Blood test decoding in pregnant women is the norm. Complete blood count of a pregnant woman

During pregnancy, the female body changes. The functioning of organs changes, other biochemical processes take place. All this is happening to meet the growing needs of the unborn baby. Therefore, doctors carefully monitor the condition of the expectant mother and prescribe her many examinations of a different nature. A complete blood count during pregnancy is considered simple, but informative.

Significance of this analysis

Blood is a "vehicle" that supplies oxygen and food to the baby. Therefore, all changes in the state of the child or mother can be determined precisely by blood.

When registering, the doctor writes out a number of directions for laboratory tests. Here is a list of what blood tests are taken during pregnancy when registering and the periods for re-taking them:

Complete blood count - 16-22 weeks of pregnancy, 24-28 weeks, 32-36 weeks;

For blood group and Rh factor;

Biochemical analysis - 10-14 weeks, 16-20 weeks, 24-28 weeks;

For glucose - 22 weeks;

Coagulogram - blood clotting (22 weeks, 32-36 weeks);

For HIV - 24-28 weeks, 32-36 weeks. ;

For hepatitis B and C - 24-28 weeks, 32-36 weeks. ; - 24-28 weeks, 32-36 weeks;

On RW - the presence of antibodies to syphilis. (24-28 weeks, 32-36 weeks);

On TORCH infection (antibodies to cytomegalovirus infection, rubella and two types of simple virus).

Checking for - sexually transmitted diseases.

From the list you can immediately see which blood test is taken in pregnant women most often - a general one. And this is not accidental, it gives a clear clinical picture, with its help it is possible to determine the cause of deviations from the norm. It is rented at least 4 times. It is also called clinical.

What indicators are included?

In the form of the results of clinical analysis, not one indicator is indicated, but much more. These are blood flow elements. Let's find out more about the indicators included in the blood test during pregnancy and their interpretation:

Platelets. Letter designation PLT. Purpose - blood clotting;

Leukocytes or WBS have a protective function. They are an indicator of the state of human immunity. They are involved in the recognition and elimination of bacterial threats. They are divided into subspecies: basophils, neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes and eosinophils. The level of the content of subspecies of leukocytes in the blood is also determined during the analysis. Increased indicators indicate the course of the inflammatory process;

Red blood cells (RBC) are red blood cells responsible for transport. They deliver oxygen to the organs and remove carbon dioxide, which in the lungs again "changes" to oxygen;

Reticulocytes. The letter designation is RTC. This is the name of young erythrocyte cells. They replace destroyed red blood cells. As they mature, they are able to fully perform the functions of red blood cells;

The color indicator makes it possible to determine the amount of iron-containing protein - hemoglobin in the erythrocyte. It is used to judge the saturation of the blood with hemoglobin and erythrocytes;

Hemoglobin (HGB) is another assay associated with oxygen transport. Its level determines the amount of iron in the blood;

ESR - erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Thanks to the data obtained, it is possible to find out the amount of proteins in the plasma and diagnose the development of inflammation in the body in time;

Hematocrit is the ratio of the number of red blood cells to the total amount of blood. Thus, the degree of blood density, or its "dilution", is diagnosed.

There are a lot of indicators and each of them is responsible for a specific function performed by the woman's body. This means that such a blood test during pregnancy gives a maximum of information about the state of the body.

Nuances of passing the analysis

A blood test in pregnant women is taken in the morning, always on an empty stomach. The material is taken from a finger, or from a vein. There is a difference in the ratio of some indicators from venous and capillary blood, which is taken into account when performing the analysis.

As with any research, it also requires preparation to obtain reliable health information. Therefore, the following rules for donating blood must be followed:

One day before visiting the laboratory, refuse to take fatty and smoked foods;

Do not take a hot bath in 24 hours. By the way, it is, in principle, contraindicated for pregnant women;

Exclude, as far as possible, physical and mental stress.


A blood test in pregnant women is normal if the indicators correspond to the numbers indicated below.

Erythrocytes should be (3.5-5.6) ∙ 10 12 cells / l. In the test form, 3 average indicators of erythrocytes are indicated:

Average Volume (MCV). It determines the type of anemia, if any. It should be 80-100 fl.;

Average content of hemoglobin in erythrocytes (MCH). It is used to diagnose the type of anemia. It should be within 26-34 pg .;

The concentration of hemoglobin in erythrocytes (MCHC) shows the severity of disorders in the formation of hemoglobin. Results should be in the 31-36 g / dL range. If MCHS is lowered, and erythrocytes and hemoglobin are normal, this means that the study was carried out incorrectly.

Leukocytes should be in the range of 3.2 to 10.2 * 109 cells / l in a healthy person. Fluctuations in the range (4.0-9.0) ∙ 10 9 cells / l for pregnant women in the first trimester is considered natural. For the second trimester, the standards are different - up to 11.0 ∙ 10 9 cells / l. Well, in recent months, the standard level of leukocytes is even higher and is already up to 15.0 ∙ 10 9 cells / l. This happens because in the female body during this period, the protective functions are enhanced.

