Scenario for family day - We are one family. Presentation "International Day of the Family" Sports holiday for the Day of the Family on May 15

Try pronouncing the word "family" like this: seven-me. As a result, it seems to be telling us: “The family is seven people like me.”

Take a closer look at your family. Your smile resembles your mother's, your walk resembles your father's, the color of your eyes is the same as that of your grandmother, the oval of your face and the mole are like those of your grandfather. But the similarity is manifested not only in appearance. You have inherited many character traits from your parents and grandparents. You may have common hobbies and activities.

The closest people to a child are his parents. There is nothing brighter and more disinterested than the love of a mother. The mother of the baby will feed and drink, and caress, and regret, and teach. And if the child is ill, then he will cure it, it turns out. “The child is crying, but the mother’s heart hurts”, “There is no friend closer than your own mother,” folk proverbs say.

The deepest of kindred feelings is maternal feeling.

What a pity that weeks

They fly so slowly!

That children are born.

Don't speak right away!

And that would only

I saw my mother

As soon as, as soon as

"thanks!" told her.

Because I was born!

Because I'm alive!

For being with dad

Let's go home now!

For opening the door

And we know in advance

What is mom singing

And we are waiting for dinner!

M. Yasnov

No matter how many of you, children, parents, you are all loved. Because parental love is so great that it is enough for many, many sons and daughters. There is an award for moms and dads - the Order of Parental Glory. It is awarded for special merits in the upbringing of children.

Happiness is if mom

He sings all day in the morning.

Happiness if dad is early

Doesn't go to work.

Happiness if you are for breakfast

Eat your favorite pancakes.

happiness if you want

Suddenly jump up to the moon.

If you ride all morning,

Don't rush to take off your pajamas

And sitting on the sofa

You hug your mom and dad.

E. Ranneva

The oldest and most respected family members are grandparents. You must remember that they gave life to your parents, and therefore to you.

While mom and dad are often busy, grandpa and grandma are always "at hand"!

Mom has a job

Dad has a job.

They have Saturday left for me.

Grandma is always at home.

We are fine like this, together.

And a house without a grandmother is not a house.

E. Grigorieva

Sometimes they become real friends for their grandchildren. Even the proverb was once like this: "Small and old - two pair of boots."

Each family has its own home, which is always cozy and warm. A house is a whole world, kind to its inhabitants, to everything that surrounds them and belongs to them.

In the House

busy with good deeds


Kindness walks around the apartment.

We have

good afternoon

And good hour

Good evening,

good night,

It was good yesterday.

A. Nikolaenko

You probably love your home, where you are surrounded by the care and love of your family. There are many proverbs and sayings about family members, friendship, respect, relations between relatives:

1. A treasure is not needed when the family is in harmony.

2. "Brotherly love is better than stone walls."

3. "Looking at the father, and the son grows."

4. "The hut is not red with corners, but with pies."

5. "As parents lived, so they blessed us."

What is a family album? It always contains old, still black-and-white or completely brownish from time to time photographs of your parents, grandfathers, grandmothers. And even grandparents' parents in lace dresses, old-fashioned jackets and cheesy bowler hats. Behind every photo is the story of your family.

Families value and maintain their own traditions. Photos, letters, awards and other things belonging to relatives are carefully kept. Family traditions are not only holidays, but also a gala dinner every Sunday, when the whole family is together.

Sunday is lucky!

Sundays are needed

Because Sunday

Mom makes pancakes

Dad washes cups for tea.

Wipe them together

And then we the whole family

We drink tea with pancakes for a long time.

And a song flows through the window.

I'm ready to sing myself.

It's good when we're together

Even if there are no pancakes!

O. Bundur

In some families, the elders pass on their professions to the younger ones. There are families of hereditary teachers, doctors and miners. Several generations can work in one, which has become native to the family, mine, factory.

Each of us has a name. Do you know that in addition to your name, you have many more names in the world of people? Grandfather and grandmother call you grandson or granddaughter. For your mother or father's sister, you are a nephew (niece), and for their children, you are a cousin (sister). Brothers and sisters are also called differently. About the one who is older, they say that he is the eldest, and whoever is younger is the younger one.

So it turns out that you can be both a son, and a grandson, and a nephew at the same time.

