What women are stronger than men. Why strong women choose weak men

Nature has divided people into men and women so that they complement each other. Psychology, physiology, perception of the world and the social role of men and women have significant differences. Of course, in some ways women are stronger than the representatives of the "stronger sex". Let's try to figure out what exactly.

The strength of a woman is in her beauty. This is recognized by all arts and all peoples of the world. Beauty is a terrible power! This is the main weapon of a woman in the eternal cycle of life.

Competition between the sexes is natural and logical, but it is not an end in itself. Of course, a woman can surpass many men in physical strength, but not everyone likes the princesses of bodybuilding. This image of a woman is for especially sophisticated connoisseurs ...

Although they say that the best cooks are men, it is mostly women who run the kitchen, cook and feed children and household members. Of course, we can admit that here they are stronger than men.

Nature has awarded women with the divine gift of procreation. Motherhood is a woman's great mission; and the man here clearly feels left out and left out.

Often women are ahead of men in their studies. Even in school, girls are more often excellent pupils than playful boys, thanks to diligence, diligence and self-discipline - qualities that are also usually more developed in women than in men.

Natural cleanliness and neatness are vital for a woman. A new person must come into this world and grow in purity! Therefore, women always clean their homes better and cleaner than men.

A woman has more erogenous zones than a man. A woman is capable of making love for a longer time than any man. A woman is capable of experiencing more intense emotions from sex than a man. We can say that women are stronger in sex as well.

Body control, natural flexibility in women is higher than that of men. Female plastics delight the stronger sex. This is due to the peculiarities of the female skeleton and the entire structure of the woman's body. A woman's body must be pliable and resilient for the great mission of bearing a child and subsequent childbirth.

Women are more sensual and more sensitive to beauty, they perceive beauty more sensitively and vividly than men. It is no coincidence that, as a rule, all women love flowers ...

Women are better able than men to do painstaking work that requires a lot of concentration and concentration. Women are better at embroidering, knitting, and assembling tiny parts of microcircuits correctly and accurately than men.

Never try to prove anything to anyone. Just live your life, improve those of your best qualities and talents that are given to you by nature. And you will be ahead.

Girls and boys, let's live together! Let's not measure who is stronger in what, but let's just love each other! And we will be happy.

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or why the most shabby little man is able to beat a woman "in the body"?

Have you wondered why a woman is weaker than even the most frail man? The husband is a "meter with a cap", the wife is full of strength, but with a black eye.

Let's start to figure it out.

First, in my opinion, the problem is in upbringing based on the widespread opinion that a woman is only a faint resemblance of a man, that "let her husband's wife fear her husband." So he is afraid. Initially, psychologically losing to her husband.

No, I'm not at all for fights in the family. God save me from such family relationships.
On one men's site I read the following: "Why does a woman think that she can talk, insult, hurt a living, but she will not get anything for it, just because she is a woman, the weak half of humanity, you see.
You should answer for your words ...
When a drunk woman walks around the club and yells in front of people to a complete stranger, for no reason that he is P, X and G. Doesn't she deserve one serve? ...
And when a woman drips on a man's brains all the time?
A man is not iron, no matter how he is a gentleman, he remains a man, a living being who has his own emotions. And it drips, drips, drips, says one thing in the morning, another at lunchtime, a third in the evening, no sequence. Blames him for everything. Screams what a loser he is. Unbalances. Is it impossible to understand such a man if he can not stand it and hit her once already? !! ...
The conclusions are very simple. If a man raised his hand to a woman, then in most cases it was done on business and reasonably. "

How do you like this maxim?

Let's get back to the main question. Consider the physiological characteristics of male and female organisms - this is the reason.
Physical strength is muscle strength. Science says:

One of the important indicators of physical development is the body surface area (more area - more muscles), which is determined by the Issakson formula (1958) for persons with the sum of weight and body length more than 160 units:
S = / 100
where: S - body surface area (m2), W - body weight (kg), H - body length (cm).
Our initial data:
husband - body weight W = 50 kg, length H = 150 cm, S (above formula) = 0.5009 m2
wife - weight W = 100 kg, length H = 170 cm, S = 1,0001 m2
Those. the surface area of ​​the body in our example (and in the example the parameters of a "frail" husband and a stout wife are taken) of a husband is 2 times less. One zero in favor of the wives of the Khilyaks.
In physiology, with a normal body composition, these indicators are equal:
for men -1.9 m²
for women - 1.6 m²

There is such an indicator as muscle strength. Muscle strength is determined by the maximum manifestation of effort that a muscle group can develop under certain conditions.

