Work program of additional education at a preschool educational institution in ecology

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Tutalsky kindergarten" of the Yashkinsky municipal district

Kemerovo region

652024, Kemerovo region. Yashkinsky district, Tutalskaya station,

M. Rakevich str. 9a tel: 8 (38455-3-63-75)


at the teachers' council by order of the head

protocol No. ___ MBDOU "Tutalsky kindergarten"

from "____" ___________ 2015 from "____" ___________ 2015




Compiled on the basis of the educational program of preschool education "Educational system School 2100" (Kindergarten 2100)

Compiled by educator:

O.B. Kanina






Preschool age is an intrinsically valuable stage in the development of an individual's ecological culture. At this age, the child begins to distinguish himself from the environment, an emotional-value attitude towards the environment develops, the foundations of the moral and ecological positions of the individual are formed.

Traditionally, in preschool education, an element of its cognition, the development of a humane attitude towards it and conscious behavior in the natural environment, is included in the general process of mastering nature. The tense ecological situation, in our opinion, implies slightly different approaches to education in the field of the environment. We are close to the position of Doctor of Biological Sciences T. V. Potapova: “The purpose of preschool environmental education is not so much in children’s appropriation of knowledge about objects and phenomena, but in the formation of skills for careful and non-destructive handling of them and an active desire to do just that: in a sparing and saving way ".

Explanatory note

“The world around the child is, first of all, the world of nature,

with an endless wealth of phenomena, with inexhaustible beauty.

Here, in nature, is the eternal source of children's minds "

V. Sukhomlinsky.

At the end of the twentieth century, the problem of enhancing the ecological literacy of every inhabitant of the planet was promoted to one of the first places in terms of importance. Earlier, when the number of the population was relatively small, and each person was in constant contact with nature, environmental laws were assimilated by people in their everyday life. In the second half of the twentieth century, the bulk of people concentrated in cities and lost touch with nature. As a result, their behavior changed: they began to take from nature everything that seemed necessary to them, without giving anything in return.

The relevance of this programthing isecological upbringing and education of children is an extremely important problem of the present time: only the ecological worldview and ecological culture of living people can lead the planet and humanity out of the state in which it is now.

Preschool childhood is the initial stage in the formation of a person's personality, his orientation values ​​in the world around him. During this period, a positive attitude towards nature, towards the "man-made world", towards oneself and towards the people around is laid. The main content of ecological education is the formation of a consciously correct attitude towards natural phenomena and objects that surround him and with which he gets acquainted in preschool childhood.

Nature is an inexhaustible source of spiritual enrichment for children. They constantly come into contact with nature in one form or another. They are attracted by green meadows and forests, bright flowers, butterflies, beetles, birds, falling snow flakes, streams and puddles. The infinitely diverse and colorful world of nature awakens in children a natural interest, curiosity, affects their feelings, arouses imagination and influences the formation of their value orientations. A child who has fallen in love with nature will not mindlessly pick flowers, destroy nests, or offend animals.

The impressions received in childhood from native nature are very vivid, memorable for the whole life and often affect a person's attitude to nature.

The novelty of this program isin that it covers various aspects of environmental education for preschoolers. The program provides not only environmental education for preschool children, but also motivation for the development of children's skills to provide all possible assistance to our nature.

For example, for the birds wintering in our area, we, with children and parents, make feeders, organize a “bird's dining room” until the snow cover completely disappears; we hang birdhouses on the territory of the kindergarten.

This program includes the development in children of the skills of staging and conducting the simplest experiments... N For example, growing seedlings for kindergarten flower beds. Thanks to the inclusion of children in the development of this educational program, preschoolers receive environmental knowledge, they develop observation, a sense of empathy, the ability to see the beautiful in nature, the ability to provide all possible help to nature. Such personal qualities as kindness, responsibility, hard work, independence, the ability to work in a team are brought up. All of the above is convincing of the pedagogical expediency of this program.

Software and methodological support.

  • Comprehensive program for the development and education of preschoolers "Kindergarten 2100".
  • Complex program "Rainbow" by T.N. Doronova
  • Partial program S.N. Nikolaeva "Young ecologist"

Material and technical conditions.

The material and technical base of the MBDOU "Tutalsky kindergarten" meets sanitary standards, pedagogical requirements, and the modern level of education. The group created, equipped and replenishes the "Center for Cognitive Development and Labor", in which children get acquainted with objects of wildlife (plants), a mini-laboratory for organizing experimental activities of children was organized, a library of cognitive and fictional literature of ecological content was created. There is a sufficient number of various equipment, manuals, games, herbariums, etc. The location, organization, equipment and sanitary condition of our center meet the requirements of SanPiN. Consolidation of knowledge is carried out in joint activities.

Creation of conditions for the implementation of the program:

Psychological and socio-pedagogical conditions for organizing work

  • take into account the child's social experience
  • take into account his capabilities, abilities, interests
  • build the pedagogical process as a dialogue

The developmental subject environment is used for cognitive and recreational purposes, for the development of children’s skills of work and communication with nature.

In cognitive developmentpreschool children are characterized by high mental activity. Four-year-olds "why" are interested in causal relationships in different spheres of life (changes in animate and inanimate nature, human origin), professional activities of adults, etc., that is, an idea of ​​various aspects of the world around begins to form. By the age of 5, perception becomes more developed. The amount of memory is increasing. Children memorize up to 7-8 names of objects. Voluntary memorization begins to take shape: children are able to accept a memorization task, remember the instructions of adults, can learn a short poem, etc. Figurative thinking begins to develop. Children are able to use simple schematized images to solve simple problems. The stability of attention increases. Concentrated activity for 15-20 minutes is available to the child.

Since the formation of a responsible attitude towards nature in children is a complex and lengthy process, therefore, I think that the goal of environmental education should be the formation of a new type of person with a new environmental thinking, capable of realizing the consequences of their actions in relation to the environment and able to live in relative harmony with nature.

The main goal of the program- to form in children elements of ecological consciousness, the ability to understand and love the world and nature.

The program is designed to solve the following tasks:

  1. To bring to the notion that adults and children are also a part of nature;
  2. Fostering a desire to take care of your health;
  3. Show the importance of natural resources (water and air) in human life;
  4. To foster a careful, economical attitude to natural resources;
  5. Lead children to a conscious understanding of the value of nature;
  6. Education of correct behavior in nature.

To work on the formation of moral and ecological education of preschoolers, a long-term plan of work with children was developed

Methods used to implement this program:

  • Visual methods:
  • excursions, targeted walks;
  • observation;
  • showing fairy tales (by a teacher, children);
  • examination of book illustrations, reproductions;
  • conducting didactic games;
  • Verbal methods:
  • reading literary works;
  • conversations with elements of dialogue, summarizing the stories of the educator.
  • Game methods:
  • carrying out a variety of games (sedentary, plot - role, didactic, games - dramatizations, etc.);
  • making riddles;
  • conducting quizzes, contests, thematic evenings.
  • Practical methods
  • organization of productive activities of children;
  • registration of the herbarium of plants, fruits;
  • staging of fairy tales, excerpts of literary works;
  • making visual aids with children.

When building a system for the operation of our program, we paid special attention to the following main directions :

  • Cognitive and entertainingthe direction aims at acquainting children with the components of animate and inanimate nature, the influence of human activity on these components in a playful and entertaining way.
  • Practical direction- the study of flora and fauna associated with practical matters (feeding birds, planting flower beds, etc.).
  • Research directioncarried out as part of productive activities (excursions, observations, experiments)

Expected Outcome of Interaction with Children:

  • Must know and follow the elementary rules of behavior in nature (a way to safely interact with plants and animals)
  • Show of interest, kindness to natural phenomena and objects;
  • Helping each other, caring, benevolent attitude to nature, the manifestation of creativity.

As a summaryopen classes, game contests, quizzes, exhibitions, ecological evenings are held ...

Long-term work plan2015 - 2016 academic year





"Flowers on the site in autumn"

Reinforce children's knowledge of autumn garden flowers: the difference in appearance. Clarify children's ideas about gardening in the fall. Activate the children's dictionary with words meaning the names of garden flowers.

Guessing riddles, the game "Guess the description", experimenting: "Plants breathe easier if the soil is watered and loosened"

"What did autumn give us?"

Strengthen the knowledge of children about vegetables and fruits. Clarify children's knowledge of caring for vegetables. Foster hard work. To activate the children's vocabulary with words denoting vegetables and labor activities.

Reading poems "Hello, autumn!" E. Blaginina, observation, conversation "What is growing in the garden?"

"Autumn in white fogs"

Clarify children's knowledge about such a natural phenomenon as fog. Develop cognitive activity. To activate the children's dictionary: fog, damp, damp, thick cover.

Conversation "What is this - fog?", Reading poetry, making riddles, observation.

"Kind, good sun"

Clarify children's knowledge of the sun in the fall. To form the ability to determine the weather by signs. Activate children's vocabulary: water, heat, light, earth

Reading poetry: "Four treasures ..."

M. Makhaneva; experimentation: "Lados".


"Tell the Hedgehog about indoor plants"

Clarify children's ideas about plants in a group, about the living conditions necessary for them. Introduce new plants. Teach to recognize and name parts of a plant (root, stem, leaf, flower). Foster interest in research activities. Encourage the desire to care for plants, treat them with love and tenderness.

Game "Find a plant", physical education minutes "flowers", didactic game "What plant did the Hedgehog hide behind?"; experimentation: "What plants need to grow."

"Autumn tree"

To form the ability of children to observe natural phenomena, to analyze and draw conclusions about some relationships and patterns.

Unconventional drawing technique: blotography - experimentation


To form in children generalized ideas about pets: how to take care of them, what benefits they bring, what conditions are needed for life.

Conversation, use of artistic word, Clouds finger game, Remember and Name game

"How many rains I know"

To develop the ability of children to observe seasonal phenomena and their changes. To form the ability to highlight the characteristic signs of autumn and summer rain. To activate the children's dictionary: drizzle, fine, cold.

Communicative dance game "Waltz of friends»;

Singing "Cloud", "Cap, Cap ...", "Sunbeams and a Cloud", finger game "Clouds"



ka "

To acquaint children with wintering birds: sparrows. (Clarify with the children how changes in nature have affected the life of the sparrow). Develop an interest in bird watching.
To activate the dictionary of children: wintering, migratory.

Outdoor game "Who lives in the house?"

Finger gymnastics "Rooks";

Speech game "Who is this?"

To form in children a desire to be kind to wildlife. Learn to organize your own bird feeding on a regular basis.

Conversation "Guess which bird", observation, use of the artistic word, sub. game "Fox and Birds"

"Wild beasts in winter"

Continue to build knowledge about forest dwellers. To develop in children ideas about the sequence of events in the life of forest animals.

Reading poems, creative assignments, sub. game "Hares and wolf", conversation.


To develop the ability to observe seasonal phenomena and their changes, attention and memory, to see the beauty of nature. Activate the vocabulary of children: the first snow.

Observation, conversation, reading educational stories, experimentation: "Getting to know the properties of snow"


"Protect Spruce and Pine"

To acquaint children with the concept that cones contain seeds of coniferous trees. To form the ability of children to distinguish between spruce and pine cones. To activate the children's dictionary: spruce, pine.

Observation, conversation, game "Find by description

"Clouds floated across the sky"

Expand children's ideas about the phenomena of inanimate nature: tell children what kind of clouds there are.
Development of observation.
Activate the children's dictionary: cirrus, stratified, cumulus.

Conversation "What are the clouds", observation, the use of a literary word; experimentation: "The wind blows, the boat sails"

"Snow round dance"

Continue teaching children to observe natural phenomena: snowfall and see the beauty of the world around them.
Activate children's vocabulary: cold, white, sparkling, fabulous, etc.

Observation, viewing the painting "Winter", productive, experimental (snowballs) activity.

"Winter Beauty - Spruce"

To add to the desire to enjoy the smell of coniferous wood. Promote the development of the ability to name the characteristic features of the structure of a spruce, the signs that distinguish it from other trees, the formation of the ability to see the difference between a toy spruce and a real one; to bring up a careful and caring attitude to wildlife.

Game surprise moment, composing a story-description about a spruce based on a plan, game - imitation "Collect cones,conversation "Should a person preserve the beauty of nature?" Creative work.


"Observing snow and ice"

Form a realistic understanding of inanimate nature; to consolidate the knowledge that water can be in a solid state (snow, ice).

Experimenting "Water can pour and splash", use of artistic word.

"Bird life in winter"

Teach children to look at birds, distinguish them by size, color of plumage, and sounds made. Introduce their names.

Conversation, game "Feed the bird", did. game "Fly away - do not fly away".

"Frost is an amazing artist"

Arouse children's interest in winter natural phenomena. To develop visual observation, the ability to notice the unusual in the surrounding world and the desire to reflect what he saw in his work. Develop imagination and creativity.

Making riddles, observing on a walk, using an artistic word,

practical work


"Growing onions on the window"

Arouse interest in growing a vegetable garden on the window, a desire to observe changes in the bulbs. Learn to create a situation of experience

Conversation with the elements of labor, experimentation: "How water enters the plant by the example of onions", sketch.

"Wild animals in the forest in winter"

Contribute to: enrichment and deepening of children's knowledge about wild animals in winter, the development of the ability to establish connections between winter conditions and the behavior of animals.

A conversation about a squirrel, a hedgehog, a hare, a fox, a bear.Completing a creative assignment; game "We are little bunnies", game "Finish sentences".

"Laboratory of Good Deeds"

Form the concept of kindness, the habit of doing good deeds; foster interest in experimental activity; analyze phenomena, draw conclusions; develop cognitive interest, logical thinking, speech of children; make children feel happy

Conversations about natural phenomena, cataclysms (earthquakes, volcanoes, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods); experiments with water, air; reading informative literature; conversations about good and evil.

"Observing seasonal changes"

to form ideas about changes in nature;

Learn to distinguish the characteristic signs of the end of winter (first drops);

to consolidate the ability to perceive the poetic description of winter.

Use of artistic word; Outdoor games: "Sly fox", "Who will make fewer jumps?"


"Spring is marching towards us with brisk steps"

Continue learning to memorize the names of the spring months; to give an idea of ​​the changes occurring in early spring in nature. Develop the skills of elementary research activities, logical thinking.

Reading the poem "March"« Spring is coming ", d / and" Find the mood, show the mood ", experimentation:" The interaction of water and snow "

"Our four-legged friends are a dog"

To form in children the idea that a dog is an intelligent pet, devoted to a person, it can be trained and used in various useful services.

