Different people see in different ways. "The same dress": Why we see it differently. What science says

The start of "viral debate" gave publication on the site Tumblr: the owner of the dress decided to ask opinions about his color from Internet users after discovered such disagreements in the circle of their loved ones. The answers were diametrically opposed: from blue with black to white with gold. At the same time, someone who sees the outfit dark, it is difficult to believe that the "opponent" is not joking and actually sees the clothes presented in the photo (and on the contrary).

The photo with the relevant question immediately flew through the virtual space. Even stars were given my version of the color perception: so, Kim Kardashian saw a white and gold version, Lady Gaga spoke for blue and sandy, and Taylor Swift is confident that the dress has blue and black colors. Only for the first day of publication on one of the sites, buzzfeed, photo scored 28 million views.

Now it is already known that the dress is made in dark colors (it was also shown an analysis of the picture using professional photo printings, and the recognition of the owner of the "controversial clothing"), but those who see the dress lightly, it is still difficult to believe in it. Scientists talked about the reason for this optical illusion.

The color perception system has developed in humans in the process of evolution. We have developed day vision, in which we distinguish all the elements of the surrounding world, including color. The light is included in the eye through a lean, falling on the retina in the back of the eye. Waves of different lengths in different ways activate neural bonds in the visual cortex, which translates signals in the image. Night vision allows us to see the contours and the movement of objects, but their color gamut is lost.

However, in the daylight, the color perception is not always unequivocal: with different lighting, the color gamut of the subject is perceived differently, and the brain also takes into account. The same color at dawn may seem to us pink-red, during the day - white-blue, and at sunset - red. The brain decides on the "reality" of colors, in each case, makes amendment on the associated factors.

This explains the difference in the perception of the same image with different people. Those who take light on the background for the sunny, decide that the dress is in the shade, so its bright areas, obviously blue. Someone with the same bright lighting is more familiar to see the whiteness of the dress. This is the most common version.

However, the brain is about 30% of people at all takes into account the light on the background - and in this case the dress seems to him blue, and gold fragments then "become" black. Each person has its visual experience, its own level of concentration, its specific eye movements. The level of lighting in its own setting, the color range of objects that the brain recorded before switching attention - all this together is taken and gives the difference in perception.

Scientists this factor was known for a long time. But by themselves fundamental scientific knowledge does not attract such wide attention of the public: it became possible only during the ubiquitous development of the Internet in combination with an interesting topic for discussion. Neurobiologist from Washington University of Washington Jesu in an interview with Wired.com said that he studied individual differences in color perception for 30 years. According to him, the current example is the most indicative of all the years of his research. By the way, the nonren himself sees the dress white and gold.

A photo that divided network users into two irreconcilable camps was published on February 25th. The girl asked her subscribers to say how they see a dress, and suddenly it turned out that different people perceive him in different ways. It seems impossible: How can you confuse black and gold color?

That is the most dress

Arguing suspected each other in deception, swear and even divorced . A few days later, journalists who asked scientists who were interested in the dress. According to the researchers, the photo because of its low quality turned out to be an ideal model, clearly showing how the brain processes the information that comes from the eye. We automatically "deduct" from the image color of the background lighting in order to determine how the items are actually painted. Similarly, photographers before shooting are set up white balance.

On a cross-shift with a vague background, it is unclear how the room in which the dress is hanging. Whether the room is filled with bright reddish light from incandescent lamps, or in the room twilight, and cold halogen lamps flicker. Those who are inclined (not consciously!) To the first option, see the white-gold dress, supporters of the second version are confident that it is black and blue (if you check the colors in the graphics editor, it turns out that it is beige-blue).

The ability to perceive differently, depending on the surrounding background - the most valuable evolutionary acquisition. Thanks to this talent, our ancestors could take correct solutions in the conditions when the information was clearly lacked (for example, they noticed the suspiciously bright for a darkened cave stain and solved that it was a tiger). The brain adapts perception always - this process cannot be put on a pause - and that is why amazing optical illusions are possible. Robot Even with a very perfect color perception will never see what we see. Maybe it will give them such an opportunity, moreover, the ability to be deceived by optical illusions can become one of the criteria in order to understand whether the car is really reasonable or it acts albeit on a very complex but initially specified algorithm.

Check that you are not a robot, it is possible right now, with the help of a dozen of the wonderful illusions that the "attic" gathered.

Multicolored dogs

This illusion is more likely more than an illusion with a dress.

The left dog seems yellow, and the right is blue. In fact, they are the same, but the brain adapts images, "removing" the main color of the background.

