Plan summary of work activity in the senior group. Plan-outline of the lesson (senior group) on the topic: Summary of the lesson on labor activity, senior group “Let's help Fedora

Drawing up notes of classes for preschoolers

Dmitrieva Olga Ivanovna,

Teacher of Pedagogy and Psychology at OAOU SPO

"Astrakhan Social and Pedagogical College"

The presented material describes in detail the specifics of compiling abstracts for various types of activities:

    plan-summary of labor activity;

    plan-summary of game activity;

    plan-summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world.

Drawing up a plan-outline for conducting labor activities with children

There are four types of child labor:

    Self-service (work aimed at meeting everyday personal needs);

    Household work (cleaning a group room, site);

    Labor in nature (caring for plants and animals in a corner of nature, in a flower garden, in a vegetable garden, in a garden);

    Manual labor (work with paper, fabric, natural material, waste material, etc.)

    Work is carried out in three forms:

    Orders (simple and complex, long-term and short-term, episodic and permanent).

    Duty (in the dining room, in the classroom, in the corner of nature).

    Collective work (general and joint).

    Starting to draw up a summary, you should consider the use of all types and forms. (Since manual labor is used from the older group and requires a lot of preparation, it should be planned in the afternoon).

Sample planning

Junior group

The first half of the day

Reception of children.

A simple errand in a corner of nature.

A simple assignment for household work (during preparation for breakfast, lunch).

Between classes.

A simple self-service errand.



A simple self-service errand.

A simple assignment for household work (during preparation for afternoon tea and dinner).

middle group

The first half of the day

Reception of children.

Collective assignment in a corner of nature.

Canteen duty.

Between classes

A simple self-service errand.

Duty for classes (second half of the year).


Collective assignment for household work.


General collective household labor or labor in nature.

Joint manual labor with the teacher (assignments).

Canteen duty.

Senior group

The first half of the day

Reception of children.

Duty in a corner of nature.

Individual order for self-service.

Canteen duty.

Between classes.

Occupational duty.


Collective assignment for household work.

General collective labor in nature.


General collective household labor or labor in nature or manual labor.

Canteen duty.

Self-service instructions.

preschool group

The first half of the day

Reception of children.

Duty in a corner of nature.

Individual order for self-service.

Canteen duty.

Between classes.

Collective self-service assignment.

Occupational duty.


Joint collective or general household work, labor in nature.


Joint or common collective household labor or labor in nature or manual labor.

Canteen duty.

Self-service instructions.

The outline plan is drawn up according to the following scheme

Time in day mode

Type of labor activity, form of organization

Program content



When planning work activities in different age groups, the following recommendations for its organization should be taken into account:

I. Organization of the task. Organizing a work task, the educator solves two groups of tasks:

a) the child should be taught to perform the task, that is, to accept the task, master labor skills, achieve the goal;

b) to cultivate the necessary moral and moral-volitional qualities.

II. Formulation of the problem. The educator makes the child want to be willingly involved in labor activity.

Younger age: the educator himself starts the work and offers to continue it, showing what specific actions they should perform. Praise children.

Middle age: forms of offer and demand alternate. The task is motivated. The desire of the child to be involved in work is assessed.

Older age: the educator puts the child in the condition of the necessary fulfillment of the task.

III. Consolidation of work skills(instructions to guide the process of labor of children).

Younger age: the educator works together with the children, the work is accompanied by explanations, showing interest in the child's activities, assessing the intermediate result.

Middle age: the educator is convinced of the availability of skills, their lasting assimilation. This determines the level of his participation, is present at the work of children until its completion.

Older age: the teacher is not always nearby, but control is required, evaluates intermediate results.

IV. Completion of work and achievement of the result of the activity.

Younger age: attention is drawn to the result and meaning of the activity, the quality of work is positively assessed.

Middle age: it is told what they did and why, correct answers are encouraged, those qualities that helped the child cope with the task are evaluated (it is good to use theatrical bibabo toys in the analysis).

Older age: the teacher asks the children themselves how they evaluate the result, analyzes the qualities shown by the child.

Proverbs and sayings about work

Boring day until evening, if there is nothing to do.

Lion, open the door! You will burn! - Even if I burn, I won't open it.

If you want to eat kalachi, don't sit on the stove.

One collects, the other yawns.

Do not work hard, and bread will not be born.

The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.

Work until you sweat, and eat on the hunt!

White hands love other people's works.

His laziness has made a nest in his bosom.

To eat a fish, you have to get into the water.

The ant is not great, but it digs mountains.

What goes around comes around.

Without taking up the ax, you will not cut down the hut.

You can’t stretch out your hands, so you won’t get it from the shelf.

Patience and a little effort.

One with a bipod - seven with a spoon.

Things went smoothly - and he himself is happy with it!

He promised - he did, he gave his word - keep it.

Hurry up and make people laugh.

Without excitement and care, there is no joy from work.

I call a lot, but little sense.

When there is no agreement among the comrades, their business will not go well.

Seven times measure cut once.

Sample abstract of work for the senior group in the afternoon

Time in day mode:15.00-15.20

Type of labor activity, form of organization:Self-service (errands).

Program content: To form the ability to dress independently. Learn to notice and fix problems on your own. Continue to learn how to use politeness formulas correctly.

Equipment: mirror.

: Children, what kind of person can be said to be polite? (A polite person always thanks for the help, greets at a meeting, says polite words). And when can you be called polite?

We use polite words when we come to kindergarten and when we leave home, and also when we meet friends.

And now, please, check everything and fix your hair.

What do we do with a comb?

We do Tanya's hair.

Hair to hair - braid,

Every girl is beautiful!

What do we do with a comb?

Vite doing hair.

Vitya looks in the mirror:

No vortices - nice view.

Children are invited to admire the hairstyles.

Time in day mode: 15.20 -15.30.

household work (canteen duty).

Program content: teach children to independently and conscientiously fulfill the duties of dining room attendants: set the table, clean the dishes.

Equipment: aprons for attendants.

Well done kids, you all did your best. Now we are washed, combed and smart. Do we have real hostesses? Who is on duty today? Remind them how to properly set the table. (Napkins are placed in the center of the table. Glasses, plates are arranged according to the number of children at the table. Cutlery is laid out on individual napkins).

Educator. Now you can go set the table. Then we will see and evaluate the work of the attendants. We put a vase with flowers on the most beautiful table, and vases with twigs on other tables. What a beautiful group!