Reticulocytes should be in the range of 0.12-2.05%. During the prophylaxis of folate and iron deficiency anemia, there are sharp increases in the level of reticulocytes, which shows the effectiveness of the procedures and the course of treatment in general. This happens when taking medications for anemia. A high level of young red blood cells can also occur after bleeding caused by the threat of miscarriage.

The color index should be 0.85-1.2.

Hemoglobin under normal pregnancy conditions should be at least 110 g / l. Low hemoglobin levels during pregnancy, which may be associated with more intense blood circulation, in combination with previous readings of erythrocytes, are also considered normal. But still it is worth taking care of its level. Below are the standards by period:

I trimester - 112-160 g / l;

II trimester - 108-144 g / l;

III trimester - 100-140 g / l.

Hematocrit. Its value should be 31-49%. If the results sheet shows that the percentage of hematocrit is decreasing, and the volume of blood and red blood cells are increasing, do not worry, this is a completely normal situation when a woman is pregnant.

Fluctuations in ESR should be within the range of 10-45 mm / h. Such a high value normally in a non-pregnant woman is unacceptably high: usually the ESR value does not exceed 20 mm / h.

This transcript of the analysis should help you understand the results of the study and understand what your gynecologist will talk about at the appointment. To summarize the information provided and for your convenience, a table is provided below.


CBC results during pregnancy and a few days after childbirth can also be unstable. So the ESR may be slightly higher than the standards. But a decrease in indicators is a sign of a pathological condition. For example, poor circulation or increased bile acid levels.

Let us now consider the possible deviations from the norms and the threats associated with this.


A CBC may show a decrease in platelet counts. In this case, the pregnant woman may develop thrombocytopenia. In this condition, there is a high likelihood of bleeding during childbirth.



Increased indicators indicate the presence of a tendency to thrombosis, or the presence of inflammation. Vomiting may also be the cause. As a result, the body loses fluid and the blood thickens. In this case, you need to make up for the loss - drink more. If we are talking about true thrombocytosis, then the reason is not a small amount of plasma, but a true increase in their production by red bone marrow.


A high level of red blood cells indicates chronic hypoxia, a low level of bleeding or anemia.

Reasons for the increase:

Loss of fluid by the body;

Smoking mother;



Reduced level:

With anemia, you need to drink special vitamins. They will help to replenish the deficiency of iron, folic acid and vitamin B12.


If the blood test of the pregnant woman showed an increase in the number of reticulocytes, it is possible that she has developed iron and folate deficiency anemia. Without appropriate treatment, this situation can cause a decrease in red blood cells and hemoglobin.

Pregnancy is a time of sweet expectations and endless worries. A pregnant woman needs careful monitoring by doctors. During 40 weeks of carrying a baby, the expectant mother goes through a lot of research.

One of the most informative is a blood test during pregnancy. It helps to track the health of not only the mother, but also the unborn baby. Any changes in the body immediately affect the state of the blood, therefore it is so important not to neglect the doctor's prescriptions and to take all the tests on time. During the entire pregnancy, a woman will have to donate blood about 4 times, and in some cases even more.

General list of blood tests by trimester

Trimesters Blood tests
1 trimester. Registration 8-12 weeks
  • General analysis
  • Analysis to determine the Rh factor and blood group
  • Biochemical analysis
  • Blood to determine the level of sugar
  • Coagulogram
  • Research on HIV infection
  • Analysis for the detection of hepatitis B and C
  • Wasserman reaction (antibodies to syphilis)
  • Research on TORCH-complex
  • Identification of genital infections
1 trimester. 10 - 14 weeks
  • Prenatal screening, which includes a blood test for genetic chromosomal abnormalities in fetal development
2 trimester 16 - 20 weeks
  • Clinical (general) analysis
  • Determination of Toxoplasma
  • "Triple test" at the second prenatal screening.
  • Blood sugar
  • Coagulogram

24-28 weeks

  • General blood analysis
  • Blood for biochemistry
  • Re-testing for HIV infection
  • Blood for hepatitis B and C
  • Blood for antibodies to syphilis
  • The glucose tolerance test is done strictly according to the indications.
3 trimester Before registering maternity leave, a pregnant woman is assigned the same list of tests as when registering.

General blood analysis

One of the most significant and informative blood tests during pregnancy is a general analysis. It gives a clear clinical picture of the course of pregnancy and allows you to determine the root cause of certain deviations.

Normal indicators of this study are shown in the table.

Each of these indicators is very important for the doctor. Any deviation from the norm can be a cause for serious concern.

Let's consider what role each of these indicators plays in the blood during pregnancy.

Indicators Functions Reasons for rejection
Erythrocytes Transportation of oxygen from the lungs to all organs and tissues of the body. The process of removing carbon dioxide is carried out. Increase in red blood cells:
  • significant loss of fluid by the body;
  • smoking of the expectant mother;
  • overweight, up to obesity;
  • constant stress and neuroses.

