Video - lectures, lessons, seminars. I like my gums. P. Breast Spinal Department

Louise Hay left this world on August 30 aged 91 years. She cured from cancer without drugs and surgery and helped thousands of people to gain health, happiness and change life.

Louise Hay is a talented psychologist, one of the founders of self-help through positive thinking and positive installations, author of more than 30 books on psychology. One of her bestsellers "You can heal your life" translated more than 30 languages \u200b\u200bof the world and has already turned the life of hundreds of thousands of people from the legs.

Quotes from the book Louise Hay "Heal their lives", which change the image of thoughts and help people again believe in themselves and change their lives.

1. People who have caused us suffering were the same intimidant as you are now.
2. We form our beliefs in childhood, and then we move through life, recreating situations that our beliefs would come up.
3. Past left forever. This is a fact, and there is nothing to do anything. However, you can change our thoughts about the past. As, however, it is stupid to punish themselves at the moment just for the fact that someone offended you a long time ago.
4. We must make a choice for yourself: to free and forgive everyone without exception, especially yourself. Let we not know how to forgive, but you need to want it much.
5. As soon as a person gets ill, he needs to look in his heart, whom he needs to forgive.
6. What we think about yourself becomes reality for us. Each our thought creates our future.
7. Self-creating and taking itself - the key to positive changes in our lives.
8. To love itself means to celebrate the very fact of the existence of your personality and be grateful to God for a gift of life.
9. All you give, you get back.
10. In order to change the other, you must first change yourself. You need to change the course of our thoughts.
11. The more you hold on to any statement, the sooner this statement should be released. Obsessive ideas are dangerous.
12. If something in our life is easy for us, then this is not lessons, this is what we already know.
13. Our body all the time speaks with us. If we just found time to listen! Each body cell reacts to every idea and every word.
14. Self-criticism is the inclusion of your ego. You so taught your mind to constantly humiliate yourself and resist the changes that you are now just hard not to pay attention to what he tells you. Power of thought: how our thoughts affect the health
15. Drown away the thoughts that make you unhappy, make things you like, see people with whom you feel well.
16. To become the owner of all wonderful things, you must first of all believe that they are possible.
17. Everything, including me, is fully responsible for all events in your life - and the best, and the worst.
18. Love comes when we do not expect her at all. The persistent searches of love never lead to the choice of a suitable partner, but only give rise to longing and plunge in the mountain. Love exists not within, she is always inside us. Love and love.
19. Wines - a useless feeling. It never helps anyone and cannot change the situation. So let yourself be from prison.
20. Each of us passed through losses, betrayal, insults. A sign of spiritual maturity and wisdom is the ability to forget the unpleasant and forgive his perpetrators. What is done, then done, it remained in the past. Forgetting about the unpleasant, we break the chains that make us up with the past. As long as we do not learn to forgive, the past will not let us go and never become healthy.

Louise Hay how to heal his life

My some thoughts:

1. We carry 100 percent responsibility for all our actions.

2. Each our thought creates our future.

3. The source point of force is always in present.

4. All without exception suffer from the feeling of guilt and feeling hate.

5. Everyone thinks about yourself: "I'm not good enough."

6. Everything lies in thought, and thought can be changed.

7. Capin offense, malice, criticism of others and yourself, the feeling of guilt is the most harmful emotions.

8. Full exemption from the accumulated resentment or malice is healing cancer.

9. When we really love ourselves, our life is beautiful.

10. We must free yourself from the past and forgive everyone without exception (including themselves).

11. We must learn to live in present.

12. The adoption of themselves and approval of their actions is the key to prolonged changes.

13. We and only we ourselves create the so-called "disease" in our body.

What I believe

Life is very simple. What we give, then we get.

I believe that everything, including me carry 100 percent responsibility for all events in our life, and the best, and the worst. Every our thought literally creates our future. Each creates events in life with the help of thoughts and feelings. Thoughts that we think literally create all that we experience in life.

We ourselves call this or that situation in life, and then we spend the forces, scolding another person for your alarms and failures. We ourselves are the source of our own experiences surrounding and everything else in it. On the other hand, setting the harmony and the balance of it in consciousness, we begin the same thing to find in life.

Which of the proposals most accurately describes you?

"People in this world are trying to hurt me."

"Everyone is trying to help me in solving my problems."

What we believe, becomes our reality. We choose our own thoughts and what we believe. Our subconscious mind perceives all that we take on faith. And you have millions of opportunities to choose what to think. When we realize it, it makes sense to start thinking: "Everyone is trying to help me" instead of "people cause me evil." The forces of the Universe never judge and do not criticize us. They take us as we are. And then reflect our beliefs automatically. If you prefer to think that you are almost alone and that no one loves you, then this is what you get in your life.

However, if you prefer to think that "love is everywhere in the world, and I love and love (a)", and you will repeat this phrase as often as possible, then this is what you will experience. Many wonderful people will come in unexpectedly into your life, and those that you already love will love you even more.

In the juvenile age, we learn about the life of adult reactions.

If you had to live with people who were not too happy, evil or felt guilty, then you learned to perceive yourself and the world around us. "I never do anything right," "This is my wines," "If I'm angry, then I am a bad person," here are some of your permanent thoughts. And such thoughts create a life consisting of disappointments.

When we grow, we have a tendency to recreate the emotional environment of our childhood

This is neither bad nor good nor correctly nor wrong, we just know what the words "like at home" mean. In our personal relationship, we often recreate the relationship that we have gotten with your mother or father. Think about how often you had a lover or the boss, exactly reminding your father or mother. We treat yourself the same way as our parents belonged to us. We scold and punish ourselves in the same way as our parents scolded and punished us. We almost hear the words they used in such cases. If we loved when we were children, then, becoming adults, we love themselves too and in the same way.

"You never can do anything right." "You're guilty." How often do you say such words yourself?

"You're beautiful". "I love you". And how often do you tell yourself such words?

However, I do not scold my parents for it.

We are all victims of the victims, and parents could not teach us what they themselves did not know. If your mother did not know how to love himself, or his father did not know how to love himself, it was natural for them, it was impossible to teach you how to love himself. If you have a desire to understand your parents better, ask them about their childhood, and if you listen to with compassion, you will understand the origin of their fear and their relationship to life.

People who "caused you suffering," were the same frightened as you are now.

I believe that we ourselves choose our parents

Every person decides whether he will be born again on this planet at a time or another and in one place or another. We preferred to be born here again in order to go through a certain lesson in life, which in turn provides our further spiritual development on the evolutionary trail. We choose our own, skin color, the country in which we are born, and then we choose the parents who, in our opinion, reflect the problem most of all over which we are going to work. Then, growing, we, as a rule, point to them with a finger and a fucking; "You are to blame." In fact, we ourselves elected themselves because they were ideal for us in our attempt to overcome what we were going to overcome in this life.

We form our beliefs in childhood, and then we are moving in life, recreation of situations that our beliefs would come. Look at your life path you passed and you will see that you are again and again create the same situation. I am convinced: you create it, because it reflects exactly what you believe. In this case, it doesn't matter how much time you feel the presence of this problem, its size or the danger that is enclosed in it.

The source point of force is always in present

Everything without exception, your life has been created only by you, with the help of your belief on the basis of past experience. They were created with the help of thoughts and words that you used yesterday, last week, last month, last year, 10, 20, 30, 40 years ago, depending on your age.

However, everything is in the past. What is important is your choice of what to think and what to believe now. Remember always that these thoughts and words will create your future. Your power is in present. The present moment creates events of tomorrow, next week next month, next year, etc.

Note that you think at the moment when you read these lines. Positive are thoughts or negative? Do you want these your thoughts affect your future?

The only thing you need to work with is your thought, and thought can be consciously changed

It doesn't matter what the nature of your problem, it is only a reflection of your thoughts. For example, you flashed a thought: "I'm a bad person." The idea entails the feeling that you are mentioned. Do not be such a thought, there would be no feeling. And thoughts can be consciously changed. Change sad thoughts and disappear sad feeling. It doesn't matter how much time in your life you thought negatively. Strength is always in present, and not in the past. So let's free, right now!

Believe you or not, but we ourselves choose our thoughts

We tend to think about the same thing again and again, and therefore it seems to us that we do not choose our thoughts, and yet, the initial choice is our. We refuse to think about something defined. Remember how often we refuse to think about yourself positively. Well, now let's learn not to think about yourself negatively. It seems to me that everything on this planet, all those I know with whom I work, to some extent suffer from hate to yourself and feeling guilt. The more hate with us to ourselves, the smaller we are accompanied by luck.

Louise Haye

How to heal your life

My some thoughts:

1. We carry 100 percent responsibility for all our actions.

2. Each our thought creates our future.

3. The source point of force is always in present.

4. All without exception suffer from the feeling of guilt and feeling hate.

5. Everyone thinks about yourself: "I'm not good enough."

6. Everything lies in thought, and thought can be changed.

7. Capin offense, malice, criticism of others and yourself, the feeling of guilt is the most harmful emotions.

8. Full exemption from the accumulated resentment or malice is healing cancer.

9. When we really love ourselves, our life is beautiful.

10. We must free yourself from the past and forgive everyone without exception (including themselves).

11. We must learn to live in present.

12. The adoption of themselves and approval of their actions is the key to prolonged changes.

13. We and only we ourselves create the so-called "disease" in our body.

What I believe

Life is very simple. What we give, then we get.

I believe that everything, including me carry 100 percent responsibility for all events in our life, and the best, and the worst. Every our thought literally creates our future. Each creates events in life with the help of thoughts and feelings. Thoughts that we think literally create all that we experience in life.

We ourselves call this or that situation in life, and then we spend the forces, scolding another person for your alarms and failures. We ourselves are the source of our own experiences surrounding and everything else in it. On the other hand, setting the harmony and the balance of it in consciousness, we begin the same thing to find in life.

Which of the proposals most accurately describes you?

"People in this world are trying to hurt me."

"Everyone is trying to help me in solving my problems."

What we believe, becomes our reality. We choose our own thoughts and what we believe. Our subconscious mind perceives all that we take on faith. And you have millions of opportunities to choose what to think. When we realize it, it makes sense to start thinking: "Everyone is trying to help me" instead of "people cause me evil." The forces of the Universe never judge and do not criticize us. They take us as we are. And then reflect our beliefs automatically. If you prefer to think that you are almost alone and that no one loves you, then this is what you get in your life.

However, if you prefer to think that "love is everywhere in the world, and I love and love (a)", and you will repeat this phrase as often as possible, then this is what you will experience. Many wonderful people will come in unexpectedly into your life, and those that you already love will love you even more.

In the juvenile age, we learn about the life of adult reactions.

If you had to live with people who were not too happy, evil or felt guilty, then you learned to perceive yourself and the world around us. "I never do anything right," "This is my wines," "If I'm angry, then I am a bad person," here are some of your permanent thoughts. And such thoughts create a life consisting of disappointments.

When we grow, we have a tendency to recreate the emotional environment of our childhood

This is neither bad nor good nor correctly nor wrong, we just know what the words "like at home" mean. In our personal relationship, we often recreate the relationship that we have gotten with your mother or father. Think about how often you had a lover or the boss, exactly reminding your father or mother. We treat yourself the same way as our parents belonged to us. We scold and punish ourselves in the same way as our parents scolded and punished us. We almost hear the words they used in such cases. If we loved when we were children, then, becoming adults, we love themselves too and in the same way.

"You never can do anything right." "You're guilty." How often do you say such words yourself?

"You're beautiful". "I love you". And how often do you tell yourself such words?

However, I do not scold my parents for it.

We are all victims of the victims, and parents could not teach us what they themselves did not know. If your mother did not know how to love himself, or his father did not know how to love himself, it was natural for them, it was impossible to teach you how to love himself. If you have a desire to understand your parents better, ask them about their childhood, and if you listen to with compassion, you will understand the origin of their fear and their relationship to life.

People who "caused you suffering," were the same frightened as you are now.

I believe that we ourselves choose our parents

Every person decides whether he will be born again on this planet at a time or another and in one place or another. We preferred to be born here again in order to go through a certain lesson in life, which in turn provides our further spiritual development on the evolutionary trail. We choose our own, skin color, the country in which we are born, and then we choose the parents who, in our opinion, reflect the problem most of all over which we are going to work. Then, growing, we, as a rule, point to them with a finger and a fucking; "You are to blame." In fact, we ourselves elected themselves because they were ideal for us in our attempt to overcome what we were going to overcome in this life.

We form our beliefs in childhood, and then we are moving in life, recreation of situations that our beliefs would come. Look at your life path you passed and you will see that you are again and again create the same situation. I am convinced: you create it, because it reflects exactly what you believe. In this case, it doesn't matter how much time you feel the presence of this problem, its size or the danger that is enclosed in it.

The source point of force is always in present

Everything without exception, your life has been created only by you, with the help of your belief on the basis of past experience. They were created with the help of thoughts and words that you used yesterday, last week, last month, last year, 10, 20, 30, 40 years ago, depending on your age.

However, everything is in the past. What is important is your choice of what to think and what to believe now. Remember always that these thoughts and words will create your future. Your power is in present. The present moment creates events of tomorrow, next week next month, next year, etc.

Note that you think at the moment when you read these lines. Positive are thoughts or negative? Do you want these your thoughts affect your future?

The only thing you need to work with is your thought, and thought can be consciously changed

It doesn't matter what the nature of your problem, it is only a reflection of your thoughts. For example, you flashed a thought: "I'm a bad person." The idea entails the feeling that you are mentioned. Do not be such a thought, there would be no feeling. And thoughts can be consciously changed. Change sad thoughts and disappear sad feeling. It doesn't matter how much time in your life you thought negatively. Strength is always in present, and not in the past. So let's free, right now!

Believe you or not, but we ourselves choose our thoughts

We tend to think about the same thing again and again, and therefore it seems to us that we do not choose our thoughts, and yet, the initial choice is our. We refuse to think about something defined. Remember how often we refuse to think about yourself positively. Well, now let's learn not to think about yourself negatively. It seems to me that everything on this planet, all those I know with whom I work, to some extent suffer from hate to yourself and feeling guilt. The more hate with us to ourselves, the smaller we are accompanied by luck.

Our general inner conviction: "I'm not good enough"

And we often add to this: "And I have not reached (a) in this life" or "I did not deserve (a)" ... Looks like you? Often you think or say: "I'm not good enough (a)?" ... But for whom? And for what standards? If such a belief is much like you, then how can you create a joyful. prosperous, full-blooded life? It turns out that your subconscious belief ("I am not good enough (a)") constantly leads your actions and therefore constantly manifests itself in your life.

