How to mix eyelash oils. Eyelash oil: which is better? Review, description, application features and effectiveness. Using jojoba oil in eyelash care

Beautiful eyelashes, just like hair, require constant care. To keep your eyelashes flexible, fluffy, and long, it is recommended to pamper them with nourishing oils every time after removing makeup.

How do eyelash oils work?

They envelop each eyelash with a thin film. It smoothes out “raised” keratin scales, protects the shaft of each hair from contamination (including the not always positive effects of cosmetics), and also makes it thicker. As for the roots, the oil starts a “growth program”, due to which a row of eyelashes becomes thicker over time.

Which oils are considered the most effective?

Cosmetologists consider the most effective eyelash care products to be:

- Castor oil – strengthens eyelashes, improves their growth, prevents loss.

- Peach, olive, burdock, and sea buckthorn oils contain vitamins and microelements to nourish eyelashes.

- Wheat germ oil , almond oil, fish oil - ideal for eyelash growth

- Coconut, linseed, rosehip oil - moisturize and nourish eyelashes, prevent hair loss.

- Rose oil has a rejuvenating effect on the skin of the eyelids.

A mixture of several nourishing oils is especially effective on eyelashes. A few drops of vitamin A or E in solution are often added to eyelash oil, as well as extracts of medicinal herbs - chamomile, calendula, parsley, aloe, carrot juice.

How to apply oil to eyelashes

1. Mix several of the above oils in equal proportions in a bottle.

2. Clean your eyelashes from mascara using cosmetic milk.

3. Use a brush from an old mascara (if not, you can use a cotton swab). Dip the brush into the nourishing oil, remove excess by wiping it on the edge of the bottle. Gently apply the oil from roots to ends, making sure nothing gets into your eyes. Blot excess oil with a cotton pad.

4. After 2 hours, remove the oil with a dry cotton swab. Don't leave the oil on overnight! You may wake up with swollen eyelids.

To prevent fragility and loss of eyelashes, use a nourishing mixture of oils at least 2-3 times a week.

Effective recipes with oils for home eyelash care

Oil eyelash balm and eyelid skin: castor oil, tincture of calendula and chamomile in equal proportions. The balm will not only strengthen the eyelashes, but also help relieve swelling around the eyes and relieve inflammation.

Compress for eyelashes and eyelid skin: mix castor oil, chopped parsley and aloe juice in equal parts. Apply the mixture to your eyelids using patting movements daily for 1 month.

Herbal lotions: wash your eyes with a chilled decoction of chamomile and cornflower; sage, or just tea leaves. This is excellent nutrition and hydration for eyelashes.

Eyelash growth stimulator: composition: castor, almond, olive and burdock oils, fish oil, a few drops of a solution of vitamin E and/or A in oil. Pour the mixture into a bottle and use daily for a month. The result will be pleasantly surprising.

Oil mixture for eyelash growth: 1 tsp castor and burdock oil, a few drops of vitamin E in oil, 3 drops of fresh aloe juice. Apply the mixture to your eyelashes every evening for 2 hours. Be sure to remove the oil before going to bed.

Sea buckthorn oil mix with castor oil in equal parts. Apply to cleansed eyelashes for 2-3 hours. The product perfectly softens eyelashes, makes them fluffy, and strengthens them.

Rosehip oil for eyelash loss: chop the rose hips, mix 1 tablespoon of the resulting mass with sea buckthorn and burdock oil (2 tablespoons each). Place the mixture in a dark place for 10 days. Lubricate your eyelashes with the resulting oil every day.

Be careful: When applying any oil to your eyelashes, make sure that nothing gets on your eye mucosa. You will feel an unpleasant oily film on your eyes that will be difficult to wash off with water. In addition, swelling may occur around the eyes.

Choosing oil for eyelashes: beneficial properties, composition

Castor. Inexpensive, it helps eyelashes become thicker and grow faster, darkening them a little. It is applied exclusively to the hairs - if it gets on the eyelid, the skin may react with swelling.

Almond. The source of elasticity and shine of your eyelashes, an assistant to their rapid regrowth. The rich composition (vitamins, glycerides, proteins, acids) helps the hairs lengthen and shine, and the roots “wake up” and become activated.