Decrease in red blood cells:

  • anemia
Reticulocytes Young erythrocytes. Produced by the body in the event of destruction of red blood cells due to certain circumstances. Increase:
  • proves the effectiveness of treatment of anemia caused by iron deficiency;
  • restoration of the body after blood loss, for example, with the threat of miscarriage.

If such treatment is not carried out, then an increase in reticulocytes can be a sign of malaria or anemia caused by the imminent death of red blood cells and the loss of hemoglobin.


  • serious blood diseases;
  • kidney disease
Hemoglobin A kind of transporter of oxygen from the lungs to the tissues of the whole body. Decrease:
  • the volume of active blood increases due to the need for constant feeding of the placenta. It is not a pathology.
  • iron deficiency;
  • fetal lag in development;
  • fetal hypoxia;

Threatens premature birth and large blood loss during childbirth.


  • too thick blood due to severe dehydration of the body;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • smoking abuse;
  • great physical activity;
  • stress;
  • hypervitaminosis of B vitamins
  • lack of folic acid
  • diabetes.
Hematocrit Determines the proportion of red blood cells to total blood count. Shows the severity of the anemia. Below normal:
  • anemia;
  • bleeding, including internal;
  • fast rate of breakdown of red blood cells

Above normal:

  • dehydration of the body;
  • preeclampsia;
  • salty food abuse
Color In the blood of a pregnant woman, it shows how much hemoglobin is contained in one erythrocyte. The redder the blood, the more the red blood cell is saturated with hemoglobin. A decrease in the indicator indicates an iron deficiency.

The increase may be a consequence of a lack of folic acid in the body of a pregnant woman.

Platelets Essential blood cells for blood clotting. A low platelet count can lead to large blood loss, both during vaginal delivery and during and during cesarean section.

A downgrade occurs for a number of reasons:

  • poor, inadequate nutrition
  • the presence of a viral or infectious disease
  • allergy

An increase in the indicator may indicate a threat of blood clots in the arteries or veins.

Reasons for the increase:

  • Vomiting, high percentage of fluid loss
Leukocytes White blood cells, an indicator of the human immune system. Increase:
  • The presence of genital infections;
  • Influenza, bronchitis
  • Pneumonia
  • Cystitis and other inflammatory processes


  • Weakened immunity
  • Deficiency of vitamins and minerals
  • General depletion of the body
Varieties of leukocytes
Basophils Increase:
  • Allergies, most commonly allergic rhinitis of pregnancy
  • Poisoning the body
  • Presence of infection
Eosinophils Regulates the degree of allergic reactions in the body. An increase indicates a tendency of a pregnant woman to allergies. In addition, an increased level of eosinophils occurs when there are worms in the body.
Neutrophils "Destroyer" of harmful bacteria during the period of illness. When the normal value is increased, it may be a symptom of an infection accompanied by a purulent formation.

The level of neutrophils decreases with influenza, cortex, rubella, typhoid fever, herpes and cytomegalovirus.

Lymphocytes They recognize the virus and develop immunity to it. Reasons for the increase:
  • Infectious diseases

A decrease in the level of lymphocytes during pregnancy is normal.

Monocytes Reasons for the increase:
  • Infection of a viral or fungal nature.
  • Mononucleosis

The level is lowered with a general depletion of the body.

Myelocytes Normal - absolute absence. Sometimes the appearance of a small percentage of myelocytes in the blood is associated with the formation of granular leukocytes.
Erythrocyte Resistance (RBC) How red blood cells are able to resist decay. An increase in the level may be an indicator of gestosis or the threat of premature birth.

A reduced level indicates anemia during pregnancy.

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) ESR rises in the presence of different types of infections in the body of a pregnant woman.

Analysis rules

  • Blood should be taken from a fingertip, strictly on an empty stomach, early in the morning.
  • The day before taking the biomaterial, exclude fatty and smoked foods from your diet.
  • Avoid taking a hot bath on the day of your test. For pregnant women, this procedure is not very useful in principle.
  • Avoid physical and mental stress. This can negatively affect the results of the study.

Biochemical research

The list of necessary blood tests prescribed during pregnancy includes a biochemical analysis of blood components. Its function is to evaluate the work of all internal organs. Based on the results of this examination, the doctor will be able to develop an individual system for the prevention of most diseases, thereby minimizing the risk of pregnancy complications.

The main indicators studied in biochemistry are:

Indicator Function Norm Reasons for rejection
Glucose A kind of "fuel" for the body. Responsible for the full development of the unborn baby and the formation of all his organs and tissues. 3.3 - 5.5 mmol / l
  • Diabetes
Bilirubin Reflects the work of the liver. 3.4 - 21.6 μmmol / l
  • Diseases of the liver and spleen
  • In late pregnancy, it increases due to a violation of the outflow of bile visas of the gallbladder due to the growing uterus.
Creatinine Responsible for providing muscle tissue with energy. 53-97 μmmol / l
  • Kidney problems
Total protein Important for a growing baby. 65-83 g / l
  • Low protein levels indicate inadequate intake of protein-containing foods. With such indicators, the baby may be stunted.
ALT, AST Reflect the work of the liver and kidneys Not more than 30 U / k
  • Pathology in the work of the liver and kidneys
ALP (alkaline phosphatase) Indicator of the state of the placenta. 20 - 130 U / l
  • Placental insufficiency as a consequence of a decreased level of alkaline phosphatase.

