Make a beautiful postcard with your own hands. DIY greeting cards for women

Glued and painted, they are valued much higher than purchased options. After all, you not only create unique things, but also put your soul into the work. We invite you to find out how to make a greeting card with your own hands on various topics.

Card for teacher

The greeting card "Happy Teacher's Day", made in the craft style with your own hands, will turn out to be quite interesting. It involves the use of several separate pictures, letters and decorative elements that come together in one whole. You will need to take A4 cardboard for the base of the postcard, a picture for the A5 background, and some pictures with school-related subjects. For example, it can be letters of the alphabet, a backpack, a note sheet, a ruler, a compass, and so on.

First, make a base, that is, just bend A4 cardboard in half. Paint it if necessary. Then paste the picture with the background onto the front side. It will be nice if its format is slightly smaller (A5). Then cut out the prepared images of school subjects along the contour. You can also print a small rectangle with the words "Congratulations" or "Happy Holidays." Place the pictures in the background as they will look in the final version. Stick them on. You can also decorate the card with ribbons or various decorative elements. Do-it-yourself greeting card "Happy Teacher's Day". It remains only to sign it.

in kindergarten

The teacher of preschool children will be very pleased to receive a congratulatory card made by their pupils. You can borrow the idea of ​​finger drawing as a basis. First, prepare the base of your postcard. To do this, take cardboard or kraft paper, fold in half. Then dilute the paint and cover it with sponges. Make a few shades - this will brighten the picture.

Now have each child soak their finger in a sponge and put a print on the front of the postcard. You can combine them by drawing at the bottom that extend from the lower points. Thus, you get a bunch of balls. On the side of the plastic, you can write "Congratulations!" Thus, a do-it-yourself greeting card is ready!

Another cute baby card

The presented personal greeting card will bring a lot of positive emotions to the teacher. You can make it with your own hands from the most ordinary colored paper. And of the additional things you need only scissors and a pen. Fold the paper in half and place your child's pen on it so that your thumb and forefinger touch the fold line. Circle it around the contour and carefully cut out the card. As a result, you will have a cute postcard that resembles a baby's palm in its shape. When opened, there are already two of them. It remains only to fill out the card and present it to the teacher.

Simple postcard

To get such a card, you need to take cardboard for paper, thin double-sided tape, several varieties of kraft paper or ordinary color pictures with a picture, as well as yellow sheets. Prepare the base of your greeting card first by folding the sheet in half. Then cut several strips of different paper. Try to make them the same width, but different in length. Now cut out shapes that resemble drops from sheets of yellow color. There should be as many of them as there are strips.

When all the details are ready, you can start decorating the front side. To do this, lay out the strips on the card. It will be more beautiful if they are not parallel. Lay them out slightly obliquely. Then take one strip and glue a piece of double-sided tape to its back. Replace the rectangle. Glue all the strips on the tape in the same way. Finally, attach the drops over the paper candles.

Such a greeting card at school with your own hands is done very quickly. Therefore, it is ideal for a topic of a lesson or classroom hour. As a result, each student will have his own greeting card, which he can then present to someone for his birthday.

New year paper greetings

Do-it-yourself greeting cards for the New Year are made even easier. For example, to create such a card, you will need red cardboard or kraft paper of the same color. Take also a narrow and wide ribbon of beige or gold shade, beads or rhinestones of the same tone.

Fold the paper in half. Take a special gun or Moment glue, attach a small piece of narrow ribbon on top. It should be centered. Draw a circle under it with a slight movement of your pencil. Place the bead drops inside it so that most of the space is filled. Then glue all the elements. Tweezers are most convenient. It remains to make a bow from a wide ribbon and glue it over the ball. Sign the postcard.

Volumetric card with balls

You can make very beautiful DIY greeting cards using thick double-sided tape. Also, for example, to create a card with balloons, you will need several types of craft paper or cardboard with drawings, a small piece of thin ribbon and beautiful threads (floss, woolen, decorative strings, and so on).

First, make a blank for your postcard by folding the cardboard in half. Then take decorative paper and draw circles, hearts or ovals on the back. These are the shapes of our future balloons. Then take scissors and carefully cut the shapes along the outline. Now cut the threads. You need as many balls as you get. Use double-sided tape to connect the thread to the cardboard figure. Place the balls on the front of the card, and then glue them.

