How to keep your skin youthful for a long time? Rejuvenating gymnastics for facial wrinkles: rules for doing exercises at home

Is this signaling the end of an era for cosmetic surgery? Facial exercise specialist Carole Maggio says you can remove wrinkles, refresh your eyes, tighten the contours of your neck and chin, and even unclog pores naturally.

To achieve the best results, you must perform the following exercises. It takes no more than eight minutes to perform the entire complex of gymnastics for facial rejuvenation at home. These exercises need to be repeated only twice a day. No more and no less.

One thing to remember is that when it comes to facial exercises, “less” actually means “more.” Putting too much stress on the face through too many repetitions can create a tense and tired appearance rather than tight, youthful-looking skin.

If you act consistently, calmly, and stick to the plan, then within a week improvements will become noticeable. And after that, if you want to look younger than your age, you just need to continue these actions for a lifting effect.

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  1. Place both index fingers between your eyebrows, then lightly wrap your thumbs around the outer corners of your eyes, as if you were putting sunglasses on your eyes.
  2. Squeeze the eyelids tightly, closing the eyes, after which the index fingers should be moved upward between the eyebrows, and the thumbs should be moved towards the top of the ears.
  3. Keeping your eyes tightly closed, continue moving your fingers up and out for 40 seconds so that the muscles around the eyes continuously work, resisting the action of the fingers.

Increased tone of the upper and lower eyelids, reduced swelling under the eyes. As a result, the eyes will appear enlarged, youthful and alert.

Smoothing out wrinkles

  1. Place your fingers on the center of your forehead.
  2. Press your fingertips down toward your eyebrows while raising your eyebrows up, creating tension in your forehead muscles.
  3. Keep your eyebrows raised while continuing to press down with your fingers for about 30 seconds.

This exercise should be performed twice a day. For severe wrinkles, it can be repeated three times a day.. It is also recommended to wear a bandage on the forehead wrinkles at night - this will allow the muscles to relax during sleep, and the lines on the forehead will quickly become less pronounced in the morning after sleep.

Lifting the eyebrows and reducing sagging of the upper eyelids. Vertical lines between the eyebrows and wrinkles on the forehead are also smoothed out.

Lower eyelid lift

This exercise can be done sitting or lying down.

  1. Using your index fingers, touch the outer corners of your eyes, in those places where you can still feel your lower eyelashes.
  2. Squint your eyes tightly using your lower eyelids. At the same time, under your fingers you should feel the tension of the muscles next to the eyes.
  3. Look at the ceiling.
  4. Move your face forward, pushing your shoulders back to create resistance. For additional resistance, you can place your feet on the floor.
  5. Hold the squint for 40 seconds.

Strengthens the eye muscles to reduce dark circles and puffiness under the eyes.

Do this exercise twice a day. If the swelling under the eyes is severe, then this exercise should be performed three times a day.

Warm up the cheeks

  1. Touch your index fingers to the top of your cheeks.
  2. Smile only with the middle part of your upper lip, imagining the sound “Ewwww” that a person makes when smelling a disgusting smell. In this case, the upper lip should be pressed against the teeth.
  3. Keep your lips pulled away from each other (this should be done with your lips, and not move your jaw), feeling the movement of your cheeks under your index fingers.
  4. Relax.

Repeat 20 times, maintaining the expression as if sensing an unpleasant odor.

Strengthening the facial muscles that give shape to the cheeks. At the same time, it helps reduce hollows under the eyes.

Nose change

  1. Pinch the bridge of your nose with your thumb and forefinger and press them towards your face.
  2. Press the tip of your nose upward with the index finger of your other hand.
  3. At the same time, relax the muscles of the nose, lowering them by lowering the upper lip over the teeth.
  4. Hold this position for a second, then relax your lip.

Repeat the exercise 40 times. Each time there should be a feeling that the tip of the nose is being pushed by the finger pressed to it.