I am convinced that the evil, criticism, others, the feeling of guilt and fear create all our problems

These feelings arise in those people who accuse others in their own problems. Do you understand if we ourselves carry 100 percent responsibility for everything that happens to us, it turns out that there is no one to scold. Everything that happens in your life with you is a reflection of your own internal thoughts. I am not trying to protect the bad behavior of some people, it is important for us only to understand that our beliefs attract those who relate to us in this way.

If you say or think: "Everyone criticizes me, never do anything to me, raise me floor, then this is your way of thoughts. Somewhere deep in you there was a thought that throughout your life will attract such people to you. If you refuse it, then such people will automatically disappear from your life. They will find another person to whom they will treat in this way. You will no longer attract such people.

Below I bring the results of a similar way of thoughts that are manifested at the physical level:

1. Evil, discontent and resentment, accumulated over time, literally begins to eat the body and becomes a disease called cancer.

2. The constant criticism of others will certainly lead to rheumatism.

The feeling of guilt is always looking for punishment, and the punishment always creates pain. Fear and tension that it generates, creates an ulcer, sore feet, baldness. I discovered on my own experience that forgiveness and exemption from the resentment, malice, dissolves even cancer. At first glance, such a statement may seem simplified, noves it seen it and experienced.

We are able to change our attitude to the past

Past left forever. This is a fact and there is nothing to do anything. However, you can change our thoughts about the past. As, however, it is stupid to punish themselves at the moment just for the fact that someone offended you a long time ago. I often speak to my customers who have a strong feeling of resentment: "Please begin to get rid of your insult now, when it is relatively easy. Do not wait for a surgeon's knife above you or when you find yourself on my deathbed. Then you will have to deal with panic. In a state of panic, it is very difficult to concentrate its attention to the thoughts of recovery. First, we need to dissolve our fears. "

If we adhere to the belief that we are helpless sacrifices and all in our life hopelessly, then the universe will support us in our conviction and our life will be a garbage. It is very important for us to understand that all this is stupid, no one who does not bring any benefit of negative thoughts. Even God we should think that he is for us, and not against us.

In order to get rid of the past, we must be ready to forgive

We must make for yourself the choice of liberation themselves from the past and forgive everyone without exception, especially themselves. Let we do not know how to forgive, - you need to want it hard.

Already the fact that we want to forgive, contributes to the process of recovery

"I forgive you for the fact that you were not like that I would like to see you. I forgive you and fully free you. " Such an approval frees the one who you forgive the one who forgives. Approval It is important not only to repeat yourself all the time (and about yourself and loud), but also write, preferably on the machine - it is faster, 70 times a day, 7 days in a row. If you want to forgive a specific person, then you need to mention the name of a common one who forgives. For example, I, Natasha, forgive you, Sasha ...

Any disease comes from membrane

As soon as a person gets ill, he should look in his heart, who needs to forgive. If you find a person who is very difficult to forgive, then you need to forgive him. Forgiveness means liberation. You do not need to know how to forgive. All that is required is a desire to forgive. And then the universe will come to help you. We understand our pain perfectly. As, however, it is difficult for us to understand that those whom we need to forgive, also experienced pain. We need to understand that at that moment they could not do differently.

When people come to me for a consultation, I am completely indifferent to the origin of their problems, whether bad health, lack of money, bad relationships or underdeveloped talents - I immediately start working on one thing alone:

Development of love for yourself

I came to the conclusion that when we love ourselves, we approve of our actions and remain ourselves, our life becomes so beautiful that they will not express words. Little wonders - everywhere. Health improves, money goes into hand, our relationships with others flourish, and we begin to express our identity in the creative key. And all this happens without the slightest effort from our side. When we love and respect yourself and approve of our actions, we create a certain organization of the mind. From here - a wonderful relationship with the surrounding, new work, we will even lose weight and come to your ideal weight.

Self-creating and self-acceptance - the key to positive changes in our life

Such love for himself begins with awareness of the fact that never, under no circumstances it is impossible to criticize himself. The criticism of their personality closes the image of thoughts from which we are trying to get rid of. Understanding themselves helps us break out of this enchanted circle.

Remember that you criticized yourself for years and nothing good did it. Try to love yourself and see what happens

Speaking of love, the author in no way implies the love of selfish or what is customary to call "selflessness", to love himself - it means to celebrate the very fact of the existence of his personality and be grateful to God for a gift of life.

Love yourself - it means, first of all, respect your personality

I feel love for: the process itself; joy from what is alive (a); Beauty I see; to another person; to know; to the process of thinking; to our body and its device; to animals, birds and everything alive; To the universe and how she is arranged.

What can you personally add to this list?

And now let's look at how we do not like:

We constantly scold and criticize themselves.

We determine ourselves with food, alcohol and drugs.

We choose faith in what no one loves us.

We create a disease and pain in our body.

We live in the utmost chaos and disorder.

We create a debt and unbearable nose.

We attract lovers and husbands (wives) who humiliate our dignity.

In any case, if you deny your perfection, it means that you do not like yourself. I remember one of my patient, which was in glasses. For one of our classes, she freed himself from one fear whose roots were in her childhood. The next day, she wakes up and discovers that she is no longer needed. She has 100 percent vision. However, she spends all day, constantly saying to itself: "I do not believe it, I do not believe in it." And the next day she again puts on glasses. Our subconscious mind is absolutely no sense of humor. She could not believe that herself created a 100% vision.

Perfection of young children

How perfect you were when you were a kid! Children need nothing to do to be perfect. They are already perfection. And they know that they are the center of the Universe. They are not afraid to ask what they want. Freely express their emotions. You know that when a child is upset, all neighbors know about it. You also know that when a child is happy, his smile illuminates the whole world. Children are full of love. Little children cannot bear the lack of love. Growing, we learn to live without love. Children also adore every part of their body, even their own garbage.

You were the same! And then began to listen to adults who have already learned to be afraid to be afraid, and you gradually began to deny our perfection.

Exercise with a mirror

I ask the patient to take a mirror, look into my eyes and, mentioning my name, say: "I love you and accept you, (such), what (what) you are." It is incredibly difficult for some! I see how different people react to it - some begin to cry, others are angry, and the third declare that they cannot do so. One of my patient even threw the mirror in me and ran away. He took him a few months so that he was finally able to look at himself in the mirror, without having experienced negative emotions.

"Problem" in the form in which we imagine it, rarely turns out to be a real problem

For example, take excess weight. People often spend years in the fight against overweight, and still remain fat. And then they begin to say that they have all the problems in life - from their completeness. Excess weight - external manifestation of a deeper inner problem. In my opinion, it is always fear and the need for protection. When we feel fear, insecurity, we think that we are not "good" enough, many of us literally fought with fat, which performs a protective function in the body.

Constantly humiliate yourself for the fact that you are fat, feel guilty because of any unnecessary piece - an empty pastime. 20 years later you will still be fat, because you did not even approached the real problem. Therefore, I personally refuse to deal with various diets. Diets do not help. The only one I recommend is a diet from bad thoughts. Often my clients tell me that they can't love themselves, because they are thick. And I explain: they are thick, because they do not like themselves. When we begin to love and respect ourselves, the weight automatically disappears. Some of my patients begin to be angry with me, because the resolution of their problem seems to them very simplified. Many simply leave, but only in order to return again, but not only with old problems, but also with new ones.

This problem

So, the patient looks into the harmless, tiny mirror and frustrated because of this. I smile with delight and say: "Fine, now we look at the real problem." I'm talking about the importance of love for yourself in detail. Love for yourself, I say, it begins with the fact that never, nor under what pretext cannot be criticized by anything. I ask my patients for which they criticize themselves, and make a long list from this. They are either too tall or too small, too thick or too thin, too smart or too stupid, too ugly (the most beautiful people say) or too beautiful. Notice, always "too". Finally we get to the bottom: "I am not good enough (a)." Hooray! So we approach the real problem. They criticize themselves, because they have learned to believe that they are not good enough. My patients are surprised all the time how quickly we get to the bottom. And begin to understand that we do not need to discuss their surplus weight, personal problems, monetary problems, etc. We have to send all our energy to the resolution of alone problems: insufficient love and respect for yourself!

Mental cleaning

Now let's turn to the past and see what we believe. Some people will be very difficult to emotionally get rid of the husks of the past. Suppose you remove your apartment. On some things in it you look with love, and wipe the dust from them to give them even greater beauty. Other things require fixing, and you mark this fact. Some things in your apartment are so outdated that it is time to part with them. Old newspapers and magazines, unnecessary books you can easily throw away. And there is no need to be angry and upset about this.

The same thing happens when we produce mental cleaning. Do not be upset due to the fact that some of your beliefs are outdated and it's time to get rid of them. Let them calmly go out of our lives. We are not working in yesterday's garbage, in order to prepare yourself lunch today. It is not necessary to rummage in a mental garbage for the sake of creating a future life.

Let's look at some of our limited beliefs:

Limited belief: "I am not good enough (a)." His roots are that his father constantly spoke to his child that he is a fool.

Limited conviction: "I do not like myself enough." His origin as follows: the daughter tried to do what the father liked. They did not agree to anyone and all the time swore. She was looking for his approval, but instead he received harsh criticism. Her body was full of pain. Her father had exactly the same pain. She did not understand that her insults created pain in her, just as the insults of her father caused pain in him.

Limited conviction: "Life is dangerous!" His origin: Frightened father ...

Another my client life seems to be harsh and difficult. She was difficult to laugh, and if sometimes she did it, she became scary to her, the word something bad had to happen after that. She was brought up, repeating: "Do not last, and if you laugh, nothing good will succeed."


Take a sheet of paper and make all the negative lists that your parents talked about you. It is necessary to spend more than half an hour to recall such details. What did they talk about money? What did they talk about your body? About love and relationships between people? About your abilities? If you can, look at this list objectively and tell me: "So where do I have such thoughts!" So let's take a blank sheet of paper and go a little further. Who else did you constantly hear negative allegations?

From relatives.

From teachers.

From friends.

From those who represented power.

Write all this. When you write all this, look at how you feel. Two sheets of paper kept by you are the thoughts from which you need to urgently get rid of! This is just the thoughts that you interfere with living.

Imagine a child

If we take a three-year-old child, put it in the middle of the room and will shout on it with all my might, to tell him that he is a fool and what he should do (can even hit him a couple of times), then a frightened child will be or quietly sitting in the corner, or Big behave. Such a child has only two choices. But we will never know what such a child is actually capable of.

If we take the same child and tell him that we love him and adore and that he is smart and smart, that we really like how he plays, and nothing strange that he makes mistakes (all of them do), and that We will always love him, no matter what, - you can not even imagine the potential capabilities of such a child!

In each of us, so far (despite our age) is such a three-year-old child. And we often spend all your time, scolding and sicking this poor child in us. And then we are wondering why everything is so bad in our life. If you had a girlfriend, which would criticize you all the time, would you like it? It is quite possible that this was how you treated you when you were a child, and it is very sad. However, it was a long time ago, and if you still feel like this, then it is still sad.

So, before you your list of all those negative judgments that you constantly heard as a child. How does he correspond to your negative opinion about himself?

The basis of our life scenario is how "programmed" in early years. We are all good, exemplary children who are readily accepting what "they" tell us and preach as "truth." But again it is important not to accuse your family for it, but to rise to a higher level of understanding. It is impossible to change the past, but you can create a wonderful future. We came here on this land to overcome our limitations. We are here in order to admire your extravagance, despite the fact that "they" told us. Therefore, you need to overcome your limitations, and I need to overcome my.

The decision to change

The attitude of many of us for life is primarily a feeling of helplessness. We waited for a long time on life with her hopelessness and hopelessness. For one - marina - countless disappointments, for others - constant pain, etc. But the result for all one is a complete rejection of life and unwillingness to see yourself and your life in a completely different key. Well, if you asked yourself a question: "What exactly causes constant disappointment in my life?" What exactly do you distribute so generously that forces others to annoy you? All you give, you get back. The more you annoy, the more you create situations that cause irritation in you. I wonder if you were annoyed now, reading the previous paragraph? If so, it's great! That's why you need to change! Now let's talk about change and our desire to change. We all want our life to change, but we do not want to change. Let someone change the other, let "they" change, and I will wait. In order to change anyone else, you must first change yourself. And you must change internally. We must change our thoughts, then as we say, and what we say. Only then will come true change. I personally always had stubbornness. Even when I decided to change, this stubbornness prevented me. But I still knew that it was in this that I need a change. The more I hold down for any statement, the more clearer for me, that it is from this statement that I need to free yourself. And only when you make sure this is your own experience, you can teach others. It seems to me that all the wonderful spiritual teachers had an unusually difficult childhood, passed through pain and suffering, but they learned to free themselves what others began to teach others. Many good teachers are constantly working on themselves and it becomes their main occupation in life.

Exercise "I want to change"

Repeat the phrase: "I want to change" as often as possible. Giving this phrase to yourself, touch the throat. The throat is a center where all the energy required for change is concentrated. And be prepared for change when they enter your life. Know also that if you think that somewhere you can not change yourself, it is there that you need to change. "I want to change. I want to change. " The forces of the Universe will automatically help you in your intention, and you will be surprised to detect more and more positive changes in your life.

Another exercise

Go to the mirror and tell me: "I want to change." Pay attention to what you feel at the same time. If you find that you resist or hesitate, ask yourself - why? For God's sake, do not scold yourself, just tick it. Ask yourself what approval or thought makes you feel it? You must dissolve it, regardless of that. Do you know where you are from or not. Go again to the mirror, deeply look into your eyes, touch the throat and say loudly 10 times: "I want to free yourself from any resistance." Working with a mirror helps a lot. Look into the eyes and say a positive statement about yourself is the fastest way to get good results.

Resistance to change in us

Some beliefs are so deeply buried in us that they will not be discovered immediately. We are accepted to complain or begin to notice it primarily in other people. We often attract a friend, teacher or book, thanks to which we start to wake up from deep sleep. For me, for me, this process began with the remarks of one of my girlfriend. She was told about one meeting, which she did not go, and I went, because something inside me suggested me that I should go. And this small meeting was the first step towards the truth. Sometimes such events seem to us very insignificant. We can even make yourself angry with yourself for the thought that calls us to make this minor act. Such a reaction is beautiful if we understand that this is our first step in the process of our recovery. This process begins at the moment when we decide to change ourselves.

Impatience is another form of resistance. When we demand a change to happen right now, we deprive themselves an important lesson that is needed to permit the problem we created.

When I propose a patient to try to forgive the person involved in his problem, I see how his jaws, his fists begin to shrink. Resistance begins to manifest itself, and I know that it is here that he will have to work.

We all need to go through important lessons of life. Some things in our lives are difficult for us only because these lessons we choose ourselves. If other things in our life are easy for us, then it is not lessons, but things that we already know.

If you think you find it difficult to change, then you are dealing with the hardest lesson in your life. But no need to give up the idea of \u200b\u200bchange due to such resistance. You can work on two levels:

1. Consciously take your resistance.

2. To change constantly.

Watch yourself, see how you resist and, despite this, change.

