Cleaning the most important places in the apartment. Plan of general cleaning after repair work. How to quickly and efficiently get into the bathroom

Spring-cleaning. Where to begin?

The general cleaning of the apartment should be carried out at least a couple of times a year. You can coincide with cleaning to large holidays, for example, Easter or New Year.

First you need to evaluate and systematize the front of the work. Mentally divide the apartment to the plots and decide how long it is better for cleaning. You must understand that the quality general cleaning of the apartment is not done in one day. It will be better if you dedicate a thorough cleaning of one site a certain day. Start from the balcony and storage room, then remove the rooms, bathroom and toilet, and then the kitchen and the hallway.

The room starts to remove clockwise, top down. Wipe the chandelier, sconce and other lamps, spending the corners on the ceiling. Next, remove the curtains and curtains and put them in the washing, wash the window. Do not forget about the cornices, windowsill and radiator. Check the pots with flowers, wipe them: Flowers - a soft sponge, and pots - a wet cloth.

Do not forget that when cleaning the apartment should always air the room.

Next, wipe the furniture outside and from the inside. Polished surface wipe with a dry napkin, using special means for polyroli. Things that lie for many years in the cabinets and are not in demand, it is better to attribute to the garbage container. If things are in good condition, give them to those in need of neighbors. Breakdown toys, outbound plates and cups emit without regret.

If possible, move the furniture to the middle of the room to wipe the damp plotty, the walls and the floor around the perimeter of the room. Now, putting furniture to the place, you can spend the scenes and wash the room center. Do not forget to thoroughly spend the soft furniture.

A separate point of general cleaning is cleaning blankets, pillows, mattresses and carpets. In the dust contained in these homework, a huge amount of ticks can live (up to 80% of the volume of dust). It is the products of their livelihoods that can cause strongest allergies, especially in small children, as well as asthma attacks and skin diseases. Pillows, blankets and carpets can be given to dry cleaning or clean the old Dedovsky way - to knock out dust from them on the street with a special device.

If by this time the curtains and curtains you have already been postponed, you can immediately hang on pure cornice.

After the break, you can go to the cleaning of the bathroom. The first thing to do is wash the toilet, then the tiles on the walls, shelves and floors.

In the bathroom you need to remove the curtain. If you have the opportunity - put it in a washing machine if not - manually. In the bathroom you need to clean the principle from top to bottom. First rub the lamp, then the walls, shelves, mirror, heated towel rails. Clean the bath and sink or shower cabin, wipe the cranes. The washing machine should be wiped with a wet cloth, especially the rear wall (do not forget to turn off the equipment from the network). Be sure to spend the most strict inspection of all the jackets. Check the expiration date and the presence of the facilities contained. The last touch is to wash the floors and hang the curtain in place.

Now it has arrived turns of the kitchen. Oddly enough, despite its small sizes, the general cleaning of the kitchen is a very time-consuming process that is better to devote a separate day.

As always, start down. Wipe the plander, remove the curtains and send them to washing, wash the windows and walls.

Special attention should be paid to the kitchen plate: handles, oven, bent. Wash carefully, otherwise next year you will be much harder to wash the multi-layer fat from the sides of the oven.

Of course, if you break the surface of the plate every day, the general cleaning will be made much easier and faster.

All kitchen appliances (microwave, mixer, blender, etc.) and dishes are also subject to cleaning.

Next, free from unnecessary property lockers. Check the quality of bulk products, the presence of crushes of dishes, old towels and ribbon packages. Throw everything old and unnecessary, do not spare. The trash takes a lot of space and accumulates negative energy. Wash the cabinets from above, outside and inside. Doors let them open some time to dry cabinets. It remains only to put in order dining furniture - table and chairs, clean the sink, wash the floor and plinths.

In the hallway you need to remove all seasonal shoes and clothing, rub the mirrors, lockers, plinths, speuthes and wipe the floors.

Soft furniture care

Upholstered furniture usually regularly vacuum. But it is possible to clean it in a different way for this, the furniture is covered with a large pure linen or cotton fabric, moistened with acidic water (1 tbsp. Vxus for 1 liter of water) and well pressed. After that, they begin to beat dust. All dirt from the upholstery is absorbed into the fabric. As soon as the tissue is contaminated, it is changed or erased, wet again and continue it until the fabric remains clean.

To clean up the upholstered furniture, you can use a rigid wrapping brush, a tight-wrapped dual layer of gauze or linen fabric, moistened in salted water and well pressed. After that, the furniture is carefully cleaned with a dry rigid brush.

Upholstery can be wiped with a rag moistened in a soap foam or in any synthetic detergent for woolen fabrics. To remove small spots, wet a toothbrush with a solution and wipe the place with a stain pre-purified from dust. It is then washed with clean water and wipe it dry or stroke.

Fresh fat stain can be swallowed slightly heated iron in two or three layers of clocking paper, laying it as well and under the spot: the wrapping paper absorbs most of the fat. The stain from wax and stearin can be removed in the same way, but after stroking the iron stain should also wipe the White Spirit.

Cleaning curtains and blinds

Cardins that can not or cannot be wrapped, vacuuming. In order not to damage the fabric, this is done using a special nozzle or a conventional badminton racket. Attach the racket to the fabric and vacuuming the curtains through its mesh surface.

The yellowed tulle curtains in front of the washing are soot in salted water - yellowness will disappear.

Tulle can be whiten in the following way: in the enameled bucket with hot water, pour 2 tbsp. l. 3% hydrogen peroxide and 1 tbsp. l. Summer alcohol, lower Tulle to this solution and mix well with a stick or wooden tongs. Bleash 15-30 minutes, but do not boil! Then carefully rinse, not pressing and not twisted, hang tulle over the bathroom to glass water. Dry in collected form. If required, swing tulle when it will be completely dry, slightly warm iron.

