The old man forester with his own hands made of fabric. Craft: a house with your own hands. We craft with the kids. Thank you all for your attention! creative success

Such creativity develops imagination and motor skills of hands. The cone tree is a cute fairy-tale character that can become a decoration in a children's room.

What to make a craft from

One of the most interesting materials bestowed by nature are the cones of coniferous trees. They can be found in the park area or in the forest. It is better to collect more in advance if you are in nature. At first, cones can be a common decorative element if placed in a round aquarium. But if you wish, you can make cute fairy-tale characters from them. Today we will learn how the craft "Forest Cones" is made.

Craft "Leshy" from pine cones

List of materials:

  • pine cones of different sizes;
  • fresh pine branch;
  • pine sticks without needles;
  • multi-colored plasticine;


  1. Take two pine cones, a larger one for the body, a smaller one for the head. If the buds are unopened, keep them in a warm room for a few days to dry and open.
  2. Attach the head to the body with brown plasticine.
  3. Then we start making handles. Attach two small bumps, equal in size, to the body with plasticine - these are Leshy's shoulders.
  4. On two pine sticks, it’s good if they are clumsy and knotty, at one end it is attached to a small ball of plasticine and fixed in the depths of small cones-shoulders.
  5. For the legs of the woodsman, two thicker sticks are needed. They are attached to plasticine in the depths of the cone-trunk. So that Leshy can stand, make him bast shoes from plasticine.
  6. Let's move on to the face. A green sprig of pine is attached with plasticine to the chin of the figurine. Use scissors to shorten the resulting beard a little.
  7. Use green and pink plasticine to designate the eyes and mouth. Attach a tiny bump in the center of the face - this will be the spout. The "Forest of Cones" is ready, it remains to find a suitable shelf for it. If desired, you can create a house of branches or a hut of matches.

Craft "Old Man-Lesovichok"

Tools and basic materials:

  • spruce cones;
  • (a ball of wood);
  • nutshell;
  • clumsy twigs, of different thicknesses;
  • doll hair;
  • dry flowers;
  • Super glue;
  • cotton threads;
  • children's plasticine;
  • scissors, knife, awl;

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. The cone tree begins to be made from a mushroom. On it you need to cut a suitable face.
  2. Pierce the head and (torso) with an awl. Connect with a toothpick, fix with glue.
  3. Glue the sticks to the cone, which will be the arms and legs.
  4. Take two walnut shells. Using a drill, drill through the middle of each hole. Next, the shell is stuffed tightly with plasticine and fixed with glue to the legs of the figure.
  5. The final touch is to attach the hair and make a hat. "Old Man-Lesovichok" made of cones turned out to be glorious. You can give it to your grandmother or "settle" in a flower pot.

Craft "Forester" from spruce cones

Materials and tools:

  • an even stick in length up to 25 cm;
  • board for the stand;
  • spruce cones;
  • burdock flowers;
  • sphagnum moss;
  • tow;
  • the cloth;
  • ropes;
  • Super glue.

Work technique:

  1. Attach the skeleton stick to the base. From two cones, they ate to attach hands to a stick. The top of the stick will serve as the head.
  2. Wrap a piece of fabric around the part of the stick that will represent the torso. Fasten it with string.
  3. Stick burdock flowers on the fabric and cover with moss on top, fix with glue and ropes.
  4. The cone tree is ennobled with tow hair. For decoration, you can tie a scarf or cut a hat out of birch bark. From rolls of birch bark, make shoes for the figurine.

The article examined several master classes on making a forest man from cones. We hope they will help parents and children to conduct interesting joint classes on making this craft.

But cones are such a wonderful natural material, you can not stop only at this product, but show your imagination and make many other crafts on various topics.

"Leshy" is a craft made from natural and waste material. Master class with step-by-step production and photos.

The work is intended for children aged 7 years and older, teachers and parents.

The purpose of the work: to make "Leshy" from natural and waste material.

Tasks: to master the technique of making "Leshy"; develop practical skills in working with natural and waste material; develop the imagination and imagination of the child.

Materials and tools:

  • Autumn leaves, spikelets, hops, rowan berries, ash fly,
  • plastic medicine bottle
  • scissors,
  • double sided tape,
  • glue stick,
  • glue "Moment",
  • colored paper,
  • hole puncher.

Purpose: craft "Leshy" can become a souvenir and a gift for relatives and friends, interior decoration, craft for the autumn exhibition.

Goblin- this is the main owner of the forest, forest spirit, grandfather - forest. Goblin is the patron saint of forest animals. He makes sure no one hurts in the forest. He helps good people get out of the forest, confuses bad people, forcing them to walk in circles. He sings without words, claps his hands, laughs, cries. Leshy can be represented in vegetable, animal, human images.

My goblin is a good defender of the forest.

Step-by-step process of making "Leshy".

I propose to make "Leshy" from natural and.

Using a hole punch, make two green and one yellow circles for the eyes and nose. Cut off the corner of the red paper - got a mouth. Glue on the eyes, nose and mouth.

Glue a hop cone on the head.

Glue two spikelets on the sides of the bottle - the hands of the goblin. Decorate the chest with two maple leaves.

On the free space of the chest, glue hop cones, rowan berries, ash flyers.

Glue a maple leaf on the back or decorate it in the same way as the chest.

Our Goblin is ready. Let's put it surrounded by autumn leaves, berries and ash-tree flyers.

Thank you for your attention. Good luck in job! I look forward to your feedback.

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Peacock from plastic bottles for the garden
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Simple doll or Shrovetide doll - choose
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Maple leaf (craft from a disk and plasticine)
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Who does not know the goblin - one of the most mysterious inhabitants of the dense forests? And he has so many nicknames: a boletus, a forest man, a flywheel, a leshak, a connecting rod and others. A fairy-tale creature keeps order in the forest. All birds and animals are afraid of him. Still, the goblin makes friends with marsh kikimors, devils and mermaids.

In modern cartoons you won’t find a goblin, but in the old ones, very often the hero demonstrates love and frugality in relation to nature, as well as intolerance towards people who are indifferent to the environment.

What does a goblin look like? Differently. This is a multifaceted being. The picture below shows one of the options for a pine cone forester. It’s a pity there wasn’t a piece of moss around, otherwise the hero would look even more original.

So, we use:

  • - autumn leaves,
  • - Pine cone,
  • - acorn caps
  • - dry peel of chestnuts,
  • - branches,
  • - plasticine.

By the way, the lack of a peel or acorns should not become an obstacle to creating a forester. These materials can be replaced with branches and plasticine.

The open cone of the Crimean pine is the finished body of the goblin. You can, of course, use a common pine cone in your work, but the craft will turn out to be small in size. To begin with, a thin hooked branch is selected as a nose and fixed between the scales with a piece of brown plasticine.

At the next stage, the eyes and mouth of crafts are molded from plasticine, the details are carefully attached to the cone.

Hats of acorns on cuttings - ready-made hands of the goblin. Surely no one has reliably seen what the limbs of the guardian of the forest look like. Finished parts are attached to the sides of the cones with two balls of plasticine.

Does the hero look like a goblin? Exactly the same. It is a pity that there is no moss for thick eyebrows, a shaggy beard and craft sleeves. But if you have them - feel free to use them!

It was decided to use the dry peel of chestnuts as legs. The goblin probably has a 42nd leg size or boots - fast walkers, because he moves with lightning speed through the thickets and impassable paths. There, the villain finally confuses the lost tourists.

The feet of the craft are attached to the bottom of the cones with the help of two balls of brown plasticine. Here we must try to make the goblin resistant to tipping over.

It remains to stick a maple branch on the crown or make another disguise. Craft from the Leshy cone is ready.

Around the hero, the remains of natural materials, autumn leaves are beautifully laid out.

Here he is - the owner of the forest in all its glory. Leshy turned out to be not scary, but very cute. Surely, he will find a common language with all the children in kindergarten.

It remains to wish the young needleworkers creative success! So that interesting ideas are always in my head and there are materials for their implementation!

Natalia Litovtseva

Target: reveal the significance nature in human life; the formation of a desire to preserve and protect the environment, as well as norms of behavior in nature; enriching knowledge about diversity natural material and its use in crafts.

Materials and tools: pine cone, moss, birch twigs, pistachio shell, plasticine, glue.

Lesson progress:

Organizing time.


Guys, today we will have an unusual class. We must have a guest. This guest is difficult. He lives in the forest, protects the forest from uninvited guests, makes friends with animals, birds, helps them. Who do you think it is? (children's answers.)

That's right, this The old woodman. He must come to visit us.

(music plays "Sounds of the Forest". Appears The old woodman).

The old woodman:

Hello guys! Of course you know who I am.

I AM - The old woodman,

Funny cap.

