care about themselves Reading stories from the book "Forest Mosaic" V. Zolotova Search for animal wintering sites, insects Collection of animal feed. Questionnaire for parents "Your attitude to animals"
Comparison of fish and frogs Fix an idea of \u200b\u200bthe adaptation of wild animals in natural conditions (masking frogs) To form a generalized representation: Fish-water inhabitants, frogs - water and sushi. Adaptation to life in water Game - Competition "What fish and frogs differ from each other than fish and frogs are similar to each other?" Cycle of observation of aquarium fish Homework: search books with illustrations about different aquatic animals
"In water, on water, and in water" Seasonal changes in nature Careful attitude towards the nature of the native land Pond as animal habitats and plants. Adaptation to life in water conditions of habitat Consideration of illustrations, reading books about the inhabitants of the reservoir Observation of the inhabitants of the reservoir
Excursion to the river Seasonal changes in nature Rules of behavior in nature. Beauty of the surrounding nature Learning to watch and compare seasonal changes in nature (summer - autumn) Homework: Pollution of the reservoirs and the influence of this factor on the life of plants, animals, man Observation of the river in different seasons Natural - the Sorces "We want to live in a pure village"
Conversation about fleshy birds Fasten and expand the ideas about the birds: give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe flight birds. The fishing of birds is associated with the disappearance of insects, freezing of water bodies To acquaint with the specific types of birds of its terrain. Nature calendar The adaptation of birds to a terrestrial air lifestyle, for seasonally changing conditions of inanimate nature. Communication of birds with a habitat. Thoughtful attitude to birds Production of feeders, billet feed Bird's behavior observation Promotion "Help the birds survive"
Theme 4. "Man and Nature"
"Vegetables and fruits on our table" To acquaint children with difficulty people to collect vegetables, fruits in gardens and gardens Learning to take place to participate in the work of adults; Autumn crops of some vegetables, preparation of vegetable garden to winter, harvesting Earth for the garden on the window Preparation of vegetables salad Observation of the growth and development of vegetable crops Harvesting
"Bread all over the head" Expanding the submissions on cultural plants of the field (cereals) In Siberia, grow wheat The concept of "cultural plants". Respect for the work of Herborobov, Bleb. The effect of light, heat, moisture on plants growth Viewing different collisions, their comparison Excursion to the kitchen, observation of kneading test for pies
"Planet Earth in danger" The role of man in environmental work Give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe planet Earth, about the inhabitants of the Earth. To keep our planet, you need to love nature since childhood, study it, carefully contact her Consider globe: continents, oceans, sea, north pole and southern Inspecting the territory of kindergarten, garbage collection Environmental work: Polyana cleaning, "Treatment" of trees, bushes
"You can become a young ecologist through good deeds." Educate in children the desire to take care of the surrounding nature Show that the young ecologist is a child who loves nature, cares about living beings, creates good living conditions for them Disclose before children on specific examples that are good and bad actions Observation of the state of trees, bushes Model "Dry (Unhappy) Tree". Stand "Panorama of Good Deeds"
"Autumn conversations" Summarize and systematize the knowledge of children about autumn Nature calendar Establishing the connection between the day of the day, the air temperature, the state of plants, the presence of food for animals and plants and their adaptation to winter Reading fiction on autumn, changes in nature; Didactic games Observations for seasonal changes in nature Autumn holiday
Theme 5 "Ecosystem - Forest"
"Forest a multi-storey house" Forest as an example of a community. The relationship of living organisms with each other. "Houses" of forest plants and animals. Careful attitude to all forest residents Homework: Forest and its inhabitants. Didactic game "Each your home" Excursion to the forest.
"Chains in the forest" Interaction of forest inhabitants, their nutritional dependence is from each other Homework: pick up literature about food inhabitants of the forest Drawing up a "power chain"
"Who is the main thing in the forest?" Recognize 5-6 trees, 3-4 shrubs The main link in the forest plant. The consequences of the destruction of trees. Relationships of living organisms with each other. Careful attitude towards the forest The game "What is growing in the forest?", "Who lives in the forest?", "Summary of Forests" Target Walk "Defining the breeds of trees and bushes"
Topic 6. "Non-fat nature in winter"
"Court of water in nature." "This wizard is water" Water transition to solid condition and back with a sharp change in temperature Encourage independent observations, experiments, experiments Water condition in nature (liquid, solid in the form of ice and snow, gaseous in the form of a pair). Basic properties of water, snow, ice, couple Freeze of colored clocks Research work, experiments on identifying properties. Snow observation, hoarfrost "About the water of live and dead." The release of leaflets "Take care of water"
"Water and its pollution" Bring up careful attitude towards natural resources Use of water by man. The need to save water. Water and our health Reading an ecological fairy tale "How People A River offended" Observation of frosty patterns, clouds, icicles. "What is water" Environmental alarm "Dirty water - for all trouble"
Conversation about air Systematize the knowledge of air properties. Air meaning in human life and other living organisms Games with turntables, inflatable toys Experiments to identify air properties
"How the wind is born" Give an idea of \u200b\u200bair movement (wind) The role of the wind in the nature and life of a person. Waves, Hurricanes, Storms Determination of the direction and strength of the wind Experience with candles "How the wind is born"
Acquaintance with thermometer Communication establishment: cooling leads to changes in the plant and animal world To acquaint the thermometer: for which it is used, as is valid. Measuring air temperature Sourcing signs of winter Experiments: measurement of water temperature thermometer, snow, air Stand "Window in nature." "What can do with the child during the walk." "Check the folk wisdom"
Conversation about winter phenomena in inanimate nature Winter phenomena in an inanimate nature: cold, often have frosts, the ground is covered with snow, and ice reservoirs Winter siberia nature phenomena (winter long, harsh, snowy, frosty, etc. The night is long, the day is short; The sun in the sky does not rise high, gives little heat; Cold, frost, sky is often gray, cloudy; There is snow, sometimes a blizzard, blizzard Observations of seasonal phenomena in winter; Changing the position of the Sun.
Hike to the forest "Winter Kingdom" Seasonal changes in nature, dependence of environmental changes from changes in inanimate nature Beauty of winter forest. Recognize traces of forest inhabitants in the snow The relationship of various components of nature (soil, water, plants, animals). Careful attitude towards the surrounding world Didactic game "Whose track?" Drawing "Winter Kingdom"
Topic 7. "Plants in winter"
"How plants have adapted to wintering" Trees and shrubs without leaves Difficulties in the existence of the living beings of Siberia A variety of plant species in nature. Ways to adapt plants for seasonal changes in nature. Trees, shrubs, herbs: their characteristic signs Distinguish trees and bushes on trunk, branches, kidney features The composition of the ecological fairy tale "What dreams of trees in winter"
Room Plant - Live Organism The concept of "indoor plant". Recognize and call 5-6 bedroom plants in shape, coloring of leaves, colors, stems Plant - a living organism. Parts of plants, their functions. The effect of heat, light, water on the life of plants. Understanding the role of plants in the nature and life of a person. Plant care skills Housekeeping Plant Observation Cycle Group Exhibition of Figures "My Favorite Indoor Plant"
Moisture and drought-resistant plants. Light-loving and shadowable plants Show the dependence of the growth of indoor plants from the conditions. Give an idea of \u200b\u200bmoisthed and drought-resistant, light-affiliated and shadowable plants Differentiated complexes of indoor plants in moisture and light. Form care skills in accordance with their needs Care of plants corner of nature Experience: The effect of light, heat and water on the life of plants Determine the correctness of the care of plants at home
Theme 8. "Animal World in winter"
"How do the animals spend the winter in the forest?" Encognition of animals. Difficult living conditions in Siberia The value of external factors in the life of animals. Feeding animals in winter, ways of movement, habitat Reading fiction literature about the life of animals in the forest in winter, viewing paintings Observation of seasonal changes in nature
"Animals of cold countries" Features of weather conditions. Facility of plants and animals to the conditions, features of life Reading fiction on the harsh climate of the Arctic, about life in a cold climate Production of the model "Animals of Cold Countries"
"Why don't white bears live in the forest?" Adaptation of animals to life in natural conditions Note the law of nature: All animals live in those places to which they are adapted Reading the book "Ecology in pictures" Drawing on the book "Ecology in pictures". Manufacturing a book
"Conversation about winter birds" Recognize wintering birds in appearance, behavior, published sounds. Seasonal changes in the life of birds. Fucking birds Birds of the nearest district Adaptation to a terrestrial air lifestyle, for seasonally changing conditions of inanimate nature. Fucking birds Didactic classification game Cycle observation of wintering birds Applique "Birds on the trough"
Topic 9. "Nature and Man"
"Winter and domestic wintering" Seasonal changes in animal life Specify the signs of wild and pets, their similarities and differences. The role of a person in the life of domestic animals Homework: Choose literature on wintering wild and pets Ecological Trail Excursion
Comprehensive occupation "Winter Cold Winter ..." Generalization of knowledge about winter Calendar of nature observations The dependence of all living on environmental conditions. Plants and animals adapted to harsh conditions of winter Exhibition "Winter Landscapes". Learning of poems and songs about winter Winter holiday
"Red Book" Careful attitude to plants and animals. Rules of Conduct in Nature Rare Plants and Animals Facts of negative impact on nature. Examples of rational use by man Production of "Red Book"
"My land is native" Careful attitude towards nature Nature of our village How to live in friendship with nature. Protection of rare animals and plants Production of "Red Book" Excursion to the forest Drawing (collective work) "Nature of our village"
Topic 10. "Non-fat nature in spring"
"How the sun life gives the earth" The role of the sun - the source of light and heat - in the lives of living beings Search activity on the topic "Awakening of wildlife" Sun observation cycle Holiday "Maslenitsa"
"Spring phenomena in inanimate nature" Increases day, it becomes warmer, snow melts, the rivers are released from ice. Interrelation of wildlife Warming, flood, thawing soil Increase the day and shortening the night. The sun gives light and heat. Conditions for life are becoming better, so everyone comes to life Comparison of signs of winter and spring Observations on the topic "The effect of light, heat, water on the life of plants, animals" Saturday "Spring Meet purity"
"Stones, sand, clay" Sand: Fruit, looseness, ability to skip water. Clay: density, plasticity, viscosity. As a person uses sand and clay. Distinctive signs of stones of their diversity Experiments to identify the properties of sand, clay, stones
Excursion to the forest Signs of spring offensive. Changes in wildlife are associated with warming and the emergence of the necessary living conditions Spring offensive periods Establishing links and dependencies between changes in alive and inanimate nature Drawing up stories about spring by reference pictures, schemes Observation cycle "Awakening of Nature" Work with parents "Window in nature", "Do you know?" (folk wisdom)
Topic 11. "Spring Plants"
"Spring plants" Swelling kidneys, leaves and flowers appear Forestry Forest Wood: Trees bloom (alder, then aspen, Iva, Poplar, Birch, Cherryumukha), the dissolution of the leaves (Green larch, for her aspen, Bereza, Iva) A variety of plant species in nature. Trees, bushes, herbs, their characteristic signs. Communication of plants with insects. Adaptation of plants for seasonal changes in nature. Aesthetic attitude to plants Comparison: Tree - bush, bush - grass Observations on plants in different times of the year
"Take care of primroses" Learning to recognize and call the first spring flowers on leaves and flowers Rare, disappearing plants of Siberia. Methods for their preservation The role of plants in the life of a person and the natural environment as a whole. All plants are alive. Features of the structure of all organs Didactic game about colors PRINTER OPERATION CYCLE Release of leaflets "Take care of primroses"
"The Green Service Aybolita: Spring Room Care" Fastening the skills to care for houseplants. The dependence of plant growth on environmental conditions Determination of a good or painful state of plants on external
signs, identifying the missing conditions, ways of care that can fill them. Light-affilome-reading, drought-resistant - moisture
"Garden on the window". Care of plants corner of nature Experiments with seeds Definition of health of plants at home. Helping for children of the younger group in the care of indoor plants
Reproduction of plants Learning to transplant indoor plants. Introduce the methods of vegetative reproduction of indoor plants (cuttings, mustache, leaves) Reproduction of shoots (geranium, fuchsia, begonia), cuttings (violet, Sansevier), bushes (chlorophytum) Stages of growth and development of plants. The effect of light, heat, moisture on the life of plants. New indoor plants can be grown from a cutken, leaf, bulbs, dividing the bush Change of indoor plants and seed seeds in seedlings Observation of the growth and development of transplanted plants
Topic 12. "Animal World in Spring"
"Features of the life of animals in spring" Features of the life of animals in spring. Changes in wildlife are associated with warming and appearance of the necessary conditions for the life of plants and animals. The reproduction of animals on the example of 1-2 species living in Siberia Animal reproduction for example 1 - 2 species View movie "Wildlife" (animal growth and reproduction) Watching birds during the removal of chicks
"On animals that do not like" Acquaintance with some representatives of amphibians, reptiles. Their distinctive features. The value of external features in animal life. Understanding the need to exist all types without exception Homework: Choose information about the benefits of amphibians, reptiles Production of aquarium model
"We meet birds" Improve knowledge of fleeting birds. Seasonal changes in the life of birds (nesting, surgery from eggs of chicks) The first arrivals of the starlings, the wagtail, then waterfowl - ducks, geese, chas Formation of a generalized presentation of birds like animals that can live on earth and fly in the air. Assistance to animals living next to us Classify birds: insectivores, waterfowl, graining, predatory Observation of arriving birds, their behavior
"When animals in nature becomes little or a lot." Violation of equilibrium in nature. Relationship of forest inhabitants, power supply chains. Positive role of predators in the equilibrium of the forest community "Ecology in pictures", reading an "explosion without noise", "What to do with rabbits?" Didactic game "Invisible threads"
Excursion to water Device of wild animals to life in natural conditions Comply with the rules of behavior in nature The reservoir is a community of water inhabitants who adapted to life in water and in water Formation of ideas about certain types of plants and animal reservoirs (drawing them, showing pictures, reading stories) Observation of animals and plants aquarium
"The sea happens in trouble" Device of wild animals to life in natural conditions View of the sea, its inhabitants. Relationship of a modern man with nature. The factors of the negative impact of a person in nature Reading the book "Ecology in pictures", "Oil in the sea," Why killed whales ". Didactic game "Who lives in the sea?" Experiment "Birds and Oil", "Oil River" Drawing illustrations for read stories
Topic 13. "Nature and Man"
"Earth - Live Planet" Life on earth, general conditions for plants, animals and people. The feeling of pride in his planet: She is the only one in the solar system "Live" Planet, is a common home for all living things, this house must be preserved Reading fiction on the life of plants and animals in different ecosystems, the necessary conditions of life. Didactic game "Where Whose House is?" Observations for live objects required living conditions The release of leaflets, posters "We will save our planet"
"We are responsible for those who have tamed" Introduce animal corner of nature, tell, how to care for them Generalization of ideas that animals, plants - living beings and need certain conditions of life that satisfy their needs. Creating appropriate conditions close to natural Acquaintance of children with animal life in natural conditions. Allocation of animal communication rules Animal observation cycle Care for the inhabitants of the natural corner. Growing green feed
"We are tourists" (excursion) Fasten the ability to behave in nature: do not break bushes and trees, do not leave garbage in places Environmentally competent and safe for human health behavior in nature Production of signs "Take care of nature" Operation "Caution, anthill!"
"This amazing world of insects" (excursion) Seasonal changes in the life of insects Timing of Insect Awakening: Mosquitoes, Beetles (Mayan), Butterflies (Lemongrass, Urticaria), Ants Mature insects. The value of external features in animal life. Insects in different habitats. Positive and negative ecosystem relationships Research activities on the topic "Search insects in Nature" Insect Development Observation Cycle Quiz "On insects". "Mysterious transformations"
(the game)
Excursion to meadow Recognize four herbaceous meadows. Light-loving plants Learning local plants Typical representatives. The relationship between the conditions and needs of plants and animals. Protection of rare species of animals and plants. Nature as a habitat - "Human House" Insect observation cycle Consultation "Why do children offend insects?"
Conversation about spring Seasonal changes in nature. The relationship of alive and inanimate nature. Spring work on the garden, in the garden, field Nature calendar locally Sequence of spring changes in nature, dependence on weather changes Reading artistic literature on spring Observation cycles for seasonal changes in nature, for the life of plants and animals Labor work