Tie all the ends into one bundle using a thin ribbon. Glue its back to the postcard. Trim the ends of the threads. The volumetric postcard is ready! By this principle, you can make many different greeting cards. Just prepare the elements and glue them onto thick double-sided tape.

Template for a postcard in the style of scrapbooking

You can make original greeting cards from paper with your own hands in the scrapbooking style. To do this, you need to take several types of beautiful cardboard, a thin ribbon and PVA glue. First, prepare the foundation. It can be either cardboard folded in half, or just a square or rectangular sheet. Then take red paper and cut out exactly the same shape as the card itself, only one centimeter smaller on each side. Cut out another exactly the same piece, only white or beige. In addition, it should be smaller by a few millimeters of the previous one. Stick the red sheet on the front side of the card first, and then the light one.

Christmas decor postcards

Now cut out three rectangles from different paper. They should differ in length by 1 centimeter. In the middle, glue a medium-sized rectangle horizontally. Cut a piece of tape and glue one end of it to the back of the long rectangle. Place the shape under the center piece and glue it as well. Lift the tape up. Glue the last rectangle on top, having previously wrapped the second piece of ribbon under it. Make a bow from the remnants of the ribbon and stick it on the top of our gifts.

Under the picture make the inscription "Happy New Year!", "Happy Holidays!" or "Congratulations!" It is noteworthy that depending on what color paper you use, the content of the postcard also changes. If you take cardboard of neutral shades with a pattern of hearts or circles, then the card can be presented for a birthday.

Minimalist greeting card

For such a card, you will need a solid, beautiful dark cardboard. And also white thick paper and several types of colored tape. Make the base of the greeting card out of dark cardboard. Cut a few strips and simply stick it to the front of the card. The stripes should go horizontally, maybe a little diagonally.

Take white cardboard and write nicely and neatly in two lines with a pencil "Happy Birthday!" or one "Congratulations!" Letters should be bold. Circle the inscription in a frame, and let it connect with words in some places. Now take a sharp clerical knife and cut everything along the outline. Using PVA glue, stick our blank on the tape. Everything. The minimalist greeting card is ready. For all its simplicity, it turns out to be bright and stylish.

More design options for minimalist cards

Do-it-yourself greeting cards turn out beautiful: "Happy Birthday" or "Happy New Year". Especially if you use colored tape in the process. In this case, you do not need to use any other materials and tools. Just stick the tape on the front of the card in different order, or make different shapes out of it. It can be candles, a gift, a cake, and so on. At the end of the postcard, you simply glue a congratulatory inscription cut out of white cardboard over the tape. This way, you have several options for simple yet creative and stylish greeting cards.

Hand-made gifts and cards are valued much more expensive than standard purchased ones. And this is not surprising. After all, all hand made products are unique and created in a single copy. Moreover, a handmade greeting card with warm wishes will pleasantly surprise the birthday person and complement the birthday present.

Many people think that it is impossible to create a beautiful postcard at home without expensive materials and tools, but this is far from the case. Knowing the basic principles of cardmaking and scrapbooking, you can make original birthday cards with your own hands from scrap materials that can be found in almost every home.

What do you need to create a Happy Birthday card?

  • First of all, you need to prepare the base of the postcard. It is best if it is cardboard or whatman paper. Base color - any, preferably monochromatic.
  • You will need two types of scissors - some large ones to cut out the base of the postcard, others - small manicure scissors. The latter are convenient to cut out miniature applications or pictures.
  • A ruler and pencil are needed to correctly mark the length and width of the card on the cardboard.
  • With colored pens, especially helium pens with sparkles, you can make beautiful inscriptions and drawings on postcards.
  • The glue stick will help you make beautiful paper applications on postcards without smudges and stains. For fastening fabric, lace, felt, it is better to use PVA glue, and for more "serious" decorations, such as buttons, rhinestones, sequins, and so on, using the Moment universal glue or a glue gun will help to avoid the troubles associated with the parts of the postcard falling off in the most inopportune moment.
  • Anything can be a decoration for postcards: colored paper, felt, pictures from old magazines and newspapers, beads, rhinestones, sequins, beads, coffee, pasta, cereals, old strings, threads and much, much more. In general, anything that is in every home.

