How to quickly make a Greek goddess costume. How to make a laurel wreath from paper? Laurel wreath

At fashion shows in recent seasons, you can often see the demonstration of dresses and sundresses in combination with wreaths adorning the heads of models. The sizes of the compositions are very diverse, as are the colors. The trend for this accessory was immediately appreciated by the fair sex. Moreover, age does not matter. Everyone can choose the ideal model for themselves, highlighting their natural beauty.

Suitable for whom and for what occasions?

Almost all women can use a wreath to decorate their hair. Another question is the choice of floral composition and flower sizes. Teenagers and girls can safely try on any form. The main criterion is compatibility with the outfit. For women, discreet compositions of small buds are more suitable. The color scheme should consist primarily of pastel and light colors.

It is appropriate to wear the accessory even in everyday life. It’s clear that you can hardly wear such an accessory to work. But for meetings with friends or a weekend trip, this decor is quite suitable.

The main purpose of the wreath is considered to be special occasions and holidays. In recent years, there has been a popularity of using the accessory in the image of a bride. Little girls and grown ladies look equally good with delicate little buds on their heads. This emphasizes femininity and gives the appearance a delicate note and charm.

Folk festivals and holidays can also be an occasion to transform your hair by decorating your hair with a wreath. Today's youth love to celebrate Ivan Kupala. Girls with a floral arrangement on their heads look mysterious and charming. This holiday is not complete without an obligatory attribute - a wreath woven from fresh flowers.

When using a floral accessory, it is important to remember that it is appropriate in the spring and summer. Although some fashionistas manage to combine it with fur coats and high boots. You can adapt the accessory to the time of year using decorative elements that correspond to the flowering time. Fall decorations look beautiful and appropriate with yellowed leaves.

The wedding hairstyle can be complemented with delicate wreaths made of beads or flowers.
It is appropriate to wear the accessory even in everyday life
Little girls and grown ladies look equally good with delicate little buds on their heads
Cute little ladies can wear a wreath for a photo shoot

How to make it yourself

For manufacturing you will need the following materials:

  • wire;
  • flowers on branches or individual buds;
  • tapes.

To ensure that the base is firmly fixed on the head, you can use a headband. It is recommended to complement the flowers with beads and various greenery. This way the composition will look more beautiful and richer.

The only tools you need are scissors. To make it easier to attach flowers, stylists recommend using a glue gun. The hot fixation method will quickly and reliably fix the desired fragment to the base. This will save a lot of time drying the surface.

Elements for the composition are used from different materials. For celebrations and stately events, the hair is decorated with a headband of live inflorescences. But plastic and paper are more often used. A composition made of fabric looks very impressive. The skill is honed over the years, resulting in buds that cannot be immediately distinguished from real flowers.

Made from artificial flowers

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Measure the circumference of your head to create a wire frame. If it is not possible to take measurements, then you should make a wire rim with open ends to which the ribbons are fixed. By tying it at the back of the head, the wreath can be worn in different sizes. If you use a measure, you need to cut 3-4 wire rods with a length equal to the circumference of the head plus 4-5 cm to fix the ring. Twist the base from them without closing the ends.
  2. Take branches of artificial flowers and separate them into individual buds and leaves. Short branches are also suitable for the composition. Flowers need to be cut close to the base so that the stems do not interfere with the fastening.
  3. First make a preparation of buds and leaves, laying them out on the table. Larger fragments are placed in the center, and smaller ones are placed toward the back of the head. Flowers should have the same tone and size, and the overall composition should be complemented by greenery from leaves and twigs.
  4. Cut circles from felt, smaller in diameter than flower buds.
  5. Glue a felt piece to each piece so that there is a free strip 0.5-0.7 mm wide in the center.
  6. String all the elements one by one, pulling the wire backing into the empty space in the center of the felt.
  7. Distribute and adjust the composition.
  8. Twist the ends of the wire, wrapping each other several times.
  9. Cover the junction of the rim with flowers.

From fresh flowers

Step-by-step instructions for making a wreath:

  1. Make a wire frame. To do this, you need to cut 3-4 twigs, the length of which will be equal to the size of the head circumference plus 3-4 cm for fixing the ends.
  2. Prepare the plants by cutting their stems into 10-14 cm pieces. To prevent flowers from wilting quickly, they should be treated with floral spray. This way the wreath will maintain a presentable appearance for a long time.
  3. Wrap the resulting ring with 4-5 cm of floral tape, then place the wreath fragments one by one. Secure each stem tightly with tape, making 3-4 turns. The elements need to be placed closer to each other. The elements will be primary flowers, field herbs, and other greenery. As an addition, you can use beads and pebbles mounted on pieces of wire. In combination with fresh flowers, the decor will look elegant.
  4. The stems of the last elements are hidden under fixed plants and tightly fixed with tape.

