Vertical swans and ruffles. Types of finish. Ruffles, Volani, Ryush

Ruffles, swans, ruffles ... What old friends are.

In the summer of 2017, the waist at the peak of popularity. The models from the tissues of a new generation are particularly relevant, although the old "rustic flower" designers also did not bypass the party, he will have to do with those who have already wore it all. "

WALAN - Tissue band One long side of which is much more different.
How is this possible? Cut the circle from the fabric, we cut the circle smaller in it, cut one side of the "Bublik" on the base thread. We deploy the item into a straight line and sew to the product for a smaller slice - that's the whole secret.
The short edges of the volana cut the smooth line if it is sewn with one detail.
An example is a blue blouse. To decorate the bottom of the sleeve, the "bagel" is not necessary.

Circle Pattern

Building a wave in the form of a circle is simple. We measure the length of the straight area to which the waist is sewn. This will be the length of the internal circle - L. Calculate the diameter D by the formula d \u003d L / 3.14, draw a circle. We add to the radius of the circle width width and draw the second circle from the same center, which will be an outer edge.
The smaller the diameter of the inner circle, the more lush there will be an outer edge of the volana. But the details on the same length will need more. If one part is not enough, somewhat the same joking among themselves for short cuts.

Volan can be square on the outside. We process the perimeter of the square and the place of the cut by decorative tape and sewing the circumference line to the armor - the current T-shirt is ready.
"Squares" can be crooked with rows or chaotic on the skirt of the wedding dress, but they will need a lot. Fatina sections, as a rule, do not handle. Approximate dimensions: Square side 15-20 cm, internal circle diameter 5 cm. Tip: For a large number of squares, it is not necessary to cut the inner circle, just fold the square along the axes and cut the "top".

The inner circle can be displaced relative to the center and get an interesting vertical version of the "double" volana. Both arcs of the speakers rectify to straight lines and sew to the vertical line on the skirt from the point A to the point C. First, sew one arc of the speakers, next to it - the second. This model is better to do from double-sided tissue or duplicate the hovering side of the volana with a monochrome cloth.

Snail wave pattern

How to be if you need a long waist, and I don't want to go out from several parts. You can carve a waist along the spiral, it is called snail. More than three turns are not recommended - the farther from the center, the effect of the wave is weaker. The drawing shows an example of a wava-snail with an uneven width in the first third of the wave length. You can make a snail with a evenly increasing wider width, like on a white blouse.

Many volan snail configurations. Consider the construction of the simplest. In our example, the width of the wave is 8 cm. More than 12 cm Width of the Vacan Snail is not recommended. Blacks in a circle with a diameter of equal volan width. From the center of the circumference, black is another - with a radius of 4 + 8 \u003d 12 cm. The beginning of the snail point A is located in the middle of the width of the volan. From her, we derive two smooth curves until the end of the quarter of the circle - points in and C. Snail is ready.
Next to the drawing shows the varieties of a wave-snail from books and magazines.

In the photo it can be seen how a waist-snail looks like a yellow blouse and a circle vlara, which is sewn into three rows in the form of a jab. Before driving the Volan, we recommend to make a probe to see how one configuration will look in the product.

The simplest modeling of the volan

If it is important to control the length of the outer edge of the volana, you can use the simplest modeling. The strip of paper is cut on equal rectangles and push them along the bottom edge to the desired length.
It is according to this principle that modeling the pocket valve in a dior suit.
After modeling, a smaller valve arc is sewn to the entrance to the pocket in a straight line.

How waves behave in the product, depends on the mass of factors: its widths, ratios of the lengths of the inner and outer circles, the properties of a particular tissue, processing method, etc.
Even a specialist can not even make a recipe for the accurate construction of a complex wave "as in the picture". Therefore, we advise you to always make a probe.
The processing of the outer edge of the volana is different. You can do without it without it in the products from the knitwear or the Lodge.

On the contrary, it can be processed to reinforce the effect of the wave, inserting a line in the role-playing seam, or to wash the outer edge of the volana with a dense zigzag. You can flex a Moscow seam if there is sufficient experience in sewing.