Children sit at tables.

Children, today we have a poppy seed bun and milk for an afternoon snack. Bon appetit, be careful, take your time.

Time in day mode: 15.30-15.50.

Type of labor activity, form of organization:"Cookie making" (collective household work.

Program content: Develop children's interest in cooking. To consolidate the methods of working with dough: rolling with a rolling pin, cutting out cookies with a mold. To form socially significant motives of work, the ability to work carefully, diligently, together.

Equipment: On tables pushed together are cutting boards and rolling pins, dough cutters, a bowl of dough in the middle, a bowl of eggs, knives, napkins.

Organizational and methodological instructions:- Let's guys prepare a treat for moms and dads today. We have already prepared everything for work, it remains only to make cookies from the dough. Let's work together. Wash your hands, put on your aprons, and let's get to work. I tell you how the dough was kneaded. First, we took flour, then poured in melted butter, put sugar, salt, soda, eggs and mixed everything well. It turned out a cool shortbread dough.

After that, I propose to roll the sausage out of the dough and divide it into four parts. I remind you that the dough should be rolled out in a thin layer so that the cookies are quickly baked and tasty. Show and tell how to cut cookies with a cookie cutter. Then I invite the children to start making cookies. I remove unnecessary items from the tables and put a baking sheet that needs to be greased with oil. I ask the children why this should be done? (So ​​that they don’t stick.) I remind you that you need to put cookies on them tightly to each other. At the end of the work, I instruct one of the children to grease the cookies with yolk.

Summing up, I read the poem:

We took a glass of water

Poured into a bowl

And then the testicle was beaten

Slightly salted.

We sifted the flour

The dough was kneaded.

Rolled out the dough with a rolling pin

And circles began to be made.

Not! We weren't kidding at all.

We made cookies!

Now what should be done? (Take the trays to the kitchen to bake the cookies.) How do chefs know when they're done? (That's right, a pleasant smell will go, and the cookies will be covered with a golden crust). At the end of the work, I remind you that you need to put everything in order, wash your hands, prepare to receive guests on the site.

Time in day mode: 16.30-17.00.

Type of labor activity, form of organization. To collective household work on cleaning the site.

Software content. Improve your ability to dress yourself. Cultivate neatness, the desire to monitor their appearance. Show respect for things, provide mutual assistance, show humane feelings towards each other. To consolidate the concepts: inside out, face, outside, inside, front, back.

To teach children to participate in the organized work of a peer group. Develop relationship skills, the habit of cleanliness and order. Strengthen the ability to plan activities, distribute responsibilities among themselves. To form in children the conviction of the social significance and necessity of domestic work. Fix actions with inventory.

Equipment: pictures with tasks, three panicles, two brooms, two scoops, stretchers, buckets, watering cans, rags.

Organizational and methodological instructions. I remind you of the rules for using tools. I draw attention to the prepared inventory and suggest taking with you three panicles, two brooms, two scoops, a stretcher, buckets, watering cans, rags.

I propose to get dressed, take equipment with you and go to the site.

The sun is walking in the sky

Congratulations on a clear day.

Rise up, baby

It's time to walk!

We will dress ourselves.

Gather for a walk.

The boys go to their lockers. I encourage each other to help each other fasten buttons, zippers, buckles, straighten collars, pull down dresses, etc. I draw attention to those who have already dressed, to what neat, clean, unwrinkled clothes they have. Helps children to conclude: whoever does not dirty things, carefully hangs them, takes care of them, he always looks beautiful and neat.

I remind you to bring your equipment.

Location on.

We pour sand from watering cans

And sweep the paths

Wipe the dust from all the benches,

And then let's go play.

The kids get to work. In the course of work, I give advice, help in organizing, remind the order of work.

We will collect papers in this bucket. To whom have we entrusted this task?

I observe the activities of children, I follow the actions of children in relation to each other.

Sasha will take a broom

And sweep the veranda.

With this cloth Natasha

Wipe the dust off the benches.

I encourage the guys, I help with advice and actions, I encourage them to help each other.

I see that Kolya and Vera have already watered the sand well. And now they will take the shoulder blades and rake it in a heap, and Sveta and Olya will help them.

At the end of the work, I ask you to clean up the workplace, rinse the rags, wipe the buckets, take the equipment to the group.

Drawing up a plan-outline for conducting gaming activities with children

The outline plan is drawn up according to the following scheme:

Time in day mode

Type, name of the game

Program content


Organizational and methodological instructions


Synopsis of game activities in the senior group in the afternoon (sample)

Time in day mode: 15.20-15.35.

Type, game name: Didactic game "Compare dolls".

Program content: To teach children to correlate objects with different characteristics, to use these characteristics when describing.

Equipment: Two dolls with different characteristics, two different balls.

Organizational and methodological instructions: At the beginning of the game, offer to consider two dolls and say how they differ. But first you need to name the dolls (One doll is Masha, the other doll is Natasha. Masha has blond and short hair, Natasha has dark and long hair. Masha has blue eyes, Natasha has black eyes. Natasha is in a dress, and Masha is in trousers. Dolls have different clothes).

Then I say that the dolls wanted to play, they took .... (balls). Show me two balls. What is this ball? (Round, rubber, blue, small). What about the other ball? (Round, big, rubber, red). What can you do with balls? (throw, throw, catch). Okay, what else is possible, look what I'm doing (Toss, toss).

Okay, now look closely at the other ball. It is more than blue, but less than red. What is he?

He is average. Katya, repeat.

Let's tell you how Masha and Natasha played.

Masha and Natasha wanted to ... (play with the ball). One ball….. what? (One ball is red and big). Another ball…… (blue and small). Masha took... (red big ball). Natasha took ...... (blue small ball). How did they play with balls? What can you do with balls? (They threw, tossed, caught balls).

Then I tell how the dolls went for a walk. After listening to the story, I suggest Katya tell it together. I start sentences, Katya has to finish.

Once ....... (dolls went for a walk). And umbrellas ....... (forgotten at home). They hid……..(under a tree). The rain is over ....... (dolls go home). Doll Masha went ....... (along the wide road), and the Natasha doll ……… (along the narrow one).

Well done.

Time in day mode: 15.35-15.50.

Type, game name: Theatrical game "Merry Geese".