Have you heard how one mother was going to feed the sun, and dad was going to bathe his bunny? Or maybe they met a grandfather who boasted that he seemed to be rolling his berry on a cart, and she “was not afraid, but laughed”? One grandmother told another that she had bought slippers for a swallow! And some dad boasted that his pussy already knows the letters.

Haven't you guessed yet? And everything is simple. Relatives all talked about their beloved children and grandchildren.

Woke up baby

And hears in the morning:

- Hey kitty,

It's time for breakfast!

Have you eaten, baby?

Drink, sunshine, tea.

Wash up, dirty!

Go play.

- Either a fish or a hare.

Well, thoughts fly!

When will I know

Am I my name?

Y. Yakimenko, "What is my name"

As a person was born, with him the nickname is forever. What do the nicknames say? Rarely does anyone call a newborn by his first name. Yes, just by name. Much more often in the course are funny and affectionate words with which parents express their love for the baby.

In Russia, there was a tradition to give the newborn two names. Only relatives knew the real name - parents, crossnye. It combined wishes for the baby, it reflected love and a desire for his happiness. And another name is a nickname for everyone. They gave it like this: the child was wrapped in matting and carried outside the threshold, as if demonstrating to evil spirits that they had found an abandoned baby, which was not particularly needed. Yes, they called him such a name that would scare away evil spirits and lull her attention.

"They call Zovutka, but they call it a duck." In ancient times, they were afraid to give their own name to a stranger. Suddenly, the stranger turns out to be a sorcerer who uses such knowledge for evil. Nicknames didn't just happen. At all times it was believed, and quite rightly, that a nickname chosen with love would help in life. They were given according to the appearance of the child. For example, Svetlana, Belyan, Chernyava, Pyshechka, Pukhlyachok, Tot, Tolstun-chik, Beauty, Snub - all these nicknames arose from the first impression of the baby.

There were also Baran, Sparrow, Wolf, Goat. This is because in ancient times each clan had its own totem - a sacred animal that was supposed to protect and protect people. They could give the boy the name Wolf - so that he was strong, brave, lived a long time.

First, Second, Tretyak - this was the name of the first, second or third child in the family. There were Chetvertak, Chetvertunya, Chetyrya, Piatanya (or Pyatysh), Shestyarya, Semanya (or Semushka), Osmak and so on. Now it is difficult for us to imagine a family where there would be, for example, fourteen children.

Even more often, a person’s fate was guessed by a name. Ratibor will grow up and defeat all enemy ratis, Vladimir can own the whole world. Scientists suggest that such ancient Slavic nicknames as Thunder or Frost were given as guards so that the child would not die from thunder or frost.

The Slavs chose to name their children any words that reflect the various properties and qualities of people, their character traits: Clever, Brave, Kind, Cunning. The screaming baby was called Sleepless or Restless.

The influence of a name or nickname on a person and his fate has been noticed for a long time. A nickname is also a name. Although not commonly used, it also connects the child with his essence, with himself. There will be several more such nicknames in a person’s life: at school, in a friendly company, in the company of a loved one, the name that his own children will give him. But the first - the family name, which was named by the mother or grandmother - will remain the most important and dearest for a person.

Burnet F. "The Little Lord's Story"

Jerome K. Jerome "Three men in a boat, not counting the dog"

Korolenko V. G. Chapters from “The History of My Contemporary” (“Early Childhood”, “The Beginning of Teaching”, “In the County Town”, “Student Years”)

Malo G. "Without a family"

Tolstoy A. N. "Nikita's Childhood"

Travers P. "Mary Poppins"

Uspensky E. N. "Uncle Fedor, a dog and a cat"

Hello, our dear children and adults! Today we have gathered in this hall not by chance! May 15 is Family Day. A person's life begins with the family, here he is formed as a citizen. The family is a source of love, respect, solidarity and affection, something on which any civilized society is built, without which a person cannot exist. But we will not wait for May 15 to come, but we will celebrate right today. Our holiday is not ordinary, but family!
But first, a surprise awaits you all - the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man". The guys from the association "Karabas-Barabas" during the entire academic year were preparing for this performance - they themselves sewed dolls, made decorations. Today is the debut of the puppet theater troupe! Meet! And do not judge strictly - the first performance ...

fairy tale "KOLOBOK".

Do you know what FAMILY is? Tanya will tell us now.

Tanya girl.
Family is a strange word
Although not foreign.
How did the word come about?
It's not clear to us at all.
Well, "I" - we understand
Why are there seven?