Our actions often indicate that we resist.

This may be expressed: in changing the topic of the conversation, in the desire to get out of the room, go to the toilet, be late, get sick, look aside or window; In refusal to pay attention to anything, in the desire to eat, smoke, drink, finish the relationship.


We grow with convictions that subsequently become resistance. Here are some of our limited beliefs:

It does not work for me,

Men (women) should not do this,

In my family it is not so instituted,

Love is not for me, it's too stupid

Be too far to ride

Too expensive,

Will take a mass of time

I do not believe in this,

I am not like this (such).

We distribute our power to others and use it as an excuse to resist change. We have the following ideas in our head:

The moment is not suitable.

"They" will not allow me to change.

I have no need teacher, books, class, etc.

My doctor says otherwise.

These are their wines.

First, they must change.

They do not understand.

This is against my beliefs, religion, philosophy.

We think about yourself:

Too old.

Too young.

Too thick.

To too thin.

Too high.

Too small.

Too lazy.

Too strong.

Too weak.

Too stupid.

Too poor.

Too serious.

Maybe all this is not for me.

The greatest resistance in us because of fear - fear of unknown.


I'm not ready.

I will not succeed.

What do neighbors say?

I do not want to open this "jar with worms."

And what will be the reaction of my parents

(husband, wives, grandmothers, etc.)?

I know too little.

And what if I do myself hurt?

I do not want others to know about my problems.

I do not want to talk about this.

Too difficult.

I do not have enough money.

I will lose my friends.

I trust no one.

I am not good enough for this.

And the list can continue indefinitely.

One of my clients visited three car accidents, broke the spine, neck and knee. When she rushed to me, she got off the way, besides stuck in the road traffic jam, and because of this was late. She was extremely easy to tell me about his problems, but when I said: "Wait a minute, I want to say something to you," that's where it began. Her glasses began to disturb her madly, she moved to another chair, then she needed to go to the toilet. Its attention could not be kept until the end of the reception. All this happened because of its resistance. She was not ready for liberation. Later I found that her sister also broke her neck twice, and their mother too.

Leave your friends alone

Too often, instead of concentrating on our own problems, we decide who some of our friends should be changed. These are also forms of resistance. In such cases, I recommend to look deeper into myself and see why we want to change in our friends that's it. Usually what we need to change in ourselves, we are trying to change in someone else.

In all of us, the feeling was deeply found that we should do and think exactly as we do and think. This corresponds to our beliefs or is their expression. If there were no belief, it would not be his manifestations. There is something in us that it causes excessive weight, leads to bad relationships, failures, poverty, disorders, etc.

How many times did you repeat: "I never do it again!" Despite this statement, you eat a cake again, scour a cigarette again, rude people who are expensive to you, etc. Although it has not even ended the day when you gave yourself a promise to this no longer do. And nevertheless, we do it. And then more complicate the problem when they say angrily: "You have no willpower! You are just weak! " And it makes even more serious that the unbearable cargo of the guilt, which we already carry on your shoulders.

Instead, tell me: "I want to free yourself from the hidden desire to be unworthy." "I deserve all the best in life and I allow myself to take it with love."

Change your beliefs and your life will change!

Every our idea can be changed!

If unwanted thoughts visit you all the time, catch yourself on such thoughts and tell them: "Won!" Instead, take such a thought that can bring you good luck.

How to change:

Three basic principles underlie this:

1. The desire to change.

2. Control over the mind.

3. Forgiveness of yourself and others.

We talked about the desire to change above, let's talk about the control of the mind. We are all presenting something much more than our mind. You probably think that the mind is responsible for everything in your life. But such conviction is based only on what you think so. Your mind is an instrument that can also be used. He is always at your service. Turn off for a minute "Boltan" in your mind and think about the value of the statement: "Your mind is your instrument." And you yourself decide how to use it.

Thoughts that you choose create all your life situations. In the thoughts and the words incredible power enclosed. And when you learn to control your thoughts and words, you will be in harmony with this force. Do not think that your mind controls you. Quite the opposite, you control your mind.

Exercise "Liberation"

Make a deep breath, and then exhale all air. Relax your body. Then tell me: "I want to free yourself. I am freed from all tension. I am freed from all fear. I am freed from all my old beliefs. And feel calm. I am in Lada with myself. I am in Lada with the life process itself. I'm safe". Repeat this exercise three times. When you think you are in a difficult situation, repeat yourself these phrases. And then the phrases of these will become a part of you themselves and will be so natural that all the tension and daily struggle will gradually disappear from your life. So relax and think about anything good. It is so easy.

Physical relaxation

Sometimes we need to relax physically, negative experience from situations in which we fall, and the emotions that we experience often remain in our body. One of the forms of physical liberation from this is the following - close all the windows in the car or at home and shout with all my might. Beat the pillow or bed with all my might - another harmless way. Classes of various sports or a fast walk will lead to the same results. I recently experienced hellish pain in my shoulder, which continued the day or two. I tried to not pay attention to pain, but she did not disappear. Then I asked myself: "What is happening, what's the matter? What annoys me? " I could not find an answer, so I said: "Well, let's see." I put two large pillows on the bed and became my best to cram on them. After a twelfth strike, I knew exactly what annoys me. Everything was clear, and I began to beat the pillow even more and thus freed myself from the feeling of irritation. Having finished, I felt much easier, and the next day the pain quite disappeared.

Liberation from the past

Many of my patients say that they can not be happy now, because they were injured in the past. Because they did not do something that had to do. Because they have more than what they value most in the world. Because they wounded and they cannot love; Something unpleasant happened earlier and they remember this. Because once they did something terrible and curse themselves for it. Because they can not forgive or forget.

Constantly remember your past - it means to do only with my own. Those who are to blame for us, _ they don't care. "They" do not even know the sizes of our pain. Therefore, there is no point in concentrating its thoughts on the past. It is gone and change it is impossible. But you can change our attitude towards it.

Exercise for exemption from the past

Let's consider the past only as a memory. If you remember that you were worn in the third grade, this memory will be without any emotional assessment. You can also refer to all events in your past. As you release, we become capable of using all our mental strength in the present moment. Again, observe your reaction. What do you need to do for this? How much do you want or will be ready to part with your past? What is your resistance level?

Forgiveness. Very important head

Our next step with you is forgiveness. For forgiveness is the answer to all questions and problems. I know from my own experience that when problems arise in life, it does not matter what nature, it means that we need to forgive someone.

Love is the only answer to any our problem, and the road to such a state is through forgiveness. Forgiveness dissolves insult. There are several ways:

Exercise for insulsion

Sit somewhere in silence, relax. Imagine that you are in a darkened theater and in front of you a small scene. Put on the scene of the person you need to forgive (the person you are the most in the world hate). This person may be alive or dead, and your hatred can be both in the past and in the present. When you see this person clearly, imagine that something good happens to him, the fact that this person is of great importance. Imagine it smiling and happy. Delay this image in your presentation for a few minutes, and then let it disappear. Then, when the person you want to forgive, leave the scene, put myself there. Imagine that only good things happen to you. Imagine yourself happy (howl) and smileless). And know that in the universe enough good for all of us. This exercise dissolves dark clouds of accumulated resentment. Some this exercise will seem very difficult. Each time, making it, you can draw in the imagination of different people. Do this exercise once a day for a month and look at how much you will be easier to live.

Exercise "Mooked Presentation"

Imagine yourself with a small child (5-6 years old). Puck deep into the eyes of this child. Try to see a deep longguing and understand that this longing for love for you. Stretch your hands and hug this little child, press it to your chest. Tell him how much you love him. Tell me that you admire his mind, and if he makes mistakes, it is nothing, all do it. Promise him that you will always come to help him if it is necessary. Now let the child be done very small, the magnitude of the pea. Put it in my heart. Let him settle there. When you look down, you will see his little face and can give him all your, so important for him, love.

Now imagine your mother when she was aged 4-5 years, frightened and thirsty of love. Stretch her hands and tell me how you love her. Tell her that she can count on you, no matter what. When she calms down and feels safe, put it in my heart.

And now imagine your father with a small boy of 3-4 years old, he is also very afraid of something and loudly, it seems to seelessly. You will see tears, which hail rolling on his face. You now know how to calm young children, press it to your chest and feel his trembling body. Calm it. Let him feel your love. Tell him that you will always be next to him. When his tears are dried, let him also become very tiny. Put it in my heart with you and your mom. Love them everyone, for there is nothing more holy than love for small children. In your heart enough love to cure our entire planet. But let's cure first themselves. Feel the heat that spills your body, softness and tenderness. Let this expensive feeling begins to change your life.

Daily work

My day usually passes as follows: Waking up in the morning, before opening his eyes, I will appreciate everything for everything I have. After the soul, I meditate and pray at half an hour. Then morning gymnastics (15 minutes). Sometimes I make gymnastics together with a 6-hour Morning program on TV. My breakfast consists of fruits and herbal tea. I thank my mother-earth again for sending me food. Before Lunch, I go to the mirror and doing exercises: I say or say them, or I sing. Approval type:

Louise, you are beautiful and I love you.

This is the most beautiful day in my life.

All you need to know - come to you.

Everything is fine.

On Lunch, I usually eat a large salad. And again I bless my meal and thank you. Somewhere in the afternoon I listen to the film with the statements. For dinner, eat steam vegetables and porridge. Sometimes chicken or fish. For my body is the best simple food. In the evening I read or do. Look to bed, I mentally remember the past day and bless him. I say that I will sleep perfectly and wake up in the morning for a beautiful day. It sounds strange, is it not true?

Well, how do you start your day? What do you say or think in the morning when you wake up? I remember the time when I woke up in the morning, I thought: "My God, again you have to wake up. Another day". And I received exactly the same day as he was represented. One trouble per one. Now, before opening your eyes, I thank for a good dream and for all the good in my life.

Some of us, dissatisfied with the chosen career, constantly think:

I can't get my job.

I hate my work.

I do not earn enough money.

I do not appreciate at work.

I just do not know what to do.

These are the negative, bringing you a lot of harm of thought. How do you think to find a good job if you think so all the time?

This is called to approach the problem not from the same end. If you have a job now. Which for any reason you hate, you need to do the following:

Start with the fact that bless your work - after all, it is a necessary milestone on your way. You are now where you led your life beliefs. So begin to bless everything at your work: the building in which you work, elevator, rooms, furniture and equipment, people with whom you communicate. If you want to go away from this work, then constantly tell yourself that you will free this work with love and give it to a person who will be just happy. And know: in reality, many are striving for the position that you occupy at work.

Approval about work

"I am open and ready to take a job in which my capabilities and talents would be used. This new job will allow me to realize all my creative abilities and will satisfy me. " If someone at work worries you, bless such a person every time you think about him. Although we do not choose this, it is important to know that in each of us there is a little from Hitler and Jesus Christ ... If such a person is critized, imagine him as a person who praises everyone; If he is cruel, tell yourself that he is gentle and fair. If you see only a good thing in people, then it is exactly that you will show your excellent qualities, no matter how they behave with others.

I believe that we ourselves create so-called diseases in our body. The body, like everything else in our life, is nothing more than a direct reflection of our beliefs. Our body all the time speaks with us - if we only found time to listen ... Each body cell reacts to every idea and every word. Long image of thoughts and words determine the behavior of the body. A person with a sad face is clearly unexpected thoughts. In this regard, the faces of the old men are interesting. They are a direct reflection of their way of thoughts throughout their lives. And how will you look when you are aged? In this book, I cite a complete list of metaphysical diagnosis and mental causes of many diseases. This is true about 90-95%.

The head represents us. This is what we show the world. We will find out on your head. When something is wrong with the head, it means that something is wrong with us.

Hair represents power. When we are very scary, we create a "steel belt", which usually begins in the shoulder muscles, and then goes to the head, and sometimes to the eyes. Hair germinate through the hair bag. When we create a lot of voltage in the cranial box, these bags are automatically closed and the hair begin to die and fall out. If the voltage is constantly going on and the skull is not relaxed, the hair cease to grow. The result is Lysin. Women began to lie since they are will in the "business" male world. Of course, this is not always noticeable, since many wigs look completely natural.

Ears. Represent a symbol of the ability to listen and hear. When a person has problems with ears, it means that in his life something happens that he flatly refuses to hear. Ears pain is an example of the highest irritation regarding what you hear. Children often have pains in the ears. They, poor, have to hear home all that they do not want to hear. It is forbidden to express your anger to the child, and since it is practically unable to change anything, then this inability and leads to pain in the ears.

Deafness is a long - perhaps the continued all life is the reluctance of someone else. Please note: when we see one partner with a hearing aid, another speaks without stopping ...

Eyes talk about the opportunity to see. When we have problems with eyes, it usually means that we refuse to see anything - or in our ourselves, or in your life. When I see young children in glasses, I know: something is not in order at home, they in the literal sense refuse to look at something. If they are unable to change the homework, then they literally dispel their eyesight, so that the eyes lose their ability to see clearly.

Headaches occur when we feel defective. The next time you get a head, stop for a minute and ask yourself where you feel humiliated and why. Forgive yourself, let this feeling go away, and your headache will disappear by itself.

Migraines are created by people who want to be perfect, as well as those who have accumulated a lot of irritation in this life.

Neck and throat are very interesting. The neck is the ability to flexibility of thinking, the ability to see the other side of the question m to understand the point of view of another person. When we have problems with the neck, it means that we will stubbornly and refuse to be more flexible. The throat is our ability to stand up for yourself, ask why we want. Problems with the throat arise from the feeling that we "have no right", and from the feeling of our own inferiority. Patient throat is always irritation. If he is accompanied by a cold, then, in addition, still confusion. Larygitis usually means that we are so evil that we can not speak. The throat, in addition, is a section of the body where all our creative energy is concentrated. Diseases associated with gland and thyroid show, therefore, that in the creative sense you failed to do what you would like. It is in the area of \u200b\u200bthe throat primarily our changes occur. When we resist change, we most often appear problems with the throat. Pay attention to how we sometimes begin to cough or with this. Or someone else begins to cough. What exactly speaks this minute? What do we react to? Maybe this is stubbornness, resistance or evidence that we are in the process of change?

Back is a support system. Problems with the back indicate that you feel insufficient support. Too often, we think that family and friends are supported. In reality, this is the support of the universe and life itself.

Problems with the top of the back - the signal of insufficient emotional support: "My husband (lover, friend) does not understand and does not support me." The middle of the back is directly related to the feeling of guilt. Are you afraid of what you have from behind, or hiding something there? Do you have feelings that someone hit you in the back?

Do you worry about your money all the time? What is your money situation? It can be a source of problems with the bottom of the back. Lightweight is the ability to take and give life. Problems with the lungs usually arise because of our unwillingness or fear of living in full life, or from what we believe that we have no right to live in full force. Those who smoke a lot are usually denied life. They hide the sketch of their inferiority.