"Two-color" cube

Close the seat of the two faces and paper sheet background, and it turns out that they are the same

It seems that the face is and much darker the face in, but in reality their color is no different. To see the real color of the brain interfere with the drawn areas of the shadow and bright white illumination: we "by default" believe that the illuminated face should be lighter.


Perhaps the most amazing of black and white illusions

On top of white shapes, below black, so? Any graphic editor will tell you that they are the same.


Very simple and visual

Gray rectangles do not differ in color, but the brain cannot abstract from the background and perceives the shapes on a black background as darker, and on white - as brighter.

Artificial brightness

How to make an image brighter without increasing brightness

When looking at the vertical stripes, I want to cover your eyes. Moreover, when you look at them, pupils narrow. That is, a physiological reaction that protects eyes from excessive light, occurs in response to an imaginary increase in the brightness that the brain came up with himself!


It also moves, right?

"Volumetric" folds "on a two-dimensional picture smoothly move through two peculiarities of our perception. The first is relatively simple: the eye (more precisely, the brain) automatically highlights contrast circles so that they seem slightly protruding from the screen plane. Waves appear due to the fact that when we consider any image, our eyes perform microad in all directions. At each moment of time, we focused on a relatively small fragment, but thanks to the microad eyes, as it were, "feel" the details around the focus point, helping to perceive the picture entirely. Purple circles on the illustration are framed by white and black arcs, which we unconsciously perceive as more and less illuminated areas, that is, the brain makes a flat image three-dimensional. Black and white cuts are located so that, "running" from the circle to a circle, our eyes are "pulling out" from the picture volumetric folds. If focused on one place of the image, "excitement" will stop.

Disappearing spot

The most economical bleach

Slightly move away from the monitor, and you will see a large stain on the sweater. Bend to the screen or just carefully look at it, and the stain will disappear. The amazing effect was opened back in 1804 by the Swiss doctor Ignac Troksler: he found out that if focused on some kind of image site, after a few seconds the surrounding fixed parts would disappear. For inappropriate and blurred parts, the effect is stronger. Similarly, a person forget about the ring on his finger and does not notice it, even if it originally it seemed slightly narrow. The illustration of this section is taken from the advertising poster of the manufacturer of bleaching agents, which for rare successfully used the effect of the trocker.

Illusory points

Count how much in the picture of black dots?

This is a very famous illusion, while it does not have an unequivocal explanation. Until recently, the specialists were confident that black dots in the places of crossing gray lines appear due to some features of how retina cells work. But now many scientists tend to the idea that in the emergence of non-existent points first of all, our brain is to blame.

Shadow on blackboard

Cell and darker cells in, right?

Another classical illusion invented in 1995 by Professor Massachusetts Institute of Technology by Edward Adelson. It is difficult to believe, but the cells A and in the same color. Adelson explains the illusion that our brain interprets the image according to the context. In this case, the shaded area should be darker. According to Professor, such a "self-deception" of the brain is the indicator of its strength, and not weakness. For survival, much more important to perceive objects is not abstractly correct, but in the context of the situation.

Virtual color

Look at the colored dots on the face of Gagarin for a minute, and then turn the look at the white field on the right. You will see a color image of the cosmonaut

The residual image that appears in front of the eyes, if you look at some object for a long time, especially bright, called a day later. It occurs due to overwork photoreceptors - light-sensitive retinal cells. In the usual situation, due to the microdvitations of the eye, which was mentioned above, different photoreceptors are excited at each time. When you, without breaking, look at one point, the same cells are continuously working. Taking the eyes from the object, you will see his trail for a few seconds due to the fact that tired cells that adapted to the perception of a specific image, do not have time to rebuild and transmit an inadequate signal to the brain. We can say that tired photo seventors save the "settings" that are needed to perceive the previous picture. If the original image was color, then in the postiment, additional colors will be displayed - those when mixed with gray. For example, the red option will be green, for yellow - purple, and for blue - orange.

Most likely you have already seen this dress, and you probably have your own opinion about his colors. But the whole world still can not come to an unequivocal opinion. For some it is invariably blue-black, for others - white-gold and in no way differently!

Even there were cases when a person first seemed that the dress of the same color, and then after some time he was confident in the opposite!

This dress has already made too much trouble. It's time to look truth in the eyes and find out what color it really is.

The very photo of the dress, because of which so many disputes:

According to some, the original dress, if the lighting was better, should look like this:

The rest believe that if not overweight, the dress would be like this:

But why do people see different colors on the same photo? There is one version on this account, and it is not related to the settings of the monitor, it does not depend anything from them, we checked.