Program content: Learn to tell and act out the story. Develop the ability to act out dialogue in a relaxed manner.

Equipment: Toys, text of the r.n. song "Merry Geese".

Organizational and methodological instructions: I invite the children to sit on chairs standing in a semicircle. “Funny geese” suddenly appear on the table. I am reading a poem. I propose to highlight the roles, explain why the author called the geese funny? What else can be called geese. Children describe their grandmother.

Next, I propose to play a fairy tale for three children. Agree on who will be who. I read a poem, and the children speak on behalf of the hero and depict the action. At the end I praise the children, I ask the opinion of the audience. Next, we choose those who want to play the fairy tale again.

Time in day mode 15.40- 16.15.

Type, game name: Role-playing game "Polyclinic".

Program content: learn to select the costumes and attributes necessary for the game;

formulate the idea of ​​the game, plan the game; act with imaginary objects, use substitute objects; distribute roles and act according to the role assumed (by imitation); reflect the work of adults in the game, convey relationships between people.

Equipment: dolls, medical gown and cap, phonoscope, boxes for pills and vitamins, toy syringes and thermometers, cotton wool, bandages, spatulas.

Organizational and methodological instructions:

Organizing time. Guys, recently we read an interesting fairy tale by K. I. Chukovsky “Aibolit”. Remember who the doctor treated? What hurts the animals? How did the good doctor Aibolit treat them? Do you want to play Doctor game? Remember which doctors treat children. (children talk about the work of different doctors, nurses, receptionists.) Look carefully at the play corner: who will we have instead of children? That's right, dolls.

Story development. Look how sad they are. They must have gotten sick. We need to take them to the clinic. Who will be their parents? Who will take them to the doctors, to the clinic? Who will play the role of doctors? Who will be the nurse? Who will work at the register? I will be the chief doctor (I distribute roles.)

Good. If there (gesture towards the play corner) we have a house for dolls, then where will the clinic be? Why do you think so? Doctors will work here. What is the name of a doctor who treats flu and colds? Eyes? Ears? Teeth? Let's select items belonging to people of these professions. You need to equip medical offices. (Children playing the role of doctors put on white coats, take the appropriate medical instruments, sit down at the tables.)

You need to know which doctor to contact. Ask what hurts the doll. (Children playing the role of parents determine which doctor they take their children to.)

Reception starts at the clinic. Patients, take cards at the reception. Get in line with the doctor. You have to knock before entering the office. When you enter the office, say hello and tell us what hurts your daughter. (Children with dolls take a card at the reception and go to see a doctor)

Doctors, take your jobs. You need to listen carefully to patients, politely answer their questions, examine them, give recommendations, write out prescriptions, sick leaves, referrals for blood tests.

I watch the game closely. Playing the role of the chief physician, I develop the plot and monitor the observance of the rules of the game in accordance with the accepted role, showing each child the actions of medical specialists.

Game results. The clinic is closed: it's already late. Doctors, take off your gowns and put the medical equipment in its place. Parents, take the prescriptions and go to the clinic for pills and vitamins. Then you need to take the children home and put them to bed. Now we have complete order in the group, no one will even guess what we played. Tell me what did we play? What role did you play in the game? What were your characters doing? Did you like the game? Well done.

Time in day mode: 16.40-17.00.

Type, name of the game: Mobile game "Wolf in the ditch".

Program content: Continue to teach to play familiar outdoor games, bring them to the end, show initiative and creativity.

Equipment: In the middle of the clearing, across it, two parallel lines laid out with small sticks at a distance of 1 m from one another mark a ditch.

Organizational and methodical instructions. I invite the children to remember the rules of the game: “There is a driver in the ditch, he depicts a wolf. The rest of the players are goats. They live on one edge of the clearing. On the opposite edge of the clearing is a field in which goats graze. According to the teacher: “Goats, in the field, the wolf in the ditch - the players run in the field, jumping over the ditch along the road. The wolf must catch up with them ”We choose the wolf according to the counting rhyme. The children take their places. I remind the wolf: you are running in the ditch, trying to catch (assault) jumping goat children. I give the command: start the game. During the game, I make sure that those who have been touched step aside for a while. I say: "Goats, go home!" Everyone runs home, jumping over the moat along the way. I control the implementation of the rules: if a child gets his foot into the ditch, then he is also considered caught. After several runs, another driver is selected - a wolf, and the game starts again. I sum up the game: what do you think, who was the fastest wolf today, and who was the clumsy goat. We repeat the rules of the game.

Drawing up a plan-outline of a lesson on familiarization with others

When compilinglesson summaryshould be guided by the following sequence:

1. Type of lesson.

2. The topic of the lesson.

3. Program content (educational, educational, developmental tasks).

4. Preparing the teacher for the lesson.

5. Preparing children for the lesson (previous work).

6. Materials and equipment.

7. Organization of children in the classroom.

8. The course of the lesson. (It is drawn up in accordance with the lesson plan).

Summary of the lesson on familiarization with others in the younger group (sample)

1. Class type: The game.

2 .Topic:"Cat and dog".

3. Program content:

To consolidate children's knowledge about the appearance, about the habits of cats and dogs.

Vocabulary: activate the words cat-kitten, dog-puppy, cat, dog; learn to indicate the corresponding actions with verbs.

Raise the desire to participate in joint activities.

4. Preparing the teacher for the lesson: made a summary using the Program of education and training in kindergarten // Under. Ed. N.A. Vasilyeva, M., 2005, book. Gerbova V.V., Maksakov A.I. Classes on the development of speech in the second junior group of kindergarten: Book. for the teacher of children garden. - M .: 1986, Reader for the little ones. - M, .1996.

5. Preparing children for the lesson: Watching pets, showing and playing with cat and dog toys.

6. Equipment and didactic material: toys - cat, kitten, puppy, mouse; large, small bowls, 5-6 mugs large and small - for a child.

7. Organization of children in the classroom: free.


I.Organizational part: (0.5 min).

I tell the children: Today we will go to visit the pet cat and dog.

A cat appears.

Who meets the cat?

This is who meets mom With a ringing song "meow-meow"? (What a thin voice!) This is a red-haired ... (kitten). (S. Eremeev)

II. Main part.(14min.)

2.1. Display of toys: "Cat and Kitten".

I portray with toys.:

On the window-window, a mother-cat sat down,

She sat down, sat down, sang a song: Meow!