An increase in this indicator in the 3rd trimester is due to the physiological processes of the body, when the baby needs to catch up in growth and development, and is not a pathology.

Urea Evaluates the work of the urinary system of the body. 2.5 - 6.4 mmol / l
Cholesterol Not more than 6.2 mmol / l
  • Abnormalities in the work of the cardiovascular system
Triglycerides 0.4 - 3.1 mmol / l It is not a pathology and does not require correction

Analysis rules

  • Only venous blood is required.
  • You should endure a 12-hour hunger pause.
  • If you feel unwell, it is allowed to eat a light fruit or a small crouton. In this case, at least 5-6 hours should pass after the last meal.
  • On the eve of the delivery of the biomaterial, exclude fatty, salty and sweet foods.
  • Refrain from even water in the morning. An exception can be made for women with toxicosis and severe dizziness.

This blood test in pregnant women is mandatory as it helps to identify problems at an early stage.


This survey was created with the aim of examining blood coagulation in detail. During the period of carrying a baby, this is more important than ever. If this ability of the blood is impaired, it is very important to detect the problem in time and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Normally, in pregnant women, clotting should increase. So the body protects against possible bleeding at the time of labor, and also increases the volume of blood to nourish the placenta.

Important! Deciphering a blood test for a coagulogram in pregnant women should only be dealt with by a specialist.

However, in order to be calm while waiting for a doctor's appointment, the expectant mother should understand at least a little what these numerous numbers mean in the results.

The analysis requires careful preparation to obtain more reliable results.

  • Blood is donated strictly on an empty stomach.
  • Before taking the biomaterial, it is necessary to cancel all drugs, having previously consulted with the attending physician. If it is impossible to do this for any reason, you must inform the laboratory assistant which drug you are currently taking.

Study of biomaterial for blood group and Rh factor

This clinical analysis is submitted once when a pregnant woman is registered. It is imperative to know the blood group and the Rh factor. This is necessary in order to transfuse blood of the desired group, if necessary.

As a rule, there is no problem if both parents are “positive” and “negative”.

When the mother has a negative Rh factor and the child inherits a positive Rh factor from the father, problems begin. The body can start producing antibodies against the fetus, mistaking it for a foreign body.

If the expectant mother has a negative Rh factor as a result of the analysis, such a study will have to be taken monthly to determine the presence or absence of antibodies. This is important to prevent a possible conflict between a woman and an unborn child.

Among other things, this test will help prevent the onset of hemolytic disease in the newborn. This is the most difficult condition of the baby, provoked by the massive breakdown of red blood cells as a result of intrauterine incompatibility of the blood of the mother and the child.

To avoid the Rh-conflict situation, after the birth of the baby, the woman should inject an anti-Rh immunoglobulin within 72 hours.

Even during pregnancy at a period of 28-30 weeks, a woman with a negative Rh factor in an antenatal clinic is offered the same procedure.

Blood test for HIV infection and Wasserman test (antibodies to syphilis)

All these infectious diseases are incredibly dangerous for the unborn baby and cause irreparable harm to his health. It is very important to pass these examinations on time.

HIV infection affects the body's immune cells, and they lose their ability to fight disease-causing microbes and viruses. It is easily transmitted to the baby during the passage of the birth canal. Women who are carriers of immune diseases cannot breastfeed the baby, as the risk of infection is dangerous.

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease and is transmitted from mother to child during natural childbirth. In patients with syphilis, the risk of premature birth, stillbirth or the birth of children with serious pathologies increases significantly. To detect antibodies to syphilis, modern medicine uses a simple and affordable screening test for the Wasserman reaction.

Blood test for TORCH-complex

The World Health Organization has combined a number of serious infections that can cause great harm to the fetus. The TORCH-complex includes:

  • cytomegalovirus;
  • rubella;
  • chlamydia;
  • herpes
  • hepatitis B and C.

The danger of these infections is that they often do not manifest themselves in any way. Therefore, it is very important to get this test early in pregnancy.

Diagnostics consists in determining whether a woman's body produces antibodies to certain types of infection.

As an example, we give you a table of results with reference values.

Pregnancy must be safe for both the mother and the unborn child. For this, constant supervision by a doctor is necessary, so that in the event of the rudiments of an ailment, quickly take action and get rid of a further deterioration in the health situation. The most accessible method to diagnose pathology is a complete blood count.

What is a complete blood count

Blood tests during pregnancy are a must and can be done in every hospital.

This moment does not require special expensive equipment or qualified specialists, and needles in the 21st century do not cause pain.

For carrying out it is enough to go to the nearest hospital and make an appointment.

The process itself takes a few minutes, and the results are sent to the doctor the next day.

Why is a general blood test prescribed during pregnancy?

A complete blood count during pregnancy will help to timely detect diseases that are in the early or late stages. At the same time, in most cases, the reason becomes known, that is, the treatment will be quick and effective.