The nose continues to grow throughout life, increasing facial aging. This exercise allows you to maintain your nose in a younger, stronger shape. A good tone of the nose can even hide minor imperfections, such as bulges and depressions.

Raising the corners of the lips

  1. Purse your lips and pull the corners of your mouth inward.
  2. Maintaining this position of your lips, touch the corners of your mouth with your index fingers.
  3. Move your fingers up and down without lifting them from the corners of your mouth, imagining the corners of your mouth moving up and down until you feel a burning sensation on the sides of your mouth.
  4. Increase the speed of finger movement for 40 seconds in order to increase the burning sensation and force the mouth muscles to work at full strength.

At the end of the exercise, keeping your lips together, exhale between them, feeling the vibration. This is necessary to relieve tension.

With age, the corners of the mouth droop. This exercise strengthens them.

Lip filling

  1. Wrap the upper lip under it itself, pressing it to the gums.
  2. Holding it with your index finger, press the index finger of your other hand in the center of your upper lip.
  3. Slowly removing your finger, imagine the ball hitting the center of your lip.
  4. If a burning sensation occurs, stretch your lip using 20 quick circular movements.
  5. Then repeat the exercise, this time simultaneously pressing and releasing your index finger and thumb at the corners of your mouth.

If you experience a burning sensation in the corners of your mouth, make 20 quick circular movements with your fingers where the thumb and index finger were pressed.

Gives lips the appearance of fullness, youth and elasticity without the use of expensive fillers.

Against nasolabial folds

  1. Keeping your upper lip pressed against your teeth, pull back your lower lip, opening your mouth in an elongated "O" shape.
  2. Then press your index fingers to the corners of your mouth and slowly move them up along the nasolabial lines from the corners of your mouth to the corners of your nose.
  3. Having reached your nose, slowly move your fingers back to the corners of your mouth.

Repeat the movement until a burning sensation appears in the nasolabial lines, then quickly move your index fingers up and down for 30 seconds.

Jaw tone

  1. Open your mouth and press your lower lip to your lower teeth. The mouth should be small, not like when smiling. The upper lip should also be pressed against the teeth.
  2. Slowly open and close your mouth five times, trying to maintain the feeling that the corners of the mouth and chin are connected, and work together when closing the mouth.
  3. Keep your mouth closed for a few seconds, then lift your chin up another centimeter, and hold it in this position for some more time.

What it does: This simple exercise will strengthen a sagging jawline, providing additional lift, tone, and definition. It also gets rid of that stubborn double chin.

Neck and chin lift

  1. Place your hand on the front of your neck and press lightly.
  2. Extend your other hand in front of you, pressing your fingers against the wall.
  3. Lift your chin towards the ceiling and smile big, sticking out your tongue and raising it towards your nose.
  4. Maintaining this expression, quickly push off from the wall, as if sitting in a rocking chair.
  5. Push off and swing back 30 times.
  6. Turn your head to the right (keeping your chin up, your tongue out, and your hand on your neck) and look over your shoulder.
  7. Rock 30 times, then repeat while looking over your left shoulder.

Strengthens the contour of the chin, neck and jaw, promoting the disappearance of double chin.

Plus food

  • Refined foods should be avoided andSahara. When you eat refined carbohydrates, such as white rice and white pasta, the resulting sugar molecules build up in your skin's collagen over time. Collagen helps skin look firm and youthful, but when it is bound by too much sugar, the skin begins to lose color and develop deep lines.
  • Need to eat more protein. Consuming two servings of lean protein (fish, chicken, eggs, and other lean foods) daily has been shown to promote cellular repair and healthy skin.
  • You need to control your salt intake. Too much salt in food leads to water retention in the body and swelling of the skin. You should not add salt to your food, and you should also check food labels. The recommended salt intake for adults should not exceed 6 g per day.
  • It is advisable to drink water. Drinking eight glasses of water daily helps keep your body healthy and your skin hydrated, maintaining its radiance and reducing the appearance of wrinkles.
  • Eat a variety of brightly colored fruits andvegetables. Powerful antioxidant vitamins found in brightly colored berries, carrots, peppers and leafy greens help promote healthy skin.

