Stylish print combined with. Mixing prints in clothes - examples of combinations for inspiration! Errors in combining prints

The pattern and color of the fabric embody style, create a mood and form an impression of a person. The choice of print says a lot about your personality, character and temperament.
All geometric prints - stripes, cells and any regularly repeated elements organize and rhythmically order the plane. The stripe expresses some kind of organized beginning, desire or need to follow the plan. A very wide stripe is often found in sportswear. The strip is associated with straightforwardness, honesty, thoroughness. The narrow stripe is associated more with intellectual work: employees (a prime example of orderly activity) often wear suits or shirts with narrow stripes, reminiscent of lined letterhead.
The horizontal stripe gives a feeling of breadth, calmness, stability. Blue and white stripes are traditional for sailors and evoke the skyline. Such a pattern is used in clothing for recreation, walking on the water.
The cell, like the strip, personifies the organization, which, however, is less formal. Small and thin checks are usually associated with neatness and recreational activities such as golfing and fishing. A large cage is associated with active pastime in the air: hunting, tourism, rural labor. It is no coincidence that checkered cowboy shirts, dresses and sundresses have become the main signs of country style.

The goose foot print was born among the people. The inhabitants of the Scottish Plains were the first to wear it in the form of woolen fabrics. In 20-30s, Chanel liked the pattern (apparently, how much practical, clear and black-and-white), and later the “goose foot” became associated with the name Christian Dior. Dior chose this print as his sign and adorned not only dresses and jackets with it, but also a bottle of Miss Dior.

A special type of cage is a tartan. In the national dress of the Scots, the cage carried information about which clan a person belongs to. In a modern suit, the tartan is a classic example of free style with a touch of aristocracy.

The print called "pea" is a combination of freedom and order. Moreover, the larger the peas, the stronger the effect they produce.

Curved lines - wavy, curved, spiral, etc. - in contrast to straight lines, are the embodiment of freedom and relaxedness. They are associated with impermanence, movement, frivolity. They are more feminine - creative and intuitive. Such prints are inherent in the romantic style.
Plant and floral motifs are unusually diverse - from naturalistic to stylized and fantasy. The impressions they give are ambiguous and emotional. A "rustic" small flower, evenly distributed over the entire surface, is an image of simplicity, coherence, and home comfort. Graceful stems or bizarre buds tune in to something sophisticated, sophisticated and mysterious.
Floral and plant designs are more popular with women. They are rare in men's wardrobe, mostly in leisure wear. Love for stylized drawings testifies to a developed aesthetic taste and imaginative thinking.

Prints imitating the skins of animals (leopard, tiger, zebra, etc.) resemble the clothes of primitive people and symbolize natural instincts, physical strength, health, and sometimes the aggression of a predator. These images are filled with energy, passion, the desire to attract the attention of the opposite sex and are very popular in sexy style clothing.

The use of symbolism - mystical, religious, esoteric signs, hieroglyphs has the same ancient roots as the costume itself. The true meaning embedded (encoded) in them continues to work, even if its interpretation is forgotten.
So, through the print in clothes and accessories, we declare ourselves, our intentions, show individuality, sometimes without even thinking about it.

How to choose a print for clothes

When choosing a print for a suit, you must take into account a number of factors that allow you to find the most harmonious solution to the image. The size and size of the print depends on the proportions, dimensions of the body and facial features, i.e. it is a question of the scale of a person's figure and decor. For example, people with a tall, dense build, broad-boned or with large facial features are not suitable for a small ornament and a too thin pattern; contrasting with the figure, they only make it heavier. Preference should be given to a medium or large pattern that occupies a significant amount of space on the fabric (for example, large flowers or a cage), or one, but three-dimensional fragment. On the contrary, for people of graceful build, short or thin, with thin facial features, a delicate drawing is more suitable - small, as well as with rarely located fragments. Large images will "absorb" the figure, dominate over it.
As you know, everything needs a measure. And do not be too zealous, striving for the ideal, otherwise you can get the opposite effect: everything large will be enlarged, and everything small will be split and reduced.