Wreaths from living inflorescences can be woven without creating a frame. There is no need to trim the stems in this case. Start weaving by forming a bunch of 3-5 stems. Each new fragment is wrapped around the long stems of the initial bundle in two turns (before the inflorescence and after it).

The end is connected to the bundle and closed into a ring using floral tape. To give the accessory strength, you can add a satin ribbon to the stems of the initial bunch. You can use it later to connect the composition.

From autumn leaves

A wreath of autumn leaves looks very beautiful. The most popular is maple. Its leaves turn yellow faster than other trees, and its structure is strong, not losing its original appearance for a long time.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Attach 4-6 leaves at a time to a rim prepared from wire. Fixation is carried out using floral tape.
  2. After 3-4 bunches of maple leaves, insert a sprig of rowan. A reminder of summer would be useful. To do this, you can insert green leaves every 5-7 rows.
  3. The stems of the last fragments need to be hidden under the fixed leaves, and cut off the excess ones.

From paper

Paper flowers turn out to be very delicate and fragile. When worn, they can lose their shape, so experts recommend fixing flower arrangements on a solid base. A regular hoop is best suited for this. It is better if its base is wide, then the accessory will turn out to be massive.


  1. Place a composition of paper buds and leaves on the table. You can add plastic greenery and beads fixed on a wire. Place the massive part in the middle, and place small elements towards the edges.
  2. Attach the fragments to the base of the hoop one by one using hot glue or PVA.
  3. Compact the composition with herbs and other decor.
  4. Parts of the hoop that go behind the ears There is no need to paste over with floral elements.

From tapes

To create a wreath, you will need to prepare elements: 4-5 types of flowers, greenery, stamens. All of them are made from satin and organza ribbons. If everything is clear from the tonality of the colors (for a beautiful composition they are made from various bright colors), then the leaves are cut out to create a three-dimensional composition from several shades of green ribbon. To add airiness, you need to use organza blanks.

The shape of the greenery should follow the outlines of the leaves of several plants. For example: poplar, oak, maple. All edges of elements made from tapes must be melted to prevent fraying of the threads. You can use a lighter for these purposes. The most commonly chosen flowers are: poppies, daisies, cornflowers, roses, chrysanthemums, asters. They combine well with each other or in addition to other inflorescences.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Braid the headband with green ribbon using the “snake” method. Secure the ends of the weave with a needle and thread. This will be the base.
  2. Glue the leaves along the contour of the rim on both sides. Lay the elements overlapping, using different types of greenery. You should get a voluminous base.
  3. Next, secure one by one flowers on glue.
  4. Lastly, the composition is sealed with organza leaves. They need to be fixed 3-5 pieces at a time. Then the wreath will be big.
  5. Sew a 10-15 cm elastic band to the edges of the headband(depending on head circumference). It should be decorated with green organza.
  6. Sew several freely sagging ribbons of 30-40 cm each onto the elastic band. It will look beautiful if you use satin strips of different thicknesses (1 and 2 cm). Their colors should echo the tones of the colors used in the composition. Make a beautiful triangular undercut along the edges of the ribbons.

  • For long events, you should carefully use accessories made from live inflorescences. They quickly lose their appearance and by the middle of the celebration they will completely lose their presentable appearance if they are not first kept in the refrigerator. A special spray purchased at a florist store will help prevent rapid fading.
  • If active recreation is planned, the reliability of fastening the wreath should be taken into account. Ribbons tied at the back of the head will help to better fix the headband on the head.
  • A bright wreath of large flowers should not be complemented with flashy makeup. The result will be image overload.
  • A floral accessory looks impressive on loose and slightly curled hair. Appearance takes on features of tenderness, romanticism and freshness.
  • You can make a wreath from several branches of artificial flowers. First you need to disassemble the branches into separate fragments. Then assemble the composition by gluing the elements onto the hoop.
  • It is recommended to use accessories for special events and weddings from small flowers of pastel colors. Thin satin ribbons will make the decoration fit for purpose.
  • Before making a wreath for the bride from fresh flowers, you should consult a florist. A specialist will tell you which plants are best used to make decorations. Quick damage to a floral headband can ruin the holiday.
  • The longer the strands, the larger the composition elements in the wreath.
  • The accessory should fit comfortably on the head. You should not build too bulky rims. They are uncomfortable to wear, and in the photo your face will constantly get lost in the buds and leaves.
  • If the bride's outfit includes a wreath, then the buds from the rim should echo the bouquet.