The skin needs to be cleaned

While the skin itself is responsible for exfoliating dead cells, unfortunately, this process begins to slow down dramatically as we age.

To restore youthful, radiant skin, lift it and maintain an even tone on the face and neck, use a soft sponge to cleanse the face, or a coarse flannel to lightly scrub dry skin in small circles before applying moisturizer.

Aging and loss of skin tone is something from which no one is immune. During this biological process, it loses its tone (the collagen layer becomes thinner), it begins to retain moisture worse (as the number of natural hyaluronic acid cells decreases and an insufficient amount of moisture is consumed), the facial muscles weaken.

There are a huge number of rejuvenation methods: Botox, hyaluronic acid injections, threads, special care and much more. But what should you do if you don’t want to go under the surgeon’s knife and waste a lot of money on expensive procedures? Exercises for the face against wrinkles, or, as they are also called, face building, will help sharpen your facial features and tighten your oval shape.

Why is it worth doing Facebook building?

For very deep wrinkles and furrows, it may not completely smooth them out. At the same time, these exercises for wrinkles on the face will help increase skin turgor and help prevent its withering. They are most effective in the first stages, when small wrinkles and crow's feet appear in the eye and lip area. Anti-wrinkle facial exercises for women over 50 will help reduce the severity of wrinkles and smooth them out.

Clinical picture

What doctors say about wrinkles

Doctor of Medical Sciences, plastic surgeon Morozov E.A.:

I have been practicing plastic surgery for many years. Many famous people who wanted to look younger have passed through me. Currently, plastic surgery is losing its relevance because... Science does not stand still; more and more new methods for rejuvenating the body are appearing, and some of them are quite effective. If you do not want or do not have the opportunity to resort to plastic surgery, I will recommend an equally effective, but most affordable alternative.

For more than 1 year, the miracle drug for skin rejuvenation NOVASKIN has been available on the European market, which can be obtained FOR FREE. It is several times more effective than Botox injections, not to mention all sorts of creams. It is easy to use and the most important thing is that you will see its effect instantly. Without exaggeration, I will say that fine and deep wrinkles and bags under the eyes disappear almost immediately. Thanks to intracellular effects, the skin is completely restored, regenerated, the changes are simply colossal.

Find out more>>

Why is facial gymnastics necessary for everyone?

  • Elimination of the causes of wrinkles - internal processes in the skin are restored, due to the disruption of which the aging process begins;
  • Prolonged effect - after completing a course of exercises for a certain period of time (it all depends on the number and degree of wrinkles), the effect will last for a long time;
  • Ease and accessibility to everyone - to perform the exercises you do not need to complete any training courses or spend money on additional tools.

Facebook building is cheap, simple and effective. So why not do some facial rejuvenation exercises now?

Basic principles

Before you start performing face-building exercises, you need to know the following:

It is important to take these points into account so that the result is visible and noticeable after just a few days of training.

Exercises for facial muscles against wrinkles

Wrinkles appear most often in the frontal area (longitudinal and glabellar), in the eye area, nasolabial folds appear, and wrinkles appear around the lips. The following sets of exercises will help reduce the intensity and depth of wrinkles.


As with ordinary physical education, face-building exercises should begin with a warm-up. With light movements at a fast pace, you need to tap all over your face and then knead it a little with massage movements. After this, move your fingers to the scalp area and massage the scalp. This helps improve blood circulation in the superficial and deeper layers of the skin and prepares it for procedures. After warming up, you should take a few deep breaths and exhalations.

Complex against longitudinal wrinkles on the forehead

Place your hands firmly, but without pressing too hard, on your forehead above your eyebrows. The area under the palms needs to be pulled down and you need to resist this movement with your eyebrows. Hold in a tense position for a few seconds, and then relax the brow muscles. The cycle consists of 10 exercises.

