Examples of children's crafts for the garden in winter. Master class on making family crafts “Winter's Tale. Salt dough toys

Crafts for kindergarten on the theme of winter and New Year are again becoming popular and relevant. However, if you don’t have a tradition of making crafts in kindergarten for the New Year, you can do handicrafts at home. This is a great opportunity to do something interesting.

DIY winter crafts for kindergarten: funny snowmen

Crafts for kindergarten on the theme of winter and New Year: Christmas trees and snow-covered trees

The Christmas trees, of course, are green and elegant. Snow-covered trees are white and lacy. To make this beauty, you can use cardboard, colored paper, thin paper napkins, video tutorials, as well as other ideas for garden crafts on winter and New Year themes from our selection.

Details on how to make such Christmas trees with your own hands for kindergarten as a New Year's craft are in the photo. We cut out a triangle from cardboard - the basis of our future paper Christmas tree - and string it onto a wooden stick or glue it with a glue gun. Then, with the children, we cut green paper of different shades into strips. The next step is to glue the strips in a random order on the cardboard triangle and cut off the excess.

And here are the openwork winter trees. You can add snow with your fingers. If you are looking for crafts on the theme “Winter” or “New Year” for the younger groups of kindergarten, then these ideas will come in handy.

And such cute DIY New Year’s crafts for kindergarten can even be used as Christmas tree decorations.

If there are trees and Christmas trees, Santa’s deer can walk under them, which you can make with your own hands from cardboard.

Winter in our region lasts a long time. And what can you do with your baby on long winter evenings? Why not start making winter crafts together with him? Even preschool children can make them with their own hands. Many parents will need winter crafts for kindergarten. Therefore, the ideas presented below will be very useful. You just need to set aside one evening and start creating magic together with your beloved baby.

Material selection

Typically, winter is associated with snowflakes, snow, winter sports, snowdrifts and the New Year. Based on this, it is necessary to select materials to implement ideas.

The easiest way would be to make a panel or drawing. But it should not be simple, but made using some interesting technique. The drawing canvas can be filled in:

  • Mankoy.
  • Cotton pads.
  • Plain water.
  • Crushed eggshell.
  • Sugar and much more.

The use of these materials involves gluing them to a cardboard base.

New Year's installations are a favorite type of creativity for children. To do this, you just need to take an unnecessary empty box, for example, a shoe box, and cut off two walls from it. This will leave a floor with two walls at an angle. From this you can make the basis for an amazing winter landscape, forest or scene. You can use cotton wool as snow, trees and houses can be made from cotton swabs or newspapers rolled into a tube and painted with brown paint on top.

Crafts can also be made from empty plastic bottles or paper, from burnt out light bulbs - literally from anything that can be found at home. For example, from a plastic bottle and light bulbs you can get an unusual penguin or dog. From threads you can make three-dimensional figures of snowmen, as well as unusual interesting panels using the technique of thread printing or from thread crumbs.

It's worth taking a closer look , from which you can create crafts with your own hands on a winter theme.

Burnt out light bulbs

It is very good if you have a large light bulb. You can make a real New Year's penguin out of it. To make such a craft you will need the following tools:

Step-by-step instruction

The unusual penguin is ready!

Plastic bottles

You can also make a penguin or Santa Claus from plastic bottles. The scheme is quite simple and similar to the previous one. For this craft, you need to take two empty plastic bottles of the same size and shape. From one you need to cut off only the bottom, and cut the second in half and use tape or glue to glue the top and bottom of the first bottle to it. This will create a block.

Now it needs to be painted white and allowed to dry. In exactly the same way as with the light bulb, you need to draw the contours of the front part for the penguin. If you are making Santa Claus, then you need to draw a face. These parts remain white, and the rest is painted black for the penguin or red for Santa Claus. After this, you need to paint the face and draw other necessary details. A scarf and cap are put on top; if you made Santa Claus, then you need to glue on a beard from felt or cotton wool.

It turns out to be quite an interesting craft that can be easily made with your child from unnecessary things.

Panel made of cotton pads

It's hard to imagine winter without a snowman. Kids love to sculpt them in the yards and play in the snow, making lumps out of it. However, making this winter hero at home from scrap materials will be quite interesting and simple. For the creative process you will need:

Step-by-step master class on making a snowman

The unusual winter panel is ready!