No need to think and guess
And you just need to count:
two grandfathers,
Two grandmothers,
Plus dad, mom, me.
Folded? That makes seven people.

- What if you have a dog?
Eight "I" come out?
- No, if there is a dog,
Comes out! - family.
(M. Schwartz)

So, the family includes mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers and children. Today we are holding a family competition "Yablochko and Yablonka". Why is it called that way? But we all know that the apple tree does not roll far from the apple tree. We invite our "Apple families" - they got their names during the draw. So let's meet:
1. _____________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________________________
6. _____________________________________________________________
7. _____________________________________________________________

Dear contestants and guests, let me introduce you to the members of the jury:
Let's start our competition!

Competition 1. Presentation of the family.

Competition 2. Who will sing whom?
I suggest that the teams take turns singing a line from songs about flowers. Whoever sings gets a point.

Competition 3. Hostess.
Our mothers are wonderful housewives. They are always ready to receive guests. So, the task for moms is to fold napkins in an original way. But both dad and grandmother participate in our competition. When mom is not at home, and guests are on the doorstep, dads can also set the table.
Girls are future housewives. They should also be able to make the house cozy. The task for them is to decorate the cake.
The competition is evaluated on a 5-point system.

Competition 4. Proverbs and sayings.
In the order of the draw, the teams name a proverb or saying with the word that is on the card. Those who named the proverb receive 1 point.
Bread. Bread is the head of everything.
Ruble. A penny saves a ruble.
An Apple. The apple never falls far from the tree
Mirror. There is nothing to blame on the mirror, since the face is crooked.
Rope. No matter how much the rope twists, but there is an end.
Hat. On the thief and the hat is on fire.
A spoon. Road spoon to dinner.

Competition 5. Golden hands
The task. Each team is given a large button (about 40 cm in diameter, made of cardboard) and a piece of cloth. At the signal of the presenter, you need to sew on a button, making 5 stitches, but with the condition that both mother and child use only one hand in work. Who will complete the task faster and better? The competition is evaluated on a 5-point system.

Contest 6. No secrets
The task. Teams are invited, adults stand with their backs to the audience, children in front of them face the audience, yellow and green balloons are given into their hands. Yellow is associated with the child, green - adults. When answering a question, you need to raise a sign, in extreme cases - two. If the answer matches, the team gets 1 point.
Which one of you washes the dishes more often?
Who sings better?
Who is more interested in dreams?
Which one of you is prettier?
Who snores in their sleep?
Who finds it easier to solve math problems?
Which one of you loves dad more?
Which one of you eats more candy?
Which one of you lies less?
Who loves pets?
Who likes to watch series?
Who doesn't make their bed in the morning?
Which one of you is more likely to cheat?
Who loves to chew on seeds?
Who is more likely to dig a garden?
Who loves to read?
Who watches TV late?
Who is most often scolded by the father?
Who writes with errors?
Who has the best cell phone?
Who has the funniest walk?
Who scatters socks all over the house?
Who has a slimmer figure?
Who is afraid of dental treatment?
Who follows everyone and turns off the lights in the rooms?
Who has a better memory?
Who has a charming smile?
Who bathes more often?

Contest 7. Understand me
The task. An adult sits on a chair, a child stands in front of him. Signs with words rise up behind the adult's back. The child must explain so that the mother (dad or grandmother) understands and names the word. It is not possible to name single-root words. Who can do it in less time?
March 8, rain, morning, hare
heels, new year, soup, bear
Monkey, ears, cutlet, sun
Giraffe, seeds, bird cherry, cupboard
Dress, stool, pants, book
Candle, mop, hippopotamus, pencil
Horse, Easter, chandelier, asphalt

This concludes our competition. While the jury is summing up, those who wish can tell about their family.

Wishing children come out, talk about their family.

Jury word.

The President of the Jury presents the certificates.

Once again I congratulate everyone on the holiday of the Family, I wish everyone good health, happiness and love!

Try pronouncing the word "family" like this: seven-me. As a result, it seems to be telling us: “The family is seven people like me.”

Take a closer look at your family. Your smile resembles your mother's, your walk resembles your father's, the color of your eyes is the same as that of your grandmother, the oval of your face and the mole are like those of your grandfather. But the similarity is manifested not only in appearance. You have inherited many character traits from your parents and grandparents. You may have common hobbies and activities.