And the kitten heard, Quickly ran to his mother. He looked at the cat, In a thin voice he sang: Meow!

2.2. D / exercise "The cat got sick"

Guys, look: the kitties are sick. Let's take pity on her.

The kitty fell ill, the white kitty, the little kitty's head hurts,

Oh how it hurts! Kitty's sweetheart hurts, oh, how it hurts! Kitty's leg hurts, Oh, how it hurts! (A. Anufrieva)

The guys came, began to treat kitty, give her milk to drink. Let's decorate the bowl for the mother cat and the bowl for the kitten.

Children lay out a pattern of large circles on a large bowl, and small ones on a small one.

The kitty recovered after drinking warm milk and began to play with her kitten.

All day mum-kitten nurses kittens, And every child, like a mother, mustachioed! (M. Druzhinina)

While the kitten is baby

Next to him is his mother cat.

When he grows up, he

Do everything in life yourself. No bathroom and no soap

Wash your hair the way your mom used to wash it.

(V. Borisov)

D / exercise "Kittens" (M. Aromshtan).

Children perform movements according to the text.

I read a poem, show the movement:

All kittens

Washed paws:

Like this, like this!

washed ears,

Washed bellies:

Like this, like this!

And then they got tired.

Sweet-sweet fell asleep:

Like this, like this!

And when the kittens wake up, they immediately begin to play pranks and play.

2.4. Mobile game "Kitty and Mice".

I run the game:

Mice are having fun.

Jumping and playing

Songs are sung

Goryushka do not know.

Only Kitty on the threshold,

In Kitty's house Children - "mice" run around the hall in all directions. "Kisa" stands on the sidelines.

“Kisa” runs out of its hiding place and catches up with “mice running away to chairs (“into minks”).

The cat and kittens played with mice and went for a walk. Let's go with them. Children imitate the movements of a cat.

D / exercise "Why the cat washes."

Children show how the cat washes.

Here sat a kitten in a corner, And my question is: Why does he wash his tail and nose with his tongue?

Children's answers: The cat sat down to wash - That means the guest is coming. (R. Kauka)

And, true, the cat washed - the guest came. And guess what kind of guest this is. (I guess the riddle of S. Eremeev.)

Who is running towards us And squeals with joy, And then lies at our feet? This is a small ... (puppy).

2.6. D/ Playing with a dog

I spend the game: I show the children a toy dog.

Here I am sitting on a chair And I am holding a dog. I put the dog on the floor, I put the dog on the floor, I stroke it: Give, dog, a paw to the children. Here the dog came up, I bring the dog to the baby. The child says his name, shaking her paw. Kolya gave her paw. (A. Anufrieva)

We met our puppy. And the puppy's name is Bobik. He is very cheerful and, although still quite small , already helps the mother-dog guard the house. Mom is fun to play with. The house is not afraid to protect. We bark together: - Who goes to the master's garden? (M. Druzhinina)

Usually kittens and puppies quarrel, but our cat is friends with Bobik. I say: And here comes the mother-cat.

2.7. Reading the Russian folk nursery rhyme "Kisonka-Murysonka"

Children. Kitty-murisonka, where have you been?

Kitty. At the mill!

Children. Kitty-murisonka, what were you doing there?

Kitty. Milled flour!

Children. Kitty-murisonka, what did you bake from flour?

K i s o n k a. Gingerbread!

Children. Kitty-murisonka, with whom did you eat gingerbread?

Kitty. One!

Children. Don't eat alone! Don't eat alone!

The mother-cat treated the kittens and the puppy with pancakes.

Shall we treat the cat and the dog?

Children imitate treating a cat with “sour cream” and a dog with “bone”, show how they lick with their tongue.

III. Final part: (0.5 min.) I invite children to say goodbye to new friends. I direct children to the next activity.

Summary of the lesson on familiarization with others in the senior group (sample)

View: Examining items.

Topic: Acquaintance with the properties of stones.

Program content:

give an idea of ​​the surface of the Earth and the properties of stones;

develop cognitive abilities and voluntary attention of children through search activities;

create a good mood for children; cultivate aesthetic feelings, kindness, caring attitude towards each other.

Preparing the teacher for the lesson: made a summary using the Program of education and training in kindergarten // Under. Ed. N.A. Vasilyeva, M., 2005, book. Gerbova V.V., Maksakov A.I. Classes on the development of speech in the senior group: Book. for the teacher of children garden. - M.: 1996.

Preliminary work: the choice of the hero is determined by the children, modeling pebbles from plasticine, collecting a collection of stones, observing on walks.

Materials and equipment: a collection of stones, containers for experiments with water, multi-colored pebbles according to the number of children, caskets, a globe, candy pebbles.

Organization of children in the classroom: free.

Course progress.

I.Organizational part: (2 .min).

"The find in the chest"

Children enter the group, turn to the guests:

─Hello. We're glad to see you!

I invite the children to show their boxes, praise how beautiful and neat they are, and ask them to look inside.

─What's new in your box?

The children answer.

─Are they beautiful? You like?

Children share their experiences.

─These stones are not ordinary, but magical. Let's do some magic.

I invite the children to shift the magic stone from hand to hand and say that then the one they have been waiting for will come to them. Music sounds, the clown Tyopa appears, greets and gets to know the children.

TEPA. How did I get here? What are these stones? And what color are they?

The children answer.

So that I don't disappear, let's put the pebbles on the shelf.

Children say that they have a whole collection of pebbles, show it to him. Tyopa is surprised how beautiful they are and how many there are.

II. Main part (20 min)

2.1. "Clothes for the Earth"

Tyopa, do you know where these pebbles came from? We will tell you now.

Children talk about where they got these pebbles. (I tell the children).

Our Earth has clothes. It consists of pebbles (showing a globe). Do you know, Tyopa, what is it?

TEPA. It's probably a ball.

The children explain to him that it is a globe.

Look at the globe. Each pebble is a piece of the mountain. Where there are a lot of stones, mountains rise. Look how many mountains there are on Earth! They are marked on the globe in dark brown.

TEPA. I have never been in the mountains. And what are they, mountains? Have you been to the mountains?

The children answer.

Look, there is a lot of blue on the globe. These are water, seas and oceans. Our Earth is called the "blue planet". In the water, there are also a lot of mountains that consist of stones. This is the bottom of the seas and oceans. The underwater world is similar to our aquarium. Remember, the pebbles lie there like little mountains. (Show children illustrations).