The next exercise is the opposite of the previous one. Now you need to pull the pressed skin on the forehead upward, and aim your eyebrows down. Also hold the position for 5 seconds and repeat the exercise 10 times.

The palms are pressed to the beginning of the scalp, and the eyes are lowered down and closed. Important: when performing the exercise, only the eyes move, and the head remains in place. With your eyelids closed, you need to rotate your eyes in each direction 10 times.

Press the pads of your fingers to the beginning of your eyebrows and move them towards the bridge of your nose, simulating a frown. At the same time, resist with your fingers. Press your fingers, move your eyebrows and, remaining in this position, count to 5, and then relax. Repeat the exercise at least 10 times.

It is important to look at yourself in the mirror while doing the exercise. This will help you visually see how the eyebrow muscles tense. Under no circumstances should the skin between the eyebrows bunch up too much.

To smooth out wrinkles around the eyes

Using your fingertips, press on the skin near the outer corners of your eyes and slightly pull it to the sides. Then close your eyelids and rotate your eyeballs 10 times in one direction, then in the other.

Place your fingers on the bones under the lower eyelids and slightly pull the skin down. Slowly look up and, being in the same position, close your eyes. Do not relax the pressure with your fingers. Hold this way for a few seconds and then relax. Repeat 10 times.

For wrinkles on the cheeks

Take a deep breath into your mouth and puff out your cheeks. Then press on them with the inside of your hand, and resist with your cheeks. When performing each new approach, hold in a tense position for a couple of seconds. Perform about 15 times.

Inflate your cheeks with air and move it in a circle. At least 10 times in each direction.

From nasolabial furrows

Fold your lips into a tube and stretch them forward. Stay in this position for a few seconds, then return to the starting position. For prevention, it is enough to perform up to 10 times; to eliminate wrinkles, 20 times. Keeping your lips in a tube position, inhale deeply through your nose and exhale through your mouth. 20 cycles of inhalation and exhalation. Depicting the letter “O”, open your lips very wide 10 times for 5 seconds.

For the chin area

Slowly move the lower jaw from right to left and vice versa. Repeat the exercise up to 20 times. Slowly and open and close your mouth as wide as possible. With your mouth open, hold for a couple of seconds. Perform up to 15 times.

Throwing your head back, try to reach your lower lip to your upper lip and cover it. Then relax your head and touch your chin to your chest. Do the exercise at least 5 times.

Smoothly rotate your head in all directions in turn, then clockwise and counterclockwise.

Completion of a set of exercises

It is necessary to stroke the skin along massage lines: along a conventional line from the chin to the earlobes, then from the corners of the lips to the shells of the ears, from the wings of the nose on both sides to the temporal zone, from the middle of the frontal part to the part of the head where the hair begins.

Drawing conclusions

If you are reading these lines, we can conclude that you are still looking for a method to rejuvenate your face and get rid of wrinkles, the sight of which in the mirror makes you feel uneasy.

We conducted an investigation, studied a bunch of materials and, most importantly, tested most of the methods and remedies against wrinkles, ranging from traditional methods to procedures that doctors can offer. The verdict is:

If all the remedies gave, it was only a minor temporary result. As soon as the procedures were stopped, after a few days everything returned.

The only drug that has given significant results is NOVASKIN.

This serum is the best alternative to Botex. The main feature is that NOVASKIN acts instantly, i.e. In just a few minutes you can see significant improvements!

This drug is not sold in pharmacy chains, but is financed by the Ministry of Health and distributed FOR FREE. Reviews about NOVASKIN can be read here.

There are a huge variety of complexes aimed at minimizing and eliminating wrinkles. This exercise will help maintain the level of skin elasticity at the proper level.

The result will be clearly noticeable if the technique is correct and regularly, because even the most effective facial exercises will not manifest themselves if used once a week.