During the rinse of the tulle curtains, you can use a sink solution with the addition of a small amount of milk - from this curtain will look like new ones.

When ringed lace and tower creeps cream color instead of blue, you can use infusion of coffee or tea, lean through a sieve or gauze fabric, - it will give the fabric a pleasant fresh shade.

Instead of starching, tower curtains can rinse in water with sugar.

Blinds are quite unpretentious in care. Vertical tissue blinds are not recommended to wash, it is enough to wipe them with a soft cloth or speaking to remove dust. The fact is that fabric blinds are covered with a special composition, which is easily washed off during washing, as a result of which the fabric can be swollen and lose sight. If you certainly need to wash the vertical tissue blinds, turn each strip into the roll and immerse in soapy water. It is impossible to rub and miss the fabric, there are feces on it. The washed roll smooth and hang in place.

It is impossible to water the elements of the mechanism of the blinds: it can rusted. To clean the aluminum and plastic blinds, in no case use abrasive detergents and rigid brushes.

Wood and bamboo blinds are also not so wading: water can deform the lamellae and change their color. Such blinds of vacuuming or wipe with a dry cloth. If dust gathered on them, it is possible to remove it with a soft brush.

Cleaning carpets

Carpets are cleaned before the floor sweep. After cleaning the edge of the carpet, you need to be labeled or folded so that dust do not dare.

In order for the dust to be fluttered around the room during cleaning, the broom should be moisturized or wrapped with a wet and well pressed rag. You can scatter on the carpet of a wet sleeping tea (it absorbs dust well) and to sleep with it with a broom dipped in hot soapy water.

Once a week, the carpet needs to be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner with a facial and invented side. First clean off.

In winter, it is good to clean carpets with dry snow. But if the snow is wet, it is impossible to do this: mixing with dust, the snow turns into a dirty water that absorbs into the carpet.

Very dirty carpets are better to handle in dry cleaning. If you want to clean such a carpet yourself, soak it in water, softened by soda or ammonia alcohol. Then remove and wipe with a brushing, moistened with a soap-soda solution with the addition of turpentine (30 g per 1 liter). Wash the carpet first warm, and then with cold water to which acetic acid is added (10-15 g per bucket of water). Wipe wet, and then a dry cloth.

If the paints on the carpet are blocked, it can be refreed to clean it with salted water with the addition of citric acid. In seaside cities, carpets can be washed into the sea. For the refreshment of color after washing, it is wiped with a rag moistened in water with the addition of vinegar.

To protect carpets from moths, they are sprinkled by a time of time with liquid insecticide. Especially thoroughly need to handle the surface of the carpet in the corners of the room and under the sofa.

Cleaning walls, ceiling and floor

Remove the dust from the wallpaper with a dry clean fabric napkin.

If a bold spot appeared on the wallpaper, soda it with a talc or chalk, put a paper napkin and join the warm iron. Talc remnants Remove with a dry clean napkin.

On a fat stain, you can also apply a mixture of chalk with gasoline, and when the mixture will dry up, gently smeared it with a dry cloth. If necessary, the procedure should be repeated.

To remove small spots from wallpaper, sometimes it is enough to lose their ordinary eraser.

Walls painted with oil paint, wash with water with the addition of ammonia alcohol (1 tbsp. Per 1 liter of water).

Many hassle delivers the washing of panels after whitening the ceiling. On the walls, painted by oil or water-level paint, apply a solution of soap or washing powder before parsing - wash them after whitening will be much easier.

Care of wallpaper. Washing wallpapers are made of paper covered with a thin layer of PVC films. You can find foam vinyl and compact vinyl washable wallpapers.

Foamed vinyl wallpaper is better to wash with a sponge or soft cloth moistened in a soap solution or detergent. CD-vinyl - the most durable, they can be washed even with a brush.

Textile wallpapers are textile material pasted on paper media. The care of them is to be treated with a soft brush or vacuum cleaner (dry processing only). Small stains can be removed with a wet, but not wet sponge or wet piece of soft tissue without reinforced pressure or friction.

Traditional paper wallpaper can be both smooth and embossed. But even the most dense paper wallpaper can not be washed. Small contamination of fingerprint type Try to remove the eraser. Fat stains are eliminated only by fresh: having imposed a paper napkin on a stain, swallow it a little warm iron.

Resistance to wet cleaning of wallpaper under the color - paper, vinyl, phlizelin, fiberglass - fully depends on the quality of the paint used. The surface painted with water-emulsion paint is wiped with a wet cloth; Wallpapers covered with dispersion, acrylic, latex paints can be washed with warm water with a small amount of universal non-abrasive detergent.

Behind the walls covered with liquid wallpapers (compositions of natural cotton or cellulose fibers), care with a vacuum cleaner or a slightly wet mixed napkin.

Remember: For cleaning any types of wallpaper, it is categorically forbidden to use organic solvents.

Floor care. First of all, take care that the entrance to the house lay a rug for shoe cleaning. It depends on the basis of the floor of the floor, because his worst enemies - sand, leaving scratches on the coating, and moisture, from which wood swells. In the premises where the water is constantly used and where there is a danger of its falling to the floor, it is recommended to make an additional finish coating to protect the joints between the flooring from the moisture.

Parquet should be vacuumed from time to time (not washing vacuum cleaner) or just sweep. It is not worth using a lot of water during cleaning, it is enough to wipe it with a rag moistened in cold water with the addition of glycerin (1:10) and well pressed. Daily laminate care is the usual dry cleaning with a vacuum cleaner. If necessary, wipe the coating slightly damp cloth. Moisture must dry out a minute after cleaning. When using cleaning products, make sure they are pH-neutral. If the water sheds to the floor, pull it immediately. First of all, it concerns the floors from beech or maple, especially sensitive to moisture.