Want to build a mountain in the water too?

2.2. Water experiment.

The children, together with Tyopa, approach the tables. I pour water.

Do you think the stones will sink or not? What happens when you throw pebbles into water? From which pebbles there are more splashes - from small ones or large ones?

The children answer.

2.3. Making mountains out of stones.

You need to lay out the mountain pebble on pebble. Why don't the pebbles stack evenly? Because they are slippery and smooth in the water. Water makes them so. (I suggest taking a few stones in your hand and shaking them) So the water moves the stones, hits them against each other, they rub and become round.

Tyopa says that he will lay down the mountain faster than anyone else, and then he looks at what mountains someone turned out, who tried to build a high mountain. All children admire the mountains.

TEPA. Which pebbles do you like better, wet or dry?

Children share their experiences.

2.4. Fizminutka-game "Overcome obstacles"

I invite the children to imagine: how we will move between the mountains: here is a narrow path, here is a wide one, suddenly stones flew from somewhere above, suddenly a stubborn goat met on our way, and here we saw flowers on a slope and wanted to pick them (I imitate with the children movements).

2.5. "Gift in a bag" for Tyopa's friends.

Tyopa was sad.

─What are you sad about?

─I liked your stones so much that I really wanted to show them to my friends. Can you give me stones from your collection? And I also have a bag for pebbles, but the trouble is: I don’t know what to tell my friends about pebbles. Tell me about the stones more and more interesting.

Children talk about stones, naming their properties.

(heavy, hard, sink in water, large stones form splashes in water, are multi-colored, smooth, ribbed, warm or cold)

I play a joke on Tyopa and give him a plasticine stone. Tyopa "accidentally discovers" that these are not such pebbles. (Puts them in his palms.) Children say that they are made of plasticine, and name the differences between plasticine and stone (if the children find it difficult, I ask leading questions).

TEPA. And now I'm playing a joke on you. (Pulls out candy pebbles.) These are also pebbles. (Tries). You can eat them.

III. Final part: (3 min.)

Tyopa says that he really liked playing with children and stones (summarizes everything he learned), but he needs to return to his friends.

I ask the children what they liked today? What did they remember? I encourage children to be active.


    Bure R.S. Preschooler and work. St. Petersburg, "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2004.

    Bure R.S., Godina G.N. Teach children to work. M., 1983.

    Dybina O. B. What was before ... Games-journeys into the past of objects. - M .: Sphere, 1999.

    Zebzeeva V.A. Organization of regime processes in preschool educational institutions. - M .: TC Sphere. - 2007.

    Kalinchenko A.V., Miklyaeva Yu.V., Sidorenko V.N. The development of play activities of preschoolers: a methodological guide. - M .: Iris-press, 2004.

    Komarova T. S., Kutsakova L. V., Pavlova L. Yu. Labor education in kindergarten - M .: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2005.

    Kutsakova L.V. Moral and labor education of a preschool child. M., VLADOS, 2005.

    Litvinova M.F. Russian folk outdoor games for children of preschool and primary school age: A practical guide. Moscow: Iris-press, 2004.

    Nedospasova V. A. Growing up playing: Middle and senior preschool age: A guide for educators and parents. - M.: Enlightenment, 2003.

    Moral and labor education of children in kindergarten / Ed. R.S. Bure. M., 2002.

    Petrova V. I., Stulnik T. D. Moral education in kindergarten - M .: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2005.

    Ryleeva E.V. More fun together! Didactic games for the development of cooperation skills in children 4-6 years old. M.: Iris-press, 2005.

    Teplyuk S. N. Walking classes with kids. - M .: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2005.

    Teplyuk S.N., Lyamina G.M., Zatsepina M.B. Young children in kindergarten. - M: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2005.

Mukhametgaraeva Rozalia Ernistovna


Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of the city of Naberezhnye Chelny "Kindergarten of the combined type No. 14" Zernyshko "

Synopsis of an open display of labor activity for educators of preschool educational institutions and household work in the senior group.

Target: Teach children to help adults, maintain order in


wipe the dust

wash toys

Equipment: oilcloths, basins, rags, sticks for

baking powder.

Oilcloth aprons, Doll Cinderella.

Preliminary work.

Reading a fairy tale


After sleeping, the children get dressed and leave the bedroom.

The group is prepared in advance for work.

The tables are covered with oilcloth. On one table is a bowl of water

for washing toys, and in another bowl of water for

dusting, houseplants, sticks for

loosening, rags. Oilcloth on the backs of the chairs


The Cinderella doll is sleeping on the armchair.

Educator: Children, when you were sleeping, our Cinderella wanted to be in time

clean up the group and go to the ball. But apparently

she was tired and asleep. Well, let's wake her up or

shall we try to do everything for her?

Children: Let's help.

Educator: Let's remember who helps Cinderella in the fairy tale

sort the cereals, clean the house.

Children: Mice and pigeons.

Educator: That's right, children, let's put on aprons too

and turn into mice and doves. We have mice

will be boys, and pigeons will be girls.

Mice will loosen the soil of indoor

plants, and wipe the dust from them. And doves wash

kitchen utensils and insert them on the shelves.

Let's remember how to wring out a rag (so that the water in

there is no rag left), how to loosen the earth

(be careful not to damage the roots).

Children share and start each business.

In the course of work, the teacher approaches the mice (and reminds the boys that the earth must be carefully loosened, not poured onto the floor).

Suitable for pigeons (girls) suggests the order of work. Two or three people wash the dishes, the same number of girls are wiped with dry rags, the rest are beautifully inserted on the shelves of the kitchen corner.

After work, the children clean up after themselves, put the rags to dry.

The Cinderella doll wakes up, is surprised, rejoices.

Cinderella: Thanks guys for helping me out. Now I

I will go to the ball with peace of mind.

The teacher accompanies Cinderella, and together with the children looks after the result of the work, for the clean group.

Educator: You see, guys, we did a good deed, helped Cinderella. And if you help at home like that, then your parents will be very happy that their children have grown up and become great helpers.

    A. M. Vinogradova, G. N. Godina. Moral and labor education of children in kindergarten. Moscow "Enlightenment" 1987

    V. G. Nechaev. "Education of a preschooler in labor." Moscow Enlightenment 1983

Target: the formation of a positive attitude to work in preschool children.