You need to do the exercises twice a day (morning and evening). In combination with masks and regular daily care, you can significantly moisturize and smooth the skin, normalize metabolic processes in it, narrow enlarged pores and improve complexion.

Wrinkles can appear at any age, so it is better to deal with them at the initial stage. Facial exercises are a great way to do this effectively and safely. Below are exercises for the main problem areas of the face.

1. Place your index fingers in the middle of your forehead, parallel to your eyebrows. Pull your fingers down towards your eyebrows while looking up. Next, press on your forehead and push your eyebrows up. Do 10 repetitions and completely relax.

2. Place your entire palm on your forehead. While holding the skin, raise your eyebrows. Do several repetitions of 10 seconds each, relaxing your forehead muscles between sets.

3. Press your palm against the skin at the hairline and pull it back. Do eight cycles of tension and relaxation. Then, leaving your hand in the same position, close your eyes. Look down and move your eyeballs left and right. Perform the exercise for 6–7 seconds.

4. Open your eyes wide while raising your eyebrows as high as possible. Repeat the exercise 10–12 times, increasing the pace towards the end of the exercise.


These exercises will not only help you deal with wrinkles, but will also reduce puffiness around your eyes and erase the sleepy look from your face.

1. Apply cream around the eyes. Then use your fingertips: lightly tap from the outer corners of the eyes to the inner ones. Then massage the outer corners with your middle fingers.

2. Place your middle fingers on the inner corners of your eyes and your index fingers on the outer corners. Lightly pressing on your eyelids, look up. Then squint your eyes so hard that you can feel your pulse beating at the corners. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

3. Press your fingers firmly against the base of your cheekbones. Now close your eyes tightly and remain in this state for six seconds.

4. Place your index fingers on the borders of your cheeks and lower eyelids. Open your lips wide to create a clear, long oval. After this, close your eyes and roll them up towards the crown. Then open your eyes and quickly “swish” your upper eyelids for a minute. While performing the exercise, you should feel a strong tension in your lower eyelids.

5. Bring your middle and index fingers to your temples and lightly pull the skin upward. Look straight ahead. Now begin to lift and relax your upper eyelids. Make sure your eyebrows don't move. Do the exercise 30 times.

Holding your temples with your fingers, look down at your knees and do another 30 repetitions. After finishing the exercise, purse your lips and blow to relax the muscles.

The exercises below train the triangle area.

1. Round your lips a little, as if you were trying to make an “o” sound. Hold them in this position for five seconds, then relax. Make 5-10 passes.

Do a similar exercise with the sound “u” and with your lips closed, as if preparing for a kiss.

2. Press your lips firmly against your teeth. Stay in this pose for a few seconds and relax. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times.

3. Move your lips and lower jaw left and right 10-12 times.

5. Curl your lips inside your mouth, pull your nostrils down. Place your index finger on your chin and push your chin up. Focus on your lips. When you feel a burning sensation, start counting to 30, then purse your lips and blow to give the muscles a rest.

6. After this, you can perform another exercise with curled lips. But this time with his mouth wide open. Roll your eyes upward towards the crown of your head. Place your middle finger in the middle of your upper lip, and your index and ring fingers at the corners. Apply gentle pressure. Now smile 40 times with one upper lip, then hold the smile, count to 20 and relax.

The first six exercises remove wrinkles around the lips and lift their corners.

7. This exercise will help smooth out wrinkles on the bridge of the nose (between the eyebrows). Place one finger at the base of the eyebrow, the second slightly higher. Begin to wrinkle and relax your eyebrows. Complete eight reps.

8. This exercise will help narrow and shorten the tip of your nose. Use your index finger to lift the tip of your nose upward. Pull your upper lip down so that your nose drops, then return your lip to its normal position. Do 35 reps.

The following two exercises train the jaw muscles and remove sagging skin that deforms the oval of the face.