Every day in the snow and in the heat

I guard the world of the forest.

I have come to you for help. The fact is guys that many of you do not know how to behave properly in the forest! Because of this, the forest and its inhabitants suffer.

Do you guys know how to behave in the forest? (children's answers)

Well done, so I can rely on you! After all, is that so? (children's answers)

The fact is guys that our forest is very huge and it’s hard for me alone to keep order in the forest. I know that you can make various interesting crafts. Can you help me and do the same Lesovichkov like me? (children answer)

Thanks guys!

Practical part.


Guys, a Old man - lumberjack ours is not simple, it is made from various forest materials such as pine cone, moss, pistachio shell and leaves (shows children a sample of the future crafts) .

The teacher distributes to the children material and tools needed for making crafts. Further, safety precautions are discussed with the children when working with tools and materials, which will be needed for making this craft. Also the right position materials and tools on the table. Each natural material deals with children in detail. "What it is? Where do they grow?, "How is it used by a person?".

Well done boys. How much do you know about the forest.

Explanation of the work to be done.


Guys, let's make a consistent plan for the implementation of our work together.

Where do you think we'll start? (children's answers)

From the torso Lesovichka. The pine cone will serve as his body.

What will be the next stage of our work? (children's answers)

Let's revive our old man and make him eyes and a nose! The eyes will be made of plasticine, the nose will be made of pistachio shells

In the next step, we will do The old man-forest man's beard. Well, what kind of grandfather without a beard.

What do you think the final stage of our work will be? (children's answers).

We will make him a hat, a birch leaf will serve him.

Children, look pay close attention to the work plan tell everyone if it's understandable. Do you have everything to fulfill it, if someone is missing something, do you know where to find it, on our "lost and found table".

Completing of the work.


Before starting work, we will do gymnastics for the hands, our assistants (children stretch their hands, stroke their palms and fingers).

Come on, fingers to work

I'll show you my passion.

Cut, glue and weave.

You won't find smarter hands!

And now let's get to work (Independent work, control and help from an adult. Also, melodic, calm forest music sounds in the process of work).


Guys let's see what we got (consideration of finished crafts for children) .

Well done guys, you did it!

- The old woodman, look how much Lesovichkov-Guys made you assistants!

The old woodman:

Oh, guys, what good fellows you are! Helped me. Thank you!

Field, river, clean air,

Trills of birds in dense forests.

It's all gifts nature

Do not destroy, children, them.

Do not break nests in vain.

Don't kill the ants.

After all nature is so beautiful

Everyone is ready to confirm.

Take care of the reservoirs

With cold water.

They come in handy in life.

For us to rest the soul.

Now it's time for me to go home, to the forest, to return! Goodbye!

(music plays "Sounds of the Forest". The old woodman leaves).


We will meet 2014 at home, in the company of friends. For each guest, I came up with small gifts - souvenir gnomes on coasters. Initially, they will serve as holders of cards with the names of friends .... so as not to confuse where and whose plate, and to whom, where to sit)))) And then each guest will take his gnome home.
How do you like my idea? :)

Coasters are sawn out of wood, sanded, covered with white acrylic paint and decorated with festive ribbonMerryChristmas.
I bought ribbons as if without a purpose, simply because they are beautiful :)), in my hobby shop , and they fit so well into the plot :)

Coasters in two colors and two sizes:
- double - 4 x 8cm
- single - 4 x 4cm
The tapes fit very well into the plot of the work.

To small, already fallen in love :) gnomes made big ones.

In the same style, from the same materials, but with more interesting caps + decorated the collar with a decorative seam.

If desired, gnomes can be removed from the stand, play, babysit, hang on a Christmas tree, etc.

Large ones stand steadily on a flat surface, do not ride like small tumblers)

The height of a large dwarf without a stand is 11cm
On a stand - 16cm
Belly diameter)) - 4cm

Materials: wood, natural felt made in Germany, acrylic paints, metal bell.


You can see these fabulous creatures only on New Year's Eve ... the rest of the time they are very busy.
Strict accounting of berries, mushrooms, cones, nuts. Plant Christmas trees, feed birds and animals ... but you never know important things? Only forest disputes cannot be sorted out until noon!
So the wise gnomes work all year round, keeping the peace and purity of magical forests.

To understand how charming they are, you must definitely hold them in your hands :)
Because even the best photo cannot convey all the emotions!

