How to do a newspaper manicure at home? Unusual design ideas - newspaper manicure How to make a drawing using a newspaper

Beautiful and well-groomed hands are the pride of any woman, and an original and stylish nail design emphasizes her unique image. Recently, newspaper coating has become very popular. It not only adds originality to the manicure, but is also easy to do.

Benefits of newspaper manicure

Newspaper manicure has a number of advantages, which makes this design very popular among fashionistas:

  • the color palette has a wide range, this allows it to be used for any style and shade of clothing;
  • thanks to the use of available materials, it is very accessible;
  • each nail can be decorated in its own way, changing the direction of the letters or covering a different area of ​​the nail plate;
  • the procedure is so simple that even beginners can handle it;
  • Looks harmonious on both long and short nails.

How to create your own newspaper print

The main material when creating a manicure is newspaper font. The base coat may vary.

For work you will need the following materials:

  • newspaper or other printed publication;
  • varnish fixer;
  • alcohol or water to wet the newspaper;
  • tweezers.

Before applying newspaper font to your nails, you need to do a hygienic unedged manicure.

Newspaper manicure with gel polish

  1. Cut 10 2x3 cm rectangles from newspaper.
  2. Pour alcohol or other alcohol-containing liquid into a small container.
  3. Apply polish to the nail plates and let the base dry completely. Some manicurists recommend waiting 6-8 hours.
  4. Dip a newspaper rectangle into alcohol and hold it for 10 seconds.
  5. Place a piece of newspaper on the nail and press firmly for 30 seconds. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the paper does not move, otherwise the print will be smeared. If it suddenly moves out, the bad image should be erased with a cotton pad soaked in alcohol.
  6. Remove the newspaper from the nail and let the print dry.
  7. Apply a fixative over the resulting design and dry the nails in an ultraviolet or LED lamp.

Newspaper nail art looks most impressive on rectangular-shaped nails, and it is advisable to choose light shades of the base polish.

How to transfer newspaper font to regular varnish

  1. Prepare newspaper rectangles and a container with alcohol or cologne.
  2. Apply polish to your nails and let it dry completely.
  3. Moisten each paper rectangle one by one in alcohol and apply it to the nail for 30 seconds.
  4. The resulting print must be completely dry.
  5. Apply nail polish fixer to the nail and wait until it dries completely.

Video: newspaper manicure at home

Newspaper nail art without using alcohol

Newspaper print can be transferred to nails without the use of alcohol-containing liquids. In this case, you need to be more careful when creating the design.

  1. Prepare newspaper scraps and a container of water.
  2. Apply polish to your nails. It should dry, but not completely (a little sticky).
  3. Soak the newspaper in water and press it gently onto the varnish. To make the print clearer, do not move the paper while pressing.
  4. The newspaper must dry completely. Then it should be carefully removed.
  5. The resulting design must be coated with a fixative or colorless varnish.

With this option, the manicure may not be entirely ideal, since when the paper is removed, the surface of the varnish is slightly damaged and unevenness appears on it. For a more accurate transfer, you can use the solution transfer tool specially created for this purpose. In this case, the base varnish must dry completely. Then solution transfer is applied to the nails and the newspaper, and the paper is pressed against the nail plate for 3-5 seconds.

To transfer printed font from newspaper to nails, you can use solution transfer, which is designed specifically for newspaper manicure.

Fantasies on the theme of newspaper design

It may seem that a manicure with a newspaper font has a meager range of options. But if you experiment, you can get many original designs.

Color transitions

Gradient technology in manicure has firmly established its position. In this case, there is a smooth transition from one shade to another. In this case, the shades can be contrasting (for example, white - black) or barely differ from each other. Against this background, the printed font will look original.

French style

Newspaper print can be applied to the tip of the nail or partially cover the nail plate.

Photo gallery: newspaper jacket

Newspaper jacket can be decorated with rhinestones
Not the entire nail plate can be covered
In this case, the newspaper print is not applied to the tips of the nails

Different text direction

The option in which newspaper flaps can be applied in different directions will especially appeal to beginners. In this case, you will not have to monitor the precise placement of the paper.