The sweet taste of victory, deafening applause, world fame and enthusiastic exclamations of admirers in honor of conquered peaks and new open horizons... All this is inextricably linked in our minds with such stable expressions as “to win the palm”, “to be kissed by Fortune” and “ put a laurel wreath on your head." All this has become so familiar and ordinary for us that few people even think about the meaning of the words listed, much less delve into the history of their appearance. Nevertheless, it is the awareness of the simplest truths that often turns out to be one of the most difficult tasks, and therefore it is sometimes very important to understand the essence of them.

Appeal to flora

Like many other realities of our modern life, such a concept as a “laurel wreath” originates in Ancient Greece, at the very origins of our cultural traditions, beliefs and views on art and the world in general. You don’t need to be an expert in biology to understand what this expression actually means.

The name of this item is quite obviously connected with one of the most ancient symbols borrowed from the world of flora - the laurel tree, common in the Mediterranean. However, the history of the emergence of this symbol is much more complex and romantic. In order to understand the essence of the meaning, one should turn to Greek mythology.

Connection with the golden-haired god

For a person who understands Antiquity, a laurel wreath is inextricably linked with the name of Apollo - the son of the powerful Zeus and the goddess Leto. Traditionally, this representative of the Greek pantheon is depicted as a beautiful young man with a bow in his hand and a harp behind his back. Thanks to his amazing beauty, grace and masculinity, he is considered a kind of ideal of male stature and appearance in general. And Apollo’s head is decorated with the famous laurel wreath, the appearance of which is associated with a romantic but tragic love story.

Arrow of Eros

According to myths, the beautiful son of Zeus, in addition to a keen eye and the gift of foresight, also had an excessively large conceit, for which he later had to pay. Eros, who decided to teach Apollo a lesson, pierced his heart with a magic arrow of love, and the young man was inflamed with love for the daughter of the river god Peneus, the nymph Daphne.

Fate was not favorable to the beautiful god, and the girl did not share his feelings. Obeying the torment of his heart, Apollo rushed in pursuit of Daphne, but was never able to catch up with her - exhausted, the nymph called out to her father, asking him for help and salvation. Peneus answered the plea of ​​his beloved daughter in a very unique way - Daphne’s thin frame was covered with bark, her hands turned into branches stretched to the sky, and her hair was replaced by green laurel leaves.

Realizing that he was not destined to be with his beloved, the son of Zeus wove a wreath in memory of his unrequited feelings for the beautiful nymph, which later became his symbol and permanent attribute.

First sign of victory

Nevertheless, the ending of this rather sad story turned out to be not so gloomy. Everyone knows that a laurel wreath is a symbol of victory in the modern world. This is precisely the meaning that the ancient Greeks put into it when they rewarded the best participants in the Pythian Games, which were held to honor the god of beauty and sunlight, Apollo. Since then, the world has made it a tradition to crown the head of the winner with a wreath of this evergreen plant with a sad history.

Laurus and other peoples

This tree had deep meaning and power not only for the Greeks and Romans, who inherited their traditions. The laurel wreath also had another meaning. For example, among the inhabitants of ancient China it symbolized eternal life and rebirth.

In the Christian tradition, this tree is almost inextricably linked with the funeral ceremony, since laurel wreaths were used, as a rule, at funerals.

Becoming a symbol of victory

Few people know, but the modern understanding of this unique decoration appeared largely thanks to the Great French bourgeois revolution. It was then that the laurel wreath - a symbol of victory - became such, entering heraldry. In the 18th century, the branches of this plant decorated the coat of arms of the French Republic, and then the banners of other countries.

Value conversion

It is no secret that the ancient Greeks and then the Romans paid great attention to sports, organizing numerous games and grandiose competitions. Decorating the head with a laurel wreath as a reward was in those days only available to outstanding wrestlers or, for example, spear throwers.

Nevertheless, times change, and traditions change along with them - in the modern world, not only athletes, but also outstanding figures of culture, art, science and even journalism are every now and then awarded the privilege of crowning their heads with a wreath of laurel leaves.