In the summer of 2017, the waist at the peak of popularity. The models from the tissues of a new generation are particularly relevant, although the old "rustic flower" designers also did not bypass the party, he will have to do with those who have already wore it all. " Cell "Vichy" and neoprene on the shoulder mature and free, and the transparent and mesh and canvases will appreciate the youth audience.

Blouse with a waist from marni. Master Class
Huge gratitude to the author: umara

The flavory of the blouse is only one spectacular detail - the Volan. It is sewn in the center of the shelter, moving to a horizontal subsidement, further - on the sleeve and horizontal sublica backrest. For the blouse, it is best to use a bilateral fabric type of logat-type fabric.

On the edge pattern, we apply model lines (red lines on the drawing) and cut the pattern on them. Left and right sleeves will be different. If the fabric allows, you can hide one WALAN. Its length on the inner arc is equal to the sum of the blue lines in the drawing, and the width of the segment AV. You can make a wave of two parts. In this case, the length of the first volana is equal to the sum of the blue lines between points 1 and 2. The length of the second volat is equal to the sum of the blue lines from point 2 to the point 3.

On the back, you can distribute the molding into the middle and lateral sections. Depending on the desired fit, the waist in the waist can be neglected at all.

Blouse Building Technology with Waist

In our example used apple and atlas of dairy colors. Both tissues are trembling in the cut, therefore, the processing will no longer be so simple, like a log ber where sections can not be processed. In the example there are differences from the original: the coquette of the transfer and backs comes from the armor to the armor, and the Volan is assembled from several pieces due to lack of fabric. If you decide to make blouse, as in the original, processing will not change!

Dispress and descend for fitting all the details. In the neck of the backs sew zipper. We try.

Waic process the atlas on the outside - stitch, turn, we sweat, we are revealed.

We sew a coquette of the main and lining fabric on the shoulder seams, clean the neck of the lining.

We enhance the right sleeve, the waist will shorten it.

Move the corresponding fragments of the volana to the lower parts of the shelf and the back.

Connect the upper and lower parts. Important - The allowance of the armor in the seam is not included!

Step horizontal seams on lining (allowances free)

We process the lining of the segment of the armor and the bottom of the right sleeve.

Stead the side seams, cover the left sleeve. Further, everything, as usual - we turn the zipper, stepping the middle seam of the back, we decide the bottom and sew a dent lining to the lower parts of the shelf and the back.

And finally, extreme work, the prototype has already seen everything)

Volani, Ryushi, Raffle - Spring Trend 2017

Ruffles, swans, ruffles ... What old friends are.
We already wore them! - Many will exclaim, nevertheless, the fashion had time to miss them. And even claims that "Ryushechki" of the new generation is fresh!
Normor, it seems already forever. But from time to time I want to have fun, having mercy with him "Raded". And even today's classic fully admits such light hooliganism.

New fabrics and "eternal" styles this season without any voltage are combined with cheerful waves.
Neoprene with a waist looks in a new one in a pair with comfortable slips. The sweater-noodles we were already carried in the 90s and if there is a desire "the second time in the same water", asymmetry and light irony of the waves will have to be quite by the way.

Part of the trend is based on the fact that the flying or volumetric part of the volana or Ryush allows you to change the usual silhouette.

The second, more complicated, but more acute direction - Ryushi as decor.
Interesting and life lies in the fact that no "silk kilometers" - the most popular models are made of shirtless cotton male colors or cotton knitwear.
And you can quickly "make a fashionable" almost any shirt, only by providing it with a waist or flour from below.

If the care of the usual style is alarming, take advantage of another trend - include "Ryushechki" in the classic, familiar wardrobe. It is possible at all in small "doses": a waist on a jacket sleeve or a few thin rows of uniformly small folds on a coat that imitating the ruffle.

Ryushi, swans, ruffles are also a very large set of indirect lines, allowing to give a characteristic emphasis of appearance. Volan, as an active and live line, located in the right place, serves as a "magnet" to attract attention: elegant wrist, breast line / hip, and maybe ankle? If the entire camp is valuable - you can be stuck with a spiral wallet.