Observation, outdoor games

"Friendly couples", "Separate - do not fall."

"Caring for health"

Promote the education of children to respect their health; to form an idea that vitamin food (green onions, etc.) and the sun are especially useful in spring; develop in children the ability to take care of their health; foster feelings of care for a sick comrade.

The game "Enjoy the sun", "What is good for health, what is harmful", a conversation about vitamin food.

"The first flowers in nature"

Encourage children to rejoice at the first spring flowers, continue to acquaint them with the names, with the features of the structure.

Comparative story about mother-and-stepmother and dandelion, riddles, reading poetry, experimentation: "Following the sun."



Teach children to be attentive to the world around them. Raise interest in natural phenomena, clarify ideas about the external features of the bug.

Ladybug observation. Learning a nursery rhyme, productive activity,finger gymnastics "Ladybugs".

"Russian birch"

Form children's ideas about Russian birch. Expand knowledge of nature conservation. To foster in children interest and respect for nature.

Making riddles, round dance, productive activity

"Feathered guests"

Contribute to the generalization of ideas about birds in the spring: a change in their behavior - they bask in the sun, in the trees, chirp, nest, hatch chicks, etc.; cultivate curiosity, desire to take care of birds.

Conversation, making birdhouses, bird watching at the kindergarten site, viewing illustrations (different types of nests, the appearance of chicks, etc.).

"Spring landscape"

To consolidate children's ideas about spring, about the characteristic features of this time of year. To draw the attention of children to the first signs of spring. To educate children to love their native land. To develop in children an interest in wildlife, emotional responsiveness.

Conversation, artistic expression, examination and comparison of paintings on the theme "Spring", riddle, the transformation of children into artists, listening to the melodies of "The Seasons".


"The sun on the grass"

To clarify the knowledge of the flower by children, the ability to find it by the leaves, the shape of the inflorescence, to form in children an interest in working with paint. Continue to spark interest in flowers in children.

Reading poetry, finger gymnastics, productive activity, experimentation "Warm - cold".

"What are clouds, rain, thunderstorm?"

Give an understanding of the evaporation of water, the formation of clouds, electrical discharges in an accessible form. To acquaint children with the rules of behavior during a thunderstorm.


viewing illustrations,


"Sand Fantasies"

To broaden the horizons of children: to acquaint with the modern direction in art. Consolidate knowledge about the properties of sand. Develop imaginative and logical thinking. Develop tactile sensitivity and fine motor skills of the hands. Enrich the emotional sphere of children

Reading riddles, finger gymnastics "I sit on the sea sand", experimenting: "why the sand is pouring."

Requirements for the level of training of children

The pupil must


Rules of conduct in nature.

Plants and their characteristic features.

The main signs of wild and domestic animals.

Bird species in their area.


About migratory birds.

About the dependence of changes in living nature on changes in inanimate nature.

On the protection of nature.

About the most characteristic signs of different seasons and natural phenomena.

About the importance of nature in human life, respect for the world around and the consequences of ecologically illiterate behavior in nature.


Follow the rules of conduct in nature.

Provide care for plants in a corner of nature. Transplant indoor plants.

Provide care for flower garden plants

Provide assistance to the surrounding nature (feeding birds in the winter on the site, cleaning up garbage, making natural signs).

Making handicrafts and panels from collected natural material.


The work done should be reflected in the success of the children. They should show positive changes in the formation of the moral qualities of the personality of preschoolers. Children should be more attentive to the surrounding animate and inanimate nature, to their comrades. They develop a cognitive interest in natural objects, a desire to take care of them. Children should try to help each other, feel sorry for their friends, love to do pleasant things, to their comrades.


  1. Nikolaeva S.N. Young ecologist: Program of ecological education of preschoolers / S.N. Nikolaeva - M .: Mosaika-Synthesis, 2002.
  2. Ecological education of preschool children: A guide for preschool education specialists / Author compiled by S.N. Nikolaeva. - M .: LLC "Firm" Publishing house AST "- 1998.
  3. Nikolaeva S.N. Environmental education methodology in kindergarten: Working with children of middle and senior kindergarten groups: A book for kindergarten teachers / S.N. Nikolaev. - M .: Education - 1999
  4. Zubkova N.M. "A cart and a small cart of miracles": - M; Mosaic-Synthesis, 2009
  5. Organization of activities for children for a walk, middle group / author-comp. T. G. Kobzeva, I. A. Kholodova, G. S. Alexandrova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2011 "Encyclopedia of preschool education and development", St. Petersburg ,: Publishing house "Neva"; M .: Olma-press, 2000.
  6. "The world around us in didactic games of preschoolers", Moscow 1992 Artemova L. N.
  7. "Education of ecological culture in preschool childhood", Moscow 1995 Nikolaeva S. N.
  8. "Educational games for children of primary preschool age", Moscow 1991 Boguslovskaya Z. M., Smirnova E. O.
  9. Grizik T. I Know the World. - M .: Publishing house "Education of a preschooler". -


10. Complex program "Rainbow" by T.N. Doronova

11 . A comprehensive program for the development and education of preschoolers "Kindergarten

2100 "in the educational system" School 2100 ", under the scientific editorship of A, A,

Leontiev-M .: Balass, Ed. House of RAO 2100.

My work on the ecological education of preschoolers began in 1993, when there was still no such abundance of literature as it is now. I worked in the ecological and naturalistic center of the city of Lysva, Perm region. It was there that the idea came up to create a program on environmental education for teachers of additional education who are not able to work with children all day long.

In 1998 I came to live and work in the city of Novoshakhtinsk. And here, too, she continued to work on the environmental education of preschoolers, working at the Center for the Development of Creativity of Children and Youth. I conducted classes on the basis of two kindergartens: "Vesna" and "Cheburashka", in which I work today.

Teachers in the kindergarten "Cheburashka" all creative and passionate people. The solution of problems in the environmental education of preschoolers goes through all types of activities of a preschooler. Therefore, it became necessary to draw up a work plan for the environmental education of preschoolers in conjunction with all specialists working on the basis of the municipal preschool educational institution of the child development center - (sanatorium with tubintoxication).

This program for instilling the foundations of ecological culture in preschoolers took part in the regional competition of author's programs and became a prize-winner, and was also published in the collection of the best author's programs.

Work on improving the program is being carried out at this time.


An indispensable condition for survival in a tense environmental situation is to improve the environmental education of a person, his moral qualities. Environmental education should accompany a person throughout his life:

  • in early childhood - to form a feeling of emotional closeness with the world of wildlife;
  • during school years - to promote understanding of a holistic picture of the world;
  • during periods of growing up and maturity - to develop an ecological worldview, to foster a sense of responsibility for the state of nature, to help realize the need for personal participation in environmental activities.

The first link in the environmental education system is preschool childhood.

His emotionality, special susceptibility and great interest in the natural world are fundamental factors for successful environmental education at a preschool educational institution. The second side of the problem is an increase in the level of environmental knowledge and culture of adults raising children.

The activity of people continues to make profound changes in the surrounding nature, thereby posing an acute problem of the survival of the human race. Scientists believe that an indispensable condition for survival is the improvement of the person himself, the concept of his moral qualities to a level corresponding to the scale and speed of change in the modern world.

Today, there is only one step from ecological ignorance to a crime against humanity. And these ecological ignoramuses are formed already in early childhood.

On the one hand, preschoolers are very interested in plants, animals, love them, but on the other hand, they show cruelty and indifference. And today, when parents, due to their "eternal" employment, devote little time to communication with children, this indifference is especially exaggerated. Indeed, often parents themselves show their child their own, not always correct attitude towards the people around them, the surrounding nature. This leads to the fact that children are harmful to nature and no explanations from adults help. This is also due to the preschoolers' ignorance of the rules of interaction with objects of nature.

At preschool age, children do not have basic ecological knowledge. And therefore, proceeding from these contradictions, it became necessary to introduce elementary ecological concepts in preschool childhood. And along the way, the task of increasing the ecological literacy of parents should be solved.

Environmental education in kindergarten must be conducted on the basis of a scientifically grounded methodology: its content, conditions, forms and methods of working with children and adults must be substantiated by research results.

The existing programs for the ecological education of preschoolers and for acquainting children with the world around them (existing earlier) are designed directly for the daily work of a teacher in a kindergarten. These programs orient him towards the description of specific objects, without considering them in connection with living and non-living nature.

The main goal of the proposed program is to instill the foundations of ecological culture in preschoolers, to show the relationship between living organisms and inanimate nature, the influence of man on the world around him.

The proposed program is included in a comprehensive program for the creation of continuous environmental education, written taking into account regional conditions and adapted by me in the conditions of work in a municipal preschool educational institution, a child development center - kindergarten No. 5 "Cheburashka" (sanatorium with tubintoxication) in Novoshakhtinsk, Rostov region, and is designed to work as a teacher of additional education. The work is carried out in close cooperation with narrow specialists of the MDOU: physical education instructor, music directors, art teacher, speech therapist, psychologist and educators.

What changes are being made to the traditional content of work on familiarization with nature? First of all, children need to be given, at all age levels, ecological knowledge about the world not of global nature, but of the one that surrounds it nearby, “close” to the preschooler, which he can observe from day to day, can touch and touch. By the end of preschool age, the child should have formed a system of this knowledge.

The child should be aware that every plant and animal is a living organism. It is easier for a preschooler to establish similarities than differences. They identify with themselves (a plant or an animal hurts like me: they move, feed, grow like me, etc.). For normal life, a living organism needs food, light, air, optimal temperature, and living space.

Using the example of specific plants and animals, again those that the child sees nearby, it is necessary to reveal the connection between the structure of organs and their functioning, the dependence of the structure of the organism on environmental conditions.

Preschoolers should have a generalized idea of ​​the adaptability of living organisms to the conditions of a relatively constant habitat (fish, amphibians, some insects and animals are adapted to life in an aquatic environment; insects - in a terrestrial-air environment; many animals lead a terrestrial lifestyle).

About a forest, park, meadow, pond, swamp, etc. it is necessary to give knowledge as about an ecosystem - a community formed by living organisms and their habitat. In the process of getting to know any ecosystem, preschoolers gain knowledge about food chains, when some living things feed on others, and as a result, a balance develops. This will help them realize that in the wild, everything is interconnected by food chains, the violation of one link in the chain can cause the death of many living creatures.

Children should have knowledge about the negative impact on the nature of human activities, about how a person uses nature, takes care of its safety.

The consciously correct attitude of children to nature is manifested in the fact that they themselves can explain their behavior in nature, can understand the explanation of adults, independently carry out individual, group assignments, using knowledge about the needs of living beings. Provide all possible assistance in the activities of adults aimed at preserving plants, animals, their living conditions and the life of the person himself.

The formation of a system of environmental knowledge should be carried out in close connection with the education of an emotionally positive attitude to nature, which should be manifested in vigorous activity, in the actions of children. Children need to master the skills of caring for plants and animals. All labor operations must be deliberate, the child must have "his" desire to perform these labor operations.

In this regard, at least half of the study time is devoted to children's contacts with the natural environment, practical activities, experimental and creative work.

Completing various tasks proves that the attitude of older preschoolers to nature (in judgments) is positive. They want to take good care of plants and animals, they can refuse what they want in order to save a living being. It is the duty of adults to consolidate this desire, to make it conscious.

The program "Instilling the foundations of ecological culture in preschoolers" is designed for 4 years, starting from the younger preschool age.

Taking into account the psychological characteristics of younger preschool age and the fact that children have just begun to attend kindergarten, the main content of the first year of education should be observation and practical actions with objects of nature together with a teacher. What should a teacher remember? By the age of 3, children accumulate initial knowledge about the seasons, flora and fauna. Their content and volume differ quite sharply in children of the same age. A lot of obscure knowledge, realistic knowledge is intertwined with fabulous.

The curiosity of children increases dramatically. Their interest in the causes of phenomena is especially great: questions about the causes become prevalent.

In the first year of study the teacher must remember that in children of this age, attention is involuntary. Its stability depends on the nature of the activity. Memorization and reproduction are also involuntary. The child cannot yet set a goal for himself to remember or remember anything. Children do not know how to observe independently, but actively accept the goal and tasks of observation from the teacher, if they are set in an attractive, playful way.

In the second year of study the work becomes somewhat more complicated, observations and practical activities continue with the help of a teacher. Children of this age have a higher level of knowledge, assessments and behavioral attitudes. They master a fairly large vocabulary, which makes it possible for them to convey in stories objective connections and their feelings, their sensory experience associated with the properties of natural phenomena. The earliest available most general ecological concepts are concretized, expanded and supplemented with new material.

Four-year-old children are able to notice the beauty of nature in its color and object diversity, in the plasticity of the movements of the animal world. The moral and ecological assessment is still quite simple and straightforward: bad is good. In children, moments of an active-effective, moral and aesthetic attitude to nature are clearly manifested. Emotional responsiveness, active empathy, a sense of satisfaction from the results of behavior - the basis for environmental education. It should also be borne in mind that in the fifth year of life, the transition to independent activity is carried out.

In the 3rd and 4th year of study the guys conduct independent observations, experimental work begins, independent practical activity with living objects.

Older preschool children have a lot of ideas about nature. Quite complex connections and dependencies that exist in nature become available to children. The level of generalization of knowledge now allows us to move on to concepts. Although this is the notion of an ordinary level, the first step in the cognition of reality, but thereby the visual-figurative reflection of reality in the form of representations rises to a qualitatively new level: representations, enriched with concrete material, turn into concepts.

At this age, emotional and volitional qualities are also formed: responsibility, initiative, self-organization, self-control. Motivated assessment leads to the formation of reasoning and conviction in the choice of behavior. So, environmental knowledge, work skills and skills for caring for plants and animals, motivated assessment of the behavior of peers, adults, and their own contribute to the formation of the child's personality as a whole.

This characteristic also applies to children of the 7th year of life, but some peculiarities should be noted. Children have a lot of knowledge about nature. They understand that everything in the world around them is interconnected: wildlife, plants, animals, people. Their interests go beyond the observable: human origins, aliens, stars, planets, issues of life and death, etc.

The evaluative activity of children rises to a high level. They may disagree with the behavior and actions of positive characters, they may negatively assess the attitude towards nature of adults, including loved ones. Socio-ecological concepts include already generalized rules of human behavior. These rules can be one of the most important regulators of a child's relationship to nature. The teacher needs to take into account the increased opportunities of children in environmental education.