Panel made of semolina, plasticine or thread

This is another interesting and exciting option for creating a winter-themed painting. The child will simply be delighted with this activity. To make such a craft, you need to take colored cardboard, a simple pencil, PVA glue, semolina or sugar.

Snowman made of threads

You can make it from threads. To do this you will need the following materials and tools:

Step-by-step manufacturing diagram

In principle, you can decorate such an original snowman at your own discretion, you just need to show your imagination.

Christmas trees made from balls of thread

For a children's exhibition, you can also make a composition in the form of a New Year tree from balls of thread. To make it you will need:

Step-by-step master class

A Christmas tree can be made without a base from a pot and a stem, while the cone will be made from balls. It will be much faster and easier.

New Year's wreaths

Such wreaths are classics of the genre. All New Year's fairs are literally inundated with them. Wreaths can decorate any room during the New Year holidays. Most often they are made from scrap materials; they can be used:

To make a New Year's wreath, you only need to understand the principle: first of all, the base is made from cardboard or a ready-made purchased foam ring, after which it is decorated at your own request. The selected elements are glued onto it quite tightly. They can be combined with each other; finally, the wreath can be decorated with a bow or ribbon on the side. The finished wreath is hung on the entrance or interior doors.

Child psychologists say that children should make crafts for school or kindergarten on their own, and parents should only help. According to experts, this affects the development and self-esteem of the baby.

New Year is a magical holiday for every child. You just can’t count how many crafts you can create for children’s exhibitions yourself. Children will be very happy to join the creative process. After all, any child loves to sculpt, draw and glue something.

Winter craft

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Has a kindergarten or school announced an exhibition of winter-themed crafts? Or do you just want to keep your little one busy with creativity on these cold days? In one material, we have collected for you 6 ideas for winter crafts from natural and scrap materials with step-by-step master classes, a selection of 60 photos and videos.

Idea 1. Tabletop diorama with a winter theme

A tabletop diorama will allow you and your baby to show off all your talents - from modeling to design. Moreover, using a variety of materials and objects: branches, cones, toys (for example, from Kinder Surprise eggs), plasticine, salt dough, cardboard, cotton wool and much more.

First of all, you need to come up with a plot for your diorama and plan the composition. You can recreate any of your fantasies or be inspired by our selection of topics with photos and small tips on making crafts.

Topic 1. “Winter in the forest”

The craft is made of polystyrene foam and plasticine. You can also make a bear from polymer clay or salt dough

If in kindergarten or school you were given the task of making a winter craft from natural materials, then you can use pine cones. They make excellent Christmas trees, owls, deer, squirrels and hedgehogs for the winter forest. By the way, we just have several master classes on making them

Want to make a simple craft more effective? Just light it up with an LED garland! To embed light bulbs in cardboard, you need to make cross-shaped cuts in it.

This winter forest is made entirely of felt. Animal figures can be placed on fingers

Topic 2. “Winter House”

A favorite theme at winter craft exhibitions. The house can be surrounded by a forest or a courtyard with paths, a gate, a rowan tree, a skating rink and a snowman. And the hut itself can be beautiful not only outside, but also inside.

This video tutorial shows a simple and quick way to make winter crafts from natural materials, namely twigs and pine cones.

Topic 3. “Christmas in a village/town”

If you build a couple of houses and connect them with beautiful streets, you will have a whole village or town.

The easiest way to make houses is from paper, or rather from printed templates that you just need to cut out, paint and glue. The following video presents a step-by-step master class on making such a craft.

Topic 4. “The North Pole and its inhabitants”

Want to make a more original craft? We suggest making a diorama on the theme of the North Pole.

To make such a craft, download and print the templates (click on the picture to download), transfer them to cardboard, then cut, connect and paint the parts

Topic 5. “Winter fun”

A craft on the theme of winter fun illustrates all the joys of winter. For example, sledding, making snowmen or playing snowballs. Lego men (pictured below), Kinder Surprise egg figurines and any small toys are well suited for recreating winter scenes. You can also make little people with your own hands from plasticine or polymer clay.