Environmental projects for preschoolers

Environmental projects for preschoolers are usually long-term work, such as landing and caring for fruit trees

One of the most actual recent years of forms of working with children is the project. This type of activity allows you to combine the components of pre-work, practical activity and related forms of consideration of the topic. The subject of design tasks is selected based on the individual approach to learning, but also taking into account the age of the baby.

Junior group

The kids are glad to watch how seeds germinate in crafts, so-called "Ecoleians"

All the work of children in this age category is conducted together with parents.

  • "Wonder Garden". Objectives: Formation of interest in research activities, obtaining knowledge of the conditions necessary for growing plants, acquaintance with the diversity of seeds, the development of Sensorika, the upbringing of the sense of pride in the results of their work, as well as respect for the results of the labor of other people. The essence of the project is reduced to the fact that in the red corner of the kindergarten you need to create a mini-garden, for this every child gets a task to germinate seeds of a certain agricultural culture. The project is long-term.
  • Registration of a corner "Mir of Nature". Objectives: Formation of conscious ideas about nature, the development of surveillance skills over the world, creating conditions for the formation of the ability to foresee the results of some of their actions. The essence of the project is that children create crafts from natural material available at different times of the year.

Medium group

One of the projects in the middle group is to observe and comparing germinated seeds.

  • "Hello, tree." The main goal of this project is to get acquainted with the trees of the native land. And also to form ideas about the life of trees, develop observation, fantasy, speech, to educate respect for the nature of the native land. The essence of the project is that children together with parents choose a tree, followed by 12 months, describing changes with it occurring. These observations are represented in the form of drawings, memorizing poems, crafts from natural material.
  • "Water secrets." Objectives: To form the ideas of children about the importance of water in life, show the properties of water in different states, as well as its properties with these transitions (changes in taste, colors, odor). The essence of the project: a selection of mysteries, water poems, the creation of wall newspapers, carrying out experiments on freezing, water heating, as well as mixing with other substances (food dyes, sugar, salt).