Traditional jeans for the younger generation can be safely diversified by adding a fashionable element.

But how to treat the volanm for those who are forty?
With age, the face acquires additional "bends". The new wave makes it possible to leave the unambiguous "male" straight lines, but without returning to the past - to the "terrible roskos."

Flying chiffon, sewing with traditional tiers and frankly "Girls" Line skirts to leave the new generation, who did not have time to fulfill all this in the past century.

In focus, still, a game of synthesis transformation: Male with female, naked with dressed, elegant with Kezhel, top with the bottom. Although the universal recipe for all does not exist. Try! Ryushi and Volani returned, and is the time to enjoy them!

Ruffles, swans and ruffles are often confused. Despite their obvious external similarity, they are still different details, therefore, let's understand what their fundamental difference from each other.


Ryush (from the French "Ruche"), as a decorative element in clothing, appeared in Russia in the second half of the XVIII century, but his special popularity acquired a much later. In the XIX century, Ryushai richly decorated the cuts of dresses, decorated sleeves and hats.

Ryush is, as a rule, a narrow straight strip of fabric, which along the entire length, exactly in the middle of the part. Asymmetric variations are also allowed when the strip is exhibited slightly wider than usual and climbs a little right or left from the line of the middle of the part. In any case, Ryushi will be located on both sides of the part (cutting strip). Then Ryushi sews to the product exactly in the seam of the scaling.

If there is not enough tissue, you can sew a composite man from several parts (stripes).

Ryushi are single-layer and multi-layered. Single-layer Ryushi can be made with a closure plank, for example, in a blouse.


Cutting corals, and maybe a rapid waterfall ... Volumetric ruffles on a straight silk dress, still ...


Ruffles are always cut in a straight line. At the same time, it is allowed to cut the details, both in terms of equity and travelers. Then the ruffle is seen one long edge on the desired width and only then sew to the product, making a line on the sewing machine close to the sideline line.


What is the wedding without dancing? Such a dress with thin straps-spaghetti can be passed to sew in the latter ...

The ruffles are an excellent solution for the disposal of flaps of the fabric that you have left from past sewing projects. You can sew the charming slug for a girl from multi-colored frill:

Or decorate the rubble ready thing:


Waolas, in contrast to Ryashe and Ruffle, do not need to scam, unless you follow the goal to achieve the maximum puff of this detail. Due to the cut, one side of the volana is straight, and the other is waving.


In such a dress, a good mood is guaranteed. Playful swans located asymmetric, ...

If the model does not provide for a waist, and you want to decorate them, for example, a neckline or lengthen the sleeves with the help of a sleeve, you can carve this romantic part and without pattern:

Or take advantage of the finished solution from another model:

In addition, the volans are also used as a decorative element in the interior, most often, sewing curtains partially or completely with swans:

So that the open sections of the volanses looked neatly and the edge laid wavely, they need to be processed correctly, for example, on an overlock role-rolled sewing or a narrow zigzag line on the sewing machine. Do it die even newcomer, details in our master class:

In addition, there are so-called complex ruffles or ruffles. Their main difference from their fellows in the tissue used, for example, pleated and in an unusual form, when Ryushi is performed from the strip on which one-sided or counter folds were predefined. A bright example of a complex decorative element is an racter in the form of hearts, which traditionally decorate.

Ruffles, swans and ruffles are an old invention for decorating clothing, covered, curtains and other products and giving them a flawless lightness and flirts. Any simplest curtain becomes very cute and pretty, if you sew a volanchik or a rushem. In principle, the sewing of these decorative additions is not too complicated, but requires accuracy and consistency in execution.


Ruffles made of hard and thin soft tissues have different cutting technology and sewing. For rigid rolves, the fabric is linked along oblique or transverse thread (cooked on the equity, they will be strained). Too tough fabric is not seen, but lay folding and sewn on fabrics. Thin and soft tissues are linked on the equity thread.