Topic 6. Winter sports

Another very original craft idea is a diorama on the theme of skiing, figure skating, hockey, bobsleigh, and snowboarding. By the way, the Olympics in Sochi can serve as inspiration and a model for modeling.

To make these ski figures, download, print, color and cut out the templates (click on the picture to download the templates), then glue a toothpick to the hands of the men, and a popsicle stick to the legs.

Topic 7. Scenes from fairy tales

Choose your favorite fairy tale and recreate one of its episodes. For example, this could be the fairy tale “12 Months”, “The Snow Queen”, “Morozko”, “The Nutcracker”, “At the Command of the Pike”.

Everything in this craft on the theme of the fairy tale “At the Command of the Pike” is molded from plasticine and only the mill is assembled from matches

To make such a craft, you need to cut several holes in a piece of plywood and insert tree branches into them

This composition is dedicated to the theme of the ballet “The Nutcracker”. The figures in it are made of... clothespins. Unfortunately, clothespins with a round top are not sold in Russia, but you can order them on the Aliexpress website or use regular ones

From this video you will learn how to make a winter craft with your own hands based on the fairy tale “At the Order of the Pike.”

Idea 2. Skating rink with a controlled figure

The originality of this winter craft is that the skater can be smoothly “rolled on the ice” by moving a magnet along the back of the box.

What you need:

  • A shallow tin can for cookies, tea, etc.
  • Paper;
  • Paints and brushes, pencils or markers;
  • Paperclip or coin;
  • Glue;
  • Magnet.

How to do it:

Step 1. Decorate the tin box so that it resembles an ice skating rink: paint the bottom with blue and white paint and cover with clear varnish (glitter nail polish works well), you can place garlands and flags on top of the box, and snow-covered trees on the sides.

Step 2. Draw a figure of a girl or boy skating on thick paper or cardboard, then cut it out and glue it to a coin or paperclip.

Step 3. Attach a magnet to the back of the box. Voila, the skating rink is ready!

Idea 3. Painting made with prints

Drawing pictures with fingerprints, handprints, and even toes is a lot of fun, especially for preschoolers. All you need is imagination, gouache and a sheet of paper! In the following selection of photos you can see examples of such drawings.

Idea 4. Mini Christmas tree made of paper

Another winter craft idea for little ones is paper Christmas trees. They are made very easily and quickly, and you can use them in any way you like: as decoration for the same diorama, applique for a New Year's card or panel, for decorating a garland or Christmas tree.

What you need:

  • A sheet of green paper and some brown paper for the trunk;
  • Glue stick;
  • Scissors;
  • Sequins, rhinestones, beads and other decorations for the Christmas tree.

Step 1. Make a square from a sheet of green paper by folding one corner of the sheet as shown in the photo and cutting out the excess.

Step 2. Cut one of the short sides of the triangle into equal narrow strips, not reaching the fold about 1 cm (see photo above).

Step 3. Now straighten your workpiece and begin gluing the ends of the strips to the center fold line one by one, moving from bottom to top.

Step 4. Once you have secured all the stripes, fold and glue the bottom corner of the tree to the top. Next, in the same place, but on the reverse side, glue a small rectangle (tree trunk) cut out of brown paper.

Step 5. Decorate the tree with colorful beads, sparkles, buttons and other decor. If you wish, you can make several of these trees, glue loops to them, and then assemble a garland or decorate a real tree with crafts.

Idea 5. Snow globe... or rather a jar

Now we propose to make a real souvenir with your own hands - a variation of a snow globe. True, it will be made from an ordinary glass jar. The child can give the craft to a loved one, present it at a winter crafts competition, or simply leave it on the shelf for beauty.

What you need:

  • Glass jar with lid;
  • A piece of foam;
  • Glue (hot or “Moment”);
  • Acrylic paint for decorating the lid (optional);
  • Artificial snow or just sea salt, sugar, finely grated white soap or polyethylene foam;
  • Figurines that will be placed in a jar;
  • Foam balls or any white beads;
  • Fishing line;
  • Needle.

How to do it:

Step 1: Repaint the lid the desired color and leave to dry. In this project, spray paint was used to remake the lid.

Step 2. While the paint is drying, let's make a “snowfall”. To do this, you need to string several foam balls onto a fishing line threaded into a needle. Use tape to attach the snowflakes to the jar.