The Process of Making a Simple Happy Birthday Card

Making any postcard, no matter how simple or complex, begins with preparing the foundation. Postcards can be single and double, of different formats, configurations and sizes.

The simplest postcard is, of course, a single one, when a square or rectangle of the required size is cut out with scissors. If you need a double postcard, the cardboard is folded in half, the desired size of the postcard is outlined and the part is cut out along the contours.

The dimensions of the base can be any. However, if you are going to mail the postcard, it is best to do it under an envelope.

Envelope sizes:

The same applies to the configuration of the postcard - it can also be varied: in the form of any shape - round, square, rectangular, oval with smooth or fancy-cut edges.

When the base is prepared, proceed to the preparation of decorations for the postcard. The simplest is, of course, applique, when the parts are glued to the base. For example, here is such a postcard, on which a balloon is glued, is done very simply and quickly, the whole secret lies in the selected materials:

You can even not use glue, but sew on the necessary elements using a sewing machine:

For versatile birthday cards that will work for anyone, flowers are best. Details can be cut according to templates or you can come up with something of your own.

The edges of the card can be decorated with ribbons, lace, beads, etc.

And the finishing touch is the inscription. You can sign with a colored pen, felt-tip pen, or beautiful inscriptions for postcards "Happy Birthday!" and "Congratulations!", made using the scrapbooking technique, print on a printer:

Creative ideas: how to make original birthday cards with your own hands

  • Using different kinds of unusual stems. For example - watercolor paper for the background. Or drawing a drawing by stamping on tracing paper, and use bright decorative paper as a substrate under it.
  • A correctly selected color scheme will make the simplest composition original. It is enough to use three colors - two contrasting and one neutral.
  • Using various options for folding postcards that break symmetry.
  • For inscriptions and signatures of cards, use calligraphic outlines of letters and apply them with paint with silver or gilding.
  • In the technique of scrapbooking. The base of the postcard is made of colored cardboard. Decorative elements and backgrounds are selected for them, combined in texture and color. Layer-by-layer glued (using helium-based glue) each background with decorative elements.
  • In the quilling technique. These are three-dimensional drawings made of folded strips of double-sided colored paper. Figures are made (spirals, leaves, flower petals are folded) and glued to the base.
  • In decoupage technique. Choose a napkin with the appropriate pattern, remove the top layer and carefully stick it with PVA glue diluted with water on the base of the card, avoiding the appearance of wrinkled folds.

As you can see, making a simple and creative postcard quickly isn't that difficult. If you spend a little more time making, you can make more original postcards with your own hands.

DIY original birthday card from watercolor paper

It doesn't take long to make a birthday card using watercolor or ink on watercolor paper.


  • watercolor, ink, ink;
  • watercolor paper;
  • aquacist;
  • colored cardboard for the base;
  • thematic sets of stamps for drawing.


  • If you make a square postcard, then the length of the cardboard should be twice the width. To fold the workpiece in half, you need to align the upper left corner with the upper right corner. Do the same with the lower corners, then make an even break in the middle and cover with a load for a few minutes.
  • Watercolor paper should be in the form of a square, the side of which is commensurate with the width of the cardboard base.
  • A drawing is applied to the paper using stamps with the image of flowers. Stamping is done in a circle, with a change in angle. The image is obtained in the form of a wreath of flowers, leaves, directed both inside the circle and outward. Then the drawing is painted with watercolors, or ink using an aquacist. On a separate sheet, it is recommended to practice choosing the color scheme for the wreath.
  • When the drawing is dry, it should be trimmed (the sides of the square of the watercolor sheet should be slightly smaller than the sides of the base). The glue should be applied in dots in several places, or use double-sided tape. The picture is placed in the center. If you wish, you can make the inscription "Happy Birthday!" In ink.

More difficult to make, but very beautiful - the next craft.

Volumetric birthday card

An original option can be a voluminous postcard made with your own hands on the principle of children's books. When the card is opened, three-dimensional compositions with elements on different planes are formed.