Burdock.“Ambulance” for brittle, flaking hairs. The product can be applied to the skin - the nutritional composition will enrich it, “feeding” the bulbs, which will help the eyelashes grow healthy and thick.

Peach. Number one against eyelash loss. The rich composition (microelements, vitamins, natural acids) rejuvenates every hair. Experts advise making masks with this oil, applying them all over the eyelid - the product will smooth out wrinkles, remove signs of fatigue, and refresh skin tone.

Argan. Nourishes eyelashes and eyelid skin, moisturizes each hair, strengthens them, helps new eyelashes grow.

Linen.“Ambulance” for severely damaged hairs.

Coconut. A good choice for dry eyelashes - the oil moisturizes them, nourishes them right down to the bulbs, and gives an expensive shine.

Fish fat. An inexpensive but very active product that helps hairs grow quickly, while thickening. This oil is considered one of the richest, and therefore nutritious.

Sea buckthorn. An option for girls with sparse eyelashes - this oil will help the hairs become thicker and fluffier. And besides, this oil also softens each eyelash without harming the cuticle - after each procedure it remains strong and resistant to damage. Sea buckthorn oil also strengthens the bulbs, so you stop losing them (or the loss will decrease significantly).

Olive. An affordable oil that a third of women have in their kitchen. Thanks to its rich and balanced composition, it is easy to apply, effectively nourishing the eyelashes and the skin around them.

Jojoba oil. One of the most delicate products. Thanks to the presence of amino acids and proteins, it moisturizes each eyelash, strengthening the cuticle. Many craftsmen call this product liquid wax.

Can essential oils be used on eyelashes?

There are girls who try to treat their eyelashes not with basic oils, but with essential oils. But if you ask the opinions of cosmetologists, it turns out that specialists are critical of such “treatment”. Esters may harm the eyes. If someone very strongly recommended an essential oil to you, dilute it as much as possible with the “base”, otherwise you can burn the skin of your eyelids.

Eyelash oils: precautions

And of course, do not forget about the basics: before applying an unfamiliar oil to your eyes, smear a drop on your wrist and wait 30 minutes. If the skin does not turn red, you do not have an allergy, so the oil can be used for cosmetic purposes.

What girl doesn't want to have beautiful, thick and lush eyelashes? After all, they are the ones who give a woman’s look that very seductiveness and magical depth that is impossible to resist!

But, as usual, not all young ladies are happy with the appearance of their eyelashes - some lack length, some lack volume, while others complain about their loss or the color not being black enough. Fortunately, extensions are not the only way out of the situation! With due diligence, some problems can be eliminated with the help of ordinary natural and essential oils. Believe me, regular oil masks can change eyelashes beyond recognition, turning them into a luxurious fan! Moreover, most eyelash oils are multifunctional and allow you to solve several problems at the same time.

How to apply eyelash oil

The eye area is the most delicate on the face, therefore, when applying oil to the eyelashes, you need to be very neat and try not to get on the mucous membrane. Professionals advise treating hairs starting from the ends to allow the oil to gradually flow down to the base of the lashes. If there are lenses, it is better to remove them.

Do not scoop up too much of the product - excess oil can cause swelling and redness of the eyes. Moreover, you don’t need to leave it on your eyelashes overnight, so as not to be surprised by swelling in the morning. It is enough to keep the oil mask on for one to two hours. It is recommended to do the procedure in the evenings.

For application, you can use a cotton swab, but it is most convenient to use a thoroughly washed and dried brush from an old mascara - this way the oil can be more evenly distributed over the hairs, carefully combing each of them.

To make the mask more effective, you should first slightly warm up a portion of natural oil in a steam bath or in a container with hot water.

And, of course, before oiling, you need to thoroughly cleanse your face of makeup.

Important nuances

For allergy sufferers and girls with sensitive skin, it is better to choose pure oil without foreign additives, and before the first use try it on your wrist.

Be sure to check before purchasing best before date and do not ignore the instructions - it contains useful information on how to properly store the product and a list of possible contraindications.

If the goal is to strengthen the eyelashes or accelerate their growth, it is recommended to do this in courses of 10-15 masks in a row, then there is a month-long break and you can repeat it again. If you just want to nourish your eyelashes and make them silkier and more elastic, you should use oil masks 2-3 times a week.