Applied manicure

When creating nail art, pieces of newspaper may remain on the surface of the nail. In this case, the paper is coated with colorless varnish on top, and the printed manicure is more dense and lasts longer.


A newspaper print looks original in a negative image, when a white font is printed on a black base. To create such a manicure, you need to find text on a dark background in printed publications or print white letters on black paper yourself.

One letter

Nail art looks stylish and extraordinary when only one letter is depicted on each nail. In this version you can add words.

Photo gallery: image options

The stave looks extraordinary and impressive on nails
Cheat sheets can be made in the form of a manicure
Stylish nail design is obtained by drawing a geographical map

Burnt newspaper

The design, which imitates burnt paper, is interesting and unusual.

  1. Light-colored varnish is applied to the nails. It must dry completely.
  2. A newspaper rectangle is immersed in alcohol and then pressed against the surface of the nail plate for 30 seconds.
  3. The font print must be completely dry.
  4. Nails are covered with colorless varnish.
  5. Using a manicure sponge, apply brown polish to individual areas of the nails.
  6. Soak a cotton swab in nail polish remover and use it to make “burnt” areas in the manicure.
  7. Secure the resulting design with colorless varnish.

Video: “burnt newspaper” design

Newspaper design makes manicure original and attractive. Even a beginner can master the technique of applying printed fonts to nails. For these reasons, newspaper nail art is loved by many fashionistas.

Manicure using newspaper- This is a rather unique way to decorate your nails. This idea appeared quite recently, but managed to attract the attention of many women. It is very unique and never repeats. This manicure can be done easily and quite quickly. at home without putting in much effort.

What do you need for a newspaper manicure?

  • 1 base coat (it is advisable to use a light-colored varnish so that the text is clearly visible) and a clear varnish;
  • 2 Pieces of newspaper or printed text;
  • 3 Tweezers (for conveniently applying pieces of newspaper to the nail and removing them);
  • 4 Nail polish remover or replace with alcohol;
  • 5 A container for liquid that will hold pieces of newspaper.
  • Newspaper manicure step by step instructions

    Step 1. First, you should make your nails look well-groomed, give them the desired shape, then wipe with acetone to degrease the nail.

    Step 2. From the newspaper you should cut out squares slightly larger than a fingernail, in length and width.

    Step 3. Apply a light shade of polish to the nail and let it dry a little.

    Step 4. We take a piece of newspaper with tweezers and dip it in nail polish remover (can be replaced with alcohol or cologne), wait 10 seconds, then carefully place it on the nail and press firmly (make sure that the newspaper does not “ride” on the nail, clarity depends on this text). We wait 30-40 seconds and carefully remove the newspaper using tweezers.

    Step 5. The last step is to apply a clear varnish to seal the result.

    This manicure can also be done with bright polishes (red, yellow, orange and others). To do this, you can simply replace the main varnish, in this case transparent, with any other. And make the text bolder and black.

    Pre-scorched pieces of newspaper will look original. You can also add various sparkles, rhinestones or stickers to these nails. They use the idea of ​​torn pieces placed on top of each other, which looks very unusual. Newspaper manicure gives you the opportunity to experiment and choose a design specifically for yourself. You can print the text in any language, with your favorite font and letter size; these can be some phrases or dates. You can complete the symbols yourself using a thin brush and varnish.

    You can replace the newspaper with pieces of card or banknotes. But in this case, it is better to cut the bills into very small pieces and glue them.

    By following all the instructions, you can get a beautiful manicure that will attract attention. This is a pretty simple way to decorate your nails that anyone can do!

Newspaper manicure is an original way to create a beautiful nail design. This article offers two main ways to style nails with newspaper: with and without alcohol. Interesting manicure options will help you determine which style suits your nails.

As practice shows, women's fantasy has no boundaries. Every day, smart inventors invent new ways to decorate yourself I will complement the image. The ideas for creating attractive manicure.

Women have long stopped trying to “just paint their nails.” They resort to a variety of decoration methods: rhinestones, sparkles, patterns, unusual varnishes, gel polishes. The latest fashion offers the fair sex use newspaper to style your manicure.