To clear the parquet from oily spots, asphalt, rubber, oils, creams for shoes, soot and chocolate, cater-based cleaners are used or alcohol. Fat stains can also be removed by the casic to the washing powder, which is applied for the night, and wash away in the morning.

Ink is well removed by hydrogen peroxide with the addition of several drops of ammonia alcohol.

Color chalk, pencils, lipstick, mascara, felt-tip pen, paint is removed with an aqueous solution of methyl alcohol (1: 1).

Blood stains are washed with cold water.

Washing windows and other glass surfaces

Starting the windows of windows should be in cool windless weather so that the glass does not dry too quickly. When washing windows and mirrors, it is not recommended to use soda, soap and other detergents. Special alcohol-containing liquids need to use - they do not contain abrasive particles and do not scratch the glass.

If you add a little blue in a glass wash solution, it will give the mirror an additional shine. A reliable means for washing windows and glass is chalk. From 2-3 tbsp. l. The chalk and 1 cup of water prepare a homogeneous mixture and, maminating a piece of fabric, wipe the glass on both sides. When the glass is driving, it is wiped with a dry soft cloth or mint with newspaper paper. Strongly sweat glasses can be washed with a warm vinegar solution (2 tbsp. L. Per 1 liter of water). By the way, it is noted that on window glass and frames treated with vinegar, flies sitter less often.

Well cleanses the glass and mirrors with crude potatoes. Wipe their cut in peeled potatoes, wash and wipe the dry cloth. Stable gloss glass is achieved by adding starch to water (1 tbsp. L. Per 1 liter of water). From salty water glass and mirrors also acquire shine.

Stains from glasses and mirrors are removed with a solution of vinegar (1 tbsp. L. Per 1 glass of water) or composition of equal parts of water and ammonia alcohol.

So that matte glasses did not spoil, they were clean and had a beautiful view, they wash them with hot water, adding a little vinegar into it.

1. Sleeping. Agree - the fewer things, the less cleaning. I'm not talking about asceticism - I emphasize the need to get rid of unnecessary, broken things that do not bring pleasure, but only occupy a place. Spend a revision in all the cabinets and divide things into three categories: "Leave", "give", "throw out". Act stages: today, start with your handbag, tomorrow we will break one shelf in the closet, the day after tomorrow - the box in the kitchen, then - clothes, then shoes, etc. etc. Daily 10-15 minutes on a particular area - and you will see how your home will gradually change for the better. Leave only those things you need and who like. Thank you with whom we decided to say goodbye. It often happens that throwing sorry. Think with what it can be connected with? Perhaps you're too much "stay" for the past. Are you ready to free up space for the future, for those things that you would like to invite in your life? It happens that there are excuses of the type "I will wear this thing at home" or "This faulty unit will take away to the country", but aren't we worthy of dressing at home decently, beautiful and tasteful and tastefully, and in the country the good and pleasant Items? And there is still a temptation to shift the trash from one place to another (for example, folded onto a balcony or take to parents), so with unnecessary things it is better to part times and forever. For inspiration, it would be wonderful to read the book Marie Condo "Magician" and see the same name (Marie Condo is a specialist in cleaning, author of his own system). I was also inspired by the participation in the marathon on racking (on one of the like-minded sites), within which we daily paid attention to those or other apartment zones and considered the number of outlined things - by the end of the marathon, the bill went on thousands, because they thought large things, And small pieces.

2. Storage. After the breakdown, the question of storing things is inevitably. Each thing should have its place. If you return it there every time after use, the problem of scattered things will be solved - they will simply won't. Marie Condo totals for vertical storage - and this is a good solution. Vertically folded things occupy a much less place. But there is no time to make clothes in this way. However, to systematize what is actually systematized is just necessary to do. Most likely, you will have to buy special devices for comfortable storage of things - folders for documents, jars for spices, storage box for creativity, bag for toys, etc. Even the most advanced hostesses are not shy to use empty boxes from under shoes for clothing storage or other things - feel free to you. A tight bank from cookies will serve as an excellent house for threads and needles. Create creativity! For me, it was once a wonderful opening of folding packages in triangles - thanks to this know-how, two huge bags with packages turned into one small handbag with neatly folded triangles - a place was released in the closet. Mistols come up with all new and new ways of effective storage - view periodically sites on home economics and Fly Lady.

3. The principle "regularly and slightly".There are hostesses who are easier once a week and spend a few hours for it. I do not belong to such a type. It is more convenient for me to restore order daily for 15-20 minutes. This principle is taken from the "Fly Lady" system - there is still there it is proposed to use the timer so that there is no temptation to extend the cleaning longer. The timer regulates the time and allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of our work. For the absence of a timer, I included a stopwatch. Making daily and on a little bit, I began to cope better than once a week. The apartment is conveniently divided into zones: kitchen, toilet, bathroom, room, hallway, etc. If the house is large, then such a system of maintaining order does not exclude, unfortunately, a large weekly cleaning, but it will already take place several times faster, since all week we care about maintaining cleanliness.

4. Attributes for cleaning. Earlier, I underestimated device for cleaning, and they can significantly facilitate the process of pointing the order. Thanks to the "Fly Lady" system, I met the "Blue Mop" and still not part with her, it seems to me as comfortable and functional. "Blue Mop" differs from his fellow in that it has a roller sponge and a manual press system. She easily absorbs the water - it is comfortable as washed and wipe the floor. Napkins with microfiber for washing mirrors and for wet cleaning - indispensable assistants of the hostess. Such napkins will be put in order of the mirror without any additional funds, but only with the help of a hand of hands - it will go smoothly to it! Using gloves - compulsory rule. Moreover, gloves should sit in size, be comfortable and comfortable, it is desirable to have a cotton spraying. It is important that the attributes for cleaning liked - then it will be more pleasant to be cleared.