First you need to measure the segment of the fabric to which the cliff will felt. On a thin rim, carved on the transverse thread, the fabric takes two times the length of that segment where the fruit will be sewn. If the Oracle lies in oblique, then the fabric will go on one and a half times more. Very long ruffles have to be over with each other.

With the crash, you need to follow the drawing in the places of tissue docking necessarily coincide. A poorly fitted cell, ornament, stripes are very ugly and slightly, stripes - junctions are immediately detected. Sometimes true skill is required to carve out the pieces of long ruffles, which would be beautifully combined. The joints of the bands are raised with a liner and immediately handle the lower edge of the resulting strip: or it is powered by a secret seam, or simply handle the typewriter.

Then proceed to the glooming of the resulting breakfast strip. Upon the upper edge of the ruffle, retreating 5 mm, lay two rows of parallel stitches. They are either straight on the car double-old joint with a distance of 5-8 mm between the rows. Then the stitches should be long and free. Or you put the stitches manually: in this case they try, on the contrary, to make the most small and thick stitches (beyd seam).

If the cliff is long, then it is collected on several threads and every thread is careful, it will be guaranteed that the thread does not break when tagging. Then it is pulled for the thread and collect "harmonic" frills in the size of the product length.

In order for the fruit to be beautiful and evenly wavy, it is divided into several equal segments: first fold in half, then in half. For the same parts divided and the line of sewing on the product. Then apply the roller to the sewage line and connect the places of marks. Each segment is once again tightly tightened and folded folds, then take it. Now you can select the ruffle.

If a Ruffles made of fine tissue. The front side of the ruffle is applied to the front side of the fabric and strife from the ruffle, carefully plastered the folds under the machine's paw. The seams are revealed "on the edge" towards the product and processed by a zigzag. Ruffles are stroked with a sharp end of the iron perpendicular to the line.

Tough fabric ruffles Heavy and can pull the seam. In this case, on the front side of the product, you pave an additional fastening line at a distance of 2 mm from the bending place.

It is possible to cover the outdoor seamless slice of the frill to cover with a tape or tonga bay, taking it into two lines. To the product, the flame is admonished with one line along the edging seam.


Volan perform with or without assemblies.

Volan without assemblies Cut on tissue in the form of a ring. The diameter of the inner ring should be equal to the length of the product plus allowances on the seams. Sometimes I cut up the Volan in the form of a spiral - he is then better keeping the form.

Volan with assemblies I cut in the form of a straight strip, but at an angle of 45 degrees to the share thread. Its length is calculated in the same way as the length of the ruffles.


These are the same ruffles, but narrower and two seedlings. Before the sewing rushes to the product first need to be used both of its edges. Therefore, in patchwork sewing for Ryusha, tapes or braids are most often used, where the edges have already been embedded. If you need to carve a ruff from the fabric, then the strip should be cut off at an angle of 45 degrees to the equity thread. In the transverse direction, Ryushi is cut out only when the fabric drawing is required. The number of fabric for Ryush is calculated in the same way as for the ruff.

Ryush "in two ruffles", decorated with tape: on the left - Ryusha's gym, right - Ryusha Tape treatment

The most commonly applied Ryush "in two ruffles". The ribbon is sewn on the front side of the product. Having calculated the desired length of the tape, the two rows of stitches are paved in its center, preferably in the color of the tape itself. Then the tape is selected and the pins are attached to the line of sewing on the product so that the intended line is between two rows of stitches. On it and string.

You can remove tightening stitches, but you can additionally decorate Ryush Tape. It is superimposed by the middle line on the machine line and attach either in the middle or on both sides.

Hardworking - bright light burns in life, lazy - dull candle

We sew the volani. Lesson 5 - Ryushi and Ruffles.

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Good afternoon, today we will rest a little from the lessons to model the volanses. In this article, I will tell and show everything I know about Ryushi and ruffles, how they are constructed and how they are sewn. We already sewed with you with Ryusha - remember these

At first, I will tell you what Ryushi is, then I'll show you the beautiful clothes of children's clothes and adult rushes in the photos. And then we will begin to sewing and sewing ruffles and ruffles. And after this article you can sew this. Or Topic S.