Senior group

In the senior group, projects are aimed at visual representation of the rules of gentle conversion with nature

  • "Wonder seeds". Objectives: to get acquainted with the seeds of vegetables, the features of their planning, trace the process of germination of seeds, develop the ability to compare, draw conclusions, apply the theory in practice, develop speech, instill respect for work, as well as responsible attitude to business. The essence of the project is reduced to the fact that children from April to May are engaged in the germination of seeds of vegetable crops, comparing them by studying the peculiarities of the care of specific plants.
  • "Clean World." Objectives: To form in children environmental knowledge, develop practical skills of careful attitude towards the environment, the ability to creatively process the cast material, develop ideas about the nature of the native land. The essence of the project is that children regularly clean the territory, constituting the photo report on the work done, as well as performing crafts from the cast material, that is, from a safe garbage from life and health.

Didactic games

Didactic ecology games are directed not only for intellectual development, but also on physical

Almost all environmental projects are long-term, and, taking into account the age of children, it is impossible not to stop at one of the most beloved forms of interaction of kids and adults - the game. Such a form of work allows us to consolidate knowledge of ecology or present them in an affordable and entertaining form.

For younger group

  • "Mood Moods"

Purpose: develop the ability to compare emotions and the causes of their appearance, the development of a sense of empathy, a positive attitude towards the environment.

Material: Mooden Mooding Models Cards depicting two main emotions (joy, sadness). Move. The teacher invites children to consider the plants of the corner of nature and determine how they feel, pick up the "Mood men".

Questions for children: "How does a dry plant feel? How does a polished plant feel? " (Children accompany the answers to the demonstration of cards.)

  • "Flower" (accompanied by smooth music)

Purpose: removal of muscle, psycho-emotional stress, the formation of the ability to express feelings and emotions.

Move. The teacher offers children to "turn out" into the seed - a warm sunlight fell to the ground and warmed her seed in it. Sprout sneaked from the seed. Beautiful flower grew out of the sprout. It is not enough for a flower in the sun, substitutes heat and light each one's petal.

  • "Image Animal"

Purpose: Removing psycho-emotional tension.

Topics: "Evil Dog", "Cheerful Puppy", "Sad Bunny", "Cheerful Bunny", "Sunflower Fox", "Naughty Kitten", "Frightened Chick", "Kosolapy Bear", "Cowardly Bunny", "Brave Hare "," Sad cat "," cheerful kitten ".

For the middle group

  • "Rain"

Purpose: Removing psycho-emotional stress, reducing aggression, weakening of negative emotions. Material: sheets of paper, scissors.

Move. The teacher offers children to chop paper fine - make "rain-droplets" (for 3 minutes). At the end of the work, children take turns throw up the "droplets", showering each other. Then discusses which feelings the children are experiencing when they fall under a warm (cold) rain, under shower, drizzling rain, etc. (Similarly, the training game "Snow" can be performed.)

  • "Walk along the stream"

Purpose: stimulating activity, development of cohesion, removal of muscle tension.

Move. A winding rod is drawn on the floor with chalk, then a wide one. Tourist children are built up with each other and put hands on the shoulders to each other. Tourists all together are slowly moving along the coast of the stream.

  • "Conversations with trees"

Objective: to teach children to see and emotionally respond to the beautiful in nature; Rail a humane attitude towards her.

Preliminary work. Reading fairy tales and stories on the topic.

The course of the game. Educator. Look at how many trees on our site. Choose a tree that you like, go to it, hug and wait so with your eyes closed. Listen to you "tell you." In my signal, come back.

Returning, children are pleased to tell about "their" trees.

You can spend a "conversation with flowers" using plant from a flower bed or a corner of nature; "Conversation with animals" using animals from a corner of nature.

For senior group

  • "Joy and chagrins"

Purpose: To form your own attitude towards nature.

Material: elderly doll leavo; Bright chips - yellow, green, red; Dark - gray, brown.

Preliminary work. Excursion to the park, ashore of the lake, etc.

The course of the game. 1 option. The game is carried out by the type "Finish Proposal". The educator begins the proposal, and the children will finish it if desired. For example:

The most beautiful place in the park \\ Square \\ ...

I was joyful when ...

I am very upset \\ sur \\ when ...

I was sad when ... etc.

For each answer, preschoolers receive a chip: bright - for the continuation of the first two proposals and dark - for the continuation of the last two. After the game, there is a result - which chips turned out more: if dark \\ for example, in the park a lot of garbage, broken branches of trees, etc. \\, discusses what children can make to correct the situation.

Option 2. The game is carried out by the type "Question-answer". An old man is asking for children questions. For example:

What pleased you while walking?

What was upset?

For each answer, children get a chip of a certain color. After the game, the results are summed up (as in the first version).

  • "Journey"

Purpose: to bring up the careful attitude towards nature.

Material. Pictures with the image of hares, cats, colors; chips.

The course of the game. In different places of the group room, furnishings are equipped: pictures deployed with the image of hares, cats, colors. The educator invites children to go on a journey. At each stop tells about the image in the picture.

1 Stop - "Grandfather Mazay and Hares"

Once during the spring flood, the river left the shores and flooded the forest. Grandfather Mazay drove on the boat for firewood, and that's what he tells: "I see one island of a small - hares on it gathered by Gurboy. From each moment the water was chosen to poor animals; Under them left less ARSHA Earth in width, less solard in length. Here I drove up: I will burst with ears, yourself or place; I took one, Other Commanded: Jump yourself! My hares jacked, - Nothing! " The educator sets questions to children, for example: What did we know about the grandfather Maza?

How can people help the animals that fell into trouble? Children answer.

2 Stop - "Cat"

On the street Meoweal Cat. Sasha's boy ask mom to give food for her. He went out into the street, gave a cat of milk and watched her eats. Cat was glad, and Sasha is glad ... What can be said about Sasha?

3 Stop - "Flowers"

Spring together with Mom Lena planted flowers on the flowerbed. In the summer they grew up and bloomed. Once Lena walked over to the flower bed to rush the colors, but then thought and decided: "Let the flowers grow here well here, at home all the same will soon be called, and they will have to throw them away."

What can be said about Lena?

  • "What is good and what is bad"

Purpose: clarify the submission of children about environmentally correct behavior. Material: Scene pictures \\ Children plant trees, water flowers; Children break trees branches, tear flowers; Children make a birdhouse; Children destroy the bird's nest; The boy shoots in the birds from the slingshot \\. Dark and bright cards - for each child.

The course of the game. The tutor shows a picture. Children tell that it is depicted on it, then at the request of the tutor, they estimate the actions of the characters - raise the card light (if the assessment is positive) or dark.

Useful literature

Praval Environmental Education is an important aspect of solid personality development.

  • The program of upbringing and learning in kindergarten edited by MA Vasilyeva, V.V. Herb, TS Mosquito.
  • The program of environmental education of preschoolers "Young ecologist" S.N. Nikolaeva.
  • The program on the environmental education of preschoolers "Our House Nature" N.A. Ryzhova.
  • Bondarenko TM Environmental classes with children 6-7 years old
  • Bondarenko TM Methodical guide Walking in kindergarten
  • Teplyuk S. N. Classes for walks with children of junior preschool age
  • Ryzhova N. A. Environmental education in kindergarten.
  • Moldova L. P. Game Environmental Classes with Children.

GEF has defined the main strategies for environmental education of preschoolers. The task of methodists and educators, given the individuality of each karapus, find the right approach to the baby to show how important it is to live in harmony with nature. And if, from an early age, children will understand the need for concern about the world around, if it becomes natural for them, in the future we can talk about the peaceful and good-neighborly coexistence of man and nature as a really existing concept, and not as a distant dream.

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Related records.

The focus of the program: the "sprout" mug in content is an ecological-biological; according to the functional purpose - educational and educational; in the form of an organization - circle; In terms of realization - one-year. The maintenance of the mug was based on the program N. A. Ryzhova "Our House - Nature", which involves the formation of a system of elementary scientific environmental knowledge, affordable an understanding of the child - a preschooler (first of all, the means of becoming consciously - the right attitude towards nature).

it is that the leading form of the organization of the pedagogical process is an integrated occupation, which simultaneously implements several types of activities. The material is specified for classes in the preparatory group of kindergarten within the framework of circular work on ecology.



Work plan for 2014-2015


Environmental orientation


for children of senior preschool age

6 -7 years

Developed an educator

D / s "Golden Key"

Kaneva L.I.

Thematic Plan for 2013 - 2014


Month, week

Theoretical part

Practical part

"I and Nature"

("House under the roof of blue")


("Wizard - Water")

"Our smaller friends"


("Air - Invisible")

"The sun"

"Let the sun always be"

"Sand. Clay. Stones »

("What is under our feet")


"That in the house - nature is growing


("Who lives in the house")


("Forest House")

"Human and nature"

("If you are a person who behave in human!")