In all groups, classes are conducted from September to May inclusive. Classes are conducted in the system:

younger group - 1 hour per week

middle group - 1 hour per week

senior and preparatory groups - 2 hours a week.

In addition, the consolidation of knowledge and skills is carried out in other types of activities of the preschooler, as already indicated above.

To identify the effectiveness of environmental studies, control sections were carried out, the children were offered various situations to identify their actions. For comparison, control groups and experimental ones were taken.

To obtain better results in the work on this program, continuous communication is maintained with kindergarten teachers and parents in non-traditional forms of communication. These are various KVN, brain-rings, weekend clubs, business games, quizzes, round tables in order to draw the attention of parents to urgent problems of environmental education.


"Instilling the foundations of ecological culture in preschoolers."


  • the formation of the foundations of ecological culture in the process of familiarizing preschoolers with the world through practical activities with living objects, observations, experiments, research work and work with didactic material, the formation of adequate ecological ideas, i.e. ideas about the relationships in the "Man-nature" system and in nature itself;
  • awareness by children of the knowledge that plants and animals are living organisms; about the presence of inanimate bodies in nature, about their relationship;
  • on the example of specific plants and animals, the disclosure of the connection between the structure and their functioning, the dependence of the structure of the organism on the conditions of the environment;
  • formation of knowledge about the value of animate and inanimate nature in human life and economic activity;
  • showing the positive and negative influence of a person on the world around him;


  • drawing attention to the surrounding natural objects, developing the ability to see the beauty of the surrounding natural world, the variety of its colors and forms;
  • fostering the desire and skills to preserve the surrounding natural world;
  • fostering a sense of responsibility for the state of the environment, an emotional attitude to natural objects.


  • development of a system of skills and abilities (technologies) and strategies for interacting with nature;
  • development of skills to observe living objects and phenomena of inanimate nature;
  • drawing attention to the surrounding natural objects, developing the ability to see the beauty of the surrounding natural world, the variety of its colors and forms;
  • formation of skills for rational use of natural resources;
  • protection and strengthening of children's health, development of healthy lifestyle skills.


Approximate thematic plan


  1. Introductory lesson. Acquaintance with children.
  2. Autumn in nature. Acquaintance with the garden site and its inhabitants, autumn changes in the life of plants and animals, preparing the plants of the site and animals for winter, acquaintance and work with the observation calendar (wall panel with the image of a girl and a boy and a set of clothes for all seasons; types of precipitation: drops, snowflakes, hail, etc.).
  3. Houseplants. General acquaintance with indoor plants (plant is a living organism). Acquaintance with balsam (plant structure). Acquaintance with methods of plant care. Implementation of individual assignments for the care of plants, together with a teacher.
  4. Animals of the corner of nature. The first acquaintance with the fish, the cycle of observing it. Acquaintance with a guinea pig, a cycle of observations of a pig.
  5. Winter in nature. Winter changes in the life of plants and animals of the site. Acquaintance with the wintering bird - Bullfinch. Hanging out feeders, feeding birds. Watching snow during snowfall and on a sunny day. Working with the observation calendar.
  6. Spring in nature. Spring changes in the life of plants of the site and group, animals. The cycle of observing the growth of the onion. Protection of plants and animals.

Acquaintance of the children of the younger group with the main ways of caring for plants and animals in the corner of nature passes through joint classes for children of the younger and preparatory groups.


Approximate thematic plan


  1. Introductory lesson. Revealing accumulated knowledge about nature.
  2. Autumn in nature and practical activities on the site of the d / garden. Autumn phenomena in nature. Acquaintance with a complicated observation calendar. Working with the observation calendar. Acquaintance with a new tree and shrub, preparation for winter. Autumn leaf color and leaf collection for crafts from natural material. Preparing for the winter of animals. Collecting food for the inhabitants of the living area together with the teacher.
  3. Living Corner: Practical Activity in a Living Corner. Acquaintance with 2 indoor plants. Clarification of the structure of plants. The importance of plant organs for their development, a plant is a living organism. Isolation of signs of living organisms. Acquaintance with the hamster and the cycle of observation. How to care for your hamster. Clarification of the concept of aquarium fish as living organisms.
  4. Winter in nature. Seasonal phenomena in winter. Working with the observation calendar. Acquaintance with new wild animals - elk, wintering bird - nuthatch. Difficulties in the life of wild animals in the winter season. Joint production of feeders and feeding of birds arriving at the site. Examining snowflakes.
  5. Spring in nature. Signs of the onset of spring, observation of the appearance of the first grass, swelling of the buds, the appearance of the first leaves. Spring changes in the life of animals, the appearance of offspring. Acquaintance with the basic rules of behavior in nature. Self-cultivation of onions, bird watching - Wagtail.
  6. Excursions to nature in autumn, winter and spring seasons.

During theoretical and practical lessons, physical education and outdoor games are held in accordance with the topic of the lesson, as well as relaxation exercises together with a kindergarten psychologist.


Approximate thematic plan


  1. Introductory lesson. Summer memories.
  2. Autumn in nature. Practical work on the d / s site. Autumn phenomena in nature. Acquaintance with the new observation calendar. Working with him. Acquaintance with the common plants of our city. A variety of annual flower and ornamental plants in the garden area (marigolds, marigolds, sweet peas). Monitoring the duration of their flowering, seed ripening. Collection of seeds of 2-3 cultivated plants. Drying of leaves and individual flowers of plants for composing compositions, panels. Vegetable crops, their importance in human life. Preparing animals for winter. Inspection of trees, identification of broken, sick. Experiments with sand.
  3. Inhabitants of a living corner of nature. Work in a living corner. Acquaintance with plants with modified stems and leaves. The stories of their origins. Planting annual flowering plants for group observation. Features of indoor plants, their maintenance in the fall and care for them. Animals in the corner of nature. Feeding and care in relation to the habitat, way of life.
  4. Excursions. Excursions to the vegetable-growing area, to the park during the golden autumn, to the reservoir.
  5. Winter in nature. Winter phenomena in the life of plants and animals. The importance of snow cover for plants and wildlife. Living conditions for domestic animals in the winter. Diversity of pets, their relationship with humans. Conservation of nature in winter. Observation and acquaintance with a new wintering bird - Waxwing. Making (independent) the simplest feeders, feeding wintering birds; determination of the thickness of the snow cover in open spaces and in places protected by trees and shrubs. Experiments with snow and ice.
  6. Work in a living corner in the winter. Acquaintance with different types of aquarium fish: habitat adaptability to the aquatic environment. Acquaintance with the external structure of the turtle, especially caring for it in the winter. Features of the maintenance of indoor plants due to a lack of heat and light (additional lighting). Caring for the inhabitants of the corner of nature. Growing forcing crops - onions and setting up an experiment on it (lack of heat). Cultivation of cereals.
  7. The forest is a multi-storey building. The role of the Ural forest in nature and human life. Who protects the forest (+) and (-) the impact of human activities on the forest.
  8. Excursions to nature: park, reservoir, in the living corner of the ENTs.
  9. Spring in nature. Spring phenomena in the life of plants and animals. Changes in the appearance of plants, the behavior of animals, the arrival of birds, the appearance of insects. Acquaintance with 2 migratory birds: rook, cuckoo. Observation of the arrival and behavior of migratory birds. Keeping a seasonal diary of phenological observations of poplar. Monitoring the emergence of seedlings of ornamental plants in flower beds for a garden. Seedling care. Experiments with air.
  10. Spring work in a living corner. Changes in the life of indoor plants and animals due to changes in light and thermal conditions. Observing the growth and development of indoor plants. Transplanting them, dividing the bush. Acquaintance with the reproduction of indoor plants. Cultivation of terrestrial crops.
  11. Excursions to nature: to the park, to the reservoir in order to study spring phenomena.

Most of the theoretical lessons are conducted in the form of didactic games using game learning situations. Starting from senior group elementary experiments are carried out with objects of inanimate nature.

Relaxation exercises are carried out together with a kindergarten psychologist. Music is being listened to. Observations, the results of conversations with children are drawn up together with a teacher of visual activity.


Approximate thematic plan


  1. Introductory lesson. Determination of the level of ecological education of children. Survey. Diagnostic examination 2. Autumn in nature. Practical activities on the d / garden site: collecting seeds, planting trees, etc.
  2. Introducing the Advanced Observation Calendar... Independent work with the nature calendar. Relationship of seasonal changes in nature with changes in the height of the sun. The meaning of falling leaves. The most common animals in forests, meadows, and reservoirs. Preparing animals for winter. Preparing perennial herbaceous plants for winter. Cereal crops, their importance for human life. Nature protection in the fall. Collection of seeds of 4-5 cultivated plants. Collection of seeds for winter feeding of birds. Procurement of feed for the inhabitants of the living area. Collection of plants for herbarium. Assisting sick and damaged trees. Experiments with sand and clay.
  3. Winter in nature. Connection of winter phenomena in nature with a change in the height of the sun. Life of land animals, birds and inhabitants of reservoirs in the winter. Acquaintance with a new wild animal - beaver, marten; bird - crossbill. Habitat conditions for wild animals in the winter. Footprints in the snow. Organization of winter feeding of birds and hanging of feeders outside the territory of the d / garden. Snow retention work. Determination of snow pollution in various parts of the city (road, park, d / garden). Experiments with water.
  4. The forest is a multi-storey building. Getting to know the forest as a community of plants and animals. The layering of the forest. Human influence on the life of the forest. Acquaintance with the simplest food chains in the forest. (+) and (-) human impact on the forest community.
  5. Spring in nature. Connection of spring phenomena in nature with a change in the height of the sun. Targeted walks and excursions. Conservation activities with the onset of spring. Early flowering herbaceous plants, flowering trees and shrubs. The relationship between the timing of the appearance of migratory birds with changes in air temperature, the appearance of insects and other seasonal natural phenomena. Timely soil cultivation, planting seedlings and monitoring the emergence of seedlings and plant growth. Hanging birdhouses and observing bird nesting sites. Planting seedlings in the d / garden area. Experiments to determine air pollution.
  6. Red Book. Acquaintance with some protected plants and animals.
  7. Inhabitants of the living area d / garden. Practical activities in the corner. Practical work in the corner is carried out depending on the seasons. Autumn: classification of indoor plants according to the needs of light and moisture. Features of their appearance in connection with the conditions of natural habitats. Preparing the soil for further use in a corner of nature. Preparing a hibernation site for hedgehogs. Observing and conducting experiments with aquarium fish. Winter: Introduction to aquatic frogs, their adaptability to aquatic habitats. Acquaintance with a canary or budgerigar, biology, habitat in nature. Individual instructions for caring for the inhabitants of the living corner. Growing forcing crops and setting up experiments on them (lack of light, heat, water). Growing cereals for animal feed in the corner. Spring: Acquaintance with different methods of reproduction of indoor plants, their diseases and peculiarities of care. Cultivation of winter crops and experiments on them. Preparation of indoor plants. Keeping a diary for the growth of winter crops. Animals and plants are taken care of seasonally.
  8. Excursions. Autumn - excursion to the field, observation of the harvesting of cereals. Excursion to the reservoir. Museum of local lore. Winter - an excursion to nature. Recognition of wintering birds by their appearance. Spring - an excursion into nature in order to reveal the layers of the forest in practice.


  1. Nikolaeva S.N. Environmental education program for preschoolers M. New school 1993.
  2. Nikolaeva S.N. Communication with nature begins from childhood. Perm 1992
  3. Bidyukova G.F. - Blagosklonov K.N. Programs for out-of-school institutions. M. Enlightenment 1995
  4. Podyakova N.N. Intellectual education of preschoolers.
  5. Vinogradova N.F. Nature and the world around us. M. 1992
  6. Contributions Maura Oh, Connor - Senior Vice President of the National Audubon Conservation Society.

The last decade of the XX century can be called the time of the development of two processes that are significant from the point of view of ecology: the deepening of the ecological problems of the planet to a state of crisis and their comprehension by man. Abroad and in Russia during this period, a new educational space was formed - a system of continuous environmental education: conferences, congresses, seminars were held, programs, technologies, educational and methodological aids for various categories of students were created.

Chapter 1. Theoretical and methodological substantiation of ecological education of preschoolers

1.1. Analysis of environmental education programs for preschoolers

In our country, a general concept of continuous environmental education has been formed, the initial link of which (and this is generally recognized) is the sphere of preschool education. It is at the stage of preschool childhood that the child receives emotional impressions about nature, accumulates ideas about different forms of life, i.e. the fundamental principles of ecological thinking and consciousness are formed in him, the initial elements of ecological culture are laid. But this happens only on one condition: if the adults raising the child themselves have an ecological culture: they understand the problems common to all people and are worried about them, show the little person the wonderful world of nature, help to establish relationships with him.

The main evidence governing the content of the pedagogical process in a preschool educational institution is the curriculum and partial, providing one or more areas of education and development; among the latter there are many ecological ones.

Many programs have passed the expertise of the Ministry of Education and received its approval. These integrated programs include: "Rainbow", "Childhood", "Development", "Origins", "Kindergarten - a house of joy", "Little baby", the Ministry approved a number of partial environmental programs: "Seven-colored flower", "Nature and the artist", "Our home - nature "," Life around us "," Web "," Young ecologist ". All programs are focused on a new concept of upbringing of preschool children, based on a personality-oriented model of upbringing, an individual approach to the development of the child's intellectual and artistic abilities.

"Kroha" is an early childhood education program in the family and kindergarten. The program also provides for their environmental education. E.F. Terentyeva (the author of the section) identifies a number of circumstances that adults can use to acquire children for nature. If there are plants, animals in the room (at home or in a kindergarten), adults can involve children in observation and joint care, cause them an emotional response to the beauty and various manifestations of living beings. The whole world opens up to children from the window of the room - an adult can show a child a lot. For ecological education, you can also observe with children in different seasons how to play with them in nature and with natural material.

Subsection "The world of nature" of the program "Rainbow" is a component of the cognitive section of children, within the framework of which they are given information, develop cognitive processes, shape their attitude to the world around them - all together, according to T.I. Grizik, creates an image of the world for children, a holistic view of the environment. The teaching material of the program contains a significant number of classes devoted to plants, animals, the planet Earth and the structure of the solar system. Children are given a lot of geographical activities and exotic information (the nature of Africa, dinosaurs, etc.), on the basis of seasonal observations, "portraits" of each month are made, children are introduced to the history of clocks, calendars, and globes. Preschoolers receive a lot of interesting knowledge, but not enough - environmental. They learn to contemplate nature, to emotionally respond not to its state, but it is important to comprehend what they see. The program includes cognitively attractive facts about the world and about nature, but they cannot help children develop a value attitude towards it. The private use of the verbal method - the teacher's story, explanation instead of observation - cannot contribute to this either.