The closest people to a child are his parents. There is nothing brighter and more disinterested than the love of a mother. The mother of the baby will feed and drink, and caress, and regret, and teach. And if the child is ill, then he will cure it, it turns out. “The child is crying, but the mother’s heart hurts”, “There is no friend closer than your own mother,” folk proverbs say.

The deepest of kindred feelings is maternal feeling.

What a pity that weeks

They fly so slowly!

That children are born.

Don't speak right away!

And that would only

I saw my mother

As soon as, as soon as

"thanks!" told her.

Because I was born!

Because I'm alive!

For being with dad

Let's go home now!

For opening the door

And we know in advance

What is mom singing

And we are waiting for dinner!

M. Yasnov

No matter how many of you, children, parents, you are all loved. Because parental love is so great that it is enough for many, many sons and daughters. There is an award for moms and dads - the Order of Parental Glory. It is awarded for special merits in the upbringing of children.

Happiness is if mom

He sings all day in the morning.

Happiness if dad is early

Doesn't go to work.

Happiness if you are for breakfast

Eat your favorite pancakes.

happiness if you want

Suddenly jump up to the moon.

If you ride all morning,

Don't rush to take off your pajamas

And sitting on the sofa

You hug your mom and dad.

E. Ranneva

The oldest and most respected family members are grandparents. You must remember that they gave life to your parents, and therefore to you.

While mom and dad are often busy, grandpa and grandma are always "at hand"!

Mom has a job

Dad has a job.

They have Saturday left for me.

Grandma is always at home.

We are fine like this, together.

And a house without a grandmother is not a house.

E. Grigorieva

Sometimes they become real friends for their grandchildren. Even the proverb was once like this: "Small and old - two pair of boots."

Each family has its own home, which is always cozy and warm. A house is a whole world, kind to its inhabitants, to everything that surrounds them and belongs to them.

In the House

busy with good deeds


Kindness walks around the apartment.

We have

good afternoon

And good hour

Good evening,

good night,

It was good yesterday.

A. Nikolaenko

You probably love your home, where you are surrounded by the care and love of your family. There are many proverbs and sayings about family members, friendship, respect, relations between relatives:

1. A treasure is not needed when the family is in harmony.

2. "Brotherly love is better than stone walls."

3. "Looking at the father, and the son grows."

4. "The hut is not red with corners, but with pies."

5. "As parents lived, so they blessed us."

What is a family album? It always contains old, still black-and-white or completely brownish from time to time photographs of your parents, grandfathers, grandmothers. And even grandparents' parents in lace dresses, old-fashioned jackets and cheesy bowler hats. Behind every photo is the story of your family.

Families value and maintain their own traditions. Photos, letters, awards and other things belonging to relatives are carefully kept. Family traditions are not only holidays, but also a gala dinner every Sunday, when the whole family is together.

Sunday is lucky!

Sundays are needed

Because Sunday

Mom makes pancakes

Dad washes cups for tea.

Wipe them together

And then we the whole family

We drink tea with pancakes for a long time.

And a song flows through the window.

I'm ready to sing myself.

It's good when we're together

Even if there are no pancakes!

O. Bundur

In some families, the elders pass on their professions to the younger ones. There are families of hereditary teachers, doctors and miners. Several generations can work in one, which has become native to the family, mine, factory.

Each of us has a name. Do you know that in addition to your name, you have many more names in the world of people? Grandfather and grandmother call you grandson or granddaughter. For your mother or father's sister, you are a nephew (niece), and for their children, you are a cousin (sister). Brothers and sisters are also called differently. About the one who is older, they say that he is the eldest, and whoever is younger is the younger one.

So it turns out that you can be both a son, and a grandson, and a nephew at the same time.

Have you heard how one mother was going to feed the sun, and dad was going to bathe his bunny? Or maybe they met a grandfather who boasted that he seemed to be rolling his berry on a cart, and she “was not afraid, but laughed”? One grandmother told another that she had bought slippers for a swallow! And some dad boasted that his pussy already knows the letters.

Haven't you guessed yet? And everything is simple. Relatives all talked about their beloved children and grandchildren.

Woke up baby

And hears in the morning:

- Hey kitty,

It's time for breakfast!

Have you eaten, baby?

Drink, sunshine, tea.