The breast is the personification of motherhood. When problems with milk glands arise, it means that we literally blowing our attention to another person, a thing or a situation. If breast cancer occurs, this is an additional resentment or anger. Get free from fear and know that the mind of the Universe is active in each of us.

The heart, of course, symbolizes love, and blood is joy. When we have no love and joy in life, then the heart is literally compressed and becomes cold. As a result, blood begins to flow slower and we gradually go to anemia, sclerosis of vessels, heart attacks (heart attack). We are so sometimes entangled in the life dramas who create themselves that we do not notice the joy that surrounds us. Golden Heart, Cold Heart, Black Heart, Loving Heart - And what is your heart?

The stomach processes, digesting all new ideas and situations. And what and who can you "digest"? When we have problems with the stomach, it usually means, we do not know how to assimilate a new life situation. We are scared. Many of us remember the time when passenger planes just started flying. For us, it was the news of the flight idea to the sky, and we were extremely difficult to assimilate it in our brain. Each seats had bags that saw us, if we were bad. And we almost always use them. Now, many years later, although packages are still available, nobody uses them. We finally assimilated the idea of \u200b\u200bflight.

The ulcer of the stomach is more than just fear, feeling that we are not good enough or full. We are afraid that they are not good enough for their parents, bosses, teachers, etc. We literally can not digest what we imagine. We are still trying to please others. No matter what post you take at work, you may have a completely absence of self-esteem. The answer to the resolution of such a problem is love. People who love and respember themselves have no ulcers. Be gentle and attentive to the child within you (remember our exercise?) And always support and respect it.

The stones in the bustling bubble symbolize accumulated bitter thoughts, as well as the pride that prevents you from getting rid of them. Try the following exercise: tell yourself constantly: "I gladly let go my past. Life is beautiful and me too. "

Problems with the bladder, the rear pass, the genital bodies occur due to perverted ideas about our bodies and the functions that they perform. Each body of our body is a great reflection of life itself! We do not think that life is dirty and sinful. Why do we think about the genitals? The rear pass is as beautiful as the ears. Without the rear pass, we were not able to get rid of slags and killed very quickly. Each part of our body and each feature that it performs is completely normal, natural and beautiful. Our genitals were created for pleasure. Deciminate this fact means to create pain and punishment. Sex is beautiful and for us is completely good to have sex, just like it is and drinking. For a moment, imagine the infinity of the universe. It is difficult for us to even imagine. And inside the universe a lot of galaxies. A lot of planets rotate around the sun, among which - the Earth. And you know, I was incredibly difficult to imagine that the force that created the entire universe - it's just an old man who sits back in the clouds ... and watching our genitals! Still, it was precisely this that we taught many of us when we were children. It is very important for us to get rid of these nonsense. However, do not get me wrong. I have no way preaching free sex with whom. Just many of our rules have long been outdated, so many of them violate and become hypocrites. When we remove the guilt of sexuality from our consciousness and teach people to love and respect yourself and therefore others, only then they will automatically live in the name of higher - Goodness and Joy. We all have so many problems with sexuality because of our Samonamenavissal and selflessness. Therefore, we are poorly relevant to themselves and others. It is not enough to give sexual education in schools. We need to, at a deeper level, allow children to understand that their bodies, genitals and sexuality are created for joy.

The ovaries are creative energy. Problems with them - unbearable creative opportunities.

Feet carry us in life. Problems with legs indicate fear to move forward or reluctance to move in a certain direction. Our legs are carrying us, drags, wolf and they are sitting on them, fat, full of children's hip disadvantaged. Unwillingness to act often manifests itself in serious problems with legs. Varicose veins are either a house, or work that you hate.

Accidents are not at all "cases." Like everything else in our life, we create them. Not at all you do not need to say: "I want to happen to happen to happen with me." We simply create a mental belief system that can attract an accident. Some of us constantly happens something, while others live life without one scratch.

Accidents are an expression of irritation and resentment. They are an expression of hopelessness and full of human incompatibility to declare their feelings.

Accidents are also an uprising against a representative of power. We are so angry that we want to hit someone, and instead we hit ourselves. When we endure yourself, we feel guilty when we literally we are looking for a punishment, it comes in the form of an accident. At first glance, we are only innocent victims of an accident. Accident allows us to ask for help and sympathy to others. We wash the wounds and take care of us. Often we are forced to lie in bed, sometimes for a long time. And we moan from pain. With the help of pain our body tells us, on what in life we \u200b\u200bneed to still work. Pain size indicates how cruel we wanted to punish themselves.

Rheumatism is a disease acquired from constant criticism of themselves and others. People with rheumatism usually attract people who are constantly criticized. This is due to their own belief that they should criticize others. They are a curse - this is their desire to constantly be "perfection", with any people, in any situation. Their wear is truly unbearable.

Asthma. A man with asthma seems to have no right to breathe himself. Children-asthmatics are usually children with a highly developed conscience. They for all accept the blame on themselves. Sometimes it helps to change the place of residence, especially if the whole family does not go with them. Usually, asthmatic children are recovered. This is facilitated by the school, new life situations, when the attack repeats, as if someone pressed the button.

Cancer is a disease caused by a deeply accumulated offense, which in a literal sense begins to eat the body. In childhood, something undermining our faith in life occurs. This case is never forgotten, and a person lives with a feeling of huge pity for himself. It is difficult for him to have long, serious relationships. Life for such a person consists of endless disappointments. The feeling of hopelessness and hopelessness prevails in his mind, it is easy for him to blame others for his problems. People suffering from cancer are very self-critical. As I was convinced of my own experience, the acquired ability to love myself and take myself as you are, heals cancer.

Excessive weight - nothing but the need for protection. We are looking for protection against pain, criticism, sexuality, insults, etc. Extensive choice, is not it? I have never been Tolstoy, but on my own experience I was convinced that when I feel uncertain and generally no matter, I automatically fat a few kilograms. When the threat disappears, excess weight disappears too. Fight with the world - empty waste of energy and time. As soon as you stop resisting, your weight is immediately normalized. Trust in itself, to the very process of life, abstaining from negative thoughts is how to lose weight.

Pain of any origin, in my opinion - evidence of the feeling of guilt. And the fault is always looking for punishment, the punishment, in turn, creates pain. Chronic pain occurs from a chronic feeling of guilt, so deeply buried in us that we often do not even know about it. Wines - useless feeling. This feeling never helps anyone, it is not able to change the situation. So let yourself be from prison.

Operation (any). The surgery of the surgeon is necessary, for example, in injuries of hands, feet, so that a person can concentrate his attention on recovery and on that it is no longer repeated. In medicine today there are many excellent doctors who have completely devoted themselves to help people. More and more doctors begin to treat, applying holistic methods. Nevertheless, most of our doctors do not want to deal with the causes of diseases, and only symptoms and consequences are treated. They do this in two ways: either poisoning with medicines, or cut. Surgeons are cut and if you contact a surgeon, it will, of course, will recommend the operation. If you do not have a choice, please prepare for her, so that you quickly and without complications have been recovered. One of my acquaintances had to do an urgent operation. Before the operation, she spoke with a surgeon and anesthesiologist. She asked them to include during the operation a pleasant light music and contact each other and to her only in soft colors. The nurse did the same after the operation. The operation was perfect and my friend recovered in a record time. After the operation, listen to the music that you like, and speak constantly yourself: "I quickly recover. Every day I feel better and better. "

Tumors - false growths. Oyster takes a tiny sand and builds a hard and shiny shell around it, in order to protect himself. We call the grazing germ and admire her beauty. We, like a oyster, take a jet offense and we are going with her until it goes into a tumor. I call it "scrolling the old film." I am convinced that tumors in women in the uterus, ovaries, etc. from the fact that they take the emotional pain that occurred as a result of the impact of their femininity, and worn with it all his life before the tumor. I call it simple: "He offended me strongly." If your relationships come out with someone, it does not mean at all that you are not all right, and this does not prove that we really stand. The point is not at what happens to us in this life, but in how we react to it. We, without exception, carry 100 percent responsibility for everything that happens to us.


It seems that our whole life consists of relationships. You now even have a relationship with this book, and through the book - with me and with my convictions.

All your relationships, and this includes your attitude toward inanimate objects, weather, traffic, and people reflect your attitude to yourself. And your attitude to ourselves, in turn, is based on relationships with adults, with whom you were connected in your childhood. We react in the same way as adults reacted to us when we were children, and in positive, and in negative senses.

Please remember the words that you scold yourself. These are words that your parents scolded. And what words did they use when you praised you? I am sure that you use exactly the same. Perhaps your parents never praised you - then you just have no idea how to praise yourself, and perhaps you think that you can't praise yourself.

Our relationship with others is the mirror of ourselves. What we resort to life, there is a direct reflection of our qualities and our life beliefs. This applies to all of us, regardless of our life position in life. It often happens that the qualities that we are not acceptable in others are our own features. If it were not so, such people would not exist in our lives.

Exercise "We are against them"

Find in your life of a person who annoys you most. Describe the three qualities of such a person who you most hate and which you would like to change in it.

Now look deep into yourself and ask yourself: "What am I like (a) on him and when do I behave exactly the same way?" Close your eyes and give yourself time to think.

Then ask yourself whether you are ready for change. Only when you get rid of our usual thoughts, habits and beliefs, such people or will be changed or will completely leave your life.

If you hate your boss that constantly criticizes and and that it is impossible to please, look deep into yourself. What are you like? Do you ever think that all the bosses are eternal criticized and they cannot please them?

If your employee is stubborn and does not want to perform his part of the work, think about how you attracted it to your life. How stubborn you are and just as lazy, how is he?

If you have problems with your beloved, again, look deep into yourself and see what exactly attracted him to you?

If the husband does not support you and constantly complains about life, look again for your habits, rooted in you since childhood. Did you have one of the parents who complained about life? And do you not complain about life constantly?

If you have a child whose habits are annoyed, I guarantee you that you have exactly the same habits. Get rid of them and the child automatically get rid of them.

There is only one way to change anything in others - first change yourself. Change your thoughts and habits - and others will change automatically. And to scold anyone - it is useless. To blame others - in vain to waste your strength. You must save your strength. She clearly need you in your life for change. So let's stop playing helpless victims and start doing something concrete to help yourself.

Attracting love in your life

Love always comes to our life unexpectedly. If you are constantly looking for love, then nothing good will fail. Love is always inside us, it is not an external manifestation.

Do not insist that love come immediately. Perhaps you are not ready. Or are not well developed spiritually in this sense. And it is not necessary to waste yourself at the people who are not worth it. Strictly determine the level of their claims. What kind of love would you like to attract in your life? Develop such qualities primarily in ourselves and only then you will be able to attract the relevant person. Look, what keeps you from such relationships? Maybe the criticism of others? Sense of own inferiority? Too high claims? Movies stars? Fear of intimacy? The belief that no one can love you.

Get ready to love when love comes. Love - and you will love. Be open in your intentions and then everything will be fine.

Creating a new in your life

I do not want to be fat.

I do not want to be poor.

I do not want to be old.

I do not want to be ugly.

I do not want to live here.

I do not want this person in my life.

I do not want to be like my father (mother).

I do not want to work here.

I do not want to be lonely.

I do not want to be unhappy.

I do not want to be sick.

The above statements show how we are programmed to consciously fight negative in our lives. We think that if we think about negative moments, a positive will automatically come to our lives. In fact, the opposite is the opposite. Remember how many times in your life you concentrated on what you do not want? Have you got what you wanted? Probably not. The more you have negative thoughts, the more you create a negative in my life. All that was not satisfied with you in your life and in you, so far, for sure you have. What you pay attention to most of all becomes constant in your life. So free yourself from negative thoughts and pay attention to what you really want in your life. Let's turn your negative statements in positive:

I am slim.

I am rich.

I'm always young.

I move to an excellent apartment.

I have excellent relations with everyone.

I love and I am loved.

I have excellent health.


You must learn to think only positively. Approval is a reflection of your beliefs. Negative statements only increase what you do not want. The phrase "I hate my work" will not lead you to anything. The phrase "I take my new wonderful work" will open new channels in your consciousness, which in reality will make your job just such.

You must constantly do such positive statements yourself. This applies to all of what you want in your life. It is very important to remember that positive statements need to be done only in the present. Your subconscious mind is unquestioning to you, and if you talk and think all the time in the future, it is that way it will happen - all your life you will wait for what can be obtained right now.

Love for yourself as a process

As I mentioned many times, our task is the main task - it is to learn to love yourself. Remember the time in your life when you liked yourself and everything went like oil? Remember when you loved someone and it seemed to you that all your problems disappeared? The same beautiful feelings, and even the best, you will bring love to C E B E. However, it is impossible to love yourself if you do not approve of your actions and do not accept yourself as you are. Remember: Never, under any circumstances it is impossible to criticize yourself! I hear your objections about this:

And I always criticize myself!

My parents (teachers, lovers) have always criticized me.

And what will convince me?

But I can not!

How can I change if I won't criticize myself?

Training Mind

Self-criticism is when you automatically turn on the so-called "bolt", or what the Latin is called "EGO". You still trained your mind to constantly humiliate yourself and resist the changes that you are now just hard not to pay attention to what he tells you.

Let's do the exercise that was previously described. Look in the mirror and tell me: "I love and respect myself exactly so (they), like that (Aya) I am." How do you feel when you say it yourself? Maybe you a little better after the exercise of the forgiveness of everyone and yourself?

In those days, when I deny myself, I sometimes gave myself a slap. At that time I did not know the difference value. My faith in his own inferiority was stronger than anything else. If someone told me that he loved me, my immediate reaction was: "Why? What did he (she) saw in me? " Or my classical thought: "If they knew that I would actually imagine from myself, they would not love me." At that time I did not suspect that everything is good in our life begins with the adoption of an internal "I", which is very different from our external "I". The external "I" is only our actions that are the result of our early programming. The inner "I" is something much more than our actions and actions. The inner "I" is a non-painting connection with God, this is an invaluable gift of life. It is about love for our inner "I" and there is a speech in this book.

I began to look for good qualities in myself, and this coolly changed my life. Health improved significantly. Good health begins with love to yourself. The same applies to relationships, the development of creative abilities, wealth, etc. Later, however, I learned to love and approve everything in me, even the qualities that I seemed not enough "good." Only then and only then a significant progress began in my life.

Exercise "I approve everything in myself"

I recommend this exercise with hundreds of people and get phenomenal results. Over the next month, you are constantly saying yourself: "I approve myself." Speak it for yourself 300-400 times a day. The bigger, the better. Let this phrase be with you all the time becomes your prayer. This phrase will put everything that opposes her to the surface of your consciousness. When you come to mind Negative thought type: "How can I approve myself when I'm so fat?" Or "stupid to think what will help me", know that it is time for you to take control of your thoughts. Do not pay attention to such thoughts. Take the idea what it is, and let her go with God. Tell me tenderly: "I let you go with God and I approve of myself."

