Birthday riddles are difficult. Riddles for your birthday

You look timidly:
What is this box?
It's not without reason that the bow is bright here,
Because in her...

Delicious, sweet it tastes,
But I'll tell you - not a watermelon ...
They cut it on a holiday
Happy birthday congratulations.

Without any doubt
Today is a great birthday!
Enough joy for everyone
Sounds fun...

Everyone knows him -
It melts on the tongue.
Anyone will be happy to eat
When they give...

Once a year he comes
Wishes - a million
The holiday is very bright
They give you gifts.

He meets guests at the door
And accepts gifts.
He is the instigator of the holiday!
Who is this?...
birthday boy

We are all sitting at the table
We eat delicious meals.
Let's congratulate the man
And it will start...

Without it, the holiday is not fun,
The eye does not shine with happiness,
There is no topic for conversation
Everything is boring and ceremonial.

Just gotta show up
This thing on the table
All the people will be transformed
It will immediately become more fun.

Happy birthday holiday
Raises the mood.
Make a wish you
And everything will come true...

Everyone came for the birthday
The birthday boy is very happy
To stop the moment

Gives a birthday holiday
Lots of wild fun
the best news
And smiling...

Burning on the cake
Eyes sparkle with joy.
You make a wish
And blow them out quickly.

What flickers outside the window
Dark at night, even during the day
When is a holiday, birthday,
And enough mood
Launch into the sky here
Bright festive...

Everyone congratulates today
On their birthday they wish:
Happiness, expanse for the soul
And great...

On holidays they are
The eyes of the guests are attracted by:
airy, beautiful,
Loved by kids.

Multicolored ones:
Small and big...
On our birthday we need
Yes, of course...

Beautiful cake on the table
I want to eat it
Birthday boy, don't yawn
Pour it soon...

Today is your holiday!
And we all congratulate!
Health, joy, love -
We sincerely wish!

We wish, simply, to receive -
great pleasure,
All because you have today...

This is a treat, my friends.
We know from childhood, you and I.
Dressed in bright dresses
The holiday will be sweetened

She's so bright
Glitter, color.
There are congratulations and poems,
All desires are yours.
It is given from the heart
Your generous guests.

He will be born under a glass.
And beautifully spoken.
It wants everything, everything
It happens every holiday.

Looks like an ordinary broom,
They just don't sweep.
It's important that they bring it in
And solemnly handed over.

And then put in a vase
And admire for a hundred years
You guess right away
This is a festive...

In the center of the room is
And it smells
Brightly replete with dishes,
Invites you to drink.
Only guests enter the house
They immediately approach him.
festive table

Fulfillment of all children's desires,
All boys and girls favorite holiday - ...

Birthday on the nose - we baked ...
Not sausage, but cake

The birthday is coming
What joy for all!
We're in a great mood
And it sounds fun...

Dressed in bright dresses
Chocolate …

Culinary Egorka dainty slide
We baked for our birthday -
Fly without hesitation!

Dad baked for the holiday
Sweet apple…

Sweet, gentle and airy.
Sometimes we all need it.
Not a single celebration
Doesn't work without it.

Fulfillment of all desires -
Great holiday…

We rustle in the confectionery
Fanfiction bright.
And for the holiday we want
Come to you with gifts.

Happy name day
They bake bread alone
And they all sing: "Choose,
Someone you love, …!"

The bow on the box is bright
In that box is...

In the packaging of a new bright
The room has...

Our oven is broken.
But my mother still refused.
Cancel birthdays.
What kind of cake should we buy?

Sugar shirt
Above is a bright piece of paper.
Sweet tooths love it.
What's a delicacy?

You hold the cake tight
I'm blowing now...

Don't be bored today, drink hot with cake...

Throw away all your affairs
Come visit us soon...

Sorry, birthday
Once a year he comes into the house.
A year later, by invitation
We visit again...
We will come

Baked for the holiday table.
It is garnished with cherries.

We're going to the birthday
And we bring gifts!
Also for beauty.
We bring him...

I will be baked
For your birthday
With nuts, cream
And even with jam.

The table is set and waiting for guests.
So many delicious things here!
We all love food
And candy and...

We didn't forget about the birthday cake,
Mom will bring it to us now,
With cherries, cream, nuts
And, of course, with burning ...

Birthday boy, come on in a circle,
We lead a round dance around!
Sing along with us
Our song...

At the celebration, he is the most important,
It is always served with dessert.
It has a lot of cream, very sweet,
They cut it up and distribute it to everyone.

What is this beauty?
Layer by layer - height.
All smeared in white cream,
Definitely eat it!

It's twisted, twisted
Hot baked in the oven,
On the table he, if a holiday,
He is always a part of it.
It's a sweet pie. Delight,
How is this decorated...