So, that's what Ryushi looks like (Photo below): This is a strip of fabric, seamlessly seam. That is, the seam assembly passes in the middle. To the product Ryusha is attached to the middle suture. A beautiful dress will need to sew it with you.

Here's what the ruffles look (the photo below) is the tissue strips, are prescribed only on the one hand, they are sewn to the product. The band of fabrics for the ruffle (and for Ryushi too) should be at least 1.5 times longer than the finished ruffle (but we will still focus more on the proportions and lengths).

Now let's run a little on the models of clothing, decorated with ruffles and filled with ideas for your future clothes, stitched with your own hands.

Let's start perhaps from children's dresses and tunnels:

The simplest thing to cut the baby dresser thanks to Ryusham can become just very elegant.

I look very touching Ryushi on clothes for newborns.

Pink rushes on pink dresses for pink girls are the embodiment of tenderness.

But the example of Ryush on elegant dresses for girls. They can decorate straps. Magnificent ruins from the fireplace can be used on the edge of the neckline and even decorate roses from the fabric.

Also, Ryushi can be sewed with frequent rows over the surface of the entire dress. By the way, in the stores of fabrics, you can find a cloth with fresh rolling strips and frill on it.

Ryushi looks well on adult girls. Only color of the fabric for models with ruffles is better to choose quieter - gray, black, brown, white.

Well, now let's deal with how to sew and sew ruffles and ruffles.

Make ruffles and ruffles.

What length should be a strip for ruff and ruffles.

That is, to find out what length to cut the strip of fabric for ruffles, we need to measure the length of the line to which Ryusha will twist. We take a centimeter and straight on the product. And then the resulting digit multiply by 1.5 (or simply add another half of this number to the number). For example, the rushes are 80 cm on us, it should be 80 + 40 (half from eighty) \u003d 120 cm.

Laps of fabric for ruffs and ruffles lie in a straight line.

I cut the strip for Ryushy a length of 120 cm, and then we suggest it until it becomes 80 cm - i.e. The length of the finished, already the National Ryush must match the length of its sewage.

But you still need to know - that the more thin and soft cloth, the more dense there should be an assembly on Ryush so that it keeps the form. So, the longer there should be a strip of fabric for such ruffles. It turns out if we make Ryushi from soft tissue, it is necessary to multiply the length of the cross-line line, and 2 times or maybe more. I always cut off the strip with a reserve, then when you start making an assembly, in the course of the case, it becomes clear what the assembly density looks better.

And if we plan to make a pleated ruffle - then the tissue strip must be 3 times longer than the crosslinking line.

Do the edges of Ryush processing.

In-first immediately decide whether you will handle the edges of our ruffles - if the fabric does not run, then the edge can be left as it is - Ryushi from knitwear usually leave just untreated, thin satin and sitherium, glossy satin, silk, organza is better to handle. But it all depends on the model you sew. I'll tell you more, even if the fabric lifts you too can leave as it is (now such cosmatic ruffles are completely found on the blouses and the topics - it's fashionable) if it will be squeezed out of time, extra locks on the edge of Ryushi, I just cut off with scissors And then use the clothes. For less flowability of such tissues, the cloth strips can be made by zigzag scissors or cut out not in a straight line, but by oblique.

Here deliberately pay attention to the shops as Ryushi are processed on the dresses selling there, tops and tunics - will open up a lot of new things for yourself. It turns out Many clothing manufacturers at all do not bother over the processing of sections.

If you decide to handle Rush cut.

The first method is a stitching zigzag.

We value the cut to the wrong one by 5-7 mm and add it from the wrong side of the zigzag seam (the width of the zigzag seam is 2-3 mm (but nothing terrible if it is different).

The method of the second is the usual string

Penitate the cut on the wrong side (the width of the bend is 3-5 mm). It is possible that the bend is hazardous. Then we put the machine under the foot, not in a hurry, a stringent ordinary line. The line is deposited at a distance of 1-2 mm from the fold line. After this line, extra grays of bend carefully cut off the scissors as close to the seam. And again (the second time) bend such a targeted edge to an invalid by 2-3 mm and once again, we simply proceed the line already on this fill (right on the first line). It turns out very neatly and firmly - by century.

