A blend of essential oils to excite men. The most powerful essential oils are aphrodisiacs. The most famous aphrodisiac essential oils

Essential oils can be very helpful for a couple to ignite a real flame of passion between them.
The sense of smell plays a very important role in sexuality.

Aphrodisiac oils: How does it work?

Recent studies show that it is possible to improve a couple's intimacy under the covers with aromatherapy is a healing practice that uses essential oils and fragrances to bring positive effects to the human body.

Smells stimulate the nerve endings of the olfactory bulbs, which affects the brain and, in particular, the limbic system, which is responsible for libido in our body. Aphrodisiac essential oils also stimulate the pituitary gland, the largest of the endocrine glands, which is responsible for hormone production. The activity of this gland is crucial for improving the sensations during sex.

Aphrodisiac oils: smell and seduction

The connection between the art of seduction and smell has very ancient roots...

This concept is relative, not absolute: each according to its own taste and its own temperament is reflected in certain fragrances. Choices and preferences may change in the course of life, depending on experience, needs, the desire for stability or the desire for change.

In sex life, the importance of smell should not be underestimated, in fact, a strong physical attraction goes hand in hand with smell. Of course, we are more developed than animals, but in choosing a partner, albeit unconsciously, we act, depending on how he smells.

Essential oils are aphrodisiacs for men and women:

  • Ylang Ylang essential oil: famous aphrodisiac, considered one of the best aphrodisiac fragrances that exists, increases sexual energy, increases libido and passion in a couple. Helps to awaken feelings, in case of frigidity and impotence, also useful for those who cannot let go of doubts, insecurities and other similar feelings. Ylang Ylang essential oil releases joy, sensuality and euphoria. Creates harmony in case of conflict, anger, resentment and disappointment, promotes understanding and forgiveness, dissolves disappointment and psychological trauma, restores the desire to love. But be careful not to use too much or you may end up with side effects such as headache, nausea, and even vomiting.
  • Jasmine essential oil: Jasmine oil has a reputation as an aphrodisiac for both men and women. Its aroma and very intense - you only need one or two drops. Useful for those who have emotional difficulties and obstacles in the sexual sphere, the smell of jasmine revives sensuality, emotions, love. Destroys pessimism, calms the nerves, fills with happiness, euphoria and confidence. Makes us appreciate beauty. Jasmine, used as an aphrodisiac for centuries in India, where it is called "queen of the night" . The name comes from the custom passed down from generation to generation by Indian women to put a drop of this essential oil on their hair every night in order to attract their husbands. This fragrance is so powerful that it is also used to stimulate elephants when they are unable to breed, but to be effective it is important that the extract is pure. It also acts on reproductive male and female functions, and is widely used to combat impotence. But the oil is strictly prohibited for pregnant women (as well as all other essential oils are not recommended for pregnant women). Example of use: 2-3 drops of essential oil with a tablespoon of cream or honey and dilute this mixture in a warm bath.
  • Patchouli essential oil: known for its aphrodisiac and sedative effects. Causes the pituitary gland to produce endorphins (euphoria) useful for those who cannot cope with frigidity, or have a reduced libido: Increases concentration and energy. Recommended for older people who, due to their social and professional aspects, control their impulses in everyday life and suffer from a psychological, physical or sexual disorder. Patchouli essential oil is used in small doses as it has a stimulating effect, and excessive doses (or ingestion) can cause loss of sleep and appetite. Use no more than 5 drops of essential oil.
  • Pine essential oil: masculine energy, an aphrodisiac for men, helps those who have difficulty with their masculinity and its expression. It has a stimulating effect, useful in the treatment of impotence, frigidity, in case of decreased libido.
  • Rose Essential Oil (Rose essential oil): opens the heart, relaxes the soul and the possibility of giving tenderness and love, develops patience, devotion and self-respect. Gives joy and dispels negative thoughts, activates blood circulation, balances emotions caused by anger, jealousy and stress. Rose essential oil in aromatherapy is also used to treat gynecological diseases and stimulate sperm production, it is useful in case of infertility and impotence. Example of use: 1-2 drops of rose essential oil per 30 ml of sweet almond oil and use the mixture for massage.
  • Essential oil of ginger: the smell has a skin flushing effect (i.e. causes blood flow in the upper layers of the skin, heating and reducing tension). The essential oil of ginger gives warmth to the body and helps to awaken the senses and the body. Well suited for a mixture of oils for erotic massage.
  • Sandalwood essential oil: balancing the sexual aspects, assists in the integration of the sacred and the mundane, for this reason it is used in yoga tantra schools to transform sexual energy into spiritual energy. Recommended by many therapists as a remedy for impotence. For best results, combine 5 drops of sandalwood essential oil and 1 drop of jasmine essential oil. It is not an aphrodisiac in the truest sense of the word, as its action is mainly meditative and directed inward: more oriented towards those who want to feel real intimacy. Reduces aggression and violent instincts, reduces irritation, and releases sexual energy. So if you want to spend an evening of fiery passion, it is better to avoid sandalwood essential oil.