Take a closer look... they only look the same. In fact, everyone has their own character. One is kind, the other is completely naive :), the third frowns - apparently there is again a shortage in the forest accounting))) The fourth is very important, not otherwise Gandalf the White. Well, the fifth got the fate of the informal))
I'll talk about it a little later...

Gnomes are sewn from natural German felt. They are very cozy, soft to the touch :)) Correcting, styling a beard is a special pleasure :) - baby alpaca, superkid mohair and merino wool work wonders.

Muzzles - from knitwear.
The growth of foresters with a curved cap - 13cm

Stable on a flat surface, do not require additional support.
Filler - holofiber.

In the tummy of each dwarf, to give stability, I put a small pebble of Crimean pebbles, which I brought from campaigns. Without the "weighting agent" they would be completely weightless, and so, there is the right center of gravity in the right place)))

Well, the magical ringing of bells on the caps! Where would we be without it :)

In this photo, the dwarf ZZ Top is on an impromptu stage in the company of fans))

The guitar is very realistic.
I bought a cardboard die-cut, painted it, pulled silver strings (metallic threads) and our dwarf became a real rock guitarist!

fly agaric

I've had the idea for quite some time. I wanted the fungus to be as similar as possible to the real one and at the same time look elegant. As a result, two patterns were born: the first - fly agaric in the form of Santa's New Year's cap ... with a beautiful soft pom-pom :) and the second, slightly smaller - a more classic version.

I fiddled with the edge of the hat for a couple of days to get a beautiful "wave" and at the same time deepen the inside. It would seem that the detail is simple, but with a whim. With a leg, everything is simple. She has a leg in Africa too :) ..a little longer, a little shorter, narrower / wider, with or without a frill (I like the version without a frill more) Then I added a metal frame made of thick wire. This gave the mushroom a more playful mood.

fly agaric three sizes and in two colors(small/large peas):

- large, in the form of a New Year's cap with a pompom - 13cm

- medium (without pompom :)) - 9cm

- small 3.5cm / 4.5cm.


American cotton, linen, holofiber stuffing, soft wool pompom.

The wire frame inside the leg adds mobility to the mushroom. You can bend the leg, beautifully tilt the hat and the composition will take on a completely different, more mischievous character.

The author of these mushrooms Francesca and her cozy blog Habby Home ... under the link are very tasty photos of fly agarics with raspberries! And, a little higher, linen chocolate with yogurt. Impossible to pass by :)) I was tempted and sewed a couple based on photos of Francesca. Thanks to the author for the inspiration!

And two more types of charming gnomes!

Natalia Litovtseva

Target: reveal the significance nature in human life; the formation of a desire to preserve and protect the environment, as well as norms of behavior in nature; enriching knowledge about diversity natural material and its use in crafts.

Materials and tools: pine cone, moss, birch twigs, pistachio shell, plasticine, glue.

Lesson progress:

Organizing time.


Guys, today we will have an unusual class. We must have a guest. This guest is difficult. He lives in the forest, protects the forest from uninvited guests, makes friends with animals, birds, helps them. Who do you think it is? (children's answers.)

That's right, this The old woodman. He must come to visit us.

(music plays "Sounds of the Forest". Appears The old woodman).

The old woodman:

Hello guys! Of course you know who I am.

I AM - The old woodman,

Funny cap.

Every day in the snow and in the heat

I guard the world of the forest.

I have come to you for help. The fact is guys that many of you do not know how to behave properly in the forest! Because of this, the forest and its inhabitants suffer.

Do you guys know how to behave in the forest? (children's answers)

Well done, so I can rely on you! After all, is that so? (children's answers)

The fact is guys that our forest is very huge and it’s hard for me alone to keep order in the forest. I know that you can make various interesting crafts. Can you help me and do the same Lesovichkov like me? (children answer)

Thanks guys!

Practical part.


Guys, a Old man - lumberjack ours is not simple, it is made from various forest materials such as pine cone, moss, pistachio shell and leaves (shows children a sample of the future crafts) .

The teacher distributes to the children material and tools needed for making crafts. Further, safety precautions are discussed with the children when working with tools and materials, which will be needed for making this craft. Also the right position materials and tools on the table. Each natural material deals with children in detail. "What it is? Where do they grow?, "How is it used by a person?".

Well done boys. How much do you know about the forest.

Explanation of the work to be done.


Guys, let's make a consistent plan for the implementation of our work together.