Initial position: the mouth is open, the lips are turned inward, the corners of the mouth are stretched towards the molars and are also turned inward.

1. Press your upper lip to your teeth and your index finger to your chin so that it provides slight resistance to your lips. Open and close your mouth with a slow scooping motion, as if trying to grab. When you make a similar movement, your chin moves forward an inch. Perform the exercise slowly, trying to use the corners of your mouth as much as possible.

2. Roll your eye upward towards the crown of your head. Smile widely so that the corners of your mouth reach the tops of your ears. Now place your index fingers at the corners of your lips and imagine that your smile extends to the top tips of your ears. Hold this position while simultaneously pulling your shoulders back and moving your face forward.

Finish both exercises 30 seconds after you feel the burning sensation.

The latest exercises strengthen your neck and help get rid of a double chin.

3. Starting position - lying down. Place your palms around the front. Raise your head an inch off the floor, squeezing your buttocks. Hold for a few seconds and lower yourself. Do 30 reps.

After this, place your arms along your torso and raise your head and shoulders a centimeter. Make 20 turns of your head in one direction, and then in the other, then lower it to the floor and relax.

4. Sit up straight, tuck your chin and clench your teeth tightly. After this, slap your hand on the bottom of your chin and tilt your head back for a few seconds. Lower it back down and relax.

5. Place your lower lip on your upper lip and tilt your head back. Tense yourself in this position, relax after six seconds. Repeat the exercise by turning your head first to the left and then to the right.

Perform these exercises every day and within a few weeks you will notice the effect. Good luck!

Wrinkles can appear at any age, so it is better to deal with them at the initial stage. Facial exercises are a great way to do this effectively and safely. Below are exercises for the main problem areas of the face.

1. Place your index fingers in the middle of your forehead, parallel to your eyebrows. Pull your fingers down towards your eyebrows while looking up. Next, press on your forehead and push your eyebrows up. Do 10 repetitions and completely relax.

2. Place your entire palm on your forehead. While holding the skin, raise your eyebrows. Do several repetitions of 10 seconds each, relaxing your forehead muscles between sets.

3. Press your palm against the skin at the hairline and pull it back. Do eight cycles of tension and relaxation. Then, leaving your hand in the same position, close your eyes. Look down and move your eyeballs left and right. Perform the exercise for 6–7 seconds.

4. Open your eyes wide while raising your eyebrows as high as possible. Repeat the exercise 10–12 times, increasing the pace towards the end of the exercise.


These exercises will not only help you deal with wrinkles, but will also reduce puffiness around your eyes and erase the sleepy look from your face.

1. Apply cream around the eyes. Then use your fingertips: lightly tap from the outer corners of the eyes to the inner ones. Then massage the outer corners with your middle fingers.

2. Place your middle fingers on the inner corners of your eyes and your index fingers on the outer corners. Lightly pressing on your eyelids, look up. Then squint your eyes so hard that you can feel your pulse beating at the corners. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

3. Press your fingers firmly against the base of your cheekbones. Now close your eyes tightly and remain in this state for six seconds.

4. Place your index fingers on the borders of your cheeks and lower eyelids. Open your lips wide to create a clear, long oval. After this, close your eyes and roll them up towards the crown. Then open your eyes and quickly “swish” your upper eyelids for a minute. While performing the exercise, you should feel a strong tension in your lower eyelids.

5. Bring your middle and index fingers to your temples and lightly pull the skin upward. Look straight ahead. Now begin to lift and relax your upper eyelids. Make sure your eyebrows don't move. Do the exercise 30 times.

Holding your temples with your fingers, look down at your knees and do another 30 repetitions. After finishing the exercise, purse your lips and blow to relax the muscles.

The exercises below train the triangle area.

1. Round your lips a little, as if you were trying to make an “o” sound. Hold them in this position for five seconds, then relax. Make 5-10 passes.

Do a similar exercise with the sound “u” and with your lips closed, as if preparing for a kiss.