On a holiday I will come to everyone,
I am big and sweet.
I have nuts, cream,
Cream, chocolates.

He is ruddy, he is fragrant,
Like the sun, golden!
And the filling in it is jam,
Treat on your birthday!

We buy for the holidays
This is a wonderful still life
Ah, what a yummy
How much we love...

The most interesting holiday for children is the birthday. It is for this celebration that we have made a selection of funny and funny riddles with answers that will amuse even the most boring guest. One of the most popular birthday entertainments is riddles. This is one of the simplest, but at the same time one of the most fun ways to spend absolutely any birthday: an adult and a child, a boss and a subordinate, a lawyer and an unemployed person. There are a lot of birthday riddles with answers. The most popular among them are those where, after answering, you should correctly answer the question without any prompts. Here are good examples.

Riddles with clues for children

Three ostriches are flying. A hunter appeared and shot one of them. How many ostriches are left? (ostriches don't fly)
- What can be characterized by such parameters: length - 15 cm, width - 7 cm, the object of female passion? (one hundred dollar bill)
What can't be eaten for breakfast? (dinner and lunch)
- What does the hare have in the back, and the heron in front? (letter C)
There were six candles in the candlestick. Three candles went out. How many candles are left in the candlestick? (six)
Grandma ran.
She carried the dough.
Hit a soft spot.
What do you think? (head)
- As a rule, each month of the year ends on the 30th or 31st day. Which month has 28 days? (each)
Who can't get their hair wet in a heavy downpour? (bald)
- A small, yellow peasant is picking the ground. (Vietnamese digs a trench)
- A surname that has Georgian roots and sounds like an action: scissors fell into the water and ...? (rusted)
- Ninety - sixty - ninety. What it is? (driver passing traffic police post)
There is a house hanging on the wall and it smells strongly. What it is? (the cuckoo in the clock died)
- A word that begins with three letters "G" and ends with three letters "I". (trigonometry)
Which wheel is idle when the car turns left? (spare in trunk)
A dead man has been found in the heart of the desert. Upon examination, they found something like a knapsack behind his shoulders and a small flask of water on his belt. There were no animals or people around for many kilometers. What was in the man's bag, and what did he die of? (the man died as a result of a strong blow to the ground, and the bag is a parachute that did not have time to open)
- Cinderella, Snow White, a policeman and an honest customs officer are on the train. In order to pass the time faster, everyone present is playing poker, the table is littered with money, when suddenly the train passes a dark tunnel. When leaving the tunnel, the money disappears. Question: who could steal the money? (policeman, because the other three do not exist in nature)
Four men are sitting at the table. Looking under the table, one, casually, counted his feet - it turned out to be seven. How could this happen if everyone has two legs and no one was even going to bend them? (the man just miscalculated)
What plate can you not eat anything from? (from empty)
- Big, blue, with horns and full of hares. What it is? (trolleybus)
How many peas can fit into one cup? (none, because peas can't walk)
- About 50 million men and women do this at night. What's this? (the Internet)
- In the eyes of longing, in the mouth - a board. What's this? (a man who fell into a rural toilet)
- What kind of phenomenon: flies and shines at the same time? (a mosquito that has a golden tooth)
- Who and what question can never answer "Yes"? (any sleeping person to the question "Are you sleeping?")
What will happen after the goat is six years old? (seventh will go)
Under what trees do hares usually hide from the rain? (like everyone else - under wet)


Current topic:


Less popular are quatrain riddles, in which, after reading a playful rhyme, one should end the last sentence with a word that is suitable in meaning and rhyme, which the narrator traditionally skips. There are relatively few such riddles, although in terms of guessing the word they are much simpler than traditional ones and, moreover, will suit people of all ages. For example, the following birthday puzzles with answers will be great fun both in the company of respectable adults and in the company of preschool children.

Riddles with answers with a trick

Birthday riddles with answers can be either simply asked during the festive evening, or they can be used to arrange real tournaments that reveal the smartest or quickest guest. In general, improvise with guessing contests, compose your own riddles and spend your birthday in a warm, friendly and fun atmosphere.

Funny riddles with answers for kids

Throw away all your affairs
Come visit us soon...

Given to me by my neighbor
Fragrant roses…

In the packaging of a new bright
The room is…

Everyone who came to visit us
I ask you to go for...

Dressed in bright wrappers
Chocolate …

Open your mouth wider
Let's eat delicious...

You hold the cake tight
I'm blowing now...

Don't get bored at the table
Drink hot with cake...

Solved all the riddles
Now let's play...
(hide and seek).

Interesting logic puzzles about birthday

The boy celebrated his first birthday when he was 8 years old. How could this happen?

Answer. The boy was born on February 29, 1896. But 1900 was not a leap year, since the years that complete the century are leap years only when the number of centuries is divisible by 4. Therefore, the first February 29 after his birth fell on 1904, when the boy turned 8 years. On his next birthday, he turned 12.