"Labor in nature"

"Our favorite garden"


3 weeks

4 weeks


1 Week

2 weeks

3 weeks

4 weeks


1 Week

2 weeks

3 weeks

4 weeks


1 Week

2 weeks

3 weeks

4 weeks


2 weeks

3 weeks

4 weeks


1 Week

2 weeks

3 weeks

4 weeks


1 Week

2 weeks

3 weeks

4 weeks


1 Week

2 weeks

3 weeks

4 weeks


2 weeks

3 weeks

All summer

(June August)

Introductory conversation "House under the roof of blue"

Enchant ideas about nature and the environment, that man (child) is part of nature.

"Nature around us."

To form careful attitude towards the world around the world, the ability to see the beauty of nature, feel part of it, a desire to communicate with nature as often as possible.

"This wizard water"

To form an idea of \u200b\u200bevaporation of water, the formation of clouds, rainbow, dew, fog, fix the properties of water, various states

Experience "Rainbow in the room"

"Water is needed to all"

Consolidate ideas about the role of water in the life of land plants and various animals, economical use of water as a resource, form the environmentally competent behavior of the child in everyday life.

"Where the river Northern Soche is running"

Introduce different types of water bodies, with how rivers are formed to form environmentally friendly behavior during rest on the shore of water bodies

Encourage knowledge of rare, disappearing animals and plants, find out why they need our protection, for which red books are created, consolidate knowledge about the rules of behavior in nature

"Air around us"

Fasten air properties, its value in human life and other living organisms

"The role of wind in the life of living organisms and man"

Introduce the spread of plant seeds by the wind, feature of the structure of such seeds (seeds - parachutics and winged seeds)

"Air - bird house and animals"

Give an idea of \u200b\u200bair as a habitat of living organisms, consolidate knowledge about flying animals (birds, insects, beasts)

"Air, wind and man"

To form an understanding of the danger of polluted health for health, an understanding of the role of plants in air purification.

"Sun - heat source"

Introduce the temperature and methods of its measurement (thermometer)

"The role of the sun in a person's life"

The awareness of children and the role of the sun in the life of people, animals and plants

"Underground Storeroom"

To acquaint with minerals and their role in a person's life, for which oil and gas, occupation in the form of a conversation is produced.

"Journey to the top of the mountain"

Talk about the Urals. What mineral resources are mined. Talk about the development of mountain tourism in our Berezovsky district

"What are sand and clay"

Introduce the features of sand and clay, compare what they differ

"Soil - Live Earth"

To acquaint with the soil as the upper, fertile layer of land.

"Houses" Plants: Meadow, Forest, Swamp "

Introduce the plants of the native land growing in the forest, in a meadow, swamp, their fitness to the habitat, role in the life of a person

"Wild and cultural plants"

To acquaint with wild and cultural plants of the native land of their role in the life of a person.

"Sweet and sour, there are also poisonous"

To acquaint with medicinal and poisonous plants, the role of each body in nature, their place in food chains, the rules for handling unfamiliar plants, to form the ability to distinguish poisonous plants

"Great Travelers"

To summarize the ideas about room plants, give an idea of \u200b\u200blight-chapter and shadowable plants, fix the skills of care of indoor plants

"Why they disappear"

To form rules of behavior in relation to plants during the rest in nature. Tell some plants recorded in the Red Book


Consolidate knowledge about different parts of the plant and their functions

"Animals meadows, forests, reservoirs"

To acquaint with some animals living in the forest, in the meadow, in a reservoir, their fitness to the habitat

"Predators and herbivores"

Expand and deepen the knowledge of children about wild animals, about their features and conditions of life

"Animals and Environment"

Show connection Frogs with the environment, pay attention to the appearance of the frog, explain how its body is adapted to the lifestyle and environmental conditions

"Bird Dining Room"

Consolidate knowledge of wintering and migratory birds, teach to take care of birds yourself

"Communication of animals and plants"To acquaint with the interconnection of animals and plants on the example of the fairy tale V. Bianki "Owl"

"Invisible threads of nature"

Introduce the interconnection of live and inanimate nature

"Spruce, pine forest their inhabitants"

Fasten the idea that the tree is "home" for animals, show its connection with other plants, meaning for air purification, role in human life

"Science of the house"

To introduce the term "ecology", to tell how scientists are environmentalists fighting for the conservation of nature; How people help nature

"As a person uses nature"

Introduce the expression "ecological catastrophe" how to avoid it

"May - for the colors of Paradise"

Form aesthetic perception of nature

Project "Young vegetables and flowerflowers"

Expand and form knowledge of children about vegetables, medicinal plants growing on the kindergarten section,their values \u200b\u200bfor human health, to instill the simplest skills to care for plants. Explain that you can eat vegetables and herbs grown in egologically favorable conditions.

Didactic game "Living - non-living",

"Nature and man"

Exhausting the poem "What can not be bought"

Excursion to the autumn park, observation. Didactic game "Find what I will describe"

Moving game "Walk droplets in a circle" under musical accompaniment

Heading the song "Drops"

Excursion to water intake

Experience "Water is needed to all"

Artistic creativity "What is rich in our river" the applique is collective.

Excursion to the river Soche during the ice station

Artistic creativity "My favorite animal" Drawing by unconventional acceptance of the tick

Experience "How to see the air"

Soap bubbles game

Didactic game "Find out a tree for seeds" to consider the seed collection

View Presentations "Flying Animals"

Didactic game "flies - not flies"

Artistic creativity "So that the air was clean"

Production of a fluger for the definition of wind (work with parents)

Experiments with thermometer

View the presentation "Do not take away the sun in children"


Reading the fairy tale Sheeva "Visiting Sun"

Show different types of oil purified

Not purified. View the film "How oil produced"

Experimentation with pebbles.

Consider product from mining crystal. Viewing a mining tourism presentation

Experimentation with sand and clay

Experience "What the soil inhabitants breathe"

Didactic game

"What is growing"

Arcuring P / and "We go on berries" »»

View presentations on cultural and wild plants. Didactic game "Guess what kind of plant"

Didactic game "Find and name"

Game with ball "Sweet, sour, poisonous"

Experience "The need for fertilizers for plant growth"

Care of plants in the winter garden

Artistic creativity "Do not sorvi flower"

Using the poem "If I Troin Flower, if you break the flower"


Didactic game

"Who is and where does it live?"

Collective Applique "Fish Living in our River"

Didactic game "In search of food"

Drawing up a power chain

D / game with cards N. A. Ryzhova "Development of a frog"

Didactic game "Saw a frog"

Didactic game

"Sneake's letter"

Presentation "Our Paint Friends"

Reading a fairy tale V.Bianki

Compilation of ecological pyramid

Work with models

Artistic creativity "How to protect the forests" Drawing on the plan

Didactic game "Who is friendly with whom"

Excursion to the Park, Surveillance Pines during a walk

Artistic creativity "Saving Nature" Presentation "Take care of nature"


"Fairy Tale of Oil Fish"

Environmental action "Decorate the Earth with flowers" Planting flowers on a site of kindergarten together with parents

Sowing seeds, observation, like sprocket appears from the seed, glooming, watering, soil looser, feeding plants fertilizers, harvesting. Decorating the site, making crafts from plastic bottles and other materials together with parents. Reading h / l, riddles, proverbs, poems.

Plan-program of the ecological circle "Sprochet"

"Man has become a man when he heard a whisper of the leaves

and the song of the grasshopper, the murmur of the spring stream and ringing

silver bells in bottomless summer sky, rustling snowflakes

and howling blizzard outside the window, gentle splashing waves and solemn

silence of the night, - heard, and, holding his breath, listens to hundreds and thousands

years wonderful music of life. "

V. A. Sukhomlinsky


Mug of additional education

On environmental education

For children 6 - 7 years


Program participants, children - 6-7 years

Exercise term - 1 year

Kaneva L.I.

The focus of the program: the "sprout" mug in content is an ecological-biological; according to the functional purpose - educational and educational; in the form of an organization - circle; In terms of realization - one-year. The maintenance of the mug was based on the program N. A. Ryzhova "Our House - Nature", which involves the formation of a system of elementary scientific environmental knowledge, affordable an understanding of the child - a preschooler (first of all, the means of becoming consciously - the right attitude towards nature).

it is that the leading form of the organization of the pedagogical process is an integrated occupation, which simultaneously implements several types of activities. The material is specified for classes in the preparatory group of kindergarten within the framework of circular work on ecology.

The relevance of the program. The concepts of nature and the person once in the minds of people were merged together. The man felt the integrity of the world and considered himself part of him. Nowadays, the relationship of man and nature has undergone changes. Environmental problems that have become global today affect the interests of each person, as the Earth is our common house. Their decision depends primarily on the level of consciousness of people, since it is a person responsible for all living on Earth. The formation of a child of the culture of consciousness, culture of thinking, "environmental conscience" is today the urgent task of environmental education and education. To fulfill this task, it is necessary to give a child certain knowledge of nature, about the relationships in it, to teach her beauty and carefully, with love, treat everything alive. Directly in contact with nature, the child develops observation and curiosity, the aesthetic perception of the surrounding world is formed. And together with this, such moral qualities are formed as kindness, mercy, love for nature. In this regard, the program is focused on the comprehensive development of the identity of the child, his unique personality. It makes it possible to form ecological consciousness, environmental feelings and environmental culture.

