What to do, how to eat, if persimmon is very astringent in your mouth? How to choose persimmons that are not astringent: tips, varieties of non-astringent persimmons. Which persimmon is healthier, which is astringent or not? Why do persimmons make your mouth stick?

With the onset of autumn, we often find a bright orange berry on store shelves - persimmon. Some people don’t like it at all, as it often ties up their mouth, while others buy it regularly, and even stock it up for future use. And this is correct, since persimmon has strong beneficial properties due to its high content of vitamins and fiber. And if it is ripe, it is unusually tender and tasty.

The fruit grows all over the world and comes in many different varieties. But the most common persimmons on sale here are the common persimmon, the kinglet and the Sharon variety. Let's take a closer look at this, since this tart berry is fraught with a lot of interesting and unusual things.

It turns out that the “Korolek” and “ordinary” persimmon varieties can grow on the same tree. And when this tree begins to bloom, some flowers can be pollinated, while others cannot. This leads to the fact that from one branch you can pick two berries that are completely different in taste and shape.

Pollinated flowers subsequently produce a berry that has seeds and a sweet taste. And, of course, this is the “king” persimmon, beloved by many. And from unpollinated flowers grow fruits with a tart taste, and they are called “common” persimmon.

Characteristics of three types of berries

Ordinary. It has the shape of an acorn, orange or light orange color, always elastic-soft to the touch and small in size. When pressed, it does not burst and does not leave dents. It has no seeds inside and is characterized by a tart, astringent taste even when absolutely ripe.

Kinglet. This species is spherical in shape and the color can vary from light orange to brown. It feels springy and soft to the touch. If you look inside the fruit, you will definitely see the seeds and the brown color of the pulp. The taste is sweet and slightly tart. It is believed that the king contains more glucose and fructose than the ordinary one.

Sharon. This species often “comes” to us from Israel. It has a large spherical shape and a bright orange color. It always feels firm and elastic to the touch. Often this sign is used by unscrupulous sellers and unripe ordinary persimmons are passed off as the Sharon variety.

If you cut it, you can see the light flesh, always without seeds. The taste is very sweet and has no astringency at all. Contains a lot of glucose and fructose.

But you need to know that the absence of an astringent effect in sharon is achieved thanks to artificial ripening. With the help of alcohol (in very small quantities) and hydrogen oxide, the tannin in the fruit is modified, which allows the berry to be completely deprived of its astringency and viscosity.

How to choose persimmon?

Early varieties usually appear on sale in September. But it is most delicious and ripest during the first, light frosts. This is October, November months.

Experts say that persimmons do not have any special external signs to indicate their ripeness. Its maturity is considered to be the stalk. If it is brownish and dry, this indicates that the berry was picked already ripe and there is a possibility that it was already overripe “while traveling” to the counter.

A berry with a green stalk indicates that it was picked before it was ripe and taken away... And we can determine what state it is in at the moment only by external signs.

You also need to know the variety of persimmon. To determine it, you need to take into account the color and shape of the berry. All fruits that are tender to the touch are considered either overripe, very ripe, or have previously been frozen. And in order to bring them home without damaging them, it is advisable to have a special container, for example, a basket. The exception is the Sharon variety, since even when ripe it always remains springy and hard.

What are the benefits of persimmon?

The juicy, fleshy pulp of this berry is rich in vitamins and a large amount of coarse fiber. The same one that does not dissolve in the stomach and has the ability to “cleanse” everything from the intestines and the whole body.

No wonder persimmon is famous for its strong antibacterial properties. Its regular use can significantly cleanse the body of all kinds of pathogenic bacteria, mold and poisons. Also, coarse dietary fiber helps prevent gastrointestinal cancer.

It is also rich in beta-carotene (vitamin A) and C. It contains a huge amount of magnesium, which is good for heart function. After all, magnesium perfectly relaxes smooth muscles and dilates blood vessels.

Tannins, which give the fruit an astringent effect, have a negative effect on the growth of tumors and neoplasms.

Children, the elderly and anyone who suffers from cardiovascular diseases should definitely eat persimmon. It is especially recommended for pregnant women for the full development of the fetus.

And some doctors even prescribe their patients to eat at least 2 berries a day for better functioning of the heart and blood vessels. It has already been noticed that such people are “freed” from excess fluid in the body and begin to feel much better. It's also beautiful.

A large amount of magnesium allows you to normalize the activity of the nervous system and remove excess excitability. A person’s thoughts begin to work better and performance increases. Therefore, the benefits of persimmon are obvious.