The biggest difference is that today it has become more of a common figurative expression than an actual material embodiment of the victory won. Nevertheless, medals, cups and certificates decorated with this floral ornament cannot be called a rarity at all today. The symbol of victory, which arose in the distant times of Antiquity, has survived to this day, transformed over time, but without losing its greatness.

The ancient Greeks had no equal in the art of making jewelry. Particularly delightful are the wreaths made from gold foil, which are elaborate replicas of ancient plant wreaths. It seems incredible, but today's craftsmen still cannot unravel and repeat all the techniques and technologies used by ancient jewelers. Fortunately, time has preserved some of these fragile masterpieces for us, and today we have the opportunity to enjoy their extraordinary beauty.

In Greece, for a long time, winners were given wreaths made from branches of sacred trees, which were considered an expensive and valuable gift. Athletes, winners of competitions, were honored with an olive wreath, musicians and poets were awarded a laurel wreath, a sign of the special patronage of Apollo. Rulers and outstanding generals were awarded a wreath made of oak branches, the sacred tree of Zeus. Women and girls from aristocratic families decorated their heads with elegant wreaths made of myrtle, the tree of the goddess of love Aphrodite. Ivy and grapes are associated with the cult of Dionysus.

But later, for royalty, as well as for performing religious rituals, they began to make wreaths from sheet gold. A special decree was issued regarding the right to wear such a wreath, and it was awarded during major holidays.

As a result of the victories and conquests of Alexander the Great, gold became abundant in Greece, and soon luxurious wreaths made of this metal became available to many wealthy members of the nobility. Gold wreaths, emphasizing the status and social position of their owners, were passed down from generation to generation. Sometimes they were given to temples as offerings to the gods.

The Golden Age of Greece began, when jewelry manufacturing technology reached a new level. The skill of ancient Greek jewelers reached incredible heights; their work technique was distinguished by amazing grace.

The craftsmen managed to very skillfully imitate the branches of real plants, and they reproduced not only the shape of the leaves, but even the patterns of their veins. Usually wreaths were made by connecting two branches in a Herculean pattern. Each leaf was attached to the petiole using a thin wire. In addition to leaves, berries and flowers, also made of gold, were often used to decorate wreaths. The most common were golden laurel wreaths.

But there were also others - myrtle, olive, ivy, oak and grape wreaths of amazingly fine workmanship.

Such wreaths were preserved mainly in the tombs of royalty and nobility of that era as funeral gifts.

The most famous golden wreaths were discovered during excavations of a mound with royal burials in Vergina, where the ancient Macedonian capital was once located.

One of them was found in the tomb of Alexander the Great's father, Philip II. This massive golden oak wreath of 313 tiny leaves and 68 acorns weighs 730 grams.

Another incredibly beautiful wreath, a myrtle wreath, belonged to one of his wives, Meda.

What do you remember about such a symbol as Laurel wreath? Immediately comes to mind: victory, the Olympians, antiquity, ancient Greece. If you think about it further, the name of the Greek sun god Apollo comes to mind. And the laurel was also credited with a prophetic gift, and there were priests who ate laurel to prophecy and interpret the future. That's what they were called - laurel eaters! And in general, laurel was not only a sign of triumph and a companion to victory, in ancient times they were convinced that it saved from lightning.

All in all, Laurel wreath associated only with the positive, personifies success, and even a talisman! Well, how can you not wish such a miracle home! Moreover, this miracle can be done with your own hands and the financial costs are minimal.

The author of the idea and master class is Jeffrey Rudell ( It was he who was struck by the idea of ​​such an original gift, since he did not want to give wine and sweets, as most people do. Sometimes it’s amazing how some people can “see”! Amazing in a good way. They know how to see the extraordinary in ordinary things. And even more - they can make something truly beautiful, amazing and original out of simple and ordinary things. What is especially pleasant is the fact that if you have the desire, you can bring this project to life yourself.

And so, what do we need for work:

  1. the circle on which we will glue (here the diameter of the circle is 23 cm);
  2. bay leaves;
  3. glue (glue gun, instant glue or any other similar glue).

You can take a circle cut out of thick cardboard. If its color is white or very different from your bay leaves, I suggest first painting the circle with acrylic paint so that it does not stand out too much and does not spoil the look of the finished product.

It is better not to buy laurel leaves in opaque packaging. A bay leaf on a branch is perfect for us, so you can check the integrity of the leaves and their color.