The examination is based on the natural characteristics of cells (the number of platelets, leukocytes, erythrocytes, hemoglobin level). On its basis, many conclusions can be drawn, including about the state of the unborn child.

Why do pregnant women have special norms

When the uterus is fertilized in a girl in the first two weeks, the amount of hormones produced () significantly increases. In this case, beta-globulin appears in the body.

Together, they affect not only the circulatory system, but also the entire body of the expectant mother.

The indications of an ordinary woman and a pregnant woman in the early stages will differ, although the difference in some points is insignificant.

What rises in the blood during pregnancy

The most important point is an increase in its total volume in the body. Accordingly, because of this, the percentage ratios of various microelements change dramatically.

Changes in hormonal levels affect the production and increase of red cells.

During pregnancy, almost all indicators of blood constituents increase slightly.

Doctors have already managed to establish certain patterns, so the conditions for a pregnant woman make it possible to establish acceptable values. According to the change in indicators, the absence / presence of a specific disease is determined.

Norms and changes in indicators

Despite the individual characteristics of each person, there are special tables that indicate the normal values ​​of blood markers.

Deviations in the data of one or another indicator indicate that a pathological process is developing in the body, which is important to correctly diagnose and restore health to the patient.

A blood test during pregnancy is decrypted in the following table:

Name I trimester II trimester III trimester Changes
Hematocrit (hct). Liter per liter. 0.38 0.37 0.36 Shows the content of red blood cells to total blood volume. A deficiency signals or bleeding of any kind. Excess indicates the presence of a lack of fluid, which provokes vomiting, diarrhea, preeclampsia,
Red blood cells (rbc). Number multiplied by 10 / liter. 4.2 3.5 3.9 Shows the number of red blood cells in the taken biomaterial.

An increase and decrease indicates the diseases described in the previous paragraph.

Hemoglobin (hgb).

Gram per liter.

medium - 123 (110-140). 114 (115-135) 112 (110-120) During pregnancy, the hemoglobin level decreases, which is due to an increase in blood volume. Low hemoglobin (anemia) provokes fetal hypoxia and profuse blood loss.
Leukocytes (wbc).

Number multiplied by 10 / liter.

7-7.2 7.8-9.9 10.4-12.0 Leukocytes are cells of the human immune system.

An increase in indicators indicates infection and progressive inflammation in the body of the expectant mother or fetus. This is caused by infections such as otitis media, cystitis, kidney disease, meningitis, etc.

If the level of leukocytes is lowered, then the reason for this may be lowered immunity, and micronutrients, depletion of the female body.

In the worst case, a low level indicates a developing autoimmune disease.

Platelets (plt).

Number x 10 / liter.

The general rate is 200-250. Show the level of blood clotting.

An increase in platelets can be triggered by dehydration. It is noted in people inclined to education.

With an increased level of platelets, it is additionally prescribed.

ESR (fw).

milliliters per hour.

12-20 25 30-34 The difference in readings is the result of a viral or bacterial disease.

In addition to the indicators described in the table, in the analysis process, such components are considered as subspecies of leukocytes:

  1. Basophils (at a rate of 0 - 1%). The manifestation, urticaria, smallpox, can provoke an increase.
  2. Eosinophils (0 - 1%). An increase in the number can be infected with helminths, allergic dermatitis or bronchial asthma.
  3. Neurophils. The norms for segmented ones are 40-78%, for stabs - 1-6%. An increase in the norm indicates purulent inflammatory processes in the body (, etc.), and a decrease in the rate indicates infectious diseases.

A change in the rates of leukocytes in pregnant women in the direction of increase is provoked by infectious diseases. Lymphocyte count during pregnancy (percentage): 28; 26; 26 in 1, 2, 3 trimesters, respectively.

A lowered level of lymphocytes is normal and does not pose a danger to either the expectant mother or the baby.

What is evidenced by pathological changes in the analysis

During the gestational period, the analysis indicators change in a woman. This is due to the fact that over the course of 40 weeks, changes are constantly taking place in the body of the expectant mother. Child development also has a significant impact on blood test results.

First trimester

The embryo is just beginning its formation and development, therefore, blood counts during pregnancy in the first trimester between non-pregnant and pregnant women practically do not differ.

Second trimester

The results of the CBC during pregnancy in the second trimester will help prevent the development of oxygen starvation in the child. And also to track the lack of nutrition and special beneficial micronutrients.

Third trimester

The woman's body begins the final stage - preparation for childbirth. The values ​​of all indicators are undergoing some changes. During this period, it is extremely important to monitor everyone in order to track the occurrence of various diseases in the mother and child and to ensure a safe delivery.

How to get tested correctly

In order to make sure of your condition, you must perform a number of preparatory procedures:

The table of norms for a biochemical blood test during pregnancy will help to finally make sure of the state of health of a woman, identify pathology in time and track the body's response to treatment.