Riddles have collected all the folk and centuries-old wisdom. It is not for nothing that in fairy tales heroes so often guess puzzles. Wise and smart has always been held in high esteem. And therefore, literally any person (it doesn’t matter whether he is an adult or a child), having given the correct answer to some kind of riddle, immediately begins to honor himself as terribly smart and quick-witted, well, pride is bursting with his own ingenuity.

The simplest and easiest way to entertain guests and children and adults is to solve riddles. You just need to write down all the riddles you like, and as soon as there is any “technical hitch” or just an unexpected pause, you can offer to solve them. In order to interest guests, you can buy a lot of money from the "bank of jokes" and hand them over for correct answers. Adults instantly join the game and try to earn a lot of "money"

So the day has come, which both you and your child have been looking forward to - his birthday. Guests come to your house, and everyone strives to give as much attention as possible to the hero of the occasion. It's time to sit down at the table.

The treats are eaten, congratulations to the birthday man are pronounced. It’s still a long way before the cake is served, and suddenly you notice that the guests are a little depressed. How to cheer up everyone at once? How to create an atmosphere of celebration and unrestrained fun?

Contests, games, tricks and children's birthday puzzles will be your faithful assistants in creating a festive mood. After all, there is no place for boredom and despondency at a children's holiday, right?

Riddles are not just great entertainment for little fidgets and older children, they are also a means of comprehensive development, an exercise in reasoning, ingenuity and the ability to prove one's case.

First, you can invite the guys to come up with some interesting riddles themselves or describe some object and natural phenomenon, and you will try to give the correct answers, then you can switch roles.

Or divide the children into teams, where one group will guess the riddle, and the second will guess it, and so on. Children, regardless of age, are always enthusiastic about such games and take part in them with great pleasure.

When preparing a list of riddles that you are going to ask children, you need to take into account the age of the children. So, if the birthday man and his guests are less than four years old, pick up the simplest riddles, without metaphors, which children, due to their age, are not yet able to comprehend. The most suitable for younger preschoolers are riddles in verse, about nature and animals. Such riddles contribute to the development of thinking, memory, attention and imagination of kids, bring up love for their native language and help to expand the boundaries of their horizons.

For older children, whose level of development of abstract thinking allows for the analysis of figurative meanings and comparative analysis, more complex riddles can be made. School-age children are interested in riddles about school subjects and scientific facts, puzzles and mathematical problems.

Examples of comic riddles with a birthday trick for schoolchildren

  • Who is able to fly underwater at the greatest depth?
    Correct answer: a bee in a submarine.
  • The more they get, the less they weigh. What's this?
    Correct answer: holes.
  • What is in front of a cow and what is in the back of a bull?
    Correct answer: the letter "K".
  • What man in the rain, without an umbrella, can never get his hair wet?
    Correct answer: bald man.
  • Is it possible to jump higher than a five-story building?
    Correct answer: of course you can, five-story houses cannot jump, like any other houses.
  • What fields don't grow?
    Correct answer: in the margins of the hat and notebook.
  • What measures should be taken if you see a green man?
    Correct answer: you have to cross the street before the red one appears.
  • How many peas can fit into one faceted glass?
    Correct answer: not a single one, everything must be put down.
  • How many apples can you eat on an empty stomach?
    Correct answer: one, the second will not be eaten on an empty stomach.
  • What can be easily picked up from the floor, but impossible to throw far?
    Correct answer: fluff.
  • What is the shortest month of the year?
    Correct answer: May, it has only three letters.
  • Who can speak all the languages ​​of the world?
    Correct answer: echo.
  • Why is the cow mooing?
    Correct answer: because she can't speak.
  • What tree does a bird land on during a terrible rainstorm?
    Correct answer: on wet wood.
  • What month has twenty-eight days?
    Correct answer: Every month of any year has twenty-eight days.
  • Can you bring water in a colander?
    Correct answer: it is possible if the water is frozen and turns into ice.
  • What is between heaven and earth?
    Correct answer: the letter "I".
  • What happens to a green velvet skirt if it is lowered to the bottom of a lake for half an hour?
    Correct answer: it will get wet.
  • Why do we often walk, but never drive?
    Correct answer: up the steps of the stairs.
  • What will happen to the hedgehog in three years?
    Correct answer: he turns four.
  • What does half an orange look like?
    Correct answer: for the other half.
  • Once, three penguins were flying across the sky. The hunter shot one. How many penguins are left?
    Correct answer: penguins can't fly.
  • When is the easiest time for a white dove to enter a house?
    Correct answer: when windows are open in the house.
  • How can you put two liters of milk in a one-liter jar?
    Correct answer: make curd from milk.
  • What cannot be taken in the right hand, but can be taken in the left?
    Correct answer: you can not take the elbow of the right hand.