Moreover, you need to start with selecting and sorting leaves. There is no need to discard them for the slightest flaw. Small flaws will make your wreath more “alive” and interesting.

Start gluing along the outer edge of our circle. Pay attention to the density of the glued leaves! Try not to glue too often and not too rarely. Then tape the inner edge. We do not change the direction of the leaves.

The photo above shows how to alternately lay the middle row. You only need to glue the tip so that the leaves deviate slightly, creating a shape and volume. As the author said, “you get wonderful shadows and textural depth.”

This is what we should get. If we look closely, we will see that some leaves have flaws, but this in no way worsens the result! And the leaves were specially glued at random, either with the front side up or down. This technique also works for texture. If you decide to varnish the product, choose a matte one so that the product does not have a plastic sheen or, even worse, a sticky feeling. Try the varnish on a separate leaf first. and then decide whether you need to use varnish here, whether it will ruin your work.

It's nice to look at such an amazing result! It turned out very beautiful!!! You can add a ribbon here and hang it on the wall. You can also decorate the table by placing a wreath in the center of the table and placing a large candle in the middle. And also this one Laurel wreath can become a chic frame for a mirror, so that a triumphant person would look at you from this mirror every day!

Have fun creating!

A wreath is a stylish accessory and element of interior decor that you can easily make yourself using almost any materials. The presented ideas and master classes on making wreaths will help anyone who would like to learn how to make wreaths to show their creative potential.

A wreath is a spectacular decorative element in the shape of a ring, used as a talisman and accessory for a woman’s outfit, as well as for interior decoration or as a gift.

Depending on the design, wreaths can be abstract or themed - Easter, Christmas. It's easy to learn how to make them yourself. The ability to use almost any materials - textiles, paper, artificial or fresh flowers, leaves, branches, etc., to create them allows you to come up with interesting ideas and creatively implement them. The video below demonstrates the principle of making a head wreath using artificial flowers.

How to make a decorative wreath for the interior from coniferous branches is shown in the master class presented in the video below.

A master class on making an original souvenir wreath from an ordinary metal hanger and 1-2 kg of sweets is shown in the photo below.

How to make a laurel wreath step by step with photos

The laurel wreath, as a symbol of glory, victory and peace, has been used since ancient times. In ancient times, it was used to crown the heads of triumphants, poets and priests; now it is used not only to reward winners, but also as a mandatory accessory of an ancient Roman costume worn at a costume party. You can make a laurel wreath yourself in 2 ways.

1. Using real bay leaves.

The principle of making such a wreath is quite simple:

  • Cut a ring from a sheet of cardboard or polystyrene foam, or buy a ready-made base ring at a store offering craft supplies. The size of the ring should be equal to the circumference of the head;

  • using a glue gun or regular PVA, glue bay leaves onto the base ring, placing them overlapping, first along the outer contour in one row, then glue the leaves along the inner contour of the ring in the same way;

  • seal the middle of the base ring with bay leaves, arranging them in a herringbone pattern;

  • The finished laurel wreath can be entwined with a beautiful ribbon or decorated with a small bow by gluing it to the top of the wreath. You can also use allspice, cloves or dried chokeberries as decoration by gluing them onto the wreath.

Using paper blanks cut in the shape of a bay leaf:

  • cut a long strip of cardboard, measure the required size = head circumference, glue the ends of the strip into a ring. Instead of cardboard, you can use wire, which will need to be decorated by wrapping it in paper and painting it gold;

  • Draw bay leaves on a sheet of paper - about 25 pieces, cut them out;
    stick the cut out leaves onto a paper ring using a glue gun;

  • Paint the finished wreath gold using spray paint.

Using the laurel wreath manufacturing technology described above, you can also make models of laurel wreaths, for example, such as in the photo below

The video below demonstrates how to make your own laurel wreath.

How to make a paper wreath on your head, step by step with photos

Even a beginner can make a paper wreath, as in the photo above. Such an accessory, when used for a photo shoot or a themed party, will add romance and style to the image.

For the craft you will need:

  • craft paper of different colors;
  • wire;
  • glue gun;
  • scissors.

Take a thin wire with a length equal to the circumference of the head + 5 cm. Make a headband out of it, twisting the ends of the wire into a ring.

Make blanks of leaves and flowers from wire and paper, as shown in the photo below. For a wreath you will need about 8 large and 12 small flower buds, 16 leaves.