Harmful properties of persimmon

Since the fruit contains coarse dietary fiber, this must be taken into account. Why? When consuming a large amount of persimmon (more than two per day), or when the stomach does not function well for a number of reasons, these fibers can collect in some kind of “tangles”. They are also called bezoars.

And these impassable lumps formed in the stomach can seriously complicate a person’s life, up to a condition that requires surgical intervention. Therefore, you can eat no more than 1-2 berries per day. The fruit is also completely contraindicated for those who have stomach problems.

People with severe diabetes should not get carried away with this berry.

How to reduce the astringent properties of persimmons?

Ripe berries are always slightly astringent. But what about the one that has a strong mouth gag? Artificially ripen it at home. There are three ways to ripen persimmons at home.

First way. We put it in the freezer for two or three hours. Then we take it out and wait for it to thaw. After this procedure, it completely loses its astringent taste.

Second way. Pour hot water over the berries for 8-10 hours. Temperature recommended +40°С.+50°С. In such a “bath” it quickly becomes soft and ripe.

Third way. Place the persimmons in a tightly closed transparent container along with other fruits (glass jar). It could be an apple, tomato or banana. A sealed plastic bag will do. The following happens here: the apple (tomato, banana) releases ethylene gas, which promotes rapid ripening. In about a day, the fruits will be ripe and tasty.

Fourth method. This is natural ripening. We leave these berries somewhere in a bright, warm place for several days (for example, a kitchen table or windowsill).

How to store persimmons?

It can be stored perfectly frozen for about six months, without losing any beneficial properties.

Sun-dried or dried persimmons are also good. In this form, the taste and nutritional properties are preserved for up to three to four months. To do this, cut the fruit into slices 0.5 cm thick and place on a baking sheet. Place in the oven at +45°C for about 6-8 hours. It turns out dried persimmon.

But, of course, it is most delicious and healthy when it is fresh. Two berries contain the entire daily requirement of fiber for a person and half the requirement of vitamin C.


Let's summarize. All tender and unusually soft persimmons are considered too ripe (sometimes even overripe) or have been pre-frozen. This is often done so that its immaturity is not visible or when they want to pass it off as another variety. In addition, this method removes the astringent effect. But it is very difficult to bring such persimmons home safe and sound. It is often severely wrinkled and damaged, becoming unsuitable for food.

It’s probably better to choose elastic fruits and let them ripen at home. As for the Sharon variety, even a very ripe one will still have a hard, springy surface.

Personally, I prefer the “Korolek” variety and choose it for its spherical shape and color. If I see a brown stalk, then I know that the berry must be very ripe.

For me, the Sharon variety has a very sweet taste, it has a lot of calories, and this does not suit me, and besides, it always costs unreasonably more. But that's just my opinion!

Be healthy, stay connected!

Tell me, when you buy persimmons at the market or in a store, the first thing that pops into your head is how to choose them so that they don’t have astringent properties when eaten, am I right? And if you come across a persimmon like this, what should you do if the persimmon is very astringent? This is the question we will find answers to. And without any problems you can make the astringent persimmon fruit sweet and tasty in a short period of time.

Let's first figure out why some persimmon fruits have such unpleasant taste properties. The fact is that persimmons are harvested while they are still green, and it is the green (unripe) fruits that contain a component called TANIN. It is tannin that gives the fruits viscosity, which disappears when the persimmon ripens. And, there are several options for making unripe persimmons.

I almost forgot, there are varieties of persimmon that, even in their unripe form, practically do not contain tannin. And, this means that there is no viscosity in them at all, and if there is, it is insignificant. These varieties include “KOROLYOK”, “CHOCOLATE”, “SHARON”. But, this variety is much more expensive in terms of price than ordinary persimmon varieties.

1. Place persimmons in the freezer for 6-8 hours. After the persimmon is defrosted, it will lose its astringency. This is the most popular option.

2. You can place unripe persimmons in a paper bag with ripe bananas, apples (yellow and red) and close it tightly. In a day, your persimmon will get rid of the astringent taste.

3. If persimmon is cut into slices and dried in the oven, then it will also lose its astringent properties in the mouth. Dried persimmon has excellent taste. It seems to me that it is impossible not to love her.

4. Well, and of course, the longest way is to keep the persimmon at room temperature until it ripens naturally. Almost no one does this, since it is impossible to wait a long time for persimmons to ripen, since you want to eat them right away.