  • Consolidate and improve the skills acquired earlier in the labor activity.
  • To promote the mastery of the culture of performing activities (observing the three rules of labor: a clean suit, a clean workplace, a clean work result)
  • Contribute to the enrichment of the child's development of interest in the activities of adults; desire to help, creating a positive atmosphere in work.

Materials: dirty toys, a bag, basins, tables, a bench, soap dishes with soap, sponges, napkins, buckets of water; Mishka character.

Lesson Plan

Organizing time
1. Conversation about favorite toys.
2. Bear with a bag.

Main part
1. The game "Erase".
2. Conversation about the labor process.
3. We prepare a workplace.
4. Labor process.

Final part
1. A moment of prank.
2. A moment of silence (poetry).
3. Evaluation of the result of labor.


Educator: - Guys, listen, I will read you a poem:
Let the toys be friends with us
We won't hurt them
Let's play and then
Let's put everything in place
We will help ourselves
We'll put them in their places.
Toys are not people, but everyone understands
And they really don't like being broken!

Educator: - Tell me, what are your favorite toys? Do you want to play with our toys? Toys are in their places and waiting for us!
People gather, the locomotive gives a whistle to tu-tu: “We are going, we are going, we are going. To distant lands, Good neighbors, cheerful friends!”

(A Mishka is sitting in the group with a bag, through it you can see that there are toys in the bag. Children stand around the Mishka).

Educator: - Hello, Mishka ?! Bear, we wanted to play, but did you put our toys in a bag?

Bear: No, I didn't. Here I have toys, but they are cubs. For some reason the cubs don't want to play with them. I brought it to you, I don’t understand what they don’t like?

(The teacher takes a toy out of the bag, puts it on a tray, disgustedly).

Educator: - Of course, who would want to play with such a dirty one? How to help the cubs, because they are bored without toys? And we wanted to play! What shall we do? Play or do good for the cubs?
— Yes, cubs are small, clumsy. And we have grown up, already almost older, we can wait with the game!

(Imitation of movements).

Washing, washing, washing all day long. Look, arms, legs, are they tired? And ready to go back to work, shall we go?
Rinse, rinse, rinse all day long. Look, arms, legs, are they tired? Are you ready to go back to work?
We press, we press, we press all day long. Look, arms, legs, are they tired? Are you ready to go back to work?
Hanging, hanging, hanging all day long Look, arms, legs, are they tired? Are you ready to go back to work?

Educator: - What did we decide to do with you? (Wash the toys for the cubs).

Mishka: - Yes, I also guessed what to wash, I even prepared the basin. (Takes it out of the bag). Pour water and wash! Do it quickly and you will play your games!

Educator: Bear, don't rush. One basin is not enough, then you have a lot of toys! So, we decided to wash the toys. Show on your face that you will gladly do good to the cubs. We will prepare everything now, I am sure that each of you will cope with this matter!
-Go, Rita, put all the basins, please, on the bench, so that it would be convenient for the guys to take. Ksyusha and Gleb, put soap dishes on the table. Nastya, go spread your lips. And Olga Ivanovna will pour water into buckets for us.
“Look at yourself, are your hands ready to work?” Is the head ready?
- Go, prepare your seats, then go to Mishka, he will give you a toy. And you make it clean and put it on a napkin to dry.

(Children prepare places, the teacher's assistant pours water into basins, for those who organized the workplace).

Independent labor process.

Educator: - Who has finished, clean everything, put clean toys on a napkin next to Mishka, let him look at your efforts!

A moment of prank (to the music).

A moment of silence:

Educator:- Listen, our guys know a poem about friendship.

V. Viktorov.
A bee and a flower are friends.
A leaf and a moth are friends.
Rivers and forests are friends.
Friends in the choir voices.

The sun and spring are friends.
The stars and the moon are friends.
Ships are friends at sea.
Children of the whole earth are friends!

Educator: - A funny poem? Why are bees and flowers friends? And why are the sun and spring friends?
- We will soon go out into the street and check who is friends with whom there? And now let's go to Mishka. Look at the toys, what have they become? Would it be nice for the cubs to play with them? Katya, did you get a clean toy? Liza, tell us how you made the toy clean?

Educator: - Well, Mishka, we promised to help you, we did, let your cubs play with clean toys with joy, well, we'll go for a walk.

Bear: Thank you!

Natalya Kochurova
Summaries of classes on labor activity

1. View labor: self-service.

3. Form of organization on work: orders.

4. Tasks:


labor. Generate interest in labor of adults.

5. Material: a mirror, combs, hairpins for girls.

6. Guidelines: Conversation, help, joint actions, art word.

Organizational and methodological instructions: Children, what kind of person can be said to be polite? (A polite person always thanks for the help, greets at a meeting, says polite words). And when can you be called polite?

We use polite words when we come to kindergarten and when we leave home, and also when we meet friends.

And now, please, check everything and fix your hair.

What do we do with a comb?

We do Tanya's hair.

Hair to hair - braid,

Every girl is beautiful!

What do we do with a comb?

Vite doing hair.

Vitya looks in the mirror:

No vortices - nice view.

Children comb their hair, the teacher helps the girls to do their hair

7. Evaluation labor: Children are invited to admire the hairstyles in the mirror.

Summary of work activities in the senior group.

1. View labor: Collective household site cleaning work.

Teaching children to participate in organized labor peer group. Develop relationship skills, the habit of cleanliness and order. Strengthen planning skills activity distribute responsibilities among themselves. To form in children a belief in the social significance and necessity of everyday life. labor. Fix actions with inventory.

3. Form of organization on work: collective work.

4. Tasks:

a) To form the ability to see the need for work and sets its goal on its own initiative.

b) Develop the habit of pre-thinking the organization of work and the sequence of its implementation.

c) Improve skills, develop habits work.

d) Form the habit of persistently achieving goals, correctly assessing the result of one's work.

e) Develop interest and habit to work. To form the ability and desire to help a friend. Form the habit of caring for things and objects labor. Generate interest in labor of adults.

5. Material: pictures with tasks, three panicles, two brooms, two scoops, stretchers, buckets, watering cans, rags.

6. Guidelines: Conversation, help, joint actions, art word, advice, distribution of responsibilities, reminder, example of another child.

Organizational and methodical instructions. I remind you of the rules for using tools. I draw attention to the prepared inventory and suggest taking with you three panicles, two brooms, two scoops, a stretcher, buckets, watering cans, rags.