And our rating of the best, compiled taking into account the opinions of experts and reviews of ordinary users, will help you choose the right oil that will allow you to quickly get the eyelashes of your dreams.

Many women dream of beautiful and thick eyelashes and eyebrows. Despite the large number of cosmetics in stores, it cannot be said that they are all of natural origin and will not cause allergies. We also must not forget that hair is very important and requires proper care with natural products. Many women like to take care of themselves at home, using only natural cosmetics, and rightly so. In order to provide your hair with everything it needs, it is best to use special oils for the care of eyelashes and eyebrows. They will make them thick, silky and retain their effect for a long time. To use oils correctly at home, in this article we will describe the top 10 best oils for eyebrow and eyelash growth.

Top 10 best oils for eyelash and eyebrow growth

  1. Camphor. Perfect for general strengthening of eyelashes and eyebrows. Contains many vitamins and antioxidants, which makes this product almost irreplaceable.
  2. Olive. Made from natural olives by pressing. Just a little is enough to provide your eyelashes and eyebrows with excellent silkiness.
  3. Almond. It is obtained from almond kernels. It is well suited for stimulating hair growth.
  4. Linen. It contains many beneficial fatty acids that will saturate your hair with everything it needs.
  5. Peach. This natural oil is extracted from peach seeds using a special cold-pressed technology. It will add shine to your hair and make it strong. Also has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  6. Burdock. It is produced from burdock roots, which are rich in various vitamins and minerals. It also contains photosterols, which in turn will ensure the proper functioning of the sebaceous glands. They also stimulate dormant hair follicles.
  7. Castor. It is made from the seeds of the castor bean plant. It contains useful acids, but is very cheap, so it is often used as a universal remedy.
  8. Sea buckthorn. It has anti-inflammatory properties and is hypoallergenic, so it is well suited for people with sensitive skin suffering from irritation.
  9. Ylang-Ylang. This essential oil is highly effective and is actively used in the cosmetic community as one of the most effective.
  10. Ginseng. Ginseng oil has healing properties that will help your eyebrows gain thickness in a short time.

If you decide to purchase oils to ensure the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows, you should not forget how important it is to make the right choice, as well as the rules for using these products. We will present you with some useful tips for choosing and caring for eyelashes.

At the same time, the price of natural oils is usually not high, and they are sold in very small containers. After all, such a small volume is quite enough for one course of use.

Care Tips:

  • Before use, heat the oil in a water bath. At the same time, its temperature should not greatly exceed body temperature, because when it evaporates, all useful substances will disappear.
  • After application, wash off the oil after a maximum of two hours of care.
  • Apply oils twice a day, morning and evening.
  • To apply the oil to your brows, use a thin brow brush before using it and then gently massage it into your skin.
  • A couple of drops are enough for the desired effect; more is not needed, because with a large amount it will simply flow down into the eyes, which is certainly unpleasant.
  • Use a thin brush or cotton swab to apply.
  • Before applying the oil, be sure to wash your face with warm water and an antiseptic. Oil can only be applied to clean skin.
  • Apply the oil very carefully if it comes into contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes, it will cause severe irritation.
  • Use the funds in courses. One course of using oil should not exceed fifteen procedures.
  • To test the oil for allergic reactions, apply it to the skin of your arm in the elbow area and leave for some time, about half an hour. If no allergic reactions were observed, then the oil is suitable for you.

How to make the right choice

Different oils contain different complexes of beneficial substances. To understand which one is best for you, you need to find out which components have what properties. The following list of components with descriptions of their properties will help you make the right choice.

Substances and their properties:

  • Vitamins. Vitamins such as A, C, B, F saturate the hair, giving it elasticity, elasticity, shine and silkiness.
  • Antioxidants. Prevents premature aging and damage to the hair structure. Provide reliable protection from any adverse environmental conditions.
  • Semi-saturated acids. They are an ideal rejuvenating agent for hair follicles. The products they contain are ideal for middle-aged women.
  • Microelements. Microelements such as phosphorus, zinc, calcium, iron, potassium ensure hair growth and strengthening.

Combined care simple beauty recipes

To ensure proper skin care, you need to use simple recipes using oils.