Step 3. Trace the bottom of the jar directly onto the foam, then use a knife to cut the resulting circle out of it. This circle will become the basis for the figures.

Step 4. Glue your figures to the foam circle, then glue the resulting composition to the bottom of the jar.

Step 5. Pour artificial or homemade snow into the jar, close it with a lid with snowflakes and enjoy the view of a winter fairy tale.

Idea 6. New Year card

There are never enough New Year cards, so we suggest making a few together with your child.

What you need:

  • A sheet of white paper;
  • A sheet of colored paper;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue stick;
  • Markers.

How to do it:

Step 1. Fold a sheet of white accordion paper three times so that each top accordion layer is smaller in width than the previous one.

Step 2. Straighten your accordion, cut the sheet diagonally and slightly in waves as shown in the photo above, then assemble the accordion again. You have the slope of a snow-covered mountain.

Step 3. Now take a sheet of colored paper, glue the blank onto it and cut off the excess. Hooray! The postcard is almost ready.

Step 4. Decorate the mountain with Christmas trees, draw snowmen and skiers and finally sign the card.

Using the same principle, but using larger paper, you can make a winter craft for kindergarten.

To feel the New Year approaching, you need to create it with your own hands. Decorate your home with crafts that will bring a festive mood and a little magic to your interior. Build it, it may well replace it. Or come up with original toys made from orange peel or felt. Decorate your rooms with homemade paintings of a Christmas tree or. It all depends on your imagination and New Year's mood. The works presented in the master class will help you decide on the choice of New Year's crafts and create them with your own hands.

For the first gnome craft you will need:

  • gray felt;
  • red fabric;
  • glue;
  • thread and needle;
  • scissors;
  • red paint and brush.

We cut out the shapes shown in the photo from felt and fabric. We sew the fabric parts together, then we sew the felt parts together, stuff the resulting part with cotton wool, this will be the body of the gnome. We embroider crosses at the base of the figure. Then, using a brush, we roll the cut out fabric parts into two tubes. These will make gnome legs. You can make boots for your feet. Sew the legs to the body. We make a beard out of cotton wool and glue it on top of the body. We make a nose and glue it. On top we glue the red fabric parts made earlier. The gnome is ready.

A simple and at the same time beautiful decor that gives a New Year's mood is a wreath made of mittens. Making such a wreath is easy. To do this, cut out parts in the shape of mittens, snowflakes and circles from colored cardboard. Glue circles and snowflakes onto the mittens, then assemble a wreath from the mittens and glue.

Nothing says Christmas like the smell of oranges. You can make unusual Christmas tree decorations from their peels. To do this, use a baking dish to cut out shapes from the peel and make a hole in them for tying. Toys can be hung on the Christmas tree.

Christmas tree decorations can also be made from felt, for example, in the shape of carrots, as shown in the photo. To do this, cut out the shapes, sew them together, and sew a ribbon tie on top. Cover the top seams by sewing yellow felt.

Excellent home decorations are made from fabrics and felt. From felt you can make an original picture with a Christmas tree or a garland, as shown in the photo. Sew Christmas tree decorations in the shape of stars from polka dot and checkered fabric.

Another great material for creativity is pine cones. You can use spruce branches and cones to decorate a picture frame or make a topiary. To create it, you will need a foam ball; glue pine cones and branches onto it using a hot glue gun. Place the ball on a branch and plant the finished craft in a flowerpot, cover the bottom of the pot with cones and branches and other decorative elements.

Even an old washboard can be used as home decoration. Glue a star on it, attach unusual branches to the side and tie a fabric bow. The craft is ready.

You can quickly and effectively wrap a gift thanks to cut out paper snowflakes. First, wrap the box in paper. Fold colored paper several times and cut out a snowflake as shown in the photo. Unwrap the finished snowflake, place it on the box and tie it with a rope. The gift is ready.

Check out some more ideas for DIY Winter crafts:

Penguins, snowmen, snowflakes, clouds with snow, landscapes and Santa Claus are waiting for you. How to make winter crafts for kindergarten?

If you choose the most relevant winter images, then your work will be much more interesting, and winter will seem not such a harsh and boring time of year.