It also depends on body weight and can be calculated by the formula: Frel. = Fabs. / W,
where Frel. - relative muscle strength (kg),
Fabs. - absolute strength (kg),
W - body weight (kg)
It follows from the formula that even with equal absolute strength of the muscles of a man and a woman, the relative strength is inversely proportional to the body weight. One zero in favor of a frail husband.
The relative strength of the muscles is determined very approximately, since usually, during physical exertion, a whole group of muscles contracts at the same time, it is difficult to determine the work of each individual muscle in the total manifestation of strength. In addition, bone levers are involved in muscle action. Therefore, it is usually limited to measuring static (isometric) strength and muscle endurance.

Men reach their maximum isometric strength around the age of 30, then the strength decreases. This process is faster in the large muscles of the lower extremities and trunk. Arm strength lasts longer. The table "Average values ​​of the isometric strength of some muscle groups" shows the strength indicators of various muscle groups obtained during the examination of about 600 people (the average height of men is 171 cm, women - 167 cm).

Average values ​​of isometric strength of some muscle groups depending on age (according to E. Asmussen, 1968)

Indicator (kg) * Age, years
20 25 35 45 55
husband. wives husband. wives husband. wives husband. wives husband. wives

Brush strength

55,9 37,5 59,9 38,5 58,8 38,0 55,6 35,6 51,6 32,7

Torso extensor strength

81,6 56,6 87,4 58,3 90,7 59,2 89,8 57,7 85,7 49,1

Torso flexor strength

60,6 40,9 64,2 42,2 66,7 42,4 66,0 41,5 63,0 33,6

Seated Leg Extension Strength

295 214 310 225 312 212 296 197 263 162

*) Note: the coefficient of variation of indicators for both men and women can be 16-18% (i.e., for a frail husband, perhaps minus 18%, and for a wife, plus 18%).

Dynamic force is measured, for example, by the weight lifting method. The strength of identical muscle groups varies from person to person. Strength indicators in adult women are 20-25% lower than in men.

To this it should be added that muscle tissue averages 32-35% of body weight in women, and 40-44% in men. The superiority is mainly achieved due to the greater development of the muscles of the upper limbs in men - the very limbs with which they fight. The mass of the muscles of the lower extremities of men and women in percentage terms is almost the same. The mass of muscle tissue in women is less due to the high content of water in it. And there is more adipose tissue in women than in men - up to 23% of body weight (up to 18% in men). This explains its lower maximum strength compared to a man. It is inherent in nature - it is determined by a specific set of chromosomes in cells, which is reflected in the structure of the body (primary and secondary sexual characteristics) and in the hormonal management of vital processes in general.

Also, the bone skeleton in women is relatively poorly developed, their individual bones are smaller, more tender, thinner and have a smoother surface. Women have a relatively longer torso, relatively short arms and legs, narrower shoulders and a wide pelvis. At the same time, the general center of gravity, which is important in the mechanism of movement of the body in space, is located lower than that of men. These body features give women an advantage over men in performing physical exercises in balance with support on the lower limbs (an excellent defensive stance can be adopted). Because of the same low center of gravity, women lose to men in running speed, high and long jumps, etc.

The reaction in men is better developed than in women.

The advantages of women in an unequal physical duel with a man (God forbid, of course) include the fact that women are more agile and more agile than men - by 6 percent! The soft consistency and great extensibility of the muscles of a woman determine in many respects her certain advantages in dexterity.

Summarizing what was said

Men are stronger and more enduring physically, women are stronger and more enduring physiologically.

For millennia, with the help of physical strength, men fought for life, for food, for beautiful women. The strongest survived. The thought of physical violence as a weighty argument gives a man self-confidence.

Women are aware of their weakness: if he hits, we will be weaker. When a man has an aggressive twinkle in his eyes, women! be wiser! Even predators only attack those who show their fear.

But in principle , the muscles of both men and women are equally well trained.

It is believed that the strength of beautiful ladies lies precisely in the weakness that men show towards them. Starting a relationship with a representative of the opposite sex, women skillfully manage their soulmates, in every possible way direct them in the right direction, using their little girlish tricks. Possessing power over the strongest man, a woman can completely control any situation.

What is male weakness?