Wash up, dirty!

Go play.

- Either a fish or a hare.

Well, thoughts fly!

When will I know

Am I my name?

Y. Yakimenko, "What is my name"

As a person was born, with him the nickname is forever. What do the nicknames say? Rarely does anyone call a newborn by his first name. Yes, just by name. Much more often in the course are funny and affectionate words with which parents express their love for the baby.

In Russia, there was a tradition to give the newborn two names. Only relatives knew the real name - parents, crossnye. It combined wishes for the baby, it reflected love and a desire for his happiness. And another name is a nickname for everyone. They gave it like this: the child was wrapped in matting and carried outside the threshold, as if demonstrating to evil spirits that they had found an abandoned baby, which was not particularly needed. Yes, they called him such a name that would scare away evil spirits and lull her attention.

"They call Zovutka, but they call it a duck." In ancient times, they were afraid to give their own name to a stranger. Suddenly, the stranger turns out to be a sorcerer who uses such knowledge for evil. Nicknames didn't just happen. At all times it was believed, and quite rightly, that a nickname chosen with love would help in life. They were given according to the appearance of the child. For example, Svetlana, Belyan, Chernyava, Pyshechka, Pukhlyachok, Tot, Tolstun-chik, Beauty, Snub - all these nicknames arose from the first impression of the baby.

There were also Baran, Sparrow, Wolf, Goat. This is because in ancient times each clan had its own totem - a sacred animal that was supposed to protect and protect people. They could give the boy the name Wolf - so that he was strong, brave, lived a long time.

First, Second, Tretyak - this was the name of the first, second or third child in the family. There were Chetvertak, Chetvertunya, Chetyrya, Piatanya (or Pyatysh), Shestyarya, Semanya (or Semushka), Osmak and so on. Now it is difficult for us to imagine a family where there would be, for example, fourteen children.

Even more often, a person’s fate was guessed by a name. Ratibor will grow up and defeat all enemy ratis, Vladimir can own the whole world. Scientists suggest that such ancient Slavic nicknames as Thunder or Frost were given as guards so that the child would not die from thunder or frost.

The Slavs chose to name their children any words that reflect the various properties and qualities of people, their character traits: Clever, Brave, Kind, Cunning. The screaming baby was called Sleepless or Restless.

The influence of a name or nickname on a person and his fate has been noticed for a long time. A nickname is also a name. Although not commonly used, it also connects the child with his essence, with himself. There will be several more such nicknames in a person’s life: at school, in a friendly company, in the company of a loved one, the name that his own children will give him. But the first - the family name, which was named by the mother or grandmother - will remain the most important and dearest for a person.

Burnet F. "The Little Lord's Story"

Jerome K. Jerome "Three men in a boat, not counting the dog"

Korolenko V. G. Chapters from “The History of My Contemporary” (“Early Childhood”, “The Beginning of Teaching”, “In the County Town”, “Student Years”)

Malo G. "Without a family"

Tolstoy A. N. "Nikita's Childhood"

Travers P. "Mary Poppins"

Uspensky E. N. "Uncle Fedor, a dog and a cat"

"The family is the cell of society" - Folk wisdom about the family. Desire to get married. The state develops and implements a policy aimed at protecting the family. Family purpose. Organization of intra-family communication. Family and State. What are the families. The union of people. The family is the cell of society. The root is "earth". population reproduction.

"The essence of the family" - Family. A family without children is like a flower without a smell. A family is people who do not always live together. Family in painting. Friendly family. Judaism. Whoever guesses the riddle will recognize his relatives. Fizkultminutka. Christian family. Legend "About a friendly family". Islam. Proverbs about family. July 8 - Day of family, love and fidelity.

"What is a family" - Functions of the family. What influences the moral development of the child in the family. R. M. Kapralova identifies the following types of family relationships. Principles of family education. Family types. Questionnaire for children and parents. Types of families by the nature of relationships. Successful development of the personality of the child in the family. What is meant by the term "crisis of the modern family".

“Family is what is always with you” - Memo to parents. Mom subconsciously hears. Mother. Marriage. Distribution of responsibilities in the family. Student responses. A son. Wars. Family conflicts. Misunderstanding. The study of the hierarchy of values. People. Family. Family happiness. Activator for parents. Psychoanalysis of situations. Children's answers.