You can also devote a themed activity in kindergarten to creating winter images. It will be more expedient for him to choose crafts that can subsequently form a single composition.

Winter craft “mittens” for kindergarten

The simplest version of the “mitten” craft is applique. We cut the mitten according to the child’s hand. We decorate it with buttons and cotton wool trim.

Mitten applique

The mitten applique can be made from felt. If you attach a thread to it, then we will get an original Christmas tree decoration.

Felt mitten applique

In the form of a mitten, you get a very beautiful winter card. May everyone have happiness this winter!

Santa Claus's magic mitten can be made from salt dough. Detailed master class on video:

Be sure to add a warm hat to your winter mittens set. You can decorate it with cotton balls, pompoms or stickers with your favorite characters.

Winter craft “cloud with snow”

As an option for decorating a window, an unusual winter pendant is suitable: for example, in the form of a snow cloud and large falling snowflakes. Both the cloud and the snowflakes are made from cotton balls: by pinching off pieces of cotton wool, we compact them tightly into a fist until the fist is full. Having opened it, we get neat cotton balls. We glue some of it onto the cardboard outline of the cloud, and string some of it on a thread. We fasten the threads with snowflakes on the cloud - you're done!

Openwork snowflakes made of white paper look original on pendants.

The pendant can also be placed on the wall in a suitable place - for example, in a corner where a future exhibition of winter exhibits is being prepared.

Look at the video on how to make a fabulous “winter window” craft:

Winter craft “snowman”

The most popular winter exhibit will, of course, be. It can be created from a variety of materials. For example, by filling half a transparent plastic bottle with cotton balls, we get the head of a snowman. Let's glue on toy eyes, a felt triangular carrot nose, draw out the contours of the mouth with black circles and coals - and now the face is ready. Let's put a hat made of a warm white sock and a felt scarf on his head - and our snowman is ready to take a place at the exhibition.

Snowmen made from cardboard toilet paper rolls are suitable as table souvenirs. Let's paint them white, glue on buttons, toy eyes and small felt noses - carrots, tie scarves from braid - and now the snowmen take on a characteristic appearance. The highlight for them will be hats - headphones made of fluffy pompoms and pieces of chenille (fluffy) wire.

Snowmen made from cardboard rolls look very interesting.

With a few popcorn cups and disposable plastic spoons, you can make a whole family of snowmen.

You can make snowmen in a more traditional way - for example, in the form of appliqué. A beautiful applique can be made from ordinary cotton pads.

Snowman applique made from cotton pads

Use cotton balls and pieces of felt for your work - and the applique will turn out original and interesting.

The applique can be supplemented with glue snowflakes.

You can make a beautiful three-dimensional snowman from cotton wool and transparent cells for the testicles. Cut three sections from the transparent testicle tray. We make two such blanks. Glue them together, filling the gap between them with cotton wool. Glue on the hat, scarf, buttons and stick handles. We will get a very original winter decoration.

If you still have unpaired white socks, make a snowman out of them. We stuff the sock with rice and tie it at the top. We tie the sock in the middle part and close the elastic band with a scarf ribbon. We make a hat for a snowman from a blue sock.

A snowman can be made from colored paper and disposable plates.

A charming Christmas tree decoration “snowman” is made from an ordinary light bulb. We paint the light bulb, glue twig handles and a ribbon bow onto it.

You can make a snowman from plasticine.

A real winter picture of a “family of snowmen” comes from white gloves. We cut out the fingers from the gloves and glue them to the main background - we will get little snowmen. We decorate snowmen with ribbons - scarves. Glue on the eyes and noses.

Painting "snowmen" made from gloves

You can make very beautiful snowmen from plastic bottles to decorate the kindergarten premises. These snowmen-lamp are illuminated using a garland.

Winter sports crafts. Pieces of cotton wool can be used to lay out the base for any craft - for example, an impromptu skating rink. Add a couple of paper Christmas trees and a paper figure skater girl to it - and you’ll get a complete winter composition.

A very natural skating rink can be made from foil and cotton wool.

Paper and wooden popsicle sticks make adorable ice skates.

Craft “skates”

Winter craft "penguin"

No less popular than the snowman, another winter character is the penguin. A penguin can be made from egg cartons.