According to experts in the field of psychology, men are the least adaptive and resistant to various stressful situations and life changes. Guys have a hard time adjusting to their environment. They are used to mistakenly believing that the whole world revolves around their person, and any disobedience can cause panic. Women by nature have a maternal instinct that helps them to more firmly react to any changes, difficult circumstances, and also fight any, even the most extreme, troubles.

It is more difficult for men to get used to a new environment. They constantly feel responsible for their soul mate and offspring. The head of the family bears a heavy burden, so any financial difficulties can lead to depression.

In addition, some representatives of the stronger sex, returning home after a hard day at work, try to relax at least a little, settle down more comfortably in front of the TV and immerse themselves in their own thoughts. The result of this is female discontent, reproaches and everyday problems, which also knock a man out of his usual rut and undermine his conceit.

The weakness of some guys lies in the lack of their own point of view about certain things. This problem occurs for various reasons. It can be upbringing in a family where the mother suppressed the father and her child, or male relaxation. The second reason concerns those representatives of the stronger sex who are tired of swimming against the current, dropped their hands and completely surrendered themselves to their soulmate. The third reason for male weakness can be considered indecision. Guys who are not able to make a responsible decision quickly and on time most often miss the moment and opportunity, derailing their lives. The fourth reason is excessive sensuality. Overly emotional men also have weakness, from time to time being exposed to excessive emotions.

The current trend is that weak men are much more common than brave knights. Women have only two options - to help the dreamy prince turn into a macho, or to become strong herself.

How to recognize a weak man

Any girl dreams of meeting a strong and determined life partner who will relieve her of problems and worries, and not create new difficulties. Knowing this tendency, weak men have learned to disguise themselves, and therefore their true essence may not be revealed immediately. In order not to fall into the trap, you need to remember the following signs of male weakness:

  • Indecision. This shows up even in small things. For example, in a cafe, he can study the menu for a long time, hesitating for a long time to stop at any particular dish or drink.
  • Inability to maintain a conversation. If in a dialogue with a man you have to constantly look for a way out of awkward pauses, you should be wary.
  • Lack of career ambitions. Weak men often work not where they pay well, but where it is calm and where there is a minimum level of responsibility.
  • Slow response. A man does not know how to make decisions quickly, not only in stressful situations, but also in ordinary everyday situations.
  • Has bad habits. Most men with weak character are addicted to cigarettes and alcoholic beverages.
  • Not in a hurry to legitimize the relationship. A marriage proposal from such a man can only be achieved after a series of persistent hints.

A few more distinctive features

Armed with some knowledge, you can easily determine that there is a weak man next to you. The signs are as follows:

  • It is characterized by sacrifice. A man tries to please everyone (or cannot refuse to fulfill other people's requests). This is usually done for the sake of everyone's approval.
  • Dislikes change and conflict. And this also applies to positive changes in life. A weak person likes to be in a "comfort zone", even if it is characterized by not the most favorable conditions.
  • Suppresses your emotions and feelings. Weak people are afraid to demonstrate their state of mind. They prefer to experience all the joys and troubles within themselves.
  • They love female society. In a male company, where everyone is successful and ambitious, it is difficult for such people. But with the ladies, they quickly establish companionship.


Are men weak? As practice shows, yes. However, they are not all the same. The following types of weak men can be distinguished:

  • Sissy. This is a victim of maternal love. Under the influence of an authoritarian woman, he cannot take a step on his own. In addition, it becomes a serious barrier to building your own family.
  • Relaxed. This is a person who is unable or unwilling to take responsibility. Weakness is just a mask that allows a person to stay in their comfort zone.
  • can be successful and active in work and hobbies. But when it comes to women, all the courage and determination instantly disappear.
  • Sensitive. This is a creative person. A man is sensitive to all kinds of experiences. However, this does not mean that he is a "bastard". Having lined up with a woman, a person can open up in a new way.

Why do men become weak?

Be that as it may, a man is born with all the characteristics inherent in him that are inherent in the stronger sex. To turn into a weak and spineless person, you need to go a long way, being under the influence of the following factors:

  • Upbringing. Usually weak men grow up in families where everything is run by a mother with a tough, authoritative character.
  • Problems with the father. If the dad was too scandalous and cruel, the boy, as a rule, does not want to be like him. As a result, with age, a man becomes more spineless.
  • Relationships with friends. From childhood, being ridiculed and mocked by peers, by the time he is conscious, a man acquires a lot of complexes.

Why are there so many weak ones?