V program "Childhood", created in St. Petersburg by a team of teachers from the Pedagogical University, the section "A child discovers the world of nature" presupposes a thorough acquaintance of children with a variety of phenomena from the life of plants, animals, and their communities. The program includes four content blocks for each age: information about plants, animals as representatives of living things in the natural world (features of the external structure and vital functions, the connection of living beings with the habitat, their uniqueness); mechanisms of the adaptive relationship between the life of organisms and the environment (properties of different environments, ideas about groups of animals living in a homogeneous environment); knowledge about the growth, development and reproduction of plants and animals familiar to children (ideas about successive changes in organisms, the cyclical nature of the process "; knowledge of an ecosystem nature (children get acquainted with plants and animals living in the same community, their interdependence).

On the basis of this program, children form a large number of generalized ideas (about the system of needs of plants and animals, about typical systems, about the main phases of the life cycle of a plant, animal, person, etc.), and specific ideas (about the manifestations of feelings of animals, about a person as a living being on the basis of the system of its biological needs, about its states and health, etc.).

Childhood program suggests the formation of not only ecological ideas, but also different personal manifestations (cognitive and speech skills, work skills, attitudes towards nature), while rather high requirements are put forward for the independence of children.

It can be argued: "Childhood" offers the formation of not only environmental, but also different manifestations (cognitive and speech skills, work skills, attitudes towards nature), while quite high requirements are put forward for the independence of children.

It can be argued: "Childhood" is not only a program for the multifaceted development of a preschooler's personality, it is a comprehensive program with an ecological bias, which provides the child with both all-round development and the formation of the initial stage of an ecological worldview. This combination can further (provided the continuity of environmental education) develop a full-fledged environmental consciousness, which will determine the activities of an adult in everyday life, on vacation and at work.

One of the authors of "Childhood" - N.I. Kondratyeva - entered the development of her partial "Programs for environmental education of children" We ". The ABC of Ecology ". The principal ecological position in the program is the same: the content is based on an expanding understanding of a living organism. In all sections, knowledge acts as a leading factor in the development of environmental awareness in children. According to the author, it is consciousness that allows the senior preschooler to understand the role of Man on Earth, to understand that he is a cosmic creation, that he is a part of nature in the form and biological essence of the organization of life on the planet.

The program "We" involves traditional types of children's activities - observation, modeling, labor in nature, play, creativity and construction. The author connects them with the manifestation of ecological and universal culture in children. Of particular importance is nature conservation activity, which can be carried out by older preschoolers in all seasons of the year (attentive attitude to insects, to rare species of plants and animals, not only feeding birds in winter, but also respecting them in winter, but also respecting them in spring - at a very crucial time when they hatch their chicks; saving the planet's resources - water and electricity; respecting their health and caring for the environment in which children live in kindergarten).

"Origins" - this is another complex program, created by the psychological and pedagogical team of researchers of the Center "Preschool Childhood" named after A.V. Zaporozhets. The authors consider it as a basic non-integral for the versatile, full-fledged development of the child, the formation of his unique (including creative) abilities and their development to the level of age-related capabilities and requirements of modern society. The program is based on the concept of psychological age as a stage in the development of the human personality, characterized by a special relationship between a child and an adult; a certain hierarchy of activities, among which there are leading ones; psychological achievements of the child, testifying to the development of his psyche, state and personality. The authors distinguish two psychological ages in the preschool period: 3-5 years old and 5-7 years old. At each age there is a main developmental task, which presupposes a type of leading activity. It is activity that is the main factor that develops the psyche, therefore, the main task of upbringing is reduced to the organization of various types of activities and communication of the child with adults and peers at every age, which determines the assimilation of universal values.

The subsection "Nature and the Child" is included in the section "Cognition of the World" and includes a description of age-related capabilities, tasks and indicators of development, the content of pedagogical work.

the main goal ecological program "Our home is nature"- upbringing from the first years of life of a humane, socially active, creative person, capable of understanding and loving the world around him, nature and treating them with care.

"Our home is nature" is the author's program that ensures continuity in the environmental education of preschoolers. Particular attention is paid to the formation of a holistic view of nature and the place of man in it. Children form the first ideas about the relationships existing in nature and on this basis - the beginning of the ecological worldview and culture, a responsible attitude to the environment, to their health.

Great importance is attached to the moral aspect: the development of ideas about the intrinsic value of nature, an emotional positive attitude towards it, the development of the first skills for environmentally competent and safe behavior in nature and everyday life. Children also acquire initial skills that allow them to participate in feasible practical activities for the protection of the nature of their native land.

The program contains a basic component, which is concretized taking into account local conditions: ecological-geographical, national-cultural. It consists of a number of blocks, each of which, in turn, includes a set of topics. In the first block "I and nature" children get acquainted with the various components of the environment that are accessible to their understanding. Subsequent blocks provide additional information about each component ( "Air", "Water" and etc.). Then they are considered interrelated. The final block "Man and Nature" is generalizing in relation to the previous ones.

In each block, two parts are highlighted: the teaching component (initial information about nature) and the educational component (understanding the meaning of nature, its aesthetic assessment, and respect for it).

The program can be used by preschool institutions of both general developmental type, supervision and health improvement, and correctional. It has been developed and tested as part of a scientific experiment on environmental education of preschoolers on the basis of various types of institutions. Currently, the program has been successfully implemented and recognized in a number of regions of Russia.

Young Ecologist program includes:

- conceptual scientifically grounded psychological and pedagogical view on the problem of environmental education of preschoolers;

- an environmentally sound approach to the construction of content and teaching methods, the selection of forms of work both in kindergarten and in the family;

- training of personnel, especially educators and ecologists (increasing the level of environmental culture, environmental literacy and environmental and pedagogical readiness to work with children);

- technology of formation of the principles of ecological culture in all age groups.

The program was developed on the basis of many years of research by S.N. Nikolaeva to familiarize preschoolers with nature and environmental education. In addition, the program incorporated the results of research by scientists in the field of child psychology and pedagogy (A.V. Zaporozhets, L.A. Venger, V.S.Mukhina, N.N. Poddyakov, P.G. Samorukova, etc.) ...

Commencement of work on ecological education of children in kindergarten is the correct organization of the natural zone, that part of the premises and area of ​​the preschool institution where plants grow, any animals are kept.

Thus, at the present stage there is a wide variety of environmental education programs for preschoolers. Each of them names different forms of organization of ecological education. But what is in common is that the leading form of organization is occupation combined with work in everyday life.

Department of Education of the city of Moscow

State budgetary professional educational institution of the city of Moscow "Educational complex" South-West "


Deputy Director for OIA

Kolesnikova L.A.


"_____" _____________ 2016



Students' age - 5-7 years Program implementation period - October-August Number of students in a group - 40 Number of hours per year - 44

The teacher who implements the program Deminova Ekaterina Dmitrievna

Adopted and approved by the pedagogical council "____" ____________ 2016

2016 year


Conceptual framework of the program

Modern problems of human relations with the environment can be solved only if all people have an ecological worldview, increase their environmental literacy and culture, and understand the need to implement the principles of sustainable development. In the recommendations of the parliamentary hearings"Problems of environmental education and education in Russia" dated September 22, 1998, it is written: "To consider environmental education of preschool children a priority link in the system of continuous environmental education." With the adoption of the laws of the Russian Federation "On environmental protection"dated January 10, 2002the prerequisites for the legal framework have been created for the formation of a system of environmentaleducation.

Preschool age is an important stage in personality development. This is the period of the child's initial socialization, his introduction to the world of culture and universal human values, the time of establishing initial relations with the leading spheres of life: the world of people and nature. A feature of this period is that it provides general development, which serves as the foundation for the acquisition in the future of any special knowledge, skills and assimilation of various types of activity.

The working curriculum focuses on a person-centered parenting model, which involves the creation of relationships of cooperation and partnership between adults and children; inclusion in its content at all stages of the cognitive, active, value and normative component.


The relevance of creating a working program

Analysis of the planning of educational work on

ecological education of children. In addition, it is necessary to develop not only the child's ability for mental activity, but also to form social and communication skills. This is possible in providing pupils through "access to society", that is, constructive cooperation of the preschool educational institution with city institutions. Therefore, this working curriculum is built on the involvement of social partners with educational, scientific, cognitive potential in educational activities: city local history and art museums, a zoo, etc.

The needs of a preschool educational institution in the development of a working curriculum :

1. Providing conditions for familiarizing older preschool children with the flora and fauna of the Moscow Region and the city of Moscow;

2. Creation of conditions for ensuring early socialization of preschoolers;

Thus, the relevance of the program lies in the fact that it:

    fulfills a state order to ensure preschool training for children 5-7 years old with the inclusion of a regional component in educational activities;

    promotes the early socialization of children 5 - 7 years old, corresponds to the upbringing and development of the future first grader according to the model of his image developed at the preschool educational institution;

    forms in a child 5 - 7 years old primary universal educational actions (cognitive, regulatory, communicative);

    Contributes to the formation of a holistic picture of the world and broadening the horizons within the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

    Blocks of personality development are touched upon: "Cognition", "Socialization", "Artistic creativity", "Health", "Labor", "Music", "Safety").

Purpose of the program :

Formation of holistic ideas of older preschoolers about the system of interrelationships between living and inanimate nature, with the inclusion of a regional component (Middle zone, Moscow region and Moscow)


    to enrich the idea of ​​children about the nature of their native land and various natural areas;

    to form dialectical thinking in children, i.e. the ability to see the diversity of the world in a system of interconnections and interdependencies;

    develop children's cognitive interest in nature, the desire to actively explore the natural world;

    to educate moral feelings, expressed in empathy with nature, and aesthetic feelings associated with the beauty of the natural world;

    to educate the foundations of the human-value attitude of children to nature through an understanding of the value of nature, an orientation towards helping living beings, preserving the natural objects of the immediate environment, showing responsibility for their actions.


1. Organized by:

direct educational activities (cognitive, combined, integrated),
- observation of animals and plants, natural phenomena, human activities in nature.

excursions (park, meadow, pond, etc.),

2. Joint activities:

observation in a corner of nature, work in a corner of nature,
- targeted nature walks, hikes,
- reading works of art about nature (poems, stories, fairy tales), considering illustrations in books, ecological fairy tales,
- viewing paintings from the life of wild animals, artists I.I. Levitan, A.K. Savrasov, V.D. Polenov, I.I.Shishkin, K.F.Yuon, etc.,
- stories of the educator about animals, plants, inanimate nature. about reserves, wildlife sanctuaries, natural monuments, etc.,
- work with models,
- conversations and conversations with children on environmental topics,
- collection of collections, seeds, stones, leaves,
- ecological holidays and leisure activities (“Day of the Birds”, “Day of the Earth”, “Birthday of the Forest”, etc.),
- experiments and experiments, search activities in an ecological circle or laboratory of a young researcher,
- environmental trainings with discussion and replay of situations,
- ecological trails,
- games (active, didactic, musical, intellectual, “Field of Miracles” and “What, where, when?”,
- various types of visual activities on environmental topics,
- work with nature calendars, observation diaries,
- making and playing with models (zoo, wild animals, domestic animals, animals of hot countries, forest - our wealth, who lives in the sea).

The proposed program is a cycle of classes for the development of environmental knowledge in children 5-7 years old and allows you to expand, generalize and deepen the knowledge of children about the relationship between living and inanimate nature through observations, conversations, games, experimentation, excursions, targeted walks, listening to music and sounds nature, watching educational films, viewing and comparing. The number of lessons in the curriculum is 1 lesson per week for 30 minutes in accordance with the SanPin norms. The program also includes a diagnostic examination of children to identify the level of ZUN (knowledge, abilities and skills) at the beginning and end of the school year for environmental development.


15 .45-16-15


Circle work schedule for 2016-2017

Tasks of the development of ecological ideas in children of the older group:

1.Educational: Enrich children's ideas about the variety of signs of animals and plants that live in different climatic conditions (hot climate in the south and cold north). Combine plants and animals into groups based on similarities (trees, shrubs, fish, birds, animals, etc.).To form an understanding of the connections and relationships that exist in nature, and the role of man in them.

2.Educational: To develop in preschoolers an interest in nature, a desire to actively learn and act with natural objects, taking into account the selectivity and preferences of children. To develop independence in the process of cognitive and research activities: in making assumptions, selecting methods of verification, achieving a result, interpreting them and applying them in activities. Develop children's independence in caring for animals and plants.

3.Educational: Continue to foster the desire to preserve and protect the natural world, to see its beauty, to follow the accessible environmental rules in activities and behavior.To foster understanding and love for all living things, overcoming the consumer attitude to nature.

Tasks of the development of ecological ideas in children preparatory group:

1.Educational: To form a system of elementary scientific ecological knowledge, accessible to a child's understanding, primarily as a means of developing a consciously correct attitude to nature.To form elementary skills to foresee the consequences of some of their actions in relation to the environment.To enrich children's ideas about the nature of their native land and various natural zones (desert, tundra, steppe, tropical forest), about the diversity of the natural world, the causes of natural phenomena, about the peculiarities of the existence of animals and plants in the community (in a meadow, forest, park, water body, city), about the interaction of man and nature. Support the manifestation of children's initiative in independent observations, experiments, heuristic reasoning on the content of the cognitive literature read. Enrich independent practical experience in caring for indoor plants, vegetable gardens, flower beds and animals in a corner of nature. Support children in observing environmental rules, involve them in elementary environmental protection activities.To form the need and desire to live in harmony with nature.

2.Educational: To develop children's cognitive interest in nature, the desire to actively study the natural world: to look for answers to questions, make guesses and assumptions, heuristic judgments. To develop children's independence in cognitive and research activities, the ability to notice contradictions, formulate a cognitive task, use different methods of testing assumptions, apply research results in different types of activities.

3.Educational: To foster moral feelings, expressed in empathy with nature, and aesthetic feelings associated with the beauty of the natural world. To educate the foundations of the human-value attitude of children to nature, through an understanding of the value of nature, an orientation towards helping living beings, the preservation of natural objects in the immediate environment, the manifestation of responsibility for their actions.

