Drawing with a print of a packaging film with pimples. The easiest way to insulate windows is with bubble wrap. How to make a long car trip comfortable

Do you like popping bubble wrap? If so, then you probably don’t have enough willpower to create masterpieces from it :) But the American artist Bradley Hart found a much more useful use for it and makes incredible pictures with this film! How does he do it? See below.

Huge rolls of this plastic "drug" are stored in Bradley's workshop, but he is in no hurry to pop the transparent vials. Filling them with paint, the artist draws pictures, as if putting together a multi-colored children's mosaic.

The art project with wrapping film and bubbles filled with paint is called Injections. The artist really has to inject each transparent pimple in order to inject paint of a certain color into it, or even mix several colors in it at once to get the desired shade.

So moving from bubble to bubble, Bradley Hart makes several hundred injections a day, gradually turning ordinary packaging film into a natural art object - a portrait, landscape, or some other picture.

Bradley Hart has already painted portraits of Steve Jobs and himself, singer Tamiya and artist Germinio Pio Politi, as well as other people's faces, urban landscapes and abstractions, by injecting paint into transparent pimples of packaging film.

Curiously, when the painting is ready, the wooden stand, to which the bubble wrap has been attached all this time, also becomes a painting. The same multi-colored and bright, but blurry and fuzzy, painted with smudges of acrylic paint. Looking at them, it seems that you are looking at the very original work of the artist, but through the rain-drenched glass. Atmospheric and creative, especially considering that this painting technique is still quite popular. So instead of one picture, the artist draws two at once. By the way, at the exhibitions in which Bradley Hart takes part with his art project, he always exhibits both results of the creative process.

How are these magical paintings created?

The process of creating the paintings is quite "simple": using conventional syringes, Hart injects acrylic paints into individual vials.

This is not only a long, but also an incredibly difficult process.

And although the portraits are amazing, in order to understand all their beauty, you need to see with your own eyes the process of their creation.

Hart's portraits will be on display through March 29 at an exhibition in New York called What? Where? When? For what? How?".

Prevents condensation in the toilet bowl

Have you noticed that the tank sweats strangely during the heating season? This is due to the condensation of cold water on its surface. How to prevent it? Very easy. All you need to do is put bubble wrap as insulation, which will remove condensation due to temperature differences.

Protects plants from frost

When winter comes, protect your plants from frost. Wrap the pots they are in in bubble wrap. Do this so that the foil protrudes a few inches from the rim of each pot.

Close windows in winter
Old single glazed windows freeze in the winter and let the cold through. By attaching bubble wrap to glass, you will protect even the most leaky windows from the cold.

Keeps food warm

Whether you need to take a hot lunch to work or need cold groceries, bubble wrap will definitely come in handy. Wrap it around food containers tightly. The film perfectly holds the initial temperature.

Increases the comfort of sleeping on the mattress

Sometimes you have to spend the night in the office...and there is no mattress. To increase your comfort while sleeping, use a long sheet of bubble wrap as a mattress. You will feel as if you were sleeping on a comfortable bed. In addition, the film insulates you from the cold floor so effectively that you won't get cold overnight.

Use to decorate cakes

Bubble wrap wrapped around a shortbread cake will help create a natural honeycomb effect. Use this method to decorate cakes and cupcakes. It's beautiful and simple.

To insulate housing, sometimes simple improvised means are enough. For example, packaging film with bubbles is perfect for thermal insulation of windows. Just one layer of film will stop the outflow of heat and raise the temperature in the room.

Depending on the condition of the windows, from 20 to 30% of the heat of the whole house can be lost through them, which is obvious. For this reason, the first step to improving the energy efficiency of your home is to insulate your windows. If the windows are in good condition or it is not possible to replace them with metal-plastic ones, you can try the simplest, most economical and effective method of insulation - with the help of an air bubble film. This method has long been used for thermal insulation of greenhouses and greenhouses, says Builditsolar.

Air bubbles help to keep heat inside the room without releasing it outside. Another advantage of the film is that it is easy to use for non-standard windows.