"Quiz" Family "" - Honey mushrooms. Surname. Thumbelina. What is traditionally shouted at the wedding. Matryoshka. Wooden wedding. Engagement. Love Fairy tales. One child. Couple. Bonds of Hymen. Bride's house. Kurnik. Alfred Nobel. Five artists. 7th. Budget. Misalliance. Human injury. Pride. November. A circle. brother-in-law. Radium. Tsarevich. What is the name of Natasha Rostova after the wedding.

"Family programs" - Principles of personnel policy. Participation in the meeting of the temporary working group. Five important points. Funding principles. Principles of event planning. Goal setting. Some measures to support adoption. Principles of information policy. Project "Towards a new family". Criteria frame.

In total there are 27 presentations in the topic

Scenario of a family holiday "We are one family"

B. Good afternoon, dear guests, parents, children! On May 15, International is celebrated all over the world. And today you came to visit us on "We are one family." So what is a family? This word is understood by everyone as the words "bread" and "water". A family is a home, it's dad and mom, grandfather and grandmother, it's love and care, sorrows and joys, habits and traditions. Until the beginning of the twentieth century, the family consisted of several generations. It included not only dad, mom, grandfather, grandmother, but also great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers. They lived together, helped each other, the elders protected the younger ones, respected old age. Families were large and strong. This is evidenced by folk proverbs. Let's remember them! I will start and you will continue!

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better);
Treasure is not needed when ... (in the family way);
When the family is together, so ... (and the soul is in place);

B. Family is happiness, love and luck,
Family is summer trips to the country.
Family is a holiday, family dates,
Gifts, purchases, pleasant spending.
The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,
Dreams of good, excitement and awe.
Family is work, caring for each other,
Family means a lot of housework.
Family is important!
Family is hard!
But it is impossible to live happily alone!
Always be together, take care of love,
Drive insults and quarrels away,
We want your friends to talk about you:
What a good family!

We decided to spend our holiday today in the form of a meeting -
meeting our valued guests. Our family is here today:

1. Uzhikenovs (Anastasia Viktorovna and Ruslan Serikovich)
2. Minnekaev)
3. Zemlyanushins
4. Paitsevs (Maria Alexandrovna)
5. Chukhvachevykh (Evgenia Mikhailovna)
6. Proskuryakovs (Natalya Nikolaevna)
7. Roubaix (Nadezhda Sergeevna and Vyacheslav Vladimirovich)
8. Bogomolovs (Anna Borisovna and Sergei Anatolyevich)

Q. Your families are not alike. But one thing unites them: they are all strong and happy! And although the famous classic said that all happy families are alike, it seems to us that each of the families present here has its own special, proprietary recipe for family happiness. And we hope that at the end of our meeting we will be able to identify these ingredients and come up with a universal recipe called "A happy family".

Let the light of this meeting burn in your hearts, let jokes and laughter sound, let fun games and contests create a joyful mood.
Let's disperse the last gloomy thoughts with a wonderful drink, whose name is tea! You won’t drink tea - where will you get the strength from?
Forces for competitions and dances today will require a lot. Dear guests, you are welcome to taste our tea.
In the meantime, you are drinking tea, a musical gift for you.

Don't let the lights go out

C. At the heart of every family is love. Robert Rozhdestvensky also wrote:
Everything starts with love...
They say: “In the beginning was the word…”
And I proclaim again
Everything starts with love:
And illumination, and work,
The eyes of flowers, the eyes of a child
Everything starts with love.
And if love lives in a family, then there are many children in it. We acknowledge that the state cannot always help all families with many children to the full extent. And how wonderful that there are people who are not indifferent to the difficulties and problems of such families.
We express our deep gratitude for the help in holding our holiday to the specialist in social work of the Novopokrovsky village council Naumenko Elena Vladimirovna (the word, presentation of the diploma).

And now let's get acquainted with our families, who are visiting us today.

1. So, today we have the Uzhikenov family (Anastasia Viktorovna and Ruslan Serikovich).
(Family introduction)
Please tell us about your family, how you met, how many years you have been together, what talents your children have.
2. Today our guest is the Minnekaev family.
What is interesting about your family? How do you like to spend your leisure time? (business card of the family)
3. The Zemlyanushins family is present today.
Under what circumstances did you meet? Do you use your parents' advice when making family decisions? (Family's story about themselves)
4. The Paitsev family (Maria Alexandrovna) is with us today.
What are your children doing? What is your family's signature dish?