Content of the working curriculum

Topic 1. "Inanimate nature in autumn"

- To foster in children a love of nature, the desire to take care of plants and animals;

To form ideas about the inextricable connection between man and nature / man is a part of nature /

Show the uniqueness of the nature of MO and Moscow, its fragility and, at the same time, power.

Didactic game

"Nature is not nature"

"Guess what's in the bag"

Observations on the ecological trail

"What is nature."

Garbage collection on the ecological trail.

"Our home is nature"

To cultivate a respect for the surrounding nature;

To form the concept of inanimate nature as a factor in the life of all living things.

Demonstrate the joy of interacting with the nature of your area.

Reading thin Literature: E. Moshkovskaya "There was a man in the world",

V. Orlov "House under a blue roof"


"House is a man's dwelling" and

"Home - nature"

Game "My house"

Natural material applique

"Treasures of nature"

Autumn phenomena in inanimate nature

To acquaint with the complex of characteristic phenomena of inanimate nature and their seasonal changes;

Clarify the dependence of changes in living nature on changes in inanimate nature;

Seasonal changes: the day gets shorter, it gets colder, it rains frequently, and cold winds blow.

Features of natural phenomena / abrupt, early arrival of autumn /. Nature calendar.

Reading art


literature, memorizing poetry. Didactic game "When it happens."

Observing the state of the weather and seasonal changes in the life of plants and animals in our region.

Game "Autumn Tracks"


"Journey to the autumn kingdom"

"The sun is a big star"

Give an idea of ​​the Sun as a star.

Clarify knowledge about the structure of the solar system.

Drawing up the layout of the "Solar System"

Watching the sun / sunrise and sunset /. Experience "The stars are constantly shining"


"Solar system"

Why are there different seasons?

The sun is a source of light and heat.

Changing seasons.

Seasonal changes in nature.

The role of the sun in human life.

Location of Russia and Moscow Region (Moscow) on the globe.

Examining the globe. Game "Day and Night".


"Changing seasons" .. Experience "Sunbeam transfer"

Watching the educational video "Geography for the little ones"

"Introducing children to the soil"

Clarify children's understanding of soil as the top layer of the earth: "living earth";

Soil contamination, possible consequences;

The need for soil protection.

Show the fertility of the soil, the diversity of the flora of the Moscow region and the city of Moscow.

Experiments: soil properties, how soil is contaminated.

Seasonal observation of fallen leaves.


"Let's help the earth prepare for winter"

Topic 2. "Plant life in autumn"

Excursion to the meadow.


To consolidate the rules of behavior in nature;

Learn to find the connection between plants and insects.

Clarify knowledge: the influence of light, heat, water on plant life

Show the beauty of the meadow. Rare medicinal, poisonous plants.

Reading The Adventures of Kuzi the Grasshopper.

Didactic game "Guess the plant"

Observation "Living Barometers"

/ weather forecast /

Drawing "Meadow in autumn", collection of natural material, crafts from natural material

"How Plants Prepare for Winter"

/ target walk /

Learn to recognize and name 5-6 trees, 3-4 shrubs, 4-5 garden flowering plants by leaves and fruits.

Clarify seasonal changes in plant life: color of foliage, fruits, leaf fall, leaf fading.

Acquaintance with local plants of the nearest environment. Nature calendar.

Making models "Flower", "Living conditions"

Observing the flowering plants of the flower garden brought into the group


"Autumn landscape"

/ from dried leaves /

Flowering plants

Fix titles

4-5 flowering plants

To acquaint children with the variety of plant species in nature.

Clarify plant parts and their functions

Acquaintance with cold-resistant plants that bloom longer than others.

Transplanting plants from flower beds, plant care

Observing the growth and development of flowering plants

Seed collection

Topic 3. "Animal world in autumn"



Related forms of work

"Let's help the earthworm find a home"

Consolidate knowledge: soil as the top layer of the earth.

Clarify, the inhabitants of the soil / on the example of earthworms /, their role in the formation of the soil.

To form the idea of ​​children that there are no harmful animals in nature, all animals are necessary.

Homework: learn about the benefits of earthworms,

Ecological Chains Game

Watching earthworms after rain. Making a home for worms.

Comparison of wild and domestic animals

Expand and clarify children's ideas about wild and domestic animals, give an idea of ​​the camel

Give an idea of ​​the boar / appearance, habitat /

Reading stories from the book "Forest Mosaic" by V. Zolotov

Search for wintering places for animals, insects

Collection of food for forest animals. Questionnaire for parents "Your attitude towards animals"

Comparison of fish and frogs

To reinforce the idea of ​​adaptation of wild animals to life in natural conditions / frog disguise /

To form a generalized view: fish - aquatic inhabitants, frogs - both water and land.

Rules of conduct in nature. The beauty of the surrounding nature

Game-competition "How fish and frogs differ from each other, how fish and frogs are similar to each other." The game "How the frog appeared"

Cycle of observations of aquarium fish

Homework: Look for books with illustrations about different aquatic animals

"By the water, on the water"

Teach children to notice seasonal changes in water bodies;

Consolidate knowledge: a reservoir as a habitat for animals and plants.

Viewing illustrations, reading books about the inhabitants of the reservoir

Observation of the inhabitants of the reservoir, experiments with water.

Game ecological lesson "Save water"

Migratory Birds

Reinforce and expand the concept of birds: to provide an understanding of migratory birds.

The relationship of birds with their habitat.

Caring for birds

Introduce specific bird species in your area.

Nature calendar.

Feeding trough manufacturing, fodder preparation, bird feeding.

Observing bird behavior

Promotion "Help the birds to survive"

Entertainment "Day of the Tit"

Inhabitants of our corner of nature, budgerigars

Clarify the features of appearance, behavior, skills of caring for budgerigars;

Generalized concept of "bird"

Budgerigar care

Parrot Watching Cycle


for parents

"How to introduce a child to nature"

Topic 4. "Man and Nature"

- Teach children to take an active part in the work of adults: sowing some vegetables in the autumn, preparing a vegetable garden for winter, preparing land for a vegetable garden at the window;

To acquaint people with the work of picking vegetables, fruits in orchards and vegetable gardens.

Vegetables and fruits grown in MO.

Cooking vegetable salads.

Monitoring the growth and development of vegetable crops in the garden of a preschool educational institution

Harvesting in the garden

"Bread is the head of everything"

Expand children's ideas about the cultivated plants of the field (cereals) and their cultivation;

To teach the concept of "cultivated plants";

Instill respect for the work of grain growers, bread;

Rye, wheat,

oats, buckwheat.

Examination of different ears, their comparison. Memorizing proverbs and sayings about bread.

Excursion to the kitchen, observing the kneading of the dough for patties

Conversations about the benefits of bread, about caring attitude.

"Planet Earth in Danger"

Give an idea of ​​the planet Earth, about the inhabitants of the Earth.

To consolidate ideas, in order to preserve our planet, we must love nature from childhood, study it, and treat it with care.

The role of humans in nature conservation work

Consideration of the globe: continents, oceans, seas, North and South poles. Watching the educational film "Geography for the smallest"

Inspection of the kindergarten territory, garbage collection. Experiment "Rotation of the Earth", "Dark Space"

Environmental work: clearing the glade, "treating" trees, bushes

"Through good deeds you can become a young ecologist"

Show that a young ecologist is a child who loves nature and cares about living things;

To foster in children the desire to take care of the surrounding nature.

Rules of human behavior in nature. The role of man in nature conservation work.

Reveal to children with specific examples that there are good and bad actions

Monitoring the condition of trees, bushes of the site

Dry (unhappy) tree model.

Stand "Panorama of Good Deeds"

"Conversations about Autumn"

Summarize and systematize children's knowledge about autumn;

Establishing a connection between the length of the day, air temperature, the state of plants, the availability of food for animals and plants.

Nature calendar

Reading fiction about autumn, changes in nature; didactic games

Autumn holiday. Filling out nature's calendars.

Topic 5. "Ecosystem - forest"

"Forest is a multi-storey house"

"Chain in the forest"

Learn to notice the interaction of the inhabitants of the forest, their food dependence on each other;

Clarify: forest as an example of a community.

Reserved places of Moscow

Homework: the forest and its inhabitants,

Didactic game “Everyone has his own house”.

Excursion to the forest.

Drawing up diagrams

"Food chains"

"Who is in charge in the forest?"

Learn to recognize 5-6 trees,

3-4 shrubs;

Fasten, the main link in the forest is the plant;

Clarify the consequences of tree destruction;

To cultivate a respect for the forest.

The beauty of forests, mountain ranges,

mixed forests.

Game "What grows in the forest?", "Who lives in the forest?"

Homework: find literature on the nutrition of forest dwellers

Target walk "Identification of tree and shrub species"

Questionnaire for parents, "What kind of tree do you have?"

Making posters on the theme "Save the Christmas tree - the beauty of our forests"

Teach children to come up with the content of a poster aimed at preserving Christmas trees, to depict it;

To cultivate a respectful attitude towards plants, the desire to take care.

Respect for the nature of the native land

Comparison of artificial and live spruce

Counting discarded trees. Experiments "Plants release oxygen", "Plants humidify the air"

Conversations about the benefits of trees and the dangers of cutting them down

Topic 6. "Inanimate nature in winter"

"The water cycle in nature"

"This is a sorceress - water"

To consolidate the basic properties of water, ice, snow, steam;

Clarify the state of water (liquid, solid in the form of ice and snow, gaseous in the form of steam)

Encourage independent observation, experimentation, experimentation

Freezing colored ice

Research work, experiments to identify the properties of water. Observation of snow, frost.

Viewing educational films "About living and dead water".

"Save water"

"Water and its pollution"

Foster respect for natural resources;

Consolidate knowledge of the study of water by man.

The need to save water.

Water and your health.

Moscow river, and reservoirs of Moscow

Reading an ecological tale

"How people offended the river"

Watching frosty patterns, clouds, icicles.

"What is water like". Experience "Water Purification"

Environmental Alert "Dirty Water is a Trouble for Everyone"

"What do we know about air"

Systematize knowledge about the properties of air.

Clarify the importance of air in the life of humans and other living organisms.

Games with turntables, inflatable toys, balls.

Experiments to identify the properties of air

"How the Wind Is Born"

Give an idea of ​​the movement of air (wind)

The role of wind in nature and human life.

Determination of wind direction and strength

Candlelight Experience "How the Wind Is Born"

"Devices - helpers"

Introduce the thermometer: what it is used for, how it works. Air temperature measurement.

Establishing a connection: cooling leads to changes in flora and fauna

Sketching the signs of autumn

Experiments: measuring the temperature of air, snow, water with a thermometer.

Consultation for parents "Window to nature".

"What you can do with your child while walking"

"Winter phenomena in inanimate nature"

Clarify winter phenomena in inanimate nature: cold, cold, gusty wind blows.

Winter natural phenomena in Moscow (cold, long winter, etc.)

Observing seasonal phenomena in winter: changing the position of the sun.

Experiments "Sun height, temperature, shadow length"

Watching a tutorial video

Camping in the woods

"Winter kingdom"

Clarify seasonal changes in nature, the dependence of changes in wildlife on changes in inanimate nature.

To cultivate a respect for the world around us

The beauty of the winter forest.

Recognize the footprints of forest dwellers in the snow.

Didactic game "Whose trace?" Observing plants in winter.

Experiments "Winter twigs"

Drawing "Winter Kingdom"

Topic 7. "Plants in winter"

- Learn to notice trees and shrubs without leaves;

To consolidate the diversity of plant species in nature: trees, shrubs, grasses — their characteristic features.

Difficulties in the existence of living things in Moscow

Distinguish trees and bushes by trunk, branches, bud characteristics.

Observing plants in winter.

Composing an ecological fairy tale "What do trees dream about in winter?"

Moisture-loving and drought-resistant plants. Light-loving and shade-tolerant plants

Show the dependence of the growth of indoor plants on conditions.

To give an idea of ​​moisture-loving and drought-resistant, light-loving and shade-tolerant plants.

Adaptation of plants to the climatic conditions of Moscow Region and Moscow

Caring for plants in a corner of nature

Experience: the influence of light, heat and water on plant life. Plants breathe, Plants release moisture.

Determine the correct care for plants at home.

Indoor plants - a living organism

Explain the concept of "indoor plants";

Recognize and name 5-6 indoor plants by shape, color of leaves, flowers, stems.

Adaptation of plants to the climatic conditions of Moscow Region and Moscow.

Houseplant care

Houseplant observation cycle

Group exhibition of drawings "My favorite houseplant"

Topic 8. "Animal world in winter"

- To consolidate the importance of external factors in the life of animals.

Clarify the nutrition of animals in winter, modes of movement, habitats.

Seasonal changes in animal life.

Compassion for animals.

Difficult living conditions during the cold season

Reading thin literature about the life of animals in the forest in winter, viewing pictures

Observing seasonal changes in nature

Watching the educational video "Natural Science for the Little Ones"

"Animals of cold countries"

Features of weather conditions in the Far North.

Adaptation of animals to the climatic conditions of the Middle zone (Moscow region and Moscow).

Reading thin literature on the climate of Central Russia

Demonstration material "Animals of the Middle Lane"

Watching the training video "Animals of the Middle Lane"

Why don't polar bears live in the forest?

Outline the law of nature: all animals live in the places to which they are adapted

Reading the book "Ecology in Pictures"

Game "Guess where I live"

Watching a tutorial video

"Animals of hot countries"

Adaptation of animals to life in natural conditions;

Give an initial idea of ​​the desert.

Adaptation of all living things to the weather conditions of the desert

Adaptation of animals to the climatic conditions of Moscow

Homework: pick up pictures of animals from hot countries

Demonstration material "Animals of hot countries".

Making the model "Animals of hot countries"

"Conversation about wintering birds"

Learn to recognize wintering birds by their appearance, behavior, and sounds.

Seasonal changes in bird life.

Feeding birds.

Birds of the nearest neighborhood

Didactic game for the classification of birds

Cycle of observations of wintering birds, bird feeding.

Application "Birds at the trough"

Topic 9. "Nature and Man"

- Teach children to notice seasonal changes in the life of animals;

Clarify the signs of domestic and wild animals.

The role of man in the life of pets

Homework: pick up a letter. about wintering of domestic and wild animals

Excursion to the park

Watching a tutorial video

Complex lesson "The cold winter will pass ..."

Generalization of children's knowledge about winter;

The dependence of all living things on environmental conditions.

Nature observation calendar

Visit to the exhibition "Winter landscapes". Learning poems and songs about winter.