At first glance, this may seem like a completely unreasonable method. But, nevertheless, it is quite popular. To create such an unusual manicure you need the most ordinary newspaper and a few feminine tricks. You can do newspaper styling using both regular polish and gel polish. It's not difficult at all, but the work... requires accuracy and patience.

An original newspaper manicure that you can do at home

Newspaper manicure: design advantages

It's interesting to know that for the first time idea similar stylization originated in France– a country that is known as a “trendsetter”. An ordinary French woman was so proud of the article about herself that she wanted to achieve even greater fame. Since she was a manicurist, she came up with a way to apply newspaper text to her clients' nails.

What is good about newspaper manicure:

  • It provides the ability to imprint on each nail completely different drawings, but do not allow the basic pattern to change.
  • Newspaper manicure is budget nail styling product that everyone can afford.
  • Newspaper manicure allows experiment with nail designs: capital letters, small letters, Russian text, English text and so on.
  • Newspaper manicure doesn't take much time and always pleased with the beautiful result.

Before you start creating a manicure, you should familiarize yourself with the existing techniques and choose one of them in advance.

Newspaper manicure is an original way to create a beautiful nail design

Newspaper manicure with gel polish: how to do it?

It is worth knowing that in order to do the right and beautiful newspaper manicure, there are two basic and very simple techniques: with and without alcohol. In any case, if you create such a design, you required:

  • White gel polish– base color for the base
  • Varnish without color, transparent for fastening
  • Spear t medical or manicure
  • Scissors
  • Printed edition (newspaper)
  • Cotton buds(remove manicure errors)

You should do a newspaper manicure on a clean work surface without unnecessary things. You should prepare in advance a lamp for drying nails, as well as all the necessary tools for manicure.

Newspaper manicure with gel polish:

Newspaper manicure created using gel polishes and newspaper

Newspaper manicure combined with red nail color

How to print newspaper on your nails?

Step-by-step creation of a newspaper manicure at home:

  • Tidy up your nails and do a manicure: remove the cuticle, shape your nails with a nail file, and polish the nail.
  • Apply base coat color onto the plate. In the original, newspaper manicure has a white base that imitates real newspaper. You can use any light or bright color if you wish.
  • Dry your nails under an ultraviolet lamp until completely dry.
  • You need use ten pieces of newspaper. These should be neat squares of three by three centimeters, cut with scissors.
  • Place a piece of newspaper over your nail the way your design envisages
  • Pour a small amount of alcohol on top of the newspaper, but try not to move the newspaper, otherwise the drawing will be smudged.
  • After this, carefully remove the newspaper. The alcohol will try to imprint on the base varnish the ink used to print the text in the newspaper edition.
  • Dry the printed letters on air
  • Cover the design with a clear coat of base varnish. for fixing and glossy manicure. Dry the clear varnish under a lamp.

Method of applying printed text to a nail using alcohol and a cotton pad

How to do a newspaper manicure without alcohol?

If you want to do manicure without alcohol or you simply don’t have a bottle of this liquid with you at the moment, you can create a newspaper manicure without it.

Also newspaper manicure with alcohol not recommended if you have wounds under and around your nails. If alcohol gets on an open wound, it will cause you very painful sensations.

To make a newspaper manicure without alcohol, you will need:

  • Regular varnish in a light or bright color (base varnish)
  • Colorless varnish for fixation and gloss
  • Newspaper (any printed publication with text)
  • Manicure tools
  • Scissors

Step-by-step creation of a newspaper manicure without alcohol:

  • Get your nails in order and do a manicure: remove cuticles, shape and clean your nails
  • Apply base color varnish and wait for it to dry.
  • The newspaper must be previously cut into ten small squares measuring three by three centimeters.
  • After the base color has dried start styling. It is important to know that each nail should be decorated separately.
  • Apply a thin layer of clear polish to one nail. Without waiting for the varnish to dry, glue a piece of newspaper to the varnish. Wait for the varnish to dry, then quickly remove the layer of paper.
  • The newspaper will leave its printed surface layer on the nail (which is why it is best to use white, gray or beige polish).
  • On top of the newspaper layer should be apply fixative varnish in an even layer so that it covers all the errors in the paper decor.
  • Wait until the varnish is completely dry. Manicure is ready!