I propose to get dressed, take equipment with you and go to the site.

The sun is walking in the sky

Congratulations on a clear day.

Rise up, baby

It's time to walk!

We will dress ourselves.

Gather for a walk.

The boys go to their lockers. I encourage each other to help fasten buttons, zippers, buckles, straighten collars, pull down dresses, etc. I draw attention to those who have already dressed, to what neat, clean, unrumpled clothes they have. Helps children to do conclusion: whoever does not dirty things, hangs them neatly, takes care of them, he always looks beautiful and neat.

I remind you to bring your equipment.

Location on.

We pour sand from watering cans

And sweep the paths

Wipe the dust from all the benches,

And then let's go play.

The kids get to work. During I give advice, I help in the organization, I remind the order of work.

We will collect papers in this bucket. To whom have we entrusted this task?

I'm watching children's activities I watch the actions of children in relation to each other.

Sasha will take a broom

And sweep the veranda.

With this cloth Natasha

Wipe the dust off the benches.

I encourage the guys, I help with advice and actions, I encourage them to help each other.

I see that Kolya and Vera have already watered the sand well. And now they will take the shoulder blades and rake it in a heap, and Sveta and Olya will help them.

At the end of the work, I ask you to clean up the workplace, rinse the rags, wipe the buckets, take the equipment to the group.

7. Evaluation labor: What good fellows we are! It's good today bothered! See how clean it is.

Summary of work activities in the senior group.

1. View labor: Manual work

Introduce children to ways to turn paper into "ringlet",

"droplet", "arch", and "leaf";

Learn to show creativity and imagination by adding to the basic forms

funny details (eyes, tails, legs, etc.)

Show finished products from the strip;

Generate a desire to learn "strip transformation",

Learn to make from a strip "ringlet", "leaf", "arch", "droplet,

To teach how to assemble a product from individual parts - strips of paper.

3. Form of organization on work: collective (general) work

4. Tasks:

a) To form the ability to see the need for work and sets its goal on its own initiative.

b) Develop the habit of pre-thinking the organization of work and the sequence of its implementation.

c) Improve skills, develop habits work.

d) Form the habit of persistently achieving goals, correctly assessing the result of one's work.

e) Develop interest and habit to work. To form the ability and desire to help a friend. Form the habit of caring for things and objects labor. Generate interest in labor of adults.

5. Material: colorful strips of paper (2 cm wide)- each child but 3-4 pcs. and 4 strips of green color (2 cm wide, glue, samples of the main shapes from the strips, ready-made crafts - “caterpillar”.

6. Guidelines: Conversation, help, joint actions, word of art, reminder.

1 part. V .: - Guys, I invite you to visit an unusual place. Want to? Then close your eyes and imagine that you are flying high, a fresh breeze is breathing in your face, it is easy and calm for you (at this time light instrumental music is playing, the teacher lays out products from colored stripes in the group)

Open your eyes, see if you see anything unusual?

D .: -they answer, they find products from strips.

V .: - Guys, we ended up in the country of “Magic Stripes” ”: And what do you think, who are the inhabitants of this country?

D.: children's answers (crafts, toys from strips)

V .: - Look, what bright and unusual inhabitants of the country surround us. And they told me that in order for us to be and play here, we ourselves must learn the magic - to turn the strip into "ringlet", "droplet","arch", "leaf". If we learn this, then the country "Magic Stripes" will become more beautiful.

2. Finger gymnastics.

Are we friendly guys? Of course, because we all got into the "Magic

country”, no one remained in the group. So are our fingers. are friends:


Friends in our group

Girls and boys

(join fingers in "lock"«)

We will make friends with you

little fingers

(touching the fingertips of both hands)

One, two, three, four, five -

(pair touch of fingers from the little fingers)

One, two, three, four, five -

(arms down, shake hands)

Z. Construction:

I) from a strip of paper of any color we create "ringlet"- Lubricate one end with glue, put the other end on top;

2) do the same "ringlet" and in the place of gluing we squeeze with our fingers - What happened? ( "droplet");

3) from "ringlet"- remove with fingers "ringlet" both at the bonding point and on the opposite side. What happened? ( "leaf"«);

4) "ringlet" squeeze with fingers so that it turns out "arch" (the bonding point should be between the folds)

V: Well done! You are real wizards! And now let's rest.

4. Physical education. "Butterfly" (as an option)

In the morning the butterfly woke up

Smiled, stretched

Once - she washed herself with dew;

Two - gracefully circled;

Three - bent down and sat down;

She flew away for four.

5. V .: Oh, guys! Hear someone cry! (caterpillar appears)

What happened?

All my girlfriends - caterpillars bewitched. He blew on them when they were in the forest clearing and turned them into stripes. And I managed to hide, so I remained intact. But you can help me.

Corey: You can disenchant the stripes and turn them into caterpillars.

V .: Guys, do you want to help the caterpillar?

V .: Then we must consider what parts the caterpillar consists of

("ringlet" and 3 "arches"“) You can also decorate your caterpillars after you collect them (eyes, horns, mouth).

6. Making caterpillars.

I) From 3 rings are made "arches"«

2) "arches" stick together;

3) K 1st "arochka" glued "ringlet" - head:

4) Children perform additional details - horns, eyes, mouth, etc.)

V: Here "caterpillar" and your girlfriends!

G: Oh, how beautiful. "caterpillars""! In the summer they will be beautiful

butterflies. Thank you guys!

V .: That's how good we are! Helped to disenchant "caterpillar""! And now,

time to get back to the group. Let's say together "Goodbye!"» residents

countries "magic stripes". Let's close our eyes (the teacher turns on the music, removes the toys from the strips). Well, we are back in our kindergarten.

7. Evaluation labor:

Did you enjoy the land of magic stripes?

What do you remember the most?

What transformations of the strip did we meet?

Would you like to go there too?

Consider the work, pay attention to individual details, the manifestation of creativity and imagination (works can be viewed at any free time).

Summary of work activities in the senior group.

1. View labor: labor in nature

2. Content labor: Care for indoor plants. Lead children to the concept of collective labor, to the conclusion about its value, to the realization that work can bring joy, a sense of satisfaction. Teach children to treat plants as living beings, continue to teach practical help, empathy. The ability to properly hold a watering can with water, the skill of gently wiping strong leathery leaves, holding the leaf with a cloth from the bottom with the palm of your hand. Learn how to care for indoor plants, maintain curiosity. To consolidate knowledge of the names of indoor plants.