Examples of birthday puzzles for the youngest children

  • Creeps, crawls, we are lucky with needles. Who is it?
    Correct answer: Hedgehog.
  • When it's summer they get dressed and in winter they undress. Who is it?
    Correct answer: trees.
  • Twelve brothers walk one after another, walk, but do not find each other. Who is it?
    Correct answer: months.
  • They beat the poor thing with a hand, then with a stick, and they don’t feel sorry for him at all. And why are they beating him? And for the fact that he is inflated! Who is it?
    Correct answer: ball.
  • Tanya lost her sock, who stole it?
    Correct answer: puppy.
  • He has red boots and a red comb. Who is this?
    Correct answer: cockerel.
  • At night he does not sleep at all, he guards the house from mice, he drinks milk from a bowl. Who is this?
    Correct answer: this is a cat.
  • He says: "Ha-ha-ha, I'm not afraid of anyone." Who is this?
    Correct answer: it's a goose.
  • He walks in a yellow skin, very sour. Who is it?
    Correct answer: lemon.
  • Lives under the porch, the tail is a ringlet. Who is it?
    Correct answer: dog.
  • Jump and jump, long ears, white barrel. Who is it?
    Correct answer: bunny.
When compiling a list of riddles, you can use the riddles we have proposed in this article. We also advise you to turn to the mysteries of the great Russian classics of children's literature - Korney Chukovsky and Samuil Marshak.

Looking forward to their birthday.
And with gifts, by the way.
They are usually invited
The birthday boy meets them.

They are bought on a birthday,
Inserted into the cake. Always with excitement
Their birthday party blows
When a wish is made.

You cook them all day
Pepper, fry, salt.
Then you put them on the table
You give everyone a try.

Congratulations today
Everyone hugs you tightly.
Send gifts and cards
Incredible smiles.
What kind of reason is this
What kind of holiday is naughty?

The birthday boy baked himself
And served you tea.
Or maybe he bought it?
The main thing is that you don't forget!
Full of cream and jam
This symbol is birthday.

It happens to everyone:
Beast, human.
He is the companion of the appointed
Every century.

We always celebrate it
Once a year.
It's a special holiday
For any of us.

There is no fun without them
Not in the morning, not in the evening and not in the afternoon.
There is no holiday without them.
And there are no contests.
Birthday without them is completely boring,
After all, you are inseparable from them.

He is chosen
The owner is given
Sometimes they even dream about it quietly.
He may be needed
Expensive, useless
Chic, ordinary and even pompous.
And if you go, suddenly, for a birthday,
Grab it to give with the mood.

He is changeable, inevitable,
The kids are waiting for him with hope,
After all, for them it is a sign of freedom,
For an adult - a hint of years.

It happens for children, teenagers,
Senile, ancient, even cool.
And sometimes - a hindrance even.
And on his birthday he gets older.

What a sweet yummy
On our table today?
So he asks in his mouth,
Festive, beautiful...

There is no birthday without it!
And feasts, no doubt.
We put candles in it,
At an important moment, we set them on fire.
He is - for the full - a tempter!
Who baked us a cake?

Are desired
Are uninvited
Sometimes, they are even very long-awaited.
It is customary to meet them with a smile,
They rush to give gifts to the birthday man.

We will raise him for the hero of the day,
And for him we will devastate together.
And it is necessary to say a toast to him,
We monitor its completeness with the lady.

Each guest carries it
The most valuable is put there.
For a long time he was looking for him
And he chose hard.
To please you
He will give it, loving.

Today is a holiday in your honor.
The guests line up.
Well, what is your house decorated with?

To flip through the days of the year -
It is very important to count them.
There are neither many nor few of them -
As many as 365!
I always considered them - and in olden times
Important, thick...

Sitting next to the hero of the day,
And follow the holiday
To keep him happy
And positively tuned.
She is always faithful to him
Beloved sits with him ...

Where can I find the right gift?
A very important thing?
To be pleasant, bright,
And handsome, well, like a firebird!
We all get in the limousine
We follow him to...

Gathered today for the anniversary
Who is younger, but who is wiser.
And they came from work, and friends,
And of course my favorite...
a family

Who is the most mischievous here
Cheerful, joyful, funny?
He accepts gifts
And nice remarks.
He glows with happiness
His laughter flows in unison.
He gathered his guests
They created a magical mood.
Hero of the occasion

What is an important person?
Today he is worthy of the throne.
Everyone is rushing to him now.
To give gifts.
He is number one today.
The holiday gave us all.
Birthday boy

Let's celebrate together today the anniversary,
You sit down dear guests as soon as possible,
Waiting for treats and glasses on it,
We all sit down...