Essential oils are aphrodisiacs: how to use essential oils

The use of essential oils can be accompanied by a relaxing bath or massage, so you can dissolve tension and worries and pamper your partner by setting them on the right wavelength.

The perfect recipe for an exciting bath:

  • 6 drops patchouli essential oil
  • 2 drops ylang-ylang
  • 2 drops of jasmine

Give your partner an erotic oil massage using any vegetable oil, grape seed oil, almond oil and a few drops of essential oils as a base.

Remember not to use essential oils directly on the genitals or other sensitive areas!

Also, the smell of essential oil can be spread in the air, for example, using an aroma lamp, or a humidifier. You can also use scented candles or incense. You can use the oils in your perfumes, as perfumes (with alcohol), or just drop a drop of essential oil into your cream or lotion before applying it to your body for scent.

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Various substances that stimulate sexual desire are aphrodisiacs. They have such an effect due to the special ratio of constituent components, minerals, vitamins or aromas. In addition to products that stimulate sexual desire, there are aphrodisiac oils. When certain odors are inhaled, receptors in the cerebral cortex are activated. They begin to produce hormones and substances that provoke certain feelings. So, aphrodisiac essential oils cause arousal, sexual desire and emancipation in men.

Properties of essential oils - aphrodisiacs

If you decide to choose aphrodisiac oils to attract men, then you need to take into account the properties of a particular remedy. There are men's and women's fragrances. But this does not mean that only the smells of the same accessory should be used in an aromatic composition for the opposite sex. Thus, the use of droplets with male notes in a female composition will both attract a man and give him confidence in his abilities.

When choosing aphrodisiac oils, the list of which is presented below, it is worth considering their properties:

  1. The most powerful aphrodisiac is ylang-ylang. It is suitable for attracting both genders. He will give confidence to the stronger sex, increase potency, and allow a woman to be liberated and become feminine.
  2. No less strongly to attract the opposite sex can be with the help of bergamot. It excites the imagination, relaxes and gives confidence at the same time. The aroma pushes for decisive action.
  3. Many aromatic aphrodisiacs for men contain vetiver. It adds decisiveness, confidence and promotes emancipation.
  4. Carnation should be added to this list, because it enhances tactile sensuality.
  5. Patchouli excites and stimulates the activity of the nervous system.
  6. By inhalation ginger oil sexual desire increases, mood rises, blood circulation improves. This oil is recommended to be used as an aphrodisiac in Kamastura.
  7. Cinnamon will help the stronger sex get rid of erectile dysfunction and increase libido.
  8. Although rose oil is considered a feminine fragrance, it should be classified as a product for men, because these aphrodisiac aromatic oils increase sensuality.

Essential oils of aphrozodiac affect the psyche in different ways, therefore, when choosing an aromatic composition, it is worth considering the features of their impact:

  • rose, ginger, clove, geranium and cinnamon stimulate;
  • patchouli and ylang-ylang give relaxation;
  • geranium, rose, carnation and bergamot give strength;
  • to improve mood, it is useful to inhale the aromas of ylang-ylang, bergamot and geranium;
  • enhance sexual desire vetiver, bergamot, ginger, ylang-ylang, patchouli;
  • cinnamon and ylang-ylang will give you confidence.

Recipes for the use of oils that stimulate men

If you decide to use an aphrodisiac essential oil, what aromas to use to increase sexual desire in men, we have described above. Now let's talk about the use of aromatic aphrodisiacs. There are several ways to use them:

  • while taking a bath;
  • in aroma lamp;
  • for massage;
  • in aromakulon;
  • can be added to shower gels and other cosmetics.

For use in an aroma lamp, prepare one of the following oil blends:

  1. For mutual attraction and passionate tenderness, you will need two drops of patchouli, ylang-ylang and orange, as well as one drop of sandalwood.
  2. To enhance desire, 2 drops of jasmine and geranium, 3 of rose, 4 of ylang-ylang (maybe a little more) are dripped into the aroma lamp.
  3. A mixture of two drops of rosewood and sensual ylang, one drop of lemon and three drops of patchouli will help you tune in to sex.

Advice! Use purified oils that are sold in pharmacies. Six drops of aromatic mixture are enough for 20 m².

To take an aroma bath with aphrodisiacs, the oily mixture is dripped onto sea salt, which is then dissolved in a warm bath (water not hotter than 40 ° C). In order for the composition to be well absorbed into the salt, it is kept before use for at least three days, shaking from time to time. For the bath, the following products are suitable:

  • juniper;
  • neroli;
  • cedar;
  • jasmine;
  • geranium;
  • sandalwood;
  • nutmeg;
  • myrrh;
  • rose flower;
  • ylang.