Some of us will think that this exercise is stupid, stupid and meaningless. Let these thoughts quietly pass through your consciousness, they have no power over you, of course, if you yourself do not choose them. Such thoughts are your resistance to change.

In spite of everything you need to continue. Do not pay attention to what others will talk to you. If you are able to say this phrase to yourself when someone does what you do not approve, you will be internally know that you are in the process of spiritual development.

Our thoughts have no power over us as long as we do not submit themselves. Thoughts themselves have no meaning. We will think of them, and we, only we, choose the value we wish them to give. A part of his exversity is exemption from the opinions of others. If I constantly said you that you were a "lilapid", you would eat or laugh at me, or would say that I was crazy. You would not have believed it in any case. Much of what we say ourselves, as implausible. If you believe that your advantages are in direct relationship with your figure, it means to believe in a deliberate absurdity. Often, what we consider our shortcomings is the expression of our individuality. This is our uniqueness. Nature never repeats itself. From the very beginning of existence there were no two similar snowflakes or raindrops. And each chamomile differs from the other. Our fingerprints are the same different as we. So intended nature. If you are ready to accept this, then you will not constantly compare yourself with others. Trying to be like another - it means to dry your soul. We came to this planet to express ourselves. I personally didn't even know who I am, until I started my spiritual search in my life.

So let's drive away the thoughts that make us unhappy, let's do things that we like, be with the people with whom we feel well.

Exercise "Conscious Creating New Changes"

It's time to take your list of all the negative that you wrote about yourself and turn it into positive statements. For example, instead of a negative thought of type: "I need to lose weight," let the thought come to you: "I have a beautiful, slender body." Although you have no "beautiful, slender body" it will soon appear if you continue to think so. Or a negative "I hate my work" to turn into "I am now, at the moment I get a wonderful new job." Such positive statements will create a certain organization of the mind, which in turn will create everything necessary for your happiness in life.

I deserve only good in life

Do you believe that you can have in your life literally all you wish? If not, then you do not give yourself permission. If you believe, then in your life, something will soon appear that you will bring you a lot of joy.

Exercise "I deserve"

Look again in the mirror and tell me: "I deserve to have ... (or be ...) And I accept it now." Tell me two or three times. Watch out for your bodily reactions. Do you believe in what you say, or not? If you have a negative reaction to this, then come back to the previous statement: "I am released from what creates me resistance. I deserveā€¦"

Repeat it infinitely, if necessary - a few days, until you feel relief.

In our work on creating change in life, it is necessary to practice holistic philosophy. Such philosophy includes a unstatched body of the body, mind and spirit. If we ignore any of the above aspects, we will deprive themselves "integrity." For our body, it is necessary to ensure proper nutrition and sports (any). At our disposal of homeopathy with its numerous herbs, vitamins and a special procedure for cleansing internal organs. As for the sport, do what you like. Especially good in this case yoga, massage, work with skin reflexes (reflexotherapy).

In work on mind, hypnosis, affirmation, work with the meaning of dreams is especially useful.

Meditation is one of the wonderful means that contribute to our development. I usually sit somewhere in silence and say: "What do I need to know?" - And calmly wait for the answer. If the answer comes, is perfect, if not, then it is also fine. Someday he will definitely come. If you have the opportunity to join any spiritual group, then you must do it.

In addition to all of the above, of course, there is also a prayer. Through the prayer is made contact with our highest source. For me personally, spiritual means is forgiveness and unconditional (unlimited condition) love. I want you to know that there is a great many means available to you. The main thing is your own desire to use them. If something does not work, try the other. It is difficult for me to say what is acceptable for you. You will have to come to it yourself. I, unfortunately, do not have a universal answer for everyone.

For you, I am only a milestone on a difficult road to recovery.

How to heal your life

How to heal your life

Louise Hay how to heal his life

My some thoughts:

1. We carry 100 percent responsibility for all our actions.

2. Each our thought creates our future.

3. The source point of force is always in present.

4. All without exception suffer from the feeling of guilt and feeling hate.

5. Everyone thinks about yourself: "I'm not good enough."

6. Everything lies in thought, and thought can be changed.

7. Capin offense, malice, criticism of others and yourself, the feeling of guilt is the most harmful emotions.

8. Full exemption from the accumulated resentment or malice is healing cancer.

9. When we really love ourselves, our life is beautiful.

10. We must free yourself from the past and forgive everyone without exception (including themselves).

11. We must learn to live in present.

12. The adoption of themselves and approval of their actions is the key to prolonged changes.

13. We and only we ourselves create the so-called "disease" in our body.

What I believe

Life is very simple. What we give, then we get.

I believe that everything, including me carry 100 percent responsibility for all events in our life, and the best, and the worst. Every our thought literally creates our future. Each creates events in life with the help of thoughts and feelings. Thoughts that we think literally create all that we experience in life.

We ourselves call this or that situation in life, and then we spend the forces, scolding another person for your alarms and failures. We ourselves are the source of our own experiences surrounding and everything else in it. On the other hand, setting the harmony and the balance of it in consciousness, we begin the same thing to find in life.

Which of the proposals most accurately describes you?

"People in this world are trying to hurt me."

"Everyone is trying to help me in solving my problems."

What we believe, becomes our reality. We choose our own thoughts and what we believe. Our subconscious mind perceives all that we take on faith. And you have millions of opportunities to choose what to think. When we realize it, it makes sense to start thinking: "Everyone is trying to help me" instead of "people cause me evil." The forces of the Universe never judge and do not criticize us. They take us as we are. And then reflect our beliefs automatically. If you prefer to think that you are almost alone and that no one loves you, then this is what you get in your life.

However, if you prefer to think that "love is everywhere in the world, and I love and love (a)", and you will repeat this phrase as often as possible, then this is what you will experience. Many wonderful people will come in unexpectedly into your life, and those that you already love will love you even more.

In the juvenile age, we learn about the life of adult reactions.

If you had to live with people who were not too happy, evil or felt guilty, then you learned to perceive yourself and the world around us. "I never do anything right," "This is my wines," "If I'm angry, then I am a bad person," here are some of your permanent thoughts. And such thoughts create a life consisting of disappointments.

When we grow, we have a tendency to recreate the emotional environment of our childhood

This is neither bad nor good nor correctly nor wrong, we just know what the words "like at home" mean. In our personal relationship, we often recreate the relationship that we have gotten with your mother or father. Think about how often you had a lover or the boss, exactly reminding your father or mother. We treat yourself the same way as our parents belonged to us. We scold and punish ourselves in the same way as our parents scolded and punished us. We almost hear the words they used in such cases. If we loved when we were children, then, becoming adults, we love themselves too and in the same way.

"You never can do anything right." "You're guilty." How often do you say such words yourself?

"You're beautiful". "I love you". And how often do you tell yourself such words?

However, I do not scold my parents for it.

We are all victims of the victims, and parents could not teach us what they themselves did not know. If your mother did not know how to love himself, or his father did not know how to love himself, it was natural for them, it was impossible to teach you how to love himself. If you have a desire to understand your parents better, ask them about their childhood, and if you listen to with compassion, you will understand the origin of their fear and their relationship to life.

People who "caused you suffering," were the same frightened as you are now.

I believe that we ourselves choose our parents

Every person decides whether he will be born again on this planet at a time or another and in one place or another. We preferred to be born here again in order to go through a certain lesson in life, which in turn provides our further spiritual development on the evolutionary trail. We choose our own, skin color, the country in which we are born, and then we choose the parents who, in our opinion, reflect the problem most of all over which we are going to work. Then, growing, we, as a rule, point to them with a finger and a fucking; "You are to blame." In fact, we ourselves elected themselves because they were ideal for us in our attempt to overcome what we were going to overcome in this life.

We form our beliefs in childhood, and then we are moving in life, recreation of situations that our beliefs would come. Look at your life path you passed and you will see that you are again and again create the same situation. I am convinced: you create it, because it reflects exactly what you believe. In this case, it doesn't matter how much time you feel the presence of this problem, its size or the danger that is enclosed in it.

The source point of force is always in present

Everything without exception, your life has been created only by you, with the help of your belief on the basis of past experience. They were created with the help of thoughts and words that you used yesterday, last week, last month, last year, 10, 20, 30, 40 years ago, depending on your age.

However, everything is in the past. What is important is your choice of what to think and what to believe now. Remember always that these thoughts and words will create your future. Your power is in present. The present moment creates events of tomorrow, next week next month, next year, etc.

Note that you think at the moment when you read these lines. Positive are thoughts or negative? Do you want these your thoughts affect your future?

The only thing you need to work with is your thought, and thought can be consciously changed

It doesn't matter what the nature of your problem, it is only a reflection of your thoughts. For example, you flashed a thought: "I'm a bad person." The idea entails the feeling that you are mentioned. Do not be such a thought, there would be no feeling. And thoughts can be consciously changed. Change sad thoughts and disappear sad feeling. It doesn't matter how much time in your life you thought negatively. Strength is always in present, and not in the past. So let's free, right now!

Believe you or not, but we ourselves choose our thoughts

We tend to think about the same thing again and again, and therefore it seems to us that we do not choose our thoughts, and yet, the initial choice is our. We refuse to think about something defined. Remember how often we refuse to think about yourself positively. Well, now let's learn not to think about yourself negatively. It seems to me that everything on this planet, all those I know with whom I work, to some extent suffer from hate to yourself and feeling guilt. The more hate with us to ourselves, the smaller we are accompanied by luck.

Our general inner conviction: "I'm not good enough"

And we often add to this: "And I have not reached (a) in this life" or "I did not deserve (a)" ... Looks like you? Often you think or say: "I'm not good enough (a)?" ... But for whom? And for what standards? If such a belief is much like you, then how can you create a joyful. prosperous, full-blooded life? It turns out that your subconscious belief ("I am not good enough (a)") constantly leads your actions and therefore constantly manifests itself in your life.

I am convinced that the evil, criticism, others, the feeling of guilt and fear create all our problems

These feelings arise in those people who accuse others in their own problems. Do you understand if we ourselves carry 100 percent responsibility for everything that happens to us, it turns out that there is no one to scold. Everything that happens in your life with you is a reflection of your own internal thoughts. I am not trying to protect the bad behavior of some people, it is important for us only to understand that our beliefs attract those who relate to us in this way.

If you say or think: "Everyone criticizes me, never do anything to me, raise me floor, then this is your way of thoughts. Somewhere deep in you there was a thought that throughout your life will attract such people to you. If you refuse it, then such people will automatically disappear from your life. They will find another person to whom they will treat in this way. You will no longer attract such people.

Below I bring the results of a similar way of thoughts that are manifested at the physical level:

1. Evil, discontent and resentment, accumulated over time, literally begins to eat the body and becomes a disease called cancer.

2. The constant criticism of others will certainly lead to rheumatism.

The feeling of guilt is always looking for punishment, and the punishment always creates pain. Fear and tension that it generates, creates an ulcer, sore feet, baldness. I discovered on my own experience that forgiveness and exemption from the resentment, malice, dissolves even cancer. At first glance, such a statement may seem simplified, noves it seen it and experienced.

We are able to change our attitude to the past

Past left forever. This is a fact and there is nothing to do anything. However, you can change our thoughts about the past. As, however, it is stupid to punish themselves at the moment just for the fact that someone offended you a long time ago. I often speak to my customers who have a strong feeling of resentment: "Please begin to get rid of your insult now, when it is relatively easy. Do not wait for a surgeon's knife above you or when you find yourself on my deathbed. Then you will have to deal with panic. In a state of panic, it is very difficult to concentrate its attention to the thoughts of recovery. First, we need to dissolve our fears. "

If we adhere to the belief that we are helpless sacrifices and all in our life hopelessly, then the universe will support us in our conviction and our life will be a garbage. It is very important for us to understand that all this is stupid, no one who does not bring any benefit of negative thoughts. Even God we should think that he is for us, and not against us.

In order to get rid of the past, we must be ready to forgive

We must make for yourself the choice of liberation themselves from the past and forgive everyone without exception, especially themselves. Let we do not know how to forgive, - you need to want it hard.

Already the fact that we want to forgive, contributes to the process of recovery

"I forgive you for the fact that you were not like that I would like to see you. I forgive you and fully free you. " Such an approval frees the one who you forgive the one who forgives. Approval It is important not only to repeat yourself all the time (and about yourself and loud), but also write, preferably on the machine - it is faster, 70 times a day, 7 days in a row. If you want to forgive a specific person, then you need to mention the name of a common one who forgives. For example, I, Natasha, forgive you, Sasha ...

Any disease comes from membrane

As soon as a person gets ill, he should look in his heart, who needs to forgive. If you find a person who is very difficult to forgive, then you need to forgive him. Forgiveness means liberation. You do not need to know how to forgive. All that is required is a desire to forgive. And then the universe will come to help you. We understand our pain perfectly. As, however, it is difficult for us to understand that those whom we need to forgive, also experienced pain. We need to understand that at that moment they could not do differently.

When people come to me for a consultation, I am completely indifferent to the origin of their problems, whether bad health, lack of money, bad relationships or underdeveloped talents - I immediately start working on one thing alone:

Development of love for yourself

I came to the conclusion that when we love ourselves, we approve of our actions and remain ourselves, our life becomes so beautiful that they will not express words. Little wonders - everywhere. Health improves, money goes into hand, our relationships with others flourish, and we begin to express our identity in the creative key. And all this happens without the slightest effort from our side. When we love and respect yourself and approve of our actions, we create a certain organization of the mind. From here - a wonderful relationship with the surrounding, new work, we will even lose weight and come to your ideal weight.

Self-creating and self-acceptance - the key to positive changes in our life

Such love for himself begins with awareness of the fact that never, under no circumstances it is impossible to criticize himself. The criticism of their personality closes the image of thoughts from which we are trying to get rid of. Understanding themselves helps us break out of this enchanted circle.

Remember that you criticized yourself for years and nothing good did it. Try to love yourself and see what happens

Speaking of love, the author in no way implies the love of selfish or what is customary to call "selflessness", to love himself - it means to celebrate the very fact of the existence of his personality and be grateful to God for a gift of life.

Love yourself - it means, first of all, respect your personality

I feel love for: the process itself; joy from what is alive (a); Beauty I see; to another person; to know; to the process of thinking; to our body and its device; to animals, birds and everything alive; To the universe and how she is arranged.

What can you personally add to this list?

And now let's look at how we do not like:

We constantly scold and criticize themselves.

We determine ourselves with food, alcohol and drugs.

We choose faith in what no one loves us.

We create a disease and pain in our body.