The thing is how the eyes of each individual person react to the illuminated object. Some decide that the dress is not enough illuminated (or that its surface strongly reflects the light) and their brain gives the eyes a signal that you need to compensate. From here white-gold color. Others think that there is too much light on the dress (or the surface less reflective), and their eyes show them that it is blue-black.

All as in the famous optical illusion of adelson. In the picture, the square "A" of the same color as the square "B", although it seems that it is not.

In general, it turns out that the eyes of a person see the image of such how the brain perceives it. Large experience is also of great importance. If a person saw a fabric of a similar texture or a similar dress of a certain color, it is likely to affect what color he will see in a photo with a dress. About this phenomenon called "The difference in perception" by scientists while little is known.

But the photo of the real dress. It still turned out to be blue-black.

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Human's eyes are not only his soul, but also the whole world of riddles. Why do they say that before people did not see blue, although the Egyptians were gloring with their tombs and decorations with them? How to some people manage to see ultraviolet radiation, and others - distinguish between 100 million shades at once? Is there really a creative vision? So many questions that modern scientists probably should have answers.

We are in website We decided to find out how the vision of different people differs depending on the image of thoughts, culture, time and other circumstances. Carefully, after this article you can see the world in a new light.

Why did an ancient people distinguished the color of fuchsia from white, and purple confused with blue?

10 thousand years ago, people saw colors as well as we, but used generalized names. Light shades equated to white color, dark - to black. Fuchsia's color was bright and light, so stood in one row with white or yellow. Purple and blue were similar and stood in the same row, equating to the dark or black. Later, the shades began to distribute between red, yellow, green and blue-green colors (purple together with blue fell into a digit-green color).

In speech, people described the shades of color through the context - as we explain the taste today. The words "sweet", "salty", "sour", "sharp" or "bitter" often turns out to be not enough to accurately convey meaning, and we use clarification: Compare, for example, phrases "like an acidic lemon" and "like sour coffee" .

The ancient Egyptians saw blue color, and the Greeks - no?

Egyptologist Richard H. Wilkinson (Richard H. Wilkinson) noticed that for each color there was a specific value..

For example, artists have always portrayed men with red-brown leather, women - with light brown, and gods - with gold, because they believed that the skin of the gods and pharaohs really from gold. The exception was Osiris, which got black or green skin - a symbol of a new life and resurrection. It emphasized his story: he was killed by the God of Seth and resurrected by Goddess Iside, to then rule the afterlife.

Blue and blue colors were the most popular Egyptians, they symbolized the truth, truth, birth and life. The heavens and the water of fertile Nile were blue, amulets fertility and tattoos for women in the form of a break demon were more often blue. But the value of each color was inextricably tied to the context of the image.

This is more noticeable in the language of the ancient Greeks: describing objects, they grouped them in terms of qualities. For example, the sky was called bronze, because it is dazzling, like a sword blade. The sea is purple-red, like wine, because they both symbolize freshness, life. But is it true that the Greeks did not distinguish blue?

Riddle: How did this ancient Greek statue looked in the original?

Correct answer:option A.

Scientists Vinzenz Brinkmann and Ulrike Koh Brinkmann (Ulrike Koch-Brinkmann) have proven that the ancient statues and public buildings are made in color. Pigments in the colors were mineral, but the carrier itself is organic, so with the time the bacteria destroyed it, and the paints crumbled. It turned out that our ideas about the minimalism of color in the ancient times are far from reality. And, of course, the Greeks perfectly distinguished shades of blue, highlighting it into a separate category of colors.

Based on research in 2007, American and German scientists have developed an exhibition where antique statues and buildings are presented in the original colors. It is difficult to believe that hundreds of years ago the ancient Greek masters used such a variety of colors, decorations in the form of bronze inserts and convex pupils of eyes from black stone.

An Aristotle, an ancient Greek philosopher and teacher Alexander Macedonsky, told about 7 main colors in his writings: black, white, red, yellow, green, blue and purple. He tied them with 7 notes, and the days of the week.

Today we call 11-12 the main categories of color in the language, and this indirectly indicates the degree of development of society. There are those who easily define the slightest difference in colors and uses 10 times more definitions.

For example, "Chartrez", "Lime" and "Visitnik" is the names of the color of the green shade, which for most look like green or light green. Check how sensitive eyes to color can be using this test.