To prepare massage oil, aroma oils are added drop by drop to the usual base composition (preferably odorless). You can choose only two types and add a couple of drops or use a complex mixture. The prepared product is stored in a dark glass bottle. You can use the following aphrodisiac scents to attract men and heighten sensuality:

  1. For 20 milliliters of the base composition, two drops of patchouli, lemon, ylang and cedar are added.
  2. For the same amount of base, take 1 to ylang and four drops of orange.


Aphrodisiacs and oils for men should be used with caution, adhering to the following rules:

  • undiluted product sometimes causes burns;
  • any aromatic agent is a strong allergen, therefore, an allergy test is carried out before its use;
  • do not exceed the recommended dosage (if necessary, you can extend the time of use);
  • with regular use for more than three weeks, it is recommended to take weekly breaks;
  • Do not mix more than five fragrances in one composition.

Certain products have their own contraindications, which should also be considered:

  1. Ylang-ylang increases blood pressure, so hypertensive patients should not use it.
  2. If the composition with bergamot was applied to the skin, then sunbathing is allowed only after two hours.
  3. Clove product is contraindicated for diabetics.
  4. With gastric pathologies, you should not inhale the aromas of patchouli. Also, you can not use this tool for massage.
  5. Ginger is not recommended for use in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hypertension and fever.

If, after using any aromatic aphrodisiac, discomfort, headache, dizziness, insomnia or drowsiness appear, then its use should be abandoned. It is better to use one-component products or compositions of two oils. So it will be easier for you to identify the product that provokes the deterioration.

Aphrodisiac - a substance that stimulates sexual desire. Its action is explained by a certain ratio of vitamins and minerals. Aphrodisiacs are usually divided into several groups that act on certain feelings of a person. The most effective substances that affect the sense of smell. After all, the perception of smell by a person is on an intuitive level, akin to breathing. And even an imperceptible or very weak aroma is able to affect the receptors of the cerebral cortex, to evoke certain feelings. In the case of aphrodisiac essential oils - desire, sexual desire, emancipation.


List of the most powerful aphrodisiac oils

Essential oils-aphrodisiacs are conditionally divided into female and male. But this does not mean that when composing a composition to attract the opposite sex, one should be clearly guided by their belonging. After all, a drop of male aphrodisiac in women's perfume will attract a man not only with a desire to win a woman, but also with the opportunity to feel confident next to her. The same effect will be in the male composition to win the lady she likes, whose sense of smell will help her to feel his incredible tenderness behind the strength and courage of the opposite sex.

The most popular aphrodisiacs:

  1. Ylang-ylang is the most powerful aphrodisiac, suitable for men and women. In the representatives of the stronger sex, it causes a surge of masculine strength, gives self-confidence, helps to better feel and understand the partner. It will help a woman to reveal herself, to become more sensual and feminine.
  2. Bergamot - relaxes, awakens imagination, gives confidence, helps to decide on more daring actions.
  3. Vetiver is indispensable for timid and indecisive people, it helps to liberate them. In perfumery, it is used as a fragrance for men.
  4. Cloves are needed to enhance tactile sensitivity.
  5. Geranium increases female libido, relieves self-doubt due to age-related changes.
  6. Patchouli stimulates the nervous system, has a stimulating effect.
  7. Ginger improves blood circulation, improves mood, sexual desire. Mentioned as an aphrodisiac plant in the Kama Sutra.
  8. Cinnamon enhances desire, helps to get rid of frigidity and erectile dysfunction.
  9. Rose is a feminine oil that enhances sensuality, femininity, confidence in its irresistibility.

Video: The most powerful aphrodisiacs among essential oils

Properties of essential oils

When composing an aphrodisiac composition from essential oils, some of their properties should be taken into account.

Belonging to a specific group of fragrances

The belonging of an aphrodisiac to a certain fragrant group will help you make the right choice, guided by individual advantages:

  • floral aroma: rose, geranium, ylang-ylang;
  • citrus: bergamot;
  • spicy: cloves, ginger, cinnamon;
  • exotic: patchouli, vetiver.


All essential oils have a certain duration of fragrance sensation. The smell of light aromatic oils lasts no more than half an hour. They are refreshing, invigorating, uplifting. Bergamot is one of them. In an ethereal composition, one drop is enough for mood and sensuality for a total volume of 10 drops.

Medium fragrances last up to one and a half hours (geranium, carnation). One drop of oil in a composition of 10 drops is enough to increase the tone, 4-5 drops are acceptable to awaken desire.

Heavy aromas can last up to six hours. They have predominantly tart, sweet, strong aromas: ylang-ylang, patchouli, rose, cinnamon, ginger. To prepare a sensual composition, at least 50% of these oils are needed.