  • Recipe 1. Take some peach or almond oil. Warm it up a little in a steam bath. Then add just a little decoction of medicinal herbs, chamomile or calendula. Mix the resulting broth very thoroughly. It can be used not only for direct application to the skin, but also as compresses. You can keep this compress on your face for no more than fifteen minutes. It will not only give strength and beauty to eyelashes and eyebrows, but will also perfectly rejuvenate the skin, cleansing it, opening pores, making it smooth and silky.
  • Recipe 2. You can experiment by taking different oils containing different elements and mixing them, thus providing combined care. Take any two oils and mix them. Then apply to the eyebrows and leave for no more than thirty minutes.
  • Recipe 3. With the help of special vitamin supplements, you can enhance the effect of using oils. To do this, take any natural oil and dissolve a capsule with a vitamin complex called Aevit in it; you can also use other means. Then add a little aloe juice there and stir it all thoroughly. After this, the resulting composition can be applied to the eyebrows and eyelashes.

With the help of effective recipes presented in this article, you will be able to create quality care for your eyelashes and eyebrows. And thanks to useful general tips for using oils, you will make the use of oils even more effective. Thus, achieving results in a shorter time. A list of oils with descriptions will help you make the right choice and choose the product that is right for you.

Eyelash extensions and perms in salons, incredible volume and length with the help of a miracle mascara...

Every year the beauty industry offers more and more new means to express the look of beautiful ladies.

Ophthalmologists are sounding the alarm: cosmetologists promise to achieve amazing length and thickness of eyelashes with the help of medications (forgetting to mention the extensive list of side effects and contraindications).

Let's think: is it worth investing a lot of money in services that are harmful to health?

Moreover, there is a large number of reliable, time-tested means. Created by nature, they are designed to make eyelashes not only beautiful, but also healthy.

We are talking about vegetable oils.

Let us immediately tell the skeptics: any oil of plant origin has a positive effect on eyelash growth. Why? Let's figure it out.

Eyelashes are the same hair. Only shorter, denser and tougher ones. Their growth occurs due to cell division of the bulb. As soon as the root of the new hair matures, the old one falls out. This natural process lasts a lifetime.

Like hair, eyelashes weaken, fade, and thin over time. This usually happens due to a lack of root nutrition and an aggressive environment.

Masks, applications, massage using oils:

  • stimulate hair follicles;
  • nourish eyelids and eyelashes with vitamins, minerals and unsaturated fatty acids;
  • help the formation of new cells.

As a result, eyelash growth accelerates. They become thicker and take on a healthy appearance.

Popular oils

Which oil is better?

All products obtained from oily plant raw materials are similar in chemical composition. They are distinguished by a large number of polyunsaturated acids, vitamins, and biologically active microelements. The benefits of any component are beyond doubt.

There are several leaders who have proven their ability to accelerate growth over many years.


Distant ancestors used the unpleasant-tasting castor bean product as a universal remedy for all diseases.

Russian beauties generously lubricated their eyelashes, which is why they grew quickly and were especially thick, fluffy and soft.

The reason for this effect is the high percentage of ricinoleic acid (almost 90%), which activates the bulb and restores the structure of each hair.

Castor oil for eyelashes:

Top 10 proven castor oils:

  1. Aura Cacia organic (highest quality)
  2. Sky Organics organic, new brand
  3. Sky Organics organic, small volume (good for sampling)
  4. Heritage Store (also good)
  5. Heritage Store castor oil with roll-on applicator (convenient!)
  6. Heritage Store castor and rose oil serum with essential oils (good for hair, not on eyelashes)
  7. Now Foods budget oil, average quality
  8. Home Health good price for large volume, average quality
  9. Earth's Care new brand, quality unknown
  10. Cococare inexpensive castor oil


Burdocks, a headache for summer residents, are at the forefront in the fight for the beauty of eyelashes.

Obtained using fat extraction from the roots of the plant, it contains the valuable substance inulin. Natural polysaccharide supports metabolism at the cellular level and strengthens the hair follicle. The first assistant in the treatment of weak, brittle eyelashes.

It is especially effective after a salon eyelash extension procedure, as it helps restore their damaged structure.

Benefits of burdock oil:


Due to its pleasant aroma and light structure, a cold-pressed product from bitter almond seeds is often used in compositions with castor and burdock oils.