Where do you think we'll start? (children's answers)

From the torso Lesovichka. The pine cone will serve as his body.

What will be the next stage of our work? (children's answers)

Let's revive our old man and make him eyes and a nose! The eyes will be made of plasticine, the nose will be made of pistachio shells

In the next step, we will do The old man-forest man's beard. Well, what kind of grandfather without a beard.

What do you think the final stage of our work will be? (children's answers).

We will make him a hat, a birch leaf will serve him.

Children, look pay close attention to the work plan tell everyone if it's understandable. Do you have everything to fulfill it, if someone is missing something, do you know where to find it, on our "lost and found table".

Completing of the work.


Before starting work, we will do gymnastics for the hands, our assistants (children stretch their hands, stroke their palms and fingers).

Come on, fingers to work

I'll show you my passion.

Cut, glue and weave.

You won't find smarter hands!

And now let's get to work (Independent work, control and help from an adult. Also, melodic, calm forest music sounds in the process of work).


Guys let's see what we got (consideration of finished crafts for children) .

Well done guys, you did it!

- The old woodman, look how much Lesovichkov-Guys made you assistants!

The old woodman:

Oh, guys, what good fellows you are! Helped me. Thank you!

Field, river, clean air,

Trills of birds in dense forests.

It's all gifts nature

Do not destroy, children, them.

Do not break nests in vain.

Don't kill the ants.

After all nature is so beautiful

Everyone is ready to confirm.

Take care of the reservoirs

With cold water.

They come in handy in life.

For us to rest the soul.

Now it's time for me to go home, to the forest, to return! Goodbye!

(music plays "Sounds of the Forest". The old woodman leaves).

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As if the artist with a bold hand Painted the birch trees with golden paint, And, adding red, painted the bushes of maple and aspen of wondrous beauty. It turned out.

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Craft: a house with your own hands. Seven houses made of branches, cardboard, paper, pumpkins, chestnuts, natural material.

Craft: a house with your own hands. We craft with children

You already know how to make a house for playing with children from cardboard from an article with a master class by Vera Higlod, and today in the article - houses from a variety of materials: boxes, clothespins, natural materials - chestnuts, pumpkins. All these houses were made by readers of the site "Rodnaya Path" together with the children and sent to our

In this article you will find a variety of houses with a description of their manufacture:

- Baba Yaga's house, made with clothespins,

- Lesovichka's house made of waste material,

- a house decorated with chestnuts,

- craft forester's house made of natural and waste materials,

- do-it-yourself pumpkin house (two options),

- a house - a teremok of twigs.

Baba's house - Yagi do-it-yourself

This craft was made by children of the middle group of MGBOU d / s No. 75 "Fairy Tale" together with an adult. Teacher - Tegaeva Olga Nikolaevna (Moscow region, Sergiev Posad district, Shemetovo village).

You will need for the manufacture of the house - the hut of Baba - Yaga:

- moss (dry in advance),

- cones (dry at home to open),

- leaves (ironed with an iron, more about that in the article about the application),

- berries (dry).

- wooden clothespins, liquid nails glue.

How to make a house - the hut of Baba Yaga with your own hands.

Step 1. Clothespins need to be disassembled (pull out a metal spring) and glued into a house (liquid nails are used - quickly and reliably). This part of the work is done by an adult.

Step 2. Install a hut on a cardboard base, put or glue moss around it.

Step 3. Glue moss, leaves, berries on the roof of the hut.

Step 4. We paint the cones with spray paint - we get blue spruces.

Step 5. We make animals from plasticine and pine cones.

Do-it-yourself lumberjack's house

This house was sent to our competition by the Potapov family (Potapova Tatyana Valentinovna and Potapov Andrey, 4 years old, Irkutsk).

Making crafts will take several evenings. In this case, the child will not get tired and more

their interest will take part in all stages.

How this forest house is made with your own hands:

Step 1. To get started, we took a cookie box from a candy store. Pasted over with scraps of wallpaper in the "tone" of autumn, left to dry.

Step 2. From cones, an acorn, matches, they made the inhabitants of the forest - Lesovichka and his hedgehog friend.

Step 3. The Lesovichok settled in a house, for which a box of yogurt came in handy. And the logs on the house were made from dill sticks and fixed with double-sided tape. The roof was painted with gouache.

Step 4. The hedgehog settled near his friend under the stumps. Stumps are saw cuts from branches that dad helped to make.