In order for the aroma to be more stable and long-lasting, mixtures should be made using components from all three groups. One of the most effective options: 5 drops of ylang-ylang + 4 drops of geranium + 1 drop of bergamot.

Effect on the human psyche

Oils belonging to the same group can affect the emotional state of a person in completely different ways. It is this property of them that helps to choose the right composition of aromas that has a certain effect:

  • relaxation: ylang-ylang, patchouli;
  • stimulation: rose, carnation, ginger, cinnamon, geranium;
  • energizing: bergamot, carnation, rose, geranium;
  • mood booster: geranium, bergamot, ylang-ylang;
  • increased sexual desire: bergamot, vetiver, ylang-ylang, ginger, patchouli;
  • self-confidence boost: ylang-ylang, cinnamon.

Ways to use essential oils

As aphrodisiacs, essential oils can be used in aroma lamps, aroma pendants, for taking baths, massages, added to cosmetics, shampoos.

Video: Aroma Temptation Ways

Oil burner

The effect of the aroma lamp is based on the fact that, under the influence of high temperatures, its contents evaporate into the air, saturating it with aroma and useful substances. There are several types of lamps. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, so the choice should be made only individually.

Types of aroma lamps:

  1. With open fire. The most ancient type of lamp. Principle of operation: a bowl of water and essential oils is heated from below with a candle until all the contents have evaporated. Advantages: the cheapest of all lamps. Flaws: frequent discrepancy between design and practicality, odors associated with open fire, fire hazard. It is necessary to constantly monitor the amount of moisture in the bowl, otherwise it will burn. The sequence of preparing the aroma lamp: pour water, light a candle under the bowl with it, add essential oils. To get rid of extraneous odors in the room before using the lamp, it is advisable to ventilate it well.
  2. Electrical. The principle of operation is identical to the previous one, only an electric light bulb is used instead of an open flame. Advantages: absence of extraneous odors, fire safety, the possibility of application in any room. Flaws: the light bulb must be of a certain power, the need for its periodic replacement.
  3. Ultrasonic. The oil is evaporated using ultrasound. Advantages: no need for water, can be used as a humidifier, a variety of design and size. Flaws: high price.
  4. USB diffusers. The most compact and inconspicuous device, the principle of which is based on the ejection of microparticles of essential oils under the action of a jet of dry air. Advantages: modern design, small dimensions, use in any place where it is possible to connect, the choice of the degree of concentration of aroma. Flaws: USB connector that requires a computer or an adapter for an outlet, a high price.

The simplest version of the aroma lamp is a glass of boiling water. Its disadvantage is the short duration of action, the cooling water quickly ceases to evaporate.

Video: How to choose and use an aroma lamp

For a romantic meeting and intimacy, you can prepare one of the mixtures of essential oils:

  • causing attraction and tenderness: 2 drops of ylang-ylang, patchouli, orange and 1 drop of sandalwood;
  • inflaming desire: 4 drops of ylang-ylang, 3 drops of rose, 2 drops of geranium and jasmine;
  • intimate: 2 drops of ylang-ylang and rosewood, 3 drops of patchouli, 1 drop of lemon.

Important: In order for the effect of aromatherapy to be truly tangible and desirable, it is necessary to use only maximum purification aroma oils that are allowed for oral administration. It is better to buy such funds in a pharmacy. The number of drops of essential oil for one use depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room: usually 20 square meters. m is used no more than 5-6 drops in total. After each use of the aroma lamp, the remaining oil should be removed from the bowl with alcohol.

Aroma pendants with aphrodisiacs

Aroma pendant - a small decoration for the neck made of ceramics, glass, stone or bone in the form of a vase with a narrow neck or a flat medallion. It can be used as an individual tool for self-confidence, maintaining your libido, improving your mood. The most popular are clay pendants that can hold the aroma of essential oil for up to three weeks.

Drop 1-3 drops of essential oil into the pendant. Add oil no more than once every three days. The first session of using the pendant is no more than an hour. In the future, you can gradually add time if the aroma suits. With frequent use, wash the pendant at least twice a month with baking soda, after drying, rinse with water and vinegar.

On a note: In a flat aroma pendant, the essential oil evaporates much faster than in a round one. Therefore, you should update its content more often.

Video: How to choose an aphrodisiac oil

Bath and massage with aphrodisiac

Pure essential oils are not suitable for preparing a bath. They do not dissolve in water, forming a greasy film on the surface, which can subsequently appear on the body and bring discomfort up to a burn. Therefore, they should be mixed with sea salt or dissolved in an emulsifier (honey, heavy cream, milk) at the rate of 1 drop per 20 liters of water. It is undesirable to use substances with their own aroma as an emulsifier: shampoos, bath foam.