Video: complete blood count during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the female body changes. The functioning of organs changes, other biochemical processes take place. All this is happening to meet the growing needs of the unborn baby. Therefore, doctors carefully monitor the condition of the expectant mother and prescribe her many examinations of a different nature. A complete blood count during pregnancy is considered simple, but informative.

Significance of this analysis

Blood is a "vehicle" that supplies oxygen and food to the baby. Therefore, all changes in the state of the child or mother can be determined precisely by blood.

When registering, the doctor writes out a number of directions for laboratory tests. Here is a list of what blood tests are taken during pregnancy when registering and the periods for re-taking them:

Complete blood count - 16-22 weeks of pregnancy, 24-28 weeks, 32-36 weeks;

For blood group and Rh factor;

Biochemical analysis - 10-14 weeks, 16-20 weeks, 24-28 weeks;

For glucose - 22 weeks;

Coagulogram - blood clotting (22 weeks, 32-36 weeks);

For HIV - 24-28 weeks, 32-36 weeks. ;

For hepatitis B and C - 24-28 weeks, 32-36 weeks. ; - 24-28 weeks, 32-36 weeks;

On RW - the presence of antibodies to syphilis. (24-28 weeks, 32-36 weeks);

On TORCH infection (antibodies to cytomegalovirus infection, rubella and two types of simple virus).

Checking for - sexually transmitted diseases.

From the list you can immediately see which blood test is taken in pregnant women most often - a general one. And this is not accidental, it gives a clear clinical picture, with its help it is possible to determine the cause of deviations from the norm. It is rented at least 4 times. It is also called clinical.

What indicators are included?

In the form of the results of clinical analysis, not one indicator is indicated, but much more. These are blood flow elements. Let's find out more about the indicators included in the blood test during pregnancy and their interpretation:

Platelets. Letter designation PLT. Purpose - blood clotting;

Leukocytes or WBS have a protective function. They are an indicator of the state of human immunity. They are involved in the recognition and elimination of bacterial threats. They are divided into subspecies: basophils, neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes and eosinophils. The level of the content of subspecies of leukocytes in the blood is also determined during the analysis. Increased indicators indicate the course of the inflammatory process;

Red blood cells (RBC) are red blood cells responsible for transport. They deliver oxygen to the organs and remove carbon dioxide, which in the lungs again "changes" to oxygen;

Reticulocytes. The letter designation is RTC. This is the name of young erythrocyte cells. They replace destroyed red blood cells. As they mature, they are able to fully perform the functions of red blood cells;

The color indicator makes it possible to determine the amount of iron-containing protein - hemoglobin in the erythrocyte. It is used to judge the saturation of the blood with hemoglobin and erythrocytes;

Hemoglobin (HGB) is another assay associated with oxygen transport. Its level determines the amount of iron in the blood;

ESR - erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Thanks to the data obtained, it is possible to find out the amount of proteins in the plasma and diagnose the development of inflammation in the body in time;

Hematocrit is the ratio of the number of red blood cells to the total amount of blood. Thus, the degree of blood density, or its "dilution", is diagnosed.

There are a lot of indicators and each of them is responsible for a specific function performed by the woman's body. This means that such a blood test during pregnancy gives a maximum of information about the state of the body.

Nuances of passing the analysis

A blood test in pregnant women is taken in the morning, always on an empty stomach. The material is taken from a finger, or from a vein. There is a difference in the ratio of some indicators from venous and capillary blood, which is taken into account when performing the analysis.

As with any research, it also requires preparation to obtain reliable health information. Therefore, the following rules for donating blood must be followed:

One day before visiting the laboratory, refuse to take fatty and smoked foods;

Do not take a hot bath in 24 hours. By the way, it is, in principle, contraindicated for pregnant women;

Exclude, as far as possible, physical and mental stress.


A blood test in pregnant women is normal if the indicators correspond to the numbers indicated below.

Erythrocytes should be (3.5-5.6) ∙ 10 12 cells / l. In the test form, 3 average indicators of erythrocytes are indicated:

Average Volume (MCV). It determines the type of anemia, if any. It should be 80-100 fl.;

Average content of hemoglobin in erythrocytes (MCH). It is used to diagnose the type of anemia. It should be within 26-34 pg .;

The concentration of hemoglobin in erythrocytes (MCHC) shows the severity of disorders in the formation of hemoglobin. Results should be in the 31-36 g / dL range. If MCHS is lowered, and erythrocytes and hemoglobin are normal, this means that the study was carried out incorrectly.

Leukocytes should be in the range of 3.2 to 10.2 * 109 cells / l in a healthy person. Fluctuations in the range (4.0-9.0) ∙ 10 9 cells / l for pregnant women in the first trimester is considered natural. For the second trimester, the standards are different - up to 11.0 ∙ 10 9 cells / l. Well, in recent months, the standard level of leukocytes is even higher and is already up to 15.0 ∙ 10 9 cells / l. This happens because in the female body during this period, the protective functions are enhanced.

Reticulocytes should be in the range of 0.12-2.05%. During the prophylaxis of folate and iron deficiency anemia, there are sharp increases in the level of reticulocytes, which shows the effectiveness of the procedures and the course of treatment in general. This happens when taking medications for anemia. A high level of young red blood cells can also occur after bleeding caused by the threat of miscarriage.