How to combine different prints correctly

It is also necessary to remember about the compatibility of various patterns. The rule of subordination of the main and secondary elements in the ensemble (as well as the sense of proportion) dictates the following: the detail that is the accent of the costume should be distinguished by the expressiveness of the drawing compared to a more neutral background. Example: a skirt with a barely indicated plant motif, a plain-colored blouse or with a modest embroidery trim, and, as an accent, a bright elegant vest with a large floral decor. The easiest option: one thing is made of fabric with a pattern, and all the rest are plain.
When using two or more different designs in a suit, make sure that they are in the same color scheme or are similar in color. If the ornaments are of different colors, then they should have similarities in pattern and shape. Geometric pattern is better combined with geometric, floral - with floral or curvilinear. The cage gets along well with the stripe, if they are combined with a common color scheme and with a geometric ornament and a herringbone; images of animals or birds - with plant motives.
When joining two or more prints, one of them should be larger. Usually, what is "closer to the body" has a smaller pattern. And what is worn on top is larger.

The correct use of decor in clothes allows you to visually correct the figure, shifting the emphasis from disadvantages to advantages. For example, you can hide heavy thighs by choosing solid dark trousers or a skirt and complementing them with a more colorful, colorful blouse or scarf that will turn your attention to yourself.
You should not combine three patterns that are different in shape and design. A herringbone skirt, polka-dot blouse and a scarf with watercolors blurred create a fragmented feel. The same rule applies to three identical patterns: a jacket, shirt and striped tie will only cause ripples in the eyes and destroy the image.
In general, in modern fashion there are no strict rules and restrictions on the combination of patterns. Talent and sense of style allow designers to invent the most unexpected combinations, bringing in an element of play, kitsch and liberation. Remember only that everything else - hairstyle, gait, figure - must correspond to the intended image and justify it.

The combination of prints in clothes characterizes you as a bold woman with great taste. If you want to master combinatorics, there are a few basic rules to keep in mind.

First: if you combine two identical prints in an image, then they should be of different sizes, but at the same time have a similar color or have a common background.

Second: when choosing a drawing, you should take into account the features of the figure (miniature girls and owners of curvaceous forms should avoid horizontal lines and large drawings).

Third: if you have relied on a print, then the style of clothing should be laconic (the same applies to the choice of jewelry: they should be minimalistic).

Now let's get down to the details.


Geometric prints - stripes, peas, checks, paws, rhombuses and others - are combined quite simply: a large pattern is combined with a small one. For example, a combination of striped prints of different directions and line thicknesses will create an asymmetric effect that will confidently stay in the top of this season.

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Clothing with geometric prints is widely available in the online store. A stylish jacket with contrasting stripes will appeal to girls who love comfort and brevity. With such a new outfit, you can create a spectacular and vivid image in a casual style.

Ethnic pattern

Ethnic patterns can be mixed with each other only under one condition: the ornament must contain a metered amount of small elements, otherwise the image will turn out to be overloaded. Better to use different shades of the same color.

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Animal print

"Tiger", "zebra", "leopard" and "python" are harmoniously combined with plain clothes. The animal print is contradictory, redundancy should not be allowed in it, that is, you can afford only one accent. If you are ready to take risks, then try to combine animalistic drawing with strict lines or a check. For example, a bag, sweater or top with geometric elements will make a perfect pair with trousers, a skirt or jeans with leopard print.

The pressing question is how to combine clothes with different patterns? We will reveal several important secrets of combining prints. We will show you how to dress so that the image looks harmonious and not vulgar.

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Start small

If you're unsure of your abilities, start by incorporating one print into your wardrobe. When you learn how to combine one print with monochromatic things, connect the second print. How to do it?

Just swap out one of the monochromatic pieces in the ensemble for a small print in the same color.

And only when you can confidently wear two prints at the same time, you can connect the third print using the same method.

Mix and match prints in different sizes

When creating a combination of two or three prints, select them in such a way that each of the patterns has its own "size" of the elements. The large print is for the accent, the medium print is the second most important, and the small print will serve as the background.

The color of the prints should overlap

Your look will look more holistic if you combine colors correctly. One of the colors used in the pattern should be repeated elsewhere in the suit. For simplicity, you can use the following rule for three prints:

take two solid prints in different colors and select a third pattern that mixes these two colors.