The composition of the bath

In a container with coarse sea salt, drip the required number of drops of essential oils. So that the oil is completely absorbed, stand the mixture for at least three days, shaking occasionally. For essential compositions in the bath, you can use ylang-ylang, rose, myrrh, sandalwood, geranium, jasmine, cedar, neroli, nutmeg, juniper. The water temperature should not exceed 40°.

The composition of the massage

4 drops of essential oils (you can stop at 2 types, you can drop by drop of different oils) add to 10 ml of odorless base oil (from wheat germ, almond, in extreme cases, olive). Store the mixture in a dark glass or ceramic bottle with a tight lid.

Erotic perfumes based on essential oils

Homemade perfumes, tailored to taste and personal benefits, even if they are not aphrodisiacs, are able to attract attention only by their aromatic exclusivity. And if they include aromatic oils, selected for a specific purpose, then the effect in achieving the desired result will be more than excellent.

Aphrodisiac scent for personalized perfume preparation:

  1. Ylang Ylang - strong, candy, very sweet. Excessive sweetness is diluted with citrus fruits.
  2. Bergamot is tart and fresh, smoky-bitter, vaguely reminiscent of lemon or orange with a slight floral note. One of the few that does not require overly strong odor suppression.
  3. Vetiver is a shamanic, exciting, hot, deep, tart, smoky, warm fragrance with woody notes that carries the heat of the sun. Grapefruit is used to alleviate a smell that is too heavy. The mixture of these two fragrances is called the "mixture of Aphrodite".
  4. Cloves - sharp, tart, spicy. If you do not like the aroma, but the oil is necessary in the composition, then it can be suppressed with juniper.
  5. Geranium - tart, bitter, reminiscent of a rose with a hint of mint. Too harsh sweetness can be corrected with eucalyptus oil.
  6. Patchouli is rich, resinous, oriental with tart notes, a touch of raw wood and green grass. You can enrich the too simple aroma of an aphrodisiac with the help of ginger.
  7. Ginger is sharp, fresh, tart with a distinct peppery and citrus note.
  8. Cinnamon - strong, balsamic, spicy, sweet. You can make it enchanting with the help of citronella.
  9. Rose is spicy, sweet and tart at the same time. If the fragrance seems too simple, then you can deepen it with a drop of palmarosa.

For a more lasting smell, it is desirable to add a couple of drops of sandalwood to any perfume, which fixes the fragrance, or a drop of vetiver, which is a stabilizer for more volatile odors.

Video: An unusual recipe: an aphrodisiac perfume with its own pheromone

Perfume recipe with aphrodisiac oils

4 drops each neroli, ylang-ylang
3 drops each of sandalwood and vetiver
2 drops of bergamot

Add the mixture to the base oil in a ratio of 1:10. Store in a dark bottle with a tight lid.

How to use essential oils correctly

Essential oil is a rather aggressive substance, capable of violating the integrity of even plastic. Therefore, it should be used with extreme caution:

  • undiluted may cause burns;
  • is a strong allergen, so be sure to test;
  • do not exceed the dosage, it is better to continue the time of its use;
  • continuous use of oils for more than three weeks is not recommended, a week break should be taken;
  • it is undesirable to mix more than 5 different types.

Video: Essential Oil Perfume

Aphrodisiacs: the best combinations of essential oils

To create a truly effective aphrodisiac composition from essential oils, it is not enough to combine all the components. It is also necessary to choose the right combination of them that can fully fulfill their purpose. After all, some oils suppress the action of each other, and as a result, their composition may turn out to be a dummy, albeit with a rather pleasant smell. Others harmoniously cooperate, together creating an incomparable fragrance. Floral oils (ylang-ylang, geranium, rose) are most harmoniously combined with woody (cedar, eucalyptus, juniper), citrus (bergamot) and spicy (cinnamon, ginger).

Combinations where one oil brings corrective notes to the aroma of another, suppressing its unpleasant or too strong smell:

  • ylang-ylang: all citrus fruits (if you do not like sugary sweetness), rose, geranium, neroli;
  • bergamot: vetiver, ylang-ylang, neroli, patchouli, geranium, clove, ginger;
  • vetiver: bergamot, ylang-ylang, rose, patchouli;
  • clove: cinnamon, bergamot, ylang-ylang, ginger, rose;
  • geranium: coniferous, rose, patchouli, carnation, ylang-ylang, bergamot;
  • patchouli: ylang-ylang, ginger, rose;
  • ginger: bergamot, clove, patchouli, rose, cinnamon;
  • cinnamon: ylang-ylang, bergamot, rose;
  • rose: all of the above.

The proportions of the first oil and its "corrector" should be approximately 7:3. With the help of these combinations, you can create aroma compositions on your own, guided solely by your own taste. The main thing is not to forget that only one drop of essential oil is needed for 1 ml of base or 20 liters of water.

