The theme my baby is the best. My child is an essay. Natalia Faustova, singer, music therapist, founder of the project "Lullabies for the whole family"

The most valuable and precious thing in life is our children. What a blessing to be a mother!

It’s hard to believe that I’m a mother for ten years already. My daughter was born. And when everyone was talking at that time, it’s good that my daughter, my assistant, I didn’t understand this. But after years you understand the meaning of these words. like no one else. And I can proudly say: "My daughter is the best in the world!"

After all, she sings well, dances, draws well. He will always help with cleaning the house: wipes dust, washes floors, dishes. Likes to play with his younger brother. My daughter is not cruel, she will always respond to trouble. will not betray his comrades. Shy, very rare in our time. She is the best street sweeper. She, like no one else, will support me in a difficult situation: she will cheer me up, take me away from gloomy thoughts. Her smile makes my heart feel warmer. Violettochka is like the sun that peeped out from behind the clouds.

My daughter is very fond of animals. Her dream is rabbits and hamsters. She has been asking to separate them for a long time. I promise you, daughter, by summer you will have them. Responsible for lessons, always fulfills them. overcoming

All the difficulties. She also has a lot of patience. Like no one else sees deceitful, hypocritical people. I was very lucky with my daughter. I know it will not change, it will not become bad, but it will be even better. Like any mother, she wishes her children happiness. so I want to wish my daughter to stay like that. continued to love her parents, grandfathers, grandmothers, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, friends and all people. Be more confident in all matters.

This is my daughter. I am proud of her! My child is the best.

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Essays on topics:

  1. When Katyusha entered kindergarten, I (and all the other new parents) were asked to write an essay about their child. So the Methodist ...
  2. The poem by A. A. Blok “A child is crying under the crescent moon ...”, written on December 14, 1903 and is included in the book “Poems about ...

My baby is the best


- help parents see the positive qualities of the child's character;

- encourage parents to feel proud of their child;

- foster a friendly attitude towards children.

Participants: parents of students, leading.

Decoration, equipment, inventory:


A computer;




Four small seven-flowered flowers;

Blank sheets of paper;

Ballpoint pens for every parent.

Before the parent meeting, at the entrance to the classroom, parents tear off any petal from small seven-flowered flowers. Groups of parents are formed according to the color of the petal. The petals are saved - they will be needed in the quest.

Meeting progress.

I ... Introduction.

Slide 1. (Calm music sounds)

Hello dear parents! The theme of our parent meeting is My child is the best.

Slide 2. Large seven-flowered flower.

There are seven colors in the rainbow, the word “family” also hides “seven”.

Family - this word will tell us a lot.

The family will show us the path of life from birth.

And every, whatever the moment with her,

More magical, dearer moments and no.

The family is with us always and everywhere,

She means a lot in every destiny.

Today we will talk about the best we have - our children. What our child will become depends mainly on our attitude towards him. We often ask ourselves the question: why do children grow up not the way we would like, despite the best intentions of their parents?

Slide 3. Probably the best way to build a good, trusting relationship with a child is not to blame him for all the wrongdoing, not to look for flaws in him, but to understand himself, to control his behavior with the child. This will allow us to live in harmony with ourselves, will bring more benefits to children than edification and instruction.

The more calm we ourselves are, the more balanced, self-confident, harmonious our children will be.

Every father and every mother should know well what they want to bring up in their child. You should be aware of your parental desires. Do not think that you are raising a child only then; when you talk to him. You bring him up at every moment of life, even when you are not with him. How you dress, how you talk with other people, what you talk about other people, how happy you are, how sad you are - all this is of great importance for a child. Parental demand for yourself, parental respect for your family, parental control over your every step - this is one of the most important methods of upbringing.

Slide 4. Often parents, raising children, scold them more than praise them. There are wise proverbs:"What are the daddy-mothers, so are the children!", « The apple never falls far from the tree".

In other words, children are the mirror of their parents.

Slide 5. We are often irritated, dissatisfied with something, unbalanced, and we demand calmness and tolerance from children. Many parents are stingy about giving fair praise to their children. If the child is worthy, praise him and he will answer you; affection, kindness and a desire to become better.

II . Business game

Slide 6. I propose to act out a scene in which it is possible that someone will see himself or his child. Notice how the meaning and tone of the spoken words change.