Observation of inanimate nature.

Winter holiday

"Red Book of the Trans-Baikal Territory"

Respect for plants and animals;

Rules of conduct in nature.

Rare plants and animals of Moscow region and Moscow

Study of the "Red Book of the Moscow Region and Moscow

Excursion to the city museum of local lore

Watching a tutorial video

"My native land, reserved places"

To foster a respect for nature;

Protection of rare species of animals and plants.

Nature reserves of Moscow

Study of the "Red Book of the Moscow Region and Moscow"

Drawing (collective work) "The nature of the native land"

Topic 10. "Inanimate nature in spring"



"Spring phenomena in inanimate nature"

Teach children to notice an increase in the day and a shortening of the night;

Relationship with wildlife.

We meet spring.

Comparison of signs of winter and spring (in the model)

Observations on the topic "Influence of light, heat, water on the life of plants, animals"

Cleanup with parents

"We meet spring with cleanliness"

"Stones, sand, clay"

Clarify the knowledge of children: sand is loose, loose ...

Clay - density, plasticity, viscosity. Distinctive features of stones.

Natural resources of MO

Examining a collection of stones

Experiments to identify the properties of sand, clay, stones.

Modeling (manufacturing of various products) from clay.

"Excursion to the park"

Establishing connections and dependencies between changes in animate and inanimate nature.

The periods of the onset of spring in Moscow

Drawing up stories about spring based on reference pictures, diagrams.

Observation cycle "Awakening of nature"

Working with parents "Window to nature"

"Did you know?"

(popular wisdom)

Topic 11. "Plants in spring"

- To teach observation: buds swell, leaves and flowers appear, grass ...

Refine to see the variety of plant species in nature.

To cultivate an aesthetic attitude towards plants.

Vegetable world. Trees bloom: bird cherry, willow, poplar. The first flowers appear: snowdrops, dandelions

Comparison: tree - bush; bush - grass.

Observations of the state of plants at different times of the year.

Watching a tutorial video

"Take care of the primroses"

- Learn to recognize and name the first spring flowers by leaves and flowers.

- Clarify the role of plants in human life and the natural environment in general;

- Features of the structure and purpose of all organs

Rare, endangered plants of Moscow region and Moscow

Ways to save them.

Didactic game about flowers.

Cycle of observation of primroses.

Release of leaflets "Take care of primroses"

"Aibolit's green service: sowing seeds for seedlings"

- Consolidation of skills in caring for indoor plants.

- Dependence of plant growth on environmental conditions.

- Determination of good or bad condition of plants by external signs, identification of missing conditions, methods of care that can fill them.

Diseases and pests of plants

"Garden on the Window". Sowing seeds for seedlings, diving seedlings. Caring for plants in the corner of nature.

Experiments with seeds.

Plant propagation (two sessions)

- Learn to transplant indoor plants.

- To acquaint with the methods of vegetative propagation of indoor plants (cuttings, mustaches, leaves)

Reproduction by shoots (geranium, begonia, fuchsia), cuttings (tradescantia, balsam), leafy cuttings (violet, sansevier), bushes (chlorophytum).

Transplanting indoor plants and sowing flower seeds for seedlings.

Observing the growth and development of transplanted plants.

Determination of plant health at home. Helping children of the younger group in caring for indoor plants.

Topic 12. "Fauna in the spring"

- Learn to notice the peculiarities of the life of animals in the spring.

- Clarify that changes in wildlife are associated with warming and the emergence of necessary conditions for the life of plants and animals

Reproduction of animals on the example of 1-2 species inhabiting the territory of the Moscow region and the city of Moscow

Watching the video "Wildlife" (growth and reproduction of animals)

Watching a pair of budgerigars during the hatching period

"About animals that are not loved"

- Acquaintance with some representatives of amphibians, reptiles. Their distinctive features.

- Clarify the meaning of external features in the life of animals.

To form an understanding of the importance of all types of animals in the region.

Homework: find information about the benefits of amphibians, reptiles.

Turtle watching.

Consideration of the terrarium model.

"We meet the birds"

- Improve knowledge about migratory birds;

- Clarify seasonal changes in the life of birds (nesting, hatching of chicks from eggs)

The first arrival of swifts, swallows, starlings ...; then waterfowl ducks, swans, geese.

Classification of birds: insectivorous, waterfowl, granivorous, carnivorous.

Observation of arriving birds, their behavior

Campaign "House for a starling". Installation of birdhouses on trees.

"When there are many or few animals in nature"

- Learn to notice the imbalance in nature.

- The relationship of forest inhabitants, food chains.

"Ecology in pictures", reading "Explosion without noise", "What to do with rabbits?"

Watching a tutorial video

"The sea is in trouble"

- Adaptation of wild animals to life in natural conditions;

- The relationship of modern man with nature;

- The facts of the negative impact of man on nature.

Observe the rules of conduct on bodies of water

Reading the book "Ecology in Pictures", "Why the Whales Died", "Oil in the Sea", the didactic game "Who Lives in the Sea?"

Viewing educational videos "Birds and Oil", "Oil River"

Drawing illustrations for read stories.

Topic13. "Nature and Man"

"Earth is a living planet"

- Life on Earth, general conditions for plants, animals and people.

- To cultivate a sense of pride for your planet: it is the only “living” planet in the solar system, is a common home for all living things, this house must be protected.

Reading fiction about the life of plants and animals in different ecosystems, the necessary living conditions. Didactic game "Where is whose home?"

Observations of living objects, necessary living conditions

Release of leaflets, posters "Let's Save Our Planet"

"We are responsible for those we have tamed"

- To acquaint with new information about the life of animals in the corner of nature, tell how to care for them.

- To generalize the idea that animals and plants are living beings and need certain living conditions that satisfy their needs.

- The need to create appropriate conditions close to natural.

Acquaintance of children with the life of animals in natural conditions.

Highlighting the rules for communicating with animals

The cycle of observations of animals. Excursion to the zoo.

Caring for the inhabitants of the natural corner.

Growing green forage.

"We are tourists"


- Strengthen the ability to behave in nature: do not break bushes and trees, do not leave garbage in resting places.

To consolidate environmentally competent and safe for human health behavior in nature

Production of signs "Protect nature"

Cooking, collecting the necessary things.

Operation "Caution, anthill!"

"This wonderful world of insects"

- Clarify the variety of insects.

- Seasonal changes in the life of insects.

Timing of awakening of insects: bees, beetles, butterflies, ants, mosquitoes.

Research activities on the topic "Search for insects in nature"

Insect observation cycle

Consultation "Why do children offend insects?"

Conversation about


- Learn to see seasonal changes in nature.

- The relationship between living and inanimate nature.

- Spring work in the garden, in the garden, in the field.

Keeping a local nature calendar.

Reading fiction about spring

A cycle of observations of seasonal changes in nature, the life of plants and animals

Labor in the children's garden and plot


(model of the expected result for educational tasks)

Children will know:

    On ecological systems (forest, meadow, reservoir, city).

    About three stages of development of living organisms.

    On the natural and climatic zones of the Earth and the city of Moscow (MO).

    On the peculiarities of the appearance of plants and animals, depending on the habitat (forest, tundra, taiga, steppe).

    On the adaptability of plants and animals to living conditions, including in the Far North.

    On the role of man in maintaining relationships in nature.

Children will have views:

    About the ratio of air, water and land on Earth.

    About the solar system and its planets.

    About the peculiarities of the appearance of plants and animals living in different natural zones.

    About the origin of life on Earth.

Children will be able to:

    Using models to establish the relationship of plants and animals with living conditions in different natural zones.

    Conduct experiments and experiments independently and with the help of an adult and draw conclusions.

    Explain environmental dependencies.

    Establish causal relationships between the state of the environment and the life of living organisms.

Diagnostic toolkit

for children 5-7 years old

on environmental development.

PRIMARY DIAGNOSTICS (beginning of the school year)

1. Ideas about nature.

Task number 1.

Target. Reveal the nature of the child's ideas about the signs of the living; find out if the child has an idea of ​​the needs of living organisms, the conditions for life.

Material. 7 - 8 pictures depicting objects of animate and inanimate nature; objects created by man: plant, animals (bird, fish, insect, animal), sun, car, plane.

Methodology. Individual conversation with the child. The child is invited to choose objects of wildlife from a set of pictures. After that, the following questions are asked:

- How did you guess that all this is alive?

- Why do you think that (the object is called) is alive?

- What is needed (called an object) for a good life? What cannot he live without?

Task number 2.

Target. Find out if the child has an idea about the diversity of plants, places of their growth.

Material. Didactic game "What grows where?"

Methodology. The game "What, where is it growing?" Is played with the child.

Task number 3.

Target. Find out if the child knows the parts of plants and their functions.

Material. Diagnostic Worksheet 1.


Task number 4.

Target. Find out if the child has an idea about the stages of plant growth.

Material. Diagnostic task worksheet 2.

Methodology. The child is asked to complete the task and give an explanation.

Task number 5.

Target. Reveal the child's idea of ​​the diversity of animals and their habitats.

Material. Large didactic paintings: forest, meadow, reservoir, village courtyard; pictures with images of animals: 3 - 4 birds, fish, insects (beetle, dragonfly, butterfly, fly), frog, 3 - 4 types of domestic and wild animals.

Methodology. The child is invited to name the animals, place them on the paintings, depending on their habitats and justify their choice.

Task number 6.

Target. Reveal the child's ideas about the purpose of the main body parts of animals.

Material. Diagnostic Worksheet 3.

Methodology. The child is asked to complete the task and explain his choice.

Task number 7.

Target. Find out if the child has an idea of ​​seasonal changes in the life of plants, animals, humans.

Material. Subject pictures with images of the seasons and types of labor of people in different seasons of the year.

Methodology. An individual conversation with the child is carried out according to the plot pictures:

- What time of year is it?

- Why do trees look like this?

- How does the life of animals change (called the season)?

Task number 8.



- What living creatures do you like to meet? Why?

Task number 9.


Material. Pictures with images of examples of correct and incorrect behavior of children in nature.

Methodology. Individual conversation with the child:

2. Attitude towards nature.

Task number 1.

Target. Reveal the nature of the child's relationship to nature.


Task number 2.



- How did you know that?

- Would you like to help him?

(labor in nature).



CONTROL DIAGNOSTICS (end of the school year)

1. Ideas about nature.

Task number 1.

Target. Reveal the nature of the child's ideas about the signs of living and integrity as the most important condition for the life of an organism.

Material. 6 pictures with images of objects of wildlife (animals, plants, people), 2 - with images of objects of inanimate nature (sun, rain), 2 - with images of objects created by man (car, plane).

Methodology. From the presented pictures, the child is invited to choose pictures with the image of a living. After that, the following questions are asked:

- How did you know that all this is alive?

- Why do you think that (the plant, animal is called) is alive?

- Tell us what ... (called an animal, plant, person)?

- Why are we needed (parts and organs are called)?

- Will (the object is called) be able to live without (the parts and organs are called)? Why?

Task number 2.

Target. Reveal the nature of the child's ideas about the habitat of specific plants and animals.

Material. Diagnostic Worksheet 4.

Methodology. The child is invited to complete the task and give explanations to it.

Task number 3.

Target. Find out the child's understanding of the relationship between the living environment of living beings and the features of their structure.

Material. Diagnostic Worksheet 5.

Methodology. The child is asked to complete the task and explain his choice.

Task number 4.

Target. Reveal the child's knowledge about the main groups of plants and animals.

Material. Diagnostic Worksheet 6.

Methodology. The child is asked to complete the task and explain his choice.

Task number 5.

Target. Reveal the child's ideas about the composition of ecosystems.

Material. Diagnostic Worksheet 7.

Methodology. The child is asked to complete the task and explain his choice.

Task number 6.

Target. Reveal the child's ideas about the stages of growth of familiar plants and animals, about the cyclical nature of growth and development at each stage.

Material. Diagnostic Worksheet 8.

Methodology. The child is asked to complete the task and explain his choice.

Task number 7.

Target. Determine the child's ideas about seasonal changes in the life of living beings.

Material. Subject pictures with images of the seasons.

Methodology. An individual conversation with the child is conducted.

- What time is shown?

- How have plants and animals adapted? Why do you think so?

- What are people doing this time of year?

Task number 8.

Target. To study the peculiarities of the child's understanding of the value of natural objects.

Methodology. An individual conversation with the child is carried out:

- Do you love animals and plants?

- What living creatures do you like to meet and which ones you don’t? Why?

- What are animals and plants for?

- Can people live without animals and plants? Why?

- Can people live without other people? Why?

Task number 9.

Target. Reveal the child's ideas about the norms of attitudes towards living things.

Material. Didactic game "Take care of the living" (a set of pictures with images of examples of literate and illiterate behavior of children in nature).

Methodology. An individual conversation is conducted using the pictures:

- What did the boy (girl) do? Why?

- What would you do in his place?

- What good deeds did you do for plants, animals, people?

2. Attitude towards nature.

Task number 1.

Target. Reveal the nature of the child's attitude to animals, plants and peers in natural conditions.

Methodology. Observing the attitude of children towards living objects in a group, on a site, during walks and excursions.

Task number 2.

Target. To study the peculiarities of a child's attitude to animals and plants in specially created conditions.

Methodology. Observation of the child's attitude to the inhabitants of the living corner is carried out. Special conditions are created in which the child will have to make a choice of activities - either with natural objects or other activities. At the same time, there are some of the living creatures in the office that need help (animals - in feeding; plants - in watering), for which the necessary funds have been prepared, and materials for engaging in other activities (drawing, playing, etc.). Two children are invited to the study, and each of them is invited to do what he wants. If the child himself does not know about the need to help a living person, you can attract his attention with the help of leading questions:

- How do you think a living object feels?

- How did you know that?

- Would you like to help him?

- Why do you want to help him?

3.Ability to carry out activities with natural objects

(labor in nature).

Target. Reveal the child's ability to take care of plants.

Methodology. The child is asked whether he would like to take care of indoor plants or not, and they ask him to explain why it is necessary to care for the plant. After obtaining consent, the child is offered:

- choose a houseplant that needs care, explaining your choice;

- tell about the sequence of plant care;

- directly take care of.