We live in the utmost chaos and disorder.

We create a debt and unbearable nose.

We attract lovers and husbands (wives) who humiliate our dignity.

In any case, if you deny your perfection, it means that you do not like yourself. I remember one of my patient, which was in glasses. For one of our classes, she freed himself from one fear whose roots were in her childhood. The next day, she wakes up and discovers that she is no longer needed. She has 100 percent vision. However, she spends all day, constantly saying to itself: "I do not believe it, I do not believe in it." And the next day she again puts on glasses. Our subconscious mind is absolutely no sense of humor. She could not believe that herself created a 100% vision.

Perfection of young children

How perfect you were when you were a kid! Children need nothing to do to be perfect. They are already perfection. And they know that they are the center of the Universe. They are not afraid to ask what they want. Freely express their emotions. You know that when a child is upset, all neighbors know about it. You also know that when a child is happy, his smile illuminates the whole world. Children are full of love. Little children cannot bear the lack of love. Growing, we learn to live without love. Children also adore every part of their body, even their own garbage.

You were the same! And then began to listen to adults who have already learned to be afraid to be afraid, and you gradually began to deny our perfection.

Exercise with a mirror

I ask the patient to take a mirror, look into my eyes and, mentioning my name, say: "I love you and accept you, (such), what (what) you are." It is incredibly difficult for some! I see how different people react to it - some begin to cry, others are angry, and the third declare that they cannot do so. One of my patient even threw the mirror in me and ran away. He took him a few months so that he was finally able to look at himself in the mirror, without having experienced negative emotions.

"Problem" in the form in which we imagine it, rarely turns out to be a real problem

For example, take excess weight. People often spend years in the fight against overweight, and still remain fat. And then they begin to say that they have all the problems in life - from their completeness. Excess weight - external manifestation of a deeper inner problem. In my opinion, it is always fear and the need for protection. When we feel fear, insecurity, we think that we are not "good" enough, many of us literally fought with fat, which performs a protective function in the body.

Constantly humiliate yourself for the fact that you are fat, feel guilty because of any unnecessary piece - an empty pastime. 20 years later you will still be fat, because you did not even approached the real problem. Therefore, I personally refuse to deal with various diets. Diets do not help. The only one I recommend is a diet from bad thoughts. Often my clients tell me that they can't love themselves, because they are thick. And I explain: they are thick, because they do not like themselves. When we begin to love and respect ourselves, the weight automatically disappears. Some of my patients begin to be angry with me, because the resolution of their problem seems to them very simplified. Many simply leave, but only in order to return again, but not only with old problems, but also with new ones.

This problem

So, the patient looks into the harmless, tiny mirror and frustrated because of this. I smile with delight and say: "Fine, now we look at the real problem." I'm talking about the importance of love for yourself in detail. Love for yourself, I say, it begins with the fact that never, nor under what pretext cannot be criticized by anything. I ask my patients for which they criticize themselves, and make a long list from this. They are either too tall or too small, too thick or too thin, too smart or too stupid, too ugly (the most beautiful people say) or too beautiful. Notice, always "too". Finally we get to the bottom: "I am not good enough (a)." Hooray! So we approach the real problem. They criticize themselves, because they have learned to believe that they are not good enough. My patients are surprised all the time how quickly we get to the bottom. And begin to understand that we do not need to discuss their surplus weight, personal problems, monetary problems, etc. We have to send all our energy to the resolution of alone problems: insufficient love and respect for yourself!

Mental cleaning

Now let's turn to the past and see what we believe. Some people will be very difficult to emotionally get rid of the husks of the past. Suppose you remove your apartment. On some things in it you look with love, and wipe the dust from them to give them even greater beauty. Other things require fixing, and you mark this fact. Some things in your apartment are so outdated that it is time to part with them. Old newspapers and magazines, unnecessary books you can easily throw away. And there is no need to be angry and upset about this.

The same thing happens when we produce mental cleaning. Do not be upset due to the fact that some of your beliefs are outdated and it's time to get rid of them. Let them calmly go out of our lives. We are not working in yesterday's garbage, in order to prepare yourself lunch today. It is not necessary to rummage in a mental garbage for the sake of creating a future life.

Let's look at some of our limited beliefs:

Limited belief: "I am not good enough (a)." His roots are that his father constantly spoke to his child that he is a fool.

Limited conviction: "I do not like myself enough." His origin as follows: the daughter tried to do what the father liked. They did not agree to anyone and all the time swore. She was looking for his approval, but instead he received harsh criticism. Her body was full of pain. Her father had exactly the same pain. She did not understand that her insults created pain in her, just as the insults of her father caused pain in him.

Limited conviction: "Life is dangerous!" His origin: Frightened father ...

Another my client life seems to be harsh and difficult. She was difficult to laugh, and if sometimes she did it, she became scary to her, the word something bad had to happen after that. She was brought up, repeating: "Do not last, and if you laugh, nothing good will succeed."


Take a sheet of paper and make all the negative lists that your parents talked about you. It is necessary to spend more than half an hour to recall such details. What did they talk about money? What did they talk about your body? About love and relationships between people? About your abilities? If you can, look at this list objectively and tell me: "So where do I have such thoughts!" So let's take a blank sheet of paper and go a little further. Who else did you constantly hear negative allegations?

From relatives.

From teachers.

From friends.

From those who represented power.

Write all this. When you write all this, look at how you feel. Two sheets of paper kept by you are the thoughts from which you need to urgently get rid of! This is just the thoughts that you interfere with living.

Imagine a child

If we take a three-year-old child, put it in the middle of the room and will shout on it with all my might, to tell him that he is a fool and what he should do (can even hit him a couple of times), then a frightened child will be or quietly sitting in the corner, or Big behave. Such a child has only two choices. But we will never know what such a child is actually capable of.

If we take the same child and tell him that we love him and adore and that he is smart and smart, that we really like how he plays, and nothing strange that he makes mistakes (all of them do), and that We will always love him, no matter what, - you can not even imagine the potential capabilities of such a child!

In each of us, so far (despite our age) is such a three-year-old child. And we often spend all your time, scolding and sicking this poor child in us. And then we are wondering why everything is so bad in our life. If you had a girlfriend, which would criticize you all the time, would you like it? It is quite possible that this was how you treated you when you were a child, and it is very sad. However, it was a long time ago, and if you still feel like this, then it is still sad.

So, before you your list of all those negative judgments that you constantly heard as a child. How does he correspond to your negative opinion about himself?

The basis of our life scenario is how "programmed" in early years. We are all good, exemplary children who are readily accepting what "they" tell us and preach as "truth." But again it is important not to accuse your family for it, but to rise to a higher level of understanding. It is impossible to change the past, but you can create a wonderful future. We came here on this land to overcome our limitations. We are here in order to admire your extravagance, despite the fact that "they" told us. Therefore, you need to overcome your limitations, and I need to overcome my.

The decision to change

The attitude of many of us for life is primarily a feeling of helplessness. We waited for a long time on life with her hopelessness and hopelessness. For one - marina - countless disappointments, for others - constant pain, etc. But the result for all one is a complete rejection of life and unwillingness to see yourself and your life in a completely different key. Well, if you asked yourself a question: "What exactly causes constant disappointment in my life?" What exactly do you distribute so generously that forces others to annoy you? All you give, you get back. The more you annoy, the more you create situations that cause irritation in you. I wonder if you were annoyed now, reading the previous paragraph? If so, it's great! That's why you need to change! Now let's talk about change and our desire to change. We all want our life to change, but we do not want to change. Let someone change the other, let "they" change, and I will wait. In order to change anyone else, you must first change yourself. And you must change internally. We must change our thoughts, then as we say, and what we say. Only then will come true change. I personally always had stubbornness. Even when I decided to change, this stubbornness prevented me. But I still knew that it was in this that I need a change. The more I hold down for any statement, the more clearer for me, that it is from this statement that I need to free yourself. And only when you make sure this is your own experience, you can teach others. It seems to me that all the wonderful spiritual teachers had an unusually difficult childhood, passed through pain and suffering, but they learned to free themselves what others began to teach others. Many good teachers are constantly working on themselves and it becomes their main occupation in life.

Exercise "I want to change"

Repeat the phrase: "I want to change" as often as possible. Giving this phrase to yourself, touch the throat. The throat is a center where all the energy required for change is concentrated. And be prepared for change when they enter your life. Know also that if you think that somewhere you can not change yourself, it is there that you need to change. "I want to change. I want to change. " The forces of the Universe will automatically help you in your intention, and you will be surprised to detect more and more positive changes in your life.

Another exercise

Go to the mirror and tell me: "I want to change." Pay attention to what you feel at the same time. If you find that you resist or hesitate, ask yourself - why? For God's sake, do not scold yourself, just tick it. Ask yourself what approval or thought makes you feel it? You must dissolve it, regardless of that. Do you know where you are from or not. Go again to the mirror, deeply look into your eyes, touch the throat and say loudly 10 times: "I want to free yourself from any resistance." Working with a mirror helps a lot. Look into the eyes and say a positive statement about yourself is the fastest way to get good results.

Resistance to change in us

Some beliefs are so deeply buried in us that they will not be discovered immediately. We are accepted to complain or begin to notice it primarily in other people. We often attract a friend, teacher or book, thanks to which we start to wake up from deep sleep. For me, for me, this process began with the remarks of one of my girlfriend. She was told about one meeting, which she did not go, and I went, because something inside me suggested me that I should go. And this small meeting was the first step towards the truth. Sometimes such events seem to us very insignificant. We can even make yourself angry with yourself for the thought that calls us to make this minor act. Such a reaction is beautiful if we understand that this is our first step in the process of our recovery. This process begins at the moment when we decide to change ourselves.

Impatience is another form of resistance. When we demand a change to happen right now, we deprive themselves an important lesson that is needed to permit the problem we created.

We all need to go through important lessons of life. Some things in our lives are difficult for us only because these lessons we choose ourselves. If other things in our life are easy for us, then it is not lessons, but things that we already know.

If you think you find it difficult to change, then you are dealing with the hardest lesson in your life. But no need to give up the idea of \u200b\u200bchange due to such resistance. You can work on two levels:

1. Consciously take your resistance.

2. To change constantly.

Watch yourself, see how you resist and, despite this, change.

Our actions often indicate that we resist.

This may be expressed: in changing the topic of the conversation, in the desire to get out of the room, go to the toilet, be late, get sick, look aside or window; In refusal to pay attention to anything, in the desire to eat, smoke, drink, finish the relationship.


We grow with convictions that subsequently become resistance. Here are some of our limited beliefs:

It does not work for me,

Men (women) should not do this,

In my family it is not so instituted,

Love is not for me, it's too stupid

Be too far to ride

Too expensive,

Will take a mass of time

I do not believe in this,

I am not like this (such).

We distribute our power to others and use it as an excuse to resist change. We have the following ideas in our head:

The moment is not suitable.

"They" will not allow me to change.

I have no need teacher, books, class, etc.

My doctor says otherwise.

These are their wines.

First, they must change.

They do not understand.

This is against my beliefs, religion, philosophy.

We think about yourself:

Too old.

Too young.

Too thick.

To too thin.

Too high.

Too small.

Too lazy.

Too strong.

Too weak.

Too stupid.

Too poor.

Too serious.

Maybe all this is not for me.

The greatest resistance in us because of fear - fear of unknown.


I'm not ready.

I will not succeed.

What do neighbors say?

I do not want to open this "jar with worms."

And what will be the reaction of my parents

(husband, wives, grandmothers, etc.)?

I know too little.

And what if I do myself hurt?

I do not want others to know about my problems.

I do not want to talk about this.

Too difficult.

I do not have enough money.

I will lose my friends.

I trust no one.

I am not good enough for this.

And the list can continue indefinitely.

One of my clients visited three car accidents, broke the spine, neck and knee. When she rushed to me, she got off the way, besides stuck in the road traffic jam, and because of this was late. She was extremely easy to tell me about his problems, but when I said: "Wait a minute, I want to say something to you," that's where it began. Her glasses began to disturb her madly, she moved to another chair, then she needed to go to the toilet. Its attention could not be kept until the end of the reception. All this happened because of its resistance. She was not ready for liberation. Later I found that her sister also broke her neck twice, and their mother too.

Leave your friends alone

Too often, instead of concentrating on our own problems, we decide who some of our friends should be changed. These are also forms of resistance. In such cases, I recommend to look deeper into myself and see why we want to change in our friends that's it. Usually what we need to change in ourselves, we are trying to change in someone else.

In all of us, the feeling was deeply found that we should do and think exactly as we do and think. This corresponds to our beliefs or is their expression. If there were no belief, it would not be his manifestations. There is something in us that it causes excessive weight, leads to bad relationships, failures, poverty, disorders, etc.

How many times did you repeat: "I never do it again!" Despite this statement, you eat a cake again, scour a cigarette again, rude people who are expensive to you, etc. Although it has not even ended the day when you gave yourself a promise to this no longer do. And nevertheless, we do it. And then more complicate the problem when they say angrily: "You have no willpower! You are just weak! " And it makes even more serious that the unbearable cargo of the guilt, which we already carry on your shoulders.

Instead, tell me: "I want to free yourself from the hidden desire to be unworthy." "I deserve all the best in life and I allow myself to take it with love."

Change your beliefs and your life will change!

Every our idea can be changed!

If unwanted thoughts visit you all the time, catch yourself on such thoughts and tell them: "Won!" Instead, take such a thought that can bring you good luck.

How to change:

Three basic principles underlie this:

1. The desire to change.

2. Control over the mind.

3. Forgiveness of yourself and others.

We talked about the desire to change above, let's talk about the control of the mind. We are all presenting something much more than our mind. You probably think that the mind is responsible for everything in your life. But such conviction is based only on what you think so. Your mind is an instrument that can also be used. He is always at your service. Turn off for a minute "Boltan" in your mind and think about the value of the statement: "Your mind is your instrument." And you yourself decide how to use it.

Thoughts that you choose create all your life situations. In the thoughts and the words incredible power enclosed. And when you learn to control your thoughts and words, you will be in harmony with this force. Do not think that your mind controls you. Quite the opposite, you control your mind.

Exercise "Liberation"

Make a deep breath, and then exhale all air. Relax your body. Then tell me: "I want to free yourself. I am freed from all tension. I am freed from all fear. I am freed from all my old beliefs. And feel calm. I am in Lada with myself. I am in Lada with the life process itself. I'm safe". Repeat this exercise three times. When you think you are in a difficult situation, repeat yourself these phrases. And then the phrases of these will become a part of you themselves and will be so natural that all the tension and daily struggle will gradually disappear from your life. So relax and think about anything good. It is so easy.