The pedagogical feasibility of this program is explained by the fact that the children of preschool age perfectly own only one way of knowledge - imprinuate objects and events of the real ambient world, therefore, in the process of environmental education, visual learning methods are observation and experiment. The practical use of these methods is carried out in two main directions:

The first is to enter into a bank of memory of children information about wildlife (about the appearance and structure of objects, about their functioning, about relationships with each other, etc.). Possessing shaped logical thinking, the child easily catches causal relations existing in nature;

The second is the selection of environmental environmentally friendly behavior of adults, primarily teachers and parents.

The program is designed to meet modern educational technologies:

Principles of training (individuality, systematicity, accessibility, humanity, scientific,)

Forms and methods of training (integrated training, classes, excursions, hiking)

Methods of control and management of the educational process (testing, analysis of results)

Learning tools (Didactic material - allowance "Learn the world around"; "Wild and Pets", "Winter and Merchant Birds", "Trees and Shrubs", "Field Fields, Garden, Indoor", Albums "Seasons", "Animal And the vegetation world of our region, "the audiocasters of" Voices of Birds "," Nature's Sounds ", presentations on all topics.

This program contributes to a more efficient development of children through the environmentalization of an objective development environment, creating conditions for everyday communication of a child with nature both inside the preschool educational institution and beyond, as well as the creation of environmental educational complexes (living parts, model and artificial ecosystems), Organization of environmental education of parents whose children attend kindergarten.

The purpose of the program:

1) introduce preschoolers with lively and inanimate nature;

2) to form the beginning of the environmental culture of a child, which is manifested in an emotionally positive attitude towards nature around the world, in a responsible attitude to their health and environment, in compliance with certain moral norms in the system of value orientations.

To achieve this goal, a number of interrelated tasks in the field of learning, education and child development should be solved:

1) clarify, systematize and deepen knowledge of plants, animals, natural phenomena.

2) to form knowledge of the vital manifestations of man, animals, plants (nutrition, growth, development).

3) form an idea of \u200b\u200bcausal relationships inside the natural complex.

5) Develop an emotional-friendly attitude in the process of communicating with living objects.

6) To form a need to take care of the environmental purity of your yard, a sector of kindergarten, a group, a village.

7) To form awareness of the child itself as an active subject of the surrounding world.

8) to form a habit of rationally use natural resources

9) Develop the ability to interact correctly with nature.

10) Rail a humane attitude towards people.

11) Develop interest in the world around.

12) form aesthetic attitude to the surrounding reality.

The program is based on the principles of environmental education:

Research . The principle of scientific relationship involves the acquaintance of preschoolers with a set of elementary environmental knowledge, which serve as the basis for the formation of the motivation of the child's actions, the development of cognitive interest, the formation of the foundations of his worldview.

Availability . The principle of availability of material for a child of a certain age is extremely important and closely conjugate. Accessibility also involves the importance for the child's knowledge, their emotional color. In training preschool children should not use scientific terms, although the content of some of them can be explained in an affordable and attractive form.

Regionalism . In the work on familiarization with the outside world, it is necessary to take into account the regional component (the nature of the native land, folk traditions, local history)

Integration. The most effective tasks of cognitive development are solved in the case of an integrated approach, for a more successful mastering material, it is advisable to use such forms of work as integrated classes., experimentation, watching video films, presentations, reading fiction

Humanity . This principle is associated primarily with the concept of environmental culture. From the standpoint of education, its use means the formation of a person with new values \u200b\u200bthat owns the foundations of the culture of consumption taking care of his health and wanting to lead a healthy lifestyle. Environmental education is closely connected with the development of the child's emotions, the ability to sympathize, surprise, empathize, take care of living organisms, perceive them as brothers by nature, be able to see the beauty of the surrounding world, and the whole landscape, and a separate flower, drops of dew, small spine.

Activity. Environmental knowledge should help understand the child what needs to be done in order to preserve the surrounding and its close medium. It must be accustomed to participate in the estate environmentally oriented activities.

Integrity. This principle is closely related to the previous one and inherent in pre-school environmental education. He reflects, first of all, a holistic perception by the child of the surrounding world and his unity with the world of nature.

Systemity The sequence of learning of knowledge is important when "every subsequent forming representation or concept follows from the previous one." The principle of systemism contributes to the mental development of children in general.

Distinctive features are that the program is based on the principle of intellectual and emotional principle in environmental education. Significant place occupiesresearch - holding the simplest experiments, observations. For children, they are unusual. The main thing is that children are directly involved in research activities, and some experiments are carried out quite independently.

Research work helps to develop the cognitive interest of the child, his thinking, creativity, the ability to think logically, to generalize. The structure of the program includes two educational units: theory and practice. All educational blocks provide not only assimilation of theoretical knowledge, but also the formation of practical experience. The methodology of the organization of theoretical and practical sessions can be presented as follows: In class, children get acquainted with living and inanimate nature. The development of the material mainly occurs in the process of practical creative activity. In order to bring children 6-7 years to the development of theoretical material, methods are offered: working with models, natural contests and holidays, solving problem situations, observations and experiments, experiments, practical activities in nature. Environmental education is carried out unobtrusively, with pleasure and sincere interest, both children and teachers.

Number, age of participants of the program:

The number of children in a circle is 12 people. The age of children is 6-7 years old. As you know, in preschool age, the ruling type of cognitive activity prevails, children are not able to independently catch the general patterns of natural phenomena, draw conclusions about the place of man in nature, about his responsibility for all living on Earth, therefore classes are built, taking into account visual and obviously Fashionable perception by the child of the surrounding world. Of great importance is attached to the leading form of the activities of preschoolers - the game (plot-role, movable, independent games of ecological and natural content).

So, to develop positive emotions in relation to nature help the game-transformation aimed at the emergence of empathy to animals, plants, objects of inanimate nature. Huge importance in environmental education also hasresearch - Conduct experiences, observations. In the process of learning, it is desirable to use all the senses of the child, and not only hearing and vision. For this, the child has the opportunity to touch, sniff the surrounding objects and even taste them, if it is safe. The development of the emotional sphere is of great importance. A child in preschool age shows a great interest in nature, it is characterized by the holistic perception of the world around, which is very important for environmental education. In general, an integrated approach is most effective in environmental education, which involves the relationship of research activities, music, visual activities, physical culture, games, literature, modeling, i.e., the environmentalization of various types of activities of the child. Much attention is paid to the communication of children with nature: with trees, birds, insects in the nearest park, in the forest, in the pre-school institution. Such observations are based on the sensory perception of environmental objects. The child needs to feel the smell of grass after the rain or the label of foliage in the fall, hear the singing of birds, so we have excursions at any time of the year.

Children of this age it is important to develop humane features: responsiveness, kindness, sensitivity, responsibility for nature, for all living things, which makes the person of spiritually rich, who knows how to realize relations with nature and other people. The immediate perception of the objects of nature, their diversity, the dynamics emotionally affect children, cause their joy, delight, surprise, thereby improving the aesthetic feelings.

This program is focused on the children of senior preschool age, takes into account the age and psychological features of their perception and knowledge of nature.


Main - integrated, collective;

Environmental excursions on the site;

Staging and conducting experiments;

Environmental holidays;

Games and entertainment;

The form of classes can be determined as a creative circle activity of children.

Classes for this program are important to carry out children, both in the room and in nature. Communication with nature gives children a huge joy. After all, they see the world in their own way, in all the variety of color, odors, sounds, their hearts are open to the perception of beauty. And this is the first acquaintance with the world of nature, its forest inhabitants, you can spend in fascinating for children the form of the game, fairy tales, mysteries.

Classes conducted in nature (excursions, walks) are very helpful and necessary for children. Fresh air, the beauty of the surrounding nature has a very beneficial effect on the health of children. These classes are developing their physical opportunities, endurance, teach the ability to overcome obstacles.

When communicating with nature, children become kinder, harmonious, their feelings of friendship and mutual assistance are erected in them.

During environmental classes, they learn to observe the phenomena of nature, their changes in time. It develops their attention, observation, imagination. Children also master the first rules of behavior in the forest, learn to follow the law "Do not harm."

A natural material is organized and carried out for further creative work with it. Ecological tasks for children are performed, such as, for example, cleaning the park and forests from garbage. Such work contributes to upbringing in children a sense of responsibility for the safety of the surrounding nature, careful attitude towards it.


Classes are held 2 times a week in the afternoon, a duration of 35 minutes according to Sanpina standards.

Terms of implementation of the program.

To effectively implement this program in kindergarten, favorable conditions are created:

Organized "environmental space" in the premises of a kindergarten: group corners of nature, selected and placed plants in accordance with their biological characteristics; On the garden of the garden: and the garden.

Foundation methodical, clearly illustrated materials.