It is also effective as an independent means for the growth and quality of eyelashes. The composition contains a large amount of vitamins E (24 mg per 100 g of almonds) and B2 (0.65 mg). It is with their deficiency that hairs become dull, brittle, and growth slows down.

Almond oil does not leave a greasy residue. It can be used for daily makeup removal. A pleasant bonus will be elastic skin around the eyes and the disappearance of fine wrinkles.

Top 10 proven almond oils:

  1. Aura Cacia sweet almond oil (excellent quality and good price)
  2. Now Foods organic almond butter
  3. Sky Organics is also an organic oil, a new brand
  4. Now Foods almond butter is not organic
  5. Earth's Care almond oil
  6. Heritage Store Sweet Almond Oil
  7. Life Flo Health Almond Oil (Good Volume)
  8. Nature's Alchemy Medium Almond Oil
  9. Cococare almond oil, budget, but not the best quality
  10. Hobe Labs pure oil, average quality


As a means to grow and strengthen eyelashes, noble olive oil was used back in Ancient Greece.

The composition, enriched with polyunsaturated fatty acids, restores the bulbs. Omega-3 and Omega-6 are found in other vegetable oils, but olive oil contains about 80%. It fights better than others against the negative effects of decorative cosmetics on eyelashes.

For cosmetic purposes, only cold-pressed oil should be used. With the hot method, most vitamins and beneficial elements are destroyed.

Top 10 proven olive oils:

  1. Spectrum Naturals Organic, Cold Pressed, Edible
  2. Bionaturae, organic, virgin, edible
  3. La Tourangelle, organic, cold pressed, can be used for food
  4. Now Foods organic, virgin, edible
  5. Flora organic, edible, first pressed
  6. Kevala organic extra virgin (cold pressed), suitable for food
  7. California Olive Ranch, not organic, but cold pressed, good for eating
  8. Gaea, not organic, but cold-pressed, can be ingested
  9. Nature's Alchemy, pure oil, 118ml, for external use only
  10. De La Cruz, pure oil, for cosmetic purposes only, but small volume

Sea buckthorn

The benefits are beyond doubt. It is known that in terms of vitamin C content, the plant is inferior only to rose hips. The carotenoids included in the composition nourish each eyelash, make them soft and fluffy, and give a healthy appearance.

Products obtained from oilseed plant materials have a beneficial effect on eyelash growth.

Peach, wheat germ or grape seed oils are balanced in the content of vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and biologically active minerals.

Which oil is best should be decided based on personal preference.

You can use different ones. Or choose the one that will give the best effect.

Top 7 best sea buckthorn oils:

  1. SeaBuckWonders Organic Himalayan Sea Buckthorn Oil, Excellent Quality
  2. Sibu Beauty sea buckthorn oil, excellent quality, reputable brand
  3. Leven Rose, organic sea buckthorn oil, good quality, reputable brand
  4. Weleda, organic sea buckthorn oil mixed with olive oil, excellent quality, reputable brand
  5. Life Flo Health non-organic sea buckthorn oil, famous brand, average quality, reasonable price
  6. DNC Mix for eyelashes and eyebrows with castor oil
  7. DNC Sea buckthorn oil for hair and skin

How to apply it to the eyes correctly?

This is not an idle question. The highest quality and most expensive oil that gets into the eyes can cause swelling of the eyelids and irritation of the mucous membrane.

The tool you can choose from is:

  • cotton swab;
  • mascara brush;
  • eyeliner brush.
Before the procedure, do not forget to remove makeup from your face. Instead of water, it is useful to use almond or peach oil.

Dip a cotton swab in oil and carefully move from the middle to the tips of the eyelashes. You don’t need to take too much liquid; it shouldn’t drip from the stick.

An old mascara wand can be a good option, as long as you apply the oil with extra care. A mandatory requirement is a soft bristle structure. Plastic or hard rubber will not be able to hold the liquid consistency of the oil. It will spread and fit poorly on the eyelashes. There is a high risk of contact with eyes.

You can use a cosmetic brush to line the eye contour. A thin, dense brush with beveled bristles captures a small amount of oil. It is convenient to distribute it along the length of the eyelashes. The tool must be chosen with natural bristles.