Q. So, dear guests, we got to know four families and before continuing our acquaintance with the rest of the families, we suggest you take a short break. We have prepared a few questions for our guests. But the questions are not simple, but with a twist, funny. So please be careful. You can answer directly from the spot. The family that answered most of the questions will receive a diploma as the "Most Fun Family".

So: What is the pair usually compared to? (with two boots)
Who are husband and wife personified? (with Satan)
What is the name of the specialist in "shooting" the unloved (Cupid or Cupid)
What awaits the dear ones in the hut? (Paradise)
What do men usually eat? (pears)
Without whom no family can do? (no freak)
What geometric figure can destroy a family? (triangle)
When can a husband legally count on only a quarter of his wife? (when the wife is a treasure)
The desire to marry appears when the desire disappears ... (learn)
Continue the proverb “A wife is not a harp - after playing, on .... (you can’t hang a wall)


Q. And now it's time to announce a musical pause.

Imagine this

C. Let's continue our acquaintance with the families who came to visit us.
1. So, we welcome the Chukhvachev family (Evgenia Mikhailovna).
What family traditions do you have? What is the secret of your family happiness? (Business card of the family)
2. Today we have the Proskuryakov family (Natalya Nikolaevna).
Tell me, please, what family traditions did you bring from your parental home? What do you think is the secret of family happiness?
(Family introduction)
3. We welcome the Roubaix family (Nadezhda Sergeevna and Vyacheslav Vladimirovich).
Who is the head of your family? Who should be the first to yield in family disputes?
4. And finally, let's welcome the Bogomolov family (Anna Borisovna and Sergey Anatolyevich).
Does your family have their own traditions? A distinctive feature of your family?

Q. There are many children present at our meeting. As you know, children are the flowers of life. Without them, the family cannot be truly happy. If children's laughter sounds in the house, it means that life goes on. After all, children are our future. And our present. Now we will ask each family to come up with one child. Every family dreams of their own home. Your task is to draw the house of your dreams. In the meantime, the children will draw, we will find out how well men know women, and women know men. First, we will ask our strong half to answer simple questions.

Questions for men:

1. Why do women drip nail polish on their tights? (so that the "arrow" does not crawl)

2. When threading a needle, what should be motionless: a thread or a needle? (needle)

3. What is highlighting? (lightening individual strands of hair)

4. Why do we need floss and canvas? (for embroidery)

5. What is the name of a small purse that stores makeup items? (beauty bag)

6. Is yeast used in shortcrust pastry? (No)

7. Do I need to wash off the dye from my hair after dyeing it? (Yes)

8. What process can wax, cream, laser and mechanical devices be used for? (for depilation)

9. What is permanent makeup? (this is a "permanent" makeup applied for a long time)

10. What is a curling iron? (hair curler)

11. What is a clutch? (this is a small handbag that should be carried mostly in the hand)

Men did well with women's issues. And now questions for women in the "man's language."

Questions for women:

1. What is a carburetor part of? (motor)

2. Where is the concept of "octane number" used? (in gasoline)

3. What is the difference between a chisel and a chisel? (This is the same)

4. What is a bullet? (penalty in ice hockey)

5. In what direction is the force applied when working with a saw: towards you or away from you? (Push)

6. Do the Bure brothers play football or hockey? (in hockey)

7. What is a puncher for? (for drilling holes, for scraping walls….

8. Which company's products have a checkmark logo? ("Nike")

9. The best four-legged "friend" of a man (sofa)

The women also did a good job with the men's issues.

And now it's time to see what your children have drawn. Attention! Now we will show the drawings of children, and you, dear parents, will have to guess which drawing your child has drawn.
(Then the leader asks each child to stand up with his drawing). If the parents correctly guessed the drawing of their child, the family is awarded the diploma "The most creative family".