You will need:

  • thick decorative paper;
  • white cardboard;
  • curly and ordinary scissors;
  • PVA glue or pencil;
  • colored paper;
  • colored pens.


  • You need to take decorative rectangular paper, roll it in half. This will be a cover for a future postcard.
  • For the "filling", you should cut out cardboard of the appropriate size, and also fold it in half.
  • In the center, a contour drawing of the image is made (a stencil or patterns are used). It is enough to draw one large flower or use the following templates for volumetric cards as an idea - from simple to complex:
  • The silhouette is neatly cut in the central part of the base of the postcard. At the edges of the cardboard, the drawing remains uncut. The flower should bend forward, creating volume in the composition. To understand the principle of making a volumetric postcard, carefully consider this master class:
    • On a flower, you can make an applique of bright colored paper or leave it white, and raise the details of the image with a colored pen.
    • Curly scissors cut cardboard along the edge.
    • A cardboard with a flower should be glued to the cover and placed under the load.
    • Write your congratulations and wishes near the flower.
    • On the outside of the postcard, you can stick pallets, a ribbon, make the inscription "Happy Birthday!"

    A beautiful handmade greeting card will delight loved ones for a long time.

    Let's talk about how to make a volumetric postcard out of paper or cardboard with your own hands using scissors and colored paper. Ordinary postcards from stores have long ceased to be perceived as a gift. It is much more pleasant to receive a postcard that is made by hand. Even if it's a piece of cardboard folded in half with an inscription inside, it's already nice. But it is much more interesting to give unusual cards to your family and friends. There are many techniques on how to make a postcard in an unusual style with minimal costs and quickly enough.
    If you want to make a beautiful postcard out of cardboard and paper, while deviating from the standard of a two-dimensional product, use a simple technique and make voluminous postcards like panoramic books.

    How to make a voluminous postcard out of paper

    It is not at all difficult to make a voluminous postcard of this type with your own hands, but try to start with the simplest option: a postcard with voluminous gifts inside.

    You will need thick beige and red cardboard, colored paper and multi-colored ribbons, various decorative elements (beads, rhinestones, sparkles) and stationery for needlework.

    You can make a postcard for a birthday or any other holiday by simply adding an inscription in the corner to the standard version. To get started, just fold your cardboard box in half (it can be any size). Use a ruler for an even fold.

    Cut out a rectangle of red cardboard, 1.5 centimeters smaller on each side than the beige base. When overlapping two rectangles, a kind of beige frame should remain.

    Of course, you can make a beautiful postcard with any combination of colors, not only those suggested in the example. Fold the red cardboard in half as well with the colored side inward. Right on the fold, you need to draw three rectangles, or rather half of them. Each should be larger than the last, try sizes 4-3 centimeters, 3-2 and 2-2 for a start.

    Cut only the horizontal lines, leave the vertical line intact.

    Now push the resulting rectangles inward.

    It remains only to make a voluminous postcard elegant and festive. Glue over the protruding rectangles with colored paper, the remnants of wrapping paper, glue beads and ribbon bows, make them look like gift boxes.

    It remains only to glue the red cardboard to the beige one and make an inscription. You don't have to write by hand, but make a collage of letters from the pages of newspapers and magazines. This is one of the easiest ways to make a postcard.

    If you can draw beautifully or really want to master colors, try making an art postcard.

    To make a postcard with your own hands in the style of painting, you will need: two white sheets of high density, paints, brushes, a butterfly pattern, a pencil and glue. On the first sheet, make colored stains in an abstract style, you can draw a rainbow or entrust it to your child. The task is to create colorful madness with a cheerful mood on the sheet.

    DIY birthday card

    You can even make a birthday card this way with a small child. Leave the sheet to dry and proceed with the main drawing. Bend the second sheet in half. On the outside, make blue stains, it is better if they are translucent.

    You can make a beautiful postcard with such a background if you add more water to the paint. Try using a large brush or even a smooth sponge. When the background is dry, draw a tree branch with thin pencil lines.

    Let there be quite a few side small branches on it, create only the contours. When you get the shape you want, paint on the branch with a thin brush using different shades of brown.