The developing environmental environment is presented in the following centers:

"Corner of Nature", calendar of nature, a calendar model of nature, a corner of flowers, various capacities (watering canes; buckets; plastic, different colors of the bottle), funnels, natural material (bumps, stones, moss, pieces of crust and wood). There are also exhibitions of the works of children themselves made in various techniques.

Terms of implementation: The program is designed for 1 benefit of children.

Expected results and ways to check them.

To seven years baby:

● An animal and floral world will know, the role of a person in nature will be able to distinguish and call plants, shrubs, trees, indoor plants.

● Children will be able to explain environmental dependencies, will be humane to the whole living, they will learn correct behavior in the natural environment. Children to learn to care for plants and animals.

● Get acquainted with the main ecological holidays, "World Animal Day - October 4» "World Environmental Day", "April 1 - International Day of Birds", "April 22 - International Earth Day"

Summing up according to the results of the development of this program is carried out in the following forms of control: 1) Incoming diagnostics: Interview in order to identify the educational level of students, their interests and abilities when entering the circle. 2) Current control: - observation of tasks, teacher requirements, rules of behavior in nature; - Exhibitions of creative work of students. 3) Final control: - participation in exhibitions, holidays: "Vintage autumn", "around the live tree", "Nature is our home native", "Happy Birthday, Yugra!", "Native to love!" et al., - final diagnosis.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the program:

It is carried out by comparing the results of the incoming (initial work) and the final diagnosis. Expected results and ways to check them.

Explanatory note

The "sprocket" circle has an ecological orientation, which is determined by the special relevance of environmental education in modern conditions. Environmental problems are global and affect all humanity. At the present stage of the development of society, the issue of environmental education acquires special sharpness. The main reason for this is total environmental irresponsibility. In this regard, it is necessary to pay attention to the environmental education of preschoolers.

Pre-school childhood is the initial stage of the formation of a person's personality, its value orientation in the outside world. During this period there is a positive attitude towards nature, to the "man-made peace", to himself and to the surrounding people.

The main content of environmental education is the formation of a child consciously correct attitude towards natural phenomena and objects that surround it, and with which he meets in preschool childhood.

The contents of N. A. Ryzhova "Our House - Nature" program, which involves the formation of a system of elementary scientific environmental knowledge, affordable an understanding of the child - a preschooler (primarily the means of becoming a conscious relation to nature).

Objective ecological circle

Education from the early years of life of a humane, socio-active, creative person, capable of understanding and love the world around, nature and carefully treat them.


Enrich children's knowledge about the nature of nature and ways to communicate with it;

To form the ability and desire to preserve nature and, if necessary, to assist her, as well as the skills of elementary environmental activities in the nearest environment;

Develop cognitive interest in the world of nature;

Develop environmental thinking and creative imagination in the process of experimental and research activities;

Rise humane, emotionally positive, careful, caring attitude towards the world of nature and the world around the world.

Form organization of classes

The circle is designed for 1 year. Classes are held once a week. Duration - 25-30 minutes. Number of children 10 -12

Methodical support

The program "Our Home - Nature" N. A. Ryzhova.

1. N. A. Ryzhova "Our House Nature". Block "I and Nature" - M.: Karapuz - Didactics, 2005

2. N. A. Ryzhova "What we have under your feet: a block of classes" Sand. Clay, stones "- M.:" Karapuz - Didactika ", 2005

3. A. A. Pleshakov "From Earth to Heaven: Atlas - Determined" - M.: Education, 2010

4. O.V. DYBINA, N.P. Rakhmanova, V.V. Bristin. Unknown nearby - M.: TC "Sphere", 2001.

5. L.V. Kovinko. The secrets of nature are so interesting! - M.: 2004

Currently, preschool institutions are given the opportunity to independently choose programs for the education and training of children. Given the relevance of the problem of environmental education, it is advisable to consider how this aspect is represented in various programs.

The existing practice of pre-school education shows that the old programs have been in demand, which used children's gardens in the 80s of the XX century. In the USSR: "The program of education in kindergarten" edited by M. A. Vasilyeva (the program was approved by the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR) and the "typical program of education and training in kindergarten" edited by R.A. Kurbatova, N.N.Podyakov (program Approved by the Ministry of Education of the USSR). Consider what

the degrees of these documents solve the issues of environmental education of preschoolers.

"The program of upbringing in kindergarten"all age groups offer a modest set of knowledge about nature, which is presented in sections on the development of speech, expanding the orientation of children in the surrounding space and labor education. The purpose of this program is to introduce children (mainly through observations) with specific natural phenomena of inanimate nature, a change in the state of plants, animals of the kindergarten at different times of the year. Preschoolers learn to distinguish and recognize various living creatures, call them. In some cases, tasks are given to teach children to see the beauty of natural phenomena, set the simplest causal relationships (for example: it was raining - on the ground of the puddles, the sun shines - the pudges dried).

In the senior and preparatory groups of knowledge about nature are a seasonal nature: at all times, children observe weather phenomena, consider plants, distinguish their characteristic features, learn to carry out various employment in the site. It should be noted: in this program, children will know the variety of phenomena and objects of living and inanimate nature, but do not establish their relationship, do not follow the dependence of the life and condition of plants and animals from the factors of the external environment. That is why it can be argued - familiarization with nature in this program does not have an environmental orientation.

The section of labor education is drawn to, in which actually in each age group is given great tasks of formation in children of labor skills and skills. Children are involved to care for animals. A corner of nature is attracted to cleaning in aquarium, to cleaning cells, cultivation of flower and garden, to feeding birds in winter, teach to water, wipe, loosen the houseplants. At the same time, special attention focuses on the correct use of instruments of labor tools, the correct implementation of the actions by watering, a shovel, a wand for loosening, etc. Work in natural conditions is considered mainly like activities with equipment, and not as the process of creating and maintaining vital conditions for Living creatures. You can make a general conclusion: kindergartens working under the program M.A.Vasilyeva and those who wish to engage in environmental education of preschoolers, one of the partial environmental programs should be used.

they have an emotional response to various manifestations of living beings. The whole world opens children from the room window and walks. The program provides recommendations: what can be observed with children in different seasons, how to spend the game with them in nature and with natural material.

In a programme "Rainbow"the "Mir of Nature" subsection is the component of the cognitive development of children, in which they are given information about various natural phenomena, cognitive processes are developing, and attitudes towards the surrounding world. All this creates in children the image of the world, a holistic idea of \u200b\u200bthe surrounding space. In the methodological material of the program there is a significant number of classes, acquainting guys with plants, animals, with the planet Earth and the structure of the solar system. Children gives a lot of geographical knowledge and exotic information (about the nature of Africa, about dinosaurs, etc.). Based on seasonal observations, "portraits" of each month are drawn up. Children learn to contemplate nature, emotionally respond to her condition, to comprehendly seen.

Petersburg program "Childhood"in the section "The child discovers the world of nature" in detail of children with the most different phenomena from the life of plants, animals and their communities. The program for each age includes four blocks: the first contains information about plants, animals as representatives of the living in the world of nature, reveals the relationship of living beings with a habitat, their uniqueness. In the second section, it is described about the mechanisms of adaptive relationships of living organisms with a habitat, children get acquainted in detail with the properties of various environments, they have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe groups of animals living in a homogeneous medium. The third section gives knowledge about the growth, development and reproduction of familiar children of plants and animals; The guys receive ideas about consecutive changes in organisms, the cyclicity of the process. The fourth section introduces children with plants and animals living in one community (in one ecosystem). The guys will learn that a person can affect the community of living organisms in different ways - to destroy or support them.

The program "Childhood" takes care of various personal manifestations of children - informative and speech skills, labor skills, attitudes towards nature. This program is a serious guide to the life of environmental education of preschoolers - it is obvious to environmental content and a systematic approach to the question. Preschoolers when implementing this program can gain the initial, but very detailed vision and understanding of natural environmental phenomena, relationships in nature.

"ORTOKI"- This is another comprehensive program created by the psychological and pedagogical team of researchers of the "Preschool Childhood" Center. A. V. Zaporozhets. The authors consider it as a basic program, which is aimed at the versatile, full development of the child, the formation of universal (including creative) abilities to the level of age possibilities and the requirements of modern society. The program is based on the concept of psychological age as a stage in the development of the human person. The authors allocate two psychological age in the preschool period: 3 - 5 years - the younger and 5 -7 years - the eldest.

The "Nature and Child" subsection of the "origins" programs includes the characterization of age capabilities, tasks and indicators of the development of children, the content and conditions of pedagogical work. The focus focuses on the development of cognitive interest in the phenomena of nature. The program contains information about the connections of a living organism with a habitat (i.e. ecological aspect). The program is valuable that the most important pedagogical condition for its implementation is the good natural-scientific awareness of the educators and the presence of developed environmental consciousness, readiness for informative communication with children on the lives of natural objects.

Program "Development",developed by a team of experienced children's psychologists, aims to develop the intellectual and artistic abilities of preschoolers as indicative actions with shaped solving means. These abilities help the child independently navigate in new situations, find the necessary solutions, meaningfully referring to their own activities. Based on the sensory abilities developed in the younger preschool age, on average and senior preschool age, the ability to visual modeling is particularly pronounced.