How to make an assembly on rush

We take a strip of fabric, set up the machine the widest stitch seam (the more, the better) we are sharp by this wide stitch line rovnelyko satellite strips.

So that the seams walk exactly in the middle of Ryushi, you can first fold Ryushy in half along its entire length and lightly smoothly smooth the line of folding iron (as an arrow on trousers). Then we lay the strip back, and in the center we left the trail from the fold. And this fibe line will be our visible guidelines for which we will drive our line.

So we were driven by this widest stitch line, take out from under the machine, cutting the thread. And now so that the assembly turned out, everything that m is needed, it's just to pull over the threads and Ryusha will begin to shrore evenly along the entire length. You need to sweep the thread as long as we do not get the length of Ryushy needed to us (that is, the length equal to the crossing line of Ryushi on the product).

In order for the Oracle asked evenly, it is sometimes recommended to do one central seam and two sutures in the center one side with another. But I usually wander one central seam. And the uniformity of the assembly is adjustable manually.

How to make an assembly on the ruff.

Also as well as on Ryush - only the large stitch line we launch not in the center of the strip and by its edge.

How to sew runesses to the product

I first sew the ruffles by hand with rough large stitches Rovenko to the planned line of their sewing, not in a hurrying constantly flexing the edges of Ryushi and checking if I did not get confused with the planted line. If the line does not go along the edge of the product, but right on the canvas, then first it is better to draw a pencil or chalk on a canvas or shallow.

When Ryushi is nurts by hand, I put it all under the foot of the machine and already stretch in the center, sewing ruffles to the product. And then I pull the draft thread (the one I told Ryusha manually).

How to sew the ruffle to the product

Successful to you sewing.

Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site "".

How to hide and sew the ruffs, ruffles, swans

Ruffles: a) gone; b) pleated

Ruffles are a different width of the material strip, selected on the one hand and the same side attached to the product. Ruffles are cut in straight. The band of the fabric should be one and a half times longer than the finished flip. The thinner and softer the fabric, the more dense it should be collected and the longer abandoned the band.
Oracle can be pleated. The band of the fabric should be three times longer than the finished assembly.

Ryushy: a) Simple Ryush; b) shaped rushes

Ryushi are stripes of material sent in the middle. For a more uniform sweating, 2-3 parallel lines are parallel. They are coated on the item from above. They can be made of product material or finishing materials. Sew runes on the car between the assembly lines.


Waolas are cutting with straight strips on the oblique thread or from the fabric, cut in the form of a circle (avoids unnecessary seams). The smaller the inner circle, the magnificent Volan. You can additionally be collected by frequent folds.

Cutting cuts. Crumble cuts, rushes, flutes can be processed in various ways depending on the material.
When processing sections on a machine with a zigzag line, the cut parts are sweeping on the wrong side of the product by 0.5-0.7 cm and dragged on the side of the adjacent sequencing with a width of 0.1-0.2 cm; A fitted slice near the lines are cut. On the tissues, the slice of stretching and disturbing, the cut parts pre-filled (to prevent \u003d to adjust the edge of the parts and fix in such a state with machinery to prolonged the machine or the binder manually) or they start, in this case the line can be laid from the front side.
When processing direct seams into the bending, the cut part is sweeping on the wrong side by 0.3-0.5 cm and dragged on the side of the adjacent edge at a distance of 0.1 cm from the bending. The fitted slice near the line is cut off, the edge of the part is driven on the wrong side by 0.15-0.2 cm and drain the second line from the adjacent edge along the first line.
Cuts of frill, rocks, swarns can be treated with a seasal seam. By their edge can be sewnly lace by car with a zigzag line. The lace is applied to the cut part from the front side, overlapping a slice by 0.5-0.7 cm, and adjust a seam with a width of 0.2 cm. The cut part from the wrong side is trimmed near the line.
Volan can be treated with a lining. For lining to take the same or lighter fabric, or a fabric of contrasting color. The lining will completely close untreated edges and give the product a finished look.