    To make your greeting card vibrant, you'll need to take that first sheet of flowers. On it, draw the outlines of the butterflies according to the template, and then cut out. Choose a butterfly pattern that has a pronounced middle, a little body. Bend the wings of the blanks up, and in the middle, apply glue and glue to the branches of your tree.

    This is a great way to make a greeting card with flowers, balloons and other "" symbols. Experiment with different coloring techniques: try painting with a wax candle on the paper, use a toothbrush to create splashes, make a gradient with soft foam and your card will be unforgettable.

    You can also make a postcard with your own hands using a more complex technique. In any craft store or arts and crafts store, you can find unusual products that you probably haven't even heard of yet. If you make a birthday card with such details, then the birthday person will surely appreciate the efforts and originality. Try to master several modern techniques at once.

    How to make a beautiful postcard

    To make a beautiful postcard, take gold openwork stickers with a pattern and just frame (long stripes), white and pink cardboard, handmade pink paper (it is thin and has an interesting texture), a sharp knife or scalpel (sold in pharmacies), stationery. Making a greeting card using these materials is much easier than it sounds.

    Made of pink cardboard, a rectangle with side dimensions of 7 and 12 centimeters. Use the tip of a knife to separate the sticker from the base. It will curl up, but after a few seconds it will begin to straighten itself - this is a feature of decorative gold. When the shape is restored, place it on the rectangle and spread it with your fingers, pressing lightly.

    With a pencil, make outlines a few millimeters from the edge of the sticker. These should be smooth lines that repeat the motif of the sticker. Cut out the drawn figure with a scalpel or knife. Cut the white cardboard to the size you like, and then fold it in half in the middle, like a regular postcard.

    Take a square of handmade paper that is a little less than half of the postcard. Tear off the edges a few millimeters straight with your fingers, creating a casual effect. Apply a thin layer of glue to the paper (the most convenient is the glue in a spray). Glue the paper to the front of your card and press down lightly.

    Glue pink cardboard with a sticker on top of it. Make a frame from the remaining stickers and the card is ready.

    On the eve of the celebration of a person dear to the heart, I want to make a gift that would impress and leave pleasant memories. We offer you to make voluminous postcards with your own hands, they are also called pop-up postcards. What are these wonderful postcards ?! At first glance, these are ordinary postcards, opening which, suddenly a three-dimensional figure or a whole composition appears in front of you! Such postcards will not leave anyone indifferent! Moreover, if they are copyright and keep the warmth of your hands!

    DIY cards with flowers inside

    Even a child can make a card in the shape of a heart with a voluminous flower inside:

    We do both simple and complex creation technologies.

    A fluffy flower for the inside or outside of the postcard can be made from colored or even plain paper, painted with watercolors or pastel crayons. You can cut flowers using this pattern:

    We print the flower template, paint it with paints. Fold in accordance with the outlined fold lines and glue the resulting flower onto the base of the postcard.

    Undoubtedly, such a magnificent and bright postcard with flowers inside, made by hand, will delight the gifted one.

    How to make it tells in his master class TheJulianaHappy:

    The option with gentle, pastel colors looks very cute. It is not difficult to make stamens for flowers!

    The original master class is in English, so for your convenience, we offer a short translation of the process of creating this floral card.

    Materials and tools are standard: colored paper, cardboard, scissors, glue, plastic to simulate glass in a window.

    We take thick colored paper, fold it in half. Cut out a square window in one half.

    We make a frame from colored paper of a different color. The window glass can be made from a phone screen protector or clear plastic. Glue the resulting window frame to the base of the postcard. You can do without "glass" at all.

    Glue into the hole

    Glue the flower pot out of cardboard, glue it in the middle of the card on the fold line. We glue the sides of the resulting pot so that when the postcard is closed, the pot folds.

    Next, we cut out green stems and all kinds of bright flowers from colored paper: crocuses, hyacinths, daffodils and tulips. Perhaps your bouquet will not be spring, but summer, which means that cornflowers, chamomiles, pansies, etc. will appear.

    Glue the flowers into the pot

    The height of the flowers should be such that they do not stick out of the card, but are visible through the window!

    The window can be decorated with a cozy curtain.

    Original master class

    By the same principle, you can make a postcard with flowers from felt or painted cotton pads. Additionally, insert a laconic but warm congratulation along with the flowers!