Step 5. A path leads from the house to the pond. For the path, they painted semolina and glued it on PVA glue. Overlaid with pebbles - beans. The pond was made of colored paper, pebbles are the seeds from plums.

Step 6. From dry leaves, twigs, moss, dried flowers and mountain ash, they designed a forest and a clearing.

Do-it-yourself chestnut house "Hut on the edge"

This craft was made by Ryzhkina Svetlana Alexandrovna and Chesonis Daniil (6 years old), from the city of Bataysk, kindergarten "Rainbow".

We need to make this house:
- Cardboard box
— Colored paper
- Glue stick
- Glue gun
- Pen
- Scissors
- piece of wire
— Needles
— Foliage of autumn trees of different colors
- Berries
- dry twigs
- Chestnuts, about 2 kg.
- Scotch

How to make a house - a hut on the edge

Step 1. Making the base. We take an ordinary cardboard box, cut out a base measuring 40 x 40 cm, on which our hut will stand. We glue it with colored paper according to the color of any foliage used further.

Step 2. Making a house. From cardboard we make a house with a size of about 25 x 30 cm. We connect its sides with tape, we fasten the bottom of the house to the base - the platform, using a thin flexible wire.

Step 3 We make windows, doors in the house. Cut out rectangles from white paper for two windows and a door. We painted curtains on the windows with a pen. Glue them to the house with glue. On the door of the house, using a glue gun, we glue thin branches of the same size and a handle.

Step 4 We glue the walls with chestnuts.

Step 5 We decorate the roof and the ground (the basis of the craft). Lastly, we glue the roof and the rest of the earth with autumn leaves (or leaves cut out of paper). We alternate the leaves in color, to give variegation and volume.

Step 6. Decorate the composition needles and dried berries.

Craft "Forester's House" do-it-yourself

This craft was made by Bykova Maria Nikolaevna together with her son Roma (Arkhangelsk region, Mirny). Roman is 2 years 8 months old.

To make such a house, we need the following material:
- shoe box
- a box of kefir 0.5 liters,
- beans,
- plasticine,
- leaves,
- cones,
- spruce branches
- moss,
- pine needles
- leaves from larch.

How to make a forester's house with your own hands

Step 1. Making the base of the house. To do this, we coat the kefir box with plasticine on all sides. Put the beans on the plasticine. Let's make a window out of plasticine.

Step 2 We make the roof of the house. The roof is made from leaves. We also glue them on plasticine.

Step 3. Making a deer.

We take 2 cones. We connect them together so that we get the body and neck of the deer. Then we glue the head from plasticine to the neck, make eyes and a nose. Pine needles will make beautiful horns. Glue matches as legs and tail. The hooves were glued to plasticine to the box.

Step 4. Making a hedgehog.
We make a muzzle of a hedgehog, eyes and a nose. We stick the muzzle to the cone. Let's make needles from spruce branches. Glue them to the cone with plasticine.

Step 5. Assembling the craft.

When the main details are ready, we begin to draw up the craft. We attach spruce branches to plasticine to the box. We put up a house. We spread the moss and sprinkle with larch leaves. We put a hedgehog. The craft is ready.

Do-it-yourself pumpkin house: two options

The first version of the craft

This house was made by Khazipov Iskander (6 years old). Teacher - Khazipova Gulnaz Galimkhanovna, Kazan. (MADOU "Kindergarten No. 174 of the combined type" of the Moskovsky district of Kazan)

Pumpkin House: Necessary Materials

Pumpkin, zucchini, rowan berries, blueberries, various sparkles, cones, dry branches, a knife, cloves, kitchen nozzles.

How to make a pumpkin house with your own hands with children

Step 1. Idea - we come up with what our pumpkin house will be like. Before you make a pumpkin house, decide how many houses will be in the composition. If everything is clear with one house, then multi-level compositions require some adjustments.

Step 2. The pumpkin should remove seeds and pulp using a knife (this is done by an adult).

Step 3 Now Mark the pumpkin with a marker in places where doors and windows will be located. Mark a window with a felt-tip pen.

Step 4. After that, proceed to cutting out details. Carved shutters and other decorative elements can be cut out using curly kitchen nozzles. It is not at all necessary to observe the accuracy and clarity of the lines (this will give the house a more gloomy look). Attach the prepared parts to the pumpkin with small carnations.

Step 5. It's time to do the roof of the house. We cut half of the zucchini and put it on top of the pumpkin and decorate with various sparkles. We spread red rowan berries on top of the pumpkin, and also put a cone (in the form of a pipe) on the roof.