2. Press your lips firmly against your teeth. Stay in this pose for a few seconds and relax. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times.

3. Move your lips and lower jaw left and right 10-12 times.

5. Curl your lips inside your mouth, pull your nostrils down. Place your index finger on your chin and push your chin up. Focus on your lips. When you feel a burning sensation, start counting to 30, then purse your lips and blow to give the muscles a rest.

6. After this, you can perform another exercise with curled lips. But this time with his mouth wide open. Roll your eyes upward towards the crown of your head. Place your middle finger in the middle of your upper lip, and your index and ring fingers at the corners. Apply gentle pressure. Now smile 40 times with one upper lip, then hold the smile, count to 20 and relax.

The first six exercises remove wrinkles around the lips and lift their corners.

7. This exercise will help smooth out wrinkles on the bridge of the nose (between the eyebrows). Place one finger at the base of the eyebrow, the second slightly higher. Begin to wrinkle and relax your eyebrows. Complete eight reps.

8. This exercise will help narrow and shorten the tip of your nose. Use your index finger to lift the tip of your nose upward. Pull your upper lip down so that your nose drops, then return your lip to its normal position. Do 35 reps.

The following two exercises train the jaw muscles and remove sagging skin that deforms the oval of the face.

Initial position: the mouth is open, the lips are turned inward, the corners of the mouth are stretched towards the molars and are also turned inward.

1. Press your upper lip to your teeth and your index finger to your chin so that it provides slight resistance to your lips. Open and close your mouth with a slow scooping motion, as if trying to grab. When you make a similar movement, your chin moves forward an inch. Perform the exercise slowly, trying to use the corners of your mouth as much as possible.

2. Roll your eye upward towards the crown of your head. Smile widely so that the corners of your mouth reach the tops of your ears. Now place your index fingers at the corners of your lips and imagine that your smile extends to the top tips of your ears. Hold this position while simultaneously pulling your shoulders back and moving your face forward.

Finish both exercises 30 seconds after you feel the burning sensation.

The latest exercises strengthen your neck and help get rid of a double chin.

3. Starting position - lying down. Place your palms around the front. Raise your head an inch off the floor, squeezing your buttocks. Hold for a few seconds and lower yourself. Do 30 reps.

After this, place your arms along your torso and raise your head and shoulders a centimeter. Make 20 turns of your head in one direction, and then in the other, then lower it to the floor and relax.

4. Sit up straight, tuck your chin and clench your teeth tightly. After this, slap your hand on the bottom of your chin and tilt your head back for a few seconds. Lower it back down and relax.

5. Place your lower lip on your upper lip and tilt your head back. Tense yourself in this position, relax after six seconds. Repeat the exercise by turning your head first to the left and then to the right.

Perform these exercises every day and within a few weeks you will notice the effect. Good luck!

Every woman wants to preserve her youth and prevent the appearance of premature wrinkles by any means. Often, without thinking about these methods, you spend a lot of money, visit salons and buy various cosmetics. Some take desperate steps, such as plastic surgery and Botox injections.

But is it worth torturing yourself like that? Spending huge sums on miracle drugs, beauty salons and realizing that it costs a lot of money? There is a simple way that you don’t need to spend money on. This is an anti-wrinkle facial exercise.

The first thing you need to accustom yourself to is to stop wrinkling your forehead, smiling from ear to ear, and squinting your eyes. From such actions, the skin of the face stretches over time, thereby forming small wrinkles near the eyes, lips and forehead area.

Video about exercises for facial wrinkles

Classification of wrinkles

It is not uncommon for wrinkles to appear at an early age, but there is no need to panic as this does not mean that you are getting old. It’s just that, most likely, you have very dry skin, and in addition to facial gymnastics, you need to use good skin nourishing products. Of course, it is better to contact cosmetologists and they will select the component based on which you will use cosmetic products.