I ask one person to come out, who will play the role of a child.

Please select any person you see support from among those present.

Please stand behind the "child", put your hands on his back and in no case let him go, no matter what happens.

Let's pretend this is a little first grader. This is a very lively, inquisitive child who asks a lot of questions, even at the moment when you rush to the bus. Take the child by the hand and run.

Daughter: - Mom, what is there, look! - says the child.

Mama: - Once, look at your feet, you always stumble! What are you twisting your head for? Look at the road. Stop staring around!

And at this moment, as soon as the mother utters such a phrase, the child can take it literally - he closes his eyes, as ordered by the mother. (We blindfold the child).

Daughter: - Mom, mom, did you hear how the bird sang? Who is Uncle Yura?

Mama: - Why are you interfering in an adult conversation? And in general, why are you hanging your ears, how ashamed to eavesdrop! Cover your ears!

(We tie the ears to the child).

They get off the bus, say goodbye to their friend, and run along the road. At the same time, my mother constantly glances at her watch so as not to be late.

Daughter: - Oh, what a day it will be great! Mom, Masha is waiting for me, I promised to bring her an eraser, the one that ...

Mama: - Leave me alone! What are you talking about, there is no time now, we are late. Yes, you can finally shut up! Shut your mouth quickly! (Gagging the child's mouth)

Mom grabs the child by the hand and they move on.

The girl is already silent, but begins to pick up a twig on the way. Mom hits her hands and says:

Mama: - What are your hands, that you are always sticking them somewhere, you cannot live without it! Throw it away, I told you! Hands off! (We tie the child's hands)

Then the daughter begins to jump, lift her legs. Mom screams at her in horror:

Mama: - Where did you learn this? What is this? Stop kicking your legs! Stand still! (Tying the child's feet)

Mom looks at her watch, is nervous that they do not have time, and begins to urge the child:

Mama: What are you reaching out for, kopusha? Take a step wider! Have you forgotten how to walk? Go faster! Give me your hand! Not hands, but hooks - they can't write normally, they can't hold anything! Look at the road, do not stumble, that you are walking like a blind man! Don't be silent, I'm talking to you! Are you deaf?

The baby naturally starts crying.

And the mother continues to nag her daughter for the fact that she does not know how to do anything, forgetting that she herself forbade her everything: to look, hear, speak, run, touch, and besides, one cannot cry, i.e. even banned feelings.

This is the most difficult for a child to bear. Everyone has the right to feel what he is feeling. But parents are often able to take away this right too.

Don't you think that you have already seen this scene somewhere?

We untie everything for her. Let's ask our assistants how they felt? What were you thinking about?

What was the supportive moment that helped to endure the unfair words of the mother? (Did you feel the support of the person in the back?)

How did you feel? (I ask the person who was standing behind)

- You wanted to support him, hug, caress him ...

I suggest to the parent who portrayed the child:

Please thank the person who supported you for the help.

Very often in life it happens that this support is a stranger and it is good if he is there at the right time. And what is it like for a child who does not even have such support?

Thanks to the assistants, we ask you to take a seat in the hall.

Slide 7. “It is into this state that we drive our children and, at the same time, pursue the noble goals of upbringing. It is unbearable for a child to hear such words from relatives, he can withdraw. What to do then? How to behave? What should I do?

Slide 8 ... If you see your child in this state, the first thing you can and should do is to hug him, hug him and hold him close to you as much as the child needs. When it is enough for him, he will move away on his own. At the same time, in no case do you pat him on the back and do not stroke him, as if what happened are little things that "will heal before the wedding." If this is a teenager, and he no longer allows himself to be hugged, then you can sit next to him, holding his hand. They say that a child's hand must be held until he takes it away himself.

Slide 9. Renowned family therapist Virginia Satir recommends hugging your child several times a day. She believes that 4 hugs are absolutely necessary for everyone just to survive, and for well-being you need at least 8 hugs a day! In order for the child to develop intellectually - 12 times a day! The child should know that his parents will always understand and accept him, no matter what happens to him. This nourishes him emotionally, helping him to develop psychologically. If he does not receive the proper signs, then deviations in behavior appear, and even neuropsychiatric diseases. It turns out that children, and indeed any adult in general, need hugs in order to feel they are needed.

Slide 10. Exercise. Each group needs to identify seven components, answering the question: "How would you like to see your child?"