A cute soft penguin can be made using the applique technique using paper and cotton wool.

Winter applique "penguin"

An adorable little penguin can be made from a painted walnut.

From a paper plate you can make a craft in the form of a sports cap with a pompom. We cut off half of the plate, decorate it with snowflakes and other suitable ornaments, and form a pompom from cotton balls - ready!

Winter craft “Polar Bear”

One of my favorite winter crafts is a polar bear. A funny white bear is made from threads wound on a cardboard sleeve.

An original way to make a polar bear is to make it from pompoms.

Skilled needlewomen can sew a beautiful polar bear. How to do this, watch the video:

Winter crafts from pine cones

An interesting winter craft - a skier made from a pine cone. To make it, we will need a pine cone painted white, pieces of felt from which we will make mittens, a scarf and a hat, as well as a felt ball (can be replaced with foam, wood or made of any other material).

A glued cardboard cone becomes a good basis for a winter beauty - a Christmas tree.

A very bright, cozy craft - a New Year's basket made of pine cones.

DIY winter Christmas tree craft

A very beautiful Christmas tree is made from foamiran. To make such a Christmas tree, cut the foamiran into strips and make cuts along one edge. We heat the strips on the iron - they will bend slightly. We glue the curved strips onto the cardboard cone using a glue gun.

The Christmas tree can be made from ribbons or organza. The result will be a very impressive winter craft.

You can sew a charming winter Christmas tree from felt.

You can glue green pasta onto a cardboard cone. We decorate the ends with sparkles and glue on bells and ribbon bows. We will get a very original New Year tree.

A very beautiful winter souvenir is a topiary herringbone. This craft is based on foam plastic, which we wrap in foil and pierce with copper wire. Wrap the cone in yarn and decorate with beads. We glue two strips of double-sided tape to the cone - it will fix the threads.

Winter craft “herringbone topiary”

Winter crafts snowflakes

Very interesting snowflakes are made from thin strips of plasticine.

A very beautiful and delicate snowflake can be made using a glue gun. We will need a snowflake pattern on paper on which we will apply hot glue. When the glue hardens, we will paint the snowflake white and sprinkle it with glitter.

A very beautiful New Year's snowflake can be glued from pasta. The snowflake is painted white and sprinkled with semolina.

A delicate winter craft of amazing beauty is a ballerina snowflake. We cut out an ordinary snowflake from paper and put it on the paper silhouette of a ballerina. We tie a thread to the ballerina's handle and hang an elegant winter decoration on a chandelier, Christmas tree or window.

Watch the video on how to make a 3D paper snowflake:

If you want to bring a little magic to your room, then ordinary paper snowflakes make a lovely New Year's pattern for the window.

Another craft that will surely come in handy in winter is a Christmas angel. Such an angel can be easily made from an openwork napkin or just beautiful white paper. We make the head from a bead.

Winter craft “Bullfinch”

One of the most favorite winter crafts is the bullfinch bird. The bullfinch stays with us during the harsh winter and inspires us with its bright plumage. The easiest way to make a beautiful bullfinch is using the applique technique.

Winter applique "Bullfinch"

A very impressive winter craft “Bullfinch” can be made from colored yarn.

Winter craft “Bullfinch made of threads”

Winter houses and cities

You can make a very effective composition on the theme of winter. All elements of the composition are mounted on a cardboard base. The house is made from milk cartons. Figures made of papier-mâché and cotton wool.

Composition “Winter's Tale”

Look at the video on how to make a beautiful winter house from a plastic bottle:

Winter drawings for kindergarten

The most popular winter design is snowflakes.

Winter snowflake pattern

Drawings using unusual techniques are the perfect idea for winter crafts. For example, children really like to draw pictures with white crayons and then show the contours with watercolors. This way you can create winter landscapes or characters - for example, snowmen. Winter landscapes made in chalk and developed in watercolor turn out to be very beautiful.

Surely many people will want to draw the magical beauty of winter!

Drawing "Winter"

We draw snowfall with splashes.

A handsome bullfinch can be drawn on a winter landscape or postcard.

Drawing "Bullfinch"

We carefully draw all the details of the bird and rowan berries.

By implementing several of the listed ideas, it’s easy to turn any room into a real winter kingdom.