To obtain uniform assemblies, two or three parallel lines are paralleled.
In the manufacture of rolling with soft unsophisticated folds, the cuttings are folded on the first, forming folds, and drain so that the line is not visible to the front side with the front side.
For rushes with soft unsopotted folds, the strip of fabric is laying with folding folds and fasten them with a line in the middle of the part.
To get Ryush with a curly edge, a line for the formation of assemblies is paved along a zigzag line. The distance between the tips of the zigzag is installed in accordance with the model.
Domestic (fastened to the main details) Ruffle cuts, flutes can be dug or edged.

Fig.1. Combination of frills, flutes located at the edges of the details:
a - waste or focusing seam;
b - common seam;
How to sew ruffle, waist

The location of the ruffle, swaps, roasted on the main parts of the product: they can be at the edges of the parts, along the seams of the joint parts, on the surface of the whole part. Depending on their location, the type of material and processing, several methods of connecting rolves, flutes with the main parts of the product can be used.
Ruffles and swollen, located along the edges of parts, can be connected to the main part of the old, socket, common or edging seam. When combining with a racial or focusing seam (Fig. 1, a), the flour, the waist is applied to the front side of the main part, are inferred and docked or dodged without signing. The line is paved from the ruffle or a volana, throwing the assembly and aligning cuts of parts. Switch width 1-1.25 cm. Seam cohesive. Seam feeding ruffles or a volana is set in the direction of the main detail. Seam can be closed at a distance of 1-2 mm from the suture of the imbutigation.
If there is an elastic tape (gum) with the main part of the roller, then the width of the suture of the flipper or the volana is increased to 1.5-2 cm and at a distance of 0.8-1 cm from the first lines are paved in the second.

When connecting with a common joint (Fig. 1.6), the leaf or a wave is first feeding to the bottom part of a width of 5 mm wide, and then cut the edge of the upper part on the line of the feeding of the fruit and or the volan, aligning the sections; Switch width 5 mm. Details turned, straighten. Seam can be closed at a distance of 1-2 mm from the line of the jerk connection.

When connecting the flip or volat with a seating seam (Fig. 1, c), they are taken to the section of the part and processed the cutting seam in the same way as the cutout cutout.
in - edging seam
Combination of frills, whales with a whole part:
a - static;
b - subtraction with processed cuts;
in - with a flexural cut

Raff or Volan, located in the seam of the compounds of parts, are applied by the invalid side on the front side the main part and is appreciated by combining sections. When the parts are connected by the steel joint, the main part with the roller is folded with the other the main part of the front sides inside and are rated on the line of the feeding of the ruffle, aligning the sections (Fig. 2, a).
When the parts are connected by the false seam, the bottom of the main part without rolling is sweeping, applied to the part with a roller or a flush and adjusted so that the line of the rolling or the wave is not visible from the front side.
Double ruffles (Fig. 2.6) or volanesses (leaving one of the other) pre-fold, combining sections, and then dodged to the main part.

When connecting a frill or a volana with a whole detail on the main part, the location of the ruffle, the volan is scheduled. If the ruffles are non-screens, vertically located, then they are usually inserted into the main part (Fig. 3, a). With a string of the main part, it is allowed to break on the shots of the intake of each flush 0.8-1 cm. The roller is applied to the front side of the main part of sosene to the intended line, the front side up and is determined by a width of 4-5 mm; The main part is driving, rich cutting cutting, and from the wrong side on the line of feeding the ruffles lay the second line. The main part is straightened. Raff swing seams for rolling stability can be still running from the lichnaya side at a distance of 1-2 mm from the assembly connection line.
If the oracle or the wave does not have assemblies or assemblies minor (Fig. 3, b), then the roar or wave with treated sections are tampered and is applied with a seam with a width of 7-8 mm.
If the oracle or the waist have significant assemblies, then pre-slice are sweeping and collected on the assembly (Fig. 3, c), and then impose on the front side of the part and adjust on the line fixing the assembly.