How to choose ripe persimmons:

1. The appearance of a ripe persimmon has, as it were, translucent properties of the skin.

2. When you press on the persimmon, it should be pliable, soft, and not hard.

3. The pulp of ripe persimmon has the appearance of jelly.

4. The stalk of a ripe persimmon is almost always dry, and the color of the leaves is brown.

5. Ripe persimmons can be made from unripe fruits in just 6-8 hours by freezing them in the freezer.

At the end of autumn and early winter, ripe seasonal fruits appear on store shelves, which are usually used to decorate the New Year's table. Pomegranates and figs, tangerines and oranges, quince and grapes. Among this vitamin splendor you can find another fruit that has gained popularity among Russian consumers. This is a bright orange persimmon berry.


Persimmon has an unusual sweetish-tart taste, juicy pulp and a huge amount of vitamins. But due to some of its characteristics, the berry rarely ends up on the holiday table. First of all, this is the not very presentable appearance of the ripe fruit and the astringent properties of the pulp, which numb the mouth. To this should be added the high price of the product and the possible consequences for the body if this fruit is abused.

First, let's look at the reasons for the viscous effect of persimmons.


By the astringent properties of the berry, you can determine the degree of its ripeness. The fact is that during the ripening process, the pulp of this fruit contains a large amount of tannin, which has a tanning effect. The oral mucosa reacts to tannin by reducing saliva secretion, coagulating proteins and constricting blood vessels, which causes the viscosity effect.

Tannin is a medicinal substance that is widely used in pharmacology. Products rich in tannin are black and green tea, pomegranate, grapes and wines derived from them, cognacs, nuts, spices, beans and chocolate.

But if in these products the slight astringent effect only enhances and shades their taste, then persimmon is said to astringent the mouth. The viscosity is so strong that it causes discomfort, numbness in the mouth, and, if consumed excessively, interruptions in intestinal motility. But as the berry ripens, the tannin loses its tannin properties, and the fruit ceases to have an astringent effect, bringing only benefits to the body.

How to choose the right one

Persimmon fruits are among those products that should not be chosen based on their beautiful appearance. A fully ripe berry is soft and tender, wrinkles easily when touched, has unattractive brownish patches on the skin and a dark stalk. It is extremely problematic to transport, so the fruit most often ends up on store shelves unripe. This means it has an astringent effect.

Exceptions are the varieties “Korolek”, “Sharon” and “Korolevskaya”. They differ in appearance from their counterparts and do not gag, while retaining all the beneficial and tasteful properties of the common persimmon.


These are the fruits of ordinary persimmons, the flowers of which have undergone pollination. To make persimmons sweet and non-astringent, agronomists resort to artificial pollination of inflorescences, resulting in another variety of berry. The wren has a characteristic orange color, a dark stalk and brown rings radiating from it. The skin of such fruits, although soft, is quite elastic, the flesh is brownish, and contains small seeds.


This variety is a hybrid of persimmon and apple, characterized by larger spherical fruits. Bright and attractive in appearance, Sharon remains dense and elastic even when overripe. The pulp of the variety is light, seedless. When choosing, you should be careful, as there is a risk of acquiring unripe persimmon fruits, confusing it with the “Sharon” variety.


Persimmon has a cone shape and is truly royal in size. When ripe, it retains its bright, beautiful appearance and elastic shape. There is no shame in decorating a fruit dish on a holiday table with such a berry. To give Royal persimmons the best flavor, let the berries sit at room temperature for several days. Then the fruits will be absorbed into the juice, and the delicacy will turn out excellent.


If you are “lucky” to purchase unripe persimmon fruits, do not rush to worry about wasted considerable money. There are several effective ways to eliminate the viscosity of these wonderful berries at home.


The fastest way, with the help of which, after just a few hours, the berries will acquire a ripe sweet taste without any signs of astringency. You should place the persimmon in the freezer for 2-3 hours to allow it to freeze completely. After which the berries are left to defrost at room temperature. However, during the freezing process, the berries lose not only their tannin properties, but also some of their vitamins, and also take on an unattractive appearance after defrosting.

Heat treatment

Adherents of this method recommend pouring hot water over the berries up to 50 degrees. The berries should be kept for 2-3 hours, periodically changing the water as they cool. Under the influence of temperature, the tannin begins to break down, the pulp loses its viscosity, and the fruit itself becomes sweeter.

Natural ripening

This method is used to bring tomatoes and apples to maturity. The fruits are placed individually in a bright, warm place, preferably a windowsill, and left to ripen for several days.


When ripe, persimmons cannot be stored for long. After full ripening, it quickly enters the stage of decay and rotting. That is why ripe berries can be found on sale only in late autumn and early winter. The optimal time to purchase persimmons is October-November.

Despite the fact that persimmon is a seasonal fruit, it is possible to preserve tasty and healthy berries for up to six months. They are frozen in the freezer, pre-packaged into individual portions or individually. This is done so that you do not have to defrost the entire crop.

After defrosting, fruits must be consumed immediately, as their shelf life will already be several hours.

Persimmon retains its beneficial properties well in processed dried form. However, this method is more likely for those cases when there are too many fruits and you can use them for dried fruits. The fruits are cut into round slices and placed on a baking sheet. The oven is heated to 45 degrees and the persimmons are dried for 6-8 hours. This produces sweet pieces of dried persimmon that can be stored for up to four months.

Benefits and contraindications

In addition to tannin, which has antioxidant properties and helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, persimmon contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements. In terms of the amount of vitamin C and potassium, persimmons are not inferior to citrus fruits, and some varieties of this fruit contain slightly less iron and iodine than apples and seaweed. Persimmon is rich in vitamins E, PP, group B and beta-carotene.

Another beneficial property of persimmons is the large amount of fiber - insoluble fibers that cleanse the intestinal walls. Thanks to this property, persimmon is successfully used in the fight against excess weight.

However, excessive consumption of persimmons can cause serious harm to the body. Tannins can reduce intestinal motility, and indigestible fibers against this background form lumps - bezoars, which leads to unpleasant sensations, colic and constipation.

Persimmon is contraindicated for diabetics and people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Experts give some tips on how to properly store and eat persimmons. Let's look at the most significant of them.

  • Persimmons will ripen faster if you put unripe berries in a transparent glass container or plastic bag along with ripe fruits - apple, banana, pear. The container or bag must be hermetically sealed so that the gas released by ripe fruits does not evaporate, but affects the persimmon. In about a day, the persimmon will acquire ripeness and unique flavor notes of neighboring fruits.

  • Oral numbness caused by persimmon can be quite unpleasant and even painful, especially for young children. To quickly eliminate this phenomenon, it is enough to rinse with a weak solution of soda or salt. The substance particles will collect tannin molecules, after which they can be easily removed from the tongue with a teaspoon or toothbrush.

How to prevent persimmons from knitting, see the next video.

Persimmon is a seasonal fruit. Its appearance on sale means the onset of cold weather, since it usually hits store shelves in late autumn and early winter. Thanks to its juicy pulp and unique taste, persimmons are very popular. But among the huge variety of varieties of this fruit, there are tart fruits. It even happens that persimmons aggravate your mouth too much. How to successfully choose the juiciest and most delicious specimens?

Why persimmons make your mouth stick: omain reasons

It turns out that choosing the right variety is of great importance. Knowing this, you can determine which persimmon makes your mouth stick. Each type is characterized by special properties and taste:

3. Eastern. The fruits are usually medium in size and bright orange in color. Slightly inferior in taste to king. It often leaves an unpleasant aftertaste for a long time. Why does this variety of persimmon knit? The fact is that it is almost always sold a little unripe, which makes the fruit too tart.

The fruits of any of the listed varieties contain a substance called tannin, which gives the fruit a specific astringent taste. Its greatest concentration is in the peel. The content in the pulp depends on ripeness. If the fruits were collected on time, and not much ahead of schedule, then their taste will be much better.

What to do if persimmon makes your mouth stick? Ways to eliminate astringency

Choose your processing option and enjoy vitamin-rich fruits with attractive orange pulp!

Today, almost all fruits and vegetables are sold all year round. No one is any longer surprised by tangerines neatly laid out on the counter in the midst of summer. But so far it is not possible to find persimmons before the onset of autumn.

Persimmon has many fans due to its sweet and unusual taste. But it often happens that this bright fruit does not give us the opportunity to fully enjoy its taste. Agree, it’s not very pleasant when persimmons show their astringent ability.

It is worth saying that only unripe fruits have such properties. The fact is that Persimmon contains a large amount of tannin, a tannin that has a distinct astringent taste. As the fruit ripens, these substances decrease and disappear, and the fruit acquires juiciness and exquisite sweetness.

In some varieties of this product there are no tannins at all, for example, in the popular “Korolek” in the vast expanses of our homeland.

The wren is a fruit that grows on the same tree as the common type of persimmon, but develops from a male inflorescence. This species does not have the astringent taste of fruits from the female flower.

The kinglet is especially tasty, tender and sweet if it ripens with pollinated inflorescences. These fruits are brownish in color and have seeds inside. Because of its color, this persimmon is called “chocolate”.