Newspaper manicure at home without alcohol

Drawings for newspaper manicure, newspaper manicure ideas

Newspaper manicure very popular and therefore women all over the world are trying to experiment with the design of their nails.

Of course, a manicure with English text.

Examples of beautiful newspaper manicure in different styles:

Options for a simple white newspaper manicure at home

Blue newspaper manicure at home

Stylization of a regular newspaper manicure with red bright elements

Stylish newspaper manicure on a beige background

Newspaper manicure for long nails, decor option

Newspaper manicure as an idea for styling some nails

Two-color manicure and nail styling with newspaper manicure

Original newspaper manicure

Manicure with the help of a newspaper saw the light of day thanks to the ingenuity of a French female cosmetologist.

The local newspaper wrote an article about her and her work in particular. In order for everyone to know about her skills, the cosmetologist came up with such an original way of distributing printed materials.

Manicure with newspaper is not very difficult to perform and does not require large investments and time.

Materials and accessories

Base coat. A base coat is needed to smooth out any uneven nails and prepare them for a manicure. The base coat can be either a medicated varnish or any colorless one.

Basic tone varnish. The color of the main tone varnish can, in principle, be any. The only condition is that the color of the varnish is not very dark. Black letters should be clearly visible on the varnish. The best, most effective combination will be a sharp contrast of white and black. White varnish base and black newspaper letters.

Newspaper or magazine. The letters on the printed publication must be black, not gray or colored, otherwise the manicure will lose its attractiveness and zest. The newspaper can be taken in any language.

Fixing varnish. The fixing varnish must be transparent so that the effect of the contrast “base varnish - black letters” is not lost.

Preparing nails for manicure

To thoroughly prepare your nails, you must first steam your hands in hot water. For this procedure, you need to take a not very deep bowl, pour hot water into it and add, if desired, either sea salt, or chamomile infusion, or calendula.

Infusions of chamomile and calendula have a beneficial effect on the skin of the hands and cuticles, accelerate the healing of small wounds and cracks, and relieve inflammation.

Hands should be kept in hot water until the cuticle skin becomes completely soft. After this, the hands are removed from the water and burrs, if any, are cut off.

Now you need to use a special stick to push the cuticle to its base. Do not try to cut the cuticle, because if you accidentally cut, you can get infected and your finger will start to itch.

The final “chord” of the main manicure will be giving the nails the desired shape. Nowadays, either short nails with a rounded edge or medium-length oval-shaped nails are in fashion.

Now let's look at how to do a manicure using newspaper.

How to do a newspaper manicure at home

First you need to decide how the letters will be placed on the nails, what fragments need to be cut out from the newspaper to make it beautiful and original.

After this, you need to prepare pieces of newspaper, cutting them according to the shape and length of the nails.

The next step is to apply a base coat of varnish. After applying the base, give the varnish a chance to dry thoroughly. This is a very important condition.

The varnish will dry much faster if you put your hands under a hot hair dryer or under a stream of cold water. You can simply blow hard on your nails or wave your hands in the air.

Take the prepared stencil from the newspaper and moisten it with water or any alcohol-containing composition on the text side. Degrease the nail and apply wet newspaper to it, with the font facing the nail.

After 10-30 minutes, the letters should be imprinted on the nail in a mirror image. When imprinting letters on the nail plate, the newspaper cannot be moved the entire time it is pressed to the nail. If the newspaper moves, the paint may smudge and the manicure will lose its attractiveness. In other words, the manicure may simply not work out and you will have to start doing everything all over again.

When the letters are printed, you will need to carefully separate the newspaper from the nail. Wait until the letters are thoroughly dry.

Now you can apply the clear topcoat. This varnish will protect the printing ink from smearing on the nail and will preserve the entire manicure for a long time.

Dry the last layer of nail polish thoroughly.