Step 6 We make a composition. We put the pumpkin on the zucchini cut into rings and decorate with cones and dried blueberries.

The second option for making a pumpkin house

This pumpkin house was made for our contest by a family: Nabuhatnaya Lyubov, Nabukhatny Dmitry and their son Nabukhatny Igor (9 years old), Perm.

To make this pumpkin craft, you will need:

Natural materials:

- pumpkin,
- bark,
- cones,
- needles, leaves, grass,
- acorn hat
- pebbles
- moss,
- thin sticks.

Decorative material:

- wooden button
- lace,
- key.

Super glue for fastening all parts.

How to make a pumpkin house

Step 1. Making a house. Having cut the bottom of the pumpkin, we cleaned out all the pulp from the inside. Cut out windows and doors. The roof was made from thin pine bark, gluing pieces on top of each other. It turned out very similar to a tiled roof. A solid piece of thick bark served as the door, the handle by the door is a hat from an acorn.
Step 2. Decorating the house. To make the house cozy, you need to decorate it. Lace curtains were glued to the windows. The flower boxes were glued from cardboard and decorated with scales of pine cones. Summer is over, the flowers have faded. Therefore, in the boxes now lie around the leaves and pine needles. To the window on the second floor stretch "vine whips", we made them from green swamp grass. The carved bottom of the pumpkin served as a decoration for the back wall of the house. With a button in the middle and rays, it reminded us of a windmill. The key at the door and the steps made of sticks completed this stage in the work.
Step 3. We populate the house. The house was installed in a low box. A piece of moss became a clearing in front of the house. The rest of the surface was sprinkled with small pebbles.
At the end of the work, we dreamed for a long time who could live in our house. Maybe a gnome, or a fairy with transparent wings, or a kind old sorceress. In the end, we decided that we ourselves were ready to live in a fabulous house. Too bad it's too small for our large family.

House - a house made of twigs with your own hands

This tower was made by Vera Pavlova (6 years old). Teachers: Zueva Tatyana Vladimirovna, Karaguzheva Rufina Viktorovna (Perm Territory, Kungur MADOU "Kindergarten No. 6")

This tower is made of twigs folded like a real log house. The branches are glued to each other.

The straw on the roof is attached to the cardboard.

The gable of the roof is covered with pieces of pine bark.

The fence is woven from thin twigs of willow.

Teremok and fence posts attached to a piece of plywood with glue.

The Christmas tree on plasticine is neatly placed in a moss clearing.

Under the Christmas tree sits a Hedgehog who plays hide and seek with a Bunny. This is such a friendly company.

Do-it-yourself house-teremok for a mouse

This simple house according to the fairy tale "Teremok" was made by Veronika Maskaleva, 5 years old (Perm Territory, Kungur MADOU "Kindergarten No. 6". Teachers: Zueva Tatyana Vladimirovna, Karaguzheva Rufina Viktorovna).

Teremok is a zucchini and a pumpkin. A window is drawn on the roof with a felt-tip pen. Doors are cut out of colored paper and glued on with glue stick.

A fungus-teremok stands in a clearing of their soft moss. The ladder is made of wooden sticks, which are glued together for a moment.

A toy Violating Mouse ran to the tower. And she began to live in it.

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Tatyana Ovchinnikova

Plastic bottles are no longer garbage, but a material for making various crafts. From disposable containers making vases, dishes, designer jewelry and much more.

I bring to your attention master toy making class Old man-forester.

We will need:

Plastic bottle (volume 2 liters).You can take the volume that is convenient for you.


Nylon tights

Textile (burlap, drape, felt, etc.)

Miscellaneous needs (cones, acorns, leaves, ribbons, eyes, etc.)

We wrap the bottle with tights, cut off the excess and tie it in a knot. Through the pre-made holes we pass the wire.

We form "handles", we also fit tights.

We sew sleeves, separately, for mobility.

Feet - slippers flip flops can be made from fur base cardboard, glued to the base.

Glue the beard, eyes (I used ready-made, but you can use buttons).

We make hair by cutting the fabric with a fringe. Hat made of cardboard, covered with fabric.

Glue the hat

We begin to decorate our Lesovichka, and here they say a matter of taste.

The toy is light and quite stable.

You can do the same with other toys.

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Good evening! Dear colleagues! I want to show a master class from improvised material that can be found on each site. Paying attention.