Randomly alternating blanks of flowers and leaves, attach them to the rim, while the tip of the stem of the previous element should be hidden under the new flower or leaf.

Wrap a strip of paper around the entire circumference of the wreath, covering the empty sections of the wire, securing the flowers and leaves screwed to the rim.

Straighten the flowers and leaves, the wreath on your head is ready.

The video below shows a master class on making another wreath model. For its manufacture, ordinary paper napkins are used.

How to make a wreath from branches, step by step with photos

A wreath made of branches can serve as the basis for an original souvenir gift or interior decor.

The best branches for this craft are willow, weeping birch or grape branches about 80 cm long. The number of branches used depends on the volume of the wreath. If the existing material bends poorly, its flexibility can be improved by soaking the branches for 30-40 minutes. in boiling water.

After soaking, the branches must be wiped. Then, taking two branches and connecting the thin end of one with the thick end of the other, roll them into a ring of the required diameter so that one wraps around the other. Then take the third branch and wrap it around the wreath. Repeat the manipulation until all branches are finished. You can twist the branches either clockwise or counterclockwise. Protruding ends and small branches should be tucked inside so that they look neat. To prevent the wreath from falling apart, it should be secured with thread, rope, wire or tape. Now it can be decorated. If desired, a wreath of branches can be painted white, golden or any other color.

This ring, woven from branches, can be used to make an autumn, Easter or Christmas wreath.

The photo below shows how to make a heart-shaped wreath from branches. To make it, you need to take a bunch of willow or birch branches, tie it at the end, then divide it in two, roll it in the shape of a heart and secure it by tying it with a rope, as shown in the figure. Carefully trim off the protruding ends of the branches. Decorate the wreath with flowers, hearts, angel figures, bows.

How to make a spring wreath with your own hands, step by step with photos

Using a base ring of branches, it is easy to make a wreath with spring flowers - mimosa, willow, tulips, muscari, lilies of the valley. To prevent the flowers in the wreath from quickly wilting, you need to place several plastic capsules with water inside the wreath, as shown in the photo below. The tips of the stems are placed in them, and even such delicate flowers as tulips will remain fresh for a very long time. A wreath of fresh flowers will bring spring mood and joy to your interior.

A more practical solution when creating a spring wreath would be to use artificial flowers. To secure them to the base ring, you can use:

  • a glue gun that allows you to simply glue flower buds to the base;
  • type tape, with the help of which flowers are tied to the base.

If the base ring is tightly wrapped with paper or textile tape, then artificial flowers with thin wire stems can be securely fastened by simply tucking them under the wrapping. How this is done is shown in the photo below.

Another version of a spring wreath can be made by following step-by-step recommendations.

For the wreath you will need:

  • willow or birch branches;
  • ribbon;
  • flowers – artificial, fresh or dried flowers;
  • 3 quail eggs;
  • sesal;
  • acrylic paints, thin wire, pliers, glue gun.

Make the base of the wreath from branches and wire.

After piercing the quail eggs with a knife, remove their contents, wash and dry the eggs themselves, and, if desired, tint them using acrylic paints. Make a bird's nest from the pruning tree by rolling it into a ring and tying it. Glue the eggs to the nest. For greater realism, insert dry twigs and moss into it.

Decorate the wreath with flowers, moss, and ribbon.

Glue the nest with eggs onto the wreath and secure with a hanging ribbon. The spring wreath is ready.

How to make an Easter wreath with your own hands, master class

An Easter wreath made by yourself is a great way to decorate the interior of your home for the bright holiday. It is used to decorate walls, doors, and holiday tables. A characteristic feature of such a wreath is the presence in the composition of Easter symbols - painted or painted eggs, figurines of chickens and rabbits, bird nests. The Easter wreath is decorated in bright, cheerful colors - green, red, yellow. When making a wreath, it would be appropriate to use greenery and spring flowers - hyacinths, tulips, daffodils, dandelions, lilies of the valley.
As a basis for an Easter wreath, you can use a ring made of wire or foam, willow twigs, or piaflora. The finished ring can be braided with branches of boxwood, willow, laurel, satin ribbons, and crepe paper. And also decorate with eggshells, moss, fresh flowers, grass, painted eggs, beads or feathers. You can make decorative painted eggs for an Easter wreath yourself from foam or wooden blanks and attach them to the wreath using a glue gun.

The sequence of making an Easter wreath can be seen in the video below.