The only disadvantage of bubble wrap is that visibility from the window will be worse. Therefore, do not use this insulation option for all windows. Insulation with air bubble film is especially effective for single windows, for example, on a balcony, in a bathroom or utility room. Such partial insulation will also help keep the heat in the house.

Film with large bubbles has the best insulating properties. Air does not conduct heat well, and there is a lot of air in large bubbles. In addition, the light passing through such a film does not scatter much and passes into the room more easily.

How to insulate windows with bubble wrap

  1. From the inside of the house, take measurements of the window and cut out the film on them.
  2. Using a spray bottle with water (you can add a little glycerin for easier removal of the film later), moisten the glass surface.
  3. While the glass is still wet, apply the film with bubbles to the glass and press down a little.

That's all. The film is easy to remove (start from the edge of the window) and leaves no marks on the glass. The film can be used for several years in a row during the cold season.

In the summer heat, the film can help keep the house cool. But it is best to use the film only in autumn-winter and shoot for the summer: under the influence of strong light, it can quickly collapse.

Where can I find bubble wrap?

This film is used for wrapping parcels and their better safety. It can be easily found in large construction supermarkets, in the departments of household goods.

After warming the house, you can think about. Many Ukrainians are already switching to the use of bio-waste to heat their homes. It's efficient and inexpensive. For example, it allows you to save 60 thousand UAH. for the season.

bubble prints

This is the most versatile creative option with this kind of film, because our bubbles give a very interesting pattern when used correctly. And it will be very interesting for children who, with the help of a film, will also be able to better understand the scheme for creating a regular drawing. This method is suitable even for kindergarten children: they will be able to make interesting drawings, great creative and non-standard cards, book covers and bookmarks, scrapbooking and collage inner sheets, and at the same time get acquainted with the color scheme and the concept of abstraction.

Protect the table from a flurry of activity with paints, duct tape and paper (or alternatively newspapers) by covering the piece of furniture. Give your child different-sized brushes and bubble wrap, as well as paints and thick paper. Paint must be applied directly to the bubbles. You can make a bubble rainbow by applying different colors with lines on bubbles, older children can be shown how to make a colored abstraction or make a figure of some animal, insect or inanimate object out of dot bubbles. Very interesting are obtained in this way, for example, multi-colored houses and two-color giraffes with brown spots or zebras with monochrome stripes, respectively.

You can initially cut out a certain shape from the film and only then make prints: for example, a heart or any other shape. A rigid part on top (like a pen) can then be attached to a similar form to make it more convenient to hold and print. Work quickly so that the paint on the first bubbles doesn't dry before you finish the last ones.

Finally, the last part of the job is to carefully flip the colored bubble wrap over and make a print on the paper. If you / the child managed to apply more paint and less water - and there will be no dripping from the film - feel free to turn the film over, gently press it against the paper (put something under the paper, for example, cellophane, so that wet prints do not pass to the table) and do not remove the film less carefully. So the print will be clearer. If, nevertheless, it is about to drip from the film, leave it on the table and, conversely, gently press the paper to the bubbles, also trying not to smear the drawing and not to wrinkle the paper itself here. Then let the print dry completely.

The same prints can be used on already drawn, but not yet dry, pictures, or before the picture itself is painted in a standard way.

Underwater creatures from bubble wrap

Let's now try to make a fish out of film, paint and paper. Wrap a piece of cling film around the rolling pin. Use clear adhesive tape to securely seal the edges of the film. Roll the film on a rolling pin in paint (on a wide tray) and then transfer the paint with a rolling pin to a sheet of paper. You will now have a nice “scaly” fish pattern in your hands on paper. Let the paper dry and cut out an elongated fish shape without a fin and tail from it, and then paste the resulting one on both sides onto cardboard of the same shape. Next, using pieces of clean or also colored bubble wrap, wrap or paste over the base of cardboard, and then - made from the same film, but already without cardboard inside - attach “airy” fins and a tail to the figure. Several of these figures can be hung in the form of a mobile on a chandelier or a crib.

Or you can make a jellyfish / octopus from a film and a plastic transparent / white bowl / bowl. Before attaching the bowl and cling film to each other, paint them white, blue, or purple, if desired. Or leave it transparent. If it is an octopus, draw eyes on the bowl. Take a fairly large square of the film (side up to a meter), lay it flat on a hard surface. Turn the bowl upside down and place in the center, then tape to the cling film with clear or double-sided tape. Next, the edges of the film remaining outside the bowl are cut into relatively thin strips - if it is a jellyfish, and of medium width - if it is an octopus. It is optimal to hang the finished toy over a point non-heating light source (LED, for example), or you can fix it under a chandelier / on the ceiling, or in a doorway.

How bubble wrap is made aslan wrote in September 5th, 2017

Probably there is not a single person who would indifferently throw this package into the trash. Bubble wrap not only protects the goods on the way from the seller to the buyer, but is also an excellent anti-stress agent. It's hard to resist bursting through all the bubbles after you unpack the box that contains this very film.

Today we will see how bubble wrap is made.

In order to find out how the pimply antistress is made, I went to the production of the company "Beta Couvert", which is located in the Moscow region, Lytkarino.

It all starts with these bags, which contain polyethylene granules. Raw materials of Russian production.

The granules are poured into a container, where a hose is placed that sucks the granules up into the machine, where the plastic is melted and converted into polyethylene. The granules consist of primary - plastic from the factory, and secondary - plastic, which is produced right there.

This is how the granules look in the box. A non-specialist will not understand where the primary is, and where the secondary is.

The granulate is loaded into this machine, which actually makes the film. Machine made in Italy.

During production, all these shafts are spinning, and of course you can’t touch them if you don’t want to lose your hand.

In case of emergency, protection is provided here in the form of such a fuse - a red cord, by pulling which the machine can be stopped instantly.

And this is the main roller that makes the bubble wrap. Above it is a container with a melted granulate, from which two strips of polyethylene flow onto the roller. On the one hand, a smooth roll forms the flat side of the film, on the other hand, a grooved roll forms the pimpled side.

See the tiny holes in the recesses? When in contact with the roller, the still hot film is sucked through the holes into the recess with the help of vacuum, and the same pimples are obtained. Clap clap.

Then the formed bubble film is pulled and goes further along the machine.

This is the second half of the machine. In the middle you can see a block that allows you to make special-purpose bubble wrap with various additional layers.

The film is pulled onto these rollers, where the edges of the film are trimmed (so that the roll is even) and then fed through a shiny shaft for final winding into the finished roll.

Then it is wound into a large roll, the winding can be from 50 to 100m, depending on the needs of the client. Some unscrupulous manufacturers sin by not winding up the film for customers up to 10 m or more. In rolls of film from Beta-Kuvert, the footage always complies with acceptable standards.

After the roll is ready, the film is cut off, the device turns the roll over and immediately starts winding the film on another sleeve. The ends of the film are sealed with adhesive tape and packed in a bag, after which the roll is removed from the pin.

At this time, the worker puts a spool (cardboard sleeve) on the pin for the next roll.

Those spools...

The package with the roll is tied up and taken to the warehouse, from where it will already go to the customers.

Few people know, but there is a bubble wrap with large pimples called Bigbubble. For its production, such a shaft with large cells is used.

Did you know that the diameter of the Bigbubble bubbles is 30 mm, and the density of the film reaches 148 g/m2. This is a great option for packing especially fragile items such as antiques, mirrors, vases.

The lighter in the photo makes it clear how big the pimples are on such a film.

In the next room, the finished film is wound into rolls with a smaller footage.
Airbasic mini-rolls with windings of 5 and 10 meters and a roll width of 0.4 - 1.2 m will become an indispensable assistant:

  • summer residents (transportation of jars of jam and other preservation)

  • motorists (trunk protection from dirt)

  • household (lining for jars and glass containers)

In another room, bags are made from the same film.

Surely in these you received parcels from online stores. They are the main customers of such packaging.

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