Physical relaxation

Sometimes we need to relax physically, negative experience from situations in which we fall, and the emotions that we experience often remain in our body. One of the forms of physical liberation from this is the following - close all the windows in the car or at home and shout with all my might. Beat the pillow or bed with all my might - another harmless way. Classes of various sports or a fast walk will lead to the same results. I recently experienced hellish pain in my shoulder, which continued the day or two. I tried to not pay attention to pain, but she did not disappear. Then I asked myself: "What is happening, what's the matter? What annoys me? " I could not find an answer, so I said: "Well, let's see." I put two large pillows on the bed and became my best to cram on them. After a twelfth strike, I knew exactly what annoys me. Everything was clear, and I began to beat the pillow even more and thus freed myself from the feeling of irritation. Having finished, I felt much easier, and the next day the pain quite disappeared.

Liberation from the past

Many of my patients say that they can not be happy now, because they were injured in the past. Because they did not do something that had to do. Because they have more than what they value most in the world. Because they wounded and they cannot love; Something unpleasant happened earlier and they remember this. Because once they did something terrible and curse themselves for it. Because they can not forgive or forget.

Constantly remember your past - it means to do only with my own. Those who are to blame for us, _ they don't care. "They" do not even know the sizes of our pain. Therefore, there is no point in concentrating its thoughts on the past. It is gone and change it is impossible. But you can change our attitude towards it.

Exercise for exemption from the past

Let's consider the past only as a memory. If you remember that you were worn in the third grade, this memory will be without any emotional assessment. You can also refer to all events in your past. As you release, we become capable of using all our mental strength in the present moment. Again, observe your reaction. What do you need to do for this? How much do you want or will be ready to part with your past? What is your resistance level?

Forgiveness. Very important head

Our next step with you is forgiveness. For forgiveness is the answer to all questions and problems. I know from my own experience that when problems arise in life, it does not matter what nature, it means that we need to forgive someone.

Love is the only answer to any our problem, and the road to such a state is through forgiveness. Forgiveness dissolves insult. There are several ways:

Exercise for insulsion

Sit somewhere in silence, relax. Imagine that you are in a darkened theater and in front of you a small scene. Put on the scene of the person you need to forgive (the person you are the most in the world hate). This person may be alive or dead, and your hatred can be both in the past and in the present. When you see this person clearly, imagine that something good happens to him, the fact that this person is of great importance. Imagine it smiling and happy. Delay this image in your presentation for a few minutes, and then let it disappear. Then, when the person you want to forgive, leave the scene, put myself there. Imagine that only good things happen to you. Imagine yourself happy (howl) and smileless). And know that in the universe enough good for all of us. This exercise dissolves dark clouds of accumulated resentment. Some this exercise will seem very difficult. Each time, making it, you can draw in the imagination of different people. Do this exercise once a day for a month and look at how much you will be easier to live.

Exercise "Mooked Presentation"

Imagine yourself with a small child (5-6 years old). Puck deep into the eyes of this child. Try to see a deep longguing and understand that this longing for love for you. Stretch your hands and hug this little child, press it to your chest. Tell him how much you love him. Tell me that you admire his mind, and if he makes mistakes, it is nothing, all do it. Promise him that you will always come to help him if it is necessary. Now let the child be done very small, the magnitude of the pea. Put it in my heart. Let him settle there. When you look down, you will see his little face and can give him all your, so important for him, love.

Now imagine your mother when she was aged 4-5 years, frightened and thirsty of love. Stretch her hands and tell me how you love her. Tell her that she can count on you, no matter what. When she calms down and feels safe, put it in my heart.

And now imagine your father with a small boy of 3-4 years old, he is also very afraid of something and loudly, it seems to seelessly. You will see tears, which hail rolling on his face. You now know how to calm young children, press it to your chest and feel his trembling body. Calm it. Let him feel your love. Tell him that you will always be next to him. When his tears are dried, let him also become very tiny. Put it in my heart with you and your mom. Love them everyone, for there is nothing more holy than love for small children. In your heart enough love to cure our entire planet. But let's cure first themselves. Feel the heat that spills your body, softness and tenderness. Let this expensive feeling begins to change your life.

Daily work

My day usually passes as follows: Waking up in the morning, before opening his eyes, I will appreciate everything for everything I have. After the soul, I meditate and pray at half an hour. Then morning gymnastics (15 minutes). Sometimes I make gymnastics together with a 6-hour Morning program on TV. My breakfast consists of fruits and herbal tea. I thank my mother-earth again for sending me food. Before Lunch, I go to the mirror and doing exercises: I say or say them, or I sing. Approval type:

Louise, you are beautiful and I love you.

This is the most beautiful day in my life.

All you need to know - come to you.

Everything is fine.

On Lunch, I usually eat a large salad. And again I bless my meal and thank you. Somewhere in the afternoon I listen to the film with the statements. For dinner, eat steam vegetables and porridge. Sometimes chicken or fish. For my body is the best simple food. In the evening I read or do. Look to bed, I mentally remember the past day and bless him. I say that I will sleep perfectly and wake up in the morning for a beautiful day. It sounds strange, is it not true?

Well, how do you start your day? What do you say or think in the morning when you wake up? I remember the time when I woke up in the morning, I thought: "My God, again you have to wake up. Another day". And I received exactly the same day as he was represented. One trouble per one. Now, before opening your eyes, I thank for a good dream and for all the good in my life.

Some of us, dissatisfied with the chosen career, constantly think:

I can't get my job.

I hate my work.

I do not earn enough money.

I do not appreciate at work.

I just do not know what to do.

These are the negative, bringing you a lot of harm of thought. How do you think to find a good job if you think so all the time?

This is called to approach the problem not from the same end. If you have a job now. Which for any reason you hate, you need to do the following:

Start with the fact that bless your work - after all, it is a necessary milestone on your way. You are now where you led your life beliefs. So begin to bless everything at your work: the building in which you work, elevator, rooms, furniture and equipment, people with whom you communicate. If you want to go away from this work, then constantly tell yourself that you will free this work with love and give it to a person who will be just happy. And know: in reality, many are striving for the position that you occupy at work.

Approval about work

"I am open and ready to take a job in which my capabilities and talents would be used. This new job will allow me to realize all my creative abilities and will satisfy me. " If someone at work worries you, bless such a person every time you think about him. Although we do not choose this, it is important to know that in each of us there is a little from Hitler and Jesus Christ ... If such a person is critized, imagine him as a person who praises everyone; If he is cruel, tell yourself that he is gentle and fair. If you see only a good thing in people, then it is exactly that you will show your excellent qualities, no matter how they behave with others.

I believe that we ourselves create so-called diseases in our body. The body, like everything else in our life, is nothing more than a direct reflection of our beliefs. Our body all the time speaks with us - if we only found time to listen ... Each body cell reacts to every idea and every word. Long image of thoughts and words determine the behavior of the body. A person with a sad face is clearly unexpected thoughts. In this regard, the faces of the old men are interesting. They are a direct reflection of their way of thoughts throughout their lives. And how will you look when you are aged? In this book, I cite a complete list of metaphysical diagnosis and mental causes of many diseases. This is true about 90-95%.

The head represents us. This is what we show the world. We will find out on your head. When something is wrong with the head, it means that something is wrong with us.

Hair represents power. When we are very scary, we create a "steel belt", which usually begins in the shoulder muscles, and then goes to the head, and sometimes to the eyes. Hair germinate through the hair bag. When we create a lot of voltage in the cranial box, these bags are automatically closed and the hair begin to die and fall out. If the voltage is constantly going on and the skull is not relaxed, the hair cease to grow. The result is Lysin. Women began to lie since they are will in the "business" male world. Of course, this is not always noticeable, since many wigs look completely natural.

Ears. Represent a symbol of the ability to listen and hear. When a person has problems with ears, it means that in his life something happens that he flatly refuses to hear. Ears pain is an example of the highest irritation regarding what you hear. Children often have pains in the ears. They, poor, have to hear home all that they do not want to hear. It is forbidden to express your anger to the child, and since it is practically unable to change anything, then this inability and leads to pain in the ears.

Deafness is a long - perhaps the continued all life is the reluctance of someone else. Please note: when we see one partner with a hearing aid, another speaks without stopping ...

Eyes talk about the opportunity to see. When we have problems with eyes, it usually means that we refuse to see anything - or in our ourselves, or in your life. When I see young children in glasses, I know: something is not in order at home, they in the literal sense refuse to look at something. If they are unable to change the homework, then they literally dispel their eyesight, so that the eyes lose their ability to see clearly.

Headaches occur when we feel defective. The next time you get a head, stop for a minute and ask yourself where you feel humiliated and why. Forgive yourself, let this feeling go away, and your headache will disappear by itself.

Migraines are created by people who want to be perfect, as well as those who have accumulated a lot of irritation in this life.

Neck and throat are very interesting. The neck is the ability to flexibility of thinking, the ability to see the other side of the question m to understand the point of view of another person. When we have problems with the neck, it means that we will stubbornly and refuse to be more flexible. The throat is our ability to stand up for yourself, ask why we want. Problems with the throat arise from the feeling that we "have no right", and from the feeling of our own inferiority. Patient throat is always irritation. If he is accompanied by a cold, then, in addition, still confusion. Larygitis usually means that we are so evil that we can not speak. The throat, in addition, is a section of the body where all our creative energy is concentrated. Diseases associated with gland and thyroid show, therefore, that in the creative sense you failed to do what you would like. It is in the area of \u200b\u200bthe throat primarily our changes occur. When we resist change, we most often appear problems with the throat. Pay attention to how we sometimes begin to cough or with this. Or someone else begins to cough. What exactly speaks this minute? What do we react to? Maybe this is stubbornness, resistance or evidence that we are in the process of change?

Back is a support system. Problems with the back indicate that you feel insufficient support. Too often, we think that family and friends are supported. In reality, this is the support of the universe and life itself.

Problems with the top of the back - the signal of insufficient emotional support: "My husband (lover, friend) does not understand and does not support me." The middle of the back is directly related to the feeling of guilt. Are you afraid of what you have from behind, or hiding something there? Do you have feelings that someone hit you in the back?

Do you worry about your money all the time? What is your money situation? It can be a source of problems with the bottom of the back. Lightweight is the ability to take and give life. Problems with the lungs usually arise because of our unwillingness or fear of living in full life, or from what we believe that we have no right to live in full force. Those who smoke a lot are usually denied life. They hide the sketch of their inferiority.

The breast is the personification of motherhood. When problems with milk glands arise, it means that we literally blowing our attention to another person, a thing or a situation. If breast cancer occurs, this is an additional resentment or anger. Get free from fear and know that the mind of the Universe is active in each of us.

The heart, of course, symbolizes love, and blood is joy. When we have no love and joy in life, then the heart is literally compressed and becomes cold. As a result, blood begins to flow slower and we gradually go to anemia, sclerosis of vessels, heart attacks (heart attack). We are so sometimes entangled in the life dramas who create themselves that we do not notice the joy that surrounds us. Golden Heart, Cold Heart, Black Heart, Loving Heart - And what is your heart?

The stomach processes, digesting all new ideas and situations. And what and who can you "digest"? When we have problems with the stomach, it usually means, we do not know how to assimilate a new life situation. We are scared. Many of us remember the time when passenger planes just started flying. For us, it was the news of the flight idea to the sky, and we were extremely difficult to assimilate it in our brain. Each seats had bags that saw us, if we were bad. And we almost always use them. Now, many years later, although packages are still available, nobody uses them. We finally assimilated the idea of \u200b\u200bflight.

The ulcer of the stomach is more than just fear, feeling that we are not good enough or full. We are afraid that they are not good enough for their parents, bosses, teachers, etc. We literally can not digest what we imagine. We are still trying to please others. No matter what post you take at work, you may have a completely absence of self-esteem. The answer to the resolution of such a problem is love. People who love and respember themselves have no ulcers. Be gentle and attentive to the child within you (remember our exercise?) And always support and respect it.

The stones in the bustling bubble symbolize accumulated bitter thoughts, as well as the pride that prevents you from getting rid of them. Try the following exercise: tell yourself constantly: "I gladly let go my past. Life is beautiful and me too. "

Problems with the bladder, the rear pass, the genital bodies occur due to perverted ideas about our bodies and the functions that they perform. Each body of our body is a great reflection of life itself! We do not think that life is dirty and sinful. Why do we think about the genitals? The rear pass is as beautiful as the ears. Without the rear pass, we were not able to get rid of slags and killed very quickly. Each part of our body and each feature that it performs is completely normal, natural and beautiful. Our genitals were created for pleasure. Deciminate this fact means to create pain and punishment. Sex is beautiful and for us is completely good to have sex, just like it is and drinking. For a moment, imagine the infinity of the universe. It is difficult for us to even imagine. And inside the universe a lot of galaxies. A lot of planets rotate around the sun, among which - the Earth. And you know, I was incredibly difficult to imagine that the force that created the entire universe - it's just an old man who sits back in the clouds ... and watching our genitals! Still, it was precisely this that we taught many of us when we were children. It is very important for us to get rid of these nonsense. However, do not get me wrong. I have no way preaching free sex with whom. Just many of our rules have long been outdated, so many of them violate and become hypocrites. When we remove the guilt of sexuality from our consciousness and teach people to love and respect yourself and therefore others, only then they will automatically live in the name of higher - Goodness and Joy. We all have so many problems with sexuality because of our Samonamenavissal and selflessness. Therefore, we are poorly relevant to themselves and others. It is not enough to give sexual education in schools. We need to, at a deeper level, allow children to understand that their bodies, genitals and sexuality are created for joy.

The ovaries are creative energy. Problems with them - unbearable creative opportunities.

Feet carry us in life. Problems with legs indicate fear to move forward or reluctance to move in a certain direction. Our legs are carrying us, drags, wolf and they are sitting on them, fat, full of children's hip disadvantaged. Unwillingness to act often manifests itself in serious problems with legs. Varicose veins are either a house, or work that you hate.

Accidents are not at all "cases." Like everything else in our life, we create them. Not at all you do not need to say: "I want to happen to happen to happen with me." We simply create a mental belief system that can attract an accident. Some of us constantly happens something, while others live life without one scratch.

Accidents are an expression of irritation and resentment. They are an expression of hopelessness and full of human incompatibility to declare their feelings.

Accidents are also an uprising against a representative of power. We are so angry that we want to hit someone, and instead we hit ourselves. When we endure yourself, we feel guilty when we literally we are looking for a punishment, it comes in the form of an accident. At first glance, we are only innocent victims of an accident. Accident allows us to ask for help and sympathy to others. We wash the wounds and take care of us. Often we are forced to lie in bed, sometimes for a long time. And we moan from pain. With the help of pain our body tells us, on what in life we \u200b\u200bneed to still work. Pain size indicates how cruel we wanted to punish themselves.