The color index should be 0.85-1.2.

Hemoglobin under normal pregnancy conditions should be at least 110 g / l. Low hemoglobin levels during pregnancy, which may be associated with more intense blood circulation, in combination with previous readings of erythrocytes, are also considered normal. But still it is worth taking care of its level. Below are the standards by period:

I trimester - 112-160 g / l;

II trimester - 108-144 g / l;

III trimester - 100-140 g / l.

Hematocrit. Its value should be 31-49%. If the results sheet shows that the percentage of hematocrit is decreasing, and the volume of blood and red blood cells are increasing, do not worry, this is a completely normal situation when a woman is pregnant.

Fluctuations in ESR should be within the range of 10-45 mm / h. Such a high value normally in a non-pregnant woman is unacceptably high: usually the ESR value does not exceed 20 mm / h.

This transcript of the analysis should help you understand the results of the study and understand what your gynecologist will talk about at the appointment. To summarize the information provided and for your convenience, a table is provided below.


CBC results during pregnancy and a few days after childbirth can also be unstable. So the ESR may be slightly higher than the standards. But a decrease in indicators is a sign of a pathological condition. For example, poor circulation or increased bile acid levels.

Let us now consider the possible deviations from the norms and the threats associated with this.


A CBC may show a decrease in platelet counts. In this case, the pregnant woman may develop thrombocytopenia. In this condition, there is a high likelihood of bleeding during childbirth.



Increased indicators indicate the presence of a tendency to thrombosis, or the presence of inflammation. Vomiting may also be the cause. As a result, the body loses fluid and the blood thickens. In this case, you need to make up for the loss - drink more. If we are talking about true thrombocytosis, then the reason is not a small amount of plasma, but a true increase in their production by red bone marrow.


A high level of red blood cells indicates chronic hypoxia, a low level of bleeding or anemia.

Reasons for the increase:

Loss of fluid by the body;

Smoking mother;



Reduced level:

With anemia, you need to drink special vitamins. They will help to replenish the deficiency of iron, folic acid and vitamin B12.


If the blood test of the pregnant woman showed an increase in the number of reticulocytes, it is possible that she has developed iron and folate deficiency anemia. Without appropriate treatment, this situation can cause a decrease in red blood cells and hemoglobin.

Throughout the entire period of pregnancy, expectant mothers are advised to undergo many tests necessary in order to dynamically monitor the state of their own health and the growing baby.

A blood test is the most common type of study, thanks to which it is possible to establish the conception of a fetus, determine its age, level of development, the presence of pathologies of pregnancy.

Basic information about blood tests for pregnancy

Blood is the most important indicator of health status. Its regular delivery while waiting for the child allows you to determine any changes in systems and organs, as well as to record the conception of the fetus and the beginning of a new life in the mother's body.

A blood test for pregnancy is the most informative and sure way to establish the fact of conceiving a child. Pharmacy express tests used at home, even with high sensitivity to the human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) produced by the female body, have a large margin of error, leaving a chance for an erroneous result.

You can donate blood for pregnancy on the sixth day after the expected date of conception. It accurately confirms the presence of an embryo in the uterine cavity long before the level of the hCG hormone in the body rises so much that it can be "fixed" by an express test.

This test is prescribed not only to confirm the onset of an "interesting position", but also in order to exclude the likelihood of the baby developing outside the uterine cavity and early developmental pathologies. Also, this study allows you to establish the exact age of the developing fetus.

Earliest Pregnancy Detection

If the woman knows the date of conception of the baby, she can visit the laboratory for the delivery of the material a week later. If the expectant mother does not have exact data on the date of conception, this can be done within the first week after the delay in menstruation. At the very beginning of its development, after the attachment of the embryonic egg to the wall of the uterus, the amount of chorionic gonadotropin in the mother's body doubles every day.

If conception has occurred, this will show the level of hCG. Such a study allows you to establish the age of the fetus not only in weeks, but also in days. This information, as well as data on the development of the baby, obtained with the help of ultrasound diagnostics, make it possible to establish the expected date of birth as accurately as possible.

For research, the material is taken from a vein. The process of taking the material takes a few seconds and does not threaten the health of the mother and baby.

When should you have a blood test for pregnancy?

This procedure is performed at the beginning of the first trimester, from the first weeks of missed periods, in order to confirm the fact of fertilization. If a woman trusts the express test, does not plan to terminate the pregnancy and feels well, you can wait a little with a trip to the laboratory.

When registering, a woman must pass:

  • UAC (from the finger);
  • blood chemistry;
  • coagulogram;
  • material for HIV infection;
  • blood for hepatitis B and C;
  • detection of antibodies to syphilis;
  • research for sexually transmitted infections.

In addition to mandatory studies, the expectant mother can additionally pass an analysis for hCG.