List of learning tools

    Technical training aids:

- music Center,


- notebook

Educational videos, music library:

    Electronic materials:

    "Organization of work in the summer" No. 2 2010 (series: methodological support)

    "Seasons" verses by Russian poets about nature)

    "Subject-spatial environment of the kindergarten" (attachment w-la "Hoop", 2012)

    "Summer is a small life" (supplement w-la "Hoop", 2012)

    "Kindergarten Projects: Education for Sustainable Development" (supplement zh-la "Hoop", 2012)

    "On the way to the holiday" supplement j-la "Hoop", 2012)

    "Thematic days" (attachment w-la "Hoop", 2012)

    "Whether in the garden, in the garden: games, experiments, creativity" supplement w-la "Hoop", 2012)

    "Sand fantasies" (attachment w-la "Hoop", 2012)

    "Nature and Fantasy" (supplement w-la "Hoop", 2011)

    "Ecological holidays in kindergarten" (attachment w-la "Hoop", 2011)

    "Environmental Games" (supplement w-la "Hoop", 2011)

    "Trees are our friends" LLC Linka-Press, N. Ryzhova

    “Sounds, Voices and Noises of the World Around”, issue No. 1

    "" The story of animals "(LLC KOM-Media)

    "Amazing Experiments" (supplement w-la "Hoop", 2011)

    "Secrets of Nature" (supplement w-la "Hoop", 2010)

    "Transbaikalia exotic" (Creative group "Moscow tract", State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Chita)

    "National Geography": No. 1,3,6 (scientific and publicistic videos)

    "ABC of road safety" (creative association "Masks")

    "Lessons of Caution" (creative association "Masks")

    "Underwater fantasy" (underwater filming)

    "Geography for the smallest" (LLC "BERG SOUND")

    "Your first animals" (LLC "BERG SOUND")

    "Children about animals" (BBC:Nature)

    " Land" " (BBC:Nature)

    Teaching and visual aids:

- Schemes: "The water cycle in nature", "The air envelope of the Earth", "The movement of the Earth around the Sun"

- Pictures: "Birch Grove", "Anthill", "Web", "Seabed", "Coral reefs"

- Demos and dynamic models

- Environmental signs "How to behave in the forest"

- Dummies - mushrooms, berries, vegetables, fruits, insects

- Maps: of the world, hemispheres, Russia, Trans-Baikal Territory

- Games-diagrams "Desert", "North Pole"

- Typesetting canvas: "Red Book"

- Mobile canvas "Who lives in the river?"

- Posters: "Terrain plan", "Orientation by natural objects", "Tundra", "Forest-steppe", "If you want to be healthy", "Dental care rules", "How to preserve eyesight", "Respiratory organs", "Organs digestion "

- Nature calendars (wall, desktop)

- Models "TRIZ", "Pets", "Wild animals", "What plants need", "Caring for indoor plants", etc.

- Didactic games to familiarize children with nature

- The globe

    Equipment and materials.

- Inventory for the care of living objects

- Table with containers for water and sand

- Equipment for the game "Let's go camping"

- Magnetic board with magnets

- Subject toys

- Feeder with images of birds on stands

- Chalk drawing boards

- Handouts (snowflakes, leaves, chips, etc.)

- Magic wand

- Assistant devices: tripod, table lamp, hairdryer, fan, magnifiers, microscopes, magnets

- containers

- Natural materials: sand, water, clay, soil, stones, down and feathers, fruits, saw cuts and tree leaves, sawdust, chalk, bark, minerals

- Bulk products: flour, starch, sugar, salt, coffee, tea, soda

- Containers of different capacities: spoons, shovels, various dishes, jars, sticks, funnels, sieve, filters (cotton wool, napkins, gauze), vessels made of various materials (plastic, glass), different volumes and shapes.

- Dyes: food, gouache, watercolor.

- Auxiliary materials: balloons, candles, transparent glass, ribbons, paper strips, paper snake, cellophane bags, centimeter, fan.


1. Plan - the program of the pedagogical process in kindergarten: Methodological manual for kindergarten teachers / Comp. N.V. Goncharov and others; ed. PER. Mikhailova. - 2nd ed. - SPb: "Childhood-Press", 2008. - 255 p.

2. Organization of experimental activities of children 2-7 years old: thematic planning, recommendations, class notes / author-comp.

E. A. Martynova, I. M. Suchkova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2012 .-- 333 p.

3. Unknown nearby: Experiments and experiments for preschoolers / Ed. Dybina O.V. - 2nd ed., M .: TC Sphere, 2011 .-- 192 p.

4. Posvyanskaya N. P. Stones of the Earth / M., "Scriptorium" 2000

5. Posvyanskaya N. P. Planet Earth / M., "Scriptorium" 2000

6. Ryzhova N. A. Not just fairy tales ... Environmental fairy tales and holidays - M., Linka-Press, 2002 - 192 p.

7. Vinogradova NF, Kulikova TA Children, adults and the world around. - M .: Education, 1993 .-- 128 p.

8. Nifontova S. N., Gashtova O. A., Zhuk L. N. Cycle of developmental targeted and thematic excursions for children 4 - 7 years old. Study guide. - SPb .: LLC "Publishing house" DETSTVO-PRESS ", 2010. - 96 p.

9. Gulyants EK, Bazik I. Ya. What can be made from natural material: A guide for a teacher of children. garden. - M .: Education, 1984 .-- 175 p.,

10. Illustrations with plants: A guide for familiarizing preschoolers with plants: A guide for the teacher of children. garden. - M .: Education, 1981. 80s

11. The world of plants. Exercises to test and consolidate the knowledge of preschoolers when familiarizing themselves with the world around them. - Didactic material for classes with children 5-7 years old. - M .: "School press", 2009. - 96 p .: color. silt

12. The world of animals. Exercises to test and consolidate the knowledge of preschoolers when familiarizing themselves with the world around them. - Didactic material for classes with children 5-7 years old. - M .: "School press", 2009. - 96 p .: color. silt

13. Lavrentieva NG Environmental education of preschool children. - Moscow: Publishing house of ZabGPU, 2002.

The focus of the program: the "Rostochek" circle is ecological and biological in terms of content; functional purpose - educational and cognitive; by the form of organization - circle; in terms of implementation time - one year. The content of the circle was based on the program of N. A. Ryzhova "Our home is nature", which presupposes the formation of a system of elementary scientific ecological knowledge that can be understood by a preschooler (first of all, as a means of developing a consciously correct attitude to nature).

consists in the fact that the leading form of organization of the pedagogical process is an integrated lesson, in which several types of activity are realized simultaneously. The material is concretized for classes in the preparatory group of a kindergarten within the framework of a circle work on ecology.



Work plan for 2014-2015


Environmental focus


for older preschool children

6-7 years

Developed by the educator

D / s "Golden Key"

L. I. Kaneva

Thematic plan for 2013 - 2014


Month, week

Theoretical part

Practical part

"I and nature"

("House under a blue roof")


("The Sorceress - Water")

"Our Lesser Friends"


("Air is invisible")

"The sun"

"May there always be sunshine"

"Sand. Clay. Stones "

("What's under our feet")


"What's in the house - nature grows


("Who lives in the house - nature")


("Forest House")

"Human and nature"

("If you are human, behave humanly!")

"Labor in nature"

"Our favorite vegetable garden"


3 week

4 week


1 Week

2 week

3 week

4 week


1 Week

2 week

3 week

4 week


1 Week

2 week

3 week

4 week


2 week

3 week

4 week


1 Week

2 week

3 week

4 week


1 Week

2 week

3 week

4 week


1 Week

2 week

3 week

4 week


2 week

3 week

The whole summer period

(June August)

Introductory conversation "House under a blue roof"

To consolidate the idea of ​​nature and the environment, that a person (child) is a part of nature.

"Nature around us".

To form a respectful attitude towards the world around us, the ability to see the beauty of nature, to feel like a part of it, the desire to communicate with nature as often as possible.

"This sorceress is water"

Form an idea of ​​the evaporation of water, the formation of clouds, rainbows, dew, fog, fix the properties of water, various states

Experience "Rainbow in the room"

"Everyone needs water"

To consolidate ideas about the role of water in the life of terrestrial plants and various animals, economical use of water as a resource, to form environmentally competent behavior of a child in everyday life.

"Where does the Northern Sosva River run"

To acquaint with different types of reservoirs, with how rivers are formed; to form ecologically competent behavior while relaxing on the banks of reservoirs

To acquaint with the history of the holiday for the protection of animals, to consolidate knowledge about rare, endangered animals and plants, to find out why they need our protection, for which the Red Books have been created, to consolidate knowledge about the rules of behavior in nature

"Air around us"

To consolidate the properties of air, its importance in the life of a person and other living organisms

"The role of wind in the life of living organisms and humans"

To acquaint with the spread of plant seeds by the wind, the peculiarity of the structure of such seeds (seeds - parachutes and winged seeds)

"Air is the home of birds and animals"

To give an idea of ​​the air as a habitat for living organisms, to consolidate knowledge about flying animals (birds, insects, animals)

"Air, Wind and Man"

To form an understanding of the health hazards of polluted air, an understanding of the role of plants in air purification.

"The sun is a source of heat"

Introduce the temperature and how to measure it (thermometer)

"The role of the sun in human life"

Awareness by children of the meaning and role of the sun in the life of people, animals and plants

"Underground storage room"

To acquaint with minerals and their role in human life, for which oil and gas are extracted, lesson in the form of a conversation.

"Journey to the top of the mountain"

Tell about the Ural Mountains. What minerals are mined. Tell about the development of mountain tourism in our Berezovsky district

"What are sand and clay"

To acquaint with the features of sand and clay, compare how they differ

"Soil is a living land"

Introduce the soil as the top, fertile layer of the earth.

"Houses" of plants: meadow, forest, bog "

To acquaint with the plants of the native land growing in the forest, meadow, swamp, their adaptability to the environment, their role in human life

"Wild and cultivated plants"

To acquaint with the wild and cultivated plants of the native land and their role in human life.

"Sweet and sour, there are also poisonous"

To acquaint with medicinal and poisonous plants, the role of each organism in nature, their place in food chains, the rules for handling unfamiliar plants, to form the ability to distinguish between poisonous plants

"Great Travelers"

To generalize ideas about indoor plants, to give an idea of ​​light-loving and shade-tolerant plants, to consolidate the skills of caring for indoor plants

"Why do they disappear"

Formulate rules of behavior in relation to plants during outdoor recreation. Tell about some of the plants listed in the Red Book

"Parts of plants"

Reinforce knowledge about the different parts of the plant and their function

"Animals meadows, forests, reservoirs"

To acquaint with some of the animals living in the forest, in the meadow, in the reservoir, their adaptability to the habitat

"Predators and Herbivores"

Expand and deepen children's knowledge about wild animals, about their features and living conditions

"Animals and the Environment"

Show the relationship of the frog with the environment, pay attention to the appearance of the frog, explain how its body is adapted to the lifestyle and environmental conditions

"Bird's dining room"

Consolidate knowledge about wintering and migratory birds, teach them to take care of birds on their own

"The connection between animals and plants"To acquaint with the relationship between animals and plants using the example of V. Bianchi's fairy tale "Owl"

"Invisible threads of nature"

To acquaint with the relationship between animate and inanimate nature

"Spruce, pine forest their inhabitants"

To consolidate the idea that a tree is a "home" for animals, to show its connection with other plants, its significance for air purification, a role in human life

"Home Science"

Introduce the term "ecology", tell how environmental scientists are fighting for the preservation of nature; how people help nature

"How Man Uses Nature"

Introduce the expression "ecological disaster", how to avoid it

"May is a paradise for flowers"

Form an aesthetic perception of nature

Project "Young vegetable growers and flower growers"

Expand and form the knowledge of children about vegetables, medicinal plants growing on the site of the kindergarten,their values ​​for human health, to instill the simplest skills for caring for plants. Explain that you can eat vegetables and herbs grown in egologically favorable conditions.

Didactic game "Living - non-living",

"Nature and Man"

Memorizing the poem "What you can't buy"

Excursion to the autumn park, observation. Didactic game "Find what I will describe"

An outdoor game "Droplets are walking in a circle" with musical accompaniment

Learning the song "Droplets"

Excursion to the water intake

Experience "Everyone Needs Water"

Artistic creation "What is rich in our river" application collective.

Excursion to the Sosva river during freeze-up

Artistic creativity "My favorite animal" drawing with an unconventional method of poking

Experience "How to see the air"

Bubbles game

Didactic game "Know the tree by seeds" View the collection of seeds

View the presentation "Flying Animals"

Didactic game "Flies - does not fly"

Artistic creation "To keep the air clean"

Making a weather vane to determine the wind (work with parents)

Experiments with a thermometer

View the presentation "Do not take the sun away from children"


Reading Suteev's fairy tale "Visiting the Sun"

Show different types of refined oil,

Not cleaned. Watching the film "How oil is produced"

Experimenting with pebbles.

Examination of rock crystal products. View a presentation about mountain tourism

Experimenting with sand and clay

Experience "What soil inhabitants breathe"

Didactic game

"What grows where"

Learning p / and "We are walking by berries" "

View a presentation about cultivated and wild plants. Didactic game "Guess what kind of plant"

Didactic game "Find and name"

Ball game "Sweet, sour, poisonous"

Experience "The need for fertilizers for plant growth"

Plant care in the winter garden

Artistic creation "Don't pick a flower"

Memorizing the poem "If I pick a flower, if you pick a flower"


Didactic game

"Who is he and where does he live?"

Collective application "Fish living in our river"

Didactic game "In Search of Food"

Power supply chain drawing

D / game with cards N. A. Ryzhova "Development of the frog"

Didactic game "Set the frog"

Didactic game

"Letter to the Bullfinch"

Presentation "Our feathered friends"

Reading the fairy tale by V. Bianchi

Drawing up an ecological pyramid

Working with models

Artistic creation "How to protect forests" drawing by design

Didactic game "Who is friends with whom"

Excursion to the park, watching the pine trees while walking

Artistic creation "Save nature" Presentation "Take care of nature"


"The Tale of the Oil Fish"

Environmental action "Let's decorate the earth with flowers" planting flowers on the site of the kindergarten together with parents

Sowing seeds, observing how a sprout appears from a seed, taking care of seedlings, watering, loosening the soil, feeding plants with fertilizers, harvesting. Decorating the site, making crafts from plastic bottles and other materials together with parents. Reading oil on canvas, riddles, proverbs, poetry.

Plan-program of the ecological circle "Rostochek"

“Man became man when he heard the whisper of leaves

and the song of the grasshopper, the murmur of a spring brook and the ringing

silver bells in the bottomless summer sky, the rustle of snowflakes

and the howl of the blizzard outside the window, the gentle lapping of the wave and the solemn

silence of the night, - I heard, and holding my breath, listens to hundreds and thousands

years of wonderful music of life ".