Rheumatism is a disease acquired from constant criticism of themselves and others. People with rheumatism usually attract people who are constantly criticized. This is due to their own belief that they should criticize others. They are a curse - this is their desire to constantly be "perfection", with any people, in any situation. Their wear is truly unbearable.

Asthma. A man with asthma seems to have no right to breathe himself. Children-asthmatics are usually children with a highly developed conscience. They for all accept the blame on themselves. Sometimes it helps to change the place of residence, especially if the whole family does not go with them. Usually, asthmatic children are recovered. This is facilitated by the school, new life situations, when the attack repeats, as if someone pressed the button.

Cancer is a disease caused by a deeply accumulated offense, which in a literal sense begins to eat the body. In childhood, something undermining our faith in life occurs. This case is never forgotten, and a person lives with a feeling of huge pity for himself. It is difficult for him to have long, serious relationships. Life for such a person consists of endless disappointments. The feeling of hopelessness and hopelessness prevails in his mind, it is easy for him to blame others for his problems. People suffering from cancer are very self-critical. As I was convinced of my own experience, the acquired ability to love myself and take myself as you are, heals cancer.

Excessive weight - nothing but the need for protection. We are looking for protection against pain, criticism, sexuality, insults, etc. Extensive choice, is not it? I have never been Tolstoy, but on my own experience I was convinced that when I feel uncertain and generally no matter, I automatically fat a few kilograms. When the threat disappears, excess weight disappears too. Fight with the world - empty waste of energy and time. As soon as you stop resisting, your weight is immediately normalized. Trust in itself, to the very process of life, abstaining from negative thoughts is how to lose weight.

Pain of any origin, in my opinion - evidence of the feeling of guilt. And the fault is always looking for punishment, the punishment, in turn, creates pain. Chronic pain occurs from a chronic feeling of guilt, so deeply buried in us that we often do not even know about it. Wines - useless feeling. This feeling never helps anyone, it is not able to change the situation. So let yourself be from prison.

Operation (any). The surgery of the surgeon is necessary, for example, in injuries of hands, feet, so that a person can concentrate his attention on recovery and on that it is no longer repeated. In medicine today there are many excellent doctors who have completely devoted themselves to help people. More and more doctors begin to treat, applying holistic methods. Nevertheless, most of our doctors do not want to deal with the causes of diseases, and only symptoms and consequences are treated. They do this in two ways: either poisoning with medicines, or cut. Surgeons are cut and if you contact a surgeon, it will, of course, will recommend the operation. If you do not have a choice, please prepare for her, so that you quickly and without complications have been recovered. One of my acquaintances had to do an urgent operation. Before the operation, she spoke with a surgeon and anesthesiologist. She asked them to include during the operation a pleasant light music and contact each other and to her only in soft colors. The nurse did the same after the operation. The operation was perfect and my friend recovered in a record time. After the operation, listen to the music that you like, and speak constantly yourself: "I quickly recover. Every day I feel better and better. "

Tumors - false growths. Oyster takes a tiny sand and builds a hard and shiny shell around it, in order to protect himself. We call the grazing germ and admire her beauty. We, like a oyster, take a jet offense and we are going with her until it goes into a tumor. I call it "scrolling the old film." I am convinced that tumors in women in the uterus, ovaries, etc. from the fact that they take the emotional pain that occurred as a result of the impact of their femininity, and worn with it all his life before the tumor. I call it simple: "He offended me strongly." If your relationships come out with someone, it does not mean at all that you are not all right, and this does not prove that we really stand. The point is not at what happens to us in this life, but in how we react to it. We, without exception, carry 100 percent responsibility for everything that happens to us.


It seems that our whole life consists of relationships. You now even have a relationship with this book, and through the book - with me and with my convictions.

All your relationships, and this includes your attitude toward inanimate objects, weather, traffic, and people reflect your attitude to yourself. And your attitude to ourselves, in turn, is based on relationships with adults, with whom you were connected in your childhood. We react in the same way as adults reacted to us when we were children, and in positive, and in negative senses.

Please remember the words that you scold yourself. These are words that your parents scolded. And what words did they use when you praised you? I am sure that you use exactly the same. Perhaps your parents never praised you - then you just have no idea how to praise yourself, and perhaps you think that you can't praise yourself.

Our relationship with others is the mirror of ourselves. What we resort to life, there is a direct reflection of our qualities and our life beliefs. This applies to all of us, regardless of our life position in life. It often happens that the qualities that we are not acceptable in others are our own features. If it were not so, such people would not exist in our lives.

Exercise "We are against them"

Find in your life of a person who annoys you most. Describe the three qualities of such a person who you most hate and which you would like to change in it.

Now look deep into yourself and ask yourself: "What am I like (a) on him and when do I behave exactly the same way?" Close your eyes and give yourself time to think.

Then ask yourself whether you are ready for change. Only when you get rid of our usual thoughts, habits and beliefs, such people or will be changed or will completely leave your life.

If you hate your boss that constantly criticizes and and that it is impossible to please, look deep into yourself. What are you like? Do you ever think that all the bosses are eternal criticized and they cannot please them?

If your employee is stubborn and does not want to perform his part of the work, think about how you attracted it to your life. How stubborn you are and just as lazy, how is he?

If you have problems with your beloved, again, look deep into yourself and see what exactly attracted him to you?

If the husband does not support you and constantly complains about life, look again for your habits, rooted in you since childhood. Did you have one of the parents who complained about life? And do you not complain about life constantly?

If you have a child whose habits are annoyed, I guarantee you that you have exactly the same habits. Get rid of them and the child automatically get rid of them.

There is only one way to change anything in others - first change yourself. Change your thoughts and habits - and others will change automatically. And to scold anyone - it is useless. To blame others - in vain to waste your strength. You must save your strength. She clearly need you in your life for change. So let's stop playing helpless victims and start doing something concrete to help yourself.

Attracting love in your life

Love always comes to our life unexpectedly. If you are constantly looking for love, then nothing good will fail. Love is always inside us, it is not an external manifestation.

Do not insist that love come immediately. Perhaps you are not ready. Or are not well developed spiritually in this sense. And it is not necessary to waste yourself at the people who are not worth it. Strictly determine the level of their claims. What kind of love would you like to attract in your life? Develop such qualities primarily in ourselves and only then you will be able to attract the relevant person. Look, what keeps you from such relationships? Maybe the criticism of others? Sense of own inferiority? Too high claims? Movies stars? Fear of intimacy? The belief that no one can love you.

Love for yourself as a process

As I mentioned many times, our task is the main task - it is to learn to love yourself. Remember the time in your life when you liked yourself and everything went like oil? Remember when you loved someone and it seemed to you that all your problems disappeared? The same beautiful feelings, and even the best, you will bring love to C E B E. However, it is impossible to love yourself if you do not approve of your actions and do not accept yourself as you are. Remember: Never, under any circumstances it is impossible to criticize yourself! I hear your objections about this:

And I always criticize myself!

My parents (teachers, lovers) have always criticized me.

And what will convince me?

But I can not!

How can I change if I won't criticize myself?

Training Mind

Self-criticism is when you automatically turn on the so-called "bolt", or what the Latin is called "EGO". You still trained your mind to constantly humiliate yourself and resist the changes that you are now just hard not to pay attention to what he tells you.

Let's do the exercise that was previously described. Look in the mirror and tell me: "I love and respect myself exactly so (they), like that (Aya) I am." How do you feel when you say it yourself? Maybe you a little better after the exercise of the forgiveness of everyone and yourself?

In those days, when I deny myself, I sometimes gave myself a slap. At that time I did not know the difference value. My faith in his own inferiority was stronger than anything else. If someone told me that he loved me, my immediate reaction was: "Why? What did he (she) saw in me? " Or my classical thought: "If they knew that I would actually imagine from myself, they would not love me." At that time I did not suspect that everything is good in our life begins with the adoption of an internal "I", which is very different from our external "I". The external "I" is only our actions that are the result of our early programming. The inner "I" is something much more than our actions and actions. The inner "I" is a non-painting connection with God, this is an invaluable gift of life. It is about love for our inner "I" and there is a speech in this book.

I began to look for good qualities in myself, and this coolly changed my life. Health improved significantly. Good health begins with love to yourself. The same applies to relationships, the development of creative abilities, wealth, etc. Later, however, I learned to love and approve everything in me, even the qualities that I seemed not enough "good." Only then and only then a significant progress began in my life.

Exercise "I approve everything in myself"

I recommend this exercise with hundreds of people and get phenomenal results. Over the next month, you are constantly saying yourself: "I approve myself." Speak it for yourself 300-400 times a day. The bigger, the better. Let this phrase be with you all the time becomes your prayer. This phrase will put everything that opposes her to the surface of your consciousness. When you come to mind Negative thought type: "How can I approve myself when I'm so fat?" Or "stupid to think what will help me", know that it is time for you to take control of your thoughts. Do not pay attention to such thoughts. Take the idea what it is, and let her go with God. Tell me tenderly: "I let you go with God and I approve of myself."

Some of us will think that this exercise is stupid, stupid and meaningless. Let these thoughts quietly pass through your consciousness, they have no power over you, of course, if you yourself do not choose them. Such thoughts are your resistance to change.

In spite of everything you need to continue. Do not pay attention to what others will talk to you. If you are able to say this phrase to yourself when someone does what you do not approve, you will be internally know that you are in the process of spiritual development.

Our thoughts have no power over us as long as we do not submit themselves. Thoughts themselves have no meaning. We will think of them, and we, only we, choose the value we wish them to give. A part of his exversity is exemption from the opinions of others. If I constantly said you that you were a "lilapid", you would eat or laugh at me, or would say that I was crazy. You would not have believed it in any case. Much of what we say ourselves, as implausible. If you believe that your advantages are in direct relationship with your figure, it means to believe in a deliberate absurdity. Often, what we consider our shortcomings is the expression of our individuality. This is our uniqueness. Nature never repeats itself. From the very beginning of existence there were no two similar snowflakes or raindrops. And each chamomile differs from the other. Our fingerprints are the same different as we. So intended nature. If you are ready to accept this, then you will not constantly compare yourself with others. Trying to be like another - it means to dry your soul. We came to this planet to express ourselves. I personally didn't even know who I am, until I started my spiritual search in my life.

So let's drive away the thoughts that make us unhappy, let's do things that we like, be with the people with whom we feel well.

Exercise "Conscious Creating New Changes"

It's time to take your list of all the negative that you wrote about yourself and turn it into positive statements. For example, instead of a negative thought of type: "I need to lose weight," let the thought come to you: "I have a beautiful, slender body." Although you have no "beautiful, slender body" it will soon appear if you continue to think so. Or a negative "I hate my work" to turn into "I am now, at the moment I get a wonderful new job." Such positive statements will create a certain organization of the mind, which in turn will create everything necessary for your happiness in life.

I deserve only good in life

Do you believe that you can have in your life literally all you wish? If not, then you do not give yourself permission. If you believe, then in your life, something will soon appear that you will bring you a lot of joy.

Exercise "I deserve"

Look again in the mirror and tell me: "I deserve to have ... (or be ...) And I accept it now." Tell me two or three times. Watch out for your bodily reactions. Do you believe in what you say, or not? If you have a negative reaction to this, then come back to the previous statement: "I am released from what creates me resistance. I deserveā€¦"

Repeat it infinitely, if necessary - a few days, until you feel relief.

In our work on creating change in life, it is necessary to practice holistic philosophy. Such philosophy includes a unstatched body of the body, mind and spirit. If we ignore any of the above aspects, we will deprive themselves "integrity." For our body, it is necessary to ensure proper nutrition and sports (any). At our disposal of homeopathy with its numerous herbs, vitamins and a special procedure for cleansing internal organs. As for the sport, do what you like. Especially good in this case yoga, massage, work with skin reflexes (reflexotherapy).

In work on mind, hypnosis, affirmation, work with the meaning of dreams is especially useful.

Meditation is one of the wonderful means that contribute to our development. I usually sit somewhere in silence and say: "What do I need to know?" - And calmly wait for the answer. If the answer comes, is perfect, if not, then it is also fine. Someday he will definitely come. If you have the opportunity to join any spiritual group, then you must do it.

In addition to all of the above, of course, there is also a prayer. Through the prayer is made contact with our highest source. For me personally, spiritual means is forgiveness and unconditional (unlimited condition) love. I want you to know that there is a great many means available to you. The main thing is your own desire to use them. If something does not work, try the other. It is difficult for me to say what is acceptable for you. You will have to come to it yourself. I, unfortunately, do not have a universal answer for everyone.

For you, I am only a milestone on a difficult road to recovery.

Title: Heal your life
Writer: Louise Hay
Year: 2013.
Publisher: Eksmo.
Age limit: 16+
Volume: 258 pp.
Genres: Psychotherapy and Counseling, General Psychology, Personal Growth, Psychology Classics, Self-improvement, Health, Foreign Psychology, Foreign Applied and Research and Popular Literature

About the book "Heal Your Life" Louise Hay

Louise Hay is a famous American psychologist, founder of the publishing company and the author of popular books on the method of healing himself with the right psychological attitude. The most famous work is the work "healed their life."

Everything in our world is designed pretty simple: what you give to the world, then you get in return. If you are accustomed to tearing your anger on others, constantly condemn them and criticize them, be prepared for the fact that problems will begin in your life. It may be minor troubles, material problems, and it can be worse, - various diseases, sometimes extremely heavy. Our thoughts are material. And everything returns to us by the law of boomeranga. This is sure the author of the book "Heal his life" is sure.

When a person thinks that all people envy him or try to cause some kind of evil, he does not even know that he himself projects these thoughts into reality. The other is thinking that people help him. Cosmos hears our thoughts and gives everyone to faith it. When you feel that everything is going awry, try to analyze your thoughts and actions. Louise Hay in the book "Heal his life" says that in most cases we are the sources of our troubles. However, we can also make the world to play in front of us with bright colors, and was not gloomy and gray. Here we must change our stereotypical thinking. No one will do it for us. You must overcome the dark demon of hate in your soul.

Also, the author in his book raises the difficult topic of the relationship between parents with children. The kids who in childhood did not suffer their parents, in the future they turn into adults with understated self-esteem, pessimists and melancholics. In childhood, they inspired the idea that they were not particularly significant for their parents. And thanks to this childhood, people carry the cargo of psychological problems for a long time. Such people subsequently have a long and painstaking work on making themselves, such as it is. And there will be a lot of time until such a person learn to love himself.

After reading the psychological allowance "Heal your life", you will understand that everything in our life only depends on us, and only we ourselves are able to make your world better and joy. It is we are creators and wizards of their days. Louise Hay will teach you how to cope with various negative emotions that harm your body and existence in society. Anger, aggression, hatred, insult, envy, condemnation and criticism - from all this should be released first. There would be a desire and patience, and it's never late to learn. It is worth believing and let in your life, kindness, - and you will see how your gray existence is painted with warm, sunlight.

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