It is required if:

  • the doctor suspects the woman has an ectopic development of the fetus;
  • if multiple pregnancy is established;
  • the woman's age is over 35, years old and she is at risk of determining Down's syndrome in a child;
  • a pregnant woman has a history of hereditary diseases (Down syndrome, Edwards);
  • there is a risk of miscarriage or a frozen pregnancy;
  • the expectant mother was exposed to radiation.

In the absence of these indications, you can check the level of hCG at a period of 12-14 weeks, or in the 2nd trimester at 15-17 weeks to confirm the normal development of the baby and the absence of pathologies. This is called the triple unfolded test and measures not only gonadotropin levels but also AFP and estriol levels.

Another important study prescribed to a woman during pregnancy is the determination of TORCH infections (cytomegalovirus, rubella, herpes, toxoplasmosis).

Conducting and decoding research

Submit material for research in the morning. It is recommended to give up breakfast, alcohol, smoking, tea or coffee. The last meal should be in the evening, no later than 20-21 hours. To pass the analysis, you must contact the laboratory, saying the name of the study. How long will the result be ready and whether it is possible to get it urgently depends on the laboratory in which it is carried out.

You can take the analysis in any city, even in Krivoy Rog, even in St. Petersburg, in a private laboratory. Nobody will forbid you to go to the laboratory of a state clinic. But often in public clinics there are long queues, so it is important not to miss the deadline for the analysis, indicated in the direction of the obstetrician-gynecologist observing the woman.

The cost of the test depends on the level of the laboratory and the speed of the readiness of the result. In any case, its price is not high in relation to its great information content and importance.

Deciphering the results of the hCG test is carried out using special tables, which indicate the normal level of hormones by weeks of pregnancy. Such a table shows whether conception has occurred, if the study is carried out at an early stage, and also whether the fetus has developmental pathologies if the test is carried out in the 2-3 trimester.

Low levels of the hormone indicate:

  • probable fetal death;
  • stopping development, lagging behind its norms;
  • ectopic development of the embryonic egg;
  • overmaturity of the child at a later date.

High rates indicate the presence of:

  • suspicions of Down syndrome in a baby;
  • severe toxicosis;
  • overweight child.

Only a specialist from the laboratory or an obstetrician-gynecologist can decipher the results correctly. Self-interpretation of data is fraught with errors. If you get an unsatisfactory result, don't panic. There is always a possibility of error in conducting a study, so it is re-assigned. It is advisable to repeat the study in the same laboratory as the first time.

Can a complete blood count (CBC) detect early pregnancy?

A general blood test provides information about the health status of a woman and a baby. It shows the level of erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets, monocytes, lymphocytes, hemoglobin, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), as well as characteristics of other indicators. The norm of erythrocytes for a woman carrying a baby is (3.5-5.6) ∙ 10 to the 12th degree of cells / l, but this indicator does not allow establishing whether a woman is pregnant or not.

Another important indicator is the level of hemoglobin. For a woman in an "interesting position", its rate is 110 g / liter. Fluctuations in hemoglobin levels do not indicate the onset of a "pregnant state".

Not visible in the general analysis of the onset of conception and in the level of leukocytes. Their growth when expecting a child is noted already in the second or third trimester due to increased immunity due to bearing a fetus. The presence of vaginosis, candidiasis, cystitis, colds, and inflammatory processes causes an increase in leukocytes at the beginning of the "interesting position".

Obviously, the indicators that a regular blood test allows you to find out cannot confirm whether a woman is pregnant or not.

How else can such an analysis be useful?

The KLA woman, while waiting for the baby, hands over every month. It allows you to assess the course of pregnancy and the health of the mother, not only by the level of hemoglobin, erythrocytes, or the number of leukocytes. Its task is also to identify allergies in pregnant women. Basophils are responsible for its identification. During allergies (or rhinitis of pregnant women, which many mothers face), their number increases. The growth of basophils can provoke allergies to dust, animal dander and vitamins.

Another indicator that indicates the development of an allergic reaction is the number of eosinophils.

Blood neutrophils show the development of a bacterial infection in the body, the course of purulent processes, for example, tonsillitis, otitis media, meningitis.

Lymphocytes in the blood of pregnant women indicate a decrease in the level of immunity. During the carrying of the baby, the body of the expectant mother is exposed to a great load, which causes a weakening of the immune system, which is reflected in the blood test.

The number of monocytes is important. These are large leukocytes, the number of which increases if the expectant mother has a cold, ARVI, flu, or mononucleosis, which can be determined by an increase in lymph nodes.

Important details of this topic can be found in the video:


While waiting for the birth of a child, the expectant mother often has to donate blood from a vein or finger for various studies. All of them are important and necessary for an objective assessment of the state of her health and the course of the intrauterine development of the child.

The level of the hormone chorionic gonadotropin in a woman's blood is the most accurate way to determine if she is in position. HCG indicates not only the fact of the development of the embryo, but also the possible risks for the state of the growing fetus, as well as deviations from the norm.

UAC is an equally important study that allows one to assess the condition of the expectant mother in dynamics and to correct it if necessary.

If, once again, the doctor gave the pregnant woman a referral to the laboratory, you should not complain about the frequency of passing the UAC, and even more so, ignore it.