A cotton swab is a disposable tool and cannot be reused. The brush and brush should be washed thoroughly before each use and after the procedure.

Eyelashes can be smeared without the use of auxiliary products. Wash your hands thoroughly, dip your thumb and index finger in the oil and gently rub your hair.

It should be remembered that you will not be able to get an instant result.

There will be no pronounced effect if you do the procedure occasionally.

Having decided to please yourself with beautiful long eyelashes, you need to tune in to a daily cosmetic session. The full course is one month.

Only after regular use of oils will eyelashes begin to recover and grow.

Vegetable oils are usually well accepted by any skin type. The problem may arise due to
individual intolerance to a particular drug. To avoid any trouble, you should do a test before first use.

Apply a small amount to the skin of your hand. If after 30 minutes no itching, rash or other unpleasant sensations appear, you can safely proceed to the cosmetic session.

Side effects occur more often due to improper use. Swelling of the eyelids and allergic reactions can be avoided if you know a number of rules.

  • Do not leave the oil overnight. Even the most neutral substance, if it comes into contact with the eyes, can provoke the development of inflammation. It is better to apply in the evening and remove before going to bed.
  • Observe the procedure time. For castor, burdock and mixtures with them, the session should not exceed 30 minutes. Almond, olive, peach can be kept for several hours.
  • It is advisable to warm the oil a little before use. It will lie down and be absorbed better.
At the end of the procedure, it is better not to wash off the oil. Blot the remainder with a cotton pad.

Growth oils can be applied individually. Masks and massage will give the best effect.

Mask of castor (or burdock) oil, aloe juice and vitaminA

Vitamin A (retinol) slows down the aging process of cells and actively participates in the formation of new ones, and activates the metabolic process. Thanks to retinol, eyelashes acquire a healthy shine and natural volume. It enhances the effect of castor oil, which itself is absent.

Aloe juice activates dormant hair follicles, which accelerates hair growth.

For the mask, mix oil and juice in equal proportions, add a few drops of vitamin.

Nourishing vitamin mask

For it you will need 3 drops of vitamins A, E, a teaspoon of fish oil and the same amount of vegetable oil (olive, flaxseed, burdock). Mix all ingredients and apply to eyelashes.

The presence of vitamin E in the composition makes the mask one of the best in the fight for eyelash length. Tocopherol actively nourishes hair follicles by improving blood circulation. Vitamin E restores brittle eyelashes and prevents their loss. Protects against exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Carrot juice mask

Take castor, sea buckthorn, almond (or peach) oils in equal quantities. Add carrot juice. A good addition would be parsley juice.

The juice must be squeezed out immediately before use.

Mask with vitamins and tea leaves

Mix castor or burdock oil, strong tea leaves, vitamins A and E.

This cocktail not only promotes rapid eyelash growth, but also gives them a rich color.

Eyelash massage

Any vegetable oil is suitable for the procedure. It should be slightly warmed up, a few drops of vitamins and a little fish oil should be added. It should be applied on both sides.

For several minutes, massage the eyelids with light circular movements (lower to the inner corner of the eye, upper to the outer).

If the mask must be washed off, it is better to use a decoction of herbs rather than water. Chamomile, cornflower and sage are considered the most beneficial for eyelashes.

What women say

Maria. I've been making masks for a year now. I apply it for a month, take a month off. Eyelashes have grown noticeably. Stopped falling out. I alternate castor and burdock, the most budget option.

Olga. I mix castor oil with almond oil and smear it on everything: eyelashes, nails, hands. Highly recommend. Now I’m not ashamed to call my short, dull brushes eyelashes: fluffy, soft, and have grown noticeably.

Svetlana. For two months I have been applying a mixture of olive, castor and linseed oils to my eyelashes. At first I made a big mistake: I left it overnight. I didn’t go to work in the morning: there were slits instead of eyes. I immediately wised up, and now I wash it off in an hour. I haven’t noticed much growth yet, but my eyelashes have become thicker and darker.

Where to go for healing oils

Burdock and castor oil can be bought at the pharmacy closest to your home. The price starts from 25 rubles. for 100 ml. Manufacturers offer oils already enriched with vitamins A and E.

There is no need to be afraid of fakes. Fraudsters are not interested in this product.