    In addition to flowers, balloons, stars, bows can look out of the card.

    He shows in his master class how to make a panoramic floral card with a congratulatory envelope TheWorkshop:

    We take thick paper - the basis for our postcard. Create a rectangle in the center of the postcard fold line. The width of the rectangle is 3 cm, the length is 7 cm.

    We make cuts along the pink lines with a clerical knife. Then fold the resulting rectangle inside the postcard. Attach the base of the postcard to another sheet, b O the largest in size of the original base.

    Then we make a floral design: a flower pot, the flowers themselves, fluttering butterflies and grass. We combine all this and glue it to the front of our postcard.

    The original of the master class.

    Using the same technique, you can make an original vase card. You can also make flowers in such vases with your own hands from paper or other improvised means.

    We bring to your attention a master class on making a very delicate volumetric postcard, which will not only congratulate the person being gifted, but will also perfectly fit into the interior, for example, of a children's room.

    First, we make a box frame. To do this, take a thick blue paper and cut out a template for a box from it. Fold the edges of the template 4 times, 5 mm on each side, thus forming a frame. We glue the resulting frames.

    On top of them we glue colored or scrap paper in color that matches your composition.

    Next, we will prepare the elements of the future composition. We glue a balloon from paper circles. We fold the mugs to the floors and glue them together. The waxed cord is glued to the base of the basket and directly to the circles, forming a ball.

    We cut out the clouds from scrap paper, and from yellow paper the sun. We glue the elements of the composition into the frame. We glue the balloon in the following way: glue the base of the balloon to volumetric tape, and the balloon itself to glue. We glue the clouds according to the same principle: one for glue, the second for volumetric tape.

    We make green grass from a simple napkin. First we cut it, then glue it. On the right, on the box, glue the tree made with a hole punch for Scrapbooking. The final touch - we glue serpentine, butterflies and a congratulatory inscription in the empty spaces! Glue a ribbon with embroidery or lace on the bottom of the box. The original volumetric postcard is ready!

    The original of the master class.

    3D postcards using Kirigami technique

    Kirigami is the art of cutting and folding paper figures and postcards. This is the main difference between Kirigami and other paper folding techniques and is emphasized in the name: "kiru" - to cut, "kami" - paper. The founder of this trend is the Japanese architect Masahiro Chatani.

    For manufacturing, sheets of paper or thin cardboard are used, which are cut and folded. Unlike traditional 3D postcards, these paper models are usually cut and folded from a single sheet of paper. Most often, they develop three-dimensional models of architecture buildings, geometric patterns and various everyday objects, etc.

    It's better to start with a simple DIY birthday card. For example, using thick paper in two contrasting colors, you can make a birthday cake card:

    Use this template to make it:

    Using a variety of templates, you can make cake postcards more sophisticated:

    How to make a kirigami cake tells in his master class OksanaHnativ:

    Using this technique, you can cut out various congratulatory inscriptions. The cake can be decorated and colored to your liking.

    To create it, take this template:

    White embossed paper will also make a spectacular postcard:

    By connecting two mirror parts of the "cake" cut from different sheets, you can make a whole volumetric cake in a postcard!

    Use the following template:

    There are a lot of options for creating voluminous postcards! Cut and fold your paper masterpieces!

    Volume postcards using Scrapbooking technique

    Scrapbooking is the art of decorating photo albums, but its techniques are also very popular when creating postcards.

    Using Kirigami elements, using the Scrapbooking technique, you can also make a voluminous postcard with your own hands. Cut out and fold from scrap paper "steps" for "pop-up" candles on the second half of the postcard. We glue the candles and glue the resulting blank on the base of the postcard.

    You can make a simple but original greeting card from scrap or colored paper. Cut out the candle flame and decorate with sparkles, then glue it onto 2-sided tape. Glue the second part of the candle with glue. The congratulation itself can be tied or glued to an elegant satin ribbon. Simple and original!

    From paper of a different texture, the postcard will look completely different)

    By superimposing each element of the postcard on top of each other, again using double-sided tape, you can create such a voluminous bright cake!