Repeat all these operations with the remaining nails.

Another option for manicure using newspaper

Before you start, grab a piece of paper or plastic as a palette.

1. Apply white polish to your nails. Make sure it is completely dry before the next step.
2. Spray a spray containing alcohol onto the prepared nail. If you don't have a spray, dip your nail in alcohol for 5 seconds.
3. Take a small piece of fresh newspaper and press it against your nail for about 15 seconds, applying constant pressure. Remove the newspaper and you will see a printed design imprinted on the nail.
4. Repeat step 3 until you achieve the desired effect. Clean excess paint from the skin with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol.
5. Apply red polish to the free edge of the nail and let dry.
6. Glue black and white beads on the border of the flowers, alternating them. Let dry.
7. Apply top coat of sealer.

And finally - creative ideas :o)

Based on materials from,

Today, a huge number of different shapes and styles of nail designs are available for use. A newspaper manicure at home is what a girl who wants to look interesting and original needs. Nails are an important element of the appearance and accessory of modern representatives of the fair sex. Many people often go to beauty salons to create a unique manicure, not knowing that some types of nail designs can be done at home.

What is newspaper manicure and where did it come from?

One French woman, who once worked in a beauty salon, wanted to create something original that would attract a massive clientele. The idea to transfer newspaper print to nails came completely unexpectedly. While working with a client, she suggested trying out this technology. After completion, both did not believe the results. It looked simply amazing, unique and unusual. The influx of clients into the salon has really increased. After which, thanks to the Internet and other various media, the secret of newspaper manicure quickly spread throughout the world.

Who is a newspaper manicure suitable for? The main feature of this type of design is its versatility. Owners of nails of all shapes and lengths can display newspaper lines, but this design looks best on medium-length nails. This manicure will suit every girl or woman, regardless of her position and place of work, because the printed design does not attract unnecessary attention at all.

Materials needed to create a newspaper manicure

The technology of newspaper manicure is reminiscent of the process of gluing children's tattoos from various chewing gums. In order to make a standard version of this nail coating, we will need:

  • base varnish for nails (light shades);
  • newspaper cut into small pieces;
  • fixative varnish;
  • alcohol;
  • nail polish remover.

We use nail polish remover before applying the base polish to degrease. For the first attempts, it is better to use ordinary newspapers, since the technology of covering with other paper or gloss is quite complex.

Standard newspaper style manicure

Creating a manicure will take about 30 minutes, and if you adapt, no more than twenty.

Step-by-step instructions will help beginners:

  • First, degrease the nail plate using nail polish remover;
  • apply a light-colored base varnish so that the letters contrast better;
  • We take a small square of newspaper (approximately 2x2 cm) with tweezers and moisten it in a container with alcohol;
  • Apply a moistened piece of newspaper to the nail plate, without moving, for 20 seconds;
  • carefully remove the newspaper with a sharp movement;
  • Be sure to cover it with a fixative varnish.

If there is no alcohol, you can use the same nail polish remover. This procedure must be repeated with each nail.

Improved types of newspaper manicure

Naturally, if you constantly repeat the same technology, you will quickly get bored with the monotonous nail decor. Therefore, there are several ways how it can be supplemented or modified without complicating the process too much.

You can experiment with different methods. You might even be able to invent something of your own. The main additions and modifications to newspaper manicure are as follows:

  • changing the direction of words;
  • use of holographic base varnish;
  • use of colored phrases (typed by hand);
  • selection of press in various languages ​​(for example, Japanese characters);
  • print sources may not necessarily be newspapers;
  • choice of other colors of base varnish (looks good on yellow);
  • decoration with patterns, beads or other materials.

An interesting tip for schoolgirls and students: you can write small cheat sheets in black paste on the free areas of the newspaper and create a manicure with tips for yourself.

Since asymmetrical manicure is very fashionable today (coating the nails with different colors, giving different patterns, etc.), you can paint the nails on each hand only with a base polish, and create a newspaper print on only two fingers. You can also combine several colors. For example, the base coat is red, while nails with newspaper decor are white.