Acquaintance with nature included in this program is one of the means of developing the abilities of children and does not set the tasks of their environmental education. Children study the simplest forms of symbolic reflection of nature objects, their states, changes, interconnections in nature. In the middle group, more attention is paid to seasonal phenomena in nature, in the eldest - flora, and in the preparatory fauna. Nevertheless, by means of modeling activities, the guys will know the relationship between the living organism with the environment, get acquainted with connections in ecosystems, establish relations between living and inanimate nature. In the preparatory group in children significantly expand the ideas about the world - they get acquainted with the natural belts of the planet and the evolution of life on earth. At the same time, with the help of models, they establish links between ancient and modern animals and their habitat. It can be said that the program has an educational trend towards the environmental education of preschoolers.

Along with comprehensive programs in the 90s of the XX century. Created a significant number of partial programs. Some of them have an ecological orientation.

First of all, you can highlight programs with a psychological bias. Program "We- earthlings "A. Veresov is aimed at developing elements of environmental consciousness in children. It demonstrates the universal relationship between nature, man and his activities. Program E.Relevaleva "Open yourself"created on the basis of the author's concept aimed at the individualization of the personal development of the child. It provides for the development of natural-scientific representations and environmental culture in children, the initial forms of environmental consciousness are formed through the cycle of the "Peace World" classes. N.A. Avdayeva and G. B. Stepanova Created a program "Life around us",in the center of which is the personal development of the child. Children receive environmental information, on an emotionally positive basis, they develop a careful and responsible attitude towards wildlife.

Program "Pautinka"J.L.Vasykina-Novikova develops planetary thinking in children: a reasonable attitude towards peace and to itself as a resident of the Earth. The children have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe world in four parameters: "Where I live" (environment), "As I live" (behavior and responsibility), "I live with whom" (neighbors on the planet, relationship with them), "When I I live "(interaction in time).

Program "Hope"T.V.Potapova, etc. is also trying to solve the questions of the "I-concept" of a child and its interaction with the outside world. Ecologically-valued behavior in the environment, which is understood as widely as a natural sphere, productive activities, interpersonal and public relations. The child has the need to respect their rights and rights of other living beings.

The creative search for teachers and psychologists in a number of programs is aimed at developing aesthetic attitudes towards nature and the world. Program V. I. and S. G. Ashikov "Semisweetics"it is aimed at the cultural and ecological education of children, the development of spirituality in them, a rich, creative self-developing personality. The authors believe that the child will think how thin it will learn to feel the world around the world, as will perceive the values \u200b\u200bof world culture, it depends on how it will live, what to perform actions. The program involves joint creative activities

children and adults in kindergarten, children's studios or family. In the process of learning, preschoolers acquire a wide range of moral principles in relation to the world around the world. The program has two basic topics: "Nature" and "Man." The theme of nature includes four kingdoms on earth (minerals, plants, animals and man) and goes beyond the limits of the planet - in the near and far outer space. The second topic is considering a creator man: folk and national heroes, devotees of world culture, who left a kind mark on Earth.

T. A. Koptsova "Nature and artist"combines the formation of 4-6 years old on nature as a living organism and the development of their creative activity. The author solves the tasks of the environmental and aesthetic education of children, introduces them to world artistic culture. Blocks of the program "The World of Nature", "The World of Animals", "Human World", "The World of Art" through the system of creative tasks develop an emotional and value attitude towards the world. The cultural aspect of environmental education is also represented in the programs I. Belavi, N. Foundation "Planet- our house"and T. I. Popova "World around us".

To the same group can be attributed to the N.A. Rücbeil "Feeling of Nature",designed to educate preschoolers 4 - 6 years in additional education institutions. The purpose of the program is to develop in children through the emotional sphere of cognitive interest in nature and the desire to communicate with it. The guys study for three years - at each stage the new tasks of their upbringing, education and development are solved. A general result becomes a steady interest in nature, the desire to communicate with it, as well as the creative self-expression of children in various types of artistic activities. The feature of the organization's organization is that at every occupation, which lasts two academic hours, children are "plunged into nature" and live together with a teacher in a cozy atmosphere.

Of great importance in the environmental education of preschoolers have programs aimed at becoming the beginning of ecological culture through the knowledge of environmental patterns of nature. The maintenance of the program N. N. Kondratyeva "" We are the ABC of Ecology "it is gradually expanding an idea of \u200b\u200bthe living organism. First, children get acquainted with plants, animals and man as living beings (Section 1), then the adaptation of living organisms to the habitat (section 2), then - their growth, development and reproduction (Section 3) and, finally, the relationship of living organisms in ecosystems, human connection with nature for which

it is a habitat (section 4). In all sections of knowledge, they act as a leading development factor in children of an environmental consciousness, which allows the eldest preschooler to understand the role of a person on Earth, realize that it as cosmic creation is part of nature.

The program "We" implies traditional types of children's activities - observation, modeling, work in nature, game, amusement and design. FROM various species activities (their content and result) are associated with manifestations in children of ecological and universal culture. Special importance acquires environmental activities, which can be carried out by senior preschoolers in all seasons of the year.

N.A. Yazhova program "Our house- nature"it is aimed at raising the humane, socio-active and creative identity of the child 5 - 6 years old, which has a holistic look at nature and understands the place of man in it.

In accordance with the program, children receive ideas about the relationships in nature that help them gain the foundations of ecological worldview and culture responsible to environmental and their health. The program provides for developing in children of the first skills of environmentally competent and safe behavior in natural conditions and everyday life, practical skills in environmental activities in its region.

Our House - Nature program consists of 10 blocks, each of which includes the training and educational components - obtaining knowledge of nature and the development of various aspects of the attitude towards it (gentle, the ability to see beauty, etc.). Half of the program (five blocks) considers the region of inanimate nature (water, air, soil, etc.), three blocks are devoted to wildlife - plants, animal and ecosystem of forest, and the last two interaction of a person with nature. A valuable aspect of the program is that the author draws attention to waste, which produces humanity in large quantities and which make up a real danger to the nature of the planet. N. A. Ryzhova's program has a continuation in elementary school.

One of the first in the 90s of the XX century. A program has appeared "Young Ecologist"(S. N. Nikolaev), created on the basis of the author's concept of environmental education of preschoolers.

The program "Young Ecologist" has a detailed methodological support. The benefits describe the creation of a developing environment in a preschool institution, an environmental approach to the content of plants and animals. A number of benefits are technologies for environmental education of children of different ages.

(from the younger group to the preparatory), contain ready planning and a detailed description of environmental events with children.

All technologies are built on different activities, most often a joint educator with children, they are widely used.

The "young ecologist" with the provision is a software and methodological system of a comprehensive (but with an environmental bias) of the education of the preschooler. She develops in a child thinking (he understands and realizes the legitarian nature of nature phenomena), sympathy and good attitude to living on the basis of an understanding of environmental relationships, willingness to do everything for the preservation of living beings, the environmental perception of the beauty of nature - the beauty of a healthy body living in favorable conditions , the beauty of nature reflected in the works of art, understanding the importance of environmental factors, nature for people's health.

The program "Young Ecologist" includes two subprograms. The first is focused on children - on the development of the ecological culture of preschoolers 2-7 years in any educational institutions. The second is designed for adults (supporters of Dow, teachers of additional education). Applying it, you can increase the qualifications of those teachers who are engaged in the environmental education of children.

The program "Young Ecolog" is based on the following provisions.

Pre-school childhood is the initial stage of the formation of a person's personality, its value orientation in the outside world. During this period, a positive attitude towards nature, to the "man-made peace", to himself and to the surrounding people (concept of pre-school education) is laid.

The conscious-correct attitude of children to nature is based on the sensual perception, an emotional attitude towards it and knowledge about the peculiarities of life, growth and development of individual living beings, on some biocenoses, on adaptive dependencies of the existence of living organisms from the factors of the external environment, the relationships within the natural communities . Such knowledge in the process of communication of the child with nature provides understanding of the specific situations in animal behavior and

one . Appendix 2 presents only a program designed for children.

There are standing plants, contribute to their correct assessment and adequate to them to respond.

The conscious nature of the relationship is manifested in the fact that children can explain themselves or understand the explanations of adults, as well as on the basis of an understanding of the situation and knowledge of the needs of the living being, to fulfill individual labor actions or to engage in collaborative activities aimed at preserving plants, animals and adults. The conditions of their lives.

The process of becoming a conscious-correct attitude towards nature is accompanied by certain forms of the child's behavior, which can serve as a criterion for assessing the level of its environmental educationalness. These are independent observations, death, questions, the desire to tell about their experiences and impressions, discuss them, embody in various activities (reflect in the game, create an isoproducture, care for animals and plants).

The program presents six sections: the first contains elementary information about the universe, the inanimate nature of the Earth and its meaning in the lives of living beings; The following two are devoted to the disclosure of the relationship between plants and animals with the habitat; The fourth traces the role of relationships in the process of ontogenesis - growth and development of certain types of plants and higher animals; In the fifth, the relationships are disclosed within communities whose life children can observe. The sixth section shows different forms of human interaction with nature. A special (health) value is the first paragraph, which addresses the needs of a person (children) as living beings and the environmental requirements arising from here. Sections marked with an asterisk - optional: they can use educators DOU, teachers of other institutions in circle working with children.