    Consider Tatyana Sadomskaya's master class on how easy it is to make a voluminous delicate postcard using the Scrapbooking technique using ready-made pictures.

    To create such a postcard, Tatyana used:

    • ScrapBerry's "Favorite pet" scrap set
    • scissors
    • thick cardboard

    Better to use scrap paper with lots of cut-out miniatures, as well as colored stamp prints and chipboards.

    Before creating a postcard, you need to decide on its plot in order to choose the color of the base of the postcard and its "characters". In this case, paper with a calm beige print was taken as a basis, the components of the plot were cut out of it: kittens, a puppy, flowers, a crown on a pillow.

    Before starting this work, do not forget to decide what will be in the foreground and what will be behind it!

    In our case, we put a larger kitten in the foreground, this will increase the feeling that he is closer than kittens with a dog.

    We make the necessary cuts. It turns out such a construction with "steps". On the resulting "steps" we glue sheets of arbitrary size. These leaves imitate a wooden fence.

    Next, we gradually glue our elements, starting from the closest to the far ones. We start from the foreground and glue the kitten. We glue it on beer cardboard, since it gives additional volume and casts a shadow. By the same principle, several other elements can be glued, for example, balls and flowers. When the inner side is ready, glue it to the base of the postcard.

    Outside, we also decorate the postcard with an elegant floral print.

    For greater elegance, decorate the elements of the postcard with sparkles (use glitter).

    The original of the master class.

    Check out this masterpiece 3D postcard cake for inspiration:

    Volume postcards-dioramas

    We present to your attention a master class on making a 3D postcard - a small three-dimensional scene. On such a stage, everyone can arrange various fancy figurines and decorations)

    To make a postcard, we take 4 sheets of thick cardboard, in this case we take cardboard in four shades of orange. You can choose the colors to your liking.

    Draw the outline of the frames on sheets of cardboard with a pencil and cut them out. We make the outline of the frame 1 cm wide.

    From the remaining pieces of paper, cut out two strips, each of which is 10 by 4 cm in size. Each is lined into 4 parts of 1 cm. Cut off all the corners of the resulting strips. We fold the strips along the lines so that we get a paper zigzag. These zigzag pieces will support the diorama fragments. We glue the zigzags to the frame on both sides.

    Glue the second frame clearly along the line on the other side of the zigzag.

    The top of the zigzag should cover one side of the frame. Do the same with the opposite side. Thus, the first scene of the diorama is ready!

    By the same principle, we make the rest of the diorama shots.

    It is better to decorate each frame in advance (especially the last one) than to try to squeeze the decor into the finished postcard.

    The back wall does not have to be solid, you can make a transparent diorama without a back wall.

    Decorate not only the "wall" of the diorama, but also every frame. Use more volumetric decorations such as beads, bows, feathers, ribbons, etc. This will make the card appear more voluminous and it will enhance the 3D effect!

    The original of the master class.

    You can come up with absolutely any plot! Create your own little theater!

    For example, the waiting Assol!

    Or a hot air balloon in fluffy clouds.

    A bright glade with lupines and butterflies!

    Birdhouse with birds and flowers:

    Accordion card (diagrams and templates)

    Another type of volumetric postcards is the accordion postcard.

    To create such a postcard, you will need: thick scrap-paper for the base frame, a die-cut scrap-knife or a stationery knife, transparent plastic for the inner parts, stamens, semi-pearls, etc. materials for decoration.

    We take a template and make blanks for a postcard. Cut out 8 blanks for the base frame and 4 from transparent plastic from thick scrap paper.

    Thick paper stock ...

    ... and transparent plastic

    We glue the plastic blanks to the paper base. To make the card fold, we make a double crease of about 2 mm on the outer folds. We connect the resulting 4 parts - glue them with glue or use 2-sided tape. We glue the remaining 4 frames on the opposite side.

    Now you can get down to the most creative part of creating a card - decorating it! We glue fluttering butterflies and twisted greens to the plastic. The postcard is ready!

    Original master class

    Various templates for making the bases of such cards, see below:

    Applying your imagination, you can create all sorts of options for such clamshell postcards. For example, with a predominance of children's themes. The number of parts may vary.

    Birds, flowers, butterflies - they always look very light and airy on postcards!