No person distinguishes blue colors up to a year

As part of the research, it turned out that children aged 4 to 8 months faster recognized green circle on a blue background than a blue circle on a blue background. These findings set scientists before the new mystery: the ability to recognize colors is congenital or acquired?

Some people see 100 times more colors than others. Calculate how many stripes you see:

Less than 20 strips: You may have 2 types of photosensitive colodes. As with 1/4 population of the world. You distinguish slightly less colors than most. Special glasses or applications designed for all types of daltonism will help see the full spectrum.

From 20 to 36 strips:you most likely have 3 types of photosensitive colodes. You, like most people, distinguish a large number of color shades.

More than 37 stripes: Looks like you are one of the number of tetrachromates. They immediately have 4 types of photosensitive colodes. Such people recognize about 100 million colorslike bees, some birds and artist Kidthatt Antiko, which creates such pictures:

Availability of 4 types of colums is a rare mutation and occurs among women who have men in the family with daltonism. But even people with the same eyes are twins - perceive the color in different ways. The brain itself determines the color depending on the mood, emotions and memories.

How to describe the color if there is no call in the language?

Some people noticed that we often apply different names in relation to the same color due to the difficulties of perception. Remember the riddle with a dress: Some considered it white-gold, others - black and blue.

In the language of yel, used on the island in Papua - New Guinea, there is another approach to color definition. Instead of a separate name, the name of the subject is used, which in any circumstances looks unchanged. For example, the word "night" means black, "Kakada" - white, "juice" - dark red, "immature" - green, "water in reef" - blue.

But even this approach will not protect you from illusions that deliberately creates your own brain. Look at the picture and tell me what color circles in stripes:

The fact is that they are all the same color. This is the optical illusion of Macker White. Due to multicolored strips in the picture, it seems that circles 4 different shades. Do you think now is this easy task? Try to reply exactly what color of the hearts by stripes:

Answer: All of them are the same color - yellow.

Can I hear a color or to see the time?

Yes, the neurological phenomenon of synesthesia is also the game of our mind. People-syntstarians represent that the letter "D" will certainly, let's say, blue, and the name "Alexey" can cause a bitter taste in their mouth.

Famous synecertes were Vladimir Nabokov, Ferenc Sheet, Duke Ellington and Van Gogh. If it seems to you that you too are a sinestrity, Check yourself and take part in the studies to help science in the knowledge of this amazing state.

Have you been able to argue with your favorite about how in fact the color of the blouse or shirt? Have you ever been surprised to hear what the thing you sincerely considered the green, someone else is perceived as a blue?

Color recognition is a fine thing, all of us have their own characteristics that affect how our brain is interpreting visual information. There is no correct answer to the question "blue or green" in this case there is no one and the same shade of color can be perceived differently.

In order to avoid discrepancies, there is a color shaded coding system (RGB model). From a technical point of view, each color is a mix of three tones - red, green and blue (Red, Green, Blue), and the final shade depends on which of the tones is present in the shade in which amount. However, the human brain sometimes interprets this mixer very freely, and this is connected with this difference in the perception of the same shade with different people.


An experiment that opened scientists Optical Express very clearly showed this difference. What do you think, what color is this square - blue or green? Well, or so: personally for you this color rather blueWhat is green, or vice versa?

The results of the experiment showed the ambiguity of the perception of shades with different people. Scientists presented this image to participants who do not suffer from Daltonism (1000 people took part in the survey) and asked to answer the question of what color this rectangle? ". For 32% of the respondents, this color is blue, for 64% - green, and 4% could not decide. That's how scientists themselves explain such a scatter in opinions:

Each person is unique, and many different factors can affect the perception of the color. The light beam penetrates the eyeball and reaches the retin, the photosensitive fabric, which is pretty the bottom of the eyeball. The interpretation process occurs further when the light is transformed into an electrical signal, which is transmitted by an optical nerve to the Cortex, the brain section responsible for processing the information received. However, it is the brain that interprets the shade of color can affect not only the physiological features, but also the psycho-emotional state of a person. In particular, people who are experiencing stress are less sensitive to green shades, and among them there are much more those who named the specified shade of color blue.

And yet - green or blue?

Green. From a technical point of view, the model of this color is described as RGB 0.122.116 (green tones - 122, blue - 116, red - zero). After the participants in the experiment called the color, scientists were placed on both sides from the picture two more images, a pronounced green and pronounced blue color, after which they again asked to answer the question of what color this rectangle? ". Having clear color references 97% of the experiment participants called the original green rectangle.

Well, if you still saw this color as blue, then think about it - you may just have time to take a vacation!