Dictionary: loosen, spray, aloe, chlorophytum, geranium.

3. Form of organization on work: collective (subgroups).

4. Tasks:

a) To form the ability to see the need for work and sets its goal on its own initiative.

b) Develop the habit of pre-thinking the organization of work and the sequence of its implementation.

c) Improve skills, develop habits work.

d) Form the habit of persistently achieving goals, correctly assessing the result of one's work.

e) Develop interest and habit to work. To form the ability and desire to help a friend. Form the habit of caring for things and objects labor. Generate interest in labor of adults.

5. Material: oilcloths for tables, sticks for loosening, rags for wiping dust, brushes for cleaning fleecy leaves of indoor plants, a spray gun, watering cans, basins.

6. Guidelines: Conversation, help, joint actions, word of art, reminder, distribution of responsibilities.

Labor progress:

Children go to the teacher. The teacher starts conversation:

Purify the air

They create comfort

Green on the windows

Bloom all year round. (Houseplants)

See what's on our windowsills? (houseplants) .

Houseplants are living things?

Do they get hurt?

Indoor plants always hear music, love gentle hands, they like it when they talk to them.

What conditions do plants need to live and grow? (water, light, heat, earth, air, food) .

How should you take care of indoor plants?

Plants need to be watered, loosen the soil. It is necessary to spray, wipe large leaves so that the plant can breathe. Love flowers and take good care of them.

And now, having guessed the riddles, you will find out which houseplants we will take care of.

Leaf humpback, groove

Has thorns, but can't hurt,

But treat us at any hour (Aloe)

Purifies the air

Create comfort

Green on the windows

Bloom all year round (Geranium)

From the mountain on cobwebs

Spiders hang down

green bundles (Chlorophytum)

Children approach indoor plants.

How do you think, how can you find out if these plants need care?

You can touch the soil with your finger, if the soil is wet, it will remain on your finger. This means that this plant should not be watered. And if there is no dust on the leaves, then you do not need to wipe it with a cloth.

Take each houseplant that needs help, put it on the table, put on aprons, take all the necessary equipment for caring for your plant.

Before we get started, let's remember the rules for caring for indoor plants (children name the features of caring for geraniums, chlorophytum, aloe.) .

There is a main condition work: WORK IS NOT HURRY, BUT CARE.

During labor quiet music plays.

During flower care, the teacher asks the children for the name of the houseplant, the features of care.

Children read poetry:

There is such a flower - aloe.

It is so healing!

It is worth dripping juice on the wound

And will heal in the shortest possible time.

Here is an intricate flower,

Leaves hang down

Chlorophytum tufted

Good for everyone, I know!

At the window this early

The geranium has blossomed.

round leaves,

lush flowers

Even very good

So the kids decided.

7. Evaluation labor:

Did you like it work?

Guys, why do we need flowers in a group?

To be beautiful in our group. Plants release oxygen and remove dust from the air. Some houseplants can heal.

Plants need sunlight, heat, water.

Look at how cheerful, beautiful, clean houseplants have become. They breathe easily, they are glad that you looked after them well.

Children put plants in their places, put things in order at workplaces, clean equipment and attributes.

We are good with you today bothered and now you can relax and unwind. Sit on the carpet, close your eyes, relax.

Everyone can dance

Jump, run, clean,

But not everyone knows how to relax, to rest.

We have a game like this, very easy, simple.

We sit and do not play, but quietly rest.

The movement slows down, tension disappears.

We open our eyes, we stand quietly. Look, all our indoor plants are shining, shining and they are very grateful to you. What is your mood about this?

Program content:
1. Involve children in the work of washing doll linen.
2. Continue to develop skills: lathering clothes with soap, rubbing the most polluted places, caressing clothes, wringing out, hanging on a rope.
3. Improve skills in working with models.
4. To cultivate responsibility for the task assigned, the desire to work.

Basins, soap, water, doll dresses, rope, clothespins, aprons, washing model.

Vocabulary work:
Activate the words in the speech of children: washing, rinsing, push-ups, clothespins, models.

(involve a group of 3-4 people to wash doll clothes)
- Tomorrow Anya's doll has a birthday. She spent a long time choosing which dress to wear, but did not decide, because she noticed dirty spots on them. Anya was very upset. Let's help Anya, wash the dresses and then she will be able to choose an outfit for the holiday (the children agree).
- What do you think, where should I start washing? (children's answers).
- Who will tell you what you need to put on so as not to wet your clothes? (apron).
- That's right, on the board I put a picture on which an apron is drawn. Remember to put on an apron before you start washing.
What items do we need for laundry? (children's answers).
We will need: a basin, soap, water.
- Please note that the following pictures have appeared on the board. They are painted: a basin, soap, a jug of water.
- What do we need to do next? (children's answers).
- That's right, put the laundry in a bowl of water and lather thoroughly. Then we will rub the contaminated places with our hands (pictures with subsequent actions are put on the board).
- The laundry is washed, what are we going to do next? (children's answers).
- It must be rinsed, wrung out and hung on a rope to dry (the teacher puts pictures with the sequence of work on the board).

The teacher, together with the children, once again considers and clarifies, according to the pictures, the sequence of work.
- The pictures, which depict our sequential actions with you, during washing are called - a model (the children pronounce a new word together and one at a time).
- Before you start washing, I suggest stretching our fingers.

Finger game: "Helpers"
Our hands were covered in soap.
We washed our own clothes
We washed our own clothes
Helped our mother.
(Perform rotational movements with your hands, rub your fist against your fist, then open your fists and show your palms.)

“Now is the time to start doing laundry. Do not forget to pay attention to the model to do everything consistently.

Children put on aprons, prepare equipment. The teacher monitors the sequence of work. If one of the children finds it difficult, he helps, prompts. If necessary, shows how to do it right.

Giving an assessment of the work, the educator sums up:
“We worked hard, worked together, helped each other. I think Anya liked our work and her clean dresses.
The teacher and the children clean up the equipment.

Title: Summary of work activities in the senior group "Washing clothes"

Position: educator
Place of work: MKDOU "DSPO No. 13 "Tulip"
Location: Chelyabinsk region, Trekhgorny