    Postcards for all occasions

    We have already seen that handmade cards are more original than those that you can just buy.

    Let's give, and sometimes for no reason at all! 🙂

    A pleasant and very soulful gift for a thematic celebration can be postcards made of bright unusual colored paper, which were created by hand.

    This option is the easiest way to make a person feel good, to express his warmest feelings. Often, a postcard complements the main gift.

    You can learn how to make a postcard with your own hands out of paper from the Internet, because it is there that there are a huge number of master classes and templates of various postcards that describe the process of creating such crafts. Postcards are bright and beautiful, unique and inimitable.

    Base of paper product

    Numerous photos of homemade paper postcards show that the main thing in the product is not only a congratulatory speech and decorations, but also the basis. Either thick scrap paper or a thin sheet of cardboard is suitable for it.

    As for color preference, you should choose a neutral light color palette so that against its background all other elements are bright and stand out.

    A cardboard sheet with embossing and textured ornament looks very original as a base.

    To make a beautiful postcard more solemn and unusual, it is worth rounding off the rectangular ends, or using curly scissors to give the edges a carved outline.

    Greeting card with colorful balloons

    To create a cute and romantic postcard that you can give for a celebration for any occasion, you should take thin beige cardboard and fold it in half, rounding the corners. To decorate the outer side of the product, you need to prepare multi-colored paper balls of different shapes: oval and round.

    If the card is intended to be presented to a girl, then the color of the balloons can be chosen mainly pink, if the boy is blue-blue, neutral shades are suitable for congratulating an adult.

    Blanks for future balls will need about 15 pieces. They will be placed both on the front side and inside the product.

    Since the shape and size of the elements are different, it is better to prepare templates from cardboard in advance and cut them out. After the templates are prepared, you can cut out the balls by choosing suitable scrap sheets.

    When the blanks of the balls are cut out, a piece of thick thread is glued to each of them on the reverse side. Now you can start decorating the front of the postcard. To do this, begin to glue the balls on top, then the subsequent lower layers until the desired result is obtained.

    To make voluminous custom postcards made of paper, you can glue the elements onto double-sided tape.

    We attach a small piece of scotch tape to the wrong side of the ball, and then to the front base. The result is a magnificent ornament.

    When the balls are glued, all the threads should be tied, tied with a beautiful ribbon and fixed at the bottom of the balls. Then the edges need to be trimmed.

    Several elements are also glued inside the product, leaving space for writing congratulatory words.

    New Year's homemade cards

    For congratulations on the New Year holidays, as a rule, they choose more themed decorations in the form of Christmas trees, garlands, snowflakes and other paraphernalia. An excellent gift will be a postcard made with your own hand with a voluminous coniferous beauty in origami technique.


    To make origami blanks, it is better to choose thin paper sheets so that it is convenient to crumple them. You should also give preference to materials with an interesting pattern, then the tree will turn out to be colorful.

    To create a Christmas tree, you need to prepare 5 square blanks from the selected paper. The sizes of the sides of the squares are as follows: 10; nine; 7.5; 6.5; and 5.5 centimeters, respectively. All squares are added according to the same principle.

    First, the square is folded diagonally, then it returns to its original shape and folded diagonally on the other side. You get a blank with two diagonal fold lines.

    Now the first origami blank is ready. There should be 5 of them in total. The Christmas tree is assembled from the upper smallest element.


    Quilling cards

    Simple in execution, but very attractive and original, will be a greeting card made in quilling technique.

    To create an owl, which will be placed on the front side of the product, you need to twist several tight spirals of paper of the color you like.

    For the owl's little body, a spiral is chosen, which will consist of three different shades in the form of orange, brown and beige. The width of the paper strip for the body is 5 mm. Each next strip should be glued to the previous one, and the tip is glued to the spiral itself.

    For the eye and wings of an owl, you need to take thinner paper strips. Each wing of a bird consists of three twisted spirals that are glued together. The paws are also represented by three spirals.

    When all the elements are twisted, they can be glued to the base, decorating the composition with leaves and twigs of wood, which are also cut out of paper.

    A postcard with flowers, which is made using a quilling technique, looks very beautiful.


    Photo of paper postcards with your own hands