Video: How to choose a quality essential oil

Table of the maximum single dose of essential oils




Aromatization of the room (per 20 sq. m.)

Enrichment of cosmetics

Ylang Ylang



The table will help you correctly compose an aroma composition of two or more aphrodisiacs. The algorithm is extremely simple: choose the most pleasant smelling oil and add half as much other oils to it, not forgetting about their complementary or corrective properties. For example: for a 200 liter bath, you can create one of the mixtures:

  • 5 cap. ylang-ylang + 2 cap. geraniums and cloves + 1 cap. lemon.
  • 5 cap. roses + 3 drops geranium +2 cap. lemon.
  • 3 drops of ginger and patchouli + 2 drops each. geranium, lemon.

Compositions for an aroma medallion or creating an intimate atmosphere with an aroma lamp

2 cap. ylang-ylang, roses + 1 cap. patchouli, cloves + 2 cap. bergamot. This mixture is also good for treating sexual disorders.

2 cap. roses, geraniums, patchouli, bergamot. Especially recommended is a remedy for increasing sexual self-esteem for women over 40 who are experiencing age-related emotional and physical discomfort.

3 cap. bergamot, lemon + 2 cap. patchouli, sandalwood + 1 cap. roses. The aroma of this mixture will make a man forget about everything in the world, except for the woman next to him.

The medallion proportions should be reduced by a factor of three.

Aphrodisiacs for erotic massage

To increase desire in a man, add 2 drops of ylang-ylang, lemon, patchouli, cedar to 20 ml of base oil.

To exacerbate the sensuality of both partners, add 1 cap to the base. ylang-ylang, 4 drops orange.

Precautions When Using Essential Oils

Each of the essential oils has its own contraindications for use:

  • ylang-ylang is contraindicated in hypotensive patients;
  • after contact with bergamot oil on the skin, do not sunbathe for 2 hours;
  • diabetics should be careful with clove oil;
  • patchouli oil is contraindicated even for inhalation and massages for people with stomach diseases;
  • not recommended for gastrointestinal disease, fever and hypertension ginger.

Each of the oils used must be checked for individual intolerance and the possibility of an allergic reaction.

"Passion has a taste and smell"
(ancient Indian proverb)

Since ancient times, in the culture of all peoples of the world, means have been known that stimulate sexual desire, awaken sensuality and desire. These are special products of plant or animal origin, "magical" dishes and miraculous incense. The thousands of years of empirical experience of mankind indicates that there are substances whose action, when it enters the human body through food and drink, skin application or inhalation, is similar to the work of hormones responsible for sexuality. Now products containing such substances are commonly called aphrodisiacs, in tune with the name of Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty from ancient Greek mythology.

Among recognized aphrodisiacs there are many essential oils: ylang-ylang, rose, neroli, jasmine, clary sage, tuberose, vanilla, sandalwood, rosewood, ginger, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, black pepper, patchouli, vetiver, myrrh, nutmeg This list includes oils with a luxurious floral aroma, and with a spicy smell, and with tart, and with woody-balsamic notes. They are complex, sophisticated and multifaceted. Some of the constituents of these essential oils resemble hormones. Therefore, aphrodisiacal fragrances have the ability to enhance and emphasize human body odors (pheromones), increase attractiveness to the opposite sex, ignite romantic feelings and promote sexual desire. The action of aphrodisiac essential oils is not limited to the stimulating effect. They fine-tune the nervous and endocrine systems, have the ability to influence the pituitary gland and cause the formation of endorphins. They turn out to be effective in impotence and frigidity, lead to a “resource state”, replenishing vital energy, reduce psycho-emotional stress, and have a general strengthening effect on the human body. Almost all aphrodisiac essential oils are excellent antidepressants.

So, aphrodisiacs can enhance the masculine or feminine, but most of them act on both partners. For men ginger, nutmeg, cypress, juniper, cedar, cinnamon, pine, and for women- geranium, myrrh, vanilla, anise, fennel. To the classic, most powerful universal erotic stimulants include jasmine, ylang-ylang, rose, sandalwood, patchouli, tuberose, clary sage. The main rule when choosing aphrodisiacs is that you should like the smell, because it directly affects the emotional state of a person. Moreover, both partners should like it.
Exists many ways to use oils in aroma erotica: aromatization of space, aroma baths, aromatization of underwear and bed linen, hair and body, sensual aroma massage, food and drinks with the addition of aphrodisiac essential oils.

Human life is accompanied by emotions all the time. Smells often enhance emotions, can be associated with pleasant and not so pleasant events. At a meeting with a familiar smell, a forgotten meeting, a grandmother with buns, a romantic evening in a rose garden pops up in memory ... Aphrodisiac essential oils are a source of delightful emotions, a means for creating brighter and more memorable pictures in life. Live brightly, be surprised, experiment, enjoy!