Increasingly, women are complaining that men have become weak. But in fact, there is a historical explanation for this. Here are just some of the factors that psychologists focus on:

  • War. The First and Second World Wars claimed many lives. As a result, the concentration of the male population decreased to 20%. Naturally, many children were left without a tough parenting upbringing. Despite the fact that a lot of time has passed, this has left its mark on today's generation.
  • The transition to an industrial society. Previously, boys from childhood were involved in field work, where they adopted male experience from their grandfathers and fathers. Today this tradition is almost completely exhausted.
  • Education from women. Kindergarten teachers, school teachers, teachers in secondary and higher educational institutions ... The overwhelming majority of them are women. Naturally, boys (future men) adopt their model of behavior.
  • Feminism. The active struggle of women for their rights has been very successful. But not only the ladies were actively involved in social activities. They taught children to be different from their fathers.

If a weak and strong man competes in some issues, in 99% of cases the second will be the winner. Therefore, representatives of the first category immediately need to change something in themselves. To become strong, you should heed these recommendations:

  • Change your lifestyle. The transformation should start with changes in appearance, daily routine and even diet. Particular attention should be paid to physical activity that will help develop endurance.
  • Learn to make decisions for yourself. This does not mean that you cannot consult with anyone. But do not try to shift the responsibility for what is happening to someone else.
  • Overpower yourself. By defeating your own weaknesses, you will easily resist even the most powerful opponents.

One step from a weakling to a loser

It applies to all spheres of his life. This is why such people often become real losers. This is manifested in the following characteristics:

  • Feelings of self-pity. Instead of struggling with failure, the man actively seeks excuses.
  • Constantly points to a woman "in her place." This is a kind of self-affirmation.
  • Inability to handle money. The man does not have the skills to plan his budget. Thus, he spends more than he earns, and is constantly “in the red”.
  • Considers life as a game. If it is not possible to play in reality, a person is immersed in a virtual environment.
  • Doesn't know how to part with the past. In particular, a man carefully stores old and unnecessary things.
  • Exaggerates the severity of their own ailments. A minor cold or headache turns into a real tragedy for a man.

Weak man - aggressive man

A weak man can be identified not only on the basis of known characteristics, but also by comparison with other representatives of the stronger sex. Based on such observations, the same conclusion always suggests itself. A weak man always has a woman to blame. Moreover, it may not be some specific person, but a collective image. That is, all the fair sex.

Job failures? Are the women to blame who poke their noses everywhere and climb into Do not develop personal relationships? Again, the fault lies with women who have become corrupt and unfaithful. Even if a man trips or breaks a cup, the women will be at fault. And if such a man has a spouse, she risks becoming an object of aggression. Weaklings often assert themselves, suppressing their life partner. Cases of assault are not uncommon.

Is there a chance for personal happiness?

If a weak man, what to do with this problem? Is there a chance for personal happiness? Yes, if you find a suitable woman who has the type of "mommy". Her parental instinct extends beyond children. Such a woman feels an inner need to take care of everyone and everything. Naturally, courting and pitying her weak man will not be torment for her, but a real pleasure and an opportunity to realize her life purpose. The result is harmonious and warm relationships within the family.

Infantilism and weakness are not the same

Men are much more likely to be infantile than women. It is not for nothing that they say that they remain small children for the rest of their lives (even in extreme old age). For this type of people, the following features are characteristic:

  • modesty and shyness, inability or unwillingness to do serious business;
  • silence or inability to express their thoughts (and this is manifested only in a public setting, and not in a circle of friends);
  • a tendency to foolishness (frivolous behavior can be traced both in an informal and in a business setting);
  • inability to behave seriously in relationships with the opposite sex (which often annoys girls).

Of course, Infants are weak. But this is not the rule. Often, men who behave like children can gather their will into a fist and make a strong-willed decision when circumstances call for it.


Does a weak man have a future? The first option is to connect your fate with a woman with a pronounced maternal instinct. This will become a guarantee of personal happiness, but as for the business sphere, there can be no talk of any success. The family idyll will be to complain to your spouse and get the necessary dose of sympathy from her. Certainly, someone will be satisfied with this state of affairs and will become a kind of "comfort zone" and a guarantee of stability. Unfortunately, weak men are rarely happy. To be successful with women and achieve heights in work, you need to work on yourself, eradicating "feminine" qualities.

It has always existed, gradually gaining momentum. It seems that in our time it can be considered that it has reached its climax. First, the women put on trousers instead of skirts, then they mastered cars and even spaceships on a large scale! Step by inch, beautiful ladies have won a place under the sun in completely different fields of activity: they can easily conduct business at the state level, knock out an offender, shoot straight and earn millions. They are not inferior to men either in physical or moral stamina. It turns out that women in this secret game scored more points?

Score 1: 0 Scientists are shocking

One of the most influential representatives of the scientific world, professor, shared shocking information with the public Jenny Graves from the National University of Australia. She stated that representatives of the powerful of this world will completely disappear from the face of the Earth - they will die out like mammoths. In her report, the scientist lady said that this process has already begun, and it will end in about 5 million years. If anyone will remain on our beautiful planet, then only women.

Think nonsense, another ridiculous discovery? And Graves, by the way, clearly justified everything. The fact is that the female X chromosome contains about 1000 genes, and women, as you know, have two of them. But the male Y chromosome hundreds of millions of years ago also had 1000 genes, and today only about 100, and their number continues to decrease. And until nature and scientists have come up with a way to stop the breakdown of the Y chromosome, we are forced to live with the idea that men are not such a strong sex, but rather an endangered species ...

Score 2: 0 Practice shows

And here is another shocking information for you, although it is most likely obvious. The self-destruction process is quite natural for men. It's perfectly normal for them to drive themselves to a massive extinction. Sometimes you even get the distinct impression that they purposefully want to destroy themselves. They kill each other in piles in war, get drunk to death with enviable regularity, risk their lives at the earliest opportunity and are very reluctant to monitor their health. With such an irresponsible attitude towards themselves, men by right will soon win the honorary title of an endangered species. The point is again not in their favor.

Score 2: 1 Male genius versus female endurance

And here is the first point earned by the powerful. Scientists confidently note that three times more geniuses are born among men than women. You don't have to go far into science, everyone will easily remember a dozen brilliant musicians, artists, and male writers, but there are not so many brilliant, gifted women among them. It seems that even purely female professions - a cook, a designer, a hairdresser, a stylist - are easy for men. Men tend to have a better sense of humor, logic and creativity. The fact that the best gynecologists are men is generally a hackneyed stereotype. It turns out that initially, nature has endowed men with excellent inclinations and various talents, probably in this way, gently hinting to us, women, that our goal is to love, have children and keep the hearth. And although this is an undoubted point in men's favor, we still do not give up and do not follow the lead of such injustice.

2: 2 Women's weakness

Vulnerability is a woman's main Achilles' heel. Even the most "iron" ladies are prone to common female weaknesses. Some get upset because of rudeness, others cannot show toughness, and still others have a hard time experiencing failures in their personal lives. And everyone sometimes cries into the pillow at night because of the injustice of the world, which exists exclusively according to male rules. Arrows, which are unlikely to injure a man's armor, can shatter a woman's heart. And no matter what supporters of emancipation say, a woman feels lonely without a soul mate.

2: 3 About irresponsibility

Just as men are amazed at our "feminine logic" (although it is difficult to understand what they dislike about our completely logical thinking ...), we are never tired of being amazed at the masculine irresponsibility bordering on cowardice. They run from responsibility like fire. They run around on motorcycles with enviable courage, but they are afraid of serious relationships, getting to know our parents, and some even run away when they hear that he is going to become a father. At the same time, they often scold us, women, for the fact that we put too much pressure on them with this very responsibility and try to create as many conditions as possible so that we are dependent on them. So we should be surprised not by the female, but by the “male” logic.

3: 3 Draw?

But we're good too. We are capricious, whine, gossip, exaggerate, jealous, control, drip on our brains, take offense and demand. The female set of manipulation tools is constantly expanding. Sometimes men are touched by it, and sometimes it is annoying. And the border between emotion and irritation is drawn almost imperceptible. Overdo it a little with this feminine set, and we go from adorable creature to annoying monsters.

Surprisingly, the score in this fight turned out to be equal. Yes, we, women, are in no way inferior to men either in advantages or in disadvantages. We have more than enough of both!

And about the "weaker sex", I recall the words of a great actress, a great woman and a true truth-teller Faina Ranevskaya: "Women are not the weaker sex, the weaker sex are rotten boards." Women from the weaker sex have long been renamed the fair sex. And men, as it turned out, too, are not such a strong and invincible sex, so it is better to take care of them too. And no one will take better care of them than ourselves. Therefore, in this gender struggle, perhaps it's time to take a break and just enjoy each other's company.