Also, the early appearance of wrinkles can arise due to the specifics of your work, if you often use your face as a tool (smile, talk, strain your eyes, perform some kind of facial actions).

The appearance of wrinkles, in general, can occur for several reasons, in different areas of the face and at different ages. Accordingly, the types of wrinkles on the lyceum have a certain classification.

Often such wrinkles appear at an early age, the cause is dry skin. With timely intervention, they are quite easy to deal with. The first thing you need to start doing is, of course, gymnastics. Plus, use good cosmetic masks and creams.

They appear already at a more mature age. And if you don’t pay attention to them in time, they only become more noticeable. For deep wrinkles, you also need to use potent creams, serums and masks. Use only quality products. Be sure to perform the following facial exercises for wrinkles every day.

Cosmetic masks, creams, lotions, and special exercises help combat them. Try to do less facial actions and watch it. Squint your eyes less, stretch your smile, try to avoid direct sunlight. And most importantly, don’t forget about facial exercises.

They appear as a result of natural causes: a sharp change in hormonal levels in the body, rapid weight loss, etc. Because of this, the skin loses its elasticity and becomes less elastic. The fight against gravitational wrinkles is carried out with creams, taking certain vitamins, etc.

Dynamic and static wrinkles.

This is the name for wrinkles that are visible constantly or when performing some facial actions. In principle, these are the same facial wrinkles. Limiting your activities with the facial muscles will also help to avoid their appearance. Less facial expressions, emotions, don’t overexert your face, etc. Try to protect your skin from exposure to external factors.

Removing nasolabial wrinkles

Present to your attention exercises for, which you will need to do regularly. The skin in the area of ​​the nose and lips will smooth out, become more elastic, the tips of the mouth will rise, and the lips themselves will become a little larger in volume. We do the following: we strain our lips with all our might, while trying not to clench our teeth, and we begin to raise and lower the corners of our lips. If you can’t do it yourself, you can use your index fingers. You need to perform this exercise 10-15 times. Daily.

Next: we stretch our lips into a tube, while straining them with all our might, count to three and, without relaxing our lips, open our mouth completely. Do this exercise ten times in a row and increase it by 1-2 times daily.

This is important to know! Even women should begin anti-wrinkle exercises directly with a warm-up: quickly tap the entire facial area with your fingertips, then massage it with a light movement. Finish your warm-up with a few deep breaths.

Wrinkles around the eyes can be removed!

By doing exercises for wrinkles around the eyes, you will smooth out the skin around your eyes. Remove puffiness under the eyes and avoid the formation of bags. The skin will tighten and become more elastic. First, close your eyes and start rotating the eyeballs themselves. First clockwise. Then counterclockwise. Do this movement 10 times in each direction. When performing the exercise, the head should be motionless. Then, using the index and middle fingers of both hands, press your hands to your face under the eyebrows. We raise our eyebrows with our fingers and begin to close our eyelids, counting to five. Perform the exercise 10-15 times.

Wrinkles on the face are not a death sentence

These exercises for facial wrinkles help you avoid the appearance of wrinkles all over your face. They strengthen muscles, making facial skin toned and elastic.

  • Using your index and middle fingers, we press the skin above the eyebrows and, pressing, we begin to lower the skin down, in turn, the eyelids need to be lifted up, creating resistance to the fingers, counting to five. Perform the exercise 10 times.
  • Using your index and middle fingers, we press the skin in the area of ​​the middle of the forehead, and vice versa, we begin to pull it up, while we lower the eyelids and eyes down, also offering resistance, and count to five. Perform 10-15 times.
  • With our palms we press the skin of the forehead, at the very roots of the hair, while lowering our eyes down and closing them. The head should be motionless. With our eyes closed, we begin to rotate our eyeballs, first clockwise, then counterclockwise. Five times in each direction. Such exercises against wrinkles on the face should be performed daily, 10-15 times.

Stay beautiful and young for many, many years. Take care of your skin and take care of it.

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