Parents work in groups. Write down their opinions on separate sheets of paper. For example, healthy, strong, smart, lucky, happy, etc.


Slide 11. Exercise. Each group is asked to answer the questions: “What should parents do to make their child happy? »

Parents work in groups. Then, if they wish, they express their opinion.

(do not scold over trifles, spend more time with the child, praise more often for success, hug, hold the hand ...)

Slide 12. We can conclude: our child grows like a seven-flowered flower. Each petal is his knowledge, hobbies, interests, desires. They are different for every child. But, like a flower, a child will not grow up without a "sun" - a school, without "water" - information, without "air" - people and objects around, without "soil" - a family.

Slide 13. Exercise. On the petals plucked before the meeting, each parent writes the answer to the question to himself: "What is good about my child?"

Slide 14-19. Slide show " Achievements of Children ”.

Slide 20. Proverbs.

Remember the proverbs:

"When the sun is warm, when ... (mother's good)"

"There is no better friend than ... (dear mother)"

"Parents are hardworking and children are not ... (lazy)"

"The whole family is together, so is the soul ... (on the spot)"

"In your house and walls ... (help)"

"Where there is love and advice, there is grief ... (no)"

"Little children - little ... (troubles), big children - big ... (troubles)"

"Closely together, but apart ... (boring)."

III . Bottom line.

Slide 21-22. Useful Tips for parents:

    If parents have an opportunity to walk to school with their child, do not miss it. A joint road is a joint communication, unobtrusive advice.

    Learn to greet the children after school. You should not be the first to ask the question: “What marks did you receive today?”, It is better to ask neutral questions: “What was interesting at school?”, “What did you do today?”, “How are you at school?”.

    Rejoice in your child's success. Do not be annoyed at the moment of his temporary failures.

    Listen patiently and with interest to the child's stories about events in his life.

    The child should feel that he is loved. It is necessary to exclude shouts, rude intonations from communication, create an atmosphere of joy, love and respect in the family.

    Take a closer look at the children, listen, and you will understand that a child is a person who requires respect and love.

    Spending time together means giving someone your attention.

    Following an ancient parable, in order to help the hungry, it is not enough to feed him, you must teach him how to get food himself. When communicating with a child, do not solve his problems, teach him how to solve them himself.

    Wise parents know what kindness children need. Touching a child means touching his soul.

    There is no reward more gratifying than knowing that you have made a difference for the better in your child's life.

Psychologists have proven that the need for love is one of the human needs. Parental love is a condition for the normal development of a child. Therefore, today we give you your homework - to hug everyone who lives with you in the house and to follow the reaction of your family, as well as your feelings. You can say something to everyone if you like.

Until then, enjoy your interaction with your child. Take care of it and conjure over it! Improve yourself by walking next to him. Give your hand to him, the strongest hand. Be his friend, become Faith, Hope…. And with love for you, he himself came into this world.

Slide 23. Thank you very much for your attention! Very nice!


1. Borba M. “No bad behavior: 38 models of problem behavior in a child and how to deal with it.” M., 2006.

2. Vygotsky L. S. "Pedagogical psychology". M., 1991.

3. Nekrasova Z, Nekrasov N. “Stop raising children, help them grow.” Moscow, Sofia, 2007.

4. Shirokova G.A., Zhadko E.G. "Workshop of a child psychologist". Rostov n / a, 2005.

Every mother is directly or subconsciously proud of her baby. Children are our main life test, our most important achievement. Childbirth is one of the strongest, if not the strongest, experience in a woman's life, radically changing her, making her a different person - a mother. We report the Apgar score to family and friends with the look of a passing score to college. Then follow the feeding, nursing the newborn, the joy of his first achievements. "We are already turning over" - "And we are trying to sit down" - "We have taken the first step" - "And we are already speaking 10 words!" Our child for us is the smartest, most developed, the kindest - because he is the most beloved.

Lyudmila briskly walked into the locker room of the early development group, where mothers were sitting, waiting for babies from class, and talking quietly. She glanced around the shelves with koloboks and snowmen fashioned from plasticine by three-year-olds. “THIS are they doing here? Mine already sculpts sausages and collects elephants from them! " she said.

Meanwhile, the lesson ended, and the kids ran into the locker room, followed by the aesthetic development teacher. "Do you have a program for working with highly developed children?" - asked Lyudmila, - "My child will not be interested in doing such nonsense, he went through it a year ago."