Aromaerotica: some methods, tricks and recipes

Massage with aphrodisiac essential oils - a great way to excite partners. No special preparation is required to achieve the result, just follow your instincts. Erotic massage with aphrodisiac oils is light, teasing and exciting touches, alternating with slightly deeper, sensual strokes. Apply a little oil on your hands and start, for example, with your feet. Massage the entire bare foot with stroking movements, put love and sensuality into the movements, gradually increase the pressure, kneading and pressing, pay attention to the toes, finish the foot massage with stroking and do the same with the second foot. Apply more oil to your palms and go upstairs. Ask your partner which part of the body you would like to massage. Get creative. Change roles. Talk about what makes you happy. Enjoy being with each other in an extraordinary romantic setting.

Ready-made is ideal for an exciting aroma massage. And if you want to prepare massage oil yourself, you can create your own recipe or use the compositions below. In addition to essential oils with aphrodisiac properties, some compositions include antidepressant oils that uplift mood, eliminate anxiety and depression. The amount of essential oils in drops is indicated per 20 ml (4 teaspoons) of fatty base oil. Any light oil with a fine texture can be chosen as a base, for example, apricot kernel, almond, grape seed, jojoba, macadamia, sasanqua, rice. To enhance the usefulness of the massage mixture for the skin, you can add an oil rich in antioxidants and other active substances to the selected oil, for example, unrefined avocado, sesame, wheat germ oil. The composition of the massage mixture of such a saturated base oil can be 10-20%.

Options for aphrodisiacal essential oil blends

rose flower 4 rose flower 5
neroli 5 sandalwood 4
jasmine 3 patchouli 3
sandalwood 4 rose flower 4
jasmine 4 neroli 4
bergamot 4 bergamot 4
sandalwood 4 rose flower 5
patchouli 4 Melissa 5
Melissa 4 cardamom 2
rose flower 5 jasmine 6
bergamot 5 Melissa 3
incense 2 ylang-ylang 3
rose flower 4 neroli 5
ylang-ylang 2 sandalwood 5
pink tree 6 clary sage 2

Oil burner or aroma diffuser - special devices , used to create a certain atmosphere in the room. Essential oil molecules gradually evaporate together with water, spreading the aroma throughout the room, and enter the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, affecting, among other things, the human olfactory analyzer. The aroma from the aroma lamp should not be sharp, but should be subtle and gentle. The average dosage for an aroma lamp per room is 16-20 m 2 - 6-8 drops of essential oils. When using an aroma lamp, it is recommended not to exceed the permissible concentrations close to the natural phytophone - 1 drop of essential oil per 5 m 3 of air.

To tune in to a romantic wave, take Sensual Warmth, which repeats the aroma of massage oil, or create your own aromatic composition, including aphrodisiac essential oils. Examples such aroma compositions (dosages in drops) are presented below.

ylang-ylang 2 jasmine 2
pink tree 2 patchouli 2
clary sage 2 ylang-ylang 2
black pepper 2 ginger 2
ylang-ylang 2 vetiver 2
mandarin (lemon) 2 bergamot 2
ylang-ylang 1 jasmine 2
ginger 2 ylang-ylang 1
patchouli 2 vetiver 1
bergamot 1 mimosa 2

Aromavanna - an effective method that gives a quick positive effect. Aromatic substances come into contact with the entire surface of the body, quickly penetrate the skin, enter the blood and lymphatic system, while simultaneously affecting the nervous system through the olfactory analyzer. Aroma bath can be taken to create the appropriate mood, individually or together with a partner.

Essential oils are insoluble in water, so before adding them to the bath, they must be diluted in a solvent carrier, which can be a tween (polysorbate 20 or 80), an organic solubilizer, sea salt, honey, or a product containing suspended fat inclusions (milk, cream). Polysorbate (literally a few drops are required) or an organic solubilizer is first mixed with essential oils in a 1: 1 ratio, and then the resulting mixture is diluted with a small amount of water. Other solvent carriers require 30-60 g.

For an aroma bath, you can also use a ready-made mixture of essential oils. "Night of love" or create your own aromatic composition with aphrodisiac oils. Examples of such aroma compositions are presented below. The dosages of essential oils (indicated in drops) in the above recipes are designed for a medium-sized bath, but if you wish and need to increase them, it is recommended not to exceed the following threshold: 1 drop of essential oil per 10 liters of water. The water temperature is 35-37 C, the optimal duration of the bath is 10-20 minutes.

3 rose flower 2 grapefruit 3 sandalwood 5 jasmine 3 black pepper 1 vanilla 3
The topic of aromaerotics is inexhaustible. Try it, get a taste, enjoy.
Love and good luck!

For thousands of years, fragrances have been used to attract a partner and increase sexual pleasure. Volatile essential components have a direct impact on emotions, charming, seducing, bewitching.