Olive oil is healthy if it is natural, cold pressed. It is worth studying the label; it should not contain other herbal ingredients. They are sold in supermarkets and can be ordered in online stores. The price range is wide: on average from 700 to 1500 rubles. for half a liter.

Natural, cold-pressed olive oil is never packaged in a plastic container. Use only glass bottles or metal tubes.

The inscriptions on the bottles “Special for children” are an advertising ploy that increases the price.

You should also not buy healing liquid in ceramic vessels. Only the price will increase, but not the quality of the product.

Cold-pressed flaxseed is sold in pharmacies for an average of 120-140 rubles (250 ml). They offer oil made in the USA for 600-800 rubles, and if it is organic, then it’s worth paying more!

Pharmacies offer a wide selection of oils for eyelash growth at affordable prices: peach from 40 rubles per 100 ml, almond 60 - 80 rubles. for 50 ml, wheat germ oil from 170 rubles for 100 ml.

Everyone decides for themselves which one is better to choose. If you don’t forget about daily care, the dream of having long, thick, healthy eyelashes can become a reality in just a month.

Eyelash care at home:

Eyelash oil at home is one of the most effective care products and is therefore readily used by women to keep their eyelashes thick and strong.

Eyelashes are the perfect frame for our eyes; they make them expressive and attractive, and make the face more feminine. These are exactly the kind of eyelashes: thick and lush – the dream of any girl or woman.

However, you should not run to the salon to artificially increase such beauty. You can lengthen, make them healthier and brighter with the help of available natural products - cosmetic vegetable oils.

A few facts about our eyelashes

  • Since ancient times, many secrets and rules for eyelash care have been accumulated and they are in great demand. But before we use them, let’s learn some interesting facts about the growth and purpose of our eyelashes.
  • The main purpose of eyelashes is to protect the eyeball from dust, dirt, insects and foreign substances and objects getting into the eyes.
  • The life of an eyelash lasts approximately 3 months; after this period, it falls out and is replaced by a new hair. All eyelashes are completely renewed once every 5 months.
  • Eyelash growth rate: 0.12-0.14 mm per day, after going through all stages of growth, it falls out, like all other types of hair.
  • There are 100-250 hairs on the upper eyelid, and from 50 to 150 hairs on the lower eyelid. Moreover, they can grow in several rows, up to 6 at the top, and up to 4 at the bottom.
  • The length of the eyelashes reaches 8-12 mm on the upper eyelid and 6-8 mm below.
  • Eyelashes begin to grow in the mother's womb from the 16th week of fetal development. Genetics determines the length, thickness and curl of eyelashes.
  • In many cases, the color of the eyelashes is different from the color of the hair and depends on the concentration of the melanin pigment. May change with age and hormonal changes.
  • Eyelashes contain 97% keratin protein and 3% water.
  • At the base of eyelash growth there are sebaceous glands, which serve to lubricate the hairs and protect the skin of the eyelids from drying out.

Why do eyelashes become weak and thin?

To choose the right eyelash care, you need to know the main causes of thinning, fragility and loss of these hairs.

One of the important reasons is the state of our health. If the body is exhausted by chronic diseases and stress, then we will not see beautiful thick eyelashes.

Improper, unbalanced nutrition, lack of vitamins and minerals important for the body in the diet will lead to the same thing.

Illiterate use of cosmetics: low-quality, cheap and aggressive makeup products can cause irreparable damage to even the thickest and strongest eyelashes. Make sure that the mascara contains vitamins and does not contain hydrogen peroxide, which causes damage to eyelashes.

If you use mascara, eyeliner, eye shadow for a long time and very often, and do not wash off your decorative cosmetics at night, you will lose the beauty of your eyelashes. Therefore, it should be carried out daily and according to all beauty rules.

Wheat germ oil– acts very gently and does not cause any allergic reactions.

Pharmaceutical product Aevit occupies a special place in eyelash care - it is an oil complex of vitamins A (retinol) and E (tocopherol).

How to use oil in eyelash care

If your eyelashes have become sparse, more brittle and thinner, this is a reason to learn how to treat them using cosmetic vegetable oils. This should also be done for the purpose of prevention, in order to preserve the beauty and health of eyelashes for as long as possible.

A simple method of care: dilute the oil with water in a 1:1 ratio and apply these masks to your eyelids and eyelashes.