The horsemen straightened the girths and adjusted the stirrups according to the height - the shift went to the fields. Two women approached the owner of the stable, they looked like a mother and a grandmother, leading a charming two-year-old baby by the hand: "Can I take the child for a ride?" He let them down on the pony. "No, she's already ridden a pony, she won't be interested." The owner was surprised, shrugged his shoulders, but did not object. The assistant led the horse in a circle, and mother and grandmother could barely reach their beauty to prevent her from leaving the saddle and crashing down.

Savely moved to this class recently. His mom, a successful businessman, had high hopes for the new school. In the previous one, she was not satisfied with the level of discipline, the children made noise and interfered with interested students to study.

At the very first meeting, she was unpleasantly amazed: here again the question of discipline was raised. Schoolchildren allowed themselves to shout from their seats, talk in class. Mom Savelia took matters into her own hands: she suggested that the parents take turns sitting in the classroom and keeping order. Her delivered speech sounded so confident that none of the parents or even the teacher was able to insert a single word. In the end, she announced that if the problem was not fixed, Savely would leave the class.

At the last meeting of the school year, Savely's mother was silent. Large dark glasses hid the expression in her eyes. The class teacher tried not to look in her direction. Half of the meeting was behind when the lady raised her voice: "Tell me, if the teacher is prejudiced against the child, who to contact?" “To the director,” the class teacher answered and wanted to continue her story, but Savely's mother could no longer stop. "Sorry!" she began in a tone that was not open to objection. - “Here you were talking about the test in mathematics. They took my son's job and sent him out the door and didn't let him finish, and he got four as a result. What is being assessed - knowledge or behavior? " “As I heard from the math teacher, he spoke loudly and interfered with the whole class,” the leader replied. "No, I want to know what is being evaluated, knowledge, or behavior ?!" - the lady was indignant even louder. “Isn't he the best student in the class? Why is the math teacher prejudiced against him ?! " Throwing out emotions on those present, the lady dryly said goodbye and left.

When the door closed behind her, the class teacher, without naming names, complained that there are parents who threaten the teacher: "Don't you dare make comments to my son!" It was clear to everyone who was talking about ...

Five-year-old Philip and Misha did not really like to play together and got along badly, but they were brought together by a joint vacation of their parents. Disputes among the boys often arose, but it was not yet possible to solve them with words. But if Misha was only swinging and making a terrible face, then Philip simply knocked his friend off his feet and sat on top of him. The boys' mothers tried this way and that to smooth out the relationship and prevent quarrels, but this was not always successful.

From day to day the tension was building up. The last straw was the appearance of Lena, whom both boys liked. While Lena played with Misha, Philip found other things to do. But when Lena and Philip started a new game, the main point of which was to run away from Misha, he took this change very painfully and burst into tears.

Misha's mother took her son away, convincing him that since they behave this way and conspired against him, it means that they are not friends at all. The mothers of Lena and Philip were ready to fall through the earth, because in this case they also felt themselves to be no friends. After thinking it over, they decided to reconcile the children by making all three sit down at a board game.

Lena, along with her mother, went to invite Misha, who began to ask if she would be truly friends with him now? As a result, nothing came of the invitation, Misha, with his mother's help, had already switched to another occupation and did not want to leave him, and Lena and Philip sat down to play without him. When, towards the end of the game, he approached the table and became interested, it was already too late to connect. It is not surprising that after some half an hour a new quarrel broke out and Misha was crying again.

For the rest of the vacation, the mothers of the children tried to separate them and pondered how to behave and how to minimize children's conflicts. Each had her own vision of what was happening, the center of which was her child. It is quite natural that each of the mothers thought her own child was private and kind, even if in some way mistaken, and the actions of other children were perceived as wrong. This Gordian knot never came loose. It remains to be hoped that they will have enough wisdom not only to maintain friendly relations, but also to make friends with their children.

An essay on the topic My child is the best !!!

  1. As soon as we went to the garden. The teacher began to give home assignments, and these assignments were not for the child, but for our parents. Here's the last one: To write an essay on the topic "My child" the essay should be short, consist of 3 obzatse, but whatever one may say about her baby, no mother can write in 3 lines. You can talk about children endlessly. So here are a few paragraphs from that very essay.