Q. I want to tell you a parable. One morning the fisherman went fishing with his two sons. The catch was good, and by noon the three men were ready to return home. But as they began to pull out the nets, a storm suddenly came up and completely hid the coastline. And at the same time, the storm did not spare their little house. It caught fire, the fire burned to the ground their homes and all their property. When the fisherman and his sons got ashore, a weeping wife was waiting for him, who told her husband and children about the misfortune that had befallen them. But the fisherman did not raise an eyebrow. The wife was indignant: “Husband, we have lost everything that we had, and you don’t care.” Then the fisherman replied: "The fire that destroyed our house turned out to be the light that showed us the way to the shore in the fog."
You see how sometimes important in the family, despite any adversity, mutual understanding and mutual assistance.
And now I'm announcing our next competition. And it's called

"The most charming and attractive family"

Only mothers are invited to participate in the competition. Task: the participants move to the music, at the signal of the Leading participant, they must quickly sit on a chair and say loudly: “I am the most charming and attractive!” (According to the results, the winning family is awarded a diploma).


And don't tell your heart

Q. Our next competition is called “The Most Erudite Family”.

I tell you the concept of some thing, an object, and you have to guess what it is about.
 Clothes for potatoes; military uniform; but the soldiers do not wear it. (uniform)
 They sometimes sit there; now they are not fashionable; I used to wear them in the rain. (galoshes)
 It grows in the field; there is such a game; sometimes her nose looks like her. (potato)
 It lies on the floor; it is cleaned with a vacuum cleaner; he is called to the chief. (carpet)
 Every book has; the tree also has; fall off the tree. (leaf)
 It is part of the human hand; they draw with it; paint doors and windows. (brush)
 This thing is necessary for every person; products are carried in it; kangaroos have it. (bag)
 Tool of labor in the village; the girl has it; they braid it. (braid)
 Container for a bribe; clothes for the little ones; in which letters are sent. (the envelope)
 They like to eat it; the driver turns it; this is the wife of a ram. (steering wheel)
 It happens when the sun; there is such an animal; it turns gray in spring. (bunny)
 Part of the phone; the captain smokes it; Sherlock Holmes never parted with her. (a tube)


Kalina rowan

IN. Our next competition "The most theatrical family"

(The host distributes the roles that the guests will play in an impromptu production of the fairy tale "Turnip". Each participant remembers the phrase that he must say when he hears the name of his character, and also remembers a certain movement).

 Turnip (spreading his arms to the sides, jumping from foot to foot): Both - on!
 Grandfather (rubbing his palms): So, sir!
 Grandmother (bowling): The meal is served!
 Granddaughter (waving): Hello everyone!
 Bug: Woof-woof!
 Cat (washing himself): Meow - meow!
 Mouse (running in place): Pee-pee-pee!

The facilitator reads the text; when he names the hero of the tale, he must play his part.

Fairy tale: Grandfather planted a turnip, the turnip grew big, big. Grandfather grabbed the Turnip, pulling, pulling, he couldn’t pull it out. Grandfather called Grandma, Grandfather called for Turnip, Grandma called for Grandfather, they pulled, pulled, they couldn’t pull it out. Grandma called her granddaughter. Grandfather for Turnip, Grandmother for Grandfather, Granddaughter for Grandmother, they pull, pull, they cannot pull. The Granddaughter called the Bug, the Grandfather for the Turnip, the Grandmother for the Grandfather, the Granddaughter for the Grandmother, the Bug for the Granddaughter, they pull, they pull, they cannot pull it out. Called Bug Cat. Grandfather for Turnip, Grandma for Grandfather, Granddaughter for Grandmother, Bug for Granddaughter, Cat for Bug, they pull, pull, they cannot pull. Called Cat Mouse. Grandfather for Turnip, Grandma for Grandfather, Granddaughter for Grandmother, Bug for Granddaughter, Cat for Bug, Mouse for Cat, pull, pull, pulled the Turnip.


Ball blue

IN. The next competition is called "The Most Musical Family"

Participants recall old songs that they sang in their youth and perform them.


Q. Well, sing, let's play now. I propose a competition with balloons (who will hold the balloon the longest to the music, the nomination "The most athletic family").


Q. I see you are in a good mood. What's the fun today?
Let's say loudly: "We are one family." (Whoever shouts the loudest receives a diploma in the nomination "The most friendly family."


B. You can sing and dance,
And eat candy
Everyone can joke, play,
And, of course, dance!

dance block.

And love was there
Oh how I like you
Where was

Q. Thank you all! We hope you had fun, interesting and joyful today.
And I would like to end our meeting today with the words:

What could be more precious than a family?
Warmly welcomes the father's house,
Here they are always waiting for you with love,
And escorted on the road with good!

Love! And value happiness!
It is born in the family
What could be more precious
In this fabulous land?