Mask with vitamins: add a couple of drops of vitamins A and E to any vegetable oil and carefully apply to the eyelashes with a brush or cotton swab. To massage along the eyelash line, prepare a mixture of cosmetic oil and aloe and parsley juice. Rub carefully, without getting into your eyes, so as not to form an oily film on the surface of the eyeball. To stimulate hair growth, mix castor oil with rosehip oil, sea buckthorn oil, carrot juice and oil vitamin A. To give eyelashes a rich dark color, mix castor oil with thickly brewed black tea. A mask of 3 oils: castor, almond and olive in equal proportions will restore shine and health not only to eyelashes, but also to the skin of the eyelids. You can prepare the simplest mask for better hair growth from ordinary sunflower oil with the addition of parsley or aloe juice. A mixture of sea buckthorn and rosehip oil (1:1) with a capsule of Aevita vitamin will perfectly moisturize eyelashes and make them thicker after a month of use. You can add fresh liquid honey to the oils - this will help the eyelashes become more elastic and strong.

Oil masks complement well with herbal compresses of chamomile, cornflower, sage and tea. Simply soak cotton pads in the infusion of these herbs and place on your eyelids for 10 minutes.

Let's look at the features of using some oils

Each oil has its own characteristics that should be taken into account when treating eyelashes.

Castor oil:
- be sure to check castor oil for an allergic reaction, to do this, apply a drop to the eyelid and observe the skin reaction for 20-30 minutes;
— before use, heat the oil to 40 degrees to remove the stickiness of this product;
— the oil is perfectly absorbed into the hair follicles, so when using eyelash masks with castor oil, take 7 days off after two weeks so as not to oversaturate the hairs with the composition;
— oil is good to combine with other healthy ingredients: aloe juice, sea buckthorn oil, vitamins A and E.

Burr oil:
— use burdock oil only when warm;
— if you have sensitive skin, you should not use the oil in its pure form to avoid allergic reactions;
— it is best to dilute the oil with aloe juice, other cosmetic oils (almond or castor), herbal infusions, fish oil, carrot juice, vitamin Aevit;

Almond oil:
- perfectly strengthens eyelashes: it awakens dormant hair follicles and activates their active growth;
— the oil is quite fluid and spreads well over the eyelashes;
— before applying, just warm the oil slightly in your hands, it works much better;
— the result can be obtained only with regular, at least a month, use;
— after the procedure, simply blot your eyelashes with a paper napkin and under no circumstances rinse with water, as this will clog the pores and can lead to the appearance of stye.

Wheat germ oil:
— hypoallergenic, gentle on the skin;
- the oil can be kept on the eyelashes for up to 2-3 hours and then removed with a cotton pad soaked in warm water;
— perfectly restores eyelashes after eyelash coloring, after using low-quality cosmetics or removing false eyelashes;
— it is better to carry out the treatment procedure 3-4 times a week, in the evening.

Sea buckthorn oil:
— it is better to heat the oil before using it in a water bath or in hot water;
— sea buckthorn contains a lot of acid, so it can cause a burning sensation when it comes into contact with the eyeball; if this happens, rinse your eyes thoroughly with clean running water;
- use this oil together with other oils, this will add strength and beauty to your eyelashes.

Oily vitamins A and E (aevit):
— it is better to add these vitamins 1-2 drops to other cosmetic oils;
- you can use them separately or in tandem;
- very large doses may cause skin irritation.

How to apply oil to eyelashes?

  • To treat eyelashes, oil is applied to the eyelashes in the same way as mascara. And for this it is better to use a washed brush from a bottle of mascara, a cotton swab or a clean toothbrush.

  • There are several options for applying oil: zigzag, straight line or light strokes.
  • It is better to start from the inner corner of the eyes and do not try to paint the hairs all the way to the roots - the oil will spread over them on its own.
  • The oil should be kept on the eyelashes for 20-30 minutes, and then the excess should be removed with a napkin.
  • Sometimes it is recommended to leave the oil mask on for 2 or more hours, but you need to make sure that there is no excess oil on the eyelashes, otherwise your eyes will swell by the morning. Please note that, as a rule, 30-60 minutes are enough to nourish the eyelashes.

Oil recipes for lush eyelashes: