Effectiveness of preventive work with the family. The effectiveness of preventive and corrective work with dysfunctional families and minors in difficult life situations, with interagency interaction with social

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Aktash secondary school named after Stanislav Mokhov "

Agreed: Approved:

Deputy Director for BP Director of MBOU Aktashskaya

Krasnykh N.Yu. Secondary school them. Art. Mokhova

Abugalimova R.Z.

Order from "___" ____ 2014 #




for 2014 - 2017

with. Aktash, 2014

Structural components

Program passport

Explanatory note

Purpose, objectives and stages of the program implementation

Stages of interaction with the family. Algorithm for the implementation of the program

Main directions of the program implementation

Preventive action plan "Family at risk"

The main functions of the class teacher in working with a dysfunctional family and children from dysfunctional families.

System of program activities and expected results

Individual family prevention plan

Scientific and methodical literature




Preventive work program for disadvantaged families

"HOPE" for 2014 - 2017

Terms of implementation


2014 - 2017.

Basis for development


1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation as amended by the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation No. 841 of 25.07.2003. (current edition as of 01.01.2009)

2. Convention on the Rights of the Child. (Adopted by resolution of the UN General Assembly on November 20, 1989; entered into force on September 2, 1990).

3. Family Code of the Russian Federation of December 29, 1995 N 223-FZ.

4. Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" dated December 29, 2012. No. 273-FZ

5.The Declaration of Principles of Tolerance by the United Nations and UNESCO (Approved by Resolution 5.61 of the UNESCO General Conference of November 16, 1995

6. Charter MBOU Aktash secondary school them. Art. Mokhova

Program developers

Teaching staff MBOU Aktash secondary school named after Art. Mokhova

  1. N.Yu. Krasnykh, Deputy Director for BP;
  2. G.V. Kakieva, social educator;
  3. Kyymyshtaeva S.S., psychologist-teacher

Program executors

Administration MBOU Aktash secondary school them. Art. Mokhova, teaching staff, student collective, parental community.

Purpose of the program

Creation of conditions for the successful socialization of a child from a dysfunctional family, social protection of children's rights, establishing a connection between the family and the educational institution.

The main objectives of the program

1. Diagnosis and identification of problems that have a negative impact on the formation and development of the child's personality in the family.

2. Organization of educational work to master psychological and legal culture in the field of family education.

3. Providing mediation in crisis situations for the family and the child.

Priority directions

1. Creation and maintenance of a favorable psychological climate in the team;

2. Prevention of the psychoemotional state of children; 3. Providing the child with the maximum possible independence and freedom;

4. Building a health-preserving environment at school; 5. The use of medical-social-psychological-pedagogical support of the educational process of students;

6. Removal of psychological stress in a traumatic situation;

7. Reducing emotional dependence and rigidity;

8. Formation of compensatory mechanisms of behavior;

9. Working with the parent community;

10. Formation of an adequate attitude towards life and death.

Stages of the program implementation

1st stage - January - May 2014 academic year year - organizational

Purpose: preparation of conditions for the creation of a system of work with socially - disadvantaged families.

· To study and analyze the state of work at school with socially - disadvantaged families.

· Study the regulatory framework.

Develop, discuss and approve a program for working with socially disadvantaged families

· Analyze the material and technical, pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the program.

· Select diagnostic techniques for the main areas of the program.

· Conduct MO of class teachers on the problems of identifying socially - disadvantaged families.

· Conduct patronage, questioning and identification of the criteria for the needs of a particular family.

Purpose: implementation of the "HOPE" program.

· Create psychological and pedagogical conditions for working with socially - disadvantaged families.

· Develop and implement individual programs with families;

· Implement work with socially disadvantaged families according to special programs and methods.

· Facilitate the participation of parents with their children in various class and school activities.

3rd stage - January - May 2017 - control and analytical.

Purpose: analysis of the results of the implementation of the program.

· Analysis of program results.

· Generalization of experience of working with socially - disadvantaged families at school.

· Creation of a bank of methods for working with socially - disadvantaged families.

· Determination of the strategy for further work with socially - disadvantaged families.

Expected results of the program implementation

  • Improvement of mechanisms for preserving and strengthening children's health, creating a safe and comfortable educational space;
  • Ensuring compliance of the content and quality of education with the actual and prospective needs of the individual, society and the state;
  • Development of an effective system for the prevention of antisocial behavior of children, child homelessness, delinquency;
  • Formation of a tolerant personality in the conditions of the multinational composition of the population of the Russian Federation;
  • Building a model of work with children of different ages, aimed at the priority of a healthy lifestyle;
  • Purposeful fight against bad habits based on modern methods of correction and rehabilitation;
  • Carrying out preventive measures for educational work among parents (legal representatives), teachers and students.

  1. Explanatory note

Traditionally, the main institution of upbringing is the family, what the child acquires in the family in childhood, he retains throughout his life. The importance of the family as an institution of upbringing is due to the fact that the child is in it for a significant part of his life, and in terms of the duration of its impact on the personality, none of the institutions of upbringing can compare with the family. It lays the foundations of the child's personality, and by the time he enters school, he has already more than half formed as a person.

The family occupies a special place in the life of every person. A child grows up in a family, and from the first years of his life he assimilates the norms of community, the norms of human relations, absorbing good and evil from the family, everything that characterizes his family. It is in the family that the individual receives the first life experience, therefore it is very important in which family the child is brought up: prosperous or dysfunctional.

Under a dysfunctional family, we tend to accept a family in which the structure is disturbed, the main family functions are devalued or ignored, there are obvious or hidden defects in upbringing, as a result of which “difficult” children appear.

A disadvantaged family is not only a family whose material life is far from normal, but also a family that has lost faith in the possibility of changing its life for the better and continues to go towards complete collapse. Lack of faith in one's own strengths and lack of outside help increase confidence in the impossibility of living differently, form an appropriate way of life, which children also learn. We are talking about children from disadvantaged families, i.e. about children, families, about what happens to a child if he finds himself in a dysfunctional family. What is a dysfunctional family? It is impossible to answer in one word. After all, everything in the world is relative - both well-being and ill-being in relation to the child. But children are all different: some are more resilient, others are not, some are vulnerable, but all react, and others are all tryn-grass, you can't get through them with anything.

Unfortunately, at present, an increasing number of children find themselves in a situation of acute social disadvantage. Poor ecology, the growth of social aggression, economic problems, drug trafficking, family instability, parental and pedagogical incompetence - these and many other factors become external constraints on the child's development process.

This problem is very urgent, the number of such families is growing rapidly, new types of dysfunctional families appear in modern society, which is aggravated by the lack of specialists in this area.

The school seeks to prevent the problem of the family as much as possible, to identify and eliminate the causes that give rise to it in a timely manner, to ensure the prevention of various kinds of negative phenomena, makes every effort to ensure that the family pedagogically, psychologically, socially and financially develops correctly and harmoniously. It is necessary to make the right choice of forms and methods of working with parents, taking into account all the characteristics of a dysfunctional family, which need active and long-term support.

The social insufficiency of many families is due to objective reasons, therefore, they need support.

You can conditionally divide dysfunctional families into three groups:

1. Preventive - families in which problems are insignificant and are at the initial stage of trouble.

2. Families in which social and other contradictions exacerbate the relationship of family members with each other and the environment to a critical level.

3. Families that have lost all life perspective, inert in relation to their fate and the fate of their children.

The following classification of dysfunctional families is also possible:

-by the number of parents- complete, incomplete, guardian, foster, adoptive family;

-by the number of children- small, large, childless;

- for material well-being- low-income, medium-income, well-off;

-on the problems of parents- a family of alcoholics, drug addicts, unemployed, criminogenic, deprived of parental rights, socially maladaptive.

Families stand out pedagogically unsound; most often they are found when they have adolescent children.

A family in need of assistance and rehabilitation should be identified as early as possible. For 10 years of life in a dysfunctional family, the child manages to acquire a vast experience of antisocial behavior, break down psychologically, and establish himself in such a variant of life self-determination, which is contrary to the norms of society.

A child from a dysfunctional family reveals himself in appearance, clothing, manner of communication, a set of obscene expressions, an imbalance of the psyche, which is expressed in inadequate reactions, isolation, aggressiveness, anger, lack of interest in any type of training. The child's behavior and appearance not only speak of his problems, but also cry for help. But instead of helping, the child's environment often reacts to him with rejection, breaking up, suppressing or oppressing him. The child is faced with a lack of understanding of others, rejection and, as a result, finds himself in even greater isolation. The age of the child may be different, but the problems of these children are about the same.

The main areas of work with the family:

  1. Study of the causes of family trouble, the relationship in the family to the child.
  2. Psychological and pedagogical education of parents on issues of family education, acquaintance with the positive experience of raising children.
  3. Providing practical help and psychological support to the family.
  1. Purpose, objectives, terms of implementation of the program.

GOAL- creating conditions for the successful socialization of a child from a dysfunctional family.


1. To diagnose and identify problems that have a negative impact on the formation and development of the child's personality in the family.

2. To organize educational work on mastering psychological and legal culture in the field of family education by parents.

3. Provide mediation in crisis situations for the family and the child.

  1. Stages of interaction with the family

The work with the family is carried out in stages. Its effectiveness depends on the degree of contact and trusting relationship with the parents. Separation of families for reasons of disadvantage is relative, since one reason is inextricably linked with another. For example, in a family where alcohol is abused, there are almost always conflicts between parents and children; in addition, such families, as a rule, have an unstable financial situation and are poor. It is logical to conclude: there can be several reasons for family trouble, and they are interrelated. However, one of them plays a leading role, the other plays a secondary role. And the choice of forms and methods of influencing the family depends on the leading cause of family trouble.

Work with a dysfunctional family is carried out in the following stages:

1st stage. Establishing contact, establishing trusting relationships with parents, positive foundations for further cooperation.


1) conversation, setting the date for the next meeting (parents are invited to school);

2) visiting at home, meeting with parents, relatives, closest

the social environment of the family.

3) filling out a social passport, a psychological aid card, a psychological, medical and social aid card for a child

4) at the beginning of each academic year, an accurate diagnosis of personality and environment is carried out.

The goals of diagnostics are:

Early identification of dysfunctional families in order to implement a set of measures to provide social and psychological assistance to children, adolescents and families;

Coordination of efforts of all bodies working with families of social risk;

Families familiarizing themselves with legal regulations.

In order to strengthen contacts within the family, three generations are involved (grandmother, grandfather - mother, father - child, teenager). If the parents make contact with a psychologist and social educator, they can proceed to the 2nd stage of interaction with the family. If the contact is not established, then the influence of the family can be exerted by the police, the department for the protection of children's rights of the education administration, etc.

2nd stage. 1) Family study.

Socio-pedagogical and psychological diagnostics of the family. Study of the microclimate in the family, styles of upbringing. Clarification of information about parents, their social status, about other close relatives. Material support and living conditions. Study of relationships between adults in the family. Knowledge and application of methods and techniques of educational influence.

2) Diagnostics of the causes of family trouble.


Home visits, acts of examination of living conditions, consultations, conversations, questionnaires, analysis of information about the family from documentation, survey;

The use of methods of psychological diagnostics (tests, projective techniques, etc.).

3rd stage. Processing the results of socio-pedagogical and psychological diagnostics. Summarizing. Establishing the leading cause of family trouble

4th stage. The choice of forms and methods of work, depending on the leading cause of trouble and the ways of their implementation.

  • A family where parents abuse alcohol
  • Conflict family requiring correction of intra-family relations
  • A family where parents are often sick suffer from chronic diseases. In such a family, the child lacks communication with parents who need help and support from teachers, the public, and society.
  • Low-income family: individual conversations, consultations, home visits.
  • Raising children by close relatives (grandmother, grandfather, uncle, aunt). The following forms and methods of work are acceptable: individual conversations, consultations with both a psychologist and other specialists, home visits, trainings, psychological games, planning of joint activities.

5th stage. Family supervision. Tracking the dynamics of the development of parent-child relationships. Study of the psychological microclimate in the family.

6th stage. Summing up the results of psychological and pedagogical interaction with a dysfunctional family.

Algorithm for the implementation of the program

First step - organizational ( September) - analysis of families of social disadvantage, direct planning, coordination of plans, bringing them into a single comprehensive plan, taking into account the situation and recommendations, studying the needs and demands of children, adolescents and their family members.

Second phase - active(October - May) coordination of actions, implementation of planned activities, development of a control system for their implementation.

The third stage is final(June) - analysis and summing up of work results, planning for the next year, taking into account the recommendations developed as a result of the analysis.

5. Main directions of the program implementation

1. Visiting families.

2. Psychological and pedagogical education of parents:

Inviting specialists;

Demonstration of video materials, slides.

3. Doors open days

4. Formation of parents' understanding of their belonging to the school educational space:

Excursions: acquaintance with the school and school services;

Holidays in the classroom;

Meeting with the school administration and social and psychological service;

Parents' meetings;

Meeting of the parents "Traditions of the class to be";

Participation in parent conferences;

Round tables;

Meeting of the weekend exit club;

Organization and conduct of parenting lessons.

5. Diagnostics.

6. Correctional work.

7. Improvement of the classroom.

8. Pedagogical consultations: individual and group.

9. Trainings and questionnaires.

Preventive action plan "Family at risk"

in MBOU Aktash secondary school them. Art. Mokhova

for the 2014-2015 academic year

P / p No.

Theme of the event

Terms of implementation


Diagnostics, identification of dysfunctional families

September, as needed throughout the year

Social teacher, teacher psychologist, class teachers.

Mapping of dysfunctional families

September October

Educator-psychologist, class teacher, social. educator

Individual work: visiting, drawing up an act


Social teacher class teachers.

Individual counseling for parents and children from disadvantaged families


Social teacher, class teachers.

Parent Lecture Topic:

  1. "Styles of family education"
  2. "Prevention of offenses"

October, April

social teacher

Joint work on the rehabilitation of dysfunctional families with the department of social. protection of the population, PDN, CDN.

Raids on dysfunctional families;

Call to KDN;

Appeal to the prosecutor's office;

Social service assistance;

Assistance in the employment of unemployed parents, providing children from disadvantaged families with vouchers to a health camp


Educator-psychologist, Class teacher, Social educator, Inspector of PDN

Interactive forms of work with dysfunctional families

  1. Questioning parents and children from disadvantaged families in order to identify the degree of disadvantage;
  2. Conversations for parents "Family and school - together we can do a lot" "
  3. Classes for children from disadvantaged families, aimed at overcoming maladjustment.

During a year


Involvement of parents in organizing Parents and Children events with the involvement of children from disadvantaged families.


Class teachers

  1. The main functions of the class teacher in working with a dysfunctional family and children from dysfunctional families.

1. Create a supportive classroom environment around a student from a disadvantaged family.

2. Establish a relationship of partnership and cooperation with a dysfunctional family.

3. Planning work with dysfunctional families.

4. Create a data bank about disadvantaged families and children from disadvantaged families studying in the classroom.

5. Create and implement individual programs for the upbringing of children from disadvantaged families.

6. Work with the students of the group to improve the social status of a child from a dysfunctional family.

7. Be the initiator of the creation of individual training programs for children from disadvantaged families.

8. Involve a child from a dysfunctional family in hobby groups and clubs, including weekend employment.

9. If necessary, be the initiator of active actions to protect the rights of the child.

Memo for homeroom teachers when dealing with disadvantaged families.

1. Never take educational actions in a bad mood.

2. Clearly and clearly define for yourself what you want from the family, what the family thinks about this, try to convince her that your goals are, first of all, their goals.

3. Don't give final pre-made recipes and recommendations. Do not lecture your parents, but show possible ways to overcome difficulties, sort out the right and wrong decisions leading to the goal.

4. The class teacher is obliged to encourage success, to notice even the smallest successes.

5. If there are errors, wrong actions, point out them. Give feedback and pause to let the family take on what you heard.

6. Make it clear to the family that you sympathize with her, believe in her, despite the mistakes of the parents.

When working with dysfunctional families, the class teacher must:

1. Identification of dysfunctional families as a means of preventing social orphanhood (knowledge of the living conditions of the child, the presence of an act of material examination).

2. Improving the pedagogical culture of all categories of parents:

Organization of pedagogical education. Parents' conviction that family education is not morality, notations or physical punishment, but the whole way of life of the parents (primarily healthy), the way of thinking and actions of the parents themselves, constant communication with children from the standpoint of humanity.

Involvement of parents as active educators (family holidays at school, extracurricular extracurricular activities, participation in school management).

3. In order to avoid violence, cruelty, aggressive behavior towards their children, to form the legal culture of parents.

4. Carrying out control and correction work with parents (questionnaires, testing, analysis of the level of education, training of children, individual conversations, etc.).

5. To take into account the peculiarities of upbringing in each individual family, relying on positive experience to increase the priority of family and family traditions in all subjects of educational activity: children, parents, teachers.

6. Eliminate parental guilt for their failure (a separate plan for working with problem groups of parents).

7. System of program activities and expected results

Based on the tasks set in working with a dysfunctional family, the main areas of activity were selected:

1. Identification of dysfunctional families and the reasons for their dysfunction.

Forms of work:

· Diagnostics, identification of dysfunctional families.

· Visiting families.

· Questioning of parents and children.

· Individual conversations with parents and children.

· Family supervision.


Drawing up a map of a dysfunctional family and certificates of visiting families; act of examination of living conditions. Revealing the degree of family dysfunction, antisocial phenomena, maladjustment of the child. Preparation of material for PDN. Elaboration of solutions, drawing up a plan of individual work

with family.

2. Educating parents about family education, the rights of the child.

Forms of work:

· Home visits.

· Individual and thematic consultations for parents and children from disadvantaged families.

· Issue of information sheets.

· Decoration of a stand for parents.

· Implementation of information assistance to the family.

· Transfer of positive family experiences.

· Conversations, parent meetings.


Establishing partnerships between teachers, parents and children. Creation of universal education for parents, involvement of parents in pedagogical self-education. Motivating parents to solve problems on their own. Increasing parental responsibility for the maintenance and upbringing of minors. Improving the microclimate of the family, preventing delinquency, overcoming asocial phenomena and maladjustment of the child at school.

3. Providing practical assistance to the family and the child.

Forms of work:

· Helping the family with problems related to study, upbringing, childcare.

· Helping parents in collecting documents for registration of benefits for children, vouchers to a sanatorium, unemployment benefits.

· Assistance in the provision of benefits provided by law.

· Providing assistance in obtaining material assistance to a dysfunctional family at the expense of the fund for social support of the population.

· Providing assistance in the employment of parents through the employment service.

· Involvement of parents, children, the public in socially significant events.

· Providing pedagogical assistance to the child.

Determination of the child's developmental level (if necessary - referral to PMPK)

· Organization of leisure activities for children.

· Organization during the vacation time of the camp with the daytime stay of children on the basis of the school.

· Providing children from disadvantaged families with vouchers to a health camp.

· Assistance in the employment of children during the vacation time through the employment service.

· Moral support of the family.

· Motivation for alcohol addiction treatment for parents who abuse alcoholic beverages.

Involvement of socially prosperous families, the School Council, the parent committee, PDN, KDN and ZP, guardianship and trusteeship bodies to work with dysfunctional families

· Involvement of the next of kin in the upbringing of the child.

· Coordination with a medical professional.

8. Individual plan of preventive measures for the family


Date of Birth ________ Place of work________


Staging on _______________

Family problem_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


In-school interaction

Family study:

Interview with the class teacher;

Survey of neighbors.


Social educator

class manager


Survey of living conditions


Social educator

class manager

Inspection report

Home visit

Social educator

class manager

School meetings

During the year as needed

School administration, social teacher

class manager


Accounting for children's progress at the end of the quarter

Daily and at the end of the quarter

Social educator

class manager


Summing up the preliminary results of the progress of children for a quarter

2 weeks before the end of the quarter

Social educator

class manager

Involving children in extracurricular activities:

  1. Tourslet "Autumn Path" dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the birth of E.M. Palkin
  2. Festival of the peoples of the world
  3. "Mom and I are a sports family"
  4. Game "Zarnitsa"
  5. Competition "Minute of Glory"

September and throughout the year

Social educator

class manager

deputy. director for VR, physical education teacher.

Family psychological support

  1. "Self-assessment of my personality"
  2. "Alcoholism - a reason, causes and consequences"

During a year


Parents' participation in activities to prevent neglect, delinquency, and promote healthy lifestyles

  1. Fit-exhibition "Golden Autumn"
  2. Competition of flash-presentations "About sport"
  3. Contest "No bad habits!"
  4. Environmental action to clean up the local river
  5. Conversation with parents on the topic: "Criminal liability of minors"

During the year according to the BP plan

Social educator

PDN inspector

class manager

deputy. BP director

Conversations on discipline, academic performance and children's attendance

  1. Parents' lecture hall "Styles of family education
  2. Competition of creative families "Let's sing, mommy!"
  3. A decade of family and school

During a year

Social educator

class manager

deputy. BP director

Marking in a student work notebook


"Education for all children"

During the promotion

Social educator

class manager

Raid schedule, acts


"Children of the streets"


Prevention advice

1 quarter

As needed

Social educator


2 quarter

3 quarter

4th quarter

Interdepartmental interaction

As needed

Social educator


Public organizations

Scientific and methodological:

1. Ivantsova A. About working with problem families. Education of schoolchildren - № 10, 2000.

2.Goncharova T. Dysfunctional families and work with them // Public education. No. 6, 2002.

3. Mustaeva F.A. Fundamentals of prevention of neglect and homelessness of minors: Textbook for universities. - M .: Academic Project. 2003.

4. Nikitina L.E. Social educator at school. - M .: Academic Project: Gaudeamus, 2003.

5. Smirnova EO, Bykova MV Structure and dynamics of parental relations // Questions of psychology. No. 3, 2000.

6. Sultanova T.A. Working with dysfunctional families. Methodical manual - Ufa; 2005

7. Tkacheva V.V. Harmonization of intra-family relations: dad, mom, I am a friendly family. Workshop on the formation of adequate intra-family relations. - M., 2000.

8. Shulga TI, slot V. Spaniyard H. Methods of working with children at risk. M., 2000.

The family is the most important medium for personality formation and a key link in preventive work, but not all parents, for a number of reasons, are enlightened in psychological and pedagogical issues, cannot competently work with a child and achieve a positive result in education. Psychologists, social educators, and class teachers act as assistants for them. The article presents the main aspects of the work of a school psychologist on the prevention of child tobacco smoking in the family, his role in the formation of a whole school environment without tobacco, describes such methods of work as educational activities of the school's parents, its importance in the educational process, psychological and pedagogical analysis of families. The features of work on the prevention of child tobacco smoking in various family situations, psychological counseling and support for families faced with the problem of child tobacco smoking, psychocorrectional and psychotherapeutic work with families at risk are revealed.

Key words: family, psychology, prevention, therapy, children's tobacco smoking, social design, education, family at risk.

The family is a micro-society where the socialization of children is carried out, thanks to the effort of all its functions - educational, recreational (physical, material, moral, psychological support, organization of leisure), commutative (communication and through it - socialization), regulatory, femecitological (feeling of happiness in the family ).

It is the family that was, is and will always be the most important environment for the formation of personality and
a key link in preventive work. Unfortunately, many families have different
reasons are unenlightened in psychological and pedagogical issues, cannot
competently work with the child and achieve a positive result in education.
Often specialists come to their aid - a school psychologist, a social educator,
class teacher, specialist of the psychological center who can offer
program of systematic purposeful work to form a healthy


To date, the prevention of tobacco smoking is extremely relevant in the work of a school psychologist and is represented very widely - class hours, parent meetings, meetings with doctors, public events, etc.

Before starting complex preventive work with a child or a children's team, a psychologist works with parents.

The school psychologist is faced with a set of tasks of preventive work in the family:

. Educational activities of the parental staff of the school on healthy lifestyles, the creation of an information field, the formation of parents' need for self-education;

. Psychological and pedagogical analysis of families;

. Psychological counseling and support for families faced with the problem of child smoking;

Psychocorrectional and psychotherapeutic work with families at risk.

Educational activities of the school's parent staff on healthy lifestyles, creating an information field

This method of work is the main type of preventive activity of the entire teaching staff of the school, especially psychologists and social educators.

Educational activities of parents include systematic class or school-wide parenting meetings, which discuss the age and psychophysiological characteristics of children, methods of effective communication with them, and give specific recommendations for maintaining and maintaining a healthy lifestyle in the family. A psychologist or social educator, carrying out educational activities, can use thematic stands, provide informative and relevant information in electronic form, maintain a section on the school website, and answer questions online.

This direction of preventive work has become the basis of a comprehensive program for the prevention of children's tobacco smoking "Responsible Parents", where work with the family begins with a conversation on the problem in the form of parental meetings from the 1st to the 11th grade, then a psychological and pedagogical analysis of families is carried out and further preventive Job .

Psychological and pedagogical analysis of families

It is with this that the psychologist begins to work with parents. In the course of psychological and pedagogical analysis, the level of development of the family in the material and cultural sphere is studied, values ​​and guidelines are highlighted with the help of which the upbringing and development of a child is carried out, a conclusion is made about the psychological, pedagogical and social consistency of family members. The psychologist observes the types of family relationships, identifies the status roles and place of the child. And the most important task at this stage is to determine what kind of emotional and moral atmosphere the child is in.

Psychological counseling and support for families facing problems

Child smoking.

With such a request from parents, it is important to collect as much information as possible about the fact of smoking. You should not carry out in-depth work if the child tried a cigarette once out of curiosity, in this situation it is necessary to explain that children are subject to the influence of the environment; you need to find out from the child where he observed smoking people and who they are, for what purpose he lit a cigarette, who offered him the first cigarette. Further, parents will be able to independently talk about the dangers and consequences of smoking, using visual material and information that can be obtained in the psychologist's office.

Comprehensive long-term work should be carried out if the child smokes systematically and he develops physiological and behavioral changes - drowsiness, excitability, excessive appetite or lack of it, a characteristic smell from clothes, hands and hair, etc. several of its models: pedagogical, diagnostic, medical, psychological (psychotherapeutic), social. Medical care should be provided in specialized health care institutions.

Psychological counseling takes place in an individual or group form and contains the following stages.

1. Establishing contact and connecting a consultant to clients.

2. Gathering information about the client's problem.

3. Discussion of the psychotherapeutic contract.

4. Elaboration of the request.

5. The actual consultation.

6. Checking the worked out models and consolidating the result.

7. Support and targeted consulting.

The work uses the widest range of techniques and techniques - group and family
psychotherapy, structured interviews, working with metaphors, fairy tale therapy, art -
therapy, gestalt therapy, trainings, body-oriented therapy,
psycho-modeling, social design and others depending on the specific

Psychocorrectional and psychotherapeutic work with families at risk

Family trouble is a complex of reasons of a different nature associated with impaired performance of the upbringing function of the family, causing deformation of the child's personality and leading to deviant behavior. Families at risk include:

. Destructive family - autonomy and separation of individual family members, lack of reciprocity in emotional contacts, chronic marital or child-parent conflict; Incomplete family;

. Rigid, pseudo-solidary family - the unconditional dominance of one of

Family members, strict regulation of family life, suppressive type


. Broken family - one of the parents lives separately, but retains contacts

With the former family and continues to perform any functions in it, while

Strong emotional dependence on him remains.

It is in such families that children are most susceptible to early tobacco use, even

Starting from 6-7 years old, looking at the negative example of parents. Therefore, the main tasks

The psychologist in this situation is to provide early diagnosis and protect the child from antisocial impact. The complex of work with families at risk includes screening (observation), diagnosis and correction of family behavior.

In case of urgent need, a school psychologist can include in the work of the guardianship authorities, medical workers, a specialist in the department for juvenile affairs and protection of their rights.

The main method of work is family counseling, during which the psychologist helps to correct and model such behavior in which the child will develop in a healthy emotional atmosphere. Parents are explained in detail the current situation, the possible consequences of non-elimination of the problem, work is being carried out to prevent the "cold mother" or "cold father" syndrome. The most effective forms of work are joint art therapy (bibliotherapy, fairy tale therapy, mask therapy, drama therapy, working with clay, sand therapy, music therapy, color therapy, photo and video therapy, origami, game therapy, isotherapy, artsynthesis therapy) and social design (my home, me and the environment, our family, etc.). The psychologist works only with the use of those methods that do not cause aggression and feelings of inferiority in a particular family. In the process of joint play activity, the child and the adult experience a therapeutic effect, and the psychologist develops and consolidates it. It is necessary to provide constant supervision and support to such families, to build trust and generate information needs in the field of prevention. The work to support such families is carried out until the child leaves school.

Thus, the main task of the school in matters of prevention is to arouse in parents the need for self-education and conducting preventive activities within the family. The main methods of work are joint activities of a child and an adult, therapy, trainings. It is important for the psychologist to create a trusting and emotionally rich atmosphere, be a helper for children and parents, be there in difficult times and be able to provide a school-wide preventive environment, protected from tobacco smoke.


1. ANtonov A. AND., Medkov V. M. Sociology of the family. M., 1996.

2. Ovcharova R. V. Reference book of the school psychologist. 2nd ed., Rev. M., 1996.

3. Schneider L. B. Family psychology: textbook for universities. 2nd ed. M., 2006.

4. Schneider L. B. Family and origins of deviant behavior in children and adolescents. Deviant behavior of children and adolescents. SPb., 2005.

5. Deviant behavior of adolescents as a problem of social work // Divitsina NF Social work with disadvantaged children and adolescents. Lecture notes. Rostov n / a, 2005.

6. Responsible parents / Study guide for secondary school teachers. / Ed. 1st. M., 2007.

7. Family in psychological counseling: Experience and problems of psychological counseling / Ed. A. A. Bodaleva, V. V. Stolin. M., 1989.

Social and Psychological Aspects of Preventive Work with Families

Rogozina E. D.

Psychologist, Head of the Educational Resource Center.

Family is the most important environment of personality formation and a key part in prevention work, but for various reasons not all parents are educated in the psychological and pedagogical issues, not all can competently work with their child and achieve positive results in upbringing. Psychologists, social educators, homeroom teachers become their assistants. The article presents the main aspects of the school psychologist's work in preventing child smoking in the family and his / her role in the formation of general non-tobacco school environment. Educational activities for the parents, their importance in the educational process and method of psychological and pedagogical analysis of families are presented. The specifics of working with prevention of child tobacco use in different family situations, in psychological counseling and support for families that have faced the problem of child smoking and psycho-correctional and psycho-therapeutic work with families at risk are described.

Keywords: family, psychology, prevention, therapy, child smoking, social engineering, education, risk group family.

1. Antonov A. I., Medkov V. M. Sociologiya sem "i. M., 1996.

2. Ovcharova R. V. Spravochnaya kniga shkol "nogo psihologa. - 2nd izd, dorab. M., 1996.

3. Shneider L. B. Semeinaya psihologiya: Uchebnoe posobie dlya vuzov. 2nd izd. M., 2006.

4. Shneider L. B... Sem "ya i istoki deviantnogo povedeniya detei i podrostkov. Deviantnoe povedenie detei i podrostkov. 2005.

5. Deviantnoe povedenie podrostkov kak problema social "noi raboty // Divicina N. F. Social" naya rabota s neblagopoluchnymi det "mi i podrostkami. Konspekt lekcii. Rostov n / D, 2005.

6. Otvetstvennye roditeli / Uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie dlya uchitelei srednei shkoly / izd. pervoe. M., 2007.

7. Sem "ya v psihologicheskoi konsul" tacii: Opyt i problemy psihologicheskogo konsul "tirovaniya / Pod red. A. A. Bodaleva, V. V. Stolina. M., 1989.

Preventive work with families in a socially dangerous situation.

Traditionally, the main institution of upbringing is the family, what the child acquires in the family in childhood, he retains throughout his life. The importance of the family as an institution of upbringing is due to the fact that the child is in it for a significant part of his life, and in terms of the duration of its impact on the personality, none of the institutions of upbringing can compare with the family. It lays the foundations of the child's personality, and by the time he enters school, he has already more than half formed as a person.

The family can act as both a positive and a negative factor in upbringing. The positive impact on the personality of the child is that no one, except for the people closest to him in the family - mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, brother, sister, treats the child better, does not love him and does not care so much about him. At the same time, no other social institution can potentially do as much harm in raising children as the family can.

The family is a special kind of collective that plays a basic, long-term and important role in upbringing. It is in the family that the child receives the first life experience, makes the first observations of how to behave in various situations. It is very important that what we teach the child is supported by concrete examples, so that he sees that in adults, theory does not diverge from practice.

An analysis of the family's current situation shows that in the course of the country's reforms, it has become much more complicated. A sharp decline in the quality of life had a negative impact on the organization of the household, the structure of consumption, the health of family members, and the satisfaction of their spiritual, educational, and cultural needs. The socio-economic and psychological functions of the family have been significantly deformed. There has been a steady trend towards a decrease in the role of the family in the upbringing and development of children, and in ensuring their moral and physical health. The crisis state of the family as a social institution is aggravated by the spread of crime, alcoholism, drug addiction, vagrancy, orphanhood with living parents.

The social insufficiency of many families is due to objective reasons, so they need support. The work of the social educator and psychologist of our school is primarily aimed at helping such families, the so-called families of "risk groups".

Children reflect the lifestyles of fathers and mothers. Amongreasons that give rise to "difficult" adolescents, the following can be distinguished:

    lack of purposeful educational work with children from an early age;

    ignorance of their interests and needs;

    political, socio-economic and environmental instability;

    strengthening the influence of pseudoculture;

    unfavorable family and household relations;

    lack of control over the behavior of children, neglect, inattention to children;

    excessive connivance or cruelty of punishment for misdemeanors;

    over-employment of parents in the sphere of social production and private entrepreneurship;

    divorce epidemic;

    loss of emotional contact with children.

Re-education of a teenager must begin with correcting relationships within the family. It is the class teacher who must find individual approaches and words for each family in order to enhance its positive potential.

Types of "difficult" families:

    A family with "difficult" parents. This is often a single mother, whose child prevents her from arranging her personal life. The atmosphere in such a family is characterized by coldness, indifference, and lack of spiritual conflict.

    A family dominated by neglect. In families of this type, parents tend to drink alcohol. For fathers and mothers, cultural limitations, poverty of feelings, lack of spiritual ties with children are characteristic.

    Families characterized by parental pedagogical illiteracy. In such a family, parents do not understand children, reveal a complete ignorance of methods of influence, underestimate the importance of family education, undermine the authority of educational institutions and teachers.