    Anton = Antosha = Antoshka = Anthony = Tatoshka = Toshka
    most beloved son!

    To begin with, all nine months of pregnancy I was waiting for Matvey, and dad was waiting for Andrey. All 9 months we argued and were able to come to a common opinion only before the hospital, having read a huge amount of literature about the meaning of a name in a person's life. And already in the hospital I went to bed with Antosha in the tummy.
    April 11, 2008 in my hands was he, our little lump of great happiness. He weighed only 3kg. 150gr. and was 50 cm long. Our world turned upside down with the appearance of Antosha. Everything became different. The word I ceased to exist in my life, and the word We replaced it.
    Like every parent I can say about my child: MY CHILD IS THE BEST !. The most affectionate, kindest and most beautiful, the smartest and most beloved.
    Antosha had to learn a lot on his own: he learned to sit, learned to crawl, then he learned to stand and learned to walk, he himself knows how to eat, even knows how to dress himself, though it does not always work out, but this is a matter of technique and, of course, he also learned to play mischief himself. Sometimes a quiet, peaceful child turns the house into an entertainment center, he knows how to organize the game so that mom, dad, grandparents, all lead a round dance and sing songs together. Antosha doesn't like to dance, but if you ask to sing, it's easy.
    And Antosha's biggest hobby and biggest weakness are cars. An insane amount of machines, big and small, clockwork, with batteries, metal and plastic, for every taste and color.
    Antoshka loves to ride a slide and play in the Labyrinth.
    He loves caramel sweets and gummies, and of course other harmful things that children ask for and parents prohibit.
    And he already has an idol in his life, it is not clear where the love for the Hedgehog from the cartoon Smeshariki came from.
    When I had no children, I always condemned parents who allow their children a lot and believed that the child needed to be brought up in severity, and after a while I realized how wrong I was.
    We try as much as possible to make our beloved Antoshka happy. Give him everything we can. Antoshka is a very affectionate baby, he can hug and kiss.
    I would like to raise an intelligent, healthy, happy person so that he grows up without complexes and knows that he is the best in the world!

At the beginning of my essay, I would like to say about what happiness it is to be a mother. I have two children, but I want to devote today's story to my daughter, my eldest child.

It was a joyful event in our family that we were going to have a baby. And our whole family, including all our relatives, began to look forward to the birth of a little man. And in the middle of autumn this miracle happened.

We had a very tiny black-eyed girl. Our young family completely plunged into taking care of the baby. The girl was named after her grandmother, Nina.

Days flew by, our daughter changed before our eyes, becoming like dad, then mom. One of the grandmothers. Ninochka grew up as a calm, quiet and very neat child. Then came the first birthday in her life. The days flowed on, the girl grew up and from a quiet calm baby turned into a lively, desperate tomboy, and then into a beautiful young girl with her own tastes and interests, with her own opinion and judgment.

Now my daughter is a 10th grade student, but I am already proud of her. I am proud of her high academic achievements, her dedication, her desire to always be the first and best in everything. Not being afraid to be boastful, I very often tell everyone about my girl about her successes, about her interests and hobbies. Thanks to her diligence and responsibility, Nina achieved very good results in her studies. There wasn’t a day my daughter didn’t do her homework. He is especially passionate about mathematics, biology and chemistry. Always willingly participates in subject Olympiads. Last year she took first place in biology in the region, and this year - second. Isn't that a reason for pride.

I would also like to say that my Nina has enough time for everything: for study, and for household chores, and for rest. In the house, my daughter can completely replace me.

We live in a village and therefore there is enough household work, but Nina copes well with everything and looks after her younger brother in my absence. Nina is fond of music, reads a lot and enjoys watching old Soviet films with us. Sometimes, like two girlfriends, we gossip over tea. And I am very glad that I am not just a mother for my child, but also a friend. Nina loves pets, especially cats, and of course her pet cat lives in the house as a family member.

Nina is a sociable and very cheerful girl, maintains good relations with all her peers, and treats her elders with respect.

Probably someone will think that he is an absolutely ideal child, but after all, an essay on the topic: "My child is the best."

In fact, during the growing up of my daughter, there were different things: tricks that require punishment, and tears, and resentment, however, like everyone else. Be that as it may, for any mother, her child is the best. This is how my daughter is for me, the most, the most!