5. General cleaning. Periodically, it is still necessary to make cleanliness globally, in those places where there is no possibility to clean up weekly or monthly. You can do it Avralo, and you can add something additionally with planned cleaning every time, "for the company". I call this method "plus one". For example, after execution, separately you can wipe the doors or plinth, wash behind the washing machine, etc., that is, do something above plan.

6. Cleaning facilities.Does household chemicals suit you that you use? Perhaps you would like to use more environmentally friendly tools. Once this question once, I switched from using a cleaning powder to use conventional soda. The soda is perfectly coping with the pollution of the sink, plates and other surfaces. Do not forget to periodically wash and update lips and napkins that you use in cleaning, otherwise they can become microbes seating. The use of essential oils when pointing orders will help create a pleasant atmosphere at home. For example, a few drops of mint can be added to the water when washing the floors, citrus smells are good for the toilet room (a few drops in the toilet), and if you drop a couple of drops to a roll of toilet paper - in the room will be fragrant.

7. Planning.Some hostesses significantly helps planning with the allocation of those items that are met. For this purpose, it is desirable to use a beautiful diary with which it would be nice to work, and not just a list of cases on a separate piece of paper, although it is also effective. If you are cleaned "regularly and slightly", then in the diary it is convenient to fix the "zone of the day" (for example, it is cleaned about 20 minutes in the kitchen), racking (for example, 5 minutes with a rack), an additional point - "plus one" (for example , wipe the window sill in the room) and, perhaps, some more small thing is 3-5 minutes in case, if there is time and the ability to do something for the benefit of the house. With an avral cleaning, you can simply make a list of mandatory cases.

8. Cleaning is something more. There is such an expression: "Cleaning is a blessing of the house." Feel like cleaning the house, you are in the literal and figurative sense, wash off all negative energy. Feel like a house in the process of cleaning is filled with love and joy. Pravant to pray during cleaning. Positive to vote affirmations, sing positive songs, listen to lectures or pleasant music.

Look for your individual style of guidance of order in the house and you will feel how space around becomes more cozy and harmonious.

The main rule of cleaning: moving from top to bottom. He always needs to follow. No matter how carefully you collect crumbs on the table, they will all like half. Even a wet cleaning of various surfaces should be carried out before you begin to wash the floor.

Another important aspect is to develop maximum efficient route. Try to follow him every time nothing to miss anything and not return again to the missed sites.

Determine the intervals

Many make the cleaning of the whole apartment immediately on the same day of the week. But this is not the most effective way. Actually different zones are polluted at different speeds. Try to make a cleaning calendar over zones at intervals of different lengths for each. Use applications for reminders, such as DGT GTD or.

Correct intervals depending on the time of year and in special cases (for example, if you came to buy relatives).

Use the right fabrics

Do not use rags for wiping dust or gauze. It is better to take special napkins from the microfiber. They do not leave the fibers after themselves, do not roll and do not lose, absorb much more water and at the same time they absorb the fluids inside the fibers (which means faster washing) and dry quickly. They can be erased. But do not drip such rags on the battery.

Wash the dishes right away

Once again about buying a dishwasher. If this option is not suitable, then simplify the process of washing in the sink.

Work out the habit of washing the dishes immediately after eating, without waiting for the sink to fill back.

The advice is simple, but many neglect them, although just a sink, overcrowded by dried dirty plates, so you are afraid. Immediately after the meal wash several plates and glasses will take literally a few minutes.

If you are accustomed to a long dinner from several dishes accompanied by a slow conversation, then for you an extra lifehak: in front of dinner, type warm water into the sink with a small amount of detergent in the sink and fold the used dishes immediately there so that it does not have time to dry.

Clean the stove last

In the kitchen, the most dirtiest surface is usually a stove. Starting cleaning in the kitchen, apply a tool to clean on the stove and leave it for a few minutes. At this time, start wiped the surface that it is located on the right of the stove, and move clockwise in the kitchen. You can move in the opposite direction - this is not a strict rule. :) The main thing is that so you can avoid unnecessary campaigns to rinse rinse.

When you last win again to the stove, the removal of even strong contamination will not require special efforts. Especially if you do not neglect special means to clean the plates: they are more aggressive than the usual detergent, and better remove pollution. At the same time, due to the absence of abrasive particles, the means for cleaning the plates does not damage the surface, in contrast to cleaning agents, which includes soda. Be sure to wear rubber gloves to protect the skin from the effects of concentrated components.

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Support Plumbing Clean

Metal surfaces in the bathroom are polluted extremely fast, covered with drops and splashes. It may be pretty to leaving if we consider that it is quite carefully to rub the raid and rust. Therefore, try to prevent pollution of plumbing between cleaning. When you take a bath or wash children or domestic animals, wipe the cranes once again. Remove the spray of toothpaste right away until they are easily flushed with water. Rinse the bath or shower cabin hot water after it washed.

Do not forget about the shutter for the bathroom

Polyester curtain for the bathroom also need to be washed. You may not do this. Just erase it with any other things for which you use a program with not too hot water. One or two times a month will be enough. And do not forget to straighten it every time after you have taken a shower to dry and avoid the appearance of the raid and unpleasant odor.

Get rid of unnecessary bottles in the bathroom

Take a look critically on your shelves in the bathroom. Do you really need so much money? Gels for the shower, foam for bath, scrubs, shampoos, balms, air conditioners, masks, lotions, tonic ... During the cleaning of the bathroom, you have to rinse each of them and wipe the surface under them. Leave only those that really use regularly. Buy such means that combine several functions at once, for example, shower gel + scrub or mask + rinsing balm. Those tools that use less often once a week is better to remove into closing lockers, where less dust falls.