Combination of items with the same print

Combinations of the same print in different sizes usually look good. For example, you can mix large black peas on a white background with small white peas on a black background.

Combinations of different geometric prints

Feel free to combine polka dots, stripes, cages - if you follow the rules about size and color, you will not go wrong with your image.

Combine naturalistic and fantasy prints with geometric

Large floral prints are difficult to combine with each other. But at the same time, they can be combined with strict geometric patterns. For example, a polka dot print can look good with a floral print.

The undoubted hit of the last few fashion seasons is the print. And even more - a combination of several prints! And this season, the designers, without saying a word, released dizzyingly bold and exciting bows based on a combination of several designs on the catwalks!

Combination of prints: photo

Many girls are skeptical about this trend and for some reason believe that there should be only one drawing in the bow. However, it is not. And advanced women of fashion will agree with us!

It is very easy to mix several drawings at once! Let's learn this quickly!

Rules for combining prints

The main rule: there should be something in common in the pictures.

For example, the drawing itself, or repeating colors, or the same scale of the drawing.

SAME pattern of the same or different size / color

DIFFERENT print in ONE color scheme

This technique of combining prints is very often used in!

There are a few more proven templates invented a long time ago by the duo Dolce & Gabbana.

It's that simple!

A strip or any other GEOMETRY (polka dots, cells, rhombuses) goes well with each other!

Striped prints or any geometric print go well with just about anything! For fidelity, you can insure yourself with the same color scheme of the prints used!

Yes, STRIPE and FLOWERS are wonderful and absolutely possible!


Another trick is to add a leopard print to any print! Or in general any other animalistic print - a snake or a zebra.

Of course, warm animal print will be better combined with warm shades, and cold with cold ones.

Many have some preconceptions about leopard print. Of course, a dress in leopard print, knitted and tight, with a deep neckline and mini length in company with red lips and platform shoes - this is "you know what"!

But if you use the wild print in a metered dose, like a small accessory, then success is guaranteed!


Now I want to show you a dubious combination of several prints in one look.

There are combinations of several patterns, when it is difficult to find some common feature between prints at first glance, but meanwhile, the combination looks harmonious. For instance:

However, in most cases, completely dissimilar prints look too creative and do not always seem harmonious.

In this image, we see a combination of warm and cold shades of a skirt and a blouse. That already threatens to fail.

Plus, there is little in common between the drawings! Therefore, the bow does not look good.

Dear girls, be brave! Style is born out of many experiments!

For several seasons, designers have been offering us to combine several prints in one look.

If a year ago the most relevant combination was the combination of an animal print with a print with uneven geometry, then this season it is extremely fashionable to combine black and white graphic prints with bright floral prints.
For those who have never combined prints, but want to try it, it makes sense to start with simpler and more classic combinations. How not to go wrong by wearing two or more prints?

There are two classic rules. The combination of prints is based on principle of similarity.
This means that prints should be either the same color scheme or the same shape.

1. Form: it is better if the prints are not the same, but similar. Combine large peas with small ones. A large cage - with a smaller cage, etc.

Also, according to the classical rules, geometric prints are combined with geometric ones (cage, stripes, polka dots, "foot" and other regular patterns). Something like how Marc Jacobs and Marni did it:

This classic rule develops into the following look "and Prada:

and again Marni:

Floral, plant and curvilinear ornaments are usually combined with each other. True, some stylists advise not to wear two floral prints at once, so as not to look like a flower bed. But this is already, as they say, look in the mirror)
And here is the jagged geometry with the jagged geometry:

2. Color.
Absolutely different prints can be counted among themselves if they are made in the same color scheme. Again Marni (I literally fell in love with this collection) and Dolce & Gabbana:

more Dolce & Gabbana:

And here are some more simpler examples:

3. I would also like to say about animal prints though this is the spring 2012 trend - a combination of two animal prints in one outfit. The animals should be different, as here, for example, in the photo on the left, where a reptile and a leopard are combined. Also the animal print goes well
With irregular print.

Here is even more illustrative:

With these prints, the rule is that they should go very well with the color scheme of the center print. I found an example of a color card on

Well, the traditional question: do you combine several prints in one outfit?