    Families that prioritize material well-being over spiritual life. In such families, children, as a rule, grow up selfish, overly practical consumers. And parents encourage these qualities of children.

    Families in which parents present their children with exaggerated demands, bordering on cruelty. In such families, children are punished, often physically, for the slightest offense. And as a result, children grow up violent and embittered.

Parents' problems;


    • physical disabilities, pathologies of the parents themselves;

      physical disabilities, pathology of the child;

      mental disorders of one of the parents;

      mental illness of the child;

      alcoholism, drug addiction, etc .;

      violation of sanitary and hygienic food standards.


    • overprotection of the child;

      the child is allowed almost everything, lack of parental control;

      discrepancy, inconsistency in parenting methods between parents;

      language barrier (bilingualism).


    • lack of basic pedagogical and psychological knowledge;

      family conflicts.


    • low material level of the family;

      poor living conditions;

      low subject provision.


    • ignorance of their rights and responsibilities as parents;

      legal incompetence.

Stages of work with the family:

    Diagnostics of family problems.

    Educational work on education, psychological characteristics of children, civil rights.

    Assistance in obtaining social assistance.

    Diagnostics of work results.

Target: assisting the family in overcoming difficulties in the upbringing and education of children, in expanding the knowledge of parents about the age characteristics of their children.


    to improve the psychological and legal culture of parents in the field of interpersonal, family, parental relations;

    assist in overcoming conflict situations in the family;

    correction of intra-family relations.

Principles used in work with the family:

    increasing the image of a healthy family;

    increasing an active life position;

    communicative culture (emotional, informational, logical, speech, spiritual);

    support for family self-realization (round tables, etc.);

    social partnership of all services;

    study and dissemination of new technologies;

    prevention of problems.








    information content


Thus, in working with the family, one should strive to maximize the positive and minimize the negative influence of the family on the upbringing of the child, to explain the intra-family psychological factors that have educational value:

    take an active part in family life;

    always find time to talk to your child;

    be interested in the problems of the child, delve into all the difficulties that arise in his life and help develop his skills and talents;

    not exert any pressure on the child, thereby helping him to make decisions on his own;

    have an idea of ​​the different stages in a child's life;

    respect the child's right to their own opinion;

    be able to restrain possessive instincts and treats the child as an equal partner who just has less life experience so far;

    respects the desire of all other family members to pursue a career and improve themselves.

Predicted result:

Motivate parents to solve problems independently and effectively.

Table # 1

Types of problem families

Homeroom Tasks

Families with "difficult" parents. This is, for example, a single mother whose child prevents her from arranging her personal life. The atmosphere in such a family is coldness, indifference, lack of spiritual contact.

    Endear the mother to yourself, gain trust; if she is wary of this, do not rush to be offended.

    Try to see yourself through the eyes of your mother. This will help you better understand her and control your attitude towards her.

    To interest in the fate of a teenager, to awaken responsibility for his future.

    Delicately, tactfully touch upon the topic of the mother's natural desire to arrange her personal life; to awaken the need for emotional contact with the child, joint solution of everyday life problems

Families in which neglect prevails. In such families, parents tend to drink alcohol. Parents are characterized by cultural limitations, poverty of feelings, lack of spiritual ties with children

    Patiently proving to parents the detrimental effect of the lifestyle they lead on the teenager.

    Pay attention to the feelings experienced by the teenager, pain, shame, resentment for the father and mother.

    Find out which of the parents enjoys great authority in the family, who can become a support in changing living conditions.

    Include a teenager in wider communication with people around him, provide moral support, establish control

Families characterized by parental pedagogical illiteracy. Parents do not understand children, reveal a complete ignorance of the methods of pedagogical influence, underestimate the importance of family education, undermine the authority of the school and teachers

    To form in parents the need for pedagogical knowledge through consultations with them, their inclusion in the systematic work of the school with parents.

    Awaken interest in self-education.

    To instill the idea that all children need educated parents

Families that prioritize material well-being over spiritual life. Children in such families grow up as selfish, overly practical consumers. Parents encourage these qualities

    Change the life orientation of the parents.

    To interest the teenager in the development of the inner spiritual world.

    When meeting with parents at home and at school, use indirect influence, relying on healthy interests

Families in which parents place high demands on their children, often bordering on cruelty. Children are often physically punished, causing them to grow up angry and violent.

    To prove to the parents that the child should be treated as an equal, to refuse to act from a position of strength.

    Treat the child as a person who has equal rights to independence and respect.

    Prove that patience and condescension towards a child is the main tool in upbringing


work with dysfunctional families



Reconciliation and Lists.


Updating the card index.

during a year

Identification of families (dysfunctional) and families that evade raising their children.

during a year

Raids on dysfunctional families

during a year

Preparation of material for CDN and RFP

of necessity

Arming and disarming from VSHU

during a year

Invitation to meetings of the Council of Prevention.

during a year

Joint work with the department of guardianship and guardianship, KDN and ZP, PDN, the department for youth policy.

during a year

Helping class teachers in working with dysfunctional families.

during a year

Individual preventive conversations (with the involvement of psychologists, PDN inspector, deputy director for educational work)

during a year