Mouse over to things

Excess things require additional attention: they are all covered with dust, and each has to be given time when cleaning. Therefore, if there are dozens of cute little things in your apartment on the shelves, you definitely should be revised which ones you really are expensive and helpful.

Maintaining order in things is not a single event. This "elephant" need to eat in pieces.

Schedule the cleaning schedule in the cabinets, each week clearing one of the blocks. Let only the most necessary needed on the shelves, and then distribute or without unnecessary regrets to the garbage. Do not bind to things and in now, try not to litter your house with baubles.

Simplify the choice

Cabinets of many women (and today increasingly men) are full of things that are not put on months. Excessive diversity leads only to loss of time when choosing what to wear every morning. To make it easier to make a choice, and at the same time cleaning, reorganize your wardrobe. Try the following action plan:

  • Remove the storage clothes not for the season.
  • Choose that clothes that you wear regularly, and place it so that it does not sweat and immediately was ready in the desired configuration.
  • Choose a few things that have long been waiting for your o'clock, and find the reason to wear them in the next half months.
  • The rest is removed into the box and put the date on it. In a month, go back to her and get rid of those things that you have not needed.

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Erase in more sparing conditions

Long-term washing in hot water actually makes sense except in the case of bed linen and towels. Modern washing powders are quite effective and, if not to hurt things, allow them to rebuild them even in cold water or at 30-40 degrees. Plus, in cold water, the paint from the tissues is flushed less. And do not neglect the air conditioning: with it clothes becomes softer, it is easier to stroke and accumulates less static electricity. Just do not remove with its number so that there is no too obsessive smell.

I would advise using a spin less (it will be enough to reduce the speed). So for many things, the need for ironing will disappear - it will be enough to just dry them in a collected form.

Do not be afraid of floor cleaning

The floor is perhaps the largest object in your home. He causes ugly only from awareness of scale. But in fact, the floor cleaning is the simplest part. The main thing is to provide yourself with the right inventory (about it below).

Additional Lifehak: So that in the entire apartment floor remained clean longer, try more often to make order in places of the greatest pollution (the area at the entrance door, next to the sink and stove in the kitchen, in a feline tray). For example, once again wipe the floor at the entrance door, collect sawdust scattered by a cat. It will take a couple of minutes, and the floor in other zones of the apartment will have to wash less often.

Buy good vacuum cleaner

To begin with, if you have carpets, think about buying a more powerful vacuum cleaner, so as not to spend time and strength on useless movements. Remember that a more powerful vacuum cleaner is saving your energy, and not the cost of electricity.

A more powerful vacuum cleaner is saving your energy, and not the cost of electricity.

Remove the dust collector more often, since as it filling it out, the suction power decreases. And it is better to use a vacuum cleaner with aqua filter. Even if you do not have allergies, it is not worth provoking its appearance regular inhalation of dust.

Do not save on the swing

Be sure to buy yourself a good mop. Cheap mops are often made of materials that are poorly assembled by dirt, leave the pile and also wear out after several applications.

Wash a cheap mop - solid torment! You have to go through one place several times and even collect dirt from the floor with your hands ( fu!). Therefore, do not gread at the counter, in any case it is not such big money. The choice of form depends on the geometry of your rooms and from your style.

  • The rope mop with spinning is more suitable for those who like to wash quickly, deftly taking into every corner.
  • The rectangular mop from microfiber will suit someone who prefers measuringly rinse the line behind the line.

Use high-quality detergents

Think again before buying a regular detergent. Try something from alternative means for eco -board. You are really surprised by the difference, if so far soap is one of the popular detergents from the supermarket. You do not have to wipe the second time with a clean cloth so that the floor remains sticky. At the same time, it will be enough to walk at one place only once, and the floor will already shine cleanliness. In addition, the consumption of mass market means for cleaning is significantly higher. And this not only with more than compensates for their low price, but also not very useful for your pets or children who are somehow eaten a part of what is on the floor.

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And finally

In order to clean up not only fast, but also pleasant, listen to music or audiobooks during cleaning. And it is better to immediately put the headphones so as not to skip a piece of recording when water is noise or you will go to the balcony. Dentaling under favorite tracks, you make cleaning much more joyful, and the plot of the exciting book will even make you look forward to the next time.

Is it possible to make cleaning in the urban apartment every day? How to save your dwelling as clean? Below are the main tips that will allow you to keep an apartment clean and order. It is noteworthy that all these tips are easily fulfilled at home on their own, this does not require much free time and attracting the help of the housekeeper.

Why do regular cleaning

Before you know how to clean the apartment, you need to find out the need to guide purity. Many people neglect this simple rule, even a housing with impeccable repairs litter.

Clean and neat house is the key to your tidy. Contrary to popular belief, the activities for clearing the house from pollution is required not only before taking important guests, but also for themselves. The fact is that in the dirty room, dust accumulantly accumulates, which is a powerful allergen. It is especially often necessary to clean the surfaces if the sick person is in the house, since in this case the pathoral bacteria will actively spread, which affects the health of other family members.

  1. Collect dust with a wet cloth from all surfaces (cabinets, shelves, tables, and so on).
  2. Wipe the mirrors from spots and other contaminants with a dry cloth using a special fluid.
  3. If necessary, remove dust from indoor plants.
  4. In conclusion, cleaning is necessary to wash the floors throughout the house, not forgetting the plinths, where dust also accumulates.

How to clean the apartment of a small size? In this case, you can simultaneously wipe dust in all rooms, after which wash the floors. If your dwelling has a sufficiently large area, it is recommended to break it on the sections (for example, first to get completely to get into the nursery, then in the corridor).

Proper cleaning apartment: frequency

In order for the house to be pure, you should stick to a certain frequency of such actions:

  1. if you are a housewife that devotes all my free time to the housekeeping, cleaning can be daily. In this case, it is necessary to decompose things in places and, if necessary, eliminate dust. This method is especially relevant if children live at home who often spread toys.
  2. Weekly activities to guide purity. This is the most common option that assumes washing floors, removal of dust, possibly guidance in the cabinets. Of course, it is more difficult, but a whole week you can relax from home affairs.
  3. Spring-cleaning. How to spend general cleaning? It is even necessary to do this to those who wonder the cleanliness of the house regularly. Once a few months it is recommended to fully disassemble things in your apartment, wash the windows and so on.

How to make general cleaning in the apartment

General cleaning is a large-scale event that can take a whole day off in time. Below are the recommendations that allow you to quickly clean the cleanliness in the room.

  • Speakingly divide the housing into several sections. For example, it can be a balcony, a storage room, bathroom and residential rooms.
  • The room is customary to clean up top. Wipe chandeliers, remove the dust from the ceiling and cornice, then gradually go down to the windowsill. Do not forget also about plants: they also need a timely cleansing of dust.
  • How to spend general cleaning at home? As dust and dirt removal removed, do not forget to carefully ventilate the room, you must perform all actions with an open balcony.
  • After you erased dust from all visible surfaces, disassemble things in the cabinets: from the inner surface of the furniture also need to remove contaminants. If the surface of such objects is polished, a special fluid can be used. Accumulated a lot of things? Unnecessary should be sent to garbage without regret, especially if you do not carry them for several years. After a carefully conducted general cleaning, you will notice how much free space has been free.
  • How to make general cleaning in the apartment? Wipe off with a damp rag all the floors and the plinth, if possible, you need to push not too heavy furniture: a lot of dust also accumulates under it. All carpets in rooms need to be thoroughly speaking, the vacuum cleaner needs to go through and soft furniture objects.
  • How to make cleaning in a very dirty apartment? In this case, you can use the help of specialized companies that are engaged in room cleaning, they will also carry furniture dry cleaning if it is very contaminated.
  • In conclusion, you need to get out in the bathrooms. The features of cleaning in this room will be written below.

How to quickly and efficiently get into the bathroom

How to clean the house? High-quality cleaning is not without careful cleansing the bathroom. Thanks to modern detergents, this can be done quickly and without much labor costs.

Once a week it is recommended to process the toilet with a special cleaning agent with active ingredients, the remedy must be left on the surface of plumbing all night. In the morning it is enough to walk with a toilet with a toilet or a sponge on the bathroom, after which we slide the water several times.

It is often possible to see that traces of rust remains on the bathroom. You can get rid of them with vinegar. To do this, you need to dial hot water into the bathroom and add vinegar there, mixed with citric acid. It is necessary to leave this mixture until the morning, after which itching the water and thoroughly rinse the surface of this plumbing with water. If necessary, enamel can be a sponge with any detergent.

Cleaning is a fairly unpleasant lesson, which takes a lot of time. Not many know how to make cleaning in the apartment, but even less people know how to maintain their home in purity and order. Below are the recommendations that can be followed by each housewife and working person:

  1. It is recommended to wash the dishes immediately after meals. Due to this, your sink will not accumulate plates with food residues that are very difficult to launder, in addition, this measure tears to discipline and order. Remember that the mountain of dirty plates is a great place to appear insects.
  2. Try not to litter your home unnecessary things. How to clean up? Regularly throw off the useless papers and candles, get rid of those items that have long come out of fashion and are not used by you. Thanks to this method, you will facilitate your work in the process of general cleaning, which will take much less time.
  3. Regularly ventilate the room. Practice shows that such a measure allows you to eliminate the premature accumulation of dust on things, in addition, fresh air indoors will give a feeling of purity and coolness, and also will save from pathogens.
  4. A separate topic is washing underwear. It is better to also do this business regularly, upload things into the car in small portions.

How to spend general cleaning in the apartment and not to get tired

How to do the cleaning of the apartment to make the end of the day off, do not get out of the forces? Quick and easy cleaning of the room is quite possible, you just need to know some tricks:

  • In advance, make up the plan of your movement on the room during the execution of all actions. Thanks to this, your work will be more systematized, and therefore more operational.
  • Select a specific day and start directing cleanliness immediately after breakfast: you should not put an unpleasant thing in a long box. On the eve you can prepare all the means of cleaning and detergent, sponges and other devices: the next day nothing should distract you to such trifles.
  • Each family member should be attracted to events to remove pollution. It is also desirable to distribute duties: one can be responsible for the purity of the floors, the other for cleansing windows and so on. Thanks to organized actions, work will go much faster!
  • How to clean the apartment? In order to speed up the process, you can make several things at the same time. For example, you can apply detergent on plumbing, and as long as it acts, take care of dust. You can download things to the washing machine and start sweeping the floor. This approach guarantees you faster cleaning.
  • Floor washing is a rather difficult lesson, especially if you are a happy owner of an apartment with a large square. How to do the cleaning of an apartment and wash the floors? It is recommended to use special mop that have a removable rollers. Modern devices are equipped with a mechanical spin function, so you do not have to constantly bend and take unnecessary actions. Now the washing of floors will turn into you hardly in a pleasant lesson!

So, you learned how to properly clean the apartment. By complying with the recommendations given here in your home will always be pure and cozy!

Cleaning an apartment ... It is from this that every Saturday begins at the real mistress.

How to do everything so that cleaning has passed quickly and efficiently, and at the same time leave the forces for yourself with your beloved? Cleaning experts assure that it is quite possible. After all, clearly installed secret methods will help. All the necessary inventory can be found in.

Important strategies

In order to make efficiently and pleasure general cleaning at home, you must first choose a specific strategy:

  • First Strategy: Clear One Room. The essence of this method is to allocate a particular room for cleaning a particular room. So, if you have two, three, four or more rooms, then, accordingly, cleaning stretches on the same number of days. It is thanks to this method that you will not notice strong fatigue from the long cleaning process.
  • Second strategy: Cleaning for zoning. It is necessary to divide the apartment or house space into certain zones. For example, a kitchen is a bathroom, bedrooms, a living room - an entrance hall. Another categorization is also possible. It is important that daily at a certain time you could remove one of these zones.
  • Third strategy: alternate cleaning. It should be distributed alternately to the degree of importance objects for cleaning:
  1. Fold things in the cabinets and launch curtains, curtains, tulle (textiles to wash, as they say, "one fell swoop" and clean up things in things). You can learn here.
  2. Wash the dishes, sink and tile in the bathroom, kitchen (clean all surfaces, including toilet and bathroom).
  3. "Plan" with dust and wash the floors (carefully walk the vacuum cleaner on the upholstered furniture, carpets, wipe the dust on each shelf and standing on it a knottle, of course, wash the floor).
  • The fourth strategy: "Speak with the past." It is necessary to throw away the accumulated trash, because without this main component, general cleaning will not be effective.

To do this, it is necessary to find a large box or bag and each broken, broken, torn or unnecessary thing to send to the box, and it, accordingly, in the trash can. Also review your old things: maybe they are already tired or went out long ago from fashion.

Try to sell them on the Internet or to go to the charity foundation. So, unnecessary things in the apartment will become less, and there is more free space.

  • Fifth strategy: "Flying Lady in Russian." Thanks to this competent strategy, the hostess does everything according to the timer and the cleaning takes only 15-20 minutes a day. The main thing is to take into account the basic principles of this strategy:
  1. We immediately proceed to work.
  2. Do all the work according to a clearly set time.
  3. If you knock out from the schedule, you still should stop work.
  4. Be sure to take care of your hands (you need to work in gloves).
  5. Do not "chealing".
  6. Be a positive.

Rules of rapid cleaning: where to start?

In order to competently organize the process of rapid cleaning, it is necessary to clearly set the target, not to be distracted by foreign affairs and follow certain rules:

  1. Create a detailed plan for cleaning. It is necessary to paint in detail which surfaces should be wider where to spend and wash. The list must be compiled, taking into account from greater to a smaller, and remove - on the contrary: from smaller to more. You should start with the little things, then "in large".
  2. Be sure to put all things into place. This rule will help you visually create the illusion that the first step of cleaning is made.
  3. It is necessary to first prepare cleaning products: detergent, sponge, household appliances, brushes. It is with this "cleaning" set will be easier to cope with annoying mud.
  4. Choose the most contaminated place in the apartment and start with it. Usually, this place is a kitchen, because in the cooking process, the fat is settled on the surfaces to "remove" in time. However, this is a delusion.
  1. Then you can go to the bathroom. Here, cleaning focuses on the main thing: washing a bathroom or shower, mirrors, sinks and toilet bowls. We should not forget that under the bathroom dust and the web also accumulate.

Wash the tile, because it settles the raid from the water, and rinse the tile seams. During cleaning for the purpose of disinfection, handle the bath with a spray with a spray. The liquid must contain a minimum of 3% hydrogen peroxide. It must be sprayed into those places where water is often delayed.

  1. After you can proceed to the second most polluted place in the house - the kitchen. And, as you know, the face of the hostess is the kitchen itself, and the queen on it is a stove. Therefore, it should be perfect.
  2. Cleaning in each room should pass on the principle from top to bottom. Therefore, first wipe from dust chandeliers, upper shelves, then the cabinet itself, paintings and furniture. The most difficult is the battery. It is necessary to clean with a steam generator or vacuum cleaner.
  3. Washing windows. Many first wash the glass, and then frame. This is a major mistake that many admit. As a result, double unnecessary work is performed. After all, the glass splashes the glass during washing, so the glass should be washed again.

Do not wash the windows when the bright sun shines outside the window. Thus, the sun's rays quickly dry the applied detergent and divorces appear. The most suitable time is closer to the evening.

The stories of our readers!
"Found information about sticks from blocks and for cleaning a drain on one of the forums. I ordered. I am delighted! They are suitable for all types of pipes, one thing is enough for a month and even more!

From the smell of the pipes got rid of the water goes very quickly. If you have drained the water pipes in the bathroom and sink, and in the kitchen there is an unpleasant smell, then this means will help. "

Emotional setting, action planning

Our life is filled with various bright events that require emotional and physical recoil.

Therefore, approaching the weekend threatens us with a rest, but constantly postponed cleaning. What to do, if you need to remove, but no mood?

Psychologists assure that if it is properly psychologically told, it is 50% of the success and effectiveness of any case. Cleaning is no exception.

Therefore, to configure yourself correctly, you should:

  1. Relax for a nice inspirational invigorating music.
  2. Tune in to a positive "wave" of mood.
  3. Mentally divide the house on the zone.
  4. Collect step-by-step cleaning.
  5. Boldly proceed to work.

Having done these simple rules, you yourself will be surprised that they spent much less than normal time for cleaning. In addition, following the planned plan, you will not be able to be distracted by unnecessary small things, and you will act according to the written. Of course, your favorite music will support your attitude and cleaning will only enjoy.

There are several more life rules that were formed on the basis of the personal experience of many owners:

  • it follows the cleaning immediately as soon as the thought came to the head;
  • if you can not force yourself, then invite friends for dinner;
  • cleaning the whole family will only strengthen it with joint classes;
  • purity is a guarantee of your health, and dust and dirt - carriers of infections - excellent motivation to cleaning through personal understanding and concern about themselves.

Cleaning the kitchen

Start the kitchen cleaning should be on the right side, and move clockwise.

  • The stove is the most contaminated part in the kitchen. How to start her wash? In order to quickly get rid of dirt and fat, you need to moisten the stoves of the plate in warm soapy water and leave for a few minutes.

It is necessary to start with washing the inside of the oven. The main mistake that almost every hostess admits is washing the glass immediately after the means caused. As a result, more time and effort leaves, and efficiency is achieved with difficulty.

Therefore, you should apply detergent and leave literally 15 minutes so that chemical properties have affected. After the specified time you just need to wash off this fall and rejoice in cleanliness.

Remember that a huge amount of dirt is focused behind the stove. It is necessary to apply the cleaning agent and leave for a few minutes, after which it is well to wash.

  • Sink need to disinfect. It is difficult to believe, but in the contaminated shell contains more bacteria than to the toilet seat. It is necessary to disinfect the sink with special certified means.

They can be prepared personally. So, it is necessary to wash the sink with soap and water, then spray vinegar, followed by hydrogen peroxide using an aerosol. The main thing is not to mix vinegar and hydrogen peroxide together. Spray them need alternately. After, apply a few drops of mineral oil on a soft cloth and polish the sink.

  • Sponges are also "nutritious" environment for the development of bacteria. Therefore, handle the sponges daily, well squeeze them from the water.

Cleaning in the bathroom and toilet

  1. Glass doors in the shower must be wiped twice a month with a teaspoon of lemon oil.
  2. Curtains often "attack" fungus and mold. They must also be washed.
  3. "Tame" the toilet teaspoon of citric acid will help. It must be left in a cup of toilet bowl, then wipe and washed off. The tool is non-toxic.
  4. The sewer must be cleaned monthly with food soda. It must be filled with a hole, and after 15 minutes, turn on hot water. So, the unpleasant odor will disappear.

Cleaning in the bedroom

Fast cleaning in the bedroom does not take more than 15 minutes.

  1. It is necessary to collect dust from the ceiling and walls. We should not forget about the ventilation opening, switches and door handles - dirt focused in these places.
  2. Start cleaning the chandelier. Use napkins, water, gloves. Plafones do not forget to remove. If the house chandelier from crystal, was described here.
  3. Curtains clean for clear indications of manufacturers.
  4. Wipe the dust on the windowsill, after which they wash them.
  5. Start the windows. Start with window frames, then - from the glass.
  6. Bedding post. And the mattress on both sides should be pressed. Remember that a lot of dust and garbage focuses under the bed.

How to bring order in the living room?

It is important that the living room is always in order. After all, as a kitchen - the face of the hostess, then the living room is the mirror of the whole family. Moreover, the living room is the place where all family members are going to relax, relax and communicate.

In order for the living room to not turn into a source of stress, it is necessary to heroically fight with dirt and dust.

We need to stick only five rules:

  1. Determine: For what purpose do you spend the most in the living room.
  2. Remove all unnecessary items that are not related to direct use.
  3. A certain place of each thing.
  4. Decorative ornaments - in moderation. Do not shrink the living room with unnecessary souvenirs. Leave only those that you truly road.
  5. Take a picture of the removed living room and look carefully: what bothers you? Accordingly, remove immediately.
  1. If the house has a pet, which lines, then upholstered furniture cover with covers or bedspreads that are easily erased.
  2. In order to remove the wool from the carpet, you need a brush on the vacuum cleaner to lubricate glycerin. It is necessary to clean the carpet with a solution of water and ammonia alcohol (for 1 liter of water 2 tbsp alcohol), then wipe dry with a rag.
  3. Next to the sofa, put a beautiful decorative basket to fold small things, such as books or glasses.
  4. Start the day with cleanliness and pleasant emotions: the kitchen is removed from the evening.
  5. Weekly water the drains in the bathroom with steep boiling water, so they will not be clogged.
  6. To strongly polluted surfaces leave chemicals for several minutes. After 10-15 minutes, the dirt will wash off easily.
  7. "Sold" you need 1-2 times a month. Cleaning in gloves, because detergents are noticeably dried by the skin of the hands.
  8. Puzziness is the path to cleanliness. During the conversation on the phone, wipe dust or remove the plates from the table. Dust can be removed using.
  9. Vacuuming is needed from a long corner and move gradually to the door.
  10. The glass can help the napkin moistened in a solution of 2 tbsp. Vinegar per 1 liter of water.

How to maintain order?

  1. If you have a small apartment and all things do not stay in our places, then equip a special place for storing them:
  • steps on the stairs - in quality;
  • install pull-out cabinets;
  • use free space in niche over furniture;
  • sort things according to a single principle (for example, a means to care for shoes in one boxes).
  1. If you are constantly at work and are surrounded by worries, then sticker stickers with written business written for sure for you. Thus, you can plan cleaning for several days.
  2. Saving space - determine the place in the closet, taking into account seasonality.
  3. Order - in habit. The most complicated but effective way. Do not postpone small things for later. For example, washing the dishes, immediately wipe the crane or watering flowers, wipe the windowsill from dust. It also applies to clothes: do not scatter it on the sofa or chairs, and immediately fold into the closet.
  4. 20 minutes daily - perfect order. If every day allocate for cleaning one room for only 20 minutes, then you can always maintain order.

Adhering to these simple rules, cleaning to turn for you from the routine into pleasure. The main thing remember that a positive attitude is the key to the success of any undertaking. Remove with love and live clean.