V. A. Sukhomlinsky






Program participants, children - 6-7 years old

Implementation period - 1 year

L. I. Kaneva

The focus of the program: the "Rostochek" circle is ecological and biological in terms of content; functional purpose - educational and cognitive; by the form of organization - circle; in terms of implementation time - one year. The content of the circle was based on the program of N. A. Ryzhova "Our home is nature", which presupposes the formation of a system of elementary scientific ecological knowledge that can be understood by a preschooler (first of all, as a means of developing a consciously correct attitude to nature).

consists in the fact that the leading form of organization of the pedagogical process is an integrated lesson, in which several types of activity are realized simultaneously. The material is concretized for classes in the preparatory group of a kindergarten within the framework of a circle work on ecology.

Relevance of the program.The concepts of nature and man were once merged in the minds of people. The person felt the integrity of the world and considered himself a part of it. In our time, the relationship between man and nature has undergone changes. Environmental problems, which have become global today, affect the interests of every person, since the Earth is our common home. Their solution depends primarily on the level of consciousness of people, since it is a person who is responsible for all life on Earth. Formation in a child of a culture of consciousness, a culture of thinking, "ecological conscience" is nowadays an urgent task of ecological upbringing and education. To accomplish this task, it is necessary to give the child certain knowledge about nature, about the relationships in it, teach him to see its beauty and carefully, with love, treat all living things. Directly in contact with nature, the child develops observation and curiosity, forms an aesthetic perception of the world around him. And along with this, such moral qualities as kindness, mercy, love for nature are formed. In this regard, the program is focused on the all-round development of the child's personality, his unique individuality. Provides an opportunity to form ecological awareness, ecological feelings and ecological culture.

The pedagogical expediency of this program is explained by the fact that children of preschool age are fluent in only one way of cognition - capturing objects and events of the real world around them, therefore, in the process of environmental education, visual teaching methods are leading: observation and experiment. The practical use of these methods is carried out in two main directions:

The first is the entry into the children's memory bank of information about living nature (about the appearance and structure of objects, about their functioning, about the relationship with each other, etc.). Possessing figurative logical thinking, the child easily grasps the cause-and-effect relationships that exist in nature;

The second is to capture the environmentally friendly behavior of adults, primarily teachers and parents.

The program was developed taking into account modern educational technologies:

The principles of teaching (individuality, consistency, accessibility, humanity, scientific nature,)

Forms and methods of teaching (integrated teaching, classes, excursions, hikes)

Methods of control and management of the educational process (testing, analysis of results)

Means of teaching (didactic material - the manual "Understanding the World"; "Wild and Domestic Animals", "Wintering and Migratory Birds", "Trees and Shrubs", "Field, Garden, Indoor Flowers", "Seasons", "Animal and the flora of our land ”, audiocassettes“ Voices of Birds ”,“ Sounds of Nature ”, presentations on all topics.

This program contributes to the more effective development of children through the ecologization of the subject-developing environment, the creation of conditions for the child's everyday communication with nature both inside the preschool educational institution and outside it, as well as the creation of ecological educational complexes (living corners, model and artificial ecosystems), organization of environmental education for parents whose children attend kindergarten.

Purpose of the program:

1) to acquaint preschoolers with animate and inanimate nature;

2) to form the beginnings of the child's ecological culture, which manifests itself in an emotionally positive attitude towards nature, the world around him, in a responsible attitude towards his health and the state of the environment, in observing certain moral norms, in a system of value orientations.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of interrelated tasks in the field of education, upbringing and development of the child:

1) Clarify, systematize and deepen knowledge about plants, animals, natural phenomena.

2) To form knowledge about the vital manifestations of man, animals, plants (nutrition, growth, development).

3) To form an idea of ​​cause-and-effect relationships within the natural complex.

5) Develop an emotionally friendly attitude in the process of communicating with living objects.

6) Create a need to take care of the ecological cleanliness of your yard, kindergarten site, group, village.

7) To form the child's awareness of himself as an active subject of the surrounding world.

8) Form a habit of using natural resources rationally

9) Develop the ability to properly interact with nature.

10) To cultivate a humane attitude towards people.

11) Develop interest in the world around you.

12) To form an aesthetic attitude to the surrounding reality.

The program is developed based on the principles of environmental education:

Scientificness ... The scientific principle presupposes the acquaintance of preschoolers with a set of elementary environmental knowledge, which serve as the basis for the formation of motivation for the child's actions, the development of cognitive interest, and the formation of the foundations of his worldview.

Availability ... The principle of the availability of material for a child of a certain age is extremely important and closely associated with the principle of scientific character. Accessibility also presupposes the significance of the acquired knowledge for the child, their emotional coloring. In teaching preschoolers, one should not use scientific terms, although the content of some of them can be explained in an accessible and attractive form.

Regionalism ... In the work on familiarization with the outside world, it is necessary to take into account the regional component (the nature of the native land, folk traditions, local history)

Integration. The tasks of cognitive development are most effectively solved in the case of an integrated approach.For more successful assimilation of the material, it is advisable to use such forms of work as integrated lessons, experimenting, watching videos, presentations, reading fiction

Humanity ... This principle is primarily associated with the concept of ecological culture. From the perspective of education, its application means the formation of a person with new values, who owns the basics of a culture of consumption, who cares about their health and who wants to lead a healthy lifestyle. Environmental education is closely related to the development of a child's emotions, the ability to sympathize, wonder, empathize, take care of living organisms, perceive them as brothers in nature, be able to see the beauty of the world around them, and the entire landscape, and an individual flower, a drop of dew, a little spider.

Activity. Environmental knowledge should help a child understand what needs to be done in order to preserve the environment around him and his loved ones. He must necessarily take part in feasible environmentally oriented activities.

Integrity. This principle is closely related to the previous one and is inherent in preschool environmental education. It reflects, first of all, the child's holistic perception of the world around him and his unity with the natural world.

Consistency The sequence of assimilation of knowledge is important, when “each subsequent forming idea or concept follows from the previous one”. The principle of consistency also contributes to the mental development of children in general.

Distinctive features are that the program is based on the principle of intellectual and emotional principles in environmental education. A significant place is occupied byresearch- carrying out the simplest experiments, observations. They are unusual for children. The main thing is that children are directly involved in research activities, and some experiments are carried out completely independently.

Research work helps to develop the child's cognitive interest, his thinking, creativity, the ability to think logically, to generalize. The structure of the program includes two educational blocks: theory and practice. All educational blocks provide not only the assimilation of theoretical knowledge, but also the formation of practical experience. The methodology for organizing theoretical and practical lessons can be presented as follows: in the classroom, children get acquainted with living and inanimate nature. The mastering of the material mainly occurs in the process of practical creative activity. In order to bring children 6-7 years old to the development of theoretical material, methods are proposed: working with models, natural history contests and holidays, solving problem situations, observations and experiments, experiments, practical activities in nature. Environmental education is conducted unobtrusively, with pleasure and sincere interest, both for children and teachers.

Number, age of program participants:

The number of children in the circle is 12 people. The age of children is 6-7 years old. As you know, in preschool age, the right-brain type of cognitive activity prevails, children are not able to independently grasp the general laws of natural phenomena, draw conclusions about a person's place in nature, about his responsibility for all life on earth, therefore classes are built taking into account the visual-effective and visual figurative perception of the world by the child. Great importance is attached to the leading form of activity of preschoolers - play (role-playing, mobile, independent games of ecological and natural history content).

So, transforming games aimed at developing empathy for animals, plants, objects of inanimate nature in the child help to develop positive emotions in relation to nature. Of great importance in environmental education is alsoresearch activities- conducting experiments, observations. In the learning process, it is desirable to use all the child's senses, not just hearing and sight. To do this, the child has the opportunity to touch, smell the objects around him and even taste them, if it is safe to do so. The development of the emotional sphere is of great importance. A child in preschool age shows a great interest in nature, he is characterized by a holistic perception of the world around him, which is very important for environmental education. In general, an integrated approach seems to be the most effective in environmental education, which presupposes the interconnection of research activity, music, visual activity, physical culture, play, literature, modeling, that is, the ecologization of various types of child's activities. Much attention is paid to the communication of children with nature: with trees, birds, insects in the nearest park, in the forest, on the territory of a preschool institution. Such observations are based on sensory perception of environmental objects. The child needs to smell the grass after the rain or rotten foliage in the fall, to hear the birdsong, so we provide excursions at any time of the year.

In children of this age, it is important to develop humane personality traits: responsiveness, kindness, sensitivity, responsibility for nature, for all living things, which makes a person spiritually rich, able to recognize the connection with nature and other people. Direct perception of natural objects, their diversity, dynamics emotionally affect children, cause them joy, delight, surprise, thereby improving aesthetic feelings.

This program is aimed at older preschool children, takes into account the age and psychological characteristics of their perception and knowledge of nature.

Forms of classes:

The main ones are complex, collective;

Ecological excursions at the site;

Setting up and conducting experiments;

Ecological holidays;

Games and entertainment;

The form of classes can be defined as the creative circle activity of children.

It is important to conduct classes on this program with children, both indoors and outdoors. Communication with nature is a great joy for children. After all, they see the world in their own way, in all the variety of colors, smells, sounds, their hearts are open to the perception of beauty. And this first acquaintance with the world of nature, its forest inhabitants, can be carried out in the form of games, fairy tales, riddles that are fascinating for children.

Activities conducted in nature (excursions, walks) are very useful and necessary for children. Fresh air, the beauty of the surrounding nature has a very beneficial effect on the health of children. These classes develop their physical capabilities, endurance, teach the ability to overcome obstacles.

When communicating with nature, children become kinder, more harmonious, feelings of friendship and mutual help are brought up in them.

During environmental studies, they learn to observe the phenomena of nature, their changes over time. This develops their attention, observation, imagination. Children also learn the first rules of behavior in the forest, learn to follow the law “do no harm”.

The collection of natural material is organized and carried out for further creative work with it. Environmental tasks that are feasible for children are also being fulfilled, such as, for example, cleaning the park and forests from garbage. Such work contributes to the education in children of a sense of responsibility for the safety of the surrounding nature, a careful attitude towards it.

Occupation mode:

Classes are held 2 times a week in the afternoon, lasting 35 minutes according to the SANPIN standards.

Conditions for the implementation of the program.

For the effective implementation of this program in the kindergarten, favorable conditions have been created:

Organized "ecological space" in the premises of the kindergarten: group corners of nature, selected and placed plants in accordance with their biological characteristics; on the territory of the garden: and a vegetable garden.

Fund of methodical, visually - illustrated materials.

The developing ecological environment is represented in the group by the following centers:

"Corner of nature", calendar of nature, model of the calendar of nature, corner of flowers, various containers (watering cans; buckets; plastic, bottles of various colors), funnels, natural material (cones, stones, moss, pieces of bark and wood). It also organizes exhibitions of works by children themselves, performed in various techniques.

Terms of implementation: the program is designed for 1 year of teaching children.

Expected results and how to test them.

By the age of seven, the child:

● Will know the animal and plant worlds, the role of man in nature, will be able to distinguish and name plants, shrubs, trees, houseplants.

● Children will be able to explain ecological dependencies, they will be humane to all living things, and they will learn the correct behavior in the natural environment. Children learn to care for plants and animals.

● Get acquainted with the main ecological holidays, "World Animal Protection Day - October 4» "World Environment Day", "April 1 - International Bird Day", "April 22 - International Earth Day"

Summing up the results of mastering this program is carried out in the following forms of control: 1) incoming diagnostics: an interview in order to identify the educational level of students, their interests and abilities when entering the circle. 2) current control: - observation of the fulfillment of tasks, the requirements of the teacher, the rules of behavior in nature; - exhibitions of students' creative works. 3) final control: - participation in exhibitions, holidays: "Autumn Harvest", "Around a Living Christmas Tree", "Nature is Our Home," "Happy Birthday, Yugra!", "We love our native nature!" and others, - final diagnostics.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the program:

It is carried out by comparing the results of the incoming (at the beginning of the work) and the final diagnostics. Expected results and how to test them.

Explanatory note

The “Rostochek” circle has an environmental focus, which is determined by the special relevance of environmental education in modern conditions. Environmental problems are global in nature and affect all of humanity. At the present stage of development of society, the issue of environmental education is becoming especially acute. The main reason for this is total environmental irresponsibility. In this regard, it is necessary to pay more attention to the ecological education of preschoolers.

Preschool childhood is the initial stage in the formation of a person's personality, his value orientation in the world around him. During this period, a positive attitude towards nature, towards the "man-made world", towards oneself and towards the people around is laid.

The main content of environmental education is the formation of a consciously correct attitude towards natural phenomena and objects that surround him, and with which he gets acquainted in preschool childhood.

The content of the circle was based on the program of N. A. Ryzhova "Our home is nature", which implies the formation of a system of elementary scientific environmental knowledge that can be understood by a preschooler (first of all, as a means of developing a consciously correct attitude to nature).

The purpose of the environmental circle

Upbringing from an early age of a humane, socially active, creative person, able to understand and love the world around him, nature and take care of them.


Enrich children's knowledge about the natural world and ways of communicating with it;

To form the ability and desire to preserve nature and, if necessary, provide assistance to it, as well as skills in elementary environmental protection activities in the immediate environment;

Develop a cognitive interest in the natural world;

Develop ecological thinking and creative imagination in the process of experimental and research activities;

To bring up a humane, emotionally positive, careful, caring attitude towards the natural world and the world around us in general.

Form of organization of classes

The circle is designed for 1 year. Classes are held once a week. The duration is 25-30 minutes. Number of children 10 -12

Methodological support

The program "Our home is nature" N. A. Ryzhov.

1. N. A. Ryzhova "Our home is nature." Block of classes "I and nature" - M .: "KARAPUZ - DIDAKTIKA", 2005

2. N. A. Ryzhova “What's under our feet: Block of classes“ Sand. Clay, stones "- M .:" KARAPUZ - DIDAKTIKA ", 2005

3. A. A. Pleshakov "From earth to sky: atlas - determinant" - M .: Education, 2010

4. O.V. Dybina, N.P. Rakhmanova, V.V. Shchetinin. Unknown nearby - M .: TC "Sphere", 2001.

5. L.V. Kovinko. The secrets of nature are so interesting! - M .: 2004