This program can be used by any preschool institution, which from traditional familiarization with nature proceeds to solving issues of environmental education of children.

The program does not identify the tasks and content of environmental education by the ages: at each stage, adjusting the volume of direct contacts of children with nature objects, the educator can solve any tasks. The instruction of the material by the children of the teacher will detect the children's manifestations that are presented in all sections of the "attitude" position.

Recently, there is an intensive creative process in the regions of Russia - teachers, environmentalists are developing children's environmental education programs, taking into account local natural, social conditions, national traditions. Such work is conducted in the north of our country (for example, in St. Petersburg and the region, in Yakutia), in the Urals (in Perm, Yekaterinburg), in Siberia (in Tyumen), in the Volga region (in Nizhny Novgorod), in the Far East, in the center and In the south of the country (in Lipetsk, Sochi).

Thus, a review of a number of domestic programs for environmental education of preschoolers demonstrates the greater creative activity of specialists - an understanding of the environmental problems of the planet and the need to solve them, the consciousness of the value of nature and life on Earth in all its manifestations, an understanding of the need to change the strategy and tactics of human behavior on the planet, ways His interactions with nature. For this it is necessary intensive ecological education of all people at the same timeand, what is very important, starting with impressionable preschool childhood.

Control questions

1. What is environmental education, how does it differ from the traditional familiarization of children with nature?

2. Why is M.A.Vasilleva's program can not be attributed to the number of programs that decide the issues of environmental education of preschoolers?

3. What are the integrated (general weselves) known to you
Grams, compare them from the standpoint of an environmental approach. Which of these
Do you like the programs more and why?


1. Compare comprehensive programs: "Typical", "origins", "Childhood", "Development". Write down in the column: "tasks of environmental education", "knowledge of plants", "knowledge of animals", "knowledge of inanimate nature", "knowledge of ecosystems", presented in each of
programs. Make a conclusion, as in each program is environmental education?

What program, in your opinion, is most optimal? What will you take the program to solve the problems of environmental education of preschoolers, if you have a choice?

2. Read the Environmental Education Program
"Young Ecologist" (Appendix 2).Analyze the program and prepare for discussion of the following questions:

a) how many sections in the program? What is each of them dedicated to?

b) What is the environmental approach to knowledge about inanimate nature (section 1)? Confirm your answer words from the program.

c) How is an environmental approach implemented in the knowledge of plants?
Confirm your answer with excerpts from section 2.

d) What is the environmental friendliness of animal knowledge (Section 3)?
Show it on different groups of animals.

e) why "the growth and development of animals and plants" are highlighted in a special section? What is an environmental approach to these processes? Citizitate the appropriate places from the program.

e) What ecosystems can you introduce children? Like plants
And animals of one ecosystem are connected with each other and with a habitat? Show it on the example.

g) What aspects of human interaction with nature are presented in section 6? What is their environmental friendliness?

3. Name the two positions presented in each subsection. What is more important: "Knowledge" or "attitude"? Can they do without each other? Show how ecological knowledge helps to develop the right attitude (on your own example).

Objective of ecological education - The formation of an environmental culture of a child, which manifests itself in an emotionally positive attitude towards nature surrounding the world, in a responsible attitude to its health and environment, in compliance with certain moral norms, in the system of value orientations.

The relevance of the problem The formation of the launched environmental culture in preschool children is the process of unity and the relationship of the components of the environmental culture:

  • formation of elements of environmental consciousness;
  • the formation of practical skills and care skills for the objects of wildlife and some methods of nature conservation;
  • education of culture of behavior and activity.

As the thinking of preschoolers is clearly effective, and visual-shaped, the author of the program does the supervision of the program, the experiment and its own productive activities of children in nature. As one of the main means of forming an ecological culture, the author allocates the modeling method - this is determined by the features of the development of the cognitive sphere from the senior preschoolers. It is this approach that gives the child the opportunity to independently detect links and patterns in the world of nature.

The availability of the modeling method for preschoolers was shown by psychologists (A.V. Zaporozhets, L.A.Verger, N.N. Podkakov, D. B. Elkonin). It is determined by the fact that the simulation is based on the principle of replacement: the real object may be substituted in the activities of children by another subject, image, sign. As studies have shown, the child early seizes the replacement of objects in the game in the process of mastering speech in the visual activity. This sent the attention of teachers to the development and application of subject models in training. The model should alleviate knowledge (M.I. Kontakov, V.P. Mizinsev, A.I. Umen, etc.).

Pedagogical strategy It should be aimed at developing a sense of consent, feelings of community with nature. Our survival, environmental protection can be only abstract concepts if we are not inspiring every child a simple and convincing thought: "People are part of nature, we must love our trees and rivers, arable land and forests, as we love your life."

MDOBU "Kindergarten №32 of the overall view with the priority implementation of cognitive-speech development of children" of the city of Buzuluk, for several years it works under the program "Development" L.A. Hanger. This program does not have a regional component in the "Development of Environmental Representations" section. Little attention is paid to the study of a person as a representative of wildlife.

Organizational and methodological explanations for the program "Mother Nature"

According to the requirements of the pre-school level of education, the content of this program has found their place of classes on which children get acquainted with the problem of environmental pollution and independent practical activities contribute to the preservation and improvement of the environment.

A feature of this course is to introduce individual classes with 100% implementation of the national - regional component on them, as well as the introduction of classes on which children introduce children with the natural characteristics of a person and the basics of life safety.

The program provides for one special exercise on ecology per week (36 lessons per year) with the entire group of children in the first half of the day. A feature of the organization of these classes is the use of didactic games using the modeling method.

Each front occupation with children has its own definite structure. The subjects and structure of classes are presented in Appendix No. 1.

Basic principles of work:

  • Work should be based on the principles of accessibility, prognostability, integrity.
  • It is necessary to use a block system for constructing a promising plan of classes;
  • In the process of work in the complex, observation, experiment, solving game problem problems Modeling and independent productive activities of children should be used;
  • Working with children is not limited to framework frames (preliminary work, a variety of related forms of work: holidays, entertainment, contests and quiz environmental content);

The program includes additional blocks:

  1. "I am a person - part of nature."
  2. "The nature of my native land."

Thematic plan for classes in the program "Mother - Nature"

The purpose of the program "Mother - Nature"the formation of a child's environmental culture, which manifests itself in an emotional and positive attitude towards nature around the world, in a responsible attitude to its health and environment, in compliance with certain moral norms in the system of value orientations.

Objectives of environmental education preschool children 5-6 years:

  1. Formation of elements of environmental consciousness;
  2. The formation of practical skills and abilities for the care of living beings and some methods of nature conservation;
  3. The formation is consciously correct attitude and leaning towards the nature of Buzuluk Territory;
  4. Upbringing culture of behavior and activity;
  5. Expansion and generalization of children's knowledge about the foundations of the head and life basics of life safety.

Requirements for knowledge and skills, advocate skills

The section "The formation of the ecological culture of children is 5-6 years old"

The pupil must

Preparation Requirements

Rules of behavior in nature.

Buzuluk edge plants:

  • 5 trees;
  • 3-4 shrubs;
  • 4-5 garden flowering plants;
  • 6-7 grassy forest plants and meadows;
  • 4-5 types of forest berries and mushrooms;
  • The first spring flowers.

Plants and animals of Buzuluk boron, listed in the "Red Book" of Buzuluk Territory. Required living conditions of animals and plants. Plant organs and their functions. Stages of growth and development of animals and plants.

Have ideas

About labor of people in agriculture, cereals and their cultivation in the field. Methods of vegetative reproduction of indoor plants. On the dependence of changes in wildlife from changes in inanimate nature. On light, tenee, moisture-loving, drought-resistant plants. On the uniqueness of the nature of Buzuluk boron. On the most characteristic signs of different times of the year and the phenomena of nature. About live and inanimate nature, their relationships in life and community. On the variety of animals and their connection with the habitat, as well as the relationship between living organisms with each other. On the significance of nature in a person's life, careful attitude towards the environment and the consequences of environmentally illiterate behavior in nature. On the natural features of the person and the basics of life safety.

Perform the rules of behavior in nature. Ensure the care of plants and animals "Corner of Nature". Assist Environment. Replant the houseplants. Plant garden and garden crops into the ground.

The program contains:

  1. Perspective Plan (Appendix 1).
  2. Labor abstracts (Appendix 2).
  3. Control tasks for determining the level of environmental knowledge in children of 5-6 years (Appendix 3).
  4. The formation levels of the foundations of the ecological culture of children 5-6 years old (Appendix 4).
  5. Recommendations for working with the program (Appendix 5).
  6. Principles underlying the program (Appendix 6).
  7. Recommendations for working with models (Appendix 7)
  8. Ecological tasks (Appendix 8).
  9. How to organize collaboration with children on the manufacture of an environmental system model (recommendations for educators of pre-school educational institutions) (Appendix 9).


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