The use of aphrodisiac essential oils is based on their properties to influence the sensual sphere, increasing attraction to the opposite sex, awakening the most tender erotic feelings and secret fantasies.

The aromas of love - aphrodisiacs - were so named after the Greek goddess of love - Aphrodite. Many essential oils are characterized by volatile substances that act on the erotic centers of the brain.

Not everyone thought that with the help of aromatherapy it is possible to diversify the sexual life of partners, as well as to help men suffering from psychological impotence and women experiencing enslavement and discomfort during intercourse.

According to the impact on the psycho-emotional sphere of a person, the general qualities of aphrodisiac essential oils include: a calming effect on the central nervous system and at the same time stimulating sexual functions, relaxing, liberating, relieving stress, giving spiritual uplift, enhancing the production of natural pheromones, stabilizing the emotional background.

Some oils, such as lavender and sandalwood, increase blood flow to the penis by up to 40%.

According to research by American scientists, it has been established that couples over the age of 35 are most sensitive to aromas, vanilla, and ylang-ylang.

But men who have an active sex life and often have sex, are best perceived by smells and nutmeg.

Each of the oils has unique properties and is used both individually and in various compositions, which are made taking into account aromatic preferences and the desired effect.

The use of aphrodisiac essential oils to awaken sensuality

  1. Aroma baths. Taking a bath with a partner, you will not only diversify the erotic sensations, but also saturate the skin with pheromones and exciting aromas. In addition, the body after such a procedure becomes many times more sensitive to caresses. In a bath with warm, but not hot, water, add sea or ordinary salt (1/2 cup with 3-5 drops of aphrodisiac added to it).
  2. Armakuritelnitsy. Nothing creates an intimate atmosphere in the bedroom like the sensual aroma of aphrodisiac esters. 3-5 drops of ether are added to the aroma lamp for every 15 sq. m room. In the absence of a special device, you can use tablet candles (oils drip on the wax, but not on the wick) or apply fragrance to a regular light bulb before it is turned on.
  3. Erotic massage. Any massage is an effective tool for activating erogenous zones, and a procedure using vegetable oil (grape seeds, peach kernels, almonds or apricots), enriched with aphrodisiac essential oils, greatly enhances the stimulating effect. 5-6 drops of an aphrodisiac are added to 15 ml of the base base and applied to the partner's skin with light, gentle, stroking movements.
  4. Perfume. Perhaps the most popular method of influencing the areas of the brain responsible for sexual desire is to apply an oil base enriched with aphrodisiacs to pulse points - the area behind the ears, temples, wrists, bends of the elbows and knees, groin, the area between the breasts. For 20 drops of base oil (be sure to choose a virtually odorless base), add 20 drops of any aphrodisiac or a fragrant mixture of them.

The main aphrodisiac esters include:

Blends of essential oils - aphrodisiacs

Sandalwood is an aphrodisiac essential oil for men. That is why it is so often added to sensual compositions that ladies use instead of perfume.

Since sandalwood significantly increases potency, orgasm duration and male passion, it is often added to aromatic mixtures for erotic massage, used in aroma burners in the bedroom, and dripped into the bath.

According to the reviews of popular aromatherapists, the composition that excites male desire, which is recommended for women to apply to pulse points, looks like this: 70 drops of any odorless base oil, for example, jojoba, are injected with sandalwood - 3 k., Ylang-ylang - 1 k., cedar - 2 k., patchouli - 1 k.

And here are a few mixtures that awaken the sexual fantasy and sensuality of women:

  1. The following esters are added to 60 drops of an odorless base: rose - 2 k., jasmine - 2 k., bergamot - 1 k., sandalwood - 1 k.
  2. For 80 drops of the base is taken: patchouli - 3 k., neroli - 2 k., clary sage - 2 k., cinnamon - 1 k.

Aromatherapists say that the most popular among both sexes and is most often used both as an independent product and as part of various recipes for applying to the skin and aromatizing rooms is a powerful aphrodisiac - ylang-ylang essential oil.

Its rich fragrance, with hints of tropical flowers and balsamic woods, is said to stimulate the imagination with exotic imagery.

Ylang-ylang oil: aphrodisiac properties

Essential oil of ylang-ylang is a strong aphrodisiac that stimulates mutual attraction. Inhalation of a rich-sweet aroma helps to increase potency in men and libido in women. In addition, the smell of ylang-ylang increases the sexual self-esteem of insecure people.

In addition to the sensual sphere, the main properties of ylang-ylang essential oil (stimulating hair growth, smoothing wrinkles, rejuvenation), based on a rich biochemical composition, it is advisable to use in hair and skin care products.

These are the unique properties inherent in essential oils related to aphrodisiacs. Enrich your attitudes with new aromas of love, tenderness, trust, sensuality and enjoy life to the fullest!