How to make a Christmas and New Year's wreath on the door, master class

A traditional Christmas or New Year's wreath is used for festive interior decor. The easiest way to make such a wreath is to wrap a cardboard ring with New Year's rain or string New Year's balls on a wire and close it into a ring.

A Christmas wreath made from live or artificial coniferous branches, decorated with cones, New Year's balls and other tinsel, looks impressive. Making a wreath begins with creating a frame. It consists of 2 wire rings of different diameters fastened together.

Next, you should disassemble the coniferous branches into bundles. Attach them with wire to the ring so that each new bundle covers the attachment point of the previous one.

Decorate the wreath with ribbons, balls, bells, pine cones, nuts, sweets in bright wrappers, and dried lemon slices.

The finished wreath is used as an integral part of a festive table setting, or by attaching a loop to it from the inside out, it is hung on a wall or door.

In the photo below you can see other ways to make a New Year's wreath from pine or spruce branches. The first wreath uses a circle cut out of cardboard as the base; crumpled wrapping paper is attached to it to add volume. And then coniferous branches are glued and tied on top. The wreath is decorated with pine cones, cotton flowers, nuts, ribbon, and textile stars.

Making the second wreath is even easier than the first. It requires thin pine branches and wire. The branches are simply rolled into a ring, intertwined with each other, and the protruding ends secured with wire. Decorate the wreath with fir cones and rowan branches.

A Christmas wreath of fir cones is made according to the same pattern as other wreaths. As a basis for such a wreath, it is better to use a wide ring made of polystyrene foam or cardboard and newspapers; it is better to attach the cones with a glue gun. The finished wreath can be decorated with artificial snow by spraying it from a spray can.

Another detailed master class on making a New Year's wreath is demonstrated in this video.

How to make a Ukrainian wreath with your own hands, step by step with photos

A wreath of flowers is an essential element of Ukrainian women’s costume. Only unmarried girls wear it. A characteristic feature of the Ukrainian wreath is the presence of ribbons attached to the back of the flower rim. When weaving a real Ukrainian wreath, 12 types of plants are used, each of which carries a symbolic meaning. As a rule, it is harvested from poppies, immortelle, cornflowers, daisies, forget-me-nots, marigolds, hops, lovage, mallow, periwinkle, yarrow, and viburnum branches.

Today, a Ukrainian-style wreath has become a fashionable accessory, which I often display in designer collections. Making such a wreath yourself from artificial flowers is not at all difficult. For this you will need:

  • artificial flowers, harmoniously combined in color;
  • thick cardboard for the base;
  • newspaper to create volume;
  • hot glue gun, mounting tape or transparent tape;
  • satin ribbons.

Cut out 2 identical base pieces from cardboard. They are a ring with an offset center, that is, one part of the circle should be wider, and the one on the opposite side should be correspondingly narrower.

Taking one of the parts of the base, give it volume using rolled newspapers, secure the structure by wrapping it with mounting tape or tape. Glue the second part of the base to the first, covering the places of the winding and giving the back of the future wreath a neat appearance.

Disassemble existing artificial flowers into buds and leaves.

Glue them using hot glue. It is necessary to arrange the flowers in the following order: large buds in the middle, medium ones at the edges, fill the remaining openings with the smallest ones.

Flowers should occupy at least ¾ of the circumference of the ring. At the narrowest part, you need to attach the ribbons, tying them with a simple knot.

This video will help you learn more about the process of making a Ukrainian wreath.

Another option for making a simple wreath from artificial flowers is demonstrated in this video.

How to make a wreath from ribbons, step by step with photos

An original wreath for interior decoration can be made using regular ribbon.

For such a wreath you will need thin and flexible wire, several meters of satin or viscose ribbon 5-8 cm wide. A motley ribbon will look especially impressive in a wreath.

  1. After cutting the wire to the desired size, string a ribbon onto it, forming wavy folds.
  2. Roll the wire and tape into a ring, twist the ends of the wire, intertwining them together, and fasten the ends of the tape with a stapler or glue them, placing one on top of the other.
  3. Spread the threaded ribbon evenly around the entire circumference. The wreath is ready!

Another wreath option that can be easily made from a wire ring and ribbons. It will require a base ring of any size and ribbons of 2-3 colors, tied around the entire circumference of the ring in the form of bows.
Other options for ribbon wreaths that even a beginner can easily make can be seen in the photo below.

How to make a Greek wreath, step by step with photos

The Greek wreath is a special type of wreath, which is a thin decorated rim. With its help it is easy to create a hairstyle in the Greek style. When creating a Greek wreath, plant motifs are used as decoration - small flowers, leaves, fruits. The Greek wreath is put on so that its decorated side is located either on the forehead or on the back of the head. To make a wreath you will need: You can make a wreath by making a wire base, wrapping it in satin or suede ribbon, and gluing it on it as decoration:

  • rhinestones and pearls;
  • small flowers made of polymer clay, famiaran or fabric;
  • kanzashi flowers;
  • appliqués embroidered with gold or silver threads depicting plant motifs;
  • laurel leaves made of paper and covered with gold paint.

Anyone can make a simple Greek wreath of pearl beads, wire, a chain with rhinestones and a satin ribbon, following step-by-step instructions:

  • cut 35 cm of thin, soft wire, roll one end of the wire into a loop, as shown in the photo.

  • string pearl beads onto the wire and secure them by twisting a loop.

  • add a pearl thread, a chain of rhinestones, at the ends of which screw loops of wire

  • connect a pearl thread and a chain with rhinestones into a wreath, stretching a satin ribbon or lace through the loops and tying them with a bow.

The finished wreath can be used to create hairstyles in the Greek style.

Examples of other versions of the Greek wreath can be seen in the photo below.

How to make a wreath of fresh flowers, master class

A wreath of fresh flowers is an accessory traditionally used for themed photo shoots. Decorating a girl’s head with such an accessory makes the image sweet and romantic. The technology of weaving wreaths from wildflowers and herbs with long flexible stems is known, perhaps, to everyone who wove wreaths from dandelions in childhood. But how to make a wreath of roses, carnations or other flowers with short or inflexible stems is demonstrated in the step-by-step master class presented below. So, for the wreath you will need:

  • wire for making a rim;
  • type tape for wrapping the base and attaching flowers;
  • small spray roses, carnations, gypsophila, sprigs of eucalyptus, boxwood and other greenery;
  • decorative wire for fastening and pruning shears for cutting flowers.

Wrap the wire with tape. Bend it into a ring to fit your head, intertwine the ends of the wire together, and secure them with tape.

Attach the boutonnieres, alternating roses and carnations, to the wire rim using tape and decorative wire. When attaching boutonnieres to the base, they need to be placed only along the outer edge, with large buds best placed in the middle of the wreath, and small ones at the edges.

Sprinkle the assembled wreath with water and keep it in a cool place until you need to put it on.

The wreaths shown in the photo above are made of foamiran, a foamed plastic material widely used for handicrafts. Foamiran is unpretentious in work, has a pleasant, velvety texture, and easily takes the given shape. It is easily cut with scissors or a stationery knife, painted with acrylic paints, glued with hot glue, and combined with other materials. Using foamiran, you can make a wreath of any complexity. An example of one of the wreaths, which even a beginner who has never worked with this material can easily make, is shown in the video below.

Using corrugated paper you can quickly and easily make an original wreath on your head or a decorative wreath to decorate walls and doors. To make a wreath you will need:

  • corrugated paper in 2 colors - pink and green;
  • cardboard;
  • PVA glue, scissors and thread.

The process of creating a paper wreath begins with making flowers. To do this, corrugated paper must be cut into rectangles 9x13 cm. To create 1 flower, you need to fold 2 green rectangles together, add 8 pink rectangles on top, then fold the entire stack like an accordion, tie it in the middle with thread, as shown in the photo below.

Cut the ends of the paper blank into a semicircle. Form a three-dimensional flower by lifting and straightening the petals.

Repeat the above steps to make 10 flowers.
A step-by-step master class of another version of a wreath of paper roses, which you can make yourself, is presented in the photo below.

It will require:

  • pink corrugated paper for making roses;
  • ready-made volumetric ring for the base of the wreath.

Fold the corrugated paper several times to form a small multi-layered square. Then, on a sheet of white paper, draw a spiral-shaped template for the future workpiece. After placing the template on paper folded several times, cut out the details of the future roses.

Taking the outer tip, roll the paper blank into a spiral, giving it the appearance of a blooming rosebud.

Having made the required number of blanks. Using hot glue, glue the paper roses onto the ring base.

This is what the finished paper rose wreath looks like.

As you can see from the photo, a wreath is a spectacular decorative element used as a talisman, part of a woman’s costume or interior decoration. Using the above master classes, everyone can make a wreath from flowers, paper, branches and other available materials.